The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

Hall Place Manor, two days later: Conference Room, after breakfast:

The Concert at Buckingham Palace had been truly spectacular – an event none of them would likely forget. Now it was back to business:

After breakfast the team reconvened in the conference room. Evie reported about her work with the scroll “Work is going well: the translation of the first scroll is complete – and we are making good progress with the third – but there is another thing: Sophie and I might have found a link to Anck-Sun-Amun, we knew she had contacts here in the city”

Now the Egyptologist had the undivided of everyone around the table. Anna who had just typed on her smartphone – Chris had a fairly educated guess, who she had texted – looked up, intrigued “Tell us more Evie!” A devious smile curled the Russians full lips.

“In fact it was Sophie who found the first clue” Evie returned modestly, she looked at the lawyer who blushed a little “You know that we got transcripts of Sarah´s interrogation of Hathor” The Dark Lady grinned “finally she couldn´t just stop talking” Sophie continued “Hathor told Sarah about an art dealer here in London who specializes in Egyptian art and all kind of books about Egyptology, even the most obscure as Evie told me”

“If you are looking for a book rare to find Hassan al Kazeem is the right man” Evie seconded “There have been rumours though that he conducts not all of his businesses by the book” Sophie explained “And Hathor mentioned that she had overheard a conversation the High Priestess had with him. She insisted on not knowing the details though”

Kirsty interjected “And you are sure she said the truth?” the Briton turned to the thief. “As it happens I am, she did not know more – I know my business” the Dark Lady smiled ominously. Kirsty nodded, obviously content with the answer.

Anna nodded “We always wondered how Anck-Sun-Amun made it from Highclere Castle, a contact here in London would have surely helped” “If she has survived the fall” Kate played the advocatus diaboli “Well, the Triple K Killer survived a fall from a bridge” Anna countered. A shadow crossed Kate´s face as Anna mentioned the name. The Triple K Killer had been a nemesis and their last encounter had Kate cost nearly her life. She had been abducted by Jerry Tyson and his soul mate Kelly Nieman.

“Yes she could have survived that fall” she conceded grudgingly “So we should find out, what that al Kazeem knows” Chris had spoken for the first time “Any ideas how we approach him?” the pianist looked at Evie and Sophie “We have” Sophie smiled “Evie and I will consult him about some rare books and find out what he knows”

“Sounds like a good idea” Hayley agreed “but I am not sure, if it is a good idea, that you two do this together” “Why?” Evie looked aghast “Where is the problem?” “Hayley and Kirsty exchanged a look “Evie” the American spoke gently “When Anck-Sun-Amun captured you and Sophie, she used Sophie as leverage to force you, to do her bidding, right?”

The Egyptologist nodded, her discomfort was palpable as she remembered what Sophie had gone through “I guess you are right” Sophie´s heart went out to Evie, she knew that at times Evie was haunted by by nightmares she laid her hand softly on her left thigh.

“So who will volunteer to go with Evie?” Chris broke the silence “No Anna, you don´t go” The blonde brushed off her friend quite brusquely “I don´t want you to take any necessary risks” Anna seemed on the verge to argue the point, but conceded.

She knew her Friend. When anyone was concerned who Chris held dear, the pianist could be overprotective at times. The fact that she had almost lost Anna had had a lasting impact on her friend.

“I will go with Evie” Kate spoke up “Let us do it this way: Evie will do the talking, I will watch”

“Right” Chris acknowledged – “but we will take a few precautions: If you don´t report back after, let us say two hours, we will go in. What happened to Evie and Sophie or Anna does never happen ever again. Never!”

One hour later: Southern London, Battersea

Evie and Kate stood before “Al Kazeem Antiquities” – Kate checked for any sign of trouble, surveillance. But found none “Right, let´s go in” the Homicide Detective nodded to Evie “Don´t forget: You do the talking – I watch”

Divisively Evie grabbed the door handle and they entered “Wow!” the Egyptologist was amazed “Look!” she pointed at the tall book shelves which filled the room from top to bottom. Among the books? Paintings, reliefs and other art work.

So fascinated Evie had been that she did not register that a tall bald man had entered the room “My Ladies, may I help you with something?” The man spoke with a deep resounding baritone. A little more than average height, around six feet, Kate guessed. Keen grey eyes and a professional smile – Evie smiled back “Mr. Kazeem?” “Yes” the Egyptian smiled back “Guilty as charged” he took a closer at Evie and Kate “Is it possible? You must be Evie Callahan!” The Egyptologist blushed “As a matter of fact I am. What gave me away? My good looks? My dazzling smile?” she smiled modestly.

Kate was impressed. Evie did not overdo it, but used her charms to best effect. She looked every part the bookworm, the academic, head in the air. The American had observed the Egyptian keenly. He seemed to be taken in by Evie – but there was something she could not place – yet.

“Your fame precedes you” the Egyptian returned “Your dissertation about the late pyramid texts was brilliant” “You are too kind!” Evie blushed slightly “But I forget my manners, may I introduce my friend Kate to you? Al Kazeem turned to the detective “My pleasure! My humble premises are enlightened by your presence!” Kate´s smile was just a tad forced:

she didn´t like this kind of compliments, which were just flattery “Why thank you Sir! You are most kind!” She turned to her companion “Why don´t we ask Mr. Al Kazeem what we are looking for?” Evie took this as her clue “My dear Hassan, we are looking for two books and some information. And we were told you are the right man to ask”

“At your service, at your service!” the Egyptian bowed “Why don´t we go to my offices and have a cup of tea and you tell me what you are looking for?” The man was almost grovelling. He made an inviting gesture. Kate and Evie exchanged a look and followed their host through a short floor into a vast room which was filled with shelves and books. Dominating the room was large wooden desk, made from teak probably Evie guessed.

In the left corner stood a round table and three comfy arm chairs, Al Kazeem bade them to sit “Why don´t you take a seat and I prepare the tea? Feel free to take of your coats!” Kate and Evie took their seats, after they had taken of their coats. Kate wore a black turtleneck, blue jeans and ankle boots. Evie seemed a bit uncertain “How am I doing Kate?”

Kate smiled at Evie “You are doing well so far just stick to the plan, right?” “He makes me shiver” Evie rubbed her hands, as a shudder crept above her back. They were interrupted though as their host returned, carrying a tablet with three cups and a teapot – made of delicate China.

Al Kazeem set the tablet down on the table and took a seat too. He filled each cup and presented them to his guests. Inwardly Kate groaned. It was not that she disliked tea on principle but she preferred Coffee. It was simple as that: Coffee black and strong.

She had to admit though the Tea, a Darjeeling, was good. They all took a sip. Al Kazeem turned to Evie all smiles and obedience “Professor you said you needed my expertise” Evie smiled “Yes, you know, during my research for my new paper I stumbled upon an obscure reference to some sort of cult: The daughters of Isis – had never heard of them before and since you very familiar with these more obscure realms of Egyptology, I thought you might be able to help – you are able to help right? She smiled at him.

“She is really good” Kate thought “Playing the damsel desperately in need of help”

Al Kazeem nodded thoughtfully “The daughters of Isis …” he paused, thinking “that strikes a bell – and I think I have the book somewhere which might enlighten you. He smiled “Why don´t you enjoy your tea, while I get the book for you?”

Evie and Kate exchanged a look. Kate nodded almost imperceptible “That would be most gracious of you Mr. Al Kazeem!” After the door had closed behind their host, Evie waited a moment before she spoke “What do you make of him Kate? Did he tell us the truth?” “He did not lie” the Detective returned “But I am pretty sure he did tell us not all he knows, he was a tad too forthcoming if you ask me – almost as if he knew what we would ask”

Suddenly Evie seemed to dissolve before her eyes, in fact she saw two Evies. Kate shook her head to clear her sight, but she had trouble focussing “Evie?” The Egyptologist did not respond she was unconscious. Kate tried to stand up, but her legs felt like jelly “I should have insisted on Coffee” was her last thought before everything went black.

Two minutes later Al Kazeem returned – as he saw the two unconscious women a grim smile curled his lips. He turned first to Evie and checked her vitals, then Kate´s. The detective and the Egyptologist were totally out “That was almost too easy” he said to himself.

He went to one of the large shelves and pulled a book out. A soft click and the whole shelf moved aside to reveal an elevator, in it stood a large trolley. With surprising ease Al Kazeem lifted first Kate on the trolley than Evie “Time to prepare you for your new life” he told his two unresponsive visitors as the elevator door closed.

30 Minutes later:

Only slowly Evie returned to the world of the living. Her head ached, her neck ached. She was still groggy. Evie wanted to rub her eyes but couldn´t. The fog in her head started to clear – and she began to register her predicament: Something big and soft filled her mouth and pressed her tongue down.

Her lower face felt like in a vice grip. With sudden clarity she realized that she was tied up and gagged. Panic gripped her for a second, her breathing accelerated, she was on the verge of full blown panic attack “Calm down analyse your predicament” she admonished herself, and slowly the initial panic subsided

Evie sat on a chair. Behind its high back her wrists and elbows had been tied together. She groaned. Her elbows were welded together. Rope bands above and below her breasts held her to the Chair “My legs are tied together at the ankles and below and above the joint. My feet are cold, why is that?” Her ankles had been tied to her wrists, so that the nyloned tips of her toes barely touched the floor, which was icy cold. Icy cold stone. And now Evie knew what filled her mouth: Her woollen socks. Her own thick brown woollen socks.

Evie opened her Eyes and lifted her head looked around as best as she could and gasped in horror. She was in a vault which looked very much like …. “This is a preparation room for the afterlife” A room where the old Egyptians had prepared the dead for the afterlife.

The walls were covered with scenes from the book of the dead, cupboards held all the tools the Egyptians needed for mummification. In the centre of the chamber two large tables of granite stood. One was empty. On the other lay …. Kate! The detective was still unconscious – but it was the way she was tied, that shocked Evie.

Kate had been subjected to a cruel hogtie. She had been not only of relieved of her boots and socks. The only stitch of clothing was her black pair of panties and nude hose. Her heels rested firmly on her butt. Her toes and insteps had been tied together and fastened to her brown hair which had been braided into a ponytail.

Her hands which had been mummified in tape were pressed against the heels of her nyloned feet. An array of straps and chains held her firmly on the table. Her lower face had vanished by white bandages – which held obviously a substantial gag packing in her mouth. Only her lower tummy rested on the stone table. Her body was contorted into a backbreaking bow she was forced to look upwards.

A soft chuckle broke her out of her reverie “Do you like my preparation room for the afterlife Professor Callahan, I hope the professional in you appreciate its accuracy?” Al Kazeem! Evie began to struggle against her bonds “Save your energy Professor you will need it for your journey” Evie froze “Now I have your attention” Al Kazeem gloated. Evie´s Eyes went wide “What journey?” Finally Al Kazeem stood before the tightly trussed up woman. Evie craned her neck to look him in the eye.

Surprisingly she felt no fear but anger which seemed to amuse their captor “Of, if looks could kill! You are so cute when you are angry. You know it was almost too easy – I could at first not believe it when you two showed up “The High Priestess is already very keen to meet you again” Al Kazeem told his victim almost friendly.

Now Evie froze. Memories floated back of those dreadful hours in the asylum “Happy memories? I take it?” the Egyptian mocked her “Yes, you will go on a trip, whereas your friend here” he nodded at Kate who had begun to stir will be my new concubine!”

A muffled growl told Evie that Kate was awake now “I really would like to continue our conversation, but you have a flight to catch – and I need to prepare you for your trip!” Evie supressed her fear with all the willpower she could muster as Al Kazeem produced a filled syringe and walked towards Evie “There is nothing to fear, Professor – this injection will just make you docile so that I can mummify you with all due diligence. I hate sloppy work!”

Al Kazeem gripped Evie´s head with one hand to hold it steady and rammed the injection in her neck with the other. A hot sensation shot through her body – then she realized that she had no control over her body anymore – she was paralyzed! Quickly her captor cut the ropes which held her the chair. Her arms and legs flopped down. “First” al Kazeem explained “we have to undress you and clean you from the inside …

Kate groaned softly. It took a while till she realized her predicament. She was cold she laid on something hard and cold. Methodically she checked her bonds “I am tied in one of the cruellest hogties I have ever tied in. If I move my toes, I have the feeling, my scalp is ripped off, if I try to move my wrists, the dammed crotch rope cuts me in two. The cruel nipple clamps hurt like hell”

The detective had been so preoccupied that only now she heard Al Kazeem talking “I hope you have enjoyed the enema Professor Callahan!” Kate could hear only what was going on since their captor was acting behind her back. She growled angrily in her gag “Do you see Professor the good Captain is awake!” Kazeem was obviously delighted “If I could only lay my hands on him!” Kate fumed.

Evie had deeply blushed as the enema had been administered; the wretched business had been so humiliating! Limp like a large ragdoll she hung from the ceiling by her wrists. Her ankles had been shackled three feet apart.

Kazeem had clearly enjoyed touching her at her most intimate places. The Egyptian lowered her down till she came to rest on the icy cold stone floor. He removed the shackles and hefted her up with surprising ease on his left should feet forward, her head hanging down on his back. His calloused hand rested on her butt and squeezed it. Evie wanted to protest but no sound escaped her mouth.

“Time to prepare you for your journey!” Kazeem lowered Evie down on the second stone table. Unblinkingly she stared at the ceiling which was covered in scenes from the book of the dead “They are made very good” her professional mind told her. With practised and precise motions Kazeem set to work. Obviously he planned to mummify her alive!

Thirty Minutes later Evie still stared at the ceiling. But by now her eyes were the only part of her body not covered into an intricate of precisely and aesthetically pleasing web of dozen of roles of white linen bandages which compressed her body evenly on all sides.

Evie lay flat inside on the stone table. As tightly mummified as she was, she could not move a muscle. If she could have seen herself in a mirror, she would have detected that only her eyes and the tip of her nose were not enshrouded by bandages.

She had been plugged both ways, a task that Kazeem had obviously taken great pleasure in. The bastard had complimented her on her “perfectly trimmed Brazilian landing strip” That her arms had been wrapped tightly behind her back did not help. She could move her wrapped feet a little, since the drug was obviously wearing off but that was the only movement possible.

Each toe and each foot had been wrapped separately. Evie´s Mouth had been packed to capacity with gauze. To be honest? Beyond capacity? No: Way beyond capacity. She had had the feeling to suffocate when Kazeem had stuffed her mouth full to the brim.

She could not know it, but the Egyptian had unfolded and spread a square of fine gauze on the free area of the stone table, opened the jar of herbs (releasing a pungent, spicy odour into the cold air), carefully loaded a steel spatula, and sprinkled the green flecks over the white gaze. This had been repeated until the gauze was lightly covered over its entire surface. The jar was restoppered and the gauze rolled into a long, thin cylinder.

A second square of gauze was unfolded, and the cylinder was carefully arranged "S"-fashion on its surface, then the second gauze was folded and rolled over the first, producing a smooth, white, cylinder, perhaps six inches long and four in diameter; this had ben tucked into a gauze tube which stretched over the cylinder like a fine, taut net. The final result was like a fat, short, white sausage. To get that sausage in her unresisting mouth had cost Kazeem some effort.

The herbs inside the gauze caused her body heat to rise and a steadily growing feeling of arousal. By now Evie was so horny that she would have ravished a goat on the spot. She moaned and strained against her cocoon.

What she also did not know: The bandages plugging her vagina and anus had been prepared the same way as the gag it was only a matter of time, till she had her first orgasm. And she could do nothing about it, her body acted on its own.

Her skin was extremely sensitive: Before she had been wrapped, every square inch of her skin had been oiled. The herbs in it had made her skin 10 times more sensible to the slightest touch.

“We are almost ready Professor” Kazeem walked away, she heard him groaning and the creaking of rolls on the floor; obviously whatever he was rolling was heavy “My dear Professor if you could only see what see!” the corrupt arts dealer teased her.

With ease he lifted her now pretty stiff body up and let her down again. Evie screamed into her tightly gagged mouth “He had put me into a wooden sarcophagus!” “I don´t see why you are scared Professor” Kazeem was clearly amused by her panic “You travel in style: The sarcophagus is well padded, your head rests on a soft cushion and the air supply lasts for 24 hours” Kazeem bowed down to her and it became dark he covered her eyes with pads of gauze which he taped in place. Then he wrapped her eyes “Oh Professor if you could only see the beautiful death mask – it was meant for someone different but it will fit you well. Evie felt that the death mask was put on her head.

Evie was now deprived of almost all her senses. She could not move, not speak, not see only feel and hear. And she would lose her hearing sense soon too:

“I will set your ear buds on noise cancelling mode have a short talk with Captain Beckett and then we have to hurry, we have a flight to catch!” He set her ear buds on sound cancelling mode.

Now Evie was deaf, dumb and mute and entirely alone in her small dark world. She tried to control her breathing “I must not panic” she admonished herself. Chris and her friends would rescue them – she willed herself to believe that. But only after the next wave of panic had subsided, her breathing slowed.

Kate had cursed the fact that she could not see what was happening to Evie, as she heard the last words of that asshole Kazeem she renewed her struggles and cursed into her gag. Her struggles got her nothing of course only more discomfort: the ropes cut deep into her skin. Especially in the soft flesh of her big toes and in her nether regions, her body started to cramp – and she could do nothing about it. Despite the cold she began to sweat profusely

“My dear Kate – you don´t mind if I am calling you Kate?” Kazeem loomed over her, she had to strain her tormented neck even more to look him in the eyes “Of course I do mind you bloody bastard” Kate fumed and told the Egyptian so, only small muffled noises escaped her heavily gagged mouth though.

“You are still making too much noise we will have to do something about that! Your husband was a lucky man!” He told her gleefully “The High Priestess has kindly allowed me to keep you as my personal sex slave – and believe me: we have plenty of time to get to know each other better!” The detective just furiously stared at him – “it takes more to intimidate me!” Kate thought “Ah, such spirit! I love that in a woman!” It is a shame to cover your beautiful eyes for a time. But it will help you to meditate” “F*ck meditation” Kate cursed into her gag.

She felt that Kazeem cut the rope which connected her toes to her braided hair. The relief was instantaneous – but short lived as she found out soon enough. She had just gotten some feeling into her toes again as Kazeem stepped into her field of vision again presenting a heavy helmet made entirely of black leather – it was obviously heavily padded in certain areas. “Before we adorn your beautiful head with this leather helmet let us take care of your hearing.

Kate knew she was fighting a lost battle, but was resolved to make Kazeem´s work as hard as possible. She shook her head frantically. In the end a heavily breathing Kazeem towered over her. Kate could still hear – but that would change she knew “You will pay for that little stunt Kate” not angry in the slightest – clearly amused “I like spunk in a woman”

“Stop struggling or I will punish the good Professor!” Kate stopped her efforts immediately. Stoically she let the Egyptian put the helmet on her head. Kate felt her head compressed on all sides as the arts dealer pulled the strings cruelly tight. The contraption was heavily padded over the mouth, the ears and the eyes.

But Kazeem was not done yet: He took three heavily padded leather straps: one went across the mouth area the second were the eyes were and the third across the crown of her head and under her chin – forcing her jaws together.

“What is he doing now?” Kate wondered, trying to come to terms with the immense pressure around her head. She felt a sharp pull at her toes as the string was connected to a d-ring on the crown of her head. Her former predicament had been cruel – but this one was even more so, Kate was flexible – but now she had the feeling her back would break, breathing too became difficult

“Use the time well Kate!” Kazeem told her sweetly – and all noise was cancelled out. She was alone but not before he gave her a shove so that she landed hard on her tormented breasts. The sudden movement caused the crotch rope to cut deep into her. Kate would have screamed if she had been able to.

Only slowly her laboured breathing returned to normal. She was slowly rocking forwards and backwards. The only thing she could hear was the blood pounding in her ears. Help would come, she was sure of it, but would it come in time to rescue Evie?
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another entertaining and detailed chapter!!

Kirsty, Hayley and the gang to the rescue........I hope!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Another entertaining and detailed chapter!!

Kirsty, Hayley and the gang to the rescue........I hope!
Let us hope so :) The stakes are high!

This tale has broken another barrier: Over 60000 Views. Thank you all for your ongoing support - and be assured: The story is far from over: Dark times are looming ahead!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Another entertaining and detailed chapter!!

Kirsty, Hayley and the gang to the rescue........I hope!
Let us hope so :) The stakes are high!

This tale has broken another barrier: Over 60000 Views. Thank you all for your ongoing support - and be assured: The story is far from over: Dark times are looming ahead!
Well deserved for this epic and well written tale
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you are moving this epic story forward and I cannot imagine a way that would make it more exciting. Kudos! And you have left Kate the most exquisitely tied up with fearsome prospects ahead. Her friends must fly to the aid of Kate and Evie.

If you continue at your current pace, I expect you will reach 100,000 views in July or August.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for your most kind words [mention]GreyLord[/mention] ! And Kate is indeed in a tight spot - in every sense of the word - but Evie is in much greater danger. Chris and her friends will have to divide forces - they have no other choice. Question is: Will they get Evie, before she is spirited away to Egypt? The next update will tell.

Should be up on Tuesday ord Wednesday!
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Post by Bandit666 »

You know I just delight in catching up with all that happens. The way this tale can swing from intriguing and mysterious to naughty and kinky simply borders on the incredible. Oh how I wish someone would turn this into a blockbuster movie or late night programme. I’d gladly pay that subscription and I’m sure I’m the only one
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention] first: It is good, to see you are back. Second: Thank you for your most kind words! In the next chapters - it is safe to say - the stakes for to members of the team will rise dramatically. The most pressing question is: Will Chris and her friends be able to rescue Kate and Evie. The danger for Evie is the greater one. It will be a race against time. Kate is in quite the predicament - but her is a jet standing by for spiriting Evie to Egypt. That would be a heavy blow, not only for Sophie, but for the Team as well: Evie knows all about the Scroll. Her knowledge is invaluable. The next update is due tomorrow!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Chapter 55:

“Race against time”

20 Minutes away from Kazeem´s premises – in a side street:

“We should have heard from them by now” Chris stated - sounding a little concerned - together with Anna and Sarah they were lying in wait in a metallic blue BMW 7 “Sybil are they still at the location?” “They are not moving” the voice of the tech wizard sounded through the intercom “Wait! Evie is moving, she has left the shop, she is headed southeast!" Sybil exclaimed suddenly excited.

“And where is Kate´s Signal?” the pianist inquired “is still there” Sybil returned “And that is strange: their phones go straight to voice mail “That´s it” Chris spoke firmly - and spoke into her headset “Kirsty, Hayley and Sophie! You are going in! Find out what is going on at Kazeem´s – we follow Evie´s Signal!” "Roger that!" Kirsty confirmed curtly and got out of their black Mercedes, with Hayley and Sophie at her heels.

The Black Lady floored the gas of the BMW - and the heavy Limousine dashed forward. “Give us a heading Sybil and try to find out a possible target. If am right we are looking for a private airport!” Chris spoke in her mike. “Will do!” Sybil confirmed “I send you the coordinates now!”

“You think they have kidnapped Evie and are heading for an airport to spirit her away, right?” Anna had followed Chris´ train of thought “Stands to reason, don´t you think?” Chris mused “The bastards have a head start though” The Black Lady acknowledged “But we will get them – Sybil can you find out, what car is registered on Kazeem?” “On it” the tech wizard confirmed.

The Canadian accelerated once more “You know what you are doing, right?” Anna asked – and grabbed for a hold “Always” the thief smiled “Don´t tell me you are afraid Grand Duchesse?” “Of course not” the Russian sounded slightly miffed “What gave you the impression I am afraid?” The Black Lady just grinned mischievously – and floored the gas. Anna was tightly pressed into the seat.

Kazeem´s van at the same time:

Deprived of all other senses the only thing Evie could sense in her sarcophagus was that they were moving fast. Obviously they were on the road, where ever to. What had Kazeem said about a flight to catch? Her skin was burning worse than before.

The Egyptian had taken immense pleasure in coating her soles and the sensitive skin between her toes with the stuff. Her feet seemed to burn –and the heat between her legs …. Evie screamed into her gag “I must calm down” her breathing accelerated – another thought “the others are coming for me …. then Orgasm hit her and she blackened out.

Kazeem´s Preparation Chamber:

Kate considered herself tough and she was tough – but that torturous hogtie was pushing her to her absolute limits “Impossible to tell what hurts the most” she groaned. The crotch rope cutting deep into the soft skin between her legs, chafing the skin raw or the toe tie, the elbows … the vice like pressure around her head.

And above all the uncertainty not to know what was happening to Evie. Suddenly she became still – despite her impaired senses she sensed something – there was a whiff of cooler air which caused goose bumps on her skin.

Was someone entering the chamber?

15 Minutes earlier outside Kazeem´s premises:

Hayley worked her magic on the lock of the Entrance to Kazeem´s Antiquities. She had learned from the best during her time with the NYPD. One of New York´s finest Lock Pickers had taught her all he knew – and that was a lot. The Lock of Kazeem Arts proved to be no real challenge.

Kirsty watched Sophie with a little concern. The lawyer was fidgeting, nervous “What if the others get not in time to Evie?” “Calm down” the Briton reassured her “They will, you know them, they will get through. You help Evie the most if you focus on the task at hand” Sophie´s first impulse was to snap back – but then the cool experienced lawyer in her got the upper hand.

The Lawyer pulled herself together. Kirsty was right. And Sophie knew, the Briton meant it. It was no mere enthusiasm. The auburn haired woman had done three tours in Afghanistan – she had seen it all “Right” Sophie stood straight – in the same moment a soft klick signalled that Hayley had been successful.

Guns drawn they stepped into the empty Gallery. Carefully they moved forward covering each other. The store was empty. Finally they stood before a closed door which led to Kazeem´s private study. It was locked Kirsty signalled “I will kick in the door you cover me” Sophie and Hayley nodded.

The sturdy door flew out of its hinges as Kirsty kicked it in – they charged into the room. It was empty. In frustration Sophie banged her hand against one of the shelves – to her surprise she heard a soft click and the shelf glided to the right.

An elevator! With Kirsty in the lead they entered. The Briton pressed the down button. The door closed and the elevator moved down. All three aimed their guns at the door – if anyone waited at the other end they would shoot first and ask questions later.

The Elevator came to a halt, the door opened. The room before them was empty. They crossed the threshold and stood still in amazement “This looks like the preparation room at Hurghadda” Sophie finally spoke.

There were two stone tables. One was empty. On the other one, slightly rocking forward and backwards laid a most stringently hogtied woman. Her head was obscured by a heavy leather helmet and she was naked – except her Panties and her pantyhosed legs. “Kate!” Sophie gasped – and rushed to her “Stop!” Kirsty commanded sharply – in a tone every soldier would have recognized - “Not so fast, this may be trap. We have to secure the room first!” Sophie stopped in her tracks and blushed a little: This was a rookie´s mistake – she chided herself. Safety first!

Carefully the three women, covering each other checked the chamber. It was empty – except the stringently trussed up woman. Sophie shuddered. The hog tie looked brutal and the ropes seemed to be excruciatingly tight.

On the A 23 near not far from Corydon:

“Yes!” Anna exclaimed “We are gaining on them!” Indeed, Sybil had told them that the van they were pursuing had lost much of its head start “Sybil! Do you have a destination for us?” Chris impatience was palpable “Actually I do sweetheart” Sybil´s smile could be heard through the phone “Shoot” Chris had to smile too – few people would have dared to call her sweetheart in such a situation – “There is a small private air field south east of Corydon and as it happens a chartered jet is ready to take off – and there is more: There are two roads leading to the air field – your target is moving on the A 23 right now.

If you leave the motorway now, you have a real good chance to be there before him “Right” the Black Lady cut in “send the coordinates to our navigational system “Done” Sybil confirmed.

Kazeem´s Van at the same time:

Kazeem was in good spirits. In his preparation room Kate Beckett waited for him. He could hardly wait to teach that woman some manners! He accelerated. In her sarcophagus Evie did her best to keep herself together “I will not panic” she told herself again and again “Sophie is waiting for me” and that thought gave her solace, though hot tears moistened the bandages above her eyes.

20 Minutes later: Private Airfield near Corydon:

He was on the road which led to the airfield. Only a few minutes left. What was that? The road before him was blocked by a black BMW 7 obviously the driver had lost control because the car stood askew on the road. Its hood was open. A wisp of white smoke rose from the engine compartment. Kazeem cursed. There was only this road to the private airfield. He stopped.

Chris and Sarah had taken cover behind the car where Kazeem could not see them “I am in position” they heard Anna´s voice in their mikes “I have him firmly in my sights” “Copy that” the blonde confirmed “If he tries to flee fire at the wheels first we need him alive” “Will do” Anna acknowledged calmly.

Evie sensed that they had stopped. What was happening?

Kazeem got out of the Van. Damned, he was on a schedule! Surely a woman had driven that car. In his opinion women should be seen not heard – like Evie or Kate Beckett. He got an erection when he thought of the tightly trussed up woman on the stone table at his preparation chamber:

How he had enjoyed it! Stripping her, tying her up, gagging her and feeling her up! They would have so much fun later. Kazeem concentrated: He was only five metres away from the wrecked BMW.

“Now” Chris signalled the Black Lady. Both women rose from behind the car. Their guns firmly trained at the tall Egyptian.

Kazeem froze. This could not be! Two women where moving at him; One was a tall blonde the other one black haired both training their guns at him. Rapidly they closed the distance. Kazeem turned around “Don´t even think about it” the blonde told him in a cold calm voice.

He wheeled around:

From behind the Van another woman stepped into view. Tall, dark haired and aiming her assault rifle straight at him “You may notice the red dot on your breast, asshole. This is a laser pointer. If you move a muscle you are a dead man” the dark haired woman almost casually told him. Her rifle was not wavering a millimetre, over her left eyebrow an angry red scar stood out. Kazeem froze and began to sweat: That had to be the cursed Grand Duchesse who had wreaked havoc like a wolf amongst sheep on the daughters of Isis. He

Slowly this time Kazeem turned to face the other two women again.

“I would gladly put you out of your misery you piece of filth” the blonde seconded with utmost contempt “But a quick death is too good for you” She pulled the trigger. The projectile hit the tarmac right before the tips of his shoes, the blonde smiled at him, training her gun at him, aiming on his left knee “Put your gun and lay it slowly down on the tarmac. If you make a move I don´t like I will shoot you in the left knee, if you make another move I will shoot you in the groin – and then” her voice grew colder and Kazeem shivered “I will put a bullet not between your eyes but in your stomach, you will die a slow and painful death – or I will let you live: as Eunuch, your choice! Maybe you can be Anck-Sun-Amun´s personal Eunuch?”

Kazeem stared at the blonde. Her green eyes were blazing with a cold fire. Her gun followed his every move, not wavering a millimetre. And the look and her eyes told him, that she would do everything she had told him.

He was caught between the proverbial hammer and the anvil. Either one of those women would kill him or the High Priestess would do. Anck-Sun-Amun did not tolerate failure. How quickly the tables had turned.

Kazeem made his decision: he had no intention spending his life crippled and impotent: With a battle cry he stormed at the blonde and the black haired woman, reaching for his gun. He was fast but not fast enough. Two shots rang out. He felt like a hammer had hit him in the chest – and then: nothing.

Chris looked down on the corps and turned him around with her foot. Kazeem stared at her from unseeing eyes “Bastard” she muttered disgusted “Too bad he chose the quick exit. He could have been useful”

“You did the right thing!” The Black Lady told her “This wretch did not deserve any better. The Thief bowed done and searched the body “There it is!” she smiled and presented the car keys – and a smart phone.

Evie lay still. They had stopped. Then nothing, just silence, suddenly she had the feeling that the sarcophagus was moving. She could not be certain but now the temperature had changed – despite her heavy confinement.

Then she felt that someone fumbled at the death mask which covered her head – and then the heavy weight was gone. Evie felt something or someone cutting carefully through the bandages covering her eyes. The pressure around her head lessened. Gently nimble fingers removed the gauze pads on her eyes.

She had to blink because of the sudden brightness and then she saw Chris green eyes looking down at her. It had to be her. The pianist had the most perfect green eyes she had ever seen. And Evie could not be certain but she thought to see tears in the blonde´s eyes.

Someone was working on the bandages around her head finally the ear buds were removed. And now she could understand what Chris was saying “You are save Evie, Sophie and Kate is on their way. Kate is well; I am told Kirsty and Hayley are bringing them here – along with your clothes” a small smile curled the blonde´s lips. Chris bowed down and kissed her gently on her forehead.

The soft touch of her lips on her sweaty skin made it real. She was saved. And Sophie would be here soon. The tension left and she felt secure. Gently and very carefully the blonde severed the bandages which covered her head one by one. Finally Chris could pull the vast gag packing out of Evie´s mouth. When the soggy wad came finally free Evie wanted to speak. But the pianist pressed a finger against her lips “Don´t” she spoke softly “Take your time”

And Evie relaxed.

Two hours later Hall Place Manor – the Spa:

Captain Beckett sighed contentedly as Anna´s nimble fingers worked their magic on her tormented back. The American laid on a massage bank, her body from her lower back down covered by a soft towel “You really have magic hands Anna” Kate sighed “Well, sometimes the endless hours of practising scales and glissandi pay off” the Russian smiled and continued massaging the Americans back.

Anna kneaded a certain point between Kate´s shoulder blades, an audible snap and Kate sighed contentedly “You hit the mark” “That is one of my trademarks” Anna grinned “How do you feel Kate? And don´t tell me any bullshit” the Russian grew serious.

“As if you never would do such a thing Anna Alexandra Romanova” Kate smiled “Ouch that hurt!” The Russian had dug her fingernails into the Americans soft flesh “Just a short reminder Captain” the smile was audible in Anna´s voice.

Kate sighed “The worst thing was, not knowing, if you would be on time to save Evie. I was pretty certain you guys would rescue me, but Evie?” The American paused “The hogtie was horrible. I thought my spine would break. The pressure around my head, the crotch rope, my toes tied to my head? It was like being between hammer and anvil you know”

Kate sighed as Anna´s magic fingers hit another sore spot “Where did you learn that?” she asked her friend – and sighed contently - “What?” Anna smiled “Massaging like that?” the brunette clarified “Actually one of my mother´s Personal Trainers taught me a few things” Anna explained – “my mother exercised a lot with him” she added spitefully - “Kate what do you think about a whole body massage?” “That would be most welcomed!” the American purred.

Anna produced a bottle of oil and removed the towel covering Kate´s lower body – and felt like killing the person responsible: From her big toes upwards cruel angry red rope marks covered Kate´s body. The long hot shower had helped – and the painkillers too, but it was a horrible sight.

Gently she lifted her friend´s lower left leg by her foot and began to massage it. Gently she kneaded certain pressure points at Kate´s balls, Kate groaned softly then Anna worked her way upwards.

The American was relaxing more and more as Anna´s fingers worked her magic. First the left leg, then the right, then upwards: When the Russian massaged the taught muscles of her neck, the American sighed contentedly “Do not stop” “I won´t” the Russian smiled.

Then she gently turned Kate´s body around, her features were totally relaxed as Anna continued to work on the other side of her body. When Anna´s fingers touched the marks the rope girdle around her waist had left, Kate gasped.

“Shhh” Anna calmed her friend I will be gentle “Too bad Chris and Sarah killed this piece of filth” she fumed as she saw the angry red marks “Should I go deeper?” the Russian asked softly “I stop any time, if this is too painful” “Please continue” Kate whispered “I am fine”

Later Anna helped Kate to sit up and gave her a dressing gown and helped her putting it on “Stay put!” the Russian admonished her friend and left – only to return with a wheel chair a short while later “I can walk!” the American protested “The hell you can´t” Anna cut across her “Remember Nuremberg? I wanted to walk to the elevator back then too – and could not” Kate sighed “I guess you are right” “Of course I am right” Anna smiled “This is what we do: I bring you to your suite, then I get you a good portion of borscht – the recipe of my grandmother – you eat and go to bed”

“Yes Sir!” Kate returned with a smile. Anna could be really bossy at times – especially when she cared about her friends; the detective grew serious “Anna?” “Yes Kate?” Will you stay this night with me? I don´t want to be alone” Anna´s voice got warm and soft “I will Kate, I promise – now get you into the wheel chair”

The detective did not move very gracefully as she walked to wheel chair and visibly winced when she sat down.

“What do you think, how is Evie?” Kate asked Anna, as they rode upwards in the elevator.

Evie´s Suite around the same time:

Sophie watched her lover intently and with deep affection, as Evie ate the borscht with relish. At first the Egyptologist had looked a bit dubiously at the steaming hot bowl of red roots and meet. Finally she laid the spoon aside and sighed contently “That was delicious! I had my doubts at first – but this was fantastic, considering the rainy, cold weather outside – and the events of the day” Evie grew serious as she registered Sophie´s expression of care and concern “What is it Soph?” The lawyer looked long at her “How are you? I mean: How are you really?” the concern in Sophie´s voice was palpable “Don´t tell me any nonsense I would know if you do!”

Evie could not supress a small smile “What!” Sophie demanded “I just got an impression how you must have been in a court of law, grilling criminals” the Egyptologist grinned. For a second Sophie did not know if she should get angry or not – she decided against it “I am concerned, Evie, that is all” her tone was soft and gentle.

“I understand Sophie” Evie nodded “The worst was the helplessness, the sensory deprivation. I was totally alone. Could not hear, not speak, not move – and the uncertainty – would you be there in time? And I feared for Kate. I saw, what he did to her. But then the relief when I saw Chris face above me.

And when Chris told me, that Kate was save, I was soo relieved” She added “The last weeks have been quite the ride” Evie seemed far away for a moment “You know Sophie, three weeks ago, I was an Egyptologist – and then my life changed with one phone call.

Without Rachel´s call we would have never met” Sophie blushed, but an inner warmth floated through her body. “The sensory deprivation was terrible” Evie spoke “But to know that I would never see you again was excruciating” Sophie blushed even more. She stood and hugged the Egyptologist and kissed her fully on the mouth, and their tongues entwined in a sensual dance.

Around the same time somewhere deep in the Egyptian desert

Anck-Sun-Amun stood one the alcove of her quarters and gazed into the night. She loved this sight: To her the skies looked like a black cape made of shimmering velvet covered with thousands of sparkling diamonds. Here, out there in the deep desert there were no disturbing light sources, just the skies. Also fascinating was the near total silence in the deep desert. Only the changing of the guards disturbed it.

An incoming call-signal disturbed her line of thought. She went inside and took the call “Yes?” She listened for a minute or two “Right, return to base and report to me immediately” Too bad. The professor had escaped – again. “But we will see again Professor Callahan – we will!” A ping of her I-Mac signalled another message:

The High-Priestess read it – and a smile curled her lips. The game was still on. She had another surprise in store for von der Marwitz and her people, especially for a certain Russian. The preparations were complete.

t never hurt to plan for contingencies. A plan A, a plan B and a plan C. Now it was time for plan C. It had been wise by Pharaoh to build a complex web of faithful followers around the globe. That paid off now. Pharaoh´s arm was long: Von der Marwitz and her team would learn soon how long.
And regarding the Russian: Pharaoh´s orders had been clear, but she knew ways around them – and what her master did not know ... Her smile became even broader. Yes, there was a way to hurt Anna Romanova physically and to target her soul as well, to break her indomitable spirit – with a wrecking ball, yes a wrecking ball.

The Grand Duchesse could serve Pharaoh still with a broken soul.

But before that could happen, another piece of the puzzle had to fall in its place first.

The beauty of it: Another loose end severed.

A cruel smile curled her lips.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], your story tell skills just get better and better. The thought of Kate in that hogtie is enough to make my teeth itch. WOW! :roll:
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

Yet again: awesome read! tension galore, and some nice details, too!

Small critic: I would have liked a different structure of the very first paragraph. It was difficult to read - at least for me - and to understand who says what. That's totally different to the following parts which are very nicely structured.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Nainur[/mention] thank you for your kind words and your constructive critique as well, I think I know what you mean :) The reason why this first paragraph is difficult to read is probably is, that I made a few changes to many. I will give it the once over and see if I can untangle the knot 😀

Update: [mention]Nainur[/mention] I rewrote and restructured the first paragraph :)
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Post by slackywacky »

> “We should have heard from them by now”

That is such a classic part of any DID story... You always know that something is up when somebody says that. And (naturally) it is. Another good addition to your story.

And with regards to the rewrite, for Bondage Model by Choice, I did that several times over the years before I started publishing the story here. We're all in the moment when we write and often it needs somebody else to point things like that out. Nothing wrong with it (from both viewpoints).

Well done!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago > “We should have heard from them by now”

That is such a classic part of any DID story... You always know that something is up when somebody says that. And (naturally) it is. Another good addition to your story.
Well done!
Yes this phrase is really a classic :) And Chris draws the right conclusions - thankfully :) But the enemy has obviously set another plan into motion - the target is Anna ..... we will learn more tomorrow!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Chapter 56:

“Damocles´ Sword – or the string of the Devil I”

The next day, near Hall Place Manor in the early morning:

Chris and Anna were jogging their usual route round near and around Hall Place Manor. Since they had set up their HQ at the Tudorian Mansion, they had done this as often as possible.
It was a cold, grey and windy morning today – driven by the cold wind a fine drizzle blew in their faces - since their brisk pace they did not mind the cold nor the drizzle though, their only concession to the weather were the woollen caps on their heads and outdoor active cycling running skin coats in bright colours: Chris in chartreuse and Anna in purple-red.

The blonde loved those morning rounds: The competition, the challenge. The voices of Anni-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad and Agnetha Fältskog filled her ears: “Mamma Mia here I go again” its rhythm was perfect for running – and Chris had always found that Frida´s alto and Agnetha´s soprano matched perfectly. While she preferred classical music, ABBA had a soft spot in her heart.

The Russian and the German ran in perfect synchronicity and companionable silence. Anna challenged her friend and accelerated her pace sharply, Chris followed swiftly without breaking a sweat and smiled “Nice try!” Anna´s Smartphone, in its holder on her left upper arm buzzed – an electronic voice intoned “Caller ID: James” – “Take Call” Anna commanded “Good morning James” without changing her pace or losing rhythm

Chris heard the broad smile in her friend´s voice – the flame between her best friend and 007 had been definitely rekindled, the blonde grinned - “Yes we are on our morning jog” Anna listened and whatever it was, her mood changed abruptly. She stopped abruptly and jogged on the spot, Chris followed suit “What?” Anna shouted incredulously “How on earth could this happen?”

She listened again “Right – I inform the others, keep me posted!” The Russian ended the call brusquely and cursed loudly in Russian, one cuss word Chris understood “Hooy!” (D*ck) Russian was a colourful language – the blonde smiled “Su-ka” (b*tch) Anna continued raving

Patiently Chris waited. She knew her friend. Anna would get a grip soon. As the Russian had finally stopped cussing the blonde asked her calmly “What is it?” Anna shook her head in exasperation “I don´t get it how that could happen, I just don´t get it” “Happen what? Talk to me Anna!”
The Russian fumed “Remember Anck-Sun-Amun´s second in Command, that bitch that threatened Evie?” “The one I duelled at Highclere Castle?” “The very same” Anna spat “And?” Chris prodded “The bitch is on the loose” the Russian added “Chris looked crestfallen at her friend “How could that happen? Wasn´t she detained somewhere safe?” “She was” Anna ranted “But somehow she managed to escape on a transfer to another facility – the details are sketchy, but James indicated she had help”

Chris took that in, for a moment deep in thought “We should inform the rest of the team” she concluded “Let us return to base – this could have serious implications. If she had really help, we have to watch our backs closely, especially after what has happened to Evie and Kate. My guts tell me, we have not seen the last of that woman” Anna nodded “Right then” At a brisk pace the two friends ran back to Hall Place Manor.

45 Minutes later:

“So we have to watch our backs” Chris concluded her report to the team “What does that mean for us?” Hayley asked, the American had listened attentively “That means” it was Anna who replied “Nobody leaves Hall Place Manor alone and without a gun – you can call me paranoid, but I seriously doubt that bitch vanishes just quietly into the night. There is more to that, this has Anck-Sun-Amun written all over it” The Russian huffed.
Hayley nodded: She had her own experiences with a relentless enemy who would not stop before she had reached her goal. In that regard Anck-Sun-Amun and Elizabeth Crawford had much in common.

Their methods though could not have been any more different. Crawford had never resorted to brutal force or open cruelty. She had been more subtle. Hayley concentrated on the meeting again.

The rest of the meeting went without any further bad news. Evie informed them about the status of the translation. Together with Amanda she had made good progress. Despite the horrors of yesterday the Egyptologist seemed committed to the work and resolved to get things done.

The Dark Lady was impressed “She is very resilient” the thief thought to herself as they left the conference “No” the thief mused “Evie Callahan is no shy academic rose watching the world through the windows of her ivory tower” She had been distracted though and stepped on Anna´s left foot “Ouch!” the Russian exclaimed “You will get over it” the Canadian grinned at her “but Anna” she turned to the Russian “In for a round of martial arts training?” Anna was on the verge of speaking when her Smartphone buzzed. Curiously she looked at the screen “In ten minutes Sarah in the Gym – I have to take this call first”

The Russian pressed the phone to her ear and took the call, in Russian – and a warm smile crossed her face “Da” she answered in Russian – “15 Minutes” she mouthed at Sarah and continued to chat amiably in Russian …..

“I really would like to know who called her …” the Thief wondered as she walked back to her Suite to change into her Judogi “She has been obviously surprised but in a pleasant way” The Black Lady had to admit she liked Anna talking in her mother language, not that she would tell the Grand Duchesse that of course.

But Anna did not tell the thief who had called her – in fact she had adamantly refused to do so “I will tell you if you beat me. You don´t beat me I won´t tell you” And to the thief´s chagrin the violinist had held the upper hand – this time. It had been the Canadian who had to concede defeat, not the Russian.

Sarah McKenzie had found Anna changed. She had been ever eager to win no matter what, but there had been more to it this time, some grim determination - and the thief was pretty sure to know the reason: Anck-Sun-Amun. For obvious reasons: There was the fresh lightning bolt like scar above the violinists left brow, barely healed. A reminder of her encounter with Anck-Sun-Amun – which Anna almost cost her life.

The Black Lady had taken the Elevator to the Gym. When she had stepped out Anna already had awaited her “Wow, getting old? You, taking the elevator?” “The old woman will kick your ass kitten” the thief had returned sweetly.
In the end it had been the other way around.

The next day:

The past day they had all been extra careful, had checked for any suspicious movements around Hall Place Manor. But no threat had manifested itself. After breakfast Anna took Chris aside, as they filed out of the dining hall.
hris knew her friend long enough to know something was up “Anna, spill the beans, what is it?” The Russian pouted “Is it that obvious?” Chris smiled “We know each other long enough, yes I can read you like a book, so: What´s the matter?” As usual Chris came straight to the point.

Anna sighed “You know me simply too well” Chris just looked back “Okay Chris. Yesterday I got a call” The Russian hesitated and the blonde waited “And?” “I got a call from Tatiana Nikolajeva” Chris frowned “Wait, the Tatiana Nikolajeva – and I quote – “I will strangle with a violin string till her eyes bulge out of her sockets” –Tatiana?”

Yes” Anna sighed “that Tatiana – and I want to strangle her still – sort of” The pianist looked expectantly at the Russian “She wants to meet me, she says. She lives in London, she is very ill – and she wants to see me again one last time and play for her, I was the best student she ever had” Anna looked down studiously on the tips of her feet “She told me” Anna muttered.

“Don´t get me wrong Anna” Chris spoke “You told me the woman made your live a living hell, you are in no way obliged to meet her” “No, I am not” Anna agreed “But without that bitch I would have never become the artist I am. Perfection was a word that did not exist for her she drove me on and on, to strive for perfection” Anna fell silent.
Chris waited

“You know Chris, as much as I despised the old hag, I feel somehow compelled to fulfil her last wish now” Anna added.
The pianist nodded “That is perfectly okay Anna. You feel you must have to do this then do it. But I will go with you”
Anna paused for a moment “Chris you are the best” and smiled warmly at her friend.

Chris blushed slightly “Don´t thank me yet – and we will take some precautions, since this Egyptian is all and about”

Early afternoon: London, Finchley:

Chris parked their Car a five minutes-walk from Tatiana Nikolaeva´s address. She and Anna got out of the car. Anna´s former teacher lived in a typical London Suburb, in a small Edwardian house built probably at the end of the 19th century. “You are nervous as hell you know” the blonde smiled at her friend “Absolutely not” Anna stated “I am calm and concentrated” “Your right hand usually never shivers” Chris told her friend “Right” the Russian admitted “I am nervous – but just a bit” In her left hand Anna carried her violin case.

Befitting the typical London Weather they had chosen down-filled coats, ankle boots, jeans and turtlenecks. Finally they stood before Chessington Avenue 23.

Decisively Chris pressed the bell button. A deep resounding tone could be heard. They waited. Nothing happened at first then quick steps of high heeled feet could be heard. The door swung open. Before them stood a brown haired woman in her early 20´s Anna guessed. The Woman was dressed into the classical maiden uniform.

“You must be Anna Romanova” she addressed Anna politely and looked at Chris “This is my friend Christine von der Marwitz” the Russian smiled. The Maid nodded “Why don´t you come in, do take of your coats please, Mrs. Nikolajeva is expecting you” Chris and Anna exchanged a look then took of their coats.

“If you would follow me please?” the Maid bade them. The two friends followed the young woman into the living room and froze. In the centre of the room stood an armchair, in which a frail elderly woman with cropped grey hair sat – who must be Tatiana Nikolajeva. Behind her stood a dark haired woman – which Anna and Chris only knew too well – who pressed the muzzle of a large calibre gun – a Glock – as Anna recognized – against her temple.

“Dearest Anna, I apologize” Tatiana Nikolajeva whispered “I had no choice” Chris reacted fastest and wheeled around, as something hard hit her into the chest with the power of a hammer. Everything went black. She crumbled to the floor and was unconscious before her body hit the carpet.

Anna reached for her gun. “I wouldn´t do that Grand Duchesse” Nofret told her coldly “If you comply, nothing will happen to your friend” she nodded at the unconscious Chris who lay at the floor sprawled like a large rag doll. If you don´t” she let the words hanging ominously in the air “I cannot guarantee your safety”

Anna´s grey eyes drilled into the brown of her opponent. Fuming, she slowly laid her weapon on the floor “Well done!” her opponent mocked her “The High Priestess ordered me to teach you a lesson. So watch carefully. The Egyptian pressed her gun against the temple of her former teacher “You will give your violin case to Adriana or your teacher dies”

The violinist just stared back. The seconds trickled by. Finally she handed over the violin case “Hold her!” Nofret ordered two of her assassins, her eyes never leaving her opponent. The two women gripped Anna firmly by her upper arms. They knew what they were doing Anna had to admit. Nofret´s smile broadened as she turned to Adriana “Get me the G-string – but don´t damage the violin”

Anna struggled against her handlers, who had trouble holding her: With obvious pleasure Adriana ripped the G-string from the violin “You will pay for this” the violinist´s voice was cold as steel. Nofret gave Adriana her gun who trained it firmly at Anna “If she does something shoot her in the knee”
Tatiana Nikolajeva was frozen with shock “They must have given her something to keep her quiet or are that the pain killers” Anna mused “I have no chance to get to her in time” she concluded “before I get to her I am either shot from behind or in the chest”

Nofret took the G-string and smiled at Anna. What happened then Anna would never ever forget. With a snakelike fluid movement the Egyptian had taken the string, looped it around Nikolaeva’s neck and pulled the thin string taut – with horrifying strength. It cut deep into the soft skin of the neck. The elder women´s eye´s bulged from their sockets, she gurgled, tried with flailing hands to remove the deadly noose but to no avail. It was a horrible sight. Anna fought against her captors, desperately – as she had to watch the horrible scene.

In the aftermath Anna could not tell how much time had passed till it was over. When Nofret released the string finally the head of Anna´s former teacher lolled to the side. With an enormous effort the Russian finally broke the iron grip of her captors and lunged at the still smiling Nofret, her face a mask of rage and fury – but before Anna could reach her adversary she felt a sharp prick in her neck – and everything went black: she was unconscious before she hit the floor. Nofret smiled at the two unconscious women “Prepare von der Marwitz and get Romanova ready for transport” she ordered her people “and don´t forget Romanova´s violin case!”

Two set to work “preparing” Chris. The other two took “care” of Anna: They slipped her boots and woollen socks off. One of the two grinned: “For those we will have good use later!”

Working quick and efficiently they secured Anna´s hands with bondage mittens and shackled her wrists together.Two broad straps held her arms against her body. Six more straps secured the long legs of the Russian. Her toes were cuffed together with a toe cuff, totally unnecessary but sadistic plain and simple. One of the two balled the two socks in a big wad and wanted to stuff the large wad into Anna´s unresisting mouth. “Wait!” Nofret ordered “Take this!” She pointed at a large wad of hose and panties which had been given to her by her contact.

Hose and panties belonged to the High Priestess “This is poetic justice” Nofret thought as she watched with deep satisfaction as her minions prodded and stuffed the panties and hose into Anna´s mouth.Six Strips of translucent tape over her closed lips secured the gag. They lifted Anna on a stretcher and secured her with several more straps. A blanket hid the straps, and covered Anna´s body from her chin to the tips of her toes.

20 Minutes later:

Mrs Molly Brown, an elderly lady, sat at her window and did what she always did: sitting at the window and watching what happened outside. Normally this was a quiet area, this time something extraordinary happened. An Ambulance parked on the other side, four women, which looked like medics entered the house opposite hers. Two were carrying a stretcher between them. 20 Minutes later they returned with the stretcher carrying a woman on it – she assumed that it was a woman, because her face was obscured by a breathing mask “Very strange”

If Mrs. Brown could have seen into her neighbours garden, she would have seen, three other women leaving through the garden.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

So, Anck-Sun-Amun and her crew make a move on our heroes.

What do they have in planned for Anna? I guess that there is a larger plan at work.

Like everyone else I must wait for the next installment to find out!
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Post by Nainur »


brilliant. James Bond. The "unsinkable"(??) Molly Brown. A vicious killing. Supreme stuff... and a hint of what is to come...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago wow-wow-wow---

brilliant. James Bond. The "unsinkable"(??) Molly Brown. A vicious killing. Supreme stuff... and a hint of what is to come...
Thank you very much [mention]Nainur[/mention] - indeed I had the unsinkable Molly Brown in mind, when I wrote this chapter. Consider this chapter as the ouverture only only. Chris and Anna are in grave peril, Anna even more so. The High Priestess intends to target Anna physically and pychologically - I think that much is clear. Keep in mind that her Stradivarius is for Anna not just an instrument she plays on - and Anck-Sun-Amun knows that.
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Post by GreyLord »

These are dark time, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I fear Chris and Anna will have a difficult time before there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well done.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago These are dark time, @Caesar73. I fear Chris and Anna will have a difficult time before there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well done.
You are right my friend. Dark times are laying ahead - Anna and Chris will need all their strength and resolve that is for sure. And is not clear yet, if this will be enough. The enemy seems to hold all the Aces: Their enemies did not hesitate to use an old woman as bait and did kill her in a gruesome way. Imagine what effect it will have on Anna to watch her former teacher to be killed with a string of her own violin. From now on - if Anna - gets through it mind you! - everytime she plays her Stradivarius those pictures will haunt her forever. This cruelty tells us a lot about Anck-Sun-Amun.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Chapter 57 will be online this evening MEST. We will learn more about what fate lies in store for Anna and Chris.

Expect also an update of the Copycat: The Mouse cannot resist the bait .....
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Chapter 57:

“Damocles´ Sword – or the string of the Devil II”

45 Minutes after End of Chapter 56

Chris' head hurt like hell. Before regaining consciousness fully she had been drifting in and out. A while later she was fully awake and all memories floated back: She and Anna had driven to Finchley to meet Anna´s old teacher. There they had been ambushed by Nofret, Anck-Sun-Amun´s second in command. Chris had wanted to attack. But something had hit her in the chest – and then just blackness.

Darkness still engulfed her. At first she panicked before she realized that she wore probably some sort of discipline helmet, which compressed her head from all sides, especially, around the mouth, her eyes and her ears. Something big and hard jacked her jaws open and tickled the back of her throat:

Helplessly, she realized the gag was so large, that even with her jaws jacked up as far apart as they would go it couldn't resume its natural shape at its base. The bottom of the pad depressed her tongue to the floor of her mouth and the top pressed against her pallet and it was so deep in her mouth it almost touched her tonsils.

Chris could not know that but she had been gagged with a massive choke pear gag. It had cost her handlers some effort to work the huge device into her mouth. Its straps cut deep into the soft corners of her mouth.

After some ineffectual struggling the blonde had a pretty good idea how she had been tied: She had been compressed into a ball and was sitting on a wooden table she deduced, held in that position by a vast array of straps. Her legs were squashed against her chest. Her forehead was pressed down firmly on her knees.

Moving her head was impossible. Obviously the helmet had been anchored to her other bonds. Breathing in this position was quite difficult. Her toes and insteps had also been tied. Chris long legs had at least been tied in six places.

Her hands must have been mitted “My arms are almost welded together” She had been obviously stripped naked – besides her Panties and not only crotch roped but plugged with a vibrating butt plug and a vibrator lodged in her vagina.

How much time had passed, she could not tell. And another thing: Almost all her senses were impaired but not her smelling sense. In the air she could detect a smell that she knew only too well: The stench of dead and decay.

Someone had been killed – and for one very long moment fear pressed her chest together like an iron fist: had Anna been killed? With pure strength of will she fought the despair back: Anna was not dead! Anna could not be dead, she would know!

Slowly her laboured breathing returned to normal: If Anna was not dead? What had happened to Anna? She herself was in quite the predicament but obviously her captors had left her here in Finchley. She would be found sooner or later.

“Hopefully the sooner the better.” Chris groaned as the vibrator sprung to live.

Hall Place Manor: Gym, around the same time:

Under Sarah´s supervision the remaining members of the team were exercising martial arts kata in the Gym of Hall Place Manor. The Canadian was pleased how well the group worked, disciplined and efficient. This wild mix of different characters was quite the cohesive unit by now: The homicide detective, the reformed criminal and highly decorated soldier, the investigator and the lawyer.

The Thief was just on the verge to announce the next series of kata, as Sybil almost stormed into the Gym, breathless, panting “What is it?” The thief raised her Eyebrows and grinned “World War 3?” “No” Sybil gasped “Worse: Chris and Anna have been captured” Kate frowned “And you know that how? They wanted to visit Anna´s old violin teacher in Finchley”

“The Kidnappers sent a message” Sybil explained “But you have to see it for yourself” “Right” the Black Lady nodded curtly, “I come with you” She turned to the others “Get changed and be ready in 3” “And why don´t we come with you?” Kate seemed inclined to argue the point “Because if Sybil is right, time is of the essence” The American stared back then nodded.

The Canadian slipped her shoes on and followed the technical weasel of the group to the elevator. Three minutes later they stood before Sybil´s computer screen. The large screen showed an almost naked brutally ball tied woman, her features hidden under a heavy black leather helmet. Her head was forced down on her knees by a cruelly tight string. She was held on the table by an array of straps and ropes.

The Black Lady had no doubts that this was Chris. But where was Anna? As if Sybil had read her mind she pressed a few keys. The picture had been indeed a short video. One could hear very low, laboured moans, Chris was straining against her bonds – and the thief had a pretty good idea why: Her suspicions were confirmed as the blonde´s body became rigid and an almost guttural moan could be heard – before her body became limp again.

A voice the all knew droned out of the speakers: “Isn´t Chris a beautiful sight? And where is the Grand Duchesse? If you want to find out, you have to find your leader first – and you should better be quick, you never know, what might happen to poor Anna in the meantime”

The recording stopped.

“This is the whole message?” “Yes” Sybil sighed “And before you ask, I tried to trace it back. Impossible” The door to the lab opened and Hayley and Kirsty entered, shortly followed by Evie, Sophie and Kate. They stared at the screen.

“Show them” Sarah nodded to Sybil “Wow!" Hayley was the first to speak "this is a cruel tie” “Sybil, can you find out where Chris is?” Kate interjected, the brunette nodded “I already did, a Tatiana Nikolajeva is registered at Finchley”

“Okay, then” The Thief nodded and turned to the rest of the group “We leave in five Minutes, how long till Finchley?” Sybil checked “60 Minutes give or take” “No time to lose then” Kirsty nodded.

Less than 4 minutes later Kirsty floored the gas.

London, Finchley, Tatiana Nikolaeva’s house around the same time:

Chris was exhausted. Despite the modest temperature in Tatiana Nikolaeva´s living room, the blonde´s skin was covered in sweat. Not for the first time her leg muscles cramped, this time her muscular right thigh. It felt as if the muscle was ripped in two. Chris´ groaned in relief as the pain finally subsided.

Since she had regained her senses she had found out that the vibrator and the plug did not only vibrate, but delivered electro shocks in irregular intervals as well. Their intensity varied also. Sometimes only a mild sting, then so strong – she almost blackened out.

The straps and ropes held her firmly on the table. Chris could not even lean in one direction or the other, not even wiggle her tied toes, which were tied back to the ropes around her calves. Every time she tried to wiggle her toes, the thin string which held them together cut deep into her soft skin.

And the urge to wiggle her toes, to move her feet was strong: her soles and the sensible skin between the toes had been coated with a substance that made her feet burn. Thankfully the sensations died slowly down.

“I will not break” she vowed to herself. I will get out of this and teach that Nofret a lesson she will not forget so soon” Thoughts like these helped her to distract her from her predicament.

Chris groaned as another electro shock surged through her body. This time so strong, she would have screamed if she could. For a few second she lost consciousness.

When she came around, she breathed heavily, still shaken by the electrocution.

The most pressing question on her mind was still? What had happened to Anna?

Unknown location, London, around the same time:

Anna had found herself in a predicament different than Chris´ but as excruciating as that of the pianist, or even worse. When she had come around over an hour ago – it had been an hour she estimated – everything had been black around her: A heavily padded sleep mask had robbed her of sight.
She had been gagged with a very large ball gag. The strap cut deep into the sensitive corners of her mouth, contorting her face into a permanent grimace. Obviously she had drooled profusely on her lap.

But the ball gag was only the icing on the cake: her mouth had been stuffed with used underwear and/ or hose. She could not tell. The “fragrance” of another woman made her wretch. The violinist struggled with her gagging reflex “I must not throw up or I will die!”

Anna had been tied to a sturdy heavy wooden chair, her struggles where useless. Her long legs had been stretched out directly before her and tied to a stool? So her body formed an exact right angle. She couldn´t move them.

Her toes had been tied as well and fastened to the ropes around her calves. Her legs had been tied at ankles, shins, under and above the joint around midthigh and directly under her groin. And the coarse rope cut deep into her flesh.

That she had been crotch roped did not surprise her in the slightest. It cut deep into her – and her red satin panties offered little protection. Besides her panties she was naked. Ropes above her lap and below and above her breasts pressed her against the high back of the chair.

So far nothing out of the ordinary, but: Her arms had not been tied together behind the chair as she had expected. True, her left arm had been tied behind her back – in what was some form of reverse prayer tie. Her right arm however had been tied stretched out right before her, at shoulder height level and she could not move her fingers.

Each of them had been tied so that her palm was stretched flat “What for?” She racked her brain “I think I will get the answer soon” Anna mused, as she heard the opening of a steel door.

The steps of several boots came nearer. She counted three persons. Anna craned her head in that direction “Ah, our revered Grand Duchesse is awake” her captor mocked her “Chris should have killed her at Highclere Castle” Anna fumed “Sometimes she is such a Goody Two Shoes!”

Someone fumbled at the straps of her blindfold. As it was removed Anna had to blink a few times till her eyes had adjusted to the sudden brightness. She took stock of her surroundings: Her prison was a vast vaulted chamber.

In front of her there was a large LCD-Screen, slightly above her hanging under the ceiling, so she had to crane her neck to see anything – which was black at the moment. Before her feet stood a round table – on it laid a violin case. Her violin case It had been opened. Her Eyes widened.

Nofret had followed her gaze with barely hidden amusement “You really want to know what we as in the High Priestess has planned for you – I really would like to say, that all of this had been my idea, but it was all the High Priestess genius! And so she will explain it to you. She will join us any second.

As if on cue the Screen sprang to life! From above her the hated face of Anck-Sun-Amun smiled cruelly down on her. The Egyptian seemed to wear the traditional garb of a High Priestess. And to her satisfaction the Russian detected the fresh scars on her face “Well done Chris!” and Anna was smiling around her ball gag.

“You won´t smile for long Grand Duchesse I assure you!” her Nemesis told her smugly “Nofret why don´t you ungag our guest? She might want to say a word?” “Of course mistress” Nofret nodded to one of her minions to remove the ball gag.

It had been crammed so tight into Anna´s mouth, that the other woman needed considerable strength to remove it. To get rid of the soggy gag packing was a relief! The Russian licked her dried lips. One of her handlers held a bottle of water against her lips. She drank greedily, since she did not know when she would get another chance.

It costed her some effort, but Anna controlled her temper and just stared at the screen “Cat got your tongue?” the Egyptian quipped, but Anna did not fall for this trap “I am sure you want to know what is in store for you? We will come to that presently. Your friend Chris is at your late teacher’s house in quite the predicament”

The screen changed and showed the tightly ball tied figure of Chris – and in the background the corpse of her former teacher “Tatiana was a harmless old woman” Anna´s voice had become low and menacing “Your lackey will pay for this” “Oh really Grand Duchesse? Somehow I doubt that you will be able to act on this promise, when this day is over, you could be slightly incapacitated”

“Bitch!” Anna fumed. The High Priestess was clearly amused by Anna´s impotent rage “Let me enlighten you, what is in store for you! “You have probably wondered why you are tied this way! Nofret, enlighten our guest!”

The Egyptian pressed a button and two spotlights illuminated the room before Anna´s sight. From the ceiling on a heavy chain above her violin hang a heavy weight, two metres above the precious instrument, the same over her right hand.

Her expression had betrayed her obviously “Yes” the High Priestess chuckled “We will remove the locker under your ankles. As long as you keep your legs in their present position at this angle everything is fine, if you fail to do so, both weights will smash down and smash your Stradivarius to pieces and every bone in your right hand – you will never be able to play again” she paused, obviously to wait for the effect of her revelations “And you will have a whole life time to cope with that!”

At first nothing happened, the Russian just stared with undisguised hatred at her opponent, only her heaving chest betrayed the fact that Anna needed every ounce of self-control she possessed. Then the dam broke and Anna cursed in Russian “That is not very polite my dear Grand Duchesse! Nofret I think it is time go gag the Grand Duchesse more thoroughly!”

Nofret nodded to two of her minions. One grabbed Anna by her ponytail and pulled it hard against the head board of the chair she was tied to, the other tried to pry her jaws open which costed her lot of effort.

Anna fought with all her might against her captors. She held her mouth tightly closed. The Russian was determined to go down fighting. Her face turned red. Then her captor changed tack and pinched Anna´s nose shut, finally she had to breath.

Nofret used the opportunity and stuffed a pair of yellow panties in her left cheek: A red one in her right. Finally the Egyptian had packed her mouth with at least four pairs of panties, used ripe ones. The taste made Anna gag. On top the ball gag. Nofret pulled the straps as tight as possible.
Above that two pairs of woollen socks and on top of them a muzzle gag. On the inside it had a small ball which pressed ball and panties even deeper in Anna´s mouth. One of the other women tied a strap around Anna´s forehead, so that moving her head was impossible.

Then they let go and stepped back. The Russian still fumed but only very low mumbles could be heard. Slowly she calmed down, starring daggers at the screen “Shall we continue?” the smile of Anck-Sun-Amun was diabolic “Every now and then you will be granted a respite. You will never know when, and how long – your only hope is that your friends show up in time! She seemed to press a button, because the locker under Anna´s ankles glided aside.

Anna sensed the change immediately, the combined weight of the wrecking balls made itself felt. With all her might she held her legs steady. Her muscles became taut like strings – and this was only the beginning ….

That had been 45 Minutes ago. Three breaks had given her a short respite. But with every passing minute, her legs ached more. Cramps formed in her muscles “They are as taut as the strings of my violin” it shot through her head. Beads of sweat dropped from her forehead.

And above her on the screen Anck-Sun-Amun was enjoying her predicament, taunting her. They locked eyes, the High Priestess and the Violinist. Anck-Sun-Amun was intrigued by the intense hate Anna´s eyes conveyed: Unwavering, unblinking. No, Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova was not broken – yet.

London Finchley Park at the same time:

Mrs. Molly Brown couldn´t believe it! First the Ambulance now this! In front of her neighbours house across the street a large black van held. Its side door opened and four women stepped out, dressed in jeans, sturdy boots and short down jackets: One tall blonde, one brown haired woman, one black haired woman, one brunette. My gosh! Three of them had guns drawn!

The driver and her co-driver joined them: Another black haired and an auburn haired woman, they also drew their guns. Mrs. Brown thought about calling the police – but the women looked the part –and it was much more interesting to watch what happened. She would have to tell quite the story the next time, when Petunia would come for tea.

She sighed: Too bad, the women vanished behind the van. But she would make something up for Petunia– and if she thought about it? She considered herself a law abiding citizen, but somehow she had the feeling she would tell the police a different story; that she had seen nothing at all. She had always loved Sean Connery as 007 and Diana Rigg as Emma Peel – and the women reminded her of them.

The women in question communicated with hand signs. Stealthily Kate and Sophie vanished to the left and to the right to secure the backside of the house – and to enter from there. The Black Lady busied herself with picking the lock of the front door, while Kirsty and Hayley covered her.

Evie kept herself in the background. She was thrilled and anxious at the same time: Thrilled by the situation at hand and anxious because she feared for Anna. Evie owed Anna her life. And in the last weeks she had grown fond of the dark haired woman who played the violin like she handled her rifle: With perfection – and passion.

The Canadian made short work of the lock “The easiest break in quite a while” she thought to herself, supressing a smile. Gently the thief pushed the door open end crossed the threshold.

Kirsty and Hayley followed, covering her, they searched all rooms, before finally entering the living room. In the meantime Kate and Sophie had entered the house through the back door, for the police officer the lock had not posed a problem.
Kate knew what to expect, but was shocked nevertheless despite all her routine, she would never get used to tableaus like this:

On the large wooden table, held their by a web of straps sat Chris, brutally contorted in a tight ball, the air was heavy with sweat – and arousal – and something different: the all too familiar sickly sweet twang of decay: In an armchair sat an old woman, her head in an unnatural angle lolling to the side: the deep thin line of red across her throat, betraying the string that had been used to garrotte her.


Chris was utterly spent she had lost any track of time. Another cramp was forming in her left calve, when she registered a presence and a familiar perfume in the air –“Sophie? Let it be Sophie! Then the others must be there too!” The blonde groaned in relief. She had not given up hope yet, but the last hours had been demanding.

The living room:

Against her will, Kate was impressed “This ball tie looks at least as uncomfortable as the hogtie Kazeem tied me in” “We can compare notes later” the thief interrupted her brusquely “Kirsty and Hayley keep watch - Kate and Sophie help getting Chris out of this mess!”

Sophie had already pulled her tanto. Chris had presented her with the invaluable Japanese dagger after she had joined Art Incorporated. The blonde had told her the story of the weapon. It had been made by the same legendary swordsmith who had forged Chris´ Katana five centuries ago: Senga Murasama. The tanto was – as Chris had told Sophie – one of the heirlooms her Sensei had bestowed on her. Its blade was razor sharp.

First the lawyer cut the cruelly taught string holding Chris head down. A barely audible grown of relief, as the blonde lifted her head slowly from her knees. Kate cut the toe ties. Another sigh of relief: The thin string had left a deep red ring, around Chris´ big toes. It costed some time before they could cut the other ropes, because Sophie and Kate had to sever the ropes which held Chris to the table first.

Finally they could attack the ropes, which contorted the blonde´s body into the ball tie. Chris relief was palpable as she was finally able to stretch out her legs. Sophie shuddered as she saw how cruelly those bonds had been tied: The rope bands above her knees had cut deep into the blonde´s muscular thighs.

The blonde groaned softly repeatedly as one after another her bonds were severed. As Kate finally cut through the rope which held Chris´ wrists together, her arms flopped down. The pianist screamed into her gag as the blood rushed back into her red and swollen fingers, still confined by the mittens. Carefully Sophie removed them and massaged Chris hand´s gently. The blonde enjoyed the soft touch, it felt so good!

Removing the heavy leather helmet posed another challenge: It had been locked at Chris neck. Kate cursed “No key of course!” The Dark Lady just smiled and produced a small needle 30 seconds later a soft click and the lock gave way. At once Chris felt the pressure around her neck lessen significantly.

Gently and carefully Sophie eased the helmet from Chris´ head: Her blonde mane was damp and matted her skin red and puffy from the pressure. The blonde stared with red rimmed eyes at them. Aghast Sophie looked at the large choke pear gag in Chris´ mouth, her jaws jacked wide apart “I have never seen such a brutal gag” – working the horrible device free took additional time.

Finally the large leather plug plopped out of Chris´ gaping mouth. A copious amount of saliva dripped from her mouth on her breasts. With a linen handkerchief Sophie wiped gently the blonde´s mouth and her bossom. Chris graced her with a weak smile. She did not want to risk moving her aching jaws yet.

Kate returned with a water bottle and held it gently against Chris´ parched lips “Drink Chris, but slowly, take your time!” the blonde drank in small sips. Finally Chris trusted her voice enough to speak “Thanks” she whispered “Please remove the crotch rope I need the loo” “Are you sure? This will hurt” Sophie told her “Please just do it, they plugged me both ways” the blonde pressed through clenched teeth, Chris´ face reddened slightly “Okay then” Sophie nodded “Steel yourself” With a decisive motion the German cut through the crotch rope and yanked it free in one fluid motion.

The blonde panted heavily, her eyes teary - when she had composed herself she begged “Help me up would you?” Kate and Sophie helped her up. The pianist set her bare feet on the scratchy carpet. She stood, slightly swaying, her friends steadied Chris – after a minute she whispered hoarsely “I can stand now: The Loo, please?” “First door right next to the entrance” Sophie told her.

The Black Lady followed the blonde with an appraising look: She had noticed the very deep and very angry red rope marks, which covered the blonde´s body from her cheeks to her toes, the anything but graceful way the pianist moved. Normally the blonde walked with fluid elegant movements, but now every step seemed to hurt her.

Chris had looked pretty shaken - the thief knew Chris´ resilience was remarkable though. She would come through. The Thief turned to the armchair. Kate was examining the corpse.

“This must be Tatiana Nikolajeva” she had knelt down at the corpse sitting in the arm chair and examined it, ever the professional she had donned latex gloves first. The brunette scrutinized the gruesome marks the string had left around the old women´s throat “Whoever did this? He or she did this with pleasure” the seasoned homicide detective stated with barely hidden disgust. She rose and shook her head “I will never get that. She was a harmless old woman. Probably her only misfortune was to know Anna”

“They must have killed her when I was unconscious” All heads turned; Chris stood in the doorway, her body covered in deep angry red rope marks, her hair dishevelled – but much relieved as it looked “We entered the living room and they waited for us, that Nofret held a gun against her temple, I made a move, then nothing – when I came around I sat on the table”

Chris felt all eyes resting on her “What?” she snapped then she looked down, realizing that except of a pair of black lacy panties she was stark naked “I see” she stated, blushing slightly “And Sarah don´t tell me you do not enjoy the view” “Actually I don't Chris. There is no allure in seeing you like this after such malicious treatment.” the Canadian stated not unkindly “But get dressed Chris - we have a job to do – and we need you”
Chris nodded “Right” then searching for her clothes “There on the table” Hayley pointed helpfully to a small round wooden table. On it and besides it Chris´ clothes and possessions, Chris winced slightly as she walked to table, still not entirely steady.

It took Chris´ some effort to get dressed. After Sophie had watched Chris struggling with putting on her pantyhose Sophie closed the distance and touched the blonde softly on her shoulder “Let me help you” – Chris first reaction was to push back angrily but then she accepted her friends help. Now and then her iron self-control slipped and she winced audibly, the blonde blushed a bit “Sophie could you put my boots on my feet?” She added “I cannot bow down”

Slowly and carefully she sat down in another armchair, a flash of pain crossed her face. “Just let it go” Sarah McKenzie stroked her back gently. She knew how difficult it was for the blonde to accept her immobility, her weakness on full display. In the meantime Sophie had knelt down and put first the left then the right boot on Chris´ feet. Fully clothed Chris composed herself for a moment. Her friends looked expectantly at the blonde:

Several Seconds passed maybe a minute. Chris starred into the distance, a look of deep concentration on her face, her breath becoming deep and regular - out of sudden she rose fluently and straightened herself “Do we know where they keep Anna?” She sounded calm and composed now.

The change was remarkable Kate thought. The Detective observed the blonde keenly. Her usual shiny hair was matted and damp, her face pale, dark shadows under her eyes. But in those green eyes – Kate did not know anyone with such emerald green eyes - a bright fire burned now. Chris was not broken she would do anything for her friend, anyone she held dear.

Kirsty looked out of the window of the living room across the street: She had seen the curtains moving. Someone had watched them from the other side of the street. The last thing they needed now was to explain to the police what had happened here. Exchanging a quick glance with Hayley she left the house, crossed the street and knocked at the door.

In Tatiana´s house:

The Dark Lady looked on her smartphone “We have another message” The first picture on the screen was a close up of Anna´s face: Eyes wide above her gag, a panel gag, beads of sweat on her skin.

The second picture showed a room: Probably from the 19th century: High shelves, a large wooden desk. Then a third message, a line of text: ”You will find Anna in the building, where this room can be found. You better hurry”

“Does anybody have an idea where this room is? The Dark Lady asked around “Nobody?” “Wait” Sophie piped up “Let me show this picture to Evie….”
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

I don't think I can take the tension until the next chapter is up!

Will Hayley, Kirsty, Evie and the gang manage to get to Anna in time?

Stayed very much tuned folks!
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago “Hopefully the sooner the better.” Chris groaned as the vibrator sprung to live.
Bound, gagged and vibrated, what else do you need? Okay, the bondage might be a bit over the top, the same thing for the gag. But at other times they consider this relaxing, so what's the problem? :lol:

Very nice update. Keep enjoying this story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago I don't think I can take the tension until the next chapter is up!
That does indeed say it all.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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