Shelter from the Dust (M/M) - 23 Nov Update!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Oh, a lot going on in this chapter!

I love Kai tickling and edging Avel, who has nothing but appreciation for this treatment. The playful interactions between them and the aftercare really show the difference between voluntary and involuntary submission.

And uh-oh: here I was thinking that the biggest threat our heroes would face was the sandstorm. I'm interested in how ready Kai can be about the agents. (Though I loved that the guy who sold Avec out got what's coming for him.)
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Post by Guardianbound »

Hmmmm perhaps Avel is a princeling? There must be something that Kai must be missing. Hope the agents won't separate this couple... but maybe this means taking Kai along with them as a captive, not knowing his true identity.
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Post by OlderJ »

Just read this today. What a good story, has a nice slow build of character development, environment description, erotic elements and now some intriguing plot tension. Really good writing, look forward to more!
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Post by gag1195 »

Avel must be very highly prized, for one seemingly untrained/untested by Kai's estimations. Either Avel is secretly someone every powerful, or he was promised to someone very powerful...

And of course, these soldiers present more questions. Kai is definitely outmatched in a 1v3 fight, but is he out skilled? Will Kai join his new slave in captivity? will he end up with 4 more bound and gagged men to deal with? I'm not sure what outcome I'm hoping for!
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]

Although Avel remained almost constantly bound, Kai afforded him far more freedom than before.

Kai offered a few more challenges which Avel passed with aplomb, earning him a short waistwrap as a modesty covering, a cushion for his knees next to wherever Kai was sitting - unless Kai wanted him in his lap - and the permission to initiate kisses and contact.

Avel's arms had been tied in a strange hug, resembling a straitjacket, pinned in place by straps of rope going over his shoulders and pinning his arms together and to his body. His legs were free, though useless as Kai straddled him, kissing him hungrily, even while Avel's mouth was occupied by a ball gag. Avel truly could only sit there and take it, indicating his pleasure through garbled moans and gentle rocking of his hips against Kai's.

Frustrated with his own obstruction, Kai growled and quickly loosened the gag, pulling it out of Avel's mouth with a pop and letting it fall to the hollow of his throat as Kai claimed Avel's mouth for himself. The lad could only attempt a noise of confusion at the removal of the gag before Kai's tongue was against his.

"Mine, lad. Mine."

"Yours, Master."

It had quickly become a mantra of theirs in the past few hours, both parties speaking their lines with reverent disbelief that the other should want them so ardently.

When they retired to bed, Avel was unbound, but only to allow Kai to practically smother him in a firm cuddle that was nearly as restrictive as the rope straitjacket. His hand automatically drifted to cover Avel's mouth, and both of them sighed in contentment, tangled together as they were.

But the windjammer tank continued to cut through the dust, deep into the Wastes. The three imperial agents rotated the duties of piloting, keeping watch over the prisoner, and resting to keep sharp, ensuring that the tank was always in motion. Their loose gold-and-red dust-ponchos were hanging beside the airtight sealed door, and they contented themselves with sleeveless red jerkins and gold-trimmed military trousers tucked into black boots.

They had found Avel's abandoned bag of supplies twenty minutes ago, and the most senior agent, a powerfully built young man named Delos, surmised that his quarry could only have traveled a short way further without supplies, in the midst of a duststorm. He ran a hand through his flaxen hair a little ruefully, doubt in Avel's survival writ plain across his features.

His companion, a newer agent with hair shaven down to dark stubble across his head, by name of Shen, sighed. "Captain, please take that look off your face. Aren't you supposed to be in charge of our morale?"

Delos gave him a dour look over his shoulder. "If you require someone else to handle your fragile morale, Shen, perhaps you ought to take a rest shift."

Shen was not in the least perturbed by the response and instead chuckled. "I suspect the end of our mission is nearing, so no matter. See, Captain? That is how you raise morale."

Delos turned to berate him, but Shen had already gone to the small compartment at the back of the tank for rest, and their third member, a strong warrior with dark skin by the name of Mikal, joined them.

Delos enjoyed Mikal's calmimg presence and capable skills. He was a veteran of the Imperial Guard for as long as Delos, but preferred field work to the bureaucracy of higher agents. Mikal had a future lined up for him as an Imperial Inquisitor, Delos mused, as Mikal's deep voice was at once seductive and intimidating and well-suited for handling prisoners.

Mikal nodded once to Delos and then crouched down beside the prone form of their prisoner, a merchant by the name of Hale. Hale was not as obviously muscled as his captors, but fit all the same, his strength from loading and unloading his cart and riding his horse to market under a short layer of natural fat from eating well. Mikal ran a hand over the dark hairs the sprouted from his chest, hunting until he found his prey - a tweak of the nipple and Hale was awake, choking into his insert gag as his head tried to lift.

"Now, Hale." Mikal purred, enough to make even Delos shudder pleasantly. "We need not go into any unpleasantness. Simply answer with honesty, and we will reward you." All the while, Mikal rubbed Hale's chest with an intensity and sensuality that would've been hard to think past.

"My dear..." Mikal slipped closer, pulling Hale into a sitting position, hugging him close, lips almost touching his earlobe. "Is there any shelter here in the Wastes, any safehouse just before the duststorms start?"

Hale blushed as the phallic insert practically slid down his throat when he nodded, the slot in the gag allowing him to still breathe. Mikal kissed him right on his bearded jawline and winked. "Now, I will remove your gag, and you will elaborate."

Hale spluttered a bit as the gag was removed, long strands of saliva connecting his lips to the bulb at the end and dripping onto his fuzzy chest. "Please, sir. I ain't done -"

"Now, sweet Hale, we just spoke of this." Mikal chuckled with an indulgent but stern air, his large hand pressing down over Hale's mouth. "Elaboration, not protestation."

Hale puffed a breath once his mouth was freed. "I... there is one. A man lives in a fortress there, about ten miles from the other edge of the Wastes. Rika, she has an armored cart - she brings him supplies once a month and he pays her well."

"Good boy." Mikal smiled. "Now, that wasn't so hard. I will reward you."

He took a ball on a leather strap from his waist and quickly buckled it around Hale's mouth, much to the merchant's dismay.

"Mmmmmph! Ghrrhrhr!"

"This is a reward, sweet Hale. You hated the prisoner gag so much, that I have spared your throat further torment. Now hush, and relax - you can do nothing to alter any further outcome."

Mikal turned his back on the groaning Hale and sat next to Delos.

"I would not wish to earn your ire, Master Mikal. Truly, you have a gift in interrogation." Delos chuckled, and Mikal clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"When we are given leave after this mission, my dear Captain, perhaps I may show you how I... practice." Mikal smirked, and Delos had a moment of rare discomposure, blushing up to the roots of his hair and down past his neat beard. Mikal only laughed at this, and Delos thanked the stars that Shen was not in the room.

"Go wake Shen." Mikal said softly, as Kai's small fortress came into view. "I'll prepare the prisoner for a short walk."

They would be bringing Hale. Even if there was no possible way he could escape the metal shackles and yoke, the Imperial Guard did not do anything without a surfeit of caution.

"Let us begin."


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Post by gag1195 »

The handsome guards and their attractive prisoner walk up to a fortress... Feels like the start of a weird joke. But of course, this isn't necessarily a laughing matter. I'm intrigued to see how things play out and who ends up as captive and captor!
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Post by Guardianbound »

More bondage loving hunks enter the picture.... I'm also curious who will come out on top.

I wouldn't be surprised if the fortress had certain defensive measures, goo, nets, quick sand, trap doors, saferooms. I pick Kai for the advantage.

But I also want to explore more of this world, capturing Kai and taking him back to the empire... it would allow us the opportunity
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Post by that1kid13 »

This is great loving it so far
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Post by Bootmark »

I am loving this story. The characters, the setting, it is all fantastic and I am looking forward to what develops.
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]
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Kai's easy smile became a snarl at the chime of a little bell from far off in the house - activated by a ring of pressure plates encircling the defensive walls. A visitor. An unnanounced visitor.

Avel caught on to the shift immediately, skin paling.

Kai glanced at him. "Your pursuers?"

Avel nodded. Though he had no way of knowing for certain, in his heart he could see no other alternative.

"I promised you I will not let them take you without your permission. I will not falter."

He ungagged Avel, but did not untie him, instead retying his hands in front of him with a short length between them. He did, however, retrieve his blade from the armory. "Prepare to open the door for our new visitors, lad. If they are from the Empire, they will not violate the hospitality of a dominus and his property."

Kai briefly recalled back to his time as an Imperial Guard, distinguished for his service and loyalty. Squads of three were sent out on missions together. And they were bound by the same rules of hospitality that all in the Empire were fettered by. It was a point of honor.

Quickly reconsidering his initial plan to use the front door as a bottleneck and duel all three guards on his front step, he set aside the sword. Counted to ten.

"Open the door, my Avel. And fear not."

Avel obeyed, revealing three red-and-gold dust shawls, wrapped up and around them to prevent their skin or armor being lacerated or corroded. And strangely, a brown shawl marred with black patches - meant for a prisoner?

"Welcome, my friends! It has been a while indeed since the Imperial Guard has graced my home. Step within and be welcome."

"We gladly do so and offer thanks."

Like a magical incantation, like a secret code, the words, spoken so naturally, changed the very air in the room.

Sacred hospitality, at its purest form, was not dissimilar to an agreement between dominant and submissive. The social contract, an exchange of power, kept together by mutual consent and the understanding of what revocation meant. Now, Kai had imposed himself as the master, and the Guards must comply, so long as he kept to the script.

"Please, enter. My dearest one will take your shawls and armor."

Avel looked terrified, but almost automatically moved to obey. And yet, there was also a delight in the term Kai had used - "dearest" being a euphemistic term for a consort or courtesan that was truly a romantic partner, since "spouse" was reserved for political and business alliances.

The Guards each in turn looked, not suprised, yet still startled by Avel's appearance and obedience. It was almost amusing how they removed their covering shawls in turn to reveal their disbelieving expressions before they quickly averted their eyes from Avel's lack of any clothing but small fabric underwear. The tallest one, holding the leash to the prisoner, recovered first.

"I am Mikal, of the Guard, and with me are Shen and Delos, my comrades-in-arms. Do my eyes decieve me or is our host the Bloody Jewel of Makaranth?"

"Kai is the name I was given and the name I go by now, friend Mikal."

"Of course. We have with us a prisoner of the Crown. Shall he be allowed within?"

"The stable would be open to you, but given the duststorm, your property will be safe within."

Mikal pulled the leash sharply, and the prisoner stumbled in with a groan muffled by more than fabric - he must be gagged. Avel moved to take his shawl, and Kai's eyes widened only a fraction. He liked Hale, the merchant who sometimes came with Rika to deliver his supplies and orders, and it was not pleasing to see him so thoroughly captured. Hale started to beg upon seeing Kai, but Mikal gave him a sharp smack to the rump, and he whined but vocalized no more.

"Dearest one, tether their prisoner to the post outside the lounge while I tend to our guests."

Avel awkwardly stepped closer to take the leash offered by Mikal (who was awkwardly avoiding looking at Avel) and after removing his foot coverings, gently pulled Hale along, looking in no small alarm at the heavy and sturdy restraints he was bound with.

Shen, Delos, and Mikal seemed little less intimidating by the removal of their weapons and armor, for all their sleeveless tunics and neat war leggings did was show their strong physiques. Kai had faith he could take all three of them in a fight, but he was not certain he could also keep Avel from being abducted should it come to that.

And thus, the plan was formed. Get one of them to violate the sacred hospitality, and they would be disgraced and at his mercy. And then the tide would be so shifted.

But something happened to completely defy Kai's thinking.

Avel, glancing back, stumbled over a small step, and each Guard instinctively lurched forward, Shen even crying out, "My Prince!"

And understanding bypassed actual thought, and Kai knew the truth.

Avel was not merely some trained courtesan escaping before being matched.

He was the youngest son of the Emperor himself.

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Post by Guardianbound »

Guardianbound wrote: 11 months ago Hmmmm perhaps Avel is a princeling? There must be something that Kai must be missing. Hope the agents won't separate this couple... but maybe this means taking Kai along with them as a captive, not knowing his true identity.
CALLED IT! I think I deserve a [mention]Volobond[/mention] approved prize.

I also love how Kai's plan was to make one of the Imperial guard violate sacred hospitality ... Oops I spilled a drink.... Now you will all be bound and gagged muhahahahaha

I'm guessing the emperor won't approve of what Kai is doing to Avel. Could marriage be on the cards? Will be interesting to see what happens next. They have to go back to civilisation now don't they, three guards can't simply go missing
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Post by Volobond »

Guardianbound wrote: 11 months ago CALLED IT! I think I deserve a @Volobond approved prize.
Hehe, of course. The Emperor's guards are coming to give you one right now! Don't be alarmed if they have to bind and gag you first...

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Post by gag1195 »

gag1195 wrote: 11 months ago Avel must be very highly prized, for one seemingly untrained/untested by Kai's estimations. Either Avel is secretly someone every powerful, or he was promised to someone very powerful...
Had a similar thought as [mention]Guardianbound[/mention]. Great minds, it seems!

This revelation does make things quite a bit more interesting! Avel was clearly running, from what/whom is still a mystery. And of course, Kai's military record and status make his claim more complicated as well... I also suspect a necessary return to the city. [mention]Guardianbound[/mention] is right. A Runaway Prince going missing is already a serious matter, but for three imperial guards to go missing in their search is also a serious matter. Oh, and that poor merchant too... I'm sure someone will miss him!
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Post by sharpliketoday »

This has been such an entertaining read so far! Interesting characters, intrigue, and some very nice bondage. Looking forward to more of the story 😊
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Post by squirrel »

Oh man, this story is great! I was really suprise to find our who Avel really is.... Fantastic work! :)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Catching up with this story. What I love about your writing, [mention]Volobond[/mention], is how richly descriptive it is. For instance, from an earlier chapter:
Kai's room was the same mixture of opulence and practicality as the rest of the house. Tiled in cornflower blue, the room was furnished for comfort. The bed was clad in bamboo sheets, with fleece comforters available for the chill. Wall hangings in rich purples and reds showed the evidence of Kai's worldly experience that he had not let slip in conversation, and the well-used bookshelf and writing desk evidenced that he was a scholar as well as a warrior.
You give great attention to detail...not only in the bondage, but in everything. I'm taking notes. Thank you.
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]
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[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]sharpliketoday[/mention]

Thus, all the minor discrepancies became clear. Avel was trained, but not chosen yet - the son of the emperor was a prize indeed, and his match to be chosen wisely for its import. No wonder he had knowledge of what he'd be expected as a consort, but no true experience.

He would have no real power - succession was tricky, and the emperor's many other children ensured Avel would likely never see the throne, which was why he'd have been given as a consort as a reward or prize. So instead Avel ran, falling into Kai's own clutches. And the Imperial Guard came, not to forcibly return him, but to ensure his safety.

"Did you not know the prize you had?" Delos spoke with some shock when Avel had pulled Hale out of the room. "You were stationed in the capitol."

"In the palace. The Emperor would lean on my tactical knowledge." Kai corrected. "But I was not inclined to be in the royal family's private apartments, and we all know how little knowledge we have of the Emperor's lineage."

Delos gave a sigh. "Prince Avel is your... you are his dominus?"

"I give you leave to ask him thus."

"I wish to have your opinion, sir."

"I am his."

Delos looked him in the eye. "He is your dearest?"


Shen let out a scoff, Mikal a grin.

Delos frowned. "It pains me, but I am bound in unbreakable chains of honor, duty, and command. I must determine Prince Avel's willingness to remain. If he is not adamant upon it, we must take him, and attempt to kill you. I and Shen will fight you, and Mikal will abduct the prince. And you in retaliation will kill us. But you will lose him."

"And should he be adamant?" Kai's breathing gave no impression of anxiety.

"Then we must abide by his wishes and inform the Emporer that his son has chosen his own consort."

"And then it is in the Emperor's hands."

Mikal sighed. "We could say we found Avel here, and you kept him safe. Return him to Makaranth and have no more trouble."

That made Kai smirk. "A mistruth to the Lord of the Sun's Rest? You take even more danger upon yourself, friend Mikal."

"But if you deny any claim to Prince Avel, you are cleared of danger to yourself."

"I will not abandon him. I will not sully his honor by taking away his choice."

Mikal grinned, and Kai felt arms wrap around his waist from behind, a forehead pressed to his back. Avel had been there to hear every word of the offer and its refusal.

"An apt ruse, friend Mikal."

Delos took his eyes off Kai for a moment to shoot Mikal an exasperated look. "We will have to take them both to the Emperor."

"I will not be quitting my home. And nor will my dearest one if he does not wish it."

Shen leapt without warning at their host, but Kai had already stepped back and smoothly grabbed his blade, the wickedly sharp edge gleaming in the light. "Not as apt a ruse."

"The ruse he was looking for." Mikal mused. "Bad move, Shen."

Shen glared, but hope had drained from him when neither his captain nor lieutenant moved to his aid. He snarled as Kai held his blade aloft.

"Give it up now, Shen, and we'll haul you back to Makaranth in chains. Keep going, and we'll have to defend our host." Delos said sternly.

"You can bind me all you like after I've secured Prince Avel from the jaws of the Diamond Dog." Shen growled, launching himself at Kai, who was simply not there.

Kai's mercenary skill was not, as the Imperial Guard would have liked to claim, a sole product of their training. He had studied under masters of many disciplines, but most taken his style from a master of the mind, a scholar of how men thought. And thus, he knew where to look to understand how a man would move, how to know when he meant to feint, and how to end up just out of reach of an arm or blade.

Kai was not certain that Delos nor Mikal would adhere to the law of hospitality should Shen come to actual harm, and so was not willing to kill him, should the brawl come to that. But the sword was an effective deterrent, and Kai trusted his training and efforts to remain at the ready - all he needed was to outlast Shen.

Thus the Gleaming Death danced around Shen, his movements growing more confident as the guard fatigued and let frustration rule him. As Shen made another lunge, Kai darted to the side, reached out, and shoved him off-balance - Shen went crashing into the polished stone countertop with a cry.

And Kai switched tactics, tossing his sword to the side (where Delos caught it and began admiring the craftsmanship). He unwound his sash from his waist and seized a metal spice dispenser from the counter. He quickly tied a firm and bulky knot in one end of the sash, the dispenser acting as an extra weight, and begun to swing it around, a makeshift rope dart of silk and metal.

Shen stood little chance. Kai struck only once, sending the weighted end into the guard's gut to double him over before using the silk like a bolas, whipping it around Shen's torso and quickly pinning his arms to his sides. Shen struggled with the last of his strength, but Kai simply turned to Delos and Mikal, and they offered their own sashes, allowing him to lash Shen's legs together, and to wrap his whole head in red fabric.

"Now, if there are any further disruptions, I'd love to get them out of the way now." Kai said, as he sat across from the two guards, just as Avel returned to the room.


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Post by Guardianbound »

Yea I was too busy to look at the cute Bois ;) ;) you're right Kai. Scholar of basically everything but not the most important family in the empire???? :?

Can't wait for more as always, it reads like a regular fantasy novel.
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Post by gag1195 »

With all the laws and customs centered around hospitality and how to treat/respect hosts as guests, there must be some stipulations in place about making guests repent for their faux pas, right? And since Kai is the offended party, it is only fair that Kai gets to exact a worthy punishment on Shen... and aren't we lucky that Kai already has a stable in place to hold unruly guests!

Now the only question is, will Delos and Mikal be joining in Shen's fate, or are things still uncertain for Kai and Avel?
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Post by noescape »

Seems like the only way Kai could keep Avel (safe) is for palace to not know about his whereabouts. Kai has no choice but to capture Delos and Mikal as well. There shall be NO ESCAPE for everybody :lol:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

gag1195 wrote: 11 months ago With all the laws and customs centered around hospitality and how to treat/respect hosts as guests, there must be some stipulations in place about making guests repent for their faux pas, right? And since Kai is the offended party, it is only fair that Kai gets to exact a worthy punishment on Shen... and aren't we lucky that Kai already has a stable in place to hold unruly guests!
Hear! Hear! 8-)

I like the whole idea of binding Shen...He's been sashed! Even his captain and lieutenant lend their sashes to Kai to do the trick. :lol:
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Post by Croup »

I'm also thoroughly enjoying this story. The fantasy genre is a perfect home for kinkiness of all kinds, and bondage is no exception. Shen is the first to go down, but I have the feeling he won't be the last.
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Post by squirrel »

Great story! I really wonder what will happen with Avel now...

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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]
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[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]sharpliketoday[/mention] [mention]noescape[/mention] [mention]Croup[/mention]

Avel's eyes widened as he observed Shen's new predicament, but he said nothing as he moved to stand behind his dominus.

"Sit." Kai said, not unkindly, and when Avel obeyed, he stretched his arm to pull his dearest one close. Avel blushed but did not resist, instead taking the opportunity to press his lips to Kai's shoulder.

Mikal had at once understood the nature of this relationship, but it was clear from the way Delos stared that he had finally begun to see the mutual depth of feeling. Rather than acknowledge that aloud, he instead tapped the flat of Kai's blade, sending a pleasant ringing through the room.

"Emheol steel? However were you able to procure one?" Delos asked, the distinctive flowing pattern in the metal and lack of dulling giving it away. Only in the farthest reaches of the south were these blades formed, and they not only were stronger in structure and able to be made sharper, they resisted decay and it was, in fact, suggested that the metal healed itself.

"The people of the South do not give up their secrets easily. I sold the artisan my freedom and pleasure for one year." Kai smirked, remembering how thrilled the craftsman had been to have a willing slave to test his multitude of bondage apparatuses and equipment upon. They had many nights of enjoyment - though Kai remembered with less fondness the metal cage his genitals had been trapped within during the days, though it had done wonders for allowing Kai to train and master his focus and drive. Though he did not mention it, Eun-Min's apparatuses had many replications in Kai's own pleasure room, and he looked forward to seeing how Avel would enjoy many of them.

"Perhaps you should do the same, Captain." Mikal grinned. "Though our host is fine of countenance, with your face, I am certain you could bargain for a similar sword for half the time."

Delos scoffed. "Would that I had time enough on leave from the Guard. It is enough for now, simply to hold one."

Kai chuckled. "Perhaps I ought to return my blade to my side before I continue our earlier conversation."

Delos nodded and handed him the sword.

"Am I to understand now that you have no intention of removing me or my dearest or our property from this home?" Kai asked.

"I... wish that I could agree, friend Kai. But I cannot see the Emperor approving of-"

Mikal had a smile crossing his features as he interrupted. "A moment, Captain. I have heard, friend Kai, that you were an intimate of His Eminence."

"I was something more of an advisor to him than solely a captain of his personal guard." Kai admitted.

"It would be folly itself to claim His Eminence owes you, but... perhaps we may return with some token to remind him of your years of service, and even to convince him that an ample reward exists in his son? Not to imply, Prince Avel, that you are a reward or an object."

Kai thought deeply for several moments, bringing evedything relevant to the forefront and eschewing all else. His knowledge of the mind, his understanding of people... and his experience with His Eminence, the Lord of the Sun's Rest.

The Emperor Yam Mayim, may he always shine, was not a prideful man, though the entail of his station must give him cause to project that he was. He had much more in common with Kai himself, having been a warrior, a general that led a coup against a corrupt prince and proceeded to conquer the corrupt vassal states and their master the former King of the West. He had seen much of himself in Kai, and had been the one to bid Kai broaden himself instead of continuing in service.

The Emperor was as much of a natural dominus as Kai. They could both command those around them with little effort, and could back up their command with sincerity and experience. A man such as he, who believed as Kai did in the ability of the strong to force destiny to stand up and take notice... a man such as he could not be swayed to give up his son by any other entreaty but that of his son.

A respect would be shown - man to man, that Kai thus respected Avel and gave him the chance to choose. And here would the Emperor's favor be earned.

"There is no token more valuable that I could give him than the express consent and faith of his son. Will you write your esteemed father a letter, lad?" Kai asked, his hand rising to gently stroke Avel's hair.

Avel began to nod before Kai could finish his question. "Thank you, Master." He whispered into Kai's ear as he hugged him. "For believing in me. For wanting me."

Kai could not resist playfully slapping the prince's rear as he retreated, watching Delos and Mikal jump in their seats.

"You have little left to fear from me, nor I from you. I now require your assistance to deliver that letter to the Emperor from his son, and you no longer need violate guest rights. And with my dearest one now being fully aware of them, I am certain he shall be able to explain their violation should he be abducted."

Delos blanched at the realization of just how caught in the web of tradition he was. Mikal only grinned.

"You need not return immediately." Kai offered. "The duststorm may not abate for another day, at least."

"Indeed, we shall prevail upon your hospitality awhile longer. I myself would welcome a lesson from the Bloody Jewel of Makaranth on methods of restraint." Mikal grinned. "My captain, would you act as my practice tool?"

Delos was taken by surprise as Mikal handgagged him then, the fingers of his other hand dancing along his torso, loosening and unbuttoning. "Mrrrrm?"

"I would be honored to teach. Captain Delos, if you wish, you may even act as a temporary slave to your subordinate, that he may recieve the full experience." Kai smirked.

Delos whined behind Mikal's hand and attempted to speak - until he bit Mikal's hand (roughly, but not enough to injure) and growled out, "Two days at most. But, Mikal, at least make sure that Shen remains fed and bound. We'll get the metal restraints from the windjammer once the dust settles."

"Enough words." Mikal grinned. "Friend Kai, I am certain you have tools of restraint?"

"Right this way..."


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Post by Guardianbound »

My servitude for your sword please :lol: Never would have thought Kai would let himself be dominated like that, only adds points in my book.

Looking forward to Kai's lessons. Maybe some of these chastity devices can be put to use.
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