The Brotherhood (MM/MM) (Illustrated) UPDATE 6/29 chpt 22

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Post by ShortSocks »

Finally caught up on reading this! Great job! You did really great capturing the essence of the characters from the story while adding great bondage elements!
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 10: A new target

Kevin Tran frowned. He had not realized how late it was when he raised his head from his book in the library. As an advanced placement student, he often studied late to fulfill his teacher’s expectations and to be recruited by an elite college. Kevin didn’t complain about that at all; he loved studying and was generally considered as a brilliant student, much to his mother’s proud. Some might have said that he was not enjoying his life as a teenager as much as other boys of his age did, and that he should have made more friends, but it was fine by Kevin. He has always been a loner.

Things had changed recently though. Two weeks ago, he had been struck by lightning. His mom had him transported to the nearby hospital in a state of shock, but the doctors saw nothing wrong, physically speaking at least. He had carried on with his studies without apparent change, but had soon started to experiment some strange visions. Sometimes pictures, other time words. Always vague. Always random.

“Maybe I’m just working too much”, Kevin thought at first. But the visions insisted. The boy couldn’t really give them significations; they were too random and too blurry. But he often spotted some visions of supernatural creatures, such as werewolves, or demons… Many things that Kevin thought as coming from his imagination, just like dreams. Just as if he was reading too much mangas…

But a few days ago, the visions changed. They didn’t become more clear, but they were more focused. Two words, that Kevin randomly saw as flashes:



And each time, he felt in his guts an actual sensation of peril, like the surge of adrenaline one can feel when facing real danger.

And that was one of this vision which dragged him out of his book tonight. He still had no clue what it meant, though. Were they visions of the future? Maybe he’ll be robbed or something?

Now it was almost midnight, and he had to walk 30 minutes to his home, almost alone in the streets of Neighbour. The town was not that big and it had not any night bus. It was April, but the nights were still cold, and Kevin had let the weather take him off guard: he frowned, as he was only wearing a green sweater without jacket and a regular blue jean. The atmosphere was oppressing. No one was in sight and he could barely hear his own steps, due to the light canvas converse shoes he was wearing.

Lost in his thoughts, the teen didn’t see the attack coming.

As he crossed an alleyway, he was suddenly grabbed from behind by a pair of strong arms, and felt being abruptly dragged in a dark and narrow lane. The action was so violent that the tote bag full of books he was carrying slipped from his shoulders and felt on the ground letting all the books scatter. As he was opening his mouth to let out a cry almost by reflex, he felt one of the strong hands seizing him reaching his mouth and quickly pusha thick ball of cloth inside, trapping his tongue and muffling his shout almost instantly.

He had not even had time to process what was going on, or start trying to expel the wadding, when he felt an enormous gloved hand clamping over his mouth, creating an airtight seal.

Everything had happened only in a couple of seconds.

While he was still trying to figure out what’s going on, Kevin saw an equally gloved husky man walk toward him and grab his arm as he was trying to raise it in self defence. He was holding a roll of silver duct tape in his other hand.

And he was wearing a cloak… with a hood.

What the hell??

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Post by Bondwriter »

Glad to see this story posted here. It's a nice format to read it. I agree with others about this being a great series to base a fiction on.
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks [mention]ShortSocks[/mention] [mention]Bondwriter[/mention]
Glad to like it. I have still another few chapters already written, not sure on how frequently I should update them here though.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]chloroboy[/mention] The straitjacketing scene did not disappoint.
I must say though, even more enjoyable for me was Dean and Sam getting their protesting mouths gagged shut.

The description of those huge, panel plug gags and the addition of the details pertaining to the exterior panel pressing against Dean's face much like a leather glove would, made for a very erotic read. Nicely done, my friend 8-)

I'm now greatly looking forward to this much anticipating - yet highly unexpected - meeting with their dad.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great story and I'm fully caught up now. An exciting revelation regarding their father but that was quckly eclipsed by Dean's storage in the padded cell. I loved how frustrated he was with gag and how humiliating he found the muzzle all whilst being tightly secured in a straightjacket.

Now they're converted and out on their own mission. I'm a bit suspicious of the ultimate aims of this Brotherhood though. They seem to be on the side of good but you should always be suspicious of cults even if they do have a great uniform - you don't see enough hooded cloaks!

All in all a great little tale and one I shall continue to follow with interest.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 11: first job completed...

Two hours ago

“Dammit! When is he going out?”, Dean cursed while sitting behind the wheel of the Impala, parked along the street near the library.

“Patience, Dean. Yesterday he left at 10 p.m. And the day before…” Sam started to reply

“Yeah I know. It’s been four days we’ve been spying on this kid. Seriously, what a lost of time! He’s just a boy, we can just grab him easily whenever we want to”.

“The Brotherhood specifically asked us to be caution and to wait for their go-ahead. I guess they’re preparing stuff on their side at the tech department.”

“Huh? Such as what?”

“Deactivating the cameras recording in the area, forging false evidence for the police to find when his mom will eventually notify his disappearance ... We live in the XXIst century dude. There’s a lot of things that are being watched; but there’s also lots of things you can mess with by just using a computer”.

“Whatever. It’s still much ado about nothing”.

“Not if the kid is that important. And we must be sure our existence remains secret for now. You heard what Dave has said, right?”

“Of course I did. I always listen to what anyone would tell me. It’s my best quality” Dean winked at his brother.

“Yeah, right”, Sam replied, quite amused. “But you forgot to put your gloves on”.


“Your gloves, Dean!” Sam waved his gloved hand just in front of him.

“Oh, that? What about you wearing them all the time?”

“Dave told us to do so. They symbolize that we’re only acting through the will of the Brotherhood and the Master’s, not by our own”...

Dean rolled his eyes.

“And also”, Sam continued, despite noticing his brother’s mimic, “gloves are the best way to not leave any DNA or fingerprints”.

“But how can you wear them all the time? Jeez, you even ate your meal with them”

“They’re actually very comfortable Dean. Feels like a second skin, just like Dave told us. You should try” Sam said, offering to his brother an empty pair.

“Fine”, Dean sighed. He took the gloves and quickly inserted his right hand in one, then his left one. The gloves molded his wrists with a little snap. He stretched his fingers, contemplating his hand, now all black and shiny.

“Hmm… I see what you meant. It feels…”


“Yeah but in the same time… not uncomfortable at all indeed. I was expecting something like rubber but it’s more... It’s thin enough to let me use my hands without any uneasiness, but at the same time, it feels protective… and not sweat causing at all”.

“Told you. The brothers at the engineering department are good”.


A few more minutes passed.

“Damn, when is this kid going out?”

One hour ago

“Now I’m really starting to get pissed. You sure he didn’t leave already?”

“No chance”, Sam replied. “There’s only one exit and we’re watching it constantly”.

Dean sighed.

“Dean…” Sam asked. “You sure you don’t want to use chloroform? Dave insisted we could not let him speak at all. Not a single word”.

“Already told you, Sam. We don’t need that shit”.


“But what? You grab him from behind, put a wad in his mouth, handgag him, while we both immobilize his arm and then I put the duct tape over his mouth. He won’t have a chance”.

“Okay”. Sam replied, not totally convinced. “Would also be more secure if we use a better gag. That muzzle...”

Dean abruptly turned his head and looked daggers at his brother. “Don’t even think about it, Sam!”


“Don’t. Mention. That. Thing. Ever. AGAIN!”.

Sam couldn’t see Dean’s finger’s joint behind the black glove, but he noticed he was grabbing the wheel as if he wanted to tear it off. Dean really must have had a hard time when in the padded cell. Even the conversion failed to erase it. “That’s strange”, Sam thought. He had a little recollection of his own predicament. He remembered his capture and the straitjacket, sure, but nothing that terrible. Each member of the Brotherhood has his own story of how he was contacted and brought to the Temple; in fact, it’s something the Brothers usually like to share.

“As you wish”, Sam finally said. Dean relaxed.

Present time

“He’s going out. Let’s go!” Dean exclaimed, spotting Kevin going out of the library.

Dean slowly parked the Impala a few meters ahead in a parallel street, near a dark and narrow alleyway. The two brothers quickly moved into position to intercept their prey at the corner of the street where he was to pass in a few moments. Hoods on, Dean readied the roll of duct tape he carried in his left hand, while Sam extracted from his pocket a thick wad of cloth, and rolled it into a ball.

They were ready.

And, for once, everything was running through just as planned.

As Kevin was passing by the corner, Sam quickly wrapped his left arm around his neck and pulled him backwards; surprised, Kevin had opened his mouth to let out a cry but Sam immediately pushed the wad inside his mouth, then handgagged him firmly. Meanwhile, Dean had seized the boy’s right arm, preventing any counter-move, then quickly torned two strips of the super sticky tape the Brotherhood had provided. As soon as his brother had withdrawn his hand, he had firmly plastered the pieces over the boy’s mouth, leaving him no chance to spit the wadding out.

The whole action only took ten seconds. The boy didn’t even had time to realize what was going on, or to even try to scream.

Now that they had ensured the “no-talk” part of the contract was respected, Sam continued to drag the boy towards the Impala, while Dean pulled some coils of white rope from a pocket hidden in his cloak.

That’s when Kevin finally started to react. He tried to scream, but the wadding immobilized his tongue and reduced his call for help to a faint mumble. He tried to push the wadding, but the tape sealed over his lips was too sticky. He tried to evade his captors, but Sam hold him firm. He tried to stick his feet on the ground, but his converse shoes were too light to use as an anchor and his captors were too strong anyway.

He was being thrown face first in the back seat of the Impala. He didn’t even have time to turn over before he felt his wrists being seized and forced together behind his back; one second later, he felt coils of rope being circled around them, tighter and tighter each turn, horizontally and the vertically, tighter and tighter until a solid knot was made.

Now with his wrists immobilized, Kevin was dragged deeper into the car. Sam came from the other side and raised his chest, as if he wanted him to sit, then started to wrap even more rope around his torso and his arms. Meanwhile, Dean took his legs and started to bind them too, first at ankles, then around his thighs. Each time, they wrapped the rope first horizontally, then vertically between his limbs, creating tight and somewhat inescapable rope cuffs, before knotting them with a reef knot.


Kevin tried to yell once more, but quickly understood it was no use. The streets were deserted and he had no idea how he could remove the tape or utter any intelligible sound.

After the final knot had been secured and checked, the brothers moved him to his belly once again. That’s when Kevin noticed that Dean was holding a dark cloth in his gloved hands.

“Lights off, boy!”, Dean said just before wrapping the cloth over his eyes and tightly knotting it behind Kevin’s head. Now Kevin was almost completely blindfolded; there was only a slight ray of light coming from below the blindfold, where it went over his nose.

“Now for the finishing touch”, Dean said. Kevin had no time to wonder what that meant: he almost immediately felt his feet being pulled in the air over his butt. He let out a muffled cry of surprise, and then discovered he couldn’t lower them back: the brothers had tied a rope connecting his ankles and his wrists, hogtying him.

Kevin started to silently cry behind his gag and blindfold. Five minutes ago, he was a regular student walking off his favorite library, and now he was mercilessly bound, hogtied, gagged and blindfolded in the back of an unknown car, abducted by two gloved strangers wearing cloaks and hoods.

Oblivious to the boy’s muffled sobs, Sam and Dean reached the front of the car, Dean sitting behind the wheel, and quickly started up the engine and drove off the street.

After leaving the city, when only the road and corn fields were visible in his headlights, Dean spoke for the first time.

“Are we clear now?”

“No-one seems to be following us. But just wait for the Brothers’ confirmation”.

Sam’s phone buzzed at that same time. He read the sms he had just received:

“ The disappearance program of Kevin Tran has been successfully launched. We unleashed a virus that will delete all occurrences of his name in all databases and social networks.

Just bring him to the Temple now :)

Brother Topher”

And then immediately another one:

“ P.S. Don’t forget the cherry pies! ”

Sam smiled. “ Looks like we’re safe!”, he exclaimed, while texting back: “ Sorry, Dean already ate them all” .

“Cool! What are you texting?”

“That you ate all the pies we had. Even the ones we could have brought


Dean chuckled. Kevin monaed in the back seat, adjusting his hogtied position.

“So, first job, perfect game. High-five, brother!”, Sam cheerly said.

The sound of their gloved hand slapping in the air resonated in the car.


“So, now we’re safe, let’s drive with some music on”, Dean said while turning on the radio.

Metallica. Of course.

Sam smiled. Dean was getting used to the Brotherhood after all, and things were starting to get really good. As sons of an Elder, they already had some token of respect from the other Brothers. Soon enough, they’ll be identified as top members of the community.

What could possibly go wrong?
Last edited by Carnath 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Man, I really loved the abduction chapter.
Of course, the mental imagery of them being blindfolded and then loaded in the trunk was very erotic, but the gag speech is what really did it for me here.

Their continued attempts at speaking through those fat, mouth-filling silicone gags was just perfect.
Really love the extra focus you placed on the gags and how disabling they are.

The frustration no doubt experienced by both brothers, particularly Dean, really shines through in Chapter V.

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Post by Carnath »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] Thanks for your nice and developed comments :)

Chapter 12... or not yet?

The trip was being uneventful. For two hours now, the Impala had been driving through the country on secondary routes, not being disturbed by any traffic or police control.

After his initial shock had passed, Kevin had tried to explore his bondage and find out if he could loosen any knot. He knew for sure he wouldn’t be able to escape while the car was moving, but he hoped he could loosen the ropes enough to be able to escape at the first opportunity. But his captors knew their ropes: not only were the knots unreachable, but the more he tried to pull the ropes to test them, the tighter they seemed to become.

Kevin even got a cramp while trying to loosen his hogtie. He tried to vocalize his pain, but his tongue was trapped and his muffle grunts were barely audible behind the loud rock music his captors were listening to.

He could hear their conversation though. He quickly catch their names - Sam and Dean - but their motivations remained unclear. They often referred to “brothers”, but not in the sense of siblings.

And, even more disturbing, they mentioned several times a “prophet”... and Kevin had the strange sensation they were talking about him. Could his abduction be linked to his visions?

And then it hit him.

A deluge of visions.

Of information.

He saw a vast domain with dozens - no, hundreds - of men, mostly young, wearing the same attire as his captors.

He saw a dark, secret, but yet powerful presence over them.

He saw an unknown young man, with an orange sweater, driving a car alone, lost in his thoughts.

He saw his two captors now captured. Several times. First they wore strict straitjackets and were severely gagged with panel gags, and confined in a very narrow space. Then, they were hogtied, but much more severely than he was, and two teens were looking at them; one had red hair, the other he couldn’t see because of the weird beany he was wearing…

Were they visions of the past? The future? The present? Kevin had no clue.

The suddenness of those flashes had made him start struggling in his hogtie, letting out a muffled, yet distinguishable yelp behind the cloth gagging him.

“What is it, boy?” Dean asked while looking in the rearview mirror. “You’ve got another cramp?”

“Maybe we should give him a break?” Sam suggested. “We’ve been driving for four hours non stop”.

“Mmmmmmphpphphm!! Pmmmhphp” Kevin started.

“No such things, boy!” Dean snapped. “You’re gagged for a reason; don’t force us to add more layers of tape!”

Kevin whimpered back miserably.

“We’re just three hours from the Temple now, Sam. I think we can just...”

Dean was interrupted by a sudden and violent jolt of the car, along with a loud bang. Sam’s head almost hit the roof of the car.

“What was that?”

“Shit”, Dean cursed while slowing down the Impala. “I think one of the tyre just burst”.

It was a wooden area. Dean parked the Impala on the side of the road. In order to avoid detections, he voluntarily avoided the main roads. The road was desert, no one was in sight. The brothers stepped down.

“Crap” Dean cursed again after looking at the front right tire, completely deflated. “No way we can continue with that”.

“That was bound to happen”, Sam said. “Of course, we don’t have a spare?”

“No… You know that the spot of the spare tire would be our hidden trunk”.

“Mmmmphph” Kevin again tried to warn them from the car. He had seen that exact moment in his vision, and he knew that, somehow, it was important. But that damn gag…

“Fine”, Sam said, misunderstanding him. I’ll give you a break from the hogtie. But stay still”.

Soon enough, Kevin felt the rope connecting his ankles to his waist loosen, then strong arms extracted him from the seat and made him sit on the ground against the car, hidden from the road.

“There. Have a bit of fresh air”.

Kevin was still blindfolded and gagged; he still couldn’t communicate anything to his captors, yet he enjoyed this break. Even though in a very limited way, he could now stretch his legs before him, and he was glad for that.

Dean looked at him suspiciously.

“Could this be his doing?”

“I don’t think so, Dean.” Sam replied. “He has prophetic abilities, not telekinetic ones. At least, the research the brothers did on him never found that”.


“So they were talking about me indeed!”, Kevin thought. “But what is a prophecy? What are these visions? And… why me?”

So many questions. But none could pass through the gag. Kevin felt that if he really tried, he may, with time, manage to loosen the tape gag using his jaw muscle. He had already tried but the tape was super sticky. Plus, he didn’t dare to try again; his kidnappers had insisted on that point.

Still, with the cloth draining away all the humidity in his mouth, he was starting to get badly thirsty.

“Ok”, Sam said. “According to the gps, we’re only four miles from a little town. With a bit of luck, they’ll have a garage open and I’ll explain the situation. You stay here.”

“Why me and not you?”

“Because I know you wouldn’t abandon your baby”, Sam winked at his brother. “And because I have longer legs”.

“Then go!”.

Sam unclipped his cloak and stored him in the hidden trunk of the car, then grabbed a little rucksack and hit the road.

“With any luck”, he said with a last glance, “someone will pass by and I’ll do some hitchhiking”.

“Yeah. With luck. We stay in touch anyway”.


With that, Sam quickly walked on the side of the road, following its curve. After 5 minutes, he was out of sight.

“Well, boy… it’s just the two of us now. Too bad we can’t have a real conversation. But the orders are strict.”

Kevin could only mumble a faint “mmpphmm!”.

“Nope. Don’t insist. Rules are rules”, Dean said.

He turned back the radio. Led Zeppelin’s music echoed in the forest.

“At least this still works”.


“Don’t tell me you don’t like Zeppelin? They rule!”.

Kevin just grunted.

“Good. Then relax and enjoy it!”.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 14: Trust the prisoner

Time went slowly. But after an hour, Dean’s cellphone rung. The first notes of “back in black”. Appropriate.


“Dean”, Sam’s voice echoed on the cellphone. “I have good news and bad news”.

“Start with the bad one!”

“I’ve found a garage in the nearby town. They can help us but are out of tires suitable for the Impala. They expect a refill tomorrow in the early morning though”.

“Shit. And the good news?”

“.... That’s it! I’ve found a garage”

“You’re kidding right ? How are we supposed to spend the night?”

“The owner proposed to tow us to the garage, and pointed out there’s a motel nearby. I couldn’t find any reason to refuse without attracting attention.”

“And what are we supposed to tell him when your guy sees a kid trussed up and gagged in the back seat?

“I know. We have no choice: you need to chloroform him, lock him in the body bag and put him in the hidden trunk. We can move him from there”

“MMMMMPHPHMMHMNOOOMM!!!” Kevin tried to yell.

Dean turned his head and looked at him “You know it’s rude to spy on conversation, kid?”

“Mmphppmmm” Kevin desperately pleaded.

“Do it fast, Dean! We’ll be there in 15 minutes”

“I may have an other idea, Sam..”

“Dean! Don’t improvize…”

“Relax, Sam. I’ll stay in touch!”

Dean hanged up as he went out of the car. Kevin heard him looking for something in the trunk but couldn’t see him, as he was still blindfolded. Then, he heard his abductor opening the rear door and felt him sitting next to him.

His blindfold was then suddenly removed. Since it was almost night outside, Kevin had not been dazzled by the sudden light within the car. For the first time, he could have a good look at his captor. He noticed he had a small bottle in his gloved hand. Labeled CHCL3.

“Chloroform”, he thought as he recall his chemistry classes.

“So, kid!” Dean said as he casually laid his right arm over his hostage’s shoulders, “I think you understood the situation. We can’t afford any witness that would understand we have a captive here. So, there are two options. First…”


Dean uncapped the bottle. The aggressive, sweet and strong smell almost instantly hit Kevin’s nostrils.

“... I can do what my brother suggested, put you to sleep and hide you in the trunk. That would really not be comfortable for you, would it?”

“NNNMMPHPHHHFF” Kevin “said” behind his gag.

“Or…” Dean corked the bottle“we can do it the easy way. I can put my cloak as a blanket over your shoulders and you can pretend to be asleep while he drives us. I would remove the tape of course, but you would have to hold the cloth deep inside your shuted mouth. You think you can do that?”

“Mmphh” Kevin mumbled as he nodded.

“Good. But let us be clear”, Dean said with a menacing tone again. “If you try to spit out the gag, or to do anything funny, we won’t hesitate to kill the witness. And the rest of your trip would be far less pleasant. Do you understand?”

“Mmmh mppggg” Kevin nodded again.

It was a void threat, as the rules of the Brotherhood forbids any brothers to kill a human. Dean knew that, but Kevin didn’t, so there was no reason the threat wouldn’t work.

And indeed, as Dean painfully removed the tape on his mouth and laid him down on the back seat, Kevin didn’t even think to disobey his orders.

As Dean threw his cloak over the boy’s shoulders to conceal the ropes, the lights of a trunk appeared on the road. Shortly after, Sam was back on the front seat while the Impala was being towed to the garage. Fortunately, the employee wasn’t very talkative, and the brief explanation of their “nephew sleeping on the back” laid to no further questions. Although Sam gave Dean quite a look, both angry and confused at the same time.

“What are you doing?” he hissed to Dean as they were both back in the car.

“Look, Sam! The kid is very cooperative, there’s no need to harm him more than necessary”

“Normally I would agree with you, Dean. But our orders were strict…”

“Relax, he didn’t pipe a word!”

“He’s not even gagged anymore!”

“Untrue. You remember our deal, kiddo?”

A faint “mmphh” came from behind.

“You see? He won’t talk”

“Still… you put us at risk here, Dean!”

“You worry to much, bro. As always”

The short trip only last ten minutes. The employee parked the Impala outside of the garage and left the Winchesters there, indicating them a hotel just on the other side of the road. Its parking lots were still enlightened, and there were some people passing by, like it was still early in the evening.

“And now, what do we do, genius?” Sam mockingly said. “We threw him in our arms like a baby?”

“He’ll walk. I’ll untie his legs and put my jacket over his shoulders; no one will see anything”.

“I don’t like it, Dean!”

“He’ll do it.” Dean turned back. “Right kid? Or do you prefer the chloroform?”

“Mmmpphh” Kevin said behind the cloth, with a pleading tone.

“Guess so” Dean said.

And so they went. The concealing was not perfect but if noone looked too carefully, this will be a very easy ride.

As they stepped out of the car, Sam grabbed Kevin’s arms and whispered threateningly: “Remember, don’t make any fuss, or else…”

“He knows, Sam!”

And they started walking. The bondage was mostly concealed and Kevin was docile, but they still made an odd pairing. Especially with Sam, with his gloved hand, not leaving his grip on Kevin’s shoulder while Dean was also pushing him with a hand in his back.

Even if he had not had his arms strictly bound behind his back and a cloth filling his mouth, Kevin would have felt prisoner.

The trio quickly walked to the room Sam had book earlier; conveniently, it was on first floor, so there were less risk to meet someone in the stairs. They had almost made it to the door when Dean noticed that a young man had been staring quizzically at them.


“Yo man”, Dean said with a cool tone, without reducing his pace. “What’s up?”

“Uuh… good evening to you!” he hesitantly replied.

But they were already moving away.

“Don’t turn back” Sam hissed to Kevin’s ear.

Without other trouble, they quickly reached their room. As Dean locked the door, Sam pushed Kevin on a nearby bed and turned to Dean:

“We are never doing this ever again. This could have gone so wrong!”

“But it hasn’t. Relax, Sammy! Everything is under control”.

“Mmmpphh! Mmmphhh!” Kevin moaned to attract their attention. Evidently asking for something.

“Gosh, what do you want now?”
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 15: rules and consequences of breaking them

“We’ve kept him bound and gagged for hours now. I think he’s just thirsty” Sam said.

“MMmmpphh!” Kevin nodded his head frantically.

“Hold on”, Sam said. “We need to secure you first!”

Sam grabbed a chair and bluntly made Kevin sit. Dean extracted some ropes from his back pocket and handed a coil to Sam. Each of the brothers took care of one of Kevin’s legs. Within thirty seconds, his ankles were firmly bound to the leg of the chair. Dean then secured Kevin’s wrists to the back of the chair, while Sam went fetch a bottle of water from the minibar of their room.

“Now”, Sam said, “I’m gonna remove your gag, so you can drink. But…” he suddenly took a stern voice, “you are not going to pipe a single word. Not even a thanks. You drink, and you stay SILENT”. He bended and looked at him in the eyes. “Do you understand?”

“Mmmmpphh” Kevin nodded once again.

“Come on, Sam! Quit the drama!” Dean mocked him.

Sam sighed, then proceeded to remove his captive’s gag. He took one end of the tape, then swiftly scratched it from Kevin’s face. The tape was sticky so it caused him to let out a little shout of pain, but it was still muffled by the cloth remaining inside his mouth. Sam helped him to spit it out, taking the now soaked ball of cotton in his gloved fingers, before throwing it with the tape on the ground with a disgusted look.

Oddly enough Kevin resisted the urge to mutter “thanks” to his captors. “Odd”, he thought as he saw Sam bringing a bottle of water from the minibar, “Why should I thank them? These guys just kidnapped me and now are dragging me all bound and gagged to this cult… But maybe…”

His thoughts were interrupted by Sam holding the water to his lips.

“... maybe, I should nonetheless try to warn them” Kevin thought as he avidly gulped the fresh water.

After a few sips, Sam took the bottle away.

“There” he said, “now stay quiet while I make you a new gag…”

“NO! WAIT! I have to tell you…”

Sam froze. So did Dean, at the opposite side of the room. They had actually never heard their captive’s voice so far, and were not expected to. Dave had been very clear.


Encouraged by their stillness, Kevin continued: “The Brotherhood. They didn’t tell you everything. Your master, he’s not even hummmmmMMPHPHMM”.

In the blink of an eye, Sam recovered his senses and jumped on his captive. His gloved hand pressed hard against Kevin’s mouth while his other pressed behind his head, creating an airtight seal over his mouth and effectively handgagging him.

“Dean, quick!” Sam shouted.

Dean was already pouring some chloroform onto a dark rag and marching toward the boy, hissing “Son of a bitch”.

“MMMPHPHP!! MPPPHHMMHNOOO” Kevin tried to shout and struggle as he saw the drug Dean threatened him with some hours ago. But the ropes held him firmly to the chair and Sam’s hand still kept him silent.

“One… two… three’” Sam counted before withdrawing his hand.

“No waiMMMPHPHP”. Kevin’s freedom of speech barely lasted one second before Dean crushed his face with the chloroformed rag. Dean hold the rag over both Kevin’s nose and mouth, while, like his brother a moment ago, holding Kevin’s head still with his other hand.

“MMMPHPPHMMMPP!!” Kevin tried to protest as the first sickly sweet fumes entered his nose. He tried to hold his breath but soon realized it was futile and took a whiff. The pungent smell almost made him cough.

“Breathe it down, you jerk! We tried the gentle way and that’s how you thank us!”, Dean said furiously.

“MMMPPHH!” Kevin tried again to plead, locking eyes with Dean.But he only saw anger.


Desperate to avoid the chloroform, Kevin started struggling by reflex. But the rope holding his wrists together held tight, the one circling his chest prevented him to move his arms, and his ankles were anchored to the chair.

It was hopeless.

“MMMmmphhh. Plmmmfmffmm”.

“That’s it. Deep breathes now”, Dean muttered.

Kevin had never smelled chloroform before. At first he thought that nothing was happening, but now he was starting to feel a strange tireness in his eyes and limbs. After a few more seconds, his head started to feel weird and he heard like a buzzing sound in his ears.

“mmmphph… mpphhh…”

He soon lost even the energy to try to protest behind the rag.

“He’s passing out”, said Sam.

“At last”, answered his brother.

Kevin barely heard them. After ten more seconds, he understood he was lost and there was nothing he could do. But he didn’t had time to fear. In fact, he felt rather relaxed. He just…. wanted to…. sleep.

After another breath, Kevin closed his eyes.

Dean felt the boy going limp in his chair. He kept the rag ten more seconds for potency, then withdrew it. Kevin’s head lowered as it was freed from Dean grip. Kevin made a small whine but didn’t wake up; the chloroform has done its job.

The two brothers stood still and silent for a few moment.

“Well... “ Dean finally broke the ice.

“No, Dean!” Sam interrupted. “Don’t even say a word. You screwed up”.


“We were told not to let him utter a single word. And yet you insisted to be gentle and removed his gag.”

“You agreed!”

“We should never have! Now we compromised ourselves. If the brothers find out…”

“Why would they?” Dean ironically said. “I didn’t hear a damn thing. Did you?”

Sam’s gave him a black look.

“I suppose I didn’t”.

“Great. So, what do we do now?”

“No choice”, Sam said. “We tie him up and gag him - properly this time, with the straitjacket - and as soon as the Impala is fixed - the guy said he would have done it before dawn - we transport him to the car in a laundry bag and he’ll make the travel in the trunk. You got the straitjacket here?”


Dean looked into the large bag he had carried to the room and quickly extracted a white straitjacket. “The very same model they used on me and Sam”, he thought. “Sure it would be effective”.

He quickly untied Kevin from the chair and made him sit on the bed. The boy occasionally let a faint groan be heard, but given the dose of chloroform he had just received, he would still be out for at least 30 more minutes. It was far more time than needed to straitjacket him properly and gag him tight anew.

Sam decided to help his sibling and fetched some leather straps to tie Kevin’s legs up. As Dean was strapping the straitjacket, he said: “I still wonder…”

“No, Dean”, Sam angrily interrupted him. “You said it yourself. Nothing of this ever happened, so we won’t discuss it. And as for the operation, I’m leading now.”

“Fine”, Dean finally said. He wasn’t used to have his little brother taking charge like that, but on the other hand, he realized he had overestimated the kid’s docility.


“Now, here’s a real gag to shut him up for good”, Sam said as he showed the leather panel gag he had in his hand.

A few minutes later, Kevin laid on the floor between the sibling's beds, straitjacketed, the leather plug gag fixed in his mouth, and a leather blindfold covering his eyes which, like his gag, was buckled behind his head with a tight strap.

“Perfect. We should try to sleep now. We leave early tomorrow”.

“Agreed, said Sam” as he unfastened his cloak and laid over a bed.

Some time after, Kevin started to wake up.

His sleep had been dreamless, but he didn’t know for sure how long he had been sleeping. He tried to yawn and to swallow, but something big was obstructing his mouth, pinning his tongue down. He tried to spit it out, but then realized it was affixed to a leather panel covering his mouth. He tried to reach it with his hands, only to realize that he was hugging himself and that his arms wouldn’t move.

He opened his eyes, but only saw blackness.

Panicking, he let out a cry, only to be answered by a not-so-gentle kick in his ribs. “Shut up, now, or we chloroform you again. Got it?”

Hearing Dean’s voice made Kevin remember of his predicament. All of it. The capture, the transport, the tire break, the chloroform…

He silently tried to test his bonds, but soon realized it was hopeless. He had been straitjacketed, gagged, blindfolded and his legs fused together by tight leather straps.

“I missed my chance”, he thought. “Now who’s gonna save me?”
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Please, give me a note if you still like it :)
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Just caught up on the last few chapters. Sorry it took me a while to get around to it.

Kevin's kidnapping is definitely turning into a bit of a saga! His brief attempt to communicate would suggest that the cult is not all it seems. How sad his attempt to warn them just led to tighter bondage. Sad for him anyway, great for us!

Still enjoying the interactions between Sam and Dean. Sam is definitely better at following orders and making plans. Dean is very impulsive and acts before thinking but it was nice to see him go a bit easy on Kevin. That muzzle definitely seems to have made an impression on him!

Still intrigued to find out what is actually going on.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks for your comment. I'm glad people care for the story ;) [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 16: a new player in the game

Luke had trouble to find sleep. At 10 pm, he knew he was at a crossroad in his life. He had just finished a few months ago his art history studies, but many people - including his old parents - had warned him, the job openings are narrow in this area.

As he turned over in his bed, he took a quick glance at the small motel room he had rented for the night, still lost in his thoughts.

“Maybe I should reconsider and start something new. Art history is interesting but it’s a dead end. I don’t want of a life of studies anyway… Maybe I should start a business of some sort? Something which can help people in the real world…”

And as his mind was drifting away, he once again went to think about Nick.

Nick and Luke had been best friends since childhood. Their parents were neighbors and they basically grew up together. Even after they departed at 18 for different colleges, they always tried to met during holidays.

Nick’s dad owned a cabin in the woods in the middle of the country, and that’s where they’ve been meeting each summer for the last three years now, spending some weeks together hiking and fishing. It’s quite a long trip to go there, hence the motel stage, but neither of them would miss it for anything.

But there’s a secret Luke is hiding from his mate.

As he was growing, Luke became aware he was more and more interested in man and not at all in women. Only a few years ago had he fully realized and accepted that he was gay. And he had not tell anyone.

Especially not Nick.

Since he had realized about his sexuality, Luke had also realized that he had grown more and more interested in Nick, not only as a friend, but in a romantic way too.

But he never could tell him. Nick shows no sign of being gay himself and Luke can’t afford to loose his friend on such misunderstanding.

Luke sighed and turned over once again.

“Let’s just live the moment!” he thought. “Joining him and having two weeks off can only be good”.

As he finally sensed sleep coming, Luke’s mind drifted back to his journey.

“I wonder who the three guys I saw just before heading to the room were. The young one in the middle seemed much more younger… and almost scared of the other two. I guess everyone has his own problems…”

And then sleep finally took him.


It was still dark when soft noises coming from outside wakened Luke from his light slumber. Like whispers of men breathing like they were carrying something heavy.

Luke glanced at the alarm clock.

5.03 am.

“Damn! Who the hell is awake so early?”

Pushed by curiosity, Luke stealthily opened the door of his first floor room, taking a glance at the parking lot.

In the obscurity preceding dawn, he spotted two silhouettes that were indeed carrying some parcel… or more like some heavy sack, maybe.

But something was definitely very wrong here.

The two silhouettes were wearing some strange attire. Luke at first didn’t understand why they seemed so dark and moving like they were sliding instead of walking, but a passing ray of moonlight revealed that the two men were actually wearing dark cloaks. Hooded cloaks.

They were indeed carrying something, but Luke couldn't see what. That’s when he distinctly heard:

“Jeez, he’s heavier than I thought”.
Luke recognized that voice. It was the man with the frightened teenager he had spotted yesterday evening. And the other silhouette had to be the tall guy who was walking along with tem; the second hooded silhouette was very tall indeed.

But where was the boy? Could it be…

“Sush, Dean, and hurry up! I told the guy to park the Impala in the forest path nearby”, the other guys whispered.

Then Luke watch them unquestionably head to the small forest path beginning at the end of the motel parking lot.

“Something’s very fishy here”.

Without more thinking, Luke quickly put his pullover, his jeans and his sneakers on and followed them into the night.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Looks like there's about to be another spanner in the works for Sam and Dean. How will they deal with this latest twist?
Always good when a passing character becomes more involved in the story and a nice little backstory to flesh him out.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 17: an embarassing witness

After crossing through the well lightened parking lot of the motel, Luke feared he could not follow their tracks in the night. But fortunately, the night was clear, the moon was almost full and the night was already late; in fact, since it was summer, it was almost dawn. Plus, Luke had quickly realized that the dark silhouettes were accompanied by a thin ray of light; obviously, one of the men was carrying a flashlight.

“As long as I watch my steps, I should remain stealthy”, Luke thought. He quickly realized that he was following a narrow path in the forest, and took care not to walk on any branch. His supple grey sneakers help him remain silent; on the other hand, he could clearly hear the men’s footsteps, as they both wore heavy leather boots.

Since they had lost sight of the parking lot, the two men had stopped making efforts to remain stealthy. Despite keeping a reasonable distance with them, Luke started to hear some words. “Can’t…” “... you let him…” “drive baby”, the shortest man said.

“This doesn’t make any sense. Does it?”, thought Luke.

A few minutes later, they had arrived at a larger forest path, large enough to be suitable for a car. After a few more meters, Luke indeed spotted a parked car. An rather old model, Luke thought, but he had never been much interested in vintage cars.

They must not be far from the main road, Luke guessed, but the place was well hidden from it by the large trees and bushes surrounding the area. Obviously, the two men had reached their destination, since they had dropped their heavy package on the ground. Luke heard the two men panting after their efforts.

Luke came closer, taking care to be extra careful not being heard nor seen. He hid behind a large tree, observing the scene from a quite reasonable distance.

“We’re done being gentle, Dean. Let’s put him in the trunk”, the tallest man said.

“Yeah, yeah…” the one called “Dean” replied.

As the shortest man opened the trunk, the tallest one started to unknot the strings keeping the package closed.

Luke leaned forward to get a better view. What he saw almost got a cry out of his throat.

It was the boy! They had been carrying the boy all way long.

But why was he not struggling or trying to run away? Was he tied up or…?

As the boy was extracted from the sack, Luke, heard a small whimper, barely audible, then the tallest man said quite harshly: “Sush! Keep quiet! We still have more chloroform if you don’t, you know?”

“Chloroform??” Luke thought. “The thing we see in the lame tv shows to knock people out? Can’t be for real...”

As the sack was being fully removed, Luke took a better look at the boy, wondering why he was not struggling more. But something was odd. At this distance, Luke couldn’t see him clearly, and the boy didn’t seem to be tied up, but he was wearing some strange plain white shirt… and what about his face? Luke spotted some black patches all over his face, like some sort of… goo?

Driven by curiosity, Luke, carefully, decided to move closer. As he reached the trunk of a tree almost rooting at the side of the dirt road, he finally managed to get a better look at the boy.

What he had taken for goo was in fact supple leather panels pressed over his eyes and over his mouth. They had been strapped so tight that they look almost like they were glued over the poor boy’s face.

“No wonder he can’t speak”, Luke thought as he heard an other fait “mmff” coming from Kevin.

As he watched closely, he noticed that what he mistook for a white shirt was more than that. The boy’s arms were folded over his chest and Luke could see that a vertical strap was holding them together; there was also a strap going between the boy’s legs. Luke saw the boy trying to move his arms, producing a faint swishing sound, but they seemed blocked; Luke assumed that there were more straps in the back, holding his arms and the jacket itself.

“A straitjacket!” Luke thought. He recognized the device for having see it once or twice in horror movies; but he had never actually seen one for real.

Dean started to drag the boy to the car. He couldn’t walk indeed: Luke saw that three sets of tight brown straps were circling his legs at ankles, calves and thighs. The blue converse shoes of the boy were letting a little trail on the dusty road.

Luke had seen enough. “This is crazy, I have to call for help”, he thought as he silently walked back from his a little too exposed hideout. But as he was grabbing his phone from his pocket, he didn’t pay attention to the large branch of dead wood behind him. As he stepped back, his grey sneaker hit that branch, who breached with a loud “CRACK!”.

The two cultists instantly froze. A second later, the tallest one was turning his eyes right into Luke’s direction. The two young men caught their eyes in the time of a heartbeat.

“THERE’S SOMEONE HERE!” yelled Sam as he grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his belt.


This was a trigger for Luke. Without looking back, he started to run through the woods, his cellphone still in hand. Trying to avoid the large trees, he started to dial:


Luke realized the tallest cultist was chasing him. He could hear his cloak flapping as he was running.


“STOP!” Sam yelled. He was really close. Luke tried to speed up, but he felt he would quickly run out of breath.


As he was about to press the green call button, Luke suddenly felt his right ankle being grabbed. Unbalanced, he couldn’t avoid to fall heavily on the ground, head first; his cellphone flied a few meters away. The shock nearly knocked him out for a few seconds.

As he was trying to crawl to his phone, Luke felt a heavy mass pinning him to the ground. Luke didn’t even fully realized that Sam was seating on his back as he felt a strong hand grabbing his left wrist, then pinning it on his back in a painful arm wrist. He then felt a cold strong metal claw circling over the sleeve of his pullover, and tightening with a ratchet sound.

“Hey! What the..?”

Luke didn’t had time to elaborate a full sentence: his right hand, which had almost reached his phone, was grabbed the same way, forced in his back and he then felt the same metallic circle tightening around his wrist.

A second later, Luke realized that even though his assailant had released his grasp, he couldn’t move his arms apart.

He had just been handcuffed with a pair of solid rigid hinged handcuffs.


Luke tried to scream, but an enormous gloved hand crashed over his mouth, almost smothering him. He tried to dislodge it by shaking his head, but to no avail. The glove was made of like a very supple leather, almost like latex; it formed a tight seal over his face.

“MMMMMMGMMGMPHMMPPPHH” Luke went crazy. He tried to struggle but his captor’s other hand pressed over his butt, preventing him to even try to stand up. Panicking, he flapped his legs in the air, to no avail.


“SSshhh… no need to struggle, man”, Sam quietly said. “You made me run but I’ve got you good now”.


“Calm down. There’s no one to hear you anyway”


“That’s it… sshhh…”

Despite himself, Luke felt slightly calmed down by the forced immobility, the vicious handgag cutting some of his airflow and the smooth tone of his captor. He soon stopped struggling, trying to rationalize his thoughts and waiting for his captor’s next move. Meanwhile, Sam had picked up Luke’s phone and looked at the screen, grunting slightly as he read the emergency call number.Taking care to not lock the device, he stored it in one of his cloak’s pocket.

“Okay now; you’re coming with me”, he said as he lifted Luke from the ground by putting his right arm between his shoulders and his arms and pushing upwards. He kept his left gloved hand firmly over Luke’s mouth though.

“Ommphh” grunted Luke as he was not-too-gently manhandled. As he was now standing on his feet, he thought of trying to escape; but his hands were handcuffed behind his back, the rigid cuffs giving him absolutely no slack. And his captor had a good hold on him, not to mention the handgag he maintained.

Desperate, Luke reluctantly let himself being dragged back to the car, trying to not stubble as his heavy captor was guiding him by pushing him on his back, still handgagging him and holding him by the arm.

Dean had been waiting for them. As they arrived, Luke saw that the boy, still tightly straitjacketed, blindfolded and gagged, was now lying in the car’s boot.

Sam forced Luke to kneel by kicking his legs. Luke grunted in surprise, believing he was about to fall face first once more, but Sam hold him by the shoulders, freeing him from the handgag at last. But he was now firmly pressing on his shoulders, making any attempt to stand up and escape impossible.

“Well well well…” Dean said, “Isn’t that our stalker from yesterday? Hi again, buddy!"

“Please”, Luke started, “Just let me go, okay. I… I won’t tell anyone!”

“Tell what?” Dean asked, seemingly very amused.

“Nothing!” Luke answered swiftly. “You guys are obviously role-playing or something like that. Nothing to report to anyone!”

“Roleplaying?” Dean had to hold himself to not burst out of laugh.

Hearing that, Kevin tried to move his head from the boot, emitting a long grunt behind his gag.

“Dean”, Sam said, taking Luke’s phone from his pocket. “Check this out”, he told his brother, then threw the phone at him. Dean caught him in the fly. Luke couldn’t help but to admire the reflex.

“So… if you don’t see any reason to report three innocent people having fun with a cloak & dungeon roleplay, why were you about to call 911? That’s not exactly your girlfriend's number, is it?” Dean asked ironically.

“I…. I….” Luke felt a drop of sweat going down on his neck, even though it was still quite cold. “I went for a walk because I couldn't sleep. Then I got lost and I wanted to call for help, and that’s when I just found you”, he tried.


Dean shrugged. “Nice try, dude, but I’m not buying that!” he said as he put the phone on one of his cloak’s pockets.

That’s when Luke noticed Dean was holding something else in his right hand. As Dean lifted it, he saw that it was a dark glass-tinted bottle of something. And also a large pad of grey cotton wool.

“What… what is that?” Luke asked feverishly.

Dean just grinned for a moment as he was uncapping the bottle. He then threw the bottle over the cloth, which was pressed on its neck. Having good eyesight and being not too distant, Luke saw the pad becoming wet, a large stain of liquid growing over it, until it was completely soaked with the clear liquid of the bottle.

Dean capped the bottle back and addressed Luke, still grinning: “You seem stressed. This will help you relax a little”.

“Is that... chloroform?”

Dean raised a surprised eyebrow.

“Please, no!” Luke said, starting to panic. “It’s not necessary. I… no, I won’t do anything, please”.

In three steps, Dean was standing before him, the large wet pad cupped in his gloved hand.

“Shhh… don’t worry. You just have to breathe”, Dean said as he suddenly crushed the chloroformed pad over Luke’s mouth and nose.


Luke tried to shook his head in reflex, attempting to dislodge the pad, but he had no chance: his hands were cuffed in his back, Sam still pressed over his shoulder and Dean used his other hand to press the back of his head, forcing him to breath in the reeking cloth.

Being in a state near panic, Luke had no choice but to take a whiff. He blocked his respiration by reflex though, as the smell was pungent. Something strong and sweet, like alcohol or an industrial solvent. But soon Luke had to take another breath. The smell was so strong he started to cough.

“Relax”, Dean said. “Just breathe slowly and deeply!”

Luke tried, and indeed the coughing calm down. But that’s when he felt the first effects. First, a discomfort in his eyes, like if he just watched the sun. And then his ears were buzzing, like if he was hearing white noise.

“MMPMPHHH” he again tried to struggle. Of course, the handcuffs and his two captors hold tight.

That’s when he really felt it. After a few more seconds breathing in that smell, it was not so strong and difficult to smell anymore, but a sudden wave of tiredness hit him. He felt all of his muscles going weak; his struggles became weaker and weaker.


“No way”, Luke tried to keep his mind clear. “They’re really chloroforming me! That can’t happen! That… what…. what should I….”

He didn’t really realize that he completely stopped struggling by now.

“Hey Sam!” Dean said, “he’s going under. Keep the chloroform and unlock his cuffs, I’m going for a straitjacket. Don’t want to lose any more time!”

“Yeah okay”, Sam said, holding his hand over the wet rag. “We’re not safe here, I agree”.

Luke barely heard them talking. The buzzing sound was louder and louder; all he heard was muffled, as if he had cotton in his ears and should listen through the beating of his own heart.

His eyes were watery and he had more and more trouble to focus his vision. He barely noticed his wrists being freed from the handcuffs. He weakly tried to use his now free arms, but he didn’t even manage to grab Sam’s glove.

His vision was going even more blurred. He saw Dean carrying… a white thing… with straps dangling from it…

“He’s almost out. Go ahead!” Sam said.

Luke heard him talk, but didn’t understand what he said. He felt rather than saw Dean taking a hold on his arm, then sliding it in something stiff. His hand then felt a closed sleeve.


At this point, Luke could only keep is kneeling position because the two men were holding him.

In a last burst, Luke tried to say something. Neither Dean nor Sam noticed the faint “mmm” he barely managed to utter.

That’s when he lost it. His vision melted, and became grey, then dark, then Luke felt himself fall in a deep, deep dark hole.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wait until Luke wakes from that "deep, deep, dark hole." :twisted:

Love the twists in this tale! 8-)
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 18: from burden to asset

Luke slowly emerged from his slumber. He had had such a weird dream. He was walking into the woods, then suddenly, two shadows swooped on him, engulfed him; he tried to struggle but the two shadows had him engulfed and smothered; his arms wouldn’t move, and he was falling in a deep, dark pit.

Luke awoke in a jolt. He opened his eyes but it was still pitch black.

“What a nightmare!” he thought as he tried to grab the sheets and roll over in his bed.

But his hand didn’t grab anything. Instead, they stayed blocked under the sheet… a particularly rough sheet…

A sudden surge of adrenaline woke up Luke for good. With a bit of nausea, he realized that he was not lying, as he thought, but sitting.

“What.. the… fuck?” he articulated. His mouth was dry.

“Ha, sleeping beauty finally ends his nap”, a mocking voice answered in his left.

Luke turned his head in direction of the voice, but everything remained black.

“I… I can’t see! Why can’t I see?”

“Relax, dude, it’s the purpose of a blindfold”.

That’s when Luke got full recollection of the events. The kidnapping, the chloroform, the straitjacket… that’s the rough thing blocking his arms in front of him. And indeed, as Luke tried to move his head, he felt a slight pressure over his eyes. Like a padded leather blindfold. His legs had been tied up, too… Luke couldn’t see the tight straps binding them, but he definitely felt them at his knees and ankles.

“What the fuck?” Luke asked his kidnapper. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Just relax”, a voice now coming from his right said. “For the start, we have some questions for you!”.

Luke recognized the voice of the second kidnapper. The one with long hair. He was sitting between them. Now that his senses were coming back - except sight - he could feel the faint vibrations of a car. He was probably being transported to their lair.

“So…” Sam said. “Judging by the ID card in your wallet, your name is Luke Porter, and you’re 22”


“Uh… yeah” Luke confirmed after a slight hesitation. Why denying the obvious?

“And so, Luke… apart from being too curious for your own good, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m… still a student”

“Nice. What do you study?”

“Art history”

Dean could’t refrain a sarcastic laughter.

“Oh, dude, among everything, you chose the most useless academic background. Even studying law is more useful”, he said as he winked to his brother.

Sam didn’t raise it. “Don’t pay attention to him, Luke. Now, what were you doing in this motel in the middle of nowhere. Surely, there was not much art to study there”.

Luke considered for a brief moment whether he should lie or tell the truth, but he couldn’t think of a convincing lie right now, still in shock and being pressured.

“So?” Sam asked again.

“I’m on vacation, I was supposed to meet a friend who owns a cabin in the appalachians. We used to go each summer”.

“And this friend is Nick, of course?”

Luke’s heart missed a beat.

“How… how do you know Nick?” he said as he started to wriggle in the straitjacket.

“Hey, relax…” Sam said as he passed his arm behind Luke’s neck, forcing him to stay still. “This guy just don’t stop calling you”.

“Yeah…” an idea arose in Luke’s mind. “He should worry about me, I should already be there”.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, worried.

“Look, dudes...” Luke added. “Maybe you should release me, so that I can reassure my friend and be on my way? I promise I won’t talk about you to anyone, I’ll invent something, I…”

“Oh, shut up”, Dean added. “We’ve almost arrived, we’ll see how the brothers wants to deal with it…”

“The brothers? What…?”

Sam glanced at his brother. “You talk too much, Dean!”

“What does that mean?” Luke added. “Where are takimmMMMPHPHMMHH”

His words turned garbled as he felt a large mass being pushed in his mouth.


“And you talk too much too”, Sam added. “Enough chit-chat for now!”

“MMMPHH” Luke moaned as he felt a large rubber plug being pushed inside his mouth, far beyond his teeth, pinning his tongue down. He tried to spit it out using his jaws muscles, but it suddenly tightened; Luke felt two straps going over his cheeks and being buckled over the nape of his neck. At the same time, he felt a large leather panel smothered over his mouth and his lover face, crushing his lips.

“The same gag I saw on the kidnapped boy”, he realized.

“Mmmphphhh” he moaned again as he felt the buckle being latched in the buckle’s hole. He quickly understood how effective the gag was, as it greatly muffled his voice and of course prevented any intelligible speech.

After a few minutes, Luke had realized that the plug was stimulating his drool production. Thus, he had to constantly suck on the plug to swallow it. Like he was sucking on a pacifier or doing a… blowjob.

It was humiliating.

And he could do nothing about it. Luke wasn’t a fighter and he rather considered himself as a nice guy; but even if he wanted to fight, the straitjacket, the straps binding his legs and the blindfold made any attempt impossible.

Luke felt panic arise. He forced himself to take deep breaths and to focus his mind on something regular, like the vibration of the road. Dean’s wild driving wasn’t helping, though.

After a few minutes of silence, Luke heard the loud sound of the radio Dean had just turned on. Although he was not fan of metal, he was glad he did it; it gave him something to focus his mind on.

One hour later, Luke finally sensed the car stopping. He then heard someone talk to his captors, obviously outside of the car.

“Welcome back, brothers” the voice said. Luke identified it as a young man, friendly, perhaps his age. “Wait… he’s not the prophet you should deliver, is he?”

“Nope” Dean replied. “He’s in the trunk. Luke here is an… uninvited guest!”

“MMMPPPHH”, Luke “said”. “It’s no use”, he thought, “I won’t get help from him, he’s clearly with them”.

“Well… I was not briefed about him” the voice replied, now more hesitant.

“The Elders did not know, it just happened. Look, he’s tied up, blindfolded and gagged, so the rules are respected. Are you going to let us pass or what?”

“Brother Dean, I’m still not sure…”

“Look, Jeff, let me explain this some other way. We are on the field, taking the risks and doing the necessary job. You have been in the brotherhood for years now and your job is still to open and close a goddamn gate. So just do your job and let-us-through, and let my Elder dad deal with my guest”.

A short silence. “Fine”, the one named Jeff replied, clearly upset. “You’re right, it’s your problem after all”.

After a few seconds, Luke felt the engine start again. Dean drove more carefully though, as he was taking narrow curves.

“Dean”, Sam said, “you shouldn’t act like a complete dick with the brothers”

“What? Sam, this guy is a loser. Dave told me, he arrived in the Brotherhood with him but, unlike him, didn’t get any interesting job. He’s constantly switching between keeping the gate and doing stuff for the logistic division. He’s basically the Brotherhood’s janitor!”

“But still… Dean, we arrived here as an Elder’s son and we were assigned on the field very quickly, queue-jumping at the expense of many brothers. We may not have only friends here”

“As always, little bro, you worry too much about public relationships…”

Luke was still sitting between them, straitjacketed, blind and mute, not participating in this conversation. This conversation had just made his confusion deeper. Clearly, there was a whole organisation behind all of it, it wasn’t just two lunatic guys with psychiatric issues… Where was he being taken ?

After one minute, the car came to a halt. Luke felt his two captors leaving the compartment, and addressing an other guy outside.

“Hi Dave”, Sam said, “we had some troubles, sorry for the lateness”

“I know”, an voice unknown to Luke, “Dave” he assumed, answered. “Jeff called me from the gate. I was expecting you…”

Luke’s sound was brutally cut as the doors were slammed shut. All he heard was some muffled voices, sometimes louder; clearly, this conversation wasn’t going smooth. After a few moments, someone opened the trunk, and he could again hear some bribes:

“..... no, we kept him gagged at all time, as required...” Dean said

Then Luke heard a long muffled protests and some scratching noise; he understood that they must have seized the kidnapped boy and were taking him out of the trunk.

“Where is he going now?”

“The brothers of the mystic division will take care of him” the unknown voice - Dave - said. “But I’m not done with you, we still…”

The trunk was slammed shut again.But two minutes after, Luke felt the passenger door being opened and a pair of strong hands seized him and dragged him out of the car, still blindfolded. He was made to stand but couldn’t find his balance, as his legs were still firmly bound; but as he staggered, the hands were back on his arms just below the shoulders, holding him still.


“We had no choice; this guy just bumped into us and saw us with our attire and holding our target; we had to take him in order to protect the Brotherhood” Dean said.

“First, you should not have put yourself in a position where any of you could be seen; second, abducting someone who's not a defined target is not something acceptable” Dave replied.

“Oh, fuck the rules!” Dean just replied, clearly annoyed now.

“It’s not just that” Dave replied, raising his voice. “We don’t know where this guy is from. We didn’t do any study on him; someone may already have notified the authorities he’s missing and we didn’t built any story which could explain that, or set up any fake accident. Has he any relatives?”.

“MMMPPHHMMM” “said” Luke, nodding his head in the direction of the voice.

“Actually”, Sam said, more calmly, “we interrogated him. He was supposed to meet a friend in the mountains for a week vacation in the wild; we have his cellphone, thus we can easily locate this friend”.

“Great…” Dave mumbled, pinching his nose between the eyes as he thought about it. “Ok, the best move now is to try to convert… “Luke”, so he can go see his friend and convince him that everything’s normal in spite of this… delay. Thus, our tracks would be covered”.

“MMMMPPHHH” said Luke, confused. Go seeing Nick? He didn’t ask for more but… what’s this conversion stuff?

“Convert this guy?” Dean said, clearly skeptical. “He’s not valuable for the brotherhood, Dave, he’s just an art student guy. We have no guarantee the process will work anyway”

“The conversion was never a 100% success rate for anyone, but we have nothing to lose. And for the record, Dean… I was a student before being brought here”.

“Tch” said Dean. “Where’s my dad by the way? He’s the one supposed to make such decisions!”

“I’ll refer to Elder John of course, but he’s not in the Temple right now. And he put me in charge of supervising the acquisition teams - it means you”, he said, locking eyes with Dean. “So I have to make decisions, and that’s what I’m doing. Now move! We are losing time!”

“Ok, Dave, will do” said Sam, as he lowered Luke on a spare wheelchair near the car. After seating his captives, he took the strong tissue straps dangling from the chair, locking them tight over Luke’s waist and legs, thus ensuring he’ll remain seated. Luke grunted out of surprise, not expecting to be restrained more than he already was.

“Oh and give me his phone”, Dave said. “I’ll pass it to the brothers of the tech division, so we’ll gather every data about his contacts and build an actual plan to organize his… disappearance”

“MMMPPHHH!” Luke said, squirming in the straitjacket. “MMMPHH MNNOOO MMPNPPHH MMMPPHH”

“Calm down, Luke!” Dave said, almost friendly “I’m not talking about killing you. We don’t do that here. In fact, I’d like to welcome you as a brother. But from now on, your life will change…”

“There”, Dean threw at Dave Luke’s cellphone he had just recovered from the Impala’s dashboard. Dave caught it on the fly, displaying nice reflexes. “Go get it to the nerd brothers” Dean mockingly said.

“The “nerd brothers” are the one who are gonna fix your mess right now. You better remember it” Dave replied as he turned around and walked away, his cloak flapping behind him.

Luke felt the wheelchair moving. He was being taken away, but his state of confusion had just reached another level. Tech division? Mystic division? What were these? Clearly there’s some sort of organisation but… a part of his brain kept telling him this couldn’t be anything but an elaborate joke, and another part immediately objected that jokes don’t involve chloroform and straitjackets.

And then Luke surprised himself thinking: “maybe it’s not so bad after all… that guy Dave seemed more friendly and clearly, his own captors - especially Dean - are not that appreciated. And they mentioned me going back to Nick. Maybe that “conversion” thing is not that bad…”

As his mind tried to process all this stuff, he felt himself being dragged deeper and deeper. “This complex must be huge”, he thought.

“You’re quite lucky”, Dean suddenly said. “The Brotherhood said they recruited us because we’re the elite, and then they let an average guy like you try a conversion”.

“Shut up, Dean!” Sam said as he was pushing the wheelchair. “There’s no need to despise everyone just because they’re not trained hunters. Everyone’s here may be useful.” “Including our guest here”, he added to Luke

“Seriously, Sam”, Dean rolled his eyes, “did you hear how he was talking to us? Like he thinks himself better than us?”

“As a matter of fact”, Sam said, “he did beat us. Remember who captured us and brought you here?”

“Pure luck!” Dean said while shrugging. “Luck and chloroform!”

“Yeah, yeah…” replied Sam, almost amused.

Luke couldn’t believe what he had just heard. These guys had been captured too? Just like he was? This guy, Dave, also mentioned he had been a student before… were this guys just like… him?

“There! We’ve arrived!” Sam said after a few more minutes.

Luke felt the wheelchair came to a halt, then being spinned a quarter. His blindfold was then removed.

He was in a small, circular chamber with stone walls. As he detailed his surroundings, he noticed a TV screen hanging from the ceiling, directly in front of him. Then he saw Dean against the wall, turning his back to him, adjusting some device he couldn’t see.


“There. Shall we begin?” said Dean, looking at him.

As he approached, Luke tried to identify the object he was holding. It was a long hose, which was connected to a heavy pressurised container, likely containing gas. Luke realized that the other end was a breathing mask just as Dean smothered it over his nose and already gagged mouth.

“MMMPMMMMMM! MMMPPHHHH!!!” Luke screamed anew in his gag, struggling in his straitjacket and the wheelchair, but unable to stand up, let alone dislodging the mask as Sam was now strapping it behind his head.

“Relax, dude” Sam whispered in his ear. “We all went through it. It’s not as bad as it looks!”

As the last strap was buckled, sealing the gas mask over his face, the TV screen switched on, displaying a rotating spiral right in front of Luke’s eyes. At the same time, Luke felt a sweetish smell invading the mask. It was not chloroform, but the combination of the gas and the spiral clouded Luke’s mind. In his confuse state, he didn’t know how to resist this… or if he should resist at all.

“There!” Sam said. “You want to see your pal again? And join our family?”

YES! Luke realized he did want that. He slightly nodded and grunted, already in a dream-like state.

“Then watch the screen and listen…”

And Luke did listen.


Luke didn’t know how many time passed when Dean unbuckled the mask, then the panel gag.

“Well, it seems you did very well after all… brother! How do you feel?”

“I feel… great!”

And that was the truth. In spite of having been trapped in a straitjacket for hours now and having his mouth extra dry because of the gag, Luke was happy. During his transe, his mind had been infused with the values of the Brotherhood: duty, loyalty, the urge to stand together to face the upcoming supernatural threat… for once, he felt like he had found his place in this world.

And Nick! The promise to see Nick soon was shining in his spirit.

Suddenly, Dean’s lips pressed over his. Surprised but still driven by his enthusiasm, Luke returned the kiss. It was enjoyable, he thought, but Nick’s kiss would feel even better.


“That was the final part”, Dean said, withdrawing. “Welcome to the Brotherhood, novice Luke!”

“T...thanks, brother Dean”.

“Yes, congratulations!” said Sam, coming from behind, as Dean was starting to unwrap the straps binding Luke.

“Here are your boots, cloak and gloves”, Sam added. “You passed the test, you’re a fellow member now, no need for gags or straitjackets anymore. Put these on, I understood that we still have much work to do…”
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great couple of chapters covering the capture and conversion of Luke. He really has stumbled into a new life. It will be interesting to see how they use him to deal with Nick - feels like there might be a happy ending for Luke on that front!

Am I the only one that thinks Dean is due a bit more time with that muzzle - he really is very mouthy and full of himself.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Carnath »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks Dean is due a bit more time with that muzzle - he really is very mouthy and full of himself.
Maybe his attitude will get him in trouble again. Who knows? (me but that doesn't count :D )
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 19: cleaning up the mess

« Dave, you summoned us? » Sam asked.

He was entering with his brother in Dave’s new office. Luke, wearing the white cloak of the novices, was already there, apparently receiving some good news as he was displaying a broad smile on his face.

“You there!” Dave said as an answer. “Come on in!”

“Nice office!” said Sam as he stepped in. “You seem to enjoy your promotion!”

“Yeah”, Dean added. “How does that feel to be our dad’s henchman?”

Dave smiled. He wasn’t duped: Dean just told him that even if he’s been promoted, he still thought they outrank him for being an Elder’s sons.

“Yeah”, Dave nonetheless cheerfully replied. “Will be a little less on the field, but I’ll have to supervise our new… acquisitions”

“Great. How’s our pal Luke doing?” Dean said, half-friendly, half-mockingly, as he laid his gloved hand over Luke’s shoulder.

“... and to clean the mess when the operations go off” Dave finished as if he had not been interrupted.

The smile of the Winchester brothers slightly fainted.

“What do you mean?” asked Sam, crossing his arms.
“Well, Luke’s abd… invitation wasn’t very smooth, to say the least”.

“Come on, we already explained that” Sam said, “it was an emergency situation, we didn’t had a choice”.

“Incorrect!” Dave firmly said, though still smiling. “You could have check your tire’s pressure. You could have had a spare tire. You could have decided to sleep anywhere but in a motel room. And you could have make sure not to be followed by any witness. You’ve been sloppy!”.

“But…” Sam said

“What’s done is done!” cut Dave. “But now we have to cover our tracks”.

“What are we talking about exactly?” asked Dean.

“You see, Luke here was supposed to meet a friend… uuhhh…”

“Nick!” Luke interjected.

“Nick, that’s it” Dave continued. “So Nick is to be reassured since he was about to report Luke being missing”

“So what?” asked Sam. “Just give him a call!”

“I did” Luke said. “But we’re very close, you know, and we’ve always met for vacations, so I couldn’t find any good excuses. I told him I was delayed and that I’ll be there shortly.”

“And that was not a sloppy move?” mocked Dean.

“No, it was a move approved by us from the beginning!”

“Us?” asked Sam.

“Me and your d… Elder John”.

“Where is he by the way?”

“Busy!” Dave curtly replied. “That’s why he asked me to handle this. So… Luke will meet his buddy, it’s only a four-hour trip from here. And you’ll go with him!”

“What? Why?” Sam asked.

“Because a novice isn’t supposed to left the Temple’s domain, even less alone. And because you’ll be able to intervene if things go off… again”.

“Wait a minute!” Dean interjected. “We joined the Brotherhood to ultimately fight against demons and other evils. Till the Organisation is ready to declare war, we’ve been assigned to kid… to recruit people, I can get it. But now you ask us to play chaperons?”

“Yes, exactly. And if you don’t like it, tough luck, because YOU put us in danger here!” Dave said coldly.

“It’s not a big deal!” Luke intervened, trying to ease things up. “You won’t have to do anything, so just see it as vacations. I’ll handle Nick, he’ll see I’m fine, and I may even manage to convince him to join us…”

“Yeah, speaking of that, we didn’t finish discussing it”, Dave said.

“Don’t worry. I understand that we’re a secret organisation here; I will be extra-careful in what I say and won’t mention it unless I really feel he might be interested. But I assure you, he would be a good recruit; we would do such a good job together!”

“Well… remember the priority is to make sure he won’t raise any alarm. The rest is… a secondary objective!” Dave replied dubiously.

“Got it!”

“When do we go?” Dean asked.

“Now! You can take your car. Off you go!”.


The trip was this time very quiet. It was clear that Luke was delighted to see his friend back again; but it was also clear that Dean and Sam weren’t in such a good mood, as they kept stern faces and barely said a word during the first half of the trip.

“So…” said Luke, to break the ice. “You’ve got a really nice car, actually. Is it yours or does it belong to the Brotherhood?”

“No she’s mine”, Dean replied, actually surprised and pleased by the compliment. “You didn’t seem to like her so much the first time?”

“Well, if you recall…” Luke said, smiling, “I was sitting right here but in a straitjacket”

“Come on, it wasn’t that rough!”

“But it certainly wasn’t as comfortable as now… and I couldn’t admire your engine since you blindfolded me right away”.

“Right”, replied Dean, almost laughing “and even if, you couldn’t really express your compliments with the gag Sam quickly gave you!”

“Sorry about that, by the way”, said Sam. “The Brotherhood insists on limiting contacts with any non-members. Which means that our… guests have to be bound and gagged all time, unless we need them to talk”.

“Aw it’s okay, I understand now”, replied Luke. “You freaked me out with all that stuff… the chloroform, the straitjacket, the leather blindfold and gag… but I get it now. I’m a Brother, like you. I can’t wait to learn from you!”

“So, you like your new life so far? This cloak suits you” said Sam.

“Yeah. A shame I can’t show it to Nick… or to anyone else. But it’s classy”.

“And the black one really makes you stealthy at night. And it has many hidden pockets in there”.

“I like the gloves too!” said Luke, now enthusiastic, contemplating his black shining fingers, “what it’s made of?”

“I’m not really sure, but it was made in the Brotherhood’s lab. A special combination of leather and latex, I guess”.

“It’s amazing. Soft and supple, like a second skin! And yet resistant”

“Remember when you tried to bite me when I handgagged you?”

“Haha yeah! I really stood no chance”.

“How about your new boots?” Sam wondered, now playing along.

“Great. I’m not used to boots, I’m… was rather a sneaker guy. But they’re comfy. I kinda feel more… powerful, wearing these”.

“I see what you mean. Maybe I should get a pair too, I’m still wearing my old footwear”.

The rest of the trip was more relaxed; the brothers and Luke lightly chatted about the Brotherhood, its rules and their expectation. They realised that, after his conversion, Luke had quickly developed an admiration for his former captors.

Alas, the Winchester’s mood, especially Dean’s, deteriorated again as they reached the end of the journey. Dean parked the Impala in a dirt road in the forest, which Luke indicated as the beginning of the path leading to Nick’s cabin.

“So, here we are. Give me your cloak, you don’t want to scare your buddy with it”, said Dean.

Luke unclipped his cape and gave him to Dean, who had already exited the car. “He must be eager to stretch his legs”, thought Luke “so am I”.

“So”, Sam said, still sitting, one last time. Do you understand your mission?”

“Yes, sir!” Luke cheerfully replied. “Primary objective: just reassure Nick and spent good relaxing time with him. Not really difficult”.


“And secondary, lead him to join the Brotherhood as well”.

“Don’t put too much expectations on this one. I don’t want to disappoint you, but we don’t really need him…”

“It’s okay”, cut Luke. “I know I must be careful on this one. I’ll try it only if I feel he’s ready”.

“Hmm…” replied Sam, finally leaving the car too, allowing Luke to go out.

“There”, Dean said to him as he was standing up, holding him a large backpack . “Your bag!”


“It’s only a five minute walk, you said, so we’re leaving you here. We’ll stay at the edge of the woods, so your buddy won’t see us. But call us anytime you need, and report to us daily. You understand?”

“No problem!”

“And have your cell phone always with you. The tech brothers hacked it so it will always record your surroundings and transmit it to mine in real time.”

“Was it really necessary?”

Dean shrugged. “Trust doesn’t exclude control, they said”.

“I’m on my way, then!”

Luke gave them a last salute and turned away, eager to rejoin his friend. As he followed the path, the brothers cut through the wood, climbing a little hill overlooking the clearing where Nick’s small wooden cabin was.

“Say, Dean”... Sam asked. “You seem far more relaxed at the perspective of spending a week in the middle of nowhere, sleeping in the car”.

Dean chuckled. “Maybe we’ll spent far, far less time than that, here”.

Sam frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see”.

They arrived at the top of the hill. The brothers each took a pair of binoculars and looked down at the cabin’s entrance. Dean spotted Luke first.

“Here he comes. And here’s his mate. Look at them all happy. Trust me, bro, so far, everything is going juuust fine…”
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 20: a friend's deception

“Dude! So glad you finally made it. I was starting to worry, you completely vanished” Nick said as he hugged his buddy.

« Yeah, sorry for that » Luke replied, hugging him back. My old car just broke in the middle of nowhere with no phone coverage and by the time someone gave me a ride to the next town, my cell battery was dead ».Luke composed his lie based on what actually happened to the Winchesters while taking back Kevin.

« It’s okay », Nick replied cheerfully. « I was about to call your parents or the cop but you called me first just in time…. Hey, those are nice boots you have here! » he said, noticing Luke’s unusual footwear.

« Yeah » Luke replied. « I bought them just before leaving. Since we’ll hike quite a bit, I figured I should have something more comfortable than my sneakers”.

“ Good catch! Hey, give me your backpack, I’ll store it in your room”

“Dude, I can…”

“Nope. You just go sit yourself on the couch. Grab a beer first, I’ve put some in the fridge just for you”.


30 seconds later, Luke crashed on the couch, holding his opened beer, with a smile of relief and satisfaction. His life had drastically changed in the last 48 hours; he had been dragged out of his former life and plunged into a whole new universe. But as he thought about it, everything was for the best: his student life was leading him to nowhere and he had no real perspective. Now the Brotherhood gave him a purpose, to serve and protect humankind, no less!

The only issue was Nick, but now he was reunited with him. It should not be too difficult to make him join the Brotherhood as well, Luke figured. He just had to be precautious and to slowly reveal it. As brothers, they would be together forever. Luke knew the Brotherhood forbade intimate relations with laymen, but brothers are on the other hand free to bound. Maybe this way, Luke could finally reveal to his friend that he had deeper feelings for him…

Lost in his thoughts, Luke didn’t hear Nick stomping up the stairs. He only saw him as he was standing before him. He had gone white.

“Dude”, he said, showing Luke’s white cape in one hand and a pair of handcuffs in the other, “What the hell are those ?”


“Oh no”, Sam said, as he was hearing what happened through Dean’s cellphone, “you didn’t…”

“What a scatterbrain I am”, Dean replied with a huge grin. “I must have accidentally put Luke’s cloak in his backpack instead of putting it away in the trunk. And maybe a pair of handcuffs too”.

“But the plan was supposed to calm his buddy down, not to freak him out!”

“Nope, the plan was to protect the Brotherhood. And we will do so by bringing him back”.

“But other people will start to worry about them…”

“Bro”, Dean cut him while opening the trunk, revealing a jar of gasoline. “Do you really think I didn’t think about it? You know, forest fires are quite common in this season, and sometimes, people are trapped in a cabin in the middle of the woods and can’t escape the flames… there’s often even no bodies left to identify” Dean winked.

“You really planned this from the beginning, huh?” Sam said. “But why not just let Luke…”

“Because he would have told him about the Brotherhood anyway. And I won’t just spent a week here freezing my ass, sleeping on the Impala, just because he has decided to have some vacations first!”.

“Seeing things like that… it makes more sense, I guess”.

“Good”, Dean concluded. “There”, he said after tapping some commands on his own cell phone. “I scrambled all communications 30 feet around Luke’s phone. They’re off grid now. We just have to go pick up his buddy now. Grab your stuff!”.


The atmosphere inside the cabin was far from relaxed. After the initial shock, Luke had tried to calm Nick down, to calmly explain to him what the Brotherhood was; he even had put on his cloak to let him admire it, but Nick seemed to get more and more worried than excited.

“That’s why you were late! I can’t believe you joined a goddamn CULT! ”

“It’s really not, Nick! It’s a wonderful place, you should have seen the Temple, the place is huge…”

“How much did they steal from you? And from others?”

“But nothing! I just pledged to serve them!”


“No, you’re getting it wrong! You know I’m not rich, that doesn’t interest them. But I’ve promised to work faithfully for them…”

“So you’re their SLAVE?”

“No, no, you may see it as an… enlistment. Like in the army?”

“Oh, so they’re building an army?”

“Sort of! To fight against the demons and protect humanity from them”.

Nick’s jaws dropped. “Do you even hear yourself?”


“This is all a prank, right? You’re filming me right now?”

“It’s not. Nick, calm down…”

“So you’re really buying that shit. Dude…” Nick was getting more and more agitated. “That’s enough. I’ll call your parents”.

“Nick, don’t...”, Luke hesitated to pull the phone out of Nick’s hands, as the last thing he wanted was to display violence, but Nick suddenly muttered: “Why is there no network? It worked fine this morning… I’ll go outside. Don’t follow me now!”

It took Luke a couple of seconds to understand what this sudden disconnection meant.

“NICK!”, he yelled as he tried to stop his mate from opening the front door. “Don’t! It’s a…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence. Before Nick could reach it, the door slammed opened from the outside. Nick froze as he saw two husky guys blocking his way out and marching toward him. The first one had a huge grin on his face. He was only a few meters from him when Nick noticed he was carrying a pair of rigid speedcuffs in his right hand. The other guy was even taller, a real giant, and Nick saw him carrying something like… a bottle? He didn’t see his other hand.

“Heya buddy”, Dean said sarcastically. “You were going somewhere?”
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 21 - Operational training

Time seemed suspended for a short moment. Nick was speechless, facing the two hunks who blocked his way, so surprised that he didn’t even notice the gear they were holding. It was him who broke the ice after a few seconds though.

“What the…” he began.

He didn’t even had time to utter a single more word. Dean had just been waiting for a reaction on his side to take action. In one leap, he was on him, grabbing his right wrist firmly in his gloved hand.

“HEY! DON’T TOUCH…” Nick’s outrage was again short-lived. Dean had quickly and firmly initiated a twisting movement on his wrist, putting him in an arm lock, causing Nick to yelp both in pain and surprise. At the same time, Dean had swiftly tackled his legs, making him lose balance and fall on the ground.

Nick had fallen face down. The suddenness and violence of the assault had almost knocked him out for a few seconds. He didn’t realise what was going on; he barely felt Dean’s grasp when he took his wrist again; nor did he realise what meant the sharp pain and the cold metal he felt tightening around his right wrist, then his left, each time going along with a short but quite loud ratcheting sound.

It was only when he tried to move his arms apart that he had realized he’d just been handcuffed in his back with rigid cuffs.

The whole scene had merely taken ten seconds!

Nick tried to move his back and to sit up straight, but Dean firmly planted his boot between his shoulder blades, forbidding him any movement of his upper body.

Sam watched carefully the whole scene, even if he already knew he wouldn’t have to intervene. “A random guy is no match for a trained warrior like my big brother”, he thought, as he uncapped the chloroform bottle he was holding in his hand. As the cuffs ratcheted, Sam was already pouring chloroform on the thick cotton pad he had been holding.

“No, wait!” Luke exclaimed, finally reacting. He seemed almost as shocked as Nick.

“What?” Dean asked with nonchalance, while Nick was slightly wiggling under his boot.

“There’s no use! You didn’t need to attack him, he would have caused no trouble! And there’s no need to chloroform him either, I…”

“Oh, right”, Sam suddenly exclaimed. “I won’t do it! You will” he said, holding to Luke the now reeking and dripping pad.


Luke wrinkled his nose as Sam poured the wad in his hand. He knew that sweet odor too well.


“Look!” Sam said. “It’s the easiest way to handle someone. You know we’ll have to restrain him better than that for the trip. Would be far easier if he’s put to sleep. Agitated like he is now, we just might really hurt him while tying him up. Which we don’t want, do we?”

“No, but… we didn’t…”

“Luke?” Nick spoke for the first time, with a toneless voice. He was obviously completely scared of what he had just heard. “Luke what… what’s going on?”

“Come on, Luke”, Dean said with a grin, still holding Nick below his booted foot, “you’re a brother now. This is how we handle our targets in an operation. We’ve been through this; you’ve been through this. Right now, it’s no vacation time, you’re also here to train. Do it!” Dean concluded, with a nod toward Nick’s face.

Luke seemed to hesitate for a short moment, then kneeled against his buddy.

“I’m sorry, Nick!” Luke said as he brought the chloroform-soaked rag closer to his friend’s face.

“No, wait”, Nick moaned. “What’s that smell? What are you doiMMMPPHH?”

Luke had just clamped the rag over his friend’s nose and mouth. He wasn’t eager to chloroform him, but he just couldn’t cope with an explanation right now. Things were just happening too fast.


Nick tried to struggle; he wriggled, tried to move his head, but Luke grabbed him behind his neck with his other hand, thus keeping control and keeping the pad over his nose. With his wrists locked behind his back in the rigid steel handcuffs, Nick couldn’t move his arms, and Dean maintained him on the ground. He had no choice but to inhale the sweet fumes, even if he didn’t know what “chloroform” was and what they were doing to him.


“KKKHHH KHHH”. The strong anesthetic made him cough. He felt the sickly smell coming in his nose, in his lungs; he felt a burning sensation going from his nose to his throat, then to his chest. The smell was aggressive, it reminded Nick of some kind of industrial paint. But he didn’t understand why they forced him to breathe in that scent.


“Sorry buddy”, Luke said in a soothing tone… or at least, a tone he wanted to be soothing. “Just take deep breaths. It’ll be quicker this way!”

“Quicker for what?” Nick thought, still struggling in vain. But he was out of breath, after his first reflex, he tried not to inhale, but he was not a freediver and had to take his breath now. He indeed inhaled deeply.

That’s when he felt it. Immediately after the breath, he felt his ears vibrating, louder and louder. At the same time, he felt something in his eyes, like a vein popping out.

He tried to shake his head, as most as Luke’s grasp allowed him, but the buzzing didn’t stop. He tried to blink, but the sensation didn’t go away. He felt a wave of weakness going all over his body, and at the same time felt cold and shivered.


“MMMmmmm!” He tried to avoid the rag, to take some fresh air, but in his position, lying handcuffed on the floor, there was nothing to do. He shaked his head as much as he could, but Luke maintained the rag too hard and easily kept it over his nose. He tried to buck, but the pressure of Dean’s boot over his butt prevented him from even trying getting up. Panicking, he started flapping his legs, to no avail.

“Mmmmmpphff!! Mmllluuuummmkkkhh! Mmmooofff!”

“Shhhh, shhh” Luke replied to his friend's muffles and desperate calls to stop. “Just one or two deep breaths, buddy. It’ll be over soon”.

“The chloroform’s kicking in! Look, he’s going under!” said Sam, still acting like he’s overseeing the action.

Indeed, Nick’s protests soon became less vocal, and the beating of his legs less and less vigorous.

After the next breath, Nick didn’t feel so bad anymore. After feeling cold, he felt nice and warm, and all his muscles relaxed, as he felt himself falling deep down in an ocean of cotton and softness. He didn’t even realize he stopped struggling.

“Shhh… that’s it! Settle down, buddy. It’s gonna be alright” Luke said.

Nick barely heard him. The buzzing sound was growing too loud. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was as if his ears were filled with cotton.

His thoughts became foggy and slow. His mind drifted to Luke, to these cloaked guys, then to Luke again, but he didn’t manage to make a coherent thought anymore.

His eyes were still slightly opened, but didn’t watch anything anymore.

Then slowly, without even realizing it, Nick closed his eyes. He didn’t reopen them.

He had been chloroformed.

Feeling his friend being now completely limp, Luke slowly released his pressure. Nick’s head fell gently on the floor.

“Don’t withdraw the rag just yet!” Sam said. “After your target goes limp, keep it always for thirty more seconds. First, it makes you sure that he’s not faking it. Second, it’ll keep him under for at least 15 minutes, so you’ll have time to tie him properly”.

Luke obeyed reluctantly. He kept the rag a bit more, then finally removed it. Nick’s mouth was slightly open, he was breathing slowly but apparently normally. Sam took one of Nick’s arms, raised it and then dropped it. Nick had no more reaction than a ragdoll.


“He’s done for it! Good job!” Sam announced.

“Finally”, Dean said, as he removed his boot from Nick’s back. “You tie him up properly, I’ll fetch the rest of the stuff!”

“The what?” Luke said quizzically. All of this was going too fast for him.

“”Don’t worry, Dean manages” said Sam as he grabbed some coils of light grey ropes. “Remove his cuffs. Let’s see how good you are with knots…”


A few minutes later, Nick, still unconscious, was thoroughly being bound by Luke. His ankles were already tied up together with several turns of light grey rope, lashed vertically then cinched horizontally. Luke was now tying up his wrists the same way.

“That’s it. Take care not to cut off the bloodstream. You’re good”, admitted Sam. “You were enlisted with the boy scouts?”

“Uh… yeah, I was”, said Luke. The whole situation displeased him. He took no pleasure binding his friend, not like this anyway… In his mind, he was going to convince him to freely join the Brotherhood… Now when he’ll wake up, what will he think?

“Keep concentrating!” said Sam. “Wrists and ankles aren’t enough, you’ll have to tie his arms, and bind his legs further at knees and thighs. Then we’ll have to gag and blindfold him.” he added, holding a leather panel gag and a dark cloth.

“Is that really necessary? I know him, he’s not…”

“Sush! It’s protocol. Besides, one goal is to prevent escaping, the other is to break his mental resistance. One can only achieve that if he’s completely immobile and silent. You know that!”

“But I don’t want to break him! I…”

“Enough. Besides, blindfold and gag are mandatory; unless necessity, you should not speak with a prisoner, and he’s certainly not supposed to see where he’s going, you know the Brotherhood’s temple location is an absolute secret!”


“Enough of that! Finish the tying, we have already wasted enough time here”.

At the same time, Dean returned, holding a red jerrycan in his hand.

“Finally found that bitch! I was almost going to siphon our own tank...” he said as he started to pour generously the content of the recipient on the ground. A strong odor of gasoline filled the room.

“What are you doing now?” Luke said, almost panicking.

“Relax, we told you the brotherhood doesn’t kill anyone, didn’t we? We’re just going to burn down this cabin to the ground. All evidence erased, you and your buddy presumed dead in the flames. The perfect justification for your disappearance, so you may stay in the brotherhood full time”, Dean added grinningly.

Luke said nothing, concentrating on the knots. He finished binding Nick’s upper body: five coils of rope were now circling his arms and his chest below the pecs, and were tightly secured by two vertical coils cinched between his torso and his arms. Reluctantly, he took another short coil and began wrapping it around his best mate’s knees. As he mechanically tightened his knot, he realized that Sam and Dean had never had the intention to let him act freely with Nick.

“Say, Sam… did you put my cloak in my backpack?”

“Does it matter?” said Sam, as he was putting the plug of the gag in Nick’s mouth. Nick emitted a small moan as the rubber plug came into his mouth.

Luke understood the answer. As Sam was wrapping the blindfold over Nick’s eyes and knotted it behind his head, he took one last coil and wrapped it around Nick’s calves, fusing his legs together. Luke’s faith in the Brotherhood was intact, he knew the Organization was good…

But Sam and Dean… he admired them, he had only spent two days in the Temple, but he already knew they were the son of an Elder and the best demon hunters in the country.

And they had just betrayed him like shit.

“Okay. Time to move!” announced Sam. “Take your buddy to the trunk!”

Luke lifted Nick and put his bound body over his shoulder. “Can I at least put him on the seat? I’d like to be next to him when he wakes up”.

Sam shrugged as he exited the cabin first. “Suit yourself. But don’t cause any mess!”

Luke followed him, casting a last glance to Dean who had just cracked a match, grinning like a mad arsonist. “Such a shame”, Luke thought angrily, “Nick really loved his cabin”.

As he put his friend on the back seat of the Impala, he heard the fire roaring. Thanks to the gas, the flames were already high when the Impala drove away.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 22: breaking the rules

It took only a few minutes after the departure for Nick to start waking up. Luke, sitting next to him, felt him slightly move then heard him grunt, feebly at first, then more and more loudly as his pal slowly realized that something went wrong.

Then, all of a sudden, Nick stiffened all his muscles, trying to move his arms and his legs; he shaked his head, trying to understand why his mouth and eyes weren’t working. He let out a long muffled scream as he recalled he had been chloroformed and now realized that he was completely trussed up and gagged. Panic seized him as he felt the tight coils of rope around his wrists, his ankles, and even his legs and chest. He absolutely couldn’t move his arms, they were attached to his chest and his arms were blocked in a parallel position behind his back; he couldn’t move his legs either, they were fused together.

And even more frightening, he couldn’t see a thing and an unknown mass was filling his mouth and crushing his lips, preventing him from saying anything.

“Looks like he’s awake”, Dean mockingly said.

“Hey buddy…” Luke gently said, touching Nick’s shoulder. “Relax, it’s just me!”.

Far from relaxing, Nick reacted with a jolt.

“LMMMMMMUUU! MMMMMMMAMMMMM MMMMUUUUKKHHH”! Despite the strong gag, his screams were quite strong, covering Dean’s metal music, even if his words were hardly intelligible.

“Hey, hey! Settle down!” Luke said, trying to reassure his friend. But his words seemed to have the opposite effect as Nick kept screaming muffled shouts and fighting his bondage; he even started to bang the car’s floor and kicking Sam’s seat, as strongly as his restraints allowed him, which was not much.

“Looks like we’re gonna need more chloroform”, Dean said, now slightly annoyed.

“Yeah”, added Sam, who just felt the kicking. “I told you we should have loaded him in the trunk!”.

“Nick, please…” Luke desperately tried one more time.

But Nick just couldn’t calm down. Panic clouded his mind and prevented him from thinking rationally; he barely heard what Luke was saying, and didn’t conceive that his friend was even partly responsible for his predicament. Hell, he had known Luke for years now! His brain just couldn’t accept that; and he still couldn't see, couldn’t move, couldn’t talk…

“Where did you put the bottle?” Dean asked his brother.

“In the glove box, wait” Sam answered as he opened the compartment. “There must be some rags too…”.

“NO!”, Luke loudly said.

Silence fell. Even Nick stopped struggling and shouting for a moment.

Sam turned to him, an obvious displeased look on his face.

“What did you just say?”

“No, it’s…. it’s not how things were supposed to be!” Luke added. Swiftly, he reached the knot holding the blindfold behind Nick’s head and unbound it, giving his friend his sight back. Nick’s eyes were still wide open in panic.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” shouted Sam.

Luke just ignored him. “Hold on, buddy”, he said to Nick, “I’ll take that gag off, then at least we’ll be able to talk…”

Luke reached the strap of the gag but didn’t manage to unclip it; before that, Dean unexpectedly slammed on the brakes. Luke was not protected by any seatbelt and was thus slammed forward; he hit the front bench pretty hard.

Slightly stunned, Luke realized that Dean had completely stopped the car in the middle of a forest. The road was deserted.

“Get out”, said Dean.


“Get. Out.” he repeated, with an evident threatening tone. “NOW!”

That last shout made Luke comply. “Fine”, he thought as he was opening the car door, “let’s have this conversation now”. Sam and Dean exited the car too; Luke didn’t notice that Dean was mouthing something to his brother.

Luke made a few steps outside the car and faced Dean.

“Look, brother, I really don’t think we shAOOOUMMMFFFF!!” Luke was interrupted by a sudden punch he received from Dean, his gloved fist hitting his chest hard. He didn’t have time to try to re catch his breath when Dean hit him again; this time, Dean’s knee landed hard right on his crotch.


The excruciating pain made Luke fall breathless on his knees. Almost knocked out, he didn’t notice Sam rushing to him with coils of rope in his hands, and he barely felt his arms being forced behind his back; neither did he instantly realize that coils of rope were being wrapped around his wrist.

“What… are you… doing?” he asked, still being short-winded.

Neither of the brothers answered him, but Luke felt the rope cuffs suddenly tighten around his crossed wrists as Sam firmly pulled his ropes and made the knot. He then took another coil and started wrapping it around Luke’s chest and biceps, holding his arms against his torso.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” asked Luke, this time louder. But as he raised his head, a hard slap coming from Dean’s gloved hand whipped his cheek and surprised him again. He then felt a wide rag being pushed in his mouth. He instinctively tried to push it away with his tongue, but Dean cupped his right hand behind his skull, while still forcing the rag with his left hand right in his mouth. Luke was already helpless as his wrists had already been locked behind his back.

“MMMMMMMHHHH!!!!! MMMMMOOOOOOOOHHH”. Luke’s protests obviously fell in deaf ears as Dean made sure to fully stuff the rag all the way behind his teeth. When it was fully in, Dean kept his gloved palm over his mouth, preventing him to spit it out. Luke couldn’t have done that easily anyway, considering the size of the wadding now lodged inside his mouth.

“MMMMMPPPHH!!!! MMMMRRRRRPPMMMM!” Luke’s surprise was now clearly turning into anger. But his eyes widened again when he saw Dean taking a roll of wide silver tape and tearing a strip of it, with the loud carasteric “swwwwuuuuppp” made by the rolls of extra-strong tape.

Luke remembered that roll. He saw it when the Winchester showed him their gear and commentend it.

“ Why the special leather gag?”, he asked. “Isn’t duct tape enough to gag someone?”

“It can be if applied tightly”, Sam answered. “But beware of THAT tape, it’s super strong. One should use it only for makeshift jobs, if you want to use it as a gag it would be effective, yet it would be quite difficult and VERY painful to remove”.

“MMMOOO” Luke tried one more time. Instinctively, he tried to avoid the strip Dean was about to press over his mouth, but Sam prevented him to crawl back. He was absolutely helpless to prevent Dean from applying the strip firmly over his stuffed mouth. He instantly felt the strong glu of the tape taking hold over his lips. But then Dean cut even more strips of tape; he pressed two of them over the first one, criss crossed, then another horizontally. He then pressed the whole gag firmly with his gloves, making sure the tape would stick. An unnecessary precaution, Luke thought; he felt that the tape was so strong he couldn’t remove it just with his jaw muscles, even if he hadn’t had that inner gag stuffed in his mouth.

At the same time, Sam made his final knot to the rope binding his chest. It went all over his torso, his arms, and it was even connected to the wrist rope, forcing Luke’s bound hands slightly up and definitely rendering his all upper body useless.

Less than two minutes had passed since Luke went out of the car. The coordination of the two brothers was amazing, and their bondage flawless.

Another kick from Dean’s boot in his ribs made Luke fall on his side. His legs were immediately seized by Sam, who started to wrap more rope around his ankles, over his boots. The same boots they had gave him just a few days ago.

“MMMMMMPHHH!” Luke protested anew.

“You little shit!”, Dean addressed him for the first time. “Where do you think you are? This is not a summer camp with your friend! We didn’t ask to be on a babysitting mission. We have serious things to do here and you’re just being a pain in the ass right now. So if you want to spend some special time with your friend, so be it! But you won’t slow us down anymore!”. He then took a final coil of rope and started to wrap it over Luke’s knees.

During the whole time, Nick was watching the whole scene, still bound and gagged, absolutely confused, from inside the car. Due to the heavy gag Luke had not had time to unlock, his muffled shrieks had remained absolutely inaudible from the outside.

Sam made his final knot, then went to Nick, taking the blindfold bandana and wrapping it again over the lad’s eyes. He then extracted Nick from the car, taking him in his strong arms, and dumped him into the trunk he had opened before the assault.

Dean finished completing Luke’s trussing and took him the same way.

“MMMMMMPPPHHHHHHH! MMMHHHHMAAAAMMMMUUUKKKMMM”, Luke protested in outrage when he realized he was gonna be dumped in the trunk with Nick. But his thick gag rendered everything he said unintelligible and Dean wouldn’t have cared anyway. He felt absolutely helpless while being carried like a baby, unable to move a single limb.

Dean just let him fall in the trunk. Luke landed just aside Nick, kicking him involuntarily in the process. Luke tried to adjust his position but despite the trunk being quite large, he didn’t have any space with Nick already being tied up in the trunk.

“MMMMMMPHPHHRRMMMMMMHHR MMDDDMMMAEEEEEEMMMMPPHRHTUUUU”, he bursted angrily at Dean, not caring about the gag anymore. Dean looked down on him, slightly grinning.

“You see, you should really settle down too… brother ”, he added sarcastically. He then rummaged in his cloak’s inner pockets, and came back a few seconds later with something in his hands.

Luke’s eyes widened as he recognized the bottle of chloroform. His muffled protests grew louder again as Dean uncapped the bottle and tilted it on the rag he held in his other hand.

“Oh shit!” Dean exclaimed as the bottle slightly slipped in his hands. Instead of moistening the rag with the drug, he spilled too much of the liquid, and the rag couldn’t absorb it fully; drops of chloroform were dripping on the ground. Luke could already smell the pungent sweet odor he already experienced.

Dean leaned, as if to apply the chloroform over Luke’s face, then seemed to hesitate.

“Oh, fuck it”, he said while throwing casually the soaked rag in the boot, as if it was trash. Then, he spilled the whole bottle in the trunk, also spraying Luke’s pants and sweater with the drug in the process.

“DDMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHH” “MMMPPPMMMMMMM”. Luke and Nick were now united in moaning, the latter finally smelling this strange sweet odor he had never smelled before.

“Ok guys, sleep tight”, Dean said as he violently slammed the trunk shut.

Luke smelt the vapors of chloroform quickly saturing the air in the trunk. He knew that the coffer wasn’t airtight but without ventilation, he also knew they’re doomed. He didn’t feel the effects yet but he knew from experience this’ll only be a matter of seconds. He tried to wriggle but his bindings were too tight, his arms were completely immobilized behind his back. Without any expectation, he kicked the wall with his heavy boots, evacuating his frustration.

Then he felt it. The discomfort in his eyes. The buzzing in his ear. His head was growing heavy. Judging by Nick’s panicking whimper, his friend was experiencing the first effects of the drug too.

“Fucking Dean” Luke thought, still banging the car as his lungs were now aching for fresh air. “I can’t believe he did this to me. I’ll tell brother Dave. There’s no way these’ll pass. The rules forbids them to hit a brother…”.

Luke was slumping despite himself. His bangings were so weak they were not audible anymore. He barely noticed the engine starting and the car moving again. He felt, though, Nick’s head crashing, inert, over his left shoulder. But then he fell himself into a deep endless black hole…


Dean slammed the door as he seated again behind the wheel. One can hear Luke’s banging from inside the trunk, and even some muffling cries, though very faintly.

“Is everything okay?”, asked Sam, already sitting in the passenger seat.

“Yup”, Dean said as he was putting the key inside the starter. “They’re stored for good!”

Another bang.

“Should we worry about that?” said Sam.

“Don’t worry bro. My guess is that he won’t do it for long!”

Indeed, the next knock was more faint. Their muffles were barely audible now too.

“What do you mean?”

Dean shrugged with a smile. “We may need a refill of chloroform”.

“Oh! I see…” Sam said as Dean started the engine. “Say, Dean, aren’t we going a little too far?”

Dean just gave him a dark gaze. “I mean… Luke’s technically a brother, and we assaulted him…”

“Let it just be clear, Sam. He assaulted us first because he couldn’t stand his friend being taken.”

“He won’t say the same thing”, Sam said.

“And so? Who are they gonna believe? The newly converted insert or two sons of an Elder?”

Sam shrugged too. “You’re probably right”.


Luke had no awareness of the trip. Even if some air was passing through, the vapors of chloroform had been filling the trunk for most of the journey, keeping him and Nick in an alternance of a dazing state and complete unconsciousness. Even if he had not been strictly tied up, it would have been difficult for Luke to make any coherent move.

Several hours had passed since his second abduction when Luke started to regain some of his consciousness. Still confused, he realized that the car was slowing down, then came to a stop. Soon after he heard voices around him, growing louder, but inintelligible from inside the trunk.

Then, suddenly, the trunk opened. Fresh air filled the boot, which kicked Luke out of his daze.

“No need to freak out, they’re just here…” Sam said while taking hold on Luke’s shoulders.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS? GET HIM OUT!” Luke heard Dave’s voice coming from behind, obviously upset.

“DAVE! HELP ME PLEASE!” That’s what Luke tried to say, forgetting about the gag stuffing his mouth, pinning his tongue, and the super-sticky tape gluing his lips; what he actually said was more: “mmmpphhaaa! mmmaaa mmmeee mmppppmhhhheeemm!”

“GET OFF”, Dave said again, pushing Sam back.

“Hey, chill, dude! He attacked us first”, Dean started.

Luke vehemently shaked his head, screaming in frustration into his gag. Nick, now awakened too, also tried to manifest himself.

“Get out of my sight, you two”, Dave said one more time. “I’m handling things from now on”.

Dean shrugged. “Suit Yourself! Come on, Sam!”

“This is not over!” Dave said threateningly to Dean.
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