Ropes And Roses - A Bondage Romance - M/F & F/M and variants - New part FINALLY UP 21/08 :) part 32 next

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Ropes And Roses - A Bondage Romance - M/F & F/M and variants - New part FINALLY UP 21/08 :) part 32 next

Post by RopingRingers »

previously, A Reassertment Of His Worth

Hey guys, so this is a new style of story i'm trying. I like the concept of bondage and domination being used to raise someone up and feel better about themselves, quite a change from my stories so far lol. Please Enjoy :D Oh and this is long for an opening chapter, but hopefully it is worth the read :)

As I wandered around my low-key apartment waiting for her to arrive, I felt my heart quicken. I had spent the whole day ensuring my modest home was in immaculate condition - the grey carpet in the lounge had been vacuumed, the wood in the hall and kitchen polished.

Well, cleaned with water and something Google told me would shine it up. I was on a time frame, after all. Everything was packed away in its place, there were no stray clothes or items to be seen. The only exception was my room, I doubted we'd end up in there so I had only half-arsed the cleaning in there. After all, how could this gorgeous gem want more than friendship from me?

I looked at the cheap K-Mart wallclock - 7.15 pm. Only fifteen minutes! I walked over to the nearby mirror, taking a look at myself. I had done myself up reasonable well - clean, tidy shirt with a Game of Thrones décor, black jeans and clean shoes. Nothing fancy, nothing shabby. I had had a quick shave earlier, tidying up the cheeks, leaving only my stub-tea as I called it, a goatee and moustache I kept trimmed back to a stubble.

As I stared at myself, I wondered why I was so excited. I wasn't an UGLY man, I had solid cheeks and hair that looked ok when styled. If not, I look like a fucken hobo. However, the lazy left eye and stuck-out front teeth that I obsessed about, were visible as always. I hated them without end, if I could afford to get them fixed, I'd look fine!

The shock when Jewel had asked if she could come over for dinner, not to mention the forwardness of it, had thrown me into a stunned silence for a good few seconds. Fortunately, I managed to eek out a yes before completely fucking that up. She smiled, took my address, and here we are.

Thump, thump, thump! The dull thudding of a closed fist hitting my door rang out. I swallowed hard. This was it. I walked over to the flimsy wooden door, pulled back the chain and opened it.

'Hey, Jewel!' I said, trying to sound relaxed and casual. In reality my head felt like it was five degrees hotter, I was sure she'd have to feel the nervous heat emanating from me. She stepped in, smiling broadly at me as she shrugged off her fur coat.

'Hey, Boyd!' Jewel said. 'How have you been? I've been looking forward to this all day, you're such a funny guy at work! I hope you're as fun at home!' she finished that with a sly smile and a wink of those big blue eyes, I wasn't sure how to take that.

I covered my nervousness well however, beginning to walk toward the kitchen. 'Come this way, you're going to love dinner!' I said over my shoulder, but Jewel had paused. I stopped. 'What's up?'

Jewel blushed. 'Sorry to ask right as I walk in the door, but can I use your bathroom?' I laughed.

'That's no problem at all, love. Go for it, I'll go get this feed goin' aye?' I continued into the kitchen, beginning to plate up the hearty beef stew I had made us. Some people might turn their noses up at a good stew but it was something I made very regularly, and I would rather make Jewel something I KNEW would taste good, and fill her up.

Not that she needed filling up, at five foot seven Jewel was STUNNING. Long black hair, double D chest and perfect porcelain-white skin. Her legs, butt, torso, everything was curved where it should be, she was just stunning. Which was why I was certain she couldn't be interested in any romantic way, she must just think I'm nice.

As I set out two steaming bowls of beef and vegetables with their very thick and savoury sauce, Jewel came into the kitchen. 'That smells great!' she smiled, walking over and looking into the bowl. 'Beef stew?' I nodded, smiling back. 'I hope you like it. I make it quite often, it's a personally tweaked and tested recipe. Lots of beef and veg, good for you.' I stopped, I had slipped into Dad mode. She laughed. 'Sounds good.'

She pulled out one of the wooden chairs out from the polished wooden dining table. At least it looked the part, it was one of those cheaper imitation jobs. Still, it looked decent and that's what matters. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but couldn't think of what to say. Walking over to the fridge I ask, 'Are you ok Jewel? You seem off with the fairies a little.'

Jewel smiled. 'Well, I hope you don't get mad, but I accidentally went into your bedroom first. I wasn't trying to snoop or anything, but you seem to like some interesting stuff.' By now I've pulled out the bottle of Coke I had wanted and was walking back over to the bench that was part of the apartment, reached into the cupboard above and pulled out two glasses.

As I began to pour I smiled at her words, she must have seen my gaming collection - I had quite the setup in there. Then I realized something. I hoped Jewel didn't notice my entire body tense as I remembered. I turned, plastering a fake smile on my face.

'Could you excuse me a moment, Jewel?' Jewel nodded, looking nonchalant. 'Go for it.'

I bring her food and drink over, along with a fork, before quickly exiting the kitchen. As the door clicked shut behind me, I felt my heart racing. I hadn't seen her turn to face the door as I went through it, her right eyebrow raised.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' I bolt for my room as quietly as I can, mind roaring. 'Please, please, God, I know we aren't close but PLEASE tell me I put it - ' I burst through the door, looking around. I see the messy double-bed, decorated with Fallout bedding (I said I was a gamer, don't judge) the large LCD, the PS4, my laptop -

THE LAPTOP! I ran over to it. On the screen was the story I'd been working on before I started cleaning, a BDSM themed story for a site I frequented.

'FUCK!! If she saw this, she's gonna think I'm like, a creep or something!' my mind screamed at me.

I stand up, rationalizing quickly. If she'd seen it, she'd seem creeped out or twitchy, right? Yes, of course! I realized I needed to get back before she thought I was being rude. As I returned, I saw Jewel had already eaten most of her stew, and drunk most of her Coke.

'I take it it's nice then?' I laughed. Jewel smirked back. 'Or I'm just really famished.' She stirred the remaining chunks around with her fork. 'I am full now though.' I took her bowl. 'Allow me to clear this then, my dear Lady,' I say in a ridiculously posh voice. Jewel chuckled. 'Thanks, Jeeves.'

As I walk over to the sink, scraping the scraps into the nearby bin and beginning to rinse the bowl, I jump a little when I feel her hands touch me. She begins gently pressing into my back, massaging the muscles. 'You know, I've noticed something about you,' I hear her whisper into my ear.

I smile. 'What's that, hmm?' She digs her claws in more, coming around the front, her claws digging into my belly. I tense back into her. 'You seem to think there's something wrong with you. We all see it, the girls I mean.'

I turn, look at her. She continues.

'The moment a camera comes anywhere NEAR you, you slam sunnies on like goddamn Cyclops in The Avengers. You don't smile much, and when you do, you look down. You seem to think people look at you and see something bad, and that's just not true.' As she speaks, I turn back around to finish rinsing the bowl.

'I appreciate that, you have no idea how much,' I say, hands trembling a little. I've never been good at emotions, especially people caring about mine. Out of my comfort zone, you might say. 'But we are who we are, right?' I turn back to her, smiling and using my usual defence mechanism - phrases that end the conversation. Ideally, anyway.

Jewel took my hands in hers, not breaking eye contact. 'Sometimes, we can change. I'd like to show you something, may I?' I nod. 'Sure.'

Jewel squeezed my hand tighter. 'Do you trust me?' I look at her. 'Kinda. I mean part of me is worried you are playing me, but I'd like to think you aren't. You're nice, and funny, and very beautifu - ' I stop short. Man, I just sounded like a lovestruck teenager! But Jewel just smiled that gorgeous smile of hers, taking my hand and leading me towards the loungeroom.

'I want you to close your eyes.' Jewel said to me. I hesitate. 'You said you trust me.' Jewel said, almost sounding hurt. That got me. I sigh, then close my eyes. I feel her hands begin running along my arms, before her hands tightened around my wrists, bringing them together. I pause, curious. 'What is she doing?'

Suddenly I feel it, the soft touch of silk being wrapped around my wrist. 'Shhhhhhhhhhh,' Jewel whispered soothingly. 'Just trust me.' She begins binding my wrists gently but firmly. 'I saw your story,' Jewel said.

'I had kinda figured at this point,' I smile back at her. 'What you need,' Jewel said. 'Is to be shown what you are worth. How much you can please ANY woman, there's nobody better than you, or worse.' Jewel begins to lead me toward my bedroom. 'This is as much a privelege for me as it is you. That's what you need to learn. Stop being so harsh on yourself!'

As we approached my bedroom, I felt my stomach begin to grumble. I hadn't eaten my stew!
'I know you didn't get the chance to eat, but I promise you, you'll forget about that soon,' Jewel reached down and squeezed my already-hardening manhood as she spoke.

'I've no idea whats happening right now,' I thought to myself. 'But I think I'm going to like it.' If only I knew just how much fun Jewel planned to have with me.
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Post by tpton »

really like this so far! looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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Post by Mike »

Such a good incipit! I definitely want to read more :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Mike wrote: 4 years ago Such a good incipit! I definitely want to read more :D
I had to google incipit 😭😂 thanks mate, glad you enjoy the opening :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

tpton wrote: 4 years ago really like this so far! looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Well stay tuned sir, I sense a blossoming relationship between these two love birds ;)
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Post by Mike »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago
Mike wrote: 4 years ago Such a good incipit! I definitely want to read more :D
I had to google incipit 😭😂 thanks mate, glad you enjoy the opening :D
Sorry i'm from italy. I used that word without thinking. i really like the description of your submissive attitude and how the girl noticed it. Keep going with the good work!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Ah Italia, bueno :D I'm glad you like it so far :) though I would say I view the male character not so much SUBMISSIVE per se, more lacking the self confidence and self-esteem to be able to act on his dominant needs. Perhaps Jewel can use his submissive side to bolster his confidence and opinion of himself :) or perhaps she'll mould him to be hers and nobody elses' 😉
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Post by Mike »

I see! I like the second option! I can't wait to konw how Jewel gonna tie him up
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Post by RopingRingers »

Well, I hope you enjoy this next part mate :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Don't forget to vote for the next part :D options are at the end :D

Part II

As Jewel led me into my bedroom, hands tightly bound behind my back, I felt my heartrate quicken. I was started to worry, years of self-doubt and second-guessing myself was bubbling just below the surface of my mind. It was a slight battle to keep myself calm, to be sure Jewel meant me no harm. I knew it rationally of course, like most things. But, fear can be illogical. She sat me gently on my bed.

'Can you wait here? I need something from my car,' she said, looking at me with an apologetic expression.

'Sure,' I said, jiggling my shoulders a bit. 'Not like I can go far, really.' Jewel laughed. 'Well, when you put it like that.' Then, to my absolute shock, she leant forward and kissed me fully on the lips, holding fast for five seconds or so - and my GOD did she taste sweet. Then she pulled back. 'I won't be long.' And, she was out the door.

As I heard my front door click shut, I fell back into my pillows, lying on my side to avoid crushing my hands. As I lay there, it did cross my mind that Jewel could just drive off and leave me. I tested my bonds. Meh. It would be super easy to get this off, barely an inconvenience. But, I didn't feel the need to yet.

Despite my irrational misgivings, I DID trust Jewel. She didn't have to come here, it was her idea. And, something about her made me feel safe. I hadn't ever felt that before.

Vulnerable. I felt a surge as the word crossed my mind. Hmmmmm. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I heard my front door squeak open. Jewel was back. But she didn't come back. I heard faint sounds, from what I could tell, she was changing clothes.

As she walked down the narrow hall towards my bedroom door, I paused. Her footsteps sounded.......different? Like......high heels? The door slowly opened, and Jewel stepped in. My jaw fell limply open, my eyes were dazed and shocked. I tried to speak, but only managed a quiet squeak.

Jewel stood wearing a figure-hugging black-and-red leather-and-lace corset. It encircled her torso and accentuated her already ample chest, and I moaned at the sight. Her legs were covered with black silk stockings running up to mid-thigh where they met a rather racy looking garter belt. She also wore very skimpy black panties. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders -I wonder if that was because she knew I liked that or if it was just coincidence.

Jewel burst out laughing at my stunned silence. 'I take it you like what you see?' Jewel smirked as she walked up to me. I nodded. Finally, I regained my composure.

'Jewel, you look, absolutely fucken great! Like, fuck me, um, what did you want me to do?' I said, still trying to work out if I was dreaming. Jewel saw this. She came up to me, taking my chin and tilting my head back.

'I told you, silly boy. I want you to grow some bloody confidence!' she smiled, slapping me lightly on the cheek. I looked back at her, unsure. She looked at me, then tugged on my arm. 'Stand up,' she said gently, and as I did so, she produced another length of rope. Black, and silky, and........not mine!

The first bit of rope I had assumed she took from somewhere in my apartment, but now that I thought about it, no, I had no silk ropes! Only a few cheap cotton ones I'd bought, wishful thinking more than anything else. She had brought rope WITH HER! I was shocked........and turned on. 'She came here WANTING to do this to me? Woah.....' I thought to myself.

Jewel began threading the black rope just above my elbows, cinching my arms together. I groaned a little as she pulled them together. 'Come on, gym boy,' Jewel snickered. 'You aren't breaking already are you?'

I wanted to be offended but I knew she meant nothing, she quite often ribbed me for how often I worked out. Compensating, she often said. Hmmmm, maybe Jewel, maybe, though not for what you'd assume.
As she came back around the front, she grinned and tweaked my left nipple. I hunch a bit, giggling.

Jewel suddenly shoves me backwards, onto the bed. I cry out in shock as I fall, but Jewel doesn't miss a beat as she starts looping rope around my ankles and knees, binding them tightly together. Then, she drags me down to the floor. I look up at her, her beauty absolutely radiating. I feel helpless at her feet, and yet I'm surprised at how comfortable that makes me.

Jewel smiles down at me. 'Don't go anywhere, I have to get my bag of tricks.' Jewel turned away and walked toward my door, her high-heeled black stilettos clacking against the wood. I like that. Her bag of tricks does, however, make me nervous. 'What is she bringing back?'

Jewel walks back in carrying a decent sized black bag, about the size of a school kid's backpack. She placed it in front of my face. 'So, if you haven't worked it out, I was planning to do this, like, the whole time.' She squatted down next to the bag, looked at me.

'Then, I saw your story, and I realized you actually liked bondage, like me. See, I always liked it, and I always liked you too, but I could tell you were very, hard on yourself. And I don't understand why. I wasn't sure how I was going to convince you before I saw that, I'm so glad you left it open!' Jewel looked genuinely excited, and that made me feel good.

Suddenly, she stopped smiling. 'I hope that doesn't bother you,' she said, looking worried. 'That I wanted to tie you up the whole time.' I stare at her, dumbfounded. Then I begin to speak.

'Does it bother me? Bother me? You bet your arse it does!' I say, and Jewel's head falls forward, and I hear the starting signs of Boulder Dam level waterworks. But before she can get too upset, I land the plane. 'Bothers me it took you this long. Do you know how long I've had the hots for you?' Her head snaps up, her eyes were already slightly damp.

'But, then why did you -' she begins to say. I crack up laughing. 'Because, like you said when you first got here, I'm a funny guy! I saw the chance to mess around a bit and I did. But then again,' I look at her slyly. 'Maybe I wanted to give you a reason to punish me, for causing you such distress.'

Jewel laughs, drying her eyes, then comes over to me. And grabs my ear, HARD. I cry out in pain, that bloody hurt! Jewel leant in and smiled evilly. 'Oh Boyd. You know, I CAN be mean too.' I smile back at her, more nervous than I've ever been and yet also teeming with excitement. 'Oh? I bet you can't scare, or break me!' I grin, cocksure.

She grins back, her competitive spirit rearing up. She reaches into her bag, and draws out two large feathers. My grin falls from my lips - I hate being tickled. And Jewel fucking knows it! I can tell by her widening smile that my realization is not lost on her - just last week I had told her how much I hated being tickled.

'Ok, Jewel, hold on a second now,' I begin, trying to squirm away. Jewel just placed a foot on my torso. 'Oh, no, you don't,' she whispered, smiling down at me as she came closer, twirling the feathers in front of my eyes.

'So, how about thirty minutes of tickling, to begin? I hope you don't need to pee!' she laughs as she begins to trace the underside of my foot with one of the feathers, and my side with the other. I begin to buck and struggle as I begin to laugh uncontrollably - I may have been overconfident. This is hell, I can't breathe, I can only laugh, god, please! hahahaha!

And yet...…….. I don't want her to stop.

Hey guys so I'd love some opinions on what should happen next ;)

A - Jewel finishes the tickle torture, then removes most of Boyds clothes for ice play

B - Jewel offers to end the tickling early but in exchange Boyd must be bound in a completely new position of Jewel's choosing

C - Jewel finishes tickling, then unties Boyd to change position. Boyd overpowers her, playfully but firmly, and decides to take some control. Jewel likes this.
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Post by tpton »

voting for A! really liked this chapter
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Post by Mike »

Jewel is really sexy!! I choose A!! :lol: but i like option B as well. Maybe you can do a mix of them
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Post by RopingRingers »

I was sure id wake up to more votes haha but looks like A won that lol I like your suggestion Mike ;)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Might I suggest B, but the ice torture in A sounds stimulating too! :D :D :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Might I suggest B, but the ice torture in A sounds stimulating too! :D :D :D
Haha considering that's two to mention both A & B, I reckon I'll take Mike's suggestion and blend the two ;) I hope you're enjoying the style change too :)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago
Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Might I suggest B, but the ice torture in A sounds stimulating too! :D :D :D
Haha considering that's two to mention both A & B, I reckon I'll take Mike's suggestion and blend the two ;) I hope you're enjoying the style change too :)
Liking it so far! Keep it up! Who wouldn't want to be in the clutches of a sexy and loving domme? :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago
RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago
Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Might I suggest B, but the ice torture in A sounds stimulating too! :D :D :D
Haha considering that's two to mention both A & B, I reckon I'll take Mike's suggestion and blend the two ;) I hope you're enjoying the style change too :)
Liking it so far! Keep it up! Who wouldn't want to be in the clutches of a sexy and loving domme? :D
Some crazy guy in Alaska probably 😂
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Part III

I continue to buck and squirm, laughing hysterically as Jewel assails my skin with the feathers. I have no idea how long she's been going - all I know is my lungs hurt, my abdomen hurts, and I don't know how much longer I can take this. Suddenly, Jewel stops. She rolls me onto my back so I can look at her.

'Well, Boyd, that confidence might have been misplaced,' Jewel says, smirking down at me. 'That was five minutes. Do you think you can take another twenty-five?'

'No bloody way, Jewel,' I say. She sits on the edge of my bed, looks down at me. Then, she places her heel on my stomach, and presses down. Not too hard, but enough to be unpleasant. I groan. She stares at me. 'What did you call me, Boyd?' For a moment, I'm confused. 'Um, it's your name, Jewel? What did I - OH! Of course, dumbass.' I think.

'No, ma'am,' I say. 'I don't think I could take it.' Jewel smiles. 'That's better. I'd also accept Mistress but, whatever you prefer is fine.' She leans forward, coming closer. 'This isn't about belittling you, or setting myself up above you. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am. Now, that said,' she smiles cheekily, 'I AM in charge here. So, I'd like to offer an alternative to another twenty five minutes of tickling.'

'If you will let me tie you up in a different position, and surprise you with a little something, I will forego the tickling.' I look up at her. If I'm being honest, I'd be happy to do whatever she wanted until the sun came up. But, if its up to me........

'That sounds good, ma'am. But, may I stretch and have a drink first?' Jewel laughs. 'Ok, I can't say no to that, you look so cute all bound. But,' she narrows her eyes sternly. 'No smoking while you have your break. I hate when I smell it on you, its like you lit your hair on fire. Putrid.' She begins untying my legs. 'You have three minutes.'

Four minutes later - I was surprised how quickly Jewel set me free - I sat on my small leather couch in the loungeroom. Jewel had asked me to wait here, I wasn't sure why. Jewel had asked me to come in here once I stretched and drank, and to strip to my boxers. I don't think she realizes how much I hate the cold. Before she comes in, I flick the nearby heater on low.

As I sat back down, I looked around myself - 'Why has she got me here? Couch bondage is usually more awkward than most places.... As my eyes sweep the room, I glance up. 'There!'

I'd never paid much attention to it, but the roof in my loungeroom had a few wooden beams crossing it, almost like they hadn't quite finished the roof. The landlord had said it was no issue when I moved in so I never thought much about them, but now, I'm wondering if Jewel wants to use them for more.......intimate purposes.

Jewel comes back into my sight. She's still dressed in her gorgeous corset and stockings, and I feel myself stiffen a little more. She really was beautiful, and she wants me! Not Nick, not that dickweed Allan, ME! I feel something surging in my chest, something I hadn't felt in a long time. What is that? But before I can think anything further, Jewel has grabbed my arm and is leading my to a point underneath one of the thicker beams.

'I knew it!' I think to myself. First, she loops some black silken rope around my wrists. She makes a few passes before cinching it vertically. She then throws the rope over the beam above, pulling my hands upwards. The rope hangs down loosely, stopping at about my waist.

'Don't pull on that,' Jewel says. 'I need to do a few other things first.' First, she loops another length of black rope around my ankles, before running it up and tying it above my knees as well. The length she is using still has plenty left, so she runs it up again, this time looping it around my waist, just above the hips. Once she ties that off, she then attaches the hanging rope to my waist, first pulling tight to ensure my hands are taut.

I moan, I find the tight pulling strangely satisfying. Less satisfying however, is when I feel my boxers being wrenched down. I've always been self-conscious of myself down there, and having my manhood exposed while completely helpless is definitely a shock to the system. I'm just glad he's already mostly ready for business, more a grower than a shower as they say.

Jewel lightly runs her fingers up the shaft, and the rush I feel is like nothing I've felt before. I feel the blood pumping as my cock swells to full size as Jewel strokes and plays with it. 'Now, I promised you a surprise,' Jewel says, standing. She kissed me on the lips, before wrapping a scarf she had tucked into her bust around my eyes. I couldn't see! I hear Jewel giggle, and walk away. 'What are you up to, girlie?' I smile to myself.

A few moments later, I hear...... the fridge? Hmmm, Jewel must be thirsty. I relax, content to wait until she returns. I didn't, however, expect her to sneak back silent as a cat.

Suddenly, without warning, a freezing sensation on my left side. I jolt as if electrocuted, and I hear Jewel giggle again as the cold starts spreading up my side, and now its......wet? 'Why is it wet? God that's cold, what is - ICE! She grabbed ice!' But the realization does nothing to help me as I squeal and squirm, struggling to escape the cold touch spreading across my skin.

I feel my nipples harden as she traces each one with a different ice cube, before she leans in and starts flicking the left with her tongue, biting and nibbling. As she does this I feel the hand she just freed tracing a line of cold down my chest, stomach, trailing toward my........

Every muscle I have tenses as I feel the cold start up my shaft. I dread what I know is coming - I may be uncircumcised but at this point, I am fully erect and as such may as well be done, for all the protection my extremely sensitive tip now has. The cold touches - 'OH MY FUCKING GOD!! Oh my GOD! Mmmmmm, that feels......GOOD? BAD? I don't even......oh my god!!!

I buck, I struggle, I feel like I'm going to pull the roof down on both of us. But Jewel just smiles to herself as she moves on the next nipple, my every squirm and scream music to her ears. My cock throbs and twitches - I don't think I've ever felt anything to close to this. And little did I know, Jewel had a few more tricks up her sleeve.

Ok guys, I hope you enjoyed part III :) please let me know which one of these you'd like to see in part IV :D

A - Jewel calls in one of her girlfriends to join the fun. Boyd is nervous at first but Jewel convinces him that he has nothing to worry about.

B - Jewel continues her ice play for a while, sprinkling in some extra........ fun....... for Boyd, bringing him to the absolute edge of climax. They then return to the bedroom.

C - Jewel continues her ice play, teasing Boyd without end for twenty minutes. Then, Jewel offers to let Boyd tie HER up and have a bit of payback. Boyd decides to kick it up a notch, and takes her to the roof.
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Post by tpton »

really loved this chapter! super well written and looking forward to more. voting for B

edit: on second thought, I'd vote for a mix of A and B if that's a possibility.
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Post by Mike »

Part 3 was great!!! I vote for A but i must admit that B is not a bad idea :lol:
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Post by kiwi »

I’m all in on A!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Lots of good opinions here lads, looks like A is the winner, unless we get more votes. 6 hours I'll give it, and I'll write the part tonight 👍
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Post by Switcher1313 »

I think doing A or C is premature, so I'm voting for B!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago I think doing A or C is premature, so I'm voting for B!
Rightio boys we got two for A and two for B, so if I don't get a breaker vote by the time I'm ready to write it, I shall flip a coin lol
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Post by RopingRingers »

Tiedandgagged wrote: 4 years ago Idk of its too late but I vote A!
Nope not yet sir ;) it would've been, but I started drinkin' 😂 I'm about ten in so far 👌🔥
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