Ravnos : 01 - What goes around comes around (f/m)

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Ravnos : 01 - What goes around comes around (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ravnos' stories
01 - What goes around comes around
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By Ravnos

Wed Jul 14 00:13:56 Pacific Daylight Time 1999

Hi, how you all doing? I've been visiting this site for quite some time now but never actually had the guts to post one of my stories. In all likelihood this is because they still occur and do not want anyone involved in them to somehow find I am posting these stories. There is nothing obscene but it's still a somewhat private thing, so all names will be assumed. That said off we go. This story happened when I was my current age(18), I was at the house of my friend Heather, she was about 2 years younger than me and our relationship was and still is so complex that it would take hours to explain. I'll just say that we both really care about each other but both have issues holding us from entering a romantic relationship where one could hurt the other, we also flirt like crazy so that alleviates some tension. Also we play and wrestle constantly,I know that seeing as I outweigh her by about 80 pounds there is no way she could make me do anything but I often let her win almost subconsciously, I win all the time to but that's something else. My friend who thinks he's a shrink often tells me that we are trying to dominate the other..gofigure but that is where this story comes from.

O.K. here goes. I was at Heather's house on a weekday night when neither of us had anything more productive to do. Her parents were not home, her sister was but she always gave us our space. This whole thing started when I was on Heather's bed reading a book, I was sitting cross legged almost at the foot so she had ample space in which to stretch out behind me. However she wasn't content to leave me undisturbed and kicked me somewhat softly in the ribs,I reached a hand back and to swat her away, that lasted for about five seconds before she did it again, I repeated my gesture, this went on for some time before she started kicking my ear, she was in her socks but it was still somewhat irritating. In all likelihood she was trying to goad me in to reacting somehow so I waited to see if she would do it again. this took all of 3 seconds, I immediately grabbed her foot then move quickly to grab her other one. I now had both her feet in one hand and quickly trapped her feet against my side with one arm (the other one ould be coming into use very quickly)I knew she had to learn a lesson and when I saw her feet so helpless I just couldn't resist.

"Are, you ticklish?" I asked, but I already knew the answer so I started before she could reply.

So I kept tickling her feet and she absolutely went nuts, she tried first to get her feet free but my grip was too tight for her in her hysterical state, next she tried to flail around her upper body but again had little luck, so she just had to take it until I stopped. I stopped after only two or three minutes but it probably felt like eons to her which was exactly the point to get her to stop (and retaliate). anyway when I let her she excused herself to go get a drink to help her catch her breath after the working over I just gave her feet. She left and I was satisfied that I had taught her a lesson. However she was about to prove how sweet revenge could be.

I lay down on her bed and waited for Heather to come back. Idiot that I was I was on my stomach facing the wall so I didn't see her come in. She had gotten no drink, she had actually snuck into her parents room and gotten an armload of her dad's ties. when I didn't see her come in she dropped said ties on the ground and climbed onto the bed she then proceeded to sitdon on my back and pinned my arms to my sides with her legs.I was unimpressed and worked my arms free almost instantly, I should have thrown her off then but I said "is that the best you could do?" she did much better.

As soon as I asked her that question she gave me an answer : she pulled both of my wrists together and crossed them, I was struggling but not enough to get free with the leverage she had over me. I felt one of the ties wrapping around my wrists first crosswise then lenghtwise until she finally tied it off. I tested my wrists but they were basically immobilized, but she then took a shoe lace and used it to tie the fingers of my right hand together in some ludicrisly complicated may, she then repeated the process with my left hand.

"that'l hold you while I finish" she said.

I had no idea how far this was going but right now i didn't have much of a choice as I couldn't even get at the knots. nonetheless I attempted to protest,she told me to be quiet.Of course I responded by challenging her to try. she quickly shoved a rolled up sock into my mouth and then tied it in with another tie. She then turned her attention to my ankles which she procceeded to tie together tight enough so that i couldn't move my feet so as to loosen them. she stepped back to admire her handiwork and apparently decided that she needed to make this even harder on me.she did that by running two ties knotted together between my ankles and wrists creating a hogtie. She then stepped back and sat down to watch me struggle!

So i gave her quite a show I struggled for about five minute before I realized I wasn't going anywhere and that Heather had me basically at her mercy. I mmpphhdd under my gag for all I was worth hoping to signal that she had won.

She noticed and said "look,here's the deal you apologize for tickling me and I'll let you go".

I waited for her to remove the gag so that I could apologize but she did not.

"Well,do you apologize or not" I nodded as best I could. "No say it ou loud". I realized that she was just toying with me now as i couldn't very well say anything, I tried to somehow say it but she only tormented me more by saying she couldn't quite get that, could I repeat it etc.

To my surprise she undid the hogtie and once again sat on the small of my back, she said "Before I let you go I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine". This absolutely panicked me because I knew full well several things: that she was going to tickle me, how ticklish I am, that she was going to exploit that to maximum potential, and that she might well be more far more merciless than me. She began on my ribs and quickly worked her hands under my arms I laughed hysterically under my gag which only encouraged her, I tried to twist out from under her but it didn't happen. She stopped for a moment and I actually thought she might be done, no such luck, she only her position and put my feet in an armlock much like the one I had put her in earlier. I almost fainted right there because my feet are by far my worst spot and she knew it. Once she began I was basically in hysterics immediately, she was taunting me to make matters worse, saying she could do this for hours, it seemed like more than that but it was really about 15 minutes. When she ungagged me I was breathing like I'd run a marathon, she asked me if I was sorry and I assented after which she untied me.

Nothing else happened that night but believe I got her back, and was gotten back myself many times. So please give me some feedback, I'd like to hear it. See ya

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