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I was worried they'd actually run out of ideas there for a moment. But of course not!

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Thank you, oh lover of competition.
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Part 14

Jonah Takes It Easy

Dave and Roy were despatched to the stores to get the necessary requirements for their restraint while Stewart thought it was time to check on Koff. He threw a small pebble at him hitting him on his supporting knee. “Safeword?”

Koff’s gagged reply sounded remarkably like his own nickname. Stewart knew he couldn’t last much longer but he certainly had a sneaking regard for his determination along with his customary concern for his mental health.

Dave and Roy knelt in front of the three thrones. Rob explained that they would both be tied up and would, each in turn, be untied only sufficiently to enable them to be taken to their chosen place of concealment. Jonah agreed to hide in the gun emplacement until he was called to the hunt. He also ceded the binding of his quarry to their respective brothers. They ceded the binding of their own ankles to their brothers. They did, however, watch them very carefully.

“OK, cross your ankles and use a proper square-lashing.” Both Pirates knew better than to skimp on the job and sat facing their tormentors as they worked. Jonah was invited to inspect their work and proclaimed it to be satisfactory.

“What you think, Jonah, palm to palm?” Jonah didn’t understand the implications so he just went with the flow. It simply wasn’t Dave’s day; he always found it less uncomfortable when his captor crossed his wrists. Roy, being slimmer, didn’t have quite the same problem. Three rounds of doubled rope were wrapped round each pair of wrists and tied off before a couple of frapping turns tightened the ties up a bit.

The next step in the immobilisation of the quarry involved two rounds of doubled rope round the victims’ upper arms and torsos. Stewart and Rob seemed to have a specialised way of securing their victims’ upper arms, and they threaded some rope under their armpits to tighten the bindings and stop them slipping upwards, not that that was likely to be a problem later. There seemed to be a lot of rope left over for some reason.

“OK, on your bellies, feet up.”

“Ha-e’ en, ha-e’ en.”

“Hang on a minute, Koff. Won’t be a mo.” Koff was obviously giving the safe word; Stewart and Rob knew they wouldn’t be long before seeing to him. Ankles were grabbed, the left-over rope was threaded between legs and pulled tight, drawing the younger boys’ knees off the floor. The binders were working quickly knowing that their work didn’t have to hold for long. They forced the free ends between their brothers’ backs and the ropes securing their arms and pulled tight once more. Two voices objected as their chests were lifted from the floor. As the rope ends were tied off around the resultant hog-tie rope, the victims managed to relax a bit – but not much. There was obviously no need to gag and blindfold the hog-tied Pirates so Stewart and Rob did just that – why not?

Stewart and Rob examined their work and high-fived. “OK, Koff, keep your panties on. Oh, you haven’t got any.” Koff’s reply was monosyllabic and might have rhymed with “punt”.

Jonah Has a Nasty Idea

There was a certain amount of discussion about how Koff was to be sat down, then Jonah made a suggestion. He had obviously been looking at pictures of historic dungeons.

“You know that thing they used to hang people over?” His audience did not. “It’s like a pyramid, thing.” Still they didn’t seem to understand. Jonah spoke quickly, “Goes up their arse.” Jonah blushed deeply.

“Who’s the little pervert, then?”

“You’re not serious?”

“Well, not exactly but we could hang him from his hands and feet over some sharp stuff.”

Koff’s eyes widened and he tried to object. “You don’t get a say. All in favour?” Stewart and Rob raised their hands immediately.

“Right, that’s a majority.”

“Reckon we ought to gag him better?”

“Yeah, we don’t want the other diddle-o’s getting frightened, do we?” Jonah was detailed to untie Koff’s present gag and to tighten it up a bit while Stewart went to the stores. He returned with a roll of packing tape and quite a lot of rope.

Even though he had used his safety-word already, Koff didn’t resist or even try shouting as Jonah went to work. There was still that strange trust that the Pirates had in one another. Jonah untied Koff’s raised foot so that he could stand properly once more and Stewart started to swathe Koff’s lower face in several layers of shiny, brown tape. His cheeks bulged over the tightness. It reinforced the general triangular impression that Koff usually gave.

“Testing.” Stewart applied a vicious double nipple-cripple to his helpless mate.

“Nnngfff!” The squeal was, to a certain extent, moderated.

“Seems to work.” Koff was breathing heavily as Stewart swept his feet from under him.

Rob addressed the next question as Koff regained his feet. “Right, we just going to haul his feet off the ground here?”

“Why not, there’s plenty of free rope left?” The discussion continued as though Koff was not present. The decision was to release him from the long rope and use some of the packing tape to, “Parcel him up more tidily,” before stringing him up again so that he could, “Sit more comfortably”. Nobody seemed to be able to explain more comfortably than what.

By now, Koff seemed to have an opinion that he was trying to convey to his mates. They didn’t quite seem to understand. “Oh come on, Koff, you know your mummy doesn’t approve of such language.” That wasn’t even the type of language he was using. He was becoming desperate for a visit to the latrine and he wouldn’t have minded being allowed to get out of the rather too revealing shorts that tended to pinch his bits, and into his hi-legs again.

As the pretence of ignorance continued, at least Koff had sufficient scope for movement to convey the first of his requirements to the rest of those present. He flexed his arms, raised a knee, and leaned as far into it as possible while screwing up his eyes before swapping legs and repeating the process. That was good value and Jonah would have liked to have taken a photo. He got out the instamatic and just stopped in time before he did something very inadvisable. The serial numbers on the slides would form a significant part of his proof of achievement and a missing photograph would be noticed by his dad. That was a close call.

“Oh, you want a slash.” Rob managed to sound surprised. Koff’s frustrated squeal betrayed the fact that his voice had not yet reliably broken. He nodded frantically. “OK, then, we won’t need to untie your wrists, will we?”

“And you won’t remove your gag, will you?” It was getting to the stage where Koff would have sold his mum if only he could make it to the bogs before there was an unfortunate accident. Rob released Koff from the hanging rope and he made off as quickly as possible, making only a slight detour to collect his blue swimming costume. Jonah wondered how he was going to achieve the change successfully but managed to refuse Stewart’s invitation to go and watch.

For some reason Koff was probably the most experienced of the Pirates when it came to such activities as getting dressed when tied up, and the older boys reckoned that it was a good job that they had gagged him when there was a distinct squeal coming from the direction of the ‘facilities’. They assumed that he had pinched himself somewhere that it would have been indelicate to mention as he pulled his somewhat skimpy, but tight, garment into place. Koff returned to face his next ordeal before anyone even had the chance to doubt his preparedness to do so. He found the others waiting.

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Post by blackbound »

There was obviously no need to gag and blindfold the hog-tied Pirates so Stewart and Rob did just that
My kind of people. There's really always a need, if you think about it (but maybe not very hard).

Wonder what "sharp stuff" they'll find. A pyramid for a triangular (or pyramidal?) victim?

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I suspect they'll b spoilt for choice - - - but prbably nothing lethal :twisted:
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Part 15

Jonah Helps Koff to Take a Seat

There had been much discussion and a further trip to the supplies while Koff made himself (relatively) comfortable. His tormentors decided to leave his wrists bound as they were in the light of the fact that he wouldn’t actually be hanging off the ground if he was to be able to enjoy the availability of whatever it was they were going to sit him on. They had also decided, without the need for a vote, to sacrifice as much as was needed of the roll of packing tape to ensure that his bum, which they would make sure was very exposed, would be totally vulnerable to something very uncomfortable.

“OK Koff, on your back.” Koff did as requested with more alacrity that Jonah would have expected. “Feet up against your bum.” Once more Koff did not demur. “OK Grockle Boy, you know what we agreed.”

Stewart handed Jonah the barely depleted roll of packing tape. “Enjoy!”

“Don’t forget, keep it tight. It’s a real bugger once it sticks to itself.” Jonah knelt and wrapped Koff’s left calf tight up against his left thigh, starting at the ankle and ending when only just the tip of his knee as showing.

“Good job, Jonah.”

“Hang on, en’t finished yet.” And Jonah applied another layer of tape ending where he started off. It wasn’t clear whether whatever Koff was saying were words of objection or expressions of admiration. He certainly offered no resistance as Jonah repeated the operation on his right leg. Yes, Jonah had kept the tape tight so that it would not stick back-to-back while he worked but, being more acquainted with such games that he was yet prepared to admit to the Pirates, it was not dangerously so – well, not in the short term in any case.

Jonah stopped to consider things: now, should he bind both leg bundles together or should he get on with folding Koff into three? Silly question. With the considerable approval of Stewart and Rob, the newcomer added two more layers of tape binding Koff’s already mummified legs together. “OK, mate?” Koff nodded cursorily whilst trying to go into the “I am an Englishman . . .” soliloquy.

“Alright, shut up mate, we can all see you’re enjoying yourself.” Indeed, all the lads embarrassed themselves in that way occasionally; it just wasn’t usually mentioned - unless there was entertainment to be had from doing so. Fortunately, (or not, depending on your point of view) Koff was more of a prickett than a full-grown master buck at the time. “Right, Grockle Boy, better get that hidden away in case it frightens some old lady.” Koff thought he ought to make at least some sort of objection. Stewart pinched his nostrils together until he gave up.

“OK, but you’ll have to gizz an ‘and. Got those straps?” The recently recovered straps were placed within Jonah’s reach. Koff would stand no chance of working them lose, they were compression straps that had been salvaged from an old lorry and customised to the Pirates’ requirements. Serves him right, really; Koff had made the adaptations himself during one of those days when he just needed to get away.

“Right, I’ll just get his arms out of the way first, drag him over ‘ere.” Stewart was, as ever, ready to oblige. By now, Dave and Roy were rather resenting not being able to enjoy the spectacle but rubbing their blindfolds off was too awkward tied as they were and, besides, they believed that Stewart would have taken any excuse to extend their suffering, especially as they had no idea whether they were off the hook yet.

Koff was positioned near the rope that had previously kept him standing on one foot and another retied figure-of-eight had been tied somewhat lower down than the one that had previously kept Koff’s hands held high. Jonah fed the rope ends down between Koff’s arms and pulled them through. “Come on, Gorilla Guy, I need your muscles here.” Stewart grabbed the rope ends and assisted Jonah to position Koff more appropriately. Jonah was getting used to hearing that muffled adolescent squeal. This time it was when Koff got dragged the short distance that pulled his arms as straight as possible.


“Nah, no’ ye’. Just tie ‘im off and let’s just get him strapped up and let the rope stretch first.” Jonah was betraying himself more with each expression of expertise. Koff was left with his backside comfortably on the ground and even his feet more-or-less so as well. Jonah picked up one of the two-inch wide webbing straps and wrapped it round Koff’s legs and torso. He threaded the buckle and pulled tight. Koff exhaled forcibly. One more strap left Koff as a very compact package with his arms protruding from it.

“OK Stewart, I think we need a bit more tension now.” Stewart grinned. Jonah and he hauled until Koff’s arse was slightly clear of the ground. Rob tied off above the figure-of-eight knot and Koff fell a couple of inches towards the ground. “Shall we let him just settle for a while?”

“Yes, let’s do that. You done this sort of thing before?”

“Might have.” Wry grins were the order of the day.

Stewart, Rob and Jonah headed for the chairs while discussing how long Koff would last out after they had completed his accommodation. The majority opinion was that it wouldn’t be too long.

“Start the hunt?”

“Nah, let’s finish making Koff comfortable first. Try not to cream your panties, Koff”. Jonah wasn’t sure about embarrassing Koff like that but Stewart reminded the newcomer that, “He’s gross.”

“Yeah.” Jonah was getting used to that.

“Innng ngghhhh!!!” (Very muffled)

The tormentors took their seats and spent the next ten minutes throwing stones and other harmless detritus at Dave and Roy. The hastily applied cleave gags did nothing to obscure the consequent obscenities.

“Such language.”

“Yeah, good job Koff can’t hear it.”

“Yeah, his mummy. Would. Not. A.- Pprove,” chorused Jonah and Stewart.

“Unnnf!” Koff’s anatomical assertion seemed to indicate that Rob was mistaken.

After having taken their ease for about ten minutes, Jonah suggested that it was time to pay Koff another visit. They found that he had settled with his bum touching the ground.

“What y’ think, Jonah, lift him up a bit?”

“No. We need his weight to press down on his bum when we put his seat in place.”

“You’re right, shall I get it?”

If you would be so kind, Rob.”

Much discussion had gone into deciding the most appropriate form of furniture to offer Koff: sharp stones, brambles, dog-rose briars, they were spoilt for choice. Koff was considering giving up before they had even started. His hi-leg briefs offered hardly any coverage of his nether regions and he wasn’t exactly the most sylph-like of the youngsters. The suggestion of nail infested driftwood nearly cut their entertainment off short but not even Dave at his most unreasonable would have expected to get away with that. Jonah settled for that old metal grille that normally lived beside the door of the gun emplacement. It was a bit more than two feet long and a bit less than two feet wide, being made from a set of parallel metal bars with their flat surfaces set vertically so that the thin edges made a sort of metal mat. That was going to be quite demanding very soon. Koff thought he could cope, certainly better than he could cope with having to remove briars from his cheeks after having surrendered following an encounter with the plant-based alternative. He braced himself.

“Safe word?”

“Ngugh o’.”

“No, sorry, wrong answer.” Stewart and Rob lifted Koff less than a foot off the ground while Jonah slid the grating underneath him. They didn’t so much lower him onto it as drop him before standing back to admire their work. They decided that he was making suitable contact with the metal and left him to it amid a tirade of, presumably, insulting - but completely incomprehensible – language.

The next few minutes were occupied by reviewing how Dave and Roy were going to be secreted away without abandoning Koff and without Jonah seeing where they went. The solution was easily arrived at and Jonah was sent into the gun emplacement while Stewart organised the game of ‘scissors, paper, and stone’ to see which of Dave or Roy should be hidden first. That left Rob to keep an eye on Koff as he made vain attempts to get comfortable.

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Post by blackbound »

Unfortunately I'm having a very hard time visualizing what Koff is being subjected to (beyond the grille), but I have full confidence that it's correct.

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Perhaps I have not explained it very well. He has basically been folded in three ( a sosrt of "Z" shape) and has his hands high above his head,
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Part 16

Jonah Goes a-Hunting

The preliminaries to the hunt took just long enough for Koff to start providing the entertainment. He wasn’t a boy who exhibited excellent muscle definition but his wide shoulders and deep chest certainly provided a powerful engine room for the crane that was going to be essential for his comfort over his forthcoming trial. As he grasped the rope and lifted himself from the ground, his biceps showed themselves at their best. Yes, one could describe Koff as sturdy, it’s just that his muscle was disguised by a generous (but not worrying) proportion of body fat. At least Jonah had denied him the use of his powerful thighs.

Koff tried to get comfortable by alternately lifting his backside from the slats and lowering himself, as gently as he could, onto them again in the hopes that he would land in a slightly different position. It was a vain hope but Koff was not one to give up. Stewart and Rob smirked. They knew two things about Koff whenever he got himself into such situations: first, he was probably good for some time yet and secondly, he had a safe word. The nasal grunts every time he landed on the tortuous seat were an entertainment in themselves.

Stewart organised the game that decided that Dave was going to be hidden first and Jonah was dispatched to the depths of the gun emplacement. Rob took his ease and replenished his supply of tormenting ammunition just in case Koff, whose deceptive strength was unlikely to run out before his backside became corrugated beyond toleration, started to look too comfortable.

Stewart freed his brother’s hogtie but left his feet bound before shouldering him and carrying him out of what he considered to be earshot of the closeted Jonah before removing his rudimentary gag and asking him where he should abandon him. He didn’t even put him down and left the gag hanging round Dave’s neck while he bore him to the designated hiding place. Knowing exactly where Dave meant, Stuart saw no reason to remove his blindfold and even considered replacing the gag once he was in situ in spite of what they had all agreed previously.

In the Pirates’ normal games, even the older brothers took turns in being tied up and didn’t resent having to do so but Stewart was enjoying having his little brother completely at his mercy and unable to make any objection. It made a change and, after all, Dave deserved it as did his little, blonde mate. The muscular, dark-haired porter made short work of carrying the smaller boy to the Stand of beeches. At first thought one might believe that such a place was a bit near to the gun emplacement but Dave had what he thought was a good idea.

The greatest of the mature beeches was a very climbable tree and being in full leaf would provide considerable concealment if someone hid in the optimal place. Dave trusted that, in any case, if he kept quiet, Jonah was unlikely to look up.

Stewart untied his little brother and coiled the ropes and folded the cloths carefully. “I suppose you think that you’ve just avoided being tied up?”

“No,” lied Dave.

Stewart ignored the denial and ploughed on regardless. “Well, think again. After you; I’ll tell you when to stop. Dave glanced sideways and started an easy ascent up one of the easiest trees in the grove. Stewart slung the ropes over his shoulder and tucked the cloth strips into the waistband of his swim-briefs before following on.

Stewart called Dave to a halt at a point where he thought maximum concealment would be provided. He was conflicted, really, he wouldn’t mind his little brother losing the contest but, if he failed to conceal him efficiently, his efforts could be regarded as a failure. Dave was told to sit astride a hefty branch and hug the still substantial trunk of the un-pollarded tree. Dave would be secure (unless Stewart did something about hauling his legs up) and it would be easy to reach his hands and even his feet from convenient nearby branches.

Stewart sat himself safely astride a branch opposite Dave and cuffed his wrists with the longer of the ropes. He then tied the free ends over a higher branch for safety – or, at least, that what he told his brother. Once he had climbed down a bit and round to the same side as his brother, he cuffed his ankles, not too closely together. “That should be safe, Monkey.” Stewart climbed up onto the same branch that Dave was sitting astride, “Are you afraid of heights?” Stewart was well aware that he was not but said that he was going to blindfold him in any case. “Bugger, should have brought some tape.” Stewart didn’t expect the binding to stay in place for too long but it was worth a try.

Dave then confirmed the high regard in which he held his older brother and Stewart took the opportunity to loop the other fabric strip into his mouth and tied it tightly behind his neck.

“Wha haffen’ angou’ faffvee?”

“I could understand that so safety’s no problem.”


“No, I’m not; Mum and Dad have just had their twentieth wedding anniversary.” Dave snorted; the gag was completely ineffective but was simply annoying and made the wearer sound totally pathetic. “Safe word?” Stewart knew how to shut Dave up.

Stewart had satisfied himself that Dave was in no danger and did not genuinely need to pull out before climbing down and reminding him that he had only gagged him to remind him not to draw attention to himself by making a noise. There was no one among the Pirates who couldn’t bullshit for England. Stewart checked to see that Dave was properly concealed from the ground and made off slowly for the gun emplacement via an indirect route so that Jonah would not be able to guess that Dave wasn’t very far away.


“Hi guys; you comfy, Koff?” Stewart announced his arrival and sat next to Jonah, who had been called from his hidey-hole as soon as the Lennox brothers had passed out of sight. He would have resented not being able to torment Koff if it hadn’t been for what he had done to his little brother but it was a good trade-off and there was obviously still time.

Koff was still determinedly lifting himself off the grating and easing himself back down again as gently as possible at intervals of less than a minute. Although he was far from silent, he became silent whenever he was offered the chance to use his safe word.

“Reckon we should just lift his feet a bit?” Koff shook his head frantically.

“Nah, they hardly touch the ground as it is.”

“In any case, he’d have a different area of his bum on the grating. We can’t give him that much ease.” Stuart and Rob looked at Jonah; he was obviously fitting in only too well.

“What?!” Jonah feigned looking puzzled. Stewart and Rob looked away; Jonah allowed himself a smirk.

“Hadn’t you better go looking for my brother?”

“S’pose so. Won’t be long.”

“Wan’t to bet on it?”

“Don’ wanna take your money.” Three boys grinned and a newly flip-flopped Jonah went hunting.


It didn’t usually take the Pirates too long to find any of their number who were hiding but Jonah didn’t have the advantage of knowing the island and all its nooks and crannies. From what he’d seen so far, the creek might pay exploration and also the stand of beech trees. He ruled out the cliffs that he saw as he approached the island, and the dunes he had passed through didn’t seem to offer much in the way of concealment. So, first the creek and then the beeches. Jonah set of at an easy lope.

Searching the creek took about an hour. There were holes in the bank, some of which were large enough to conceal a body and some of which were concealed by tree roots. Needless to say, the search was fruitless. Jonah ducked himself in the water to clear all the mud from himself and jogged on to the trees. A search of the undergrowth proved to be in vain and, after about an hour, Jonah thought he should find somewhere from where he could get an overview of the island. Some people have all the luck; that tall tree looked as though it would be easy to climb. Jonah slipped off his flip-flops and Dave heard something underneath him. Dave held his breath.

Not only could Jonah paddle a canoe like a native American, he could also climb like a monkey. He hadn’t got more than about twelve feet from the ground when he saw something that was definitely not arboreal above him. “Yes, Gotcha!”

Dave still maintained an optimistic silence but, having rubbed his blindfold off, he didn’t do so for long.

“Awrigh’, Muscle Monkey?” Dave nodded. In truth, having been sat astride that bough for so long had become uncomfortable some time ago and, unlike Koff, he couldn’t raise himself from his seat to get comfortable – not that he would admit it. Now Jonah had a problem: should he release Dave or should he call for help to ensure that his trophy could not escape? Strangely enough, common sense set in and Dave promised on his mother’s life that, if he was untied and allowed to climb down the tree, then he would surrender again at the bottom.

“On your mother’s life?”

“Yeah, and because of my ape of a brother.” That made sense and Jonah climbed down a couple of branches and released Dave’s feet. He dropped the rope to the ground, climbed up a few branches and round the tree a bit and started to free Dave’s wrists. He wished he had brought Koff’s marlin spike with him. Those knots were always going to be more intractable than the ones that secured Dave’s feet because of the efforts he had put in to trying to release them, that had merely served to tighten them further. After about ten minutes, the higher knot was free and Jonah sat astride a branch to wrestle with the rope cuffs that were forcing Dave to hug the tree trunk. Once more, Jonah dropped the rope to the ground and warned Dave not to bother removing the cloths that were hanging round his neck. Then he climbed quickly down to the ground and awaited his prisoner’s descent.

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Seems out of character for the pirates to not set a time limit for the search... unless they did and didn't tell Jonah? I suppose I'll have to wait and find out.

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Post by Gino »

You know that I love your stories, unfortunately I don't understand much of the content anymore... probably because of the "Google Translator"?? :(
But please don't let that scare you, I'm really looking forward to the sequel :D
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Post by Xtc »

I'm sorry you don't understand the content any more, I don't think I'm writing it differently. If you an pm me with a specific example, I might be able to sort the problem. Is it, perhaps, he colloquialisms? Is it, perhaps the broken time line I am using becasuse the action is not necessarily serial? Sorry you can not enjoy the work as much as you did previously.
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Hi [mention]blackbound[/mention], perhaps the time limit was longer than Jonah took to accomplish his mission? Or perhaps they just wanted to draw things out a bit to torment the younger ones? Or, perhaps the author (Who he?) needed to pad out the story to fit the time line. Perhaps we shall never know.
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Part 17

Jonah Brings Home A Trophy

Jonah waited. Could he trust Dave? Where could he go if he made a run for it? Would Stewart alter his features if he did? No, it should be alright. And it was: as soon as Dave’s feet hit the ground, he held out his arms. “Do your worst, Grockle Boy.” It was almost like a normal game except for the threat hanging over his head.

Jonah picked up the longer rope. “OK, turn round, arms behind you.” Dave took the opportunity to give Jonah a hint by crossing his wrists. “Higher.” Dave raised his wrists until his forearms were horizontal. Jonah found the middle of the rope, wrapped the bight three times round Dave’s wrists and tied off the rope leaving a loop for later use. He didn’t bother to cinch the loops. Dave’s wrists dropped and the ropes bit in slightly. Jonah threaded one free end of the rope up under Dave’s right armpit, across his chest and back over his left shoulder before pulling it through and simply hitching the end between Dave’s right forearm and his back so that it was unlikely to ‘accidentally’ slip off his shoulder. A symmetrical repeat left Jonah with two long free ends that he tied with a reef knot behind Dave’s neck – but not before he had hitched his wrists up a bit. As he had suspected, there was still plenty of rope left. Jonah then tied the hanging ropes into that handy loop that he had provided for later use. Dave’s wrist were thus pulled a little higher up his back but considerable rope still hung to the ground behind him.

Jonah examined his work and told Dave to, “Give us a twirl.” Dave gave him a look. He also turned round once. Jonah gave his work a quick shake and decided that there was a better use for the hanging rope than to bind Dave’s arms – yet! He asked Dave if he remembered someone having to lead him and his “little blonde mate” to where he had moored his canoe. Dave looked suspicious. “And what did you do to his ankles?” Dave had no answer to that; he saw a ‘cutlass’ coming into play and having to hobble back to site with his ankles rope-cuffed. Having seen the way this landlubber could work with rope, he wasn’t holding out much hope that it would be a cuff of a merciful length. It probably wouldn’t have been even if Jonah had more rope.

It suddenly dawned on Dave that he needed to get his captor to get him back to site as quickly as possible if he was to have the best chance of being taken in more quickly that Roy, especially as he could have no idea how long his capture would take. Having a stride-length of only about eighteen inches was not going to help with that, with or without the assistance of a cutlass. Once Jonah had replaced his blindfold, he was certainly stuffed but he was not going to beg. Indeed, begging was even more out of order as he obeyed the instruction to, “Open up.” Jonah had obviously tied a substantial knot in the fabric strip before tying it in place. It would take few minutes before anyone would not be able to pretend not to be able understand anything Dave said. If it wasn’t for the threat Dave and Roy were under, it would have been fair revenge in one of the Pirates’ normal games.

Jonah eschewed the adoption of such a nautical instrument of persuasion as a cutlass but he did have all that rope left. He tied blood bights in the ends of the ropes for grip and passed them between Dave’s legs. Dave clenched his knees but it was too late: he felt the ropes pulled up against his crown jewels.

“Now you ARE going to cooperate, aren’t you?” Dave nodded but I’m not quite sure what those words were that he said. Jonah slipped his hands into the loops and led his prisoner, not too brutally, the short distance over the hill to the gun emplacement. He was greeted by Stewart and Rob who told him to get Dave to kneel in front of them so that they could decide how long his capture had taken.

Dave knelt, Rob gave Jonah his time and Stewart gave him a drink. That’s when Jonah noticed Koff. “Oh hi, Koff, taking a rest?” Koff’s answer was incomprehensible. Roy, rather disappointingly, was still almost where he had been left except that his gag and his blindfold had been comprehensively taped over.

Interlude - Koff Takes a Rest

As soon as Jonah had departed on his hunt, Stewart and Rob didn’t have much to do, really, other than to taunt Koff and tighten Roy’s bindings whenever he seemed to be in danger of being able to make himself more comfortable. He didn’t seem to appreciate his big brother’s attention and told him so through his completely ineffective gag. Rob was feeling too lazy in the heat to silence Roy completely but thought he would settle for a few rounds of the packing tape that was left on the roll. That stuff certainly went a long way and there even seemed to be plenty left so Roy used some just to make sure that his brother would not be able to remove the blindfold that had already started slipping. He did loosen the hog-tie slightly, though.

Eventually Koff could stand having his arse creased so deeply no longer. His gag certainly stopped him from articulating the phrase, “Carpet-‘Ed” with any clarity but he gave it his best try. The rhythm was easy to recognise and Rob went into the normal safety routine.

“Safe word?” Koff tried again three times. “OK, mate, you done well there.”

“Just think,” clarified Stewart, “If those two diddleo’s hadn’t tried capturing the grockle, WE would never have thought of torturing you like that.” Koff didn’t find that very comforting – or very convincing.

Ultimately, a safe word is a safe word and Stewart supported Koff to make it easier for Rob to undo the final knots using Koff’s marlin spike. Once Koff had been released from the ropes, Stewart lowered him gently onto his side. That noise was probably Koff saying, “Thanks mate,” and meaning it.

Koff had been safely in the shade of the tree from which he was hanging but he had been completely incapable of movement from his shoulders down for nearly two hours. Common sense (Yes, I know, don’t say it.) decreed that he should be released.

Stewart folded the marlin spike and extended the well-stropped blade on Koff’s knife. “OK, mate, don’t move.”

I think Koff’s remark was something along the lines of, “Oh, ha ha,” and Rob just made a despairing noise.

“Alright, genius, just let a man get to work.” Stewart undid the two mighty compression straps allowing Koff’s thighs to unfold from his abdomen but leaving his legs bent and firmly taped together. There was another of those muffled shrieks. For a big guy, Stewart could work quite delicately when necessary and this was just one of those times. Koff’s legs were soon free of the shiny, brown tape but the shocked reaction as he was able to straighten them once more was mercifully damped by the same stuff that still shrouded his lower face.

OK mate, you know you can’t escape but it’s time for a drink and for your hands to be untied.” Koff nodded when Rob mentioned the drink but pulled his hands away theatrically at the mention of them.

“Look here, Mr. Hard Man, you’re going to have to be prepared for the tickling contest so you’ll need to get some sun-block on and I’m damned if I’m going to do it for you.”

“Yes, and you need to loosen up a bit.”

“Come on, be reasonable.”

“Unless you want that well-padded bottom of yours to go back onto that metal grille.” It was obvious that his mates were serious; not only that but they were right as well. And even he really did not want to be sat on that thing again. Stewart untied Koff’s wrists but left him to struggle to strip the tape from his lower face. Koff took unsteadily to his feet and treated himself to a gradually more demanding workout. Rob handed him a Coke.

“When you’re ready, let us know.”

Koff jogged around the site and flexed his arms gratefully, not stopping as he enjoyed the cola. In the meantime, Rob turned his attention to Roy, who had made no real progress with his attempts to become less uncomfortable. He did, though, drag him for a short distance into the shade again due to the Sun’s having moved.

Before long, Koff knew he had to surrender to the inevitable, not that he was likely to mind that very much but, although he wouldn’t admit it, he was glad of the half-hour or so’s freedom of movement,

“Need the bog?”

“Nah, I’m OK.” Koff took to his knees in front of the folding chairs.

Rob gave him his orders: He was to stow all the used tape ready for it to be ported out and prepare the stations for the tickling contest. That was fair enough (if you are Koff!). On Rob’s instructions, he got a selection of hefty wooden stakes from the stores. He also got a hefty short-handled maul. On Rob’s instructions, Koff hammered three sets of four stakes deep into the ground. The workout was very welcome and, being Koff, the result wasn’t to be resented too much either. Each set of stakes formed a square and were pointed out at about 45 degrees from the centre and sunk at least two feet into the ground. Once the torture frames had been completed, Koff was sent into the stores for the appropriate ropes (and a few tent pegs just in case any of the victims needed tightening up a bit due to their exertions. Having laid out the ropes, Koff knelt down facing the chairs. He wasn’t going to make the mistake of sitting on any of the reserved furniture again, indeed, he wasn’t even going to want to sit down for quite some time.

“Oi, what do you think you’re doing?”

“I’ve done what you said.”

“Fair enough. I’ll bet you’re knackered now?”

Koff smelt a rat. He didn’t answer.

“Well, I think you’d better take a lie down.” Koff got the message, he wasn’t going to enjoy lying face up (or, more exactly, backside down) but he made his way towards one of the torture beds and started to lie down.

“Nah, you don’t deserve that – quite. Go and get your li-lo - - -.” For once in his life, Koff decided to take the cushy option, although he knew he would still end up being staked out. “- - - and don’t forget the sun-block before you lie down.” Koff placed the li-lo in the middle of one of the sets of stakes and slathered himself with sun-block. He might have been reckless with his own well-being, but he wasn’t that stupid. He even tied ropes round his ankles ready for his own restraint.

“OK, do you worst.” Koff lay on his li-lo and stretched his limbs towards the stakes. There were only the slightest of squeaks as his bum made contact with the air-bed.

Stewart and Rob took a leg each and started securing Koff with a well-practiced technique. He had doubled the ropes leaving his attendants with two strands each to play with. It was a simple job to tie the free ends round the stakes. There was obviously no point in trying to tighten things up yet. Doubled ropes were bound several times round Koff’s wrists and tied off before the free ends were taken either side of the vacant stakes, NOW it was time to tighten their mate up a bit. Once the initial knots had been tied round the stakes, the free ends were wound round the connecting strands, pulling the victim’s limbs tighter but not tight enough to be painful.

“OK, Koff?”

“Comfy?” Koff assured his gaolers that he was.

“Good, I’ll just leave these here for later.” Stewart left another of those fabric strips, a shortish rope and a short stick by Koff’s head.”

“You know, you two are so good to me.”

“OK, just for being sarky.” Stewart tied the inevitable bulky knot in the middle of the fabric and gagged Koff well enough to frustrate him if he wanted to say anything.

That’s how things stayed until Jonah returned with his first trophy quite soon afterwards.

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Post by blackbound »

Huh, Koff finally defeated. But no rest for the wicked, I suppose!

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Post by Xtc »

II wonder how one decides the criteria for "defeat" as far as Koff is concerned. :?:
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Post by blackbound »

For me, use of the safe word.

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Post by Xtc »

Probably so.
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Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Just caught up with the last couple chapters and omg this story is so good!! Love how detailed you write and can’t wait for more :)
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Thank you. I do my best.
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Post by Bondwriter »

I have more to read, but I caught up with the beginning. I like this story!
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Thank you, [mention]Bondwriter[/mention],
All such responses are greatly appreciated.
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Part 18

Jonah Makes Dave Comfortable

Before he could embark on his next hunt, obviously Jonah needed to attend to Dave and he made to use what had just been the tortuous lead to bind his ankles until Rob interrupted, “Just a token, mate, we’ll put him to bed once you’ve gone.” Even though he was still blindfolded, Dave could guess what that implied, he had remembered about the ticking contest. There was no point in objecting so Dave saved himself the loss of face that begging would have occasioned and settled for thanking God that he had at least a couple of hours before the real torment started.

Jonah told Dave to kneel upright and pulled the rope leads behind him, causing only minor embarrassment but Dave certainly knelt more upright as a result. “OK, settle down and cross your ankles.” Dave settled resignedly and crossed his ankles. You know and I know that there was no real need to secure a bound and blindfolded Dave like that but that was hardly the point. A few turns of both free ends round his ankles left Dave effectively (sort of) in a kneeling hog-tie. Nobody offered him the chance to use his safe word.

Dave could then, in the opinion of the others, safely be ignored while they turned their attention to Jonah’s next target. Jonah departed for the depths of the gun emplacement and even closed the three doors behind him so that he was genuinely unlikely to be able to hear anything concerning Roy’s departure nor to see which way he went. Roy had had quite some time to think and he now knew for how long he had to evade capture. First of all, he needed to ensure that his older tormentors would leave him where he told them to.

Stewart released Roy’s hog-tie and shouldered him far enough away from the site to be safe. He then tore the tape securing his gag in place somewhat unceremoniously from his face. That came with considerable foul language from both parties, neither of whom gave a thought as to whether Jonah would be able to hear.

Roy’s tactic was ingenious and, if it was to work, he needed to take a gamble: he asked Stewart to take him just far enough away from the Pirates’ HQ so that he could hide in the dunes. That didn’t sound too clever, but he had to take the chance that Jonah would decide that the dunes were not a particularly good hiding place. If that was wrong, he was lost but at least his suffering in anticipation would soon be over. On the other hand, if the second part of his plan worked, he would be sitting pretty.

Rob reinstated his little brother’s rudimentary gag – just to be fair to Dave, of course; and Stewart, as he was duty bound to do, settled Roy out of sight behind one of the highest dunes before reinstating his hog-tie. Knowing that it didn’t have to last too long however Roy’s plan worked out, he wasn’t too gentle about it. Roy was glad to have relatively malleable sand to cradle him. Stewart then ambled slowly back to HQ via a roundabout route.

Upon his return, he found Jonah sitting and talking with Rob, a conversation which he continued briefly before suggesting that Jonah might care to embark upon his next hunt. Jonah grabbed an apple pie from the result of Stewart’s raid and made off towards the beech trees.

“Clever little dick, your brother, en’ ‘e?”

“Yeah, takes after his big brother. Are you really going to do what he asked?”

“Yeah, of course. I want to see the look on the grockle’s face.”

Jonah Goes on a Wild Goose Chase

Jonah spent about an hour searching the stand of beeches, a search that involved climbing several of the trees, before abandoning the search in favour of interrogating the more hidden parts of the creek that he had recently discovered. That search, too, proved fruitless so he jogged his way over the hill, past the gun emplacement where he exchanged a few words with Stewart and Rob and grabbed a flask of freshly drawn water from the well to see him on his way. He didn’t see the smug looks on his new acquaintances’ faces as he made for the dunes.

The search of the dunes took little time and that of the landing stage area took very little longer. Jonah still couldn’t believe that Roy would have been left anywhere near or on the cliffs so there was only one other part of the island to search. With the tide in, the scrubby sward of the north and east of the island would surely provide no shelter but Jonah had to look. On his way, he thought he would check with Stewart and Rob whether Roy had evaded capture for longer than Dave had managed but he was assured that he had not so he continued on to the eastern shore.

There was no sign of his quarry and Jonah was convinced that Roy must have, by then, won the contest with Dave so he returned to HQ. He didn’t know whether he was more annoyed that he had failed to locate his target (not that it mattered to him which of the two younger boys won or lost) or more intrigued to know how Roy had evaded him. He took a seat and swigged the last of the water from his flask.

“Didn’t find him then?”

“Nah, little squit seems to have vanished. Where’d you leave him?”

“I’m not supposed to tell you.”

“Oh come on, you can tell me now.”

“I left him in the dunes.”

“He did, honest.”

“I couldn’t find him.”

“I know. Hang on a mo’.” Rob stood up.

Interlude – Roy’s Plan

Once Stewart had returned from leaving Roy in the dunes, Jonah set off for the trees. Roy’s plan seemed to be working. Stewart thought that Rob and he could see to Dave before needing to do what Roy had asked.

Dave had already decided what was likely to happen to him and, let’s face it: Stewart would not have wanted to disappoint him, would he? He didn’t think he’d bother extending the courtesy of a li-lo to his brother but he did at least release him from the hog-tie rather than dragging him across to one of the torture beds. Unfortunately for Dave, he also used the newly available free ends of the rope to lead him to his fate in the same way that Jonah had done but not in such a gentle way and with the leads raised uncomfortably for the little guy. Dave was looking forward to a future game where he could get his revenge – as long as they didn’t all lose their privileges on Longholme. In the meantime, he had to make sure that they did not.

Following a mercifully few steps, Stewart examined Jonah’s ropework with some admiration but, just for the sake of it, he thought he would secure Dave’s ankles before freeing his arms. Rob helped him and Dave was left sitting with his legs spread, his knees raised, and sitting unsteadily. Stewart knelt and undid the simple web that encased his brother and Rob suggested that he take the opportunity of loosening his arms up a bit. Dave was only too happy to do so but he had to lean forwards quite a bit if he was not to fall over backwards. Obviously, he made no attempt to remove either his gag or his blindfold, after all, this wasn’t a normal game. Stewart placed a bottle of sun-block in his hand, explained what it was and told him to get on with things.

Dave blindly covered himself with the smelly stuff, including the soles of his feet, and put the bottle down. “OK, you two, I suppose you’d better get on with it.” Well, that’s what Dave tried to say but, just to ensure that Stewart and Rob understood, he fell over backwards, straightened his legs. and offered his hands towards where he assumed two wooden stakes to be.


With Dave and Koff securely stretched out and Jonah safely out of sight, it was time for Stewart to fulfil his promise to Roy. He simply freed him from the tight hog-tie and released his ankles before leading him by the arm towards the gun emplacement. He checked carefully before breaking cover and warned Roy that they were going to have to cover the ground quickly if Roy was to get away with his deception. Roy nodded and the two pf them made quite impressive progress across the open ground until Stewart warned Roy to duck. Roy kept bowed over until Stewart told him that he had arrived when he was dumped face down on the ground. Roy knew he was in the furthest of the chambers of the gun emplacement.

With only an ineffective cleave gag in place, he managed to thank Stewart who assured him that he was looking forward to seeing what the outcome of his strategy would be. He then tied the gag more tightly and tied it again in the unfortunate Roy’s mouth, forcing him to open up wider. It would render him more incomprehensible than he had been previously but would be unlikely to be too muting, even from behind one of the connecting doors, if there was an emergency. Taking the ropes that had recently been removed from the curly-headed blonde, Stewart tied Roy’s ankles rather tightly side by side and hog-tied him loosely by connecting his ankles to his wrists but leaving a good two feet of rope between them.

“Clever li’uw runt, en’ chur?” Roy nodded with satisfaction, Stewart gave him a little clip round the head and shut the door behind him on the way out.


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Post by blackbound »

There's the deception I've been waiting for. Let no good deed go unpunished, either, it seems!

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Post by Xtc »

Ah, but would we want it otherwise, my dear [mention]blackbound[/mention] ?
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