My revenge on Tom (M/M)

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My revenge on Tom (M/M)

Post by ozhoneyuk »

If you haven't read my first story, please go back to 'More than I bargained for':-

The following morning (Sunday), I woke up and got myself ready. Today was the day where I was going to have my revenge on Tom, for what he had put me through the previous day. I looked forward to getting him all trussed up, and had decided that I was going to hogtie him. I had been hogtied before, and knew that this was a pretty restrictive position, with little or no chance of escaping. I spent some time searching the internet, and found forums and websites which provided tips and illustrations of how to hogtie someone... I was all set to carry out my revenge. I ate breakfast with my family, and sent Tom a text message later that morning, reminding him of his promise the previous day. Tom text back a few minutes later, to confirm that he hadn't forgotten and that he couldn't wait to show me how I wouldn't be able to keep him tied up... arrogant or what!? I was determined to get him tied so that he couldn't get loose, and would tickle him half to death like he had done to me. He told me to come over to his house over the road in a couple of hours, as his family would be heading out for the afternoon so we had his place to ourselves. His mother had wanted him to join them, but he managed to convince her to let him stay at home as I was going to come over to play his new computer game... thankfully she agreed. I spent the next couple of hours chilling out, before heading over to Tom's.

When I arrived, Tom answered the door and we went into his kitchen to get a drink. We then went up to his bedroom, and he sat at his desk whilst I sat on the bed. We chatted for a bit, and I told him that he had properly tricked me yesterday, and that it was complete hell being tied up and tickled for so long. I said that at times, I thought I was going to pass out. He just laughed, and said that he had enjoyed torturing me and couldn't wait to do it again soon... the cheek of this guy! Tom had always been cheeky, it was one of the reasons I liked him so much, he could be hilarious, but he could also be really annoying (like now). Tom asked what I had planned for him, I told him that he would need to wait to find out.

Tom said, let's begin then, may as well get it over with, I'll get loose soon anyway... he was beginning to piss me off. I said, so that I can torture you like you did me, take off your t-shirt and your socks please. Tom quickly stripped himself of his t-shirt, and slipped his white ankle socks off his feet. Tom was a bit skinnier than me, and I was always quite jealous as he was quite toned for our age... he played a lot of football which kept him really fit. Although he was slightly shorter than me, we were both the same shoe size (UK size 5).

Tom fetched the bag of ropes out of his cupboard, and tipped them on the floor, I asked where the duct tape was, and he reluctantly retrieved it out of his desk drawer.... I don't think he was too keen on being gagged (good!). He asked me where I wanted him, I told him to put his hands behind his back, he complied. I took one of Tom's wrists, and tied one end of the rope around it. I then crossed his wrists and proceeded to tie them both up, mirroring the instructions I had seen online that morning, and trying to keep it as tight as possible without cutting off his circulation. I cinched the rope between his wrists, and tied off the knots and poked them into the middle of the bindings so that he wouldn't be able to untie them. Satisfied with my work, I asked Tom to get on the floor and I helped him down. Tom sat with his wrists tied, with his back against his bed, I motioned for him to put his feet together and put them in front of me. I sat on the floor, crossed his ankles, and repeated the tie in the same way that I had tied his wrists. Tom tested the bindings, I told him not to cheat and to wait until I had finished tying him up. I then helped Tom to lie on his stomach, he said, you're going to hogtie me right?! That will be easy for me to get out! I was fed up of his noise at this point. Right that's it I said, time to gag you Tom... he didn't look too happy at this statement but knew he didn't really have a choice after yesterday... and the fact that he was bound hand and foot, so I could have easily overpowered him anyway. I grabbed the duct tape, and said any last words Tom?... he said, no and shut his mouth voluntarily. I sat in front of his face, and started wrapping the tape around his head starting at one side of his mouth, I must have wrapped it at least 7 times around his head, he grunted a couple of times as I was wrapping the tape, I smoothed the gag over his mouth when I was finished. I was satisfied that I had gagged him properly, but to test the effectiveness of the gag I started to sharply poke his sides and ribs. Tom bucked and made muffled laughing noises behind his gag... perfect, he wasn't saying anything for a while. To finish my tie, I got another piece of rope and completed the hogtie. I tied one end to his tied ankles, and then pulled this through his tied wrists so that his feet were bought up to his hands. To ensure that it was tight, I put my foot on his bum and pulled the rope hard, his fingers were pretty much touching his bare feet... I then knotted off and tucked the knots into the bindings.

Tom was now hogtied, I think this was my best ever tie and was proud of my achievement. There he was, shirtless, barefoot and hogtied... perfect for tickle torturing. I said, OK Tom, I'll give you the same 30 minutes you gave me, but I want to test how ticklish you are first. Tom just mmmppphhed at me, I think he was trying to say that this was unfair but I couldn't understand him nor did I care... this guy tortured the hell out of me yesterday! I started to dig my fingers into his armpits, the result was fantastic! Tom burst into a fit of giggles, and desperately tried to back away from me, the gag was doing its job and muffled the noise he was making. I then turned my attention to his bare feet, which were just hanging in the air begging to be tickled. I started to lightly scratch the arches of both of his feet... it was like I was killing him, he was writhing and laughing hysterically into his gag... I carried on tormenting him for a minute or so but then stopped, I wanted to save the best for later. Wow Tom, is it possible that you're even more ticklish then I am!? He just mmmmpphhed at me, and turned his head away in dismay. I said, I'm going to have as much fun with you as you had with me yesterday... maybe even more fun. I'm going to tickle you to death Tom! I then got my phone out, and started the countdown timer. I left my phone propped up against his desk on the floor, so that he could see the time ticking away. I said, 30 minutes until tickle time Tom... hope you can handle it! I watched him struggling for a few minutes, he was rolling around on the floor trying desperately to reach the knots binding his wrists & ankles. I was satisfied that he wasn't getting out of this one. I told Tom I was going downstairs to have a drink and something to eat, we were welcome in each others houses so we felt comfortable to raid the cupboards. I headed downstairs, and left Tom to struggle against the ropes.

I sat in Tom's kitchen, eating some crisps and having a milkshake, I was ready to torture Tom now. I figured he had around 10 minutes left on the countdown timer, so headed back upstairs to his bedroom. When I walked into his room, my heart sank. On the floor, lay the pile of ropes and tape I had used to tie him up, and on the bed lay Tom, hands behind his head with an extremely smug look on his face. WTF I shouted at him, how the hell did you get loose!? Tom laughed, I was able to free myself as your knots weren't as good as you thought they were Austin... too bad mate. He then went on to explain that he had managed to untie the rope connecting the hogtie, and managed to get his ankles untied. From there he pulled his hands under his feet round to the front, and pulled the tape away from his mouth so that he could unpick the knots on his wrists with his teeth. I couldn't believe it, I was absolutely sure I had trapped him... there wasn't even the smallest possibility of him escaping in my opinion. Tom said, better luck next time mate... I could have actually punched him in the face. Tom said, right, now it's my turn to tie you up seeing as you lost the game. I was like, no way! I'm not letting you tie me up, you're going to tickle me again! Tom said, well that's up to you, if you escape you won't get tickled will you?! He then said, you're not going to be a sore loser are you Austin? Going to chicken out of the next challenge? He then started to make clucking noises at me, and moving his arms around mimicking a chicken. Obviously I didn't mind being tied up, that was the fun part, but I wasn't overly keen about potentially (probably) losing, and being tortured again.... especially as I was supposed to be the one doing the torturing at that moment in time! He was right though, I wasn't a sore loser and didn't want to let him beat me, he knew all of this of course. Reluctantly, I agreed to the next challenge.

After going to the toilet and having a drink of water, I was ready to be tied up again. Tom said that he was going to hogtie me, but actually do it properly... I just rolled my eyes at him. He said, you know the drill, lose your t-shirt & socks. I was soon standing in front of him, bare chested and barefoot again, my heart was beating as I knew exactly how this was going to end. Most likely with me being tickled into an absolute mess. Tom told me to turn around, and he pulled my hands behind my back, he began lashing my wrists together. I noticed that he was being extremely methodical, always keeping the rope tight and cinching the knots every few seconds.. something I should clearly have done. Soon, my hands were bound tightly behind my back, Tom walked me over to the bed and lightly pushed me down so that I was sitting on the corner of his bed. He then sat on the floor, and took another piece of rope and tied my ankles together, following the same method he applied to my wrists. Tom tested the knots on both my wrists and ankles, and appeared happy with the result. He told me to roll over on to my stomach, I did and I then felt him tying another rope to my tied ankles, and looping the other end through the ropes binding my wrists together. Tom then stood on the bed, and pulled the rope which resulted in my ankles being lifted towards my tied wrists. I gasped as I felt the rope tighten, and Tom pulled it harder again to ensure that the hogtie was tight, he then tied the knots and made sure they were well out of my reach. I was tied up really tightly this time, it felt great! I wriggled around on the bed a little. Ready to be gagged again Austin? Tom had already picked up the duct tape. I asked him if I had to be gagged, he said well we wouldn't want you screaming & shouting and alarming the neighbours would we? I told him to go to hell, and to just get on with it. Tom sat next to me, and began ripping the tape, he started on my mouth and began to wrap it around my head over and over again. When he was finished, I was gagged as effectively as the previous day, I tried to get the tape off by pushing my tongue out but that certainly wasn't happening! I whimpered slightly, accepting my fate. Tom wasn't quite finished, he took another rope and tied it to my bound wrists, and pulled it up to the bed's headboard and tied it off. He then took another rope, and tied it to my ankles and then to the bed's footboard. I was now tightly hogtied, gagged and unable to move at all as I was also bound tightly to the bed. Tom said, how does it feel to have lost Austin? You know I'm going to tickle the crap out of you again... it's going to be hell for you! I tried to tell him to fuck off, but all that came out was an incoherent mmmmppphhh. Tom told me I had 30 minutes in which to escape the hogtie to avoid the tickle torture, he taunted me by saying it would be worse than yesterday. Again he set his countdown timer on his phone.

I was desperate to escape this time, but deep down I knew this was absolutely impossible. Tom was too good, he had tied each knot carefully and well out of my reach, I wriggled around on the bed trying to find the knots binding my wrists... and completely failing. I was stuck, tightly hogtied, and unable to wriggle around at all as the ropes binding me to the bed were also really tight. I was breathing heavily through my nose, somehow the gag felt way tighter this time, I was utterly helpless to anything that Tom wanted to do to me. During this time, Tom was just sitting on the chair opposite me, enjoying the sight of me struggling. He said, you're not really getting anywhere are you Austin? And held his fingers up like claws and made a tickling motion, I just glared at him. Tom then picked up his phone, and started calling someone on loud speaker... I panicked as I wondered who the hell he was calling. I then heard our friend Daniel pick up the call... my heart sank again. Daniel was a good friend of ours, he was 1 year older than me & Tom, and lived a couple of roads away. Daniel was a bit taller than me & Tom, and had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he was very popular with the girls. I knew that Tom was calling Daniel to invite him over, probably so that they could both torment me. Tom told Daniel that he had a surprise for him at his house, and asked if he was free to come over. Naturally, Daniel was keen to find out what this surprise was, Tom told him that it had something to do with me... and that it would be a lot of fun. Daniel said he would be over in 10 mins, and Tom disconnected the call. I mmmmppphhhdd at Tom, trying to get his attention with the vague hope that he would untie me before Daniel came round. Tom said, there is no use in begging Austin, me & Daniel are going to have a great time torturing you today. He said, how do you think it will feel having two sets of hands tickling the crap out of you!? I began imagining what this would be like, pretty horrific I decided... I was getting worked up thinking about it. Tom just laughed again, and said I wouldn't have to wait long to find out.

Tom's doorbell rang around 15 minutes later, Daniel was here. Tom answered the door and bought Daniel upstairs into his bedroom, as soon as Daniel saw me he burst out laughing. Daniel said, what happened here then Austin?! Looks like you got yourself in a bit of a situation buddy! I just stared at him, that was all I could do really. Tom explained to Daniel that I had lost a bet, as I wasn't able to keep him tied up. Daniel came over to me, and checked out Tom's ropework. Wow he said, you've really got him tied up here, he is going nowhere! Why is he dressed in only his shorts? Daniel asked. Tom smiled, and said that it makes torturing me much easier. Daniel had a confused look on his face, Tom continued, he's ridiculously ticklish, and I thought you would enjoy helping me to tickle torture him. Tom explained the torture he had put me through yesterday, and how much fun he had had doing it. Daniel said, no way! You that ticklish Austin!? I began struggling and mppphhhinng, and twisting around on the bed, I really didn't want them both to tickle me at the same time, I wasn't sure I could actually deal with it. Where is he ticklish? Daniel asked. Tom replied with, literally everywhere! My heart was beginning to race at this point, I knew what was about to happen and I was powerless to stop it. I gave the puppy dog eye look to Daniel, who didn't take a blind bit of notice. He came over to the bed, and ran his index finger down the sole of my right foot. I flinched, clenched my toes, and began tugging on the ropes that were keeping me captive. Daniel just smiled evily, and ran his index finger down the sole of my left foot, same reaction. Daniel then started poking his fingers into my sides, I started laughing through the gag and trying to move away from him. Wow, Daniel said again, that was only light touches and its already driving him crazy! Tom just nodded in agreement, and said that they should begin.

Tom asked Daniel where he wanted to tickle me first, Daniel replied that he would go for my feet first... on hearing this I started to panic and struggle as much as I could, which wasn't much. Tom said OK, you do his feet and I'll go for his armpits and sides. Daniel sat at the bottom of the bed, whilst Tom sat at the top, Tom again showed me the claw fingers to make me panic. They both counted down from 3 and launched their first attack. It was horrible, Danielapparently was an expert tickler as well... he started off lightly brushing my feet but then turned these brushes into pokes and faster finger movements. He was using all of his fingers to torment my soles, it was horrendous. I was in hell again, he was also focussing on my toes and the soft skin at the base of the toes. Tom meanwhile was savagely attacking my armpits and ribs, poking them and shoving his fingers in wherever he could. I was bucking around now by this point, hysterically laughing and screaming, although you wouldn't have known as any noise was being blocked by the gag. It felt like they were electrocuting me, I couldn't even tell where the tickling sensations were coming from, it was maddening.

The ropes were doing their job, the tight hogtie made it impossible for me to move away from either Tom or Daniel. I was literally powerless, and getting really hot, sweat and tears were dripping down my face. Daniel was laughing at my reactions, and said he couldn't believe how ticklish I was. After around 10 mins, Daniel suggested that we stop and give me a break... which was music to my ears. They both stopped, I was a complete mess again, and struggled to catch my breath.

Tom suggested that they swap places for the next round. The next round! I was hoping that they had had their fun, I looked frantically at both of them, again trying to plead with them to stop. Daniel said, you didn't think we were going to stop there did you mate?! No way, this is too enjoyable to stop now, for us anyway. They both laughed... bastards. Daniel said, Tom you might want to tie his big toes together with something, he can still move his feet around a bit. Tom said, great idea! He went to get some string, and proceeded to tie both big toes together... even that tickled! I buried my face in the bed, I was exhausted already and clearly both Tom & Daniel were going to exploit my weakness further, until I was broken probably. Don't look so sad, piped up Daniel, we can cheer you up and make you laugh... I didn't even bother to react to this joke.

Tom said, are you ready Austin? Holding his fingers up in the famous claw position... making a ticklish motion. I just shook my head, but they closed in like vultures. Daniel started jabbing my sides, and wildly prodding his fingers into my ribs. Tom was using both hands to viciously tickle my feet, the addition of the toe tie meant that I had even less movement that before. I went berserk, thrashing around as much as the ropes would allow, which wasn't much. Daniel & Tom were literally having the best time, they were working as a team and the tickling absolutely devastated me. For around the next 20 minutes, they continued to tickle & torment me, both swapping places periodically. Tom had told Daniel how crazy I went when he shoved his thumbs into my armpits, which Daniel was exploiting... wasn't Tom supposed to be my best friend!? Is that what best friends do!? They were laughing at my reactions, and tormenting me by saying things like "awww, is poor Austin ticklish". Eventually, I think Tom recognised that I couldn't handle it anymore, I was barely able to breath through the gag. Tom suggested to Daniel that they stop, we don't want to kill him after all he said.

They hopped off the bed, and Tom began unwrapping my gag. Once the gag was undone, I was a panting mess. I pleaded with them both, please let me go, I can't handle anymore tickling. I was literally begging them, I was almost in tears, they just laughed and Daniel promised that they wouldn't tickle me anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief, I wanted to shout at them but decided I wasn't in the best position to do that. Daniel said, you took that well Austin! Not sure I would have been able to. I made the point that I didn't have a lot of choice, given that I couldn't move an inch and was completely defenceless. Tom said, so are you going to need untying Austin? Yes! I said, please untie me I'm sick of being tied like this. Tom started to untie me, but not before brushing my feet again with his fingers, I laughing hysterically and shouted for him to stop. Tom said, see Austin, that's why we need tape your mouth because you're too loud! I him to fuck off. He just laughed, and finished off untying me with some help from Daniel.

Once untied, I forgot about the tickling pretty quickly, but did tell them that they were both horrible bastards... they threatened to tickle me again so I quickly piped down. We agreed that for our next tie-up challenge, I would get to tie one of them up to give me a chance to get them back. I was pleased with this, but knew I needed to improve my rope skills if I were to keep them tied up. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out, I forgave them for torturing me. Even though it had been horrible, I still enjoyed being tied up! Being hogtied and gagged literally made me feel completely helpless, I had never felt more vulnerable. I suspected that wouldn't be the last time I was tied up and tortured by either of them...

Hope you enjoyed my 2nd story, please let me know if you have any feedback!
Last edited by ozhoneyuk 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice one! Too bad things didn’t turn out the way you hoped but hopefully there will be a chance for you to finally win. Hoping for another story!
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is a fun story. Thanks for posting!

It would be much easier on my old eyes if you added more paragraph breaks.
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Post by FelixSH »

Reading this was a lot of fun. It feels a bit like we sit in the same room, and you tell me the story, instead of reading it. Especially your joy comes through clearly, through the way you mention every detail and include the bickering.

Very enjoyable, I hope to read more of your experiences in the future.

Provided by bondagefreak
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Post by fratboydanny »

Well,done and a terrific follow up. I hope we ready of you thing Daniel and that he too has trouble getting loose.
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Post by Veracity »

I enjoyed this part even more than the first part. For some reason I love it in stories when plans go awry and would-be predators become the prey, even though I still want to see Tom get his comeuppance.

May I make one suggestion? I think that if you broke the paragraphs into smaller paragraphs it would be a bit easier to read.
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Post by ozhoneyuk »

Hi guys! Thanks for all your feedback, glad you enjoyed the story!

Totally agree with the paragraph spacings, think it's also made worse by the white text on black background. I've amended the story and have inserted more paragraphs, hopefully this will make it easier for people to read.

Feedback always welcome! I'll post my next story as soon as I can.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that. May I suggest that, if white on black is a problem for you, you may change the borad style using your profile.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Very enjoyable read my friend.
Don't forget to add this to the Story Catalogue section ;)

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Post by Xtc »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for that. May I suggest that, if white on black is a problem for you, you may change the borad style using your profile.
Or even the board style!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by LK3869 »

You can never show weakness without others using it against you, human nature :D
I sense your friends understood your willingness to loose before you admited you ( probably ) liked it :)
Weren't you afraid at some point you'd become the attraction of the neighborhood ?
Story's good and well told, your words have me waiting for the next !
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by harveygasson »

Two really great stories!
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