Within Sexual Slavery to my Secretary ( F/F )

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Within Sexual Slavery to my Secretary ( F/F )

Post by LunaDog »


At first Gloria Atherton wasn’t sure just what to make of the resignation of Thomas Stevens. He’d been in the position for almost five years, and during that time she’d worked very efficiently as his effective P.A. They’d made an excellent team, as she assisted him in his tasks to the very best of her considerable ability. She was very sorry to see him go, beginning to contemplate the future of having to work with another ‘boss.’ And she’d just found out, one that would be very different, this ‘new’ manager was due to be female. Another woman then. That could present a slight problem.

For what nobody within company was aware of, in fact only Gloria and Thomas knew, was their relationship extended outside of the office. In a completely reverse manner and orientation to that within. There she was the faithful employee, a dedicated servant, obedient, loyal and totally helpful. In the office then, Thomas was very much the ‘boss.’ Outside though, the relationship between them was very different indeed. Much more to Gloria’s liking.

However, although she was extremely sorry to see the back of Mr Stevens, Gloria began to view having a female boss as an opportunity, it would present a change from the ‘normal’ that much was for sure. One that could be enjoyed, she mused. So when, on that Friday afternoon Thomas Stevens bid goodbye to the office and to her, excitement was beginning to flutter inside of Gloria’s body. No, the fact that her new superior would be female did not mean the end of her ‘extra-curriculum’ activities, not at all. They’d just be slightly different, that’s all. She was now looking forward to the next Monday morning, when she’d have the chance to assess her new companion. To plan just how to trap her into giving Gloria just what she sought outside of the workplace.

Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen, that this opening has been so short. However, it sets the 'scene' as it were, and in the next post we'll meet Gloria's intended 'victim,' and what the elderly spinster wants from her.
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Looking forward, @LunaDog

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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you, my good friend. Next part will be posted at the weekend, something called 'work' keeps getting in the way!
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Post by LunaDog »

I must admit that I was thoroughly excited as I reported to work on that first day on my new job. A position I’d worked damn hard to achieve, oh yes, I’d put in the hours alright. I was shown around the premises by the Managing Director himself, and having been given a tour, he finally took me to my own office. And to meet my new secretary, Miss Gloria Atherton.

She appeared to be about fifty years old, slim with what looked like a good figure. But even if it was, Miss Atherton made no attempt to display the fact. This almost appeared to be the ultimate case of dressing down, her clothes, unlike mine, were about as ‘unsexy’ as it was possible for them to be, and she wore no make-up at all. But so what? She was here to do a job, and all of the reports I’d heard about her indicated that was something she was very good at.

“Good morning, Miss James.” Gloria greeted me, holding out her hand in welcome.
I took her hand in mind and replied in a tone of genuine welcome. “Good morning to you too, Gloria. Please call me Emma.”

To which reply I received a rather frosty look. “As this is a place of employment Miss James, I believe that it would be appropriate for us to address the other formally! Could you please refer to myself as ‘Miss Atherton’ from now on?” That was me told then!

Not wanting a fight on my very first day, I decided that discretion ought to conquer valour on this occasion. “I do apologise Miss Atherton. I certainly meant no offence.”
“As you’ve issued a genuine apology, none has been taken.” Well, that set the tone!

However, by the end of that first day it was abundantly clear to me that those reports I’d heard about the sheer competency of Gloria Atherton were completely correct. After all, we were both here to work, not become friends. And if I had been taken aback a little, by her formal approach, as indeed I had, it wasn’t long at all before I soon appreciated her efforts. And her help in allowing me to ‘settle in’ so quickly and so well. If that was the way she wanted things to be, I resolved, I’d do my best to accommodate her.

What I didn’t know was that Gloria, or should that be Miss Atherton, was quietly assessing me, probing for any weakness that she could exploit in order to commence a relationship out of the office between us. One where I would be ‘dancing to her tune!’

And after a couple of months, she was gifted her opportunity. A conference that the company was invited to, one where I was due to make a presentation. And one that required both Gloria and I to be away from our normal home for a couple of days. Requiring both of us to be staying in an unfamiliar hotel for two nights.

Again, Gloria made no attempt to enact her plans until the main task of my presentation had been completed, as normal she proved to be fully supportive, a great help in ensuring that my efforts had the maximum positive effect upon my audience, as my skills were at their finest, and the presentation itself proved to be a great success. No, it was whilst the pair of us were enjoying a celebratory drink afterwards that she made her move.

For, completely trusting her, and why wouldn’t I at this precise moment, I left her alone with my drink as I went to the ‘ladies.’ Allowing Gloria a perfect opportunity to place a knockout drug into my large red wine, one that was almost tasteless. Meaning that when I returned I drunk up without any indication at all as to just what she’d just done.

My first clue that things weren’t quite as they should be occurred in the lift back to our respective rooms, when all of a sudden, my mind started to cloud and my legs began to feel like jelly. Accompanied by the ‘concerned’ Gloria, I barely made it to my hotel room door, passing through with her almost holding me upright, I staggered to the bed and collapsed upon it. Becoming reduced into the state of total unconsciousness almost immediately.

Now, when about thirty minutes later I came to, this was the moment when Gloria took control of my life outside the office. As my head shook, I knew that something wasn’t right, but it took a few seconds for my head to clear and the full extent of my predicament to become clear to me. What had the devious Gloria done to me?

As I tried to move, I found that I couldn’t, I was lying on the bed in a spread-eagled form, discovering that my wrists and ankles had been securely tied to the four outer bed posts. And I do mean securely, whoever had tied me up knew their knots. It now occurred to me that I was almost naked, except for my suspender belt and sheer nylon stockings, all of my clothing had been removed. As I began to think of calling out, Gloria emerged into my line of sight. Still dressed frumpily, but with the smile of a sexual predator upon her face.

“Welcome back into the land of the living, Emma. Well, we’re not in the office now, are we?”
“I guess not Gloria.”
“Sorry Darling, but that’s Mistress Gloria now. Outside of work of course, there you will still address me as Miss Atherton, naturally. Now, I guess that you wish to know precisely why I’ve tied you to this bed. Um?”
“That would be nice, Mistress Gloria. I assume there is a reason for this?”
“Oh, there most certainly is. I can assure you of that. Do you realise just how sexy you are? You are utterly gorgeous, beautiful and full of sex appeal. Which I wish to tap into and use for my sexual gratification. As I will explain later to you. But now, down to ‘business’ as it were!”

Gloria pulled a large ball gag out of her bag, black with the ball itself being red. “Now Emma dear, I can’t have you crying out now, can I?” I looked on in pure terror as she fastened the gag around my head, helpless to prevent her. Soon she’d got it into position, and I was effectively silenced. “That’s better!”

Gloria now took out her mobile ’phone, switched it to camera mode and began to take snaps of my body bound to this hotel bed. From all sorts of angles and using different levels of ‘zoom.’ She must have taken over fifty shots before she ceased, holding her ’phone near to my face, so as she started to view her handiwork, I was fully able to see them too.

“Very good Emma. Like I say you’ve a gorgeous body, I going to very much enjoy using it. Now what is going to happen now, is I’m going to leave. Don’t worry I’ll untie one of your arms before I do, so you’ll be able to release yourself from that bed. But it will give me plenty of time to be well gone from here before you’ll be in any position to follow. You see, I’ll be taking your ’phone and laptop with me, you’ll be getting them back tomorrow morning when we will both report to work, as completely normal. With me so far?” All I could do was nod, still wondering just what my ‘dutiful’ secretary wanted from me.

Once Gloria had removed my electrical items from my bag, and placed them inside of hers, as promised she did indeed release one of my arms from bondage. And left.

Knowing I’d never be able to release myself and dress in order to catch up with her, I just lay there for several minutes. Trying to take in just what had happened here. What had Gloria meant about using my body, she was correct by the way I am very sexy, for her gratification? Just what did she want from me? I guessed I’d find out on the ’morrow?

Eventually I freed my other arm, and then discovered it is actually quite difficult to release oneself from a bed with one’s spread-out legs tied to it, even if your arms are free. Finally, I was able to do so, and once I’d released myself, I dressed, checked out then drove home. All the time wondering just what I’d got myself into with Gloria.

As she had directed, I did report for work as normal on the next morning, as did she. With my ’phone and computer in her hands, as promised. “I believe that these are yours, Miss James?”
“Yes, Miss Atherton, you know full well they are? What have you done to them?”
“Oh, nothing to really worry about. However, I have rather set up those pictures of you enjoying the hotel bed on my own e-mail account. As with all of your contacts, both those who work here and your private ones from outside. If you dis-obey any of my instructions, then just one push from me will result in those snaps being sprayed out to all of your contacts. Do you wish for that?”

She knew that, of course, I didn’t. I just shook my head, beaten as I was. But what was she after, what did she want from me? Gloria must have read my mind, because that is precisely what she began to explain. Or not, as at first, she outlined several things she would not require me to do. “Now then Miss James, nothing in this office will change in any way. You will still be the boss, and myself your dutiful secretary. We will continue to work together as if nothing has happened. Is that clear?” I just nodded my affirmative answer.
“Good. Now as to what I do require from you outside of this office, well do you have any plans this Friday evening?”
“Not at the moment Miss Atherton.”
“You do now.” She handed over a card, with an address printed out upon it. Having seen me read and take note of it, she continued. “You will report to that address, which is, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, my home. Where, to use an expression often employed by one of Agatha Christie’s main characters, Hercule Poirot, ‘all will be revealed.’ Shall we say seven o’clock?”
“Yes Miss Atherton. I’ll be there at seven.”
“Good. Now, we have a day’s work ahead of us, I’m sure your quite magnificent performance yesterday has generated plenty of interest.” And, for the rest of that day we did continue as normal. And Gloria had been correct, the conference had produced lots of positive leads for the company. Which needed following up, of course.

Eventually it was time for the working day to cease, and home I went. Having showered and eaten something, I was fully nervous by now, I knew I had to report to Gloria’s home to learn my fate. To be honest I’m a girl that normally dresses to show my sexuality, short skirts, tight tops and with my legs nearly always in suspended sheer nylon stockings. But not tonight, I’d dress down as she always does. A baggy top and loose tracksuit bottoms. With flat shoes.

Finding my destination on Google Maps and working out just how to get there, I actually arrived about ten minutes early. Realising that I was in quite a posh area of town, Gloria’s house was fully detached and quite large. Which did surprise me somewhat, I mean her salary must be considerably lower than my own and all I could afford was a small two-bedroom semi. I pulled up and parked on her large driveway.

With some trepidation I approached her front door and was just about to knock when Gloria opened it. “Ah, Emma Darling. Please come in!” I did, but with a look of almost astonishment upon my face. For if I had dressed in a manner that was completely different from my normal manner, then so too had Gloria.
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Post by LunaDog »

For her body was covered in a beautiful, very sexy, satin dressing gown that became removed almost as soon as I’d passed through her door, which she locked after me. Now all that her slim, lovely shaped and stunningly sexy body wore was a gorgeous bra, panty and suspender belt set. All manufactured in beautiful black satin. Naturally the suspenders of the belt held up some nylon stockings, which were clearly as sheer as the ones I wore. I stood there, rather open mouthed, here was this ‘frumpy old maid’ looking absolutely fantastic and very sexy!
“Yes Gloria, you look stunning. I had no idea!”
“Well, it is for your benefit! But you aren’t quite so seductively adorned, are you? We need to correct that, before I explain the role in my life that you will now fulfil. STRIP!”

I fully obeyed, before Gloria grabbed hold of another suspender belt, which just happened to be lying about. Fancy that? “Fit this!” And when I complied, she held out some more stockings. “Now these!” Again, I obeyed, being careful not to ladder them as they were very sheer.

Once fitted another command rang out, in a voice that just dared me to disobey. “Stand still and put your arms behind your back. Time to make you mine!” With that Gloria grabbed the belt from her discarded dressed gown and proceeded to tie my arms securely together. Two things became clear to me almost immediately. One was that Gloria had played these games before, which meant my other discovery was that the bond she subjected me to was completely secure and inescapable. Meaning I was now hers, for as long as she wished me to be.

“Good. You are mine now. Follow me!” I did, and up the stairs into her main bedroom she led me. Where I could see her large king-sized bed, noticing several things about it. It had solid metal frames at either end, and each of the four corner bed posts had silk bondage ties wrapped around and securely tied. Ready to receive my limbs, I correctly deduced. And the sheet covering its surface was in the form of delicious black satin. This woman had style; I was swiftly learning.

“Yes Emma, take a good look. You will belong to her soon, but not just yet. I still have some explaining to do first. Kneel down on this, please.” Indicating a, again black satin covered, pillow on the floor by the side of her bed. Once I was in position as it were, Gloria sat herself down on the side of the bed, facing me.

“Now Emma, I suspect that you’re surprised by the size and style of my dwelling. Is that so?”
“Yes, Mistress Gloria.” Remembering to address her as she wished.
“The fact is Darling, that both of parents were very rich. And they’re passed away from this earth, leaving all of their worldly goods to me. So, you see, money is no longer a problem for me, I could give up working right now if I chose to. The only reason that I carry on, is so I can dominate you, as I did to your predecessor Thomas Stevens. I fully intend to have as much fun with you as I did with him.”

She slightly moved position, then continued. “But I shall never make any demand upon you in a financial manner, I’ll never take money from you. Or demand any promotion or pay rise at work, I’ve no need to. Do you believe me?”
“Yes, Mistress Gloria. I understand.”
“I’m sure that you do. Let’s face it, you’re a highly intelligent girl, and I know you well enough now to know the truth of that statement! Now then, just as I’ve explained what I do not require from you to the question of what precisely I do wish you for. Simply one word. SEX!”

She stood up, still in front of me. “Starting now Darling, you will remove my panties. With your teeth!” Thankfully my captor had fed her suspenders underneath them, so I didn’t have to disturb them at all. Making my task a little easier, but even so it was still quite difficult. Slowly, one side a bit at a time, they descended as I pulled them down. Eventually I got them clear of her mid-riff, and onto her legs when progress became a somewhat less of a trouble, especially as Gloria kept her legs together. Until the panties were down by her ankles, when she used her own pins to deftly ‘flick’ them away.

Gloria sat herself back down on the bed, meaning her pussy, completely shaved by the way, was virtually at the same level as my mouth. “Do you like my pussy Emma? It’s on fire, ready for your mouth and tongue. Yes Darling, eat me out! Now!” Virtually shoving her organ into my mouth.

What choice did I have? So, I set about my task and with some vigour, by now I fully realised that I was the total ‘sex slave’ of this woman, I was now completely in her hands and utterly at her ‘beck and call.’ And my efforts did seem to be producing some positive effect, Gloria began to ‘moan’ as pleasure took hold of her. Suddenly her back arched, and froze, as she emitted a scream that I feared might bring down the ceiling, her body basking in the sheer delight of ecstasy! Which took her some time to calm down from.

“Emma Darling, that was sensational! I’m so glad that I’ve captured you! But, you haven’t cum yet at all, and that doesn’t seem quite right to me. Time to get you onto the bed!”

Gloria rose, stood behind me and released my arms from their present bondage. A temporary state of affairs as we both knew. “Now please Emma, if you wouldn’t mind climbing aboard as it were, and then stretching yourself out?” I obeyed, with my body delighting in the feel of the satin sheet, moving all of my limbs out in a star like shape, resting my head upon the single, also black satin covered, pillow. As ordered by my Mistress.

Gloria was soon by my left hand; she grabbed the tie wrapped around the bed post there and began to loop my wrist. Securely, as she tied it off. But there was a fair amount of tie left, and Gloria used this to also immobilise my hand too. This bond would not be undone by that hand, it was utterly inescapable. Within a few seconds Gloria had walking around the bed, to capture my right arm and fasten it to her bed in the same manner. That was it now, although at this precise time my legs were free, my arms had been captured. I belonged to this bed and to its owner now. For as long as she wanted me to remain in its grip, myself now in the position where I had no say in the matter.

Before long, Gloria had also tied my legs to her furniture, my ankles held by the ties of her bed posts. Escape? I could hardly move; I was hers now. Totally, utterly and completely!

“What do you now belong to, Emma?”
“You Mistress Gloria.”
“Well, yes, you are mine now, but I asked what, not who do you belong to?”
I knew where she was headed with this. “Your bed, Mistress Gloria.”
“Good girl, my bed. You are hers as much as you are mine.”

Gloria climbed on herself, her hand reached underneath that pillow and emerged carrying a satin blindfold. One of those expensive, proper ones, that allows no light in whatsoever and plunges its wearer into total darkness. As I soon discovered, once Gloria had placed it into its correct position, over my eyes.

Gloria’s fingers began to probe my pussy, slowly and gently at first. “Before I really start on you, before I introduce you to a ‘good friend’ of mine, I’m going to allow the pleasure that you gave to me a few minutes ago.” With that those fingers of hers found my clitty, beginning the process of stimulating it.

With the natural effect. And so, I discovered that being bound actually increased the feeling of pleasure, so, when after a good few minutes subject to Gloria’s action my climax hit home, it was one of the most intense and enjoyable ones I’d ever sexperienced! With my body twisting and turning, struggling against Gloria’s secure bondage, the waves of pleasure washed over me uncontrollably, again heightened by the fact that I could see absolutely nothing. All the time while I screamed out in pure ecstasy, of course. Believe me, it took some time to come down from this one! At least I thought, if you’re going to be captured for sex, make it somebody who know just what they’re up to!

Gloria lifted, but not removed note, the blindfold restoring my power of sight, if only for a limited time it seemed. “Well, you certainly seemed to enjoy that one, didn’t you? You see, being my carnal captive won’t be without its delights young Emma. I want you to enjoy these sessions with me as much as I do, please believe me. And I will always look out for your safety and welfare, I can really assure you about that. But as I said earlier it’s time for you to be introduced to a tool I’ve had to purchase, something I didn’t need with Thomas. Him being male, whereas you are female, of course.” She reached down and picked up something, giving me a perfect view. What was it? A strap-on dildo, one with a clitty stimulator attachment!

However, it wasn’t her mid-riff around which she placed it, but mine. “Well, Mr Stevens had a cock attached to his body, so I’m used to things this way round.” The explanation that I received from my captor. “But I will, at some stage Darling, give things a go with this attached to my body. Not now though, let’s stick to what I know.” And now Gloria decided to deny me the use of my eyes again, as back into place went the blindfold.

I have to admit a large degree of trepidation was flowing within my form, as my captor lowered her pussy onto my ‘cock,’ gently and slowly. And then started to pump herself, again not at any pace to begin with. Gradually increasing the speed though, until she was really pumping me. With me beginning to understand, then to my astonishment, also enjoy her movements. Really enjoy them, as that attachment worked its magic on my clitty!

And roughly at the same time as Gloria induced a state of ecstasy within her own body, she also did so in mine! Much to my pleasure of course, I had thoroughly enjoyed the result of her labours. As she had noted. “You see young Emma; I didn’t lie when I claimed that I wanted you to enjoy yourself as much as I do. Be honest, I succeeded there, didn’t I?”
I couldn’t deny it. “Yes, Mistress Gloria, it appears that you have.”

As she did during the four other times that she shagged me that night. Twice with the dildo strapped to me, and two times when she ‘wore’ it. Before she finally called a halt to proceedings, with herself almost utterly spent by now, she was approaching fifty years of age after all. Using a hospital type bed pan she allowed me to empty myself, then by untying, stretching and then retying my limbs one by one to offset cramp; with my body still attached to her bed she left, going to another bed in the room next door to sleep.

I did actually manage to drift off to sleep despite the bondage that I found myself subjected to, only to be rather abruptly woken by the refreshed Gloria come the next morning. After performing the same routine upon me as last thing during the previous evening, including the same un-tie, move and re-tie each of my limbs one by one, to offset cramp; she again subjected me to her, considerable as I’d discovered by now, sexual skills. Keeping me firmly within her grip for over two hours, before again with her now almost spent, she ceased.

During the process of releasing my body from her bed, Gloria began to explain just how our ‘relationship’ would continue from this point. “Well, Emma Darling, we have got off to rather a good start, don’t you think? However, that is all it was, a start. We’re going to be seeing quite a lot of each other, from now on, as you’re completely at my beck and call. From now on, every time I fancy some sexual action, I’ll turn to you, and you will respond!” I looked down in almost total despair. “Now, come on, don’t be like that, after all you can’t deny it, you’ve rather enjoyed yourself, under my tutorage, haven’t you?”

Thing is she was correct; I’d enjoyed some of the most intense and pleasurable orgasms that I’d ever encountered. And discovered that I did become really turned on by being in bondage, and to another woman, that had definitely added to the excitement. But, as I reflected, having been fully released at last, and allowed to leave her home, that might all be very well and true, but it had all taken place under duress. Gloria had a hold over me that she’d sexploited, so even if I’d been given an exciting and exhilarating time in her hands, as her general very high level of sexual ability both surprised and to some extent, delighted me, it still rankled.

And do any of you think for one moment that she’d finished with me? Of course not, as ‘Miss Atherton’ made perfectly clear to me, first thing on the Monday morning when we returned to the office.
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“Good morning, Miss James. Now, as discussed before between us, here in this office you are in charge. But, if you had any plans for Wednesday evening, you need to change them. I want you to report to my house, where I’ll show you that there’s far more to my domination of you than simply tying you to my bed. Remember, if you want to keep this job, BE THERE!”

And then, as if that statement of hers had never occurred, she smiled sweetly and simply asked. “What tasks do you have for me, today?”

It was weird. For those three working days it was as if nothing had happened. We went back to being boss and secretary, with Gloria performing the tasks I’d assigned her with her normal high level of efficiency. But soon Wednesday afternoon arrived. “Shall we say six o’clock Darling? After all we need to be back here tomorrow morning, so tonight’s session will need to be quite short. Never mind, we’ll make up in quality what we can’t have in quantity! See you later.”

Knowing I had no choice, there I was knocking on her door at the assigned time. To be confronted by my Mistress wearing a full leather cat-suit this time. A clearly expensive and very classy one, that fitted her delicious body perfectly. “Ah, Emma, come in.” She held the door open for me to pass through, then shut and locked it. “STRIP! Well down to your lingerie that is.” Meaning the stockings and suspenders that she’d put me in last time. Gloria had allowed me to keep them on my body when I’d left her that time, making it abundantly clear that I was to be wearing them every time I reported to her.

“Hands behind back! NOW!” Once more, I found myself subject to Gloria’s bondage, yet again expertly done, secure and inescapable but not too tight or uncomfortable. “On your knees, girl! You’ve a busy time ahead, even if there’ll not be any actual sex tonight!”

Once I’d obeyed, Gloria placed one of her gloved hands by my mouth. “Lick this CLEAN!” Not that it was dirty in any way of course. No, this was just for effect! Oh, and I forgot to mention, I had to do so in the dark, as Gloria once more employed her blindfold.

Once she was satisfied, then she made me ‘clean’ her other glove. Then her boots. In fact, licking her leather clean with my tongue was my sole task that evening, her helping me and allowing me to stand up for her upper body. Apart from the time when I was close to her own mouth, and she seized my head with her hands and her own lips attacked mine. But she’d simply established her dominance of me that night. I was HERS, to do with precisely what she wanted, with no consideration for my needs or desires at all.

And so, the cycle of my life as Gloria Atherton’s sex slave out of the office begun. Every weekend, with very few exceptions that I had to almost beg her to be granted, I’d spend either Friday or Saturday night at her house. Mostly bound to her bed, for two sessions in her power, one during the evening after my arrival, then other in the morning after a night’s sleep for both Gloria and me. Sure, just as that first time, I enjoyed many an exciting climax during these times in her hands, as it became established in my mind that Gloria possessed a very high of sexual skill. Which she employed, and her boasts of hoping that I enjoyed myself as much as her weren’t empty, it ready did appear that she desired this and took care to achieve it. Occasionally she also summoned me to her place during the week too, although these sessions never featured an overnight stay. You see, to a large extent she was now controlling my life, and that is why this situation was rapidly becoming unbearable. I had to break free. But how? As I sure you can all believe, she extended her portfolio of the compromising pictures of me she had, now also included several short videos of my predicament.

However, I received a, well overdue it most be said, slice of good luck one Friday evening. Just after Gloria had tied one of my arms to the bed post, she slipped on a pair of panties that she hadn’t tidied up. Bashing her head, and knocking herself out, if only clearly on a temporary basis. I soon had that bound arm free, and found I was able to lift her now prostate form onto the bed. Time for you to bound to it, Miss Gloria Atherton!

However, I like to think that, despite what she’d done to me, I’m a decent person; so, once I’d securely tied her arms to the bed posts, I did check her wound, the spot where her head had hit the ground. There was no blood present, the skin hadn’t been broken and there looked as if these was no real damage. Having established this, I continued and finished my capture of her, tying her legs to the bed, then looked through her chest of drawers for something I could use to mildly torture her. I wanted her hold on me destroyed.

The remote controlled vibrator I found matched my requirements perfectly, and I’d only just finished the task of placing it into her pussy, when Gloria displayed the first stirrings of coming around. To find herself securely held in my bondage!

“Welcome back, Mistress Gloria.” Said in a really sarcastic tone. “Or should that be Miss Atherton? Sod it, it’s you in my hands, so it’s just ‘Gloria’ now!” As I switched the vibrator on, its lowest setting. A quick burst of full throttle then ensued before I allowed it to settle on ‘tick over’ as it were.
A rather scared voice just meekly asked. “What happens now, Emma?”
“Eh, I think that’s Mistress Emma now, don’t you?”
“Sorry. Yes, Mistress Emma.” Her voice tone even more frightened it appeared.
“I’ve several options here. I should call the Police and have you charged with sexual assault and blackmail. But quite frankly I can’t be bothered. All I want here is to destroy the hold you have over me, so I can be completely free of you. If I achieve that then I won’t take this exploitation of me by yourself any further. I will insist that you hand your notice in regarding your employment though, you don’t need the money as you once told me; after your notice period, which will be conducted as per your present behaviour in the office, I never want to see you again. Is this all understood?
“Perfectly Mistress Emma.”

With the occasional prompt when I gave her a quick burst with the dildo, she informed me of all the necessary ‘passwords’ to her computer and e-mail account. There I was able to locate all of the compromising shots and videos of me in her power and delete them. I was also able to remove all of ‘my’ contacts from said e-mail account. But I knew that Gloria was a wily old fox and I just knew she’d have some back-up. That had to go too!

It took a fair amount of persuasion for Gloria to admit to the presence of her reserve and to reveal just where I could find it. In fact, I needed to use the vibrator to bring her to climax, and then keep it on its highest setting whilst she was still sore as it where, before she caved in. Her stack of U.S.B. sticks finally came into my hands, and I noticed that ‘Mistress Gloria’ had acquired quite a collection over time, including several other victims apart from myself. She had been working at my employers for quite some time, and under several bosses. Each one finding themselves sexploited by her it seemed. Just to make sure that she wouldn’t be able to resume her reign of terror over any of these, I put all of the sticks into my handbag, and returning to her computer removed all traces of her former conquests. Satisfied, just as she had done to me in that hotel room, I released one of her arms, and then left. I was finally free.

To be honest it didn’t surprise me that Miss Atherton kept her word. As agreed, on the following Monday morning she handed in her notice, and during the month of her notice period she conducted herself immaculately, her behaviour exactly the same as it had been within the office beforehand. She still displayed the same high level of efficiency that she always had. Also, within that final week, as her replacement commenced employment, Gloria was very helpful in allowing Miss Rachel Knight to settle in, passing as much information as to how things were done here as she could.

And so, the final day of Miss Gloria Atherton’s employment arrived. The whole company assembled for the farewell presentation which was given by the Managing Director himself. Thanking her for her considerable efforts and service, all true of course, but then he had no idea of her activities outside of the office. And I wasn’t going to tell him. She left, and just as I wanted, it was the last time I ever saw her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like that story very much and what a twist at the End! Have to say the Secretary got what she asked for. Well done @LunaDog ! Natasha would be proud on Emma´s persuasive skills!
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Post by LunaDog »

Actually my good friend, i haven't finished quite yet. Gloria has gone, true, but there's more to come. I'll say no more for now, but next part will be posted soon.
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Post by LunaDog »

Which meant that Rachel and I could drop the façade of ‘Miss James’ and ‘Miss Knight,’ that we had conducted during Miss Atherton’s final days, becoming ‘Emma’ and ‘Rachel’ almost as soon as she’d walked through the door. Leaving just the two of us together. At basically my age, she was about one year older than me, it made a nice change to have an office companion that I could equate to. Like me, Rachel was gorgeous and sexy, wearing clothes that, although suitable for an office environment, also displayed that fact, with just as mine were her legs being covered in the sheer nylon of stockings for example.

And there was something else about Rachel that I realised. Having been introduced to lesbian sex by Gloria I now knew that I fancied my new companion like mad. And wanted to be tied to her bed and shagged vigorously by her, but this time it would be through my choice and not because I was being forced to by being blackmailed. However, I resolved not to take any action regarding this desire, we were work colleagues at the end of the day, and for all I knew, Rachel was straight and might even have a man in her life.

What I hadn’t bargained for was Rachel’s sheer astuteness and that she had deduced my desires for herself. Sharing them, as it turned out. As became clear one Friday evening when we’d been working together for a few weeks now. Rachel invited me to her flat, supposedly to cook me a meal and show her culinary skills to her boss.

I must admit that she caught me completely by surprise when I knocked on her door that evening. I was expecting to stay at hers overnight, because I was expecting to drink far more wine than the law would allow, if I’d wished to drive home after the meal, but it wasn’t long before I realised that Rachel wanted to feed another sort of appetite. Nothing to do with mere food, I discovered, to my utter delight of course!

I guess that, just like my first visit to my former secretary’s home of course, Rachel opening her door just dressed in a satin dressing gown, her legs covered in sheer nylon, gave the game away a little. A gown that soon dropped to the floor once I’d entered her abode. Revealing that those stockings weren’t held up by a mere belt but by a stunningly sexy and utter gorgeous, satin basque. Which suited Rachel down to a tee. Her sexy voice rang out. “Come here and give me a KISS!” My pleasure!

Within seconds my arms were around her body, as hers surrounded mine, and our lips met, in an embrace full of passion and desire. Which we made last! When we finally did break away from each other, Rachel’s voice rang out again. “Best get your clothes off then, Sweetheart!”

With her willing assistance, I was soon down to my lingerie myself, no, unlike her I was just wearing a suspender belt, albeit a classy and lacy one, but it was clear I wasn’t going to take that or my stockings off. Not that Rachel wanted me to, of course. She looked me straight in my eyes and asked, “would you like to find yourself confined to my bed?”
“Please Rachel. Is it THAT obvious?”
“Yes. I thought I recognised the signs. Don’t worry Sweetheart Emma, I won’t let you down. You’re just about to be taken to Heaven! Just stay there, and I’ll be back.”

I obeyed yet again, and as requested didn’t move. Rachel returned carrying a delicious set of leather cuffs, beautifully made, and clearly expensive and sheer class. It didn’t take her long to enclose each of my wrists in the luxurious leather, buckling the cuffs shut, and then ensuring that they stayed that way with the use of a couple of small padlocks. I have to admit that the fact that she’d secured my wrists together in front of my body did concern me to some degree, but as time passed, I soon came to accept that my captor knew exactly what she was doing! Oh yes, Rachel was playing this game exquisitely!

It was now that my new captor, one I wanted to belong to of course, led me to her bedroom. Just like Gloria, Rachel also appeared to be a lady of style, for she too had covered her bed in satin, although champagne as opposed to black. Not that I guessed I was going to be allowed to see the colour for now anyway, I’d already clocked the blindfold! I began to get an inkling of Rachel’s intent when I saw two more leather cuff sets attached to the outer bed posts of the lower bed frame, clearly intended to secure my ankles to Rachel’s bedroom furniture. And a single leather cuff around the top rail of her upper bed frame, almost in the centre, and between two vertical stays, that completely restricted any horizontal movement at all.

And so, it proved, after Rachel had me climb onto her bed, and position myself roughly centrally she soon grabbed hold of my ankles, one by one, and trapping them by encoiling them with leather. Buckles padlocked shut naturally when they’d been fastened. “Lie back, Sweetheart, place your head on that single pillow, and hold up your arms!”

And when I’d obeyed? Standing behind the upper bed frame, Rachel reached forwards and grabbed my linked arms. Pulling them over my head, I heard a clicking sound, as she fed a small padlock through a link of the chain connecting my cuffs, and then fastened this to the ‘D’ ring of that single cuff, mounted to her upper bed frame. That was it then, I was now chained, in totally inescapable bondage to the bed of my new secretary. And utterly delighted to have been placed there!

“Now then, Emma Sweetheart, you seem to belong to my bed now who is utterly delighted to have you within her grip. As am I by the way!”
“I’m rather excited to be here Rachel, or should that be Mistress Rachel now?”
“Mistress, eh? Rather like the sound of that if I’m being completely honest. Yes, call me Mistress, well all the time that you’re in MY hands, anyway!”
“So, now that you have me Mistress, what happens now?”
“Oh, that’s quite simple Sweetheart. YOU ARE GOING TO BE SHAGGED!”

Nothing like the direct approach is there? Having secured me to it, Rachel was soon on the bed herself, her body lying upon mine as her hands started to rub themselves all over mine. Whilst her legs pressed upon mine, nylon stocking against nylon stocking, turning me on even more! “I’ve something to show you, Sweetheart, before I take away your sight!”

Quite simply her strap-on, one of the biggest I’d ever seen. No sooner had she placed it around her own mid-riff, then she gently guided it ‘home’ into my soaking wet pussy. As her lips began their assault upon mine, cue for Rachel to place her blindfold over my eyes and deny me the use of them.

Rachel’s ‘cock’ began its in and out motion, slowly, very slowly in fact, at first before she ramped up the speed. And I now knew that I was exactly where I wanted to be. Helpless, bound, completely under the control of another woman. But one I had chosen and agreed to surrender to. Unlike before, this time I was utterly delighted to be….

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