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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I love guys tied up side by side!! 8-) 8-) 8-)

So, it's Option A for me, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] :twisted:
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Post by Gagfan »

I definitely lean towards A myself
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Post by Kratos »

Well definitly going for A
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Post by The slave »

C for me please even if I admit that I would also like to hear the scenario of A lol
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Post by blackbound »

I'll be the third, if pointless, vote for C.

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[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Finnan[/mention] [mention]Killua[/mention] [mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Gagfan[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention]

Really thrilled to see so many of you looking forward to this.
Special thank you goes to [mention]4toes[/mention] for his in-depth review and analysis.

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 3 years ago @bondagefreak could we get one of those stats cards for Andrew and Ethan?
4toes wrote: 3 years ago Agree with @OrdinaryWorld. Hope we can get stats card for the characters here also.
I am especially interested in the pre-time skip and post-time skip stats of Andrew.
Since I know many readers really like the Bound & Gagged stats cards (see here: B&G Character Cards), both of you will be happy to know that they've also been prepared for Andrew & Ethan.

Below you'll find the old stat cards from 18 months ago. And underneath them, you'll find the fully updated stats for Easy Prey III. Highlights have been added to the current cards in order to showcase the different changes both protagonists when through.





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Post by bondagefreak »



So it seems the majority of you want me to start this off by telling you about the time Matt and I ended up bound side-by-side, right? Fair enough. I can't say that's a bad choice, especially seeing as how that was actually the first game-changing event I wanted to talk to you guys about.

So where do I start?
Ah yes, Matt.

So what I'm about to tell you took place roughly a year ago, about six months after my friends and I ganged up on Andrew and set in motion the events that caused Matt to accidentally lose his job.

My brother's friend was understandably still pissed at me for that. I mean, I was hardly the only one involved, but it's not as though that actually excused the fact that I'd participated. As far as he was concerned, I was the host and therefore the main instigator of the whole affair. Suffice it to say, even after my heartfelt apology, the guy was never really quite fond of me.

Matt stopped coming over for a while, but as the months went by and the humiliation of having been bum-rushed by a group of teenagers slowly faded, his visits slowly became more frequent again.

He was, of course, completely unaware of the rather peculiar dynamics beginning to take shape between my brother and I.

Every time my parents were away and Matt would come over to chill, he'd find me locked in a room and tightly bound up; either on the floor, on a chair or in a closet somewhere.

As I'm sure you all remember, the very first time he'd discovered me in such a state had been expertly dressed under the believable guise of a well-deserved payback session. Matt had even participated by taping my brother's shoe onto my face!

But as the weeks went by and his visits grew more frequent, so too did his curiosity at the fact that I was always seemingly bound up for some reason.

Andrew wasn't exactly the most imaginative or socially proficient person around, but he nevertheless managed to stave off his friend's mounting suspicions by coming up with a series of convenient half-truths and bald-faced lies about why I had to be kept restrained and out of sight.

Sometimes he'd tell Matt that I'd been caught trying to invite a bunch of my schoolmates over in the hopes of repeating what we'd done to them earlier that year. Other times, he simply used the excuse that I'd attempted to defy dad's explicit orders about not leaving the house while he was gone.

The various reasons conjured up by my brother were all blatantly false, of course.
But Matt had no way of knowing that.

Upon his arrival, my body and limbs were always hopelessly incapacitated and my face was always conveniently plastered shut via several rounds of extra-wide, industrial-grade gaffers tape.

I had no intention of telling Matt - or anyone else for that matter - the truth about these strangely consensual games Andrew and I had started playing together. Andrew was fully aware of that of course, but he still didn't wanna run the risk of me accidentally running my mouth off and spilling the beans about something. He had no intention of letting this come out into the open, and therefore always took the necessary measures to ensure my continued silence.

Speaking was prohibited and revealing the true nature of my consensual captivity was not permitted either.
I'd given Andrew my word about that, and he, in turn, would add his own precautionary safeguards to that agreement by imposing some rather large and very muffling wads into my mouth, followed by several silencing layers of dad's dreadfully sticky duct tape.


Matt understandably had no choice but to accept my brother's semi-believable claims about why I had to be kept like this, and that somehow made the illusion of unwilling imprisonment all the more palpable to my very impressionable self.

Time and time again, my mind would run amok with conflicting ideas and bizarre fantasies about non-consensual capture.

Aside from when he was wearing that incredibly fat puffer jacket of his, Andrew didn't exactly look like the hulk.
But with him standing at nearly two meters in height and weighing a shitload more than I did, the hairy-legged gamer nerd was more than capable of wrestling me down and forcibly trussing me up against my will.

I sometimes pushed on that note by putting up a semblance of resistance. But at the end of the day, we both knew that this was just a game and that I genuinely enjoyed putting up a fight in the hopes of provoking a more muscled response on his part.

Having just admitted to that, I guess I might as well come out of the closet and confess to the fact that I actively fantasized about being bound up against my will by him.

The thought of disobeying my dad's orders, only to be forcibly taken down by my older brother. arrested and prevented from leaving the house did a LOT to rile up my fantasies. In a sense, I absolutely adored the convenient excuses Andrew gave his friend. It allowed me to experience my strange longings and allowed me to live vicariously through them.

But yeah, that's probably not what you guys were hoping to read about.
You all wanna hear about the time Matt was bound up, right?

So yeah, Matt's suspicions were successfully stifled for a while, but I guess Andrew's somewhat redundant explanations as to why I was always tied up started losing credibility at some point. It took quite a while for the nerdish would-be jock to catch on, but much to his credit, he eventually did come to the conclusion that these games were of a somewhat consensual nature and that my brother and I both got something out of it.

What he didn't know, however, was that beneath those insufferably tight, face-sealing tapegags imposed upon me by my brother, resided the worst stuffings your mind could possibly imagine.

Now I've already dropped a hint about Andrew's foot odour condition and how it had increased in severity over the course of the past year. But what I failed to mention earlier was that the highly infrequent visits his socks paid the washer were being partially remedied by the fact that my mouth saw a fair amount of use. That's right! Ever since the time I'd offered myself up as his willing prisoner a year and a half ago, the jumbo-footed gamer bro's been putting my mouth to good use and utilising me as his very own, personal sock washer.

I got to spend large amounts of time bound and struggling uselessly against his increasingly masterful bonds, and he enjoyed the irrefutably lopsided benefits of being able to game in complete silence whilst having the smelliest portion of his laundry sucked clean. In other words, he was killing two birds with one stone.

In the hopes of not revealing any spoilers, I'm not going to immediately explain how or why this information is particularly relevant to the time Matt and I found ourselves bound side-by-side. All in good time, my friends. You know what they say, right? Good things come to those who wait.

Anyways, this particular episode happened on a hot August day when our parents were out of town for the weekend.
As had become custom, Matt was invited over to spend the day gaming. Apparently, the scorching heat had put a premature end to the basketball game he'd been playing with Shawn, Chris and the rest of his college buddies...something which inevitably caused him to show up at our place almost a full hour earlier than Andrew and I expected!

I was on the living room floor, lying between the couch and the Play Station 5 gaming console when Matt made his impromptu appearance. As if that wasn't already weird enough, my wrists were zip-tied behind my back with riot-grade police cuffs and my socked ankles were also restrained in a similar fashion. On the floor, right next to me, lay a very substantial amount of densely braided hemp rope.

Andrew's plan was to have me completely roped up, gagged and silenced by the time in buddy showed up. Neither of us had been expecting Matt to ring the doorbell just then, and aside from the pair of massive zip-ties that had been imposed on my limbs to prevent a last-minute change of heart while the rope was being fetched, I remained fully unbound. And not only that; but fully ungagged as well!

Matt didn't seem all that surprised considering he'd just caught us red-handed. If he was, then he did a fairly good job at not showing it.

He obviously suspected something unusual was afoot, but his early arrival and subsequent discovery only served to confirm those mounting suspicions. Andrew and I were up to some strange stuff.

A period of unease settled in the living room as both guys plopped themselves on the leather couch and began chatting about college stuff. My brother tried acting casual and pretending as though nothing out of the ordinary was going on, but as I'm sure you've probably gathered by now, he wasn't exactly a convincing actor.

In an attempt to assist his effort, I put up a semblance of struggle and tried to make it seem as though I was being held against my will. All things considered, the spectacle I put up would've probably been more persuasive had Andrew wrapped one or two revolutions of tape around my mouth.

"Ugggh. Lemme go!" I grunted, doing my best to try and diffuse the awkward situation by filling the eerie silence that loomed atop us.

The two college students laughed of course, but it was plainly obvious to my acute senses that Andrew's laughter was as artificial as my struggling.

Upon being pressed with questions relating to my currently zip-tied state, the hairy-legged gamer stud came up with his usual platitudes and conjured up a rather fanciful tale about some supposed group sleepover I was trying to organise. Matt probably didn't buy it, but much like he had all those previous times, he seemed more than happy to leave it at that and go along with Andrew's story.

It didn't take long for the two of them to pop open some cold beers and start gaming after that.

Every once in a while I'd cause Matt to cackle and smirk by cursing under my breath and grunting in feigned frustration. In truth, I would've much rather been gagged, seeing as how that would have saved me from the embarrassment of having to use words in order to convey frustration.

Matt kept pushing and pushing for me to be tied up properly; forcing Andrew to eventually acquiesce and use that menacing pile of rope against me.

It was through blatantly envious eyes and with unwavering attention that our reasonably athletic nineteen-year-old guest watched the scene unfolding in front of him.

Andrew performed as admirably as he usually did. His ropework had always been somewhat excessive, but the knots he now regularly imposed on me were getting stricter, tighter and more complex. It would often take him an entire half-hour to truss up, and a lot of that time was spent tightening everyone off, double knotting, triple knotting and quadruple knotting any loose end he could get his hands on.

My brother wasn't socially graceful, nor was he particularly astute in the ways of verbal communication. But when it came to technical stuff, gadgets and technology, he was something of a minor genius. Ropework almost seemed second nature to him. Knots that would've taken most people days and weeks to master were executed to perfection after only a few attempts.

No matter what materials he was using; whether it be rope, tape or zip ties, his bonds were always completely and utterly escape-proof. For all intents and purposes, Andrew lived by our dad's motto: if you're gonna do something, then do it right the first time.

No longer being a stranger to rope and knowing full well the stinging bite of hemp coils, I mentally prepared myself for the inevitable constricting and silently thanked my would-be captor for the long-sleeved shirt he had me put on prior to Matt's unexpected arrival.

Having said that, I should probably specify that although it was a sweltering 34 degrees Celsius outside, our place was practically frigid due to the cold air noisily rushing out of the centralised AC vents. Considering how cool it was in the house and considering how rough my brother's hemp rope was, the attire currently clad around my fairly scrawny body proved reasonably comfortable and quite fitting of my predicament.

Andrew spent well over twenty minutes trussing me up and securing my limbs into one the tightest, most excessive web of ropes I'd felt at the time. His knots were so tight that it practically felt as though my body was beginning to contract on itself.

Had I been tossed in a roadside ditch or left to my own devices somewhere, even a million years of struggling, plotting and scheming would not have sufficed to break me loose of these bonds.

The excessively restrictive hogtie my hairy-legged brother spun around me was so tight and so mind-bogglingly aggressive that I almost failed to notice his buddy Matt, sitting on the couch and dealing with what I knew to be a testosterone-driven reaction.

Matt was doing his best to hide the excitement in his shorts, but I could tell from the uneasy contortions his body made that he was mesmerised and greatly allured by the innumerable coils currently constricting my hogtied body.


It was around three in the afternoon when our guest suddenly surprised us by proposing an interesting challenge.
Being relatively well-versed in people skills, the objective behind his seemingly benign proposition seemed practically transparent. But for Andrew, his fellow gamer's intentions might as well have been draped in a veil of pitch-black mystery.

"Hey, I got an idea! Whoever wins the next tournament gets tied up like your punk-ass brother!" our enthusiastic visitor cheerfully suggested.

Andrew smirked and feigned uninterest, but that only led to his jumbo-footed self being called a pussy.

"Haha! What's the matter, big guy? You afraid of what I might do to you once I have you tied up?" Matt teased, causing my old sibling to roll his eyes and scoff.

The two of them soon began competing against each other and played six rounds of that racing game before finally calling it quits. Matt was fairly good of course, but my brother was inarguably better. By the end of the six-round tournament, it was 4-2 in favour of Andrew.

Our guest knew he had little chance of beating my brother at that particular game...which is probably why he proposed that matchup in the first place!

Andrew was visibly oblivious to the fact that his buddy wanted in on our games. As far as he was concerned, he'd won a high-stakes tournament fair and square and had bested Matt at his own challenge.

Now it was time for the loser to hold his end of the agreement.
It was time for Matt to take his place at my side.


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Post by Gagfan »

Great start to part III [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . You really set the scene and established the brother's new relationship quite well. Gotta say absolutely love the two pictures you used for this scene as well, some nice looking restraints!
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Post by gaggedfeety »

While I'm still not too crazy about Ethan, it seems like him and Andrew have a good system going and I'm pretty cool with that hahaha. And I love that Andrew uses Ethan's mouth as a sock washer.

Can't wait to see how Matt gets tied up!!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great insight into how Ethan and Andrew's games have developed and love all the excuses Andrew comes up with to justify himself to Matt and the effect they have on Ethan's imagination.

Interesting that it is actually the act of watching Andrew tie Ethan that has really sparked Matt's imagination. It's funny how often the actual act of tying (particularly in more visual media) is often overlooked. I know it takes time but it is one of the best bits!

Andrew needs to work on his manipulability though, Matt's gambit was blatant! And I'm still not convinced of the efficacy of the mouth laundry service when compared to a washing machine...
Time and time again, my mink would run amok with conflicting ideas and bizarre fantasies about non-consensual capture.
I think you need to get yourself a different pet Ethan - mink can be vicious, especially when you are not able to defend yourself! Can I sugeest you try a cheeky, naughty puppy instead! :D ;) 8-) (Sorry [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I just couldn't let that one pass! It made me smile so much!)
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Silly, silly Matt :lol:
Very interested in seeing where this goes, love the writing in this one!

Jesus Chris, Andrew's empathy fucking crashed! Wtf happened?!
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Post by Volobond »

I love the idea of Ethan desperately trying to convey his "displeasure."

"Oh... no. I have been imprisoned against my will... how am I to escape from this predicament."

But also that Ethan has become favorable to these TUGs between him and his brother is a happy development, and I'm eager to see whether or not Andrew remains oblivious to Matt's enjoyment of his participation!

And of course, always great to see the hints of the extended Bound and Gagged Universe! ;)

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Post by Killua »

I can fully understand that Ethan would rather be gagged to make up a show, it's a lot more embarrising to beg for real than to just mph something nobody can understand anyway.

I'm glad you used pictures to describe how he got tied up because you didn't write that much about the way he got tied this time. So the pictures are great to show that.

I'm still more a fan of Ethan tied up but also curious what the gamer nerd is going to do to his friend.
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Post by Volobond »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago I'm glad you used pictures to describe how he got tied up because you didn't write that much about the way he got tied this time. So the pictures are great to show that.
The pictures are GREAT! Love the tape-mitted hands and wide gag on the first one and the TONS of rope on the second!

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Post by Jb99 »

Love the new story, can't wait to see how the weekend goes!

Great pics, I generally use at least 50m of rope when trussing guys up, which doesn't look anything like the amount in the pic.

If anyone wants to see examples of my rope skills, PM me..
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Post by blackbound »

Love the taped-up hands in the first photo. They make easy things impossible and hard things... also impossible? Not the best tagline there.

Also liking how Matt sneaks himself into the games. From various hints around the text I assume he will come to regret it very soon... when it's too late.

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Post by gag1195 »

I love Ethan and Andrew, and their games are great, but I think Matt may be my favorite! I love his barely contained desire to be roped up and his plan to end up just so, and I love that Andrew is so wonderfully oblivious. All three are so great in their own ways! I certainly hope Andrew doesn't go easy on his friend!
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Post by GoBucks »

Loved that detail about the "personal sock washer." So hot, I want a job like that ;)

Very jealous that Ethan has a hot older brother to tie him up all the time.

I bet Matt isn't going to be too anxious about bondage after he gets a taste of those socks.
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Post by Red86 »

Ha, so I guess Matt's curiosity has been growing more and more, with each visit to Ethan and Andrew's. Come on Andrew, you can't keep using the same stories over and over again, suspicion builds after a while. And Matt, be careful with your curiosity, you may end up disliking some of it 🤣. But then again, Ethan sure seems to like his brothers socks 🤣🤣

I really like the added touch of the photos. The one with the taped hands, is great! Takes even the slightest chance/hope of escape away from the captive 😁
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Post by harveygasson »

Great new chapter and fantastic pics, especially the first one!
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Post by 4toes »

Great start of chapter once again. Love the dynamics between the two bros. Also, I really like how you are building up this slowly, especially Andrew's character and his increasingly FO hahaha. Can't wait when Ethan's starts noticing that Andrew's FO is crossing the line of intolerable. Boiiii, I wanted to be his personal sock washer also.

Curiosity killed the cat. Hope Matt is ready on what he signed up for.

As always, great placement and selection of pictures. It really helps our imaginative juices going.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I love this story .
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Post by bondagefreak »




[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Finnan[/mention] [mention]Killua[/mention] [mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Gagfan[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »



I watched with unbridled interest as Andrew raised his arms in triumph and instructed his friend to lie down on the floor, right next to where I was hogtied. Matt complied with the swiftness of a frightened alley cat and immediately positioned himself next to my heavily bound form. The excitement on his face was quite palpable, and I could tell by the flushing of his cheeks and the sparkle in his eye that he was currently experiencing the same rush of energy I'd also experienced back when my brother and I had first started these games.

Our furry-legged would-be captor left the living room for a bit, only to come back a short moment later with a very sizeable amount of rough hemp rope in tow.

I don't know whether his next gesture was intentional or not, but the pile of rope was rather dramatically dropped to the floor, right in front of Matt's smitten face.

My fellow prisoner and I expected the roping to start, so were both understandably a little perplexed when the giant-footed gamer nerd pulled out a pair of those massive police-grade zipties he'd recently purchased and crouched down on top of his friend's back.

A familiar high-pitched zipping noise ensued, and jockish-nerd Matt soon found himself with his ankles cuffed together real snug and his wrists securely restrained behind his back. The tightness of the plastic shackles apparently didn't agree with him too much, but my brother paid the tournament loser's protests little heed and simply carried on with the preventative arrest.

"Aww man. I thought you were gonna use that rope on me." our wincing guest somewhat pleadingly complained.

"I will. But I have to take a fuckin' dump first." our lanky jailor nonchalantly explained, pulling another pair of oversized zipties out of his pocket and causing his recently overzealous captive to voice out another mouthy complaint.

"Dude. Haha! It's okay, man. You can go take your shit. I'm not planning on going anywhere." the restrained college jock nervously promised.

Andrew didn't respond or say anything to acknowledge his friend's assurances though. He simply brought those oversized police restraints to bear and doubled up the already ample contraptions keeping his buddy's limbs in check.

*ZZZZZZZZZZZZIP* *click click click*
*ZZZZZZZZZZZZIP* *click click click*

Matt clearly didn't understand my brother the same way I did.
Like any rational person, he tried arguing that he didn't need to have another pair of those escape-proof riot cuffs securing his already restrained limbs together.

Andrew wasn't entirely rational though, at least not when it came to this sort of stuff.
There could be no reasoning with him, and no negotiating either. As far as he was concerned, Matt was now under his personal charge and that meant securing him down at all costs and negating any possibility of a last-minute change of heart. In other words, my big brother didn't wanna risk his friend leaving our place or escaping his comeuppance without first having honoured his end of the agreement.

In any case, our steadfast and resolute captor had already turned around and begun making his way towards the washroom by the time I opened my mouth and decided to slip out a remark about the benefits that his absence would offer.

"Geez. Finally, I'll be able to call the fuckin' neighbours for help..." I quietly mumbled, speaking in a relatively low tone and acting as though his upcoming reign atop the toilet bowl would be the perfect opportunity to make my plight heard.

I wasn't entirely sure whether Andrew had heard me or not, but I rapidly received confirmation that he had when his huge sneakered feet stopped dead in their tracks and suddenly changed their heading before setting a course towards his bedroom.

I squirmed around in anticipation for what was to come and practically failed to keep my excitement at bay when the sight of his return finally dawned upon us. The two-meter-tall gamer bro once against emerged into the living room, this time carrying a very large and very fat roll of heavy-duty duct tape in one hand.

"No! No!" I angrily hissed out, fighting and struggling as much as my excruciatingly tight hogtie would permit.

No word of consolation came out of my brother's mouth. He simply kneeled down next to my flailing head, tore his uber-wide, angry-sounding roll of tape open and slapped it down atop the nape of my neck before grabbing hold of my hair and pulling the adhesive under my face.

"No! Let me gmmpphhh!" came the sound of my partially unhindered scream.

The aggressive tape was pulled across my lower face and wrapped around the back of my head a total of three times before finally being severed. The gag was only temporary, I knew. But it would be more than sufficient to keep me from communicating with Matt and would easily take care of stifling down any potential cries for help I might make.

Matt lost no time in making fun of my demise of course. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know my brother quite well enough to realise that mouthing off and acting like a hooligan would be his own undoing.

The ill-mannered stooge was so focused on my newly tape-gagged form that he failed to notice my hairy-legged sibling staring down at him like an eagle eyeing its prey.

"Haha! Sucks to be you, doesn't it? Good luck trying to cmppphhhhhhhh..." was all the unsuspecting college punk managed to voice out.

The talkative nerd's speech-capable orifice proved no match for the silencing grip of my brother's fiercely fibrous duct tape.

Matt fell prey to the same number of silencing layers keeping my mouth shut, and by the time Andrew was done with him, the nineteen-year-old prisoner's many attempts to articulate all failed to produce any sort of meaningful sound.

"No talking for you either." was the only explanation my jumbo-footed brother gave his friend.

My newly-gagged fellow prisoner and I watched as the quiet gamer retreated out of the living room, tossed the duct tape onto his bed and disappeared into the washroom.

All that was left for Matt to do now was to lie still and wait.
And much to his own chagrin, he would slowly come to terms with the fact that my brother valued two things above all else. Peace and quiet.


Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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