Naughty teen girl breaks pandemic boredom (FM/F)

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Naughty teen girl breaks pandemic boredom (FM/F)

Post by chuckie »

[a note jointly from Chuckie and your anonymous storyteller]: This is a major edit and rewrite of an earlier version that was removed due to concerns about its appropriateness. To be safe, we decided to post the edit in the "adult" section. This story (and any possible followups) are about tie up games involving a young adult (late teen) woman and her parents. Everything in this story involves "enthusiastically consensual" adults. There is no sex in this story, except for perhaps a bit of implied reference to tie up games between a loving adult married couple (the parents). There is nothing explicitly sexual. That said, here is the story...

Hi, I'm an eighteen year old girl. I don't want to go totally public with this, so I won't say my name or where I live. I was lucky to get connected with a friend of a relative, Chuckie, and he agreed to post this anonymously for me. I hope you like my story.

This happened late one afternoon near the end of July 2020. My senior year had been cut short when the pandemic closed our schools and we had to finish the year online as best we could, and we only had an online virtual graduation. Online school was boring, but after the school year ended, it got much worse. I couldn't get together with friends, we couldn't go out to the mall, and we had cancelled our family vacation plans.

It was just my parents and me, living a little outside of town, so we didn't even have close neighbors. I had "celebrated" my 18th birthday about a month ago, soon after the school year ended, if you can even call it a celebration, since it was just my parents and me. My parents are both absolutely wonderful; we are very close and I love them and I feel very loved by them. But still, hanging out with my parents wasn't my idea of excitement. This particular day was a really hot summer day. We had air conditioning, but it wasn't really keeping up, and there were brownouts happening.

My mom was working from home, but my dad was away at his office for the day. I was cranky about the heat and about my boredom. My mom suggested I put on my bathing suit and go play in the lawn sprinkler. This was something I actually had a lot of fun with as a younger girl when it was hot, but I felt like I was too old for it. But it was really hot, and mom offered to take a break from her work and come join me. Before I knew it she had changed into her bikini.

The summer before, back when we were able to take a real vacation, mom and I had bought identical white bikinis. They were very "middle of the road"; not super skimpy ones that showed everything, but not especially conservative either. My mom and I are exactly the same size, so we can wear each other's clothes. She is in great shape and she looks quite a bit younger than she is, so we got a lot of curious questions on the beach last summer. People were never entirely sure if we were mother and daughter or sisters. Anyhow, I got changed too, and we went out to the sprinkler. We also got out some super soakers and chased each other around. It was great fun. After some outdoor time, my mom had work to do, so we both went inside. Mom didn't have any video calls in the afternoon for her work, so she decided to just stay in her bikini. I kept mine on too.

On to the more interesting part. For as long as I can remember, my parents always had a big old trunk in the back corner of their bedroom, and it was always locked with a small padlock. I was very curious about what was inside. I had asked my mom a couple of times about it, but she just said it was private and she would never tell me anything. Of course this made me even more curious. The way it was located, I could always see it when I went down the hall past their room if the door was open. The lock was always locked, and I rarely failed to take a look to verify this whenever I walked by. I did have a few suspicions, most of them involving my imagination of sex toys they might have, but I kept them to myself.

But this one day, as I walked down the hall, I looked in, and to my complete astonishment, the lock was obviously just hanging there unlocked. I wanted to rush in for a look, but I also didn't want to get caught snooping, so I thought it wise to do a quick check. I went to mom's work area, and I saw she was deeply engaged in a business phone call.

Perfect! I rushed back to their bedroom, and I slipped out the unlocked padlock and I slowly opened the forbidden trunk. My eyes grew wide with the sight before me; I couldn't believe what I saw.

In the trunk, on top there was a strange thing that looked vaguely like a fake leather purse, but with a lot of straps on it, and there was lots of soft white rope. There were also a couple of pairs of handcuffs, real handcuffs with real keys, not toy ones. There were also a lot of straps, mostly soft fabric webbing, like the material that car seat belts are made of. And there were lots of things I didn't understand at all, but I guessed they were various kinds of sex toys that were unfamiliar to me. I was absolutely fascinated.

I picked up a pair of handcuffs and explored them. There was a key in the keyhole. My curiosity was overwhelming. I used the handcuffs to cuff my ankles together, and I picked up one of the straps. It was white, made of imitation leather. This didn't surprise me; my parents and I are all vegetarian, and we tend not to wear or buy leather things much. I took the strap and strapped my legs together, on my thighs just above my knees, and I continued to explore the fascinating contents of the trunk.

At some point I turned around and looked to the doorway. To my horror, my mom was standing in the doorway to her bedroom, perfectly silently, watching me. I was terrified. I knew I had broken a major house rule, snooping around in someone else's private stuff. I figured I was in really big trouble. My parents are both mostly calm, reasonable people, but as a teenager who liked to push limits a bit, I was certainly capable of getting them angry with me. I was expecting to catch hell.

To my surprise, I didn't get yelled at. Instead, mom got kind of a mischievous smirk on her face. She asked if I knew what happened to people who snoop around where they shouldn't. I was so upset and scared I could hardly get out words. I kind of stammered an apology in a weak voice. Mom came to me and she took another strap out of the trunk. She crossed my arms so they were folded in front of me, with my wrists together and my hands pointing in opposite directions. She put the strap around my wrists, pulled it quite snug, and she buckled it. Then she closed the trunk, put the padlock back in the hasp, and locked it.

"I'm just going to leave you there like that to give you some time to think about what you did. I'm going to go finish my work now, then I'll come back to check on you. Of course if there is a real emergency you can yell and I'll come. But you'd better not unless it is a real emergency. I'll be back to release you when I feel like it." And with that, she left.

My feelings were all crazy and mixed up. My heart was still pounding from getting caught and being afraid Mom would be angry. But it was also pounding because it felt super exciting to have my wrists strapped together like this. And I could tell my Mom's mischievous and playful tone that this was a game for her. And it was a game for me too. And it was so wonderful to break the boredom!

I struggled against the strap that held my wrists, but it was way too snug to slip out of it. I was able to go from kneeling back up to standing, but with the other strap around my thighs just above my knees, and a pair of handcuffs locking my ankles together, I couldn't run or even walk. I could hop a little, or shuffle along a couple of inches at a time, but that was all. I looked down, and the handcuff key was still on the carpet where I had left it, but my big problem was that my wrists were strapped together and the buckle was completely out of my reach. I tried bringing my wrists up to my mouth and that sort of worked, except that the buckle was on the wrong side.

I eventually figured out that by biting onto the strap and wriggling my wrists, after a while I was able to slide it around, to get the buckle on top. Once I did this, I was able to use my teeth to work the strap partly out of the buckle, then I bit on the free of the strap and eventually it came loose. Once my hands were free, I easily removed the strap on my thighs, and I used the key to unlock the handcuffs and take them off my ankles. I dried off the wet spot on the strap where I had been biting it, and I left the other strap and the handcuffs on top of the locked trunk. I buckled the strap from my wrists back into a loop and I took it with me downstairs.

Mom seemed a little surprised to see me as I walked into her office area, completely free and twirling the buckled strap around my finger. "I'm Houdini", I boasted. She looked at me with an even more mischievous look. "I don't think you learned your lesson at all. Maybe I need to put you in something a little more secure." I accepted the challenge: "I can get out of anything".

"We'll see about that". Mom turned me around and made me cross my wrists behind my back, and she buckled the strap back on. Then she took a piece of tape from her desk tape dispenser and she taped down the free end of the strap so it wouldn't flop around. I think she must have known that my teeth on the free end was the secret to my escape. Now, with my hands behind my back and the strap end taped down, that was not going to work. "That should do a better job of keeping you out of trouble. Now go to your room and think about what you did. I'm sure you'll try to escape again. When you give up, you can come back and beg me to let you out."

I was so excited by the new challenge! I left Mom's office area, and went back to my bedroom. I had left the door closed, but it was no problem for me to grab the doorknob with a hand, as long as I turned my back to the door. I struggled for a while, but I made no progress. I tried to stretch my hands down and slip my butt through to get my arms in front, but with my wrists crossed like that my arms were way too short. So it seemed like I was pretty stuck, but I had no intention of admitting defeat and begging to Mom. Finally I got an idea.

I quietly went down to the basement where we had a small workshop. I could hear Mom on a long and somewhat loud work call, so I knew she was occupied. I had enough use of my hands to do a few things, like get out a screwdriver. With the screwdriver, I was able to break the tape off the strap and get a floppy free end past the buckle again. With some more screwdriver work, I also got the strap half way out of the buckle, but then I was stuck again; I still had nothing to pull the strap to get the buckle undone. Finally I found a plan that worked. I managed to get a workbench drawer open a little, and I got the free end to hang down into the open drawer and I shut the drawer onto it. It took me a few tries to get it right, but finally I was able to hold the drawer shut by leaning on it with my butt, and then I was able to lift up my wrists and get the strap off the little metal piece in the buckle. And once I did that, the strap came right off and I was free again.

I wasted no time going back to Mom's office, again twirling the strap on my finger. She was more surprised this time. "I told you I was like Houdini!". She kind of smiled and said I was just making a game of all this. I admitted I was. She asked if I wanted a real challenge, much harder than the first two. Of course I did!

Mom took the strap from me. She told me I had better go to the bathroom now, since I might not be able to later, and then I should wait for her in my room. She went to her room and shut the door. I took care of business, while thinking about what she might be getting out of the trunk. I was hoping it would be some rope; I was getting really curious about how it would feel to be tied up. I was sweating, partly from the summer heat and partly from the excitement of wondering what was going to happen next.

After a few minutes, Mom came to my room, holding something that sort of looked like a big white purse with extra straps. She told me she had something special for me to wear. It seemed like two parallel sleeves. She had me fold my arms in front of me, with my forearms parallel but in opposite directions, so my right hand was on my left elbow and my left hand was on my right elbow. Then she took my hands one at a time, unfolding my arms, and she slipped them into the sleeves. The sleeves were not open like normal shirt sleeves; they ended in padded mittens with no thumbs. There were two more shorter straps at each end of the thing. She fastened a strap around each wrist, so I couldn't slide my hands out of the mittens, and she also fastened a strap around each arm just above my elbows, so I couldn't even tug on the thing.

I asked mom if this was my next escape challenge. She said not quite and she quickly undid all four straps, and I slipped my arms back out of the tubes so I was free again. Then Mom came behind me, and took my arms and slipped them into the sleeves behind my back this time. So now my arms were folded parallel again, but this time behind my back instead of in front of me. Mom quickly did up all four straps very snugly. "I think this will do a better job of keeping you out of trouble. I expect the next time that I see you, it will be when you really do come to beg me to let you out." And she left me like that in my room.

My first problem was that I got an itch on my nose. With my arms and hands all strapped up behind my back, I couldn't touch my face. I ended up just flopping onto my bed so I could rub my nose on the bedspread. After that, I explored my predicament, I thought about what I could and couldn't do like this, and I thought about how I might possibly escape.

I thought about the trunk, and the fact that it was obvious that my parents played tie up games. And given how much was in the trunk, they probably played them a lot. We are a physically affectionate family; we all love to hug and cuddle. Dad and I have wonderful tickle fights, and Mom and Dad have them too. Dad is a little bigger and stronger than Mom and me, so he usually "wins" in a one on one, but he is so wonderful and loving that it's fun to "lose". Losing usually means Dad gets you pinned and he holds both of your wrists tight so you are helpless while he tickles you with his other hand. Before it stops being fun, he always switches to hugging and squeezing and cuddling you. Mom and I love it. Sometimes the two of us gang up on Dad. With two against one, we can always win. In the end Dad ends up getting hugged and squeezed by two of us at once, and he loves it.

I thought about what kinds of games Mom and Dad must be playing in private. Mom and I are the same size; we can wear each other's clothes. And I noticed that the thing Mom had strapped me into just fit me perfectly with no adjusting. That meant she must have been the last one to "wear" it. And that meant that Dad must have strapped her in. And given that I had found the trunk unlocked today, this probably all just happened last night.

I had noticed at breakfast today Mom and Dad were extra affectionate, with lots of smiles and lots of hugging and touching and extra teasing. I wondered how they played their games. Did Dad "attack" Mom and strap her in, or was Mom his all too willing prisoner? Just like I was with Mom? And what did he do to her once she was helpless? Given how cheerful she was this morning, I figured he must have taken very good care of his prisoner. I was getting turned on thinking about it. I didn't have a boyfriend, but I fantasized about what it might be like to have a boyfriend that I could play these kinds of games with.

I went to feel what it was like to explore the house without the use of my hands or arms. I paused by a full length mirror at the end of the bedroom hallway. I was quite a sight. I looked at myself from the front in my bikini. Then I turned my back to the mirrors and I looked over my shoulder to get a better look at the strange thing I was strapped into. It really was a perfect fit for me. The two straps above my elbows and the two straps around my wrists made it very secure. There were little elastic places where all the loose strap ends were tucked in, so nothing was flopping around. There were even little tabs that covered all the buckles, so there would not be any simple way for me to mess with them. It began to sink in that maybe I really was stuck this time; I might be in this until Mom felt like releasing me. And that made it more fun and more exciting.

I walked around all through the house like this. I let my fantasies go kind of wild. What if the cute guys from school were here and they found me like this? Would they like what they saw? What kind of games could we play like this? I was having a little fun with my fantasy. I got bold enough to walk over by the windows. We didn't have any close neighbors, so it really wasn't that bold, but I figured I'd be quite a sight for anyone who looked in and saw a helpless girl in a bikini.

I hadn't come up with any reasonable escape plan, and I heard my Mom end a work phone call, so I walked back into her office area. She seemed quite amused to see that I was still strapped in, just the way she had left me. "No escape this time? I thought you said you were like Houdini! I guess you've come to beg me to let you out." I was having fun with the whole experience, and although my arms were feeling a little bit stiff, I wasn't terribly uncomfortable. I remained defiant. "Never!" She got a huge, very mischievous grin. "Stick around, and I'll get you a new surprise." Yesterday, I was bored beyond all hope. Today I was having the most fun and excitement of the whole summer. I couldn't wait for the new surprise. She left quickly, while I thought more about what she must do in private with Dad.

Mom returned, carrying a small black cloth drawstring bag. She had a couch in her office area and she had me sit down on it. She reached into the bag, took out a strap, and fastened my legs firmly together at my ankles. Then she got another strap and secured it just above my knees. She said normally she would have stopped here, but since I was such an escape artist, she was going to make things extra secure. She secured a third strap just below my knees. Then she took out a fourth strap that was longer and wider than the others, and she put it around my upper thighs and she made it nice and snug too.

Mom teased me: "I think you were a little too mobile for a prisoner." I'll bet you were going and standing by the windows like that, so you could put on a great show for any lucky boy who was passing by." She knew me pretty well, and I teased right back. "I'll bet you would have done the same thing. You might have even gone for a little stroll in the yard." She smiled and came right back. "Except I would have skipped the bikini and gone buck naked." I smiled back and flexed my arms behind my back, at least the tiny bit I could move them. "You mean naked except for this thing, right? I'll bet you would like being all strapped up and helpless even more than me." She didn't miss a beat. "Of course! Being caught naked is way more exciting if you can't use your hands to cover up." I was feeling bold enough to ask more questions. "I'll bet Dad straps you up or ties you up a lot." She didn't respond to me. "Do you tie up Dad too?" Still no answer.

Mom finally responded. "You're an awfully chatty prisoner, but I'll fix that." She reached back into the bag, and she took out what looked like a white rubber ball with a couple of white straps on it. "Let's see if this is the right size for you. Open your mouth wide!" I was kind of shocked, but also even more excited. I opened my mouth wide and she popped the ball in past my teeth. I'm not sure if I might have been able to pop it back out again myself, but she quickly buckled the long strap behind my head, so it definitely wasn't coming out now. Then she fastened a small strap snugly under my chin. "What were you asking?" I tried to talk, but just some muffled gibberish came out. Having a rubber ball in my mouth was bad enough, but the chin strap kept it tight against my bottom teeth, so my tongue was useless too.

She had one more thing for me. She dumped out the bag, and a big soft black sleep mask fell out. "I don't have one of these in white. You look lovely all in white, in your cute little bikini and your arm restraints and the ball in your mouth and all these straps. But black and white makes a good combination. She slipped the sleep mask over my head and pulled it down over my eyes. She slid it down and adjusted it carefully. It was oversized, and it had really soft padded edges all around, especially down my nose. I leaned my head back to see if I could maybe peek a tiny bit, but no luck. I was in a sunny spot on Mom's office couch, but I couldn't even tell if it was day or night; I was in complete darkness.

I felt more helpless than I had ever felt in my life. Still, I knew I was completely safe in my mischievous but loving Mom's hands. I wasn't going anywhere, but at least I was able to flop face down on Mom's couch. I explored my condition. I was so stuck, I was completely helpless and nearly naked in my little white bikini, and now I couldn't talk and I couldn't see.

At least I could still hear. And the thing I heard was our garage door opening. And the entrance to our house from the garage was right through Mom's office area. Before I could even process it, Mom spoke up. "Oh good! Dad is home! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees his sweet little angel all done up like this. His eyes are going to pop out of his head!" I went into panic mode. This was just too embarrassing, to be seen by Dad, all bound and gagged and blindfolded just in my little bikini. I tried to beg to be let out, but I couldn't get an understandable word out. I thrashed around like crazy, but the straps didn't budge at all.

I heard Mom walk over to the couch, and I thought for a second I might have a chance of being rescued. But all she did was lift my sleep mask up high onto my forehead. "I don't want you to miss seeing the look on Dad's face either. It's going to be priceless!" I went into complete crazy mode, trying to beg her to let me out but about all I could do was grunt and mew. And Mom was no help at all. "Please don't take all that off yet! At least not until your Dad gets a really good look!" Of course I couldn't do anything at all, but I kept struggling. I was still face down on the couch. Mom gave me a playful swat on my bottom.

After what was probably only a minute but it seemed much longer, the door from the garage opened, and Dad walked in. As expected, his eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. Mom was standing right behind the couch; I think she wanted to be close by but she didn't want to block the view. "It looks like your little angel is really a little devil. I caught her snooping in our bedroom in our private trunk." I saw Mom had a big mischievous smile. "What do you think her punishment should be?"

Dad's shock was already fading, and he got his own mischievous smile. "It looks like you already got her pretty good. How much of a fight did she put up while you strapped her in?" "No fight at all; the silly girl just let me strap her up. I don't think she had any second thoughts until after it was much too late. But I decided to wait until you got home to figure out her real punishment." Dad jumped right into the game, and he scooped me into his arms and picked me up off the couch. I could already tell by the expression on his face that he was very amused, and he really wasn't angry with me at all.

Dad asked Mom to follow along as he carried me down the bedroom hallway. He put me down gently on the carpet in front of the mirror at the end of the hall. Then he helped me up to a standing position. It was a little scary since with my legs all strapped up and my arms bound behind me, if I fell I would just go splat without being able to stop my fall. But he held me tightly and he turned to Mom. "Can you believe the two of us brought something this beautiful into the world? She's so cute and so cuddly maybe we shouldn't punish her." Dad gave me a great big hug, and Mom came over and hugged me too. I still had the rubber ball in my mouth, so I couldn't say a thing.

Then Mom spoke up. "You should turn her around for a view from the back too." So Dad hugged me again and picked me up in a hug. He turned around holding me and he gently set me back down, but this time with my back to the mirror. I looked over my shoulder in the mirror. Mom continued her teasing. "I think that cute bottom of hers really needs a good spanking. Who knew our little angel was really such a devil." Dad was having fun too. "I think she's seen enough for now." He continued to hold me tightly with one arm so I couldn't fall, and with his other hand he pulled the sleep mask back down over my eyes to blindfold me again. Mom made sure it was pressed in against my nose perfectly.

Dad scooped me up in his arms again and he carried me back down the hall. I couldn't see a thing, but I could tell they were bringing me to our family room. I felt Dad sit down holding me, and I realized that they were sitting together on our big family room couch, with me face up across their laps. "Let's start her out with the worst tickle torture of her life!" My bare tummy and my bare feet were completely exposed and vulnerable, and I was absolutely defenseless.

Dad went to work on my tummy, and Mom got going on the soles of my bare feet. They didn't go at me aggressively; they gave me very light, teasing little tickles, which actually made it feel more intense. Plus, I was very effectively blindfolded so I couldn't see when the next touch was coming, and with that ball in my mouth my laughs were just turned into grunts and squeals. All in all it really wasn't that bad of a tickle torture. It was very obvious they just wanted to tease me and have some fun. But all my squirming around made my bikini panties ride up, which was uncomfortable and embarrassing.

After the tickling stopped, Mom had Dad roll me over so I was face down on their laps. She started undoing the straps on my legs; she took of the strap across my thighs, and the ones just above and below my knees. I thought they were finally going to release me, but she stopped with my ankles still strapped together.

Mom was really having fun teasing me: "Let's pull her pretty little bikini panties down below her knees and give her a good spanking on her bare bottom." My parents didn't believe in spanking, and I had never been spanked growing up, but Mom has the most mischievous tone in her voice that I had ever heard, so I took the threat seriously. I struggled like crazy and tried to protest, but I only managed a few grunts and squeals.

Mom tickled my bare skin just above my waist again, and then she slipped a couple of fingers under the strings at the sides of my bikini panties. Now I was sure they were going to strip me naked, but she stopped and just gave me one more playful swat on my bottom with my bikini still on. She told Dad that he had to spank me too. Dad protested vigorously and he said he could never hit his beautiful little angel. But Mom said that I was really his little devil now, and she wouldn't release me until Dad gave me at least one good swat. Dad reluctantly swatted my bottom once, but only about half as hard as Mom; it barely stung at all.

Mom decided to go get carry out dinner, and she left me at Dad's mercy. Once Mom was gone, Dad undid the strap on the ball and popped it out of my mouth. All kinds of drool ran down my face and all over me. I was still blindfolded and strapped up, so I couldn't do anything, but Dad got a few tissues and cleaned me up. Then he undid the straps on my legs, and the wrist straps. I was still stuck in the sleeves, because of the straps above my elbows. Dad finally undid those and released me. He slid my arms out of the sleeves. I lifted off my blindfold.

Dad gave me more wonderful hugs. I asked him if he was mad at me for snooping. He said it was normal for teenagers to be curious, and now I was old enough to talk about anything with them, so he wasn't too mad. But he warned me that if I got caught again they might not go so easy on me! Dad finally let me go. I went to my room, and traded my bikini for a light cotton sleep shirt, I made a necessary bathroom stop and I came back to join them for dinner.

After dinner, we all cuddled together on the couch in front of our big TV for a family movie night. It was a wonderful end to a wonderful day. When Dad stepped out for a minute to use the bathroom, I asked Mom if she was angry with me for snooping. She told me she was mad at first, but then she decided that rather than be mad she would have a little fun with me and make a game out of it. When she saw how much fun I was having with it, she got kind of carried away.

She told me: "If you had gotten caught by Dad instead of me, he might have gone a lot harder on you. He probably would have gotten out the thick white ropes and trussed you up in a hogtie so tight you wouldn't have been able to move an inch." So I asked Mom if Dad had ever tied her up like that. She said she wasn't ready to share all her secrets, but I could tell from the look in her eyes that he had, and that she had loved it. And she planted a little seed; I just couldn't get the thought out of my head wondering about what it might feel like to be tied up with ropes very tightly.

After Dad came back and we finished the movie, we ended the day with a lot more hugs. I asked them to let me keep the sleep mask for the night. It was late, so I went and showered and got ready for bed. It was still pretty hot, so I decided to sleep naked. I put the sleep mask back on and blindfolded myself. I pretended I was all tied up and helpless. It took me a while to fall asleep, and I had some crazy dreams that night!

I hope you liked my story!
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

Really good lil story!!
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Post by iliketights »


She told me: "If you had gotten caught by Dad instead of me, he might have gone a lot harder on you. He probably would have gotten out the thick white ropes and trussed you up in a hogtie so tight you wouldn't have been able to move an inch."

This story needs a sequel! I think we need to see just how handy Dad is with rope.

Great story. I hope to read more about this family.
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Post by TheExiled »

What was the issue with the first draft? I didn’t see it.
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

Very nice story. I'm guessing the original either her, her mum, or both were naked when she got tied up.
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Post by Silver_noro »

JulieG wrote: 3 years ago Very nice story. I'm guessing the original either her, her mum, or both were naked when she got tied up.
I remember the original story.
It was posted in the "for everyone" section and the little victim was a 16yrs old girl😂
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Escape challenges are always fun. Probably a good choice to have this in the adult section.
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Post by DoubleDDelta »

Super vivid detail! I’d second the notion of a sequel(truthful or fictional) showing off the Dad’s skills. Great work.
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Post by uemndlr »

I remember the original version, and I was sad to see it disappeared -- I found nothing inappropriate in it, but of course, I'm not the one who has to assume responsibility for it, so I accept the moderators' decision.

So, I'm happy to see the story is back, and improved, and looking forward to more from you, because you are a very good writer! I love how you describe the feelings.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Loved the story.
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