Tape Night at the Office (F/MM) - Part 9 - Request by DeeperThanRed

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Tape Night at the Office (F/MM) - Part 9 - Request by DeeperThanRed

Post by Mineira1986 »

Hi, there! So, this is going to be a different kind of story. I have written stories from 3rd person view or 1st person view. This is going to be a 1st person view but, it's going to change from character to character (one point of view per chapter). I hope you enjoy it.

(Sorry in advance if you feel this first chapter, which works as an introduction, is too long. I promise we'll get to the ropes tape soon enough ;))

Part 1 - Megan

This was supposed to be a long and boring day at the office. As I finished brushing my teeth, I thought about the work ahead of me. My name is Megan Wilson, 23 years old, 5’ 5’’, and I work as one of the Logistics Managers at Amaze Tape Manufacturing. That’s right, you read it right: we make tape. Our own tape.

As excited as it may sound, in real life, not so much. My main job was, to say the least, a little boring and exhausting. I was in charge of supervising the goods distribution to our customers and to receive any possible returns. That includes the pick and packing the day before, preparing the truck routes for the day, etc, etc and a long boring etc. Today was going to be extra special. It was the last day for the inventory close process. For those of you not familiar with the business process, here it’s in simple words: we had to send to accounting all our transactions, checked and double checked, even if it meant staying late hours. It had to be done today.

I took my purse, got out of my place and into my car. I started driving to my office. Yes, I didn’t work in the same warehouse because some old executive man decides the warehouse is no place for women. Still, I couldn’t complain. Accounting offices were on another floor but Sales and Quality Control were right on mine. And that meant getting to work with two of the most handsome guys I’ve ever known.

First, there was Mark Taylor. He worked in sales, he was about 5’ 11’’, with short black hair. He really knew how to dress well. And he liked to go to the gym. He had this really good body. And he was such a nice guy. To everybody, not just me. As a matter of fact, I would really love to work more with him, but the big problem is usually salespersons go out because of meetings with customers, possible leads and other sales stuff. At least when he was at the office, I always tried to talk to him. He was always the best.

And the other guy is Luke Roberts, he was one of our quality managers. He was also taller than me, actually shorter than Mark, maybe 5’ 10’’. Oh, and he was blonde. He dressed even better than Mark, probably the best dressed in the office. Luke also went to the gym and, although he wasn’t as muscular as Mark, you could tell he also had a nice body. His personality? I would say he is also a nice guy, but likes to get cocky sometimes. And I had to “suffer” most of his jokes. He is at the office most of the time, and because my job is to ensure our customers don’t return the goods (I hated doing returns), he usually went around my office bragging about how the quality control process was the best and we had really few complaints about it. But other than that, he is a nice guy.

You would say, why didn't I date or ask out any of them? There was a bit of a problem for me.

They were pretty much into each other.

I know, ugh, story of my life! Handsome and nice guys, and I was on the wrong side of the equation. It didn’t bother me that much, or it wouldn’t have if not by a big fact. They weren’t doing something about each other. And, oh my god, it was so freakin obvious. The smiles, the looks, the laughs. You know when you flirt with a guy, and you laugh and “casually” feel his arm? They did that to each other all the time. And I had to watch it, hopelessly, not able to do a single thing. I had a huge crush on both of them, they didn’t acknowledge that… but they had crushes on each other and weren’t doing anything there! Ugh…

Anyway, back to my office day. As I entered, the first person I saw was Luke. He looked stunning as always. He smiled at me. “Good morning, Wilson. Ready to stay overnight?”

I smiled back at him. “Not if you have done your job, Roberts. I would hate to make you stay with me until midnight. With Mark of course.”

He laughed and I could have sworn he blushed. “Yeah, not gonna happen, baby. You know I don’t let a single roll out of your little warehouse if it isn’t the perfect quality.” He kissed the tip of his fingertips. “You’ll never find better tape rolls.”

I smiled as he went to his desk. That day wasn’t that hard. After my morning coffee, I entered the warehouse system on my computer and checked the monthly reports. Everything seemed ok. I then went to the warehouse just to fill some blanks. Then back at the office. Then back at the warehouse. Problems with not having my office there. Luckily by noon, pretty much everything was ready. Just a few employees had to fix a couple of documents. But no returns from any customers. Phew, I was going to be able to have lunch all relaxed and then to go home after 6 PM. I wouldn’t have to stay after office hours for that stupid accounting.

So I went for lunch with a coworker, Emily. She was from payments and she had the day kind of free, having closed their reports the day before. We went to a nearby restaurant and once there, we started talking about different things. I complained about having to be in the office while most of my work was warehouse related, like I did all the time. She just laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Come on. You get to work with the two love birds.” Emily said, finishing her lunch. “Aren’t those like the hottest guys we have had in the office? Like… ever?”

“Luke and Mark?” I asked back. “I guess…”

“Aha! You blushed! I knew it. You have a thing for one of them.” Emily said. I didn’t respond but I blushed even more. Emily noticed it again. “Or… for both of them? Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”

“Shut up” I hissed, looking around us. Nobody from our office was there, for my luck. “It’s not that I can do anything about it, right? I mean…”

“You mean they clearly like each other and won’t notice you because you are a girl and not a guy.” Emily said, before calling the check.

“Well, yeah!” I said, taking my wallet. Emily stopped and said she would pay for it. I thanked her and continued. “But it’s really hard. I mean, I can’t do anything about it, but they are not doing anything about each other! They don’t ask each other out, they don’t spend much time together, outside the office.”

“I know, and they really like each other. Everybody at the office has noticed that.” Emily said. “I’ll tell you a little rumor: Human Resources was even going to do something about it, but since it’s clear that neither of them are trying to get… more than a friendship, well, it was dismissed. Funny, huh?”

I put my head in my hands. “Girl, what can I do?”

Emily held my hand. “About dating them? Nothing, because they are not into girls. And about them not dating each other? Nothing as well. If we were in high school, we could have locked them in a closet for the whole night until they admitted their feelings for each other. That’s how I got the sweet man that it’s now my husband. I regret nothing.”

I blinked twice and looked at her confused. “Really? Locked up in a closet?”

“Oh relax” She replied, standing up. “It was harmless fun. Just our friends decided to, kind of force us to admit we have feelings for the other one. We did it every time we knew two people were into each other. And it worked every time.”

We went back to the office. I went to my desk and found an email. The last documents were fixed and I had to pick them up at the warehouse. Perfect, more trips for me. On my way there, I couldn’t help to remember Emily’s last words. Locking up inside a closet with your crush, that would be funny. I wouldn’t mind being locked with either Mark or Luke, but that would be uncomfortable for any of them, as I thought neither liked me that way.

I got to the warehouse and went for each of the employees I needed. As I was checking and signing the documents, I remembered Emily’s words again. If not me, maybe Luke and Mark should be locked up in a closet together, until they admitted their crush on each other. Nah, crazy idea. We weren’t in high school anymore.

I signed another document. But what if that happened? How could I convince them? I was shorter than them, I couldn’t just subdue each separated, less together. And I couldn’t just invite them to my house since neither of us spent much time together outside the office. It was just a crazy fantasy.

I picked up all the documents I needed. Maybe… if I could restrain them in any way. They wouldn’t be able to escape. And, if restrained, I could keep them in a closet for as long as I wanted. That would be, until Mark admitted he liked Luke and Luke admitted he liked Mark. Maybe until one of them asked the other guy out. Maybe.

Stop it, Megan, that’s craziness. But, hypothetically, just hypothetically, if I could have both of them together, with me, nobody else, how could I restrain them? I don’t even know how to tie a proper knot. I could go to a shop to buy cuffs, but… that would be a bit of an excess, right?

“Boss!” A voice called behind me. “There is one last shipment you need to sign.”

I turned back and sighed. Shipment of tapes. Then it came to me. The answer was just in front of me. It had been the whole time. Tape. And we had tons of tape. That was my weapon. All I needed now was to set up the right scenario for me. For us.

Oh boy, this was going to be fun.
Last edited by Mineira1986 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm amazed by how good this is.

Megan is really a fun narrator and the lengthy introduction did a great job at fleshing out the characters and the setting. The contrast between the nice-guy Mark and more impish Luke, along with the witty dialogue gave the story a unique tone. I also loved how they all work in a tape company. :lol:

Can't wait to read the rest, great job!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago I'm amazed by how good this is.

Megan is really a fun narrator and the lengthy introduction did a great job at fleshing out the characters and the setting. The contrast between the nice-guy Mark and more impish Luke, along with the witty dialogue gave the story a unique tone. I also loved how they all work in a tape company. :lol:

Can't wait to read the rest, great job!
Thanks a lot!

Part 2 - Luke

Do you know the best part of working in Quality Management? I could watch all the office trouble from my comfortable desk. Megan seemed especially troubled today. Right, today is the last day for the warehouse to send the documents report. Bad luck. I was thinking about asking her for lunch but she wouldn’t have the time. I just watched as she came to the office and back at the warehouse several times, not losing her temper. I pretty much admired her about that. Plus, she’s really gorgeous. Her hair was never a mess during those quick trips. I sometimes wished those damn goods return happened more often, just to be able to talk to Megan Wilson more often.

But no sir, not on my watch. That’s why I am the quality manager.

Sadly for me, my favourite salesman wasn’t around either. Mark Taylor. Man, I am pretty sure he’s the hottest guy in the whole company. Too bad he’s out many days. I couldn’t really interact with him, I mean, about business stuff. Unless something really bad had happened with one of his customers. Something that, as I had stated, wasn’t going to happen because I was that damn good at my job. We had just talked sometimes, during our breaks and each time I met him in the hallway or the elevator. I didn’t know if he was into me. I mean, he was so handsome and dressed really well. And I knew everybody in the office used to joke about it. But I wasn’t really sure. He may even be straight, for all I knew. Not playing for both teams as I did.

That’s right. I had to admit my biggest crush was Mark, but I cannot say Megan was bad either. If any, I would have gladly taken either of them for a date.

I looked at the clock. 5:30 PM. Soon I’ll be on my way home. Too bad. Neither Mark nor Megan on sight. I was ready to pick up my things when I received a mail. From Megan.

Goods return from Blink Warehouses. They complained about the tape, something about weakness. Need to talk to you. Please, wait at the office until I return.

Megan Wilson
Logistics Manager

Oh no, no Blink Warehouses. It was one of our largest accounts. I double checked the mail. Our tapes weak? Weakness? Not a chance. That had never happened before. Had I been distracted on my job? I didn’t think so but wasn’t so sure.

I checked whose account it was. Of course. M. Taylor.

I took a deep breath. That would mean Mark was going to be notified as well and, if by any chance, it was my fault, I would be in deep trouble with my crush right in the office. God, this couldn’t be happening.

I tried to ask some people in the office for Megan’s whereabouts but all they said was she was at the warehouse. I would have to wait. Eventually, the 6 PM passed and she hadn’t arrived. Weird. I tried to call her phone but nothing. I sat at my desk facing an empty office.

6:30 PM. That was it. It was getting dark outside and I wanted to get home. Then the office door was opened.

“Wilson, why have you kept me waiting?” I stopped and blushed when I realized who it was. “Oh, hi Mark. Sorry, I thought you were Megan.”

Mark didn’t seem annoyed by that. Man, he was really cute and easy going. He gave me a reassuring smile. “Hi. No problem. She sent me this weird email about Blinks returning the last shipment. I didn’t get any call from them or mail. I tried to call them as well, but you know, end of the month, they usually just want to go home.”

“Yeah…” That was the only thing I got to say. There was some uneasy silence. I looked at him from time to time, only when he was looking away. I didn’t want him to think I was some creepy dude so when I felt he was going to look at me, I just looked away. After some minutes in silence, I said. “So…”

The door being opened interrupted me. It was Megan carrying a box from the warehouse. “Hey guys. I am glad you both are here. You really need to help me.”

“Hi, Megan. Sure, what do you need?” Mark asked.

“Blink Warehouses called me and said the last shipment was bad.” She said, dropping the box on an empty desk. “They complained the tape breaked with ease and stuff like that.”

“That has to be a mistake, Wilson.” I said, trying my best to look confident in front of her and especially, Mark. I could feel all the pressure in the world and their eyes on me. “I know my job and I am particularly careful with our big accounts. There is no chance this has happened.”

“But it did, Roberts.” She said. There was something weird in her voice but she continued. “And you must help me because I don’t want to register a goods return this late. I’ve already sent the warehouse reports to accounting and those guys will go berserk if I tell them that they have incomplete information.”

This was odd. I found the whole situation too confusing. “Wait a minute, why did the customer call you instead of Mark? He is the salesman assigned to them.”

“I don’t know, they just did.” Megan said. I tried to look at her but I couldn’t tell if she was lying or not.

“And you picked up the whole shipment?” I asked. “If so, then a big movement like that should be on the reports. Sounds like you are the one staying late, Wilson. Not us.”

“Of course I didn’t pick up the whole shipment.” She replied. “Just this box. And before you ask, you know our last truck leaves at 5 PM. They called me after that and no truck could collect them. I had to drive there myself and ask for a box so we could check it here. If there was no problem with it, then they wouldn’t return all the boxes. But if these tapes are indeed bad, then...”

I opened my mouth to reply but wasn’t sure what to say. Mark spoke then. “Sorry to interrupt, guys. Megan, what can we do to help you?”

“Glad you asked.” She said, opening the box. “I want you to help me test these tapes. If strong guys like you cannot break them, then it probably was some kind of mistake or a minor error.”

I crossed my arms in front of me. “And how do you want us to do that?”

Megan blushed a little. “Taping you up… of course?”

There was doubt in her voice. I snorted. “Sorry, not a chance. You are really crazy, Wilson.”

“If it helps, I’ll do it.” Mark said. It was my turn to blush. Of course, he was the nicest guy and now he would be thinking I was the jerk. I stopped him.

“Not necessary.” I said, trying to make me look good and confident. “I am the Quality Manager and I should be the one doing the test.” I placed my hands in front of me.

“Thanks. But nope.” Megan said, still smiling. “Turn around, hands behind your back. That way is more difficult and we really want to test the tape.”

I was about to protest but Mark’s presence made me think otherwise. I nodded, rolled up my sleeves and turned around, placing my hands behind my back. Megan took my wrists a red tape roll and started rolling it around them for about five or six times. I felt her cutting the tape.

“All done.” She said as I turned around. She was still holding the roll in her hand and there was something different in her eyes. She looked amused. I gave Mark a brief look and blushed, realizing my current situation. I had my hands taped firmly behind my back in front of a handsome guy and a beautiful girl. I froze for a couple of seconds before Megan said. “You can start trying to break the tape. I have one more thing to do.”

I blushed again and tried to rip the tape that was holding my wrists. It was going to be tricky, and I was pretty much confident it wouldn’t break. I just needed to prove her point that way and we could all be on the way to our homes. But it was really hard, especially with both of them looking at me carefully.

“Mark?” Megan asked. I could now really notice some excitement in her voice.

“Wh-what?,” Mark said to Megan, his eyes still fixed on me. Then he turned his head to look at her. “Sorry, I mean, what do you need?”

I saw Megan picking up a light blue tape. “As I recall, you also volunteered to help me, right?”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Luke noticing that something is amiss but too busy to think about it because his crushes are there? Now that's relatable.

Jokes aside, you've done a really good job at making the voices of characters distinct. The slow-burn isalso great at setting up tension and character dynamics.

Looking forward to read the rest!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Heh, thank you very much! Now, it's time for our third character...

Part 3 - Mark

“Wh-what?” I asked, confused.

I looked around. This normal day was turning into a little crazy one. First, Megan’s mail about my biggest client. Then, arriving at this late hour and the office. And also seeing handsome Luke with his hands taped behind his back and struggling against the tape. I had been enjoying the view. He is really handsome, and the way he dressed… plus his struggles attempts made him look even more handsome. My mind had been distracted when Megan coughed, making me startle.

“You said you volunteered, right?” Megan said, holding another roll in her hands.

“I, I…” I hesitated a little. “I did, right. But you need two volunteers? I mean, you’ve already taped up Luke and…”

“Sure, sure, but…” She started unwinded the tape. “I could use another volunteer. Besides, you seem bigger, I mean… You look stronger than Luke.”

“Hey!” Luke protested.

I hesitated again. Megan ignored him. “Mark, please? You said you wanted to help.”

She gave me her puppy eyes. I nodded and she signaled me to turn around. I obeyed and gave her my back. I was a little upset since I was no longer able to see Mark struggling. I felt Megan taking my hands and crossing them behind my back. She started rolling the tape around them about five times before pausing. Then she continued five more times.

“Heh, a little bit of an excess, don’t you think, Megan?” I asked, a little worried.

“Just need to make sure, Blink Warehouses really complained about it.” She said, cutting the tape. “Besides, I need extra tape to secure you. You are way stronger than weaky Luke here.”

“Hey!” Luke protested again, behind my back. “I am really strong. It’s just… just…”

“Just what, big boy?” Megan said, not hiding the excitement in her voice. “Come on, you should be breaking the tape by now. Blink said it was really weak.”

I heard more struggling sounds and I started my own. The tape held me really strong. I kept struggling but Luke’s own struggling and sounds distracted me. I wanted to see him in his own predicament. For what I was hearing, he was really putting up a good fight. God, I wanted to see that. I tried to turn around but Megan had other plans.

“What are you doing, Marky?” She said. It took me by surprise, she had never called me Marky before. “You need to concentrate. Come here.”

She guided me to a nearby desk, cleared it and pushed me gently, so now my upper body was laying on to off it, making me bending over, on my stomach. It wasn’t an uncomfortable position, but I felt really vulnerable. “You better keep struggling, big boy. We really need to check if the tape has any weakness.”

I restarted my struggles again, still too surprised to reply. I heard some trouble behind me, and for the sounds I deduced Luke was suffering the same treatment, probably also facing away from me. Oh, what I would have given to be struggling looking at him. I bet he was doing a hell of a performance struggle. But the show, apparently, was only for Megan to watch.

“Alright, Wilson.” I heard Luke saying. “I think we have struggled enough by now and as you can see, the tape is really… wait, what are you doimmmphh?!”

“There.” I heard Megan saying. “You can now focus on your struggles instead of talking nonsense.”

“Mmmphhh!!” Luke shouted.

I couldn’t believe it. He was gagged. Megan had gagged him. Probably with some tape. Oh I really wanted to turn and see him now, but in my current position I wasn’t able to. Also, I didn’t want to test Megan, who clearly had no intention to let us go just yet. I could ask her to let us out, but chances were I was going to be gagged too! So I remained silent and kept struggling, bent over a desk.

I was clearly going nowhere. The tape was really strong, and I couldn’t break it. I kept jerking my arms and body, but nothing gave in. I was really stuck. For what I was hearing behind me, Luke was also in the same situation. Then I thought: maybe breaking the tape wasn’t the answer. Maybe I could slip my hands off it. This wasn’t going to prove our point, that our tape was really strong, but I didn’t think that through. It was just about getting out of the tape, right?

But I forgot one fact. Our tape was really sticky. Like, really, really sticky. And I hadn’t rolled up my sleeves like Luke had done. So that meant the tape was stuck to my shirt and it would take a long time to slide my wrists through it. I mean, if it was even possible to do that. I had to try. I tried and tried but the more I struggled, the more it was clear that the tape wasn’t going anywhere unless Megan removed it.

Meanwhile, Luke kept struggling. He was really fighting against his restraints. Five rolls of tape were sure enough to hold his strong arms behind him and he hadn’t come to the same conclusion as I had. Probably he wasn’t trying to slide his hands through the tape instead of breaking it. Probably he was just annoyed by the fact that Megan had gagged him. But he kept fighting. Struggling himself, jerking his body. And I just couldn’t see him. Man, what a time to be taped up myself as well.

I stopped my struggles. It was no use. The tape was really strong and sticky. It was clear that the client’s complaint was a mistake. Or just a bad batch. But not the whole shipment. At least that was reassuring, I thought. I was about to ask Megan to set us free when she came close to me and whispered into my ear. “Mark, why have you stopped? You still haven’t broken free. You have to keep trying.”

I sighed. I was already sweating a bit in my shirt. “Megan, I think we have made clear that our tape isn’t the problem. It was probably just a bad roll. It happens sometimes, but there was no reason to… mmphhh!”

She had handgagged me as I was speaking! I smelled her perfume through her hand as she pressed it against my mouth. “Now, Mark, Mark…” she whispered again. “I don’t want any excuses. This is a pretty big client and we must be really sure that our products have no problem.”

“Mmmmph… mmmphh…” I tried to reply but her hand was kept over my lips.

“Now, please continue your struggles.” She said, removing her hand. “We must be really sure.”

I wasn’t sure about it. I thought we had already proved the point, but struggled a bit more for a few minutes. She went to Luke and whispered something to him, probably the same thing she had said to me. It seemed to work as I heard again his struggling, funny noises. This went for more minutes until I stopped, more exhausted than before. I had accomplished little success by this point and, from what I was hearing, Luke was as stuck as I was.

“Well, guys, you are really terrible at this.” Megan said, not trying to hide her excitement and delight in her voice. “I thought you were really strong, but apparently you are not. How come our worst tape, returned by the customer, is enough to hold the two of you?”

“Mmmph… mmphhhh! Mmmphh!” I heard Luke’s angry protest behind me. I sighed.

“Look, Megan. It was just a couple of bad rolls at best, nothing else. We should…”

“Shhh, quiet!” Megan hissed. “Listen!”

I shut my mouth. The office was dead silent. There was no sound. “What?” I asked after a few seconds.

“Can’t you hear that?” Megan hissed again. I couldn’t tell if there was any actual sound or she was just joking. I also couldn’t tell if there was fear or something else in her voice. But it sounded kind of fake to me...

“Megan, what are you talking about? I don’t hear anytmmmph!” I tried to say but she quickly handgagged me again. She then gave my bottom a quick slap. “Mmmph?!”

“Shush, Mark.” She said in a very low voice. I still wasn’t hearing anything. “It sounds like someone is trying to break into the office.”

“Mmmphh?” I was really confused. I wasn’t hearing anything. And I was trying. I was really trying. Whatever Megan was hearing, it wasn’t there. Or she was lying.

“We are in trouble.” Megan said. I couldn’t hear any fear in her voice. “I need to hide you two in the closet.”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Megan really got into this, didn't she? Mark and Luke getting taped up was hot but her ignoring their complaints and keeping the act was hilarious.

Thanks for the great update. I can't wait to see what comes next.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thanks! I am glad you are enjoying it.

Part 4 - Luke

Why did I agree to this?

I needed to start thinking with my head. I had allowed Megan, cute Megan Wilson to tape my arms behind my back, just to prove I wasn’t a jerk and that I actually wanted to help her. But the gag? I hadn’t agreed to this! Man, our tape was really sticky! I just wanted out of this. It was getting really late, and with all my strugglings, I wasn’t getting out. That should have proven that our tape was, at the very least, average. That shouldn’t be a problem for one of our biggest customers.

“MMMMPHH!!” I tried to call Megan while I was still struggling. Nothing. I was stuck. Bent over a desk, forced to keep struggling to get out of my restraints.

Then I had heard it. She had taped Mark as well! Man, if I had been free, I would have paid my whole salary to watch that. Alas, I couldn’t in my current situation. I tried my best to break my bonds once again. And once again I had failed. Either way, I was embarrassed. If by any chance, I could break the tape, that would mean that somehow, the quality process was flawed. Or I hadn’t done my job right. And if I couldn’t break it, then I would be stuck and had to wait for Megan to let me go.

I heard some weird sounds behind me. Megan whispered something but I couldn’t understand her words. She was talking to Mark who, as me, was gagged with something. Then more sounds. Those I could identify. Tape. Tape coming out from a roll. Was Megan using more tape? What the…?

I had to see what she was planning to do. I struggled with all my might and managed to stand up. I turned myself around. And then I saw it.

Handsome Mark was taped up with light blue tape holding his arms behind his back. Megan was handgagging him and somehow, had managed to pull him into one of our office drafting chairs. Now this chair didn’t have any arms, so either Megan was super strong to hold him or… something she had whispered to him that made him comply.

His eyes then met mine. Boy, what a moment to make visual contact with the hot guy you like. We both blushed. Me, from being taped up and gagged as well. And him, being also taped and now handgagged and forced to sit on a chair. I tried to see past my embarrassment. He looked super cute in that tape.

I turned back to reality as Megan picked up the light blue roll and ungagged Mark… to start taping him to the chair! What was she doing?

“Hey, Megan, are you sure about this?” Mark asked, not struggling. He was trying to reason with her. “I am not hearing anything. I am not sure there is any robber outside the office.”

Robbers? Were there robbers trying to break in? I tried to sharpen my senses. I couldn’t hear anything other than the tape being rolled around Mark and Mark’s protests. But nothing else. If there were thieves outside, how could Megan have heard them and we couldn’t?

“Shhh, be quiet.” Megan whispered, but loud enough for me to hear her. “They are out there, trust me. I need to put you somewhere safe.”

Mark started to struggle a little. “Megan, if there is anyone trying to break in, we can protect you. Or we can hide ourselves. There is no need to mmmphhh!”

She handgagged him again. “It is going to take more time to release you both. Besides, I am almost there.”

Mark tried to struggle really hard by now. But it was too late. Megan had taped his upper body to the back of the chair at least then times. His muscles bulged against the tape but he was stuck. He wasn’t going anywhere.

He objected again. At least he tried. His lips were soon covered by a strip of light blue tape, just gagged like I was. I shook his head as Megan pressed her small hands against it. “It’s only temporary.” She said. Temporary? What did she mean by that?

She was crazy. I had to get out. And then I saw it. There were a couple of scissors on a nearby desk. That was my way out. I, as quiet as possible, walked towards it and grabbed the scissors. Then, I tried to get out of there, trying to go to the restrooms and cut my bonds free.

But Megan had already spotted me.

“Where are you going?!” She said, running towards me. She didn’t give me any time. She quickly snatched the scissors from my hands! “There are people trying to break in. I need to put you somewhere safe.”

Bullshit. There was nobody trying to break in. I attempted to run away from her, but she grabbed my belt and pulled me back to her.

“Bad boy.” She said, giving my bottom a firm slap!

“MMMMPHH!!” I protested indignantly.

“Come here.” She said. I had to admit, she was surprisingly strong for a person of her size. And I was still a little shocked from that unexpected smack. Before I knew it, she had shoved me against the chair where Mark was.

It was really unexpected. I opened my legs looking for some balance, not wanting to crash against him. I stared at him for a quick second. We both blushed again. We both looked ridiculous at this point, big grown up men taped up and gagged in the middle of an empty office. At least, I hadn’t crashed against my crush.

But having my legs opened, so close to the chair, apparently was part of Megan’s plan. She came quickly and grabbed one of my ankles, and lifted it. That made me lose balance and, all of a sudden, I found myself sitting on Mark’s knees facing him. This was so freaking embarrassing for both of us. But Megan didn’t stop there.

I felt more tape being winded around my ankle. Hell no, what was this woman thinking? Enough was enough. But she had thought of everything so far. She grabbed my other ankle and pulled it towards her. Now I was completely sitting down on my crush’s lap. By the time I could react, she had taped my ankles together in front of me. They had been pulled forward, so they were past the chair base. There was no way I could stand up on my own.

“HMMMPH!!!” I protested as loud as I could. Megan just brought her finger to her lips and hushed me.

“Now be quiet as I put you in that closet over there. It’s for your own good.” She said.

Mark was struggling. So was I. What the hell was happening here? But we were stuck. Megan placed her hands on my back and pushed us. The chair rolled with relative ease across the office until we reached the closet. Megan opened it. There was enough room for the both of us. She pushed us in.

“MMMMPHH!!” Mark protested.

“HMMPHH! MMPHH!!!” I protested as well.

Megan sighed. “You two are way too loud. The robbers are going to find you. Let me help you.” With that, she knelt and started untying my shoes. I protested again but to no avail. She removed them. She removed my socks as well.

The next thing she did surprised me. She ran to get the tape rolls she had used and returned as fast as she could. She then removed the strip gagging Mark in one swift motion.

“OUCH!” Mark complained. But that was all he could say. Megan stuffed one of my socks inside his still open mouth! “MMMPHHH!!” He protested loudly. As loudly as he could. I could hear him, but I was just too close to him. If I had been a few feet away, I probably wouldn’t have heard him. Before he could push the sock out, Megan took the light blue roll and rolled it around his mouth and head about five times.

“MMMPHH!!” He kept protesting. I had to admit again, he looked so cute. Or I would have thought that if I hadn’t been in the same situation.

Megan knelt down again. Mark struggled some more and I knew what was coming. She removed his shoes and socks as well. And also removed my tape gag quickly.

“Ouch! Wilson, don’t you freaking dare! Don’t you…”

“Shhh, big boy. There you go.” She said, taking advantage of my protesting mouth to push Mark’s sock inside my mouth.

“MMMMPHHHHH!!” I protested and jerked my head from side to side. Megan quickly put her hand on my mouth and pressed it tightly, reducing my movements. With her other hand, she took the red tape and soon, it was winded around my mouth about five times as well.

“There you go, nice and quiet.” She said. I looked at her furiously. She had tricked us! Both of us! We had allowed her to tape us up, and then she had managed to subdue us, tape Mark to a chair, tape me on top of him and then gagged us! With each other’s socks!

Mark protested as I was doing. His eyes weren’t much of anger but of surprise and disbelief. Megan shook her head. “You two seem too upset for your own good. Let me fix that.”

Fix what? My question was answered as she took my remaining sock and tied it around Mark’s eyes. Then she took his sock and looked at me. I gave her more muffled protests and our eyes crossed for a second. I looked at her in a mix of anger and confusion. She looked at me and I saw a little blink in her eyes. “See you later, Roberts!”

“NNMMMPHH!!” I shouted as my eyes got covered by Mark’s sock and I was left in darkness. Both of us. Taped, gagged and blindfolded. “MMMPHHH!”

“Shhhh…” Megan patted my head. “Let me see if the robbers are gone. You two be quiet or else.”

Or else? What did she mean by that? Mark protested and I protested as well. But there was nothing we could do. I heard Megan walking away and closing the door, leaving us taped together, totally helpless.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The way Megan used each other's socks to gag and blindfold Mark and Luke was awesome. I also loved the position she chose and how confident and dominating she became. Kudos.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a great idea to a problem many people have at work. I have been in some sort of drama similar in a previous job in the kitchen of a hospital I worked at and I always hoped that either the girl would tie me up, or her friend who also worked there would. Keep up the great story.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago The way Megan used each other's socks to gag and blindfold Mark and Luke was awesome. I also loved the position she chose and how confident and dominating she became. Kudos.
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it!
Solarbeast wrote: 3 years ago This is a great idea to a problem many people have at work. I have been in some sort of drama similar in a previous job in the kitchen of a hospital I worked at and I always hoped that either the girl would tie me up, or her friend who also worked there would. Keep up the great story.
Hopefully that happens soon, heh. Also, thanks!

Part 5 - Megan

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

I did it.

I had done it! Me! Oh my god… As soon as I shut the door, I ran toward the nearest chair and sat down. I started panting hard. I still couldn’t believe how I got to accomplish that. First tricking both of them into getting taped up. Then pretending that there was a break in and finally, placing both of them inside the closet.

Not only that. Taped together. And gagged with each other’s socks! I took my own face with my hands. And that hadn’t even been part of the plan! It had just come to me in the moment! The boys were furious. And with good reason. I was shorter, physically weaker… but I had gotten them. They were my captives until I decided otherwise. Mine! I couldn’t believe it!

As I recovered, I looked around. I had time to figure out my next step; to be fair, I wasn’t sure I was going to reach this far. But now that I had both of them at my mercy… I mean, the main objective was for Mark and Luke to admit their crush on each other. But after taping them and gagging them with the socks, there was a strange feeling running through me. I could do whatever I wanted and they would just have to take it. There was nothing they could do.

Whatever I wanted.

I smiled evilly. This was going to be the funniest night ever. I stood up and placed the used tape rolls back in the box. I could still use them, but for the fun I would need something else. Sadly, there was little I could use in this office. Darn, I should have planned this part better. But, to be truthful, I hadn’t thought of reaching this far. I looked at the office clock. 7:00 PM. I still had some time before calling it a night. But first I need to calm down for the next phase. I took my time for drinking some water, a toilet break, and thinking about my next steps. I even considered texting Emily about this, but decided better not. After all, I didn’t want trouble in the office after this. This was just about the three of us.

I grabbed my purse. I had a plan. My creativity compensated my lack of experience in this matter. My headphones, my phone and my iPod. This could work. I just needed some cooperation from the guys. But from what I was hearing in the closet, from the sounds of their struggling, they were going to give me a hard time.

7:15 PM. Time to get back at the action. I slowly and quietly walked towards the closet. I could hear them still struggling as best as they could. And as comfortable (or uncomfortable) as they were. Luke sitting on top of Mark, with both of them having a huge crush on each other. That was sure embarrassing. I had to bite my lower lip not to laugh at the idea. I needed to see them. I slowly opened the closet door, just a bit.

They must have felt something because they paused for a moment. I froze in my spot, hoping they wouldn’t notice it. After a second it seemed they hadn’t noticed me because they resumed their attempts to get out. Oh, I needed to record this. Doing my best to not make a sound, I reached the light switch and turned on the light. I took my phone and recorded them for a minute or so, while their muscles bulged against the shirts and pants, their cheeks pressed against the tape which held the socks in each others’ mouth.

Perfect, this video was surely a keeper. Now I had to choose my first victim. Who would be the best to start with? Maybe Mark? I mean he was the nicest of the two of them, or maybe the cocky Luke. I watched them for a while. Luke seemed to be the one struggling the most. Maybe because his weight was pressing on Mark, reducing Mark’s movements, but maybe he was just being more rebellious. Well, that helped my choice. Luke Roberts was going to be my first victim.

I plugged my headphones to my iPod and searched for a white noise track. I walked behind Mark and carefully placed the headphones on him. He startled and I could tell he was scared. Poor boy. I thought for a second about telling him what was going to happen, but that would have spoiled the fun, so I didn’t. He would have to cope with it. I pressed the play button and tucked the iPod carefully in this shirt pocket. Now the outside world was cut out for him.

Now, my victim. Luke had clearly found out something had changed as his struggles turned more fierce. I smiled and walked behind him. I placed my hands on his shoulder and he startled as well. I came close to his ear and whispered. “Good news, Roberts. The robbers are gone. We are safe now.”

“GRMMPH!” He grunted. I giggled to myself. Yeah, that white lie was way too obvious but it had accomplished its purpose.

“Why are you so angry?” I asked, whispering, while he attempted to jerk his shoulder out of my grip. “Maybe you would calm down if you could look at your lovely companion?”

“Whmmph?!” He asked, confused. I grabbed the sock blindfolding him and pulled it over his head.

Luke blinked a couple of times, his eyes adjusting at the light. He saw Mark. Sweet and handsome Mark, taped, gagged, blindfolded and now forced to listen to white noise instead of our voices. I looked at Luke careful as his eyes were fixed on my other captive. Yeah, there was definitely attraction there. He stared at him for a while before snapping out of his daydreaming and turning his head to look at me. “Wmmph! Untmmph ummph! Nmmphh!”

I giggled. “Sorry, I couldn’t catch that. Could you repeat it?”

“Untmmph umpph! NMMPH!” He shouted again.

“One more time, I think I got it.” I asked again, forcing me not to laugh hard.

“Unnmpth…” He stopped and glared angrily at me. “UMMMPPTHHH UMMPHH!!!”

I could help but burst into laughter. “I am sorry, you look ridiculous, Roberts. What happened to you, oh boy? Not so cocky and confident now, are we?”


His protests began sounding louder. Even the chair began to rock from side to side. Mark made some worried noises at the sudden movement and I knew I had to intervene. “Ok, ok, calm down, calm down.” Luke stopped and just looked at me with his angry eyes. “I will untie you with one condition.”

“Whmmph?” He asked, confused.

“You have to admit you have a crush on Mark.” I said.

“Whhmph?” He asked again, but I could see he was blushing. Not from the embarrassment or because his cheeks were bulging against the tape. It was the other kind of blushing. He looked worried at Mark.

“Chill, he can’t hear us. He’s listening to my white sound.” I said, walking behind Mark again and started pointing with my hands. “Now, which is the thing you like about him the most? His cute black hair? His handsome body? His personality?”

Luke breathed furiously a couple of times through his nose before he burst out again into angry protests and struggles. The chair began rocking again and I knew I had touched a nerve. Maybe I had gone too far. Luke needed to calm down and I had to think about a better approach. But I could still have some fun.

“Ok, that’s time out for you, mister.” I took the headphones and my iPod from Mark, making him startle again. Luke kept rocking the chair and demanding me to let him go. I looked at him. Nope, white noise was too good for him. Maybe a girly soundtrack would serve as punishment. I selected a good one and, carefully, put my headphones in his ears. He tried his best to avoid it but he was in no position to resist. I pressed play and tucked it into his shirt pocket.

His eyes went even more furious as he realized what he was going to be forced to listen. I giggled even more as Luke began to shake his head from side to side, but the headphones were staying. I waved goodbye at him as I picked the sock and blindfolded him again.

Ok, that was fun but a little dangerous. I could go back to Luke after he calmed down or I got a better strategy.

Time to move to victim number 2.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Someone knows how to push Luke's buttons. :lol: As much as he doesn't want to admit to Megan, I have a hunch that he doesn't mind being so close to his crush, haha.

Depriving Mark of his hearing while she teased Luke was also a smart move on Megan's part. It's sweet how confident she got yet keeps things under control... aside from sneaking a video to herself.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago Someone knows how to push Luke's buttons. :lol: As much as he doesn't want to admit to Megan, I have a hunch that he doesn't mind being so close to his crush, haha.

Depriving Mark of his hearing while she teased Luke was also a smart move on Megan's part. It's sweet how confident she got yet keeps things under control... aside from sneaking a video to herself.
Hehe, yeah, Luke is uncomfortable but not by the fact that he is so close to Mark.

Part 6 - Mark

What was happening out there?

I could feel that Luke was struggling like a crazy person. It was making me really uncomfortable, plus, more and more scared. He was really rocking the chair and I was afraid it would make both of us fall into the floor with no way to protect ourselves from the eventual hit. I was going to tell him to stop doing that but I could notice… there was somebody else with us in the closet! Could it be…?

“Hello!” I heard Megan’s voice as the sock over my eyes was pulled off gently.

I blinked my eyes trying to adjust to the light and the view in front of me. Luke, indeed, was still struggling, and I could tell he was angry, like really furious. He was still blindfolded, his cheeks bulging from the gag, probably a sock like mine, and he was wearing headphones, pretty much like me a few moments ago. I had been hearing white noise, which had been annoying but somehow, relaxing. From the beat I was hearing, I could tell Luke wasn’t hearing the same white noise. It sounded like a pop song or something. Had Megan put that on him on purpose?

“Hey, Mark, look at me.” Megan said. I had been distracted looking at Luke, in a mix of contemplating him but also worried for safety reasons. Megan’s words make me look at her and then I remembered how she had tricked us. I gave her a confused look and she smiled. “Yeah, sorry about tricking you, guys, but this seemed necessary. Look how Luke is misbehaving. This is for your own safety.”

My confused look intensified as the chair was still rocking and it was because two grown up men were tied on it! And she was the one who put us here! I wanted to ask so many questions and tried to signal her to remove my gag “Mmmph.. Mmphh…”

“Oh.” She said. “Sorry, that gag stays. I need you to listen to me. Nothing bad will happen to you or Luke if you follow my instructions. Roberts here decided to play a little rebellious. So now he’s listening to a very annoying playlist while we have a grown up conversation. We don’t want that for you, am I right?”

That made things even more confusing! But I nodded for my own sake. That seemed to please Megan so she continued. “I’ve been watching you, Mark. Both of you, I mean. And things are starting to get a little… annoying. I’ve noticed how you look at Luke and how he looks at you. Heck, everybody in the office has noticed that! And neither of you are doing anything about it.”

I blushed intensely as Luke’s struggles lowered their intensity. Oh my god… had it been so obvious? I mean, I like Luke and everything, but I couldn’t believe all my co-workers had found out about it. I looked at Megan, trying to avoid looking at my fellow captive, despite him being unable to see me or hear me.

“So, for everybody’s sake, you two have to admit it. Like, right now.” Megan said. She noticed my surprised look. “Don’t worry, he cannot hear us. So, what is it gonna be?”

I blinked a couple of times and blushed even more. Admitting having a crush was difficult for me. Admitting it in front of my actual crush, even more difficult. Now add the fact of being taped up with said crush on top… I looked at Megan worried. I would have to say yes? Especially since people in the office knew it so… was there any point in denying it?

“So?” Megan asked again. I felt forced to admit it, so I nodded slowly. Megan smiled and clapped. “Yay! That was way easier than with Luke, heh.” I sighed relieved through my nose but apparently, she wasn’t done. “So, would you ask Luke out? Like… on a date?”

I blushed even more. I was pretty sure I was beet red from the embarrassment. Admitting that I liked him was one thing. But asking him out? That was a big maybe, and I definitely didn’t feel comfortable answering that question to a third person, even if it was Megan Wilson. I tried to ask her about it, but I could only make muffled sounds.

“Oh, come on, Mark. I already know you really like him. So why not go out on a date?” Megan asked, turning a little impatient. “What’s the worst thing that can happen?”

Lots of things could go wrong! I thought about it for a couple of seconds. Yes, I wanted to ask him out, but this whole situation made me feel uncomfortable. Plus, it was more of a personal decision, and even if I liked Megan a lot, this was supposed to be more personal. So I shook my head as best as I could.

“Mark, I am going to ask one last time. Would you ask Luke out on a date?”

I shook my head again. I had already admitted my crush and that should be enough for Megan.

But she, apparently, didn’t think so. “Fine. Sorry, you are really sweet and way better captive than your cute crush, but apparently we will have to do it the hard way.”

What? I looked confused at her as she grabbed Luke’s sock, the one that had blindfolded me just a few minutes ago and covered my eyes with it again. I tried to shake my head away from her but it was too late. I was plunged into darkness again and all I could do was protesting. “MMMPHH!!”

“Sorry, Mark, you had your chance.” I heard Megan’s voice. “But don’t worry, you are going to ask Luke out tonight. Or he will ask you. Anyway, it will happen.” Then I heard like she was pulling something. “Hi, Roberts. Welcome back to the world.”

Luke grunted annoyed, now freed from the headphones apparently. His body shook on my lap, his struggles rocking the chair again until Megan calmed him down. “Hey, don’t make this more difficult. Plus, I could leave you two here all night until tomorrow. And we all know that would be really embarrassing.”

I grunted as well. I didn’t like any of the possible things that could happen. I mean, being tied up but Megan wasn’t that bad, but she trying to force me to confess my crush and everything was really annoying. From what I was hearing, Luke wasn’t comfortable either. He was even angrier than I was, although I could not tell if it was the tape thing or the things that Megan had told him while I had been listening to the white noise.

“Alright, guys, hear me out.” Megan said. “I have given you both the opportunity to admit something really obvious and you haven’t done it. If you would have admitted it, then this would have been over by now. But you both chose the hard way, and the hard way it is. I will ask again later, but for now…”

For now…. What? She didn’t finish her sentence but I felt her moving around behind me. There was a movement next to my chair and I could tell she was kneeling or crouching down behind the chair. I was really confused when, suddenly, I felt Luke struggling and trying to kick around. The chair rocked even more than before as he started protesting as loud as he could.


Megan giggled a little and then it stopped. Luke stopped his struggling as well and I sighed relieved. His movements made me feel in real danger because of a probable fall, but at least that had stopped by now. Megan moved around and now she was in front of me. What had she done to Luke? And what she was going to do now.

I found out soon.

Her small fingers started scratching my exposed, bare soles! She was tickling my feet!


Now it was me who was rocking the chair. My feet were so ticklish and there was nothing I could do to stop her. She kept tickling me for a few more seconds before stopping. It was just a few seconds but the tickling was intense. I knew I could have endured for a long time.

“Perfect.” Megan said, now walking next to us. “This will work just perfect. For the next minutes, you two will endure a good tickling session. You are both really ticklish for that I’ve just found out, so I am really sorry for you, guys, but it’s your own fault.”

“NMMPHH!” We both protested at once.

“Awww, look at you two, replying at the same time like a cute couple. Cute, cute, cute. Now, who am I going to start with?”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I loved the tickling. One of the most fun "tortures" you can do to a tied up guy and with two men simultaneously being victims, it's even better.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by manwithnoname »

Nice story. Keep it going, looking forward to where it goes next.
"If you want me to stop struggling you really should use that chloroform."
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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago I loved the tickling. One of the most fun "tortures" you can do to a tied up guy and with two men simultaneously being victims, it's even better.
Thank you! I am glad you like it.
manwithnoname wrote: 3 years ago Nice story. Keep it going, looking forward to where it goes next.

Part 7 - Megan

Well, that was at least something. To state the obvious, Mark had admitted that he liked Luke, which was more progress than Luke had done. Not a problem. I could easily wear both of them down. Tickling them, that was. But the real question was… who to start with?

I figured out Mark was going to be first. I thought he was the one who deserved a break, after all, he was the one who admitted his crush. But we didn’t have all the time in the world, and a quick (or not that quick) tickling on his feet meant that I could spend more time tickling Luke after. That would be a good start.

Both guys kept struggling, unable to see what I was going to do. I giggled and knelt, in perfect position to assault Mark’s unprotected soles. They could only feel and try to predict what I was doing, since they were blindfolded. Poor boys, I wouldn’t like to be in their position. I waited for a few seconds just to increase their anxiety a little more. A little more. And then, I attacked.

“MMMMPHH! NMMMPHH!!!” Mark protested loudly.

The chair was really rocking by now. Mark’s struggles increased as I tickled his feet with my fingers. It was really fun, Luke was also struggling, probably because his fellow captive was moving beneath him. That made the chair move a little, making me shift position from time to time in order to keep the tickling going. Whatever the boys were trying to do, it only slowed me down as I continued my assault on Mark.

“NMMPHH!!” Mark pleaded again.

This first tickling went for about five minutes. I didn’t keep track of the time, but it seemed about right. I let Mark catch a breath. After all, again, he had admitted his crush. Luke Roberts hadn’t. So I would take my sweet time with him. Both captives had stopped their strugglings, but I knew it wouldn’t be for long. I was going to make sure of it. I giggled as silently as I could while I moved around the chair, now in perfect position to continue the tickling, but this time with a different captive.

More anxiety. I just couldn’t tickle him right away. First, my index finger ran slowly across his right sole.

“Mmpppph…. MMMPH! NNNNMPHHH!!!” Luke protested, and I could hear the anger in his muffled voice.

I laughed evilly. I knew I had been tickling Mark, but Luke didn’t know it. Not until now. The only thing he had known was that Mark was struggling on the chair. Nothing more. Now he knew what had happened to Mark. And worst of all, at least for him: he knew he was going to be next.

“MMMPH!! WMMPHHH!!” He tried to call me and make me stop.

That wasn’t going to happen.

My fingers assaulted his feet, but this time, more ruthlessly. My fingers worked even quicker than when I had tickled Mark. He deserved it, as he hadn’t admitted anything to me. I could really use more time breaking his resistance. Mark also started shifting his body, as now he was the one feeling his fellow captive being tortured by me. But the chair didn’t rock as much as before. Mark was taking more of Luke’s struggles and he kept relatively calm. Maybe he wasn’t that worried of what was happening, since he knew what was going on. Or maybe he was just tired from the previous tickling. Anyway, it worked for me. I had to shift my position less, so the tickling torture didn’t stop.

“MMMMPHH!! MMMPHHHH!!!!” Luke kept angrily protesting.

I took my sweet time here. I tried to double the time I had used on Mark, just to give Luke a lesson. They were both going to admit his crush on each other and I was going to make sure they were going to go on a date. That was my goal tonight. At first I had hesitated, but somehow I had managed to do this. I was going all in. At the end, they were both going to thank me. Hopefully.

Finally, I stopped this second tickling session. I could hear Luke panting hard through his nose as his strugglings stopped. Mark stopped moving too. I stood up and looked at my two cute captives. Darn, I should have filmed this as well. Heh, that first video would do it.

“Alright, boys, I hope you have learnt your lesson.” I talked, in a tone like I was lecturing two boys. “I have asked you questions before and you have failed to answer them correctly. So first, Roberts.” I looked at Luke. “Are you going to admit that you like Mark or not?”

“HMMMPHHH!!!” Luke protested as angrily as he could. He was clearly annoyed that I asked again, and then it hit me. I had addressed both of them, so he knew that Mark was listening. That might be why he was angry again. Or, to be fair, angrier. He started jerking his shoulder and shaking his head. “LMMMPHH MMMPHH GMMMPHH!”

“Wrong answer, kid.” I said, trying to sound cool. I had made a mistake there, but I had to move on. “We’ll get back at you later. And now, Mark.” I looked at the other captive. “Have you thought about… the question I asked? About asking out on a date… you know who?”

“GRMMMPHH!” Luke grunted furiously, clearly knowing what I was asking.

But Mark didn’t nod. He just stayed there and mumbled something under his gag.

I looked disappointed. On the bad side, the tickling hadn’t worked, as both of them were still reluctant to move on. But, on the bright side, the tickling hadn’t worked. That meant, I could still have my fun and keep torturing them.

But how? I could release them from the chair but it would take time. Plus, there would be, for sure, some resistance and some fight. And it was getting late. I was pretty sure the tickling would break them. Maybe if I tickled both of them at the same time. But how could I do it? I didn’t have the supplies here. Shoot, I should have been more prepared. I thought for a couple of seconds, hearing their muffled sounds.

Then it came to me.

“Alright, boys, just let me get ready for our next step. Do you promise to stay here and be good boys?” I asked, patting their heads in a condescending way.

“Mmmphh….” Mark just grunted.

“NMMMPH!!” Luke protested, angry as always. He also tried to shake his head away from my reach. Such a rebellious boy.

“Hey, hey.” I smiled as I grabbed his nose and pinched it shut. “You calm down or I am going to go really hard on you. We wouldn’t like that, right, Roberts?” I wiggled his nose a little and then gave him a soft slap, more like a pat, on his cheek.

“MMMPHH!!!” He protested again.

“Very good.” I pinched his cheek lightly. “Now stay here and don’t give me more trouble.”

I got out of the closet leaving the door open and my two captives there. I walked to Mark’s desk. I looked into his drawers. I knew that we, as a company, had stress balls with AMAZE TAPE written on it. And salespeople gave them as gifts to our customers. Mark surely had a couple in his drawers.

Yes! He did. I grabbed four of them and walked back to my captives. If I couldn’t tickle both of them at the same time, I would have to do it separately. But, this time I wasn’t going to be the one choosing how long they were going to be tickled. They were.

“Hi, guys. Awww, you decided to wait for me. How nice of you.” I said, making them grunt and shift in their restraints. I decided to ignore them. “Well, let me explain this. I am going to give each of you two stress balls. Don’t even consider dropping them yet, or you are going to pay the consequences.”

I placed carefully one stress ball on each of his hands, so they were holding two balls each. They didn’t drop them, that was a good step. I proceeded.

“Alright, now, we are going to restart the tickling, since both of you seemed to enjoy them very much.” More protests and grunts. “Hey, hey, a lady is talking here. Behave, boys.” Even more protests and grunts. I tried my best not to laugh.

“Now, this is how it’s going to work. I am going to start tickling one of you and, the moment you cannot hold anymore, you can drop one stress ball. Then I would shift to the other one. That way, we all get to control how much time you are tickled. Oh, one more thing. The one who is tickled the less time will get a special punishment.”

“All on board? Well, let’s see who will be first this time.”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's a really smart idea for torturing the boys. Not only they're going to get tickled, they also have to endure it to protect themselves from further punishment. :twisted:
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago That's a really smart idea for torturing the boys. Not only they're going to get tickled, they also have to endure it to protect themselves from further punishment. :twisted:
Hehe, thanks! I want to apologize for not posting any new replies the last few days. Things got a little complicated around here. Hope you are still in for the story.

Part 8 - Mark

“NMMPHH! CMMPH ONMMPHH!!” I tried my best to protest through my gag. And, from what I was hearing, Luke was protesting as desperate as me, if not more.

Still, my hands closed tightly on the stress balls I was now holding. The previous tickling had been bad and I definitely didn’t want to endure more of it. Our protests fell into deaf ears and I knew the tickling was about to restart. So I had just to endure enough time and it would be over. That was… if Megan was true to her word.

But the downside was that Luke was going to suffer the so-called special punishment. How bad could it be? If the foot tickling was an indicator, it was going to be bad. Like really bad. It was psychological warfare. If I dropped the stress balls too soon, I would be punished. If I didn’t, and it was going to be Luke instead, and I didn’t want that either. Shoot, what to do?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Megan’s fingers attacking me again. My hands clenched even tighter. As her nails pressed and scratched my exposed soles, I couldn’t even thought about Luke or what would happen to him after this tickling torture was over. I just wanted to avoid more punishment!

“MMMMPHHH!!!” I protested again, trying to stop the involuntary laughter. I tried to kick my feet away from her, but having them taped together didn’t help at all. The fact that I was unable to see where she was made it worse. At least otherwise I could try to push my feet away from her. But this wasn’t the case. “MMMPHH!!”

“Mark, I don’t want to do this but you deserve it.” I could hear Megan’s voice over my muffled protests. I kept trying to struggle, but Luke’s weight on top of my knees prevented me from moving too much. “If you do want it to stop, you know what to do.”

No possible way! My hands grasped the stress balls with all my strength but at some point, it became too much. I opened my left hand and the first ball dropped to the floor.

“Oh no!” Megan said, faking an innocent voice… but her fingers kept tickling me! “That means this round is over. And it lasted…” She made a long pause, making me very anxious. “Nah, I am not going to tell you. You’ll find out later.”

I would have groaned against it but I was really exhausted. It had felt like several minutes of intense foot tickling. I could really use the same amount of time to recover, since round 2 was starting right after Luke’s round was over.

Megan moved. I could tell she wasn’t beneath the chair anymore. I felt her moving towards Luke and whispering something to him. I couldn’t understand what it was but apparently, it made Luke mad since he started struggling again. Megan giggled and I felt her kneeling under the chair again.

“Ready, Roberts?” She asked, not waiting for an actual answer. “Go!”


Luke’s struggling intensified immensely. The chair rocked again and again as Megan tickled his feet. Shoot, I wasn’t going to be able to rest enough like this. Having your crush, a grown man sitting on my knees while kicking and struggling wasn’t exactly the best situation to recover from an intense tickling. I could only hope that Luke tried to last as long as I did, for his sake and mine.

Apparently, Luke did try his best to endure. Probably because of his pride or whatever Megan had whispered to him, but he didn’t give up just yet. I would have thanked him if I wasn’t gagged and taped up. That pride, that some people at the office identified as cockiness, was one of the things I really liked about him.

But eventually, it would have happened. Among Megan’s own giggling and Luke’s protests, I heard something soft hitting the ground. And I knew it. Luke had dropped one of his stress balls.

“Not so tough, uh, tough guy?” Megan asked, still tickling his feet.


“What was that, Roberts?” Megan tried her best, or worst, to hide her excitement. “That you want me to keep tickling you despite dropping one of the balls?”

“NMMPHHHH!!!” Luke shouted again.

“Alright, alright.” Megan said, stopping the tickling and making Luke stop his struggling. “Maybe just one more.” I felt Megan giving him a quick tickle as my fellow captive tried to kick again.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a bad sport, Roberts.” Megan said, standing up. She stood next to us as Luke tried her best to recover and to still put some resistance against our captor. I felt Megan’s finger slowly caressing my cheek and, by Luke’s angry grunts, she was doing the same to him. “So, it’s a close one but one of you has clearly endured longer than the other. I am not going to say who it was, because that was… a test round!”

“WHMMMPHH?!!” Luke and I protested at the same time. That wasn’t fair!

“You are not exactly in a position to stop this and this wouldn’t have happened if you two would have answered my questions truthfully. Hopefully this is a lesson for you two.” Megan said. I immediately stopped struggling, knowing I had to save my strengths for the upcoming torture. Luke, on the other hand, wasn’t thinking the same way. He kept jerking his body as Megan placed the dropped balls again in our hands.

“So, Mark here could really use more time regaining his breath, and you, Roberts, seem to be already warmed up and with lots of energy, so let’s start with you this time.”

“GRMMMPHHH!!” I could really sense Luke’s anger by now. I could only hope that he would try to endure as long as he could just so we could really help each other during this.

Megan knelt behind me and went for Luke’s feet when I heard the soft hit again.

He had dropped the first stress ball.

“Whmmmph?” I asked through my gag. Why did he do that? And so fast?

“That was… quick.” Megan said, visibly surprised. Luke had stopped struggling and was panting, furiously. “Alright, that means I will tickle your sweet Mark now.”

I sighed, resigned to my fate. Apparently Luke wasn’t in the mood for games anymore, but I would have to try my best to resist. Again, we were both in Megan’s hands and weren’t getting away until she let us.

Megan shifted her position again, now close to my own feet. I braced myself and pondered my options. I could go with Luke’s attitude and drop my first stress ball, signaling Megan that we wanted this to be over for the night, although there was a big chance that she wasn’t done with us. What I could do was to endure and try, by doing this, to communicate with Luke, telling him that we should still play along.

“Go!” Megan shouted and my feet were tickled for the third time in the night.

“MMMPHH!! PLLMMHH!!” I pleaded loudly but decided to go for option number 2. Endure. We had to go with it and it would probably be our safest way out. Megan wasn’t going to let us go, not after having the answers she wanted. And she definitely wasn’t going to free us if we were angry at her.

There was no taunting here, since probably our captor had noticed Luke’s dark mood. But the tickling continued. And continued, and continued. I tried my best, but eventually had to drop my first stress ball. My strength wasn’t fully recovered yet.

“Ohhhh.” Megan said, stopping the tickling almost immediately this time. “You lasted longer than Roberts here, Mark. Very good job.” Luke grunted furiously when she mentioned his name. “Well, Roberts, you stay there and think what you’ve done for a while, since we are starting round 2 with… Mark!”

“NMMPHH!!” Come on, I’ve just finished my first attempt and was really tired. It wasn’t fair!

But it was hopeless to resist. The tickling restarted and I tried to struggle and kick my feet away. Pointless. Still, I knew I had to resist somehow. For me and for Luke. I had to...

Suddenly the tickling stopped. I was confused. Grateful but confused. I hadn’t dropped the second stress ball. Then why had Megan stopped?

My doubts were soon answered. “Mark, since you were such a good sport, I am going to give you a short break. Your round 2 isn’t over, just postponed. See, Roberts? If you had been good like Mark was, I would be gentle to you too.
Well, let’s go for your round 2, instead. And Roberts, you should really try and last longer because you’ve already…”

There was that soft hit again.

He had dropped the second stress ball.

“Grmmpph…” He grunted angrily once again as Megan and myself remained quietly.

There was silence in the closet room. I knew right there he had made a mistake. I didn’t need to look at Megan’s face to know that she wasn’t done with us and that it was going to cost Luke. Big time.

“Well, well, well…” Megan said. “Seems like we have our first loser of the night. And now it’s punishment time.”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Don't worry about the update schedule. We all have real lives and it's not easy to write chapters like this quickly.

As for the story: I'm usually not super big on extended tickle torture but I loved the Prisoner's Dilemma situation in here where the gags prevent the captives from communicating a strategy. Wonder what Megan's punishment is.

Great work as usual.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Mineira1986 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago Don't worry about the update schedule. We all have real lives and it's not easy to write chapters like this quickly.

As for the story: I'm usually not super big on extended tickle torture but I loved the Prisoner's Dilemma situation in here where the gags prevent the captives from communicating a strategy. Wonder what Megan's punishment is.

Great work as usual.
Thank you so much for your understanding.

Yeah, lengthy tickle torture can be bad and sometimes a little unreal. I wanted to work on something about having two captives at the same time, since usually the story goes from torturing one captive and then the other, and then back again. But both captives having to "work together" doesn't happen often.

Part 9 - Luke

What the f…? More punishment? Hell no!

I wouldn’t lie and say this was completely wrong. Working in a tape manufacturing company had made me think, from time to time, about using the tape for other… means. But this was going too far. As much as I could enjoy the situation, there was too embarrassment being taped up against my will, and taped up to Mark over all things! This had to stop! Now!

But Megan had the situation under her control. And there was little thing I could do about it. Except nothing. So I decided to remain motionless. No matter her taunts of threats, I just wasn’t going to play her game anymore. I wanted out. Probably if this had been a consensual session from the beginning, I would have been thinking otherwise. Having Mark taped up or even him and myself taped up at Megan Wilson’s mercy was an idea I had thought about at some point. But not like this.

Megan stopped taunting me. I could feel that my decision to stop playing games had created tension in the air. Great. That meant I was finally going somewhere. Maybe the tape was going to be removed and she was going to apologize to us for taping us against our will and consent.

Instead, I felt more tape being wrapped around my shoulders.

“Whmmph?!” I asked, confused.

“Oh, I thought you had decided to give me the silent treatment, Roberts.” Megan said. I couldn’t identify the tone in her voice. If she was taunting me, threatening me… Maybe just a cold voice. I decided to go back to silent as the tape was wrapped more and more.

That wasn’t going to do anything to me. I was already taped up. Maybe she was then going to tape me to Mark, even closer to him. It would be embarrassing except… it already was! I was already taped to him, sort of, so bringing us closer wasn’t going to make me do anything she wanted me to do. She would need to bring her A-game if she wanted to break my resistance.

Or at least take me by surprise.

And then she did something I wasn’t expecting. Megan moved beneath the chair and started cutting the tape around my ankles! That meant I would be no longer pinned to the chair or to Mark. But he was the one actually sitting on the chair, not me. I had no backrest. So instead of struggling to escape or get away from Megan, now I was shifting my body in order to not fall on the floor! With my hands taped firmly behind my back, there was no way I could protect myself from an eventual fall.

My movements made Megan giggle a little as she continued to release my ankles. After she was done, I managed to place my bare feet on the floor, helping with the balance. But she wasn’t finished.

“Come here, tough guy.” She said, moving behind me and wrapping her arms around my chest.

I was confused until she started pulling me against her. And away from the chair and Mark. Shoot, there was no way this could end well for me. I was very sure she didn’t have enough strength to hold my weight.

“HMMPHH! STMMPHH!!” I tried to protest.

“Shhh, don’t make a fuss.” She said, and in her voice I could tell that I was too heavy for her. “If you don’t want to fall, then help me.”

Help her? How? But the fear of falling hard and hurting myself was bigger than my desire to not follow her games. I tried to stand up a bit, just on my tip toes, and pushed myself away from Mark and the chair. But since I couldn’t see a thing under my blindfold, I could only guess where exactly I had to step in order to not step on Mark, by accident, or trip myself. Pressing myself against Megan for support wasn’t an option. She would probably just fall on the floor with me because of that.

But then again… maybe that’s what she needed.

She wanted to play games, right?

“Hey, what the…?!” Megan exclaimed as I shifted my body weight against her and we both crashed into the ground.

“HMMPH!” I groaned instinctively. I hadn’t fallen entirely on top of Megan and I had suffered most of the blow, but I had gotten it. I wasn’t going to make things easy for her. I knew escaping was pointless. My feet were free now but my hands weren’t. And I was still plunged in darkness.

“Oh, Roberts…” She said, pushing me enough so she could stand up. “I am really going to enjoy your punishment.”

I waited for her next movement, but I had made a mistake. I was still on the floor, on my back. I should have taken some time to get on my feet or at least on my knees. But it was too late. She pushed me again and this time I was rolled on my front. Before I could react, I felt her weight on my thighs. And then, her hands grabbed my ankles.

“Whmmph? HMMMPHH!!” I tried to kick my legs away from her. But again, it was too late.

“Wanna play this the hard way, huh?” Megan said, as I felt, again, more tape wrapped around my ankles. “You have done this yourself, Roberts. All you have to do was play with Mark and me, but you had to be all grumpy grumpy.”

I kept trying to kick my legs, but after six or seven rounds of tape, I wasn’t going anywhere. Megan must have been sitting facing my feet, because then she moved around and sat on my back.

“MMMPPPHH!!” I protested angrily. She wasn’t heavy, but she was sitting not just on my back but on my arms as well.

“Quiet.” She merely said as she grabbed my taped ankles and then pulled them towards my taped hands.

Again, I was too slow. By the time I struggled, or tried to, it was late. She was already rolling the tape securing my hands and feet together in a really, really uncomfortable position.

“MMMPHH!! MMPHHHH!!!” I shouted angrily as loud as I could. Megan just laughed.

“That’s what you get for not being a good boy.” She said, giving my butt a quick slap before standing up.

“MMMMPHH!” I protested furiously again at her. But my movements had been reduced to almost none. I was forced to stay there, on the floor, taped even more than just a few seconds before. Still with Mark’s sock gagging me.

And she wasn’t done.

The sound of the wheels approached me. The chair. She was moving Mark towards me. I tried to kick my feet away from my hands. Whatever she was planning, it wasn’t going to be good for me.

She reached for the tape roll that was still hanging from my shoulders. “Good thing we kept this little thing around. Come here.” She pushed me around just a few inches, making me roll on my side, when I felt something pressed against my face.

Mark’s bare feet.

“HMMMPH NMMMPHH!! MMPHHH!!” I shouted through my gag one more time. This was extremely embarrassing. And, despite being my male crush in the office, not pleasant at all. Those were somebody’s feet after a full day in the office!

But there was no escape for me. The tape that had been rolled around my shoulders before was now being used to secure my upper body to Mark. For what it seemed, Megan was securing the other end to Mark’s ankles. By this point, I was struggling and jerking my body with all my strength. But, to be accurate, probably from somebody, like Megan, who was watching me, I was just moving an inch from time to time.

“There you go! Happy, Roberts?” Megan asked gleefully, I tried to move my head away, but there was not enough space. Whenever I moved, Mark’s feet were there. I just kept struggling. Although escaping was impossible, I was just not going to surrender to Megan Wilson.

“Such a grumpy boy, Roberts.” Megan said, after watching me struggling for a few seconds. She mockingly patted my head before inserting something in my ears. No! Not the iPod again. “See you in a while, after you are done thinking about what you have done.”

The girly playlist started playing again. By this point, all I could do was groan and wait for her to release me.
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