The Edging and Bondage Study [M/M] (18+) - Finished

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The Edging and Bondage Study [M/M] (18+) - Finished

Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 1 - Machine Learning
I was sitting in a chair, fully naked, as my friend and co-worker Eli slid my dick into a machine designed to edge me.

Eli and I were grad students, working in a psychology and neuroscience lab. We were studying the brain in different states, and one of particular interest to us and our advisor was what happened in the brain as one approached orgasm. Of course, measuring someone’s brain as they’re about to cum is hard for a number of reasons - many we wouldn’t be able to solve with this device - but one we hoped we could: it is surprisingly hard to keep someone on the edge of orgasm long enough to get substantial data.

Eli had a knack for computers and coding, and a particular interest in machine learning. I had no shame and a willingness to try new things, so together we made the perfect team to create and test out a machine that would keep a man on the edge for as long as a researcher needed. And so, here in the lab, late one night, Eli slides my dick into a machine that looks and feels like a penis pump with a velcro strap that runs along my waist and between my legs to keep it affixed to me while it jacks me off. He puts the sensors on my forehead and walks over to his computer to start the first test run.

“You ready Anthony?”

“Yes Sir!” I smile. Eli rolls his eyes and goes red in the face. He’s been acting very clinical and professional, overcompensating for how awkward he feels. Which I can understand, it is a little bit awkward getting jacked off in front of a coworker and friend. He clicks the mouse and the machine begins, slowly gliding up and down my cock while I sit there in the chair. Call me a freak but it doesn’t take long for me to get hard. Eli’s eyes are tactically pinned to his screen. He doesn’t really acknowledge me, save for an occasional “you good dude?”. And fuck, I am. I’ve always been pretty quick to cum, and the edging machine brings me close to the edge very fast.

No doubt responding to whatever signals are coming from my brain, it tries to slow down. I also try to stop myself, but it's too late, and I cum involuntarily.

I stifle any noise my body tells me to make, not really for my own ego but more to save Eli any embarrassment. Eli is merciful and stops the machine and then helps me get unstrapped from the velcro harness.

“Sorry dude”, I say, cleaning myself off, “I know that wasn’t what we were hoping for”

“No worries,” Eli says, “It’s part of the process. The software is teaching itself, calibrating to your body, and it's doing it with trial and error and a fuck-ton of linear algebra. We just need to do this enough that it figures out your body and brain.”

No complaints on my end. For the next few nights we meet, and I help calibrate the edging machine. The second and third day I last even shorter than the first. After that though, the learning-algorithm gets on the right course. On day four I lasted 15 minutes, nearly twice as long as the first night. On night five it takes me 23 minutes to cum. That night, I can’t help but thrust my hips and moan as the machine brings me over the edge. Thankfully by that time Eli has gotten a bit more chill about everything. He lost a lot of his awkwardness as the week went on; we’d chat while I was getting edged, and he’d even playfully raz me a bit. As I sat there, taking deep breaths after the machine pumped a load out of me, Eli actually came over and cleaned me off. Which somehow felt more intimate than anything else that had happened in this week of getting an a.i. handjob.

We took a break from work on Friday and Saturday. I was surprised when he called me up on Sunday not for work reasons, but just to go see a movie. We’d been close in the lab but hadn’t really hung out one-on-one. It was nice. Not awkward at all, which was good because the next week the pilot study was going to require us to get a lot closer.

On Monday night, as I sat there in the chair, I realized very quickly the machine had figured me out. It brought me to the edge and then stopped, over and over. Any semblance of professionalism melted away as I rocked and thrusted in the chair. But the machine knew when I was getting close and slowed down. Every time. Without fail. It was excruciating, I needed to cum. I moaned and whimpered. I caught a glimpse of Eli chuckling to himself. I didn't care. I didn’t care about anything. I had to be coming up on an hour of perfect, relentless edging. I grabbed the machine and started manually jacking myself off with it.

It only took a few strokes before I shot my load. I shook and shuttered, and sunk back into the chair.

"Fuck." I was shaking. Slouched back in the chair. Sweaty and spent.

Eli came over and helped me out of the machine.

"That looked pretty intense Anthony," he said "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah dude," I slowly regained composure, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed the thing. I just, I needed to you know-"

"No worries," Eli said, "it was kinda fun to watch honestly. You're cute when you're so desperate."

I thought about that sentence for the next few days. We'd always had good rapport in the lab, but that seemed like a bit more than a coworker thing to say. Granted, nothing about being naked and edged nightly is a traditional coworker thing, but still. We were getting closer.

We skipped a few days because of other commitments. I returned to the lab later that week a little unsure of where to go from here. We still needed to test the machine, and to get really good data we needed a person on edge for a few hours. The problem was I would 'end the study' long before that.

Eli had a solution.

"Let me tie you up," he said, "last time the test only ended because you caved and grabbed the device. If your hands were tied you couldn't do that. You'd have to endure the full duration."

"Eli you're a freak" I smiled. I wasn't against it. Like, I trusted Eli, and call it the effect of near daily edging sessions but I was starting to find myself into the whole situation and the cute, shy nerd who experimented on me. I was a bit nervous, the last edging had been brutal, and with no way to stop it I had no idea how long I'd have to endure the erotic torture. But that was also kind of exciting.

"I'm down," I said, "tie me down!"

I held my hands out, in front of me. I think expecting rope or tape or something. I'd never been tied up before, I'd only ever seen it in cowboy movies and old superhero cartoons that in hindsight I probably enjoyed too much. Instead of rope, Eli came over with leather cuffs.

"I did some research," he said, leave it to Eli to make bondage nerdy "leather cuffs are safer for beginners. I don't know how to use rope effectively yet."

His cuffs were comfortable, and fit snug around my wrists. They had a little belt-like buckle. Eli checked my circulation and comfort.

"Remember, you can always end the study" he said "these just stop an automatic physical response. Say ‘red’ if you need the test to end."

I nodded. He led me over to the cushioned chair we'd been using. Before I sat down he walked behind me, gently led my arms behind my back, and clipped them together with a small carabiner.

It was a strange feeling -a very hot feeling- being naked and tied up. My arms pulled back, giving up control to this man I trusted. This man that was about to torture me in the name of science. At least that's what we told ourselves - that it was for science. It felt a little more personal now, a little more extracurricular. He reached down and grabbed my balls, I leaned my naked body against him and instinctively arched my back out. He grabbed my cuffed hands and pulled me flush against himself. I reached around as much as the cuffs would let me and tried to grab his cock through his jeans, but he pulled my hands away.

"Anthony," he smiled, turning me around and sitting me in the chair, "we have work to do, save that for later."

The edging began. Once again the machine was perfect, bringing me to the edge again and again. Never letting me cum. At first, the cuffs did their job. When my need to cum got too strong, my hands being linked behind my back would give me just enough pause to grit and keep baring it. It was simultaneously wonderful and horrible. It felt so good, but I desperately needed to cum. It was maddening, I was shaking and thrusting in the chair. I moaned and whimpered, I may have even let out a quiet "please". I didn't care. I couldn't help it.

Eventually, though, my body and the cuffs betrayed me. They were only connected by a simple carabiner. I fumbled with my hand until I could reach it. I unhooked the carabiner, brought my cuffed but disconnected hands around front, and brought myself over the edge. I went limp in the chair, closed my eyes, and took long relieved breaths.

"Eli I -" he stopped me before I could finish. He grabbed my hair and kissed me deeply. I reached around and grabbed his ass. I tried to stand but my legs were weak. He pulled back, held my chin up with his hand, and looked me in the eye.

"Looks like I'll need to secure you a little better next time," he said.

I smiled, a big mischievous and eager smile. I liked where this study was going.
* * *
The next day he cuffed me behind my back with a padlock. He dangled the key in front of me as he walked back to his computer. Once again the edging machine did its job. And once again the cuffs failed to restrain me. I couldn't undo the padlock that connected them, but the cuffs themselves were only secured with a simple belt buckle, something I could pretty easily undo even with my hands tied.

The next day he ditched the cuffs. This time he duct taped my hands behind my back. As the machine edged me, I wiggled and writhed to get out of the tape. Eventually I was able to pull and twist my arms enough that the tape was loosened to the point I could slide a hand out.

The next day he tried rope.

"I thought you said it wasn't safe," I asked. "That you didn't know how to use it?"

"I've been reading some stuff online," he said, "plus everyone's gotta start somewhere, and you're a great test subject".

He bound my hands with a double column tie. It wasn't very good. I broke out pretty quick. The next day it was a little better. But I was still out in 20 minutes. The past couple days I'd begun my escape attempts earlier and earlier, long before my body forced me to. I told myself I did it because, given enough time if I could escape I would, and so it made sense to escape sooner rather than later. But really, I was just enjoying it. I liked being tied up and trying to break out. The hottest part of bondage were those first few minutes when I didn't know if I could get free. Once I found a weakness, it wasn't bondage anymore.

Thankfully, Eli seemed to be enjoying the process as well.

The next day he tied my hands behind my back, and with the extra rope tied a chest harness. He sat me down, and used another rope to secure me to the chair. Then he came to my ankles and tied them up as well.

I tested the bonds, I couldn't move my hands much, and being secured to the chair made it hard to get much leverage. I struggled for a while, long enough that the edging machine became a torture again. It was so frustrating and so hot, I needed to cum, but I couldn’t. The ropes kept my arms behind me, and forced me to endure. I was a mess, I begged Eli to stop the machine, to untie me, to let me cum. But I never said ‘Red’. After over an hour, I found some slack. I pulled my sweaty hand free, and finally came. I didn’t bother to remove the rest of the ropes securing me, just the one hand needed to get release. Eli came over, ran his hand along my naked body, and played with my nipples as we kissed.

The next day there was a new chair. Gone was the comfy office chair. In its place, a sturdy wooden chair -one of the ones mass produced for dorms- with two solid armrests. I stripped, he strapped the machine to me, and had me sit in the chair.

“I’ve been enjoying our little competition,” he said, “you’ve gotten very good at breaking free. I should have realized sooner I need to keep your hands apart.”

He tied one wrist to one armrest, and the other to the other armrest. I tested the bonds.

“Shit”, my wrists were secure, I couldn’t use one hand to help untie the other. This was going to be tough. Eli moved to my ankles, and tied each one to a different leg of the chair, spreading my legs apart. Then, he tied my body flush against the cushioned back of the chair, making an ‘x’ across my chest with rope that ran behind the chair.

He stepped back, surveying his work. He walked to the computer, turned the machine on, and then came back to me.

I fought the ropes as he walked toward me, not able to get myself free.

“You always have so much fun Anthony,” he said, “I wanted to join you this time. The computer really doesn’t need me.”
As the machine edged me, and the ropes held me down, Eli ran his hands along my body. He played with my nipples, giving them a painful squeeze right as the machine would bring me close and slow back down. He gently held my neck, never choking me, but making me incredibly aware of how powerless and vulnerable I was. He played with my hair while I whimpered and begged him to let me cum. I never said ‘red’, how could I, the whole situation was so hot, he was so hot. I felt like a captured spy, being driven into saying anything my captor wanted me to. I was a kidnapped victim, suffering the sick perversions of a captor that had total control of my body.

After nearly an hour, Eli must have been ready to cum. He pulled down his pants and stood so his hard cock was in my face. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head forward, forcing his cock into my mouth. I sucked his dick, squeezing my bound hands and struggling against the ropes. I’d given plenty of blowjobs before, but this was different. I was being used. I’d pull away to gasp for air, only for him to grab my hair and force me to keep sucking him off. He came in my mouth while I stayed painfully on the edge, and before I could spit it out he covered my mouth with his hand and forced my head back against the chair. I swallowed. He stepped away, tussling my hair and releasing his hand from my jaw.

I expected him to untie me, to turn off the program, to let me cum. But instead he walked over to the desk, and started typing. The bastard was writing a paper. He’d fucked my throat, and left me rigged up to a machine that refused to give me the same release as him. I begged him to let me out, to stop edging me, to come back and use me again. Even if I couldn’t cum I wanted his hands on me, I wanted his cock in me. He ignored my pleas, leaving me to suffer at the hands of a program that neither listened nor cared.
Last edited by CaptiveDan 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by blackbound »

Damn this is hot. Wanna trade place with Anthony here.

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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 2 - Business and Pleasure

I am convinced that given enough time, anyone can escape even the best ropework. The knots lax, the rope gets a little loose, your hands get sweaty. Maybe that's not true, I do have small wrists and Eli was still a beginner. But after nearly two hours of edging, I started to wiggle one wrist loose. I got a hand free and finally came.

I expected Eli to stop the program and untie me. But he didn’t. He looked up and smiled. He must have known I enjoyed the act of escaping. I reached over to my other hand, going to untie it, as a deep discomfort swept over me. The machine was still going. And the sensors knew I was nowhere near to cumming. It picked up speed. My dick was unbelievably sensitive, every stroke was so painfully overstimulating. I tried to yank the device off, but the way the straps connected in the back, I couldn’t undo them until I was out of the chair.

With the pain of post-orgasm torture as my motivator I raced to untie my other hand. With both free I reached behind the back of the chair, and fumbled uncomfortably until I got those knots loose. I stood up, my ankles still tied to the legs of the chair, and finally took off the torture machine Eli had invented.

Eli and I texted a lot that night. The next day we grabbed lunch. We were definitely more than cohort buddies and friendly coworkers now. On off nights, which we started taking more often, we would hang out, go on dates, and fool around. Our sex outside of the lab was much different. It was gentle, playful, romantic, sweet. We were equals in the bedroom, if anything I actually was more dominant in our normal sex and public lives. I almost always topped, and out with friends I -being more extroverted and personable- tended to talk more and make more decisions.

But everything was different in the lab. In the lab I was his subject, his submissive, his plaything.

We’d come to the realization that the machine worked as intended. The pilot study had been a success. Other researchers could use the program to study the pre-orgasm brain, given they had a way to restrain a participant. The problem was, making knowledge and practice of rope bondage a requirement for any future researchers wishing to use our device would create a pretty high barrier to entry. We needed an easier, but still effective, way of restraining a participant.

At least that’s what we told ourselves. I think we both knew that by now the study was simply an excuse. Eli enjoyed tying me up, my captivity was a puzzle to him. I liked trying to escape, and I craved a bondage that I couldn't get out of.

First we tried duct tape. Eli put me in the same position as the effective rope tie, but switched the rope for tape. He taped my wrists to each arm of the chair, my ankles to the chairs legs, and taped my torso to the back of the chair with an x pattern. It was similarly effective at restraining me, but like the rope, I was eventually able to wiggle and sweat enough to slip my hands out.

We tried saran wrap, something I was skeptical of, but Eli said he'd seen in his "research". He put my arms by my side, then wrapped the saran wrap around my torso, mummifying my top half.

I'd seen mummification in pictures (I'd been starting to do my own research), and it looked inescapable. The problem in our situation I soon discovered, was my hands came just below my waist, and the saran wrap couldn't cover my back half because of the machine. So I was very quickly able to get free.

We tried handcuffs, the metal ones with a double lock. It was the simplest form of bondage, just cuff my wrists to each arm of the chair. The metal had no give, no amount of sweat or struggle would help me free. The problem was the handcuffs allowed a lot of freedom of movement of my hands, and even without getting free I was able to reach the machine and get it -and myself- off. Handcuffing me behind my back fixed that. I quickly realized I couldn't get out of them. What I could do was stand up. I was able to reach one of the velcro straps keeping the machine on me, and I was able to get the other one off by rolling on the ground.

I'd stopped the edging, but Eli didn't release me. I stayed in the handcuffs for a good hour and a half before Eli unlocked them and we went home. On the way back we talked, I told him I kind of enjoyed just being cuffed, even without anything happening to me. It was fun, a different kind of fun from when I was restrained and enduring the edging torture. Both were enjoyable for different reasons.

A few days later, I went to his place to watch a movie. I spent the whole movie tied up in a rope harness. It was nice, I enjoyed laying on the couch beside him, under his control and unable to do anything but relax. It was also the first time outside of the lab that I'd been tied up, and the only time out of the lab that he'd taken a dom role.

We discussed other ideas for using the metal handcuffs, but decided against them. One because struggling too much in the cuffs hurt, and could potentially cause longer term harm to a participant that thrashed around, and two, handcuffs had such a criminal association that we didn't want to ascribe to volunteer subjects. Last thing we wanted was another stanford prison experiment. So the cuffs came home with Eli, to be used for personal projects.

Once, while fooling around with Eli, I grabbed his wrists and pinned him down. His eyes went wide as I quickly pulled one pair of the cuffs I'd snuck under a pillow and handcuffed him to one of the posts of his bed. I cuffed the other one to the other post. I took my time moving my hands down his body. I cupped his balls with one hand, and started to finger him with the other. When he was ready, I fucked him, while he laid cuffed spread out on his bed.

We were out of the lab for a week, while maintenance was done on the building. We spent a lot of time together at each other's apartments. He'd tie me up for a few hours while we'd lounge around. I'd tie him down and fuck him. On our last night before returning to school and work, he suggested a challenge: a game where the loser got tied up. We played 5 rounds of blackjack. I lost 3.

He laid me down on his bed, and used rope to tie my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the frame. Stretched and pulled, I had enough slack to struggle. He sat on the bed beside me, and slowly ran his fingers in circles on my chest. I shuttered and tugged at the ropes. He gently played with every part of my body except my dick, which stood fully hard. I whimpered and thrusted the air, but he refused to touch my cock. He slid a lubed up plug into my ass and tied a bandana around my eyes as a blindfold. Then, his fingers moved faster. I started thrashing - I'm incredibly ticklish - I tried to escape his fingers but the ropes held me in place. My spreadeagle body was completely vulnerable to Eli's touch. I laughed and pleaded for him to stop.

Finally he paused, I caught my breath. Then, as I exhaled, he pinched my nose. As I instinctively opened my mouth to breathe in, he pushed a wadded up bandana in. He let go of my nose, and duct taped my mouth shut, with the bandana inside. I 'mmmphfed' and shook my head.

"Can you snap your fingers"

I nodded.

"Snap 3 times if you need out. If you do though, the scene ends and you won't cum for the rest of the night."

I felt a warm, lubed hand on my dick. He slowly stroked me, stopping just before I got close. For over an hour he alternated between tickling me and edging me. It was torture. I'd get so close to the edge, only to be abruptly stopped by a painful tickling I couldn't escape. The second I got reprieve from the tickling, he'd go back to my cock.

Being edged by a person, a man you care about and trust, is a lot different than being edged by a machine. Being edged by Eli was better in many ways. The touch of a man you trust, a man that can feel and understand your desperation is hotter, more personal. Every stroke, every stop, he's chosing specifically to torture me. I'm under his control. The machine is just running a program, but Eli is tormenting me for his own pleasure.

Eventually, Eli messed up. He got me close enough to the edge that I went over it. That was one thing the machine had on a person, Eli had to guess when I was close, and at some point you just make the wrong guess.

My back arched as far as my spreadeagle bondage would let me. I shot cum almost to my neck. I let out a loud yell into my gag. As I lay there, sinking into the bed, Eli removed my gag. He grabbed my hair and fucked my face. I was so spent from the eternity of edging that I was little more than an open throat he could fuck. He came down my throat, and then left me, tied up on the bed.

Bed bondage is very comfortable, very sustainable. In my longer sessions in the lab chair I'd begun to get sore. But here, on his bed, I felt I could stay tied up for hours. He took off my blindfold. I laid there, resting and reliving the incredibly hot moment, while he worked on his computer on the other side of the room. Eventually, I started to get bored, and my love of escaping bondage kicked in. I'd been distracted while he was tormenting me, but now I could focus on the ropes. It took a while, Eli was getting good, but I did finally manage to slip a hand free and use it to untie myself.

I walked over to Eli and kissed him.

"How was that Anthony?" he asked.

"Fucking amazing" I said, "holy shit Eli you're incredible."

He smiled.

"I hope you're ready for lab tommorow," he said "I think I found a kind of bondage you can't escape."
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Post by MaxRoper »

What a great story! Edging can be an excellent game and is one of my favorites. The machine is fantastic (let me know when I can buy one), but I liked the way you showed how much more enjoyable it was with Eli doing the honors instead of the machine. Your writing is excellent. The characters are believable and likable. An all round top shelf tale. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by CaptiveDan »

blackbound wrote: 1 year ago Damn this is hot. Wanna trade place with Anthony here.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
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Post by CaptiveDan »

MaxRoper wrote: 1 year ago What a great story! Edging can be an excellent game and is one of my favorites. The machine is fantastic (let me know when I can buy one), but I liked the way you showed how much more enjoyable it was with Eli doing the honors instead of the machine. Your writing is excellent. The characters are believable and likable. An all round top shelf tale. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, that means a lot! I'm a huge fan of your stories

I think I got maybe one or two more chapters left. Ill post them when i'm done
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Where would one aquire one of these machines? ....... asking for a friend of course
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Post by gag1195 »

First off, Welcome to the forum [mention]CaptiveDan[/mention] and welcome among the writers!
Second, what an incredibly hot story! An interesting premise and well written! If Anthony and Eli hadn't been so inexperienced with bondage at the beginning, I'd have been sure that one of them planned this experiment to get some bdsm into their lab! Can't wait to see how the experiment goes, and of course, how their relationship develops!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Interesting dynamic these two have. Anthony is usually more dominant bit also has no issues letting Eli take charge.

Sith how persistent he is about escaping, I'm curious how the inescapable bondage will turn out.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Guardianbound »

Great first chapter. Nerdy and kinky these two 8-) Can't wait to see where you take this
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Post by Windrunner »

Great story and there are some elements that mirror real-life scenes I've had (and yes those scenes are etched deep into my memory - being tied up and kept constantly just a tiny bit away from what you want so VERY much, if I still smoked, I would definitely have had to step out for one after reading that last interaction in chapter 2)

Really looking forward to more of your talented and creative (and hot as f***) writing!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Love this story
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 3 - The Experiment Requires You to Continue

I couldn’t focus on anything all day. Eli’s promise? Threat? He’d made to me the night before, replayed in my mind. He’d managed to find a few kinds of bondage that I’d really struggled to escape, but he’d never been sure of himself. He’d kind of just stumbled into sturdy ties. I was excited, I loved being restrained, and it was so hard to find a bondage that actually could hold me. I was also a little scared, how long would he make me endure the machine? If I really couldn’t get myself off I’d be edged as long as he wanted me to be.

In class and in my office I caught myself zoning out, having to put something on my lap to hide my boner. Then finally, when Eli and I were both done with all our classes and lab meetings, I went to meet him in the lab.

I unlocked the door and went inside, only to find him standing a few feet from the entrance. He closed the door behind me, grabbed my wrists and pinned me up against the door. He lifted his head up and kissed me. We kissed long and passionately, silent save for our breathing. He released one of my wrists to lock the door. I reached around and slowly ran my hand down his spine, slipping it under his shorts to squeeze his ass. He let go of my other wrist, slid his hand downtown the front of my jeans, and grabbed my dick.

"Strip" he leaned in and whispered, before pulling away and walking back toward his desk.

I watched him, eager and nervous, as I took off my clothes. From a duffle bag behind his desk he pulled out the surprise instrument of my imprisonment: A straightjacket.

He brought it over to me and had me slide my arms into the sleeves. Then he had each sleeved arm brought so they crossed in front of me. He tightened the straps to connect them together in the back, pulling my arms into a tight hug. He strapped the arms together into the front, ensuring I couldn't move them apart to get better leverage and escape. Then he tightened 3 straps in the back of the jacket that pressed the entire thing around my chest. I wiggled and pulled, but I couldn't move my arms in a meaningful way. Last he ran two crotch straps underneath me, one on either side of my dick, to keep the jacket from sliding up.

I was stuck. Any movement I attempted failed to give me any slack. Failed to give any opening to slide a hand out. Before he even sat me in the chair, I knew I was trapped.

But he wasn't done.

He slid the edging machine over my dick. I noticed the velcro straps that usually kept it in place were replaced with leather straps, fastened with a buckle. He led me over to the chair and guided me so I was sitting down. He put a cuff on each of my ankles, and then ran a velcro strap to secure the cuffs to the legs of the chair. He had a belt run across my lap and underneath the chair, which he pulled tight to keep me from lifting out of my sitting position. He had another belt run across my chest and keep me pinned against the back of the chair.

"This next part wouldn't be acceptable in a real study," he said, returning to his desk to grab something, "but I think it could be fun for us."

He approached me slowly, holding in his hand a leather head harness and a wadded up bandana. He put the bandana in my mouth, it was big enough I wasn't worried about accidentally swallowing it, and it filled my mouth up to the point I could only make unintelligible noises. Before I had a chance to spit it out, he walked around behind me and secured the head harness, which kept my mouth from opening wide enough for me to spit out the gag.

"You won't be able to say red," he said, "and I doubt I'd hear you snap. Give me 3 short, loud grunts".

I did.

"Good, that's your safeword." He said, walking around to his computer. He clicked a few times, and the edging machine turned on.

I struggled as much as I could in the restrictive straitjacket. I tried to pull my arms back enough to get them loose in the sleeves, but they were pressed too tight against my chest. I didn't know what I would do even if I managed to get some slack, my hands would still be in the sleeves, and the buckles were unreachable with back secured snug against the chair. I wiggled my legs and hips, trying to shake the edging machine off of me, but the tightened leather straps kept it in place. I figured the only way I would be able to shake it off would be if I was soft. If my dick got small enough, and I thrust my hips at just the right angle, I might be able to slip my dick out of the machine.

But I couldn't get soft. My cock stood hard, trapped in Eli's evil invention. It brought me to the edge, over and over, never letting me cum. I struggled and yelled into the gag, which kept my mouth filled and secure. Occasionally, Eli would turn and look over at me. He’d smile, then return to whatever he was working on. Eventually I stopped struggling, I'd worn myself out. I was trapped, Eli had finally found bondage I couldn't escape.

I loved it and hated it. The feeling of helplessness, of truly being at Eli's mercy, it was exhilarating, it was unbelievably hot. I'd been bested, put in my place, rendered submissive by Eli's rigging. Escaping bondage was fun, a challenge and competition to regain freedom. I'd felt the satisfaction of winning that challenge many times. This was the first time I'd lost. The first time I was truly trapped, with no way to free myself.

It was torture. I wanted out, I needed to cum. All day I'd yearned to be restrained, and now all I wanted was release. That was part of the fun of bondage, letting yourself get put in a situation you knew you would suffer in. Subjecting yourself to torture you would beg to be saved from, and the minute you were free, begin to fantasize about being locked in again.

The edging lasted hours. My thrashing and yells into the gag faded into weak shuttering and whimpers. My vision was unfocused, my mind was foggy. Eli gave no indication that he was going to free me. Eventually we'd have to leave, but that could be hours from now.

Then, my hand fell asleep. And my gag, soaked through with spit, started to drip water down my throat.

"Shit". I swallowed the spit, I tried to move my wrist. No luck. I was about to be in actual danger of nerve damage or choking.

I had to safeword. I hated it, but I had to. Despite my need for release the past few hours, safewording -my actual only way out- had never felt like an option. It was weird, my mind just didn't let me see it as something I could do to escape the bondage and edging.

That was until I was actually in danger. Edging isn't danger, it's torture, but it's not danger. Liquid going down my throat, my hand losing feeling, that was danger. And so I resigned myself to safeword.

I grunted 3 times. Then, I nearly panicked. What if he didn't release me? There was nothing forcing him to do so, he could leave me trapped. No, Eli wouldn't do that. Eli was too good, too caring. What if he hadn't heard me? It was going to get harder and harder to grunt as more spit went into my throat. What if I'd waited too long, and slowly drowned here without Eli knowing until it was too late.

But those worries flew away, as Eli sprinted from his desk over to me. Immediately he unhooked one of the buckles on my head harness, giving just enough slack he could wiggle the thing off. He pulled the bandana out of my mouth. I coughed, swallowed, and breathed deeply.

"I'm sorry Eli, I-"

"Anthony" Eli interrupted me, "it's okay, don't apologize. Do you need out?


He released me from the chair, the edging machine, and the straitjacket. I shook my hands until they had feeling again.

I was free, but it didn't feel the same as when I'd escaped. When I escaped I felt victorious, I felt a rush of confidence and satisfaction that made the earned freedom and earned orgasm that much better. It also didn't feel like those times at home, when Eli would keep me tied up during movies or while he did work. When he released me from those I'd felt safe, cared for, and a sort of completeness. But safewording didn't feel good. I'd neither submitted to Eli and only allowed myself release on his terms, nor had I earned release by escaping him. I'd cheated.

Eli was very gentle. Very loving. He could tell I was in a weird and stressful emotional state. He took me back to his place. We cuddled and watched TV. When I was ready, finally calmed down from the rush of fear and shame, we kissed. Then he ran his hands over my body. I traced his spine and grabbed his ass. In the safety of his bed, unrestrained and without shame, we fucked. I finally came, he followed soon after, and I sank to sleep in the comfort of his arms.

* * *

I knew now what I craved. The two kinds of bondage scenes I couldn't get enough of.

The first was casual bondage. I wanted to be tied up on the couch, or handcuffed and kept in the closet, or put in a cage, or tied to a chair in the kitchen. I wanted to be restrained while Eli did fuck all. Kept in bondage and ignored, left to my gentle captivity with nothing I could worry about to do until Eli was ready to let me go.

The other was bondage with consequences. Active bondage. Erotic and wonderful torture. I wanted Eli to tie me up as best he could. I would struggle to get free. If I got free, I won my release, won my orgasm, won an end to the torture. If I didn't, I had to endure whatever Eli wanted me to endure. And then, when he released me, I got the rush of knowing I'd endured, the rush of knowing I was strong and unbreakable. And I would go into the next scenario more driven to escape, because I knew the cost of failure.

We started doing both at home. The straitjacket and handcuffs were used more for the first kind of bondage. They were comfortable in spurts, and inescapable. This was good for when he wanted me locked up beside him while we watched TV, but not super conducive to the bondage challenges of the torture scene - where the foregone conclusion of my captivity kind of ruined the point.

So we used rope, tape, cuffs, furniture, and a surprising amount of supplies from home depot, for those scenes. Eli loved finding new and creative ways to restrain me, and I loved testing them. To make me test them, and punish me when I failed to escape, Eli developed all sorts of tortures. He put clothespins -and later clamps- on my nipples. He'd let ice cubes and candle wax drip on my back and chest. We got into spanking and then whipping. Eli discovered, much to my horror, that I was incredibly ticklish. Being tickled didn't necessarily turn me on, but it did make me struggle, and the feeling of struggling but not being able to get free definitely did turn me on.

I tied him up as well. I'd handcuff him to the bed to fuck him. I'd lock him in the straightjacket, grab his hair, and use his throat. I tied him up under my desk and left him there to service me while I wrote grant proposals. We discovered Eli also enjoyed the thrill of trying to escape from bondage. He wasn't as good at escaping as I was, but I wasn't as good at tying as he was, so it ended up working out. A constant arms race of who could restrain the other.

Our personal life was lush with sex and bondage. It wasn't the only thing we did, I still had a very active social life and Eli had many hobbies and nerd shit filling his time, but in the free time we had we were quick to find a way to make sure one of us was tied and helpless.

Our kinky adventures continued in the lab as well.

I'd lasted just under three and a half hours before safewording the day I'd been in the straitjacket. Eli informed me that for the data we were looking for, I'd need to be in the machine for four.

Fuck. I'd been so close. The thought of suffering edging even longer than I had that one day was terrifying. But the experiment required me to continue, and the part of my brain that made me crave being tied down and tortured kept me curious enough to see it through.

We decided to pivot from the straitjacket. With a few adjustments I probably could have lasted longer in one, but ultimately Eli and I thought that the optics of psychologists putting subjects in straitjackets might not be what the field needed to move past some unfortunate history. So we moved back to leather cuffs. They were comfortable and secure. At home Eli had actually worn a pair of wrist and ankle cuffs for a full day and not had any pain or discomfort.

The problem was, I'd proven early on I could escape the buckling wrist cuffs. Thankfully, Eli had many ideas, and I was willing to let him test them all.

After a solid week of trial and error, Eli finally did it.

I didn't realize walking into the lab that day that this would be the way he'd finally be able to keep me restrained for the full four hours. Not until I was tied down, locked in, and in the mercy of the edging machine did I realize I was trapped - forced to endure until the test was complete.

He'd switched out the chair for a cot. On my wrists he'd put locking leather cuffs, no longer shut with a belt buckle I could unlatch, but rather secure with padlocks only Eli had the keys to. My ankles were cuffed and locked in a similar way. The d-rings on my cuffs were locked to the metal bars on each corner of the cot, stretching me spreadeagle face-up. The edging machine was similarly secured to me, with the straps that went around my waist and between my legs also now locked on with a padlock. For good measure he'd run additional straps across my chest, stomach, forearms, legs, and waist to keep me pinned to the cot.

10 minutes into the edging program, I realized I couldn't get out. My wrists and ankles wouldnt come loose unless the locks were undone, and I couldn't get enough movement to twist or force myself off the cot. Rather than make me resign to my fate, the realization I was trapped, truly trapped, made me struggle more. Four hours. I was already so hard, so close to cumming. I couldn't imagine enduring four whole hours.

But I would have too. I was comfortable enough I never needed to safeword - I'd have no excuse to safeword. I shook and thrashed, I begged and pleaded for Eli to stop the machine and let me cum. I tried to thrust the machine but it slowed even further. For 240 excruciating minutes I stayed on the edge, desperately needing to cum. My vision and thoughts drifted as I couldn't focus on anything but my captivity and my desperate need for release. It was a different state of consciousness. Both total focus and complete dissociation.

Then the machine stopped.

"Congratulations Anthony," Eli said, "you did it. Four hours. We have the data we need."

He walked over to me, standing at the head of the cot looking down at me. He unbundled his belt, pulled down his pants, and bent down over me so his cock was in my face. I didn't hesitate. The hours of edging had me hornier than I thought was possible. I needed sex, any kind of sex. I sucked his dick, moving my tongue and head as much as my bondage would allow. He fucked my throat as I laid there still restrained. I felt his cock twitch, I could taste the pre-cum as he got close. Then, the machine picked up again, slowly jacking me off as Eli used me.

But this time it wasn't running a program. Eli had set it to just be on, to bring me all the way to orgasm while I sucked his dick. It didn't take long. I practically yelled -muffled by Eli's dick down much throat- as the four hour long load shot out of my sensitive cock. I shook, my whole body tensing and pulling at every cuff, strap, and lock holding me down. My back and neck arched up, right as Eli came down my throat.

Eli had mercy. He turned the machine off as soon as he could, saving me from any post orgasm torture that would have fully fried my already scrambled neurons. Slowly and intimately he freed me from my bonds, until I was uncuffed, unrestrained, and naked on the cot. He joined me, laying on the small cot, cuddling in silence for a bit before we talked about everything that just happened.

"We did it," I said, "four whole hours. We got the data."

Eli smiled and played with my hair.

"I hope this doesn't mean we have to be done," he said, "like, with this sort of thing. I'm really starting to like it".

My face lit up, I looked deep into the eyes of this man. This wonderful man I trusted to take complete control of my body. This man who'd made work and free time so much fun. This man I cared so much about. This man I wanted to share my life with.

"All good experiments need to be replicated, Eli" I said, "you're too smart to think we're finished just because we had one successful test."

I hoped he could read between the lines. I hoped he knew I was telling him I loved him.
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Post by Guardianbound »

This is great work [mention]CaptiveDan[/mention]! Can't wait for more of your writing on the site.
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Post by gag1195 »

What an amazing chapter! These two are really great! And creative! And very dedicated... to science of course! A very hot read!
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Post by blackbound »

Such a good and fun story.

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Post by _zin_ »

Great read. I loved it!
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Our advisor was really impressed with the data we'd collected.

"These are very promising results," she said, "a strong support for using this technology in future studies.. well done."

She did inform us that we should probably remove our recommendation that researchers cuff their subjects to a cot before beginning the test.

"Scientists are creative," she said, "Probably best that we let them iron out the details of this technology's implementation. Let them figure out how to make this work and not get the IRB knocking on our door."

That was fair. It had been a bit presumptuous for us to assume our university would be cool with three pages of bondage tutorials in a methods section. Plus, who were we to deny other grad students the learning experience we had.

Our advisor told us our own process of figuring out how to keep the test running for the duration wasn't in vain however.

"I have other questions I want you two to test with this machine in the fall." She said, "there's curiosities in the field about pain tolerance during sexual arousal, about the pre-arousal stage, and about conditioning stimuli to sexual response. I think this machine, and your method of using it could help us explore some of these questions. I'll need Eli to sign a lot of paperwork, but I assume that won't be a problem."

It would not be.

That lab closed for the summer. We made sure to take home some of the tools we'd used. That summer Eli and I moved in with each other. We got a small two-bedroom apartment. We slept in one bedroom and used the other for work. We used every space in the apartment for bondage.

I spent hours restrained on the couch while we watched movies. Eli would tie me to the kitchen chair while he played video games, and when I broke out I'd chain him to the coffee table and fuck his throat. On mornings when neither of us had work I'd wake him up by pinning him down and cuffing him to the bed. In evenings when we were both in the mood, we'd play strip poker, or take turns tying each other up and trying to escape until one of us couldn't get free and spent the rest of the night in captivity.

Of course, not every moment of our lives was bondage; We both had our own friend groups to hang out with, our own hobbies, and families to visit. Along the way we officially started dating. We went to movies, picniced in the park, went camping, had fancy dinner dates - all that couples shit.

We also had a new side gig. Eli had posted online about his edging machine. Kinky people with surprisingly deep pockets took interest, and started putting in requests for other devices. Eli designed the devices, and I tested them.

The first request came from someone into long term bondage. He had a sub who would fall asleep whenever he restrained for long periods of time. The dom wanted his prisoner to be aware of his captivity for the whole duration, even when he was busy with other things. So Eli got to work creating a machine that would deliver low level shocks anytime the subject got close to falling asleep. Worried about metal affecting the electrical current, this project gave us a good chance to practice rope bondage. Every morning for two weeks Eli would tie me to the bed, put electrodes on my thighs, and leave me there until I broke out or fell asleep. Every day, Eli got a little bit better at tying me down, and the machine got better at zapping me awake. Eventually I spent 5 hours tied down, unable to break free or fall asleep, forced to lay there, horny and fully aware of my predicament. Two more days of that, and Eli was ready to send the code to the buyer.

He has one more project he wants to finish before we head off on a two-week camping trip. A request from a couple into breathplay, who want a safe way to cut off air, let air back in, cut it off, let it in, to force someone into a constant cycle of holding breath and gasping for air. I’m both excited and terrified to test it. I’m also already getting ideas for the many ways I’ll get my revenge on Eli once we’re alone in the woods for two weeks. Which I’m sure he’ll then pay back when our work in the lab restarts in the fall.

I kiss Eli, cupping his chin in my hand, as he takes off my shirt. He gets on his knees, undresses me, and takes my cock in his mouth. I play with his hair as he sucks my dick right up to the edge, and then stops and stands back up. He leads me to the bed, and ties me so I’m spreadeagle. He brings over a bandana gag and a head harness.

“Is that part of the breathing machine?” I ask, as he puts the gag in my mouth and secures it with the head harness.

“Oh no,” he says, “just a normal gag. The breathing machine isn’t done yet, but I thought it would be more fun if I kept you excited to test it out.”

My eyes go wide as he takes out the edging machine from the box under our bed. He straps me in it, and turns it on. I start pulling on my binds, desperate to break out.

“Don’t worry babe,” he says, “I should be done in a few hours.”
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Post by gag1195 »

I'm saddened by the end of this great story! I hope this isn't the last we see of these kinky lab-rats!
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