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Post by Xtc »

Disarm your smut filter now.
You HAVE been warned!
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Post by Xtc »


There are times when I don’t think that David really understands the role of the submissive in our relationship. There are times when that is no bad thing.

It was the Friday before a Bank Holiday weekend and, by the time I got home, I was knackered. I really did not fancy having to come up with any suggestions for our mutual entertainment. But, praise be, there he was.

I came home and there was David. I always like to see him in those polyester swim-briefs. He can arrange himself so that it hangs down impressively or, for at least a little while, so that it stands proud and displays his balls and shaft to best advantage before he relaxes and it just lies horizontally in comfort.

That Friday, though, he was obviously open for business. He was standing in our kitchen wearing just a white jockstrap and playing with a length of new red rope. I must admit, though, that the way the straps frame his cheeks is sexy enough even without the opening for obvious future entertainments and he certainly has no need for any padding, if you know what I mean.

For those readers who have never met either David or me, I probably ought to explain a few things. We are both a bit on the short-arsed side, both being not much more than 170 cm tall, and both have mousey hair but there the similarities end. I have always been the scrawny one but David still had that impressive figure that he had as a schoolboy, about ten years ago. He has broad shoulders, a deep chest and a narrow waist. Yes, he has good pecs, strong thighs, and reasonably impressive biceps (especially when they are bound to display them to their best advantage) but he isn’t over-developed and has none of the grotesque, prominent veins of a body-builder. I’ve got the better head of hair, though; David takes that as a signification of his greater level of testosterone. - - - In his dreams!

OK, so there he stood as I came through the door, looking casual and instantly placing unreasonable demands on my underpants. I reckon he still thinks that I believe that innocent look he was affecting as he looked over his shoulder while he continued to play with the rope. I approached him, kissed his turned head and clasped his pecs. I felt that wonderful reaction as they flexed, and I ran my hands down his abdomen as he stood taller and arched his back before my fingers even reached the waistband of his jockstrap. I felt a gratifying twitch as they just intruded between the bottom of the waistband and the support. He’d soon be ready.

“Ev’nin’, Darlin’”

“Watcha, mate.”

“Watcha doin’?”

“Makin’ something for you.”

Pleasantries over, I thought I had better back off and divest myself of my work clobber. (And, judging by the way things seemed to be going, the rest of my clothing as well!) Both parties all too evidently had parts that were straining for freedom as I went upstairs to make myself more comfortable. I did manage not to give myself relief then and there; David had obviously got something in mind that would make the denial worthwhile. I have known him of old and he has never been one to disappoint me in the past.

I really wanted to get back to David but he was obviously making an effort so I thought I would too. I found that pair of shorts, you know: the leather ones with all the locking posts. Yeah, yeah, I know: gay boy fashion victim, but they’re too small for David and, without the locks of course, they’re really ‘stimulating’ for me. I saw David’s eyebrows raise the first time he saw me in them as well!

By the time I had returned to the kitchen, David was still there, although he was not occupying quite as much space in his jockstrap as he was when I left him. I reckon that situation would not last long.

“OK, gorgeous, now tell me what you’re doing.” I could see that his jockstrap was in no way strong enough to hide his reaction when he saw me. (Or was it when he saw me in those shorts?)

“Oh, you know, just fiddlin’.”

I looked at the ropes he had laid out on the table. Just ropes. “What with?”

“Oh, this and that.” David indicated the items on the table. “Don’t you think they’re pretty? Red ones, black ones, even a few hemp ones. And how about this one?” Here he pointed to the red one that he had been working on when I came home.

“Ah, cut the crap, mate. Just get to the point.” Do you see what I mean about David not having quite the right idea about the role of the submissive partner?

“We’w,<sup>(1)</sup>,if you want me to shut up . . .” David picked up the red rope. He had tied a version of a hangman’s noose in the middle of it. He had manufactured a thickened helix with about seven coils from both ends of which the free ends protruded. “Come on. Like this.” David pushed the coil into his mouth and stretched the protruding sections of rope sideways. “Cuu waa woa.”

Even with the rope coil in his mouth I could understand the injunction to “Come on then.” You know, I thought I was supposed to give the orders.

He had judged the piece very carefully. The thickened coil forced his mouth open with the ends only just protruding past his teeth and, once it was tightened, it would probably protect the corners of his lips a bit.

“Cuu waa, kai i’.” Well I didn’t need another invitation. I took the ends of the rope gag, twined them, pulled tight and, in the absence of any protest, tied them as tightly as I could. The reef-knot inevitably slipped a bit while I was completing it but that was where the bindings of electrical tape (red, of course) round the ends of the rope came in. With each coil that I wrapped round the bindings, the gag became tighter. So did our clothing! A couple of simple knots finished the job.


“Eff.” David nodded contentedly. Did I tell you that David lies like a cheap Japanese watch? I could already see his cheeks and neck reddening. Oh well, there was always the safety signal if he needed it. We’ve been together officially for five years now and I’ve not known him to use it yet. I gave his exposed buttocks a good grope before leaving a hefty slap on each.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have chosen those shorts with the hard box in the front. Never mind, I could always undo the zips if Willie was so determined to gain release.

It was obvious what David wanted me to do next. (I really must tell the impudent pup that it’s time that I got round to making the decisions - but not on a Friday when I’m knackered!) There was a well-used black rope on the table. David had taken great care to display it so that I was left in no doubt about its intended purpose. I had a good mind not to use it.

No, you’re right: I did what he wanted. He had tied a simple handcuff knot in the middle of it and opened the loops wide leaving it on the table like some exotic butterfly with the “tails” on its wings hanging down to the floor. David turned his back to the table.

I fed his arms through the loops and tightened them until the knot formed between his shoulder blades and just two small loops were visible from the front coming over his shoulders and back tightly under his armpits. I love that look when the tie is completed: there is so little to spoil the view. A quick conversion to a fireman’s chair secured the loops in place and an overhand knot in both strands as close as possible to the existing knot brought both strands together. Now there was a decision to be made and I was not going to consult David on the matter as he worked his shoulders and thrust out his wonderful chest. He already had his hands behind him.

OK, I had to decide. Hands high? Hands low? Do I want him fiddling with me while I get into position? Do I want unimpeded access? Elbows together? Arms clamped to his torso? Etc, etc, etc . . . Life is full of decisions but the trials of the week’s work were already falling smoothly away.

“OK, gorgeous?” That nasal wheeze seemed to indicate the affirmative.

OK. I made a decision. I tied a loose blood bight in the descending cords not much more than ten centimetres below the overhand one. That’s a fiddly job but I don’t know a better way of hosting the free ends securely. I brought the free ends separately round David’s upper arms and threaded them through the bight. (It’s a good job my subject was being cooperative.) I then adjusted the double loop until it gripped what would be the arm-bindings quite firmly. I pulled the moving strands apart. It took several pulls as the rope threaded through the loops. David knew what was about to happen and that wheezing snort as his elbows were drawn towards one another seemed to indicate more than contentment.

I still had some decisions to make. The closer I drew his elbows together, the better it would display my lover’s physique but the more it would hurt him. I didn’t want to hurt him; I wanted him helpless to resist (not that that was likely) for quite some time. Like I said, it had been a stressful week. I stopped before, in my opinion, there should be too much stress and tied off around the vertical strands. I wasn’t quite sure whether that was a snort of satisfaction or of protest. If it was protest, he could stuff it; I knew what I wanted.

You know how it goes when you are used to each other’s ways; David raised his forearms behind him. He was still supple enough to be able to grab his opposite elbows in spite of his powerful physique. There was no way he would be able to separate his upper arms so there would be no need to bind his forearms too tightly. He might well have resented that somewhat but even he knows when safety overrides desire.

Forearms bound, the ends of the rope bound out of the way, and I thought I would add a little touch of my own. After all, wasn’t I supposed to take the lead in things? “Hang on a mo. Just goin’ to get something.”

“Nghh?” Dave looked round. I think he was getting quite impatient by that time.

He watched me leave and saw me return with the roll of gorilla tape. That snort again.

I know it wasn’t really necessary but . . . I wound the tape from his right elbow to the vertical ropes and back again. Just the physical manipulation of David’s arms during the process made me feel good and, by the time the job was complete, David was inescapably grasping his right arm with his left hand. The shiny tape looked good.

The repeat process completed the symmetry of the binding. “OK. Turn round. Time for inspection.” David turned round. His chest stood out, there was just that hint of rope between his shoulders and his armpits and that red coil forced his mouth wide open – and he was even drooling a little.

“Titties . . .”


“Yup. Nips seem to be firm enough. Dick . . .”

“Ngeee!” I don’t suppose I really had to give his scrote quite such a firm squeeze but – you know. That jockstrap was doing its best but it was certainly leaking a bit. Do you know: that bastard’s even got a better-looking dick than mine? I’m a lucky sod, really.

OK. It was time to go upstairs so I picked up the last of David’s prepared ropes. I know, I know, I shouldn’t let him dictate the agenda but it wouldn’t be right without a lead to guide him. The short hemp rope had been an inevitable part of our mutual entertainments from the outset when David had originally set it up. It was almost a family heirloom. He had formed an eye-splice in one end that was more than large enough for me to get my hand into and that night he had tied a loose blood bight in the other end.

I suppose I should have untied the non-slip knot and swapped it for a running loop, really, just to reassert my dominance but . . . I passed the loop over David’s head, adjusted the knot so that the loop could not slip off before tightening the knot safely. Stopping only to grab a couple of well-worn white ropes (Sacrifices should always be wrapped in all the magical colours) and the remains of the gorilla tape, I pulled my very cute package forwards.


(1) “Well” David’s Southern accent is even heavier than mine.


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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Xtc[/mention] A delightful pair, to say the least! Though I do have to admit, David needs to be brought down a peg or two. For a bottom, he does seem like quite the bratty dictator.

Thanks for pointing me in this direction, btw!
With each coil that I wrapped round the bindings, the gag became tighter. So did our clothing!
Nice gagging scene! Even though coiled rope gags aren't my usual go-to, I'll admit, my trackies also shrank while reading ;) Tribute to your skillful writing, good sir.

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Post by Xtc »

Most kind.
Yes, It is a strange kind of relationship but I do seem to remember someone lamenting the lack of stories about loving BDSM relationships so . . .
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] thanks for inviting me to take a look at this story!

[mention]Xtc[/mention] thank you for writing this story. Sometimes my boyfriend and I (both switches) can be a little bit like David, telling each other what to do even if that's not what a sub is supposed to do. :lol: I'm looking forward to reading what will happen next, I'm hoping David didn't prepare every last detail, so he'll get surprised.

Somehow I think I've lost some of my fluency in English since the days that I had to speak and write in English at university. Your descriptions of the rope work were sometimes a little difficult to read for me. I'm glad you included a translation of the Southern accent because without it the sentence wouldn't make sense to me.
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.
If I included all the glottal stops, final "ws" in the way we speak, it would be totally incomprehensible.
We were visiting Lisle and were served by a waiter who, although he spoke with a noticeable French Accent, spoke perfect coloquial English that he had learned while working in Basingstoke. Just down the road. Unfortunately he could not pronounce "now" like a Hampshireman (un 'amsheeremun")!
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Post by LK3869 »

Classy smut and a first part that makes you want to read the rest soon 8-)

Will repeat here my personal bonus for mentioning the problem of tied hands getting in the way, now we know why you like those wrists-on-elbows ties so much...
Another bonus for the polyester swimming shorts and their inevitable sagging. Modern vulgar that you know I fall for, more than the leather+locks shorts...but confronting the two is a fun idea.
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I deny the I am over-fond of box-ties, I often go for wrists back-hammered and . . . .
Oh bum! He noticed!

Thanks for replying here.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Nice opening indeed. Looking forward to further adventures.
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. One more shirt chapter to come.

I might even get round to telling readers about a little car ride upon which I decided to take my cuddle-bunny.
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Post by Xtc »

OK. This place has been a smut free zone for too long.
I had considered waiting for the site's formatting to be fixed but thought I shouldn't leave any readers I might be lucky to have waiting for too long.

Put your shock-proof drawers on.
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As we climbed the stairs, David could hardly be said to have been dragging on the rope and we were soon ensconced in the bedroom.

“OK, up! On your back.” I don’t even know why I bothered to tell him, he would only have been disappointed if I had omitted the next stage. I doubled one of the ropes, shoved David’s heels up against his bum and gave his overworked jockstrap just a little scratch. It’s amazing how long the sound, “Mnnnnguufff” can be drawn out. I separated David’s knees, leaned forwards and planted a little peck just about on my trophy’s sternum and another on his tidy little navel as I pulled back again. That smell as I dragged my nose over his clothing did not signify so much that he was ready as that he was redolent of over-ripeness. I had to play it carefully now. He obviously wouldn’t be long and I was nowhere near ready yet. - Oh no I wasn’t!

Having repositioned David’s right foot, I doubled one of the soft, white Ropes and pulled the bight back along the strands until two large loops had been formed. David’s thigh and shin were soon trapped in the loops and I pulled tight. David’s heel probably couldn’t bury itself any deeper into his buttock if he tried. I held the loop tight and leaned back slightly to inspect its positioning. Yup! I didn’t think I could realistically have got it any nearer to his ankle if the tie was to work efficiently. There was plenty of rope left to circle his bent leg once more completely before forcing the ends between his thigh and his calf, pulling fairly tight and returning them again trapping the coils. Tying off was a simple matter and it wouldn’t matter if the knot was outside the subject’s leg as there was no way, even if he wanted to, he was going to be able to reach it. As I massaged the ropes to even out the pressure, I was rewarded with an appreciative “Nggh!” and the binding gave by an acceptable, but minute, amount.

Look, you know and I know that there was no danger of my lover trying to escape his bonds but not to have made a proper job of it would have been insulting. Not only that, neither of us would have been able to enjoy the prolonged personal contact required by the process.

I gave a little scratch to the sole of his right foot and David couldn’t resist moving his left foot away from his bum as he jerked in response. “Bad boy,” I said none too seriously as I shoved it back again.

By now, I was seriously questioning the advisability of wearing those shorts with the hard box inside the front panel. By the way the old man was knocking to be allowed out, there must have been a serious risk of getting carpet burns against the rigid leather every time I moved! Never mind, back to duty, mustn’t neglect a friend.

David was soon bound, lying on his back with his knees in the air and held invitingly apart. I licked my way up his entire line of symmetry finishing with a kiss on his chin. Those muscular twitches and the ineffective attempts at rolling away from under me were bloody wonderful! I then found out that the red helix was great for gag-kissing, David’s sensitive lips were hardly impeded at all and we could meld quite efficiently round the drool-sodden red rope. That was certainly one of his better ideas.

As I climbed off the bed, my little love-bundle made no attempt to turn over but, judging by the way he was jerking himself around, I thought that I might well have over-done the entertainment so far. Better get on with it.

Obviously I hadn’t locked myself in or even strapped my dick into the shorts but there was still a belt to undo, a couple of zips to be lowered and a hard box to remove. The pouch could just hang there as far as I was concerned. I’m sure there wasn’t actually the sound of a ping as One-Eyed Willie sprang free but it certainly felt as though there should have been. Now I had to get an increasingly desperate David into position. We’re both lucky in that he can get off on nothing more than a good rodding and over the past few months I had learned exactly how to make sure he got a satisfactory experience every time I impaled him on me.

I stopped to apply some lubrication, not that I think David would have complained judging by the way his backside was bumping up and down on the bed, and approached the object of my desires.

I hauled him up onto his knees and turned him round to face the headboard. There was no need to ask him to spread his legs. It never looks as though there will be enough space for me but a forgiving mattress and a desperate partner always ensures that there is. With the way I had bound him, David was hardly capable of providing my member with a range of massage but, as I said: a good mattress –and the thrusts of which I was capable - don’t usually require him to do much. But he always does the best he can.

A bit of rough manhandling of my trussed turkey (he’d been no chicken for some years!) soon got us both into place with David lodged safely on my trusty flagpole. I held him by the lead round his neck and we gave the bed frame a good workout for a surprisingly short time. David obviously creamed his jockstrap just before I made my delivery and both partners seemed to be well satisfied.

I left David in place while we both relaxed, so to speak. Have you ever noticed the way even heavy breathing synchronises under certain situations? Having recovered from my exertions, I thought I would just find him something to concentrate on for a while and tipped him over sideways leaving him safely on the bed.

“Won’t be long.” Stopping only to zip up my shorts, (I didn’t bother with the hard box) I went to our toy cupboard and hurried back. I didn’t want to leave him on his own and feeling neglected, now did I?

On returning, I slipped one of those rubber blindfolds over his head. That didn’t exactly come as a surprise, neither did being pulled up onto his knees once more. But what followed did: he still wasn’t used to that nice set of nipple clamps I’d recently bought him and the chain might come in useful for manoeuvring him out of the way later.

“OK, love? I just thought I’d give you something to concentrate on while I get on with things. Alright by you?” I couldn’t quite make out what he was trying to say as he jerked around. No, honestly, I couldn’t! Oh, alright, I could have made a good guess, but I thought that he needed something to do while I changed the bedding. I looked him over and he already looked as though he was almost ready for another round. It’s so useful to have a companion that is like a well-known brand of batteries; he is certainly ever-ready!

I hugged David, kissed that wonderfully impeded mouth, lifted him off the bed and lowered him gently onto the floor. He looked so good swinging that chain around as he tried to ease his discomfort. I knew he wouldn’t try rubbing the clamps off against the floor; it hurt him too much last time, so I just got on with things.

You know: I’m seriously considering buying a fitted rubber sheet?
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Post by MaxRoper »

David may be a bit uppity but he seems to be well worth the aggravation.

Another well-told tale of love and ropes. It'd be mighty dull and safe round here without your contributions. Thanks!
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Post by Xtc »

I appreciate that. Thank you.
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Post by Xtc »

There's another smutty little tale about David and me here: http://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php ... 85988baa38

You might enjoy it.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A fun little story. Always nice to read a loving, consensual tie up scene. I can definitely identify with David's character, dropping lots of very unsubtle hints about the mood he's in and what he wants done to him, trying to excite his knackered partner after a long day at work. Words would be easier but this way is more fun! Isn't it nice for the dom not to have to do all the work and thinking once in a while?! ;)

A good release for both of them at the end - the perfect way to relieve stress at the end of a busy week. Nice to see that David doesn't get off too lightly - he's in no position to call the shots now! Looks like he's in for a fun Bank Holiday weekend. :)
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by Xtc »

Thank you, have you read, https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.ph ... =puppy#p15 ? You might enjoy it.
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Post by slackywacky »

Interesting story.

But not being a PIB, should it not be gender tagged? :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Xtc »

Glad you caught up with the story, [mention]slackywacky[/mention] . Yes, indeed it should be tagged. I am one of the serial offenders in that respect, thanks. It's done now,
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Thank you, have you read, https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.ph ... =puppy#p15 ? You might enjoy it.
'MIKE GETS A NEW PUPPY' - what could possibly make you think I would be interested in a story like that! Blatant and entirely justifiable puppy profiling! :D

Thanks for the recommendation!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Xtc »

Oh, just a hunch.

Here boy, sittt!
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