Nothing Personal - 4 (F/F)

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Just noted the story has clocked up over 3000 views. Thanks to all of those that keep checking in, very much appreciated. Hope that you are enjoying the story so far and fingers crossed the chapters that follow!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think, your readers enjoy this epic story very much! I admire every writer who is able to complete such an epic tale. This is no small achievement. On the contrary. The 3000 views are well earned. Keep up the good work, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!
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Post by puffalover »

Hey [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! So glad you’re continuing this awesome saga! Love all the twist and turns that are taking place with these gorgeous ladies.

Can’t wait to read the next chapters my friend. Hope there’s plenty more sleeping “restraining” bag, downsuit, and diaper usage to come.
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Post by Caesar73 »

puffalover wrote: 5 years ago Can’t wait to read the next chapters my friend. Hope there’s plenty more sleeping “restraining” bag, downsuit, and diaper usage to come.
Me too [mention]puffalover[/mention]! Regarding restraining bags and the like: Our heroines are dealing with Elizabeth Crawford. And when Crawford is involved? There will be restraining bags, downfilled suits and diapers galore for prolonged periods of time ;)
I´m sure of that!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]puffalover[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention] many thanks for the kind words and glad that you are enjoying the story.

Patience my friends. Good things come to those that wait.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 22

The journey had taken around two hours to the secluded safe house. Lauren noted the IV bag was almost empty as the ambulance made its way along the private driveway. Hayley had drifted in and out of consciousness a couple of times during the trip. There had been a mild sedative and also something to keep Hayley relaxed in the solution, just enough to keep her disorientated for the duration of the journey. Like the rest of the operatives in the room during the interrogation Lauren knew that they had the wrong woman. This indeed wasn’t the American spy they were looking for. It made her wonder what the boss had planned for Hayley.

The ambulance pulled to a halt outside the safe house which was a secluded former farmhouse. Elodie sprang into action and opened both rear doors and extended the ramp whilst Lauren unlocked the stretcher from its moorings and pushed it down the ramp and onto the smooth driveway surface where Elodie caught it. Lauren followed the stretcher down the ramp and pausing took a moment to look round and take in the perfectly manicured lawns and gardens, she always enjoyed coming to this place despite what it was sometimes used for. The building itself was a simple two story farmhouse with a pitched slate roof, painted white. It was only when you got inside that you could see the various alterations that the agency had made. These included a lot of security upgrades, central heating, air conditioning and a small lift. Elodie removed a remote control from a pocket and used it to open the door to the double garage that had been constructed and was linked to the original farmhouse. As Lauren and Elodie wheeled the still unconscious Hayley through that door, the stretcher wouldn’t go through the front door of the farmhouse, Rousseau followed close behind carrying the bag that she had brought along. Through the garage a larger entrance to the farmhouse had been created which lead straight to the lift. It was large enough to accommodate the stretcher and all three women, just. After the door closed Lauren pressed the button and the lift gently rose to the first floor. The refurbishment of the farmhouse had been well thought out as when door to the lift opened it allowed Lauren and Elodie to wheel the stretcher straight across the small corridor and into the room that was used to keep people. After they had removed Hayley from the stretcher and deposited her onto the bed that was in the room Elodie turned to Rousseau who was leaning against the frame of the open door, “Lauren and I are going to take this back down, store the transport and prepare the rest of the equipment.” Rousseau nodded her understanding. “You can put the kettle on. The kitchen is downstairs and at the back of the house.”


When Hayley finally felt less light headed she sat up and swung her feet down onto the carpeted floor, she didn’t know exactly what was in that fluid in the IV bag but it had certainly had an effect on her. Hayley swept her eyes around the room but there wasn’t much to see, apart from the bed that she was sitting on the only other items of furniture were a set of drawers and a couple of chairs. The only door was set flush against the wall with no handle or hinges. There was a single window in the wall so Hayley got somewhat unsteadily to her feet and wandered across. Hayley wrapped on the window with her knuckles and instantly regretted it; the window was obviously some kind of toughened glass. Unsurprisingly there was nothing that indicated that the window would open. The short walk had also alerted Hayley to the fact that she had soiled her diaper whilst drugged. Looking around the room again Hayley made her way across to the set of drawers and opened the top one to find several tops and trousers, Hayley pulled out one of the tops and held it up against her body. Not an exact fit but it was close enough. The next drawer yielded two pairs of trousers that were also roughly the right size, the third drawer contains two pairs of pyjamas and some socks. When Hayley opened the final drawer she found some fresh diapers, wipes and other items associated with changing them. Taking a moment to digest this Hayley decided to go with her current theme of making the best of it and get comfortable. Opening the third drawer again Hayley grabbed a pair of pyjamas and flung them onto the bed then grabbed a fresh diaper and some of the other items from the bottom drawer and headed back to the bed.

After changing clothes and putting on a fresh diaper Hayley placed everything that she had been wearing into one of the plastic bags that were in the bottom drawer, left it lying next to the door then went across to the stand at the window. Hayley took in the view of rolling hills and let her mind wander, thinking of nothing. It wasn’t until the sun disappeared beyond the horizon that Hayley heard the door open, turning round saw Lauren enter with a tray held in both hands. “Stay where you are Hayley.” Hayley didn’t move as Lauren placed the tray on top of the set of drawers. Even from across the room Hayley could smell the warm food on the plate, there was also a couple of glasses on the tray and if she didn’t know better Hayley would swear that one of them contained wine. Lauren picked up the plastic bag from next to the door and made to exit the room.

“How long do you plan to keep me here?” Hayley asked.

“Tomorrow” was all that Lauren replied with as she exited the room, not even turning around to face Hayley. With that the door shut and Hayley hurried across the room. It wasn’t until Hayley smelled the food that she realised how hungry she was. Picking up the try Hayley carefully carried it across to the bed and got stuck into what was offered. Once finished Hayley wiped her hands on the napkin that had been provided before placing the tray where she had previously left the plastic bag. Almost immediately the lights in the room went out, plunging the room into darkness. Obviously time for bed Hayley thought. Hayley went back across to the bed, pulled back the duvet, slipped into bed and got comfortable.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Patience my friends. Good things come to those that wait.
Your humble servant is deeply grateful, master [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! ;) It hurts me, but patience, oh patience, I have her well spoken of! But alas, we do not know each other very well - but I vow, to work on that, o master! ;)

The safe house is no Hilton. That´s for sure. No bathroom, my my my .... poor Hayley! Well , thanks to recent "training", she knows her way around diapers. But tough as she is, she´ll adapt and makes the best possible under the circumstances. Freshened up and got a hot meal. Waiting for the things to come.

I wonder, what cards Rousseau will be playing ... telling Hayley that she is the bait for Crawford? I doubt that. I´ll think, she´ll come up with some cover story. I doubt seriously that Hayley will buy that, she´s way to smart for that. And knowing that Crawford will get her ....

Don´t let us wait too long, master! This update was a short one ;) ;) Patience, Patience, I know :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 23

Interpol Headquarters, France

Sitting in the office absentmindedly taping a pen against the edge of the metal desk Sasha Conteh once again went through in her head all of the information that they had about this spate of burglaries across Europe, now including the latest in Brussels. She didn’t know why but there was something about this case that had gotten under her skin and she felt a compulsion to solve it. So engrossed in her own thoughts she didn’t hear the first shout trying to get her attention. “Hey Conteh” a male voice said from the other end of the office. “Look sharp.”

“Sorry,” Conteh yelled back holding up a hand.

“Line three.” The uniformed officer said miming the handset of a phone by raising his hand to the side of his head with the little finger and thumb extended and the three other fingers tucked in. Conteh leaned over her desk and picked up the handset. There was a click as the call was connected.

“This is Conteh. How can I help?”

“This is Detective Sarr of the Central Criminal Investigation Bureau based in Tallin.”

“Hello Detective. What can I do for you?”

“I have seen your bulletin regarding that string of burglaries and believe that we have another case.” This news caused Conteh to straighten up in her seat.

“Carry on detective, you have my undivided attention,” Conteh said as she picked up a pen and scrambled to find a notebook. She listened on intently and scribbled notes as Detective Sarr went through the details of the burglary that had taken place. The more that she heard the more her gut told her that this was another crime committed by the serial thief that she was chasing. As Sarr came to the end of his explanation Conteh could sense that he was keeping something back and for the first time she interrupted and asked a question.

“But there is something else.” There was a silence at the other end of the line. Conteh could tell that Sarr was making the decision on whether or not to tell her something important. Police throughout the world were always the same, trying to keep the best piece of information to themselves.

“What is that detective?” Sasha asked, trying to coax the information from Sarr.

“We believe that we have CCTV images of the perpetrator.” At this Sasha got animated. It was the first solid lead on the case.

“Did she make a mistake and get caught on a security system?”

“No. The victim that was attacked in the house managed to overhear a telephone call that the perpetrator made. From the contents of that telephone conversation we managed to track down where she was staying and get CCTV footage of the woman that we believe committed the crime.”

“But you haven’t arrested her?”

“Unfortunately we do not have solid evidence that we could take to court so decided not to make an arrest.” Conteh could tell from the tone of the detectives voice that is hadn’t been his decision. Then she made what seemed to be an impulsive decision.

“I will be on the next flight detective.”


The song erupted from her pocket and Raquel English moved quickly to answer it. That particular song was associated to a certain number. Raquel swiped to take the call and put the phone to her ear. “Hello Raquel,” the voice said quietly and deliberately. “I have some new information. There is someone that I need you to talk to.”

“Is it related to my current job?”

“No. I will be paying for your time on this one.” Raquel was a bit shocked to her that. It was unusual for the Broker to divert you from your current job that a client was paying for when the contract was placed through her. As if reading her mind the woman continued. “It is time sensitive and you are the closest available asset.”

“I understand.”

“I will e-mail you the details…and Raquel…this goes no further.” Before Raquel could reply the line went dead. Raquel just stood and stared at her phone. Well this was certainly an interesting development.


The door opened and Elodie and Lauren entered to find Hayley sitting on the edge of the bed with hands clasped together in her lap. Hayley had enjoyed a settled night of uninterrupted sleep until the lights had come on in the room around half an hour ago. Once woken Hayley had to use her diaper to relieve herself before quickly changing into a fresh diaper and putting on a set of clothes from the top drawer, a plain light blue blouse and black trousers that Hayley thought were flattering despite having to take into account the diaper. Hayley guessed that the there would be surveillance equipment in the room so wanted to encourage her abductors to come and get her as soon as possible. Elodie threw a pair of slippers at Hayley’s feet. “Put those on. The boss would like to talk over breakfast.” Hayley bent down and slipped on the slippers, when she looked back up Elodie was holding out a pair of handcuffs. “And these” Elodie added and flung them at Hayley who caught them and fastened the cold metal bracelets around each of her wrists. Not that she liked to be bound in any way but she had to get to the bottom of what was happening and hoped to start now. Elodie and Lauren escorted Hayley out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen where Monique Moreau was sat at the table; she beckoned Hayley to sit across from her. Hayley noticed that Rousseau was standing with her bum against the kitchen sink holding a mug of something warm in both hands.

“Firstly Hayley thanks for your patience and also for acting professionally and not making this situation more difficult than it had to be.” Hayley nodded to signal her appreciation. “Secondly I am not going to apologise for our methods. I am sure you understand. Anyway from the enquiries that I have made about you it seems that you are no stranger to being kidnapped and held captive.” Hayley was relieved. It seemed like they had made some enquiries about who she actually was. To be honest if they had just searched the internet they would have found the various newspaper articles confirming her current position as a private investigator.

“Yeah about that I have some suggestions on how you can improve the whole experience for your captives.”

“Well when you leave we can have that discussion.”

“So you aren’t letting me go then” Hayley said, the disappointment obvious in her voice.

“Not as yet Hayley. There are still some questions that I need to have answered before I can let you go. Then we have to discuss terms of letting you leave. I am waiting on official confirmation that you are indeed no longer in the employ of your government.” Hayley’s shoulders must have slumped.

“I tell you what Hayley you don’t look your best at the moment and that is a shame for a woman of your undoubted beauty. As a show of goodwill I will let you use the shower in the bathroom.” Hayley brightened up on hearing this but knew that there was something else coming. “On the condition that you don’t cause any trouble when we have to bind and sedate you later on.” Hayley thought this over for a brief second before nodding. “Lauren show Hayley to the bathroom whilst Elodie and I have a private conversation.” As Hayley and Lauren left the room Moreau turned to Rousseau who had remained silent throughout the conversation with Hayley. “Sophia, any update from you?”

“I have put the word out amongst my contacts in the seas that Elizabeth Crawford swims and now I wait to have a response. But she is a cautious and sharp woman.” Moreau nodded.

“But you think that for Hayley King she will get in contact.” This time is was Rousseau who nodded.

Lauren and Hayley made there was up the short flight of steps to the first floor and rather than turn left and head toward the room where Hayley had spent the night then turned right. Hayley felt a hand on her shoulder and stopped. Lauren opened a door on their right with her other hand and Hayley looked in to find a small but well fitted out bathroom. “Towels, shampoo and other items are in the large cupboard.” Hayley held up her cuffed wrists to Lauren who with the air of someone who thought it was a mistake unlocked the cuffs and slipped them into her pocket. Hayley took a step back, closed the door and then made her way across to the cubicle and turned on the shower, making adjustments to the height of the shower and the temperature of the water. However, rather than jump straight in Hayley had a look around the room for a way out that didn’t include going through the door. Finding that the window was sealed Hayley slumped down onto the toilet; she should have known that it wouldn’t have been that easy. Make the best of it girl Hayley thought. So she stripped off the clothes that she was wearing and the diaper before jumping in the shower.

There was a knock at the door and Hayley guessed this meant that her allotted time was up so she finished drying herself with the large towel that was on the towel rack then wrapped it around her body. Grabbing the clothes that she had been wearing that morning she opened the door and without waiting for Lauren padded barefoot along the corridor and back into the room where she was to be held. On entering the room she found Elodie standing by the bed and the woman had obviously been busy as there was now a set of leather straps that looked very much like medical restraints attached to the bed. Hayley turned round but found Lauren blocking any exit via the door. Not that she intended to escape now. Hayley had been encouraged by her conversation with Moreau earlier that morning and had given her word that she wouldn’t resist of cause any trouble. That didn’t mean that she couldn’t have some fun. Without warning Hayley dropped the towel that was around her body to the floor which left her naked. The two French agents didn’t known where to look. Hayley confidently strode across to the set of drawers and removed a fresh set of blue pyjamas and a diaper before making her way to the bed. Hayley quickly put the diaper and pyjamas on before lying down on the bed.

The two French agents didn’t need a second invitation and set about securing Hayley to the bed with the leather straps. They were similar to the straps that had secured Hayley to the stretcher during her trip to the safe house. Once she was secured to the bed Hayley looked around and she Lauren approach the bed carrying an intravenous infusion pole. Hayley hadn’t notice this when she had originally entered the room, although Moreau had mentioned that she would be sedated. Hayley guessed that this would be the method. “There is a more concentrated dose of the sedative in this bag Hayley so you should sleep soundly” Lauren said as she prepared the made preparations to administer the IV. Hayley felt something rub over the inside of her elbow, this was shortly followed by a sharp prick as the needle was inserted. Almost immediately Hayley felt this warm sensation flow through her body and she started to relax, not long thereafter she could feel her eyelids getting heavy and was struggling to keep them open.

“How long will she be unconscious” Elodie asked Lauren as they walked along the corridor and down the stairs.

“The bag should last around four hours at the rate that I have set it at. Even after that the amount of drug in her system should keep her out for another couple of hours. The boss should be back by then. I would suggest that you don’t let her out of the restraints unless there is a fire.” They had reached the front door by this point and Elodie stopped and watched as Lauren got into the passenger seat of Moreau’s black Jaguar and closed the door. Almost immediately the car raced off down the driveway and off toward Paris.

Chapter 24

The international banking system was curious in that there was no single body involved with regulating or investigating any reported irregularities between different countries. The cross border nature of most transactions made in difficult with agencies in each country fighting over which organisations took charge, or in some countries turning a blind eye to any slightly dodgy dealings. That is why a small and specialised organisation called the International Financial Fraud Agency was created. There had been an anonymous telephone call into their tip line earlier that week and although no hard evidence had been supplied a decision had been made to investigate. The tip had been a report of irregular practices at the Hauser & Mettler Private Bank in Switzerland. The reports specifically related to sensitive client information being passed to individuals not covered by the confidentiality of the bank. They have first made some discreet enquiries at the headquarters and without specifically pointing fingers suspicion fell on an employee called Hannah Stanley-Ramos, a woman that Agent Vasquez knew well. That was why Agents Gabriela Vasquez and Charlotte Saltzman found themselves in an apartment block in a prestigious and very exclusive area of Paris. The agents took the stairs, always better to take the stairs rather than the lift. It gave you more options. The two women paused at the landing on the fourth floor and consulted the handily placed directional signage to find the number of the apartment that they were looking for. Vasquez naturally ended up reaching the door first, her height, almost five foot ten inches in her bare feet and long strides giving her a slight advantage over her colleague who was five inches shorter. The two were physical opposites, the long dark hair and associated features of Vasquez showing her South American heritage at odds with the almost classic, porcelain skin and blue eyed English Rose look of Saltzman.

Saltzman looked at her partner of eighteen months and shook her head. Despite being perhaps the most beautiful woman Charlotte had ever met Vasquez didn’t seem to make it past date number two with any man for a variety of what Charlotte took to be terrible excuses rather than actual reasons. They had been out in bars several times and Vasquez had been hit on by at least one guy on every occasion but had always knocked them back. Saltzman knocked on the door and stood back, professional. It was only then that Charlotte noticed that the door was not fully closed and nodded at her partner to indicate this. Vasquez nodded to confirm that she had noticed the same. “Do you hear something Agent Saltzman?” Gabriela asked cocking her head to one side.

“Well, yes I believe I do Agent Vasquez. It sounds like someone in need of assistance.” Gabriela took the initiative, leaned forward and pushed open the door. They paused for a couple of seconds and with no signs of life they tentatively entered the apartment. Walking carefully down the hall it was clear that whoever had decorated the apartment had both good taste and deep pockets. At the end of the hall the apartment opened up into what looked like the main living area. Gabriella indicated to Charlotte that they should head in that direction. On entering the living room they found a woman lying bound and gagged on a rug in the centre of the room. “Hannah,” Gabriella said in a hushed tone not quite believing what she was looking at. Stunned it took Gabriella and Charlotte a couple of seconds to make the next natural move, which have been to call for help or head for the exit but those couple of seconds cost them as they both heard the unmistakeable sound from behind of a gun being cocked.

“No sudden movements.” Both agents spun round in the direction that the voice had come from to find a woman standing, legs slightly apart with a gun held steadily in two hands pointed at the centre of Gabriela’s chest. “You really have to work on taking instructions. I said no sudden movements and yet you spun round.” Charlotte tensed up, ready to strike but Gabriela put a hand Charlotte’s forearm and squeezed, letting her friend know that there was no point taking a chance with a gun pointed at them. “Now keys, phones and any other items that are in your pockets on the ground.” Neither of the agents made a move. “I am serious ladies. I do not want to be hanging around any longer than I have to.” Gabriela stared at the woman trying to make out some features but it was almost impossible as the woman was wearing a large brimmed hat, a patterned silk scarf over the lower half of her face like a bandit from an old western and a pair of large sunglasses. The woman wore all black, a three quarter length skirt below a form fitting blouse. The only two things that Gabriela could make out were that she had auburn hair and a great body.

“Who are you?” Gabriella asked whilst slowly removing all of the items in her pockets and placing them on the ground.

“No time for questions.” Charlotte; rather reluctantly complied with the instruction to remove all of the items from her pockets and dropped them to the floor. There were muffled groans from the bound and gagged Hannah Stanley-Ramos on the rug. The other three women in the room turned to look at her. “Quiet,” the woman with the gun said. Gabriella and Charlotte both took a deep intake of breath guessing that a similar fate would befall them soon. The woman with the gun took a couple of steps back and to the side. “Ladies, please make your way to the main bedroom. It’s the last door on the left at the end of the corridor.” Charlotte and Gabriella slowly made their way from the living room to the main bedroom. “Right over by the bed if you please.”

“What do you plan to do with us?” Charlotte asked.

“Well I would have thought that would be obvious” the woman asked. “Blondie, you lie face down on the bed and place your hands behind you back.” Charlotte glanced at Gabriella before complying with the instruction.

“You find something and tie up Blondie in that bag next to the bed.” The woman said to Gabriela indicating a large leather bag. Gabriela made her way across the room and delved into the bag, removing several large silk scarves. Gabriella assumed that this was the something that the mysterious woman was referring to. “Pick six and take then across to the bed then take two of those and use them to tie your friend’s ankles and wrists. And don’t dally.” Gabriella gave the woman a hostile look before selecting two smooth, silky light blue scarves and moved across to the bed where Charlotte lay face down. “Make sure the bindings are tights as I will be checking them later.”

“Sorry about this Charlotte,” Gabriela said softly. They had been partners long enough that there was now a large amount of trust between them. Gabriela only hoped that it could survive what she was about to do. Charlotte twisted her head so that she could see her partner.

“If it helps I would so the same if the situations were reversed.” Gabriela used the silk scarves to tie Charlotte’s wrists and ankles then stood back as if admiring her handiwork before turning round and facing the woman with the gun.

“On the nightstand beside the bed,” the woman said to Gabriella indicating a pile of white cloths and a large dark glass bottle, “in the bottle you will find chloroform. Pour a healthy amount onto one of the cloths and use it to knock out your friend.”

“What?” Gabriela exclaimed.

“Don’t play innocent with me agent.” Gabriela couldn’t be sure because of the scarf over the lower half of her face but could have sworn that the woman dictating her every move smiled. “If you haven’t experimented then I am sure that you have seen films where the plucky damsel is rendered unconscious by the evil henchman or henchwoman with a handkerchief. Well unfortunately it doesn’t quite work like that in the real world. It takes a bit longer so you had better get on with it.” Whilst the woman was talking Gabriella had opened the bottle and poured a dose of the liquid onto one of the cloths.

“Is there any need to dose us with chloroform and put us under?” Charlotte asked from her position on the bed. Suddenly Gabriella gulped realising that she was soon to be put to sleep as well.

“Unfortunately there is. I know that the moment that I leave you will try and get loose. Knocking both of you out will give me a bit more time to get some distance between us before you commence that exercise. I don’t really want do this but I have no choice.”

“No. I won’t do it,” Gabriela retorted.

“Just do it! Do you want me to shoot you both?” The woman asked Gabriela. “Well do you? It’s your choice, either use that chloroform on your friend or I start shooting.”

“It is alright we will co-operate,” Charlotte said from her position on the bed. “Gabriela just do what she tells you and put me to sleep with the cloth.”

“Well it is more the fumes from the chloroform than the cloth but I admire your pluck,” the woman said. Gabriela had to admire the fortitude of her partner and nodded her head. “Get on with it then.” At that point Gabriella leaned over and lowered the cloth and as gently as possible placed it over the lower half of Charlotte’s face. “Just relax and take deep breaths It will take a minute or so but you will go to sleep eventually,” the woman said from across the room. Gabriella pressed slightly to ensure that the cloth was securely over Charlotte’s nose and mouth, banishing any fresh air and forcing Charlotte to inhale the fumes from the chloroform on the cloth. Charlotte said something as it was placed over her face but any noise was muffled by the cloth. As Gabriela watched on there was a moment of panic in Charlotte’s eyes before she relaxed and took steady deep breathes, calmly inhaling the fumes until she after thirty seconds Gabriella could see that they were starting to have an effect, Gabriela could see that Charlotte’s eyelids were growing heavier and she had to fight to keep them open. Gabriela watched on as Charlotte’s eyes started to lose focus, her eyelids fluttered and then eventually slammed shut, once that had happened Gabriella removed the cloth. “Now that wasn’t so hard now was it?”

“What are you anyway? Some kind of freak that gets their kicks out of….”

“In total control of this situation is what I am,” the woman replied, “and don’t you forget that point.” Gabriela seethed quietly. “Now put the cloth in the centre of the pillow on the other side of the bed. You will need that later.’ Gabriela complied with that instruction. “Now take one of the other cloths and stuff it in your friend’s mouth then fold one of the scarves into a band and tie it over her mouth so that she can’t force the stuffing out.”


“Not important. Look, take this as a learning experience, learning how to gag a woman effectively. Anyway slight change of plan; you may as well grab two handkerchiefs and scarves as you will need them for yourself.” Once again Gabriela complied and gagged Charlotte as instructed. “Don’t worry I am a professional. I will make sure that there is no way that you will choke on the stuffing in your mouths before I leave.”

“Gee thanks” Gabriella replied.

“Now use one of those scarves to bind your ankles together and then gag yourself in the same manner that you did to your friend. Then your last task is to lie down on the bed beside your friend making sure that your nose is in the middle of that chloroform soaked cloth.” And again Gabriela nodded that she understood and would comply. “Stuff the cloth in your mouth, all the way in.” Gabriela did as instructed, using her long, slender fingers to push the cloth all of the way into her mouth. She glanced around at a mirror that was positioned on a nearby table and noted that her cheeks were bulging despite there still some of the white handkerchief poking out from her mouth. Without having to be prompted Gabriela then took the folded scarf and placed it over her mouth to stop herself form being able to eject the stuffing in her mouth. With the scarf tied at the back of her head Gabriela complied with the last of the instructions and hesitantly rolled over so that she was lying face down on the bed, judging it so that she managed to find the centre of the thick cloth lying on the pillow with her nose; the fumes coming from the cloth hit her when it was still several inches away. The almost sickly sweet odour caught at the back of her throat and invaded her nostrils but not wanting to contemplate the alternative forced her face onto the cloth. Lying still Gabriela placed both if her arms in the small of her back. She took deep breaths and felt her head getting lighter and a strange pins and needles sensation went through her arms and legs, almost bad enough that she didn’t feel the silk scarf get looped around the wrists that she had placed at the small of her back and get tightened, securing them together. Gabriela was now feeling very woozy and couldn’t resist when the woman gently moved her head to one side and picked up the cloth, clamping it in place to ensure that Gabriela slipped into the blackness.

Now with the two women sleeping Raquel English used another two scarves from her bag to tie both women’s legs together at the thighs and checked to make sure that all of the bindings were secure. Then as previously promised she positioned both women so that there would be no chance of any issues with their gags. She then collected all of her belongings and put them into a large over the shoulder bag and lifted it up. She left the plastic toy gun that she had taken from one of the children’s bedroom on the nightstand next to the mirror. It was very life like and had certainly fooled the two sleeping beauties on the bed. Raquel walked back into the living room and looked at Hannah Stanley-Ramos on the rug. Ignoring the struggling and moaning woman Raquel picked up the items that she had made the two women leave on the floor and checked the leather wallets. Interesting, they were both agents of the banking authority. That was something to put away for future use. “Well I would like to stay and extend our conversation but I don’t have the time. The arrival of our friends has forced a change in plan.” Raquel took a final look to make sure that she hadn’t left anything lying around and then picked up her jacket from where she had left it over the back of a chair and slipped it on. Without acknowledging the bound and gagged woman on the floor Raquel exited the apartment, slipping the scarf from over the lower half of her face until in hung loosely around her neck; now a fashion accessory rather than a disguise. There wasn’t another soul around as she exited the building and walked casually along the street and headed for the nearest Metro station slightly frustrated that she didn’t have the time to ask Hannah Stanley-Ramos the questions that she wanted. Well not that Raquel wanted but that the Broker had wanted. It did seem like a strange set of questions, they were about Stanley-Ramos’s position at the bank that she worked at, but no doubt the Broker would know what the answers would mean. Raquel only hoped that she got a second chance to ask them.


Gabriela closed her eyes tightly shut again; ever since she had come round a couple of minutes ago there had been a pounding at the base of her skull. This was obviously a side effect of the chloroform that both she and Charlotte had been render unconscious with. Thinking about her partner Gabriela inhaled deeply through her nose, her mouth being of no use in this regard stuffed as it was with a large handkerchief and opened her eyes again. Charlotte looked to be breathing alright and was just starting to come round as her eyelids were starting to flutter, followed by small movements of her head. After another couple of minutes they were both fully conscious and alert. They tried to communicate but both could only make unintelligible, frustrated noises at each other through their gags. The woman also had a go at testing their bonds but there was no give. Gabriela thought that she would be able to get out of the scarves eventually but she didn’t have that time, then she remembered something and tried to communicate to Charlotte through her eyes and muffled grunts that she had an idea.

Gabriela managed to slip her hand down to the end of her jeans and pulled up the right leg a couple of inches which allowed her access to the top of her boot and the small knife that she kept hidden there. Thankfully their attacker hadn’t taken the time to search them properly. Using her long, slender fingers Gabriela extracted the knife from its sheath and careful not to drop it started to saw through the silk scarf securing her ankles together. Bound as she was it was far harder work than it should have been but with the razor sharp blade Gabriela managed to work her way through the scarf and release her ankles. That allowed Gabriella to slip her feet between her bounds wrists so that her hands were now in front of her. Charlotte watched on and made encouraging noises from behind her gag. Gabriela then carefully placed the knife between her feet and clamped them together tightly. Gabriela then very gingerly stated to work her bound ankles along the length of the blade, being careful not to move so violently that she knocked the knife loose and away from her grasp. Eventually with patience Gabriela felt the scarf start to release from her wrists and then snap. With her wrists now free Gabriela made short work of the scarf that the woman had tied around her thighs. Taking a second to get her breathe back, it had been hard and tense work getting free, Gabriela then quickly used the knife to release Charlotte from her bonds. The two sat side by side on the edge of the bed for a minute before then removed their gags and threw them onto the bed. “Thanks for getting me out of that little situation” Charlotte said to Gabriela.

“Thank Leroy Jethro Gibbs and his rule number 9” Gabriella said reference a character form one of her favourite television shows and at the same time getting a questioning look from her partner. Charlotte rubbed her wrists where they have been tied, looking to remove the marks.

“Could have been worse Gabriela? She could have used rope.” Charlotte commented.

“I suppose we better check on Hannah Stanley-Ramos.” Gabriela nodded and they stood up in unison. They found the woman where they had seen her last, lying bound and gagged on the rug in the living room. As Gabriela set about untying the woman Charlotte collected their belongings from the floor then went to make find the kitchen and make a pot of tea. When she returned carrying a tray with three cups, a teapot, milk and sugar Charlotte found that Gabriela was already asking questions of Hannah Stanley-Ramos who had taken a seat in a large armchair.

“They demanded certain information from me……. I ……. I can’t tell you what it was.” Gabriela noted that the woman kept nervously looking over her shoulder. Gabriela turned round and located what the woman kept looking at. A large grandfather style clock situated against the opposite wall.

“Look we are here to help” Gabriela stated, encouraging the woman to continue as she accepted the offered cup of teas and took a sip. Gabriela’s head was still throbbing; she assumed from the drug that she had been forced to inhale earlier. There was more back and forth but between the agents and Hannah Stanley-Ramos before Charlotte lost her patience.

“Look if you don’t start talking we will have to take you into custody” Charlotte said from her position behind the woman, effortlessly slipping into the role of bad cop. Gabriela wondered if the woman knew that they didn’t have powers of arrest.

“They have my daughter” Hannah Stanley-Ramos blurted out before collapsing onto the arm of the chair that she was sitting in.

“Kendall?” Gabriela asked. The woman nodded her head without looking up.

“I can show you if you pass me my laptop” Hannah said pointing toward a desk at the other side of the room. Charlotte obliged and handed over the sleek, black machine. Opening the appropriate application Hannah selected an e-mail, Charlotte and Gabriela both made there was round so that they could look over a shoulder each. There was an attachment to the e-mail, a video file that Hannah opened it. The screen was blank for a couple of seconds and the light came up showing a bed with a young woman lying on it, struggling against the ropes than held her spread-eagled to the bed, wrists and ankles secured to solid wooden bedposts. The young woman looked scared, wide eyed over the thick silver electrical tape over her mouth. A masked figure appeared that ripped the tape away from the young woman’s mouth.

“Mum, please listen to me. I have been taken by a group. Do as they say or you will never see me again.” The screen then went black before text appeared on the screen with standard instruction. We will be back in contact. Do not alert the authorities…….. After the text had finished the video closed down automatically. Gabriela looked at the date on the e-mail; it had been received five days ago.

“I assume that this has something to do with the woman in you apartment?” Gabriela asked.

“I don’t know. She was waiting for me when I got home. I opened the door and felt someone push me in the back and I went down on the floor. A strange smelling cloth was put over my face and I blacked out. Next thing I remember was I was tied up on the floor and that woman was searching the flat when you turned up.” Gabriella didn’t believe in coincidences. To have your daughter abducted and then be the victim of a random burglary would have made Hannah Stanley-Ramos one very unlucky woman. Plus, Gabriela got the impression that the woman wasn’t telling her everything.

“Charlotte can you call this in and we can make in official.’ Charlotte nodded and opened her phone to make the call.


Once she was a safe distance from the apartment Raquel English made the telephone call. It was answered after two rings. “Well,” the voice on the other end of the line said.

“I was disturbed before I could finish asking questions.”

“Were they operatives acting on behalf of Elizabeth Crawford?” Raquel paused for a moment at the use of that name, well known and feared in certain sections of the criminal fraternity.

“No, they were two agents of the IFFA. I dealt with them but had to leave straight after. I couldn’t risk that they had back up somewhere close by.”

“Thank for the update.”

“What do you need me to do now?” Raquel asked. There was pause before the reply came.

“Stay in Paris and wait for my instructions. I will cover the costs.” That was certainly a generous offer.

“What about the previous contract, tracking down the reporter? I still think that she is in Paris.”

“I will task another operative with that contract as I would like you free to respond should I require it.” The line went dead. Obviously the end of that discussion Raquel assumed but she was not going to worry about that with the offer of a stay in Paris with all expense paid had been offered.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] thank you very much for this rather gracious update! And an very interessting one.

Several piece fell into place. The investigation of interpol: If I remember correctly, Inspector Coteh was mentioned some chapters before. It will be interessting who the mysterious burglar is - maybe an old aquaintance? 😉

We'll see. Also: Raquel English ... I wonder, what new instructions she got. Also we know now, that Kendall was not taken by chance. Blackmailing. But for what sinister purpose remains a mystery.

And Hayley? She kept her cool. The scene after the shower was priceless :) Of course Moreau used a smokescreen ... Hayley wouldn't have been so cooperative, if she had known the truth. She is in for a nasty surprise. mrjones2009 you created a great character here! ;)

I'm sure, Sophia, did Moreau not tell everything. And Crawfords Operatives maybe nearer than Moreau thinks. Somehow I have the feeling, something is afoot. The question is: Who is playing who? Moreau Sophie or the other way around! My bet is on Sophie!

A lot of thrill is in the air! Great work! ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago A lot of thrill is in the air! Great work! ;)
A lot of thrill and a lot of riddles - and piece by piece we learn more ;) In just the right measure. Not to much to spoil the fun, but enough to keep the wheels of imagination turning: What happens next? What road the story will take?
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 25

“Hello Christina. How is Paris?” Natalie said having already checked the telephone number before answering. It was early morning on the east coast of the United States and Natalie was getting ready to head to work for the start of her shift at the station house.

“Great Natalie but there may be a problem.” Nothing like getting straight to the point the dark haired detective thought.

“What’s that?” Natalie asked.

“I was supposed to meet Hayley but she wasn’t at her hotel when I went there. I asked behind the desk and they had no record for Hayley ever checking in.”

“Sorry to ask but was it definitely the correct hotel” Natalie asked slipping into cop mode, ask the obvious question and work from there.

“No offence taken. It was the right place Hayley sent a text to confirm plans. Plus there was something odd about the way that the man on reception was acting, he seemed nervous and when I pushed on the issue he called security and I was asked to leave.”

“That does sound strange. That is unless you went a bit too Christina?” Natalie could almost see the smile on her friends face across the Atlantic.

“No I was all sweetness and light, the perfect lady on this occasion. Something bothered me about it at the time and the more I think about it I think that the guy on reception had been told what to say.”

“What for you mean, threatened?” Natalie asked her concern for Hayley increasing. Hayley had a history of finding herself in tricky situations.

“Well if I didn’t know better I would say that someone in authority had coached him on what to say.” Natalie leaned her head against the cool surface of the kitchen worktop. What have you got involved with now Hayley?

“No texts, calls or e-mails”

“No. I have asked our technical department to trace and have requested some support from local authorities. Plus I have an actual job to do at the moment but can’t chat on the phone about that.” Natalie had some vacation time built up and her caseload wasn’t too severe at the moment have recently closed a string of robberies and a case of fraud.

“No debate I am getting on a plane tomorrow and coming across. Where are you staying and I will met you there?” Christina gave Natalie the full address of her hotel and hung up the phone. Natalie fired up her computer and searched for flights to Paris. The earliest that she could get to Paris meant a two hour layover in London but she booked the flights then headed into her bedroom to dig out a suitcase and pack.

Natalie opened the door to the large cupboard in her bedroom. As was normal with probably every cupboard in the world it was packed with stuff that the owner never used. As Natalie leaned down to get the case from the bottom of the cupboard her eyes caught something that she had hidden at the back of the cupboard. Looking at the three large compression sacks Natalie couldn’t help but run her fingers over them, a heat rising within her as she did so. Natalie couldn’t really understand why she had taken the restraining bags and down suit from the inventory of items that had been confiscated from the boat last year, well she could but didn’t want to admit it to herself.

Chapter 26

The international espionage scene was a pretty small one and despite its’ clandestine nature it was a quirk of the industry, if you wanted to use that term, that everyone tended to know everyone else. Well at least the main players. Christina had been thinking this through over the past couple of hours since her conversation with Natalie. The concierge at the hotel where Hayley had been staying had definitely been gotten to. All Christina had to do was figure out who it was and her best guess was French Intelligence. From that conclusion it had been a simple matter of contacting headquarters and asking for some information on the main players with that section of French intelligence that my have taken an interest in Hayley King. And that was how she found herself standing opposite a non-descript building in a very nice area of Paris waiting for a particular person to exit. Suddenly the front door opened and two women stepped out, one quite young and another in her forties. Christina took a glance at a photograph on her phone to confirm that this was who she was looking for and crossed the street, heading directly for the two women.

As she approached them the younger of the two stepped in front of Christina putting herself between Christian and the older woman and held up her palm in a gesture that was designed to make Christina stop. Which she did and also raised her hands in a gesture that hopefully said ‘I am not a threat and I just want to talk.’ Looking over the shoulder of the younger woman Christian said, “Monique Moreau?” It was a question more than a statement. Moreau studied Christina for a second before nodding. “I just want to talk, five minutes at the most.” Beside her Moreau could sense her junior colleague tense up, expecting something to start at any moment. Moreau remained relaxed and studied the woman. Tall and lean with dark auburn hair the woman wore a tight black sweater, blue jeans and black boots. The look was topped off with a full length down jacket. This gave Moreau a steer to the direction that this conversation my take.

“Justene, this will be fine. Please let the woman pass.” Justene stepped out of the way but made sure that she was still close enough to get involved should something happen.

“I am afraid that you have me at a disadvantage madam. May I enquire as to your name?” Christina didn’t know whether the woman was playing a game or not. Given Christina’s employment history she was sure that the French secret service would have had a file on her and she wasn’t just being big-headed. She had worked for a secret agency within the American secret service and then an international criminal network. If the French didn’t have a file on her it would be lax on their part.

“Christina Howard. My friend may have mentioned me. I think that you know her.” Christina had decided just to front it up and get straight to the point.

“What is the name of this friend?”

“Hayley,” Moreau took her time and considered the statement. This woman was either very well informed or very good at guesswork.

“Why would I have spoken with this friend of yours?” Moreau asked, a smile forming at the corners of her mouth.

“She seems to have gone missing and there is no record of her staying at the hotel she was booked into.”

“Why would you think that I would know anything about that? I am a business woman, surely this is a matter best taken up with the National Police.” Christina looked over the woman and had to admit that she was a cool customer.

“I prefer to take direct action.”

“So your reputation would suggest.” Despite knowing that Moreau would know her Christina was still shocked at that statement. Hopefully she hadn’t reacted too much. There was a pause in the conversation before Moreau spoke again. “I can take you to her but you have to trust me.” Christina nodded. “Good now please give your watch and phone to my colleague.” Christina complied and handed both items over to Justene who placed them into a bag. Then Justene produced her own phone and proceeded to run it over Christina.

“Just checking for electronic trackers and other bugs” Justene said by way of explanation. As the phone passed the area around the back of Christina’s neck there was a beeping noise.

“Interesting” Moreau commented.

“What does that mean?” Christina asked, slightly worried by this development.

“Thoughts Justene?” Moreau asked her associate.

“Judging by the electronic signature I would suggest some kind of rudimentary tracking device.”

“Tracking device?” Christina asked now struggling to keep the panic out of her voice.

“So Section 10 or 12 or whatever they are called these days are tracking their operatives. Or is it just certain ones?” Moreau smile had now broken into a broad grin.

“I can’t remember anything like that and I think that I would unless I was uncon………” Christina stopped, her mind suddenly putting the pieces together. The only place this could have happened was the flight over. She had been unconscious for long enough.

“I think that our new friend has just put some pieces together.” Moreau commented. “But I am afraid that this cancels any chance that you had of me taking you to your friend.” Both women turned to leave.

“Can you disable the device?” Christina asked having regained her composure. Moreau looked at Justene who nodded.

“I can use an electronic pulse from my phone to disable it.”

“Well come on then Christina, follow us.”


The small group of three made its way from the street, down a lane toward the rear of the row of buildings. At the end of the lane it opened up into a car park. Christina followed Moreau as she made her way toward a red sports car. Lauren having earlier dropped off her boos had returned to the farmhouse where Hayley was being held in the black Jaguar. Moreau opened the trunk of the car and Christina looked in. To her surprise there was a duvet and pillow lying inside. “You keep these on the off chance you have to stash someone in your boot?” Christina asked.

“You never know Christina. It pays to be prepared. Just perch on the edge of the trunk whilst Justene takes care of that device.” Christina sat down and Justene played about with her phone before becoming seemingly satisfied with what she had done. Christina watched on as Justene leaned in with her phone leading the way,

“This won’t hurt will it?”

“Probably not” Justene replied. Before hovering her phone in the correct position and pushing a button. Five seconds later Justene leaned back up, put her phone away and nodded at Moreau.

“Wait, that’s it?” Christina asked.

“Not quite” Moreau said. Whilst Justene had been taking care of the tracker she had been preparing a cloth with chloroform which she offered to Christina who left it hanging.

“Use it to knock yourself out. It doesn’t need to be for long. Just long enough to disorientate you.” Christina reluctantly accepted the cloth and brought it up to toward her face, clamping the cloth over her nose and mouth. Christina took deep breaths trying to get this done with as soon as possible. Having a resistance to the drug it took a while before the fumes had an effect, a dark cloud started to appear at the edges of her vision and her legs and arms began to felt heavy. Eventually she couldn’t stay upright any longer and slumped down into the boot, although not fully unconscious she was disoriented. Justene picked up Christina’s legs and folded them into the boot and then placed the pillow under her head before closing the lid over.


The duvet and pillow helped but still it was not exactly the most comfortable ride as Christina tried to brace against the sides of the trunk car. Judging by the way that the car was now changing direction and speed Christina guessed that the car was now travelling along rural roads. The car swayed left and right for a sustained period until Christina felt the car slow down and take a sharp left turn. The car continued at slow speed and then stopped. The engine died and then Christina heard two doors open and close before the truck lid opened and she found Justene staring down at her. Without having to be asked Christina clambered out of the vehicle and onto a loose stone driveway. Turning round Christina found that she was facing a traditional two storey farmhouse, with a modern extension and well manicured lawns. Moreau indicated toward the door with an outstretched right arm whilst Justene got back in the car and drove it away.

The door was opened by Moreau and Christina entered the farmhouse and instantly heard voices coming from further back in the ground floor. Making her way toward the voices Christina entered the kitchen to find Hayley sitting at a large table; both hands wrapped around a mug describing Central Park to the woman sitting facing her. “I see you managed to talk your way into the good books Hayley?”

“They took the gag off Christina. They really shouldn’t have taken the gag off,” Hayley said before breaking into a beaming smile.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention] you are really really good! You have a knack for the unexpected - I like that! This update held a few surprises for me ;)

First: Very good to see Natalie again! I like her very much.

Second this one:
mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Chapter 25
Natalie opened the door to the large cupboard in her bedroom. As was normal with probably every cupboard in the world it was packed with stuff that the owner never used. As Natalie leaned down to get the case from the bottom of the cupboard her eyes caught something that she had hidden at the back of the cupboard. Looking at the three large compression sacks Natalie couldn’t help but run her fingers over them, a heat rising within her as she did so. Natalie couldn’t really understand why she had taken the restraining bags and down suit from the inventory of items that had been confiscated from the boat last year, well she could but didn’t want to admit it to herself.
Seems like she has some souvenirs from the last encounter with Crawford and Company ;) Very mysterious the last two sentences- or not so mysterious ;) Does some part of Natalie enjoy being restrained and gagged in a downfilled suit in Crawfords enhanced restraining system? Or does she like restraining people herself? I guess, we will learn more about Natalies secret in the nearer future ;) Thatr opens new possibilities in different ways ;)

Another nice twist: Christina meeting Moreau and they found the tracker. This revelation cleared something for Christina and means Nowak "lost'" Christina. I did not expet that Christina and Hayley would meet so soon. Will Moreau brief Hayley and Christina about her plans? I hope, we´ll learn that soon!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Will Moreau brief Hayley and Christina about her plans? I hope, we´ll learn that soon!
Second thoughts: Moreau didn´t tell Hayley the truth, why should she do that know? What about Sophia? Riddles about riddles, I like that! :D
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 27

A single track road somewhere in Russia

The motion of the vehicle was almost enough to send her back to sleep as it rolled along the road occasionally breaking, swaying and accelerating as it rounded the corners. Yelena Bicondova couldn’t believe the situation that she found herself in currently. After Elizabeth Crawford’s base of operations had been discovered and attacked by rouge elements of Section 10 the federal authorities had turned up and taken her into custody. However not long after returning to the mainland and refusing to talk Yelena had been placed back into the hands of Section 10 to be kept prisoner at their facility. However once they had confirmed her identity it hadn’t take long for law enforcement organisation in Russia to take an interest and look to have her returned home to face charges. It had taken months of legal wrangling and negotiation but the handover had been agreed. Yelena had overheard some of those involved use the term prisoner exchange but whatever it was she knew that she was in trouble. The amount of charges that the Russian legal system had against her was large and once she was found guilty of those charges, assuming they went to the trouble of having a trial, the subsequent jail term would be massive. The one plus would be that surely the Russians wouldn’t keep her restrained in these stupid down bags and make her wear a diaper. They again perhaps this wasn’t the worst way to be restrained given some of the stories she had heard about Russian prisons.

A short time later Yelena felt the vehicle come to a halt and assumed that the guards were having a another break. Then she heard muffled conversations from the cabin before there was the sound of loud voices and then the sound of doors opening and closing. Then everything went quiet for a couple of minutes. The silence was broken by the creaking noise associated with the rear doors of the vehicle opening and the sound of footsteps. Then a familiar face appeared in her vision. It was almost like looking in a mirror. “You look so cute bound up like that,” the woman said.

“Mmmmpppphhhh” Yelena screamed but nothing comprehensible made it past the gag in her mouth.

“The gag is interesting. If you promise not to remove it I will let get you out of these bindings.”

“Mmmmpppphhhh,” Yelena screamed again.

“Alright sister calm down.” The woman released the four straps holding the down cocoon containing Yelena from the cot and the unzipped the outer bag. “Wait, there is another bag. This really is weird.” The woman managed to extricate her sister from all of the bags and restraints and eventually the two women hugged. Yelena then eventually got to remove the gag from her mouth.

“Irina, I didn’t think that I would say this but it is good to see you,” Yelena said with a smile.

“Nice outfit,” Irina said looking her down suited sister up and down.

“I don’t suppose you manage to bring a set of clothes Irina?” Irina picked up bag and threw it at Yelena who caught it single handed.

“I shall leave you to it whilst I supervise the clean up.” Yelena slipped off the down suit and removed the diaper, throwing both into the corner of the van. Emptying the bag Yelena found and then put a pair of silk panties and matching bra before quickly putting on a knee length black shirt and a blouse of the same colour followed by a pair of socks and black boots. The ensemble was topped off by a long leather jacket that her sister had left hanging over the door. Satisfied with her outfit Yelena exited the van and found that she was standing on a quiet country road. Looking round she found her sister giving instructions to another woman and started to walk across. Yelena marvelled at how physically alike they were. Yelena was slightly taller, perhaps by an inch and Irina was three years older and had ‘bigger tits’ as her sister like to comment but they were really the only differences. Looking round Yelena knew that all of the evidence of this would disappear, even the two male guards who were currently being led handcuffed, ball gagged and blindfolded toward a van. When most people thought of modern slavery it was pretty young girls being sold to dirty old men but Yelena knew that the two guards could be sold as workers to somebody. Or indeed they may be sold to a dirty old man dirty or woman for that matter. It didn’t matter to Yelena. The van that Yelena had been travelling in would also disappear, stripped for parts, never to be seen again.

“How go the arrangements?” Yelena asked by way of a greeting.

“They are finished my dear sister. Now we really should get going.” Irina indicated today a large four wheeled drive vehicle that was idling nearby. A blonde woman sitting behind the steering wheel tapping leather clad hands on the dashboard. As soon as the sisters were sitting in the rear seats and the doors were closed the vehicle sped off along the road.

“How did you find me anyway?” Yelena asked Irina as they drove away.

“Your friend Elizabeth Crawford got in contact via a third party saying that he that she had some information that I might be interested in. Turned out she was right.”

“That nice of her,” Yelena replied and made a note to somehow get in contact and thank her, plus ask if she could come back and work for her. But she would have to broach that subject with Irina first. Although she liked working with Irina it was something different working for Elizabeth Crawford and she did enjoy it.

“Crawford says that she always looks after those that work for her, both in the past and now,” Irina said but Yelena wasn’t really listening. “She also mentioned that if you wanted to work for her again that wouldn’t be an issue.”

“What was that Irina?’

“I thought that might bring you back to this conversation. Crawford said that you should go back and work for her.”

“And you would be alright with that?” Yelena asked.

“I have managed for the past year. But I did drive a hard bargain. I got her to through in a stunning redhead.” Yelena settles back into the seat and smiled. Yelena knew that her sister preferred women and had a thing for redheads and shouldn’t have been shocked that Elizabeth Crawford had the same information.


The journey continued for half an hour in silence until Irina spoke again. “We have a job sister.” Irina turned to her sister and looked at her. “One final job before you leave me sister? Just like the good old days. It will be fun!”

“What’s that?” Yelena answered. She supposed that one final job couldn’t hurt and she did owe her sister at least that.

“There is some woman running around breaking into houses. Unfortunately for her she broke into the wrong house this time and the owner wants her tracked down.”

“Alright but just this job, once it is finished I plan to go back to work with Crawford.” Yelena went back to sitting silently and looking at the landscape as it flashed past the window. “Where is the job?”

“The best lead that we have at the moment is Tallinn.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another familiar face ;) It is a sure guess, that neither Hayley nor Natalie would be very happy to know, that good old Yelena is on the road again. I wouldn't be surprised at all, that Yelenas and Hayleys and Natalies paths will cross again in the foreseable future ;) But first things first. The next stop will be Tallinn. There is one burglar to catch 😊😊
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It just happened, Nothing Personal 4 got 4000 Views! Hurrah! Congratulations, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! :D :D :D :P
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 28

French Intelligence safe house, French countryside

After introductions and an exchange of stories over a pot of coffee Hayley, Christina, Monique and the rest of her crew agreed on a peace deal, a mini Entente Cordial between the US and France so to speak. Just after that had been agreed Justene excused herself from the table when she noted that her mobile was vibrating. Standing in the corner of the kitchen Justene listened intently to the person on the other end of the line before disconnecting the call and beckoning for Monique to join her in the corner. The remaining women seated around the table watched on as Justene whispered into Monique’s ear for a minute. None of them could tell whether information was being passed onto Monique was good or bad because the woman’s expression didn’t alter. Once Justene finished passing on the information there was a pause as Monique considered and processed before whispering something back to Justene who turned and left the room before returning to the table. “Hayley we have information on a potential location where your friend Natascha is being held.”

“What is that?”

“There was an incident in a small town about ninety minutes away from here. An American woman was in the town square shouting, claiming that she was being abducted and was then dragged into an ambulance by people claiming that she was an escapee from a care home for disturbed young women. A local resident was concerned enough to call the authorities and for a change that filtered through to our department. That allowed us to send someone to investigate and guess what?”

“There are no local care homes for disturbed young women?” Christina ventured.

“Correct. Our operative managed to scout around and narrowed down the possible locations to a former farmhouse, a bit of surveillance later and we think we have found your friend.”

“Sounds positive” Hayley commented.

“Definitely, however information suggests that the amount of operatives at the site will require more numbers to set Natascha free. Would you be interested in joining us?” Hayley smiled and nodded. Then she turned to look at Christina.

“What about you?” Christina took a while to take stock of her situation. Now that she was working for a regular paycheque she didn’t have as much leeway as she would have liked over what she could and couldn’t get involved in. But then again she never was good at playing by the rules.

“Of course” Christina replied.


The drive passed quickly but in silence until they noticed the flashlight waived from the side of the road. The two vehicles turned off their headlights and swung off the country road and onto a rarely used track. Elodie had already opened the gate having arrived in advance on her motorcycle. Hayley sat in the passenger seat of the black Jaguar with Moreau driving whilst Christina rode with Justene and Lauren in a large four wheel drive that closely followed Moreau’s vehicle. They all exited the vehicles and followed Elodie a short distance down a track to a cliff that allowed a good view of the farmhouse below.

“I think that confirms our suspicions on this location.” Moreau stated and held out a pair of binoculars. Christina took the binoculars from Moreau and scanned the grounds which included some smaller out buildings and an orchard, taking particular interest in any security measures. She quickly noted a guard making the rounds in the gardens, checking the gates, windows and doors as she circled the compound. Christina watched for ten minutes to make sure. Indeed the woman was retracing her own footsteps which would be strange if the woman worked on the farm or was just visiting. The night was overcast with only shards of moonlight penetrating the cloud cover. At least that would be in their favour.

“Agreed Monique, something is going on in that place. But the only way to find out for sure is to get in there and check.” Moreau and Christina exchanged looks. They both knew that it was time for action.

“Let Christina and I take care of the guard making the rounds,” Hayley offered.

“Have at it ladies,” Moreau said before Elodie handed Christina a small rucksack. “Supplies that may prove useful.” Christina took the rucksack and slipped it onto her back. Elodie then pointed out the route down to the farm.

“Lauren and I will give you a five minute start before following. Good luck.” Christina acknowledged the sentiment and headed off with Hayley close behind.

The path was rocky but it didn’t take Hayley and Christina to long to make there way through a stand of trees and up to the wall around the compound where the farmhouse sat. Christina pulled out her phone and waited until she received a text from Moreau watching through binoculars on the high ground that the coast was clear. Once it arrived they both vaulted the wall and scuttled to find shelter behind a shed and wait for the guard to come back round again. They heard the footsteps and Hayley left to take up a position about twenty yards away as Christina snuck round the other side of the shed, broke cover and slid in behind the unaware guard.

Christina snuck up behind the wandering guard, closing the distance, chloroform soaked cloth in one hand. As she crept silently toward the unsuspecting woman whose back was toward her she made eye contact with Hayley, only visible because Christina knew that she was there. Hayley’s timing was perfect as she stepped out from cover a couple of yards in front of the guard with her finger pressed against her lips in the universally known sign to keep quiet. The guard obvious shocked at the appearance of Hayley didn’t notice the danger from behind until it was too late; Christina rammed home her advantage by grabbing the guard around the waist with her left hand and clamping the chloroformed soaked cloth over her nose and mouth with her right. The woman tried to twist free of Christina’s grasp, but found her efforts thwarted as the arm that encircled her waist only tightened further, drawing her close. The woman obviously had experience and knew what was going on as Christina could sense that the woman had held her breath, desperately tried not to inhale the fumes given off from the chloroform laced cloth. By this time Hayley had closed the short distance to the guard and grabbed both of her wrists to ensure that the woman couldn’t use her fists to strike out. Christian didn’t panic and bided her time; the woman was trapped and could not escape without help and if she wanted to call for help then that would be fine. The cloth would muffle the call and then the woman would have to inhale a good dose of the chloroform’s fumes. Christian waited another moment and when the woman didn't take a breath, used the arm wrapped around the woman’s waist to force the air from her lungs. The woman gasped as the air was forced from her lungs, and involuntarily took a deep breath, drinking deeply of the drug on the cloth. Despite the now panicky thrashing of the woman Christina held the cloth firmly in place and after a time began to feel the fight drain from the woman as she continued to inhale the fumes, her muscles started to relax as the chloroform did its work. As the fight drained from the woman Christina felt her body go limp but held the cloth tight for another couple of seconds. Finally, satisfied that the woman was helpless, Christina nodded to Hayley and they both let the woman slide to the floor.

“One down and three to go I believe” Hayley said quietly with a smile. Christina marvelled at Hayley’s ability to be bright and cheery given the circumstances having been abducted twice, drugged, interrogated, bound, gagged and held captive by French intelligence. As Christina looked around Hayley checked the guard’s pockets and found what she was looking for, a set of keys which she slipped into the pocket of her own jacket. Christina put her arms in the arms in the air and made the pre-agreed signal to Moreau who would be watching through the binoculars. Moreau would then signal for her operatives that it was clear to make their approach. “Let’s get this one out of the way and out of commission” Christina said indicating toward a larger shed not to far away at the other end of the small orchard. Hayley grabbed the unconscious guard’s legs whilst Christina grabbed the guard under her arms and together they hefted the guard and carried her out of sight of the house behind the shed. Christina took three lengths of cord from the rucksack and handed one to Hayley who set about tying the guard’s ankles. Between them Christina and Hayley turned the guard over onto her stomach and Christian bound the guard’s wrists together before assisted by Hayley she used the last length of cord to connect the guard’s bound wrists and ankles, hogtying the woman. Finally Hayley stuffed a handkerchief in the guard’s mouth before tying a scarf over the guard’s mouth. Satisfied with their handiwork the Hayley and Christina headed stealthily back toward the farmhouse. They stopped as they reached the edge of the orchard and studied the farmhouse from the shelter provided by the trees. There were lights on in two rooms on the upper floor but nothing on the ground floor that they could see from their current position. Hayley tapped Christina on the shoulder and pointed in the direction of the far corner of the farmhouse, Christian nodded to confirm that she had seen the two figures in the shadows. It would be Lauren and Elodie making their way toward them. Christina signalled the two French operatives who joined them at the edge of the orchard.

The group of four women met up and then made their way toward the front door of the farmhouse. On reaching the door Hayley handed the keys to Elodie and whispered. “We will let you take the lead from here.” It was the second key that Elodie tried that worked in the lock and she gently opened the door, hoping that the hinges were well oiled. Fortunately they were and there was no noise as the door opened and all four women entered in single file. Lauren and Elodie led the way cautiously across the large open entrance area. Lauren held up a hand and the party stopped. Elodie turned to Hayley and Christian and indicated that they should search the ground floor whilst the two French agents would head upstairs. The two Americans nodded and set off toward the back of the farmhouse.

The two French agents stated to climb the stairs toward the first floor. Lauren led the way but suddenly stopped as her right foot landed on a creaking floorboard as she reached the landing. The two agents paused as the sound leaked through the farmhouse. Then they heard the unmistakable pad of bear feet against wooden floorboards from behind the nearest door.


Marissa rolled over and off the bed, heading for the door. She was sure that she had heard a noise on the landing outside her room. As she opened the door onto the landing that led to the stairs down to the ground floor Marissa was shocked to find that she was face to face with two women dressed in dark clothing and who were not supposed to be there. The two quickly pounced on Marissa and forced a handkerchief into her mouth before she could raise the alarm. The two women forced Marissa back deeper into the room and finally onto her back on the bed. Each woman grabbed an arm and leaned down to pin Marissa to the bed. There was a blur of movement as the woman on Marissa’s left produced a cloth and clamped it over the lower half of Marissa’s face, instantly Marissa recognised the chemical smell coming from the cloth as chloroform. Quickly getting over the shock she tried not to panic with the cloth placed over her mouth, she knew that this would cause her to inhale more of the fumes. Marissa knew that it would be hopeless but lacking other options reacted by trying to scream for help but the sound was effectively muffled by a combination of the handkerchief in her mouth and the soft thick cloth that one of the woman had pressed over her face. The two women had the upper hand and Marissa didn’t know if she could fight them off. The struggle meant that she involuntarily began to take deeper and deeper breathes drawing the fumes from the liquid deep into her lungs. After a while Marissa began to notice that her arms and legs were starting to feel numb and her strength was ebbing away she now knew that this was the chloroform having an effect on her. The edges of her vision blurred and she knew the game was up, she was going out and there was nothing that she could do about it. Then everything went black.

Having scouted the ground floor and found nothing interesting except a very sturdy, locked door that they believe led to the basement Hayley and Christina made there was upstairs to find their French compatriots. They encountered the two French women closing the door to a room at the top of the stairs. “Target neutralised” Lauren said softly. The group continued along the corridor until Christina paused outside a door, Christina guessed that this was the main bedroom. They all stood silently and listened for any indication of movement from behind the door. Then suddenly the door opened and they all turned to find themselves looking at Bernice Dubois. Fortunately Dubois was as shocked at finding the group standing outside and didn’t react before Christina made her move, tackling Dubois to the ground inside the room, straddling her body and clamping a hand over Dubois’s mouth, ensuing that the woman couldn’t scream. The two women started struggling on the ground, arms and legs everywhere as Dubois realised that she would have to make break free before anybody else got involved. Unfortunately for her it didn’t take long for the others to get over the shock and went to assist Christina. Elodie dived onto Dubois’s legs to pin then in place whilst Lauren grabbed a flailing arm and held it down. Christina and Dubois both turned round at the same time to see Hayley preparing a cloth with chloroform. Christina turned and looked down on Dubois and could see the woman’s eyes widen in anticipation of what was about to happen, the application of the chloroform soaked cloth to her nose and mouth. Dubois shook her head but it wouldn’t do ant good against four attackers. Hayley calmly knelt next to Dubois, the fabric of her down jacket rustling as she did so. Dubois continued to struggle then without warning Christina removed her hand and almost instantaneously Hayley clamped the cloth over Dubois’s nose and mouth. Hayley leaned down and whispered in Dubois’s ear “Ain’t payback a bitch. I am going to enjoy watching you go to sleep.” Hayley stared into Dubois’s eyes intently but Dubois obviously had a high resistance to the drug as it took longer then expected for most of the fight to leave the woman and for her eyelids to start drooping before after s sustained period of breathing in the fumes Dubois’s eyes closed over.

“Three down and one to go” Christina commented as the four women stood around the prone figure of Dubois.

“That is what the intelligence stated, Dubois and three of her henchwomen holding your friend Natascha. Hayley, you and I stay here and secure Madam Dubois whilst Christina and Elodie search for our missing body.” The other women nodded in agreement before Christina and Elodie left the room closing the door behind them. Once the door was closed Hayley and Lauren each grabbed one of Dubois’s legs and arms, lifting her onto the bed. Lauren was wearing a small rucksack which she slipped off and placed on the bed. Opening the bag Lauren pulled out several very long straps of leather with hoops on them. These were full bed restraints and they were going to use them to secure Dubois to the bed for her interrogation. Between them Lauren and Hayley got the straps secured to the bed then used them to secure Dubois in place. The hoops on the leather straps went round Dubois’s ankles and thighs. There was also a single leather strap that let them put hoops around Dubois’s wrists and stomach. A final strap went over the woman’s chest. With Dubois secured to the bed the only thing to do was to wait for Elodie and Christina to confirm that they had subdued the last of her henchwomen. Hayley started a quick search of the room whilst they were waiting. “What are you looking for?” Lauren asked.

“At the moment I am not sure but I feel like I should be doing something.” Lauren could understand the sentiment as Hayley obviously wanted to find her friend but the operation must come first so she concentrated on the door. Hayley busied herself in the background and found a mobile and a laptop which she placed into Lauren’s bag for later examination. Then on going through the pockets of a jacket that was lying over a chair Hayley found a set of keys. Looking at each key individually the largest looked very much like it would fit the lock in that large door that they thought led to the basement. “Look what I found?” Hayley said holding the set of keys in the air.

“What do you want to do with those?” Lauren replied.

“Go and check the basement.” Hayley turned the smile up to full wattage.

“Does that work with girls as well as guys?”

“What?” Hayley replied innocently, eyes fluttering a little. Despite herself Lauren couldn’t help but smile.

“This isn’t part of the plan. We should at least wait until the others neutralise the last operative.”

“You are right, we should. But where is the fun in that.” Hayley put the set of keys in her pocket and headed for the door. Lauren shook her head and then followed.

“Wait Hayley, I should probably gag Dubois before we leave.” Hayley paused at the door and nodded. Hayley watched on as Lauren rummaged through the rucksack and produced a roll of sticking plaster. Lauren tore off three sections that were several inches in lengths which she then plastered over Bernice Dubois’s mouth.

“That is going to sting coming off.” Hayley commented.


Christina and Elodie made their way along the corridor, each of them with their backs against a wall when suddenly a door opened at the far end of the corridor and a woman exited and turned left heading for the door directly in front of them. They both froze waiting for the woman to notice them but she was too concentrated on the task at hand which when the door directly in front of them opened they discovered was the toilet. Elodie signalled to Christina from across the corridor. Christina nodded that she understood the hand signals and they both made their way quickly into the room that had just been vacated by the woman. Elodie and Christina took up positions on either side of the door. Christina prepared a cloth with chloroform but kept it hidden in her right hand against her thigh. Christina heard a door open and the light go out and waited for the woman to enter the room. The woman entered the room and was oblivious that she was being stalked. As the woman made her way toward the bed Christina slipped out of her shoes and slid into step behind the woman. As if sensing something the woman stopped and Christina pounced quickly, wrapping her left hand around the woman’s body to pin both of the woman’s arms then clamped the chloroform soaked cloth over her nose and mouth.

“THESY MMPPHH” the woman screamed but it was effectively muffled by the thick cloth. Christina leaned back so that the woman was slightly unbalanced which would help Christina’s subdue her. The woman struggled against Christina’s grip but Christina knew what she was doing and was in a good position. Elodie joined in and helped to restrain the woman as Christina continued to hold the cloth tightly in place. Christina held onto the woman as the drug started to have an effect, the woman’s struggles meant that she inhaled more of the drug. Christina could feel the woman’s struggles subside until she was almost taking all of her weight. Christina removed the cloth and flung it onto the bed so that she could place both arms under the woman’s armpits and with the assistance of Elodie lifted the woman onto the bed. As she wasn’t all the way out yet the woman was mumbling quietly. Christina picked up the cloth again the carefully held it over the woman’s nose and mouth until her eyes fluttered then slowly closed over. Christina sat on the bed whilst Elodie bound the woman’s wrists and ankles.

“Find something in those drawers to gag her with” Elodie instructed Christina.

“Is there any point, she is the last of them.”

“Christina you know the importance of gagging a captive.” Christina had to concede the point and got up from the bed and headed off to find suitable materials with which to gag the woman.


After they have carefully made there way to the large wooden door Hayley found the correct key and unlocked it. Lauren leaned into the darkness, found the light switch and tuned in on, illuminating a set of wooden stairs down to a stone floor below. Lauren led the way down the stairs with Hayley following close behind. As the got to bottom of the stairs Hayley sensed something, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Looking around the space there were several racks of wine, piles of old furniture, some suitcases and paintings. There was also a portion of the basement that had been sectioned off at the back left, plasterboard walls constructed from floor to ceiling and measuring ten feet by twelve feet. Having satisfied themselves that there was nobody hiding in the basement they made their way toward the small room. The door was secured with small bolts at the top and bottom. Lauren and Hayley looked at each other then undid a bolt each which allowed Hayley to pull open the door. When the door opened there was the sound of muffled groans and as the door opened further allowing the light to spill into the room the origin of those sounds was revealed. Natascha was lying on a small single bed wrists tied together and then lashed to the headboard by a length of cord. Her legs were spread as her ankles and were tied to each corner of the end of the frame of the bed, in addition to those bonds there was a rope around her stomach securing her to the bed. Judging by the bugling in her cheeks Natascha’s mouth was fully packed and there was a silk scarf tied over her mouth holding in that packing. “Well, fancy meeting you here” Hayley commented. Natascha’s eyes went wide as she recognised that it was her friend rather then one of her captors who had entered the room.

Hayley parked her ass on the edge of the bed and removed Natascha’s gag, smiled and winked. “I think you and I need to have a long talk.” Hayley kept the cloth and scarf ready in either hand.

“Hayley I don’t know what you are talking about. These women just grabbed me off the street and brought me here. I have been there captive for a couple of days now; they….must have been going to ransom me or something, maybe industrial espionage or…….” Hayley sighed, causing Natascha to pause. Hayley looked over her shoulder at Lauren.

“I don’t suppose you have any of that special truth sauce with you.”

“As long as there is some left after the boss has talked with Dubois then perhaps you can have use it.”

“What are talking about Hayley?” Natascha didn’t like the tone of her friend’s voice or the look in her eyes.

“Let me put that gag back on for the moment.” Hayley said.

“Why would you want to mmmppphhh…” Natascha got no further as Hayley forced the damp cloth back into her mouth.

“It is for your own safety honey. Better leave this to the professionals whilst we deal with these industrial espionage types.” Hayley leaned in a replaced the scarf over her friend’s mouth. Hayley didn’t like leaving her friend like this but it was the prudent thing to do at the moment and perhaps it would give Natascha time to think about her story.


On entering the main foyer of the farmhouse from the basement Hayley and Lauren met Moreau and Justene carrying the unconscious guard that Hayley and Christina had left behind the shed. The two Frenchwomen had driven the vehicles from the staging position and parked them just outside the farmhouse. “Did you find your friend?” Monique enquired of Hayley who nodded in the affirmative.

“In the basement tied and gagged on a bed. There will be time for a proper chat later.” Monique nodded and just as that exchange finished Christina and Elodie appeared at the top of the stairs.

“That is the final henchwoman taken care of” Elodie said with a wave.

“Good work ladies.”

“Thanks” Hayley said.

“Now if you will help Justene take this lady upstairs I will get the kettle on and we can all have a nice cup of tea and wait for Dubois to regain her faculties.”


The rest of the group stood outside the master bedroom silently, trying to hear snatches of the conversation that was going in inside the room. After a cup of tea and some biscuits Monique Moreau had decided that Bernice Dubois should now be in a position to answer some questions. The entire group had made there way upstairs but Monique had insisted on going in with just Elodie. “Well I don’t know about anyone else but I have had enough of this waiting around” Hayley said before grabbing something from Lauren’s hand and bursting through the door.


Bernice Dubois was still securely bound to the bed when Hayley entered the room carrying a bottle and a thick white cloth. “From what I heard outside you may need to use this” she said handing both the bottle and cloth over to Elodie.

“What is that exactly?” Dubois asked from the bed.

“Something to aid your conversation skills” Hayley replied as she took a seat next to the door. Hayley watched as Elodie poured what Hayley considered a large dose of the drug onto the cloth and approached the bed.

“Seriously, ladies threatening me with chloroform isn’t going to get me talk, feel free to dose me as much as you want” Dubois said defiantly.

“This isn’t chloroform Bernice as my American friend said it is something to get you to tell us what we need to know” Monique said. A slightly panicked expression came on Bernice Dubois face as Elodie loomed over her, Dubois tried to pull her head away from the cloth but her head went deeper into the pillow. There was no avoiding the inevitable as Elodie secured the cloth over Dubois’s nose and mouth. Dubois thrashed her head from side to side and bucked against the straps holding her to bed, trying to escape the unknown scent from fumes coming from the cloth.

“I would tell Moreau what’s she wants to know Bernice. I can speak from experience that the drug, whatever it is works” Hayley advised from her position on the chair. Elodie held the cloth in place for a while before removing it to allow Dubois to take a couple of deep breaths before putting the cloth back in place again.

“Look at me Bernice,” Monique said firmly. Dubois did as instructed and locked eyes with her interrogator from over the cloth. “Let’s start with an easy question Bernice. What is the password for your laptop?” Monique nodded and Elodie removed the cloth.

“#Bastille1789” Hayley could tell by the look of shock on Dubois face that she could not comprehend what had just happened. Relief didn’t last long as Elodie put the cloth back over Dubois’s nose and mouth.

“Thanks you. So next question is what has Elizabeth Crawford got planned?”

“There is something planned for Vienna, an operation to extract something at a Gala Charity Ball.” The look of shock on Dubois’s face deepened. The other women in the room tell that she had no intention of revealing that morsel of information as it was never a wise move to talk about anything that involved Elizabeth Crawford. Elodie and Monique continued to question Dubois for another ten minutes but failed to get any further meaningful information. Eventually Moreau gave Elodie the nod and Dubois was rendered unconscious with a fresh cloth soaked with chloroform.


“Solid planning,” Christina commented. “Compartmentalise who knows what.” The group had reconvened back at the kitchen table and talked through the events of the evening. They had even helped themselves to some tea and biscuits.

“I suppose you are right Christina but it doesn’t get us anywhere” Moreau said.

“Well we do have one lead that we can track down” Hayley said. She had been playing about with her phone for the last five minutes and turned the screen to show it to the group. “I found that Gala Charity Ball that Dubois mentioned.”

“Do you suggest that we alert the local police?” Lauren asked.

“No we sneak in and take a look ourselves” Hayley suggested.

“We cannot officially be involved Hayley” Moreau said. “We cannot be seen to be running operations in another country without the authorisation of that country’s security services.” Hayley nodded her understanding. “Lauren, check on our friends’ upstairs.” Lauren nodded and went to complete the task. “Oh and Hayley, shouldn’t you go and untie your friend.” Hayley had got caught up in what was going on and had genuinely forgotten about Natascha. She jumped up from her chair and set off at a brisk pace toward the door to the basement.


After rushing down to the basement Hayley untied the bonds holding Natascha to the bed. Once that task had been completed Natascha got up off the bed and the friends embraced. “I think you and I have to have a serious conversation Natascha.” Hayley said.

“GTYSFA,” Natascha mumbled as she had forgotten to remove her gag. Hayley assisted her friend by untying the knot on the scarf and removing it from over Natascha’s mouth which allowed her to spit out the stuffing. “I think that you are right Hayley.” Natascha said sheepishly. Hayley wasn’t going to chastise her friend too much as she hadn’t divulged her past working for Sector 10. It was going to be a two way exchange of information.

“But that is for later. Let’s just get upstairs and deal with the issue at hand.”


Whilst Hayley had been downstairs the rest of the group had kept themselves busy by congregating Bernice Dubois and her three associates in one of the bedrooms. Hayley looked down at the row of bound and gagged women, Bernice Dubois and her gang of merry women now at the mercy of justice. Hayley noted that the woman had been rebound in exactly the same manner by lengths of strong rope. All four women had their wrists bound behind their backs, there were also several coils of rope around each woman’s torso pinning their arms securely to their bodies. Each woman’s legs were bound in three places, at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs. In addition Hayley could tell from the bugling cheeks that each woman’s mouth was stuffed and could clearly see that a silk scarf had been folded into a band and tied over their mouths to prevent them from spitting the packing out. The final piece of bondage was a second silk scarf folded into a band and tied over each woman’s eyes as a blindfold.

“I don’t know what to do with them” Monique Moreau said and turned to look at Hayley.

“What do you mean?”

“I do not have confidence that someone within my organisation or another within the network will leak this news” Moreau replied followed by a resigned shrug of the shoulders. Hayley pondered on this for a moment then remembered that Christina was back officially working for the government and had back up in Paris.

“What if Christina could make that problem, well those little problems” indicating the bound and gagged women, “disappear?” This prompted a chorus of muffled protests from the women.

“Now ladies please quieten down,” Lauren instructed. “Or the chloroform comes back out.” That had the desired effect on the bound and gagged ladies.

“What do you mean Hayley?”

“Well they abducted an American operative and held her against her will so I am sure that my organisation would be happy to hold them for at least for a spell to help us out,” Christina said. This caused a second round of muffled protests from the bound and gagged women sitting on the floor.

“That would be great.” Moreau said.

“I will call my partner Jessica and get her to make the arrangement to transport this lot back to the States and also what story to use.” Christina pulled out her phone to begin making the required telephone calls.

“Would Lauren be able to accompany them? I would like to interrogate them for information as soon as possible.”

“I will have to run that request past the boss,” Christina replied.

“I understand and thanks for asking,” Moreau said.


Christina and Moreau looked on as the four women were led from the house to the waiting van by the overseas team of Section 12. Bernice Dubois and her three associates had been sedated again with chloroform to make it easier for them to be stripped, diapered, placed in down suits, bound, gagged and blindfolded in preparation for the journey ahead. The bound women seem to have accepted their current situation and gave their captors no trouble. From here they would be taken to a private airstrip and then flown to America to be held at the Section 12 facility. Christina had called Sanders and she had agreed to their plan, including the request for Lauren to accompany the four captives. After the four women were secured in the back on the van the doors closed and the van pulled away and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Jessica approached Christina. “Thanks for arranging all of this so quickly.” Christina said.

“No problem. I don’t suppose this has anything to do with our operation. Just that I had to leave Danielle covering Novak single handed.”

“Not directly. We were rescuing an American Agent who had been abducted.” Christina turned and pointed at Natascha and Hayley who looked to be having an intense conversation next to the black Jaguar and four wheel drive vehicle. Moreau, Christina and Jessica walked over toward the vehicles and were soon joined by Elodie and Justene.

“Elodie I suggest that you stay here and sanitise the scene and gather the intelligence,” Moreau stated. “I would also suggest that the rest of us retire to our base tonight and then head back into Paris tomorrow.” Everyone nodded their agreement with that plan. Moreau could tell that everyone was tired and just wanted to get some sleep, the adrenaline crash had well and truly hit.

“Ideal Monique, then we can make arrangements to head to Vienna,” Hayley said.

“What do you mean we?” Christina and Natascha said in unison.

“Well I am going to Vienna. I am in this now and I intend to see it through,” Hayley announced.

“We are all tired Hayley and I have an operation to run in Paris so let’s talk this through tomorrow.” With that statement them climbed into the vehicles and started what would be a very quiet journey back to the safe house.


The group arrived back at the house to find that Rousseau had left a note on the kitchen table. It was nice to catch up Monique. But let’s not do it again soon. Best wishes, Sophia.


The impact of the landing gear hitting the tarmac jolted Natalie Twain back to life, she must have dosed off as the flight descended and made the final approach into Charles de Gaulle Airport. The large aircraft taxied to a stop at the gate and Natalie allowed the other passengers to busy themselves getting organised, emptying overhead lockers and leaving the plane before she got herself ready and went to collect her bag. As she walked along the concourse Natalie turned on her phone and instantly found herself bombarded with a number of messages, e-mails and missed call alerts. Waiting at the baggage carousel Natalie scrolled through them until she found a message from Christina with a photograph. Opening the photograph a broad grim broke across Natalie’s face. The photograph showed Christina and Hayley together in what looked like a farmhouse. It was a massive relief to Natalie that Hayley had been found safe. The text in the message read ‘Hayley managed to get herself kidnapped again’. There was also a promise to fill her in fully the next day and a note confirming that Christina had booked a room for her at their hotel and that Christina had arranged to have her picked up at the airport.

After grabbing her bags Natalie headed for the main exit. On the way she noted a young woman approaching her. “Natalie Twain?” the woman enquired. Natalie did not respond right away, recent experiences had made her wary of strangers. “Christina sent me.” This must be the welcoming committee obviously.

“Pleased to meet you….”

“Danielle Snow” the young woman replied taking Natalie’s bag. “Follow me, your carriage waits.”
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago “No problem. I don’t suppose this has anything to do with our operation. Just that I had to leave Danielle covering Novak single handed.”
Let us hope, that leaving only Danielle as reception comitee is enough :) But on the bright side: Natalie is back on board! And Hayley and Company made some progress, that´s definitley good news. We saw a lot of action in this chapter, good to see Hayley and Christina working together - and Hayley this time not the being abducted and chloroformed ;)

So, the stage is set now for the next chapter: Some roads will converge in Vienna, and we will learn more about Crawfords Scheme. What we still do not know: What is Raquel Englishs Business in Paris? And: surely Nowak must have realized by now, that Christinas Tracker has been deactivated and that Natalie has arrived ... We´ll see ;) ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 29

The early afternoon sun shone the next day in Paris as Natalie and Hayley entered the bar and found a quiet table toward the rear of the establishment. Whilst Hayley made herself comfortable with her back to the wall in a position where she could see the door Natalie visited the bar and returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Setting down the glasses Natalie opened the bottle and poured generous amounts into both glasses then sat down opposite Hayley who had already taken a mouthful of wine. “Well I suppose you want to know what’s going on.”

“Yes Hayley. Yes I would” said Natalie taking a sip from her glass.

“To be honest I haven’t actually fully worked out what is going on yet.” Natalie raised both eyebrows at this answer.

“Why don’t you just start at the beginning and we can take it from there” Natalie suggested. Hayley took a deep breath and recounted the story from the beginning, London with Natascha, on to Paris, finding the maids in Natascha’s hotel room, being snatched, the questioning by French Intelligence the making peace with them and combining forces to rescue Natascha. The story took some time but Natalie only interrupted to top up there glasses with wine.

“….and Natascha confirmed that she works for us, recruited when at college,” Hayley said lowering her voice so that Natalie would get the implication of the word ‘us’.

“Well sounds like you have had an eventful trip then Hayley.”

“Indeed,” Hayley replied whilst getting the attention of the barman and signalling for another bottle of wine. Just then the door swung open and in walked Monique Moreau closely followed by Elodie. Moreau approached the table where Natalie and Hayley were sitting and made a gesture toward an empty chair that said “Can I take this seat?” Hayley nodded in the affirmative. Elodie took a seat at a table one further down and across, sitting facing the door where she could cover most of the café.

“How are you today Hayley?” Moreau asked.

“Great thanks,” Hayley replied before making the introductions. Just than a waiter arrived and deposited a second bottle of wine and another glass on the table.

“Where is Christina?” Moreau asked.

“Official business was all that she would say,” Hayley replied. “So did you have any luck?”

“I made discreet enquiries with my counterpart in Austria but she confirmed that they had no information about any foreign operatives or activities relating to the Gala….or anything else for that matter.” Moreau took a sip of the wine and nodded, “nice vintage.”

“Would they tell you anyway?” Hayley asked. Moreau replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “So when do we head off to Vienna then?”

“Wait” Natalie said. “They kidnapped you, drugged you and held you captive and now you are working together?”

“I see where you are going with this Natalie but there is something bigger going on hear and I think that we are all missing the big picture,” Hayley replied. “Also Elizabeth Crawford in involved and if I get the chance to put her away it would be worthwhile.”

“Remember Hayley, something about you…….intrigues Crawford. I think that it would be best to avoid her altogether.” Natalie gave Hayley an intense look that she hoped conveyed her thoughts that this was a very bad idea. “If you want me advice it would be to come home with me.”

“There was me thinking that you had come to help me?”

“Help you with what exactly? Get into more trouble?” Moreau chuckled at that statement.

“I have seen your file Hayley. You have a way of getting into distress from what I have read,” Moreau commented.

“No! Figure this out Natalie. You are better at this than I am.” Natalie leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Does this mean that you aren’t coming to Vienna than?”

“Of course I am Hayley. Someone has to try at least attempt to keep you out of trouble.” The two friends raised and clicked their glasses.

“As I said Hayley I cannot get involved officially but I can send Elodie along as an advisor. Once you have decided how to proceed contact me and then we can make arrangements.” With that statement Moreau finished her glass of wine, got up and left with Elodie following close behind.

Chapter 30

Vienna, Austria

They had taken the train to Vienna. In addition to the yacht and plane Elizabeth Crawford also has a private train, well four carriages fitted out to her own particular preferences and unique requirements. Kirsty sat in one of the well upholstered seats and watched the world speed by. The team had a job to do in Vienna so they decided to double and pull the switch on the way. Schmidt and Sokolov were confident that they had been successful so there was no point in delaying so they had Gisele arrange a business meeting for their Emily St Clare in Vienna and made the appropriate arrangements. To cover their movements slightly they had flown into Prague and arranged for the train to meet them.

The plan to replace the imposter Emily St Clare with the new and improved real Emily St Clare was relatively simple Kirsty thought as she sat in the coffee shop at the intersection and waited for the signal that the operation would commence. The imposter Emily St Clare had booked a room at the Ritz-Carlton in Vienna and would arrive later that day. During the night Kirsty and her team would infiltrate the hotel with the heavily sedated real Emily St Clare and they would swap. The next morning the real Emily St Clare would wake up in her bed and then it was all down to whatever Sokolov and Schmidt had been doing. Kirsty had previously admitted that the two ‘consultants’ gave her the creeps but Elizabeth assured her that it would be worth it so carried out her instructions. The way that she saw it her job was to make sure the plans worked, it was above her pay grade to actually make the plans in the first place. After the snatch at the health spa they have indeed sent one of their team, Gisele to pose as Emily St Clare’s personal assistant. It just made sense as Gisele could run interference with the staff at the estate and keep meetings and trips to a minimum. From the reports the Gisele had sent through it seemed to have done the trick. Just then her mobile thrummed on the table and she picked it up. It was a message from Giselle letting her know that they would be arriving at the hotel in around fifteen minutes. They couldn’t use the ambulance or funeral director tricks on this job as it would create too much attention so they had decided on another old favourite, the maid trolley. Earlier that day Perrie and Nicole had infiltrated the laundry of the hotel and procured two maid uniforms to use during the operation. Just at that moment through the large window Kirsty saw the white panel van make the turn onto the street and exited the coffee shop onto the sidewalk. The van pulled into the kerb and Kirsty nodded to Horace who was behind the wheel. Kirsty casually walked around the front of the vehicle and got in the passenger door. Once the vehicle was moving again Kirsty handed out the take away coffee cups. Sitting in the rear on either side of the heavily sedated, down cocooned Emily St Clare both Perrie and Nicole silently thanked Kirsty for the cups and sipped the contents. “Did Annika and Christine get dropped off without incident?”

“No issues at all,” Horace replied.

“Good.” A tense silence settled over the four conscious occupants of the van.

“When do we go in?” Nicole asked.

“In an hour,” Kirsty said after checking her watch. “Horace will drop you off at the main entrance. You will then make your way to the rear access, collecting a large cart as you make your way to the back of the hotel. Once we are in position I will extricate our travelling companion from the bags and get her ready for you.” Kirsty glanced round and received nods from both Nicole and Perrie. “How long did the journey take from the rear access to the room?”

“Nine minutes at a nice even pace,” Nicole replied.

“That will mean that we will be sitting for almost twenty minutes at the rear of the hotel.” Kirsty contemplated this for a couple of minutes, obviously not liking that thought. “Nothing we can do about it I suppose. But make sure that you don’t waste any time in the room when you come back with Keira and Gisele.” Horace continued to make turns until five minutes later he pulled into a secluded parking lot and parked where nobody would see them from the main road.

“We are only five minutes from the hotel so can wait here until it is time to go.” Horace said before killing the engine and resting his head on the side window.


Three hours later

The train pulled away from the station just as the imposter Emily St Clare sat in one of the luxurious seats. Elizabeth Crawford poured two gin and tonics into glasses and handed one to the woman who raised it as a toast before slamming the drink down in one gulp. “Thank Christ for that” the woman said now falling back into her natural Australian accent. “I’ve been dry for a couple of weeks now. Keep them coming boss.”

“Great work Keira. You have done an excellent job over the past couple of weeks. I cannot tell you how valuable your contribution has been to our efforts.” Elizabeth commented taking and refilling the glass with another drink.

“Look I don’t know why you wanted me to impersonate Emily St Clare and to be honest I don’t care. I am just glad that it is over and can now get on with the rest of my life. Speaking of which….”

“As promised the second part of your payment will be transferred tomorrow.” Keira nodded and once again raised her glass before knocking back half of the drink in one gulp.

“What about the final part of my payment?” Keira enquired.

“In three months time after the rest of the operation has played out. Do not worry you will have plenty of time to spend your money and in the meantime you can have a nice holiday planning how you will go about it.”

“What is the plan now Elizabeth? I take it we heading to your paradise hideaway?” Keira has a playful smile on her lips. Elizabeth Crawford nodded her confirmation.

“No yet. We have a couple of stops to make first.” Elizabeth could sense that Keira was about to object and raised her hand in a placating gesture. “Don’t worry you will be able to enjoy the delights of that hideaway for as long as you want. At least until you decide what it is you want to do with the rest of your life.”

“No great issue with that then. Just as long as the drink is flowing,” Elizabeth Crawford sat in silence and considered her next statement carefully.

“Keira you do remember our discussion that you will have to be drugged on the journey to the island. I don’t allow anybody outside of my team to know the location. Even then it takes time to earn that right.”

“Doesn’t bother me Liz, after some of the stuff that I did when I was younger whatever you dose me with will be a breeze.” Elizabeth Crawford then turned her attentions to Kirsty who had been observing that exchange. “That first stop is going to be Paris. Kirsty I want you to visit our inside woman and make sure that there are no last minute changes of heart.” Kirsty nodded, turned and left the two women chatting to return to her own cabin and get some rest.

After entering her cabin Kirsty dropped backwards onto the silk covered bedding and closed her eyes. A small smile played across her lips when she thought about Keira. What Keira didn’t realise or hadn’t worked out was that Elizabeth could never actually let her leave the island. Well at least not of her own free will. That would be a loose end out in the world and Elizabeth couldn’t have that. There were lots of people who would pay a lot of money for a walking, talking replica of Emily St Clare and well, guess who just happened to have one. Kirsty gave it three months maximum before Keira got bored and Elizabeth had to take action. Not long after that Kirsty drifted off to sleep.

Emily St Clare strode purposefully out of the entrance and toward the large silver car that was idling at the kerb, a bell boy trailing in her wake with a large suitcase in each hand. The driver of the car jumped out and opened the boot before working his way round to open the rear door. “Good morning ma’am,” the driver said without getting a response as Emily St Clare slid into the rear seat. The woman might not have any manners the driver thought but she sure was graceful with her movements. The driver saw the bell boy about to slam the boot closed and held up a hand. “I’ll get it.” The boy nodded and hurried back inside. After closing the boot the driver got in behind the wheel and suddenly noticed something.

“If I may ask Mrs St Clare, what happened to Gisele?”

“Who?” Emily replied.

“Your assistant,” the driver confirmed.

“Oh, that useless cow. Fired her,” Emily replied starting scroll through her phone looking at some e-mails before switching to the calendar application.

“Where to ma’am?” The driver asked the question and waited for the answer wondering who had two weeks in the book this time for the personal assistant sweep steak. He was pretty sure it was Mrs Van Den Brock, the housekeeper but he would have to check with Phillip the gardener.

“Geneva. Looks like I have an appointment at the bank in a couple of days. Some good restaurants and shopping in Geneva so might as well take advantage.” The driver shook his head. Was this a different woman to the recluse he had driven for the past four years but he knew better than to ask questions so just nodded and set the satellite navigation system for Geneva and pulled away from the kerb.


Copenhagen, Denmark

“Finally made it” Dr Gayle Hutton exclaimed as she entered the foyer of the large hotel and conference facility where the annual Scandinavian conference of mathematicians was being held. It had been a long and tiring week of research and meetings at the University of Copenhagen, where she was currently based to Stockholm and Gayle was looking forward to relaxing in a long, hot bath before the conference kicked off tomorrow. Strolling up to the reception desk Gayle enquired after her booking. Thankfully the helpful young man behind the desk confirmed that there was indeed a room booked in her name and quickly ran through the booking in process before summoning an even younger man to take her luggage and show Gayle to room 613. “Tack” Gayle said to the man behind the desk and followed the man that had picked up her luggage. As she followed the man through the lobby toward the lift she though about the five days of the conference ahead and the speech that she was due to give on the last night and felt some nerves. Although she was confident in her research, material and presentation it was the closing speech and therefore came with pressure. Then she remember that Rhiannon was due to meet her on the morning of the speech and that settled her stomach a bit. A friendly face and some encouragement would go a long way. After the conference concluded with the dance following her speech Rhiannon and her had arranged for a break in the Italian lakes.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago “I see where you are going with this Natalie but there is something bigger going on hear and I think that we are all missing the big picture,” Hayley replied. “Also Elizabeth Crawford in involved and if I get the chance to put her away it would be worthwhile.”

“Remember Hayley, something about you…….intrigues Crawford. I think that it would be best to avoid her altogether.” Natalie gave Hayley an intense look that she hoped conveyed her thoughts that this was a very bad idea. “If you want me advice it would be to come home with me.”
Good Advice by Natalie, but we know, Hayley will go after Crawford nevertheless ;)
“Of course I am Hayley. Someone has to try at least attempt to keep you out of trouble.” The two friends raised and clicked their glasses.
It remains to be seen, how that works out ;)
“Keira you do remember our discussion that you will have to be drugged on the journey to the island. I don’t allow anybody outside of my team to know the location. Even then it takes time to earn that right.”
Keira does not know, but she´ll have to stay just a tad longer, nice and comfortable in downfilled goodness :) :) And there is another Island ... we all know what happens on the other Island, owned by Lizzie. Someho I have the feeling, that some of our friends may get a chance to visit this Island in the near future ;)
After the conference concluded with the dance following her speech Rhiannon and her had arranged for a break in the Italian lakes.
Yay! Two other old hands on deck! It is a save bt, that Gayle und Rihannon will somehow be involved in the upcoming events - and the break in Italy my take some unexpected turns ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Elizabeth Crawford then turned her attentions to Kirsty who had been observing that exchange. “That first stop is going to be Paris. Kirsty I want you to visit our inside woman and make sure that there are no last minute changes of heart.” Kirsty nodded, turned and left the two women chatting to return to her own cabin and get some rest.
Guess who that may be ;) Miss Nowak I presume ... Kirsty in Paris? Maybe there will be some chance encounters on the road ... and there is that Journalist ;) And Raquel English is in Paris also. Nowak must have realized by know, the tracking device of Christina is not in working order anymore ;) Christinas business may have to do something with that ... So many possibilities, so many roads to take, so many moves to make ;) Thrilling. Very thrilling!
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Post by Caesar73 »

If anyone is new to the cast of this epic story, try the Prequel, which can be found here:

Youl´ll find most of the main characters of Nothing Personal 4 there. If anyone wants to know, why Crawford has an interest in Hayley, or why Natalie has second thoughts about crossing Crawfords paths again, you´ll find the answers there.

Highly recommended! ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago If anyone is new to the cast of this epic story, try the Prequel, which can be found here:

Youl´ll find most of the main characters of Nothing Personal 4 there. If anyone wants to know, why Crawford has an interest in Hayley, or why Natalie has second thoughts about crossing Crawfords paths again, you´ll find the answers there.

Highly recommended! ;)
Thanks for the recommendation [mention]Caesar73[/mention] . Always welcome!

Hope that everyone is enjoying the story so far and all the views are appreciated. So is feedback so would be glad to hear from anyone, even by direct message if you don't feel like posting.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 31

Vienna, Austria

Hayley could not believe their luck. It seemed like for a change they had managed to have a piece of good fortune. Elodie, Christina, Natalie and she had been sitting having lunch in a small bistro discussing a plan of action when two women had sat down at the next table. They were casually dressed in jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. That they now had people within earshot stifled the chat amongst the group. However it did allow them to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two women. Interestingly these two women were wealthy American tourists and had invitations to that night’s Gala Charity Ball. When the two women at the neighbouring table were discussing this Hayley, Natalie, and Christina exchanged knowing looks. Once their bill had been settled the two women left and as if reading each others minds Hayley and Christina got up to follow them. Natalie settled her group’s bill before following on closely with Elodie. “What are we doing?” Elodie asked Natalie when they found themselves back out on the street.

“Following those two women from the next table to see where they go. I assume that you have been trained to follow people.” Natalie replied. Elodie just nodded and set off after Hayley and Christina.

The two sets of women followed the targets at a safe distance, taking it in turns to be the closest pairing so that it would be more difficult to be noticed. They settled into a pace that they believed would keep them a safe distance behind the two women as they wound their way through the picturesque streets of Vienna. Christina put her hand across Hayley’s chest as she noticed the two women take a quick right into an apartment building. Hayley nodded and turned round to see Elodie and Natalie round the corner into the street. There was a park just bit further along and the group gathered there. Christina purchased four coffees from a street vendor at the entrance and handed them out. “How are we going to play this Hayley?”

“I have a bottle of chloroform” Hayley replied, straight to the point.

“Where did you get that?” Christina asked.

“Sorry, a bit of a lift from Dubois’s house.”

“I don’t like the idea of overpowering and drugging innocent bystanders Hayley, they aren’t involved in this” Natalie turned to face her friend with a stern expression. Before the discussion got any further Elodie held up her hand.

“I can’t even be involved in these types of conversation. You have my number and I bid you adieu” and with that the French agent was gone.

“Look Natalie, I agree with you but I don’t see any other way. We need to get into that Gala Ball to try and stop whatever Elizabeth Crawford’s gang has planned. Do you have a better idea?” Natalie slowly shook her head indicating that she indeed did not have a better idea, especially at such short notice.

“I hate to say this ladies but our French friend had a point. These are innocent bystanders and I am back with an official government agency so I cannot be involved in direct action” Christina said. “However if you want to take action then I won’t stop you as I agree with Hayley. And I will stay in the park and have a walk around should anything go wrong.”


Hayley knocked on the door to the room and took a step back whilst Natalie adjusted her hands and the paper that she held over one of them. “This had better work Hayley” Natalie whispered to her friend. They didn’t have time to come up with any kind of proper plan and this was the only one that sprang to mind in such a short time period. Hayley just turned and smiled, the mood was broken by the soft sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opened and Hayley sprang into action, pushing through the door and knocking the woman on the other side backward into the wall. Before the woman could react to Hayley coming through the door Hayley had used her body to pin the woman against the wall, clamping a hand firmly over the woman’s mouth stifling the scream that would have escaped from the woman’s lips. Natalie followed close behind and used her foot to close the door behind her.

“Lady, don’t struggle. My colleague has a gun under that newspaper.” Hayley watched as the woman’s eyes moved from her face to the newspaper being held over Natalie’s hand. “We need something that you have and we don’t want to have to hurt you to get it.” The woman turned back to face Hayley. “Now I am going to move my hand from your mouth but you can’t make any noise. Nod if you understand.” The woman nodded and a second later Hayley removed her hand. Before the woman could say anything Hayley pulled a couple of the pre-prepared balled up ladies handkerchiefs from her pocket and forced it into the woman’s mouth. Shock spread across the woman’s face.

“Alison don’t panic, I found the tickets for tonight” came a voice from further into the flat, “they had fallen out of your bag and down the back of a cushion on the sofa.” Hayley, Natalie and the woman, who the friends now knew was called Alison turned toward the direction of the voice. Hayley turned back to Alison and placed a finger against her lips to instruct Alison to make no noise. The woman nodded slowly in response. “Alison is everything alright?” the voice said getting no response. “Who was at the door?” Hayley moved away and took up a position behind the door leaving Natalie to cover Alison. A couple of seconds later the source of the call entered the hall and for a split second stood still in shock at what had happened which gave Hayley enough time to slip in behind her, wrap an arm around her waist and clamp her other hand over her mount. The woman flinched as she was grabbed buy Hayley’s grip remained firm.

“As I explained to Alison over there my colleague has a gun under that paper. We have no interest in hurting you we just need those tickets for tonight. Now when I remove my hand stay quiet and open your mouth,” Hayley whispered into the woman’s ear. The woman nodded and after removing her hand Hayley pulled another two of the pre-prepared balled up ladies handkerchiefs from her pocket and forced it into the woman’s mouth. “Now go and stand beside Alison.” The woman once again complied with this instruction and Natalie and Hayley now found themselves with two compliant captives who were now looking at them nervously at them above linen packed mouths. Hayley and Natalie glanced at each other as if not quite knowing what to so now.

“Right ladies lead us to one of the bedrooms and no funny business,” Natalie said with hopefully the correct amount of grit in her voice. Alison and her friend glanced at each other and then back at Natalie which a slightly confused look on both of their faces. Natalie understood the look and clarified. “The bedroom that is furthest away from the front door.” Alison and her friend turned left and made their way slowly to the back of the apartment closely followed by Natalie and Hayley. Once they entered the bedroom Hayley noted that it contained twin single beds and instructed both women to lie on their backs on one of the beds. Hayley walked between the two beds and stood looming over Alison and the other woman.

“Okay, what’s going to happen right now, Alison, is that you’re going to be going to sleep for a little while. When you wake up, you’ll be bound and gagged and we’ll be gone.” Hayley saw worry spread across the faces of the two gagged women looking at her. “Please don’t panic. We will call the authorities later on tonight and make sure you get found.” Hayley removed a soft, thick, white cloth and the bottle of chloroform from the other pocket of her jacket and poured a liberal amount onto the cloth. “To explain this is chloroform, like in the old movies. But it isn’t like the movies as it takes a more than a minute for the chemical to have its full effect on the recipient.” Hayley placed the bottle back into her pocket of her down jacket and leaned in before firmly holding the cloth over the lower half of Alison’s face. The woman instantly reacted by trying to move her head away from the fumes on the cloth but Hayley had anticipated this and placed her other hand at the centre of the woman’s chest to signal that she shouldn’t struggle. “Sorry, I know from experience that chloroform isn’t the nicest smell on the planet. But, don’t panic Alison I just have to keep the cloth pressed tightly over your nose and mouth so the drug has full effect. Just relax and take deep breathes, it will go quicker that way.” Alison relaxed and took even breathes and started to see her field of vision condense and become narrower. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed to sleep was the blond woman with the cloth offering silent encouragement with a reassuring smile. It said don’t worry everything will be fine. Somehow Alison doubted that. One last breath and then darkness engulfed her.

“Get back onto the bed,” Hayley heard Natalie say from behind her and spun round to find that the other woman had gotten up from the bed and was removing the handkerchiefs that Hayley had stuffed in her mouth. Hayley and Natalie exchanged a worried glance.

“Don’t worry I won’t cause you any problems. I just…well I don’t know,” the woman said.

“What’s your name honey?” Hayley asked.

“Julie,” the woman replied. “It doesn’t hurt does it?” she asked nervously. Hayley shook her head in response.

“Trust me it doesn’t hurt and I would know. I have been on the other side of the cloth enough times to know. Now if you would just turn around for me.” Julie obliged and Hayley quickly placed the cloth over Julie’s nose and mouth before the woman could cause any trouble. Once the cloth was in place and Julie had got a nostril full of the fumes she started to struggle, moving her head from side to side trying to escape the fumes but Hayley knew this was natural and was expecting it so kept the cloth in place. Then Julie’s left arm came up but Hayley grabbed it with her free hand and pinned it behind her back. Hayley shook her head and said. “Don’t fight it Julie just rest your eyes and go to sleep.” After a while Hayley heard Julie moan into the cloth as Hayley could sense the woman becoming increasingly tired and weak so changed position so that she could assist the woman once Julie started to slump into Hayley’s arms as the chloroform started to take serious effect. Hayley eased Julie over to the bed. Slowly Hayley laid Julie down to the bed, letting her rest on her side. Julie’s eyes were barely open as she took in more chloroform through relaxed and deeper breathes. With a final gentle sigh, Julie slipped into unconsciousness. Throughout Hayley skilfully kept the chloroforming cloth in place by kneeling down, before long Julie’s eyes fluttered and closed. Making sure that Julie was deeply under before removing the cloth.

Once both of the women were lying unconscious on the bed Natalie lifted the newspaper and revealed her fingers making the shape of a gun. “God I thought that my hand was going to cramp up!” Natalie said closing and opening her hand from a fist. “Well that went better than I thought it would. I can’t believe they bought the whole fake gun under the paper ruse.”

“Must have been my tough woman routine Natalie” Hayley said with a mischievous grin. “Nobody is going to mess when I pull that one out of the box of tricks.” Natalie marvelled at her friends’ ability to smile through these types of situations.

“Alright Sarah Connor lets find whatever costumes they have and get to the ball.” With that the two friends went to search the rest of the apartment for the costumes. It didn’t take them long as they were in the first bedroom that they tried. The two women looked at the two costumes that Natalie have taken from the wardrobe and removed from the garment bags. Both outfits were now lying on the double bed at the centre of the room. Natalie shook her head. “Why couldn’t they have been going as Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo?” Natalie mumbled under her breath. Hayley almost clapped her hands in delight. The costumes were Cinderella and Belle from Beauty & the Beast.

“I should probably be Cinderella, what with the hair colour but looking at the sizes I think that the Belle costume will fit me better” Hayley said and almost lunged for the yellow dress.

“Hayley just don’t get carried away with the Princess thing. Remember we have a serious job to do once we get to that party.” Natalie picked up the dress and took a look at is. She had only worn a dress like this when being held by Elizabeth Crawford and her organisation. The memory sent a shiver down her spine. Natalie turned and noted that Hayley had already stripped down to her underwear, carefully folding her clothes and laying them on the bed.

“What are we going to go with our clothes?” Hayley asked. Natalie stopped pulling on the Cinderella dress and had a quick think.

“They must have a case round here somewhere. We will pack our stuff in a case leave it at reception. We can get Christina to pick it up and take it back to the hotel.” Hayley nodded.

“You finish getting ready and sort that out. I will find materials to bind our friends in the other bedroom.” Hayley picked up the hem of her shirt and walked around the bedroom checking cupboards and wardrobes for something. Eventually Hayley opened a drawer in one of the bedside cabinets and found something that would do the job.

After getting dressed then texting Christina and Elodie the friends were finishing off binding Julie and Alison when the buzzer rang and both Natalie and Hayley almost hit the ceiling. They both looked at each other and they each knew that the other was thinking ‘Should we answer that?’ Before they could make a decision the buzzer rang again. Natalie shrugged and made her away across to the intercom in a swish of fabric from the long dress of her costume. Hayley looked on as Natalie picked up the handset and listened to whoever was on the other end. The call was short and Natalie turned to face her friend. “That was Gunter on the front desk. Apparently our carriage has arrived.”


Whilst Hayley and Natalie had to borrow invitations to the event Elise Rodgers had been able to gain admittance by registering as a member of the press. If there was one thing that people liked more than making money for charity it was getting publicity for doing so. As it was a fancy dress event and Elise didn’t have a lot of time to get an outfit she had gone for the simple option and went for Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo. The hair colour was right and all she needed was a purple dress and matching scarf and headband. Elise knew that using her real name and identification was a risk as she knew whoever was looking for her may well be keeping tabs on the guest lists, especially if they were using the event as some kind of cover for an operation. To try and reduce the risk of anybody getting a bead on her Elise decided to mingle as much as possible, using her press credentials to ask questions and take photographs of anything and anybody that looked interesting. To date nothing had seemed to be wrong but the night was young.


Christine and Annika, two operatives of the International Criminal Organisation couldn’t believe their luck; the security at this event was very lax. There were guards positioned at the main gates at the end of the driveway and also the entrance to the large chateaux where the event was being held but all they did was glance at their invitations and waved them through. As it was a fancy dress event they were dressed appropriately. Christine was wearing a full Batgirl outfit of the figure hugging purple coloured leather variety, complete with mask and cowl. The outfit was completed by a yellow utility belt and black cape. The utility belt was handy as it allowed her to carry the tools of her trade without arousing suspicion. Annika was Harley Quinn, resplendent in dark red leather trousers with a skin tight t-shirt and cut off leather jacket. A pair of black Dr Martens and a baseball bat completed the outfit. Annika had her hair in pig tails to finish off the steam punk version of Harley that she was indeed rocking.

After getting a drink from the bar the two operatives mingled with the crowd, having brief conversations with people to avoid standing out. As the walked through the main ballroom they overheard a conversation between an elderly man dressed as, well best guess, Beethoven and a fetching young lady wearing a plain black dress and carrying a large tray. “Do you know the chateaux well then my dear?” the elderly man asked.

“Yes sir. A lot of the waiting staff has been brought in especially for this event but I have worked here for a number of years.” Christine and Annika nodded at the young woman and then at each other. As the young woman walked away the two operatives fell in behind her at a not to obvious distance. The young woman expertly weaved her way through the crowd toward a non-descript door. The woman went through a door off the main ballroom so Christine and Annika followed and found themselves in a corridor with bare stone walls. The corridor wasn’t well lit but they heard the waitresses’ footsteps and turned to follow her along the corridor. At the end it opened into a large room filled with glasses and plates; they had entered just in time to see the waitress go through a second door at the other end of the room. They bustled through the room and paused at the door to listen.

“Heidi will you go back through and get me some glasses for champagne.”

“No problem Anna” said a voice that they recognised as the waitress. The two operatives quickly blended into the shadows as the door opened and Heidi walked through without a care in the world. Annika caught the door and allowed Christine to go through the opening before doing so herself and then closing the door silently behind her. They found that on the other side of the door was a smaller room filled mainly with crates, which they assumed contained booze and a large table. They found themselves standing on a small platform at the edge of some steps that led took you down to the floor of the room that was at a lower level. In the middle of the room, hunched over a crate and totally unaware of their presence was a short, dark haired woman wearing the uniform of a waitress.


At almost that moment the carriage carrying Hayley and Natalie arrived outside the chateaux and stopped at the end red carpet that had been put down. A man dressed as a 17th century French footman stepped up and opened the door. “This entrance is going to be very conspicuous Hayley.”

“Well we are princesses. How else are we meant to arrive?” Hayley responded as if just stating a fact. As Hayley was more used to getting around wearing these large dresses she took the lead and exited down the short flight of steps first before turning to assist Natalie. Once they were both on firm ground they made sure that there dresses were sitting correctly and then looked round to find that indeed they had become the centre of attention with several couples looking in their direction.

“Looks like we have indeed made an entrance Hayley? So much for going under the radar and having a look around,” Natalie commented.

“We won’t be as conspicuous inside the hall. We can blend in and have a nosey around,” Hayley replied and the two set off toward the entrance.


At that moment Christine pounced from behind and clamped the chloroformed soaked cloth over Anna’s nose and mouth. The young woman reacted instantly by struggling violently. "Mmmrrhhpmrphpmrhppm!" Anna tried to yell out from behind the soaked cloth but it reduce all of the screams to almost inaudible moans. Then Christine pulled a lipstick tube from one of the pouches on her belt and prodded it into Anna’s back.

“Be quiet and stop struggling, there is a gun in your back and I’m not against pulling the trigger. Don’t resist and breather deeply, nice, long, steady breaths,” Christine ordered softly. Christine could tell that Anna considered resisting the order before deciding and taking deep breaths as commanded. “That’s right, just like that. The fumes are chloroform and will only put you to sleep for an hour or so, nothing more than that. I promise,” Christine whispered as she adjusted her grip to hold the cloth more firmly in place over Anna’s nose and mouth.

"Mmmmmphpm!" Anna groaned weakly as she began to feel woozy, tired even as her eyes grew heavier with each intake of the fumes. Before long Anna let out one last moan into the cloth as she succumbed to the effects of the chloroform and collapsed, almost unconscious into Christine who managed to lower her down the floor. Anna was not yet all the way out and was still moaning softly. Christine reapplied the cloth to Anna’s nose and mouth to put her all the way out. It was at this point that Heidi came through the door and down the short flight of stairs before stopping once she had taken in the scene in front of her.

“What is going on?” Heidi asked, totally perplexed at what was happening. Heidi didn’t see Annika move in behind her, blocking her route to the only exit to the room.

“Heidi we haven’t hurt anybody yet, not even your friend Anna.” Christine said in a level, matter of fact tone of voice as if this was a normal day at the office. “Anna is just sleeping, chloroformed so that we don’t have to hurt her” Christine continued.

"What do you want?" Heidi asked, trying to buy some time. Heidi had seen enough films where the lead woman was kidnapped to know what chloroform did.

“Now we need somebody to help us find the safe upstairs and we overheard you saying that you knew your way around the house. Would you be able to do that? Lead us there without creating a scene?” Heidi looked from Anna lying on the ground then turned to look at the door, the path to which was blocked by Annika, slowly patting her baseball bat into the palm of her hand and then back to Christine.

“Decision time Heidi, start screaming and people may get hurt or stay quiet and help us” Christine asked standing up to her full height, as if getting ready for action. Heidi nodded. “Good girl.”

"What happens after I help you get to the safe?" Heidi asked wondering if she was to be hurt, killed or simply knocked out with chloroform and then tied up by these serious looking, intimidating women.

"Then we will get what we came for and make sure you are in no position to hinder or get away. How we do that will depend on how cooperative you are. No one need get hurt tonight," Annika explained from behind Heidi. Christine then placed a large wadded up woman's handkerchief in Heidi’s hand.

"Please put that fully in your mouth as a precaution. It will be safer for everyone if we ensure that the urge to shout for help has been removed.” Heidi didn’t really know what to do but after taking a second compiled with the order and slowly stuffed the cloth into her own mouth. “Get it all in there Heidi” Christine said and Heidi prodded the edges of the handkerchief until it completely filled her mouth.

“I have an idea” Annika said and started to unscrew the top of her baseball bat, turned it upside down and let the contents empty onto the floor. It contained another costume that Annika had been supplied with as a back up should she have to make a change. “My back up costume is a belly dancer. If Heidi put’s it on the veil will hide the gag.”

“Good idea” Christine said to her partner. “Heidi, drop the little black number and put that on. Annika find something to hold that handkerchief in place whilst I make sure Anna doesn’t give the game away.” Heidi looked at the outfit lying on the floor. It didn’t look like it would cover a lot of her body. Annika had a look around and spotting a row of coats and bags hanging on pegs, she assumed that these belonged to the waiting staff and made her way across. A quick search through some pockets produced the ideal tool, a light blue silk scarf. Annika turned back to find that Heidi was still standing still fully clothed in the middle of the room.

“Get stripping” Annika commanded prodding Heidi with the end of her baseball bat. Taking this cue Heidi quickly unzipped her black dress and let it fall to the ground. Heidi found herself glad that she had put on good underwear this morning. Heidi looked at the costume and realised that her shoes and stockings would have to come off and removed them as well so they did. Then Heidi picked up the silky trousers and slipped them on, quickly followed by a pair of slim slipper like shoes. A red top that would leave nothing to the imagination came next. That only left the headdress and veil but before Heidi could complete the task of putting that on Annika raised her hand for Heidi to pause before putting on the headdress. Heidi looked puzzled but stopped and dropped her arms to her sides. Annika advanced whilst folding the light blue silk scarf that she had found into a wide band. “Keep your head still” Annika said just before placing the centre of the folded scarf over Heidi’s mouth. Reaching around Annika crossed the ends of the scarf before pulling both ends tight and knotting them together. “This will stop you spitting that handkerchief out. The veil will disguise the gag.” Annika nodded and Heidi slipped the headdress into place, the veil covering her face from the bottom of the nose down.

Whilst Heidi was getting changed under the watchful eye of Annika, Christine took a look around the room and saw a large curtain that she could hide the now bound and gagged Anna behind. Christine had taken the precaution of using several lengths of strong cord from her utility belt to firstly tie the waitress’s wrists together behind her back. Christine then used a longer length of cord to secure the woman’s arms to her body before the other lengths of cord were used to secure Anna’s ankles and thighs together. The bindings were completed by a large pillow gag that was jammed between Anna’s teeth with the leather strap tightly secured at the back of her head. That little task complete Christine mad her way across to Annika “Now you are going to led us to the master bedroom Heidi.”

“No detours and no trying to attract attention.” Christine added. Heidi looked from one woman to the other and nodded. “Lead the way then,” and with that the small group headed out of the room and back toward the grand hall.


After presenting their invitations and getting past security Hayley and Natalie made their way to the bar and picked up a flute of champagne. Well they had to blend in didn’t they? Once they had collected their drinks they split up in order to cover more ground, agreeing to meet back at the bar in half an hour to discuss what they had found, if anything. The problem was that they didn’t really know what to look out for. They assumed that Elizabeth Crawford wouldn’t be making a personal appearance so were looking for another familiar face or something that didn’t quite look right.

Hayley wound her way through the mass of people in the grand hall. It wasn’t as easy as usual with the large dress that she was wearing and she had to stop and apologise or ask people to move on several occasions. It was a slightly surreal experience she had to admit. Walking amongst so many people in fancy dress, some of which she recognised and others she didn’t. Hayley had made a sweep of the grand hall plus a smaller room to the rear where the buffet and the Win Your Wildest Fantasy raffle were located and had just entered the grand hall again on her way back to meet Natalie at the bar when something caught her attention. There was a group of three women heading to the foot of the stair. They were dressed as Harley Quinn, Batgirl and Hayley’s best guess would be a belly dancer. Something about the way that the women were walking seemed strange to Hayley, the body language was all wrong like they all had somewhere else to be. They walked in a v shape with the belly dancer on front with Batgirl and Harley Quinn slight off to each side and behind. Since nothing else was happening Hayley decided to follow this group. It was probably nothing but she still had fifteen minutes until she was due to meet Natalie.

Elise heard an American accent say excuse me and turned round. There was a blond woman wearing a large yellow ball gown style dress making her way through the crowd. Even from this distance Elise noticed that the woman was stunningly attractive and even if she couldn’t see it herself the fact that almost every man that this woman walked past stole a glance in her direction would have told her that. But there was something else about the face, she recognised it from somewhere. Elise didn’t move as the woman approached and the woman had to serve off to the side to avoid her, the woman’s dress rubbing across Elise’s legs. Elise knew that she was staring; the woman must have thought that she was strange but a couple of seconds after the woman past it clicked with Elise. It was that American private investigator that kept getting kidnapped but managing to solve crimes, Hayley something or other. Nobody but a self confessed news geek such as Elise would have recognised her. Then she had a thought. Surely this woman would be able to help her out if she could get five minutes to explain her situation. Excitedly Elise turned to see where the woman had gone and noticed that she was now half way up the staircase to the first floor. Elise was going to follow but then thought better of it. Best to compose her thoughts and wait until the woman came back. Elise pulled her phone from her bag and fired up the browser to find information on the woman, starting with her second name.

Having been blocked on a couple of occasions it took Hayley a bit longer than she hoped to get to the top of the stairs. Once there she realised that she had lost track of the group and had to guess which one of the three opulently decorated corridors to take. It looked like the toilets were at the end of one corridor so Hayley ruled out that as to busy for anybody having nefarious intentions and picked one of the others and as casually as possible started slowly walking down the corridor. As the corridor was very long and at around halfway down the noise of the party had all but disappeared, it was quite spooky. The sumptuously piled carpets deadened any sound from her heels; the only noise was the swishing of fabric from her dress. Then Hayley noticed that there was a door slightly ajar at the end of the corridor and decided to be nosey, made her way across and peered through the gap. Hayley recoiled at what she saw through the door. She didn’t have a wide angle but as best that she could tell Hayley was looking at a young woman dressed like a genie or belly dancer lying bound and gagged on a bed. As she moved around to get a better look at the room Hayley also saw the back of a person, bent over searching for something in the bottom of a wardrobe. The person had on what looked like a purple leather outfit with a cape, Batgirl. It looked like Hayley had found the group that she noticed from earlier on and her intuition had been correct and something was going on. Hayley remained looking through the gap between the open door and the frame, deciding on the best course of action. But before she could do anything about her discovery, Hayley was grabbed from behind and a damp cloth was clamped tightly over the lower part of her face making sure to seal off the supply of fresh air to the nose and mouth. This time the thick pile of the carpet had gone against Hayley as she didn’t hear somebody come up behind her. Hayley’s initial reaction was to claw at the hand the held the cloth and struggle to shake off her attacker. But her attacker was taller than Hayley and seemed to know what she was doing, expertly spinning Hayley round and dragging her into the relative safety of the room where nobody could see the struggle. It was then that Hayley noticed that there was a familiar smell coming from the cloth, that smell was chloroform. Here we go again Hayley thought!

Christine turned round when the door burst open and to see Annika dragging a blonde woman wearing a large yellow dress into the room whilst clamping a cloth over her face. Summing up the situation quickly Christine hurried across and close the door quietly before going to assist her colleague. Christine grabbed Hayley’s wrists to prevent Hayley from using them against Annika. Hayley knew that she was now in serious trouble, two against one with a chloroform soaked cloth clamped over your nose and mouth was no kind of situation to get into. Knowing that she had already inhaled a good dose of the drug meant that it would start to take effect soon. Hayley knew that she had to break free soon but it was a double edged sword, the more she struggled the more she inhaled the chloroform fumes. After another thirty seconds or so Hayley knew that her struggles were weakening and also she could feel herself start to get very drowsy. From experience Hayley knew that it was game over, she was going out whether she liked it or not. All that was to be decided was what would her attackers do to her when she was unconscious and where and when would she wake up. As the chloroform started to take serious effect Hayley moaned into the cloth as she felt increasingly tired and weak. Hayley started to slump into Annika’s arms and on seeing this Christine let go of Hayley’s wrists the arms falling and hanging loosely at her sides. Slowly Annika laid Hayley down to the floor, letting her rest on her side all the while keeping the cloth in place making sure that Hayley continued to inhale the sickly sweet chloroform fumes. Hayley’s eyes were barely open as she took in more chloroform through relaxed and deeper breathes. With a final gentle sigh and thinking how had she managed to get chloroformed again, Hayley slipped into unconsciousness.

“Annika you deal with Sleeping Beauty whilst I finish up with Heidi and getting the information that we came here for” Christine said.

“Actually Christine I think she is meant to be Belle from Beauty & the Beast” Annika replied with a straight face. Christine went to respond but managed to stop herself and made do with shaking her head in slight disbelief. Annika managed to flip Hayley onto her back and pulled her limp arms into position at the small of her back. Taking one of the shorter lengths of cords that Christine had left on the bed Annika used it to securely bind Hayley’s wrists together making sure that the ropes were tight, next Annika used a longer length of cord wrapped just under Hayley’s breasts to secure her arms against her back. Annika then flipped Hayley back over and dragged her across to the bed and positioned Hayley so that she was propped up with her back against the bed. Annika finished binding Hayley by tying her ankles together. “Do you have anything I can use as a gag?” Annika asked her partner.

“You are in a bedroom, check the drawers and improvise.” Christine turned her attention back to the bookcase and running her fingers along the underside of the shelves. Eventually she felt what she was looking for, a small switch that she pressed. This opened a small panel in the bookcase that exposed a safe with an electronic keypad. Christine had been supplied with the code which she inputted and opened the safe. Taking a quick glance inside Christine identified what she was tasked with retrieving, grabbed it and put it in one of the pouches in her utility belt.

Whilst this was going on Heidi was lying on her back on the bed wondering if she was actually dreaming. That surely had to be the only explanation. What else could explain watching Harley Quinn used a sedative soaked cloth to attack the Disney Princess Belle with assistance from Batgirl? After Heidi had led Harley Quinn and Batgirl to the master bedroom they had made her lie face down on the bed and put her hands behind her back. Heidi knew what was coming but she was still shocked when a loop of cord was placed around her wrist and tightened to secure them together, after that her ankles were similarly tied together. Then the two women seemed to forget about her as Batgirl started to search the room whilst Harley Quinn went out of the door.

Searching through the drawers Annika finally found one that belonged to the lady of the house. Making a decision Annika grabbed a rather large pair of silk panties and a patterned silk scarf and went back to where Hayley sat slumped against the bed. Kneeling down Annika grabbed Hayley’s chin and opened her mouth which allowed her to force in the silk panties, so large that when Annika had got them all into her mouth Hayley’s cheeks bulged. Then Annika folded the silk scarf into a long band and used it to hold the silk panties packing in Hayley’s mouth, securely tied at the nape of the neck to keep it in place. Annika looked over to Christine who nodded to confirm that she had found what they had been sent for. Annika picked up the discarded cloth that she had used to chloroform Hayley and poured more of the liquid onto it to freshen it up before heading over toward Heidi who shuffled away from her toward the other side of the bed. “Now we just have to put you to sleep so that we have time to get away before you try and get attention. It will be easier if you just relax. It’s two against one and you are tied up so really what are you going to do?” Christine said to Heidi. Christine then threw herself onto Heidi pinning her to the bed, this allowed Annika to lunge at the woman and place the cloth over Heidi’s nose forcing her to inhale the fumes. It didn’t take long for the young woman to succumb to the fumes and slip into unconsciousness. That last job done the two operatives checked that they hadn’t left anything lying around before heading for the door. However just before they exited the room Christine asked her partner, “Annika, would you have said that Belle over there was watching me through the door?”

“Snooping would be the word that I would use. I saw her earlier looking around the rest of this floor. That’s why I decided to take some action” was the reply.

“I don’t think that her being here is coincidence. Take a photograph of her and we can show the boss, she always likes more information.” Annika nodded before pulling out her mobile and took a snapshot of the bound and gagged woman in the Belle costume. Once that small job was completed the two women took a final look around the scene of their crime and exited the room, closing the door behind them.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hayley, your second name is trouble ;) ;)

And there is more to come. That´s for sure. Crawford will be delighted so see Hayley again and get her into her clutches. So Natalie was right after all: Crossing paths with Crawford means trouble. For now, Hayley seems to be lucky - but for how long?

It is a safe guess - Crawford is attracted to Hayley after all - that Crawford will do everything she can, to capture Hayley, and settling some scores by the way.

Let us hope, that Natalie arrives in time ....
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