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Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
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Post by gaggedfeety »

This was an awesome continuation!! Definitely reminded of my dislike for Phil, and Josh definitely needs to pay more attention! But they're a troublesome duo. Poor Steven..
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the comments and support, guys!
Thrilled to see such contrastingly vivid reactions to Phil's involvement 8-)

As for the size charts that were published earlier, I'm glad it's proven useful to a few of you.
It can be hard to accurately picture size differences solely from reading text.
Even if Jeremy is stated as being a puny 5'5 (164 cm) twerp and Zack as being a colossal 6'4 (195 cm) musclebound hunk, it's hard to accurately visualize the size difference between the two without some sort of visual aid.

Steven is repeatedly stated as being unable to pucker his lips up to Nick's jawline, without first standing up on his toes and getting the beefy hunk to bend down or lower his head a bit. The size difference between the two is such that Steven's face arrives flush with Nick's pecs.

Steven also ends up regularly marveling at the fact that his thighs are easily dwarfed by his boyfriend's arms, and that each one of Nick's thighs are substantially thicker than his own waist.

As unrealistic as this may seem to those of you who are not well versed in sports and/or bodybuilding, I assure you that such differences are fairly common. Just take your average twink and put him next to a built up Heavyweight Wrestler or American Football player, and you'll get a very similar matchup to the Nick & Steven + Zack & Jeremy pairings.

The size chart should also help give you guys some added insight into the troubles Steven and Jeremy are no doubt both experiencing at the hands of their respective Masters.

Mismatched pairs are hot, but they also usually lead to some *ahem* technical difficulties in bed.


As an addition to the size charts posted on the previous page, I'm also gonna re-release [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention]'s mind-blowing interpretation of the Nick & Steven duo.

Several things to be noticed in his art piece.
Firstly, the size of Nick's arms relative to the size of Steven's thighs.
Steven's upraised (tiptoeing) position, which gives him some added height.
And lastly Nick's hunched over position and lowered head.

Had Nick been standing straight and had Steven's feet been positioned flat against the floor, the young lad's face would be staring straight into the much larger man's buff pectorals.

In any case, I'm glad these charts are proving helpful and fun to look at.



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Post by ShadowHusky »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago As an addition to the size charts posted on the previous page, I'm also gonna re-release @ShadowHusky's mind-blowing interpretation of the Nick & Steven duo.

Several things to be noticed in his art piece.
Firstly, the size of Nick's arms relative to the size of Steven's thighs.
Steven's upraised (tiptoeing) position, which gives him some added height.
And lastly Nick's hunched over position and lowered head.

Had Nick been standing straight and had Steven's feet been positioned flat against the floor, the young lad's face would be staring straight into the much larger man's buff pectorals.

In any case, I'm glad these charts are proving helpful and fun to look at.


As the artist, I of course have a few issues with the piece. But I did try to take in a few of the details about their relative size difference in bringing the picture together, I could maybe do a newer version if I get the time, but there's no promises. I've been looking more into making a picture look less static. Still learning, but slowly improving.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

It didn't exactly stink, but it was kinda strange being completely engulfed and surrounded by the scent of another man.

I hate to admit this, but for some strange reason, the warm, slightly musky aroma that spilled into my nostrils every time I breathed in, didn't quite turn me off. In fact, quite the opposite.
Quoting from the I understand the allure! Woof, Baby!

Thanks, [mention]bondagefreak [/mention]
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Your chart was so hot . Seeing the differences in sizes of guys .
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thursday, May 21 (11:00 PM)

Things ended up taking a slightly different turn when Phil voiced out a complaint about having sore feet, and then bent down to unlace his worn-out Converse All Stars.

Two heavy sneakers fell down to the floor, and before the kid even managed to lift his feet back up on the coffee table, a strange and very unpleasant odour began filling the air inside the living room.

"Ugh, dude!" Joshua protested, waving his hand in front of his face and crinkling his nose up at the unpleasant odour that was now filtering up into our nostrils.

Phil knew he was responsible for the stench, but made no effort to correct the situation or even apologize for sheer potency of his foot stench.

"Man, it feels so good to finally kick those things off..." he spoke, ignoring his buddy's complaints and wiggling his socked toes around enthusiastically.

The skaterboy's feet didn't look much larger than mine.
In fact, now that I was able to get a good look at them, I'd say they had to be size 9s; a fairly average size, but a definite far cry from the enormous soles of Nick, Zack and Shawn.

The fact that Phil's feet were of a more "normal" size didn't make them any less frightening though.
His socks looked positively toxic and his soles just reeked!


Phil and Josh spent their time watching the football game commenting on what was going on, for a bit.
They sipped their pale-coloured beers and spent the next ten or fifteen minutes chatting with each other and paying me little heed.

My moment of respite finally came to an end when Phil wiggled his toes again and suggested swapping my gag.

"Bro, I think the fag should have these socks in his mouth." he randomly stated, interrupting a perfectly good moment of silence and impeding on Josh's ability to focus on the game.

"Haha! Yeah, but Nathan's boxers really need a good soaking. I don't think they're ready to come out yet." the blond lad dismissively answered. He didn't sound particularly enthused at the prospect of removing all that tape from around my face, restuffing my mouth, and then taping my face back up again.

"Dude, forget Nathan's boxers. THESE smelly fucks are the ones that should get a good soaking." Phil exclaimed, quickly pulling his feet up from the coffee table and swiveling around so that he was facing the two of us.

"Here." he smirked, extending his ridiculously raunchy-looking soles up towards Josh's face. "Sniff 'em."

Josh gave his buddy's feet and disdainful look before tentatively flaring his nostrils open and stealing a quick whiff.

"Ahhww! Fuuck!" he immediately protested, batting the troublesome runt's rotten soles away and waving one of the living room cushions in the air to dry and dissipate the revolting stench.

"Haha! Told ya they needed a wash. Dude, I've been wearing these old fucks for like a month! Now quit your whining and let's cram my stinkers down his trap." came the skaterboy's very hearty command.

I did my best to remain calm, knowing full well that any momentary display of weakness on my part would be exploited.
But as soon as the threat of having my mouth filled with those nauseating socks loomed above me, I lost that measure of control.

Joshua looked down at me, and for the briefest of moments, he and I both shared a moment of perfect clarity.
No words mere formulated past my mouth, but the perceptive teen-jock instantly locked eyes with me and knew what was going through my mind.

I genuinely did NOT want Phil's socks going in my mouth.

"No dude, just drop it." he calmly responded, cupping his hand over my face and shielding me from the stench of his buddy's ripe soles. "If those things get in his mouth, he's gonna get a fuckin' disease or something." he added, chuckling mildly as he brushed the dark haired twink's tempting invitation aside.

I knew Josh didn't actually believe that. But fortunately for me, he understood how utterly terrified I was at the prospect being gagged with Phil's stinkers, and proved himself worthy of being my friend by defending me to the last.

Phil was persistent, but being shorter and physically inferior to the blue eyed super-twink, he was virtually powerless to impose his will upon me. I was safe...for now.

"A disease from my socks...tsk! Dude, if that kid gets a disease from anything, it'll be from munching on Nate's bum stains." came the crafty skater-twink's noticeably annoyed reply.

I'll admit, my eyes widened somewhat considerably at the disturbing nature of his comment.
But even so, I wisely kept quiet and resigned myself to obediently sniffing the air inside of Joshua's protective hand.

Fortunately for Phil, Josh's protection didn't include shielding me from offensive odours for very long though.

The blond twink was adamant about wanting to keep Nate's boxers inside my mouth, but when it came to protecting me from his roommate's dirty-looking All Stars, my luck quickly ran out.

Phil eventually gave up on his aspiration to see me sucking on his socks, but lost no time in finding other ways to make my predicament a more unpleasant one.


The smug-faced kid quickly bent down to pick up one of his worn-out Converse shoes, before pulling the front tongue flap wide open and lowering the dreaded thing down over my face.

"Here, fucker. Sniff!" he ordered, taking advantage of the fact that Josh had recently removed his protective hand from my gagged face.

I twisted my head left and right to avoid the shoe, but the spectacle of my struggle only seemed to add fuel to the fire. In the seconds that followed, both rowdy twinks began laughing hysterically, and both of them appeared intent on making me sniff the inside of Phil's ratty old shoe.

A few sniff later and I was lying there, coughing and crying out like crazy.

The air inside the old high-top wasn't nearly as fetid or as ripe as the stench of Phil's socks. But it was still musky as hell and unbearably funky in there.

My spirits sank to an all time low when the straw-haired lad got up and temporarily left me alone with his mean-spirited roommate.
Josh returned to us a few seconds later. But my eyes beamed wide open when I saw him holding the black Russian Army gas mask he'd fished out of his drawer, a bit earlier.


I twisted, turned and put up a valiant struggle. But in the end, those four hands defeated my mounting resistance and my gagged face quickly found itself being swallowed up by the tight embrace of Joshua's rubber contraption.

The familiar sensation of tightness engulfed my face as the mask swallowed my head up and clung to it like a second skin. It was an air-tight seal; one designed to keep toxic air and strong chemicals at bay. Only in my case, it would be used for the exact opposite.

Foggy circular goggles allowed me to see the grinning faces of my captors, and the only air my nostrils could now get access to came directly from a small hole at the center of the mask's giant breathing filter.

I was fucked.
I knew it. Josh knew it. And most of all, Phil knew it.

I resisted as best I could, but in the end, my efforts to halt the delinquent college twinks yielded few results.
I ended up being forced to sniff the inside of Phil's rotten shoe, and spent the next ten minutes coughing, gagging and crying out beneath Nate's giant, wadded up boxers.

Things got even worse a short while later, when Josh got up and once again left me at the tender mercies of his despicable roommate.

"Gonna use the washroom. I'll be right back." he announced, cheerfully making his way towards the apartment bathroom and ignoring my rather frantic pleas for attention.

As soon as the blond lad disappeared from sight, Phil's smug face appeared on the other side of my circular gas mask goggles, and an evil smile twisted itself upon his stupid face.

I watched as he pulled his ratty shoe off my gas mask inhaler, and whimpered wearily as he pulled my upper body up so that the back of my head was resting on his lap.


The sound of my laboured breathing filled the room, but was soon drowned out by the cheering crowd and sports commentators as Phil grabbed the sound system remote and turned the volume up.

Whatever he had planned for me, he didn't want Josh getting wind of it.
That inevitably meant turning the volume up and muffling out any potential attempts I made to alert the taller twink.

I was in serious trouble, I knew.

Bending down over my face and removing his left foot off from living room coffee table, skaterboy Phil went out of it way to make sure I got a clear view of what he was in the process of doing.

I turned my weary head sideways and watched with great apprehension as the devilish teen-runt wrapped a hand around his left ankle and brought his other hand down, hooking two fingers beneath the cuff of his short, dingy-looking ankle sock.

Keeping my gaze locked on the frightening spectacle that unfolded before me, I growled into my gag and frowned deeply inside the confines of my heavily muffling gas mask.

Phil's left sock was peeled off, slowly and somewhat dramatically.
The oafish twerp chuckled cockily as the rancid cotton bundle was slipped off, giving way of his toes and allowing a cringeworthy amount of lint balls to fall out of from in between his wiggling digits.

The same process was repeated with his other foot, and before I knew it, Phil was holding a very lethal weapon consisting of his own two socks, which I should remind you, were moldy and borderline puke-inducing.

I cried out and tried holding my breath, but the stupid bully kept coming at me, pressing his wadded up sock ball on top of my puny sniff hole and snickering hysterically at the fact that he could see me practically going cross-eyed inside the military breathing unit.

The sound of a flushing toilet soon alerted us to Joshua's imminent return, but the crafty little runt managed to score another game-ending punch, this time by snatching one of his worn out Converse sneakers from off the floor, and cramming his big wad of freshly-peeled socks straight down inside it.

I watched in horror as the ratty old shoe was opened up and pressed down over my breathing filter.

"I don't care what Barbie-boy says. You goin' ta sniff 'em, bitch!" he hissed, speaking in a somewhat low, subdued tone.

Phil spent the next thirty seconds ignoring my frantic screams and securing his shoe to the front of my gas mask.
He pulled the laces extra tight to make sure that no amount of struggling could shake it off.

The old Converse Chuck was laced up real tight, from the bottom all the way up to the top.
And once the lacing was complete, the remaining cotton-braided material was knotted up, then double-knotted, and then TRIPLE-knotted, simply for the sake of making it as air-tight as possible.

Joshua came out of the washroom to find me struggling and screaming for no apparent reason other than to draw attention to myself.

I was lying on the couch, in the same position he'd left me in a few minutes ago, and his buddy Phil was neither tormenting me nor paying me any attention.

"Dude, what's his problem?" Joshua asked, causing his good-for-knowing friend to eye me up and shrug his shoulders in feigned ignorance.

"I dunno." he lied, causing me to grow even more furious and agitated. "He's been acting up ever since you left. I had to turn the TV volume up 'cause I couldn't even listen to the game." he added, lying again and only further adding insult to injury.

Joshua rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the couch before giving me a somewhat amused and slightly disappointment look.

"Looks like the little prisoner wants some attention." the jock concluded, ignoring my frantic cries for help and rewarding my pleas with a mischievous, toothy grin.

I of course had no way to tell him about the absolutely PUNGENT socks which had been crammed inside the shoe, and had no way of alerting my friend to the fact that Phil's rotten stinkers were clogging up the entrance of my breathing filter.

I screamed and shook my head in disgust, but Josh merely took that as a poorly concealed desire for attention.

I spent the next half hour being prodded, poked and tickled, and was given virtually NO respite as the two twink-devils dug their fingers rather aggressively into my ribs, stomach, feet, and crotch.

I screamed and laughed like I'd never laughed before.

The sleepsack's front entrance remained shut, but my raging boner pushed HARD against the stretchy confines of the tight spandex-like material.

Every so often, my panicked screams would turn into deep, ecstatic moans as a seemingly random hand would break free from the wild tickle-fest and give the outline of my engorged erection a few successive tugs.

This was definitely no ordinary evening of Netflix-and-chill.

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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] wow what a chapter. It certainly didn’t disappoint. Those socks sound absolutely putrid right up there with Nick’s. I feel sorry for Steven, although a part of me would love to be in his position. ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Ugh, Phil reminds of a young Brad - crafty, sneaky, and so freaking entitled. I mean, I love Steven helpless, tickled, and groped, but Phil gets on my nerves. :x

Also those size reference drawings are really very hot.

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Post by ShadowHusky »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Ugh, Phil reminds of a young Brad - crafty, sneaky, and so freaking entitled. I mean, I love Steven helpless, tickled, and groped, but Phil gets on my nerves. :x
I agree with this sentiment, this is all stuff I'm into, but Phil just makes me annoyed. The chapter was really good, and I love the building of the connection between Josh and Steven, it's really nice he was able to make an organic, true friend and I really hope he shows up more in the story past this section of staying at Shawn's. Would really love to see his interactions with Nick haha... And also hopefully a little bit of revenge on Phil...
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Post by gaggedfeety »

ShadowHusky wrote: 3 years ago
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Ugh, Phil reminds of a young Brad - crafty, sneaky, and so freaking entitled. I mean, I love Steven helpless, tickled, and groped, but Phil gets on my nerves. :x
I agree with this sentiment, this is all stuff I'm into, but Phil just makes me annoyed. The chapter was really good, and I love the building of the connection between Josh and Steven, it's really nice he was able to make an organic, true friend and I really hope he shows up more in the story past this section of staying at Shawn's. Would really love to see his interactions with Nick haha... And also hopefully a little bit of revenge on Phil...
Yesss I would love to see how Josh and Nick interact. I hope we get to see more of him and Steven because he's the one of the few people that Steven has connected with, and I wonder what Nick would think of that. Again, I know I'm biased, but Josh standing up for Steven is why I'm a huge fan. They are friends, even with Josh being a dom and having his fun with Steven. I don't think Shawn would've cared and might've even joined Phil, and Nick...I don't know what'd he do.

But that being said, either Josh is intentionally messing with Steven or he really is that oblivious to Phil's fuckery. The dude was just trying to gag Steven with his socks and when Josh comes back, Steven is having a fit! Like wouldn't Josh notice that Phil's socks are mysteriously gone? I really hope Nick puts both him and Shawn in their place...also, I'm wondering that if Phil had some more company, would he try to overpower Josh and dish out what he really wants to do?
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Love how Phil always takes advantage and gets his way as soon as the opportunity presents itself. And the introduction of his 'updated' sock/shoe combo is hot! lol

I agree with [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] and think that karma will prevail. Steven will have to get his revenge on Phil....with Shawn and Nick exerting their own retaliation :lol:
But that being said, either Josh is intentionally messing with Steven or he really is that oblivious to Phil's fuckery. The dude was just trying to gag Steven with his socks and when Josh comes back, Steven is having a fit! Like wouldn't Josh notice that Phil's socks are mysteriously gone? I really hope Nick puts both him and Shawn in their place...also, I'm wondering that if Phil had some more company, would he try to overpower Josh and dish out what he really wants to do?
I agree with [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] , I could totally see Phil with company, given the chance to turn the tables would do it in a heart beat. I was thinking the same thing, how could Josh not notice Phil no longer wearing his stinking socks :lol:
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Post by Socksbound »

socjuc wrote: 3 years ago
I agree with @ShadowHusky and think that karma will prevail. Steven will have to get his revenge on Phil....with Shawn and Nick exerting their own retaliation :lol:
But that being said, either Josh is intentionally messing with Steven or he really is that oblivious to Phil's fuckery. The dude was just trying to gag Steven with his socks and when Josh comes back, Steven is having a fit! Like wouldn't Josh notice that Phil's socks are mysteriously gone? I really hope Nick puts both him and Shawn in their place...also, I'm wondering that if Phil had some more company, would he try to overpower Josh and dish out what he really wants to do?
I agree with @gaggedfeety , I could totally see Phil with company, given the chance to turn the tables would do it in a heart beat. I was thinking the same thing, how could Josh not notice Phil no longer wearing his stinking socks :lol:
I whole heartedly agree with all of these observations
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Post by GoBucks »

socjuc wrote: 3 years ago @bondagefreak Love how Phil always takes advantage and gets his way as soon as the opportunity presents itself. And the introduction of his 'updated' sock/shoe combo is hot! lol
A agree! I do love how Phil always is ready to take advantage in the short time he is given to do so. Those socks are putrid! I don't blame Steven for being afraid of them. They're probably even worse to him because he isn't attracted to Phil. He's not the biggest dude in the group, but he acts like it. That could get him into trouble later with the true jocks if he's caught.

At least Josh did tell Phil no when he could tell Steven didn't want Phil's sock. It was looking like maybe Josh manipulated Steven into coming to his dorm for reasons other than friendship, but this at least shows that he does care.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

That chapter was another orgasmic chapter . Those socks where so evil . But I want them so badly .
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] that chapter made me blow my load in like a second . I wish that was me in the chapter . Being tickled . Sniffing socks . And sniffing shoes .
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for all the fantastic comments, guys!
Chapter 220 is just around the corner.

For the sake of helping out the many silent readers who are following Bound & Gagged and eagerly consuming the M/M content this board has to offer, I've published a helpful guide right here:

If you're a silent reader, be sure to check it out!

I'm also happy to announce that this thread has nearly doubled it's daily view count from what it was last year.
Bound & Gagged is averaging 900 views per day, and now has it's own Bing Search definition: ... 68d552b69d


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Post by bondagefreak »

Friday, May 22 (12:00 AM)

Even as I was being tickled and spontaneously jerked off, the smell of Phil's socks was making me sick!

I shook my head left and right, but his old Converse shoe was laced up real tight around my protruding inhaler unit. No amount of head-shaking would dislodge it, and I found myself having no choice but to take in laboured sniffs of the raunchy old stink-bundles that had been crammed inside it during Joshua's impromptu bathroom break.






"Uggghggmhhmmph!" I coughed, going absolutely start crazy from the sheer potency of the horrifyingly acrid, pungent smell.
The socks stank really bad, and I wholeheartedly believed Phil when he laughed at the fact that he'd been wearing those socks for a good four weeks prior to my visit.

That alone accounted for the strong fumes I was picking up.
I didn't have smelly feet but had I forwent changing my socks for a month's time, they too would've probably ended up smelling just as bad.

Phil's socks stank of mold and sweat, but his foot odour wasn't nearly as revolting as Shawn's, nor was it quite as cheesy or as strong smelling as Zack's. That was not to say that the Skaterboy's bundles were any less horrifying though. I just feel it important to emphasize that the foul stench oozing outta them was not a result of severe foot odour, as was the case with Nick and the other two hunks.

It was clearly a result of negligence, combined with some intentional, premeditated overuse.

Either way, Phil's socks REEKED, and the fact that I hated the guy only amplified the smell and made it that much more unbearable.

It was a bit past midnight when the two rowdy college twinks called it a night and shut the TV off.
Phil had a class early in the morning and Josh was apparently looking forward to climbing in bed with me.
As much as I feared the thought of him jerking me off all night, I too genuinely looked forward to slipping under the covers with him.

I wasn't interested in betraying Nick and having an affair. But curling up against such a warm, handsome guy was definitely something I'd have trouble saying no to.

When Josh finally unlaced the dreaded sneaker from my mask and saw the socks I'd been sniffing the entire time, he chuckled with glee and threw the sneaker over to Phil before letting him know what an evil fucker he was.

The crafty Skaterboy just laughed and pulled his pungent ankle socks back on before wishing Josh goodnight and departing for his bedroom.

I looked at Josh through the foggy circular eye-set.
Finally, it was just he and I again.

"Need to use the washroom?" the dreamy-eyed teen-devil asked.

I shook my head to let him know I didn't.

"Good." he calmly replied, before scooping my sleepsacked body up off the couch and carrying me into his bedroom, like a groom carrying his bride.

Josh and I spent the next half hour snuggling up in bed and talking to each other.

It was a very one-sided conversation since the gag in my mouth didn't allow me to form any decipherable words and pretty much only allowed me to produce low-pitched grunts and muffled moans.

I pleaded with Josh, desperately wanting him to remove his gas mask from my face.
But the cheeky teen-jock wasn't quite ready to free me from his rubber breathing contraption just yet.

I watched as he bent down and grabbed one of my discarded Nike Shox from off the floor. Then watched as he brought the shoe opening over my gas mask inhaler and forced me to take whiffs from inside it.


Of course, no adverse reaction resulted from his action.
My lack of complaint eventually incited Joshua to stick his nose inside my shoe and give the thing a tentative sniff.

"Awh, yours aren't that bad." he stated, smiling cheerfully and tossing my newly-purchased sneaker back down to the floor.

"You wanna take a whiff of mine?" he smirked, quickly sitting up on the bed and bending down to unlace one of his old Nike TNs, without even bothering to wait for my response.

"Mmmh ummph." I growled, shaking my gas-masked head from side to side in an attempt to convey both anger and disapproval. In truth I was dying to sniff the beta-jock's hot shoe, and secretly wanted nothing more than to bury my face inside one of 'em and get a whiff of his foot odour. Or at least I thought I did...

The second Josh pulled off his old sneaker and brought it closer to my face though, I changed my mind.
His shoe was RANK and looked even worse on the inside than it did on the outside!


"Haha! Sniff." Joshua chuckled, grinning rather wickedly as I shook my head no and put on a disgruntled spectacle.

His sneaker smelled pretty darned funky, but for some reason, sniffing his stink didn't bother me nearly as much as sniffing Phil's.

Josh continued teasing me with his raunchy Nike and eventually forced it over my mask before exiting the bedroom and coming back with the pair of size 12 Air Jordans Kyle had left in the apartment washroom.

I watched as the blond man jumped back in bed with me, and watched as he opened the much beefier college hunk's shoe up and pressed his face inside.


"Fuuuuck." he breathed out, seemingly getting a huge kick from the smell he was picking up inside the cocky Instagram god's sweaty basketball shoe.

Josh and I spent the next few minutes lying there, groaning and moaning in unbridled pleasure.
Every now and then I'd produce an angry grunt and shake my head side to side in a feigned attempt to dislodge his smelly TN sneaker.

My blond friend just didn't care.
He just sniffed the inside of Kyle's shoe while I sniffed the inside of his.

It suddenly struck me that for the absolute first time in my life, I'd finally met a guy other than myself who actually got off on sniffing feet.

Nick had a thing for getting his enormous soles licked, sniffed and worshipped, and apparently so did Shawn. But that wasn't the same. There was no taboo attached to being the recipient of such practices. In fact, most Alpha hunks and guys who worked on their feet all day would pay handsomely to have their feet pampered, massaged and taken care of.

Having a liking for actually worshipping those same feet though, automatically labelled you as a freak in most conservative eyes.
So you can probably understand how secretly relieved and happy I was to finally meet a guy who enjoyed this sorta stuff and who openly showed it!

Even hotter was the fact that Josh wore rank socks and hot sneakers himself; sneakers he apparently had no qualms about shoving in my face and making me sniff.

This guy was as golden as his hair was blond.
And as far as friends went, I knew he was a definite keeper.

Nick would be driving by to pick me up on Saturday morning, and although I wanted nothing more than to jump in his arms and spend time with the hunk, I silently vowed to have Joshua over and keep him in my life.

The more I thought about Shawn having dragged me here, the more I realised what a blessing it actually was.
Had things turned out any differently or had I made a fuss and refused to come along, I'd have probably never met Josh, or Chris, or Kyle.

Well, Kyle was hardly an amicable fellow.
But servicing him had certainly been an eye-opener, if you know what I mean.

Shawn's buddies weren't bad guys.
Chris was real hot and seductive. Joey was a bit distant and polite, and Mike was super gentle and friendly.

As for Shawn, well...
I was still pissed at him for all the bullshit he'd put me through but found myself a little surprised at how humane and talkable he actually was.

The guy wasn't totally heartless. And as much as part of me wanted to label him a villain, I remained determined to grant him the opportunity of making amends and apologizing for his behaviour.
Shawn was foolish, but not irredeemably evil.

And so, prodded on by the sight of my handsome blond friend moaning and jerking off to the stench of his hot roommate's funky shoe, I too opted for dropping the mask of feigned displeasure, and finally abandoned myself to the carnal desires of the mind.

Of course, I wasn't allowed to reach for my boner.
Not because Josh wouldn't permit it. But simply 'cause the stupid fuckin' sleepsack wouldn't allow it!

Fortunately for me, or rather UN-fortunately for me, Josh would occasionally reach out and lend me a helping hand. He'd give my erect member a few successive tugs just to keep me on edge, but would remove his hand and resume jerking himself off before I could reach the point of no return.

At first, I found his ministrations amusing and enjoyable.
But as my rigid boner was slipped out of the crotch opening and as the minutes ticked by, I found his occasional edging increasingly frustrating.

He'd jerk me off real hard and fast for ten, sometimes fifteen seconds.
But right when my muscles started tensing up and right went I felt my balls getting numb and tingly, the devilish jock would stop, leaving me to scream in my gag and struggle uselessly against the tight internal sleeves that kept my hands and arms pinned down at my sides.

My predicament was maddening, and yet extremely exhilarating at the same time.

I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed when the lad suddenly sat up and pulled his funky sneaker from my gasmask.
My disappointment was short-lived though, as the removal of his old shoe was quickly followed by the introduction of a larger, heavier shoe. Kyle's shoe.

"Ugggmmph!" I grunted, shaking my masked head no at the sight of cheeky Josh opening his buddy's size 12 basketball trainer real nice and wide.

I struggled in a feigned attempt to escape, but the lad simply grabbed my gas mask filter and forced my head back down against the mattress.

"Nope. You ain't goin' nowhere, buddy." he gleefully chuckled, slipping his hand down behind my head and using his other hand to bring the hefty sneaker down over my breathing filter. "Here. Now you be quiet and sniff Kyle's shoe." he added, lacing the thing up to the front of my mask and forcing me to deal with the stale funk that now began its assault on my nostrils.

The instant I flared my nostrils open, I knew I'd found my match.

My painfully erect, rock-hand erection throbbed with life and bobbed up and down rather excitedly.

"Uggghmmpph!" I cried out, quite literally freaking out and going stark crazy from the strong odour that was now in the process of being sniffed up inside my mask.

Kyle's smelly basketball shoe was beyond my wildest expectations.
It was dank, musty, smelly, and most of all, cheesy.
It smelled like feet! Cheesy feet!

You know how each guy has a slightly different smell, and how each person's pheromones can either turn you on, leave you indifferent or turn you off? I knew it had something to do with brain chemistry and how the brain's olfactory senses were able to interpret different smells.
I had admittedly, never given it much thought until now.

Nick's basketball shoes REEKED and smelled rotten and fetid beyond belief!
Shawn's putrid trainers stank to the point of making me woozy and sick to my stomach.
And Zack, for all his charm and incredible charisma, was afflicted with an unbearably CHEESY and ridiculously powerful foot odour.

All of their shoes and socks were well beyond my tolerance level.
But Kyle's were different.

His shoe smelled strong, but not overly so.
The air that permeated the inside of his trainer stank of sweat, but not to the point of making me sick.
And best of all, the sweat-soaked padding material that lined the shoe's cushioned interior oozed out just the right amount of cheesiness.

All in all, Kyle had the absolute BEST foot odour I'd ever smelled.
And apparently, I wasn't the only one to think so.

Josh had barely just finished securing the stinky trainer up to my gas mask, that he was already groping Kyle's other shoe and pressing his face inside it.

The sound of my laboured breathing, combined with the sound of my hot friend's noisy nylon trackies swooshing and swishing as he jerked off through them, nearly sent me over the edge.


*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*

Josh and I spent quite a while lying side by side, moaning, heaving, taking deep, heavy whiffs of the Instagram god's cheesy Air Jordans.

I cried out when the smelly trainer was pulled off, but found myself once again moaning in ecstasy as Josh' own shoe came back for another round of forced sniffing.

The strength of the smell was similar, but the difference in aromas was quite remarkable.
Even with my eyes closed, I would've instantly known I wasn't sniffing the same guy's footwear.

The sudden change in air chemistry caused my woody to throb, and another long session of forced sniffing and torturous edging ensued.

Josh blew a load right in his nylon trackies and then forced me to blow mine while I sniffed the strong funk that permeated the air inside his crummy shoe.

Five ropes of sticky, hot cream fired out of my flaring piss slip, landing all over my chest and covering the blond jock's dexterous fingers with my seed.

Exhausted from the ordeal, Josh and I spent the next couple of minutes staring at the ceiling and heaving quietly on his bed.
The rubber gas mask was eventually taken off my head, and I resigned myself to catching my breath and lying there quietly as the hot jock-lad departed from the room and to take a quick shower.

Shortly after his return, I was freed from my sleepsack prison and liberated of my gag.

My friend and I talked for a bit, after which I was allowed to grab a bite, take a shower and brush my teeth.
I probably spent a good five minutes brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth out, desperately trying to rid myself of the smelly underwear gag's lingering aftertaste.

It was almost two in the morning by the time Josh and I slipped under the covers and got ready for bed.

As you can imagine, I tried holding my own and vigorously argued my point when came the time to get me back in the tight confines of the dreaded sleepsack. But Josh had received strict orders from Shawn, and I quickly found myself being play-wrestled and pinned down by the fully naked, blue-eyed college-star.

We fought and played for a bit; Josh's semi-erect boner bobbing and flailing around wildly as we rolled across his bed and tumbled down onto the hard wooden floor.

We kicked, laughed and wrestled, each one of us managing to temporarily incapacitate the other before being pushed off and jumped on.

My underwear was pulled off.
Semi-rigid members turned into full-blown erections.
And pretty soon we were play-wrestling across the floor and giggling heartily as our cheeks and chests became smeared with the telltale signs of sticky hot pre-cum juices.

I put up a valiant struggle but was eventually forced to admit defeat at the hands of the taller, heavier beta-jock.

My body was encased in thin, stretchy darlex*.
My hands and arms were slid down into tight, tamper-proof side sleeves.
And the back zipper was decisively zipped up, eliciting a victorious chuckle from the proud and cum-smeared super-twink.

Josh didn't fool around too much with me after that.
He fondled my spandex-clad ass and nipples for a bit, but after a short exchange regarding the nature of our mutually beneficial friendship and some enjoyable cuddling, the young straw-haired stud and I closed our eyes and slipped into the dream world.

* Darlex - A stronger, unbreakable blend of reinforced spandex
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Post by Socksbound »

Thank you for that chapter sir,

I’m so glad that Steven has made a friend, you’ve made so happy with that chapter. After seeing Steven’s lows when he fell apart after his ordeal with Nick and Brad to this it warms my heart.

As much as I hope Shawn gets his for the blackmail and karma hits Phil for being a douche, if it didn’t happen Steven wouldn’t have Gotten this realisation.

I’m fist pumping and giggling while writing this like a silly little fan-boy :D :D
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Post by ShadowHusky »

As much as it was kinky and hot, I still found the interaction super sweet. And I know Josh is close to Phil, but I had kinda hoped Steven would open up about his feelings towards Phil. Phil had pushed boundaries and stepped over the line, much like Shawn had done before. Part of it is the fun game of cat and mouse with consensual undertones. But when someone says "No" with meaning, the other person should back off. And while on both occasions, Steven was physically unable to tell Phil off, the body language was there.
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Post by GoBucks »

That was a fun chapter, sir! Glad Steven found someone he can relate to so he doesn't feel like such a freak and there are other guys out there that do like this stuff. I don't know if Nick would approve of his boi being kept up so late though. It's more than 3 hours past his bedtime! Princess needs his beauty sleep.

I'm glad the princess was finally able to discover shoes that are just the right amount of cheesy for his picky tastes ;)

I do hope this weekend isn't the end of Shawn's buddies. We'll have to get some kind of trip together with the whole crew :P I know Josh at least may be allowed to visit during the day while Nick is at work so his boi isn't always alone though.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] That chapter was another orgasmic chapter . I am happy Steven made a friend .
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Post by Volobond »

I did enjoy all the edging and teasing that Steven went through in this chapter (his groans must have been delightful to hear!) and of course it's nice to see him gaining confidence from seeing Josh enjoy sniffing feet as much as he does.

Still, methinks he may be letting the horniness cloud his judgment a wee bit. Kyle and Phil are douches, and I still think Shawn and Josh deserve some punishment for their crimes against our protagonist. I guess Chris, Joey, and Mike are okay. Also figures that Steven's brain likes the smell of jerk Kyle's feet best.

Also, a Bing search entry! Wooooow! Congrats, bro! :D

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Post by gaggedfeety »

I agree with pretty much all that had been said before. I'm glad to see that Steven recognizes the friendship between him and Josh. Even though Josh can be a dick, I get what Steven means. Sometimes it can be a little isolating being the worshipper/sniffer, and it's so nice and liberating to connect with someone who gets it and enjoys it. And Josh does push the limits (which is why Nick and Steven need to set those limits), but they're able to have conversations that Steven can't really have with others.

I'm definitely interested to see where it goes in the short-term (I'd love for Phil and Shawn to be punished somehow, especially Shawn cuz I think Steven is being a little too forgiving), and in the long-term with these guys that we've seen in the last few chapters.
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Simply put 'perfection sir'. Loved the Steven/Josh interaction, and very extensive description of the foot odour. I started laughing as Steven described Nick's, Shawn's, Zack's foot odour/shoes, and how he settled for Kyle's as being just right (I thought Jesus Christ it is like Goldilocks :lol: )

Great to see a friendship between Josh and Steven nicely evolving. I think that Josh's dom tendencies are a refreshing difference that Steven is not used to. Like he can be dominant and all, but then he joins in and share sniffing sneaks, and play wrestles. I don't think Steven is used to that in a dom :?
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Post by Socksbound »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago

In your opinion, is Brad at all salvageable as person and as a Dom?

What kind of relationship (if any) do you think Brad would be most suited to?

If you had the chance, would you go back in time and take Jeremy's place in an attempt to change Brad for the better? If so, what would you have done differently?

If you could choose THREE words to describe Brad, what would they be?

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I was using the bound and gagged index to go back and read some of my favourite chapters and noticed this from back when I was just a lurker in here. Better late then never to comment though.

Firstly is he salvageable as a Dom or person? In the context of the story no he is too set in his was and unwilling to change or compromise, but if he truly wants to change than it can be achieved. Anyone can change but they have to be willing to do it.

What kind of relationship is Brad suited to? Most likely Master/slave arrangement he is quite a sadist and gets off on the power that goes with it he needs a masochist who equally gets off on receiving that. Although even that would require Brad to change in ways to safely have someone’s life fully in his hands. This is of course in Brad’s current stage of life, if he was willing to change the world is his oyster. Realistically without any changes though he should not be in a relationship.

As for going back in time to replace Jeremy, no I don’t think so. I don’t think I’d have the strength of character to change him and would end up in the exact position as Jeremy. I don’t really agree with others either that a Steven like character would suit to change Brad either. Steven was under his control at times and it brought the worst out in him. I think is hard to say if there is anything a sub could do differently to change Brad, it’s really up to him to change.

Three words to describe Brad : strict, cunning, scary
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