Mouthing off on Vacation (FFF/M)

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Mouthing off on Vacation (FFF/M)

Post by guardian741 »

As the 3 fed-up women wrestled him down into the kitchen chair and began picking at the duct tape, Matt found himself wishing he had just gone golfing with the guys.

The family had decided to go on a vacation up north; They had rented an Air B-n-B that was large enough to accommodate all 6 of them: Matt and his wife Kelly, Kelly’s two sisters Kassie and Sara, and their husbands.

Kelly, the youngest of the sisters, was an attractive blonde, 5’7, green eyes and is in decent shape. Kassie, the next youngest is 5’10, has brown eyes, brown hair and is on the heavier side. Sara is the oldest, standing at only 5’5, also has brown eyes, brown hair and was in average shape.

Today, the other guys had decided to go golfing; not really being Matt’s cup of tea, he decided to stay at the house. He had gone shopping with the girls in the downtown area and they had just arrived back to the house. Matt regularly poked fun at whatever was being watched and hurled sarcastic insults at his housemates until finally Kassie was the first to snap at him:

“I think it’s about time for you to SHUT UP!” she shouted in frustration.

“We brought that new roll of duct tape in case we needed it for something?” Sara suggested.

“Oh, we DEFINITELY need it!” Kassie exclaimed, “Go get it!”

Matt attempted to get off the couch and head to his room but Kassie and Kelly grabbed him and attempted to hold him back.

“Get off of me” Matt shouted as he tried to pull from their grasp.

“No, you’ve been a jerk basically all day, and I think it’s time for a time out” Kelly said. Even Matt’s wife was anxious to bring him down a peg.

Sara returned with a roll of duct tape and a chair from the kitchen table. She placed the chair down in the living room and went to help her sisters. With the three of them, they were able to pull Matt’s arms behind his back and hold them in place while one of them wrapped tape around his wrists, then his elbows, then around his shoulders for good measure.

With his arms taped down, Matt was much easier to push down into the chair. Sara started pulling tape off of the roll.

“LET ME GO!” Matt shouted, and was only rewarded with his wife’s hand clamping over his mouth from behind him.


“I’ll be very excited to have you quiet for a while” Kelly said into his ear.

The girls giggled with excitement as they coordinated with each other to get the protesting guy taped to the chair; tape was wrapped around his chest, his torso, his thighs, and each leg taped to a leg of the chair.

“MPMMMMMP! MMMPH MPHMMM! Matt shouted into the hand as he struggled against the tape.

“One last piece of tape…” Sara said as she pulled a long strip from the roll.

“Wait,” Kelly said, “don’t tape his mouth yet” and ran off down the hall.

“Wher-mMP!” Matt was cut off by a hand once again clamping over his mouth, this time it was Kassie’s. The two girls exchanged glances trying to figure out what Kelly was doing. Only a few seconds later Kelly returned from the direction of the bathroom with a pair of panties balled up in her hands. All 3 people in the living room clocked this immediately.

“MMMMMPH!” Matt’s eyes widened.

“Hahahahaha! Oh my gosh, YES Kelly!” Kassie said while laughing

Kelly stood in front of her husband and said nonchalantly, “It’s what you get for being a prick”.

Kassie released her grip on Matt’s mouth. Matt attempted to pinch his lips shut and shake his head, but being taped to the chair put him at a significant disadvantage. Kassie firmly gripped his jaw and pulled down, the pain forcing Matt’s mouth open. Kelly wasted no time shoving the balled panties into Matt’s mouth, using her finger to prod it all the way into his mouth, past his tongue that was trying to prevent her. As soon as it was all past his lips, Sara flew in with tape at-the-ready and pressed the piece over Matt’s mouth, wrapping the tape around his head a few times before breaking it from the roll.

The three girls stepped back and watched with pride as Matt violently fought against the tape pinning him to the chair. Their laughter covered the sounds of the groans and muffled demands coming from the humiliated guy. Matt tried stretching his mouth wide to break free of the tape, but was unable to. Therefore, he was stuck chewing on his wife’s panties and the unpleasant flavor they brought with them.

Kelly came over and sat on Matt’s lap, oblivious to the amount of squirming Matt was trying to accomplish. She affectionately cupped his face with her hand and looked him in the eye and asked sweetly,

“There, is that better sweetie? I know I like it better…”

Matt only mumbled into his gagged and glared at his wife, still comfortably perched on top of him.

“Do you like how they taste? You can keep them as LONG as you’d like”

“MMMPH MMMMPMPHPHPKMMPH!” Matt shouted, equal parts humiliated and angered.

“Aww, love you too, babe.”


Kelly handed her phone to Kassie and asked her to take some pictures. The next 5 minutes consisting of Kelly posing with her bound and gagged husband. Various poses were struck – a normal smile as if nothing was out of the ordinary, a “thumbs down” pose, a gentle kiss on Matt’s protruding cheeks, the works.

After the photo shoot the girls returned to the coach and continue the show they were watching before they were so-rudely interrupted by Matt’s comments. That wasn’t going to be a problem anymore. The girls largely ignored Matt, instead focusing on their show and their side conversations. Matt struggled against the tape, but was unable to budge and inch. He groaned into his gagged out of frustration and disgust – the panties were still no more pleasant than they were when they were first stuffed into his mouth. He attempted to make eye contact with the women to plead for his freedom, but they avoided his gaze, aside from his wife that would occasionally look at him, wiggle her fingers in a taunting-“hello”, then resume watching the show.

Shortly after, it was lunch time. The girls gathered in the kitchen and assembled sandwiches, ate them and gossiped. Matt shouted desperately from the living room,


Matt had been tied up for over an hour and was anxious to be released. He was also hungry, a sandwich sounded better than Kelly’s panties.

“Shut up, Matt!” Sara shouted from the kitchen.

“Yeah, just keep chewing those panties!” added Kassie.

Another 10 minutes later and the women were returning to the living room with the intent to watch tv, only briefly glancing at the taped-up man rocking back-and-forth in the chair.

“Maybe we should get him out of that chair so he doesn’t tip it over and hurt himself” Kassie suggested.

“Hmmm… we could use a footstool…” Sara said while grinning at Matt

“Let’s do it!” Kelly exclaimed excitedly. Matt shot her a dirty look, which she ignored.

The women once again showed a great deal of coordination with each other as they gradually removed the tape securing Matt to the tape, while still keeping him restrained. As they cut-loose the tape holding him to the chair, they replaced it with additional tape securing his arms to his side, his hands behind him and his elbows together to ensure minimal resistance. Once his legs were cut loose, the three women lifted him out of the chair and wrestled him to the floor and onto his stomach in front of the couch, laughing at his pitiful attempts to fight against them. Kelly sat on her taped-up husbands back to further reduce his struggling; Matt complained into his Panty gag. The women then generously wrapped tape around Matt’s ankles and thighs, then his shins and thighs, putting him into a tight duct tape hogtie.

All three girls stood back – laughing – while mocking Matt’s attempts to break free of the excessive amount of tape keeping him bound.


“Oh, chill out” Kassie chastised, “It could always be worse. If it were just you and me you’d be chewing on my sweaty socks!” Kassie finished this sentence with a grin.

“I don’t have a problem with that” Kelly said


“That’s not fair, how come Kassie gets to stuff her socks in his mouth? He was a prick to me too!” Sara complained.

“All of us can stuff a sock in his mouth for all I care. Maybe he’ll learn to think twice before opening it next time!” Kelly said while maintaining eye-contact with her wide-eyed husband.

“Works for me!” Kassie said excitedly as she pulled off her black and pink athletic sock.

Sara laughed at Matt briefly and she lifted her leg up and pulled off her thick white ankle sock. Kelly quickly slid off her smaller, thinner white ankle sock and collected the other two socks from her sisters. She balled them up in her hands and looked at Kassie, “get the tape ready?”

The two women walked towards Matt with grins on their faces. Meanwhile Matt struggled violently – as much as he could – against the tape that kept him tightly hogtied on the floor. He shook his head and pleaded with his wife not to continue.


“You should be happy, sweetie, now you get to spit out my dirty panties!”

Kelly ripped off the tape from Matt’s mouth and Kassie pulled out the panties and threw them to the side. Matt attempted to close his mouth but Kassie quickly gripped his head back with one hand and his jaw with the other and pulled his mouth open. Kelly seized the opportunity to shove the ball into his mouth. She took her time poking and prodding the ball of sweat into her husband’s protesting mouth.

“Kel-augh, MmPH! N-mpmh! Gamsmmmsph!”

After many seconds of tightly packing the women’s well-worn socks into his mouth, there was still a small portion of the ball sticking out of Matt’s mouth, absolutely no room left inside. It would do, though. Kassie began a long strip of tape off the roll and pressed it over Matt’s mouth from behind him, then wrapped the tape countless times around his head, plastering nearly the whole bottom-half of his face in tape.

While the girls were laughing and taunting him, Matt struggled to come to terms with his new – definitely worse – gag. He groaned and pushed his tongue against the vile ball packed into his mouth with no luck – there was way too much tape. The salty flavor flooded his mouth and overwhelmed his tastebuds, the smell of corn chips somehow making its way to his nose. He begrudgingly chewed on the horrid gag to attempt to reduce the size of the ball and decrease the discomfort he already felt in his jaw. The women had been wearing shoes all day and he could tell – the socks were mildly damp and tasted horrible.

“Who’s taste better, Matt?”

“Are you chewing on them?!”

“Put a sock in it!”

“We should leave those in ALL DAY!”

“Don’t be mad, but this is the 2nd day I wore those!”

“Yummy, huh?”

The barrage of mockery continued for several minutes, interrupted only by the laughing fits of the women whenever they heard a comment they thought was clever. Matt struggled and groaned one last time against his bonds, but quickly realized he was at the mercy of whatever his sadistic tormenters wanted to put him through.

The women eventually made their way over to the couch, sat down, and kicked their feet onto their newest unwilling footstool. The women removed their other sock – throwing them carelessly around the room – then Kassie rested her feet on Matt’s hind quarters, Sara and Kelly resting their feet on Matt’s back. They turned the TV to some home makeover show and began to half-watch it, largely talking over it.

Kelly eventually slid her bare onto her husband’s face.

“MMMPH mpmh!”

“Shut up”

Matt attempted to shake his head away from his wife’s pungent feet but was unsuccessful. Her feet rubbed slowly back and forth over his cheeks, pressing his face into the carpet. The occasional waft from Kelly’s would make it to his nose, causing him to groan and pull at the tape that bound him. The odor somehow made the awful flavor of his gag that much more awful.

Kelly continued talking with her sisters as if rubbing your feet on your husbands face while he sucks on your socks was just a normal thing. Matt protested loudly through his gag as Kelly wrapped one foot’s toes over his nose, bringing the disgusting smell to a new intensity.


Kelly’s other foot pinned Matt’s head to the ground while her toes kept his nose securely between them.

Kassie observed what was happening and laughed. “I think he’s saying your feet stink, Kelly”

“He would never say something that would hurt my feelings like that, would you Matt?” Kelly taunted as she wiggled her toes over Matt’s nose.

“But if he did”, Kelly continued, “He’d be right!”

The three women laughed and focused their attention on the TV, ignoring the squirming man under them.

After a half-hour with Kelly’s feet in Matt’s face, Kassie demanded that she “got a turn”.

Kassie and Sara agreed, saying they were going to go nap anyway.

“Behave sweetie,” Kelly said as she stood up and rubbed a foot in Matt’s face one more time.

“MMPhmph! Mpmmphmpmphmoph!” Matt lifted his head a shouted at her.

“Miss you too”

And with that, it was just Kassie and Matt left in the living room.

“Ok, first thing’s first, here ya go!” Kassie said as she shifted down to Kelly’s old position on the couch and plopped both of her feet onto Matt’s face”

“mmmmmmmpmh” Matt groaned, too exhausted from previous protests to truly fight back.

“Now… what… should… I…watch…” Kassie said slowly, emphasizing that she had all the time in the world.

Meanwhile, Matt began getting wafts of the new foot odor that began it’s assault on his nose. Kassie’s feet were equally unpleasant, but in a different way. Rather than Kelly’s feet that smelled sweaty and worn, Kassie’s feet had a sharper smell like a stereotypical cheese or vinegar. Neither were pleasant, but Kassie’s disgusted Matt even more.

“MMPhmph, GMMPH!!!” Matt choked through his gag as he struggled to turn his nose more toward the carpet.

“Just…can’t…decide…” Kassie continued as she scrolled through channels and began rubbing her feet all over Matt’s face – up and down his cheeks, over his eyes, over his mouth, his ears, and of course, his nose.

After 5 minutes of indecision – Matt struggling with a twisted stomach the whole time – Kassie announced “I’m just going to read!” and turned the tv off.

Kassie looked down at her footstool and took note of his twisted-up face that she could barely see past her red toes.

“You really don’t like my feet, do you?”

“MMPh” Matt groaned as he jerked his head away from the toes that brushed past his nose.

“That’s ok, I really just want you as a footrest anyway. I have something else for you.”

Kassie reached over and picked up one of her discarded tennis shoes.

Matt began struggling against the tape again.

“I’ve only had these like 6 months, so I’m sure they smell way better than my feet do right now!”


“And also… what are you going to do about it?!” Kassie laughed and held the opening of her shoe over Matt’s nose.

The stale stench hit Matt in the face like a ton of bricks. It wasn’t the sharp smell of Kassie’s bare feet, but the stale odor of a worn shoe… combined with the warm putrid odor that comes from a shoe that was recently worn. Before Matt could fully process everything tape was already being wrapped around his head and the shoe – the laughter from Kassie just barely heard over the sound of tape coming off the roll.

In no time the stinky shoe was secured to Matt’s face. Matt shook his head back and forth and tried to use the floor as leverage to pry the shoe from his face, but with no luck.

“There,” Said Kassie, seemingly proud of herself, “isn’t that better?”

Matt got another full inhale of the putrid shoe and groaned in disgust and frustration.

“Now just relax and be quiet”

Kassie grabbed her book off the side table, opened it, and kicked her feet onto Matt, crossing them at the ankles with her bottom foot resting in Matt’s palms.

“You can feel free to rub them if you want” Kassie said as she opened her book.

“MMPMPH MPMHMPH!” started shouting, breaking from the frustration. He had never been this humiliated; tied up by women, well-worn socks taped into his mouth, a putrid shoe taped to his face, and being used as a footstool by his bratty sister-in-law. Kassie’s foot rubbing over his hands only added to the humiliation.

“Be quiet!” Kassie hush-snapped, “If you wake Kelly or Sara up, I swear to God I’m shoving my foot in your mouth!

As much as Matt wanted the foul sock gag out of his mouth, he doubted Kassie’s stinky foot tasted much better. And based on how today was going, he was pretty sure she would follow through on her threat.

Matt groaned and accepted his fate, and for the next hour, quietly laid on the floor in his uncomfortable hogtie, inhaling his air from Kassie’s shoe while she rested her feet in his hands, which he was unable to pull away given they were taped to his lower back. The boredom was the worst. This was not how Matt wanted to spend his vacation, but he just continued his punishment, smelling the putrid shoe until his captor decided to free him – the turning of pages being the only thing that marked time.

Eventually Sara woke and walked sleepily to the living room, snickering when she saw Matt in his current predicament.

“Kassie, that’s a dick move, even for you” Sara laughed as she walked up to Matt and removed the tape holding the shoe over his face. The shoe fell to the floor and Matt took his first deep breath of unsullied air in over an hour.

“mmph” Matt gave an exhausted ‘thanks’.

“Oh, he was fine”, Kassie shrugged off – not looking away from her book, “stinky feet never killed anyone. Though he probably wishes he were dead! Are you taking your turn now?”

“You guys are so immature, I can’t believe you kept him tied this whole time” Sarad looked over to Matt and smiled, “but, I guess this is probably my only opportunity, so why not?”

“MMPHMP!” Matt protested and his recent-hero plopped down on the couch and rested her feet on Matt’s face.

Odor once again found its way to Matt’s nose and made him groan. Corn chips. Matt could pick out which sock in his mouth was Sara’s.

“There, smell my feet” Sara said somewhat bored, and began to rub her feet in Matt’s face.

Matt, being exhausted and over the day, barely resisted and just inhaled the 3rd pair of smelly feet that roamed his face today; resisting only when Sara’s toes curled around his nose and brought the corn chip smell to full strength.


“Just like flowers, huh?” Sara laughed – secretly enjoying watching Matt struggle to avoid her toes, even though she had just chastised her sister for a similar thing.

After a few minutes of similar behavior, Kelly also wandered out of her room and joined her sisters in the living room.

Kelly stretch and yawned, “Hi sweetie” she said as she pressed her toes over her husbands nose, his head pinned to the floor by Sara’s feet. Matt still groaned at being forced to smell his wife’s feet, but recently learned that her feet were the least-smelly of the 3 sisters.

“The guys will be back soon, we should probably move him to my room” Kelly said

“mph Mrmh?”

“Not going to untie him?” Kassie asked,

“I will a little later, I want to make sure he learned his lesson. I need help carrying him to my room though”

With that the three women rallied and lifted the protesting man and carried him to Kelly’s room, setting him onto the foot of the bed.

“Bye Matt, it was fun. Let us know when you want to do this again!” Kassie laughed and blew a kiss. Her and Sara both left the room and closed the door behind them.

“You’re not going to be a prick on vacation anymore are you?” Kelly said with her hands on her hips, looking at her tied up and defeated husband.

“Mmmph” Matt shook his head.

Out of Matt’s sight, Kelly grabbed two scarves and a previous days’ worn socks and hid them behind her back. Then she used the scissors she had grabbed earlier and cut the tape from Matt’s mouth, allowing him to spit out the large, soaked ball of socks.

The sounds of the other guys getting home could vaguely be heard on the other side of the door.

Matt stretched his jaw and spit a few times.

“ugh, bleh! Sweetie, I’m sorr-mmmph!”

Kelly shoved her two socks into Matt’s mouth and tied one of the scarves tightly between his teeth.

Matt rolled his eyes and pulled at his bonds again, frustrated at being immediately regagged. He was still not happy about having more dirty socks in his mouth – the salty flavor shocking his taste buds that had gotten used to the, now flavorless, old ball of socks – but he was relieved that it was just two small socks and a scarf as a cleave-gag… his jaw needed a break.

Kelly then tied another scarf around Matt’s eyes blindfolding him.

“wrmph thmp hmlmp?”

“I’m not done with you, but I don’t want you making a bunch of noise.”

Matt felt Kelly’s lips start to slowly kiss the side of his neck. Despite his predicament, he allowed himself to enjoy it.

“If you behave and stay quiet, I know there are a few of my body parts you do enjoy having in your mouth. We could play a little game where you try to guess what they are…”

Kelly nibbled on Matt’s ear as he moaned into his gag.

“But,” Kelly whispered heavily into his ear, “this is also a punishment. So at some point, you’re definitelygoing to have my sweaty foot in your mouth. So you can look forward to that as one of the options too”

“mmph? MMPh!”

Kelly patted his cheeks condescendingly. “See you a little later, sweetie”. She closed the door behind her.

In the distance, Matt could hear,
“hey guys. Oh, no, he’s in bed. Not feeling well. I assume he won’t be joining us for dinner”

Matt laid on the bed, hogtied, gagged, and blindfolded with a mix of emotions. He was very excited at the pleasures he would look forward to later, but was also horrified at the prospect of having his wife’s sweaty foot in his mouth – she had confessed to not showering this morning, so the taste was going to be awful. But either way, he had no choice but to lay there and stew in his anticipation and dread. He laid his head on the bed, and waited for his captor’s return.
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Post by Red86 »

I know this is posted in the fictional section, though if I was married and my wife and sister in-laws pulled this, they could expect me to get even in the future :lol:

Really good story and enjoyable read!!
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Post by brashieel »

Excellent story!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Excellent story. Really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Really nice!

Oh my, you are one of my favourite writers, from here and the old site, so good to see one of your stories again. I really loved it!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

I read this much earlier but forgot to give a comment, Certainly was a great story, love the humiliation and teasing remarks they gave Poor Matt, he'll certainly be carful of how he behaves around these women now, also I can just imagine the knowing smirks they might give him of their " past escapade " in future gathering , certainly not something I think they'd let him forget :lol:
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Post by WillHBonney »

Great story! I love the attitude of the girls, teasing and taunting him as he’s forced to smell their feet.
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Post by whatever351 »

Love this story just like all your others! A wife and sisters in law make for such great captors. Can't wait to hear more!

I would be interested to see how he fares the rest of the vacation. Surely they have other ideas in mind for him
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