Raziel : 01 - What a catch! (M/F)

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Raziel : 01 - What a catch! (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Raziel's stories
01 - What a catch!
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By Raziel

Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:09 am

What a catch!

Howdy all. I've been reading the stories on this site for years now, but was never fortunate enough to have a story of my own to post. That is, until now. ^^ This story is about how I met an awesome girl and a neat little tie-up experience we had.

And uh... By the way, this story isn't really very intimate... If at all... But I figure I'll just post it here just in case and to keep everybody happy.

Ok, to start off! I'm a 19 year old male, around about 5'10" with a thin but muscular build. Anyhow, I was at home alone (or so I thought) and I'd just gotten out of the shower. I still had some music playing on my computer from before, so as I walked out wearing my towel I started singing and dancing quite ... flamboyantly. (The song was 'Jerk It Out' by The Caesars in case anyone's interested).

Anyway, as I danced my way into the lounge room I got a nasty surprise when I found that my mum, her friend, and her friend's daughter were all in there, now laughing their heads off. I almost instinctively reached down to hold onto my towel to make sure it wasn't going anywhere and then dorkily greeted everyone.

It was then that I began to fully notice the attractive daughter of my mum's friend. I'd met her once or twice but never really said more than "Hey, how's it going". Her name was Alyce and she has shoulder-length dark brown hair, cute face, around 5'8"-5'9" and I'd later find out she was 17.

After having a bit of a joke with her mum (I dunno if it was because the planets were perfectly aligned, or if they were just distracted by the fact that I was half-naked, but I seemed to come off quite charming) she suggested that Alyce hang out in my room 'cause she'd just be bored with the oldies anyway. We both awkwardly agreed and I went off to get changed, then came out and told Alyce she could come in now if she liked. Things actually went pretty smooth as we chatted about music and movies and just had a muck around on my computer. Then before she left I asked if she had MSN and added her (score!).

So yeah, chatted with her online and stuff, and it wasn't long before we were catching up and seeing movies together and stuff like that. Then this one time when I was in her room (by this time we were pretty much together) I noticed a pair of pink, fluffy handcuffs draped over her bedframe. Hopeful, I teased her, "What are those for, eh?" and she seemed a little embarrassed but shot back with "Maybe one day you'll find out" and a slight grin crept over her face. I didn't wanna seem too eager or anything, so I decided not to pursue it right there and then, but inside I was jumping for joy.

Anyways, the next time I saw her was at my place. I had the house to myself so I invited her over that night to watch a couple of movies. Neither of us could decide on a movie so we just ended up laying on my bed watching some episodes from my Season 2 DVD of House. Anyway, I don't think she was really that into it (that or she was just after a reaction) 'cause she kept poking me and trying to tickle me and eventually we ended up playfully wrestling on my bed.

Seeing my opportunity I playfully said, "Right, that's it!" breaking her hold on me and reaching under my bed. I've accumulated quite a collection of rope over the years, using it on myself and just in case of such a situation (optimistic, eh?). Anyways, the rope stash was under my bed and I grabbed the first thing I found under there and brought it out. She seemed to know where things were headed and with a cheeky smile she said "You'll have to catch me first!" With that she jumped up and tried to get past me but I grabbed her and wrestled her back onto my bed, laying her down on her stomach.

By this point we were both laughing so much and were kinda exhausted from all the play-fighting, but I still managed to hold her arms in place and tie them crossed behind her back. She rolled over and struggled a bit and in the typical mock 'damsel in distress' tone asked me what I was gonna do with her. "Pfft, that's so cliché!" I teased and grabbed some duct tape from my drawer and gagged her. She didn't seem to like that very much as she let out a few disgruntled "mmmphs!" but she still played along. I wanted to use this opportunity to its fullest, so I reached under my bed again and pulled out all my ropes and lay them on the bed next to her in one big cluster.

"Time to immobilise you a bit more, I think" I said, poking my tongue out at her. She struggled around a bit more and playfully kicked her legs at me, which I promptly subdued. Tying her ankles and above and below her knees, cinching all 3 ties in the middle. She was still rolling around a bit too much for my liking, so I got one of my longer pieces of rope and used it to pin her arms to her body by tying above and below her breasts and then around her waist. "There, finished!" I said, dusting my hands together. "Now, what to do, what to do..." I pretended to think as I cracked my knuckles and sat down next to her, giving her a quick poke to the ribs. Her eyes grew wide, and she shook her head, mmphing frantically from underneath her gag. "No suggestions?" I teased, and without warning I put my hands on either side of her and mercilessly began tickling her. Despite the amount of rope I used to tie her up, she still managed to thrash about rather wildly. I just kept laughing and teasing her, I could tell she was enjoying this too.

I didn't wanna keep her tied up too long though, so after 5-10 minutes I slowly began to untie her. Starting at her ankles, and working my way up. I untied all the ropes except the one binding her wrists and I left her gagged. I stood her up and said, "You know I think I like you better this way. Maybe I should keep you like this all the time! I could even attach another rope to your wrists to walk you around and stuff!" She giggled under her gag and shot me a playful "I'm sooo gonna get you" glare. After that I carefully peeled off her gag and before she could say anything I kissed her, then reached behind her and freed her wrists.

"Well! Guess that's Michael - 1, Alyce - 0, eh?" I teased as we lay back down on my bed. She just laughed and said, "Oh, shut up! That one doesn't count! Just you wait until next time!" And with that she winked at me, we finished watching the episode of House and I dropped her home.

Annnd yeah, that was my first proper tie-up experience. Sorry it was so long-winded, but anyway.. Hope you liked it! ^^;


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