Betraying my friend for a girl (FF/MM)

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Betraying my friend for a girl (FF/MM)

Post by johnsloan »

[kind of inspired by a story request]

So in my senior year of high school I was kind of into this girl, Shauna. She was good-looking and fit, but besides that I liked that she had a strong will and took no shit from anyone. One Saturday afternoon I was at her house along with a bunch of friends, both guys and girls. While everyone was downstairs Shauna and I kind of snuck upstairs. I was kind of excited to be alone with her. I had let her know before how I felt about her. Shauna led me to her bedroom door and I got even more excited. But before she opened it she asked me if she could show me something, and I said yeah, and she said wait here.

Shauna went into her room and came out with a piece of rope. I asked her what it was for and she just wrapped it around my wrists. I laughed and said, “what’s going on,” said it was to keep me under control. I let her tie me up, then she led me inside her room. I was nervous about that but I was really happy Shauna was interested in me.

She grabbed a second piece of rope in her room. It was longer. She tied it around the rope that was already tied around my wrists, but at a 90 degree angle. It was pretty tight and I realized I was not going to get out of it unless she untied me. She took the other end of that rope and ran it through the headboard on her bed, then pulled on it to force me backwards until I was sitting on her bed with my hands behind my head, tied up.

She leaned close to my face and I was even more excited now because I thought she was going in for a kiss, but instead she asked if she could “go further.” I didn’t realize what she meant but I said yes. She took a third piece of rope and tied my ankles together and then tied them to the other end of the bed.

She looked at me helpless like that and laughed. I asked why she had so much rope, and she said she liked to keep guys under control.

Shauna started pulling my t-shirt up away from the waistband of my pants. I arched my back and she kept pulling the shirt all the way up, over my head, with the armholes stretched all the way to the knots she had tied around my wrist.

At this point I was super excited. I told Shauna I thought this was really hot. But Shauna stopped. She stood and patted my head and said she had to get back to her party. She started walking away. I said, wait, what about me, and she just laughed and walked outside the room, closing the door.

I was frustrated but also excited to be alone in her room. After a while I got more nervous that all of this was a joke she was playing on me. I worried she was going to bring people upstairs to see me like this, tied up with my shirt basically off.

After about ten minutes Shauna came back, alone. She said she thought she should let me go or people would get suspicious. But she asked me if I was having a good time tied up. I admitted that I was. Good, she said, because I want you to help me with something else.

Shauna explained that one of her girlfriends, Marcy, had a crush on my best friend, Colton. Shauna said that if I would help her and Marcy out, there would be great rewards for me. When she said “rewards,” she put her hand on my chest by my nipples and slid it down slowly to my waistband, where she could see my tent. I said I would do anything she wanted. She asked me how often I sleep over at Colton’s house, and I said all the time, and we were planning to do it tonight. Good, she said.

While I was still tied up she told me her plan, which was to invade Colton’s house and tie him up. Colton and I had done some tie-up games so I figured this would be OK with him but we’d keep it a surprise. Then she untied me and said, to be continued, and we both went downstairs.

So that night I was at Colton’s. Like I said, we were best friends. We were both on the basketball team. We hung out in his basement, where he had a couch and TV and Xbox and also a weight bench. We took turns with the weight bench and talked about girls. Colton wasn’t into anyone at the moment, but I talked about how I was hot for Shauna. He said yeah, I know, I heard you two were upstairs alone for a while. I smiled and said yes we were. I didn’t mention about how she tied me up and we basically didn’t get anywhere.

We played on the Xbox for a while. Colton’s cousin, Jeremy, came downstairs. Jeremy lived a few blocks away from Colton and was at his place all the time. Colton’s parents told us that Jeremy would be doing the sleepover with us. I didn’t mind Jeremy. He was a year younger than us but seemed to really look up to me.

Around 2 AM we decided to go to sleep. It was a hot night out and Colton’s basement didn’t have air conditioning. Colton and I both took off our shirts before lying down on the air mattresses. Jeremy was still with us. He smiled when we took our shirts off and kind of stared at me. He kept his shirt on and fell asleep on the couch.

I pretended to sleep. When I heard Colton snoring I grabbed my phone and texted Shauna. I dropped a pin showing where I was and gave instructions for how to come through Colton’s backyard to his basement door. I also told her about Jeremy and said I didn’t know what to do about him.

About ten minutes later Shauna texted me “we’re at the door.” I quietly got up and opened the basement door. Shauna rushed into the basement, along with Marcy, and along with three of her other friends.

Shauna and another girl grabbed my wrists, pulled them behind my back, and put a zip tie around them. That surprised me because I thought they were just going for Colton. But they weren’t rough at all and I felt like I was strong enough to fight them off if I wanted to, but I liked it.

Marcy and another friend went over to Colton. He was asleep on his stomach with his arms kind of stretched out. Marcy grabbed one of his arms and her friend another, and they tied his wrists together behind his back with rope.

Colton woke up and shouted in surprise. Marcy put her hand over his mouth and said, don’t worry, this is all just fun, don’t wake up your parents.

Marcy lowered her hand and I saw Colton smiling. He was into this, and glad to have girls over at his place.

Jeremy woke up then and shouted in surprise. I told him to cool it, that this was all in fun. But the sight of me tied up seemed to get him even more uneasy. One of Shauna’s friends put her hand around his mouth, and another tied his hands in front of his chest. They asked Jeremy if he was going to be quiet, and he nodded yes.

“I brought something to keep them all quiet,” Shauna said. She balled up a piece of cloth and put it in my mouth and then took out a roll of duct tape and taped it in place. She tossed the roll of tape to the girl who had Jeremy and he got gagged too. Then they did Colton.

I had never been gagged before and I didn’t realize Shauna would take it this far.

“Let’s line them up,” Shauna said. They made the three of us stand side by side. Colton and me were still shirtless, Jeremy dressed in a t-shirt and shorts.

“Which one has the best muscles? Everyone has to vote,” Shauna said. The five of them voted, and the first four all said Colton. Shauna went last and said my name.

“Which one is the most shy?,” Shauna asked. Everyone voted for Jeremy. One of the girls said, hey, why is he the only one who gets to keep his clothes? We should strip him and make him less shy, and they all laughed. Jeremy looked really concerned, though. As far as I knew he hadn’t even kissed a girl yet and I figured that he wasn’t as excited about this little home invasion as me and Colton were.

Now it’s time for the hottest body competition, Shauna announced. She stood behind me and Marcy stood behind Colton, and a third girl behind Jeremy. Shauna counted to three, and pulled my shorts down to the floor. Same thing happened to Colton and Jeremy.

I was getting really excited now and a little bit scared. When I agreed to help Shauna she told me her friends were going to tie up Colton, but I didn’t know about the stripping or the embarrassment stuff she had planned.

I felt like a dope being tied up in my underwear in front of five girls but it was easier not being the only guy. I was wearing black Under Armour boxer briefs. I looked at Colton and he was standing proud wearing just a pair of gray trunks, like he was happy the girls were seeing him like that, and they could all see how happy he was.

I felt guilty about Jeremy because I didn’t know he would be there and he kind of got mixed up in all of this. He was just wearing a t-shirt and underwear now, and I saw he was wearing briefs that were a light purple color. I thought, that’s weird, I used to have a pair of purple briefs. I wore them at a sleepover here a few months ago, and had a wet dream, so I threw them out in Colton’s bathroom wastebasket rather than try to wash them. I looked at Jeremy more closely and thought the briefs were a bit big for him, and they looked old and nasty, and I realized he was wearing my old underwear.

The girls voted and of course Colton won the competition for hottest body. Only Shauna voted for me.

OK, boys, dance for us, Shauna commanded. I kind of twisted around and stuff, the best dancing I could do being tied up. Colton got more into it and sort of did a dance more like what a stripper would do. Jeremy just tapped his feet and stared at the floor.

Keep dancing, Shauna ordered. But she went up to poor Jeremy and said, would you like a different job? We need someone to boss around the other two boys. If I untie you, do you promise to behave and help us keep your friends in line? Jeremy said yes. Shauna untied him and he joined the girls in watching Colton and me do our little dances.

Shauna told us to stop dancing and turn around. She said, now we’re having the best butt competition. Jeremy, pull their underwear down and show their butts. Jeremy did it, leaving my underwear mostly on but pulling down just the waistband so that the room of girls could see my butt. He did the same to his cousin, Colton. Then he spanked both of us.

They had a vote on who had the best butt. I was surprised, but I won. Jeremy got to vote now and he voted for me, and only Marcy and another girl voted for Colton.

Shauna had us turn around and told us to kneel on the ground. She opened her bag and took out two dog collars. They looked old and had caked dog hair on them so I knew they had been worn by an actual dog. It’s time to move this party, Shauna announced, and she snapped a collar around my neck and then around Colton’s and then snapped leashes on both of us.

I was getting a little scared at this point because I did not know how far Shauna would take things. She took two pillowcases out of her bag and gave them to Jeremy and told him to put them over our heads. He put one over Colton and another over me. Then Shauna said, follow us, boys.

I heard them open the basement door and then felt the tug on my leash. I didn’t want to walk outside in just my underwear so I resisted a bit, but Jeremy said “get going” and spanked me. I walked forward and they led me outside, up the stairs. I thought about how exposed Colton’s backyard was. If any neighbors were awake they could definitely see us now.

They led me on a crazy path, mostly walking in Colton’s backyard in a zigzag so I wouldn’t know where I was going. But eventually I figured we were in the front yard and then I felt the concrete sidewalk under my feet. The girls were all totally quiet now. It was like 3 AM now so I was pretty sure no one would see us but you never know if a paperboy or someone would come by.

We walked for what seemed like two blocks, then I heard Marcy whisper, welcome to my house, Colton. She said, you and me are going inside, but John’s going to wait out back.

We turned and I felt brick under my feet and knew we were on her backyard patio now. I didn’t know who was with me now, but I figured Shauna and probably most of the other girls were.

So at this point I was tied with just a zip tie around my wrists. They sat me down on piece of lawn furniture. It was one of those lounge chairs where you can lay the back down and then lie flat. Shauna said, no trouble from you. I felt groups of hands grab my arms. Someone cut the cable tie. They pulled my arms up. I didn’t resist. They then tied my wrists to two corners of the lounge. Then they tied my arms to the sides of the lounge at my elbows. It was really tight. I was helpless again, and my armpits were exposed.

They dropped a towel over my underwear. It was a small towel, like you see in a bathroom to dry your hands. Then they started tugging off my underwear from beneath the towel. I protested into the gag but Shauna ordered me to behave. They took my underwear completely off me, leaving just that small towel over my dick and balls.

Hands grabbed each of my ankles and pulled them sideways and then they tied my ankles to the other two corners of the lounge. I was spread eagle now and naked except for that small towel and the pillowcase over my head.

I heard giggling and whispering. Then Shauna said, we’re going to have some fun with you now. If this stops being fun for you, open and close both your hands five times. Let me see you do that now so that I know you understand. I did it.

They started tickling me, going for my ribs and my exposed armpits. I laughed into the gag, and struggled a bit, but I had to fight to stay still to keep that towel from falling off of me. There were multiple girls tickling me at once, going for my stomach, my feet, and my armpits again. The tickling made me jerk and move involuntarily and I was worried the small towel would fall off.

Then the tickling stopped and I heard whispering again. I heard the patio door slide open and shut. Everything was quiet now and I wondered if I was alone.

For five minutes nothing happened. I just laid there. I couldn’t go anywhere, obviously. But then I became aware that someone was still there on the patio with me. I could hear breathing and see shadows through the pillowcase.

My towel came off. Whoever was there just grabbed it away. Then I felt hands stroking my nipples. Tiny, soft hands. They glided all over my chest, then sort of moved down to my dick and started stroking it.

While I was enjoying that, I felt a hand underneath the lounge, feeling my ass through the holes. The finger down there found where my butt cheeks met and gently pushed in, though not far.

This was not my first handjob but it was the best I’d had. It was expert, hitting all the right spots. I was really enjoying it and wanted it to last, but my body took over and I shot my load pretty quickly. It landed mostly on my stomach and chest.

Whoever had me was not done, though. I felt a tongue licking the stuff off my chest and stomach, then wiping the rest with a towel. Finally the towel went back in place.

Everything was quiet for a minute. Then I heard the patio door open and lots of footsteps. I was surrounded by people now. Someone pulled the pillowcase off my head. I saw Shauna there, standing over me, plus two of her friends, plus Jeremy. Jeremy was fully dressed now.

“Did you enjoy that?,” Shauna asked me, and she tickled my nipples. When she did I realized that her hands seemed different from the hands that had been on me before. Her hands were bigger and a little rougher and colder than whoever had just been touching me. I wonder if Shauna had handed me off to one of her friends. I stared at the two of them wondering which one. I didn’t even know their names.

The patio door opened again and Colton and Marcy came out. Colton was wearing a bathrobe now, and his arm was draped over Marcy’s shoulders. They kissed in front of everyone. Colton then looked at me like that, naked and tied up, and laughed, and said, “serves you right, John.”

It was really weird now to be the only naked one, and tied up with all of my body kind of on display and vulnerable. Some of the girls couldn’t resist tickling me some more. No one lifted my towel, thank god. Even John looked at me and smiled and shook his head. Only Jeremy kept his distance and avoided looking at me. He hung out with Shauna.

The sun was just starting to come up now, and Marcy said, who wants cereal? She went into the house and came back with cereal and bowls and stuff. Everyone got some except me of course, because I was still tied up and gagged.

Some of the girls stood around me, circling me. One of them “accidentally” let some cereal and milk fall onto my stomach. She said “sorry, John, let me clean that up,” and then carefully moved my towel upwards to soak up the milk. My dick and balls weren’t exposed, or at least I think they weren’t.

Colton started saying that he needed to get home soon, because his parents would wake up and notice he was gone. Shauna said, fine, but John’s going to stay here a while longer. I had kind of had enough so I stared at John and shook my head. John said his parents would ask too many questions if I was gone too. Shauna sighed and said, fine, help me untie him.

When I was untied I stood up, holding the hand towel over my privates. Girls giggled and looked at my ass again.

Shauna said, time for the three of you to get going. Colton, who was wearing the borrowed robe and his underwear, asked if we could borrow clothes. Shauna spanked my naked ass and said, “you’re all fine as you are.” Marcy teased that she wanted that hand towel back.

Colton, Jeremy, and me said goodbye and we walked then ran out of there. We had to stop at one point and hide behind some bushes when a car came by. When we finally got to Colton’s house I got dressed again.

When I found my phone I saw that Shauna had sent me a message. It was a photo of me tied up to that lounge, without the towel, my dick just laying out there. She wrote next to it, “to be continued.”
Centennial Club
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Post by charliesmith »

That was a hot story! Looking forward to the next part :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by harveygasson »

That was a phenomenal story! Really enjoyed it and I hope you do more with these characters.
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Post by johnsloan »

It’s been a week since I wrote to you and I want to catch up on what’s going on with me and Shauna, because some crazy shit happened last night.

For a couple of days, honestly, things were weird, because Shauna kept me at a distance. She’d take hours to respond to a text and then not say much. I wasn’t sure if she was into me or not.

On Thursday after school Colton and I had weight room training with the rest of the basketball team. We had the weight room to ourselves for a half-hour, but after then we shared our weight room time with the girls basketball team. Shauna was on the girls team, so she was there working out, too. I thought Shauna looked particularly hot. She wore tight lululemon type clothes that showed off a lot of what I liked about her. Colton and I both wore the mandatory school gym uniform for guys (only girls got to wear want they wanted), which was shorts and a tank-top and a jock strap underneath.

After a set of bench presses I managed to get close to Shauna in the weight room. I told her I was into her and I thought what happened that night was really hot, but I was hoping for more. She smiled and made me say exactly out loud what I was hoping for, then laughed, and said she’s the kind of girl who only does that on the third date. But if I wanted a second date, she’s game. Only, Shauna explained, she’d have to be in charge, just like she was that night. I said I was OK with that. She said she had her house to herself that night, and I should come by at six PM, straight after the workout. Shower first, she said.

I rushed through the rest of my workout. I was really glad our school had private shower stalls now, because I was erect just thinking about Shauna and what was going to happen next. I calmed down and put my clothes on and went to Shauna’s house.

Shauna’s house had an enclosed porch. I walked into it and rang the doorbell. It was one of those Ring video doorbells. I heard Shauna’s voice. She asked if I was ready to do everything she asked. I said yes. She said, the safe word is “red,” and the safe sign is closing and opening your hands five times. I said I understood.

Shauna ordered me to strip down to my jock strap. I was uneasy about that because I was there standing on her front porch, but there were trees and stuff so maybe no one could see. When I was done and standing there in just my jock, she told me to collect all my clothes plus my keys and phone and lock it in the steel box in front of me. There was a steel trunk there, with the lid open. I realized that what I locked in there I wasn’t going to get my clothes back until Shauna gave permission. But I was into this, so I closed the chest.

Shauna made me put my hands behind my head and slowly turn around in front of the camera. She made me stop when my ass was facing the camera and my front toward the street. I knew she thought I had a great ass and I figured she was staring at it.

She asked if I was ready to enter the house and I said yes. She asked if I understood that in her house I was her slave and I said yes.

The mail slot on her front door opened and she pushed a dog collar through it. It was the same one I had worn the other night. She ordered me to put it on. Then a pair of handcuffs came through the mail slot. She ordered me to cuff myself behind my back.

The door opened then and Shauna stood there. She was even hotter than before. She wore short form-fitting shorts and a sports bra and nothing else. I was already excited and turned on but the sight of her turned it all up several notches.

I leaned forward for a kiss but she held up her hand and ordered me to kneel. She told me I’d be gagged, with something extra special. Shauna held up a pair of purple briefs. At first I wasn’t sure but I started to realize that those were my old purple briefs, the ones I’d thrown away after having a wet dream in them and that Jeremy somehow was wearing a week ago. Shauna wadded them up and stuck them in my mouth. It didn’t fit all the way, but she used some athletic bandage tape and wrapped it around my head.

I could taste and smell my own old briefs now, and they were foul. I don’t think they had been washed and they had the smell of cum and farts.

Shauna then took out a dog leash and attached it to my collar and said, come on, slave. She pulled me inside and closed the door. I started to head for the steps leading up to her bedroom but she laughed and instead pulled me door down to her basement.

Her basement had a squat cage and weightlifting bench in it, all set up in front of a mirror. It was a great weight training setup. That surprised me and I tried to think if Shauna had any brothers. Then I realized the equipment was hers, because she was an athlete and worked out too. I had never seen that before but it made sense.

Shauna led me to the squat and tied my leash to the pull-up bar on top of it, pulling it tight so that I didn’t have a lot of freedom to move.

Shauna stood in front of me now, smiling, telling me how hot I looked. She started stroking my body with her hands. She touched my shoulders, pecs, nipples, abs, and then skipped over the good part and felt my legs. She teased me, asking how it felt to be her slave. I had a full-on erection now and the jock strap I was wearing did nothing to hide it but Shauna ignored that for now.

Shauna went behind me and started touching my ass. She began by gently stroking it, then sort of massaging it, feeling the muscles there. Then she spanked it, and spanked it again. Shauna was strong. She started hitting my ass as hard as she could. I could see from her face in the mirror that she was really into this.

Shauna pulled my jock strap off me and pushed it down to my ankles. She ordered me to kick it off. Then she tied my legs to each side of the squat cage, spreading my legs out. I couldn’t move my legs now. My balls hung straight down and my dick was stiff and sticking straight out from my body. I breathed heavier into the gag made of my own dirty underwear, hating the smell but still loving it.

Shauna’s basement was full of cardboard boxes. She went to one of them and pulled a plastic grocery bag out of one and then, smiling, walked back to me. Out of the bag she took some sort of tube and squirted goo into her hand. She then pulled my butt cheeks apart and started smearing some of the goo on there. Her fingers gently entered me there, pushing in more goo as she went. This had never happened to me before and I considered doing the safety signal with my hands but I kept still.

Shauna then took a rubber thing out of her bag. It was kind of shaped like a cone, then straightened out into a cylinder, then a big ball at the other end, then a string coming out of the ball. Shauna dangled the thing in front of my face. I didn’t know what it was. She squirted goo into her hand again and rubbed it over the cone part of the thing and I realized what she was about to do. Again, I thought about giving the safety signal but I decided not to.

Shauna pulled my butt cheeks apart and started pushing that thing into my asshole. She told me to try to push it out, and when I did the thing went in further. It hurt but there was also some pleasure to it. She kept pushing until the thing sort of popped into place. The fullness of it now in my asshole was an unfamiliar but pleasant feeling for me.

Shauna stood in front of me now. Her hands moved to her sports bra and she stared directly into my eyes. Smiling, she gradually pulled upwards. I was absolutely delighted. Shauna took the sports bra off entirely. Her breasts were amazing. I wanted to reach out and touch them, grab them, but Shauna was in charge now.

Shauna stared at my crotch. She lightly grabbed my balls, feeling them in her right hand, then, slowly, stroked my shaft once with her left. The feeling was intense and I felt like I was going to cum right there.

She said I was almost ready, but it was too early, we need to slow me down. She went back to the cardboard box and took out something else I didn’t see. She brought it down to my crotch and I felt something get pulled over my dick, down to its base, then felt something wrap around the base of my balls. Both of them tightened. I stared down and saw some sort of plastic thing that was now holding my dick and balls apart, holding my dick up.

Shauna started stroking me. The feeling was intense and I absolutely loved it. But she stopped too soon. She taunted me, saying, it’s not going to be that easy, I’m going to put you to work first.

Shauna unfastened the leash from my collar then loosened the ropes that tied my ankles to the sides of the squat cage. My hands were still handcuffed behind my back. Shauna ordered me to kneel. She moved the weight bench in front of me. Then, standing in front of my kneeling body, Shauna pulled down her shorts, revealing herself to me fully.

She asked me if I liked what I saw and I nodded yes, vigorously. She asked if I was going to be quiet and be a good little obedient boy, and I nodded yes again. Shauna then gently pulled the tape and removed my gag and then immediately grabbed my tongue with her fingers, and said, go to work.

I had never done that with a girl before and I can’t say I had ever wanted to, but I stuck my tongue out and kind of did with it what I guessed I was supposed to do with a dick. Shauna laughed and grabbed my tongue and moved it with her hands, giving orders to go faster or slower. She kept me doing it for what seemed like a while. Finally she shouted out in joy and stood.

I started to talk, to tell Shauna how awesome this was, but she put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. She ordered me to stand and then pulled the ropes so that my feet were spread, as wide as possible. The leash was attached to my collar again and pulled upwards, tied to the pull-up bar at the top of the cage, giving me no freedom of movement.

Shauna laughed at my predicament and spanked my ass. It hurt because that thing was still up there.

Shauna moved in front of me. She looked so fucking hot. She tickled my nipple, and said she does blowjobs on second dates, and asked if I was ready for mine. I nodded as much as the collar allowed. She said, we’re also going to have a third date, maybe in a week, and you can fuck me then. I nodded again, even more vigorously. But, she said, between now and then, you’re going to remain a slave. If you can’t, the third date is off. Are you ready to be a slave until then? I nodded.

Shauna took out her phone, and showed me the screen. She ran that app that records your voice and set it to record, so that I could see. She held the phone up to my mouth and said, repeat that. I said aloud, I promise to be your slave. Your body is mine to use however I want? I agreed. She made me repeat that, louder. Smiling, she stopped the recording, and put the phone away. Then she stuffed the briefs back into my mouth and taped them in place.

Shauna knelt in front of me now. She tickled my balls and took my cock into her mouth. It felt great but that thing was still strapped on my cock and balls, and it hurt to feel them strain against it. Shauna reached to it, did something, and the thing loosened. She continued the blowjob.

Shauna reached behind me and grabbed that thing up my butt, pulled it partially out, and then stuck it back in. She worked it back and forth.

In less than a minute I was ready to blow. She quickly took my dick out of her mouth and stuck a sandwich bag over it, and I shot my load into the bag.

The orgasm was the best I’d had, and I felt my body kind of collapse afterwards. For a moment everything was still. Then Shauna tightened that thing around the base of my dick and balls. She held up a tiny little padlock in front of my face so that I could see it, and then brought it down there and locked it to something.

I protested into the gag and tried to shake my body but there was no use. Shauna told me I was a slave now, and I couldn’t get my rocks off without permission. She made me nod to signal I understood this order.

Gently, Shauna put her hands on my shoulders, and asked if I felt good. I nodded yes, even though the feeling of that thing in my butt was starting to bother me a little.

Shauna picked up her phone and called someone. She said, “Ready, come on over now.” She smiled at me while she spoke.

I grunted into the gag and fought against my restraints a little. I knew Shauna’s taste for showing off my naked, bound, body. I should have expected this but kind of thought after the intimacy we’d just had that Shauna would go easy on me.

Shauna got dressed, pulling on her sports bra and shorts, and then pulling on a shirt and longer pants over those. She picked up my discarded jock strap and tossed it in a box.

The doorbell chime rang. Shauna told me to wait, and she went upstairs. I listened for voices but couldn’t hear any, only footsteps above me.

Shauna came down the stairs. Behind her was Jeremy. I couldn’t believe it. I was expecting Marcy or one of Shauna’s other girl friends.

When Jeremy looked at me he smiled. He stared at my naked body, seeing both sides at once thanks to the mirror. He walked closer to me, staring at the thing coming out of my ass. He touched my butt, covering the thing with his hand, but not removing it.

“John,” Shauna said, “Jeremy is going to be your master for a few days. He’s going to let me know how obedient or not you are, and if I’m unhappy you don’t get a third date. Understood?”

I nodded.

Shauna gave Jeremy the key to the thing around my dick, which she called a “cock cage.” Grinning, Jeremy pocketed it. He gently grabbed the cage and told me I wouldn’t be getting any use out of my cock, unless he said so.

Jeremy picked up a leather thing out of Shauna’s cardboard box, and asked Shauna if he could borrow it. She laughed and said, sure.

They unlocked my handcuffs and then put the new leather thing on me. It’s hard to describe. It’s kind of a belt for my chest. It had two straps that went over my shoulders and under my armpits, and those were connected by another leather strap. There were steel rings all over the thing. Jeremy grabbed the ring in the front and pulled and I was forced forward. He laughed and said, that thing stays on you permanently now. You can wear a shirt over it, but you can’t take it off.

They untied my feet, and removed my gag and told me I could take that thing out of my ass. I went upstairs naked where my clothes were waiting and got dressed. I had no underwear but hopefully no one could tell.

When we got outside, Jeremy told me he hoped everything was cool, and he wanted to let me know he wasn’t going to abuse me, just have a little fun. I told him I was glad to hear that.

I haven’t seen Shauna or Jeremy since that night, but tomorrow I’m heading to Colton’s house for a sleepover and I think Jeremy will be there. I will keep you all posted!
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Post by charliesmith »

The story is getting hotter and hotter. Nice work!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by LunaDog »

charliesmith wrote: 4 months ago The story is getting hotter and hotter. Nice work!
Agreed! Please continue.
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow you've outdone yourself with this second part! Can't wait to see what you do for the third
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