How To Kidnap & Hold Your Damsel Hostage 101: Introduction and Preparation (F)

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How To Kidnap & Hold Your Damsel Hostage 101: Introduction and Preparation (F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

(Note: this idea was given to me by the awesome [mention]Stiletto Amore[/mention]. Hope you enjoy!)


So, you’ve decided to kidnap a lady, either to obtain a ransom, to keep her from interfering with your evil plans or just for funsies.

However, you gotta do it right. Failure to follow these guidelines that are about to be laid out will result in harm to either you or your captive or will result in the failure of your plan. So, let’s start at the first section:


-You know the ol’ saying: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. Ergo, it’s imperative to come prepared with the necessary materials.
-These materials will mostly likely include: binding materials (duct tape, handcuffs, scarves/bandanas, etc.), tool to either intimidate or incapacitate the damsel (chloroform, knife and/or gun) and method of transport (car, truck, boat, horse (if you’re grabbing a cowgirl), etc.).
-If the kidnapping is premeditated, make sure you learn your target’s schedule. This way, you know when your victim is alone and not surrounded by witnesses that you might have to grab as well if they see you.

You also have to make sure the room that you plan on holding your captive in is perfect as well:
-Remove any sharp objects to prevent the victim from cutting her binds off.
-Soundproof the room in case the victim works her gag off.
-Bar any windows in the room and see to it the door is impervious to having its lock picked.
-Don’t bore you captive! Make sure you have some form of entertainment for her. If possible, bring in a television for her to watch and either ask her what her favorite program is or, if you’re trying to torture information out of her, make her watch C-Span. (Note: if you plan on keeping your victim blindfolded the entire time, television might not be the best pick. In that case, slip an old MP3 in her pocket and give her some music to listen to.)
-Make sure she’s comfy too. Lay her down on a soft mattress and place her head on the best pillows you have.

Got all that? You have the tape? The fluffiest blankets you can get? Do you know her schedule forwards and back? Great! Now, the next section will be The Kidnapping, where we’ll be discussing how to incapacitate/intimidate, restrain, and transport your damsel without being caught.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice idea ;) And a very promising introduction! :D :D
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Post by Miyuki »

This is great so far :D
i gotta memorize all of that
- Does this cloth smells like chloroform to you? MMmmmhhfff -
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

The Kidnapping:

-As stated in the previous section, know your victim’s schedule. Know when they’re alone and isolated so that you can carry out the kidnapping without the fear of others witnessing your crimes.
-The two most common ways to incapacitate your damsel are holding them up at gun/knifepoint or chloroforming them. Both are a bit different, so we’ll discuss both methods:

-Upon sneaking up on your victim, make sure to silence them w/a handgag before letting them know that you’re armed.
-Since you chose this method, your victim will be awake and could possibly identify you. While wearing a mask could prevent this from happening, it’s highly advisable to blindfold your captive ASAP.
-Remind your victim often that you have a weapon. This way, they’ll be less likely to fight back and/or call for help.

-Make sure that the cloth that you pour the chloro is clean. If you’ve used it in the past, it may well contain damning DNA evidence that could be used against you. Besides that, it’s just basic hygiene, man!
-Your victim will most likely try to fight back against this drugging. Because of this, you should wear a cup. Failing to do this might result in an elbow to the gonads.
-Even though your victim is unconscious, it’s best to tie them up right away on the off chance they wake up earlier than expected.

-Search your victim. Confiscate cellphones, communication devices, and especially anything that could be utilized in an escape attempt (sharp objects, bobby-pins, etc.).
-Remember: while you want to make sure the captive is tied securely, you don’t want to waste too much time at the scene of the crime. If possible, you should use handcuffs for transport restraint since they’re easy to apply and incredibly difficult to escape from.
-Gags are essential for transport. While many gags will be effective, do NOT stuff a loose cloth in your victim’s mouth because of the immense choking hazard it poses (Remember: a dead damsel is a useless damsel...and it’s also probably a manslaughter charge). If you lack tape (Though why would you, a kidnapper, lack tape?) and must rely on cloth, it’s best to apply a knotted cleave gag since the knot will fill up the mouth without becoming loose.
-Just as you made your damsel’s holding spot comfy, you should make the transport vehicle (Most likely the trunk of your car) comfy via blankets and pillows.

Got all of that? Did you spruce up your trunk? Did you decide to either use intimidation or chloro? Is your victim blind as a bat before being transported? Great! The next section will be Holding the Victim, where we will discuss how to keep your damsel safe, healthy, and (maybe) happy during her (forced) stay at Casa del [INSERT NAME OF YOUR LAIR/HIDEOUT HERE]

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Post by Tieup1 »

This is a fun post, I hope all you budding kidnappers out there, are taking notes. :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Holding Your Damsel:

-Now that your captive is in your (witness-free) territory, you can afford to be more thorough with tying up your damsel:
~It’s smart to prevent the use of your captive’s fingers. This could be done w/socks or mittens on the hands or wrapping tape around her fingers. (Note: you could also force her to hold stress balls before applying the socks/mittens/tape. That way, she won’t be able to open her fingers up)
~If you go w/the route of holding her via mummification, make sure you free her from the mummification at least once a day in order to prevent future muscle problems for her.
~Ask your captive if she has a preferred type of binding material/gag. You’d be surprised that many, in fact, do have a preference.
-While you want to make the bindings tight, make sure the bindings aren’t tight to the point of cutting off circulation.

-Even after transportation to your lair is done, it’s highly advised to keep her blindfolded. The less she’s able to identify you and/or the location of where she is, the better off you’ll be.
~Though you want to keep the blindfold on, you should change the blindfold once a day to prevent chafing. During the transition from one blindfold to another, you should keep her in a darkened area (a closet, for instance) so she still can’t see who you are/where she is during the time the blindfold is off.

-Of course, your captive won’t be able to hold her bladder during her stay. So, trips to the bathroom will be inevitable. During these trips, make sure her blindfold (and gag) stays on. (Of course, you’ll probably have to guide your blinded damsel through the bathroom process in order to avoid a...messy situation.)
-Feeding her will be necessary as well. Since it’s ill-advised to leave your captive alone while you go and pick food up (this would allow her time to escape), you’ll either have to prepare all your meals in your lair or have food delivered (in the case of the latter, make sure it’s impossible for your captive to alert the delivery-person of her predicament.)
~Ask your captive what her favorite food is. A happy damsel is usually a more cooperative damsel.
-Ask your damsel about any medical conditions she may have (allergies, medication, etc.). Though you want power over her, make sure she’s healthy, both physically and mentally. (Note: if your captive claims that she has an allergy to rope and/or duct tape, ignore her; no such allergy has ever been medically documented.)
-Keep her informed. If she’s being held for ransom, let her know where you are in the process of ransoming her (negotiations, collecting the ransom, etc.) If you just took her for fun, let her know when you plan on bringing her back.

Got all of that? Did you learn all of her allergies and gag preferences? Has her blindfold been changed? Have you been keeping her in the loop of when she gets to go home? Great! The next and final section will be Releasing Your Damsel, where we will discuss how to safely and properly return your damsel back to her free life.

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Post by Caesar73 »

This is getting better and better :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Now, you can’t hold onto your captive forever. After you collect the ransom or you’re finished playing with your damsel, it’s time for:

Releasing Your Damsel:

-Keep her tied while driving her back. She still might want to know who you are.
-You could chloroform the girl for the ride home, but make sure she’s awake before you leave her. Leaving a sleeping damsel could result in some other kidnapper (who didn’t read this guide) taking her.
-Figure out how you want to leave her. If you want to leave her restrained, make sure her binds are loose enough so that she could escape within a few minutes (or an hour, at most). If you want her to be completely free when you leave, make sure she keeps the blindfold on for at least a minute after you leave. A way to ensure she keeps it on is to take photos of her while she’s in captivity and threaten to “accidentally” leak them online if you find out she peeked before you told her to.
-Drop her off in a place with no witnesses. If anyone spots you, you’ll probably have to kidnap them too, and that starts this huge cycle...

And done! If you followed all of these steps, you got away with properly and safely kidnapping a damsel and maybe had a little fun while doing it too!
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Post by Tieup1 »

In theory, this all sounds quite easy, but I bet if you were to kidnap someone, even in a play situation. Lots of things would go wrong.

I had fun reading the article though. :)
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Post by iliketights »

Some excellent, practical instructions! I loved this! Very clever idea and execution.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! The Idea was beautiful!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Well written and Nice
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

A delightful read full of lots of practical advice for the prospective hostage taker.

Might I make a couple of suggestions of my own?

Biggest gripe number 1) Kidnapers with no sense of style

As any fashion conscious damsel-about-town would attest fabric and fit are the two foundations of any well put together sleuthing outfit/ ensemble, yet equally important is colour and how you coordinate and match different accessories (in this case, ropes and blindfolds)
I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to find a kidnapper who is prepared to work with their hostage to ensure that their restraints don't clash with the rest of her outfit.
After all, a well coordinated outfit/ gag combination will always look far more harmonious and elegant than something thrown together at random. If in doubt, ask.

Gripe number 2) out of date reading material

Being kept prisoner for long periods of time can be boring enough as it is, the situation is only made worse when you find yourself locked up with a stack of magazines telling you how to prepare for a Summer holiday in November.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago A delightful read full of lots of practical advice for the prospective hostage taker.

Might I make a couple of suggestions of my own?

Biggest gripe number 1) Kidnapers with no sense of style

As any fashion conscious damsel-about-town would attest fabric and fit are the two foundations of any well put together sleuthing outfit/ ensemble, yet equally important is colour and how you coordinate and match different accessories (in this case, ropes and blindfolds)
I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to find a kidnapper who is prepared to work with their hostage to ensure that their restraints don't clash with the rest of her outfit.
After all, a well coordinated outfit/ gag combination will always look far more harmonious and elegant than something thrown together at random. If in doubt, ask.

Gripe number 2) out of date reading material

Being kept prisoner for long periods of time can be boring enough as it is, the situation is only made worse when you find yourself locked up with a stack of magazines telling you how to prepare for a Summer holiday in November.
How could I have forgotten about about fashion?! Thanks for filling that gap in!
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago A delightful read full of lots of practical advice for the prospective hostage taker.

Might I make a couple of suggestions of my own?

Biggest gripe number 1) Kidnapers with no sense of style

As any fashion conscious damsel-about-town would attest fabric and fit are the two foundations of any well put together sleuthing outfit/ ensemble, yet equally important is colour and how you coordinate and match different accessories (in this case, ropes and blindfolds)
I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to find a kidnapper who is prepared to work with their hostage to ensure that their restraints don't clash with the rest of her outfit.
After all, a well coordinated outfit/ gag combination will always look far more harmonious and elegant than something thrown together at random. If in doubt, ask.

Gripe number 2) out of date reading material

Being kept prisoner for long periods of time can be boring enough as it is, the situation is only made worse when you find yourself locked up with a stack of magazines telling you how to prepare for a Summer holiday in November.
How could I have forgotten about about fashion?! Thanks for filling that gap in!
Haha! Glad to be of service.
Maybe next time we could discuss the catering - specifically the lack of vegetarian options on the menu,..
Then there's the crushingly predictable choice of soundtrack.. does every vilian listen to classical music?,...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago A delightful read full of lots of practical advice for the prospective hostage taker.

Might I make a couple of suggestions of my own?

Biggest gripe number 1) Kidnapers with no sense of style

As any fashion conscious damsel-about-town would attest fabric and fit are the two foundations of any well put together sleuthing outfit/ ensemble, yet equally important is colour and how you coordinate and match different accessories (in this case, ropes and blindfolds)
I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to find a kidnapper who is prepared to work with their hostage to ensure that their restraints don't clash with the rest of her outfit.
After all, a well coordinated outfit/ gag combination will always look far more harmonious and elegant than something thrown together at random. If in doubt, ask.

Gripe number 2) out of date reading material

Being kept prisoner for long periods of time can be boring enough as it is, the situation is only made worse when you find yourself locked up with a stack of magazines telling you how to prepare for a Summer holiday in November.
How could I have forgotten about about fashion?! Thanks for filling that gap in!
Haha! Glad to be of service.
Maybe next time we could discuss the catering - specifically the lack of vegetarian options on the menu,..
Then there's the crushingly predictable choice of soundtrack.. does every vilian listen to classical music?,...
So many points I left out!!!!

Idk about the music. I guess whatever song that could end w/a maniacal laugh
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

Hmm, maybe I should think about penning a similar instruction manual from the damsels point of view, sressing the importance of trousers/ long sleeves (to prevent chaffing)

Always carry clean handkerchiefs in your purse in case your kidnapper forgot to pack a spare gag/ blindfold

Be sure to wear several hair pins at all times (they double up as excellent lock picks) etc, etc
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago Hmm, maybe I should think about penning a similar instruction manual from the damsels point of view, sressing the importance of trousers/ long sleeves (to prevent chaffing)

Always carry clean handkerchiefs in your purse in case your kidnapper forgot to pack a spare gag/ blindfold

Be sure to wear several hair pins at all times (they double up as excellent lock picks) etc, etc
I really hope you do this! Give it your best shot!!!!
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Post by Tieup1 »

I can't be doing with all this, Fashion, Music, Food, etc. If I was a rough, tough, mean, kidnapper, I'd just tie you up real good and tight. Gag you, two gags, I think. Then throw you in a dark cold cellar, where you can lie on a dirty mattress, until, the ransom is paid. :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago Hmm, maybe I should think about penning a similar instruction manual from the damsels point of view, sressing the importance of trousers/ long sleeves (to prevent chaffing)

Always carry clean handkerchiefs in your purse in case your kidnapper forgot to pack a spare gag/ blindfold

Be sure to wear several hair pins at all times (they double up as excellent lock picks) etc, etc
I really hope you do this! Give it your best shot!!!!
Maybe we could team up on a website, like a good travel guide for aspiring damsels/ captors. We could even introduce a grading system where hostage and hostage taker could rate their own 'kidnaping experience' ensuring it remains safe, comfortable and enjoyable for all.

Something like, "Cramped conditions, eggs overcooked, blindfold itchy and the ensuite bathroom mentioned in the brochure was, in reality a steel bucket:
I award the creepy basement 2 chainsaws out of 7!" ;)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Tieup1 wrote: 5 years ago I can't be doing with all this, Fashion, Music, Food, etc. If I was a rough, tough, mean, kidnapper, I'd just tie you up real good and tight. Gag you, two gags, I think. Then throw you in a dark cold cellar, where you can lie on a dirty mattress, until, the ransom is paid. :)
Wow! As much as I might welcome the opportunity to escape from your evil and sadistic cutches, the conditions you describe sound positively medieval.
And TWO gags!? Why would you willingly deny yourself the pleasure of listening to my trademark 'witty banter'
Speaking of which, at the rsk of drawing more of your ire, I have further notes:
1) my cell must be adequately lit/ heated, (preferably with a window) room service to be available 24/7 and fresh (heated) towels to be provided every morning.

And 2) if you must insist on trying me up at any time during my captivity then you may use silk scarves or, at a push, thin cotton ropes only.
Hope this helps ;)
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Post by Tieup1 »

Seeing as you are such a fussy captive. Just for you, I will tie you with some coarse rope, might cut into your skin a little. The gags will be dirty unwashed rags, and I may even put a sack over your head.

No washes, no lights, and just bread and water to eat. With a bit of luck the ransom, will be paid quickly, and you won't have to suffer very long. :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Tieup1 wrote: 5 years ago Seeing as you are such a fussy captive. Just for you, I will tie you with some coarse rope, might cut into your skin a little. The gags will be dirty unwashed rags, and I may even put a sack over your head.

No washes, no lights, and just bread and water to eat. With a bit of luck the ransom, will be paid quickly, and you won't have to suffer very long. :)
Haha! Well, suffice to say if this is the kind of treatment you afford to your house guests you should probably expect to recieve an extremely negative review on TripAdvisor ;)
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Post by Emma »

In about an hour, I'm scheduled to be kidnapped myself, so I did enjoy this series!

These are very good ideas for a kidnap game; but, as has been discussed elsewhere, chloroform is a terrible, dangerous idea. Please stay away from that! :o

Otherwise, a very good series!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Tieup1 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
Tieup1 wrote: 5 years ago Seeing as you are such a fussy captive. Just for you, I will tie you with some coarse rope, might cut into your skin a little. The gags will be dirty unwashed rags, and I may even put a sack over your head.

No washes, no lights, and just bread and water to eat. With a bit of luck the ransom, will be paid quickly, and you won't have to suffer very long. :)
Haha! Well, suffice to say if this is the kind of treatment you afford to your house guests you should probably expect to recieve an extremely negative review on TripAdvisor ;)
Who cares, all I want is the money, you should be grateful I kidnapped you. You had a holiday away from home, you were fed, and watered. But most of all, knowing your love of bondage, you secretly enjoyed every minute of your ordeal. :)
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