gagged-cowboy : 03 - Blackmail (M/F)

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gagged-cowboy : 03 - Blackmail (M/F)

Post by Soraka »

gagged-cowboy's stories
02 - Blackmail
Story index at the bottom

By gagged-cowboy

Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:33 am


Part I

It was a Friday evening and Yvonne Carter came home from work. Nobody was there. Her husband took their children for a hiking trip in the Colorado Mountains and she was looking forward to having a nice quiet weekend only by herself. Being a secretary in an international business corporation, she really needed that.

She took off her high-heel shoes, poured herself a glass of wine and still dressed in her secretary outfit, sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.
She looked tremendous in her outfit. Despite being full-figured and in her late forties, she was still quite a looker. Her long brown curly hair were falling on her shoulders, her huge boobs were stretching under the satin of her blouse and big ass and massive thighs covered in black pantyhose were filling her sexy leather skirt.

As she was relaxing and watching the old Thin Man movie, she suddenly remembered that she was supposed to drop by her friend’s house to pick up some magazines that she had lent her couple of days ago.

Just as she was getting up she heard a noise behind her. She didn’t even had a chance to turn around because a man’s hand tightly clamped over her mouth and forced her back on the coach.

“Hello, Yvonne, did you miss me?” she heard the familiar voice and knew that her nice and quite weekend has just gone terribly wrong.

Tommy Wilder was walking down the street and he was quite excited. His mom asked him to visit her friend Mrs. Carter and bring her back her magazines. Mrs. Carter was supposed to get them herself but she didn’t show up and wasn’t answering the phone.

He had a serious crush on Mrs. Carter since the day he first saw her six years ago. She was sexy and always very kind so he hoped that he might be invited for a cup of tea or something like that.

Tommy was twenty years old and quite handsome. He was tall and slim, had a long ginger hair and for this special errand he was dressed in his blue jeans, black Guns ’n Roses T-shirt and his favorite red and black plaid flannel shirt. Every time he was wearing this shirt around the house and Mrs. Carter came to visit his mom she told him that he had a nice shirt and started to chatter about how handsome young man he was and that if she was younger and single she wouldn’t hesitate for a moment. Maybe it was only her way to talk to people, maybe she was just being polite but since Tommy overheard that her husband and kids were away he was hoping he might get something more than just a cup of tea.

Tommy knocked on the door couple of times. When nobody opened, he tried the door-bell. No answer either.
“Maybe she is not at home,” he uttered. But the light in the living room was on. He tried to peek inside. The room was empty but the TV was playing and he saw an unfinished glass of wine on the table. He rang again and when nobody came to open the door he tried the handle. It was locked of course.

He could go home and tell his mom that Mrs. Carter didn’t open the door and was probably out or in the shower but then he decided to try the back-door.

Like a thief he climbed over the small wooden fence and slowly walked across the garden towards the back of the house.
The door was wide open and Tommy got the feeling that something was wrong. He wanted to call the police but realized he couldn’t because he left his phone deliberately at home. He didn’t want to be disturbed by his mother in case he got lucky with Mrs. Carter.

“Maybe she just took some sleeping pills and was now asleep in her bedroom,” uttered Tommy to encourage himself. “Or maybe she is bound and gagged in the closet while some robbers are ransacking her bedroom.”

He entered. Put down the bag with magazines and shouted: “Mrs. Carter? Are you here?” No answer.

He searched the rooms downstairs. There were no signs of Mrs. Carter. Then he quickly went up the stairs. Three bedrooms were empty as well.

“What happened to her? Where is she?” he asked himself.

There was still one more place to look - the basement.

“If she isn’t there either, I will call the police.”

“Mrs. Carter, are you down here?” he shouted when he opened the door. In the darkness he finally heard her. She was trying to call for help but her cries were muffled. She must have been gagged.

“Don’t worry, I’m coming, Mrs. Carter.”

He turned on the light and saw her. She was sitting in the chair, tightly tied up, her hands were behind her back, her ankles were tied to the legs of the chair and there was a gag in her mouth. She had something stuffed there and it was being held in place by white handkerchief tightly tied between her lips. Her blouse was unbuttoned and her bra pulled down revealing her magnificent breasts that Tommy was always dreaming about.
“Oh my god, she looks so sexy,” thought Tommy. It was always his dream to tie her up and gag her like this. He could be standing there for ages and stare at her but the desperate fear in her eyes and her furious grunts through her gag forced him to run towards her and free her.

“Oh thank you Tommy,” said Yvonne after he removed her gag. To his surprise he found out that the thing stuffed in her mouth was a pair of her panties.

“What happened, Mrs. Carter?”

“It’s a long story, Tommy. Untie me, please, quickly. I have been here like this at least for three hours.”

Tommy was fighting the knots as fast as he could.

“Okay and then we will call the cops.”

“Oh no, don’t call the cops, please Tommy.”

“Why not? What happened? Somebody left you bound and gagged in the basement and you don’t want to call the police?”

“I will tell you upstairs. I need to tell someone. Just get me out quickly please.”

After they walked up back to the living room, he made them two cups of strong tea and Mrs. Carter, still shaken with tears in her eyes started to tell Tommy her story:

“Two years ago I lost my job and our family needed the money because my husband couldn’t pay the bills by himself. I was trying to find a new job but didn’t have any luck for some time. I was desperate and I did a really stupid thing which I’ve been regretting ever since. I found an ad in the newspaper that a local photographer was looking for older full-figured ladies to pose as models for him. As I was saying I was really desperate. I was afraid we might lose our house and so I picked up the phone and arranged a meeting with that man. He was very nice, he offered me quite a lot of money and he even didn’t want me to get naked. We had a meeting or two during which he took hundreds of pictures in various sexy outfits, paid me a large sum of money and that was it.

Suddenly I was able to pay for everything my husband couldn’t and we were okay for some time. Jeff, my husband, of course wondered where I got the money. I was too ashamed to admit what I did so I just told him I had a temporary job cleaning some houses. For some time the things went well but then we were out of money again. So I contacted the photographer again. We made more photos and then he offered me twice as much if I let him take some photos of me bound and gagged. I didn’t want to do it at first but then I put two and two together and I knew that if I made enough our financial trouble would be gone for a very long time so I agreed. For a couple of weeks he was tying me up, gagging me, taking pictures and paying me good. I didn’t like it but I didn’t complain. Our family didn’t have to worry anymore about food, about the house or about the bills.
However I didn’t like the idea that he is selling my photos online and guys from all over the world can see me. I was afraid that if my husband saw the pictures he wouldn’t be very happy and if our friends and neighbors found out what I was doing it would be really humiliating.

When I was finally offered a well paid steady job, not involving getting myself tied up and gagged, in the company I am currently working for, I took the job and forgot all about my brief career as a bondage model.

Couple of weeks later I got a phone call from the photographer asking me to come over for another photo session. I refused and explained that I didn’t need his money anymore. He was quite upset but I didn’t think much of it until the day when I received an envelope containing some of my bondage photos. I didn’t know how he found out my address. He must have taken a look at my ID when I was tied up and had a blindfold.

There was no message in the envelope so I burnt it and went on as usual. Two days later I received another envelope but this time it was delivered on the address of the company where I am working. I was shocked that he found out where I was employed even though I didn’t tell him. The second time the envelope included the message asking me to come to his studio for another bondage session on Friday. I didn’t show up. I didn’t want to have anything to do with that man anymore.

The next day he suddenly appeared in front of my house. Fortunately my husband and kids were gone. He said that the next time my husband and my boss will get the envelopes with the pictures of my tied up and gagged. What could I do? Risk losing my job again? Risk my husband leaving me and taking my children away from me? No way.

So I agreed and became his model again. Unlike the first time he didn’t pay me anything. He was simply using me. In the beginning he called me twice or three times a month and asked me to come over to his place where he was tying me up which wasn’t so bad.

Then he started to call me more often and when I told him I was busy working or taking care of my family he started to make serious threats and demanded money which he was losing when he couldn’t sell my new photos.

To make it short during the past year I was sending him a lot of money, hundreds of dollars, and I was posing for him as a bondage model just to keep myself and my family safe. Then it got even more awful. Suddenly he started stalking me and showing up at our doorstep unexpectedly when he knew I was home alone. When I told him I would call the police he repeated his threats. Then he began to force his way into my house and started tying me up here. When I refused to let him in he returned later and broke in and overpowered me like a real robber.

This happened tonight as well. When you rang the doorbell he got scared and ran away just a few minutes before you found me here.”

Tommy was listening for the whole time and didn’t know what to say. He really felt sorry for the woman of his dreams and yet the idea of seeing her tied up and gagged was so exciting that he got hard in his jeans.

“I am sorry to hear this, Mrs. Carter. It must be awful …”

She interrupted him by giving him a really strong hug. Feeling her massive breasts against his chest got him off the balance even more. Mrs. Carter was still crying.

“Thank you Tommy, thank you for rescuing me. And thank you for being here for me and listening to me. I am so relieved that I can finally share my terrible experience with somebody.”

She was still holding him and he put his arms around her as well. He felt an intense urge to kiss her but he knew it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of her weakness.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Carter,” said Tommy.

“Yvonne, please call me Yvonne. We’ve known each other for such a long time, Tommy.”

“Okay, Mrs. … I mean Yvonne.” Then he slowly took his arms of her.

“No, hold me please. It makes me feel safe.”

He was holding her and was getting excited with every minute.

“So what are we going to do?” asked Tommy after a long while during which they didn’t talk.

“We? Oh no, Tommy, it’s only my problem. I don’t want you to get involved.”

“I am already involved. It’s not every day that I rescue a damsel in distress. I want to help you.”

“That’s very sweet of you, but you can’t.”

“Maybe we could follow him and then when he isn’t at home we could break into his studio and steal his computer and camera and search the place for the remaining photos.”

“Oh no, it’s too dangerous.”

“Maybe the simplest solution would be to tell your husband and then go to the police. I am sure he would understand if you explained everything just like you explained to me.”

“You don’t know him, Tommy. I thought about that a thousand times but I simply don’t feel like telling him. Plus the guy said that if he had any trouble from the police his friend would still send the envelopes. And even if my husband knew and forgave me, my boss wouldn’t. The company cannot afford anything like this. I guess I will just have to go along with him and hope he will lose interest in me.”

That night when Tommy came home, he couldn’t fall asleep almost until the daybreak. He was still thinking of Mrs. Carter and how he could help her. He was also thinking about how sexy she looked when he found her bound and gagged in her basement and he was having really wild fantasies about him tying her up and about her tying him up and about both of them being tied up together. He had a feeling that it was wrong but he couldn’t help himself.

He agreed not to tell anyone yet and when his mother asked him what took him so long he had already made up an excuse that Mrs. Carter had something wrong with her computer and he was trying to fix it.

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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Sat Aug 13, 2016 1:50 pm

Part II
Tommy woke up before lunch. His mother was at work until the evening and he was planning to eat something and then go to pay Mrs. Carter a visit to see how she was. He put on the same clothes as yesterday.
When he came to the living room, there was sitting a strange man. He had never seen him before.
Tommy stopped and with his voice full of fear asked: “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“Hello Tommy,” the man spoke. He wasn’t much older than Tommy. He was tall and quite muscular and wearing a colorful flannel shirt, red T-shirt and leather pants. His short hair was dark. “You don’t know who I am?”
“You are that guy who is stalking Mrs. Carter?”
“Stalking is such an ugly word but I guess you are right.”
He got up and moved towards Tommy. Tommy backed a little but before he could do anything else, the intruder said: “I have some interesting photos that you might to want to take a look at.”
He handed Tommy an envelope. It contained four photos of him and Yvonne Carter hugging. He must have watched them through the window and listened to their entire conversation. That was really creepy.
“They don’t mean anything. I was only soothing her after what you did to her.”
“Oh no, do you know what I see? I see an older woman with her young lover and when I show these pictures to her husband and your mother, they will see it too.”
“Hey, leave us alone, nobody would believe you, you perv,” shouted Tommy and wondered where he gathered the courage.
The man only laughed.
“It’s your fault. You shouldn’t have come to her house and snoop there. Now I can’t leave you alone with what you know. I have to make sure you won’t tell anyone. Put your hands behind your back.”
“Oh no, you are not going to tie me up,” protested Tommy even though the idea of being tied up always excited him.
“Yes I am. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. And trust me you won’t like the hard way.” He was really determined and Tommy knew that he wouldn’t stand a chance against him. He would let the man tie him up and hope that whatever was coming will be over soon.
He put his hands behind his back and the intruder expertly tied his wrists. He tied his ankles together as well.
“Are you going to gag me too?” asked Tommy and tried to sound as indifferent as possible.
“Sure, later. Now we have a phone call to make.”

Yvonne was rummaging through her closet until she found what she was looking for. Yes, there it was just as she left it - her old red and black flannel shirt. The same one as Tommy was wearing yesterday. This one was bigger than Tommy’s because she was a big woman and its colors were a little faded. She used to sport this shirt a lot in the nineties.
When Tommy called her and invited her over she thought that this flannel would be a great thing to complete her jeans and a black tank-top with.
She got over yesterday’s experience. After all it wasn’t the first time and she wasn’t harmed.
She was really surprised to hear from Tommy again but she was pleased. She had been noticing the crush he had on her and she was quite flattered. Such a sexy young man. His presence yesterday helped her a lot and she was sure that she would enjoy the afternoon with him as well.
She definitely didn’t plan on seducing him since she was his mother’s friend and she was in the age where she could be his mother but the idea of having a little fun with younger man was quite appealing.
She put on the flannel shirt kept it unbuttoned and left her house.

“The door is open, come on in,” said the voice after she knocked.
Yvonne entered the house but had a feeling something was wrong. That didn’t sound like Tommy. Nevertheless she went on to the living-room. There she saw Tommy tied up on the couch. He was gagged too. His mouth was stuffed and a red bandanna was tied between his lips. She knew that something was definitely wrong but her first thought was that he looked so cute tied up like this. He even had that red flannel shirt that she liked so much.
He was struggling in his ropes, making some soft muffled moans through his gag and pointing his head somewhere.
“Oh my gosh, Tommy, what happened. Who tied you up like this?” she asked and ran towards him.
Suddenly somebody grabbed her.
“Hello Yvonne, I was just having fun with your little boyfriend. Won’t you join us?”
Before she could say anything he pushed her on the couch next to Tommy.
“What do you want with him? Let him go. He has nothing to do with this.”
“That’s where you are wrong, Yvonne. You involved him when you told him about us. Do you remember?”
“How could you possibly know? You left when he rang the door.”
“Sure. I left the house but I didn’t leave completely. I was watching you through the window and taking some interesting pictures.”
“What pictures?”
He gave her the envelope. She took a look at the photos of her and Tommy hugging each other.
“Oh no, that’s not what it looks like. He was only comforting me after you left me there tied up and gagged.”
“I know but your husband or his mother might find this ‘comforting’ a little inappropriate.”
“You’ve got me at your mercy, I can’t do anything. I do what you tell me to do. What more do you want? Untie him and let him go.”
“I want to have both of you at my mercy. There is a real shortage of nice bondage shots of tied up couples. I could make a fortune out of you.”
When Tommy heard that he started to protest. Even though he liked being tied up and he got quite excited especially after he saw Yvonne wearing a matching flannel shirt, he didn’t want to be displayed anywhere on the internet tied up and gagged.
“I’m afraid, dear Tommy, that you have no word in this matter,” chuckled the photographer. “But you were both right about one thing. These photos aren’t as incriminating as they should be so we are going to make new ones.”
“What?” shouted shocked Yvonne.
“Mmmmph?” mumbled gagged Tommy.
“Don’t worry, nothing too hardcore. Now untie him.”
Yvonne started to untie Tommy’s feet.
“I’m so sorry, I dragged you into this, Tommy,” she whispered.
Then she untied his wrists.
“The gag too,” ordered their captor.
She removed the bandanna and took out a pair of panties which must have belonged to Tommy’s mom.
“Are you okay, Tommy?” she asked him and sounded really worried.
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay, this is really touching but we have a lot of work to do,” interrupted the photographer their moment.
“I want you to put your arms around each other and kiss.”
“What?” shouted both in unison.
“You heard me. I am going to take some pictures of you two kissing. Not only kissing but making out like two teenagers. I want to see your tongues and it must look real. Do it now.”

They spent twenty minutes in each other’s arms, kissing passionately like two real lovers while the photographer was taking the pictures of them.
Both of them started to enjoy it really quickly and they even didn’t have to try so hard to make it real.
“Good, you look like you are really enjoying it,” smiled the photographer.
“Shut up,” said Yvonne.
“That’s enough. You can continue after I am gone. Now we have to make some more interesting pictures. Tie him up.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Do it, or else everyone will see these pictures and they pretty much speak for themselves.”
“It’s okay, Yvonne, do as he says, please,” said Tommy.
Yvonne gave up and took a piece of rope.
The photographer grabbed Tommy’s hands, put them together behind his back and held them for Yvonne. Reluctantly she started to wrap the rope around his wrists without any intentions to make it tight.
“I guess you weren’t a girl-scout, were you,” laughed their captor. “Don’t make any false hopes. I am going to tighten the bonds once you are finished.”
After that Yvonne had to tie Tommy’s feet, knees and his chest and arms. The photographer checked her work and adjusted and tightened the knots.
“Okay, now when he is taken care of, we can continue our hot photoshoot. Sit next to him and fondle him and kiss him again.”

Later he tied Yvonne up in the same manner as she had tied up her best friend’s son. Now there was one more thing to do for their vicious captor: to gag them, of course. This problem was fixed with two pairs of Tommy’s mother’s panties and silver bondage tape wrapped around their heads to hold the panties in place.
Now the couple was securely bound and gagged and their captor took some more pictures.
“Okay, you both look so sweet. I think I have more than enough material to blackmail you. I’ll be in touch for another photo session, don’t worry.”
Tommy and Yvonne mumbled some protests through their gags, which only made their captor laugh.
“You are gonna make me a lot of money. Some guys are into couples in distress.”
This remark was followed by even a louder wave of mumbled protests.
“I’m sure, you will free yourselves before the mom gets back. If not you will have lots of explaining to do. But remember no police or these photos go online.”

Once they were left alone bound and gagged on the couch they started to fight against their bonds and mumble through their gags really loud.
They still had couple of hours before Tommy’s mother was supposed to show up. They both wished to be free again but they didn’t want to be found by Mrs. Wilder like this. Both were too ashamed to tell her the truth. The slightest chance that she would see their photos was too embarrassing for both of them, not to mention Yvonne’s husband, children or boss. They ended up deep in this mess and would have to find the way out by themselves.
For Yvonne this might have been just another unpleasant situation in the series of her blackmail misadventures with the wicked photographer but for Tommy this was something completely new. He was really mixed up. He felt more scared than ever before in his life. On the other hand he was really turned on by several aspects – he was tied up by the woman he had a serious crush on, he was forced to make out with her not only an hour ago and more important she was tied up and gagged with him and she looked gorgeous, even more gorgeous than yesterday when he found her bound and gagged in her basement. His jeans seemed too small for his excitement and he only hoped she wouldn’t notice. Right now there was nothing he would like better than feeling her soft plump lips on his erection.
He also knew that they would have to cooperate to get free. However the thought of turning their back against each other in order to untie their hands would mean he wouldn’t be able to look or rather stare at her amazing curvy body wrapped with those tight ropes, at her amazing big boobs stretching the cloth of her flannel shirt and T-shirt or at her super sexy gagged mouth.
It was Yvonne who woke him up from his daydreaming about her. She moved her back towards him and was trying to suggest with her tied hands and her muffled mumbling for him to do the same thing.
He couldn’t evade their release any more. He moved as well and their hands tied behind their backs touched. Hers were cold. It brought him another sensational fantasy of her cold hands fondling his crotch while he was still tied up and gagged.
Maybe she is going to untie his wrists and he will be at least able to give her a couple of looks before untying her.
Her fingers were trying to undo his knots. When she stopped to relax a little he tried to do the same thing with his fingers.

Sarah Wilder finished her shift at the restaurant where she worked as a waitress, counted the tips and put the money in her purse. Saturdays were always great for tips. She made more than during the rest of the week.
She went to the waitresses’ locker room and changed from her working outfit to her clothes. Normally she wore jeans, T-shirts or denim shirts but today was a special night. She had a date. For this occasion she picked up a white blouse, black skirt and black pantyhose.
This date was her first since her divorce couple of years ago. She was in her mid-forties and still looking gorgeous. Her red hair was shoulder-long and curly and her figure was plump. Her big boobs must have been an attraction for every guy who saw her and she knew very well that they were the main reason why she was getting such good tips.
She finished buttoning her blouse but made sure her cleavage was as big as it should be to show the right amount of her curves and not to make her look like a slut.
She left the restaurant and headed towards a red Ford on the parking lot. Her date was already standing next to the car waiting for her.
“Hello Sarah,” he said with a smile.
“Hello honey,” she said, returned him the smile and they both kissed.
“You look really hot tonight.”
“Thank you, you look hot yourself.” She looked at the young man who was young enough to be her son. He looked really adorable in his leather trousers and flannel shirt. She always had a soft spot for men in flannel shirts.
They met two days ago when he came to the restaurant, started to flirt with her and then asked her out. Sarah agreed even though he was almost twenty years younger than she was. After so many years being without a man she was really horny and needed an adventure and this cute young man looked like he could provide her one. She was even willing to skip the dinner and let him take her to his place.
“So, do you want to eat something?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m not hungry. Why don’t you just take me to your apartment and show me your collection of butterflies or whatever you have in your bedroom?”
“Well lady, you have just made me an offer which I cannot refuse. Let’s go.”

Sarah probably wouldn’t have enjoyed meeting her new lover so much if she was aware of the fact that at the approximately same time her son and her best friend were still tied up and gagged on the couch struggling to get free. However their attempts to untie the knots were all unsuccessful and exhaustive.
When Sarah was in her lover’s bedroom taking off her clothes and passionately making out with him, they gave up. They were just sitting next to each other again and Yvonne laid her head on Tommy’s shoulder.
Tommy’s mixed up feelings, temporarily silenced by their escape attempts, were back. He slightly rubbed his cheek against her soft hair. He wished his gag was gone and he could kiss her.
His member got hard again inside his pants. The only thing he could think of right now was him being free of his bonds while Yvonne was tied up in his bed. His imagination went crazy and he pictured the scene where he was satisfying her and himself all over again.
Meanwhile his mother was nearing the climax in her lover’s bed just a couple of blocks away.
Maybe it was a good thing he was tied up, he thought. There was no way he could ever experience that fantasy. He would never have the courage to confess his feelings to her and he was pretty sure that she being older, married not to mention his mom’s best friend, would never even think about having an affair with him.
Now her soft muffled mumbling brought him back to reality. She was trying to tell him something. But what? Her head was pointing to something. He took a good look and then he saw it. Peaking from underneath his mother’s Vogue collection there was a small pair of scissors. The table was only a few meters away If they could reach it they would be free in a matter of minutes. Tommy made his move. He slid down from the couch on the carpet and began moving towards their salvation. It was a good think that he didn’t tie them up together.
It took him five minutes to reach the small table with magazines. Normally it would be only a matter of seconds but now with his hands and feet tied he could only move on slowly on the floor.
The most difficult part was to reach the scissors with his hands tied behind his back and grab it from underneath the pile of magazines since most of the scissors was covered with them and he could only touch their tip.
With his hands tied and only his fingers being able to move he didn’t have the strength to pull them out directly so after a few unsuccessful attempts he decided to do it the hard way and knocked the magazines down. Most of them fell down on the floor. Only two remained atop the scissors. He pushed them away slightly and grabbed the scissors with his fingers and started to cut the ropes wrapped around his wrists.
His tied up companion Yvonne was watching him the whole time he was getting free, supporting him with her eyes and she was encouraging him through her gag as well. She looked so sexy that he had a hard time concentrating on the ropes around his wrists.
After a couple of minutes his hands were finally free and he began untying other knots that were securing his body.
Finally he got up and slowly unwrapped the tape which was keeping the panties inside his mouth. It was a good thing that the photographer used the bondage tape which only looked like duct tape but didn’t stick to the hair. Once the tape was removed he spat out his mom’s panties and threw them away.
Then he stretched his limbs and moved towards Yvonne who was still bound and gagged on the couch but her eyes were full of relief now.
Tommy knew he couldn’t stare at her for a very long time and so he went on to release her.
“Oh thank you, Tommy, thank you. I thought we were never getting out of this,” said Yvonne after he pulled out the panties from her mouth. Then she hugged him again and they were sitting there like that not saying anything for a long time. None of them wanted to spoil the happy moment of being free with thought of what they should do next about that crazy man whose blackmail took control over their lives.
At the same time Tommy’s mother was soundly sleeping next to her new lover without any knowledge of what had happened in her house.
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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:29 am

Part III
“So Ms. Knight, tell me something about you. Have you had any previous experience with bondage modeling?” asked the photographer and looked at the woman who was sitting in front of him. She was a real beauty in her mid-thirties with really long and straight raven-black hair and the body that most of the women could envy her. She looked smart and sexy in her high-heel pumps, black pantyhose, black leather skirt and a white blouse with decent yet very teasing cleavage.
“Oh no mister, I have never stood in front of a camera before,” replied the woman and a big flirtatious smile appeared on her face.
“Good, what about bondage. Have you ever been tied up and gagged before?”
“Oh my gosh no, I never had the chance.”
This was a lie. Getting bound and gagged from time to time was a professional hazard of being a private investigator, which was Diana’s real job.
Two days ago she was approached by a young man who claimed to be a school friend of her nephew Johnny and he asked for her help.
After she heard the whole horrid story of him and his mother’s friend being terrorized by a psycho bondage photographer, she decided to take the case, found the advert in one of the local papers and set up the meeting with him.
“I am pleased that you chose me to tie you up for the first time.”
“May I have a question too?”
“Sure, ask me anything.”
“Do you have a website where you post your pictures? I’m asking only because I am not sure about how my family might react, you know. They are quite wealthy and I certainly don’t want to lose my share of their fortune.”
“Don’t worry, miss. I have a limited number of rich clients to whom I sell my pictures. It is not possible that anybody could just google your bondage photos on the internet.”
“Thanks, that’s what I wanted to know. I think I am ready to start now.”
“Good, let’s get to work, then. Follow me.”
They got up and went to his basement where his studio was.

“Sit down, please,” he said and pointed to the chair.
Diana sat and waited while he started to prepare his ropes.
“Do you want me to take my clothes off? I’m a little shy, you know,” she said and produced an innocent smile.
“Oh no, you look just fine. Most of my customers prefer sharply dressed ladies like you. Your clothes will be perfect combined with ropes. Now put your hands behind your back, please.”
She knew that once she’s allowed herself to be tied up she would be helpless but there was no other way. She had to get his trust before she tries to snoop around his place.
For the whole time he was tying her up he seemed like a very kind young man. He was repeatedly asking if she was okay and if the ropes didn’t hurt. However this was her guy. After she had phoned him to arrange the bondage session, he gave her his address. Tommy’s friend Yvonne confirmed that this was really the place.
Diana didn’t let his handsome looks and apparent kindness deceit her.
When he was finished with tying her up she had her hands tied behind her back, her knees and ankles tied together and her body was completely tied to the chair. Ropes around her big boobs were stretching the cloth of her shirt making her chest look even more impressive. She had to admit that he really knew how to tie a woman up. Most of the criminals she had encountered just settled for tying her hands and feet making it easy for her to get out but this man. He was a professional.
Once she was securely restrained he started to take pictures, instructing her on how to struggle, how to look distressed and so on. After a couple of minutes he put the camera down and started to look for something.
“What are you doing there?”
“I’m looking for something to gag you with.”
“Oh, gag me? I get it, my mouth is too big,” she laughed but in fact she was really worried about what he might put in her mouth. The criminals’ choice number one was a simple piece of duct tape which didn’t stick very well and she was always able to get rid of it when she needed. Some of them used a scarf tied between her lips but it wasn’t really hard to push it out with her tongue. From what she heard the gags this guy was using certainly weren’t that simple and were impossible to get rid of without using hands.
“These will do,” he said and went back to Diana.
To her shock she saw a pair of really big blue satin panties in his hand.
“Wait, when I said my mouth was big, I didn’t mean this big.”
“Don’t worry they will fit.”
“Whose panties are these anyway? They must belong to a lady with a really huge ass.”
“They are mine … I mean I have a lot of ladies’ clothes and underwear here for the models to wear or in some cases to chew on them. But I don’t wear them, don’t worry.”
“What a relief. The man who tied me up isn’t a transvestite,” said Diana sarcastically.
“Open your mouth. Time to shut you up.”
She opened her mouth as wide as she could. He folded the panties into a nice big ball and stuffed them in. She tried to close her mouth but couldn’t.
She thought there was no way she could survive this without suffocating. She wanted to panic.
“The most important thing is to stay calm. Don’t fight it and don’t try to push it out. Just relax and get used to it.”
She took his advice and calmed down. It wasn’t as terrible as she thought. The panties were soft and fortunately clean and she had no problem breathing through her nose.
He took a couple of pictures of her with her mouth stuffed and then said: “No gag is complete without something to prevent it from being pushed out.”
He had a long thick stripe of white cloth over his shoulder. He made a large double knot in the middle of it and put it between her lips pushing the panties deeper inside her mouth. He tied another double knot at the back of her head making Diana completely silenced.
“Say something,” he laughed.
Diana tried but all the sounds she produced were only muffled moans and mumbles. Never in her life did she feel so helpless.

“So did you enjoy our little session, Diana?” asked the photographer when she was leaving couple of hours later.
“Sure I did. It was the easiest money I have ever made, thanks,” Diana smiled because she was richer not only for the money he paid her but also for valuable information she gathered by talking to him and by observing.
He tied her up five times in different positions and outfits. He tried different kinds of gags on her and took hundreds of pictures of her. She saw him uploading them to his computer which was in the basement as well as making a back-up DVD.
Breaking in and destroying all the evidence of Tommy and Yvonne being ever bound and gagged by this man should be really easy, she thought. Of course she would have to look also for the printed pictures but if the guy was out of the house for a longer time it shouldn’t be a problem.
As she was driving home in her car she felt a slight remorse for cheating him like that. Sure he was a nasty blackmailer who should be behind bars but he gave her the best bondage experience of her life. She was ashamed to admit that she even had an orgasm while she was in his ropes. She will keep the photos of herself bound and gagged and she won’t tell a soul how she enjoyed being tied up.
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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:57 pm

Part IV
“Okay, I’m in position. I see him leaving right now. I am going to wait ten minutes and then go in. Try to stall him for as long as possible. Good luck,” concluded Diana the phone call. The person she was talking to was Tommy.
It seemed that the photographer they were trying to bring to justice was in a mood for another bondage session with Tommy and Yvonne. According to what Tommy had told her on the phone he had just called Yvonne and demanded to meet them both at Tommy’s house to take more photos of the tied up and gagged couple.
That gave her a lot of time to break into his house and get rid of all of the photos implying Tommy and Yvonne were having a love affair.
By the time she entered the house he should have been heading towards Tommy’s home. The door was locked but the kitchen window wasn’t. It was quite easy to open it. Once she was inside she began her search. She had to be really thorough. There could be any back-up DVDs or printed copies of the photos hidden anywhere in the house. She opened every cupboard, every drawer, looked behind every picture and under every rug. She inspected every wall and every portion of the floor for any possible secret stashes.
She was lucky. She found three envelopes. One of them really was containing pictures of Tommy and Yvonne making out and being tied up together. The other two were filled with pictures of various women who also were bound and gagged. She didn’t know any of them but they must have been other victims of this nasty blackmailer.
Once she made sure there was nothing else hidden in the house she moved to the basement where he kept his computer and all of the back-ups.

She searched the room in the same manner as the rest of the house. There were a lot of photos of Tommy, Yvonne and other women on the table in his basement as well as in the drawers. She put all the pictures in a large metal bucket she found under the stairs and set them on fire (keeping only few as evidence for police), then she broke all the CDs and DVDs she could find.
She had been ransacking his house for the past two hours and yet the last and most difficult task was still ahead of her – the computer.
She didn’t waste her time by trying to guess the password. She simply removed the hard-drive and smashed it against the wall couple of times.
Just as she was about to leave and report the end of her mission, she heard some noises coming from behind the door leading to another room in the basement. The noises sounded muffled as if somebody who had a gag in their mouth was trying to shout for help.
Behind the door she found a red-haired full-figured woman in her forties who was wearing only a pair of purple panties, matching bra and a blue unbuttoned denim shirt. She had something stuffed in her mouth and a thick white handkerchief tied between her teeth was holding the gag in place. She was bound hands and feet with ropes. Her wrists were behind her back and her knees were tied as well. There was a coil of rope wrapped tightly around her chest keeping the unbuttoned shirt from covering her breasts which looked pretty impressive.
“What the hell happened here?” asked Diana even though she had a couple of pretty good guesses. The woman responded only with a couple of loud moans.
“Who are you?” The answer to the second question wasn’t so obvious. Another stream of desperate groans through the cloth in woman’s mouth didn’t provide a satisfying answer.
“Wait a minute, I’ll be right back. Then I’ll remove your gag.”
She didn’t go far. She only needed to find a place to hide the remaining photos in case this was a trap and the woman served only as a bait set by the photographer or in case the owner of this house returned before they could leave.
There was an old wooden cupboard she had searched earlier. Now she put the photos behind it and went back to the woman who was getting more and more furious.
“I’m sorry, I had to do something important first. I’m going to remove the gag now, stay calm, please. Everything is going to be alright.”
She pulled the handkerchief out from her mouth. The woman spat out something that looked like a pair of really big silky panties soaking wet with saliva.
“Thank you, thank you. Oh my god, untie me. We must get out and call the police.”
“Don’t worry. I’m on it,” said Diana and started cutting off the bonds.
“Hurry, my son and my friend are in danger.”
“Wait, then you must be …”
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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:00 pm

Part V
Three hours earlier
Sarah Wilder woke up in her boyfriend’s house. The bed was empty.
“Maybe he is fixing me the breakfast,” she said to herself with a smile on her face and got up.
She put on her underwear and a denim shirt.
“What an amazing night,” she yawned and stretched her body a little. Then she left the bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen to look for her lover.

“Honey, are you here?”
No answer.
The kitchen was empty. There was no sign of her boyfriend or her breakfast.
“Where could he go?”
She poured herself a glass of orange juice and looked for him in other rooms without any success.
“Maybe he’s in the basement.”
She went down the old wooden stairs quietly. She wanted to surprise him. Bad idea. A minute later she was staring at the back of her lover who was sitting at his computer and watching the pictures of Yvonne and Tommy that he had taken a week earlier.
Once Sarah realized who was tied up in those pictures her good mood was gone. She was so shocked and she couldn’t understand why her son would be tied up and gagged together with her best friend.
The photographer didn’t notice her until she said: “Can you explain this to me? Why are my son and my best friend Yvonne bound and gagged? Did you take those photos?”
He slowly turned around and got up.
“I’m sorry, honey you had to find out but I guess it was bound to happen one day. No pun intended,” he chuckled and moved towards her.
“What are you talking about? Answer me. Why are they tied up on your computer screen?”
“You know when you asked me about my job and I said that I was a photographer? Well, that was only a part of the truth.”
As he was talking he was moving closer and closer to petrified Sarah who was still standing on the stairs with her mouth open and tightly clutching on the banister. She still had a chance to run away and lock him in the house perhaps but she didn’t even think about it. She wanted an explanation.
“The whole story is that I pay women to allow me to tie them up and then sell their pictures on the internet. However this wouldn’t provide me with sufficient income so I use their bondage pictures to blackmail them. They either pay me the money I ask or let me tie them up more and more without paying them otherwise their husbands, parents or bosses will receive the humiliating photos in which they are tied up, gagged with their panties and with their breasts exposed.”
“You must be joking. Why would anyone do such a thing? I don’t believe it.”
“Well, you should.”
“But what about my son? He isn’t a rich woman that you could blackmail:”
“True. Your son was at the wrong time in the wrong place. He discovered your friend Yvonne bound and gagged in her house some days ago. I was lucky to escape myself. I couldn’t risk he would go to the police so I took some pretty pictures of him just to make sure he would keep his mouth shut.”
Once he reached Sarah he grabbed her hands and pulled her down from the staircase.
She yelled and fell on the floor. He turned her on her belly and sat upon her.
“Let me go you monster. Do you hear me? Let me go.”
“You can scream as you like. The basement is soundproof.”
Out of nowhere appeared a coil of rope and he started to tie her wrists behind her back.
“Stop this right now. Don’t tie me up. Do you hear me?”
“I hear you but I don’t care. I cannot allow you to leave after you have just learnt the truth.”
“What are you going to do?” Sarah asked with apparent fear in her voice.
“Well, I’m gonna tie you up, then I’m gonna gag you and keep you here. After that I’ll go and get your son and your friend Yvonne, tie them up and gag them as well. I am going to spend couple of days taking pictures of the three of you bound and gagged to make some profit out of you and then who knows. Maybe I will just leave you here and get out of the city or maybe I will get rid of you and then leave the city.”
While he was talking he was tying up her ankles and knees.
“Please, let me go. We won’t bother you. I promise. I can give you money if you untie me right now.”
“Interesting offer but no thanks. Things have just got too complicated thanks to your nosiness.”
“I wasn’t being nosy. I was only looking for you.” Then she started to cry. “I thought you loved you but you are a monster.”
“Enough, you need to shut up. I don’t wanna listen to your whimpering.”
He got up and went to the box where he kept his bondage stuff and came back with a pair of big silky panties and a bandanna.
“Don’t gag me, please. I won’t talk anymore. Don’t gag me.”
“Sorry, love. Pretty tied up ladies like you need to be gagged.”
He crumpled the panties into a big ball.
“Don’t put that thing in my mouth, please.” Her crying was getting hysterical.
“Do you know whose panties are these?”
“Your friend’s. I kept them after one of Yvonne’s visits. She was wearing them while I had her tied up. She has bigger ass than you do. They’ll do a great job in keeping you quiet. Now open wide.”
“Oh no, please. This is disgusting … mmmmmphh.”
Her pleading stopped once he shoved the panties in her mouth. Before she could spit them out he secured the gag with the handkerchief tied between her teeth.
She was furious and desperate. She was trying to plead with him, she was trying to call out for help, she was trying to push the gag out of her mouth but everything in vain. The handkerchief was too tight and the panties were too big.
“Don’t struggle with the gag or you might suffocate and we don’t want that, do we?”
She calmed down while he grabbed another piece of rope and started looping it under and above her big breasts.
“I am almost sorry to do this to you but you look so hot, baby. Pity things didn’t work out but then again I like you much more tied up and gagged.”
He unbuttoned her shirt and started to feel her boobs.
“Oh god, they are amazing. I could play with them all day.”
She started to protest through her gag and shake her head, which only made him laugh.

She didn’t know how much time she spent in the closet. She was in complete darkness and the air was stuffy. She didn’t struggle or yell for help. She knew it was useless and she didn’t want to run out of oxygen and suffocate. She just sat there in the dark and cried. She thought she found a new love but he turned out to be a vicious criminal.
She even might have fallen asleep for a while. Then she heard some noises in the other room. Somebody was there. He probably came back. But then she heard a bang as if somebody was beating with something against the wall. Why would he do that? Maybe it wasn’t him.
She started to moan through her gag as loudly as she could. She was lucky. Somebody opened the door and she was staring into a shocked face of a beautiful black-haired woman.
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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:58 am

Part VI
“Yes, I am Tommy’s mother,” finished Sarah the sentence for Diana.
“I’m a private investigator. Tommy and Yvonne hired me to help them convict this guy without Yvonne’s husband knowing what was going on. I destroyed all the evidence. Once you are free we will call the police.”
“Sorry ladies. I don’t think this is going to happen.”
Diana turned around and saw the guy she was after. He was pointing a gun to them.
“Stand up and throw away the knife.”
Diana did as she was told. Sarah who still had her wrists bound stayed on the floor.
“So you are a private detective. My mistake I didn’t figure that out. Now it’s time to tie all the loose ends, literally.” He started to laugh but none of the women found his joke funny.
“What have you done with Yvonne and my son?” shouted Sarah.
“Oh, don’t worry, dear. They are fine, a little tied up but fine … for now.”
He moved towards his bondage box and tossed some ropes on the floor before Diana.
“Tie her ankles and knees again, detective and make it really tight.”
Diana knew she had no other option but to obey him.
“I’m sorry, Sarah. I hope it doesn’t hurt. Everything is gonna be alright, trust me. We will find the way out of this.” She didn’t believe it herself but she had to say something to calm poor Sarah down while she was tying her legs and feet again.
“Nice speech, detective but I’m afraid your situation is actually quite hopeless and unless you have some superpowers other than talking too much, there is no way out of this for any of you,” laughed the villain still aiming his gun at them.
“Now pick up the panties she had in her mouth before and stuff them back in there.”
“I’m so sorry, Sarah. Please open your mouth.”
Sarah opened her mouth and allowed Diana to gag her.
“Now tie a big knot in the middle of the handkerchief and put it between her lips and tie the ends behind her head. Make it a triple.”
Diana gagged Tommy’s mother again. Then another pair of panties was thrown to her and she was instructed to stuff them in her own mouth. After that the photographer gave her a handkerchief with a huge knot in the middle and told her to secure her gag with it just as she did with Sarah’s gag only minutes before that.
“Good, now sit down. You are about to get tied up just as my dear Sarah.”
Diana remained standing. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her onto the floor. Then he quickly proceeded to tying her wrists, ankles and knees.
Diana wasn’t ready to give up. For the whole time she was struggling against her bonds and grunting through her gag. Unfortunately her resistance was only symbolic. The ropes around her limbs and the gag in her mouth didn’t allow her anything more.
“Since it seems like you’ve destroyed all my bondage photos, I’m gonna make some more of you, Sarah, Tommy and Yvonne before I’m gonna destroy you and leave the country.”
Both women started to yell through their gags but it only made him laugh and no-one could hear them anyway.
“I have to go and get something from my car, ladies. Don’t go anywhere and don’t talk about me behind my back.”
They were left alone to struggle and protest through their gags. They even started cooperating on getting rid of their bonds but the knots were hard to untie and he took the knife with him.

Ten minutes later they heard some noises from upstairs. He was coming back and he wasn’t alone.
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by gagged-cowboy » Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:56 am

Part VII
Three hours earlier
“He’s here Tommy, I am going to open the door,” said Yvonne who looked ravishing in her black leather skirt, red satin blouse and black boots.
Tommy, who was wearing his typical outfit – jeans and red flannel shirt, nodded.
He felt mixed up again because no matter how nasty this blackmailer was he was looking forward to spending some time bound and gagged together with his beloved Yvonne. He even wished he had the opportunity to tie her up.
Meanwhile Yvonne opened the door and the photographer came in.
“Go to the living room,” he said instead of a greeting. Not that she needed such social pleasantries from him.
“Sit down on the couch and be quiet. Today we need to make this quick.”
He looked different today. No smiles. No bad jokes. He was unusually serious and silent.
He tossed them panties and bandannas and ordered them to gag themselves with them.
After the panties were stuffed in their mouths with the bandannas securing them in place, they sat there and waited, unsure what he had in mind for them.
Yvonne noticed that he didn’t bring his camera. Why was he here when he doesn’t want to take any photos?
“Kneel down, face the couch and put your hands behind your backs.”
They did as they were told, feeling more unsure and insecure. Something was wrong with him today. Usually he would have taken at least a dozen of photos of them putting gags in their mouths. Why not today?
He tied their hands behind their backs and then added more ropes around their chests. His bondage was tight as usual but he looked as if he didn’t pay any particular attention to what he was doing and he certainly didn’t look as if he was taking any pleasure in what he was doing. Something was definitely wrong. They both felt it
“Now turn around and listen very carefully.”
With every word he uttered he sounded more and more serious.
“I have Tommy’s mother tied up and gagged in my basement.”
“Mmmmph?” mumbled Tommy with clear surprise in his eyes. His mom was supposed to be with her new boyfriend. But it couldn’t be this guy.
“Yes, she probably told you she was seeing somebody and she was spending a lot of time with him. Well, that somebody was me. Things were amazing but she had to be nosey. She had to find the photos of the two of you. It got things really complicated for me. So we are going to make a trip in my car to my house and I will keep you in my basement together with Sarah for some time before I decide what to do with you.”
Tommy and Yvonne started to shake their heads and protest through their gags. Any effort to plead with this man was useless. They knew it.
“Normally I would tease you about how I don’t understand your gag-talk but I am not in the mood today. Get up and let’s go.”

Sarah saw her former boyfriend bringing her son Tommy and her friend Yvonne down to the basement. Both of them had their hands tied behind their backs and the gags stuffed in their mouths. Both were struggling and protesting but he was stronger.
She and Diana started to call for help through their gags. The basement was filled with loud muffled screaming.
“Shut up. You are giving me a headache,” shouted their captor. The merciless tone of his voice silenced everybody.
The newly brought captives were seated on the floor next to Sarah and Diana. While he was tying their ankles they were exchanging terrified looks.
“Okay, so you got me into this mess. I need to make some quick money and then let you disappear.”
Their looks got even more terrified and their muffled calls for help returned in the full strength.
“Shut up.” He shouted. “You are gagged and I am the only one who can make any noises here. Anyway I am going to take a lot of pictures of you bound and gagged, sell them, then get rid of you and flee the country.”
Sarah started to cry. Tommy wanted to comfort her but his gag made his kind words incomprehensible. Yvonne looked as if she didn’t care. She was involved with this guy longer than they were and even though he was really nasty she didn’t believe he could be capable or killing them. Diana grunted something through her gag and she stared daggers at him.
“Okay, before we start, I am going to get some lunch. I haven’t had eaten in ages thanks to you. Wait here and be quiet, I’ll be back in an hour.”
This was their chance. Their last and only chance to escape and they knew it. They all started to work on the ropes around their wrists in the last attempt to free themselves.
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Post by Soraka »

by gagged-cowboy » Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:22 am

The last two parts as promised. If you liked the story, please let me know in the comments or PM cheers

Part IX
After a lunch at the local Chinese fast food the photographer returned to his place. He really didn’t want to murder anybody, especially these pretty ladies, since they could make so much money for him in the future. He never killed anyone but he saw no other alternative. During his meal he figured that the easiest way would be to leave them down in the basement, set the house on fire and head straight to Mexico.
Once he entered the basement he immediately saw that something was wrong. One captive was missing. Yvonne was here, Sarah and her son too and they were still tied up and gagged. But that private investigator escaped.
“Where is she?” he shouted.
“Right here,” said the voice behind him and then he received a hard punch in his face. He fell down and lost his consciousness.
“I really enjoyed this,” smiled Diana. “Here’s the plan. We’re gonna tie him up, gag him and call the police. Let’s go, hurry.”
Yvonne, Sarah and Tommy got up. After Diana managed to get free she untied their hands and loosened the ropes around their ankles. They only stayed gagged and pretended to be tied up as well when the photographer returned.
Diana started to tie his wrists while Yvonne and Tommy took care of his ankles and knees. They hogtied him too.
He came over pretty quickly.
“What happened? Untie me. You can’t do this to me.”
“I think we should put something in his mouth to shut him up,” smiled Diana.
“If you don’t mind I have the right gag for him,” said Sarah and took off the panties she was wearing since this morning. Her shirt was long enough so she didn’t have to worry about being exposed in front of her son.
“No no no, this is disgusting. Don’t do that, don’t put that thing in my mouth. You will pay for this, you mmmmmph mmmmmph.” The final insult was muffled as the panties were stuffed in his mouth.
“I only hope they taste as sweet as my revenge, you bastard,” said Sarah with satisfaction.
Diana handed her a bandanna with a knot in the middle and Sarah put it in her ex-boyfriend’s mouth and tied it as tightly as she could. He produced a muffled scream full of pain and then started to cry.
“Okay, run upstairs and call the police. I will guard our prisoner,” said the Diana.
When they were gone she sat next to him, took out her mobile phone and with her typical flirtatious smile took a couple of pictures of her ex-captor.
“This is just something to remember this case. The cops will be here any minute, they will probably untie you, remove your gag and put some handcuffs on you but don’t worry. I am sure once you are in jail and the word gets around you are going to become inmate’s favorite damsel in distress and you will spend a lot of time bound and gagged. Though I am not sure what they are going to use instead of those panties.”
His muffled protests were hysterical and the look in his eyes suggested he became really scared for the first time in his life.

Two weeks later
Tommy was surprised to hear from Yvonne. He had seen her a lot in the past few days during the police investigation and she also came to visit his mother once or twice but he certainly didn’t expect her to call him and invite him to her house that day.
She told him over the phone just to come inside and indeed when he tried the door, it wasn’t locked.
“Yvonne?” he called when he didn’t see her in the living room.
“I’m upstairs, come up.”
He slowly climbed the stairs. The door to her bedroom was open. Why would she be receiving him in her bedroom unless …?
He entered the room. It was dark. The curtains were pulled down, the lights were off and there were only few candles lighting the room.
Yvonne, the woman of his dreams, was lying on the bed and her seductive curves were covered only with her old red flannel shirt which was unbuttoned and showed her underwear. She was smiling and next to her there was a pile of panties, a bunch of ropes and a couple of bandannas.
Tommy’s heart almost stopped beating. Is this real? Is this really happening?
“Hello Tommy, I have been expecting you.”
Her voice was definitely real. And so were her big breasts and the ropes next to her.
Tommy began blushing and started to stammer: “Yvonne, what … what is going on?”
“Tommy, I know that you have a crush on me. I have always noticed it but I have never paid any attention to it. You know, I’m married, much older and your mom is my friend. However since that fateful day when you found me bound and gagged in the basement I’ve been constantly feeling something else between us, a tension, erotic tension and I think that we should get rid of that tension.”
“Yvonne, I …”
“Don’t talk. If you worry about somebody coming you don’t have to. My husband is in Europe on a long business trip and the kids are with my sister. We are alone. Now, why don’t you tie me up, stuff my panties in my mouth and show me how much you have been lusting for me?”

The End
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Post by jafib »

Nice one, lots of diversity and intertwined storytelling :)
Meet Jessica in the Garage, Alica the baby-sitter, Phillip tieing up teen girls
Adult Stories: Naughty Tamara, Josefine the Model (all M/F)

Feedback motivates me to write more and continue a story :)
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