Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
Sex (oral/anal/handjobs)
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Post by Tsuhaya »

I have no words to describe these last chapters, especially chapter 98. I have only one thing to say: Thank you, thank you for creating such an incredible story. This story simply unites almost everything I like most in one place, I can identify with the characters, the story holds me to the end, and when it ends, it makes me want more, I just love it!

Thank you Sir!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the comments, guys!
Can you believe we're almost at chapter 100 already?
Unlike the original version, these chapters are more normal in length (the old chapters were huge), so even though we're getting close to the chapter count that was published on the old board, I'm barely halfway past the actual content I need to publish before we officially go into undrafted territory.

SO MUCH has happened in the last 98 chapters.
I'm thinking about publishing something a little different to mark the 100th chapter.
Could be like a montage of all photos and illustrations used in the story with a small recap of events we've probably mostly forgotten about. Or maybe small bonus chapter, like the one I wrote for all our Shawn supporters.
I don't know yet. Ideas would be appreciated if you have any.

Now, about the sex scene and the built up that preceded it, any more comments?

D'you think Nick succeeded in turning the campsite-sex-night into something romantic enough?
Would you have liked more foreplay, or maybe less?
Was keeping Steven bound up on his first time a little over the top?

Hey there, Jamie! Welcome onboard!
I'm always glad to see new faces pop up and am thrilled you stumbled here and got caught up in Steven's tale.
Don't know how far you are in your reading by now, but I hope to hear more from you as you read along.

Any favourites scenes so far? Any character(s) you particularly like or don't like?

Yes, this was originally my first BDSM story. But to be fair, this remastered version is much more polished and consistent than the original draft that was started seven years ago. My views on certain things have evolved a bit, and so has my grasp of the language. Really hope to see you commenting regularly from now on ;)

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Post by LK3869 »

For your 100 chapters special: how about something with Brad and Jeremy? Their first meet or something like that...
Since it seems big bad Brad was introduced to the joys of domination by Nick at the beginning of the story, would be cool to see how he coped on his own. A scene with his toughts on Jeremy or a scene with both their thoughts on each other ( given that they probably don't talk much :mrgreen: )...
Unless you kept ' untold material' of their narrative arc for later...
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Post by Msueta@2 »

A bonus chapter of Jeremy sounds good
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Wow Bondagefreak, I'm speechless after reading that chapter! Yes, I believe this was romantic. As romantic as it will get with a guy like Nick. And Steven did really well as a bottom! I hope the pain didn't put him off.

You wrote that we'll find out later that it was a good choice for our guys that Nick wore a condom. I hope Nick and Steven are both alright? (But wearing a condom us always a wise decision!)
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Post by GoBucks »

I really like [mention]LK3869[/mention]'s idea of a bonus chapter on how Jeremy and Brad met. We don't really know why Brad is as sadistic as he is compared to Nick and maybe that would give us more insight. It would also help us understand why Jeremy is so loyal to Brad even though he's treated so roughly.
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Post by socjuc »

I like all these suggestions I am reading....but truly i am waiting to see what Shawn will get up to with Jeremy as he is alone with him for the first time "unsupervised". :D
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Chapter 99 - The Ticking Bomb

Almost every time I looked at photos of two guys sleeping together, the smaller one was usually sleeping with his head on his larger mate's chest. Either that or the two guys were spooning each other affectionately.

With Nick though, it was quite a bit different. Being by far the lightest and less robust of the two, I should've been the one sleeping with my head on his chest. Sleeping on top of him would've been especially fitting now, since the narrow mummy bag he had us both zipped in, didn't allow for any spooning. But as far as Nick was concerned, me sleeping on top of him wasn't even an option.

It didn't matter that he was freakin' enormous and weighed a fuckin' ton. The blond muscle-beast had always been very overprotective of me, and his "daddy instincts" as I liked to call them, had gotten really strong since I'd moved in with him.

His place was on top of me, and even at home when we shared his bed, the muscular hunk insisted on wrapping his powerful limbs around me and trapping me underneath his heavy body. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere and couldn't even get up to take a piss without the overgrown hunk's approval and permission.

Even though I woke up feeling a little frustrated at the fact that I was bound and trapped inside my lover's insanely thick mummy bag, I couldn't help but moan in delight and feel good about the fact that he placed so much importance on keeping me safe and secure.

Nick was already awake when I opened my eyes, and although the down cocoon we were in was still zipped up, the soft glow of the morning light filtered in through the small hood opening above us.

My blond prince greeted me with a kiss on the head as I stirred awake and pulled my face out from underneath his thick upper arm.

The smell of his stinky feet almost immediately hit my nostrils and caused me to make a face and complain. It was real warm inside the sleeping bag, and my handsome warrior's cheesy soles were no doubt sweating bullets down there.

I couldn't help but be thankful at the fact that I wasn't gagged, and quickly nuzzled my nose back under his muscular arm to try and get away from the strong stench that filled the bag up.

We spoke for a bit and it took a fair amount of pleading and whimpering on my part, but I actually managed to convince Nick to sleep in and stay in the bag with me for a few hours longer.

When we finally decided to get up and get on with our day, I felt as though a great burden had suddenly been lifted off my shoulders.

I felt good, really good! Better than I had in a really long time.

It was almost as though Nick had pushed away most of my fears and insecurities with that big, giant cock of his.

My ass still hurt and my walk felt a little stiff and awkward, but on the inside I was overjoyed. Nick could have practically anyone he wanted, yet he chose me and put all that time and energy into preparing our little surprise getaway last night.

He had even packed my clothes and running shoes along, that way I didn't have to return to the cottage naked and wrapped up in a comforter again.

I suddenly felt really stupid for expecting the worst when he wrapped me up in the comforter and slung me over his shoulder last night. I mean, I should've been more trusting, should've realised by now that he'd never do anything to intentionally hurt me.

Truthfully though, none of that mattered now. The frightening events of last night were already a blur in my head. I was pretty much over the clouds and couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around my lover's neck and standing up on my tiptoes so that I could plant a kiss on his right cheek. We spoke about the grocery store incident and he reminded me that even though he thought the cashier was cute, I was the one sharing his bed and I was the one he'd chosen to fuck last night.

Of course, I was still paranoid about losing him, but I knew that he was right and that I was always making a big thing out of nothing. I had to calm down and learn to control my fears a bit better. And yes, even though I had serious fears about never truly being able to cope with Nick's size and girth, I had to admit, being bred by him on a regular basis would do wonders for my self-esteem. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt good about myself.

Nick and I quickly packed our stuff in the truck and left camp, anxious to see what the other three guys were up to.

Even though the hunk and I were alone in the pickup, I ignored the passenger side seat and sat on the middle fold-down seat, just to be that much closer to the man I loved.

I wrapped my arms around his puffy, parka-clad bicep and allowed my head to rest on his right shoulder while he kept his gloved hands on the wheel and drove us to our destination.

It was already past noon, so surely Jeremy had been freed and was up and about by now, I thought to myself.

Thinking back on the intense, yet highly pleasurable evening I'd had last night, I couldn't help but feel sorry for my young friend. The kid longed for affection from a guy who was incapable of anything even mildly similar. In addition to not even being allowed to sleep in his Master's bed, the boy had been left mummified, heavily gagged and at the mercy of a guy he didn't even know.

It wasn't fair. It really wasn't.

I asked my Alpha what he wanted to do today, and he was quick to tell me that he didn't have any set plans for the weekend but that he really wanted to take me fishing and get a big campfire going a bit later. Those were always fun, especially considering we had a bag of marshmallows to snack on as well.

After a good twenty minutes of dozing off against my lover's strong body and looking at the trees go by, I started noticing something odd about the route we were taking. Some of these landmarks were vaguely familiar, but I couldn't seem to recall seeing those on our regular route up to Brad's cottage.

As it turns out, Nick was taking the longer route and going all the way around the lake instead of heading straight to his destination. His pickup truck was more than capable of handling the bumpy rock-lined terrain, and we didn't really have any special plans for the day, other than taking it easy and getting a fire going. Besides, I'd spent the last couple of weeks cooped up in the house, so I was more than happy to be spending a bit of time outdoors, enjoying the cool forest air like this.

At one point, Nick stopped the vehicle and exited the truck to stretch his limbs out.
I thought he looked mighty imposing with his black sports cap, leather gloves and huge puffy parka on.

I quickly followed suit and stepped out of the truck, looking around and immediately understanding why he had chosen to stop at this particular spot.

The view of the lake was simply breathtaking from up here. And even though the sky was clouding over rather quickly, there was something pretty romantic about the rustling of tender leaves and the sound of birds chirping in the distance.

I walked up to my Master and was thrilled beyond belief when he accepted my hand inside his.
We stayed there for a moment, holding hands and standing side by side.

"Come on. Let's get you back inside." the hunk eventually purred, turning around and slowly guiding me back to the relative warmth of his truck.

I smiled and kept my eyes to the ground, appreciating the fact that he was still holding my hand tightly.
Nick let go of me as soon as we reached his pickup, and I quickly circled around to step in through the passenger side door.

Just as I was about to step in though, something in the distance caught my attention.

Nick opened his door and was about to step in as well, but I guess the sight of me stepping away and walking towards the woods drew his attention.

He looked on as I strayed from the path and starting drawing closer when I squatted down to look at something on the ground, next to a big fern-like plant.

"What is it?" he asked, finally closing the distance between us and putting his hand on my shoulder.

I tried opening my mouth but was too lost in my thoughts to form a proper answer.

As soon as my eyes caught sight of the object on the ground, my head started spinning with long-forgotten thoughts and memories. I picked it up off the ground, slowly stood up, turned back towards my lover and extended my arm before handing over my find.

Nick's expression immediately changed from one of curiosity to one of astonishment as he took hold of the leather collar I was holding in my hand.

"It's...your collar." he spoke, barely managing to contain his surprise.

I nodded my head, my eyes filled with sadness as I was forced to face a part of my life that I'd been trying really hard to forget.

It was the same collar Nick had buckled around my neck nine months ago.
The same collar I'd thrown to the ground on the night of my escape during last year's camping trip.

It was all coming back to me now.

Finally, I understood why some of those huge rocks and dead trees looked mildly familiar.
I knew this road! I'd been on it before!

Memories of my escape...of being lost, alone, cold and afraid started flooding my mind.
Nick looked at the collar for a bit, then looked at me before putting a leather-clad finger under my chin and raising my head up.

I didn't know what to expect, but his reaction caught me off guard nonetheless.
His stunning blue orbs locked onto mine, and in that moment, something special happened.

The freakishly tall and ruggedly handsome Alpha-man looked down at the collar and then looked back into my eyes.
His expression was hard to read. If I had to describe it, I'd say it was somewhere between compassion, guilt and frustration.

For a second there, I was pretty certain he was gonna buckle the thing around my neck. But then his hand moved down and I heard the heavy clink of the metal buckle as it hit the ground.

"My boi doesn't need a collar around his neck to know who he belongs to." Nick spoke, keeping his gaze locked onto mine, his gloved hand still holding my chin up.

As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt my legs weaken and felt my eyes watering over with tears.

I wanted to melt down and fall to my knees in front of him.
The blond Alpha let go of my face, and immediately I lowered my head back down and stepped in real close to him.

"Hold me." I whimpered, hanging my head low and closing my eyes shut.

Nick wrapped his massive arms around me and pulled me in close, protectively putting a hand behind my head, and pressing my face against his broad chest. "Shhhh..." he purred, gently planting his lips over the top of my head while holding me tight against him.

We didn't say anything.
We didn't need to.

Nick was obviously more in tune with my emotional needs than what I usually gave him credit for.

Don't get me wrong though. This guy was a real Alpha, through and through. He was usually pretty harsh and severe. But knowing that, only made these rare, tender moments between us seem even more special. If Nick had taught me one thing in these past couple weeks, it's that under that stern, cocky, hard exterior of his, resided a caring, compassionate man with strong fatherly qualities and a big heart.

"Let's head back to the cottage. It's starting to cloud over." he finally told me, speaking in a low, comforting tone.

Leaving the collar on the forest floor, we slowly walked back to the truck and started making our way back to Brad's cottage.

By the time we got there, I could hear the sound of thunder echoing in the distance, and the first specs of rain quickly began adorning the large windshield. Mere seconds after pulling up in the driveway and turning off the ignition, a veritable DELUGE started pouring down from the dark clouds above!

"So much for that campfire I promised you..." Nick chuckled, both of us laughing like kids as we exited the truck and ran towards the cottage as though our lives depended on it.

There was something real fun about these countryside storms. The fact that we were relatively high up in the mountains made the thunderstorm seem so much closer than the ones I was used to seeing back in the city.

With the rain coming down so hard, we'd had little option but to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening cooped up indoors.

Even if we didn't get to go fishing today, we could always try our luck tomorrow and could simply spend the day lazing around, watching movies together. Honestly, I was just anxious to see Jeremy and spend some more time with Nick at this point.

Little did I know this little weekend cottage trip of ours would quickly end up spiralling down and taking a turn for the worse.

Chapter 100 will mark the end of Bound and Gagged in a Sleeping Bag: Part III and the beginning of Part IV.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

This chapter was a pleasure to read. Steven is getting his thoughts sorted (I don't know whether that expression exists in English with the same meaning it does in the Dutch language). I really like Nick's reaction when Steven finds his old collar. Some guys treat it in a very superstitious way and Nick is mature enough to realise that you don't need to collar your boi.
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Post by LK3869 »

Relaxing and sweet chapter, the collar is a nice touch.
A whole night under a big heavy guy, not sure I'd make it, even if I find the attention touching.
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Post by squirrel »

It seems that the relationship between Nick and Steven has been finally sealed up :)

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Post by Msueta@2 »

Nice chapter
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Post by GoBucks »

Very nice and sweet chapter. Nick's a big ol softie ;) . The lost collar was a nice touch. I forgot about that.

Doesn't sound like everything is going to stay so lighthearted though. I'm ready for things to get twisted, and more importantly, more Shawn! Excited to see what you come up with for Chapter 100.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Very sweet and nice chapter to read, I like how Nick's relationship with Steven finally struck a balance (better late than never), I think that from now on we'll have a more self-confident Steven.

As for Chapter 100, I like the idea of [mention]LK3869[/mention]! But I'd really like to know more about Jeremy, maybe a chapter written from his point of view, how he feels about it all
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'll try to think of something fun and doable for you guys. Unfortunately, I've not be able to decide on what kind of bonus feature to add to the story at this point. The idea of developing on Jeremy's motivations for sticking with Brad is not a bad one at all, but considering how the storyline goes, it's a little premature at the moment and is already planned for later on.

You guys are only supposed to know what Steven knows, so really it'll be up to Steven to get his friend to "spill the beans" as it were.

On a sidenote, some of my old readers might be happy to know that my banner will be changing soon.
You know what that means, right? I'll allow your fuzzy memories to try and fill in the gaps 8-)



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Post by socjuc »

Well I won't divulge....and risk being put back on the naughty list... :mrgreen:
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Post by GoBucks »

I think I know why (or who) is going to make the banner change! Not gonna lie, I kinda want to say it and get my mouth stuffed in retaliation.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Note from the author: This is the 100th and final installment of Bound and Gagged in a Sleeping Bag (Part III) Very much looking forward to hearing all your thoughts and expectations at the end of this entry.

Chapter 100 - Ending The Cycle

Saturday, April 22 (2:00 PM)

Brad and Shawn were both sitting on the couch playing video games when Nick and I suddenly barged in.
The puzzled expression on their faces was precious, and to my great satisfaction, Nick wasn't going out of his way to hide the fact that he was having fun.

"You're soaking wet." he laughed, ignoring the puzzled looks that his buddies were giving us, and quickly taking his fat parka and gloves off. The hunk threw his sports cap onto his jacket and casually kicked his big, worn-out basketball shoes off before leaving them on the entrance carpet.

The hoodie he'd lent me was thick enough to absorb the rain without wetting the clothes I was wearing underneath, but my head was indeed soaking wet.
I laughed a bit and quickly took my wet shoes off so that I wouldn't track water and dirt all over the place.

I was thrilled. Thrilled that Nick was treating me like a normal human being in front of his buddies.

A few months ago, he would've probably put up a stern and serious face after walking into the cottage with me.
Being seen laughing and enjoying the company of a mere beta-male like myself, might have been interpreted as a sign of weakness on his part.

But the fact that he no longer went out of his way to hide his affection for me, really showed how secure and confident he had become.

Whereas Brad's behaviour and general condescension towards Jeremy betrayed a deep sense of fear and insecurity, Nick's behaviour toward me showed maturity and confidence. He was so confident and secure about himself and his role as an Alpha, that he no longer felt the need to publicly demonstrate his superiority in front of his friends.

Brad gave us permission to use his old dryer so that we could dry out our stuff, and I quickly used the opportunity to throw in my damp socks along with the hoodie Nick had lent me.
The tent and sleeping bag could stay packed in the truck for now.
Besides, with the amount of rain coming down, it's not like we'd be needing the gear any time soon.

Nick lost no time in heading for the living room and plopping himself down between his two buddies.
I, on the other hand, went straight to Jeremy, who was alone in the kitchen and busy cooking a pasta casserole.

We spoke for a bit, and although he appeared to be physically okay, I could see a few marks and creases on his face from all the duct tape that had been wrapped around his head.

The kinky being living inside of me wanted to tease the kid and ask him how he enjoyed gagging on Shawn's sock last night, but the expression on Jeremy's face quickly told me to drop the issue for now and talk about something else.

As I stood there, watching his movements, I couldn't help but notice that he was really good at was he was doing.
For such a young guy, he certainly did have a knack for kitchen work!
Cooking was always a valuable skill to have, especially for a sub.

When I tried to compliment him about, he casually brushed it off as though it were nothing.
From his reaction, I knew that he either wasn't very good at accepting compliments, or simply wasn't used to them.

When Jeremy finally asked me where Nick and I had gone, I lied and told him we'd woken up early this morning and decided to head out for an early hike around the lake.

I REALLY wanted to tell him what had happened. REALLY wanted to tell my friend that I'd lost my virginity last night, and explain to him how my big, strapping lover had snatched me up by force and taken me into the safety and privacy of his own tent and sleeping bag.
But as much as I wanted to share my joy with him and give him a detailed account of my first time with Nick, I knew it would just tare him down and make him long for his own Master's affection.

We chatted for a while longer, until I ended up heading for washroom and taking a shower.
My anus still felt a little sore and tender, but the rest of my body felt fantastic.
As I stepped out of the tub and looked at the young man staring at me through the foggy mirror, I couldn't help but smile and feel a little proud at the fact that I'd snagged a crazy hot guy for myself.

Obviously, a night of passionate sex under the stars wouldn't take care of all my doubts and insecurities, but it was a start. I'd be lying if I told you that my problems didn't seem a bit more distant than they usually seemed.

Nick's humongous boner had left me bruised and tender, but it certainly had a way of inspiring self-confidence, I'll give it that.

The rest of the afternoon went by without any incident.

The rain eventually subsided, but the ground was so wet that it seemed highly unlikely the boys would opt for building a campfire.

All in all, the weather was a bit disappointing, but it still wasn't a huge loss.
Besides, Nick would probably find some way of making our stay indoors a lot of fun tonight.
I could only hope it wouldn't involve me being his duct tape mummy again.

By the time we settled in the living room to eat the supper Jeremy had prepared, half the cottage smelled like Nick's rotten socks. A sickeningly strong, cheesy smell permeated the air around us and quickly caused my friend and I to lose our appetites.

Brad complained about the smell a few times, but the blond hunk simply laughed and crossed his giant soles up on the coffee table. "Deal with it, losers." he smirked, smiling cockily as he wiggled his socked toes in an attempt to gross us out even more.

Nick's rotten stinkers..png

The smell of my lover's feet was driving me crazy, but from the looks of it, poor Jeremy was having even more trouble dealing with it than I was.

Shawn didn't really pay me any attention, and Brad was being his usual horrible-self, calling Jeremy a faggot, spitting in his plate and ordering him to eat from the floor like a dog.
The boy said nothing and simply put his plate down on the carpet floor before getting on his hands and knees and obeying his Master.

Brad not only made the kid eat from the floor, but also make him lick everyone's plates clean...everyone's except mine, that is.

"Haha. He's like your personal dishwasher." Nick laughed, bending down to ruffle Jeremy's hair up.
I thought his joke in was poor taste, but decided to keep my mouth shut nonetheless.
It wasn't my place to say anything, especially not in front of two other Alphas.

As soon as we finished eating, the Big Boys resumed their video game tournament and Jeremy and I got up to collect the dishes.

I tried to get him to talk a bit, but he was pretty non-responsive and lethargic by that point.
Being humiliated by one guy was one thing. Being humiliated in front of a bunch of guys, was another.

As soon as we finished clearing the dishes and washing all the pots and pans, I asked Jeremy if he wanted to play a board game with me. But he declined and simply told me he was too tired and still exhausted from what he'd been through last night.

I accepted his response and slowly followed him as he made his way back to the living room.

Nick motioned for me to come and sit myself between him and his cousin.
Brad and Jeremy on the hand, didn't exchange a single word.
The boy wasn't allowed speaking to his Master unless spoken to, especially when other guys were around.

I scooted in between the two muscular hunks and looked on with sad eyes as my friend settled at his own Master's feet, facing away from the TV and keeping his gaze fixed on the floor between Brad's shoes.

That was no life, I thought to myself.
Even for a sub.

At around 8 PM, Brad got up off the couch and called it an early night.
From what I understood, the bunch of us would apparently be getting up early in the morning and head out for a fishing trip on the lake.

After stretching his arms out and giving me an uncharacteristic ruffle on the head, Brad wished his buddies goodnight and headed for his bedroom, his battered, young submissive quickly walking behind him.

Nick wanted to call it a night as well, but after a bit of debating, I eventually managed to convince him to stay up a bit later, saying that we'd slept in late and that I wasn't tired enough to sleep yet.
Shawn and I quickly decided to look through Brad's Blu-ray collection and eventually settled for watching the first of the Terminator movies; one of Nick's all time favourites.

Even though Shawn was sitting there next to us, Nick allowed me to cuddle up against him during the movie and even wrapped an arm around me to pull me in closer.
I can't even begin to tell you how good and safe I felt just sitting there, squashed between my hunky lover and his big, beefy twenty-year-old cousin.

I guess the emotional roller coaster I'd been through in the past twenty four hours must've drained me more than I initially thought, 'cause I ended up dosing off half way into the movie and only woke up in time for the credits.

By the time the movie had ended, I found myself with my head resting on my lover's lap.
I quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my tired eyes, apologizing to Nick for dozing off during the movie.
A little ironic, considering I was the one who'd been pushing for us to stay up.

"You're not the only one who fell asleep." the blond King suddenly chuckled, 'causing me to look at his cousin, who was also completely out of it and sleeping with his mouth wide open.

Nick woke Shawn up and slowly stood up off the couch so that he could stretch his limbs out.
He put the Blu-ray disc back in its case and turned the TV and audio system off before wishing his cousin goodnight and guiding me out of the living room.

By the time I got to bed, it was almost 11 PM and I was very much looking forward to slipping under the sheets and curling up against my dominant Alpha.

Nick took me to the bedroom, pulled my t-shirt and pants off, and tucked me in real snug before heading out to take a quick shower.

That's pretty much when everything started spiralling out of control.
The next hours went by so fast, but even to this day, the memories were still pretty vivid in my head.

I remember Nick coming back to bed, and remember him turning all the lights out.
His large hands slipped around my slender waist, and soon his huge arms wrapped themselves around me and pulled me in close to his powerful body.

It was pitch black in the room and even though we were both pretty tired, the hunk's massive boner was rock-solid and threatened to force it's way inside my jockstrap-clad ass for a second night in a row.
I struggled a bit, but my aroused lover just growled and wrapped his massive thighs and biceps around me even tighter.

I tried whimpering and tried telling him that I was still sore from last night, but he wasn't listening and kept grinding his huge boner against my exposed crack.

When one of his big hands suddenly clamped itself over my face, I thought that he was gonna take me by force.
But instead of ramming his angry cockhead inside of me, the hunk clamped his hand over my face and ordered me to be quiet.

"Shhh! Listen." he suddenly ordered, quickly raising his head up as though he'd heard a strange noise of some sort.

Everything went silent for a while. The only thing I heard was Nick's breathing and the sound of my heartbeat.
Then, we heard a loud bang on the wall and heard a weird noise coming from Brad's room, which was right next to ours.

My hunky lover quickly let go of me and rolled over before the bedside lamp back on.
He placed a finger over his lips, signaling for me to be quiet.

The noises stopped for about thirty seconds, but then we heard another loud thud coming from neighbouring room.

At first, I thought Brad must've been playing with Jeremy, but the ensuing racket convinced me that something more sinister was happening just a few meters away from where Nick and I were resting.

I gave Nick a worried look when I heard the unmistakable sound of a muffled cry.
A series of sharp noises echoed through the poorly insulated wall separating the two bedrooms, and more muffled cries ended up joining the fray.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
I could feel it.

I knew Brad was beating Jeremy, probably beating him with a belt or another object.

I felt a knot form in my stomach and felt a lump of saliva build up in my throat.
Everything inside of me was telling me that this wasn't right.
Every fiber of my being was urging me to do something...anything!

I looked at Nick with wide, pleading eyes, and even remember putting a hand on his upper right arm.
I wanted him to do something.
I wanted the muffled cries to stop.

Nick closed the lights off and let out a deep sigh before finally putting his head down against his pillow and looking up at the ceiling.

We continued lying there, in the dark...neither of us speaking for a while.

I could hear Brad's voice, but couldn't make out what he was saying.
Obviously, he was speaking in a low tone, probably thinking we wouldn't be able to hear anything from within our room.

I was crying by that point, and wasn't able to stop myself from sniffling away as tears streamed down from the corners of my eyes.

The sounds coming from the other room were unmistakeable.
The big, bad bully was beating my friend up and torturing him.

Jeremy would never admit it to me, but I knew Brad was the one behind those scars that lined my friend's face.

I ended up sobbing for a bit, but Nick still said nothing.
Every time I'd tried to talking to him about the unhealthy relationship between those two, the hunk had made it perfectly clear that it wasn't any of our business and that he had no plans of interfering in his friend's affairs.

Things went silent again for a while.
But just as I was about to close my eyes again, I heard another thud shake the wall, almost as though someone had banged their head on it. Moans and sharp noises continued coming from the neighbouring room, until Nick just finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Fuck!" he grunted, banging one of his clenched fists down against the mattress.

The naked hunk sprang up from the bed, turned the lights on and started putting his socks, underwear and pants on.

He grabbed the door handle and was about to step out, but stopped mid-way and quickly turned towards me.
I just sat up and looked at him, desperately wanting to know where he was going and what he planned on doing.

Instead, the handsome blue-eyed beast gave me a dead serious look and pointed a finger straight at my face before uttering his next instructions.

"You stay there, and you keep the door shut." he ordered, frowning deeply as he peered straight into my terrified eyes.

He was adamant.
I was to stay put and not go anywhere.

The hunk waited for me to nod my head before stepping out the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

I immediately sprang out of bed and ran up to the bedroom door so that I could stick my ear against it and hear what was going on.

For a while there, I heard nothing.
But after about a minute of careful listening, I heard Brad's bedroom door swing open and heard the two guys beginning to argue about something.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell from their tone of voice that something bad was about to happen. Whatever they were arguing about, the conflict was about to escalate.

Nick said something, Brad's voice got louder and suddenly, there was a loud crash...almost like a lamp falling on the floor and breaking.

The walls shook as a series of loud thuds and noises echoed through the small cottage.

Shawn's voice joined the fray and the rumbling got even louder.
I stood there, my eyes wide in panic as the sounds of grunting and muffled yelling made it to my ears.

I didn't know what was happening.
I had no idea whether or not Nick was in trouble, or whether or not he needed my help.

Tears started running down my face and my legs started shaking.
My heart was beating so fast, yet I felt so helpless, so afraid...

More thuds echoed from out of Brad's bedroom, and suddenly, everything went silent again.

I kept my ear pinned against the door, my heart nearly beating its way out of my chest.

When I heard a set of heavy footsteps drawing closer, I immediately fell back to the floor and crawled away, fearing for the worst.

The door flung open, and to my great relief, Nick was the one to walk into the bedroom.

A look at his face quickly dimmed my sense of relief though.
He was bleeding from two cuts on his lips and a cut on one of his eyebrows.

An even greater feeling of shock washed over me when Shawn walked in the room, with a visibly battered Jeremy slung over his shoulder.

Nick looked at me, his face displaying an expression of grim determination that I'd rarely witnessed before.

He spoke few words, but from his tone and expression, I knew this wasn't the time for questions.

"Get our stuff." he ordered. "We're leaving."


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Post by LK3869 »

Wow! That opens new doors...
Ok, seems I was wrong in thinking Brad must have hidden good sides. ( feel a little stupid...)
Sad story, but it'll get better soon.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by squirrel »

This is most intriguing... If Brad did cross the line with Jeremy I hope the guys will beat the shit out of him. Being a master or even the dominant one in the relationship is one thing, but torturing someone just for pleasure deserves a severe punishment

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Post by ShadowHusky »

It's been a long time since I've commented. And I'm sorry about that. But reading on with this series, not only is it hot, but the main thing that catches my eye is your incredible prowess in writing. This latest chapter held a deep amount of emotion, the detail you exuded through your characters showed fleshed-out, vulnerable human beings. The intensity was perfectly captured in the short, sharp sentences and lack of dialogue. It was expertly written. Amazing work.
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Post by Ossassin »

Steven's perspective when he observes Jeremy almost always feels a degree out of step to Jeremy's situation, but the final part where Nick pointed out what was going on kinda feels like a circuit being completed in Steven's mind. Though (as a politics student this is the way I register things and pretty much how I can best put my thoughts into words) it feels like Nicks trying to be a realist (IR. Each nation remains separate and respects each others sovereignty) but has ended up falling into the position of a liberal (IR. Human rights are more important than sovereignty).
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

With Part III ending, I finally want to put my thoughts about the latest chapters here as well.

At very first, I want to especially thank my Master [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for dedicating those chapters with Nick taking Steven's virginity away to me. I saw myself in the frame of Steven and just we both know what bond is connecting us. Thank you, Sir. Those chapters were a real blast for me as your boi.

Then, I'd like to fall in line with all those Shawn-lovers.
As much as I like Nick, I also really enjoyed the scene with Shawn making his first steps in dominating subs, be it the long handgag or the toying with Jeremy.

Now, after those really happy and confident moments from Steven with Nick, there are rougher times ahead.
Though I'm also thrilled to see how someone's appearance will be different from what I can remember from the "Original story"....

Am anxious for part 4, of course.
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Post by GoBucks »

Well it certainly looks like I was wrong for having a Brad preference. I guess I liked him better because I liked that he was a bit harsher than the others, but physical beatings go too far for me. I've moved on to Shawn :lol:

What happened to Jeremy is actually what I find really scary about being a sub and prevent me from trying anything.
Deleted User 2261

Post by Deleted User 2261 »

Thank you for continuing this story. <3
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