Lovingly Zipped Up In A Sleepsack (M/M) - COMPLETE

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Post by Socksbound »

The latest chapter is absolutely marvellous. Bravo!!

The details and action are just sublime. This is no haphazard encounter it’s obviously not the first time they’ve had. You can feel the trust they have built.

I honestly can’t tell you just how much I’m enjoying this story there simply isn’t any words to describe it. The only other that bf I can add is it’s my privilege to be able to read it.

There will be no surprise to what I’ve selected in the poll, but no matter what way it goes your writing will be amazing as with the previous chapters.
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Post by socjuc »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago I've added a poll as it seemed like a fun way to decide the outcome of the die roll. I realise this has probably loaded the die but who said life was fair!

This story is very fluid so if people have ideas on what they would like to see happen please leave a comment. If it sparks my imagination it might make its way into the story.
Again [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] I love the flow of your writing. Its simply perfection! Thanks! Now I am placing my bets on even numbers :lol: :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Pup Wingletang, the others have said it already, but I just have to say it again: I love your story. :D There's so much attention to detail and your descriptions are so good.
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Post by CorbD91 »

I don't remember ever being so immersed in a story like this, very well done! Looking forward to the outcome of the dice roll, here's hoping for some sock worship before he is gagged by them. :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]
Another beautifully written and highly entertaining chapter.
Read this one twice before commenting. Enjoyed it immensely both times.

I had to smile at the part where our captive boy rolls his eyes up.
As a fan of using downright silly excuses for gagging the guys I sometimes fool around with, the boy's reaction is definitely one I've had the pleasure of eliciting once or twice 8-)

Absolutely beautifully composed, boy.
You have an amazing gift.

Now as for the poll, I voted for Daddy's underwear.
I'll be happy with either of the first two options, but I don't wanna make the choice too easy for you by adding to the sock-bias that's already pulling ahead in the vote tally ;)

P.s- Who the HELL voted for that third option?!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Oh no! Haha. Look at that poll, folks.

Looks like the underwear option is pulling ahead in the results.
I hope my public backing of that option hasn't gotten in the way of democracy too much 8-)

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

One day to go if you still want to vote!


The poll has now closed. Thanks to the 22 people who voted.

It was an exciting race. Socks surged ahead but then underwear came up on the inside and took the lead. Socks made a valiant attempt to come back but was just pipped to the post.

Looks like our sleepsack prisoner will be tasting Daddy's underwear in the near future but I'm sure he'll think of something to do with those socks as well...
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]
Absolutely thrilled with the result.

I was hoping for a mighty close race and that's exactly what we got.
If it wasn't for that poor sod who voted for the third option (whoever that cheeky bastard might be ;)) we may very well have been dealing with a stalemate.

Can't wait to read the next part!

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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Very good story, I don't even think Shakespeare would have wrote it better! I mean, you could have given me 100 years and my story would not even compare with yours!
I am sad that I've just now found it, because if I would have found it earlier the socks and underware would have been equal in voted ;)
Last edited by Sockgaggedman 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Oh, wow.

I am sad I missed the poll but happy with the result, it's where my vote would have gone.

You are a master at descriptive writing!! This is crazy good. Can I come for lessons :D

This is really a fantastic piece of literature, that drove my right up to the edge!


Waiting for the next part...
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Many thanks to all those who voted and apologies to [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] and [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] who came too late to cast their votes (although based on your comments it looks like we had an extra vote for each option).

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, as always they are much appreciated and it's always great to see comments from new people.

New chapter is nearly finished and should be out later today.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

The boy’s fate rests on a small red cube covered in 21 white dots. Regardless of how the die falls one thing is certain, his mouth will soon be stuffed full of fabric that has spent the past several hours wrapped around some of the most intimate parts of his Daddy’s body, soaking up some very unique smells and tastes.

The die drops out of sight and bounces across the floor. The man bends over, once again displaying his beautifully shaped arse, and retrieves it. He straightens up and turns around, displaying the number that has ended up on top, five white dots.

“Looks like you’ve won the underwear!” he says with a big smile on his face, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his orange briefs. As they slide down his thick thighs his erection springs free, flailing about, rejoicing in its new found freedom. The angry, swollen head has forced a way out of its foreskin lair, pre-cum drooling from its flaring mouth. It sits atop a girthy shaft, veins standing out here and there, leading the eye down until they become lost in a wild bush of curly brown pubic hair. A pair of large, hairy balls swing pendulously beneath, just waiting to explode. The boy is mesmerised.

The man steps out of the briefs and crouches down to pick them up, bringing his head to the same level as the boy’s. The boy has just enough freedom to turn his head and watch as the man brings the underwear up to his face and takes a tentative sniff. Even before his brain has fully processed the signals it is receiving from his nose the rest of his body is taking action. His hand shoots away from his face and his head jerks back. His sense of balance fails to cope and he topples over, landing hard on his ample buttocks and continuing over onto his back, his legs raising into the air and a shout of painful surprise bursting from his mouth.

Before he can stop it a snort of laughter escapes from the boy. Trapped as he is, all he can see now are the soles of his Daddy’s large, broad feet still wrapped in their black socks, floating in the air. As comical and arousing as the sight is when no further movement or sound is forthcoming he begins to worry that his Daddy may have hurt himself. Realising that in his current predicament there is nothing he can do to help either himself or his Daddy he does the only thing he can do.

“Daddy, are you OK?” he tries to keep his voice steady but the worry and concern are apparent.

In response, a deep, booming laugh suddenly breaks the silence, reverberating around the room. A palpable sense of relief washes over the boy and his lighter, more melodious laughter soon forms the second part of an impromptu duet.

As the laughter begins to subside the feet descend and a rugged, smiling face rises back into view. As their eyes meet a spark shoots between them and the laughter is rekindled, even harder than before. The boy’s face starts to turn red as he struggles to draw in enough air, his chest fighting against the lacing and straps that constrict it. His eyes start to run with tears. It’s like being tickled only completely self-imposed, there’s nobody he can beg to stop. He just can’t seem to stop laughing.

The man has slightly better self-control and spies an opportunity to get revenge for that first burst of laughter at his expense. He stands up, the offending ball of orange fabric in his hand. Opening it out, he approaches the bed and in one deft movement pulls the waistband of the briefs down over the boy’s head making sure that his nose is forced into the roomy front pouch that until very recently contained the man’s dripping cock and sweating balls.

The effect is immediate as the new occupant of the pouch takes a laughter induced sniff of its new home. The brown eyes, visible through the leg holes of the underwear, cross as they attempt to focus on the source of the smell and the laughter dies in a series of sputtering coughs. Instinctively he opens his mouth to try and bypass the smell while at the same time shaking his head in an attempt to dislodge the underwear. Both attempts fail as a large hand descends from above like an alien space ship coming in to land and clamps itself across the lower half of his face, pushing his head down into the pillow and pinning it in place. Still out of breath from the recent bout of laughing the boy has no choice but to accept the only source of air now available to him, freshly filtered by his Daddy’s underwear.

He takes several deep breaths and the full complexity of the aroma becomes apparent. A deep, masculine musk provides the base of the perfume with sweet and spicy top notes courtesy of the pre-cum, sweat and urine that has seeped into the fabric over the course of the day. A powerful and potent mix of scents, not pleasant but at the same time strangely comforting to the boy. These are the intimate scents of his Daddy, known only to him. Whilst his initial reaction was to try and escape, the longer he is exposed to the scents the further under their spell he falls, dropping into another aroma induced daze as his Daddy’s unique perfume dominates his olfactory system.

The man smiles as the boy’s eyes drift closed, his slow, deep breaths causing an almost imperceptible movement of the fabric covering his nose and a rise and fall in the leather over his chest. He retreats to the chair in the corner of the room and takes a seat. For the next few minutes he is content just to sit and admire the boy in his care, lovingly swaddled in leather, safe and protected from anything that could harm him. He rests one muscled arm behind his head, exposing a hairy armpit, whilst his other hand slowly runs up and down his engorged shaft, keeping it on edge. He slips into his own daze, remembering all the things he has done to the boy in the past and imagining new ideas for the future. Eventually his mind returns to the present and the next stage of his current plan. He gets up and leaves the room, returning a minute later with a bottle of water. Some refreshment before the next act begins.

As the man gently lifted his boy’s head, those gorgeous brown eyes slowly opened and eventually focused on his icy blue pair. Matching, content smiles formed on both faces. The man opened the bottle of water and slipped a straw into it, encouraging the boy to take a drink. The cool, refreshing liquid started to flow and the boy’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed each mouthful.

With two thirds of the bottle gone the boy took a break from sucking and instead blew into the straw causing bubbles to erupt in the bottle. A childish action but almost impossible to resist when a straw is involved! He stopped when he spotted the disapproving look on the face of his carer and went back to sucking until he finished the bottle.

With refreshment time over there was only one thing that could happen next. The man removed the briefs from around his boy’s head, turning them inside out in the process. He inspected the pouch, removing a couple of stray, curly hairs and then looked down at the boy, a stern expression on his handsome face.

“Time for your gag. Once this goes in that’s it. Do you have any final requests?”

The boy shakes his head but then mumbles, “Can you do the straps up a bit tighter?”

This time it’s the man’s turn to shake his head in disbelief, his boy really had an insatiable appetite for tight, restrictive bondage. Clearly the earlier accident had already been forgotten and the boy’s sex drive was ramping up again. Not willing to disappoint, he grasped each strap in turn and strained to pull each one a notch tighter. The boy groaned with pleasure as he felt his leather enclosure get even tighter and as the man ran his hand down the length of the sack he clearly felt a fresh new growth as he passed the midsection. As a final step, the man retrieved some padlocks and clicked one into place on each buckle before placing the key on a chain around his neck. He was the only one who could release the boy now.

For good measure he turned the electro butt plug back on and watched as the pulsating current caused the boy to buck, struggle and moan. The leather creaked and the locks jangled but all the boy succeeded in doing was wearing himself out and increasing the temperature inside his leather prison. As the intensity slowly increases the boy begins to beg for mercy, making the need for a gag abundantly clear. The current is turned off and the boy lies back exhausted.

“Thank you, Daddy” he murmurs.

The man leans in and gives him a brief but passionate kiss before starting to feed his underwear into the boy’s unprotesting mouth. The man works slowly and methodically, allowing the boy time to get used to the gag as it slowly takes over his mouth.

Inside the boy’s mouth, the contrast between the man’s smooth, slippery tongue and the slightly rough and bobbled texture of the fabric is quite pronounced. As more of the fabric enters his mouth his tongue finds smoother, damp patches with a salty sweet taste alongside other areas with a more bitter taste, evidence of various leakages throughout the day. The flow of material continues, filling out his cheeks, pushing towards the back of his throat. Thankfully he has enough experience to keep his gag reflex under control and as his saliva slowly soaks into the fabric it becomes easier to deal with. The saliva also has the effect of liberating other flavours from the underwear and soon quite a complex cocktail has formed, washing around the boy’s taste buds. His mouth is full of the taste of his Daddy’s sweaty cock, balls and butt crack. He has sampled these dishes individually but this is the first time they have been combined into one meal. He’s not sure if he would send his compliments to the chef.

Eventually the boy’s mouth has taken as much of the underwear as it is able to, leaving the waistband protruding from between his lips. His cheeks are puffed out, his tongue overwhelmed, his ability to speak removed. In order to keep the gag in place the man retrieves a roll of wide, black, vinyl tape from the wardrobe. After struggling for a few moments to release the free end, he presses it onto the boy’s smooth cheek and then draws the tape across his mouth, pressing again on the other cheek. The tape then begins to orbit the boy’s head, accompanied by a low hiss as it comes of the roll. It makes at least ten slightly erratic orbits, completely covering the lower half of the boy’s face.

Once the man is satisfied that his underwear won’t be escaping the boy’s mouth any time soon, he severs the tape and steps back to admire his work. What he sees before him is a thing of beauty but also still a work in progress. The body wrapped incredibly tightly now in leather, a hot, sweaty prison, restricting movement. Silver buckles, D-rings, padlocks and the white lacing stand out against the black of the leather. The mouth stuffed with the man’s sweaty, smelly underwear and wrapped in layers of black tape, restricting speech, pushing focus onto the boy’s eyes. The man stares into them eventually forcing the boy to avert his gaze.

He’s not finished yet. More rope is removed from the wardrobe and tossed onto the bed followed by a couple of leather items. Finally, the man sits down and peels the socks of his feet before tossing them onto the boy’s chest. A brand-new smell starts to creep towards the boy’s vulnerable nostrils.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] that has to be one of the best descriptions of a gagging I’ve ever read. I’m not really into underwear unlike socks, but found myself wishing I was the one being gagged with them.

Your use of the English language is superb and doesn’t go unnoticed. Yet another great chapter that had me enthralled and not wanting the chapter to end.
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Post by Volobond »

Not much into scent play myself but it was so endearing when the Dom fell over!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

There were again so many lovely details in this story. For example: the laughter duet, blowing bubbles through the straw in the water bottle, the kindness shown by removing the hairs from the underwear before it carefully gets pushed inside the boy's mouth.

I'm not really into underwear gags, I'm more a socks guy, but your description of it is really hot. With such a careful and sweet Dom, I can imagine accepting an underwear gag with pride.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]
Again, I'm at a loss for words about what to say.

Never have I read an underwear-gagging scene so beautifully written.
He has sampled these dishes individually but this is the first time they have been combined into one meal. He’s not sure if he would send his compliments to the chef.
This line in particular stands out. But then so many others do as well.

I particularly enjoyed the quick pause our Dom took to sit back, think of the past and jerk himself off a bit.
Our boy blowing bubbles into his refreshment was also a pretty funny. What a cheeky little ding bat that boy is.
Definitely deserves that smelly gag he ended up getting 8-)

Brilliantly told, Pup!
You have an amazing talent.
I'm going to be revisiting these chapters quite often, of that I assure you.

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] ,[mention]ShadowHusky[/mention], [mention]GoBucks[/mention]
Guys, you need to read this.

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Post by ShadowHusky »

Your way with words is immensely incapsulating. The imagery is so vivid and colourful, amazing work.
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Post by GoBucks »

Damn that was an incredibly hot chapter! I'd love to have a hot daddy shove his sweaty underwear in my mouth.

What a "cocktail" of flavors it sounds like! I might have to switch from Long Island Iced Teas to Daddy Underwear :D
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Wow . I loved the underwear gagging scene .
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


I love your vocabulary. And the descriptions are sublime, haha thats my big word for the day :lol:

This story is really top shelf material.

The mutuality between the characters is awesome, really good writing.

I thank you for your excellent work!
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Wow, what a story! The level of detail, the descriptive prose, the attention to sensations, and the humour are fantastic! Really refreshing and great. Sleepsacks are great on its own, but you add something to them that elevates it to a whole new level. You've shown both personalities in a timeframe that is very compact, with very limited dialog, no names, and still both have distinct personalities. Very nicely done. I hope you'll continue with this story for a while, or other stories. You really have a talent for it!
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Post by bondagefreak »

LockedCheeseBird wrote: 3 years ago I hope you'll continue with this story for a while, or other stories. You really have a talent for it!
Indeed he does.
A very special talent, at that!

I'm curious, buddy-boi. How would have voted on [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]'s poll had you been a member of this board while the question had originally aired a few months ago? Daddy's smelly dress socks or Daddy's musky underwear? 8-)

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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago I'm curious, buddy-boi. How would have voted on Pup Wingletang's poll had you been a member of this board while the question had originally aired a few months ago? Daddy's smelly dress socks or Daddy's musky underwear? 8-)
Pff, why do you have to ask such difficult questions, Sir? Both are such good options! With the current spread of votes I would have been tempted to vote for the socks, to create a tie 8-) Both in the hope both would be used in some way :lol: (And maybe also to challenge [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] a bit, curious how he would handle that)

But if I had to really choose one, I think I still would go for the socks. Not because Daddy's underwear isn't also very arousing, but the dress socks really add to the image and scene of this dominant businessman who first used his tie as a gag, and then slowly undressed, to stripping of his socks and shoving those in. The underwear is always an option, the socks are more situation specific, and I think this situation would have suited ( 8-) ) them perfectly. But the underwear scene was also great, it was choosing from two great options. A testament to [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]'s writing skills!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Thanks [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] for your kind words (and puns!) and another thank you to everyone else who has supported this story so far.

I know I've let it drift into the doldrums since the beginning of the year but finally the wind is picking up again and I've started another chapter. Hopefully I should be able to get it out sometime this week.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by NeedControl »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago Anymore sleepsack lovers out there?
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