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Tyler's phone rang. "Spike, here boy."

That's all the message was. That's all he was expecting it to be. It was Mike. The weekend was obviously on. Yesterday, Mike said he had a surprise for Tyler. It was just that he wasn't sure that they could get the place to themselves. Obviously the coast was clear.

Tyler had a long journey ahead of him but, ever the optimist, he had already packed for the weekend just in case. From what he knew about Mike and the things they had spoken about in the past, the long drive should certainly be worth it.

The journey was tedious but uneventful and Tyler pulled his car up to the apartment block, checked the address, strapped on his backpack and made his way to the top floor. There was only one door and Tyler rang the bell. Then his phone rang. He unhitched his bag and retrieved the phone before the call could be re-directed to voice-mail. "Get ready."

"Out here?" The call ended abruptly and Tyler was left examining his surroundings. The landing was private and, as soon as he had reassured himself that the only access, apart from the stairs which he had just climbed, was the door to what was obviously Mike's apartment, he had to decide.

"Oh well, in for a penny . . ."

Even now there were decisions to make. Tyler opened his pack and dug in. Yes, that would do. Mike would appreciate that. He packed his clothing into the scant space at the top of the bag, rang the doorbell and took to his hands and knees. He had never f
elt like this before. As he waited on the none-too-warm landing, he still hoped that the black jockstrap was the right decision.


Tyler knelt waiting and wondering whether he shouldn't, perhaps, ring the bell again. What would Spike do? He decided to wait. He even thought his hearing was becoming more acute as he heard someone approaching from inside the apartment. The door opened. The transformation was complete. Spike looked up.

Mike saw the large, hazel eyes looking up at him. Spike hoped they looked adoring but Mike couldn't help noticing a certain trepidation. This was going to take work but he couldn't afford to give an inch yet. Spike had to know who was boss.

Spike made his best play. "Woof?"

"Gooood boyyy!" Mike ruffled his nearly black hair.

Spike wished he had a tail to wag. The lack of one made his attempted display of pleasure embarrassing to say the least.

"Spike, fetch. In you come." Mike indicated Tyler's rucksack. Tyler reached out for the bag with his right hand. "Bad dog!" Mike administered a sharp tap to his friend's head. Tyler flinched with surprise. He held himself. "Spike, fetch properly, pups don't have hands."

"Sorry, Master." The contrite pup was surprised to receive another sharp tap.

"They don't speak either." Tyler was having a bit of trouble with completely becoming Spike but he understood that his master's chastisements were completely justified . He whimpered in a manner which he hoped would portray contrition. He hoped his upward cast eyes would help.

"Good puppy. You'll learn." Tyler wasn't sure about that. Spike thought he was, especially when Mike ruffled his hair again. "Just drag it. Come in."


Having been corrected for using his paws as hands, Spike located the hanging loop on the top of Tyler's rucksack and clamped it between his teeth. His progress into Mike's apartment was hindered by the heavy bag as it dragged along the floor underneath him.

It would be difficult to decide what breed Spike was. At the minute, he was like a retriever dragging an over-sized prey item along the ground between his front legs and trying to avoid pushing it down with his torso. More usually, he'd probably be more like a less emaciated version of a saluki with his long limbs, slender build, well defined pecs and strong shoulders.

Spike followed his new master across what appeared to be a new, luxurious, deeply piled carpet until Mike turned round. "Good boy, SiiT!" Spike parked his bum on Tyler's heels whilst keeping what were once Tyler's hands flat on the floor. He retained the fabric loop in his mouth. Mike extended his hand. "Give!" Spike released the rucksack and Mike dragged it from under him and lifted it onto a nearby armchair.

"Rough journey?"

Tyler had to think. What should he do? What would Spike do? He decided. "Owff, owff." And he nodded his head with each bark.

"Good boy, good boy, it's alright, you're here now." Mike stroked his new pup's head. Spike rubbed his cheek against his master's leg. The residual human couldn't help thinking that he might soon be grateful that he'd chosen a very firm jockstrap.

Mike's demeanour suddenly changed. "You're obviously a good doggie but we'd better set some things straight first. Tyler, you probably need a piss. Go take one and we'll set some ground rules." Spike was surprised, and somewhat disappointed, to hear his human name but the implication was obvious. He took to his human feet and headed for the door that Mike was indicating.

Mike waited. Spike emerged from the bathroom. Mike told him to get off his hands and knees until he'd had his say and to and sit on the sofa alongside him like a normal human being. They conversed for a short time, recapping what they had discussed on line, over the telephone and during that one previous, and very brief, meeting. Rules and limits were recapped and Mike explained that, the next time Tyler spoke like a human, he would take it as an indication that Spike needed out of whatever situation he was in. "Understand, boy?"

Tyler grinned expansively and Spike took to his "paws" again and looked up adoringly at his master from the sitting position panting noisily with his tongue protruding.


"Good boy." Mike leaned forwards and ruffled his pet's hair once more.


"Spike need some water?"

"Woof!" Spike nodded - just once.

"OK, come on, boy." Mike rose from the sofa and guided his new puppy to the kitchen. The floor surface wasn't as comfortable for Spike as the carpet had been. Mike indicated a present he'd bought for Spike: a shiny bowl onto which Spike's name seemed to have been added in red enamel paint. "Good boy. Drinkies."

Mike enjoyed his pup's messy struggle to drink but Spike did manage not to say anything in spite of the spluttering and initial snorting. He did allow himself an infantile giggle, though.

"OK, had enough?"

"Woof!" Another single nod.

"Good pup! Time to start training. C'm'ere, boy." Spike saw what Mike had obviously secreted about his person with some excitement. It was certainly going to be a new experience. He made another embarrassing attempt to reward his owner with a wag of his non-existent tail as the choke chain was slipped over his neck.


"Heel!" Mike must have given careful consideration as to how he would need to treat such a new pup. He gave a gentle tug on the chain and then walked Spike quite gently across to his open bedroom door. There were two other similar doors as well but they were closed. Spike followed his master into the room. "SiiT." Mike slipped the chain from Spike's neck. "Hold it, boy." The increasingly intrigued puppy gripped the proffered chain in his teeth.

"Look what Master bought you." That was hardly a surprise. Spike examined the round tag with his name on it before Mike buckled the shiny, new leather collar snugly round his neck. He was sure he heard something like a padlock click behind his neck.

Mike lifted the leather lead from the floor and unclipped it from the choke chain that still hung down from both sides of Spike's mouth. He attached it to the ring that held Spike's name tag onto his new collar. Spike looked up exitedly. "Woof!"

"Yes, it's just for you. Now, walkies!" Tyler was a bit taken aback. Surely he wasn't going to be taken outside? "Drop the chain. Let's take a look round your new home." Spike breathed out.

With frequent reminders to "Heel, boy", Spike was given a conducted tour of the extensive apartment. He had already seen his master's bedroom, the kitchen and the bathroom but he was guided round them all again. Mike thought it would help him learn to walk to heel. Mike's house-mate was away for the weekend and Spike wasn't shown round his room but there was another with a bed and various covered items which Spike sniffed around as if investigating them. "Uh-uh -Leeave!" Mike jerked Spike's lead but not too harshly and the pup sat and whimpered apologetically. Two sets of hazel eyes met. It was a long way to look up from where Spike's head was.

"Good boy. You'll find out what they are very soon." Spike's tongue lolled out, he panted and nodded his head enthusiastically. He was getting the definite feeling that he could trust his new master.


"Heel, Boy." Spike was taken back to the living room and told to siT while his master got another present that he had for him. Spike sat with his tongue out and panting hard to demonstrate his excitement.

Mike returned. "Beg. Beg, boy" Spike raised his torso and drew his hands up to shoulder level with his elbows bent. Not many dogs have quite such a wide, contented grin on their faces. "Give me your paw." Tyler extended his right arm.

The object in Mike's hand was about the size of a glove but it didn't seem to have any fingers. It was made of supple black leather with prominent red stitching and a ring of studs round where the cuff should be. Mike jammed the polished mitten over Tyler's right hand and the human's fist soon became Spike's paw. Once the zip had been closed, there was no way Tyler could uncurl his fingers. Spike thought that was wonderful. The studded strap that was round the cuff was fed through the large leather loop attached to the end of the zip, and through the buckle and the mitt was fastened snugly round Spike's wrist and locked with a small, shiny padlock.

Spike examined his latest present an expressed his gratitude. "Woof" and he groomed his muzzle with the back of what was once Tyler's hand.

"Like it, Boy?"

"Woof (pant, pant, pant)." Spike/Tyler put one paw and one hand on the floor, leaned forward and rubbed his head against the inside of his master's left thigh. Looking up again, he could see that his thanks were appreciated. Mike was beginning to regret that he was only wearing normal boxers under his black skinny jeans. "Woooof?"

Mike pulled himself together; there was more to do before his pedigree pup could be entered into a dog show. "Beg."

"(Whimper)" Spike sat back again, raised his torso and presented his left paw for attention. When Mike had finished, the pup inspected his shiny new paws, panted and yipped delightedly several times.


A bit more practice walking to heel and Spike soon got used to his new paws; they even had rubberised pads that stopped him slipping on un-carpeted floors.. There was much praise and the pup rolled over onto his back and waved his "legs" in the air in delight.

"What a clever boy."

"(Pant, pant, pant) Yip, yip!" Mike reached down to scratch his pup's belly comprehensively. That got a bit dodgy as his hands approached the waist band of the jockstrap, and the fabric of the pouch was put under more strain than its manufacturer ever intended. Spike was in puppy heaven; his master was so good to him.

"No, it's no use. Not good enough."

"Woof?" Spike couldn't think what he might have done wrong.

"Sit, Boy. WaiiiT." Spike sat with his splendid new paws on the carpet and his head on one side.

Mike soon returned with a brown paper bag. Spike was intrigued. "Woof?" and his head flopped to the opposite side but his eyes looked up into his master's smiling face.

"Those legs are out of scale, boy. You'll never win any prizes if you don't meet the breed standard."

Spike looked puzzled. "Wooof?"

Mike sat himself down on the sofa. "Turn around, boy." Spike whimpered; he wanted to gaze lovingly at his new master but, of course, he had to do what he was told. Mike was quite touched as the dejected doggie continued with the whimpering as he crawled to face away from him.

"OK, back up, boy." Spike shuffled backwards until Tyler's feet and his own backside were touching the sofa. Mike leaned forwards and scratched his obedient pet in the small of his back, just above Tyler's jockstrap. Spike yipped with pleasure as his muscles tensed up involuntarily.

"Good boy, goooud boooy!" Spike's attempt to wag his non-existent tail felt even more stupid than ever as he rubbed his backside against the sofa - but wag his tail he did!

"Spike, forward boy. Not too much." Spike edged slightly forwards. "WaiT!" Spike came to a halt no more than about a foot away from the sofa. He couldn't see what Mike had taken from the paper bag that he had put on the sofa. "Give me your foot, boy." Spike raised his right foot and Mike lodged it in his lap. As Spike shook while he panted, Mike nearly regretted that decision and he was glad that his pup couldn't see his reaction. Both members of the partnership had much to learn about their mutual interactions.

Tyler heard a sound that he was sure he recognised before Mike raised his foot and started wrapping something tightly round his human ankle. "OK boy, gi' me your knee." Mike took the proffered joint in his hand and lodged it further back in his lap than was probably wise. He made himself a mental note that he would definitely NOT wear a pair of lose boxers tomorrow. Spike let out an all too human grunt as he was taken by surprise and tried to regain his balance. Mike let that one go.

That clicking noise again and this time spike was sure he knew what it was, let's face it, he already had some of it wrapped around his ankle. Mike lifted Tyler's knee from his lap and wrapped the black duct tape round both his ankle and his thigh tightly enough to make sure that he would not be able to separate his calf from his thigh. Having done that, Mike continued until the tape encased Tyler's leg all the way down to his knee (Or should I say down to Spike's hind foot?) and back up to his foot once more.

"OK boy. Foot down." Tyler knelt on his right shin. "No, boy, not like that, not unless you're told to sit. Stand on it."


"Stand on this. That's your rear paw." Mike bent double, reached down and tapped Tyler's knee. "That's your rear paw, boy. Stand." Now Spike understood and he tried to balance on both his new paws even though one of Tyler's legs had not yet been converted. "Good boy, there's a good boy." Mike risked a scratch of Spike's backside.

Spikes shoulders raised as his front legs straightened. Oh, if only he had a proper tail.

When Mike demanded Tyler's remaining foot, Spike had some difficulty balancing, but his master was taking good care of him and supported him strongly as he converted Tyler's long, slender left leg into a matching hind leg for spike. "OK boy, siT."

Tyler soon figured out what was required and he slipped his knees forwards until his toes touched the floor and spikes' front legs were straight.


Mike scratched Spike under his chin. The stifled human squeak as his pet went rigid (all over) reassured Mike that he was treating his new pet well. "WaiT!" Mike had discovered a sudden need to visit the bathroom; Spike wasn't the only one who was enjoying himself.

After having dealt with the business in hand and cleaned himself up, Mike returned to the living room. Spike was so pleased to see him that he rolled over and waved his nice new legs and paws in the air and wriggled invitingly. Mike gave his chest and his belly a comprehensive scratching. Tyler wished he hadn't bothered with the jockstrap after all.

Mike reached over the end of the sofa and scrabbled around trying to locate something that, all the while he was pleasuring Spike, was out of sight. He found it. "Aaahh! Look what Master's got you." Spike rolled over and sat with his tongue out. Mike had found one of those multi-coloured ropes with knots at both ends that are used as dog chew-toys. "Fetch it, boy."

Mike threw the thing over Spike's head. It hit the opposite wall and slid to the floor. "Yip!" Spike turned, made another attempt at wagging his tail and walked over in the approved manner to collect his new toy. The large knots made it reasonably easy to pick up by the middle in his mouth and Spike returned with his trophy to his master "Ooo, ooo." Well, it was the nearest he could get to "Woof, woof." in the circumstances.

Tyler was usually pleased to play the subservient role but he couldn't always suppress his dominant characteristics. He thought it was time to step the relationship up a level. Now what would Spike do?

Spike sat holding the toy with the two large knots flopping against his chin. Then he went for it. "Ooo, ooo" and he thrust his nose, the toy and all right into Mike's crotch. THAT'S what Spike would have done! There was no mistaking that smell.

After the initial surprise, Mike recognised the action for what it was and, let's face it, his recent departure for the bathroom wasn't going to prevent his coming to almost immediate attention in the circumstances. "Mnnn, Mnnn".

Mike had the choice: roll up a magazine and apply it sharply to his eager pet's head or just roll with it. Those adoring Hazel eyes (not to mention the proximity of Spike's face to his rapidly expanding person) made up his mind. Mike began an intense tickling behind Spike's ears, a scruffing of his hair and then a prolonged massage of his cheeks and chin. It took great self control on Spike's behalf to stop him dropping his toy to get even closer to his master.

A protracted session of doggie wrestling then took place. Spike obviously had to drop his nice new toy if he was to be able to lick his master's face and he did lick that face, and not only his face as the new carpet got nearly as good a workout as Tyler's jockstrap. A man and his dog soon lay, exhausted, on their backs, side by side. Not only the dog was panting.



"Naughty boy! Doggies don't talk, remember."

"Hey man, you called me Tyler!"

"Or answer back. I can see I've got a lot of training to do yet. You need to deal with that?" So saying Mike gave Tyler's over-extended jockstrap a hefty back-hander. That nearly dealt with the problem there and then. "Come on, Tyler, you've had a long journey and you've got another one ahead of you tomorrow. We'll have time to play before you go but all play and no rest will make Tyler a liability on the highway."

"Yeah, I know, you're right. Tell you what: you want to do it for me?"

"Not yet, man. Let's get you human again.


Mike was probably right. As much as he wouldn't have minded a greater level of intimacy, especially just then, the two had a lot to learn about one another. They had "chatted" at length on the net and spoken on the telephone but they'd only had that one brief face to face in that diner. That was enough to reassure them that they both wanted this meet up but neither wanted to jeopardise their potential relationship by putting the other off at this stage. Mike couldn't resist thinking that things would have been so much easier if Spike was a complete sub without Tyler's dominant tendencies. Oh well, real life has a habit of interfering with fantasies.

All traces of Spike soon disappeared (unless you count his jockstrap) and Tyler went into the bathroom to shower and release certain internal tensions. He reappeared with one of Mike's towels wrapped round his slender hips and still towelling off the hair that seemed to vary between brown and black depending upon how it was standing or lying. Mike appreciated the curves of his friend's figure. His slenderness led up to a fine pair of shoulders and trim but well defined pecs. "Hey man, who the hell has black towels?"

"Well, if you don't like it, you can always take it off." Tyler grinned. Maybe he'd save that for later.

Just then the buzzer sounded. Tyler tensed involuntarily. "Chill, Bro, it's just the pizza." Mike reached for his wallet and headed for the door. Tyler continued drying his hair.

Mike opened the boxes, laid them on the coffee table and sat on his sofa; Tyler discarded the towel that he was using on his hair, throwing it towards the bathroom, and joined his host on the sofa. He examined the three boxes closely.

"OK, so garlic bread I understand but a "Neopolitan" and a "New England Greek"? Where's the meat, man? Dogs don't eat veg. Give the puppy meat, Master."

"You're not Spike at the minute, My Man. Dig in." It was enough to make Tyler get down on his hands and knees and bite Mike's leg. He did, however, eat from all three boxes under protest. Necking a couple of beers from the bottle did help to take his mind off the fact that his supper contained zero dead animal.

The two guys settled to desultory conversation and watched a video that neither of them would have wanted their mothers to see, until it was mutually agreed that it was time to retire. Spike was a tired little puppy and Tyler wasn't much better.

It had come to the delicate matter of sleeping arrangements.

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Post by TiedNW »

Great story! Love to see more
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, I was beginning to think the story was being ignored.
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

Very Nice Story
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.
I hope to be able to continue this soon.
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Post by Pup »

Awesome. Reminds me a tonne of a few meets I've done.
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Glad you approve.
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Post by Xtc »

I thought I had better post the next part of this story before it gets forgotten.
I'm afraid it is only a short chapter but it seemed like a good place to stop for a while.
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Someone had to broach the sensitive question of overnight accommodation. Mike grasped the bone. “Right, Tyler, you want to share my bed or use the one in the spare room? Or does Spike get a say in things?”

Tyler gave the situation all of one-and-a-half seconds’ mature consideration. Yes, a jump-up certainly wouldn’t come amiss that night but Tyler thought there would be time for such athletic pursuits in the future as long as Spike and his Master got on at this meeting. Also, it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity offered to Spike after all that trouble Tylor had taken to get him there.

Tyler went down on his hands and knees and started crawling towards his discarded towel. As he did so, the one round his waist came adrift without Proto-Spike even breaking step. He picked up the towel in his mouth and started dragging it back to his master. “Umphh.” Well, it was as near to “Woof” as Spike could manage with what he thought should be his bedding in his mouth.

“You sure?”

Spike dropped the damp towel, hung out his tongue and started panting enthusiastically. Tyler had always wanted to be someone’s dog and it seemed that all his private, solo practice was paying off at last.

Alright, Mike knew that a real doggie would be naked but there is always something ‘enticing’ about having one’s pet not quite in a state of nature and Mike was well prepared for any eventuality. He reached over the end of the sofa again. “OK, Tyler, last chance to do anything human for a while – unless you need to visit the John.” Spike/Tyler thought for a second or so before Spike shook his head silently. Mike held out his latest doggie-treat for Tyler to see.

Tyler was intrigued as he took the shiny leather object, not that there was much of it. Once he had examined it, he stood up and positioned it in the obvious location. He had never had to don a thong quite like it previously but it didn’t take much figuring out. The soft leather pouch was obviously supposed to contain his newly ‘interested’ penis but it was not going to be easy to fasten it without help. What a good job help was at hand – literally!

Tyler tried to position the studded leather pouch, which suddenly seemed somewhat inadequate to contain his developing semi, by holding it by the top corners where there were two metal reinforced slots through which the ends of the hanging strap were obviously supposed to be threaded. Tyler decided that he needed three hands. “It’s OK, man, come here; I’ll hold it for you.” Tyler approached Mike where he was sitting on the sofa, expecting him to grab the ends of the inch-wide leather strap that would obviously form the waist belt. “OK, that should hold it in place. Now get on with the straps.”

Mike’s clamping his hand over the pouch and moulding it forcibly to Tyler’s person did nothing to improve the fit of the garment. “It’s OK, you can tuck it all in properly later.” If that wasn’t going to put Tyler off, nothing was. The poor guy was left with Mike’s hand clamped over his dick and a sort of upside-down leather “T” arrangement of straps hanging down in front of him. He made no attempt to retreat.

Now he had to manoeuvre the waist strap between his legs and up behind him while the connecting, somewhat narrower, platted thong, embedded itself into his arse crack. Then he had to thread the metal encased ends of the waist strap through the slots at the top of the pouch. Once through, he threaded the pointed ends back through the tensioning buckles that were now sitting against the sides of his hips. The worst bit was pulling them tight with his tackle not properly enclosed and being pinched somewhat painfully against him.

“No too tight yet or you’re not going to get all that in.” Mike’s grin got, if possible, even wider. Tyler’s probably would have been nearly as wide except for that bloody pinching. He made himself a note: next time, get the bloody thing threaded first. Did he really just think ‘next time’? Yes, he did. The wry grin set on his face as he set about tucking himself away and lifting his member so that it felt more comfortable – or, at least, it probably would once it had retreated a bit so that the belt would sit properly against his abdomen. Tyler pulled the belt tight.

Tyler took to his hands and knees again and Spike faced his master.


“OK, boy, get your paws.” Spike, who was now not completely naked, went across to where Mike had dumped his ‘paws’ on the floor beside the sofa. When crawling, Tyler started to appreciate why the thing up his crack was plaited as it gave him a somewhat arousing massage with every step. Spike picked up one of the paws by the strap. There was no way he was going to be able to pick up the second one without dropping the first. He returned to face his Master, adopted the sitting posture and panted keenly. Mike accepted the offering and told spike that he was a, “Goood boooy,” as he accepted the leather mitt, “OK, boy, fetch the other one.” A happy spike did as he was told and was soon equipped with his still shiny new paws.

Mike had to think hard: should he bind Tyler’s legs again? It could be be a long night, Tyler was tired and would have to drive home late in the morning. Proto-Spike turned round and offered his left foot into Mike’s lap. Tyler certainly knew what Spike wanted. “No, sorry boy, Tyler has to drive tomorrow.” Spike turned round and whined. Those eyes looked up pleadingly. Mike broke the fourth wall. “Sorry, Guy, you’ve got a long way to drive tomorrow but I’ll try to make it up to you. Spike whimpered but Tyler did accept his Master’s decision. What did Mike mean by making it up to him?

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Post by Michael-Colin »

So where can I buy a puppy like that?
Banner courtesy of bondagefreak ^_^
Link to story here - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7723
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Post by bondagefreak »

This should very much be in line with Pup's tastes I would think.

Xtc, dont apologise for the shorter chapters. I think most readers appreciate those a lot more, as they can easily be read during work, on a lunch break for example.
I for one, value the shorter scenes.

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Post by Xtc »

Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago So where can I buy a puppy like that?
Make sure you choose a reputable dealer ,@Michael-Colin ,and that your puppy's jabs are up to date.
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Post by Xtc »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago This should very much be in line with Pup's tastes I would think.

Xtc, dont apologise for the shorter chapters. I think most readers appreciate those a lot more, as they can easily be read during work, on a lunch break for example.
I for one, value the shorter scenes.
Yes, Pup has replied to the thread.

Generally speaking, I agree with you. It's just that I envisaged producing the story in two episodes and, being the control freak I am, I don't like changing my plans.

Thanks for your considered reply, though. I appreciate it.
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Post by Pup »

Yeah absolutely love this story- it captures the mindset so well.

I have little preference either way for short or long chapters- short are as BondageFreak said good if you just want to quickly have a look, often I see a new chapter on a story and wait till when I have more time to read it if it is a longer chapter.
Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Generally speaking, I agree with you. It's just that I envisaged producing the story in two episodes and, being the control freak I am, I don't like changing my plans.
Only two episodes? :o

Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago So where can I buy a puppy like that?
How much ya got...? ;)
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Post by Xtc »

Pup wrote: 6 years ago
Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago So where can I buy a puppy like that?
How much ya got...? ;)
Come on, be reasonable. Use a rescue centre; much cheaper and the purchases will have been inoculated and wormed. May I present my card?
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What follows is another short episode but it seemed to be a good point to make a chapter break.
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Spike turned to face his master. His head was hanging but his eyes looked up expectantly.

Mike fastened Spike’s collar round his neck once more. He did not bother to lock it on; there was no point. Spike’s paws would not allow him to remove it any more than Tyler’s inclinations would have driven him to do so. Mike got up from the sofa. “Here, Boy.” Mike headed for the spare room. The residual personality of Tyler thought that at least he should have been on a lead but Spike wanted to please his master so he followed and even fulfilled the, “Heel, boy” instructions. Once they had entered the spare room, Mike scruffed Spike’s head. “Goooud boooy. SiiT”

Spike ‘sat’ and shook in a manner that he hoped would indicate that he was very happy. Mike went across to one of the covered boxes, withdrew the dustsheet and delved into its depths. After a short exploration, he withdrew another of those items that he suspected would have come in useful. If not, he would have wasted a great deal of money.

Spike saw the thing and, in spite of Tyler’s gob-smacked response to it, he panted and shook his head backwards and forwards. He was certainly keen to try it out. Mike stripped out certain elements considering them to be inappropriate for overnight use but Spike couldn’t figure out what they were in any case. Tyler was thinking that all his efforts were starting to pay off. Once more, Spike wished he had a tail to wag but he was beyond the state where Tyler could give a damn about the embarrassment of his attempt to wag his non-existent appendage. He just tried his best!

Mike had bought only the best for his prospective pet. Not only did the head-piece look very much like a dog, complete with floppy, red tongue and pliable ears, but the parts that Spike could not identify as Mike returned them to the box offered a variety of ‘entertainments’ for any possible future encounters.

Right now Mike could have done with giving himself a good seeing-to but, as readers will appreciate, owners have a duty to their pets and besides, once Spike was safely accommodated, he could take things easy – not that he thought those things would take that long to come to a climax in the circumstances.

Mike settled to business.

Spike noticed that his master’s trousers didn’t seem to be as relaxed as they had been previously.
“OK boy, turn round and beeeG!” Spike didn’t see why he should beg with his back to his master but Master’s word was law so Spike practiced his whimpering and did as he was told. THEN it dawned on Tyler why he had to kneel upright so he lifted his paws in the proper manner and started panting enthusiastically once more. Mike could now reach his puppy’s head with some facility.

Tyler saw Spike’s head approaching his face and that leather pouch still didn’t contain adequately that which it was supposed to contain. Doggy panting and human heavy breathing mixed in a curious cocktail of sound and body language.

As the mask was pulled over Tyler’s face, he quickly realised that there was something he needed to accommodate. That was clever. Not only did the mask feature a floppy red tongue that protruded from the doggy mouth but that tongue extended inside the stiff leather construction so that the rigid, swivelled extension had to be taken into the wearer’s mouth. As Mike fastened the buckles that would hold Spike’s head firmly in place over Tyler’s head, Spike tried out his vocabulary. Even after the broad strap had been fastened quite tightly under Tyler’s chin, Spike could still go, “Woof”, even if it did now sound more like “Offns” and “Yip” was still quite serviceable although it was a bit breathy. Spike could even animate his protruding tongue to a limited extent all the while Tyler could move his own tongue. Spike did not feel motivated to test out his whimpering.


“OK boy, turn round now.” Spike placed his paws on the floor and did so. “Happy, boy?” Spike rubbed his nice new head against the inside of his master’s thigh to indicate that, indeed, he was. Mike wasn’t sure that that was a good idea. Oh well, he would have needed to change his boxers soon in any case. He could not see the manic grin on Tyler’s face.


Mike was not finished yet; he thought that he ought to see just how far he could go before Tyler took over from Spike so he paid another visit to the box. “Let’s just keep those naughty paws of yours out of trouble for the night, shall we?” Mike retrieved some equipment from the box. “Beg, boy.”

Spike raised his paws in the accepted fashion and Mike threaded a light chain through the ring that held Spike’s name-tag onto his collar. Spike tilted his head inquisitively. That inquisitiveness was soon satisfied as Mike attached a padlock to each end of the chain and then to rings attached to the straps round each of Spike’s paws.

What with the leather pouch impeding access to his bits and his inability to lower his paws more than about eight inches from his collar would certainly prevent Spike from doing much to keep himself company but there was always the possibility of slipping one paw up to his collar once Mike was no longer there. Spike panted excitedly once more.

Mike adopted a twisted grin and clipped another small padlock through two links of the chain just below the ring in Spike’s collar. Now Spike thought he should practice his whimpering.

“No, it’s for your own good boy.” Mike knew that Tyler could still move his arms enough to avoid cramps but there was absolutely no way that he could gratify himself in the way that he would obviously need to do soon. It also dawned on him that he could check-out something that he could try out in the morning.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Great new addition! Am very much enjoying these short chapters.

I loved the mention of Spike noticing the state of his Master's trousers and also enjoyed the colourful description you used to describe the securing of the mask on his face.
The internal tongue acting as a sort of gag is definitely hot and so was the tight strapping around Spike's head and chin.

All in all, a pleasure to follow.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the detailed feedback.

I think Spike is working on winnikng "Best in Breed".
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Pup »

*Wags Tail*
Love the new chapter.
Level of detail is good as usual- etc etc etc.
You get the point.
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Post by Xtc »

Glad you still approve.
I wonder what Mike is considering for the morning.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Pup »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Glad you still approve.
I wonder what Mike is considering for the morning.
I don't have a clue- but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. :D
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Post by Xtc »

I'm writing slowly at the minute due to many new demands on my time so here's another very short episode.
There is probably either one longer or two short chapters to follow.
As usual, feedback is essential for my motivation.
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“OK boy, get your bedding. Fetch!” Now Tyler had a problem: What would Spike do? He thought he knew, but Mike was certainly giving no clues as he adopted a cunning smile whist vainly trying to adjust himself inside his trousers.

It didn’t take long for Tyler to figure out that he would have not been expected to stand, so should Spike crawl on his knees? No, that didn’t seem right either. He supposed that he might be able to crawl on his elbows and knees. Well, it was worth a try. Mike barely managed to contain the triumphant, “Yesss!” as he saw his puppy making off to the living room to fetch the towel that, before he knew what his master had in mind, he had decided should be his bedding.

Spike’s progress was slow but Master had decreed and he had to obey. The task took quite some time during which Mike could ramp up the situation by one more notch. As soon as Spike was out of site, he removed the dustsheet from the largest covered object in the room. The cage was certainly big enough for spike to be able access on all fours and the blankets on the floor would be much more acceptable as bedding than the damp towel for which Spike had been sent in a pointless search. There was even a ratty old pillow in there.

As Mike watched Spike returning, he was sure that the idea he had for tomorrow was a goer but the towel that Spike had been dragging in by the clumsy use of his “feet” didn’t get very far into the room before a delighted doggie caught sight of his kennel.

“Ooof! Ooof! Ooof!” Once again Spike wagged his non-tail.

“Like it, boy?” If only he could have done so, Spike would have run to examine the accommodation. As it was, he panted, wagged his tongue and moved towards it as quickly as he could. “Master couldn’t have his puppy lying on that wet towel. Sorry those blankets and that sheet are a bit old but there’s a couple of layers of them.” Spike crawled into the very sturdy cage and, with difficulty turned to face his master just as he was padlocking the door.

“See that pillow boy?” Spike nodded. “Sniff it, boy.” Spike was a good boy and a recently familiar smell did manage to mingle with the scent of new leather. Mike had obviously been using the pillow case for quite some time. The same went for the sheet.

“Iffn! Iffn!” Once more the New Yorker’s pale hips wiggled enticingly. Mike told himself that he could probably hold on for a few more minutes.

“Right, settle down, boy. Lie down! Lie down!” Spike did his best to make himself comfortable but the residual Tyler did rather hope that practice would enable him to do so. “Good boy, gooood boy!” So saying, Mike turned and left the room. Spike came to a doggy stand and whimpered pathetically. Mike ignored him and went on his way. Tyler was, to say the least, desolated.


The puppy made another attempt to get comfortable but Tyler was no longer so sure that he wanted to try to get to sleep in that cage alone in the spare room even wearing his nice new toys. Would Mike come to him if he called to him? Would Spike really want to pull out now? Tyler thought he would give it a go and stick with it. He spent the next half-hour or so trying to find a position that, if not comfortable was, at least tolerable.

When Mike re-appeared, newly laundered from the bathroom, Spike sat up again panting delightedly. That was the first time he had seen his master in the state that nature intended. He was quite impressed. Judging by the door, Mike must have been six feet tall and was probably slightly less heavy than Tyler. He was well proportioned but not as well defined as his buddy. As he stood towelling off his dark brown hair with another of those black towels, Tyler was starting to regret the tacit agreement between the two humans to take things easy on the intimacy front but as far as Spike was concerned, his beloved master had returned.

“Did you miss me, Boy?” Spike indicated that he did. “Didn’t think I’d leave my new puppy on his own on his first night, did you?” Spike rocked in a non-committal sort of way. Mike shed his towel and reached through the bars to pat Spike’s head. “There, there, Master’s back and he’s staying all night.” Once more Spike wished he had a tail to wag. He pushed his side against the cage and shook up and down. Mike could take a hint and scratched spikes back just above the leather belt of his thong. He then gave a mischievous pull reinforcing the automatic forced wedgie that the garment had already cased.

“Ifff!” Never before had a “Yip” sounded so indignant.

“Tyler,” Spike cocked his head to one side quizzically, “Before I turn in, do you want me to remove Spike’s tongue overnight? I can do it, you know.” Spike sat up turned to face his master and drew his head back, Tyler was affronted. All the while Mike was there, Spike would be content; his master would keep him safe.

Spike shook his head and Tyler discovered that the rigid gag had absolutely no effect on Spike’s ability to growl. “Alright boy, down, boy.” Spike stopped growling. “Now, I’m a very light sleeper so no snoring, no farting and don’t rattle your chains too much. I’m turning in.”

Briefly Spike prepared to see his master disappear instead of which, he climbed into the made-up bed and pulled the light top sheet over himself. “G’ night, Spike, g’ night, boy.”

“Ooof! Ooof! Yip.”

Mike turned on his side so that he was facing his new pet and Spike adopted the posture that he had found least uncomfortable earlier. He became even more aware of the scent with which his master’s habit of sleeping in the nude had impregnated his bedding. He was content. Master and doggie both settled down and tried to get to sleep.

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Post by LK3869 »

Nice discovering that K9 part of you.
Knowing you from DA only, I was afraid strip-ties and tickling were your most extreme vices :mrgreen: Should've known better...
Always entertaining to read you, whatever the subject.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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