rick : 01 - First Story (ff/f, mm/ff, f/ff)

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rick : 01 - First Story (ff/f, mm/ff, f/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

rick's stories
01 - First Story
Story index at the bottom

By rick

Saturday November 18th 2000 06:26:18

This story involves me(16), my friend Mike(14), my girlfriend at the time Jen(15). It also involves my cousins Ashely and Angel(14 twins), Michelle(13) and Tara(12)

My cousins were coming over so are parents could go out, eat and see a movie. I was told by my parents I had to stay Home and make sure my Cuz's didn't burn the house down or something. I called Mike and Jen and told them to get the hell over here.(theres usually safety in numbers)

They got to my house shortly after my cousins did. Mike and Jen were greeted by a number of expletives by Ashely and Angel. Mike however was greeted by a few attempted kisses from Michelle and Tara (both have huge crushes on him) He avoided the attack, and dashed up to my room. Mike and I decided to play playstation, while Jen decided to surf the net.

After about 20 minutes, Jen Left to go get a soda for herself and Mike. MIke and I kept playing, it wasn't till Mike said, "Jen sure is taking her sweet time gettin that soda." I looked at the clock, it had been about 25 min since she'd left.

I got up and went to go look for her. just as i got to my door a small piece of paper slid under the door. I picked it up and read it. It said, "Rick we have her, if you won't her back leave $200 in your mailbox". Below the writing was a polaroid of Jen barefoot, clad in shorts and a tank top, bound and gagged with duct tape.

"What's that" mike yeeled from the back.

"Jen's been kiddnapped, i'm gunna go get her".

Mike stopped me. "hello anyone in there, remember there's four of them and 1 of you."

"Alright" I said.

Mike and I headed down to the basement (Judgeing from the photograph thats where Jen was) Knowing my youngest cuz's had big crushes on mike, I decided to use that. mike and i went to the basement door and i yelled, "what do you mean you can't find your shirt, who know michelle and tara have wanted to see your bare chest since grade school, after they see that you might be stuck marrying them."

We then walked back up to the living room and waited for our prey. Sure enough Michelle and Tara came up expecting to see their favorite hunk shirtless. Instead they were jumped by Mike and I. I easily got Michelle under control and was about to tie her up with duct tape when she said "NO!"

"No what?" I responded.

"No you can't tie me up, only Mike can." This remark made Mike red in the face.

"Fine" I responded, "Mike you tie up these two and i'll go get the Oslen Twins."

I headed down to the basement door. I counted to three and brust through the door. What I saw made my jaw drop. Jen was casually brushing the hair of a hogtied, gagged and barefoot Ashely and Angel with her barefeet. She saw I was in the room she said to me in a melodramatic tone, "My hero you've come to save me."

I responded, "I think you've got it under control, I guess i won't have to pay the $200 ransom now"

Jen's face lite up in anger, she turned to ashely and angel and yelled, "You bimbos only wanted $200 for me, I'm worth more than that".

She pounced on the twins and started to tickle the life out of them. Ashely and Angel started MMPPPHHHFFFing like crazy. After about 10 minutes i tackled Jen to make her stop. she got up and went right to tickling the twins. I may not like my cuz's but they didn't deserve all this tickle torture.

I tackled Jen a second time grabbed a roll a duct tape and started to re-tie Jen. She was cursing me off the hole time. I finally gagged her with the duct tape. I left them there for about 45min, they instantly wanted revenge, but it was to late. My cuz's and my parents came back home and ordered everyone out. But there is always a next time.

There i did it, please give me your thoughts on my story. Also if anyone feels i stole there style of writing i'm sorry.


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