Poolside problems FFFF/M Part 9 ( completed )

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Poolside problems FFFF/M Part 9 ( completed )

Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey, how is it going everyone ? This is my second story ever written on here,( you can find my first story " A tight Relationship " which I am planning on writing a sequel to soon, ) I have had the idea for this type of story your about to read in my head for a while, and finally thought it'd be a good time to write it down with that said, hope you enjoy this tal,

" poolside problems " part 1

This is a story, about, well about a time I ended up in a situation I didn't expect to find myself in,or ever hoped to again, * ahem * either way, it was a day I certainly will never forget,. you see it all happened Back on a particularly warm summer day, as then sun was pretty much scorching down on everything meaning it was the perfect kind of day for one to spend it outdoors basking in the sunlight for a bit if they wanted a good tan, or Going for a nice swim had they have the source to do so, well lucky for me, I did ,you see just outside my house, we had a pretty big backyard, with a pretty neat set up, a nice stone patio, adorned with lounge chairs, deck chairs, a small built in fire pit, but the key feature that stood out, was our large pool complete with jacuzzi. and on a day like this, I had my mind set on spending most of it, chilling in it's cool depths, specially sense I had the whole house to myself for the day, or so I thought I did.

now before I Continue, first let me explain a bit about myself, my names Josh, 19 at the time and lived at home with my parents yes, ( but I was not free loading or anything, I had a job then and still do ) , but, you see my parent's are what you could call rich, hence why we can afford such a neat set up. I mean we don't own a mansion or anything. but had a pretty neat pad I'd say, anyhow my folks were out of town for a few days on a business trip . and my sister, Melany, whom is couple years older then me, who also stayed with us, was out of the house for the day with some friends. which was really great for me. you see, my sister and her friends, they liked to tease me every now and then, and when they do, boy do they really like to try and irritate me somehow, why you ask ? I'm not even too sure why, but I can't go a day with them around just trying to mess with me on a Varity of ways and it get's pretty annoying, so if this means I could spend a whole day on my day off from work to myself, then boy was I going to take advantage of it and relaxing at the pool was just how I planned to do it.

So, after I had gotten myself changed out of my clothes and into a pair of my swim trunks, grabbed a Towel and began to make my way down the stairs and toward the Pool along the way I heard the sound of the front door opening behind me and a burst of giggle and laughter emitting from it. I turned back and saw it was my sister and her friends all standing there now I must admit, even though I find my sister and her friends to be quite annoying with how much they bug me, I couldn't help but find my Sister's friends to be quite attractive Firstly her friends consisted of three girls, there was Shay, one year older then me, slim body and pale light brown skin, black hair and had quite a spunk to her personality , then there was Anne, a light browned hair girl, who I think was my sisters age at 21, she was the more quietest of the bunch, but still was quite full of life from what I could recall and finally there was Clarissa, now Carissa, she was a tall brunette haired women and a pretty slim body, she was also oldest of the bunch, as I believe she had her twenty second birthday a couple weeks ago and, boy was she the one who i'd find myself blushing at frequently when ever I made eye. contact with her. also she was the one whom made it a goal to try and tease me the most out of the bunch.

Any how they all stood there in the foyer gossiping and talking loudly to one another, giggling and making all sorts of noise, if there one thing I should say about them, they were a loud bunch, hence why I was looking forward to the quiet time alone today, what where they doing back here anyway ? well I was going to get my Answer when Carissa soon noticed me.

" Hey look, it's Joshy " she said as I cringed a bit, she always had to call me that, like I was some little kid, I was only a few years younger then her " I sighed shaking my head to myself

" Hey little bro, where you going ? " My sister then spoke up now as everyone's attention was turned to me next. as if the towel and trunk was enough of a hint ? I thought,

" Just heading out to the pool " I said gesturing down to myself, indicating the pool wear,

" what are you doing back so early, I thought you were all going to have a girls day out sort of thing, ? " I said next looking over at the wall clock as it was not even noon yet. all the girls all just looked at one another giggled.

" we tried to go for a joy ride out to the mall, but too many people there and we didn't feel like spending time waiting to see a" lame" movie ," she said with a light roll of her eyes " anyway so and we figured why not spend sometime back here instead, it's nice and cool inside so maybe we could make some snacks and just chill. ' my sister responded.

" I see, well, okay you do whatever, I'm going outside " I said, ready to be on my way

" Oh, yeah it is quite a warm day out there, a swim sounds like it'd be perfect for the day " my sister said with a chuckle.

" I'd be carful if I'd try to get a tan " Anne finally spoke up with a light giggle.

" yeah, maybe you should put on a bunch of sun screen if you do, you could get burnt " Shay said winking and with a teasing tone. to which I just turned my face away.

I just simply nodded, and began to turn toward the back door in hopes not to get caught up in what ever antics they had in store, as I learned to just to not let myself get sucked in to anything they'd dish up for me and move along before it happens. well with that I was on my way, as the chuckling and talking of the girls grew fainter .

Once I stepped through the back terrace doors and outside onto the Patio, I tossed my towel down on the side of the patio table, I could feel the sun bouncing off of the marble stone floor as I stood there, when I quickly kicked off my flip flops, I quickly scampered over to the side of the pool and plopped myself down and let my legs dangle over the edge and feel submerge into he water. letting out a sigh of relief , I sat there for only about a minute relaxing to the feeling as I soon ready myself to go in, I leaned forward and let myself plop into the pool with a splash, I swam under the water and to the other side of the pool where I resurfaced. and popped my head out grabbing the other end of the pool, I spent a about half hour m simply swimming about relaxing to the side of the pool before I felt it'd be nice to take a little " sun bath " now that I was completely cooled down, .I knew I'd do this using one of the lounge chairs, so I quickly hop out of the pool now and make my way over to the patio table to grab my towel and after drying off a little I toss it onto the ground and get myself comfy on the lounger and relax for a bit.

I rested my hand behind my head, I couldn't keep my eyes open due to the sun's brightness, but felt good simply letting all the water be slowly evaporated from it's warmth. I figured I'd do with for a short bit then jump back into the pool again. however what I didn't know was, that my relaxing state was soon going to be interrupted.

" Heeeey Joshy ! " I heard Clarissa's voice ring out from behind me, causing me to jump up in my seat as I shot up and turned around to see all the of my sister friends standing there, each holding towel and in bathing suits now, I didn't know they brought them ? also I didn't even question where my sister was as I caught myself staring at the girls each clad in their swimwear all gazing down at me with " innocent " smirks

" uh wha ? what are you all doing ? " I said regaining my composer and feeling my cheeks blushing a bit

" oh man! you should have seen the look on your face " Shay then spoke up " you really got him there Clare " she said smirking over at him.

" aw, don't be so hard on him, widdle joshy didn't expect it that's all " she said with a chuckle as I continued to flushed at this.

" anyway, shouldn't it be obvious, where coming out to enjoy the pool, you certainly had the right idea on such day " Clarissa said with a smirk and nod. the other giggle lightly at this.

" Oh great " I thought " just when I hoped I'd get to spend my time out here without their antics to annoy me " I then looked around finally asking where my sister was.

" she's coming out soon, getting some drinks and stuff ready, she said to come out ahead of her. so we all thought we'd come and give you some company " clarissa said with a slight smirk on her face as I tried not to let my cheeks burn again.

" Yeah, wouldn't you like that josh, we hardly ever get to spend time you with anymore. you always seem like your trying to get away from us " Shay said with a chuckle.

" maybe he's just shy " Anne said said giggling as I Couldn't bare to stand for this. I didn't know what they had planned but I didn't like the Idea of being caught in it, so i knew I had to make a choice, and that was to leave and let them have the pool to themselves.

" uh right, well, that's very nice of you, but uh, you know what, I think I cooled down quite a bit, and maybe now I'll go head back inside. " I said letting myself up from the chair, or least that was my attempt cause before I could I felt a pair of firm hands grasp my shoulders, Clarissa's.

" aww don't be such a party pooper, we just got out here, it'll be fun for you to spend some time with us. it could be like a small little pool party " Carissa said.

" Yeah, like maybe we could listen to some music, or play some pool volly ball, have some snacks that'd be fun huh ? " Shay said , though the look I her face told me something else may have been up, and I felt myself getting a bit more uneasy,

" l-look, I really should get going now, you girls can have the pool to yourselves, thanks for the offer but I'll decline " I said attempting to get up from the lounger, but Clarissa's grip on me only grew stronger as I was forced back even tighter.

" hey, come on let me go ! I nee-Gmmmphh !!! " I was suddenly silenced as Clarissa now clamped one of her hands over my mouth while still attempting to hold me firm with her other arm. however I was too shocked now to even fight back at the moment.

" come on little man, Relax a little, " I heard her say near my ear as I felt a tingle of shivers through my body.

" Mmmph ! " I cried out, to indicate just how taken back by this I was.

" Girls, do it " Clare said as I could just only wonder what that meant, however I didn't have to wait very long before I got my answer. soon I saw both Anne and Shay smirking and chuckling as they grabbed the towels they had carried out, they then each grabbed one of my wrists and forced them onto the arms of the lounge chair as they then began to wrap them around my wrist and the arms.

Mmmmmphh ! " I screamed into Clarissa's hand as she just chuckled ignoring my muffled voice and feeble struggles. soon my wrist were both secured tightly to the arms of the Lounge chair by the towels. but it didn't end there. soon Shay grinned at me as she held up the third towel and made her way over to the end of the lounge chair where my legs where, and soon with that look and the lone towel she had. I knew just what she had planned,

" Mmmghh ! " I yelled shaking my head as Clarissa now free to use both her hands wrapped her other hand around my face and held it tight, giggling as she did.

shay wasted no time as she began to wrap the towel tightly around my legs in a rope like manner until my ankles where completely trapped together now. she finished it off as she tied it off as tight as she could.

" there, that ought to do it " shay said standing back up and folding her arms in a satisficed manner, soon I felt Clarissa release her grip on my mouth as she and Anne ran over to join Shay standing directly in front of me, I didn't even protest at this point cause now I was more stunned then ever as to what just happened, I mean, they just tied me up ! they never done anything like that before, and I'd have never expected it either. soon all the girls began laughing standing in front of me, I must have looked a sight. and my confusion was replaced by embarrassment and my cheeks began turning that red colour again.

" tied to a Lounge chair with towels ! that's too great ! " shay laughed

" well, you can certainly sit back and relax now, not that you have much of a choice " Clarissa taunted with a smirk. while Anne just kept giggled at my plight trying to hold back her laughter

" I'm sorry, but, you look kind of funny like that " she said between giggles as I then turned my head away now. not believing what I was enduring right now. but soon I snapped out of it and began to demanded what this was all about.

" okay, okay you had your fun, now tell me what's going on and let me out of this ! " I said struggling at my bonds hoping to loosen them but to no avail.

" oh I don't think so, not yet anyway, " Clarissa said folding her arms with a smug look, which began to irritate me more now.

" what do you mean ? come on this isn't funny, ! " I said struggling one more again.

" oh calm yourself joshy, you'll be let go, you just need to wait until your sister gets out here, I think she'll get quite the laugh out of this, clarissa say with a look of cruel glee in her eyes,

" what ? your kidding, no way she'd be happy you to do this. " I said trying to slide my hands out now. but the girls all just continued to laugh more so at my struggles.

" your really going to regret this ! let me out if this right now ! " I demanded finally being fed up with all their nonsense. I didn't even notice that Shay had disappeared behind me now during my ranting and struggling, cause soon I felt something being pulled across my face cutting off mr of my rambles

" ggmmpph !? "

before I had time to react, my head was pulled back a bit as a tight thick fabric was pulled between my lips,
A smaller towel ! shay had looped a small towel around my head and was now pulling it around my head where she began tying it off laughing to herself as she did

" whhhfg thhhh FFFgghhh !!! " I yelled barely audible with the towel wedged between my lips and teeth. creating a sort of cleave gag of a sorts.

" There that should keep you a bit more quiet until your sister gets out here " shay said proud of herself for that. she gently patted me on my shoulder as I now began to shake my head and shout frustratingly into my gag.

" just chill for a bit, or, well dry, won't be too long " Clarissa said with a chuckle as she and the others now went over to the patio chairs and table set leaving me on the lounger alone.

" come on, get back here and Untie me ! " I tried to shout at them, but all that came out was a muffled gibberish to them. to which they all just glanced over at me with giggles and giving a little wave. I groaned and rested my head frustratingly as I figured to focus on struggling. not even bothering to pay attention to the girls now. as I was pretty sure if I kept at it, i'd be able to get my hands free from these towels, they weren't too tight from what I could feel. but I knew one thing, there was no way my sister was going to be okay with this. for as Annoying she and her friends can be. this was going a bit too far. either way, I continued my struggles opening to loosen one of these darn towels quickly .

To be continued.
Last edited by Nightly Binds 2 years ago, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by jayspatswhoo »

Continue please (:
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Post by milagros317 »

Great start! Looking forward to part two. :D
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really enjoying this so far
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great story so far!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

This is a fantastic story so far! Love the setting, the characters, the build-up, etc. please continue!
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Post by geelcarl »

Great start!
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Post by David Han »

good start. that’s an unique tie
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey, firstly just one to thank everyone here who commented and wanting more, I love to hear thoughts, so please continue to do so if you will, anyway, the next Part has come, so with that, hope you all enjoy !

Poolside problems Part 2

I must have been struggling for only about 10 minutes after My sisters friends had left me bound and gagged to this stupid Lounge chair, and with Towels none the less ! even though they quickly tied them on to me, and they didn't seem to fee all that tight, I was still having a hard time getting my wrists to slip free or loosen them, even my legs were still bound together at the ankles, but, I was starting to feel a little slack in them compared to my wrists. so if I kept at it, I knew I'd be free in no time. though this damn towel tied around my head and wedged in my mouth was getting annoying and making me Tongue feel a bit dry, even if it was also not very tightly tied, but I still couldn't utter a single thing that anyone would be able to properly understand.

I finally decided to stop my thrashing and struggling for a bit,to catch my breath, the sun was still pretty hot and it combined with me trying to get free was making me start to work up a sweat a bit, so I tried to make myself relax for a moment. however that's when I heard the voice of my sister stepping outside.

" Okay, who want's some lemonade ! " she cheered out as I glanced back seeing her, also now in her bathing suit and holding a Tray of refreshments in her hands, brining it over to her waiting friends.

I thought for a moment, a part of me wanted call out to her and hope she'd tell her crazy friends to let me go, or while the other, didn't want to be seen like this by my own sister. so what I did instead was simply tense up and waited for what ever was going to happen next..resting my head back on the chair and keeping my eyes closed. and that's when I heard fallowed by a series of giggles

" No way ! you didn't ! " it was my sisters voiced, fallowed by shay

" yep, we totally did, he's right over there all trussed up "

" Come on, lets go see " I now heard Clarissa speak up as soon I heard each of the girls getting up and making there way over to where I laid bound. Soon I could feel there shadows loom around me. and then

" Oh my God ! Ahahahahahah oh my, Look at you ! " my sister's voice blared out, bursting into a fit of giggles and laughter, I opened my eyes now to see all four of the girls standing around me, giggling and smirking as my sister was in hysterics from the site of me.

" Little bro, that's a good look for you ! " she said trying to regain her composer as I just couldn't help but flush being presented in front of them all this way.

" And with towels ! you actually did it, I didn't think you would, you girls are the best " my sister said as her friends giggled along with her.

wait ? what did she mean she didn't think they would ? what did she know about this ? I thought to myself,

" Mmmghhp ! lgghh Mmmgg GGHHH ! " I yelled into my gag having enough of being treated like this. kicking my still bound ankles up and down as this only sent my sister as well as her friends into more fits of laughter.

also seeing the surprised look on my face my sister began to speak up again, " That's right josh, it was your sister who gave them bright Idea to do this to you " she said with a teasing smirk

" Mgpppph !? " I shouted at her.

" lets just say, when we are inside, discussing things, we talked about pulling a little prank on you, and after going over a few, I mentioned how funny it'd be if we tied you to the lounge chair with the towels. the girls all seemed to think that was such a funny and excellent idea I told them if they wanted they could give it a try " she chuckled as her friends all bared proud and teasing looks on their faces., which really set me off now, I mean I knew my sister could be annoying and not above messing with me like her friends. but I never did think she'd allow this to happen. and with that I began to pick up my frantic struggles again.

" hey, take it easy bro, for what it's worth, I didn't think they'd actually do it " she said with another teasing smirk.

" but I bet your glad we did huh " Clarissa said nudging her a bit as my sister chuckled

" can't say I don't approve " she said with a light gaze at me with a teasing grin

" ggghhhhmmm ! " I shouted again, I was getting real sick of this now. however my sister now leaned forward and griped the towel gagging my mouth.

" okay, here, let me get that for you, so we can, at least attempt to understand what your saying " she said as she reached round with her other hand and pulled the thing loose from my head and letting get some fresh air through my mouth. however once that was done, I began to let them all have a piece of my mind.

" you are all crazy ! I mean seriously, why can't you and your friends be like normal people ! and all your joking and giggling is getting real irritating,, your worse then a bunch of little kids who think there little games are funny, but they are not ! so why don't you act mature for once, by letting me out of this ! " I shouted frustratingly at the top of my lunges, before I finally managed to cool down. however, once settled down, I was meant with something that made realize I had just made a grave mistake. each of the girls were giving me the most unapproving look I had seen from any of them before.

Clare had her arms crossed and a serious look on her face, shay looked rather angary, eyes narrowed, and even Anne looked quite displeased with my outburst. my sister though. she just stared at me like I had crossed the line. and that made me realize, how helpless I did feel, I mean, when your tied down to a chair, ( even with lousy towels ) and have a bunch of angery looking women staring at you, you'd probably feel the same as I did. and immediately I began to regret my choice of words, and I could see they could all tell from my current expression alone

" well, you know what I'm thinking, little bro, " My sister said placing her hands on her hips now. " I was going to untie you just now and let you be, but sense your little outburst shows you could maybe spend a little more time enjoying your prank " she said, her face turning from serious, to suddenly devious. as i looked a bit more worried now. she then leaned over to Clare and began to whisper in her something, and I saw the expression on her face become just as mischievous.

" oh, sure thing Mel " Clare said as she then gazed at me with that devilish smile of hers. before she made her way off,somwhere, however I then notice she for some reason was heading toward the pool shed.

" wait why is she going in there ? Melony, please let's talk about this, I didn't me-" I was going to say before i was cut off.

" oh no bro, your not talking yourself out of this. your going to spend a bit more time in our company now as you are, only, were going to make some adjustments " she said as I could only worry that meant. " in the mean time, so you don't feel tempted to try " my sister then picked back up the towel she had just took off my mouth, and re-tied it once again as before, muffling any of my attempts to try and complain or reason with them.

" okay girls, when Clare gets back, she'll have some stuff that'll we need to use on little josh here so he won't have any chance to get out of his " punishment " she said with a chuckle as I began to give a small feeble attempted to loosen myself. which remained that way for a good solid 5 minutes ( or so I'd assume ) before I saw Clare emerge back from out of the pool shed. this time having a bundle of something in her hands as she did.

once she approached where I was still firmly bound, as revelated the items she now posed. coils and coils of long white rope.

" Mmmppphh ! " I yelled into my gag now upon seeing this.

" That's right bro, it's all for you , great job Clare " my sister then said.

" Oh but course, your shed has tons of things in there that could be used for such an occasion as this " she said with a wink toward me.

" okay then girls, lets get to work on situating him a bit better, I mean, look at these towels " she said gripping the ones near my legs, " they are almost coming loose, we can't have that now can we ? " she said as I gave my legs one last little wriggle, but I knew it was now pointless.

And with that, soon each of the girls began at work and placing me in my new position, first they untied my writs one at a time, taking a strand of the soft but strong white rope and securing my wrist to the lounge arm chair, repeating the process with my other wrist, with another strand of rope, they felt much more secure and tight then the towels did, that's for sure, but it didn't end there. soon my ankles where untied, but re-tied with another set of rope only much more tightly then before, I knew by testing them and there was little to now slack in it this time,

" ggrrrggh ! " I grunted in my more utterly feeble attempts to break loose."

" that's right, try to get free, I don't think it'll be in your favor though " My sister laughed. " but to make sure, " she said as she then took yet another strand of tope and began one end to tie it around the rope securing my ankles together, then pulled it tight, stretching my legs down to the end of the lounger , where she then proceeded to tie the other end of the rope to a small bar underneath the chair that connected the two chair legs together, she then tied it off tightly there. once she stood back, I tested by new bonds, and could hardly move my ankles at all, they are firmly stuck stretched out., but my plight still did not end there. as I Soon felt more rope being wrapped around my waist and the chair, it was Clarissa, she was winding another piece of rope around me, securing me to the chair even more now.

" Mmmmppphhh ! " I shouted now, feeling even more stuck then before,

" There you are, all nicely put in place " Clare said close to my ear. with a small soft giggle. she then stood back up as as I began to wriggle about now.

" Just one more touch I think " Clare said walking over to my sister after she reached down and grabbed that was sitting on the ground. " i think this will work much better then that towel in his mouth, I widen my eyes at this wondering what they could mean by that ?

" Oh good call, I think it'll be just what we need " My sister said with a giggle.

" mppphh ? " I said trying to get them to show me,

Clare then turned to face me showing what she hand in her hand. she was holding what looked like a roll of white medical tape, and some sort of small bout rounded sponge ?

" Found this is the medical kit in the shed and this sponge in a cleaning kit, don't worry, it's not used yet, I think " Clare said with a smirk as I then shook my head, pleading for them not to be serious, but seeing as how I was now, it was a dumb thing to think. so soon the towel was again untied and my mouth free to try and find some sense in them.

" Please, don't I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that ! just don't put that in my mouth ! " I said as my sister and her friends all just looked at me with devious grins.

" sorry brother, but that hurt what you said, and you need to learn a lesson about not saying nice things to your totally awesome big sister and her really cool friends " she said with a grin, she then looked over at Clare and gave her a confirming nod as she then held up the sponge.which she began to slowly and teasingly bring closer to my face

" Clare, please ! come on, this has gone on far enough ! " I said trying to keep my head away

" say Ah Joshy, here comes the plane ! " she simply said as she brought it closer, and closer.

I then shut my mouth in an attempt to keep her putting it in, to which she just tsk'd " now now, none of that joshy, be a good boy and open up. " she said as I simply shook my head. she just giggled though,

" okay then, I guess you give me no choice but to- " she then grabbed by nose catching me by surprise as I gasped from it, which she took the opportunity to shove the sponge in quickly and covered her hand over my mouth now taking her other off my nose. I moved my tongue as best I could feeling the spongy texture fill my mouth and squish my tongue down.

" there we go, easy peasy " she teased. she then had one of the girls hand her a strand of the white medical tape as she then plastered it over my mouth now, keeping the sponge inside, but she took another strand, and did the same, fallowed by another, and another until my mouth was cover with about five or six strands of white tape.

" Mmmppphh ! " I shouted testing my new gag, and I found that it was even more muffled then before, I couldn't even make any audible sound, to which the girls took with delight laughing about.

" okay, this is just getting to be too rich ! " shay said

" well, this is what happen when little brothers try to be mean to their big sisters like that " she said with a grin at me, as I gave little struggle. but knew it was not pointless, if I couldn't escape so easily before, it was now nearly impossible now. as she then leaned down closer to me.

" your going to be in a nice long timeout now, so you don't have to worry about much, just sit back, relax, while us girls go and enjoy the pool, I hope you don't mind if we bring out my radio and listen to some music " she said as I grunted into my gag.

" I knew you wouldn't mind, see your already being much nicer and trying to make up for your mean words, but I may still expect an apology later " she said with a grin, in the meant time, sit tight, " she giggled as she and the girls now began to make their way away from me. but then Clare then topped for a moment.

" oh, and no need to worry, " Clare speaking " we won't let you get to lonely most of the time " she said with a chuckle,

" Yeah, " shay said now " even if your unable to get up, I'm sure we could still find some ways to have fun with you " she said with a chuckle , Anne just giggled giving me a wink and little wave as I gave one last attempt to speak to them. however that did not prove to be any worth, as soon yet again I found myself has I had before, alone and bound and gagged to this lounge chair, only this time, with much more reinforced Ties.

" Mmmppph ! " I shouted out in frustration as I Tried to struggle, but it was no good. I was stuck and the girls new it. and what was worse, I was completely dried off from the pool water from before, and was begging to feel a bit warm. I knew I wasn't going to bare staying in the sun like this for long,.Soon though my thoughts where interrupted as I heard the sound of splashing, and I looked up to see the girls now, having jumped into the pool, I know that was only going to add to my torment of enduring this predicament a bit more.. and this as all just the beginning of things.

To be continued
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Post by Tugs4fun »

An excellent continuation! I like the characters, especially how Clarissa teases him playfully. Looking forward to more about what the girls have in store for Josh.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful chapter! This is a fine series so far. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Dany Osewat »

He really should be hogtied, blindfolded and tickled
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Post by milagros317 »

Dany Osewat wrote: 3 years ago He really should be hogtied, blindfolded and tickled
Yes, but first he should be gang-tickled to insanity right in the chaise lounge. :lol:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Nightly Binds »

milagros317 wrote: 3 years ago
Dany Osewat wrote: 3 years ago He really should be hogtied, blindfolded and tickled
Yes, but first he should be gang-tickled to insanity right in the chaise lounge. :lol:
Well, I'll just say here, who know what sort stuff they' have planned for him so he won't be too bored bound as he is, guess we'll all have to find out in the next bit ;) ( and thanks for the comment earlier ! )
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Tugs4fun wrote: 3 years ago An excellent continuation! I like the characters, especially how Clarissa teases him playfully. Looking forward to more about what the girls have in store for Josh.
Thanks, :) yeah I Love a character like her, who clearly enjoys having control over another and enjoys rubbing it in,, but also mostly being playfully teasing about it.
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

Loving this so far!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Part 3 has arrived, hope you all enjoy, wanted to have this done earlier this weekend, but anyway, here you all go ! and thanks again to everyone who's fallowing this story !

" Poolside problem part 3 "

Well after what I guess was about 20 minutes of trying and failing to get myself free of my bonds that left me tightly secured to this darn Lounger, I finally decided to cease my escape attempts in order to stop myself from getting to worked up in this Bright and more then warm sunny weather, I even managed to start getting a little sweaty in trying to slip free, and while it helped cool me down, I was not liking the thought of being all sticky from it while like this, so there I relaxed myself and just tried to think of a way I could get myself out of this mess sooner. resting my head back I shut my eyes in order to keep the sun from blinding me, I tried to relax as I listened to the sounds of the girls swimming about in the pool laughing and splashing one another. starting to wish I just took the offer to join them right now. specially sense I could probably go for another dip in that cool refreshing water right about now. even a drink would do me good. I thought as I moved my tongue around the sponge in my mouth, feeling all my salvia it has manage absorb during my struggles. now becoming wet and heavy.

I simply gave a little sigh to myself now as I continued to lay there, not sure what I could do, however my thoughts were soon disrupted as I felt the sun that was casting down onto my restrained body get blocked by something, I opened my eyes to see one of the girls was standing next to me now. Shay !
she was dripping wet having just stepped out of the pool, and was now staring down at me with one of the devious grins all these girls seemed to have here.

" Hey Josh, how you hanging here ? " she said as I didn't even bother responding to her with any sort of muffled noise but instead gave a little strain wriggle attempt to so sure how I felt,. to which she just nodded her head and pacing her hand on her chin

" I see, I see, well I was just going to get a drink over there, " she said motioning toward the patio table that had all the refreshments my sister had brought out earlier,( which was a tray of snacks and drinks that had been placed in a small cooler ), but from the looks of it, you must be getting a bit warm out here laying in the sun like this, huh ? " she said as I simply looked over at her with a unamused glare, as she again nodded

" well, perhaps I could, maybe I help you a little, cool down a bit, " she said as I looked up at her now.

" Mmmpph ? " Was all I said now, wondering what she could mean by that. "

she giggled a bit then said " I mean, in a way where I don't have to let you go obviously " she said with another chuckle, she then turned her head to face the pool.

" Hey girls ! little josh here is getting a bit warm , so I decided I'm going to help cool him off ! " she said as the girls all soon came to the side of the resting their arms along it as they all now were all looking carious to what Shay had in mind.

" that's right, so, I'm going to do cool him off, then I'll be right back " she said giving me a wink now.

" oh, is that so, well, we don't want him getting " uncomfortable " now " my sister said with a sly grin, giving the okay to whatever her crazy friend had in store.

" Yeah, we don't want poor wittle josh to get too warm now do we ? oh no . " Clarissa spoke said in her mock teasing tone,

" Don't worry, he won't be, not with what I have planned for him ' shay said giving me that mischievous grin of hers. as I could only lay there and worry as to what she was going to do, I soon watched her as she walked over to the patio table as she for some reason grabbed two things, one being one of the towels they had used earlier to bind me originally, and the other, the small cooler my sister had brought out, she dragged it over toward me as I grew more worried now as to what she was planning. she placed the cooler near me as she continued on making her way over to the pool with the towel where the girls all watched her make her plan unfold, smiling and giggling as she did

I did my best as I looked up as she knelt down before the pool and held the towel out in front of her now. I looked at her confusingly for a moment as she just looked back at me and smirked before she then dipped the towel in the pool, as the girls all watched her do so, clearly just as carious as to what she had in store, and probably a lot more eager than I was to find out. she soon pulled the towel at as it was now dripping wet with the pool water, she then glanced back at as I watched her as she soon brought it over toward be, it dripping along the stone flooring as she did.

soon she had brought it over to me and stood next to me with the wet dripping towel in her hands.

" Okay, josh, here's a little something to help you " chill out " she said she draped the towel down over my bound body, covering me from my thighs up to just below my neck, and admittedly It felt really good, the cool wet towel blocking off the sun on my body where ot covered and the water soaked in it felt very refreshing , I even let out a small satisfied moan showing how much I liked the refreshing feeling.

" aww, glad you like it, but were not done yet, this will really help keep you cool for a bit longer " shay said with a grin as I didn't pay to much attention to her as I was just enjoying the soaked towel covering my body. however, I heard a shuffling sound as i looked over now to see shay scoop her hands into the cooler

" Burr,, so cold ! " she said with a shiver and then smirked at me as she then revealed she was holding a handful of ice cubes she had tug out from the cooler,

" Mmmpph ! " I now widen my eyes as she grinned and brought them over me body, I stared at her worryingly

" don't worry, I said this will help keep you cool " she said with a chuckled as she let them go and dropping them onto the towel that covered by body, some sliding off and landing near my sides causing me to wince now.

" Mmmmppph ! mmmpph ! " I shouted struggled a bit not liking the feeling of the cold ice touching my bare skin there.

" what's that ? more ? " shay said pacing her head near her ear " well, okay then, what ever you say ! "she chimed happily as the girls in the pool now, were chuckling at my expense. , shay now had place another batch of ice on the towel on top of my body, soon there was a pretty big pile that had formed on top of me. and now I was starting to feel a lot cooler for sure.

" there we go, now you should feel much more relaxed not having to worry about being all hot under the sun " shay said fanning her herself to make her point. so glad I could be of help to you " she said with a chuckle as she got up now. and grabbed the Cooler and brought it back over to the patio table,

the rest of the girls in the pool were laughing at my plight now even more at my plight now. teasing and mocking me as I laid there very tensely. however, Shay had soon returned back and stood next to me again holding something behind her back

" oh, and one more thing, I thought staring at the sun may be a bit annoying for you as well, and closing your eyes because of it probably isn't all that fun, so I figured I'd lend you these for now " she said as she showed me what she had behind her back, a pair of sunglasses, and not just a simple kind, but a pair of girly pink glittery sun glasses.

" Mppph ! " I shouted into my gag at the sight of them. to which just shay just giggled at my reaction

" they are mine, but I know you probably need them more then I do right now, so here you go " she said as she ready them and prepared to place them on my face as I shook my head not wanting her to do so. but it proved futile as she soon slid them onto my face and covering my eyes now. to which she stood back to admire them on me

" oh, my, that, that's is a really good look for you, " she said looking as though she was trying not to snicker, " well you can wear them as long as you want while you're out here " she said as I glared at her, and grunted, but, not being able to see my eyes or here my voice, it really didn't do anything at all.

" oh no need to try and thank me, I know you love them, but your welcome anyway, aren't I Just so generous, " she said with a giggle, as soon the rest of the girls couldn't keep where they were any longer and had to get a closer look at this. soon they all hopped out of the pool and made their way over to me. laughing at the mere sight of me, I mean, I was bound to a lounge chair, covered in a towel with ice piled on and wearing girly sunglasses, I must have looked a sight to them, but either way I was not happy about it and tried to struggle in an attempt to somehow get free and put an end to this, but all I did was causes some of the ice to slide off me and pile up a little at my sides again, causing me to wince and shiver again.

" well little bro, I guess you can't ever say my friends aren't nice to you, look at how comfy they made sure you are " my sister said with a snicker, as I just grumbled to myself, " I got to get a picture of this " my sister then said now as I looked at her,

" Mmmph, nggghh ! " I shouted shaking my head

" oh, don't worry, i'll be sure to share them with you Afterwords, I just want to have this moment to remember together" she said

" Good idea,I'd love to have this memory to charrish " Clarrissa said with a smirk at me

" you could send me some too, I would love to remember this day too " Anne finally spoke up with a giggle as she winked at me

" right then, hold on then ladies, just let me get my camera " she said as she walked over to the patio table and began to dig through her bag as I could only wait there, as the girls as looked down at me giggling a little. shortly my sister had returned back with her Camera now from her bag.

" Okay bro, get ready to smile " she said waving the camera in front of me " as I tried to pleaded with her into changing her mind. of course, all the came out was muffled pleads that no one understood or simply didn't care to understand.

okay, first, let's all get a few of you alone, then we can all get some group shots together " she said as the girls all liked the sound of that Idea, I however didn't sound as enthusiastic

"okay, bro, even though no one won't be able to tell, try to smile your best through the tape " she said as she helped up her camera, as I became defiant and turned my head away, flushing a bit.

" come now, don't give us any trouble here, be good and smile " she said holding up the camera but I still didn't listen and continued to keep my head turned away. to which she frowned now.

" bro, is that anyway to treat me and my friends, after shay here was nice enough to help cool you off and even letting you borrow a pair of her sunglasses. " she said in a scolding tone as I still continued to look away. to which she finally let out a sigh

" well, I guess I'll just have to find a way to sure you comply with us. "she said thinking for a moment, that's when though, Clarrissa then whispered something in her ear as she then got a devious smirk again

" oh, yes, that'll do, " she said as she looked at me. " well Josh, sense you don't want to listen to us, I guess the only way to do so is to show you what I'll do if you don't " she said as she handed Clare her camera for the moment and then knelt down in front of me, right where my legs were tied.

" Mmmph ? " I said wondering what she was going to do now. as she then looked at me with a cruel grin as she then grabbed my feet in her hand and even through the sunglasses, I could see how she held up her other hand in a very worrying manner, wigging her fingers slightly above my soles. I now widen my eyes in alarm at this as I knew just what she had planned, I began to shake my head pleadingly

" oh, but, you don't want to listen, so, I guess the only thing I can do is show you what happens if you want to play this way " She said as she began to bring her wiggling fingers closer and closer

" Mmmmfffhhh ! " I shouted trying to pull my feet away from her, but the rope keeping them secured to the bottom of the chair kept them right in her position and ready for anything she had planned for them. and soon I felt the touch of her wiggling fingers on my bare feet as I was sent into histaria

Mmmmmmmpppppppphhh !!!! " I shouted thrashing my head and body as best I could as I felt her fingers wriggle up and down on the chair " Mmmph hhhmmmmh ! " I laughed and screamed, as my feet were ticked with no mercy, she wriggled her finger all around were she could as I slammed by head on the back of the chair trying to yell for her to stop

" that's right bro, this is what happens to those who are disobedient " she said as I shook my head

" you should listen to your big sis joshy, she really can make you squirm it seems " clarissa said with a simple smirk as I knew she gave her the Idea in the first place. but was powerless to do really anything about this right now. and my sister kept her tickling assault to my feet for the next five minutes I assumed as the girls all watched on, seeming to enjoy my squirms and muffled laughter. but soon and thankfully it all came to an end as my sister finally let up, and stood back as I was left panting now. I had managed to make most of the ice that had not melted now roll off and fall to the sides of me like before, but i didn't care as I was just happy to have the ticking be put to a stop.

" well then little bro, you going to keep giving us trouble or are you going to listen from now on ? " Melony said as I looked at her and gave a quick nod, I didn't want to risk that again anytime soon I complied with her.

" Okay good, see how easy it could have been, well lets hope you learned from that, but now look at the ice has melted, I think we should fix that before we continue on with the photo shoot " my sister said as she looked over at shay who nodded with a chuckle and brough back the cooler again, digging in she Took another handful of ice and I simply groaned as the ice was one again piled on the towel again. and once it was replaced, the photoshoot was underway again.

I spent the next 10 minutes or so, where picture were snapped of me in my humiliating predicament, a few with me alone and a bunch with me and girls standing down beside me, teasing me, and even a couple with the sunglasses removed, but were soon put back on as soon as they were done, to which eventually they had got their fill of photographing me. and were all ready to do something else. that's when my sister spoke up.

" okay bro, were going to go inside for a short bit, we'll be back out soon though, so don't worry, int he mean time you can relax out here for a bit, that towel should continue to keep you cool for a bit longer, until then tough, just relax and chill, we'll have more fun in a short bit " she said as she gave a little nod, and began to make her way back toward the girls, followed by the rest of her friend who all either gave a little way to me, Clarissa winking and blowing me a little kiss as she did. before disappearing side with the rest, and once again I found myself left alone, this time, completely on my own. I didn't know when they'd be back buy I can say I was not looking forward to it, I knew I needed to try and get out of this before they returned, and figured that I should use this time to do so, so with that began to return to my struggling once again and fought at the bonds that helped be strapped down tightly, the thoughts of what they could do to me next being my fuel to do so..

To be continued.....
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Post by Ossassin »

I love the use of ice, very creative quite fun. Can only approve of such a generous method of temperature regulation 8-)
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Post by guardian741 »

Loving the story! Always a fan of sibling rivalry!

Whats next? Change of gag maybe? Foot smelling? Dolling him up like a girl?
Excited to hear whats next!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago I love the use of ice, very creative quite fun. Can only approve of such a generous method of temperature regulation 8-)
Thanks, glad you enjoy, I always been a fan of the light and silly torment ideas for the Tied up victims to endure !, and I guess you can bet Josh isn't going to be loosing his " cool " thanks to his sister's friend now :lol:
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Post by Nightly Binds »

guardian741 wrote: 3 years ago Loving the story! Always a fan of sibling rivalry!

Whats next? Change of gag maybe? Foot smelling? Dolling him up like a girl?
Excited to hear whats next!
Thanks, a lot, and same here ! and oh very great Ideas, for now though lets just say, the girls certainly have a few things in store for him that I'm sure he'll have no complaints about ;)
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Post by Nightly Binds »

hey everyone, sorry for the long wait for the next part. but here it finally is , hope you all enjoy and of course love to hear your feedback ! . ;)

Poolside problems Part 4

So, there I was, in a situation I would have never guessed I'd find myself in,much less this morning when I figured I'd go out for a swim in the pool, but no, here I am, laying out in the backyard of my house, tied to a sun deck chair in my swim trunks , with long coils ( and thankfully ) soft rope, gagged with a sponge in my mouth sealed with strips of medical tape. a towel placed draped over my body with Ice cubes piled on top, and if just to add some more insult to my situation, I been fitted with a pair of girly sunglasses. ( it at least did help keeping sunlight out of my eyes )

However Despite my best attempts to hopefully break free of my bonds that kept me confined to this Damn Lounger, the results were looking not much better then any of the previous attempts and With the Heat of the sun baring down on me on the parts that weren't met with the cold embrace of the Icy Towel, it was only starting to become more and more irritating as I struggled. luckily though the suns warmth was making the ice only melt that much faster. yet that still didn't help my overall plight.

I slumped back in my seat as I tried to think of a way I could get myself out of this, all this struggling frantically was not going to get me loose at this point, and it would be best to save my energy, so i sat there and waited and listened to the sounds of the summer atmosphere around me. the slight ripple sounds of the pool water before me, the distant sounds of lawn mowers and people and some kids playing in the distance, made me feel a bit lucky we had a high wooden fence around our back yard, I'd hate to be spotted as I was now, all bound and gagged the thought made me squirm a little,as I felt some pieces of ice slide off the towel and gather at the side of my stomach, causing me to wince. it had to have been almost 15 minutes now sense My sister and her friends had left me out here like this, and now I was really starting to wonder just when they'd be back, not because I wanted them t-o, but cause I was more so worried about what they all had in store for me when they did.

The thoughts didn't sit well with me as I feared I'd be in for a lot more teasing from them, I did one little test on my bonds just for the sake of seeing if I could get some sort of slack, and big surprise, no such luck. I took a deep breath and figured it was no use and waiting for their return was going to be my only option. plus I figured it'd be best to at least save my energy in this heat, even with the ice on my belly, ( though that had practically all melted now ) and with the sponge gag in my mouth, it was soaking up all my Saliva, reminding me of just how thirsty I was starting to get, and hoping that I could at least get a beverage at some point. but for now. all I could do was sit tight in my restraints.

I'm not too sure how long it must have been now when I heard the girls coming back outside, probably no more then 5 minutes after I have resigned to my fate, but still, when all bound up like this without a watch or a way to check time, time seems to go on. in fact I was almost slightly relived as I know this could mean me potentially getting released.

" Heeey Little bro " Melony said her voice ringing out from behind me. " still here huh ? that's good, we were all worried if you might have decided to, you know just get up and go before we all got back " she teased as if I had much of a choice, she then walked around into my view now. ' he he, nice glasses, " she giggled as I moaned lightly.

" well I no he wouldn't be going anywhere. no way would he want to pass up a chance to continue hanging out with us, he must really love our company " Clarissa now spoke up walking up to the other side of me and crouching down " isn't that right little joshy " she said stroking the side of my cheek as I felt myself blush but turned away from her.

" oooh, wow, look all the ice has finally melted. " Shay now said joining the others at their side. " guess you should really thank me for coming up with that " Cool " Idea for helping you beat the heat " she chuckled a little as I squirmed some more in my bonds now, showing I was clearly getting annoyed of their teasing and just wanting to be let go now.

" here bro, don't think you'll need it any more " my sister said snagging the towel from my body exposing my stomach to the sun's heat again. then to which a thought just dawned onto me. what if I got a tan line from that ? a square tan line, the thought didn't sit well me with me as I look forward at my belly as best I Could with these stupid glasses trying see if I could make out any type of line,

" aww what's the matter ? did you miss seeing your belly ? " my sis teased as the girls all giggled, causing me to now rest my head back again blushing slightly.

" I think he might be worried he got a tan line or something ? " Clarissa said seeming to read my thoughts. "

" Mmmh hmmm ! " I nodded into my gag now to confirm she was right.

" oh, I see, well. don't worry bro, there's nothing, too noticeable there " she with a wink as I grumbled and glared at her through my glasses, though in my state I clearly looked as least intimating as one could be. but then I realized that not only did I have a slight tan mark from the towel, but these ropes would be giving me some rather, questionable looking ones as well. not to mention these glasses. a thought that did sit to well with me at all. however the girls didn't seem to notice or care of that detail as my sister began to speak up again.

" well anyway bro, as we were inside, we all had some ideas of how we can spend some more time together, and plus just think, it'll be a really great way for you to spend your day off from work. much better then anything silly thing you had planed " she said with a teasing smirk just rubbing it in more at how annoyed I was by all this.

" gggrrrhhhh Hmmmmm !! " I shook out now in my bonds, and yelling into my gag demanding I be released. to which the girls just found more amusing as they all burst into even more fits of laughter.

" awww, glad hear you are excited, were going to have so much more fun, yes we are " my sister cooed to me in a condescending tone. that just irrorated me even more. " but first, we have to set up a few things " she said with a smile and nodded to the others who all began to make their way away from me again.

" hmmm ? mmmpphh " I tried calling back to them.

" don't worry, we'll be right back " my sister said

" yeah, we just need to grab a couple things " Clare teased as they all were heading back over toward the Pool shed again,

" Hmmm ? " I wondered what they had in store now. but based on just the few things they did, I don't think I was going to like it very much. however though I didn't have to wait long this time before I heard a sound, a loud sound, the sound of, something, no things, being moved, the girls were brining something over toward me. and soon I saw what it was, another lounge chair ? and soon another and another, they were lining up the lounge chairs we all had ( we had eight in total, only we kept four out at a time usually ) along side me, two on either side of me ?

" Mmmm ? " I looked at both sides of me, and seeing my slight confusion My sister giggled.

" oh, well, you see bro, we all been thinking, it's such a beautifully warm day out, the perfect day for one to, you know, get a tan " she say with a smirk " and well we can all see you had the right idea, sun bathing out here is just all what we need "

" that's right, so, we all decided, we'd join you in soaking up those rays man " Shay said with a smirk

" ain't that sound like a lot of fun, everyone loves a good tan, though with you, you certainly have been really committed to getting the perfect one " my sister teased some more.

" well I don't think he seems to mind, i mean, he's been laying in this chair for a some time now. I guess he's not so worried about over doing it, but hey, i think it suits him " Clarissa said with a mock tone in her voce as I just grumbled again at her. " so let's say we start then hmm ? "

" I'll get the stereo " Anne said with a smile finally speaking up again. as she made her way off as the girls all placed a towel down on one of the Lounge chair. and Anne soon came back with my sisters portable stereo. and set it down along side of the lounge chair. my sister chuckled as she walked up to

" I know you won't mind if we play some, music, " she said winking at me as she then pressed play as soon some Girly pop music began to play, causing me to groan knowing I'd have to listen to that for as long as they liked.

" okay ladies, let's get tanning ! " my sister said as each of the girls now took a spot on the lounge chairs on either side of me, and laid across them now, each getting comfortable into position. From how they were, Anne and my sister were on one side of me. and Clarissa and shay where on the other.

" now then, we can all relax and enjoy the music " my sister said, as I simply laid their , as I moaned into my gag

" shush bro, just enjoy the music and work on that tan " my sister said

" Yeah, maybe you could even it out a little with your belly " Clarissa said with a chuckle as I Moaned into my gag even more.

I was then forced to spend what felt like forever laying their this lounge chair as the girls all relaxed and slightly gossiped to one another. and of course, being forced to listen to that annoying pop music my sister listened to of who ever was the biggest hit female singer of the genre at the time. needless to say, it was a bit maddening to have to hear it. however, if there was one thing I could say. at least they weren't bother me directly or psychically, in fact all they did was just lay there getting their tans. which wasn't so bad for me to deal with if their attention wasn't directed at me.
How ever that still didn't make me feel any better about how I'm literally tied up on what was supposed to be my day off for relaxing, and this isn't how I figured to spend it, regardless if I was technically made to lay on a sun chair.

well, after what felt like another 10 minutes of being forced to bask in the sun much longer the I had ever intended to. it was finally when My sister sat up for a moment and spoke up

" my, I'm pretty thirsty again, could any of you girls go for a cold lemonade ? " she said as that only reminded me of how thirsty I was.

" I'm good, but thanks " shay Said stilling relaxing in the sun.

" same here " Anne spoke with a nod.

" I could go for a little drink " Clarissa said.

" I see, well I'll go grab some then. how about you bro, you want a drink ? " she asked as I looked up at her, was she serious ? I been dying for a drink for the longest time now. the only fluid I was getting was from my own saliva from the soaked sponge in my mouth, I needed a real drink now.

" Mmmmhh mmmppphh ! " I called out nodded my head yes.

" ah I see, I thought so, well hold on, I'll get you on too. " she said as she made her way off now, leaving me here with the rest of the girls who all took back to relaxing in the sun again.

" enjoying your tanning ? " Clarissa said with a slight chuckle down at me as she then laid back down on her lounger as they continued to ignore me for the moment., however shortly my sister returned with the drink in hand, three bottles of lemonade, she first handed one over to Clare who thanked her and then pulled her lounge chair up toward mine and took a seat on it facing me.

" okay josh, here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to take your gag off, but if you make one noise, it's going right back in,and let me say, I won't be using the sponge again. but something much worse " she said with a serious tone. " understand ? "

I looked at her and nodded as she smiled and giggled " good, I see you are learning your place. " she chuckled as she began to undo the tape on my mouth pulling each of them off , allowing me to spit the sponge out of my mouth finally, to which a took breath of relief finally having that out of my mouth. she also then finally took off those dumb sunglasses off my face, which I admit my eyes squinted needing to adjusted to the sunlight.

" okay now, time for your drink " she said as she placed a straw in the bottle and held it toward my lips. which I eager took in and began sipping away quickly.

" oh wow. look at you.you really were thirsty " she giggled lightly.

" i wanted to tell her no shit as I been tied up in the hot sun all day. but knew that would get me nothing good to come. so instead I slurped my drink until I was satisfied, and let her pull the drink away.

" there are then, all good now ? " she said as I just looked at her, not sure if I should respond or not. but simply gave a slight nod.

" good then bro, cause, I been thinking it's time we change up your position just a bit " she said as I Widen my eyes.

" whaaa-" I was about to say but then cut myself off, just as Melony caught that slightly and shook her head.

" I'll let that slide, but yes. I think you could, get a bit more comfy with the way you are." she said with a nod. Clare, mind helping me out a bit, but first " my sister said holding up the tale and the sponge again as rolled my eyes knowing what was coming next, and soon enough I had the thing stuffed in my mouth and several strands of the medical tape applied to my lips. once again cutting off any chance I had of making noise if I decided.

soon both Clair and my sister began to untie my hands from the chair letting my wrists be free,, my sister then called over shay to help out and told her to grip both my writs and cross them above and behind my head. which she did., soon my sister took one of the ropes used to bind my wrists,

" okay bro, this should help you feel and look a bit more, relaxed " she said as she then began to tied the rope around both my wrists and tied it tightly then used the other end of it, and began to tie it to the top of the lounge chair pole fixing it securely to it. shay then let go of my hands now.

the girls all stood in front of me once again like before and admired the job, from the looks of it, it looked as though I was simply relaxing my hands behind my head. I squirmed and tested my bonds and found they were tied very tightly not letting me drop my elbows below my Ear line .

" Hmmmhhh, mmmmppphhh ! " grunted into my gag as I pulled and tugged as best I could, all the girls giggled and laughed at my plight.

" you certainly look really relaxed now " Clarissa said with a chuckle, " but you sound anything but " she added

" yeah, I mean look at you now, with your arms like that, you can't put your hands down and your exposed a lot with your under arms " shay said tapping her chin, with a clear devious grin.

" Hmm ? " I said looking up no and ceasing my struggles for the moment.

" your right shay, he looks so much more helpless and exposed like that. it's sort of, tempting to. do something about it, like, making him really, squirm " Clarissa said with one of her cold and evil looking smirks.

" I think they are one do something bro, " my sister said with a grin of her own. " lets say we girls, have a little fun now with him like this " she said, as she raised her fingers and wriggled them. over me.

" Mmmmmppppphhhhh ! " I shouted I began to feel sweat form on my forehead and not from the sun. soon each girl had now gathered around me at one side. my sister and Anne on one and Shay and Clarissa on another. all wearing devilish grins, and at this point, even though my body has been tied up for the longest time, I now never felt more helpless and exposed as I did at this moment.

To be continued
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Post by whatever351 »

Great continuation! He's really in a tough position but I hope melony follows through on worsening his gag soon
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Post by Ossassin »

I always do find messing around with tan lines a blast, and a worsened gag is always a delight. I wonder will it be socks or can you come up with something worse? Either is great make no mistake but well so far you’ve shown a notable creative spark, :D
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Post by guardian741 »

Im also glad to see this continuation! Im happy to see that the MC’s sister is actually enjoying the situation.

Im also curious to see about the “much worse” gag - bring it on! Cant wait to see the additional tortures and duration. Do they let him go soon? Or do they move the party inside? Time for a makeover? Girls need a footstool? Just going to shove him in a closet? Does he have a girlfriend that would enjoy seeing him?

Loving the creativity so far!
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