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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I'm starting to like Shawn actually, haha. His feet make Steven willing to do almost anything to get away from them. They must be the most rank feet on earth. It was really hot when Shawn asked Steven whether he liked licking his Osiris sneakers. Steven simply had to admit.
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Post by Volobond »

Well, at least Shawn has settled down a bit. I'm still looking forward to Nick's revenge in the future...

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Post by GoBucks »

Steven is lucky Shawn was willing to listen to him this time. I'm sure he isn't going to be very thorough in his washing though. His feet must have been pretty darn bad if Steven is saying it's the worst thing he ever smelled. Shame that stink isn't getting put to more use.
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Truly putrid... Awesome.

Loved this chapter, and I'm appreacting how Shawn is getting a better idea of what kind of stuff Steven does for Nick, as it's not just complete subby obedience. It allows Shawn to grow as a Dom experiencing different types of subs will do that.

I know they're vomit worthy, and they have the chance to really do some damage to Steven but I still want to see him truly experience Nick's sock-clad feet after a Friday at work.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Shawn's socks worse than Nick's?!

So excited to see what our poor Steven will get to deal with ;)

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Post by ShadowHusky »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 4 years ago Shawn's socks worse than Nick's?!

So excited to see what our poor Steven will get to deal with ;)
Well, Nick has Steven to wash them as often as he can. Shawn doesn't even have a washing machine.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I forgot to say that I like the idea of putting Steven in so many layers that will keep him hot. The sleepsack and two sleeping bags that will make him beg for mercy in the morning.
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Post by bondagefreak »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 4 years ago Shawn's socks worse than Nick's?!
Heya kiddo.
Well on paper Nick's foot odour is a tad bit stronger than Shawn's, what with his feet simmering in heavy boots all day.
But then again, he has a washing machine and tends to shower twice a day (in the morning before work, and in the evenings after work).
Shawn on the other hand, apparently has no qualms about skipping showers, and probably ends up wearing, discarding and then re-wearing the same socks for weeks on end.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Wednesday, May 20 (11:40 PM)

With two pairs of giant size 13 sneakers and a freshly removed pair of socks now sprawled out on the floor not far from my head, I had a lot of trouble coping with the abnormally strong fumes and toxic aromas filling the air up around me.

My eyes stung and my facial muscles were virtually locked in a permanent grimace.
I tried breathing with my mouth, but the foul air still kept creeping up into my nose and making me sick somehow.

Shawn's room stank almost as much as the inside of Zack's hockey gloves, and it didn't help that the space was cramped and that the relatively small window was locked shut. The cluttered bedroom was stuffier than an attic and lined with piles of worn-out socks and heavily worn, unwashed boxers.

The fact that the beefy stud who called this place his nest skipped out on his showers and suffered from a very serious case of foot odour didn't help out in the slightest. And being restrained and left alone without any form of distraction only seemed to make the nauseating stench even more unbearable.

So I was understandably relieved and shocked when captor made an appearance by stepping back into the bedroom after having been gone for a mere three or four minutes.

I would've barely had time to brush my teeth and shampoo my hair in that time, much less wash my compact 5'7 swimmer's build!

Yet here he was, standing tall and still soaking wet from just having stepped out of the shower.
His hair was still damp and numerous drops of water fell from his jawline and rolled down his buff chest and muscular torso.

A series of wet plops echoed about the place as he walked around and uncaringly tracked water across the floor with his huge, naked feet.

Still holding his towel around his shoulders, Shawn walked in the room and closed the door shut before making his way over to his swivelling chair and booting his desktop computer back on.

He rummaged through the cluttered floor space and eventually opened the window to let some of the built up stuffiness vent out.
The cool night air spilled in, and for a moment there, I was actually reminded of what fresh air smelled like.

My freshly-showered captor quickly dried his hair up, but even after drying his legs and tossing his damp towel down to his bed, the man's exceptionally large, size 13 soles kept producing wet sucking noises every time he took a step on the dusty wooden floor.

The room still stank to high heavens, but in those minutes following Shawn's return, my focus was almost entirely absorbed by the shape and fullness of his practically naked body.

Nick's cousin wasn't the most handsome guy around.
His face was a little boyish and his features were a bit bland. But even though I didn't find him extraordinarily attractive or particularly smart, the fullness of his body and the size of his musculature more than easily compensated for his lack of charisma.

I had so much trouble figuring him out. Which wasn't so surprising considering I had trouble figuring myself out!
I definitely didn't love the guy. But to say that I didn't have a growing crush on him would've been an outright lie.

Nick was and would always be my God.
I revered him, loved him and cherished him in a way that words can't even begin to express.

Then there was Zack.

It took a while for me to figure it out, but after lots of hard thinking and self-acceptance, I eventually came to the conclusion that my feelings for Zack stemmed from the fact that he and I were a better match than Nick and myself could ever hope for.

I envied Jeremy like you wouldn't believe. I dreamed of being courted like he had been and longed to be rescued like he had been.

Zack was a modern knight in shining armour and was pretty much the epitome of chivalry!
His mere presence pulled at my heartstrings and it was somewhat difficult to see him adopt and care for another lad, especially one who perhaps didn't yet understand how lucky he was.

Don't get me wrong, Nick had his moments and could be very courteous and romantic when he wanted to.
Those moments were there, but they were just fewer and much more spaced out.

Nick and I didn't match on every level, but our bond had grown so strong that all those minute differences ended up not mattering.
In other words, he had dibs on me, being "first to base" and all.

Zack's appearance into my life had been pretty impactful, but had nonetheless come a little too late.
And even though I had grown madly in love with the idea of being shared by both he and Nick, the key to my heart still belonged to the blond construction worker who's bed I shared every night.

As for the other Alphas I'd been introduced to, I liked Chris a lot, and definitely felt the hots for Kyle, Josh and Joey.
But Shawn was just a different animal altogether.

Last night I'd been upset at the less than subtle way he'd made a pass at me, and just this morning I was positively furious as his use of guile and deceit in other to get what he wanted out of me.

I thought he was a despicable character, but as the day progressed, I eventually got a see another side of him; a much more grounded and down-to-earth facet of his personality.

Unlike Phil and Josh who had practically jumped at the opportunity to torment me, Shawn had shown himself more balanced and somewhat protective in his public dealings with me.

Part of me did not want to admit this, but he reminded was a lot like his cousin Nick before the two of us had become romantically involved.
Shawn had a lot of maturing to do, but it didn't take a particularly perceptive man to see that the wasn't completely cruel or bitter on the inside.

He had shown no qualms about punishing me, but had also demonstrated some level of moderation and fairness while holding my leash between his hands and making me clean up and worship his sneakers.
So long as I did what I was told, he would treat me okay.

I didn't make it right and it certainly didn't make him a particularly good Dom, but his lack of cruelty and ability to feel some amount of mercy and remorse gave me at least a glimpse of hope.

Immaturity and boyish features aside though, young Master Shawn was very much a man.

The blue eyed 21-year-old beefcake stood a full head taller than me and had a chest as wide as my shoulders.

His forearms and biceps were exceptionally large and thick, and his shoulders were extremely well developed.
Not only were his arms practically as thick and as powerful-looking as his cousin's, but his chest was seriously buff and his abdomen was thick and powerful as well.

The fact that he was now clad in nothing but his very large, yet excessively tight-fitting black Diesel briefs also gave me a nice view of his lower body and read end.

His calves were powerfully built and his incredibly thick thighs were living tribute to the balanced body training workouts he regularly engaged in.

His bums also stood out as being remarkably fat and much like his older cousin Nick, the young goliath was endowed with a very large, very hefty awe-inspiring tool.

The bulge that stood out in between his thighs was no laughing matter. And even though his overgrown member was currently flaccid and resting inside the stretchy confines of his black briefs, Shawn's front pouch was bulging out in front of him and protruding as far from his flat abdomen as his overly-developed chest was.

Each step he took caused his monstrous thighs to rub together, and in turn made his seriously overstuffed pouch wiggle from side to side.
The spectacle of him walking around in his underwear was quite arousing to look at.

The contrast between Shawn's clean shaven, ever-so-slightly boyish face was made all the more prominent by the profusion of blond body hair that lined most of his muscular body.

From his exceptionally hairy thighs, to his huge, hairy balls and big bushy armpits, the extremely buff college hunk was covered in light, pale golden fur.

I thought I didn't like hairy guys, but strangely enough, I was actually finding the giant beefcake's fur-lined thighs and pecs strangely alluring.
Come to think of it, the extreme manliness of his body and the sharp contrast it provided when compared to his face, gave the hunk a certain edge over the other guys who shared his apartment.

He was the strongest and heaviest of these jocks. And with the possible exception of Big Mike, who was endowed with exceptional height, Shawn probably had the largest and meatiest tool and set of balls hanging between his legs.
I don't know why it mattered, but in my own personal ranking of these blokes, it certainly did!

I definitely enjoyed the thought of being owned by the biggest and baddest Alpha around.
And I was enlightened enough to know that my desire to be owned by such a man stemmed from a selfish need to feel special.

I loved the thought of these other guys lusting after me. But I absolutely adored the idea of Shawn keeping me for himself and using his physical power and authority to keep me off limits to the others.

And so as much as I longed for Nick's return and our much awaited camping trip with Zack and Jeremy, I was also deriving a significant amount of pleasure in being bound and locked in Master Shawn's bedroom and being forced to submit to his will and power.

Once of the greatest revelations to dawn upon me at the time, was that my innate desire to please and submit wasn't always motived by a selfless desire to indulge my betters.

Rather, it was the satisfaction and self-gratification that resulted from it that constantly kept me on my knees and made me want to obey time and again.

I enjoyed being humble and enjoyed pleasing my betters.
But my motivations for doing so often stemmed from a more selfish desire; a desire to feel good.

Whether or not it makes me a poor submissive is for you to judge.

But as long as I didn't let my appetite for self-indulgence get in the way of my relationship with Nick, I saw not reason to rebuke myself for who I was and what my motivations were.

Figuring all that out was an important part of the self-acceptance process.
And as strange as it may seem, Shawn's plan to take me to his place and introduce me to his friends actually helped open my eyes up in more ways than one.

This insightful self-realisation about my inner psyche was only the first.

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Post by GoBucks »

Definitely see where Steven is coming from here. A lot of my sub tendencies also seem to be motivated by self-gratification rather than a pure desire to serve others like submissives should have.

Glad Shawn doesn't seem to be as bad as he did before when he was trying to blackmail Steven. Poor guy is just a horny college jock and wanted to get off. Nothing wrong with that!

And dang did you have to bring up losing Zack to Jeremy again? I did not need that reminder :evil:
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

By now, Steven should slowly get over the fact that Zack has taken Jeremy and not him. Although I still think Zack is hot, Steven should not risk his relationship with Nick. Nick has certainly become more kind and a loving, dad-like figure. I like it that Steven remembers the time when Nick behaved himself towards Steven in the same way that Shawn is doing now.

Throughout this story, moments of reflection like this one tend to have two possible, but extreme outcomes: either Steven becomes really weak and has a break-down, or he becomes really strong and is a good boi for his Master(s).
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Post by Volobond »

Interesting. I love Steven's moments of introspection. I do wonder what else he may come to realize.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

The last chapter turned me on so much. The way you described shawn in his underwear turned me on so much . I kind wish Steven gave shawn a tounge bath instead of him wasting all that water on a shower . He should have told Steven you will be licking the sweat off my sack and the sweat off my pits .
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Post by socjuc »

I wonder if Shawn will shake out Steven's pensive state by pressing his stinky foot over little Steven's nostrils :mrgreen:
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Post by george_bound »

Just got through to chapter the long drawn out gagging of Steven with Shawn's skivvies... no Nick's work sock... personally don't know which would be worse! All I can say though is that that hogtie sounded überhot to be trussed up in.

And as for the self-bondage (from someone who's done it many times and gets anxious every time), bad choice by Steven to use the chair with castors, too much danger there, especially on a wood floor! He would have been much better on the bed with all the gear and required emergency escape tools laid out in safe reach! As Sir BFreak stated, self-bondage is not something that should be taken lightly :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

GoBucks wrote: 4 years ago Definitely see where Steven is coming from here. A lot of my sub tendencies also seem to be motivated by self-gratification rather than a pure desire to serve others like submissives should have.
Takes some honest self-examination to admit that.
I'm sure Steven will be relieved to know there are others like him ;)

george_bound wrote: 4 years ago Just got through to chapter the long drawn out gagging of Steven with Shawn's skivvies... no Nick's work sock... personally don't know which would be worse! All I can say though is that that hogtie sounded überhot to be trussed up in.
Hey boy.
Glad to see you've resumed your reading.

Yeah, from what I remember of chapter 66, Steven too was pretty unsure about which fate was the worst.
Being rescued from Shawn's worn briefs only to wind up gagging on Nick's sock... that pretty much sounds like a case of "outta the frying pan and into the fire" to me.

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

I've finally made it through the latest two chapters.

Great descriptions of Shawn's rotten feet and his amazing body.
Somehow, that blond body hair really is appealing - so I definitely see the point of Steven there.

About the reasons why he is submitting - I can relate to that too.
For me, my motivation to please others definitely is big. But I can't deny that some of the stuff I like (connected to being submissive) also just feels good to me, just as Steven explained it.

I'm anxious to what actions that realization will lead for Steven.
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Post by bondagefreak »

A special thanks to everyone who took the time to comment on the last few chapters.
I'm once again caught up with absurdly long working hours this week, but as soon as I get a couple days off, Steven's adventure will be continuing with chapter 199.

Master Shawn is probably looking forward to his foot bath just as much as you guys are ;)

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Post by bondagefreak »

Note from the author: A special thanks to the very talented DA artist "DogAndClover" for his depiction of Shawn and for allowing me to merge it on here as a story-based illustration.

Thursday, May 21 (12:00 AM)

Shawn had no reservations about strutting his stuff while wearing only his tight-fitting black Diesel briefs.

At first, I thought he was acting all tough and confident because this was his bedroom. But after a few minutes of clearing his computer desk and getting ready for a late-night gaming session, the hunk stepped out of his abode and rummaged around inside the apartment kitchen.
He was seemingly unaware or unbothered by the frightening size and fullness of the pouch that protruded from between his huge, hairy thighs.

And yes, his bulge really was that big.

The blond stud came back in the room a few minutes later, this time carrying a can of beer in one hand and a sturdy-looking wooden chair in the other.

Being a man of relatively few words, he pushed his swivelling computer chair aside and lifted my tightly sleeping-bagged body up off the makeshift bed before positioning me on the floor, with my head beneath his computer desk. It's only once the kitchen chair was placed over my torso and the four sturdy legs came down around my squirming form that I understood what was going on.

The hunk was getting me ready and would be using the chair's relatively narrow legs to keep me from squirming out of position.
In essence, he was gonna be sitting on the chair and using the legs to keep me trapped and caged inside my super fat, sleeping bag cocoon.

The door to the bedroom was once again locked shut, and the hairy, 235-pound underwear-clad beefcake made his way over to me and sat his huge ass down over the wooden chair, sealing my fate and keeping me hopelessly trapped in place.

Shawn's beastly calves came down on both sides of my head, and the buff muscle-King proceeded to crack his beer can open before placing his headphones around his neck and scooting down to grab the thick sleeping bags I was bundled up in.

The bags were zipped a little higher, forcing me to crane my head up in order to keep my face from being swallowed up and smothered.

With the thick bags zipped up most of the way and the puffy loft now tucked under my chin and sealed around my neck, my body was trapped and my face was completely vulnerable and exposed.
Shawn had me exactly where he wanted me.

Apparently feeling the need to reinforce his hold over me, the oafish stud picked up something up from his computer desk and flashed me the very large, very fat looking roll of heavy-duty construction-grade duct tape he'd snatched from his cousin's room earlier this morning.

"One peep and I'm taping your face shut." he warned, giving me a second to contemplate the roll of silver adhesive before placing it back down on his desk, right next to his keyboard.

I swallowed hard, but stayed quiet and averted my eyes in respect, knowing full well that any potential mouth stuffings contained in the room would be well beyond my tolerance level.

Master Shawn was a gorgeous and highly impressive specimen to look at, but his socks smelled absolutely rotten and his boxers, briefs and compression shorts smelled real strong of balls and butthole.

With the threat of getting my mouth stuffed now weighing heavily on me, the super hunky blond-haired captor lifted his right foot up and presented my face with the underside of his extremely large, super beefy size 13 sole.

In my naivety, I actually thought I'd have an easy time sucking on the hairy 21-year-old's freshly-showered toes.
But as soon as I took a tentative sniff of the air underneath his foot, my head sank down and my nose crinkled up in extreme revulsion.

"Ugggmph!" I cried out, unable to cope with the potency of the smell I'd just taken in.

The underside of Shawn's foot was covered with bits and crumbs he'd picked up from the dirty apartment floor, and the smell that permeated the air around my nostrils was unbelievably ripe and foul.

How on earth did his feet smell that bad right after a shower?!

At first, I thought maybe he hadn't showered at all.
Maybe he'd just shampooed his hair and rinsed his face off or something.

But it's only when the brutish oaf momentarily spread his toes apart that I understood why his soles stank the way they did.

Master Shawn's toes were exceptionally large and fat. And in his haste to get a taste of the pleasures I was granting his older cousin, the young muscle-stud had apparently neglected to rinse his toe cracks and soap his feet up, resulting in TONS of toe jam and rotten sock lint remaining stuck between his plump digits.

Shawn's toes were simply too fat and too close together for a mere casual rinse to take care of cleaning that gunk out.
And to make matters worse, his sickeningly moist soles had picked up an enormous array of crap, which wasn't all that surprising considering he'd trudged barefoot all across the apartment floor.

Visibly unaware of the bacteria-infested gunk that lined the space between his toes, and no doubt completely oblivious to the fact that his digits still stank to high heavens, the hairy giant slowly lowered his foot down over my grimacing face.

He probably didn't understand why I'd suddenly turned my head sideways, and he was undoubtedly a little upset at the fact that I was suddenly proving uncooperative. But I didn't care.
His toes stank to the point of making me sick and I wasn't gonna have it.

Instead of landing on the front of my face, the underside of his massive size 13 foot came down on the side of my head, from my chin, all the way up across the left side of my face.

Had the man asked me what the problem was, I surely would've told him.
But Shawn merely took my struggling as a sign of defiance and promptly scolded me for my efforts.

"Where do you think you're going, bitch?" he chuckled, lifting his foot up off my cheek before trying to smother the front of my face with it.

I fought him every inch of the way and moved my head left and right in an attempt to delay the inevitable.
The beefy blond man's foot odour was absurdly strong, but even though I fought to keep my nostrils clear of his soles, he eventually managed to clamp his foot down and bury my nose under his massive toes.

"Haha! Yeah. Sniff!" he chuckled, curling up his plump digits and giggling in excitement as my attempts to get away were easily defeated.

I gagged, coughed and choked but was unable to express my revolt in an intelligible fashion due to the hairy oaf's extremely large, heavy foot crushing my lips down and blocking my mouth up.

The blond muscle-hunk smirked cockily and crossed his hands up behind his head while I choked and gagged on the incredibly foul stench that oozed out of his toe cracks.

The super fat sleeping bags and the annoyingly restrictive sleepsack I was trapped in kept me from interfering, but even though I choked and went cross-eyed from his stench, my enormous 6'3 captor kept his giant toes curled up around my nose and forced me to take whiff after whiff after whiff of the pungent toe jam that was lodged in between them.

I was about ready to puke my guts out.

Unable to cope with the smell, I rolled my eyes up into my skull before eyeing my captor and moaning in despair.

Shawn's great, big, furry legs stood up like trees on both sides of my face. And even from my position stuck between his chair legs, I could see his exceedingly broad shoulders and could see his extremely buff, hair-covered chest.

In my desperation, I allowed my tear-filled eyes to roam upwards until finally, they settled on his face.
And in that moment, I saw Shawn staring back down at me, his face looking as boyish and as devoid of malice as ever.

He was a god, and no matter how putrid and pungent his feet were, he had every right to demand tribute of me.
His blue orbs pierced my tear-glossed gaze, and I instantly knew he was the superior man.

I made a final attempt to cry out for help and made a final attempt to protest my fate.
Then I just gave up and surrendered myself to him.

Shawn wanted his feet lapped up and worshipped.
And that's exactly what I ended up doing.

Master Shawn, by DA Artist "DogAndClover"


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Post by Volobond »

An absolutely amazing illustration, accompanying some more Steven torment that we all love. These big jovk guys and their lack of hygiene! Yikes ;)

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Post by socjuc »

oof this chapter is awesome, and the picture is very strategic for the detail. Perfection :)
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Post by Msueta@2 »

That was a hot chapter . That picture is hot also .
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Post by GoBucks »

The picture definitely shows off those big beefy toes that Shawn has. They are massive! I can't even imagine the toe jam that could fit in those. Very hot chapter. Glad you got some free time to write it!
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Post by Ossassin »

Nice pictures it is a good addition.
Also fun position trapped under a chair in a sleeping bag.
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