The Teacher's Pet(f/m)(slightly adult)(part 6 added)

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The Teacher's Pet(f/m)(slightly adult)(part 6 added)

Post by hailhydra »

Part 1: The Capture

Math had always been my weakest subject and Jennifer Morris amplified my hatred for it even more. After all, she had the reputation of being the strictest teacher on campus. The strange thing was, she didn’t look anything like a typical “no-nonsense” professor. She was one of the youngest professors there as well as being quite attractive. She stood at a 5’8 height and had luscious brown hair with equally impressive brown eyes. Despite all that, just the first week, her upfront attitude and harsh marking caused many of her students to transfer to a different professor. I decided to stick with it for some reason, although looking back on it, it was probably because I was drawn in by her brown eyes and large breasts.

I had done very well in all my other classes, averaging close to a 4.0 GPA in all of them. However, as predicted, I was failing my math class and not from a lack of trying. I studied it every day, spending more time on it than any of my other classes and I got help from anyone I could, from tutors to even Morris herself, but nothing could overcome my lack of natural talent at it. Unfortunately I couldn’t drop it either, as I was studying human resources, which required the basic math courses to be completed in order to graduate. As the final exam approached, I dreadfully realized that there was no way I would be able to pass it, no matter how hard I tried. I soon became aware that there was only one solution: I had to cheat. I never cheated before in my entire life but failing this class would be the end of me and nothing else I had done had worked. I knew Ms. Morris lived close to campus and after finalizing on my decision to cheat, I learned from making small-talk with the other professors about her weekly schedule.

She went out jogging every Friday evening and that’s when I decided that I would strike. I was almost certain her house would contain the answers for the upcoming exam. I wandered around her house a few times in advance while she wasn’t there and noticed how she always left an upstairs window open. I was almost positive I would be able to climb in and get what I needed. Then I could carefully climb back down and get out before she came back. I would be lying if I felt great about doing this but I couldn’t afford the humiliation of failing her class. My parents, both academically inclined, would be completely ashamed of me and my application towards my ideal grad school would almost certainly be rejected.

At Friday 6:00 pm, I headed out. Her house was completely dark, so I knew she had left. I was wearing a dark T-shirt to be as unnoticeable as possible with dark track pants. Still feeling nervous, I quickly ran to her backyard and started climbing steadily, the bricks scraping my hands along the way, until I finally reached the window. I went inside, already sweating buckets from the climb. Frantically looking around, I located her laptop sitting on a nearby desk. To my relief, she didn’t even both locking it with a password so I browsed through it straight away. It didn’t take me long to find out where she kept the answers, and I was about to take out my phone and snap a picture of it, when I suddenly heard some footsteps from right outside the room.

“How could she still be here?” I wondered. Knowing I had no time to hide what I had been doing, I quickly turned around to hide my face just before she came in and turned on the lights. I ran over to the window, trying to make a run for it and hoped that she didn’t recognize me.
“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked, in a strangely calm voice. Just as I was about to climb out, I felt her wrap her arms around my neck, placing me in a chokehold, and pull me back. I started struggling but to my horror, she was a lot stronger than I could have imagined. Not only could I not break her grip but her hold was so tight that I had to allow myself to get dragged by her in order to avoid being choked out. I wanted to yell out loudly in frustration, but since that would only reveal my identity, I kept silent. Instead, I started thrashing around and pulling at her arms, to no avail. Her arms wrapped around my neck like steel. I heard her giggle which ironically infuriated me. “How could she be taking a home invasion less seriously than teaching math class?” I thought angrily.

Still grappling with her, I looked around and realized she was dragging me into her bedroom. Suddenly, she turned around and with one swift motion, tossed me onto the bed while keeping me in a chokehold. She landed on top of me and finally let go of my neck. “Got you pinned now!” she said triumphantly, while sitting on my back. I started struggling again, trying to lift my arms up so I could throw her off. Since she didn’t weigh that much and I was fairly strong, I almost was able to get her off me rather easily until I heard her say “no, no, no, no!” Suddenly, her fingers squeezed my sides causing me to laugh and spasm uncontrollably. This made me fall back onto the bed in defeat. “Aww! Are you ticklish, you poor thing?” she giggled and I knew that I was trapped. With her lying on top of my back, she could just tickle me repeatedly and being insanely ticklish, I would be rendered completely helpless. She laughed triumphantly and said, “This is what I did to my boyfriend whenever we were play fighting. He never won a single time after I discovered how ticklish he was. I never would have guessed that those skills would come in handy!”

Panicking now, I quickly tried to lift her off again and was close to succeeding before her fingers found themselves wriggling under my armpits. I held on for a few seconds before succumbing and falling back down and I knew it was over at this point. There was no way I could escape from her when she could tickle me to the point of helplessness. I sat there panting heavily, wondering what she was planning on doing next.

Part 2: The tie-up

Just as I thought this couldn’t get any worse, I heard her reach into her drawers to pull something out. She grabbed my wrist and I felt cold metal press against it and heard a clicking noise. Before I could react, she did the same to my other wrist, and I instantly knew that she had handcuffed me. I tried feeling around for the safety latch but couldn’t find it. I knew it was the genuine kind and I wasn’t getting out of them. Getting off my back, she turned around to face my legs. I was too distracted at the fact trying to pull at the cuffs on my wrists that I failed to notice her using a longer set of cuffs on my ankles. When she was done, I was completely trapped at this point. Satisfied, she finally got off me.

Panicking, I started to struggle but I knew it was no good. These weren’t the toy handcuffs that had an escape trigger on them; they were the real deal which meant that I wouldn’t be going anywhere until she decided to let me go. I turned around to face her, looking at her for the first time since I broke in. She was still in her jogging outfit, which consisted of a dark blue short sleeve T-shirt with matching blue track pants. What stood out the most was that she had a completely calm expression on her face. She spoke up, “Don’t worry, the cuffs are only temporary. I’m going down to get some ropes and I’ll be using those instead. I think you look better tied up in ropes instead of handcuffs.” She quickly left the room before I could protest. I struggled once more but quickly gave up; they were inescapable and I knew the only thing struggling would do was waste my energy. After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes, she returned with a bundle of silk ropes in her arms. She quickly sat down on my back again.

Wanting not to be humiliated any more, or tied up at her mercy, I started to flail wildly but the cuffs prevented me from moving my arms anywhere and she was easily able to get the rope around my wrist. “You poor baby, you’re not going anywhere,” she chuckled. There was nothing for me to do at this point; I had struggled so hard that I became completely exhausted. All I could do was wait to see what she would do next.

“Please I’ll do anything you want! Just don’t tie me up!” I cried out.

She didn’t even respond that time and just gave me a girlish giggle. Lying there helplessly, I waited in shame, frustration and fear as she expertly tied the rope around my wrist several more times, pinning it under her leg once she was done in order to keep it still, followed by crossing my other wrist over it and tying it as well before finishing it off by tying both of them together multiple times to ensure maximum sturdiness. I thought that was the end of it and started struggling but then I felt Jennifer wrap more rope around my elbows and tied them together tightly as well. I was even more helpless to stop her since I was already tied up and she effortlessly got what she wanted. She finished it up by tying my biceps together shortly afterwards.

After my arms were completely tied up, she got off me. I had regained some strength and tried struggling but my arms seemed like they were glued together. They were wrapped so tightly that I couldn’t even separate them at all.

“I bet if you knew how good I was at tying knots, you wouldn’t have come huh?” she taunted. Not waiting for a response, she grabbed my ankles. Knowing she was going to tie those up as well, I started kicking and flailing around but she plopped down on my legs, ending my resistance by pinning them in place. She repeated the same process she had done to my arms, tying my legs together at the ankles and then the knees. The rope was soft but tight and the knots were sturdy enough to prevent any chance of escape. Finally, as a small relief, she took out a key and undid the handcuffs on my wrists and legs. It didn’t matter though, as I was bound tightly without any chance of escape. When she was done, she got off me and then sat in front of me, allowing me to see her face for the first time. Her eyes had a mischievous twinkle in them and her mouth was twisted in a smile of amusement. My face blushed beet red and that infuriating smile grew wider. I wanted to tear it right off her and started budging around in my restraints to no avail. I wasn’t going to be going anywhere.

“So I bet you’re wondering how I knew you were coming, right?” she asked. Now that I thought about it, it seemed very likely that she knew I was coming beforehand and set this trap for me in advance. I nodded, being too ashamed to speak.
She continued, “I was actually on my way to go out to jog when I saw you walking this way. I normally wouldn’t have suspected a thing since I see students walk by all the time. But you had such a guilty look on your face, one I had seen many times before. I knew what you were up to at that point, and waited here for you to come!” she finished triumphantly.

Realizing how screwed I was, I started pleading for mercy. “Please don’t tell anyone about this, Ms. Morris! I’ll be expelled!”

“I will have to think about that, Adam,” she replied. “In the meantime though, why don’t we have some fun right now? I think you would like that, seeing as how you never seem to have any fun in my classes,” she laughed.

“W….what are you talking about?” I asked nervously. I watched as she opened a drawer and pulled out a bright red ball gag. Shocked that she even possessed such a thing, I shook my head around and cried out for help but, considering I had nowhere to go, she eventually managed to stuff it into my mouth. I shook my head around wildly but she swiftly secured the straps behind by head, gagging me for good.

“That’s better, don’t you think, dear?” she asked.

I mumbled something incomprehensible into my gag and my face flushed with embarrassment again. I must have looked and sounded like a complete moron with this ball gag in my mouth.

“So what do you think I should do with you, Adam? You’ve been a bad boy and you deserve to be punished. I think I have to tell the dean about this, don’t you?”

I shook my head around to answer no.

She said, in the same stern voice she used at school “I want to hear you speak even with that gag in your mouth. Say ‘no’ and I will reconsider it.”

I would have rather had the ground open up and swallow me in than listen to her but I had no other choice now. I said no, trying to make myself sound not like an idiot and failing. The word came out muffled and caused Jennifer to laugh.

“Oh that’s very funny. Ok, since you’re so adamant about it, I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I want to get some pictures of you. Those will come in handy for me, whether it’s to ask favors from you or just so I can look at them for my amusement. Don’t go anywhere,” she said, getting off the bed and walking downstairs.

Hope you guys like the story :) . The full version is actually completed and posted here: I'll still be uploading one part at a time(there are 12 parts in total) up until a certain point in the story. So only buy the full version if you either want the whole story or if you don't want to wait for the next part.
Last edited by hailhydra 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by hailhydra »

Part 3: Dress-up time

Finally left with some alone time, I contemplated on my predicament. I was currently lying on my stomach in her bedroom, with a ball gag in my mouth and my arms and legs both tied very securely with silk rope. I could have shouted for help, and there were many people walking outside her house, but the ball gag in my mouth made it impossible for anyone to hear me. My only option was to somehow break loose from the restraints. I pulled my limbs as hard as I could, hoping to get even an inch of space between them to know that I wasn’t completely helpless but I couldn’t even do that. Jennifer seemed to be an expert at knots and combined with her owning a ball gag, I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the first time she had done this.

“I’m back!” she cheered, re-entering the room. She had her phone in her hands and pointed the camera at me. I gave out a shout, causing her to chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m just taking pictures for personal use. I’m not going to share it on Facebook or anything. Not yet, at least.”
She spent a while snapping some shots of me and while I tried moving around to mess up her pictures, I was too tired out and gave up. Putting the phone down, she said, “Alright that’s better. Now I have some pictures of a cute boy bound and gagged to look at once in a while for my amusement. I still need to think about what I want to do with you in the meantime, but since I was going to go jogging anyways, I might as well do that first. You don’t have any objections, do you?” she teased.

I just stared back at her defiantly and she smirked. “Well, in any case, don’t go anywhere honey. I’ll be right back.” I watched as she walked out of the room, leaving me alone once more.

As soon as I heard her leave the house, I frantically looked around for anything that could help me. Several of her drawers were locked and there might have been something sharp enough to cut through the ropes but it was hopeless. I could never go anywhere in my current predicament except on the floor which was pointless and the gag silenced my cries to the outside world. I struggled futily one last time before giving up completely. For the next half an hour, I was wondering what on Earth Ms. Morris was planning on doing with me next. Tying me up like this had broken the law and become kidnapping. Was she planning on never letting me go? Suddenly, I heard the door open and Morris walked inside, with an amused look on her face.

“Hey, how are you doing?” she asked cheerfully. Without waiting for a reply, she plopped down on my legs and gave me a light slap on the butt. “I just thought of something. That ball gag is really uncomfortable for you, right?” she asked. I nodded my head feverishly, a glimmer of hope restored. She laughed and said, “Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear that anymore. I’ve got something much better for you.” Before I could ask what on earth she meant by that, she hushed me and said, “However, I want you to keep silent while the ball gag is off. I have you completely tied up here and at my mercy. If you dare disobey me and make any noise, I will punish you dearly. Understand?” Fearfully, I nodded again in silence.

“Good. Now turn on your back and lie still for me.” I did as she said and she straddled me and quickly unravelled the straps connecting the gag to my head. I almost wanted to protest as soon as it came off but I remembered her threat and kept my mouth shut. “Good boy!” she chuckled as she put the gag away. Just when I finally felt a moment of relief since entering this house, Morris started to pull off her socks, filling the room with an unpleasant smell. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, which she noticed. Grinning, she said, “Oh, I see you don’t like the way my socks smell after I’ve taken a jog, huh? That’s too bad because these are going into your mouth and will stay there for quite a while.”
Losing my temper, I yelled, “No! Get away from me, you crazy psycho!” I tried shaking her off of me but I couldn’t move around that much with my arms and legs tied and she remained on top of me, which a look of displeasure on her face. “I warned you not to speak and you couldn’t even obey that. I will decide on a punishment for you later. In the meantime, open your mouth so I don’t have to listen to that foul mouth of yours anymore.” While I was still pinned beneath her, I knew I could still shake my head around to prevent her from gagging me. Sighing, she raised her hand and smacked me right in the groin. I howled in pain, causing her to laugh loudly and say, “Do you want me to do that again or have you learned your lesson?” Although I was still rearing in pain, I reluctantly opened my mouth and tried not to throw up as her sweaty sock was stuffed in my mouth. Taking off her stocking as well, she tied it tightly around my head, preventing me from spitting the sock back out.

Within seconds, I felt like passing out just from the horrendous smell filling my nostrils. I shuffled around helplessly just because the stench was unbearable. Jennifer did nothing but laugh and laugh until I finally gave up and laid still. After her laughing fit had passed, she looked at me and said, “Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can have some fun with you and I think I’ve come up with some rather clever ideas.”
I was terrified but couldn’t do anything about it while I was tied up so I laid there while she took a few things out of her drawers. I had no idea what she was doing until she was finished. Reaching out her hands, she showed what she had been collected to me: a light blue set of panties with a matching bra. I had no idea what she was planning on doing with those until she took out a chain along with a slave collar and started attaching it to the corner of the bed, close to where my head currently was. I had a slight idea what she was planning on doing next so I wildly sent out a kick with my tied up legs. She was caught off guard and fell to the floor so I started to take advantage of the situation and ran. Unfortunately, running with ropes tying your legs together doesn’t get you very far so Jennifer easily recovered before I could even get out of the room and dragged me back to the bed. I fell down hard and she got on top of me and straddled me, pinning me there.
Looking a bit angry, she took out her phone and said to me, “Because you keep on being such a disobedient boy, I am going to send these out to the few close girl friends of mine. Not only that, but I plan on inviting them over to watch you.” I shouted into my gag in protest but she ignored me. “Do anything else I don’t like and I will be sending these to even more people. Do you want that, Adam?”

I knew I didn’t so I had no choice but to nod quietly in defeat while she smiled in satisfaction. She took the chain once more and attached it to my neck. To make sure I couldn’t take it off, she attached a small padlock to the collar as well as one to end tied to the bed corner. At that point, she didn’t even need the ropes binding my arms and legs. She then said, “So, this will be your punishment for everything you’ve done so far. That includes being rude to me and attacking me, along with your initial break-in. However, I will show you some mercy. If you behave like a good boy from now on, you’ll be free to go very soon and without any further punishment. Do you understand?”

I said ‘yes’ into my gag and she snickered. Next, she said, “I’m going to cut off the ropes temporarily. Remember that I still have you chained by the neck. Don’t try to do anything funny because you won’t be getting away.” I obediently laid there while she started untying my knots one by one. Finally, I was free from the ropes; in fact, I was the freest I ever been if it weren’t for the collar on my neck. However, Jennifer was not done with me. She took out a pair of scissors and soon, began cutting off my shirt. I started panicking but she grabbed the chain on my neck and gave it a sharp tug to remind me that she was the one in control. When she was done slicing off my shirt, she went on to remove my shoes and socks. I didn’t want to anger her but I couldn’t help panicking and moaned into my gag helplessly. All she did in response was chuckle at she removed my shoes and socks, followed by my pants and finally, my underwear. I blushed furiously, as I was completely naked in front of my teacher. She started laughing and said, “The fun is just starting out dear. It’s going to be a lot worse for you from now on.” She took out the blue women’s underwear from earlier and said, “Lift up your legs.” Still remembering that I was completely helpless, I reluctantly obeyed as she slipped the underwear on me. She repeated the same process with the bra and finally stepped back, admiring her handiwork. I was chained by my neck to the bed while wearing a woman’s underwear set. I thought it wouldn’t get any worse until Jen spoke up. “You look great in my panties and bra, Adam. I think we should memorialize this moment, shouldn’t we?” She took out her phone and pointed it at me. Refusing to get humiliated anymore, I brought my arms and legs up to cover myself. Exasperated with me, she said, “Alright, I’ll just call a few people over to hold you still for me. Do you want me to do that?” Realizing there was no hope for me, I uncovered myself letting her snap some pictures of me.

“There we go,” she said cheerfully, finally finished. “The reason I wanted some pics of you were because I won’t see you in my underwear for long. I plan on giving you the full set!” I didn’t know what she meant but I assumed she was going to dress me up even further. Hopefully, she would give me something dignified. I watched as she combed through her clothes, tossing aside ones that she felt wouldn’t fit me. Finally, she pulled out a miniskirt and a halter neck. “Here we are! What a perfect outfit for you, Adam. Or should I call you something else now?” I shook my head around, protesting through my gag. “I think I’ll call you Angelina now. What do you think?” I mumbled loudly but she mocked me, “You said ‘yes’? Why that’s great! Angelina it is. I always thought that was a cute girl’s name.”

Chuckling, she pulled the miniskirt up my ankles. I let her do so, as there was no point struggling. I was chained by my neck to the bed and the key was nowhere to be found. Once it was done, she laughed loudly and said, “That looks great on you. Now for the final part. To put this cute top on you, I will need to take off that chain there. But don’t get any ideas; I will be tying your legs to the bed to make sure you don’t escape.” I nodded and let her handcuff my legs to the bed. To make sure I was secure, she used rope as well, placing them above the cuffs. Satisfied, she undid the chain around my neck, granting me a bit of freedom. Still, there was no point in trying to fight her; with my legs completely tied up, she could overpower me easily. The halter neck was an open back one that looked like it would expose a lot of my skin. I even remembered Morris wearing it and being too distracted by the sexiness of it to concentrate on the class. She ordered me to lift my arms. Obeying, I laid there as she slipped the top on me and secured the straps around my body. It was a very tight fit but she got it on eventually, and there I was: cuffed by my legs to Jennifer’s bed, with a sock gag, wearing a revealing miniskirt and halter neck with her underwear underneath. I had never been more humiliated in my life but at least it was only Jennifer who was witnessing it. For now. Giggling to herself, she took out her phone once more and took a few more pictures.

“Oh Angelina, you look so sexy right now. But there is still something missing. Can you guess what it is?” My eyes widened and I shook my head. “What more could this woman still be planning on doing to me?” I wondered. “Wasn’t this enough?”
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Post by Headmistress »

Very good story.

I wonder if he will get out of his predicament.
Millennial Club
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great stuff
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Post by jone123 »

nice, keep it up
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Post by hailhydra »

Part 4: The makeover

She said, “Let’s take a walk downstairs, Angelina. But before we do that, I need to secure your arms and legs.” My arms were currently free of any restraints but Jennifer was clearly not planning on keeping it that way. She took out a set of handcuffs again and motioned for me to put my arms behind my back, which I did. At this point, I knew the drill. Obeying this mad woman was my only hoping of getting out of here. Once I did so, I would be free of her. My hands were cuffed behind my back and Jennifer untied my legs from the bed only to recuff them together, like my arms. There was only a short amount of leeway in them, so if I tried to run, I was most likely going to fall over. She linked her arm together with my elbows, like women often liked to do with their friends and started guiding me downstairs. I shuffled along slowly, not wanting to fall over. Finally, we reached the ground level of her house but we weren’t finished yet. Keeping one arm around mine, she used the other one to open up a door that revealed stairs going downwards. My heart pounded as the idea of being in her basement scared me a little. Noticing this, she laughed, “Oh don’t worry Angelina. I’m not going to kill or torture you or anything. Although what I have planned for you will make you wish I did.” Her words did nothing to reassure me one bit and I tried to stay right where I was, digging my heels into the floor. Unfortunately, she was strong enough to pull me forward and I was forced to walk downstairs or I would fall over. My heart pounded loudly in my chest, as my terror grew stronger and stronger. What would await for me down here?

When we reached the basement, I looked around. The sight actually relieved me a bit: there was nothing scary down here. All that was there was a chair in front of a large mirror on a dresser with a lot of makeup tools, similar to what actors and actresses used for their makeup before filming. She guided me towards the chair and motioned for me to sit down. I did so, and she bent down and undid the leg cuffs. I was pretty much free other than my hands handcuffed behind my back and I even thought of making a run for it. However, what would most likely happen was, even if I managed to outrun her, I would be unable to unlock the door leading outside with my hands cuffed like this. She would be able to catch up to me easily and overpower me, since I had no use of my arms. I watched as she took out an assortment of scarves, cloths, more underwear and tape from her drawers. She went to work on my ankles first, wrapping them securely to the chair legs with her scarves. She used around 2 scarves for each ankle, and secured them even further with tape, wrapping around my ankles at least 10 times each. As if that wasn’t enough, she secured a scarf and more tape around the area below my knee and finally, 2 scarves and more tape around my thighs.

“Wiggle your legs for me,” she instructed. I tried to but they were tied up so tightly, I couldn’t even budge one bit. Pleased with herself, she undid the handcuffs and told me to lay my arms on the armrests. I did so, and she repeated the same process that she used on my legs: scarves and tape wrapped around my wrist, at my elbows and then at my biceps. I thought that was over, but she took out some silk rope that she had taken from the drawers and started tying it around my waist and the chair, pinning them together. She was clearly an expert at tying knots because there was zero slack in the tie. If she had told me that she would let me go if I could even move one inch, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Finally, she did the same thing to my chest and then stood back, proud of what she had done. I was now completely strapped to the chair and was facing the mirror, staring at myself in the halter neck and miniskirt. The sight was too embarrassing for me to handle, so I stared downwards to avoid the sight. Jennifer laughed and said, “I knew I forgot something. You can still move your head around. I’ll deal with that later though. Are you ready for the finishing touches, Angelina?”

I shook my head this time, not wanting to know what that meant. Jennifer said, “Come on, it’s not that hard to figure out. Look right in front of you.” I did so and that’s when I remembered the makeup on the dresser. There was mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and even nail polish there! For the first time in a while, I lost my composure completely and struggled as hard as I could in those restraints. It was one thing for me to be wearing girl’s clothes but now she was planning on putting makeup on me? She watched in amusement as I tried to break free pointlessly. We both knew I wasn’t going anywhere. Finally, as my struggle ended, she chuckled to herself and said, “Do you want to know why you’re not going to escape from those? Bondage was one of my main hobbies. I’ve tried it out with every single boyfriend I ever had. Some were impressed, some were terrified. But no one has even been able to move one bit, even if they were given years to escape. The only way they ever got out was because I graciously untied them and let them go.”

I laid back in defeat, realizing my predicament. It was now more crucial than ever to please Jennifer or I might never escape from here. I had no choice but to sit there and let her do as she pleased.

Jennifer continued, “Do you know what another hobby of mine is?” Without waiting for an answer she said, “I love spending my day with makeup. I consider myself an expert on that as well. So don’t worry, Angelina. I’ll make you feel like the beautiful woman that you really are!”

The first items she took out were for my skin: foundation and concealer. She spent around a few minutes to apply those to my face before moving on to my eyes. When she was done with that, I looked at my face in the mirror and already didn’t recognize it: she applied way more eyeliner than normal and even added fake, long eyelashes for extra humiliation. Finally, she took off the stocking around my mouth and removed her socks. This was the only reprieve I got as she went to town on my lips, applying a bright red lipstick to it. When she was done, she told me to look at myself in the mirror and I did so, cringing at my reflection.

Jennifer said, “Angelina, I really love your red lips and those eyelashes of yours! Now there’s just one more thing before I wrap this up.”
My eyes glanced towards the nail polish which she noticed. “I’m glad you’re catching on. For that, I’ll let you choose the color. Which one do you want?”

My mind thought about which would be the least embarrassing color. “Either black or blue,” I said. These were the first words I was able to say in a while, as I wasn’t gagged anymore. Jennifer then exclaimed, “Red? Are you sure about that?”

Before I could yell out no, she covered my mouth with her hand, muffling the sound. “Yes? Wow, I didn’t know you liked red so much, Angelina. It would go great with your lipstick!”

“No!” I yelled out but she ignored me. She took out the crimson red nail polish and carefully painted all of my nails, one by one. I struggled in the ropes tying me to the chair but I still couldn’t budge one bit. Giving up, I laid back and watched as she finished with the nail polish and stood back, seemingly admiring her work. She giggled and took a few more pictures of me before saying, “Oh that was fun, Angelina. I’m a bit tired so I’m going to take a break upstairs. Do you want anything?”

Not wanting to be embarrassed any further, I stayed silent. “I’ll just get you some food and drink then. I can’t have you dying of dehydration on me. I still need to have some more fun with you. But first, before I go, I have one more present for you. Do you like music?”
The question caught me off guard but I still refused to respond. She then took out a pair of headphones from somewhere and placed them on me. Laughing evilly, she started walking back upstairs, leaving me tied to the chair by myself, but not before saying, “I just have the one song I’m afraid. But I think you’ll really like it; it suits you well, after all.”

As she was heading back up, I heard the lyrics of “Barbie Girl” start to play. I yelled out to Jennifer to take the headphones off me, but all I saw was her mouth moving in a large grin before leaving me for good. I prayed to God that the song would stop after one go but that was too much to hope for: over what seemed like several hours, the song played over and over again, never stopping. To top it all off, it was incredibly loud to the point where I couldn’t hear anything else coming from outside. At the end of it, I thought I was going to go insane but little did I know the worst was still yet to come.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Pretty Great series so far, I always loved Femdom scenarios like this. miss Jennifer really seems like the kind of Women who really knows how to torment a guy with pure humiliation, like with the bit's of Forcedfeminization :lol: ( loved the whole makeover bit and the use of Barbie girl XD ) Also what I love is how, even though Adam committed the first crime of breaking and entering, Miss Jennifer is now going to the lengths of using blackmail and other methods to torment him against his will ( instead of calling the cops or even simply letting him go with a warning :lol: ) which shows that they now both could possibly be in a bit of trouble if they get exposed for their actions. but I have a feeling miss jennifer is going to be having a lot of fun with him before anything like that can possibly even unfold for either of them .great job.
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

Great story cant wait for the rest
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Post by hailhydra »

Part 5: Lauren’s arrival

After what seemed like an eternity of being forced to listen to Barbie Girl, I saw movement from the corner of my eye. It was Jennifer coming back over but then a blonde woman followed her down. She was attractive as well, like Jennifer, and was dressed in a white blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and tight jeans. However, her face was cold and shrewd, reminding me of a stereotypical lawyer or businessperson. I yelled out, “Help me!” as loudly as I could, even though I couldn’t hear myself speak. Surprisingly, the blonde not only just ignored me, she turned to Jennifer and started laughing. I realized this must have been one of Jennifer’s friends, who was just as insane as she was. My hope for escape evaporated in an instant. Jennifer reached out and took the headphones off me, at least granting me that small mercy.

“So Angelina, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. Her name is Lauren.”

Lauren stuck out her hand and said, “I’m pleased to meet you, Angelina. Jen told me all about what a gorgeous looking woman you are and you didn’t disappoint.”

I rolled my eyes, causing Lauren to laugh. “Your manners could use some work though, Angelina. I can try to fix that for you, Jen. What else have you done with this troublemaker so far?”

Jennifer then began to describe the events that led to my current situation to Lauren: how she caught me trying to steal the answers off her computer, how she restrained me and gagged me, then forced me to wear the halter neck and miniskirt and finally, how she brought me down to the basement, tied me to the chair and forced makeup on me along with the music torture. Lauren just stood there, awed by what she was hearing. From the looks of it, she seemed even crazier than Jennifer. When Jen was done, Lauren chuckled and said, “You’ve done a great job so far Jen. I didn’t know what I could do to top that off but an idea just came to mind. Can you tell me how you managed to restrain her in the first place?”

Jen looked puzzled but replied, “I managed to toss her on my bed and when she tried to escape, I just tickled her until she was powerless!”
As soon as she mentioned the last part, an evil gleam came into Lauren’s eyes. “So, she’s very ticklish then?”

“I would assume so. Is that what you were thinking of doing?”

Lauren chuckled and said, “Absolutely. To people who are ticklish, being tickled is basically torture to them. My husband is incredibly ticklish and whenever we had an argument, I just tickled him until he gave up.”

Horrified, I said, “No, please don’t! I’ll do anything you two want!”

Looking annoying at my complaining, Jennifer moved forward with a piece of cloth, ready to gag me when Lauren held out her arm to stop her.

“No, I want to hear her beg, scream and laugh. We can gag her afterwards but it will be more fun for us to listen to her laughter while we’re tickling the hell out of her.”

Jennifer stood back and said, “Alright, where do you want to start?”

Lauren, not wanting me to hear what her plan was, whispered it to Jennifer who nodded. The two approached me and Jen turned the chair around to face the two of them, who were wearing similar smirks on their faces. I would have been angry if I weren’t so terrified. I remember being tickled mercilessly by an ex-girlfriend one time who found out I was planning on breaking up with her. She pinned me down and tickled me for hours, causing me to cry and even wet my pants. I did not want a repeat of that happening but as I was still restrained tightly, I didn’t see a way to avoid that from happening.

The two women bent down and started untying my feet. I assumed they were going to untie everything, so they could move me elsewhere, but I was wrong. The two untied the ropes at my ankles, knees and thighs but before I could react, they quickly wrapped one arm around each of my legs, pinning it tightly to their chests. Lauren then said, “Tickle, tickle” as she and Jennifer started to tickle my feet in a synchronized motion. I spazzed out and started to uncontrollably twitch in my chair, struggling against the unescapable restraints.

Lauren and Jen held on to my legs tightly with the crook of their arm, while using the other hand to freely tickle my feet. As their fingers fluttered about, I started to both yell and laugh at the same time. It was even more embarrassing than I initially thought: just the slightest movement of their fingers brought me to tears of laughter. As Jennifer continued to flutter her fingers across my feet, Lauren switched to a crueller method by scratching at my feet incredibly hard. To make matters worse, her nails were very long, making it even more torturous. I lost track of time quickly, as I was laughing nonstop. My face grew red, and I even felt close to passing out, which would have been a relief. Unfortunately, Lauren noticed this and signaled for Jennifer to stop along with her. My torture finally ended and I just laid there, gasping for breath.

Lauren smiled and said, “We can’t have you passing out on us. We still have more planning for you, after all.”

I was too exhausted to worry about what she said and continued to catch my breath. My mind was numb and I couldn’t think clearly; obviously Lauren was right and the tickle torture was far worse than anything that Jen did to me. I would have rather listened to Barbie Girl for an entire day than be tickled for a few more minutes.

Lauren was whispering to Jen again and she nodded. The two approached me once more and Jennifer held several scarves in her arms. Lauren bent down at my feet and quickly scooped up both of my legs then trapped the both of them in the crook of her arm. Jennifer quickly tied several scarves around my ankles tightly, wrapping them together and finished it off with another tight tie around my knees.
“Are you sure this is enough?” asked Lauren. Jennifer just smiled and said, “Lauren, you might be the tickle monster but when it comes to ties, no one has me beat. Trust me, that’s all that we need.”

Lauren and Jennifer then got up and started untying the knots restraining me to their chair. Everything came off and suddenly, I was completely free other than the ties around my ankles and knees. I was still tired but I managed to regain enough thought and my mind was telling me to make a run for it: I didn’t want to face whatever Lauren was planning next. I quickly shoved the two women aside, who weren’t expecting it. Unfortunately, the tie around my legs were incredibly tight, without even a single gap there. I could only waddle away slowly, and I heard the two women howling with laughter at the sight. They quickly caught back up to me and I felt their arms wrap around mine, dragging me backwards. For a brief moment, I struggled against the pair of them: I was a strong guy with more upper body strength than the two of them together but I was exhausted from the tickling and from having my arms restrained for the past several hours.

I managed to put up a strong fight for a while but suddenly the two of the dragged me backwards hard and one of them had placed their leg behind me, sending me sprawling to the floor. As soon as I was on my back, Lauren and Jen got to where my arms were. Lauren grabbed me by the right wrist while Jen went for the left. Right now on the ground, my arms were separated and I knew they were trying to bring them together so they could restrain my wrists again. I fought against the pair of them but to my horror, I was slowly getting overpowered by them. They had the superior position on me and it was two against one. Finally, they managed to bring my wrists until they were right next to each other. Lauren quickly got up and sat down on my arms, pinning them to the floor. I knew it was over at this point but I still tried to lift them off the ground, to no avail. Her entire body weight was enough to keep my arms pinned tightly.

She removed her dress shirt, revealing a purple tank top underneath and handed it over to Jennifer. Lauren kept my wrists together while Jennifer did another tight tie using Lauren’s shirt, followed by using a nearby scarf to create another tight knot at my elbows. She wasn’t done, as she took out a length of rope and tied one end to the shirt tie and the other to a nearby basement pole. Finally, she straddled my waist, facing my feet while Lauren got up and sat behind her. The two of them were at my waist, with Jen facing towards my feet and Lauren facing me. From the look in Lauren’s eyes, I knew that the second round of tickle torture was coming up. She always had that look in her eye whenever tickling was brought up.

“Please don’t ti---,” was all I could get out before the pair of them tickled me yet again. Jennifer was focused on my thighs, feet and sides, while Lauren went for the most ticklish parts of my body: the underarms, neck and ribs. Within seconds, I started laughing and giggling like a maniac; any composure that I had managed to regain was lost. I flailed around wildly, partially because it was uncontrollable and partially because I wanted to get away from torturous fingers for just one bit. Unfortunately, with the ropes tying me up and the two of them pinning me down, it didn’t work. All I could do was just sit there, laughing and shaking around while the two of them alternated between all my ticklish spots to keep it unpredictable. Everytime I was about to pass out, Lauren called out to Jennifer to stop and give me a few seconds rest before continuing. I lost all track of time and was just lying there being tickled for what felt like hours before the two of them finally stopped and got off me. I just sat there, too tired to even catch my breath at this point.

Jen said, “Wow, I should try this again sometime. I didn’t know tickling was so fun!”

Lauren said, “Oh, definitely. Did you see how much she was laughing? She definitely loved it.”

Jen laughed and the two of them started to walk away. Lauren called out, “We’re just taking a break ourselves from all the fun we had. We’re coming back for you soon, Angelina, so don’t get too comfortable, okay?” As she prepared to leave, Jen reached out and said, “Wait, we’re forgetting one thing.”

She cheerily skipped over to the headphones that were lying on the ground and placed it on my head once more. “It’s her favourite song, Barbie Girl!” she told Lauren who giggled loudly.

“Okay, bye for now, Angelina. Enjoy the music!” she taunted as she and Jen waved and blew kisses at me before heading back upstairs. Once more, the lyrics to Barbie Girl started blaring in my ears and all hope I had of finally getting some peace and quiet evaporated.
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Post by WillHBonney »

Damn! Jennifer and Lauren sound like great company! I love Jennifer’s use of her stinky socks to gag Adam. And how she forced him to wear her clothes and make up. And the use of Barbie Girl to torment him.
And like The Skeleton Beam said, Adam is really kinda screwed. If he tries to tell anyone, he’ll first have to admit to attempted burglary.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Another great part. Love the tickle torture and Lauren's character as well , I have a feeling poor Adam's plight is only going to intensify from here on out now, that's if Barbie girl doesn't drive him mad first :lol: looking forward to more !
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Post by geelcarl »

Great story so far can’t wait to read more
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Post by hailhydra »

Part 6: Freedom at last?

Despite the music blaring in my ears, it eventually became background noise to me as I dozed off and got a quick nap. I had broken into Jennifer’s house at around 6:00pm, and had been restrained for about 5-6 hours now. I estimated it was around 1:00am and add that to the exhaustion from being restrained and tickled and eventually, I managed to fall asleep for a good several hours. As I was dozing off, I heard loud footsteps walk downstairs and awoke with a startle. My nap was the only reprieve I had for hours and now, it was going to be ruined.
Whatever the two ladies had planned for me next wasn’t going to be pleasant but all I wanted was not to be tickle tortured again.

“Have a good night’s sleep?” Lauren asked, with a smirk on her face. “You know, you were such a good girl for us last night, Angelina,” said Jen. “We want to reward you for giving us such a good time yesterday.” I didn’t like the sound of that but Jen continued, “I know you must be starving right now. I know of a great diner nearby that serves the best breakfast in the whole country. And I want you to come with us.” I couldn’t help keeping the look of surprise off my face.

“Are you being serious?” I asked.

Lauren noticed my hopeful expression and laughed, “It’s true that we’re going to take you to breakfast with us but we’ll still have to restrain you. We’re not through with you yet, after all.” I knew it was too good to be true but the fact they were planning on keeping me restrained was puzzling. Didn’t they say we were going to a diner? Wouldn’t people notice that I was being kept there against my will? I knew the pair of them were evil but they weren’t stupid. How were they planning on pulling this off while we were out in public? Nonetheless, I had no choice but to go along with it. I would just have to keep an eye out for the best opportunity to call out for help once I could. I said, in a voice that I hoped didn’t sound too hopeful, “Alright, I can go.” The two of them went to work quickly: first the ropes around my legs were removed but quickly replaced with a set of handcuffs. Jen undid the ropes around my arms, and the one tying me to the pole. As soon as that was done, they quickly rolled me over on my stomach. Lauren brought out a second set of handcuffs while Jen restrained my arms, keeping them in place. My arms were then cuffed behind me as well.

“Alright let’s go, Angelina. But remember, if you try anything stupid, you’ll regret it.”

I nodded my head indicating I understood and let them each grab one of my arms and escort me out of the basement and marched me down the hall before coming to a halt. Jen opened the door in front of us and I realized this was her garage. Her blue car was sitting there as well and I knew that was where I was headed next. The two of them quickly shoved me in the back seat, as if escorting a prisoner. Lauren grabbed the seat belt and secured it a lot more tightly around me than necessary, making sure I couldn’t move around freely, even in the vehicle. When she was done, she sat next to me while Jen got into the driver’s seat.

“Oh, I forgot one more thing,” Jen exclaimed as she handed Lauren a blindfold. “You’re going to have to put this on, Angelina. I like looking at your pretty eyes but I can’t have you looking around everywhere.”

I had no choice but to let them strap in around my eyes, making me blinded to my surroundings. At last, Jennifer turned on the radio to an incredibly loud volume and drove off. I thought to myself that they had done an excellent job at making sure no one would notice I was being held against my will while I was in the vehicle. The cuffs and tight seatbelt prevented me from moving out of my seat or even lifting my arms or legs up so no one that looked in the car’s side window would notice I was handcuffed. The blindfold prevented me from making eye contact with people outside the car and finally, the loud music from the radio pretty much made yelling for help pointless. I still wondered how they were planning on keeping me a captive once I left the car but they must have had a plan for that as well.

Not even a few minutes after we drove off, I felt a hand poke in my side. The suddenness of it caused me to shriek loudly and I heard both Jen and Lauren laugh out loud at this. Fearing the worst, I instinctively tried to move away from Lauren but I had nowhere to go. I was sitting at the left side of the vehicle while Lauren was in the middle, sandwiching me between her and the car door. Even the position of my seat had been planned out. These two did not leave anything to chance.

“Looks like you’re fucked now, babe,” Lauren said tauntingly. “Jen, make sure you drive slowly. I want to have some more fun with Angelina here!” I laid still in anticipation, waiting for her to strike again. In some ways, this was even worse than when we were in the basement, as I had no way of knowing when she was going to tickle me. The anticipation was just as torturous as the tickling itself. “Here comes the tickle monster,” Lauren said mockingly. I flinched in response making her laugh loudly that her fake-out managed to trick me. Just as I breathed a sigh of relief, she struck, digging her hands into my sides. I gave out a yell and tried to move away but she had reached one arm to cover my other side, the one facing the door, to block off any escape route I had. She squeezed and squeezed while I laughed and laughed until my face was beet red again and I was out of breath. She gave me a brief moment to rest back up which I managed to do, before she struck again, tickling my neck. I thrashed around back and forth, side-to-side, but she was relentless and didn’t stop for even one second. “Looks like you two are having a lot fun back there, Lauren!” Jen exclaimed. “I’m afraid it’s going to be over soon though. We’ll be there shortly.” While this should have comforted me, Lauren took this opportunity to tickle me even harder than before and did not stop until we finally reached a halt after a few more minutes of tickle torture.

I laid there, panting like a dog, while Lauren just laughed hysterically at my plight. Finally, when I managed to gain some sense of composure, the two women got out of the vehicle. For a second, I was worried they would leave me in there but I felt the door opening next to me followed by someone undoing the belt buckle on me.

“Let’s go, Angelina,” Jen said cheerfully as she and Lauren each linked an arm with mine and started walking me towards their destination. I knew we were outside but I couldn’t hear a single person. “Where are we?” I asked. “You talk too much Angelina,” Lauren responded. “Just go along with us for now.” Something about their nonchalance made me want to fight back; I had been complacent for far too long and that got me nowhere. What it had gotten me was tickle tortured to death and had makeup and women’s clothes forced on me for almost 12 whole hours now. The prospect of breakfast wasn’t enough to keep me from yelling out, even though I was starving.

“IS ANYONE THERE? HELP ME! PLEASE! I’M BEING KIDNAPPED BY THESE TWO---,” I got out before I heard both of the two women chortling loudly beside me. They stopped walking me just to get out their laughing fit. Somehow their high pitched squealing laughter shrunk me even more and I stopped protesting, standing there like an idiot. Finally, once Jen was finished, she said, “Do you want to remove the blindfold yet?”

“Sure,” Lauren responded heartedly as she undid the blindfold from the back of my head.

In front of me, I did see, that we were in fact in front a diner. “Sarah’s Diner” was what the sign said. However, I looked around and it didn’t look like we were in the city anymore. We were by the side of a highway, in the countryside. Not only was there no people around for miles, there wasn’t even any traffic at all, as it was too early in the day. I glanced in the diner and was perplexed to see no one inside as well. Noticing my confusion, Lauren showed her watch and said, “Looks like we’re a bit early. You’ll find out why in a second.” I looked at her watch then at the sign in front of the door. Her watch said 7:30 am while the sign indicated the diner opens at 8:00 am, which was why no one was inside yet.

“Let’s wait here for a bit, Angelina,” Jen said as she and Lauren stood there beside me. Apparently, we were just going to wait half an hour until it opened. Or so I thought.

I heard a clicking noise from the door and saw the door open up to reveal a blonde woman in her early 30s, dressed in a diner outfit. The nametag on her chest said, “Sarah”, and I knew at once that this was the owner of the diner. But more importantly, she was my only hope of getting free right now. However, before I could get out a single word, she gave out a squeal of delight and said, “How are you two fine ladies doing? It’s been so long!” as she greeted them each with a hug and a peck on the cheek. A look of confusion appeared on my face, which they all noticed. Jen said, “Angelina, I’d like you to meet me and Lauren’s good friend, Sarah! We were all college buddies together, actually. I’ve told her all about you and she has generously agreed to let us in her diner early, in exchange for us bringing you here. When we told her the story about how we captured ourselves a prisoner and what we had done to you so far, she just had to see for herself!”

My heart felt like it sunk downwards and I prayed that even if they were all friends, Sarah would have a sense of morality, unlike Jen and Lauren, and help me escape from this situation.

Sarah looked me over for a few good seconds, before shattering those hopes by squealing, “So, you’re quite the troublemaker, Adam. Jen and Lauren really did quite a number on you, huh? My my, they did such a good job with the dress and makeup!”

Lauren and Jen looked pleased with themselves. “Please, call her Angelina,” said Jen. “Shall we go inside before someone else comes by?”

Sarah nodded cheerfully and walked inside while Lauren and Jen started to drag me inside. I struggled against them, hoping that a car would drive by and notice what was going on. “Sarah, a little help here!” exclaimed Lauren. Sarah hopped over behind me and started shoving me inside as well. Against the three of them, I didn’t stand a chance and was pushed inside the diner to await my fate..

Sorry for the long wait for the next part, as I was quite busy lately. Going forward, I would like some more feedback on the story so far and your thoughts on it. Who is your favorite character? What do you think will happen to the main character next? Reader feedback is greatly appreciated and thank you to everyone who has commented so far!
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