My afternoon with Emma and Shannon - FINAL UPDATE Parts I, II, and III (fm/f, f/m, ff/m)

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My afternoon with Emma and Shannon - FINAL UPDATE Parts I, II, and III (fm/f, f/m, ff/m)

Post by Bobep »

Here is another story involving my awesome cousin Emma when we were in our early teens. I previously wrote a few months ago about a night when she tied me up to see if I could escape (I couldn’t) and wound up tickle-torturing me as a penalty for not being able to. This story happens that same summer as the last one, maybe 2 weeks later.

Emma was a great friend as well as my first cousin and we lived in the same town. She was 14 at the time and lived with her parents and her younger sister Jenny (11) and I was 13 and lived with my parents and younger sister Molly (11) not far away in a different part of town. We were all very close and shared a lot of friends from school too.

Emma was thin and tallish and very pretty, with red hair past her shoulders and big green eyes. She was an all-star gymnast and very strong and athletic; I was a baseball player and in good shape, but whenever we would play-fight she would always win because she was stronger than she looked and very agile. Also, she was a tickling freak and loved to tickle me, her sister, my sister, her friends or anyone else she got the chance too.

Emma was also into magic and the art of escape – she learned rope tricks from magicians’ books and she was really into escapology and liked the idea of tying people up and having power over them. She could escape almost any way of being tied up, and she was also able to tie you up in a way you couldn’t escape. I don’t think it was that she was kinky or anything, I just think she had this skill and liked to use it in a way to best her friends, the way kids often do.

While the last story was just Emma tying me up – first at a nearby gymnastics gym one night when we were alone, and then later that night in a tent campsite we had set up all summer long in the woods behind her house – this one involved her friend (my friend too) named Shannon. Shannon was also 14 and lived a few houses from Emma. She was pretty as well and taller than both of us. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes and was a cheerleader. Emma had tied her up before too, but never around me to this point.

We were sitting in Emma’s bedroom on an overcast summer day and the three of us were alone. Our parents had gone to a gymnastics meet with our sisters (it was a tournament for pre-teens) and were about 90 minutes away and wouldn’t be home until the next day. We had planned at all sleeping over Shannon’s house and our parents and Shannon’s were all OK with it; even though we were just 13-14 we were pretty trustworthy.

It was about 11 am and we were in Emma’s room, talking and looking through yearbooks and photo albums and stuff like that. We weren’t sure what we were doing that day. We all wore sweatpants over shorts – if the day got better we would go swimming in Emma’s pool, but right now it was overcast and didn’t look good so we had sweatpants on. I had a baseball-sleeved shirt that was white with blue three-quarter sleeves and sneakers and white socks. Emma had black sweat pants with purple socks tucked over the bottom of them and a matching purple tennis shirt; her shoes were off. Shannon wore a pink tennis shirt over grey sweats and was barefoot.

I was sitting on the floor with Emma looking at a photo album and Shannon was on the bed, face down, going through another album with her bare feet hanging off the side of the bed.

Emma looked at me, looked at Shannon’s feet and raised her eyebrows with a smile. And then she reached up and started to quickly tickle Shannon’s feet up and down with one hand.

Shannon yelped and pulled her feet away, laughing, but Emma giggled and grabbed both of Shannon’s ankles and pulled them back down towards her, tickling the bottom of her feet again as she did.

“No! No! I told you don’t tickle me – I can’t take it!” Shannon screamed and laughed as she tried to escape Emma’s clutches. But Emma had a mean grin on her face and bit her lip and get up with the foot tickling, while Shannon struggled to free her feet.

“You should know better, Shannon. My cousin is a tickle freak,” I said, laughing.

“Guilty as charged!” Emma sang and laughed some more, now dragging Shannon down to the floor and keeping the tickling going.

“Eeeeee!” Shannon shrieked and finally got away, running across the room. “Don’t do that!”

“Shannon is so ticklish, I love it!” Emma giggled, sitting back down cross legged on the floor and leaning against the bed. “I can’t help it if you’re an easy target for tickle torture!”

We all laughed and Shannon quickly scrambled and grabbed her old running shoes and put them on her feet across the room.

“Well since I can’t trust you, I guess I have to put my shoes on!” Shannon said with a big smile. “Bobby, we should tickle her!”

“Leave me out of this!” I said, thumbing through an album on the floor and not looking up. “I suffered enough a couple weeks ago when she tied me up and I couldn’t get free. I don’t need to antagonize my cousin these days!”

Emma giggled and nodded, “I told Shannon about that!”

“Yeah!” Shannon said, now sitting down with her legs crossed on the floor with us, with her shoes on. “Sounds like you’re not quite the escape artist you think you are!”

“Look who’s talking!” I replied to Shannon. “Emma told me that night she tied you up and tickled you too! And you couldn’t get free either. So I would say I am better at it than you are!”

“Yeah, Jules (their friend Julia) challenged her she couldn’t get loose. We hogtied her and when she gave up we tickled her until she was nearly crying!” Emma laughed.

Now we all laughed.

“We should tie HER up!” Shannon said to me, motioning to Emma. “So she knows how it feels!”

“But she can escape from anything!” I said. “It wouldn’t do us any good. She’s mastered these magician tricks by now.”

“You guys can try,” Emma said. “But if I get loose I get to choose which of you I want to tie up. And I get to do by best, hardest knots to escape from!”

Shannon and I looked at each other and considered this.

“How long do you get to escape?” I asked Emma.

“15 minutes. If I’m not out you guys win,” Emma said and then smiled and exhaled heavily, “and you get to tickle ME.”

This delighted me and Shannon to hear so we agreed.

“OK. Where are we doing it?” Emma asked. “Here or in the tents? Because if I win I’m tying one of you up in the tents. It’s more fun out there and more challenging to escape.”

So we agreed to do it in the tents. Emma put on a pair of running shoes and we walked out of the house.

“Um…shouldn’t one of you get ropes or something to tie me up with?” Emma asked sarcastically. Shannon and I both kind of looked at each other like,
“Oh yeah!”

“I’ll get them- I have to use the bathroom first anyway,” Shannon said. “Where are they?”

“There are some in the basement – ropes and other things. Do me a favor and put them in a bag first, OK? So the neighbors don’t see you carrying this stuff outside?’ Emma said with the grin. “Bobby and I will see you in the big tent.”

Shannon agreed and ran to the basement while Emma and I walked into the woods behind her house to the clearing where the camping tents were set up. As I said before this was a nice little area where the ground was clear and where Emma and Jenny had set up three different tents, one big and two small, and we spent a lot of the summer out there.

It was getting more overcast out and starting to look like rain, and the grass was a little wet from the rain the night before. But we walked out to the tents anyway.

“I swear she is such a flake sometimes,” Emma laughed as we walked out there. “’Here, I’m gonna tie you up. Oh wait! You mean I need ropes first????’” Emma laughed as she gently made fun of Shannon.

“Oh well – I still don’t think we can win this. I’m more focused on which of us you’re gonna tie up when you escape,” I said as we reached the tent.

“Hee hee heee…you’ll find out, cousin, if I get free. Could be either of you!” Emma said, using her feet to kick her shoes off before entering the tent, which had a tarp for a floor. “Shoes off, Bobby. Take your shoes off so you don’t track dirt.”

Inside the tent were some rolled up sleeping bags and a couple of towels, as well as a couple decks of cards and magazines.
I did. I was wearing white tube socks and went inside, while Emma padded in in her purple knee socks tucked over her black sweats. We carried our shoes inside with us and sat down and a few seconds later Shannon came in with a paper bag.

“OK let’s do this!” Shannon said, coming into the tent.

“Shoes! Leave the dirt outside – no shoes in here!” Emma said and Shannon obeyed, kicking her sneakers off and leaving them just inside the door. Shannon then sat down and pulled out of the bag what she brought.

One piece of rope! About four feet long. ONE!

“Are you kidding me?” I asked as Emma just started to laugh.

“What?” Shannon asked. Clueless.

“One piece of rope? To thoroughly tie her up??? How do we tie her hands, feet and body with this?” I asked. Emma just laughed and laughed. And as she did we heard the skies open up and the rain began to pour!!!

“Oh…hmmm…you’re right!” Shannon said with a smile. “Sorry about that!”

I laughed and sighed. “No problem, no problem. Just go back and get more.”

“Out there???” Shannon yelled, as the rain pelted the tent. (The tent was plenty waterproof and we were dry). “No way!”

Emma stopped laughing and spoke up. “It’s OK, it’s OK. For now anyway. One of you take the laces out of your shoes and use those to tie my feet.
This rope that Shannon brought can tie my hands.”

“But,” Emma continued, “if I escape and get to tie one of you up, the other one of you is running back to the house to get more rope and supplies, OK?”

Shannon and I agreed. We took the laces out of my sneakers and tied them together while doubling them up– it made like an 4-foot rope that was two-laces wide, which would work.

“OK guys, do your best!” Emma said, uncrossing her legs to stretch her feet in front of her, and putting her hands behind her back. “Tie me up!”

I went to work tying Emma’s hands behind her back while Shannon tied her feet at the ankles. I tried to remember what Emma taught me about interior knots and looping and cinching and all that, and when I finished about 2-minutes later I thought it was pretty tight.

“No fair trying to escape until Shannon is done and we say go,” I said.

“Of course not,” Emma said with a smile. “I’ll just sit her like a good little damsel in distress.”

I laughed. “How you doing, Shannon?”

“Should be almost done,” Shannon said, kneeling at Emma’s feet to tie them. I slid over to inspect and it looked pretty good.

“Do you want your socks on or off?” Shannon asked, looking at Emma’s pueple socks.

“On please,” Emma said. “Need my feet to stay warm!”

“OK, we’re done,” Shannon said and she and I slid back across the tent to give Emma room.

“You have 15 minutes starting…One..two…three…GO!” I said.

Emma began to thrash around and giggled while Shannon and I looked on and laughed.

“I can’t help myself – I may not get this chance again!” Shannon said and started crawling over to Emma’s bound body, wiggling her fingers.

“NO! No way! Not yet! We had a deal!” Emma said as she thrashed harder.

“Maybe you and Bobby did, but not you and me!” Shannon said, now crouching alongside her with her wiggling fingers. “Plus, this is revenge for tying me up and tickling me a few weeks ago!”

Shannon began to tickle Emma’s ribs and armpits while she tried to escape the ropes. Emma is wildly ticklish, just like me and Shannon, and she screamed and laughed.

“AYYYY!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!!! BOBBY MAKE HER STOP!!!!” Emma screamed, tried to roll away while Shannon’s torturing fingers followed her.

“Enh, not my fight cuz. Plus, she kinda has a point,” I laughed. “Get loose and you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“She is so ticklish, Bobby!” Shannon giggled as she kept rapidly tickling Emma’s ribs and belly. “Whassa matter Emmy? Afraid to be tickle-tortured???”

“STOP! STOP! STOP! NOOOOO!” Emma screamed more as she thrashed and squirmed. “PLEASE!!!!!”

About a minute had passed since Shannon started tickling her, and about three since she started her escape. 12 more to go!

Shannon relented. “OK. I’ll give you a break, poor baby. Five minutes but then I tickle you all over again!”

Emma was red-faced and laughing hard when she sat up and began to seriously work the ropes that bound her hands behind her back. And all of a sudden, about two minutes later, her hands were free!

“HAH! Got it!” Emma yelled and quickly reached down to her feet and began to untie the knots while wiggling her sock-covered feet to get them loose. And about a minute later she was totally loose!

“Dammit!” Shannon said. “I tied her feet tight too!”

“Not exactly, Shannon,” I said. “That did not go the way we planned it, Emma.”

Emma stood up and held the ropes in her hand and danced around the tent, taunting us while did.

“Freedom! Freedom!” she sang as she laughed and danced. Shannon and I just shook our heads and smiled.

“OK, so who do I get to tie up?” Emma asked, standing over us as we sat and kinda of playfully moving her finger back and forth, like she was doing “eeny meeny” in her head.

Finally she crouched down in front of us and put a really mean smile on her face. Sinister really.

“Both of you deserve to be tied up!” Emma said. “You for tickling me when I was helpless, and YOU for refusing to help me!”

We both sat there, a little scared now.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” Emma said. “I am going to tie…YOU up, Bobby!” And she dramatically pointed at me.

“Oh God…” I said.

“And YOU, Shannon, will go get the supplies I need! In the rain!” Emma said. “Now get your shoes on and listen up! There is more rope in the basement on the workbench, and there is duct tape there too. Also try and grab a belt and some socks from my room. And there are a couple of bandanas on my dresser, get them too. Got it?”

Shannon nodded as she put her sneakers on and she ran outside in the pouring rain, yelling as she did.

Emma and I laughed.

“I wonder if she’s bright enough to grab an umbrella for the walk back?” Emma said with a laugh and we both cracked up. Shannon was actually quite smart. Just a little scattered sometimes.

“OK, time to tie you up,” Emma said, grabbing the one “good” rope Shannon brought and kneeling down in front of me. “Put your hands behind your back.”

“I thought we were waiting for Shannon to get back?” I asked.

“I can still tie your hands behind your back as a start. C’mon, let’s go,” Emma said, crawling behind me.

I did and put my hands behind my back. Emma grabbed them and pulled them together and began to tie them REALLY tight. I could feel her cinching knots and making new ones, and I knew this would be hard to escape from.

“Duct tape, really?” I asked as Emma kept tying my hands. “You really have to gag me?”

“Sure do!” Emma said, still tying my hands. “You are going to be completely bound and gagged. I may even blindfold you if Emma remembers the socks or bandanas. There, that should do it! Hold still and don’t try and escape until I can finish tying your feet and stuff.”

“Fair enough,” I said, and Emma crawled back around to in front of me. She grinned at me and raised her eyebrows in a way that I knew I was about to be tickled.

“Emma…no….please,” I said.

Emma giggled and wiggled her fingers. “Just for a minute – to make sure you can’t escape!” And she tickled my ribs with both hands as I started laughing and yelling and flopped to my right side.

“No! No please!” I laughed and yelled, but Emma kept lightly tickling my exposed ribs on the left side.

“You are so ticklish, it’s crazy!” Emma said, stopping after about 30 seconds and laughing. “OK, that’s enough for now.”

“For now?” I asked, regaining my composure. “You mean…”

“We’ll see,” Emma said, winking. “We’ll see where the day brings us!”

“Oh God,” I moaned and sat back up with my hands tied. Just then we heard Shannon running through the rain. She emerged through the door of the tent and what do you know? She had an umbrella! As we as a bag presumably filled with ropes and stuff.

“It is awful out here! And I just stepped in a big mud puddle!” Shannon said, leaving the umbrella leaning against the outside of the tent, kicking her shoes off and then walking inside the tent barefoot. She placed her muddy shoes in the corner and gave the bag to Emma, then looking at me. “You tied him up already?”

“I got started – just his hands. Nice job, Shann! Bobby, look what we’ve got!” Emma said, and she pulled out probably four more decent-sized lengths of rope, two bandanas, duct tape and a belt. “We could keep you tied up for weeks with all this!”

I groaned and Shannon rubbed her bare feet. “My feet are freezing! Can I borrow a towel?” she asked Emma.

“Sure help yourself,” Emma said, kneeling at my feet and starting to tie them with rope at the ankles, very tight as usual. “Wait, I told you to bring socks from the house. You could wear those. You didn’t?”

“Dammit, I forgot!” Shannon said. “Maybe I’ll get inside one of your sleeping bags.”

Emma finished tying my ankles with one of the ropes and then started on another rope.

“Not all wet you won’t, no!” Emma said, but then she pointed to my feet. “Here, take Bobby’s socks off and put them on. He doesn’t need them.”

“Wait, no!” I yelled.

“Are they clean?” Shannon asked, then looking down at them. “Are they Bobby?”

“Yes, right out of the wash, but no! No one is taking off my socks!” I demanded as Emma finished tying my feet with a second rope. It was tight and seemed inescapable.

“Shhh,” Emma said, quickly crouching behind me and putting her hand over my mouth. “Shannon, hand me the duct tape. I need to gag him.”

I struggled as Shannon got the roll of silver duct tape, but Emma held me with one hand and gagged me with the other.

“Do you want us to tickle you? Because if you don’t stop squirming we’re going to tickle torture the hell out of you!” Emma threatened, and Shannon wiggled her fingers with her free hand. “You’re socks are coming off and Shannon is going to put them on her feet to keep warm. Or we give you some crazy tickle torture! You have no choice here, got it?”

“OK,” I said into Emma’s hand, muffled.

“Good,” Emma said, taking her hand off my mouth. She took the tape from Shannon, tore a piece off and gagged me with it. Then she put another piece over my mouth to further gag me.

“Try and talk,” Emma ordered.

“MMMMMM,” I said, unable to do anything else.

“That’s good for now. Shannon, take his socks off. They’re all yours,” Emma said, now grabbing the belt to tie my arms to my body.

“Looks like these are my socks now, Bobby,” Shannon taunted, taking them off my feet, giggling in a mean way. “Hope your feet don’t get too cold!”

My socks came off and Shannon put them on her bare feet, while Emma fastened the belt around my chest and then took another piece of rope, rolled me over, and tied my hands and feet together. There was enough slack for me to move my legs at the knees, so I wasn’t really hogtied, but it was clear I wasn’t going anywhere.

Emma then sat me back up and looked at me.

“You are now our prisoner, Bobby! You’ve been kidnapped,” Emma announced and she and Shannon high-fived. “Should we blindfold him, Shannon?”

“NO!” I grunted, trying to be heard but unable to speak.

“Mmm…not yet. Let’s give him a chance to escape,” Shannon said. “Go ahead, Bobby. Try and get loose.”

“No way is that happening,” Emma giggled while I started to writhe around and struggle. “Shannon, let’s play cards while Bobby tried to get untied. Gin rummy?”

“Yes!” Shannon said with a smile, excited. “Good luck Bobby – you’re going to need it!”

Emma started to deal the cards while I was grunted and struggled – this was so tight and well-tied there was no way I was getting loose.

“You have 15 minutes, cuz,” Emma said as she and Shannon started playing. “If you can’t get loose by then, Shannon and I are going to start torturing you!”

“Tickle torture, Bobby! If you don’t get out you’re dead!” Shannon added.

I grunted and tried to yell under my gag as I kept squirming and struggling with no chance, but they ignored me. I struggled and struggled for several minutes against the ropes, but it was clear I wasn’t going anywhere.

Emma looked over at one point, then looked at her watch and laughed.

“Eight minutes, Bobbsy!” Emma taunted. “That’s how long you have until we start tickling you!”

She and Shannon laughed and kept playing cards as I struggled helplessly, knowing I had no way of escaping and knowing their brutal tickle torture soon would start.
Last edited by Bobep 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by SheTies »

Great start. Keep it up...seems like girls named Emma are bad news!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Love it so far! Cousins (and their friends) make for great tug stories. Curious to find out how long they kept you tied up and what they did to you next.
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Post by rash357 »

Great story! Thanks for sharing more of your adventures with us!
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Post by Luyan »

Great story! Can't wait to read when the time is up and the girls get to tickle you!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a great story and I'm hoping you decide to continue it if there is more to it, as many of us would love to read more.
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Post by Bobep »

OK, it’s been awhile so I will pick up the story about my cousin Emma and our friend Shannon tying me up where left off. It was a rainy day and Emma had challenged me and Shannon to try and tie her up so she couldn’t escape. But Emma was a pretty amazing escape artist and was able to break free in less than 10 minutes, despite Shannon tickling her for a few minutes while she was tied up.

Now it was my turn. It was a day that had turned into pouring rain; the three of us were in a large tent that was set up all summer long in the woods behind her house. (I had been tied up by Emma out there in a previous story). Shannon had run into the house to get ropes and other things to allow Emma to properly tie me up and gag me.

Once she returned, Emma tied me up tight – she tied my hands behind my back with rope, and tied my feet at the ankles with two different lengths of rope. She tied a belt around my arms to further restrict movement, and also tied a rope that connected by hands to my feet. I wasn’t exactly hogtied, but this would keep my hands tied firmly behind my back and would not allow me to try and move them to my front. Emma was really, really good at tying people up – it became like a hobby for her. She finished everything off my gagging me with a couple piece of duct tape.
Shannon, who like us had taken off her wet shoes when she got to the tent, was barefoot and she helped herself to my dry white athletic socks – she took them off me and put them on her feet, taunting me as she did. She also wore a pink tennis shirt and grey sweats. I wore a baseball-sleeved shirt and sweat pants and now was barefoot. Emma had black sweat pants with purple socks tucked over the bottom of them and a matching purple tennis shirt.

Emma and Shannon began to play cards while I had 15 minutes to escape. They left me with an ominous warning if I didn’t – tickle torture!
SO as the story picks up I am rolling around my side of the tent, tightly bound and gagged, with about 7-8 minutes left to get free. Meanwhile Emma and Shannon played gin rummy. Funny, for as smart as Emma was, she was a terrible card player and as I struggled to try and get free, I could see Shannon was kicking her butt.

“Are you cheating?” Emma asked after Shannon declared “Gin” yet again.
“Nope,” Shannon giggled. “You just stink at this. Isn’t that right Bobby?”

I grunted to leave me alone as I writhed around and tried to kick my feet free or loosen the ropes on my hands, but I couldn’t.

“Say, how much time does he have left?” Shannon asked.

Emma checked her watch. “Four minutes. C’mon cuz! You can do it!”

Emma then laughed and added, “Actually, you can’t! But you better if you know what’s good for you!”

I grunted and struggled some more and about 1-2 minutes later was actually able to loosen the tape off my mouth and then, by dragging my face on the ground, was able to get the tape mostly off.

“God! I can’t get these knots at all!” I yelled, struggling more and more.

“Hey, he got his mouth free!” Shannon said. “Should we gag him again?”

“Nah,” Emma said, and now both stopped playing and sat there Indian-style to watch me struggle. “Let him talk. He has one minute left and then he’s a dead man!”

The two of them snickered in a very mean way.

“Guys! No! Not fair! I don’t want to be tickled! Not now! If I can’t get free just let me know and I’ll make it up to you! Anything you want!” I was begging but they wouldn’t have any of it.

“Gee Shannon, did you hear something? Did someone say something?”

“I didn’t hear a thing!” And they both started cracking up.

“AAAARGH!” I yelled and gave one last valiant try, tugging on the ropes that bound my hands and feet with all I had. But nothing. I was a goner.
Emma and Shannon looked at Emma’s watch together as they sat there and then started their devilish countdown from 15. I struggled some more but to no avail.

“…three…two…one! TIMES UP!” they yelled together and then high-fived each other.

“I knew there was no way you were getting free, Bobby!” Emma came and got up and walked over to me, placing her foot on my chest as I lay face up and raising her arms in the air. “The champion once again!!!”

Shannon got up too and placed her foot on my forehead and did the same pose. It was humiliating having them basically stand on me in their socks and looking down on me without much pity.


“I believe you know the punishment for failure to escape, cousin!” Emma taunted, and then began to wiggle her fingers at me in mocking motion.
“Shannon, why don’t you tell our prisoner what he’s won! Or should I say, what he’s lost!”

Emma and Shannon giggled some more and I screamed, “Somebody help me!”

“No one’s going to help you, Bobby – you belong to us!” Shannon said, rubbing her foot – she was wearing my socks! – over my face and joined Emma in tauntingly wiggling her fingers. “We won and you lost. And now we’re going to tickle you until you lose your mind!”

“HELP! HELP!” I screamed as their feet held me in place. “Anything but this! PLEASE!”

I screamed pretty loud but their feet kept me from moving much at all, and Emma and Shannon looked down at me with no mercy

“You’re not talking your way out of his one, Bobby! You lost, and now we will make you suffer with the ultimate tickle torture!” Emma sneered, taking her foot off my chest and walking quickly around by my head. “Shannon, go sit on his legs and feet.”

I quickly tried to roll away, but Emma said “Oh know you don’t!” and grabbed me from behind. With my hands, feet and arms tied I wasn’t going anywhere anyway. Meanwhile Shannon quickly got up and came over and sat on my knees, facing me with my feet behind her, holding my legs down while I struggled. Emma sat behind me and wrapped her legs around my bound arms.

“No! Please…”

“Shh!” Emma ordered and put her hand over my mouth from behind. “Shannon, where do you want to tickle him first?”

I screamed into Emma’s hand but she held it tight over my mouth.

“Where is he most ticklish?” Shannon asked, lightly wiggling her fingers over my upper legs while I winced and squirmed. That alone tickled like crazy!

“Let’s see,” Emma said. “He’s ticklish pretty much everywhere, But if I recall correctly from last time I tickled him, I would say his ribs, his armpits,
his hips and his feet are REALLY ticklish! Isn’t that right, Bobby?”

I again tried to yell but was muffled my Emma’s handgag. It basically came out “MMMMMMM.”

“Let’s have some fun with our tickle torture and make it a game,” Shannon said “Bobby, I am assigning a number to various body parts. We’ll start with what Emma said – your feet, hips, ribs and armpits. Pick a number 1 to 4 to choose where I tickle you first!”

“I love it! Torture is way more fun when you taunt them first!” Emma said, taking her hand off my mouth. “Pick a number Bobby!”


Emma handgagged me again.

“If you don’t pick a number we’ll tickle you twice as long! Remember your torture hasn’t even started yet! Are you going to pick a number?” Emma demanded with her hand over my mouth.

“MM MM,” I said, shaking my head.

“Oh no? Maybe this will change your mind,” Emma said and pinched my nose while gagging me with her other hand so I couldn’t get any air at all. “If you want to breathe again you’ll pick a number!”

I struggled and tried to scream but couldn’t breathe. I still shook my head no!

“Tickle him Shannon!” Emma said. “Let’s see if he’ll do as he’s told now!”

Shannon had a really evil smile and started to wildly tickle my stomach and hips. I tried to scream but couldn’t even breathe and it was awful! Emma stopped pinching my nose and Emma stopped tickling me; I sucked for air for a minute.

I tried to scream but Emma’s hand kept me quiet.

“Still not ready to cooperate? Don’t worry – you will be when we get through with you!” Then Emma pinched my nose while gagging me with her hand and said, “Tickle him again Shannon! Harder this time!!”

Shannon smiled wildly and resumed tickling my stomach and hips with reckless abandon. It was absolute torture as they did this three or four more times – Emma gagging me and hold my nose with both her hands so I couldn’t breathe, Shannon crazily tickling my stomach and hips. It felt like I was being tortured to death!

“You don’t want to breathe? I can keep doing this and Shannon can keep tickling you anyway!” Emma said, while Shannon moved two wiggling fingers into my belly button for some unspeakable tickle torture there. “Ready to pick a number?”

I couldn’t take it anymore! I nodded my head up and down, desperately trying to breathe.

Emma released my mouth and nose, still keeping her feet wrapped around me while Shannon pulled her wiggling fingers back and stayed sitting on my
knees. “Pick!” Emma ordered.

“Ahh! Ahh! OK! OK! But please promise it won’t be too bad!” I begged.

“Maybe! But you better choose a number soon or all bets are off!” Shannon yelled, her fingers wiggling and ready to attach an inch from my body. “I’ll tickle you until you can’t even scream anymore!”

“Three! I choose three!” I screamed, scared and in laughing hysterics.

“Three! What did our victim win, Shannon?” Emma asked with the laugh.

“He won having his ribs tickled! And in honor of the number three, let’s tickle him three times for three minutes each,” Shannon announced, moving up on my body to straddle my hips. “Are you scared, Bobby? Scared of two girls who tied you up and are now going to tickle you to death?”


Shannon started giggling and wiggling her fingers like crazy again.

“Should I gag him again?” Emma asked, putting her hand over my mouth from behind.

“Not yet! Let’s see how loud we can make him scream first,” Shannon said. “No one will hear him anyway!”

“Not with this rain,” Emma agreed as the rain, while not as hard, still came down outside of the tent.

“Plus, it will free your hands up to tickle his ribs from behind. Let me start and then you join in after about 30 seconds, OK?” Shannon said.

Emma agreed and her feet and legs held me in place around my upper arms. “Tickle him good Shannon!”

“Here comes the tickle torture!” Shannon announced and her wiggling fingers touched down in my ribs on either side, causing me to jump and scream but I wasn’t going anywhere.

“AAAIIIEEE! No! NO NO! Please stop!!!” I screamed, because it tickled so bad!

“Stop??? We said three times for three minutes and it’s only been once for 10 seconds!” Shannon said, tickling my ribs harder and harder with her
wiggling fingers.

“See? I told you how ticklish he is!” Emma laughed while Shannon kept up her brutal tickling and I tried without luck to try and squirm away. “Where do you think you’re going, Bobby? You’re not going anywhere!”


“My turn!” Emma announced and she sank her fingers deep into my rib cage from behind, making me almost jump out of my skin! “Time to show him just how bad the torture chamber can be!”

All I could do was scream some more, barely able to form words.

“NNNAAAA!!! AHHHH!!!! AHHHH! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Emma and Shannon just laughed and kept on wildly tickling every inch of my rib cage.

I was panting and helpless.

Three minutes finally arrived and Emma handgagged me again and Shannon briefly stopped.

“Round two!” Emma announced and kept her hand on my mouth while Shannon started tickling my ribs again. I was going crazy! This time it was all
Shannon tickling me, while Emma gagged me with her hand and kept me from screaming. The three minutes this time seemed like three hours!

After it ended, Emma took her hand on my mouth and I was screaming on the ground. Shannon was straddling my stomach now and Shannon undid her feet from around my arms and crouched on my left side. They were both looming over me with very little sympathy.

“It’s a good thing we tied him up!” Emma said. “NO ONE can take tickling like this unless they are tied up tight!”

“Emma, let’s try the armpits for round three, huh?” Shannon asked, and Emma giggled and nodded.


“Scream all you want, Bobby! We want to hear you suffer!” Emma said, and she and Shannon dug their fingers into my armpits and I nearly went out of my mind. I can’t describe how desperate my screams were, but Emma and Shannon just laughed.

“How much time do we have Em?” Shannon asked, running her right hand up and down from my ribs to my armpits on the right side and giggling as the tickle torture continued and my laughter was uncontrollable. “Gitchy gitchy goo Bobby! Does it tickle? Does it? It must be awful!!”

“30 seconds,” Emma called out and then told Shannon to stop for a second. I thought they were going to show me mercy but then Emma got up and came behind me to wrap me in her legs and feet again. I felt her hands at the top of my rib cage from behind and Emma told Shannon to put her hands on either side of my lower rib cage from the front.

“Ready, on the count of three tickle him as hard as you can! Me in the back, you in the front,” Emma yelled to be heard over my screams.


“Ready?” Emma said. “One…two…THREE!!!!”

As hard as Shannon and Emma had been tickling me earlier, it was nothing compared to what they did to me now, tickling my ribs from both sides as fast as they could. They laughed their heads of while I laughed and screamed in agony!

Emma finally said, “OK, that’s three minutes. Let’s give him a break.”


“OK, you’re lucky for now. But we’re just getting warmed up!” Shannon said and stopped tickling me. Outside the rain sounded like it was letting up.

“Thank you! Thank you! Please no more! Please untie me! No more!” I begged.

“I don’t think so honey!” Emma said, getting to her feet for some reason and then saying, “Shannon, hand me my shoes please?”

“What…where are you going???” I gasped.

“To the bathroom,” Emma said, starting to put her shoes on. “I’ll be right back. Shannon will watch you while I’m gone, don’t worry!”

“Emma wait…don’t get your shoes and socks all wet!” Shannon said.

“I’m not going out there in my bare feet,” Emma said.

“No. Wear Bobby’s shoes. And take your socks off and leave them here,” Shannon said.

“Hmm…good idea!” Emma and then stopped putting her shoes on and then quickly took off her purple knee socks.

I was still giggling and panting from the tickle torture but tried to speak.

“They..they won’t fit you…I’m a size 9 and you’re like a 6…”

“Who cares? They’ll still cover my feet!” Emma said and she put my shoes on. “You DO have big feet Bobby!” And then she and Shannon laughed while I moaned some more.

Before she got up Emma grabbed her socks and dangled them over my face. I winced and pulled away, pleading “NO!” Lying there at their mercy, tickled to the point of insanity, my hands tied behind my back and my feet tied together, I felt 100% helpless.

“Maybe later we’ll stuff a sock in your mouth to gag you, Bobby!” Emma giggled and taunted, dangling her purple socks over my face. “Socks make great gags, you know!”

“Guys…I am begging…”

“Beg all you want – we’re not untying you for a long time! And we’re gonna keep tickling for as long as we feel like!” Emma said and rose to her feet.
“Shannon, he’s all yours until I get back.”

Shannon made an excited faced and clapped her hands quietly while Emma ran outside to get to the house.

“Shannon…please untie me…this is crazy…you proved your point…”

“No way, like Emma said, we’re keeping you tied up for as long as we want,” Shannon said, kneeling down next to me. “And it looks like you’ve calmed down. Pick another number!”


“Pick another number or I’ll tell Emma you refused! Who KNOWS what she’ll do to you!”


“Look at it this way. If you pick now it will only be me tickling you, not both of us. So do it!” Shannon ordered.
I had no choice!

“OK! OK! Number one!” I did this thinking this meant only one minute of tickling, just like number three had meant three minutes. Although for three rounds. Oh well.

“Oh good! Number one is the feet!” Shannon said, grabbing my bound feet and placing them in her lap. I tried to pull away but she held my feet still in her lap.

“OH GOD! Just for one minute right???”

“Hee hee! No way! That was a one-time offer! I’m gonna tickle your feet until Emma gets back!”

“Shannon no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Shannon began to run her fingers along the helpless soles of my bare feet, tickling them up and while I fell back and laughed and screamed “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

“Emma’s right! You have such big feet and they are SOOOO ticklish!” Shannon teased, running her fingers like spiders all over my feet.

I kept screaming and struggling and desperately trying to pull away, so eventually Shannon got frustrated and stopped.

“You’re being a bad prisoner! Guess we have to try it this way!” She rolled me on my stomach and sat on the back of my lower legs. Because there was a rope that loosely bound my feet to my hands, her sitting on me caused that rope to tighten and now my feet couldn’t move at all. Shannon went back to tickling my feet up and down and side to side and I was starting to panic because she was tickling my feet so badly!

“Shannon PLEASE!!! No MORE!!! IT TICKLES!!!!!” Where was Emma? It seemed like forever that I was Shannon’s tickle victim!

“I know it tickles! That’s why it’s called tickle torture silly!” Shannon giggled and kept up her tickle assault nonstop, over the balls of my feet and between my toes, taunting me some more. “Look at those ticklish little tootsies!!!”

My feet were totally vulnerable to Shannon’s crazy tickle attack, and her fingers moved fast to cover every inch of them. I felt like I may start hyperventilating – it was hell!

Just like I had when Emma had tied me up and tickled me two weeks earlier, I felt tears on my cheeks from all of the laughing and the torture. I felt almost out of control! But Shannon didn’t care and her tickle assault on my bound feet kept going on and one.

“Who’s got ticklish feet? Huh? Huh? I’m going to tickle your feet forever, Bobby! Forever and ever! I won’t stop until you have completely gone insane!!!” Shannon taunted over my desperate screams, her tickle torture of my bare feet almost too brutal to describe.”


Just then we heard Emma running up and I could hear her laughing as she approached the tent. Shannon stopped tickling my feet and climbed off my legs, laughing hard as she kinda rolled on the ground beside me. Like this was the funniest thing ever!

“Oh my God is sound like your killing him!” Emma said, ducking inside while I gasped and wheezed and felt even more embarrassed because of the tears. “Poor Bobby! It’s hard being kidnapped and tortured, isn’t it?”

“I think maybe I was!” Shannon said, still laughing and now kneeling and patting me on the legs. “I think if you hadn’t shown up when you did I was about to tickle him to death! I tickled his feet without mercy – you would have appreciated it!”

“Oh God!” I gasped through tears. “Oh God…”

Emma kicked off her shoes – MY shoes, actually – and laughed and sat down. She had another backpack with her and she quickly picked up her purple socks and put them back on.

“Sorry I missed it! Look how pink his feet are – God Emma, you are unmerciful when it comes to inflicting tickle torture!” Emma said while putting her socks on. “What number did he pick?”

“Number one!” Shannon sang. “Number one is the feet. But it wasn’t just for a minute. It was for pretty much the whole time you were gone. It was pretty mean, I have to admit!”

Emma’s mouth opened wide. “Shan, I was gone for like 10 minutes – the phone rang and it was my Mom so I had to talk to her for a bit. You are sadistic! That’s a crazy amount of tickle torture all at once!”

“I know!” Shannon laughed and then crouched over me and rolled me over, still in tears. “Look! I tickled him so hard I made him cry!”

“You are insane, Shannon!” Emma said and laughed. “Well, I think there’s some good news. I don’t know if you could tell over his screaming, but the
rain stopped. And there’s a blue sky on the way – I can even see it across the street!”

“Really? That’s awesome,” Shannon said.

“Yeah. It’s gonna get hot soon. So why don’t we go swimming?” Emma asked.

“Finally!” I yelled, perking up at last from my agony. “Yes! Anything but this!”

“Does that mean we have to untie Bobby?” Shannon asked.

Emma grinned and crouched over me, tickling my neck for a minute and causing me to giggle through my exhaustion.

“No way! We’re keeping him as our hostage all day! We’ll just tie him up and gag him and leave him here!” Emma said.

“Oh GOD NO!” I started to scream but Emma put her hand over my mouth.

“You have no choice, Bobby! We’re the kidnappers, you are the victim!” Emma said quietly with a little smile.


“Want us to tickle you some more instead?” Shannon asked while kneeling next to me, starting to tickle my ribs and armpits while Emma’s hand stayed on my mouth.

“MMMMMMMMMMM!!!” was all I could yell into Emma’s hand, trying to beg Shannon to stop tickling me.

“Then look on the brightside!” Emma said with the big smile, taking her hand off my mouth. “You’ll be bound and gagged, but we’ll be swimming so we won’t be tickling you! I fact you can come with us – we’ll hold you prisoner in the tent close to the pool. So you won’t have to be alone out here.
Things could be worse!”

I moaned, “You two are crazy! Just please let me go!!!” As I said this I could see the sky brightening.

“Here,” Shannon said, sitting down and pulling her socks off, “you can have your socks back for now. I don’t need them anymore!”

“Actually that’s a good point - me neither! I don’t know why I just put these back on,” Emma said, pulling her socks off too and throwing them down by my head. “In fact, I brought another pair of socks to gag you with, like last time. It doesn’t hurt as much as duct tape!”

I tried to protest but Emma and Shannon ignored me. They put my socks and Emma’s socks into the backpack along with all of our shoes. Then barefoot, they rolled their sweatpants up to mid-shin so they could walk without getting the sweatpants too wet. Shannon did the same with my sweatpants, rolling them up to mid-shin level.

I stopped protesting and chose to stay quiet. This was the best deal I was going to get.

“Shannon, there are two pairs of clean socks in here. Use one to blindfold him – I’ll untie his feet so we can walk him to the pool tent.”

While Emma started to untie my feet, Shannon pulled a pair of green knee socks out of Emma’s bag. She took one, came behind me and blindfolded
me with it. My hands were still tied behind my back and my arms were still belted to my body.

“Don’t worry – we’ll take the blindfold off when we get to the other tent,” Emma said, finishing untying my feet. “The blindfold is just to make sure you don’t try and run off or escape while we bring you there.”

“OK. I won’t try to escape, I promise,” I said, meaning it. And not being able to see.

“Because if you do…” Emma said and then I felt her tickling the bottoms of my feet,” “this time we’ll tickle you until you pass out!”

“NO! I PROMISE I WON’T TRY AND ESCAPE! PLEASE STOP!” GOD it tickled so bad – these two were tickle crazy.

“OK. Get on your feet and let’s walk. We’ll lead you there,” Emma ordered. She and Shannon got me up and I felt each of them grab and arm and lead me from the tent in the woods to the area by the pool. They told me to duck down and led me into the poolside tent, which was a little smaller but still had plenty of room. They put me on the ground and they were right – it felt sunny out and much warmer than it had.

Emma took my blindfold off and she and Emma stood over me, smiling. Shannon was holding the backpack with everything in it while Emma held the sock that had blindfolded me.

“Such a helpless prisoner,” Emma teased with a big smile. “Shannon, where’s the other sock?”
Shannon reached into the bag and handed the green sock to her. Emma crouched down and stuffed the sock in my mouth and then came behind me and tied the other sock around my head to hold it in place.

“Put a sock in it Bobby!” Shannon joked, reaching down to tickle my feet.

“MMMMM” I exclaimed and pulled away.

“OK, leave him alone Shan,” Emma said, standing up and looking down at me. “But Bobby, if those socks come out of your mouth and we hear a peep out of you, we’re going to tickle you to death!”

Emma crouched down again, took a length of rope out of the bag, and tied my bare feet at the ankles once more.

“You’re not going anywhere for a while!” Emma sneered, playfully tapping my face. “You be a good boy and we won’t have to tickle torture you anymore!” And with a laugh they both left the tent, in their sweat pants and bare feet, out into the now sunny weather to swim, while I was stuck bound and gagged in the tent.

“Well,” I heard Shannon yell back as they left, “we won’t have to tickle you MUCH more, anyway!” And I heard she and Shannon laughing as they walked off.

I groaned and sighed and rolled over on my side, totally defeated. Bound and gagged, tickled within an inch of my life by these two girls and wondering what would happen next.
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Post by rash357 »

So glad you’re continuing these stories again! You have quite a cousin!
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Post by Canuck100 »

rash357 wrote: 3 years ago So glad you’re continuing these stories again!
Same here!
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Post by Bobep »

When last left off I am bound and gagged in the tent alongside Emma’s pool – Emma and Shannon have left me there, barefoot in sweatpants and a baseball shirt, with a bathing suit under my sweats because I had THOUGHT I would be swimming today! My hands still tied behind my back with rope, my feet tied together and they gagged me with Emma’s green kneesocks, one stuffed in my mouth by Emma and the other tied around my head to hold it in place. My arms were also tied with a belt around my upper body to keep them in place.

At this point I would say maybe 90 minutes had elapsed between when we first went out to the tent further out in the woods to try and tie Emma up on a dare and now. Since then Emma has escaped, I’ve been tied up and have not escaped, and have paid the price with Emma and Shannon tickling me until I was in tears. I had always known my cousin was a sadistic tickler, but it turns out Shannon is as well—she tickled me pretty much everywhere with a devlish joy in her eyes. It’d been an interesting day.

On top of that, when we got to the other tent 90 minutes ago it had begun to rain torrentially, and the ran then stopped about an hour later and now the bright sun is out again and it’s hot. Such is weather in the northeast. But Emma and Shannon have decided to stop tickle torturing me and to go swimming, but they’ve moved me to the tent near the pool so they can keep an eye on me, I guess. They made it clear they have no plans to untie me yet, but at least they want to swim so I am free of tickling for now. But if they caught me trying to escape the tickle torture would resume.

I writhed around for awhile in the tent, which was getting warmer and warmer with the sun beating down, trying to free my hands or feet, while I heard Emma and Shannon laughing around in the pool. I could’t even get the knots loosened. I tried to use my tongue to get the sock gag out of my mouth but no dice there either, as Emma tied the other sock around my head plenty tight. After a few minutes I just kind of slumped over and lay there, hoping they’ll at least come into the tent soon. I try to yell “Guys please let me go!” but it just comes out as mumbled gibberish.

“Bobby, why don’t you come swim with us?” Emma yells from the pool, and then I hear she and Shannon laugh at this “joke.”

“Guess you must be TIED UP with something else!” Shannon adds on to more laughter.

Hilarious. I grunt to myself under the gag and just lie there, bound and gagged and helpless because of these two crazy girls who, no doubt about it, have now officially kidnapped me and are holding me hostage.

Several more minutes pass as I lay there in the tent, trying occasionally to strain against the ropes but mostly just worn out and resigned to whatever Shannon and Emma have in store for me next.

Then I hear them giggling and getting out of the pool and heading for the tent and I perk up.

Shannon and Emma enter the tent, both wearing two-piece swimsuits. Emma has a towel wrapped around her lower body and legs so it looks she’s wearing a skirt and purple bikini top, Shannon has her towel around her neck and a pink two-piece. Both are barefoot with wet hair and, I have to say, both look really good!

I sat up as they come in and they just laugh,

“You really are like totally unable to untie yourself, aren’t you?” Emma laughed, coming over and kneeling next to me. “I thought I taught you better than that.”

Shannon knelt down near my feet and I winced at what could happen next. She just laughed.

“What’s the matter Bobby? Are you afraid we’re gonna tickle you again?” Shannon giggled and then got THAT LOOK in her eyes again and began tickling my bound bare feet. “Gitchy gitchy! Gitchy gitchy! Ooh someone is soooooo ticklish!”

I laughed and squirmed and grunted behind the gag as Shannon kept on tickling my feet for a few seconds more, but then Emma said, “OK, that’s enough. Do you wanna go swimming, Bob?”

YES! I perked up and pulled my feet into me and started grunting “Yes! Yes!” behind the gag. Both just laughed but I was really hot and needed the pool!

“OK, I’ll untie your feet,” Emma said, getting up. “Emma, take the belt off his arms.”

“How about his gag?” Shannon asked, undoing the belt and finally free my arms.

“Nope! The gag stays for now,” Emma smiled, untying my feet.

I was confused. I motioned to my bound hands as if to say, “Aren’t you going to untie them?”

“No way, cuz. We said you can go swimming, not that we’re untying you. Actually, what we’re going to allow for now is for you to dunk your feet in the pool. Maybe more later – come on, get up!” Emma ordered and I did.

Emma and Shannon marched me to the pool – it was a round above-ground pool that wasn’t deep, maybe 4 ½ feet, with a deck attached to it. They walked me up the stairs with my hands tied behind my back and my mouth still gagged with Emma’s socks. Each of them had ahold of one of my arms.

“It feels like we’re walking him up to the execution platform!” Shannon laughed as they got me up to the deck, and then they both laughed. I kind of did too.

“You’re right!” Emma said. “Feel like we’re walking to you up to the gallows, Bobby?”
I was standing between them on the deck and Emma said, “You have your suit on under the sweatpants, right?”

I nodded.
“Good – if you don’t mind, allow me!” Emma said and pulled down my sweats to take them off. It felt a little embarrassing, but she was my cousin and I had a suit on and I wanted them off because I was so hot. The sun was really beating down now and while the deck was still wet from the earlier rain, the storm that blew in was long gone. Emma told me to step out of my sweats, one foot at a time, and I did, leaving me in my bathing suit and shirt.

“How do we take his shirt off with his hands tied?” Shannon asked while I stood there, longing to at least dunk my feet into the cool water.

“Do you want your shirt off? We can do it and just leave it over your hands it you want?” Emma asked.

“Why not just untie me?” I mumbled through the gag.

Emma folded her arms in front of her and stepped in front of me with a stern look on her face.

“Want to go back in the tent again? The torture chamber? Where we can tickle you all over again?” Emma asked matter of factly with a grin, now wiggling her fingers while she did.

“NO!” I shouted and recoiled and Shannon held me up. “OK, OK. Please take my shirt off!” This all came out muffled because of the gag but they understood.

“You got it!” Emma said and she lifted my shirt off over my head and then basically let it rest on my bound hands behind my back.

“Actually wait,” Emma said, and I could feel her taking my shirt and then tying it around my wrists, I guess just to reinforce the ropes. “Might as well tie your hands a little tighter!”

I rolled my eyes but now my shirt was off and my suit was on and I was relieved. I moved towards the water with Shannon and Emma behind me, preparing to sit down at poolside and dunk my feet in.

But then Emma said, “You know what? Bye Bobby!” And she pushed me into the pool, gagged and with my hands tied!

I exclaimed as I hit the water and the cold jolt of the water engulfed my whole body, but the sock gag stayed in my mouth. After flailing for a few seconds I composed myself and was able to stand up, as it wasn’t deep. I looked at Shannon and Emma and they were doubled over laughing. was kind of gasping at the sudden onset of cold water (actually the water was close to 80 degrees, but it felt cold at first and then it felt really, really good) and then started laughing again. Standing there, my hands tied behind my back and gagged, standing in the pool, once again being treated like their play toy!

“Oopsie, you slipped!” Emma said and she shed her towel and she jumped into the pool next to me, followed by Shannon. “So clumsy, Bobby! That’s why we tied you up for your own safety!”

Shannon and Emma started splashing water at me and kind of dancing around me in the pool and I couldn’t fight back. They were laughing really hard and I was too under my gag. They were being brutal! Finally I ducked underwater to try and escape them and wound up across the pool from them while they briefly ignored me and splashed around. At this point maybe the water and all the work I had been doing to get the gag loose finally cause the sock to come partly out of my mouth. Finally! I spit it out but the other sock still was tied around my head, kind of like a cleave gag. The other sock was floating in the water next to me and I grabbed it with my bound hands.

“The sock came out of his mouth!” Emma said, and they lunged toward me. But with my bound hands I was able to toss the sock out of the pool. Hah!

“You suck!” Shannon said and came behind me and threw her arms around me. “Now you’re gonna pay!” And she started to tickle my ribs while I thrashed around in the water.

“Tickle him good Shannon! Teach him what happens when you try and escape!” Emma yelled and she came at me too, and soon they both had me pressed against the side of the pool and were tickling me hard, all over my upper body.

“Stop! Stop! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!” I yelled as I splashed violently and the other gag came loose and then slumped down around my neck. Finally free of the gag! But they kept tickling me hard in the pool and I couldn’t fight back.

“Wait – stop a second!” Emma said while Shannon held me from behind, and she turned the now loose sock gag around so the knot was in front of my throat. “I’ll take this off him now – don’t want him to choke or anything.”

Emma and Shannon laughed and Emma untied the sock and threw it out of the pool. The she and Shannon went back to tickling me and I was yelling, “Please!!! NO!!!!”

“Wait I have an idea!” Emma said and she had Shannon take an arm while she took the other and led me to the deck ladder. “Climb out for a second – Shannon, help him. And hold onto him when he gets out!”

Emma pulled herself onto the deck from the pool while Shannon helped me up the ladder and kind of bearhugged me from behind to keep me from getting away, which I wasn’t really equipped to do with my hands tied behind me anyway. Emma brought over a floating pool chair, the kind you can sit in in the water, and brought it to the edge of the deck and the pool.

“Have a seat Bobby!” Emma said and she and Shannon lowered me into the chair and I sat back in it, my hands still tied behind me.

“Bon voyage!” Emma sang and she and Shannon got the chair into the water, setting me afloat in it with my hands tied behind me. Oh God!

I floated off and struggled a little, but it was hard to get by balance in the chair. Emma and Shannon were giggling like crazy and jumped in and caught up to me, grabbing the chair while I struggled. Emma held the chair from behind and Shannon went to my feet, which were propped up on the float part of the chair.

“Tickle him Shannon! Tickle those big feet of his!” Emma said and Shannon did, grabbing my feet and holding them in place with her wet hands.

“GOD NO MORE – SHANNON STOP!” I screamed through my laughter as Shannon kept tickling my feet. “YOU TWO ARE CRAZY PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!”

But Emma laughed and tickled my ribs from behind the chair and a couple of times when I almost tipped the chair over, she and Shannon stopped it and kept it floating in place. Then they resumed the tickling through all the laughs as I floated there helpless—my laughs were shrieks of desperation, theirs were giggles of evil torturers!

“Tickle torture! Tickle torture!” the two of them chanted while Emma worked my ribs and Shannon my feet. “Tickle torture! Tickle torture!”

Through my screams and their laughter, finally, as I struggled mightily I felt something loosen and then YES! My right hand got free! The ropes and the now soaked shirt stayed wrapped around my left hand and knotted there, but I was finally free!!!

“YES!” I said, finally able to fight back and I plunged out of the chair and into the water, free of their tickle torture!

“He finally got loose!” Emma said, and while she laughed I lunged at Shannon, who wasn’t quite expecting it. Shannon screamed and I briefly tickled her as payback, but she got free and swam across the pool. I had had it!

“OK!OK! I’m done, I’m done! You guys nearly killed me with all the tickling – I give! No more!” I said in the pool, throwing my hands up. “Truce!”

Emma and Shannon looked at each other and smiled and agreed, “OK Bobby! You are officially no longer our prisoner,” Emma said, coming over to untie the rope and shirt from my left wrist. She threw them onto the deck.

“You guys are crazy!” I said again. “I thought I was gonna die! I can’t take being tickled!”

“I know cuz!” Emma giggled, finally getting the rope and shirt off my wrist. “I always have a way to get you! And now Shannon does too! If you step out of line or annoy us, we’ll tickle you to death!”

We all laughed and then kinda splashed around for a bit longer and then finally I climbed out of the pool. I now had to go to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel – Emma’s – and quickly got dry and then ran inside to pee. When I came out they were still in and finally we were free to just swim and have fun.

“One more thing before you get in, Bobby – one last condition of us letting you go,” Emma asked.

“OK, what?”

“Get the socks from the lawn and lay them out on the deck to dry, next to your shirt and the ropes, please?” Emma asked.

I agreed and grabbed the green socks that had been used to gag me from the lawn, and I set them out to dry in the sun on the deck along with my shirt and the ropes that had tied me. The entire deck displayed my day of torture, and I think Emma got a small thrill out of making me pick up her used socks!

We spent the next couple hours in the pool, totally forgetting to have lunch, and then finally decided to get changed and go inside for a bit. Emma threw her socks and my shirt in the dryer with the rope, and collected everything that had been used that day—the other ropes, the belt, the duct tape, my socks, her socks, our shoes and everything else – and put them away. We later ordered pizza and had it delivered and laughed about the day.

“Next time we tie Shannon up!” I said as Shannon got her shoes on and got ready to go home, later that night.

“You can try, but we’ll see – we may wind up kidnapping you again Bobby!” Shannon said, and we hugged goodbye and she left.

Emma and I went for an evening swim that night, and later lounged around barefoot in our sweats and t-shirts again, watching TV and laughing at the day’s events. She really was a great cousin. Still is.

No doubt, what a wild day with Emma and Shannon. Even though I was the victim, it was still a blast, I have to say.
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Post by Ginger37 »

I would literally kill to be in the position of anyone in this story. Extremely well written and very entertaining, thank's for sharing with us!
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Post by iso »

This is one of my all time favourites. Does anyone know if Bobep posted any more??
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