Peace and quiet (M/F)

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Peace and quiet (M/F)

Post by Daborey »

Hi everyone, been lurking here for a while now, and finally got the courage to write down a story of my own that I'd been sitting on for a while now. This story is fictional, but it is inspired by real life people (names changed for privacy).

It was a sunny Friday morning at the end of May. Me (23M) and a group of 7 friends had booked a vacation home on a bungalow park for a couple of days to celebrate the birthday of one of my friends, Nigel. Nigel turned 25, and we all wanted to plan something big without him knowing, a surprise weekend if you will. We were arriving on Friday and leaving Tuesday morning, so we all took some days off work as well.

The plan was: two people would go on ahead to the bungalow park to check in and decorate the house with balloons and garlands and stuff. The other people would stay behind and walk Nigel though a big puzzle hunt they set up. The solution of the puzzle hunt was the announcement that we would be going away for the weekend, and also the location of the bungalow park.

We ultimately decided that me and Jenna (21F) would be going to the bungalow park to decorate, and the other 5 friends (and Nigel) would stay behind to do the puzzle hunt. Me and Jenna had agreed to be at the bungalow park around 11am. We went with different cars, mostly because we lived too far apart that carpooling would be a huge detour for both of us, but also because the day before I had bought all of the decorations and materials for the house, and Jenna was going to get the cake on the way to the park (which she also could have done the day before in my opinion, but she wanted it “fresh”).

I arrived a couple of minutes after 11, checked in at the front desk and drove to the house. It was a lovely little cottage with 2 floors, smack in the middle of the woods. All the houses on the park were surrounded by trees and spaced quite far apart from each other, to ensure privacy. I drove my car up the small driveway and started unloading.

Being first gave me the luxury of choosing the bedroom, which I had loudly exclaimed in the group chat (one without Nigel, to arrange things for the weekend) a couple of days prior. My friends didn’t seem to mind me picking the largest bedroom at all, probably because I was the tallest of them all and pulled the “I need leg space” card. Could also be because I had the biggest ego, you be the judge.

After dumping my suitcase in my room I unpacked the decorations for the house and got started on small things like blowing balloons. I knew I couldn’t text or call Jenna, because she would most likely still be in the car. I checked my phone and saw that Jenna had send me a picture of her with the cake about 10 minutes ago, which meant that she could be here any minute now. I replied “that cake better be whole when you get here”, knowing damn well that she wasn’t going to read it before she got here.

Surprisingly, 5 minutes later she sent a picture back of her pulling a naughty face in the car with the caption “We’ll see about that”. From the view outside her car window I could tell she was in the parking lot of the bungalow park. I texted back: “If you even think about touching that cake you’re decorating the rest of this place on your own. Now hurry up :)”. I got back into blowing balloons.

I hadn’t known Jenna all that long, maybe a year and a half at most. I actually met her on the birthday of someone else from the group, but back then she was dating Mike who was also in the group. They have since broken up, but I guess he was cool with her sticking around in the group. We have always been kind of teasing each other, me teasing her for being the extroverted loud one, and she teasing me for being the quiet withdrawn one. Because I’ve known Mike for quite some time now, I would never make a move on Jenna. Bro code rule number 1. She isn’t my type anyway, I would rather just keep it to friendly banter.

But did she have a body. She, along with some others from the group, were dancers. Not professionally, but they danced at least twice a week, and sometimes even participated in competitions. I went to watch sometimes and have to admit that the dancing was not the only fun part about those shows. I had fantasized about having Jenna tied up and teasing her before, but little did I know I would get a chance real soon.

I heard a knock on the door after a couple more minutes. Sure enough, there she was. A smiling girl with blonde hair that reached right below her shoulders greeted me. “Couldn’t find it, could you?”, I said in a sarcastic way. “Shut up.”, she laughed, and gestured me to move aside so she could enter the small hallway with her suitcase and the bag with the cake. She was wearing a tight short black tank top, which accentuated her boobs quite nicely and reached an inch above her belly button. She had a great body and she knew it. She wasn’t afraid to show skin, especially in the early days of summer. She was also wearing long white jeans and black sneakers with black ankle socks.

I grabbed the bag with the cake and looked inside. “Good girl, managed to contain yourself.”, I said. “Didn’t wanna miss out on the fun seeing you struggle with decorating a living room. I’ve seen the place you live in.”, she grinned back. I’ve had comments about my house looking to plain before, so this one didn’t come out of the blue. “Let me put my suitcase away, I’ll be right with you.” I put the cake away, and checked my phone before we started. It was around 11:30am now and I got a text from Alissa, who was kind of the leader of our group and also the one managing the most of the puzzle hunt. “Hey, you’ve probably already arrived, but Nigel had some family over for a family lunch, so we’re starting later. We hope to make it before dinner as planned, keep you posted, sorry!”.

Great, I thought. Didn’t have to rush this morning after all, oh well. I texted back that we had arrived, were going to decorate the place and be able to keep ourselves occupied until then. By that time, Jenna had come downstairs. I brought her up to speed with the situation, which she shrugged off: “Wanna have lunch first then? I got some sandwiches as well while getting the cake.” I agreed. After we ate lunch, it was around 12. We quickly did the dishes, and started decorating.

I blew the rest of the balloons, while Jenna hung up the garlands. After the balloons were done I started to attach them to some of the garlands and furniture with thin adhesive tape. I attached the last balloon, after which Jenna called: “Can you fix the end of this garland? I can’t reach it.” I looked up, and saw her standing on her toes on the edge of the sofa, trying to attach the end of a garland to the curtain railing but not quite being able to reach it. “Sure”, I said, and while she walked off the sofa she handed me the rope end of the garland. “Thanks, I also really needed to use the bathroom”, she said, after which she headed to the hallway.

I got up on the sofa with the rope end of the garland in my hand, and reached for the curtain railing. I reached it easily, being almost a foot taller than Jenna was, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to tie it to the curtain railing. I tried a couple of things, but to no avail.
When Jenna entered the room, I asked her: “How did you tie this to the other end of that railing?”. She started laughing, and said: “Did you even look? You can just tape it up, idiot!”. I looked around at the other garlands, and saw that she used tiny pieces of duct tape to attach them to the walls, doorposts and surely enough, the other end of the curtain rail. She picked up the roll of duct tape that was laying on the table and handed it to me. While I fixed the garland, annoyed at her being right, I said: “Maybe I’ll tape you up”. She smiled and responded: “Would make it peaceful and quiet here.”, referring to me bantering her about being a loud brat once in a while.

While fixing the curtains back, I looked at my watch. 12:45, a couple of hours before the rest gets here. I thought for a second, and made up my mind. “It would.”, I said, and while walking backwards down from the sofa, I tore off a piece off duct tape big enough to fit over a mouth, turned around, walked towards Jenna, placed it on her lips and smoothened it out. She didn’t resist either, she let out a soft giggle and started to smoothen the tape out with her own hands.

I grabbed both of her wrists and said: “Can’t have you taking that off, I want this peace and quiet to last”. She giggled again while I slowly turned her around and crossed her wrists behind her back. I let them go to loosen the end of the tape from the roll, but she didn’t pull her wrists away. I attached the tape to her wrists and looped them around a couple of times, before also looping them vertically a couple of times. When I tore off the end of the tape, she started to wriggle a bit but the tape hardly gave way. She wasn’t getting her wrists loose without help.

I turned her around again and looked at her. She had this mischievous look on her face that was both anticipating what I would do next, but also daring me to do more. I grabbed her shoulders and slowly pushed her a bit backwards. She took little steps backwards, just as I anticipated. When we reached the sofa, I gave her a gentle push down and she landed on her butt on the sofa and her back and arms against the backrest, still having that look in her eyes. I kneeled down and started untying her shoelaces, after which I slowly took of both her shoes. I never liked shoes while looking at bondage pictures or videos online, but for some reason I prefer black or white ankle socks over barefoot, so I left those on.

After taking her shoes off I put both of her ankles side by side. While loosening the tape again, she pulled her ankles slightly apart. I looked up at her and saw her grinning through her minimalistic gag. I gave her an annoyed but slightly grinning look back to remind her that she was not controlling things here. I grabbed both her ankles again, and put them side by side again. I attached the tape to her ankles, and started looping around.

After almost twice as much loops as I did with the wrists, I tore off the tape and stood up. She started wriggling a bit with her legs and arms, but the tape wouldn’t bulge, and she realised it too. I looked at her, and knew I wanted one more thing to complete this. A dancers legs are to die for. I grabbed her thighs, and pulled her slightly forward. She was now sitting on the edge of the sofa. I took the tape and started looping it around her thighs, right above her knees. After some wraps it looked sturdy enough, so I tore off the tape and stepped back.

“Peace and quiet”, I said admiring my work and grabbing a chair to sit opposite of Jenna. She looked absolutely gorgeous in that position. The curves of her legs became even more present with those binds around them. I knew the gag was not doing anything, but she didn’t seem to mind that. I looked at my watch again, about 15 minutes had passed. I went to my room to get my Bluetooth speaker and a book, something to keep me occupied for a short while.

When I got back to the living room Jenna had pulled her legs onto the sofa and laid on her side, wriggling a bit in her bonds. I put on some low volume music, and opened up my book. I looked at Jenna and asked: “Are you alright with this?”, clearly referring to her current state, and not the music. Her glance changed to a reassuring smile and she nodded back. Even though she could easily lick the piece of tape off and talk to me, it seemed she decided not to and just keep it on. She kept on struggling a bit and I began reading my book, thinking that I could receive a text any moment that Nigel had completed the puzzle hunt and the rest of the group would be on their way.

Almost an hour passed, and Jenna had given up on struggling and instead decided to rest her eyes for a bit. I was still reading, and at the end of every page took a quick look at Jenna to see if everything was still alright. She looked so peaceful. So relaxed in her bonds, completely acceptive of her situation. I also felt a bit of control, which I liked. I had never actually tied someone up before aside from kid games, and the rush of the tying combined with the serenity of watching my captive gave me a feeling I hadn’t felt before, but really enjoyed. Truly the best peace and quiet I could’ve asked for.

Suddenly my phone rang. I apparently forgot to turn my ringtone down, so a loud guitar solo suddenly played through the Bluetooth speaker. I almost jumped up 3 feet in fear, and Jenna was rudely awakened from her beauty sleep. I immediately reached for the speaker and pressed mute, after which I grabbed my phone. It was Alissa. I disconnected my phone from Bluetooth and answered the call, expecting Alissa to tell me they were on their way.

Me: “Yo Alissa, you on your way?”
Alissa: “Hey, got some bad news, Nigel is taking forever with these puzzles.”
M: “How far is he?”
A: “Only halfway, and the hardest puzzle is at the end so not even halfway timewise I would say.”
This didn’t surprise me. Nigel wasn’t the brightest, and some people in the group (me included) had a tendency to design way to difficult puzzles for these kinds of events.
M: “Gotcha. So you’re not gonna make it before dinner I assume?”
A: “Correct. We will most likely be on our way by then but will probably get something at a highway restaurant. Super sorry about this, can you and Jenna order takeaway together or something?”
M: ”Yeah, we’ll figure something out, don’t worry about us.”
A: “Great! Sorry again, we’ll make it up to you! Say hi to Jenna for me!”
M: “Will do.”

I put the phone down and looked at Jenna. She had licked of the tape that was doing a poor job at keeping her gagged for the last hour, and got seated upright on the sofa with her bound feet on the floor. “Was that Alissa?”, she asked. I nodded while walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for both of us. “They are delayed again, aren’t they?”, Jenna asked. I put a straw in Jenna’s glass and got seated beside her, allowing her to drink the water. I explained the current state of the puzzle hunt, and that the group would be arriving after dinner. Jenna drank all of her water, after which I downed my glass in one sip as well and started walking back to the kitchen to wash the glasses.

“I guess it was to be expected of Nigel.”, Jenna laughed, “Although I’m sure the others aren’t great gameshow hosts either.”. I laughed back, while handwashing the two glasses. “So I guess we have a bit more time together Jen. You got anything you wanna do in the meantime? I think I can finish my book before the rest arrives.” Jen responded in a mischievous tone: “I guess you want some peace and quiet for that, don’t you, nerd?”. Still looking at the kitchen top, now drying the glasses, I smiled and said: “would be appreciated.”.

I put the glasses away in the cupboard and turned around. To my surprise, Jenna was nowhere to be seen. I walked back to the living room area, turned my head towards the door that connects to the main hall, and saw Jenna slowly waddling away with her bound feet towards the front door. When she saw me, she started hopping to get away faster. “That peace and quiet isn’t gonna come easily nerd!”, she yelled teasingly at me. I walked slowly to the hall, thinking that she won’t be able to make it far while hopping. I pass through the doorway and turn, only to find out she actually had managed to open the front door and hop outside. I sprinted after her, surprised at how far she was hopping outside on her socked feet. She barely made it past the driveway, which was still a long way from the main road thankfully, when I caught her. I clamped my left arm around her waist and handgagged her with my right. Being taller than her, I could easily lift her in this position. I lifted her up and walked back to the house. Annoyingly, she started struggling heavily in this position, causing me to almost lose my balance. Putting her down in the hallway, I closed the door with my left hand while still keeping her pinned against me with a firm handgag. She stopped struggling as soon as I put her down.

I closed the door, turned Jenna around and softly pushed her against the wall, still holding that handgag. She looked at me with that same look from before, that mischievous challenging look. I could feel she was smiling ear to ear underneath my handgag. “We have about 4 hours until dinner, I don’t wanna have to worry about you in the meantime.” Jen tilted her head slightly. “Mmph?” is all the sound she made, but combined with her look it meant: “And how are you gonna accomplish that?”.

I got down a bit and placed my left hand under her butt and wrapped my right arm around her upper thighs. I lifted her up and threw her over my shoulder. Even if it was for a short walk back to the living room, I’ve always wanted to carry a tied up girl over my shoulder. Her bound legs and feet looked even more amazing from up there than down on the ground. We walked back to the living room, and I placed her down on the chair I previously sat on. It was a simple wooden chair with a tall slender backrest and 4 straight legs, perfect for what I had in mind.

I grabbed the roll of duct tape from the table and walked back to the chair. Jenna didn’t take her eyes of me for a second, she was ready for what I was going to do. I started by pulling her a bit forward and wrapping tape around her waist and tied wrists two times, connecting the two, before pushing her back again and wrapping the tape around her waist and the back of the chair a couple of times, pinning her arms between her back and the back of the chair. When I was done, I stood up and looked at Jenna for a solid 5 seconds. With neither of us saying anything, just exchanging competitive looks, I got down while loosening the tape beforehand, took her tied ankles in my hand and brought them over to the left leg of the chair. I wrapped the tape around her bound ankles and the leg of the chair a bunch of times, making sure that these wouldn’t hop anywhere again under my watch.

I got up and walked towards the kitchen. Her head followed me, curious about what I was up to. “This the best you got? Don’t think this is gonna cut it for peace and quiet!”, Jenna mockingly shouted my way. “I’m well aware of that.”, I calmly responded. I grabbed a clean small kitchen cloth, and with both the cloth and duct tape in hand I walked back to Jenna. She had already seen me coming, and proceeded to keep her mouth extra shut while somehow keeping a clear grin. I softly pushed her head back a little bit, and took a hold of her nose. It didn’t take long for her to gasp for air, which is when I took the change to shove the cloth in her mouth and let go of her nose. She grunted as I pushed it in, and started to inhale through her nose with a defeated look on her face. I closed her mouth and placed 3 small strips of tape over it to make sure the cloth stayed in, then I placed 4 larger strips over them. She immediately started testing the gag out, but all she got out were quiet, muffled attempts at talking.

Jenna: “Mmmmph mmmph mmmmmmmph”.
Me: “How does that feel, miss bunny hop?”
J: “Thmmmph mmph gmmph”
M: “I would say quiet has been achieved, wouldn’t you agree?”
M: “I’m sorry, I can’t understand you, you seem to have something stuck in your mouth”
J: “Mmph…”

After all of that I still had some tape left over. I wrapped some more tape over and under her breasts, securing her upper body to the back of the chair as well. This also made her boobs stand out even more, which got me a judgemental look from Jenna when I stared at them for a bit to long. I used the last of the tape to connect her thighs to the seat of the chair, by wrapping it around her legs and the seat until the roll was up.
As soon as I stepped back she began to struggle in her bonds, all while staring at me directly. When she figured out she could hardly move at all, she broke eye contact and started to look around her body. While she kept struggling to no avail, I threw away the used up roll of duct tape. It had served me greatly. I walked up to her, leaned down and placed my hands on her thighs. With my face right up in hers, I said one thing: “Peace. And. Quiet.”. I grinned as I could see she kind of did the same, as much as she could with several pieces of tape over her mouth. “Fmmph ymmph”, she mumbled.

I got close to her ear and said quietly: “Real talk, if you’re done with this you let me know. Either knock on the wood of the chair with your hand 5 times, or mmph 5 times, and I’ll get you out of this. Deal?” Her expression calmed somewhat as she nodded twice in agreement. I knew it was a good thing to at least get some kind of safety in this situation, so it felt good to get it off my chest.

“Alright Jen, have fun here, I’m going unpacking.” I said. I was never intending to fully unpack, I just wanted to grab my bag with my Nintendo Switch to hook it up to the TV. As I walked out of the living room, I heard a “MMMMMMPH” before I closed the door and the sound faded. I quickly walked up the stairs to my room, grabbed my bag and silently went downstairs. I waited at the door to the living room for a minute, just listening to her gagtalking and wriggling in her tape bonds, but failing miserably to get out. After a minute I opened the door and sarcastically said “Surprise”. She stopped thrashing around as soon as she saw me and just looked at me irritated. “Ymmph mmphthpffmmpphmm”, she said, which I just assumed was something friendly.

I hooked up my switch to the TV and started grinding some Xenoblade. I asked Jenna if she wanted to watch, to which she only responded “mmph”. I (purposefully) incorrectly understood that as yes, so I turned her chair so that it was facing the TV instead of me. After just 2 minutes of her looking at the screen, she threw her head backwards in boredom and let out a long “mmmmmph”. I didn’t care, I wanted to punish her a bit for going outside.

While I was playing I occasionally looked at her to see if everything was still alright. I was sitting on the sofa, and her chair was to the right of me, so I had a clear view of her hands through the back of the chair and her popped out boobs, as well as her beautiful tied thighs and her tied ankles at the left leg of the chair. I would occasionally see her trying to move her shoulders around, which also moved her boobs from side to side. She would often make a fist and stretch her fingers again, and try to move her arms up and down which was prevented by the tape around her waist. Sometimes she would clench her butt trying out a different movement, which luckily for me was completely visible. Her legs were completely immobile, with her thighs only moving mere millimetres, and her calves not being able to bend away from the leg of the chair. She would wiggle her feet and toes from time to time, which was so hot with those black ankle socks. It made it quite hard to focus on the game.

I could tell she was actually quite bored so I turned of the game, connected my switch via wireless hotspot on my phone for internet and put on some YouTube. Jenna was clearly more interested in this, becoming fixated on the screen and not struggling as much anymore. After a while my phone rings again and I see it’s Alissa calling. Jenna looks to her left to see what’s up. “It’s Alissa calling, ssh”, I say, while putting my index finger up to my mouth and answering the phone, putting it on speaker so Jen can listen too.

Me: “Yo Alissa, how’s things?”
Alissa: “Good, he’s FINALLY done with those puzzles. We’re heading to a restaurant now, we expect to arrive at the park around 7:30pm.”
M: “So that will be 8, good to know”
A: “You dick, but yeah you’re probably right. Nigel doesn’t know you and Jenna are there, so make sure it’s surprise-y”
M: “Will do. Have a nice meal.”
A: “You too! What are you gonna eat?”
M: “Probably just gonna order some pizza, gotta ask what Jen wants still.”
A: “How is Jen? She hasn’t been answering my texts.”
Me and Jenna look wide-eyed at each other, before I come up with a quick response.
M: “Oh she probably left her phone in her room, we’re watching some tv downstairs.”
A: “Oh alright then, isn’t important anyway. See you later!”

I let out a gasp, and Jenna tilts her head forward and exhales heavily through her nose. “Haha, close one.”, I say, while Jen softly giggles in her gag as well. I check my phone for the time, and it’s already around 5pm. “Wanna order some pizza?”, I ask Jenna, who responds with “mmph mmph” and a nodding head. We browse the website of the bungalow parks own pizza delivery service, and with some “mmphs” and shakes and nods of Jenna’s head we pick out an order. We put YouTube back on, and continued watching.

After about 45 minutes of continuing to watch YouTube, but mostly Jenna’s bound body, the doorbell rang. I knew this had to be the pizza delivery guy, because 5 minutes prior I had received a message that they were on their way. I calmly stood up, grabbed my wallet and walked to the front door. The windows in the living room weren’t close to the front door at all, so I wasn’t worried about the delivery guy looking inside and seeing a heavily bound and gagged girl through the windows. But when I walked into the hallway, Jen started mildly screaming through her gag. I looked at her angrily, before closing the middle door. I opened the front door and accepted my pizzas. All the while I could softly hear Jenna’s screams faintly through the door. I was scared out of my mind the pizza guy would pick up on it, but he didn’t seem to hear a thing. I gave him a nice tip before he walked away again and I closed the front door.

Walking back into the living room I see Jenna with the biggest grin on her face, still making the same faint noises as she did when I was collecting our dinner. “I actually hate you”, I said relieved but extremely irritated. If she was able to stick out her tongue at that moment, she would’ve. “You’re not getting off that one unpunished.”, I said, while putting the pizzas down. I grabbed her chair and put it right in front of the TV. Quickly running upstairs to grab my own noise-cancelling headphones, I come back downstairs and put on a 10 hour loop of Nyan-cat. I know she hated that, she told me before on another birthday. She looked at me with pleading eyes, but I simply gestured that I couldn’t understand her with my headphones on.

While I was listening to my own music and she was having the experience of a lifetime, I prepared the table with plates, drinks and the pizza. I could see her struggling heavily in her chair, wanting for the music to stop. The tape, however, didn’t move an inch, and neither did Jenna. It was actually quite fun to look at. I waited a couple more minutes before turning off Nyan-cat and packing up my Switch. While I was doing that, she was screaming bloody murder at me through her gag. “MMMPH MMMMMPH mmmph MMPPPH MMMMMPH”. I just smiled at her with an irritating grin, and she eventually grew silent. I put the bag with my switch in the corner of the room and grabbed some scissors out of the kitchen. I got up to her just like I did a couple hours prior, with my hands on her thighs, and said: “I think that was enough peace and quiet for today, don’t you think?” She got the most assuring look in her eyes and nodded: “mmph mmph”.

I gently cut through the tape binding her to the chair. I moved in the opposite direction of how I bound her in the first place, first cutting the tape pinning her thighs to the chair, then cutting the tape above and below her breasts. I cut her ankles free from the leg chair, but left them tied together a bit longer. I cut off the tape pinning her waist to the chair, also unpinning her arms from her back. She was now loose from the chair completely. I picked her up with one hand under her knees and one supporting her shoulders, and carried her over to the sofa. There I continued by cutting the tape binding her thighs, then the tape binding her ankles, and lastly I carefully cut the tape binding her wrists together. “No more peace.”, I said.

While she was rubbing her wrists and other parts of her body, I carefully peeled back the layers of tape covering her mouth. When those were off, she opened her mouth so I could remove the cloth that was inside. “No more quiet”, I said.

After Jenna had caught her breath, we went to eat the pizza. We talked for a while about what happened. How I came to like bondage by watching cartoons and playing with childhood friends. How she came to like bondage by being tied up by her two older brothers from time to time. A much less teasing and challenging conversation than we expected. We also talked about boundaries, how I couldn’t screw over Mike and that we actually felt no romantic attraction towards each other. We would have to discuss how, and if, this would continue between us at another time.

I threw all the pieces of tape in the thrash bin, as well as the kitchen cloth. While Jenna went to take a long shower, I took out the thrash bag and brought it to the nearest thrash dump a couple minutes away. I also cleaned up the living room, erasing any traces there might have been of what had been going on this afternoon.

Eventually, around 8:30pm, the rest of the group arrived. Nigel was happy to see us as surprise bungalow hosts, we greeted Mike as if nothing happened, and Alissa apologised about 30 times for being late. The rest of the evening was spent celebrating, laughing, and just overall good vibes. When Alissa asked if I had any duct tape left to put up a big picture of Nigel, I said I didn’t. “How come you don’t have any duct tape left? Didn’t you buy a whole roll yesterday?”, Alissa said. I glanced over to Jenna on the other side of the room. She looked at me as well, and smiled. “You know, I think I did. But I’ve gotta be honest, I have no clue where that all went.”
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TuGs Writers.
Post again when ready.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Beaumains »

Very nice story and a great debut! I so hope there is more... both you and Jenna have some unfinished business, even if it breaks the bro code ;)
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story are there are more stories with Jenna?
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Post by MrBind »

Also wondering if we'll see more of her...
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