Other World (f/f) completed

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Other World (f/f) completed

Post by Bound to Please »

Here is my first story on this board. I generally don't describe my characters' visual so please feel free imagine them however you choose to. The second half of the story will be posted sometime next week. Enjoy everyone.

Hi my name is Mandy and I want to tell you the story about how my sister and I discovered our powers. I suppose before I begin I should tell you a bit about our world. I look very much like you look, in fact if I were to walk around on your world you wouldn’t be able to tell I wasn’t a native. Our level of technology is about the same, our interests are the same and our culture is also very similar. The only major difference between my world and yours is that almost everyone has an ability or power.

Now a very small percentage of the populous have powers similar to your comic book superheroes, however those lucky few are a rarity, you have a better chance at winning the lottery. Most of us have a minor talent for doing something really really well. For example my dad can sketch in full detail anything he has ever seen, but don’t ask him to talk about what he’s seen, in every other way his memory is perfectly normal. Trust me on this, I don’t know how many times he’s gotten lost while driving somewhere.

People discover what their power is usually during puberty, but some of us reach adulthood and still have no idea what we are capable of, and some others will go through their whole life and never discover an ability. In some cases the person may not have an ability, in others their ability may only be useful under certain circumstances. I heard of one man who discovered his ability by mistake when he was forty years old that he could breathe fluorine gas. I’ll bet there are some people out there who are virtuosos’ on musical instruments that haven’t been invented yet.

I’m 17 and just about to finish high school. My sister Heather is 14. Early one Saturday morning Heather comes into my room and holding a rope and says “Remember when we were kids and we used to play tie up games? I was thinking about how much fun we had and how it’s been a long time since we even played any games together. Anyway I know this is going to sound dumb, but could you tie me up?”

Rubbing my eyes because I had just woken up I mumbled “sure” even though it seemed like an odd request. Heather handed the rope to me and turned around and presented herself with her hands crossed behind her back. It had been a while since I tied anyone up but I figured it was like riding a bike. I wrapped the rope three times horizontally, then three times vertically then I finished with three times between her wrists to cinch the rope together and placed the knot out of her reach.

“Try to get out of that little sis; I’ll be back in a few minutes to see how you’re doing.” Before I even reached my bedroom door she had escaped.
“Come on Mandy you need to do a better job than that.”

“I thought I did do a good job, I guess it’s been a while. Come over here and I’ll try again.” I replied. Heather once again presented her hands to me crossed behind her back. This time I didn’t want my kid sister to escape so easily so I made sure each loop around her wrists was nice and snug with no extra slack. I did the same tie as before but this time it looked much neater and much more secure.

Heather started struggling while I went to take care of my morning business. When I returned Heather had once again escaped.

“Still too easy Mandy, this time pull it really tight!”

“I know I had you tied good and tight. How quickly did you get out?”

“I only escaped about a minute before you returned so let’s say five minutes.”

“Turn around” I ordered. Heather eagerly did as I told her, this time she wasn’t going to escape. I pulled each wrap of the rope as tight as I dared and cinching the rope off caused everything to tighten even more.

“How does that feel?” I asked.

“Tight” Heather replied.

Heather struggled for about twenty minutes before she brought her hands forward to show she had gotten out.
“How did you do that? I was sure you couldn’t escape from that. Did you reach the knot and pick it?”

“No all I did was work my wrists until I could get out, I couldn’t find the knot.”

Heather’s wrists had slight indentations where the rope had been but nothing as deep and red as I would have expected.
“Please tie me again Mandy and this time don’t hold back really pull the rope tight.” We were both having the same thought: this might be Heather’s ability.

This time when I tied her wrist together, with every turn of the rope I pulled on it with all of my strength making sure there wasn’t so much as a millimeter of slack available. I also cinched it as tightly as I could just to make sure. When I was finished it looked like the rope was half buried in her skin. Strangely enough her hand weren’t turning purple like I would have expected.

“How does that feel?” I asked.

“Very tight but it doesn’t hurt.”

“See if you can get out.”

This time it took almost an hour but Heather managed to work her hands free of the bindings; and once again there was very little to indicate she had been tied up at all.

“You shouldn’t have been able to get out of that and certainly without damaging your wrists. I think you may have found your ability.”

“I think so too. Let’s test it some more” my sister said with a smile.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself” I commented.

“I am, it’s fun to be tied up and I think it’s neat that I can escape. Last time was very exciting because for the first twenty minutes I didn’t know if I could get out or not; then I felt a bit of slack developing and I knew with work I would escape.”

“So what do you want to do next?” I asked.

“Let see if I can find more rope and you should tie up my legs, upper arms and anything else you can think of.”

Heather ran off looking for supplies and took the opportunity to go on the computer and do some bondage research. I found several images of girls tied up in various positions and took note of which techniques might work best against my sister.

Heather returned a while later with five more lengths of rope she had found.

“I’m going to tie you as tight as I can, if your ability doesn’t extend to your arms and legs and it starts to hurt let me know.”

Heather turned her back to me and I started lashing her hands together again, this time however I tied them side by side rather than crossed. And just like before I pulled the rope as tight as I was able to. Next I moved on to her elbows where I wrapped the rope above very tightly forcing her elbows to touch. I took another rope and used it to tightly bind her arms and wrists to her back. Using the shortest rope I tied off one end to her wrists fed the rope between her legs and fastened the other end to one of the ropes encircling her chest.

“Now for the legs little sis.” I tied her ankles leaving a good tail. Then using the last rope I tightly tied her knees together as well. Going back to the tail of rope from the ankles I pulled her into a tight hog tie and secured the rope between her wrists where she couldn’t reach it.
“Think you can get out?”

“I have no idea; this feels very tight and secure and I can’t imagine how I’m going to get my elbows untied.”

An hour later Heather was still tied up and appeared to have made no progress at all. “Do you want me to untie you?” I asked.

“No, I’m not sure how long it will take, but it does seem just a touch looser now.”

A half hour later she still wasn’t free but it had become obvious that she now had some slack to work with and would be getting out at some point. At the two hour mark she slipped her hands free of her binding and a half hour after that the ropes around her elbows fell away.

“Well I know my ability now but given how long it takes me to escape difficult situations I’m not going to start a magic act based around it in the near future.” Heather said after she was totally free.

“Let’s see if you can escape if your wrists aren’t bound together.”

“Sounds good to me.”

We went into Heather’s bedroom and I instructed her to lay on her back with her arms and legs spread to the corners. I started with her legs and tightly wrapped one end around her ankle a few times before tying it off. Next I took the other end and tied it off to the foot board. I treated the other leg the same except I pulled it as far to the corner as I could to get the maximum spread between the legs. I went to Heather’s right wrist first tightly secured the rope by wrapping it around tightly and neatly with the knot on the back side of her hand where she couldn’t reach it. When I attached the other end of the rope to the headboard I braced my foot against the bed so I could pull her arm as tightly as possible to the corner. I did the same thing for her left arm fully stretching her between the four corners of the bed.

“So little sis are you invulnerable when you’re tied up or just immune to the damage of ropes?” I asked.

“I don’t know” Heather replied.

“Let’s find out.” I went and found a sewing needle and stuck it in her arm.

“Owww!” Heather cried out.

“I guess you can feel pain in this situation. Are you also still ticklish?”

“Don’t you dare Mandy!”

I tickled her for about twenty minutes and I know she would have been thrashing around if she weren’t stretched out so tightly on her bed. I would have tickled her longer but she was so red in the face I figured I should stop before I killed her. It took Heather about an hour to free herself after I stopped tickling her.

By this time it was late afternoon and I figured we had experimented with Heather’s newly found ability enough for one day; but Heather had other ideas.

“Let’s try something different than rope and see how I do.”

“Okay we’ll try something else, but I have one more experiment with rope I want to try first.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll tell you in a second, now turn around.” I commanded

When Heather put her arms behind her back I quickly took a single piece of rope and lashed them together in a crossed formation; however I didn’t pull the rope nearly as tight as I had been doing.

“This isn’t tight enough; I’ll be free in just a few minutes.”

“Hopefully not, I want to see if your ability works on its own or if you have to try and escape. So just stay still and let’s see what happens.”
Fifteen minutes later she still had her hands tied behind her back and everything still looked nice and snug.

“Well that answers that question, you can free yourself now if you want” I said.

“Let’s try duct tape!” Heather said after she freed herself. “I want you to tie my hands behind my back with the tape then mummify me.”

“I don’t know if we have enough tape but I’ll see what I can do.”

We had one roll of tape about half full and in pretty good condition so I had Heather turn around and give me wrists touching together behind her back. I carefully wrapped around her wrist five times, then I tore the tape and repeated the operation just above her elbows, and once again just below her elbows. Now just to be sure I started taping at her wrist again but this time I spiraled upwards covering every inch of skin between her wrist and upper arms.

Next I wrapped some tape around her belly pinning her useless arms to her back; however after just three wraps I realized I was starting to run out of tape. I moved to her ankles next and took four wraps of tape and after judging how much tape I had left I took three wraps just above her knees which left me about a foot of usable tape. With the tiny bit of tape I had I tore it into two six inch pieces and plastered both of them over Heather’s mouth.

“Mmmmmmmmmph” she cried out.

“There try and get out of that” I challenged my sister.

She started squirming and struggling but after a half hour she had made no progress. At the hour mark she still hadn’t made any headway. By the two hour the only thing she had accomplished was loosening her gag a bit, but even that hadn’t been dislodged yet everything else was still nicely in place.
Heather started making noises and hitting her feet against the ground so I went over to her and removed her gag. “Please let me out I can’t get free and I really need to use the bathroom.”

I got a pair of scissors and started cutting away the tape because I could tell she really needed to go.

When she returned she said “Well I think I met my match I didn’t make one bit of progress against that tape, I’ll bet my ability only works with rope.”

“I think you might be right Heather.”

“You know Mandy there is an entire aspect to my new ability that we haven’t tested yet.”

What’s that?” I asked.

“If I have any abilities dealing with tying someone else up.”

To be continued...
Last edited by Bound to Please 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Feet20 »

Interesting story. I am now wondering if her ability extends to cuffs and straps. And also how well she can tie someone up. Mandy is going to be in for a time if that is the case.
I like the story so far. Keep it up.
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Post by Bound to Please »

Thanks for the positive comment!
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Post by brasileira2 »

This is a very nice story.
Last edited by brasileira2 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KinkyKelly »

Can't wait to read the next part! I loved the premise and Heather testing her abilities was very interesting.
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Post by Bondage passion »

Excellent story, well written. Is there any truth to your abilities as to tie or be tied?
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Post by Bound to Please »

And now the conclusion:

“You know Mandy there is an entire aspect to my new ability that we haven’t tested yet.”
What’s that?” I asked.

“If I have any abilities dealing with tying someone else up.”

Part 2

“Wait one minute, I don’t like where this is going at all. I agreed to tie you up I didn’t agree to be tied up myself.”

Pleeeeeese Mandy, you’re the only one I want to trust to know about this ability and I need to know how far my power extends.”

“Fine, you can tie me up but the moment it starts to hurt or becomes uncomfortable, you had better free me.”

“Sure thing sis. Now turn around and give me your hands.”

I did as she asked and very quickly I felt the rope encircling my crossed wrists and being tightened. She went around my hands three times in one direction then three times in the other direction taking the last of the rope and cinching everything off, the final knot was placed above my wrists well out of reach of my fingers. Next she took another rope and wrapped it around my upper arms going both above and below my breasts; she finished this rope off by making a couple of loops around the rope between my arms and my chest before tying the last knot. My legs were next as she used one rope to tie my ankles together and another one to tie my knees together.

“How does that feel?”

I tested my bonds and struggled for a minute but discovered quickly that unless I had my sister’s ability I probably wasn’t going to escape; but it didn’t hurt or pinch anywhere.

“It feels very snug but it also feels oddly relaxing, regardless I don’t think I’m going to be getting out of this without help.”

“It’s funny that you mention that, remember how you decided to tickle me for almost a half hour? Well as payback I’m going to leave you like this for a while to think about taking advantage of someone while they’re helpless.”

I could tell by the expression on her face that she wasn’t really angry but she did want some payback. I began to struggle and complain that this was unfair.

“Have fun sis, I’ll see you in a while” and with that she closed the door and left me alone.

I really found the ropes to be rather enjoyable and truth be told I didn’t care that I’d been left to struggle until some undetermined time in the future. I spent some time wiggling around trying to free myself but I also took time to enjoy my situation.

Suddenly Heather burst into the room saying “Oh my goodness Mandy, I’m sorry I left you for so long I hope you’re okay!”

“I feel fine, how long has it been?”

“I only meant to leave you for an hour but it’s been at least four hours, sorry I went to my room and started texting with some friends and suddenly I noticed the time, I’m really sorry.”

“Well I feel fine and I’m still enjoying being tied up so why don’t you leave me here for now and check back on me in an hour.”

“Are you sure? It’s late and you missed dinner, your arms have to be sore.”

“Trust me little sis I’m doing great, I feel comfortable and not the least bit hungry.”

“Well okay then if you insist, I’ll be back in an hour and untie you so you can go to bed.”

Heather left and I decided to struggle a bit against my bonds, not because I thought I could escape or even wanted to but because I was enjoying my predicament and struggling proved to me how stuck I was.

As promised Heather returned an hour later to free me, however even after five hours I still didn’t want to be released.

“Heather I want you to leave me tied up overnight, I think this might be my ability. It’s been five hours and I don’t need to use the bathroom or eat, also I don’t feel a hint of stiffness in my arms at all.”

“I was starting to have the same thought Mandy.”

“Oh before you leave could you tighten everything up? After five hours some of the ropes are starting to get a bit loose and I don’t want to escape just yet. Also could you make it more stringent, I want to get an idea of what I can handle?”

“Sure thing, just roll over.” I felt the knot at my wrists being untied then the cinch being untied, but that was as close as I came to being freed because Heather worked out the small bit of slack around my wrists then retied tied the cinch again much tighter than the first time and put good tension on the knot as well. Next she released the rope above and below my bust and took one of them and used it to yank my elbows together until they touched. Because my wrist were tied in a cross pattern this immediate add a huge amount of tension to them. The next rope secured my elbows to my chest and a final one secured my wrists to the small of my back. She then went to all the other ropes and worked out any extra give I might have created during my struggles. “That should hold you till morning. I’ll check on you in a few minutes before I leave you for the night to make sure nothing is painful.”

When Heather returned she asked “Are you going to ok tonight this is the last chance for me to adjust anything.”

“I feel great, could you put me into a tight hogtie for the night?

“How tight do you want it?”

“As tight as you can make it” I replied.

Heather grabbed a length of rope and secured one end to the bindings between my elbows then she fed the rope between my ankles then between my elbows again. Next she started pulling as hard as she could on the rope while also pushing my legs towards my back when she couldn’t go any further she tied off the rope to the front side of my legs. Now my back was arching backwards in a position that I knew should be painful yet it wasn’t. Tight yes, painful no.

“I hope you’ll be ok tonight Mandy.”

“I’ll be fine, sleep well.”

The next morning, I had been awake for at least a half hour having fun struggling in my bonds when Heather came into my room to release me.
“How are you doing this morning?”

“I still feel good; it’s kind of weird because I don’t feel any physical reason to be released and I’m also not bored despite the fact I’ve been in this position for over half a day.”

“Well I’m going to untie you now.”

“No please not yet I want to see how long I can last.”

“But what if we wait and the moment I do untie you, you instantly feel the effects of your entire time in bondage?”

“I hadn’t thought of that! You should untie my legs first then we can head to the bathroom before you free my hands just in case there is an accident.”

We followed my plan but nothing bad happened when I was freed, it was as if someone had pressed a pause button on my bodily functions when I was tied up and now that I was free everything felt like it did late afternoon yesterday. I had no red marks from the ropes at all. Like my sister, ropes couldn’t hurt me but whereas she could escape them I could endure them.

Later after we had breakfast I proposed a challenge to test both of our abilities. “Let’s go down to the basement and try some suspension bondage.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“We hang ourselves by our wrists so neither one of us can help the other one out.”

“Sounds a bit risky but I’m in.”

We gathered up the ropes and went to the basement; we each chose the spot we wanted to hang from and dragged a chair over so we could rig the ropes. While standing on the chairs we started by tying our feet together then as we had both agreed we tied our hands together in front of us with our wrists touching and plenty of extra line coming off the cinch end which was tied off to the beam over our heads.

“You ready lil sis?”

“Sure, I just hope our wrists don’t hurt when our body weight causes the rope to cinch up tight. Maybe we should put a knot on top of the cinch to keep it from tightening too much. You know if I can’t get free we’re both in big trouble.”

“I don’t think the ropes will get any tighter than you pulled them on me last night, where’s your sense of adventure? Let’s kick our chairs out from under us on the count of three. One, two, three!” On three we both kicked the chairs out from under us. My cinch rope immediately became very tight as I dangled from the ceiling, however I was pleased to note that I was right about my ability and the rope wasn’t actually hurting me. I knew I could hang here for as long as necessary.

“So Mandy it’s probably too late to do anything but I’m wondering if I’ll be able to escape.”

“What do you mean?”

“My ability seems to work by letting me get slack in the rope but given how I’m tied up I’m thinking that any slack I create will just get taken up by the rope and I might find myself slightly closer to the floor but no closer to being free.”

“Well I hope you can get free because Mom and Dad won’t be home until after dinner time tonight. I know I can hold out just fine but you could be in bad shape by then.”

Two hours later and it seemed that Heather’s fear had been confirmed because she hadn’t gained even the tiniest bit of slack around her wrists.
“Heather can you free your legs? If so you might be able to reach your chair and use that to escape.”

“That’s a good idea let me try.” Fifteen minutes later she kicked the rope off her feet and began her aerial dance to reach the overturned chair next to her. It took another five minutes to drag the chair into place but she did it and was able to stand on the side of the chair and began freeing herself.
“Okay I need to use the bathroom now but when I’m done I’m coming back down here and tickling you within an inch of your life then I’m going to leave you until just before our parents get home. Oh and you won’t be needing this.” And she picked up the chair closest to me so I would have no hope of repeating her escape.

When she returned she was true to her word and tickled me nonstop for what seemed like forever. My ability gave me no protection so I was wiggling and thrashing around trying to escape. Finally when I was sure I was going to die Heather stopped the tickle torture.

“It’s about noon right now so you have about eight hours before I come back to free you so I hope you enjoy the day.”

I knew she was hoping it would be a punishment leaving me like this but I was looking forward to it.

I was eventually freed and no worse for wear either. Heather and I continued to take turns tying each other up and testing our limits. We have discovered that Heather can only escape from rope and strips of fabric/scarves; chains, cables, handcuffs all defeat her. Heather also can’t escape if there is a mechanism to take up any slack that she generates.

I’m still testing my limits, I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter how I’m bound I can stay that way indefinitely. I still don’t know how long I can stay tied, so far my record is a week and I could have kept going but there were things I had to do and I couldn’t put off any longer.
Anyway that is how we discovered our abilities.
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Post by Shotrow »

Very interesting and creative story! I assumed while reading the first chapter that Mandy's special ability was to access other universes through the internet. XD

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/shotrow
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Post by JulieG »

Its funny, my superpower is to enjoy being.tied up gaggedmand.blindfold
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Post by Bound to Please »

Bondage passion wrote: 1 year ago Excellent story, well written. Is there any truth to your abilities as to tie or be tied?
Thanks for your comment. the story of course is fictitious, I'm pretty good with ropes, but I'm much happier being helpless.
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Post by Feet20 »

Very excellent story. Mandy's ability did surprise me, but it was a welcome surprise. I wonder if you plan on writing more about these two at some point in another story?
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Post by Bound to Please »

Feet20 wrote: 1 year ago Very excellent story. Mandy's ability did surprise me, but it was a welcome surprise. I wonder if you plan on writing more about these two at some point in another story?
Thanks for your positive feedback! At the moment I don't have plans to continue Other World but if an idea occurs to me, maybe. I am planning to post some other stories I've already written in the coming weeks but they will be about fictional characters in our own world.
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Post by uemndlr »

I agree with the others, an excellent story, your writing style is very enjoyable, and this scenario has a lot of potential. Now, what would happen if somebody were to kidnap these sisters...?
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Post by Bound to Please »

uemndlr wrote: 1 year ago I agree with the others, an excellent story, your writing style is very enjoyable, and this scenario has a lot of potential. Now, what would happen if somebody were to kidnap these sisters...?
Thanks for your kind words. I'm not opposed to continuing the story I just want to have a good idea to write about. While I enjoy reading DiD stories and some kidnap stories, I don't think that is what I want to write about. Eventually I want to write a story where someone is tricked into bondage but even there I don't want them to suffer or fear for their safety.

If anyone has an idea on how to continue the story just post it below and if I like it maybe we'll see what kind of trouble Mandy and Heather can get into.
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Post by Feet20 »

One thing I wander, if they meet a girl who can tie knots that can never be loosened, can Heather escape from it. Would it be an unstoppable force meets immovable object situation?
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Post by Bound to Please »

Feet20 wrote: 1 year ago One thing I wander, if they meet a girl who can tie knots that can never be loosened, can Heather escape from it. Would it be an unstoppable force meets immovable object situation?
That sounds fun I'll have to have a think on that.
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Post by Ovi1 »

This was a fun story to read!
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by Mr Underheel »

That was a lot of fun to read! So much detail! And some unique ideas, too. Thanks for sharing your work!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Love how detailed and well written the story is, especially the tie up bits. Great work :)
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