To the Mall and Back Again... (And What They Found There) m/f

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To the Mall and Back Again... (And What They Found There) m/f

Post by DuckStewStories »

Author's Note: Quite a bit happened in this odd adventure before I got to tie my sister up.

“Can we go to the mall?” Josie said, bellyflopping onto Stewart’s bed.

“You hate the mall,” Stewart replied, not bothering to divert his attention from his computer. “Besides, I’m writing. So don’t bug me.”

“When do I ever bug you?” she asked, smirking and poking her tongue out.

“Are you seri—“ he began, spinning around in his chair, but stopped when he caught sight of his sister. “Are you wearing a cape?”

“You’re the only one that ever wears capes.”

Josie lay on his bed, kicking her black flats in the air and playing with Barry, his pink hippopotamus. He’d been a gift for Josie, who’d immediately pointed out that a pink hippopotamus clashed with her hideous pink walls. Stewart had adopted and named him Barry, the hungry hippopotamus, and he’d hung out in his room ever since.

And, although Josie hadn’t wanted to adopt him, she enjoyed visiting occasionally.

“Fine. What’s on your back?”

“Oh,” she said, setting Barry down and tickling his distinguished nose before sitting up so Stewart could see her outfit. She’d dressed in one of her usual outfits: a Pink shirt, denim skirt with pink lining around the pockets, light pink tights, and black flats. However, today she’d added an accessory. “You like it?”

By ‘it,’ she meant the purple cardigan she’d tied around her neck. Stewart thought she looked like a jock douche from an 80s movie.

“You look like a jock douche from an 80s movie,” he said.

“I think it looks cute.”

“It looks ridiculous. What on earth possessed you to wear that? Do I need to get Mom & Dad to call an exorcist? Lord knows they know one.”


“The power of Christ compels you, Josie. The power of Christ—“

“Can we go to the mall or not?”

“Why do I have to come with you?”

“If I ask, they’ll say no.”


“And if you ask and mention you’re taking me with, they’ll leave us there all day.”

“I don’t want to spend all day at the mall. I’ve got shit to do.”

“Like what?”

“Play Mortal Kombat.”

Josie sighed. Stewart still hadn’t said no, and she knew he wouldn’t. She’d either have to annoy him into submission or bargain. And she had more favors to ask.

“We’ll go see a movie,” she said, cringing as if eating something foul.

“What movie?”

She stared at him for a moment. A new horror movie he was excited about had just come out, a remake of some terrible 50’s film, but he also knew the consequences of giving her nightmares. But she still needed to choose her words carefully.

“Just pick something I won’t hate. Please.”


“Can you, like, dress a little nicer too?”

Their parents hadn’t taken much convincing once Stewart announced he planned on bringing Josie along. His father had even whipped out his wallet and given Stewart a crisp 50-dollar bill telling them to have fun. Stewart knew what he meant: Stay away as long as possible.

Their Mom had complimented Stewart on his outfit and told him he looked ‘nice,’ much to his chagrin. He’d opted for grey pants, black and white chucks, a white shirt with rolled sleeves, and even a tie. Surprisingly, he didn’t hate it, although he was slightly chilly and dug in the coat closet for a jacket.

“Ugh…I can’t believe you wore your hoodie,” Josie said once their mom dropped them in front of the mall.

“I was cold,” Stewart replied, thrusting his hands into the olive green hoodie’s pockets. “Besides, why didn’t you say something back at the house?”

“I did. I said, ‘You’re wearing that…?”

“And I said, yeah.”

“Yeah, and then you walked out before I could tell you not to.”

“Talk faster. Usually, your mouth runs a mile a minute.”

“Well, you know what to do about that now, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do. Why do you think I wore my necktie?”

Josie hadn’t considered it, but her eyes lit up at the thought. She began to wonder how many ties Stewart had.

“How many ties to you have?”

“Couple. Enough to shut you up, at least.”

Josie giggled, and Stewart gave her a playful shove towards the mall entrance.

“You know what?” Stewart said as they ventured into the heart of the mall. They hadn’t wandered into any stores yet. Josie’s head had been darting around like a cat following a laser pointer.

“What?” Josie said, obviously not caring.

“I think you’re right about my hoodie.”

She stopped searching and looked at her brother. “Really?” she said, eyeing him suspiciously. Stewart never did anything without her bugging him first, and he certainly never agreed with her.

“Yeah,” he said, slowly removing it as if in a music video. She didn’t like it. Both her brother attempting to appear sensual and him removing his hoodie in the mall. Something terrible was about to happen.

“I think I’ll be cool like you,” he said, whipping it over his shoulders. “Ah yes, this is much better.” He put on some fake douchey accent and began to strut before her.

Josie stopped in her tracks and began searching for cover. She supposed she’d actually have to venture into a store. All thoughts of her original mission had been forgotten.

Ducking into a store covered in overly preppy mannequins wearing various pastels, she paused momentarily to collect her senses. Although presently attempting to escape her brother, she needed him to keep her focused and not become overwhelmed. She saw a rack of shirts hanging almost to the floor and wondered if she could crawl beneath before a hand clamped down on her shoulder.

Josie shrieked slightly before slowly craning her neck and finding Stewart, wearing his hoodie normal again. She smacked his belly with the back of her hand.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Me? I was just trying to be more like my sister. And dress nice.”

“I don’t think you can. And why is your tie covered in paint splatters?”

“Because my sister is an artist.”


“No, but it sounded better than ‘it was cheap at the thrift store.’”


“So, what’re we doing in here? Call me Mom & Dad, but these don’t scream Josie.” He pulled a crop top and jeans off the rack and held them over his body. “Do you think I can pull them off?”

Josie giggled. Her brother was annoying, but sometimes he could be funny. Mainly, he never minded embarrassing himself for her benefit. Sometimes to avoid others spotting her venturing off the beaten path and being a bit too Josie.

“I think you need…” her eyes darted around in search of something truly embarrassing. “Oooh…” she’d locked in on something and immediately began heading towards it as if caught in a tractor beam.

“What’d you find?” Stewart said, hanging the clothes back on incorrect racks. He turned to follow his sister but glanced back to the clothes. He groaned and returned them to their proper spots.

He immediately spotted a dark-haired girl wearing a green sweater around her neck and headed towards her but paused before reaching her. Josie had worn a purple one.

Stewart grinned and let out a chuckle.

“Stewart…” he heard Josie hiss.

Turning, he spotted her peeking around a rack of socks like Kilroy. He glanced back towards the girl and her friends, who hadn’t bothered noticing him. Part of him desperately wanted to speak with them, but the sane part feared Josie having a meltdown in the middle of the mall.

He wandered over to his sister, who disappeared behind the sock rack.

“What’re you doing?” he said, looking down at her.

“What’re you doing?” Josie said, punching him in the leg.

“Ow.” It hadn’t actually hurt, but he thought maybe she’d feel bad. Her stern expression didn’t change. “The mall makes you a violent person.”


“I found you a douchey friend,” he said, motioning his head towards Josie’s 80s jock douche counterpart.

“She’s not a douche. She’s super cool.”

“Wait,” Stewart said, grinning, “do you know her?”

“She’s… I mean… Well…”

Stewart nodded and stared, refusing to interrupt or crack a joke. Something he only did when Josie passionately told him about something, or she became flustered. Her cheeks flushed as she sputtered, occasionally glancing over the sock display to ensure the girl hadn’t moved.

“I see her on the bus, okay?” Josie blurted out, the redness in her cheeks draining with the confession. “She smiles at me when I pass. And she’s always wearing her jacket like this.”

“And you wanted to impress her?”

“Yeah…” she awkwardly kicked her foot against the display.

“Do you want to go talk with her?”


Stewart frowned. “Were you going to talk to her before I almost did?”

“I thought she might see me and talk to me. And we’d be wearing our sweaters the same, so maybe it was something I could talk about for a minute.”

“Before Digimon?”

“Or Star Trek.”

Stewart grinned. He hoped someday Josie would find someone to chat endlessly about her interests with but doubted it would be a Catholic school girl wearing her sweater like an 80’s jock douche.

“Wait,” he said. “Is that why you made me come here today? Did you actually make any sort of plans with her? I can pretend to chase after my sister if you promise not to wander off.”

“I overheard her saying she was going to the mall this weekend.”

“Ah.” Stewart glanced over and saw the girl giggling with her friends, obviously having fun. Maybe she wasn’t as bad as 80’s movies had led him to believe. “If you want,” he said, “I can wander off in search of my sister, and you can complain that some weird guy came and bugged you. Easy in and a good reason for you to hang out with them. Gotta beware of creepers.”

Josie giggled. “You are weird, and you bug me.”

“Look who’s talking. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go find my sister. I’ve got plenty of cash to spend on some worthless junk at Suncoast.”
He took a single step before Josie caught his arm. “If I let you be my brother, will you buy me something?”

“Okay, you don’t have a choice about me being your brother….”

“You know what I mean.”

“And how about I just give you some cash?”

Josie seemed hesitant to say, glancing again towards the girls, but they’d disappeared. She scanned the area before reaching into the bargain bin, pulling out a pack of socks, shoving them into Stewart’s chest, and walking away.

“Seriously?” he said, looking down and finding a pack of ankle socks with fringe around the top. “Why can’t—“ he began, but Josie had flown towards the door.

Stewart sighed and glanced into the bargain bin, finding another pack. He grabbed it and headed for the register, hoping he wouldn’t end up on any lists by the end of the day.

Stewart found his sister standing in a random empty corner between stores, staring at her flats and twisting each heel in turn. Stewart whistled as he approached, alerting her to his presence. She twisted her heel one final time and looked up at him.

“Gotta remember your headphones,” he said.

“I didn’t think we’d get separated.”

“We didn’t get separated. You ran off.”

“I didn’t run, I….” She glanced around. “Did you get them?”

“You know why I love you?”

“Because I’m your sister, and you don’t have a choice?”

“Yeah, yeah. But for real, you make me feel like someone those D.A.R.E. programs warned us about because I bought you some socks.”


Stewart pulled back his hoodie and flashed Josie the bag. “You want a taste?”

“Hehe. Those might actually shut me up.”

“Wha—? No. That’s not what… I mean, they will, but… You know what I meant.”

Josie giggled as Stewart blustered through his response. He tossed her the bag, and she caught it and peeked inside, discovering the extra pack of socks. She instinctively wrapped her arms around her brother and felt him tense up beneath her. Neither of them overly enjoyed hugs, but sometimes they were necessary.

“You want to find your friends or just wander around for a bit?”

Josie released her grip. “What time does your movie start?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I didn’t actually bother to check.”

“You feeling okay?”

“Maybe this tie is making me lightheaded,” he said, loosening it slightly and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. “Ah. Much better.”

He motioned with his head, continuing through the mall with Josie at his side. Able to fully tilt his head, he glanced down at his outfit and grinned slightly. “You know, I actually don’t mind this as much as I thought I would.”

“That makes one of us,” Josie said.

“You’re the one who made me wear it.”

“I tried to make you dress nice.”

“This isn’t nice?”

Josie gave him a slightly queasy look before quickly turning away.

“Oh my god!” Josie practically screamed.

“What?” Stewart said, turning and raising his hands as if about to perform kung fu.

“Postal Service!” she said, pointing at a shirt hanging inside Spencer’s. Stewart hadn’t even bothered glancing past the urban landscape facade of the graffiti-covered bricks. But Josie, true to form, had looked deeper and spotted something within.

“Postal Service? I’m definitely never letting you have a gun.”

“What? I don’t want a gun; I want a shirt. I hate guns; you know that.”

“Yeah, postmen always go…y’know, postal. And shoot up places.”

“It’s a band, you doofus,” she said, venturing into the store with Stewart following behind. She reached up towards the black shirt featuring the band name, and below it, a greenish animated shirtless man lying flat with his mouth open and small birds sitting around him paying absolutely no attention to his plight.

The image surprised Stewart. He only vaguely remembered Josie playing their album, but it seemed much more pleasant than what he saw. Although, he likely put more thought into it than necessary.

Josie’s hands reached up but couldn’t grasp the hanger. She grunted as she lifted on her toes, swatting at the edge with her fingertips until suddenly it lowered down into her reach. She looked up to find Stewart holding it and grinning down at her.

“Thanks,” she muttered.

“Is that even your size?”

She glanced at the tag. “It’ll fit.”

“I guess I’m getting this for you too?”

“Dad didn’t pay me to stay away.”

“He paid me to keep you away. So, kinda?”


“Wanna see what else they’ve got here?”

Josie scanned the store. There were weed clothes, anime shirts, and what appeared to be sex toys in the back.

“Not really,” she said.

“Too bad,” Stewart said, snatching the shirt and heading deeper into the store.

“Stewart!” Josie said, chasing after him.

“You can always wait outside.”

“That’s even worse.”

“Yeah, this shit’s all pretty lame,” Stewart said, seeing the mixture of broski T-shirts and adolescent humor novelty items.

“Oh my god,” Josie said, stopping in her tracks.

“Look, just…” Stewart held her hand in front of her eyes to shield her view of whatever disturbing item she’d just spotted. She yanked his hand down like a peeping tom peering through a set of blinds.

Stewart looked down at his sister’s broad-eyed expression and then peeked over his shoulder towards what she’d found: a wall full of rope, tape, gags, and various other binding materials.

“Oh,” Stewart said.

“These ropes are so fancy and colorful,” Josie said, reaching out and caressing them. Their texture was smooth and gentle beneath her fingers. She couldn’t decide if she enjoyed it or if it repelled her. She settled on cravings similar to food: sometimes she wanted something zesty, while other times comfort food called to her. But she always wanted fajitas.

“I like my regular rope. It’s classic. Bad guys don’t tie Nancy Drew up with no fancy ass colorful rope.”

“If they were nice, they would.”

“Did you seriously just say that?”

Josie giggled as she grabbed something she hadn’t seen before, a red rubber ball in the center of a leather strap. “What’s this?”

“Ball gag,” Stewart immediately replied.

“Makes sense. But…how do you know that?”

“Pulp Fiction.”

“Why haven’t you shown me this?”

“Um…” Stewart paused, remembering the scene in question. He didn’t feel like listing the numerous reasons his sister wouldn’t enjoy it. “You wouldn’t like it. Trust me.”

“I want this too,” she said, handing him the ball gag.

He looked down at it and then back up to her. She hadn’t run away this time.


“Oh, like you’re not curious too.”

“Not that. You ran away when you asked me to buy you frilly socks, but you’re okay with the ball gag?”

“I mean if she sees me with this and smiles….”

“I am so glad I’m paying with cash.”

“You need to be 18 to buy this,” the cashier said, holding up the ball gag as if it were the mask of Zorro.

“And?” Stewart replied.

“How old are you, kid?”

“Kid? Do you see the tie?” Stewart adjusted the knot to emphasize. “Do kids wear ties nowadays?”

“What’re you, 16?”

Stewart smiled at the thought of being two years older but quickly caught himself. “Thanks. Makes me feel young again.”

“Do you even know what this is?”

“Yeah, it’s a… Do you know?”

“Oh, come on, kid, I’ve seen Pulp Fiction.”

“Me too! But I do feel they need more ball gags in mainstream media.”

The cashier looked at the ball gag and then back to Stewart. “What is wrong with you?”

Stewart laughed. “You want a list?”

“No. I want the money for the shirt.”

“Fine.” Stewart passed them the money and took the shirt. The ball gag remained behind the counter.

“Where’s my ball gag?” Josie said, digging through the bag.

“Apparently, you need to be 18 for those. You only have to be 17 to watch Pulp Fiction.”

“You’re 14.”

“The cashier thought I was 16.”

“We should’ve got you a fake mustache.”


“Excuse me,” a pleasant voice said. As they moved, the siblings spotted a tall, pale, raven-haired woman dressed entirely in black except for the silver chains and buckles.

Stewart watched her pass and enter the store before grinning and looking back to Josie—who nudged with her head after her.

“I know, right?” Stewart said.

Josie’s face went limp. The message was unmistakable: Seriously?

“Wait…” Stewart said, looking into the store and spotting the goth girl. “No.”

“Please?” Josie said, smirking at him.

“One of these days…” he muttered, heading back into the store.

Stewart ran multiple scenarios through his head as he pretended to peruse the shot glasses mere feet from his beautiful goth mark. Of all the things he’d do for his sister, asking a goth girl at the mall to buy her all ball gag had never entered his mind—and he’d considered how long it would take to sell his parent's house to pay her ransom.

“Hurry up before she leaves,” Josie said, causing Stewart to jump inadvertently.

“Where’d you come from?”

“You know I’m not staying out there.”

“You just wanted to listen in, didn’t you?”

“That too. Now hurry up.”

“Why don’t you ask?”

“You know I’m too shy,” Josie said, gazing down and gently kicking his shoe.

“And I’m not?”



“Hurry up. She looks like she’s about to check out.”

Stewart took a deep breath and sighed it out. The goth stood near the tying supplies, and he knew there wouldn’t be a better chance. He also decided he’d tighten the ball gag to its final notch once they got home.

He slid up next to the goth and pretended to peruse the supplies, pausing at the ball gag and reaching for it.

“Nice choice,” the goth said.

Stewart’s hand froze, gripping the strap but refusing to pull it free of the wall. He wasn’t sure what he’d planned, but he’d assumed he’d have to speak first. Things had veered wildly from the script, and his mind had immediately wiped like an Etch-a-Sketch.

“Do you need a hand?”


The goth laughed and nodded as Stewart finally managed to retract his hand, the ball gag clutched tightly.

“I…um…Well, I need a favor, actually.”

The goth’s expression immediately went from pleasant to stern. “No,” she said, frowning and shaking her head.

“Oh,” Stewart said. “How come?”

“I’m tired of all you idiot kids saying your a fucking dom and assuming I’m a sub and that you’re just going to keep me tied up when I’m not cooking and cleaning for you.”

“Huh?” Stewart said, unable to hide his flabbergasted expression.

“That wasn’t the favor?”

Stewart shook his head, afraid to speak further.

“What do you want then?”

“Um…my sister wants it, and neither of us is old enough to buy it. I’ve got cash, and you can keep the change.”

“Your sister?”

Stewart looked at Josie, and the goth followed his gaze. Josie’s eyes went wide; it was her turn to freeze.

“You two are like a pair of fainting goats,” the goth said with a smile, taking the ball gag from Stewart. “Tell you what, I’ll just get it for her.”

“Our uber religious Dad gave me this money so we’d stay away longer,” Stewart said, holding up the cash.

The goth looked at the money and then at him. He grinned and nodded; she smiled and took the cash.

“Aren’t you proud of yourself?” Josie asked her brother, standing outside the store and waiting for his new goth friend.

“Not really.”

“Why not?”

“I freaked out, froze up, and got momentarily screamed at. Oh, and profiled.”

“But you did it.”

“I did something….”

“I’m proud of you.”

“You’re just proud of me getting you the ball gag.”

“No. I’m proud of pretty much everything else. Sometimes I’m happy to be your sister.”


“Not when you eat all the mac & cheese!”

“I shared with Barry.”

“Grrrrr… Never mind. I hate you.”

“That sounds more like it.”

Their new goth friend wandered out of the store with a big smile; her teeth were as white as her pale flesh. She glanced at Stewart and then held out the folder paper bag to Josie.

“Take care of her,” she said to Stewart before turning to Josie. “And you give me a call in 10 years. I’m Victoria.”

She gave Josie a wink and sauntered off. Stewart refused to divert his gaze until she was gone.

“She didn’t tell you to call her,” Josie said.

Stewart, for once, remained silent the entire ride. Josie, however, continually opened and glanced into her paper bag before giggling and rolling it shut. Each time Stewart would poke her with his elbow.

Their Mom was oblivious and believed Josie simply enjoyed the shirt she’d revealed. Stewart was naive enough to think Victoria only bought her the ball gag. Josie glanced into the paper bag and giggled.

The ride seemed to take forever.

“That thing had better be worth it,” Stewart said, sorting through his rope as Josie watched from her bed, excitedly tapping her feet together like Dorothy going home.

“They’re all worth it.”

“Oh yeah, your socks too.”

Josie giggled. “I wasn’t talking about them. But I do love them. Thank you.”

“I can’t wait for Mom and Dad to catch you wearing them.”

“Ugh. I can.”

Stewart grinned.

“I’m telling them you got them for me.”

His grin immediately disappeared. “Huh?”

Josie smirked, poking her tongue out slightly.

“Give me that,” Stewart said, reaching for the bag. “Time for the ball gag.”

“Shhh…” Josie said, glancing towards the closed door. “I can’t even imagine what’d happen if they heard you.”

“They don’t know what that is.”

“I’d probably have read the bible more if they used some.”

“They use the whips plenty.”

“You know I’m not into that.”

“At this point, I’m no longer sure what you’re into.”

“Not that.”

“How about…” he glanced towards the door and then back to his sister. “The thing you’ve got in that bag.”

“Which one?”

“I figure you’ll probably want to wear the socks before I stuff them in your mouth.”

“Oh, she got me more than that.”

“She…?” Stewart’s eyes went wide. “What else is in there?”

Josie pulled the bag against your chest, hugging it tightly. “I’m not telling.”

“Grrrr…” Stewart’s immediate reaction was to snatch the bag out of Josie’s hands, but he caught himself when he spotted her smirk. “All right.”

He reached down and grabbed his first length of rope. Turning back, he quickly grabbed his still-smirking sister by the shoulder and flipped her over onto her belly, yanking her wrists behind her.

“No fair!” she said, struggling against the ropes. Before she knew it, Stewart wrapped them around and through her wrists. By the time she attempted to fight, he’d already knotted it out of reach of her fingers.

“Shut up,” he said, shoving her forward and muffling her protests in her comforter. “Oh, and enough of this.”

He yanked the cardigan from around her neck and tossed it on the floor. “Stmrt…”

“You’re right. Time for a proper gag.”

He pulled her up by the back of her shirt and grabbed the bag from underneath her chest. Josie rolled over, so she sat with her back against her bed, waiting for his reaction as he dug inside, searching for the ball gag.

“Ah-ha!” he proclaimed, but his expression soon turned to puzzlement. Instead of a round ball, the item in his hand felt more like a flexible cylinder. He removed it from the bag and stared at it for a moment. “I didn’t even see this there.”

“Bet you don’t know what that is,” Josie said, smirking up from the floor.

“It’s a—“ He paused, frowning. “Do you know what this is?”

“No. I just want to make fun of you when you don’t know.”

“It’s a bit gag. And I’m definitely using it later,” he said, tossing it on the bed and digging into the bag once more. “There we are. Open wide.”

“You don’t think I’m just going to—“

Stewart shoved the ball gag into her mouth. It felt awkward at best, like chewing on a giant rubber ball she couldn’t spit out and becoming slimy when her tongue touched it. She opened her mouth to spit it out, but Stewart used the opportunity to tighten it further. The ball slid behind her teeth until she bit down hard on it.

“Mn dmnt lmk thms….”

“Too bad. I paid for it, so….”


“At least we know it works,” he said, grabbing another length of rope. He pulled it tight across her chest and knotted it in the back, wrapping it around her torso and through her arms, cinching them tight against her side.

Josie couldn’t focus on Stewart’s rope work. Her tongue instinctively tried to push the ball from within her mouth. Her saliva seemed to collect in her mouth, and she tilted her head back to swallow it. She refused to drool.

Stewart grabbed her legs and wrapped the rope around and through her ankles, knotting it with one of his signature boy scout knots. Josie pulled her knees apart to test the ankle ropes, and Stewart, of course, took it as a challenge.

He whipped another length of rope over his sister’s thighs and caught the loop as it returned. He fed the ends through and pulled it tight.


Stewart spotted Josie’s irritated expression as he fed the rope through her legs and cinched it tight. “Well, at least one of us is having fun,” he grinned.

“Grrrr….” Josie replied, biting down on the ball gag.

Stewart hopped to his feet and stared approvingly down at his sister, struggling on the floor and chewing on the bright red ball secured tightly in her mouth. He nodded proudly as his gaze drifted further to her purple cardigan, strewn next to her and no longer wrapped around her neck.

He turned to get some writing done and found Josie’s sketches strewn across her table.


“Cm wmn lmsm tm smn mnsmc?”

“Fine. Let me guess. Postal Service?”

Josie nodded enthusiastically, and Stewart found her CD binder next to the player. He flipped through, found the disk, and placed it inside, closing the lid. For a moment, he understood his sister’s obsession with vinyl.

Soft music flowed from the speakers, and Stewart glanced around at the pink walls covered in posters of various girl bands.

“Next time, I’m tying you up in my room.”

“Nm mrm blm gmg.”

“Yeah, yeah. Maybe Victoria should’ve warned you.” Stewart said, sitting down at Josie’s table and grabbing a pencil. “Since I’m not letting you go, I guess I’ll try my hand at some art.”

He hovered the pencil above the blank sheet of paper, wracking his brain as Josie struggled nearby.

“Dnmsmrs mntmg mce crmn,” she said.


“Dnmsmrs mntmg mce crmn.”

“Dinosaurs eating ice cream?”

“Mn hm,” she nodded before tilting her head back to swallow the excess saliva.

She really hated ball gags.
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Post by some_wanderer »

Another wonderful story from you. 👏👏👏

You took your time reminiscing. ⌛⏳⌛

Always want to ask questions to you about your stories via PM. 📝
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by DuckStewStories »

some_wanderer wrote: 1 year ago Another wonderful story from you. 👏👏👏

You took your time reminiscing. ⌛⏳⌛

Always want to ask questions to you about your stories via PM. 📝
Thank you!

Often reminiscing with my sister is the most enjoyable part. (That's why I felt the need to add the disclaimer at the beginning)

Ask away. I'll answer when/what I can.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! Nice relationship you have with your sister.

I thought the goth girl would be somehow involved in the tie ups, did you cross path with her again?
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Wonderful sibling bondage story.
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Post by DuckStewStories »

Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Nice relationship you have with your sister.

I thought the goth girl would be somehow involved in the tie ups, did you cross path with her again?
Thanks! She’s the best!

Unfortunately, no. But she did inspire a character in another series of mine. (And she gets tied up there)
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Post by DuckStewStories »

Tiengag5 wrote: 1 year ago Wonderful sibling bondage story.
Thank you!
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Post by Josiesmith005 »

Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Nice relationship you have with your sister.

I thought the goth girl would be somehow involved in the tie ups, did you cross path with her again?
I called the number years later and it was a disconnected number.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Josiesmith005 wrote: 1 year ago
Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Nice relationship you have with your sister.

I thought the goth girl would be somehow involved in the tie ups, did you cross path with her again?
I called the number years later and it was a disconnected number.
As a person raised Catholic and now practicing Orthodox... Yeah... I understand the parent thing for sure. :lol:

Difference is that I'm 29 now and still have never gotten to jam a ball gag between an annoying loud mouth's upper and lower jaws yet.
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Post by Shellyj88 »

AlexUSA3 wrote: 1 year ago
Josiesmith005 wrote: 1 year ago
Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Nice relationship you have with your sister.

I thought the goth girl would be somehow involved in the tie ups, did you cross path with her again?
I called the number years later and it was a disconnected number.
As a person raised Catholic and now practicing Orthodox... Yeah... I understand the parent thing for sure. :lol:

Difference is that I'm 29 now and still have never gotten to jam a ball gag between an annoying loud mouth's upper and lower jaws yet.
It isn't pleasant, just saying. No matter how many times.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Shellyj88 wrote: 1 year ago It isn't pleasant, just saying. No matter how many times.
Ball gags are overhyped in your opinion?
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Post by LaxMax »

Seems like this is in the wrong section. Should this be in fictional stories?
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