Slumber Party Home Invasion (REMASTERED)

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Slumber Party Home Invasion (REMASTERED)

Post by alex86 »

⦁ Chapter One: The Story Begins ( Circ. 1970)

My earliest tie up experience happened when I was 18 years old I was watching TV with my younger sister Eileen (age 16). The show we were watching was called "The FBI" .In this particular episode the bad guy kidnaps a secretary and ties her up in a warehouse (she is a very pretty blonde and is also tightly cleaved gagged). I had always wanted to tie up a girl, although I didn't exactly know why, then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks.... Here sitting before me was a girl, available, and maybe even willing. It took me about 5 or 10 minutes to work up the nerve to ask her. (Even though she was my little sister, and we had a fairly good relationship, I cared what she thought of me, and didn't want to appear too weird.
When finally I did ask. She very flatly said "NO WAY". I was too far gone by now and had to lower myself to a little begging. When that didn't work, bribery did. I agreed to pay my 11 year old sister $3.00, if she would let me tie and gag her. Eileen was very shrewd for a girl her age.
She said "you could tie me up, but, you are not putting a rag in my mouth."
I had to part with another dollar before she agreed to the gag . I ran to my father's room and retrieved a bunch of his ties. Luckily at this time no one else was home, but I was expecting my mother in the door within the next hour. When I got back to Eileen she was sitting on the floor with a real apprehensive look on her face. Working quickly I instructed her to stand up and put her wrists behind her.

Eileen protested, that her hands should be tied in front, and that there was no reason for the "behind the back thing". After refreshing her memory, on who the bill payer was she reluctantly agreed.
At this point I guess I should describe how my sister looked in those days. Long dark hair, tall for her age, long legged. I guess she was in pretty decent shape, but she WAS my little sister and there was nothing sexual about this "cowboy and Indian" type of game. Eileen was dressed for bed in a short baby doll nightie So working quickly and after two false starts I managed to snugly tie her wrists behind her. At that time when I told her to go sit on the couch something came over me. I really felt that I was in charge especially when Eileen immediately went and sat on the couch when I told her to.I grabbed another tie and tightly tied her ankles together. The ties were very soft so I really wasn't too worried about hurting her. She was wearing little white ankle socks with the lace on them. Her ankles were pretty well protected.

My only experience with "tying up" at this point in life was from browsing the magazine racks once a month and looking at "detective" magazine covers. Also TV shows like the FBI and Girl from U.N.C.L.E. I remembered seeing a girl on one of the magazine covers with her knees bound so I grabbed a tie and did this to Eileen. She got kind of mad and stated that; "there is no reason to tie me up like I am a criminal or something." I shot back that I didn't think of her as a criminal but I did view her as a kidnap victim. To my relief Eileen grinned and said that "now I know what it's like to be kidnapped."...I had a Boy Scout, yellow neckerchief ready for the gag, and after promising to tie it loosely in her mouth I proceeded to break my promise and tie it on the tight side of things. I wanted my moneys worth out of this game, and besides, I was feeling rather "villainy". My little sister actually took it like a trooper, and only gave me a wide eyed, but precious look.

So there I was the "kidnapper", with an 16-year-old girl dressed in a short nightie, bound and tightly gagged and at my mercy. Unfortunately this was my sister, so it wasn't as good as it could be. Still, I was rather pleased with myself. Eileen tried, but could not struggle loose. I look back on that particular tie up and wonder what it would have been like if I knew about hogtie's and elbow cinches, probably just as well. Anyhow, I had to release Eileen, after thanking her for the "co-operation." I managed to get two promises from her that day

Number one promise was that she would never tell anyone about what we did that night. (I still felt like I was the only one in the world who felt this way about ropes and the female species.) Promise #2 was that she would consent to more "tie-ups", when we were again home alone my little sister agreed to both of the promise with the stipulation that she would have to be paid each time, and that I would go easier on the gag next time. I agreed (yea...right). After a couple more sessions Eileen broke her promise about "telling". But, it was much to my delight, because the person she told was her best friend Mary lee. (The very perky Mary lee)!!

Things kind of progressed from there on out, between Eileen and I
we really thought that it was very cool, that we had our own little secret from the rest of the world. It seemed that I would try and tie my little sister up every time we were alone in the house. More often than not, she would say no, to being bound and gagged, but that just made it even better when we did get to play. I really wanted her to continue to play the part of the "unwilling" victim, just like in all the TV. Shows of the late 1960's.Once in a while I would get home from school and Eileen would already be home, watching TV or just laying around. Because, I knew my mom was due home at any moment I would sit next to her on the couch pretending to get into whatever nonsense was on the boob tube. I would slowly slide closer to her .My little sister always knew what was about to happen and she would glance at me out of the corner of her eye.

Just when I couldn't move any closer I would whisper in her ear, "you realize that you are about to be kidnapped, don't you?" Eileen would just look at me with those expressive big, brown eyes. At this point she would either give me the go-ahead "pass-word" sentence or not. (We had somehow worked this out between ourselves without really ever discussing it) it just seemed natural for her to say, "please mister, don't hurt me". If Eileen uttered these words, then I knew that it was alright to "let the games begin." while we both sat on the couch, I would gently put my arm around her shoulder and we would sit like that for a couple of moments. Then without warning I would put one arm around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. I would than bring my other hand up and put it over her mouth. We would sit like this until my mom would just about come in the door. Eileen could often squirm; just the right amounts and would make pleading sounds into my hand.

I really felt that I had discovered something special with this "hand over the mouth", thing. It was a way of getting a tie-up "quick-fix", in when we didn't have time for a full game of "burglar' or "detective". A few times I would even get some real "daring" into myself. There were times when other people were in the house and I would notice Eileen going into another room by herself. I would make up some excuse to also leave. While she was combing her hair in the bathroom or washing her hands in the sink, I would slowly stalk up behind her and grab her arms and tightly hand gag her. I would whisper things in her ear like "you are very lucky that other people are in the house, because the 'burglar' has his eyes on you. Eileen would just roll her eyes as if to say "Oh God, not this again". I would tell her to try her best and get free. I had her scream into my hand as loud as she could. Never did she come remotely close to getting loose.
Alex... " You better cry out for help to the other people in the house. If you don't the Burglar will take you to the basement and tie you up. "

I recall coming home from school early one day. (I was a high school senior. Eileen was in her sophomore year.) Just as I was getting in the door the phone rang. It was my mom and she told me that she wouldn't be home until 8:oo p.m. that night, and that I should make sure the house stays clean. She also said that I should take care of my little sister. My mind swirled with the possibilities. "Ok", I said "the house will stay clean and I will surely take care of my little sister". I hung up the phone and had to hold onto the kitchen counter, because my head started to swirl with anticipation.4 hours, alone with my 16-year-old "victim" and she had no idea. I had to get things together as quick as possible. Eileen was due to walk in the door at any moment.

At this point in time I should point out that I had started a collection of "detective" magazine covers. I studied them extensively, and learned new ways of tying a girl. There were a few things that I wanted to try on Eileen and with 4 hours of "playtime" this was a good chance to hone my craft. I had discovered that we had stretched my father's ties out quite extensively. In fact I had managed to throw out the ones we had used because I was afraid of discovery. (I only hoped that with 200 plus ties in his closet he would not notice 5 or 6 missing ones). One of the detective magazines's had a photo of a girl bound with torn bed sheets. This struck me as perfect binding material. They wouldn't stretch out nor would they leave any tell tale marks on my sisters wrists or mouth area. It was then that I remembered the stack of old bedsheets in the basement that we used as rags.I went downstairs with a scissors and in short time had quite a few long strips of sheet torn and ready.I had the bed sheets hidden when I heard the back door open and close. Eileen walked in and placed her books on the kitchen table.
"Hi kid", I said, "how was your day?" Eileen started talking about the test she took and how she was pretty sure that she got an A on it. Big deal I thought, Eileen got an "A" in every subject.
"Is mom home yet", she asked.
I just looked at Eileen as I locked the back door.
"Mom won't be home for a little while yet", and I think you are in a bunch of trouble because, you are going to be kidnapped"...

My little sister just looked at me .....
"Alex, we can play for only a little while. Mary lee is coming over in about an hour and we really need to study."
I informed her that an hour would be fine. I would untie her in that time frame. I had other thoughts though.... I had many a fantasy about Mary lee and rope. This would be a perfect time to act on these fantasies.

The ground rules were set. I would go to the back door and knock. Eileen would answer and we would pretend that I would be a robber posing as a repairman I would talk my way into the house. Eileen had agreed to this but she wanted to know how I had planned to tie her. I explained that a robber rarely gets permission from his intended victim on anything, let alone the method of binding and gagging. Eileen just gave me a look and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Oh that will really cost you. The number one rule when you encounter a burglar is never stick your tongue out at him. You might make him angry."
My little sister just replied with the same move. When I asked her if she was ready for our game, Eileen replied that it would be just a couple minutes. She wanted to change out of her school clothes and put on some jeans. I was too pent up, in anticipation and didn't want to waste the time waiting.
My sister could take a long time getting dressed and "dolling" herself up. Which, even as her brother, I had to admit she was quite good at. I talked her into just keeping what she had on.
Her school clothes consisted of your basic every day boring catholic schoolgirl outfit of white short sleeve blouse, plaid jumper which always seemed too short on Eileen. Which could be attributed to her long legs. Her outfit today is rounded out with white ankle socks and black girlie type of shoes.

I thought this outfit kind of went with the scenario we had planned.Soon, we began.
I went outside to the back door and knocked. My little sister took her sweet time about answering. When she finally opened the door it was with the safety chain on. "Can I help you", she asked. Barely able to keep back a giggle.
"Hello", I said, "I'm with the Telephone Company and we are checking some lines in the neighbourhood, I need to come in and check your phones, are your parents home?"
"No", Eileen replied, "I'm just here by myself and I really can't let anyone in."
"Ok. But it might be quite awhile before we get back in this area again. I hope you could do without a phone for a long time".
Eileen looked at me and playing her role to the hilt said, "Well, I guess it would be ok. I know we need the phone, for my daddy's business and everything, I guess I could let you in".

Eileen took the chain off the door, and I walked in the house. We made casual repairman/schoolgirl conversation. She took me to the telephone and I pretended to work on it.
"Is there another phone somewhere in the house", I asked.
"Yes, there is one in my bedroom, right this way".
At this point in "our games", I really started to get exited. I knew what would happen next. Eileen on the other hand, would have no idea. She would have to play off of my acting.
We both entered her bedroom and I pretend to make conversation with her." So, did you say that know one else is home except yourself.
Eileen took the cue perfectly and started to act a little nervous." My mom should be home within the next hour".
I looked at her and said, "Well that gives me plenty of time to rob your house than, doesn't it?
Eileen gasped and started to shake and cry, "PLEASE MISTER DON'T HURT ME". I thought to myself well there's the code sentence.
"Do you have any rope in the house", I asked rather menacingly after grabbing her arm and holding her by it.

Eileen could have won an academy award when she looked at me with fake tears in her eyes and said, " you need rope for mister?
"I have to keep you out of the way while I ransack your home". "Oh please I won't do anything please don't tie me up. We don't have any rope in the house".
I looked at her burglar to schoolgirl and said, "Well I guess these will have to do" as I pulled out the torn bed sheets from were I had stashed them in her closet. I commanded her "put your wrist behind you so I can tie them".
Please don't" she whimpered. "Now" I yelled.
Eileen did as she was told pretending to sob. I wound the torn material around her wrist. After I had tightly cinched them Eileen made a comment" Hey, nice job, your getting rather good at this ". I thanked her for the compliment but, told her to get "back in character, if she wanted the academy award for best 16 year old, in a tie up scene.
I grabbed her arm with one hand and picked up the rest of the sheets with the other. I made her sit on the bed while I tied her ankles and knees. When it came time for the gag Eileen really got into her role and asked, "what are you going to do with that". "I have to keep you quiet so I'm going to tie this in you mouth.

She plead with me not to gag her (at this point I had to jump out of character and sincerely ask her if she was ok. The very real tears and crying had me convinced that she was actually scared. At this point I would have terminated the game. Even tie-ups were not worth my good relationship with my little sister).
When I did stop the game and inquired about her frame of mind Eileen chastised me for "breaking character", and said "the day I'm scared of you, will never come, now either gag me or not". "Remember Mary lee is coming over in about one half hour and I have to study".
Well the "not scared of you" comment really set me off. How dare this little 16 year old girl not be afraid of my villainy? I put the cloth to my sister's mouth, she opened to receive it, and I put it between her lips. It was the first time that I realized how long the cloth was and I decided to do something that I never thought of before.

I wound the cloth around tightly once, than twice, than to my amazement (and judging by Eileen muffled comments, her amazement too), a third time before knotting it behind her hair at the nape of her neck. At this point I should point out that I was straddling Eileen's hips so I really was able to get some leverage into knotting the gag. "Hey, honey", pretty decent way of keeping a young girl quiet so a burglar can make a living, don't you think"? Eileen's only reply was a not so loud" MMMMPPPPHHFF". (But, believe it or not I think she was giggling under the muffling cloth.)

I told her that I would "look around for valuables", and that she should keep quiet and she wouldn't be hurt and that if she's a good girl I might come back and take off the gag. (I, at that point, had exhausted all the "bad guy phrases that I knew and besides I really had to go to the bathroom). I took one last concerned look at my little 16-year-old sister, lying helpless on her bed, and went to see a man about a horse.

It only took a couple of minutes but when I got back to her room Eileen was nowhere to be found. It absolutely scared the crap out of me. The bed was empty the lights were turned off and the room was dark. What if a real burglar showed up and helped himself to my helpless sister, what if he's still around and how would I explain this to my parents? Who would play tie - up games with me now? I walked into the room thinking Eileen rolled off the opposite side of the bed. I neglected to turn on the light, when BOOM. Before I knew it, I had tripped on something and landed flat on my face. I jumped up and quickly turned on the bedroom light. The something that I had tripped over was Eileen. She was giggling profusely behind her still very tight gag. She had somehow got off the bed, turned off the lights, and laid on the floor, just to play her trick on me. As she laughed while from the floor I noticed that she was laying on her stomach, her ankles were bent up to her hands and she was trying to untie her feet that way. Boy, did that give me ideas.

I reached down and grabbed her around the waist, and proceeded to dump her gently on the bed. "I see that you have much too much movement young lady"; I said in my best and most menacingly burglar voice. "Let's see if we can rectify the situation." Eileen only gave me a very superior look as she continued to giggle.

It was then that I noticed that Eileen's plaid jumper had hiked up and I could see her white underpants. I said what any older brother would have said in this situation..."I see London I see France I see Eileen's underpants". She just giggled. Getting back to my role of the burglar, and not Eileen's older brother. I said "you have the longest, loveliest set of legs that I have ever seen on a young girl, but, we're going to see if we can make those gam's useless," So there won't be anymore practical jokes played on me.

With those words, I took another length of bed sheet and tied them around Eileen's bound wrist. I then grabbed her ankles and threaded the other end of the sheet through the ankle bindings. All this time Eileen was trying to look behind her and made urgent muffled inquiries as to what I was doing.
Although at this point in my life I had no idea what a "hogtie" was. I did just that to my sister. (I guess every guy growing up looks fondly back at his first ball game, his first date and his first hogtie). I spared no strain when I pulled bare legs up. When I was done with the knot I noticed that her clenching fingers could actually touch her white lacy ankle socks. I got up off the bed and just looked down at my 16 year baby sister dressed in her finest catholic schoolgirl attire. Her jumper had risen well over her underpants, very tightly hogtied, the absolute tightest gag I had ever applied to her. I really wanted to just study her for awhile so I told her to role around on her side. When she shook her head "no", I couldn't resist, and gave her a sharp but very loving crack on her exposed butt. With a yelp Eileen did as she was told. (Still giggling on top of all this). I made her move into every position available to her, giving her a crack when she didn't move quick enough.

Unfortunately, and true to my word, I had to untie Eileen. We had a good conversation afterward sitting on her bed. I kept my arm around her the whole time and helped her to massage her wrists and cheeks. As I had hoped, the bed sheets didn't leave any tell tale marks. Eileen and I talked about what she had liked about this tie - up, and what she didn't. She really likes the acting part of our games. She thought the "hogtie" was pretty inventive (at this time I actually felt that I had invented the "hogtie") She teased me about the tripping trick. And when I told her that I was initially scared that someone had taken her after my bathroom trip she seemed generally touched. Eileen also asked me if I really thought that her legs were nice, or was that just "the burglar" in me talking. I assured her that her legs were magnificent and that if she wanted to keep them that way she should work out with me at the gym. She thought that it would be fun.
"Well at lest I know now that my legs attract burglars", she quipped.

Knowing that Mary lee was coming over I told Eileen that we had better clean up. After cleaning up the bed sheets (they had to be cut off with scissors) and making her bed, I got up the nerve to ask my sister if she thought Mary lee would be interested in our little secret life. Eileen just giggled the way she always seemed to do and said that she knew that sooner or later I was going to inquire about that. Eileen promised me that if I would leave them alone and let them study, she would ask Mary lee to participate. She also said that she couldn't make any promises agreed to this just as we heard a knock on the door. Before she could answer it I gave my little sister a very big brotherly bear hug and thanked her for "playing OUR game". She said that she had fun and that more times were coming in the future. Her parting words were "just relax a little on those gags please. (Yea...right I thought)

I never did get my chance with Mary lee that day. For whatever reason, Eileen never did ask her if she wanted to participate in our games. I didn't want to push it, for fear of ruining a good thing between my little sister and myself in fact our games sort of dwindled in the upcoming months. Eileen had her own things going on. (President of her class, cheerleading, etc. and so did I) but, I did get my opportunity about 6 months later. Eileen was about to celebrate her 17th birthday and Mary lee wasn't too far behind in age.

One spring day, I had just walked in the door from school. Eileen was already home making her bed and sort of straightening things up. She had already changed into a pair of short shorts, and tank top. I asked her what time my mom would be home and she said that she had called and it wouldn't be till much later. I started to form all kinds of kidnap scenarios in my brain, and was just about to ask Eileen if she wanted to play "burglar", when it dawned on me that I had to go back to school. (Ok, I admit it...I had to go back for "detention" for an hour.) I got in some minor trouble and had to pay the price." so what are your plans for this afternoon, I asked. "Oh Mary lee is coming over, and we are just gonna hang out and relax". My heart took a flying leap. I worked up some courage and asked," well, do you think we can play some "detective" when I get back, maybe you could talk her into joining us."
Eileen just looked at me with that, "dooooh", look that 16 year old girls give sometimes.
"Oh, not this again, I thought that you were over that stage. We haven't really played for quite some time".

"Well, if little miss president of the class/cheerleader would sit still long enough, maybe the "burglar" could sneak up on her", I quipped.
Eileen kind of glanced at the floor, not wanting to look me in the eye and said "Alex, I don't know about asking Mary lee, she might think that it's way to weird, I don't want her to tell anyone at school about these things."
"OK" I said," but do me a favour and just ask her; I should be back in an hour".
Eileen agreed to bring up the subject...... MAYBE.
Before I ran out the door for my "one hour prison sentence", I got a great idea. I had a tape recorder and I set it up behind my bedroom door and turned it on. The idea of hearing the two girl's conversation on this matter would be pretty darn interesting, and if I listened to the tape before talking to them I might have a good idea on how to approach Mary lee on the subject.

.... Needless to say, the next hour went by like a year. I sat in the class detention room and barely got my homework done. All I could think about was my younger sister and her best friend discussing weather or not they were going to allow themselves to be tied up and gagged by Eileen's older brother.
Finally we were allowed to go home. I ran almost the whole way. When I walked in the door my heart was pounding like the preverbal "Maxwell's silver hammer". I didn't see the girls at first, but I did hear them talking in my parent's room. I just had to go to the tape recorder first to see if I could pick up any "vibes" on how to approach these two 16 year old girls. The one reel of the recorder was "flopping in the breeze", so I knew that I must have something recorded on it. I kind of knew that the chance of getting a full conversation was pretty low, unless they stood right next to my doorway the whole time. I listened to bit's and pieces of the tape, and did hear the girls voices, but, only in the distance, and couldn't make out what they were saying.
I thought, "oh well, time to take the bull by the horns and just go approach them and feel the situation out." I walked into my parent's room and said hello to Mary Lee. She was lying on the bed, on her back talking to my sister.
"Hi, Alex ", she smiled, "I heard that you're a bad boy".
I guess at this point in the story I should stop and tell you a little about Mary lee. Physically, I thought she was an attractive girl. If I remember right she was just a little shorter than Eileen. Remember that this was the early 70's, so the Marsha Brady look was "in" for 16 and 17 year old girls. Mary Lee carried this look off a whole lot better than most of her contemporaries. Her hair was almost identical to the Brady girl being just past her shoulders and blond. Mary lee was just a cookie or two chunkier than Eileen was, but this was all do to lingering baby fat that was sure to come off in the near future. To put it mildly she wore this baby fat in some excellent spots. At this particular day she was dressed much like Eileen with her short shorts, tank top, gym shoes and ankle socks. Personality wise I can only describe her as sort of bubbly/sarcastic. For a girl her age she was extremely witty and was always keeping my family laughing with her jokes and stories.
Soo getting back to the story...I looked at her after the "bad boy " comments and then looked at my sister. Who didn't return my look, she was too busy fooling with her hair at my mother's dresser mirror.

"Soo", I said nervously', "Eileen told you about our little tie-up games, huh".

At that point there was dead silence in the room. Eileen whirled around and looked me straight in the eye.
"I haven't said anything about tie-up games you goof, she was referring to your detention hour".
I felt myself turning beet root red in the face.
"Look at Alex, turn blush .This must be quite the secret. Eileen does he really tie you up?"... Mary Lee chirped in.
Eileen looked at me with daggers in her eyes." Yea, sometimes I let him capture me when I am alone with him. He wants you to play too."
I held my breath waiting for an answer from this little blond cutie in front of me.
" I don't know, I let my little brother tie my hands once but, I got out right away."
"I will try and do better", I said, "I think that it would be a load of fun for all of us".
"Don't include me in on this ", said Eileen "Alex, you should have waited untill I told her in my own way."
Mary lee looked at the floor and said, "Well, I don't want to be tied up by myself. If Eileen won't do it neither will I ".
"Look", I said, "I have two ten dollar bills. You can each have one if you allow me to tie you up for one hour."
Both the girls eyes lit up.Visions of new outfits dancing in their eyes.
Finally, after some more coaxing the girls relented. On my suggestion we marched torward my bedroom. I went to the basement and retrieved the remaining torn up bed sheets that I had been using on Eileen.

I had recently seen a television show where a girl was tape gagged. I wanted to try that. I knew that duct tape would work well. I also knew that the girls would be upset when it came time to rip it off their faces. I opted for masking tape. I knew that they could work this off by wiggling their mouths. I hoped that they would go with the spirit of the game and pretend to be hopelessly gagged. That is until I split them up, and able to get them on a one on one basis. I HAD PLANS !

I rushed back in my sister's room. Both girls looked like they were having second thoughts. I figured I had better act quickly. After telling Mary lee to just relax and watch, I tied Eileen's wrists behind her, rather loosely.
"Well", that doesn't seem so bad", Mary lee said, "I guess I could go along with that".
She continued to watch as I tied Eileen's ankles."
"Ok sexy are you ready?"
I really had no idea where the word "sexy" came from. It just shot out ot my mouth on its own. The quick fleeting look in Mary Lee's eyes told me that she enjoyed the off handed comment. Mary lee just kind of half smiled nervously but did as I instructed, by rolling onto her stomach and putting her hands behind her. I climbed on top of her and straddled her hips. I wound the torn cloth around her wrists, and cinched it idenically to Eileen's. I remember thinking that "straddling" Mary lee gave me a whole lot better feeling than when I did the same to my sister.
After rolling her onto her back I tied her ankles together. I sat the two 16 year old girls next to each other, with their backs against the headboard. Both girls eyed me up as I picked up the roll of masking tape. Mary lee's eyes were as wide and inquisitive as could be. As soon as I ripped off the first 8-inch piece Mary lee said, "You're not going to put that over our mouths are you?"

Eileen looked at her and said, "Now you see what I go through, living with this guy"?
That was all my little sister had to say, as I tightly pressed the tape over her mouth. I ripped off a second similar piece. Mary lee's "last words", were a nervous but giggly, "I don't believe that I am letting you do this to Me.".
I stepped back, breathing very hard, and surveyed the best situation of my whole 18 years on the planet. Before me, sitting on my sister's bed were two 16 year old girls, dressed in short shorts, tank tops, tied with their hands behind them, ankles bound, and taped gagged. Although the masking tape was a very sorry excuse for what I considered a "GAG". I planned on rectifying that real soon.
I jumped on the bed and sat between my too young captives. My left arm around my sister, my right around Mary Lee. Both girls looked at me and made like they were trying to say something behind the gags.
"It's time to split you too up. Mary Lee you are coming with me".
Eileen put on her best damsel in distress act which, as I mentioned before, she was quite good at. She started to squirm and make pleading sounds behind the tape. Mary lee needed no lessons at all. She did the same, even making like she was crying. I could sense the fear Mary Lee was expressing. I could also sense that it was not all acting. She really didn't expect to be alone with an older boy while tied and gagged.
Both girls realized that I was serious after I had unbound Mary lee's ankles and helped her to stand up. I grabbed Mary lee by the elbow's. I noticed that her wrists were getting loose. I had tied them that way on purpose. I was cautious to not frightened her off on the first time. Besides, I knew that once I had her alone, I could tie her tighter by telling her that this is the way Eileen gets tied.
The girls exchanged looks were priceless as I "forced" my blond captive out the bedroom door. Eileen just rolled her eyes as if to say "oh well, just another day in the life of a kidnpped cutie.".
I marched my pleading blond captive about three feet out the door. Pushing her against the wall I ordered Mary Lee to stay still.
I looked back in the bedroom right into my bound little sisters wide eyes.
With my voice dripping of sarcasm I said... " Don't worry Eileen. I promise that I won't hurt your gorgeous blond friend." I then proceeded to deliberatly run my tounge over my lips. She gave me a very startled, wide eyed look. I closed the bedroom door on that "look"
Mary lee kept up the pleading, crying routine. I was in heaven.

I brought Mary lee into my parent's bedroom and told her to sit on the bed. She did so and I took off the pathetic masking tape gag. The first words out of her mouth were a very cocky.....
"I could have got that tape off by myself you know".
"Really", I said, "I guess I'm not really that good at capturing girls".
"Oh, and another thing", she kept on giggling, "I was only pretending to be tied up. I could have got my hands free at any time."
"Get out", I faked surprise, "let me see your wrists"
Mary lee stood up and showed me the loose torn sheets around her hands. I reached down and simply pulled the material off.
"Hey, your a pretty good little escape artist. Let me see if I could do better this time"
She, very self assuredly, placed her wrist behind her and allowed me to tie her up again. This time there was no fooling around. I tied her the best way I knew how.
"Gee, you sure did something different this time, but, watch me get loose".

In my best "burglar" voice I said, "sit down on that bed young lady you are not done yet."
Mary lee did as she was told. I tied her ankles quite tightly, which seemed to surprise her. When I started to tie her knees she looked at me with the biggest "doe" eyes and said, "Hey you're really tying me up"!
I didn't answer her at this time. I was too busy thinking about how good it felt when I brushed against her bare thighs as I tied her knees. Too good in fact not to make it last a while longer.
After I had her knees tied I made pretend that I didn't like the job I had done on them. I slowly untied her knees. I ,just as slowly, tied them again. I did this a third time before I decided that I had better not push my luck.

When I was done with her knees, I instructed Mary lee to kneel on the floor.
She looked at me with the same doe eyes and questioned "Why?" There seemed to be a small amount of fear in her voice.
"Because there is a burglar in the house and he ordered you to get on your knees. That's why!!"
Mary Lee, always the good actress did as she was told.
I got out a strip of bed sheet. Mary lee eyed up the strip in my hand and inquired about my intentions?
I just smiled and held both her shoulders. She just looked over her shoulder at me.
"I am going to tightly put this sheet between your lips. I am then going to pull it tight and knot it behind your hair. How you cooperate depends on how tight it will be."
"But, you gagged me with that tape before. Let's just pretend that I can't get the tape off my mouth, ok?
I looked at her and said, "Remember, You bragged about getting the tape off. You also boasted about getting your wrists undone. I am going to show you what it's really like to be a real kidnap victim, ok?
Mary lee just eyed me up. Maybe she wanted to keep playing this game and maybe not. I read this in her _expression and kind of decided to make the decision for her.
" Open your mouth please", I asked.
She quickly put her head down and I heard her giggling as she said "uhhhh-uhhhh" through a tightly closed mouth.
"Ok." I said, "are you ticklish?".
Mary lee screamed as my fingers did their dirty work. I couldn't decide which I wanted to do more , tickle this cute blond or gag this cute blond. Mary lee made the decision for me. She begged me to stop. I said that she should open her mouth for me. She did this, but only very slightly.
I said, "Hey beautiful, the tickle monster is coming back unless that mouth gets open considerable wider."
She reluctantly opened, and I cleaved the sheet between her parted lips. I decided, for one reason or another that Mary lee was even more "gagable" than Eileen. I pulled the cloth very tight as I wound it around her head looking in her eyes the whole time.

The first time around her head she looked rather amused. The second wind there seemed to be a questionable look on her face. The third time, her eyes seemed to get really wide and almost panicky. I didn't want to scare her so I decided that she was more than adequately silenced. As I was finished tugging and tying off the gag at the back of her blond neck she lost her balance in the kneeling position. The only thing holding her up was the gag itself in my hands. Luckily each fist held 2 wraps.
I placed one arm across her throat and brought her up to a very posture perfect kneel.

I stepped back to survey my work. One 16-year-old blond fox, resembling "Marcia Brady", kneeling on a darken bedroom floor.Her wrists are tied behind her, torn sheets are tied around knees and ankles.
"Hey Mary lee, you should be ok. Your young girl friend needs some tight attention in the other bedroom."
I went over and gently put my hand on her shoulder.
"Nod if you're ok, and remember that this is only a fun game, and nothing more than a game".
Mary lee nodded her head and her eyes looked sparkly. I could see her working to try and loosen the sheet in her mouth. With an amazed look on her face she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said, "Ah cont gethh ith outh ov ma mothh". After asking her to repeat what she was saying I realized she was trying to tell me that she was amazed that she couldn't work the gag out of her mouth.
" That's the whole idea behind being gagged and tied. There isn't a whole lot that you can do. Now, be a good girl. I want to see you kneeling in this position when I get back. I have to better secure my little sister in the other room."
I made a point of touching and checking the ties on her wrists, knees ,ankles, and mouth. To be honest Maybe I did pay more attention to the upper leg region.

Mary lee didn't even attempt a struggle as I left. I knew that she was saving her energy, until I was out of the room. It wasn't in her nature to give up so easily. Grabbing a handful of torn sheets, I headed for my sister's room.

As I opened the door of my bedroom. I was a little surprised that Eileen had not freed herself from the loose bonds. I had done this because she was the first to be bound, with Mary lee observing. I was afraid of scaring off my new "victim".
Eileen was lying on her stomach, with her face toward the wall, where I couldn't see it. I noticed that her ankles were still tied. A pillow was placed on top of her bound wrists, to conceal them. I wondered what that was all about.
"Let me see your face", I barked in my best burglar voice.
Eileen complied, and looked right into my eyes. The masking tape was still over her lips but it was quite evident that it had been taken off and then re-applied.
"Keep quiet, and don't make any noise, and you and your pretty blond friend might make it to your 17th birthday", I growled.

Eileen's dark brown eyes opened wide in feigned terror.
"I have to go check on your friend and finish ransacking your home. Lay still and be a good girl".
I stepped out of the room, closed the door behind me, and counted to ten. At ten, I quickly opened the door just in time to see Eileen trying to untie her ankles, the tape still over her mouth. My little sister screamed in both a surprised and laughing type of way. She knew that she was in big trouble. A brief wrestling match ensued. Eileen and I had wrestled in the past many times. The older we got the more I enjoyed it. The matches always ended exactly when I wanted them to. I would let Eileen get the upper hand for a few minutes, at times. In the long run though it was a mute point. Although Eileen was in very good shape, she weighed 110 pounds soaking wet. I, on the other hand tipped the scales at 200.

The wrestling match ended just when I decided. Within minutes I had my brunette 16-year-old sister, hogtied with torn bed sheets. With out a doubt, this was by far the tightest I had ever tied Eileen. I can only describe this hogtie as BRUTAL. My younger sister's wrists were not only touching her ankles, but also were past them pointing towards her knees.
This is one of the reasons that I always used either torn bed sheets or neckties to bind Eileen. You can really bear down on them and effectively tie the victim, without cutting off circulation or ripping the skin. Eileen had commented in past on how they didn't hurt as much as rope. I had tried rope on her in the past, but I didn't really know how to use it properly. It's a whole different ballgame.
"Eileen, do you think you an be quiet long enough for me to go get Mary lee from the other room and bring her back in?, I asked.
"Maybe", she said, "What are you going to do if I decide to scream for help".
With that we both broke up laughing.
"Is this your first tie-up game young lady", I asked." I think you know that I will gag you as tightly as you are now tied. I will set a record on the torque meter when I pull this cloth between your lips. It won't be pleasant.
"Okay, okay, okay" she hurriedly exclaimed, "I will keep my yap shut".
I got up, opened the door, and took one last look at my 16 year old sister laying on her stomach. Her wrists tied cruelly tight behind the back and anchored to bound ankles. Her parting words were
"Alex, please don't leave me like this for too long. I don't know if I can take it".
"If it's any concilation Eileen, you will have company in about 10 minutes. I plan on tying Mary lee just a little tighter than you."
Eileen just let out a low 'I give up' type of moan as I closed the door behind her. Mary lee was probably ready for a new position, and I was just the guy to put her in it.

Leaving my sister, tightly hogtied in her bedroom I immediately headed back to my parent's room. I slowly opened the door. There was Mary lee still bound at ankles and knees with her wrists tied tightly behind her back. The gag looked even tighter now. I had left Mary lee in a kneeling position on the floor. She was now laying face down on the bed. Her legs were straight in a long, tense type of position. I attributed that to the intense struggling she must have done after I had left her alone.
I had noticed her legs in the past. While not as long and defined as Eillen's, they were still some awesome gams for a 16 year old girl. Her pink short shorts and matching pink ankle socks helped to highlight both her legs and cute butt.

As soon as Mary lee saw me she started to squirm and frantically mew behind the extremely tight, white gagging cloth jammed in her mouth. I could tell by the frantic look in her eyes that something was wrong. The fact that she was helplessly tied and gagged by her best friend's older brother might have been a factor. I asked her if everything was ok and did I need to untie her. It would have crushed me to do so. I had to keep telling myself that this was just a game and these girls were only 16 years old. They could get scared at any moment at this "game".
Mary lee just answered my question with more frantic "mmmppphhing". I put my hands on her shoulders and tried to turn her over on her back. For some reason I thought that she didn't want to be face down on the bed, but couldn't turn her-self over.

Boy was I ever wrong at this assumption. When I tried to turn her over she really went wild and her frantic gag talk came out as "ma blotthhh cam undothh.... uthigh ma hanth". I quickly started working to un-gag her. I took time to admire my work as I did so. It took me a good 2 or 3 minutes to work the tightened knots from the back of her neck. It didn't help that her long beautiful hair was a mess from her struggling.
Finally when I had the gag loose she just kind of gasped for air and giggled. I was worried about her welfare but Mary lee explained the problem to me.
She said, "Alex, please untie my hands, my blouse popped open and I need to re-button it."
My immediate thought was to ask her if I could flip her over and re-button it myself. I fought the urge and quickly untied her wrist. She asked me to turn around while she buttoned up. I reluctantly did so. I then realized that I could easily just look in the dresser mirror to see all that I wanted to see. I really didn't feel like that was appropriate. Maybe I was afraid of getting caught. I had no way of knowing what Mary lee's reaction would be. So, I just averted my eyes until she told me the coast was clear.
I guess I should mention that Mary lee's white blouse was one of those sleeveless tank top type of deals. It had both a collar with buttons all the way down in front.I turned around and was met with an awesome sight.

Here was a blond "Marcia Brady" look alike kneeling on the bed dressed in a tank top and short shorts, un-gagged, freed wrists, but still tied at her knees and ankles. Mary lee looked at me and outstretched both her arms and exclaiming "ta-da". I told her to sit at the edge of the bed so we could talk. She did as I asked. I sat very close to her . She didn't seem to mind. I asked her if she was ok with this game. She went on to tell me that one time when she was babysitting she let the two little boys tie her to a chair. She admitted that my gagging was the first time that anyone had ever done that to her. She went on to say that she could have freed her wrists of the rope at any time, but, stayed "tied Up" for the boys for one half hour, so they would eventually go to bed. She also mentioned that the boys had tried to put a piece of tape over her mouth, but she wouldn't allow them to do so.
"So how come you let me gag you," I asked.
She looked at me and laughed, "Like you gave me much of a choice Mr. Burglar". With that she gently grabbed my arm and shook it to make her point. I kind of liked that.

"Ready to continue being a kidnap victim" I asked her.
She looked at me. I thought that for sure she would say that she was tired with the whole ordeal.
"Since when does a burglar ask permission to tie up his victims? She inquired.
I was ecstatic with that response. That answer,in my fired up brain ,told me that Mary Lee was ready for something a little rougher.
"OK," I said, "I want you to comb your hair and put it in a ponytail. It won't get in the way again".
"In the way of what"? she inquired.
"In the way of me tying a gag around your mouth" I retorted.
"Ohhhhh, we can't have THAT can we?" she cooed sarcastcally.
Mary lee did as I asked, getting up and hopping over to my mothers dresser. I watched as she stroked her long blond hair with the brush. It was really the first time that I had watched a young girl comb her hair. I found it quite enjoyable. After about 2 or 3 minutes of this. I walked up behind Mary lee as she was just finishing pulling her hair back and knotting a rubber band in the ponytail.
I said "OK. We are going for a walk. You can rejoin your little friend in the other room".
Mary lee took the cue and went right back into her damsel in distress type of character."
"You won't hurt me will you" she pleaded.
"Not if you co-operate and don't give me any trouble", I sternly said.
"I'll be good", she promised.
"Here's the deal, I am going to untie your legs for right now, if you try and run or scream you'll be in big trouble, understand".
Her only response was a frightened nod of the head.
At this time I realized that during our whole conversation we were looking in each other's eyes through the mirror. For some reason I found this extremely cool.
I stooped down and started to unwind her ankles. Mary Lee kind of shifted her weight and moved a little bit. Without even thinking I gently put my hand on the back of one of her bare thighs. In my most intimidating burglar voice I barked,
"Hey, no moving around I told you".
During this whole sentence I kept my hand on the back of her upper thigh, with the pretence of steadying her.
"You have some very nice legs, are you a dancer?", I asked trying to keep my voice as thick and intimidating as possible.
Mary Lee seemed a little confused and didn't know what to do or say.
"I asked you a question, do your great legs come from dancing?"
My hand was now all over her legs. Carresing the inside of her calf and travelling up her thigh.
Mary Lee broke character when she stated....... " Alex, I don't feel right about you touching me. Will you please stop?
I immediatly took my hand off her leg and said......

"OK sweetie", we have to get you into the other room, there is any number of ways to do this".
Mary lee interrupted, "We could try something real silly and walk", she giggled.
I sternly looked at her, "That precisely, is the kind of comment that will get you in a load of trouble young lady".
"Sorry," she cowered.
"Here's the options", I began to explain
#1...I could tie you up again with bound legs and carry you, either like a husband carries a bride over the threshold or I could carry you over my shoulder. I could just tie your hands behind you and let you walk with or without a leash around your neck.The look in her eye told me she was opposed to that idea. We could do the "Abduction Dance".
Mary lee took the bait perfectly when she inquired,
"Alex, just what is the "abduction dance"?
I took my cue and very quickly put my hand over her mouth. Mary lee was very surprised at this action and let out an involuntary "mmmppphhhfff" sound. She brought her hands up to touch mine. I looked in the mirror and remember thinking to myself that this particular instant in time was the very best of my 18 years on this earth so far. I looked in the mirror, right in the eyes of this beautiful 16-year-old girl. Her big blue eyes were wide and temporarily fearful as I held her mouth closed. It took all of 25 seconds for her to settle down. I quickly let my other arm drag both her arms down, pinning them to her sides as I held her from behind. I didn't want this moment to ever end. I pulled her close to me rather tightly.

I whispered in her ear that it was time to go see her friend in the other room. Mary lee seemed to enjoy me whispering in her ear. I place my lips and teeth right on her ear lobe. Her whole body gave a jump and then stifened up. Despite my iron grip on her mouth she managed to open her lips . It was quite differnet feeling her open mouth as oposed to closed lips. Also, a whole differnet sound .
I just held on tighter.She made half hearted squirms to escape my grasp. Throughout all this her eyes were expressive and wide. She tried to plead with a muffled gurgling kind of sound

As we left the room I carried Mary Lee with great ease. Her feet didn't even touch the carpet for the first 10 or so feet. Because I didn't want this moment to ever end I stopped at the bathroom mirror. We could both see what a cute "couple" we made. Mary Lee must have decided to practice her most frightened looks when she faced the mirror. Her eyes were as wide and fearful as mine were cold and clculating. At one point as we looked in the mirror I decided to change my hold on her. I let loose of my arms around her waist for 2 seconds before I dragged both her elbows together behind her back. Just to take her mind off trying to run at that moment I put a vice like grip on her mouth. I know it must have been very uncomfortable for this young lady. I was beyond caring.
What should have been a 1 minute walk turned into about a 3 minute "dance", with Mary lee perfectly acting the part of a distressed kidnap victim.

When we finally got to my bedroom door, I temporarily let loose of Mary lee's elbows with a stern warning that she shouldn't try anything crazy. I kept one hand over her mouth as I opened the door and escorted her into the room. Eileen looked very relieved to see us.
"I brought you company, good looking "
Eileen gave a very half-hearted smile. She looked tired and uncomfortable, being in the tight hogtie for over 10 minutes. I released my hold on Mary lee and instructed her to sit on the chair at my sister's dressing table. I went over to Eileen and examined her hogtie. Maybe I had been a little too stringent with her. She asked to be released and I agreed. I took off the hogtie rope and released her wrists. I left her knees and ankles bound though.

I had taken the torn bed sheets with me that I had tied Mary Lee with. The girls were busy catching up on "old times".
As I was getting organized for the next tie up, the girls were busy swapping stories. The main theme of the stories was my meanness. I had been so "cruel".What it felt like to be tied. Mary lee really started to quiz Eileen regarding how long we had been at this "game".

The conversation was really fun to listen in on.
Mary lee...."You should have seen the way your brother kept me as a prisoner in the other room. He tied my hands and put that cloth in my mouth so I couldn't talk".
Eileen..... 'I can't count the number of times he has done that to me."
Mary lee..."This is almost like being kidnapped for real. You should have seen the way he carried me into your room through the hallway"...
Eileen..... "Let me guess. He forced you by holding his hand over your mouth and carrying you?"
Mary lee.... "He has done that to you too?"

Eileen... Are you kidding? That's one of Alex's favourite activities.It seems like I can't even sit down and watch TV for a couple of minutes without this guy sitting next to me. At first he doesn't do anything. Just when I think I'm home free...he grabs me and holds me so I can't even move. I've spent a lot of TV. time with Alex sitting next to me with his hand over my mouth".
Mary lee,...... "Do your parents know about these games?"
At this point Eileen and I just looked at each other. She laughed because I guess she could see a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead, when I heard that question.
Eileen.... "Alex always felt that our mom and dad might not like it or think it's too weird. I have to agree with him. Besides I like just him and I knowing about these "games". I have something to hold over his head".
I looked at Eileen and said, "Now, you know that you will pay for that comment.
The girls both giggled, and Mary lee said very sarcastically, "Awe, now you did it Eileen! The big bad burglar is going to get you."

"Not to mention you too, Blondie", I looked at Mary lee.

"GULP"....Mary lee audibly exclaimed.
"Ready to get tied up again Eileen", I asked?
"Alex please don't tie my wrists to my ankles again, I need a break from that".
Eileen thought for a moment, "Tie me up in that chair." She was pleading now."
"I could do that" I said," But someone has to be hogtied. Do I have any volunteers?"
As soon as is said that both Eileen and I just looked at Mary lee.
"Oh, I guess that means that I get hogtied. What's hogtie mean?", she asked?
Eileen just laughed, "The way I was tied with my wrists to my ankles when Alex first forced you into the room is a hogtie. Even if you say 'NO' he will probably still tie you that way".
Mary lee just rolled her eyes, "Well, I guess I had better co-operate and say yes to this hogtie thing".
I had Eileen and Mary lee switch positions. Eileen had to hop about 10 feet to the chair because her knees and ankles were still tied.

I thought about it for a few minutes, and realized that my first step should be to tie Eileen's wrists behind her in the chair. I instructed her to put her hands behind her back. I tightly tied them, and instructed her to sit back and relax for a few minutes while I attended to her friend. Mary lee looked a little apprehensive when I instructed her to lay face down on the bed and put her hands behind her. She did as she was told and I quickly tied them together. I than tied her ankles and started to work on her knees. Mary lee "squirmed" a little bit as I was in the middle of the knee bondage. This was my excuse to take everything off and start tying again. I gently grabbed hold of her thigh as if to steady her, and lectured her to keep still when I was tying her. Her response was to stick her tongue out at me.

Either she didn't mind or it was her lack of experience, but not a word was spoken about my hand resting on her thigh. In fact when I finally went back to work on her knees I first brought my hand up a little more on her thigh and then travelled all the way down from thigh to knee to calf to her white anklets. I guess I kind of felt guilty about this. I made sure my back was blocking Eileen's view of all this. I wasn't too sure how my little sister would respond to what I was doing with her friend.

I decided that the "hogtie" part of the bondage could wait. I told Mary lee to be a good girl and got up to better secure my little sister. As I got off the bed I had what I considered to be a brilliant idea? I took two lengths of cloth and laid them side by side on the bed so both girls could see them.
"Ladies," I started, "as you can see I only have two lengths of cloth left. We have to make a decision here. One of these cloths is a gag; the other is a blindfold. This means that one of you girls will be gagged the other will get to be blindfolded. I have to go to the bathroom; I will be back in 3 minutes. I will leave you both un-gagged, so you can discuss between yourselves who gets what." With that statement I left the room.

The bathroom was within earshot of Eileen's room. I couldn't make out the whole conversation but I heard a lot of animated talking. The words "NO WAY" seemed to pop into the conversation quite a bit. After a couple minutes I walked back into the room. Both girls looked at me. "Well, what is your decision ladies", I asked as I bent down to pick up the two torn bed sheets. Both girls hurriedly tried to speak at once. Mary lee finally won out.
"I really think that Eileen should take the gag. When we first came into the room she wasn't gagged at all. I spent the whole time in the other bedroom, with that thing tied very tightly in my mouth. Besides I volunteered to be hogtied.
Eileen sarcastically chimed in, "you didn't exactly volunteer for the hogtie. You got volunteered. " Again Mary lee stuck here tongue out.

"Ok." I said, "I guess I'm the referee here and the referee's decision is always final. "Eileen, you get the gag." with that Eileen let out a low defeated moan while Mary lee kind of exclaimed, "YESSSSS", under her breath. "Don't get too excited Mary lee, this just means the hogtie will be even tighter on you than it was on Eileen. As I said that I took one of the cloths and tightly tied it over Mary lee's eyes. After I knotted it off in back she made the comment on how "weird" it was, not to be able to see. I then turned my attention on my sister Eileen. I told her to sit up straight in the chair. Her arms were already over the back of the chair with her wrists tightly bound with bed sheets. There was something that I had forgotten to mention to the girls. I had a bunch of soft cotton thin rope stored underneath the bed. I had always shied away from its use when binding Eileen's wrists, because of my inexperience with it. It had most recently dawned on me that I could still use it for "securing" reasons, just as long as it was tied over clothing for protection.

Eileen saw the rope and started to ask frantic questions. I told her that everything would be all right and to keep her voice down as much as possible. I didn't want Mary lee to know how I was tying Eileen. I wanted it to be a surprise, and see the look in her eyes when I took off the blindfold.
Eileen did as I requested and whispered most of her questions. I took a 25-foot length of the rope and started to secure my little sister to the chair. I wound rope around her waist then went to her upper chest and tightly cinched it in back. Eileen was sitting up as straight as possible, mainly because she had no choice. She made a comment about posture improvement or something like that. I wasn't done with the rope. I took another 10 foot piece and started wrapping it around her thighs, and then underneath the chair. It made me think that because I was on bare skin I might have to ease up. I decided that it was up to Eileen to let me know about that. She never made a complaining word so I cinched the thigh rope under the chair pretty tightly.

"Gag time sis", I announced to her.
"Ok. Alex, please don't tie it too tight in my mouth. Lately, you have been pretty brutal".
"Who said anything about tying this cloth in your mouth", I asked, "I would like to try something that we never tried before".
With those remarks I took the brand new elastic bandage from it's hiding place in Eileen's closet. Eileen took one look at it and would have jumped straight out of her chair, if this was physically possible.
"AN ELASTIC BANDAGE"! She exclaimed rather loudly.
Mary lee was rather quiet at this point save for some minor grunting and groaning as she tested her bonds.
Mary lee sounded kind of frightened when she asked, "What elastic bandage? Is someone hurt?
I went over to her and gently put my hand on her shoulder and explained that Eileen was going to try a new type of gag and this is how she usually acted.

Going back over to Eileen, I took the plastic off the bandage and took off the two retaining clips.
"I've always wondered how those beautiful brown eyes of yours would look over an elastic bandage gag", I said as I brotherly put my arm around her shoulder.
"Oh you did, did you? Eileen said rather sarcastically.""Ok, Alex, I must be nuts but we can try this. But you have to promise to stop if I want you to."
From across the room Mary lee asked, "how are you going to ask him to stop with an elastic bandage wrapped around your face?
"I'll know if she wants me to stop and by the way I could probably come up with another bandage or even plain old heavy duty duct tape for a certain cutie in this room who happens to be talking to much."
Mary lee had to get the last word in when she said, "Hey Eileen, you here that, your brother thinks I'm cute"

I gave Mary Lee one more stern warning, and she decided to be quiet. "Back to you Eileen", I said as I wadded up the torn bed sheet.
Open your mouth as wide as you could".
Eileen hesitantly opened her mouth, but just a very little. She looked both apprehensive and just plain scared. I put down the cloth and said to both girls.
" Ok. Ladies time to get back to being good actresses. I want a lot of crying, pleading and begging. Remember I'm a burglar and I have broken into your house." I gave the girls a couple of seconds to get in the right frame of mind.
Mary lee was the first to get back into the role-playing, "please Mr. don't hurt us. We don't have any money and our parents won't be home for a couple hours yet."
Eileen chimed in perfectly when she cried out to Mary lee" you shouldn't have told him that, now he can take his time and we will have to be tied up even longer."
"Both of you girls settle down. You won't be hurt as long as I come up with some money. It's up to you weather you want to tell me were the hidden safe is or not."
Both girls were into their damsel in distress roles now. There was a lot of whining and crying. I held up the wadded bed sheet to Eileen's mouth. Open" I commanded harshly. Eileen did so but again only a fraction of what she was capable of.

I threatened her and finally she opened up wide enough to accept the large wad. I started to pack it in and at first Eileen seemed ok. With this new experience, I kept close watch on her ever-bulging eyes to see what the absolute maximum might be. The cloth was packed three - quarters in when it looked like I might have reached her limit. During all this Eileen played her role to the hilt, gasping, and eye pleading for me to have mercy. None was coming. Finally I did manage to get the entire wad in my little sisters mouth. I ordered her to not spit it out as I retrieved the elastic bandage. Eileen did as she was told. I set the two retaining clips on the floor and started to wind the bandage in her mouth and between her lips. The first couple of winds were enough to hold the packing in. With each turn around her head Eileen's eyes bulged more and more. She looked at me straight in the eyes on the 6th pass. Her eyes looked watery and she seemed to be sobbing.

I immediately stopped and asked her if she was ok. Her eyes lit up and she nodded yes. I told her that we had two more passes to go and asked her if she could handle it. Eileen nodded yes, so I made the two passes and clipped the elastic bandage at the back of her head.
"Eileen are you alright" Mary lee called from her prone position on the bed.
"Well, answer your friend Eileen", I said, "tell her that your ok."
Eileen tried to say something but it was barely audible. " "Sis, I want you to really test that gag, be careful not to give yourself a headache but, really try and scream as loud as you could".
Eileen reared back as best she could and let out a blood curdling bellow. The results were that it barely made to Mary lee's ears.
" Alex, what did you do to her", Mary lee asked?
"If I was you I would worry about myself. I'm just putting the finishing touches on little sis here. I'm looking forward to doing a little work on you next."
Both girls groaned. The "finishing touch", that I had mentioned involved a 4-foot piece of rope and Eileen's wrists and ankles. I had decided to untie Eileen's knees and ankles. I had also untied the ropes that were holding her thighs to the chair seat. I had a new idea for my sister's long legs. I was now glad that it was Eileen tied to the chair. Mary lee's legs might not have been long enough to do exactly what I wanted. I started out on her left ankle and cinched a rope around it. I then brought that ankle back as far as I could to the back chair legs. It was there that I fastened it. Eileen was very interested to say the least, staring in total wonder at each move I made. When I tied the rope around the other ankle and started to slowly bring it back to the chair leg on its proper side. She looked at me in total amazement, as if to ask, "were in the world do you come up with these ideas."

I looked at Eileen in the eyes. "I really thought that those big brown eyes of yours would look excellent over that type of gag. I didn't realise that they would look this good."
By the look in Eileen's eyes she didn't know if she wanted to kiss me or strangle me.
"One last piece of rope sis, and you should be done for a little while."
Eileen tried to say something but it was totally unintelligible. I retrieved a 4-foot length of rope and tied it around Eileen's cloth wrist bindings. I then wound the rope around the lower horizontal rung of the chair. My little sister had her head turned as best she could and was watching these proceedings. When I slowly pulled the rope taut her eyes looked at me with a thousand questions. With every inch of tightness, Eileen groaned a little louder.

Finally with only about a four inches of very taut rope between her wrist and the chair rung I tied it off. I walked in front of my sister and stared down in amazement at the work of art I had created. Eileen looked daggers at me. Before me sat a totally helpless 16 year old fox. Brown eyes bulging over a too tight adhesive bandage gag, shoulders thrown back farther than they were ever meant to go. Long, perfect, bare skin legs tied spread to their maximum endurance. Her upper torso and waist secured with rope so tightly it looked like they were actually part of the chair.

Tearing my eyes away from Eileen. I thought it time to attend to Mary lee, I went over to the bed and whispered in her ear.
"Remember when you stuck your tongue out at me? Time to pay the piper.

With that I helped Mary lee to her feet. I took a 25-foot length of rope and started tightly winding it around her chest and waist, effectively pinning her arms to her body. I cinched off these ropes and helped her to lay back down on the bed.
"Guess what time it is Mary lee? " Let me guess. It's either time to let us go, or it's hogtie time" " Put it this way sweetie, your not going anywhere at this particular time".
With that I tied the rope to her ankles and brought them up to her chest ropes. This would make the "hogtie" even more severe than Eileen's I had promised.

Mary lee really grunted and groaned as I yanked the rope as tight as I could. Eileen just looked helplessly on as I trussed up her best friend. After I had cinched the ropes closed. I took off Mary lee's blindfold. She let out a very audible gasp when she saw what I had done to my sister. Since I had taken off Mary lee's blindfold, I saw no reason not to gag her. She protested saying that I was breaking my promise. I didn't see it that way. I had promised not to gag her as long as she was blindfolded. Once the blindfold was removed all bets were off about gagging. So I stuffed a wad in her mouth and cleaved another strip of cloth in her mouth to hold it in. My mom was due home within the next half-hour and I needed time to relax, put things away, and "de-brief" my two playmates.

The "debriefing of the two young ladies was pretty much straight forward. After I untied them, they helped me clean up and hide all of the binding paraphernalia. We then went outside and had a coke together. For some reason, both girls had very "dry mouth". As I recall they both accused me of being a bully. Mary lee did admit that she had fun and would be a willing participant, the "next" time. Eileen got up at one time during the conversation to refresh our drinks. I took the opportunity to talk one on one with Mary lee. I told her that she could come over and "play", just her and I, if Eileen wasn't in the mood.
I even told her of an elaborate plan I was thinking about. It included picking her up from school one day and tying her up in my van as a Kidnap game. She just giggled, but was pretty non-committal.

But, she did make a point of giving me a rather nice hug, and peck on the cheek before she headed home for supper that night. The look she gave me told me that she was a young girl who just found out something new about life.In closing I should mention that Mary lee turned into quite a damsel tease! She learned to "play me like a fiddle". Like the time we had her over for dinner ...after the meal was over, my dad retired to watch TV, my mom was busy cleaning up; I went to my room to finish homework. At one point I came down to get a pencil, or something of that nature. Eileen and Mary lee were still sitting at the dinner table, talking to my mom about school, boys etc. etc. As I walked past the table, and with my mom's back turned, Mary lee quickly grabbed a cloth table napkin and cleaved gagged herself while all the time looking at me right in the eye. I, very coolly, stubbed my big toe into a kitchen chair. The two girls almost keeled over with laughter. I vowed to get revenge on them.

I clearly remember the one night that our tie up games peaked. I was 18 at the time, and had been tying my sister, Eileen for awhile. More often than not Eileen would say no, if I asked her to play "Detective", "Home Invasion", or "Burglar". I would always respect her decision and never force her. The only time "force" would come into play, is if it was in the "script" and Eileen knew exactly what the scenario would be. My sister and I were as close as ever and had become pretty good friends. Don't get me wrong, Eileen was a pretty typical 16-year-old girl at this time, and had her bratty moments. I would just laugh and tease her about them, once she had calmed down. I would store these "moments" in my memory, and use them "creatively", when we had time for our "games".

Eileen would often shudder at this information and just smile. "Well, next time the burglar shows up I suppose he just won't have any mercy on a girl left all alone in the house", she would tease. Mary Lee would join us on rare occasions. For the most part it was just myself and my defenceless little sister playing tie-up games.
I remember one Saturday afternoon...Eileen and my mom were busy getting the house cleaned and preparing for my sister's 17th birthday party. My mom had told her weeks before that Eileen was allowed to have a slumber party for the occasion, and could invite no more than 3 other girls to eat pizza, play records and spend the night. Eileen wanted her whole class but realized that it would be too much on my mom. So she settled for her best friend Mary
Lee (16)and the two Clark sisters, Joan (17)and Vivian(16).

I myself was stretching, reading my playback, and generally getting ready for the high school football game that we were to play that night. I had overheard the conversation that Eileen and my mom were having. When the name Joan Clark was mentioned my curriosity was "peeked".
Joan was 17 years old. I remember her being the subject of a few locker room conversations. Even among the older high school boys. I might be overstating things in this story. Maybe my memory is being way overacted, but the only way I seem to remember Joan Clark was, as a young Victoria Principal. Although shy, and pretty much naive Joan was very fun to talk to. Our families were rather close and her brother and I often hung out together.

At 16 ,her younger sister, Vivian, was no slouch either, developing right along with her older sister. Although Vivian still had a bit of baby fat left, she wore it quite well.
I made a mental note to try and act real cool when I come home from the game. Looks like it was going to be a frilly nitie kind of night. I wondered how each girl would look attired in their short baby dolls or tight peddle pusher pajamas.

Mom was watching the news on TV, and all of a sudden let out a loud gasp. I came running down the stairs to investigate. The news was all about a horrible plane crash in a small, nearby town. It seemed that there were quite a lot of people aboard. All the details were sketchy at this time. My mom was just getting the words out of her mouth about probably being called into work (she was an emergency room nurse) when the phone rang. It was exactly as predicted, the hospital told my mom that patients would soon be coming in by the dozen and that they wanted her as soon as possible. No sooner did my mom hang up the phone, and start getting ready than it rang again. It was my football coach telling me that the game had been called on account of the crash. My mom heard this and asked if I could stay home and help my sister with her slumber party. I OF COURSE agreed. Although I felt guilty about the plan that was formulating in my brain. I knew that there was nothing I could do for those poor people on the plane. My mom quickly packed a suitcse with enough change of clothes and toiletries for a couple days. Leaving the house hurriedly, she stated that she didn't know when she would be back home. My sister was standing, with her back to me as she waved my mom off. As guilty as I felt about it, I had to fight off the urge to come up behind her and hand gag her, drag her into the house. All these urges left when she turned around and I could see tears in her eyes. She felt bad for the plane victims, and the fact that my mom wouldn't be there for her birthday. So, me, the mean kidnapper, just held my sister and let her cry on my shoulder. It took about a couple minutes but Eileen finally settled down, after a few of my dumb jokes.

Soon we set about the task of getting the party ready. After organizing the ingredients for the pizza it was time to blow up the balloons and tape them to the ceiling, furniture, etc. I was doing the blowing and Eileen handled the taping.
It was then, that Eileen made the comment while giggling, "Gee Alex, I bet you didn't know that masking tape had other uses other than putting it across a girl's mouth".
"Your not trying to give me idea's are you, young lady", I asked.
Eileen responded with; "Be a good boy tonight Alex we have guest coming over".
I said nothing as I took the tape from my younger sister and ripped off an 8-inch piece. Before I could plaster it across her lips Eileen teary eyed thanked me for helping her out on her birthday. Eileen then looked up at me and held her lips together. I took the piece of tape and abruptly slapped it over her mouth with each end of the tape being long enough to extend just below each ear. Eileen only giggled as I took the roll of masking tape and tied it around her wrists in front of her.
"I know, usually I like your hands in back but, this way you can still do some work". "Oh, and by the way Eileen, as far as thanking me for helping you out for your party...we both know that there will be a certain "fee" for you to pay. One of these days you will be hanging by your wrists from the basement rafters."
Now, to this day I don't know why I had said that, I had no previous experience in the "hanging from the rafters", type of thing. The thought was rather appealing and I defiantly put it at the back of my "memory banks". Eileen on the other hand didn't seem too fond of the idea, judging by the look on her face. We continued blowing up the balloons for another 15 minutes or so. It was really great fun with Eileen tied and gagged and still able to get the chore done. I would occasionally poke her in the ribs and tickle her in order to hear her squeal into the tape gag.

We had just about finished up when there was a knock at the back door. I looked through the back curtains and saw that it was Mary Lee. Eileen made a move to take the tape of her mouth when I stopped her.
"Eileen, we really don't have anything to hide from Mary lee, leave the tape on".
With a shrug of her shoulders she dropped her bound hands in front of her. I opened the door and greeted Mary lee. She must have just come from some place special. She had on a real nice short mini dress, and pantyhose. After complimenting her on the way she looked I escorted her in.

Mary lee took one look at Eileen standing with wrists tied in front and tape gagged and said," Gee Eileen, I thought it was your birthday. It looks like your giving your brother some kind of gift".
We all laughed. I seem to remember making the comment about gift wrapping the two girls as a present for one of the boys in their class. Eileen easily took the tape off her mouth and I helped her with the wrist bindings. Eileen talked girl talk to Mary Lee for a while and then announced that she would go and take a shower. Mary lee was standing with her back to me at this time.

I quickly grabbed Mary lee from behind. With one hand over her mouth and the other arm around her waist, holding her arms to her sides .I easily picked her up so her feet were no longer touching the floor. Mary lee let out a loud, but muffled scream of surprise as I did this. She then settled down to just comically waving her legs and feet off the floor.
"You go get cleaned up Eileen, I'll try and keep your little friend company here"
Mary Lee's eyes grew wide and apprehensive at this prospect. Eileen walked towards the bathroom before turning around to tell Mary Lee, "Watch out Mary lee, Alex said something earlier about hanging me in the basement by my wrists".
Mary lee screamed as I said " Hey good idea. Come on honey, you have probably never seen my basement have you?
With that Eileen went into the shower and I dragged my "victim" to the basement.

As I carried Mary lee down the basement stairs, she struggled and attempted to scream behind my gagging hand. Because of our past experiences together at the "game', she knew how much I enjoyed it when either girl would act the part of the victim. Both loved the acting part of our game. In fact Mary Lee had become quite the little cryer. To the point I would almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
Once I had dragged Mary Lee to the basement, I stood at the bottom of the stairs and went into my "kidnapper-burglar" act....

Alex> "I know that you have friend upstairs in the shower. She won't be out for another 15 minutes. If you behave, neither of you will be hurt. Understand??!! "
Mary lee just looked at me with big frightened eyes over my gagging hand and just nodded."

Alex> "I am going to take my hand from your mouth now. No screaming. You got it?"
Again, a nod of the head. I took my hand away and Mary lee went into her DID act.

Mary lee> "Please don't hurt us mister. We are all alone. Take what you want, Don't do anything to us, please".

Alex> "If you co-operate and do what I say you will be fine. Now put your hands behind your back."

Mary lee> Why?

Alex... "I have to make sure that you don't interfere when I ransack the house. I don't want you warning the girl in the shower when she comes looking for you. So I am going to duct tape you up on the floor here"
Mary lee (crying) "No please you don't have to do that I'll be quiet".


Sobbing and playing her role to the hilt she placed her wrists behind her back. I tightly wound six passes around them.

After Mary lee's wrists were duct taped, I got ready to do something that I had always wanted to do with the girls. I had seen a photo in a detective magazine where the woman's elbows were loosely tied together behind her back. I decided that this was the right time to try this "experiment" out on my little victim. Grabbing her by the elbows I tightly twisted them until they touched.I started to wrap the duct tape around. . I made sure each wrap was tighter than its predessor. Mary lee's eyes got very big and expressive. She turned her blond head as best she could, to see what I was up to.

MARY LEE> "Alex what in the world are you doing? You can't be serious about tying my elbows together. Cut it out Alex. This is too weird. Just tie my wrist like you usually do."

Mary lee's comments only drove me to wrap the tape even tighter. Finally after 6 layers of tape I was satisfied that Mary lee was securely helpless.

MARY LEE> "Alex, you are crazy? I hope you know that I can't take this for too long."

ALEX> "I will let you out in due time my dear." Now get back into your "character".

MARY LEE> "Ok, but please don't tie me any tighter."

ALEX> "No promises. I want you to go over to that closet,in the back of the basement. Sit on the rug with your back against the wall."

MARY LEE> "Please mister, I'll do what you want. Please don't hurt me."

Mary lee walked over to the closet and gently lowered her self to a seated position on the carpet. I very deliberately, and slowly started to wrap the duct tape around her ankles.
Abruptly, Mary Lee broke character... "Alex I don't eant you to wrap tape around my legs. These pantyhose are brand new."
I decided to turn the first layer of tape with the sticky side up. No adhesive would touch the pantyhose. The other multiple layers were done in the trditional manner.
Mary Lee... "So I guess I don't get out of having my legs taped !?"
When I was done with the ankles. I started on her upper legs, just above the knees. Her skirt was very short. I had a good view of her white cotton underpants, and the top of her pantyhose.
I completed the securing of her knees. I warned Mary Lee to stay where she was. Quickly I bolted to the bathroom. After tearing through the cabinets I found what I was looking for. An elastic bandage and a wash cloth.
I returned just as quickly to my seated victim.

Mary lee just looked at me with abject terror.

MARY LEE> "What are you going to with all that stuff? Please don't put all that in my mouth. I won't be able to breathe."

ALEX> "Mary lee, you've been gagged before, and you know that it isn't all that bad.
Now I know that I usually save the new gag experiments for Eileen, but right now I just had a good idea. I need to use someone who is readily available. Want to volunteer, before you get volunteered? Mary lee opened her mouth to say something and was quite surprised when I jammed the washcloth between her teeth. The washcloth wasn't all that large, but neither is a 16-year old girls mouth. With some effort and gagging moans of displeasure from my "victim',I managed to get the whole washcloth into her mouth. I ordered her to keep it in as I retrieve the short length of adhesive bandage. Slowly and with great care, I wound the bandage once around Mary lee's lower face. I then took a piece of tape and secured the ends. I could tell by the look in her face that she thought that this gag wasn't so bad. Once I had left her to go "kidnap' Eileen from upstairs she could easily push the washcloth out of her mouth past the flimsy wrap.

She was wrong of course. The one wrap around her lower face was just to protect her skin when I commenced with the next gagging step. Mary lee started to scream as I took the full role of duct tape and started to wind it around the adhesive bandage. I think she knew exactly what I had in mind, as her eyes got bigger and more watery. I have to admit, that I really didn't have to wrap the tape as tight as I did. At the time it seemed like a good idea. Finally after 6 or seven wraps I tore the tape off. With considerable effort, mind you. I was later to find out that this duct tape was a construction grade of tape and extremely tough. I took about 15 steps backward and gazed at the work of art I had created. The thought even crossed my mind that this whole scen resembled a Confidential Detective magazine cover.
Before me sat Mary lee, with her long blond hair. She was wearing a short sleeved pink mini dress. I had her bound with heavy duty duct tape at her ankles, above the knees, elbows, and wrists. She was gagged very tightly with a washcloth jammed in her mouth. It was held in by the same duct tape that was used to bind her. The gag was so tight that it dug into her cheeks. Only the upper and lower part of her lips could be seen.

ALEX> (in my most menacing burglar voice). "Listen up, good looking, I have an urge to very tightly hogtie you."

MARY LEE> "mmmmmmmppppppfffffff no, no"

ALEX> "Ok, I won't do that, if you promise to be a good girl and be real quiet once I stuff you in the closet."

Mary lee just looked at me in defeat and shook her head up and down. I gently picked her up,to a standing position.I took the liberty of wrapping one arm around her waist. With a soft but firm pull I brought Mary Lee close to my own body. We faced each other and I could feel her nervousness. Gently I kissed her on the lower ear. There was an awkward silence before I interupted it by very aggresively openning the closet door.I allowed her to waddle to the back of the closet before ordering her to turn and face me.

ALEX> "Now, I know that you are going to be a good girl. I am going to go upstairs and kidnap my little sister. I will bring her down here to keep you company. I also know that Joan and Vivian are coming over tonight. They also will be joining you down here in the basement."

With that, I shut the closet door,flicked off the closet light and headed upstairs to surprise my sister.
I wondered how Mary Lee was feeling right about now. Not only in the dark but bound and gagged.

As I started to walk up the stairs, I realised that I had to come up with a good kidnapping plan for Eileen. I knew she was out of the shower because I had heard the water shut off about 10 minutes prior. I climbed to the top of the stairs and went immediately to my bedroom. From my secret hiding place in my closet, I retrieve my "my tie-up bag" (as Eileen named it).

Every once in a while, when I knew Eileen and I would be the only ones in the house, I would just leave the bag lying on the kitchen table. When Eileen would spot it she would know that she would be the subject of my experiments with new tie up positions.

With bag in hand I knocked on my little sisters bedroom door. "Come in, Alex", I heard her say.

Alex>"Hi sis, nice shower?
Eileen was sitting at her dressing mirror combing her long auburn hair. She was dressed in extremely short, white baby doll PJ's.
If you are old enough you remember the "Baby Doll" nighties. They were usually made of a light cotton material. They were made for warm weather sleeping. Sometimes a girl would stand the right way in a sun lit doorway. The pajamas would literally become see through. Girls never realized how transparent the gown became. Sometimes they would have ruffly girlly like poof to the shoulder area. Even the plain frocks came in a multitude of feminine colors. They were designed to make an average set of legs look great. If a young lady already possesed a nice set of legs ...... all the sudden she's Rockette material. I was lucky enough to be entertaining two lovely young ladies with great pins.

Eileen> "The shower was fine Alex, but I wonder if the same could be said for Mary lee."

Alex> "Your friend is just fine, honey, as long as you
Eileen>(rolling her big brown eyes, and looking heavenwards)" " Oh boy, Alex is talking in his burglar voice, and he has 'THAT BAG" IN HIS HAND. SHOULD I RUN OR SCREAM ? "
I just laughed.

Alex> "the only thing you are going to do is stand up and put your hands in front of you, young lady".

There was a long awkward moment of silence. This was the time that Eileen would either give me the "go ahead phrase", or turn me down.

Eileen> "Alex, I know that Mary lee is probably in the basement, very tightly bound and gagged. If I let you do the same to me, what are you going to do when Joan and Vivian come over".

I just stared and grinned as evilly as I could. Eileen just looked at me wide eyed.

Eileen> "Don't tell me that you plan on kidnapping them too?"

Alex>"Why not. I think both of them would like our game, and would look great tied and gagged."

Eileen> "You know that Vivian has a big crush on you, With a little coaxing she will probably go along. Joan is a different story. I really don't think that she would be into it."

Alex> "There will be no "coaxing". There will only be the taking of prisoners, tonight".

Eileen> " You are so big and bad Mr. burglar." she said sarcastcally. " Alex, you can tie me up, but I want to be released as soon as I decide to, understand?"

Alex> "Ok. Eileen, but aren't you forgetting something?"

Eileen> "oh yea, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME MISTER (although Eileen dramatically over acted the "go ahead" phrase. I knew that it was time to begin the binding of my little sister.) "

Eileen didn't expect my next move. Quickly I grabbed her by the shoulders. Pulled her out of the chair and spun her around so my front was touching her back. I tightly put my hand over her mouth and grabbed her around the waist with the other arm. This move effectively pinned her bare arms to her side. Eileen let out a surprised but muffled scream.

Alex> (in my burglar voice) "Listen up cutie. Do you really want to know what happened to your little friend?"

Playing her damsel in distressed roll to the hilt, Eileen just nodded and made a little whimpering sound behind my gagging hand.

Alex> "Ok, I'm gonna let you join her in another part of the house. Now, I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth. I want you to be a good girl and not scream. Got that? Again, Eileen just meekly nodded. I removed my hand from her mouth slowly, and let go of the grip on my sister's waist.

Eileen> "Oh, mister I don't have any money. Just take what you want and don't hurt me. What are you going to do"?

Alex> "I need to search your house. First I have to tie you up and take you down to be with your cute friend in the basement."
Eileen > "Please don't tie me up. Can't you just lock me in a closet or something?"

Alex> "Funny, that you should mention a closet. That is exactly where you friend is as we speak. Now, put your wrists in front of you and don't give me any more trouble."

Eileen did as she was told and I started winding a 6-foot length of torn bed sheet around them. After I had tightly knotted that off, I took another length of torn sheet and wrapped it tightly around my little sister's waist, several times. This pinned her arms to her side and made it diffucult for her to move her wrists. Next I took another length of sheet and tied her knees tightly together. As a finale, I took a short length of sheet and cinched her knees together with one end and then took the other end and cinched her bound wrists. I could have put more torque on the connecting binding but I wanted Eileen to be able to navigate the stairs to the basement while tied in this position. Although tightly tied at her wrists and knees, she could still stand with her normal perfect posture.

Alex> " I guess that I should gag and blindfold you now"

Eileen> (whimpering)"Don't do that, please, I'll be real quiet."
I just looked at Eileen and marvelled at what a good actress she could be during our "games".

Alex> "Ok, just because I'm such a nice guy, I won't gag you. But any excessive noise and I will tie a sheet in your mouth so tight it will look like I put it there when you were younger and that you eventually grew into it, understand?"

Eileen nodded as I gentley grabbed her upper arm.

Alex> "We are going downstairs now. These stairs are going to be awkward for you, so I will hold on and help. You won't be able to run off, so don't try."

We started to leave when I happened to glance down at Eileen's bed. Looking at her pillow, a brand new idea popped into my brain. Letting go of my younger sibling, I shook the pillow from its case. I then held the case up to Eileen.

Alex> "I did say that I wouldn't gag you, but I said nothing about a sort of "head" blindfold. Lights out for you, my pretty'!"

With that I put the pillowcase over her head. It reached down to her shoulders were it just kind of sagged there. I stepped back to admire the view. Here was a 17 year old girl, dressed in a little pyjama outfit that came about 8 inches above the knee.
A pillow case over her head. Bound at knees, wrists, and waist. As I looked Eileen up and down to see if I could improve anything I noticed she was bare footed. Our basement was very nicely remodelled, and conformable, but was still a basement. It was a little cool down there at times. I decided to put something on my little sister's feet. After ordering her to sit on the bed I looked in her dresser drawer and found a nice pair of white, lacy ankle socks. I placed these on her feet. It was then that I roughly put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her to a standing position.
Going down the stairs for Eileen was no easy task. There were two landings involved and a total of 12 steps. Eileen stumbled twice and let out a squeal each time. There was no way I was going to let her take a tumble. After a couple of precarious minutes Eileen seemed very grateful to be in the basement, on more stable ground. I brought her over to an open part of the basement, and told her to stay put. Quickly, I went to the storage room and grabbed a coil of cotton rope. Coming back to my bound little sister, I removed the cinching rope that connected her knees and wrists.

Eileen> "Alex, what are you up to?"

I didn't answer her. I was concentrating on the task at hand, of tying another cinching knot around her wrists. After doing this I got a chair and slid back one of the suspended ceiling panels. I took the other end of the wrist rope and loosely looped it over one of the floor joists supports above her head. Through the pillowcase over her head Eileen kept asking questions. After getting off the chair and taking it out of the way, I started to untie the restraining rope around Eileen's waist.

Eileen> "oh good, it's about time that you untied me."
I just chuckled.

Eileen> "Alex, I know that laugh. I guess this means I won't be getting free too soon, will I?"

On a not to far away couch, there was a stack of Eileen's schoolbooks. I went over and picked up 5 or 6 pretty good sized hard covered ones and placed them on the floor, stacked on top of one another.

A lex> "Listen and listen closely. There is a stack of books underneath you. I want you to step up and get on top of them."

Eileen> "Alex, what's this all about"

Alex>" first of all, my name is not Alex, during the game. I am the burglar, remember"

Eileen just sort of groaned, and with my help, stepped onto the books. This elevated her about 8 inches or so. I just smiled and took off Eileen's pillowcase. She shook the long hair out of her eyes, and looked quickly at the books she was perched on and then at me.

Eileen> "What are you going to do now".

Alex >"Oh. Just this".... I gently took my little sister's wrists in one hand and started to elevate them above her head. As I did this Eileen looked at me.

Eileen> "Alex, now I know what you're doing. This is when I was teasing you earlier and you said something about "hanging' me in the basement, isn't it?"

Alex> "All in good clean fun sis."

With that, I softly jerked Eileen's arms above her head. I lifted Eileen by the hips with one arm and pulled the hanging rope just a little tighter.

Eileen> "(sarcastically) "This is just great, now I know what a hanging plant feels like."

I stepped back once again, to admire my handiwork. Eileen never looked better . Because of her suspended position and the way it made her body so taut, her short pink nightie was raised above her white underpants. I teased her about being dressing for a "party" more modestly. Eileen just kind of stuck out her tongue at me.

Eileen> "Yea, you would think, after all these tie up games we play together, that I would know how to dress for my own kidnapping."

Alex> "Hey Eileen your legs have always been so long, I know a way to make them even longer"

Eileen> "Ahhhhh, Alex I like my legs just the way they are, what is going on in that weird brain of yours".

Alex> "I guess that I should just show you." I bent down and slowly slid the top book out from underneath my little sister's feet.

Eileen let out a "all of a sudden realization gasp".

Alex> "Hey Eileen, you seemed to have got taller since I have last seen you".

Eileen> "Real funny. How long am I going to be like this? Right now it feels kind of good. Almost like stretching out for cheerleader practice."
As soon as she said that Eileen quickly shot back.

Eileen> "I shouldn't have said that to you. I'm sure your gonna try and talk me into bringing the whole cheer squad over so you could have all of them hung by their wrists."

Alex> "Not a bad idea, sis. We'll have to discuss that at a later date. As for your question, I'll allow you a drink of water after I'm finished reading all these books at your feet. .

Eileen> "How the heck are you going to read a book if I am standing on them?"

Alex> "One at a time!"

I bent down and slowly removed another hardcover book from beneath Eileen's sock-covered feet. She let out a gasp of shock as her body slumped even farther. By now her toes were just about not touching the floor.

Eileen> "Alex, not too long please. This could get quite uncomfortable."

Alex> "Eileen, I have never let anything happening to you during one of our games before, and I am not likely to start now. Just endure it for little while ok? And please get back with "THE GAME' and into your character. "

Eileen whimpered a little bit and asked me for mercy. I told her that she would have to stay that way for a while.I would get her friend out of the closet, to keep her company. I reached into my bag and got out a 4-foot piece of torn bed sheet. Eileen saw me do this and began to whimper. She knew what I was about to do.

Eileen> "Please don't put that thing in my mouth, I'll be real quiet."
I paid her no attention as I walked behind her. I had a hand at either side of Eileen's face as I buried the gag between her teeth. Holding the sheet tightly, I bent her face backwards. We just looked at each other and I kissed her on the forehead while thanking her for participating in my little hobby. With that I yanked the cloth tightly. Eileen let out a gasp and I tied the gag at the back of her head. My next plan of action was to free Mary lee from the closet. Let her clean up a bit. Then hogtie her on the basement couch. I know that I didn't have much time. The Clark sisters were due within the next half-hour. Before I went to free Mary lee, I tightly bound Eileen's ankles along with her knees. As a last gesture I gave her a gentle push and let her swing back and forth from her tied wrists.

Moving quickly I went to the refrigerator and got a can of ice-cold soda. Something told me that Mary lee was going to be quite thirsty when I "rescued her". After getting the soda I went to the other end of the basement and opened the closet door.
Poor Mary lee looked a sight. She remained in a standing position, but her hair was all over the place. She had not managed to get the gag or the other bonds even remotely loosened. When she saw me open the closet door her eyes showed both panic and relief. Her clothing was in complete disarray. Her little mini dress was up around her hips, and two buttons from her blouse were undone. In addition, Mary lee was minus one shoe.

Alex> "Hello again sweetheart. Long time no see. It looks like you were really trying to get out of here".

I approached her and held onto her upper arm.

Alex> "I guess this means that I didn't tie you tight enough. Next time I think a more stringent position might be necessary".

Mary lee let out with a loud but extremely muffled scream of protest.

Alex> "You probably are thirsty and need to use the bathroom. I am going to untie you, but any sign that you might run or scream and you probably know what will happen."

Mary lee sadly and knowingly nodded yes with her head. I proceeded to first work on her gag. The construction grade duct tape was tough. I really had to use all my strength to start to peel it back. After about 3 minutes and a lot of Mary lee's squealing I managed to unwind the duct tape from around her head. The elastic bandage was nowhere to be seen so I had guessed that it came of with the duct tape ball that I had just tossed on the floor. Utilizing it as a first layer was a very good idea.The only part of the gag that was left was the washcloth mouth wad. Even that took time to get out.I started to work the over sized wash cloth out of her opened mouth. I had not realized how large it was when I stuffed it in originally. Finally the last of the washcloth came out of Mary lee's mouth and I asked her if she was thirsty.
Mary lee, (sarcastically) "Of course I'm thirsty. I've had a washcloth in my mouth for the last 20 minutes. Please untie my arms, I can't feel them anymore. "

Alex> "First take a drink." I held the can of root beer up to her lips and steadied her around the shoulders with my other arm. After taking a long swig, Mary lee looked me right in the eye.

Mary lee> "Thank you Alex, I really have to go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face. Could you please untie me now?"

I nodded and proceeded to start unwrapping the duct tape from around her legs. Mary lee moaned that her arms were the ones that really needed the unwrapping first. I had always been regimented about the order of things when tying these girls. When tying them up it had to be in order. Wrists first, than elbows ankles next, followed by knees, finally the gag. Extra curricular things like hogtie rope for instance would follow. The same was done when untying, only in reverse order.
Finally Mary lee let out a very audible sigh of relief as her elbow and wrist bindings came of. I had to steady her again and helped over to a nearby chair. Mary lee sat down and started with the 29-question routine.

Mary lee> "Alex, usually these tie up games are a lot of fun, but please don't ever leave me alone again. I really was very frightened alone in that closet. I thought that you would never come back."

Mary lee and I just sat there for a while, discussing about her experience, I inquired about her favourite part of the evening so far, and her least favourite. Her least favourite was the elbow tie. She was very curious about how I came up with doing it. I just told her that the idea popped into my head. (I really didn't want to share my detective magazine cover collection with anyone just yet), not even my little sister.

When I prompted her about her favourite thing during the experience, Mary lee blushed and said that she really liked the "kidnapping'" aspect of when I physically dragged her down the stairs with my hand over her mouth. I could see that for some reason she was embarrassed by this, so I didn't push it any further. I did make a mental note to do it again to her. After a 5-minute rest I instructed Mary lee to go in the downstairs bathroom and straighten herself out. She asked why?I told her of my plan to kidnap the Clark sisters. Mary lee pretty much reiterated what Eileen had said earlier about Vivian maybe going along with it. No chance with Joan. I helped her off the chair and put my arm around her shoulder as I escorted her to the bathroom.

Mary lee> "by the way Alex, were is Eileen"?"

I had to go with the old bondage clique and say," oh she's hanging around, somewhere"!
Mary lee, for some reason giggled at this and stated that she wanted to see her. I told her to finish in the bathroom. There would be plenty of time for reunions.
Mary lee agreed with this and closed the bathroom door. I decided to spend the waiting time with my "swinging" little sister.
Eileen was in the other part of the basement. When I had left her about 10 minutes ago her toes were barely touching the floor. Now, she seemed to be fairly well planted with the balls of her feet almost touching. Either the rope stretched out or my little sister did. Either way she looked rather relieved to see me. I just grinned and went over to her and gently nudged her body, as if to push her off the remaining stack of books. Eileen let out a high pitched squeal when she thought she would be free hanging at any second. I showed mercy and held on to her before she went off.
Walking behind her I undid the gag. She was also relieved at this. We talked for a while, and I decided that the rope was not the thing that stretched out. Eileen's legs appeared to grow an inch or so.I remember thinking ......"no young girl should posses a set of gams like those."

I untied the other end of the rope from a nearby doorknob. I let Eileen feel that I was taking her down from her suspension. Just when she seemed to be relaxed with this thought, I quickly yanked the rope as tight as I could get it. Eileen let out a short yelp of frustration. Now she was even more "taught" than the original position. I just laughed at her predicament. Eileen just glared at me with a half smile on her face.

Eileen> " oh, you are so bad! I thought for sure that you were going to let me down. Alex this is even tighter than before, please give me a break. How much longer are you going to keep me like this?"

Alex> "I don't know sis. What's the date today."

Eileen > "Real funny. Where's Mary lee"

Coincidentally, Mary lee picked that time to come out of the bathroom. Her hair was combed, and she had managed to straighten herself out quite nicely. She must have found my sisters make-up in the bathroom. She had managed just to put on the right amount of rouge, and slight eye lash work, along with a sutle color of pink, slightly shiny, lip gloss.
Just as I was about to complement her on her quick repair job, there was a knock on the door upstairs. Eileen, Mary lee, and I did a perfectly choreographed jump. I quickly picked up the 4' long torn bed sheet and walked over behind Eileen. I sternly looked at Mary lee and put my index finger to my mouth, telling her to be quiet. Before Eileen could say or do anything, I tightly cleave gagged her, wrapping the cloth in and around her mouth several times. She let out a few muffled grunts and groans as I tied the ends off rather tightly at the back of her head.
Going back over to Mary lee I think I surprised her when I simply took a nearby neckerchief out of my "tie- up" bag and proceeded to arrange the cloth in a triangle way. I had seen this done during some TV shows particularly the westerns.

Mary lee looked puzzled when I stepped behind her and tied it OVER her mouth. Anytime I had gagged her in the past; there was no chance of talking. I think she realised that a full intelligible conversation was possible with this type of muffler. I asked her to say something.

Mary lee> "What do you want me to say. Hey, you could gag me like this all the time. I like this a lot."

Alex> "Don't get used to it sweetheart. You and the skimpy gag are just a prop to help in the abduction of the two Clark sisters, who are at the back door as we speak. Let's get up there. I want you to play along with what I tell them, understand?"

Mary lee just nodded her head. I turned my attentions to my hanging little sister.

Alex> "Time for some easy reading young lady."

With that, I abruptly pulled two books out from underneath Eileen. Her long body stretched to its limit. Eileen let out a short gasp of air, and looked daggers at me . I led her friend by the arm, up the stairs.
Mary Lee was very cooperative.She did gasp when I roughly grabbed her arm.
We got to the first landing and out of Eileen's vision.This was something I had been waitting for. Abruptly and very roughly I slapped my hand over Mary Lee"s Mouth. She reacted in a very startled manner. With my other arm I grabbed both her arms and roughly forced them behind her back until the elbows touched.

"You listen up good, Blondie. You are going to assist me in the kidnapping of Joan and Vivian.Remember your little friend is tied and very helpless in the basement.If you follow my lead and do everything I say, everyone should be O.K......UNDERSTAND"???!!!

Mary Lee looked like she was ready to panic. When she didn't imeadiatly respond I tightened my grip on her elbows. She quickly tried to shake her head that she agreeed but my grip on her mouth was like a vice.
"I'll take that as a yes",I closely whisperd in her ear.
I released my hold on her and adjusted the loose gag around her mouth, putting just slightly more tourque to it.

We got to the top of the stairs, and again I told Mary lee to go along with whatever I told the Clark sisters. She just shook her head yes, but still had a very suspicious look on her face. That was ok, I liked that look on her. I instructed Mary lee to open the door. When she did, there stood Joan and Vivian Clark.
Joan had recently turned 17 years old. Vivian was 16. Both girls were very pretty. Vivian was built almost identical to Mary Lee. Just a shade of attractive baby fat from her adolencence. Joan was 17 year old going on 21 in the anatomy department. Long and toned legs. A butt to match those legs. A trim waist. And her breasts. That's another matter. Joan possesed the most gorgeous and talked about tits of any girl in school. Upraised, solid and standing up proud at all times. Even without a bra. Her code nick name in the guys locker room was " Miss 36c".

Joan> "What"s going on? Are you all right Mary lee?"

Mary lee> (giggling through the gag)""Oh just fine. Why do you ask?"

Alex> "Come on in girls. We were just setting up for the party. Mary Lee just could not quit talking. I had to do something about it."

The girls all laughed, and walked into the house. I closed the door behind them and locked it. "Come into my parlour"... I thought to myself.

Vivian> " Why don't you just pull the handkerchief down off your mouth? "

Alex> "I told her that if she did, I would have to tie her hands behind her back".

This was the moment of truth. I wondered how the girls would react to that statement.

Vivian> "Oh, how could he do that? It would be so easy to get loose."

After Vivian had made the comment. I decided to demonstrate on Mary lee.

Alex> "Mary lee put your hands in front of you and hold them together while I go see if I can find something to tie them with".

I walked into my room and got out a couple of long strips of torn bed sheet out of my bag.When I got back all three girls were giggling.
Joan then asked," Oh by the way were is the birthday girl?"
Mary lee and I just looked at each other. I lied that Eileen went out to get the pizza for the party. Joan and Vivian accepted the explanation.

I then set about the task of loosely tying Mary lee's wrist in front of her. Vivian just laughed. She walked over and pulled Mary lee's wrist bindings off of her. The girls all giggled. Mary lee still had not uttered a word. After the laughter died down I feigned embarrassment. I asked the three girls for another chance. As I was pondering my next move, Mary lee spoke up...
Mary lee (talking through the gag)"Hey, I have a great scam that we can play on Eileen for her birthday. Let's make her think that a burglar broke into the house and tied us all up. I turned bright red as the silence in the air could be cut with a knife.

Vivian> "That would be pretty cool. I guess we could get Alex to tie us, if he wants."

Joan was a little more apprehensive.

Joan> "I really don't want to, but you two can go ahead, while I just watch."

Alex> "Ok Joan but when Eileen comes home your going to have to hide."

Vivian> "We can tell Eileen that the burglar took Joan away."

Alex> "Ok girls I guess I can make you nice and comfortable by tying you up in my room. First I guess I should gag you both here and tie your hands."

Quickly and faking nervousness, I loosely tied Vivian's wrist in front of her. Mary lee was next.The only difference being that I tied her wrists behind her and a great amount tighter. I then took a 3-foot length of bed sheet and placed it over Vivian's mouth in a loose detective style gag. I tied it behind her ponytail. I did this in order not to panic or make suspicious Vivian's older sister, Joan.
As we all marched to my room, Joan called out that we should all have a "good time". My thought at this point was "yea right. I know for sure one of us is going to have a good time."
I looked back at Joan, as she walked to the tv room. I was mesmorized by her gorgeous ,young derriare. The fact that she was attired in tight daisy duke short shorts just about blew my mind.
I led the girls into my bedroom and closed the door. I put on my burglar voice and instructed Mary lee to go sit on the edge of the bed. It was a pleasure to watch her young bun gracefully sway underneath the mini dress as she walked the 15 feet . The fact that her wrists were tied tightly behind her back made the task both tedious and visually appealing . Mary Lee gently and as modestly as possible lowered herself to sit on the bed.
In a standing position the dress would stop about 5 inches above her knees. In a seated position it was bunched up at the upper thigh area. I was in full view of some very well formed young gams. For a split second there was even a flash of white cotton,under pants.It was very entertaing to watch her struggle for modesty.
Reluctantly tearing my eys from Mary Lee, I went to the closet and retrieved my "tie-up bag", full of bed sheets. I than went to Vivian and unbound her wrists.

Vivian> "Hey Alex I guess your a little more prepared for this than I thought."

I gently brought Vivian's wrist behind her back and tied them off very securely. Vivian let out an almost whisper like squeal of protest as I took another long length of bed sheet and crushed her elbows together. At this point Mary lee was trying to reassure her that it was all just a game.
Mary Lee.. (in full actress/victim mode.)

" It's O.K. Viv. It's just a game. Do what Alex says and it will be fun. Pretend your a victim and try and cry a lot. He enjoys that".

She seemed to have a tad bit of reluctance and serious doubt in her own words.
Vivian settled down a little bit but still had a concern in her voice.

Vivian> (talking through the loose fitting detective gag)"This is too much. Could you please loosen the wraps around my elbows?"

Alex> "Sure Vivian, just relax." I said as I cinched the bindings at her elbows. "It's just a game. Let me loosen that gag first".

Standing behind Vivian I removed the gag from her mouth. She nervously thanked me.
I draped both arms over her shoulders and engaged her in conversation.

"Sooo Vivian. I hear you have a big crush on some 18 year old boy"??

Vivian quickly looked at Mary Lee and then downwords. Her face was as blushed as could be.

"I don't know what you mean " she said.
Trying to force a smile and refusing to look me in the eye.
While holding Vivian from behind I turned her around to face Mary Lee.
The conversation was just a distraction. I still had the gagging bedsheet in my hands. I twirled it around creating a tight piece of cloth. Almost rope like.
I purposely had a half smile on my face as I stared May Lee in the eyes. She had an idea what I was about to do. Vivian didn't have a clue.
With no fanfare I abruptly cleaved the sheet between Vivian's lips. I tourqued down with authority as I wound one end of the sheet, around her face to her right. With the other side going to the left. This was a very efective gagging method. The opposite winds always work against each other. This assures no slip, maximum tightness.

I was very glad that big sister Joan had the TV on a rock concert and the volume up higher than normal.
The gag was double knotted off as tight as I could possibly tie it at the back of her ponytail.
Vivian was very startled and seemed to be concentrating on just trying to breath.

Grabbing her tightly at the back of her shoulders,I whispered in her ear.

"Maybe later on we should get together and do some boy friend/girlfriend things".

Vivian had a look of fear as she quickly gaze around at her situation. At one point she and Mary Lee locked eyes. Vivian seemed to be looking for support. Mary Lee's eyes had none to offer.
I forced Vivian into a sitting position on the floor. She leaned against the closet door. I retreived a length of sheet and very tightly tied her ankles together .
Vivian grunted a very high pierced, yet girly sound. I tightly brought her ankles to her wrists. Vivian was soon bound in a tough hogtie position.

I looked down at the two young captives. Vivian was lying on her side, looking up at me with "surprised" eyes. I could tell that she did not expect anything this elaborate.She really looked like she was getting ready to panic, at any second.
As I surveyed her, I realized that maybe I had been too elaborate with this hog-tie. This was her first time tied up ever. She was very tightly gagged with a single wind of bed sheet buried between her teeth and lips. As I have mentioned before, Vivian was lying on her left side, looking up at me and being very still. I think she knew that there was no way she was going to loosen her wrists. I would just like to go on with the story by saying that Vivian's elbows were also bound behind her, but that would be quite the understatement. I think the proper term would be, "crushed" together. I knew that Vivian participated in gymnastics. I took advantage of her flexibility.

As I gazed down at Vivian, some quick thoughts came into my head. Planning ahead, I realized that my next order of business would come in steps. Step 1...get Joan bound and gagged as soon as soon as possible and by any means. I realized that as soon as I try and talk (bribe?) Joan Clark into being tied up she would first want to see her younger sister and make sure she was all right. She just might run off screaming if she saw the position her younger sibling had been put in. The only thing these girls knew about being "tied up" is the loose hands behind the back, ankles tied and loose "detective" style of gag. Scenes they might have viewed on television shows.Thinking about the "detective" gag gave me an idea. As I bent down to loosen Vivian's hog-tie rope I glance over at my other captive, Mary lee.

I marvelled at how much she really looked like Marcia Brady. Of course you would have to picture this "Marcia Brady", wearing a very short , baby doll type of dress. It was bunched up around her hips, from struggling in a hog-tie position. Also picture Marcia Brady with her wrists tied behind her, elbows also bound, as were her knees and ankles. Now picture Miss Brady with those ankles secured all the way to her bound wrists. And if you could keep imagining, picture Marcia with a white strip of bed sheet cleaved very tightly between her lips. Pulling her mouth back. She cannot even close her lips together. I looked Mary lee right in the eye. I winked at her. You can imagine my utter surprise when this girl winked right back at me. I stopped untying Vivian, much to her consternation. Just long enough to kneel down and place my hand on Mary lee's nylon covered thigh. I leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"You are having way too much fun at this game"

Again, Mary lee winked at me and even let out a little gagged giggle. I just chuckled and went back to work unting Vivian. To say Vivian was relieved to be out of the hog-tie was again an understatement. I untied her elbows also, which brought out a very audible sigh of relief. Vivian seemed very curious as I had her sit on the floor with her back to the wall. She was still in no position to go anywhere, still being tied at the wrist and ankles. I also made no move to loosen the very tightly tied cleave gag. She looked at me both accusingly and with trepidation as I took another 2-foot length of bed sheet and folded it into a gag triangle. I placed this over her mouth and secured it behind her head. I proceeded to do the exact same with Mary lee. I surveyed the two girls sitting on the floor before me. Vivian and Mary lee looked like two captives you would see on any television show. Both were tied identically.... Wrist behind, ankles, and gagged with a simple cloth over their mouths. As I had stated before, Mary lee was attired in her short dress, pantyhose, and 2 inched heeled dress shoes.

Vivian was dressed in a very small pair of cut off jean shorts, tank top, and gym shoes, along with white ankle socks. Her auburn hair, sporting a 70's bob.Marlo Thomas from "That girl" would have been proud. Both girls eyed me as I got up and stood in front of them

Alex> "I want you both to be good girls and keep it quiet. You will have a couple of other girls to keep you company in just a little while."
This comment made both girls to twitch involuntary. Both tried to reason with me behind their tight cleave gags.

I cracked open the bedroom door and looked down the long hallway. Joan was still watching the rock concert on T.V. More than 20 minutes had past since I had first taken the two girls into the bedroom .I thought that I had better make some contact with Joan. Just to let her know everything was "all right." I was even planning to take her to her sister.Let her see that we were just playing a game. All she would see was two girls bound and gagged. Just like on T.V. I was hoping that her lack of "gag knowledge" would disguise the fact that the girls would not be communicating with her. I would explain to her that the girls agreed to pretend.

Before I went to "get" Joan, I decided to blindfold my two young captives. This way neither girl could use their beautiful, innocent, teenage eyes to warn Joan of their real predicament. I picked up a three-foot long piece of linen and approached Vivian. She looked at me and cowered against the wall. After some reassuring words from me she allowed me to tightly tie the blindfold over her eyes. Just to make sure that sight was impossible, I quickly waved my hand in front of her face. There was no reaction. Mary lee eyed me, and gave me just a little bit of a pretend "fight", as I did the same to her. After a meticulous, wandering of the hands examination of the two girls bonds, I assured myself that escape was impossible. Opening up the bedroom door a crack, and to my surprise Joan Clark was standing there with her hand up in the air, just about ready to knock.

Joan (smiling) "Alex, just what is going on in there. You three have been doing this for over 25 minutes."

Alex> "Uhhhhh, yea, were just having a good old time in here. Care to join us"?

Joan> "No, I don't think I would like to be tied up. But can I see what you did to them"?

Alex> "Sure you can Joan, but don't talk to them. The girls agreed to be quiet and make believe that they are being held captive"

Joan> "Well.... Ok."

I opened the door and Joan walked through. When she looked down at the girls she let out a very audible gasp. I quickly grabbed her arm and put my fingers to her lips, in a "shushing" motion. It was at this point that I was mentally patting myself on the back. It was a good idea to take off the elbow and knee restraints. It was definitely a good idea to hide the very tight cleave gags behind the detective, over the mouth gags.
I looked down at Joan Clark and marvelled. She was the best looking 16 year old girl you could ever imagine. As I have stated before Joan looked a lot like a very young Victoria Principal.

Joan had short brown hair, brown eyes, and an incredible naive smile. She was a 16-year-old with an 19-year-old body. Usually Joan dressed conservatively.Especially with boys around. There was always talk in the locker room, that some guys thought that she was a little on the pudgy side. She always seemed to attire herself in loose fitting sweatshirts, to match her loose fitting jeans.
I pretty much stayed out of this locker room debate. I had the upper hand in knowlege about Joan's body. Both Vivian and Joan would come over to swim in our pool at times. Although she always wore a one-piece swimsuit, there was no denying that this was "all girl".
Her manner of attire was more exposed today. I guess she felt more comfortable when she figured only girls would be at the slumber party. Today Joan Clark looked magnificent. She had on a loose fitting tank top, that came down to just above her navel. Also a short pair of jeans with some kind of white lace trimming. The shorts weren't exactly in the "Daisy Duke" catogory. But, they did start about 10 inches up from her knees.
From there we would have to get on a bus to travel down her long shapely legs to see that she was wearing the typical gym shoes and ankle socks.

I held onto her arm at the elbow. Firmly but not tightly. She was full of questions as I led her into the kitchen area. Closing the bedroom door behind me. I could of sworn I heard a muffled sob come from inside the bedroom.

Joan> "How long are you going to play this game Alex. Eileen might be mad at you when she comes home and finds them all tied like that."

I just chuckled to myself, for obvious reasons.

Alex> " Well Joan, I was thinking that it would be a pretty cool prank to play on my sister. We let her find the girls just like this. In fact I was really hoping that you would let me tie you up. Mary Lee and Vivian really want you to participate".... I lied.

Joan> "I really don't want to Alex. I think I would be too afraid.."

Alex> " Oh don't worry about that. You will probably be able to get your hands free any time you want. Do you think I'm a professional kidnapper or something?"

Joan> (nervously giggling) " I'm not sure about that I still have to say".

I was getting a little nervous during this conversation. I wanted to get Eileen from the basement and have her join the other captives in the bedroom. Joan was really making me work very hard at this.
In my perverted thoughts I was trying to plan three steps in advance. One thought was that I had to make a decision. Should I bring Eileen up to be with her friends. Maybe I should force the 3 upstairs captives into the basement.The thought did enter my mind, that I should just grab Joan and tie her against her will. I really wasn't into that kind of thing. Besides, the ramification from both my folks and Joan's parents wasn't something I wanted in my life. I quickly thought back to all the tricks I had used on Eileen and Mary lee in our past games. These tricks basically boiled down to 3 things... asking, begging and bribery. I had already asked. I would not beg (I really doubted that Joan would respect me for that) so the choice was obvious.

Alex> " Ok. Joan, I understand. I'll tell you what; let me just tie your hands in front of you and you will see how easy it will be to get loose."

Joan > "No Alex, I don't want to".

Alex> "Here just let me show you something. Put you wrist together in front of you."

I stood in front of Joan with a length of bed sheet in my hands. She didn't lift her wrist up like I asked. With a smile on my face I gently grabbed both her wrists and brought them up to chest level. There was just the hint of resistance as I slowly and loosely wound the sheet around her slim wrist.

Joan> (looking more nervous, but trying to hide it from me) " Alex, you are crazy. Ok, ok. Have your fun, but there is no way I am going to get tied up like the other girls. Come on Alex. What are you up to".

Alex> "I'm just having some fun."

I wound the sheet around Joan's wrists a third time and very loosely knotted it.

Alex> "Ok. try and get free. I'll bet you can't."

Joan wiggled her wrists back and forth, while examining the sheet work. After a couple attempts, she decided to use her teeth. Within a couple minutes, she was totally free.

Joan> " Ta Da. That was rather easy."

Alex> "Hey no fair, you can't use your teeth. Here let me put a stop to that."

I retreived the nearby role of masking tape and tore off an 8-inch length. The roll was 2 inches in width.

Joan> " And just what are you going to do with that?"

I held the tape up to Joan's lips and told her to press them together. Joan just laughingly rolled her eyes heaven and did as I asked. I gently placed the tape over her lips and firmly pressed it in place. At any time Joan could have just parted her lips and displaced the tape. For now, she played along.
I picked up the bed sheet and cautiously brought Joan's wrist behind her back. All the time watching her eyes and body language for any signs of genuine distress. She did let out a very questioning muffled protest underneath the tape, as I tied her wrist behind her, rather tightly. It was at this point that I knew I had another captive in my house.
As soon as I started to wind more bed sheet loosely around her elbows, Joan opened her mouth and broke the tape seal.

Joan> " Alex, I knew you were up to something. Let me go."

Alex > " Joan, just relax we're just playing a little game"

Joan > "What kind of GAME calls for me being tied up like this?"

Alex > " The game is called KIDNAPPED. Eileen and I play all the time. The only difference is ....... YOU'RE IT!"

It was at this point that I started to torque down on her elbows. Joan let out a gasp as I worked to bring her elbows together.
Maybe it was because of Joan's "physical" endowment up front, or maybe she just wasn't co-operating the way the other girls did. Joan was audibly complaining about it being to tight.
I got her elbows within a couple inches of each other and cinched it off. I grabbed Joan by the shoulders and spun her around so she was facing me. I grabbed the hanging piece of masking tape and tore it off her face.

Joan> "Come on Alex"."This has been kind of fun, but let me go now ok?"

Alex " I'll make you a deal Joan. You let me kidnap you until Eileen gets home and I'll pay you 10 dollars."

Joan just eyed me up.

Joan > " What happens if I say no."

There was something very flirtatious both in her voice and her innocent eyes.

Alex > " Well,there.s a differnce between voluntary and involuntary."

Joan > "Oh, thanks for the

Joan thought for a moment and finally said

"Ok. Alex I'll play the game, but only until Eileen gets here. Then I get my 20 dollars."
Alex... " I said $10. No mention of $20.
Jaon..... " $20 or nothing !

Alex ... " It's a deal. Now start walking into the bedroom."

Joan walked towards the bedroom. I followed her, keeping my eyes on her gorgeous, young butt the whole way.
I explained the basic rules of the game. I was the burglar. The girls were the victims. I would tie them and rob the house and talk very menacingly.They would cower in fear.

I knew that Joan enjoyed acting. She had been in a few school plays. I used this to stroke her ego when I told her to be the great actress I knew she was.

Joan beamed as she agreed to it all. I told her to sit on the bedroom floor. She was informed that from now until she gets untied she should be in her damsel in distress "character". I didn't think that she would have a problem being a good actress. Especially with what I had planned.
I helped Joan to sit on the floor. She was still mildly complaining about the tightness of the elbow bindings. I fibbed when I assured her that I would loosen them in a minute. By now Vivian and Mary Lee had heard us and knew someone else was in the room. Joan was sitting with her long legs stretched out in front of her. I started to wind a sheet around her ankles.

I cinched Joan's ankles very tightly.When she complained I told her to get used to it. Joan got into character at this point and decided to earn her 20 dollars. That decision came right after I lectured her about costing me double the other girls fee. I reminded her that she would get double the rough treatment.

Joan > " Please, don't hurt us".

What came next ,was me taking off the other two girl's blindfolds. The three girls looked at each other and let out a collective squeal of distress. The struggling really started happening when I got some more bed sheets and tied Vivian's elbows as tight as they were the previous time. Next came her knees. Joan just watched in both amazement and fearful anticipation as I turned to Mary lee and did the same procedure. Joan had tried talking to the two girls and seemed to wonder why there was only a muffled response. I was about to show her! I crawled behind a seated Mary lee and undid her "detective" gag, revealing the extremely tight cleave. Joan locked eyes with Mary lee and let out a confused gasp. When I undid Vivian's outward mouth covering Joan started to protest.
Giving Joan my best evil eye I knelt down behind her.

Joan > " Alex they're choking. Their faces are turning red".
Alex> " What color do you prefer Joan? I could tightend everything and give you a dark purple shade if you wish".

Joan looked confused and very concerned.

I concentrated on enjoying the binding of this girl. Joan's knees came next. She just kept eyeing me up and looked like she was afraid of what would come next.
I really enjoyed the fact that I couldn't exactly discern Joan's acting. It was hard to tell if she was really afraid or not.

" Alex, your not really going to do anything except tie us all up..... right" ??!!!

There was a level of sweet uncertainty in Joan's quivering voice.

I cinched off Joan's knee binding as tight as I could. If this material was rope Joan would really be in trouble. I had mentioned before, that is the reason I used torn strips of bed sheets. You could tie them pretty much as tight as possible but the "victim" wouldn't be all that uncomfortable. Cutting and bruises...... no. Pressure and tightness .....yes.

I positioned myself behind Joan. It was a fantastic feeling to be mennacing this young damsel. In the past she had been the object of a great deal of fantasies of mine.Most of which ,took place in this very basement. I could smell the shampoo in her hair that she must have recently used. Unknown to Joan, I had taken a large washcloth out of my bag. I had it balled up in my hands. Joan was too busy trying to communicate with
Vivian and Mary lee to realize what was about to happen to her. Vivian screamed a warning into her gag, but it only came out a garbled mess. Joan was just turning her head to say something to me, when I decided to pounce. Pulling back her head, by the hair, Joan let out an open mouth, audible gasp. That is exactly what I was waiting for.

I jammed the washcloth between her teeth. Joan gave me a fight unlike anything Mary Lee or Eileen ever did. She did not want this washcloth stuffed in her mouth. I just kept on pushing as she kept on gasping, and whimpering. After some 30 seconds, and with Joan near exhaustion, she gave in and let me jam the cloth all the way in.
I had originally misjudged the size of the cloth. It was much too large for Joan Clark. Through perseverance she was effectively muffled. While holding the cloth in her mouth with one hand, I retrieved a long piece of bed sheet and started to wind it around her face, starting between her lips. I spared no strength as I wound the cloth around. After 3 or 4 wraps I tightly knotted it off at the back of her head.
Grabbing her by the shoulders I looked into her blue ,moist eyes. It was quite obvious that she did not expect anything this extreme. Confusion seemed to reign behind those magnificent orbs.

I rolled Joan on her stomach and began the preparations for her hog-tie. She knew what was coming because of the identical way her young friends were rendered helpless. Joan only gave a small pitiful whimper as I brought her long legs up to her wrists and knotted them off.

As a final touch I tied a piece of sheet through the young ladies gag and yanked tightly. Her head came backwards off the floor. She was then rolled on her side so I could get more tourque .I brought her ankles up behind her and tied the other end of the sheet to her gag. This forced the cleave gag even deeper. Burying the cloth far in her mouth. She couldn't even touch her lips together.I was assuming and hopeing that her groans of displeaure were just acting. Trying to earn her $20. She would never know that I was willing to go as high as $60 for her paricipation.

I didn't want to take a lot of time doing the same to the other girls. Maybe when I came back with Eileen. I would redo their bindings and have some more fun. Right now I was more interested in seeing the Clark girls faces when I brought up my little sister to join them. I wondered how they would feel when their only hope of rescue was a damsel in distress, herself.
I warned the three girls to be quiet as I left the room.

I started down the basement stairs to check on Eileen. A certain amount of guilt was forming in my brain. I really didn't need to do that to Joan. I had tied her tighter than any of the other three girls. I really didn't think that she would be comfortable in the hog-tie position for too long. That feeling of guilt disapated when I talked myself into the fact that this was just a game.
I got to the bottom of the stairs. Eileen saw me and let out a muffled, angry cry. She had now been hanging by her wrist for almost a half-hour. My little sister's auburn hair was a total mess. Even then it looked fantastic on her. She looked extremely uncomfortable. Her too short baby doll nightie had risen up her hips and now stopped just above her butt line.
I have mentioned before that Eileen was my little sister and there was never any sexual contact between us. That being said ...I must admit that I had to fight back a strong urge to reach out and stroke one of her perfect thighs.
This was one of the times when the word "sister" implied a "boundaries" type of meaning.

Instead I retrieved a couple of books and placed then underneath Eileen's feet. I could see by the look on her face that she was greatly relieved at this. Eileen started to beg and give me the goo'goo eyes. All while garbling that she wanted to be untied and the gag taken off. I refused to untie her but did relent and unfasten the tight cleave gag.

Eileen (pleading)> "Alex come on this has gone way to far. What have you done with my girlfriends? Are they all right? Please untie me. I can't take this anymore."

Alex> "I will be right back Eileen. I have a surprise for you."

Eileen > "NO ALEX, your surprises are really starting to scare me"

I ignored my little sister as she hung by her wrist. Her ankles bound, perched on top of the books. I went to the utility room in the basement and almost immediately found something that I had been hiding for a while down there.
My Dad kept all my Mom's old pantyhose in a box. There were probably some of Eileen's in there as well.
My Dad wasn't a pervert or anything like that. ( that title went to his oldest off- spring.... ME.)
The pantyhose were used as a pool filter to strain out leeves and bugs.. etc.

I put the clean nylon stocking over my head, covering my face. Little sis and I had played the " burglar" game a few times.The "frightened spontinaety" novelty seemed to be wearing off. I figured that if she couldn't see my face and I looked like a real burglar, than maybe we could be a little more inventive in our games. As an after thought I grabbed a handfull of the nylons. I had always wanted to try them out as a restraining tool as well as a tight cleave gag. What better time then the present.
I stepped out of the utility room and Eileen spotted me. I knew my mask worked a whole lot better than I could have hoped for. Eileen opened her mouth to scream. I quickly ran the 15 feet to where she was hanging and kicked out ALL the books that she was standing on. This action stifled the scream in her mouth just long enough for me to jump behind her and clamp my hand over her mouth. With my other arm I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to me. Eileen seemed to be in a temporary state of surprised shock. Her toes were just barely touching the carpeted floor of the basement. Her lips were working overtime trying to get loose from my gagging hand. I whispered in her ear and tried to reassure her that this was still part of "our game".

Quickly I reached into my back pocket and got out one of the ever-present white, bed sheet strips. I very methodically, forced the strip of cloth between Eileen's lips and pulled her head back. I tightened the strip as tight as I could and cinched off the ends at the back of her long dark hair. Eileen was red in the face, from her struggles. She looked at me accusingly as I bent down and untied her ankles. After I had done this I let her hang and wiggle her legs. I watched this action for a couple of minutes, until I sensed my younger sister was tiring. I again walked behind her and noticed that I had gagged her with a bed sheet that was about 6 feet in length. Because I had only single cleaved her there was two ends dangling down her back. Each about four feet in length. This gave me am idea.
Working methodically I grabbed Eileen's right, bobby socked covered ankle and pulled it up behind her. As I had mentioned earlier, Eileen was a cheerleader and in great shape. She was extremely flexible. Therefore I was able to pull her right ankle up to her butt.

I reached up to the hanging gag cloth and pulled Eileen mouth and head so far back that she was forced to look up at the ceiling. I then proceeded to tie the other end of the gag cloth around her ankle. When I was finished with the tie off, I gently and slowly lowered her ankle.
For every inch that the foot dropped Eileen's high pitched, muffled questions moved up an octive.

To describe this scene would not do it justice.
Picture this girl in a short baby doll nightie. Long, perfect, young, legs straining to find purchase on a carpeted basement floor. Her wrist are bound tightly over her head, and tied off to basement rafters. Now picture her tightly cleave gagged, with the gag tied off to her upraised ankle.

Walking up to Eileen I gently held her face in my hands and peered down into her eyes.

Alex> "Eileen, I know that you will probably never allow me to tie you up again. You will have to excuse me if I make the very best of my last time. I am going to go up and get your three girlfriends and bring them down here one at a time"

Quickly I bounded up the stairs leaving Eileen dangling. I looked back at her and realized that I couldn't let her stay in that position for a long time. Her breaths were coming in short gasps. Her face was forced upward ,looking at the ceiling. She couldn't even tell that I was leaving the basement. With that thought I walked up the stairs. My little sister had just become a real life kidnap victim.
I arrived at my closed bedroom door and listened for a moment. I could assertain that the girls all seemed to be still gagged. In the few minutes that I was listening their were a few muffled comments made, but of course communication was impossible.
Quickly I opened the door and was met with a site that I did not expect. Mary Lee was was just as I had left her, tightly hogtied, and gagged. It was obvious that she had tried to get loose. Her short dress was up to her waist and her hair was a mess. Joan and Mary Lee let out a startled muffled scream when the door was abruptly opened. I was shocked to see that Joan, although still hogtied, was free of the restraing cloth that forced her gag back toward her elbows. The cloth was just hanging there. It somehow got untied.

I looked around the room and realized that Vivian was missing. I panicked slightly as I looked in the closet for her. Joan and Mary Lee were both trying to make a lot of noise and attract my attention from the search. Both girls looked very frightened as they looked at me, with my "burglar" mask on. The only place left to look in the room was under the bed. I started to chuckle and that seemed to even scare the girls more.

Alex> "Come out, come out, were ever you are"

Then when the girls least expected it I bent down and found Vivian hiding under the bed. The expression in her eyes was pure terror. I put my hand under the bed and grabbed her ankle. Vivian put up a mild struggle as I pulled her from underneath the bed. As she struggled I figured this was a great chance to 'cop a feel'. While pulling Vivian out ,my hands went from her ankles and traveled up her legs to rest for a moment on her young butt. Vivian knew exactly what I was doing. Her wide eyed look confirmed that. She looked very caught off guard but not panicky. Almost like she was waiting for the next step.I leaned over and said,

"Too bad beautiful but, this is what happens when you cross the burglar. I know that you got out of the hogtied rope, and that you helped your big sister. If you think that you were tied up before wait until I get you in the basement"

When the three young captives heard the word "basement'' they all screamed. The girls were all gagged so tightly that the noise barely left the room.

Alex> "O.K. ladies we are all going to make a trip downstairs. I have a little surprise for you down there. Vivian ,I have some definite plans for you, seeing as you fancy yourself to be a little Houdini. But first, i would like to memorialze this 'kidnapping' with a few photos."

All thre girls looked at each other as I rumedged through my dresser drawer. When I brought out the polaroid camera, the girls again screamed and cried into their gags. I looked at the camera and realized I had six or seven rolls of unused film lying in the drawer. I roughly grabbed Vivian and made her sit next to her sister. Instructing both young girls to look at the camera. I snapped the first shot.
For the next 25 minutes or so I repositioned the girls the way I wanted them. Because of my 'detective magazine' collection, I knew what I wanted as far as damsel photos.

' Photo series 1' showed a closeup of Vivian and Joan. Both girls are staring at the camera and look very scared. Tears are even forming in Joans eyes. Before the photo was taken I tightened the girls cleave gags so that, it appeared that the their lovely faces were distorted.

' Photo series 2' showed all three girls lying on their sides. I got on top of my desk chair and took an 'arial' picture of this. All three girls have their elbows, wrist, knees and ankles tightly bound with bedsheets. In addition, all three are extremely tightly gagged with cleaves buried between their teeth. All are strainning to look into the camera lens. All show concern on their faces.

'Photo series 3' showed Mary Lee seated on the floor. Her long legs are stretched out in front of her. I had smoothed her skirt down to where it was supposed to be. Even then it just barely covers her lower thighs. She is looking at the camera and shows a lot of fear in her eyes. Mary Lee has her hands tied behind her along with her elbows. The wrist are out to her right side to show that they are tightly bound. She is tightly cleave gagged and tied at both knees and ankles. I actually laid on the floor and shot from 10 feet away. I instructed her to bend her legs at the knees. She knew I was going for the upskirt shot. Reluctently she did as I asked.
Photo Series 4. The 3 teens are on their knees. Their bodies are all rigid and at their full posture. Wrists are all bound behind their backs. Elbows are cemented together along with knees and ankles wrapped. A short length of rope links their ankle and wrists. The girls are all gagged with a single cleaved bed sheet. Joan's gag is augmented by severe mouth packing. As you can imagine this was a magnificent balancing act the captives were forced to perform.
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Post by Canuck100 »

The 11 chapters of the story are also posted in the Archives section.

You’ll find them here:

alex powers's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
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Post by Dpsiic »

A terrific read
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Post by Sportsfan »

With all the generous edits you've made, to the point of changing parts of the story entirely, does that mean you plan on finishing it alex? I think a lot of people would appreciate it, if you had the time.
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Post by alex86 »

Hi Sportsfan
Yes the ending is coming. After that I am working on a new story.
Thanks for your interest.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]alex86[/mention] I've sent you a PM about some moderation issues a week ago.
Please check your inbox. Thanks.

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Post by Sportsfan »

alex86 wrote: 3 years ago Hi Sportsfan
Yes the ending is coming. After that I am working on a new story.
Thanks for your interest.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Fantastic bondage the great descriptions.
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Post by some_wanderer »

Really loved this story.

Why the remaster though?
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by Dpsiic »

Blimey that must have taken hours to write 😃
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