Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn (m/ff, f/ffm, etc.)

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Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn (m/ff, f/ffm, etc.)

Post by iliketights »

This is a sequel to the first story I wrote: Prisoner in My Room.

Many thanks to [mention]Fordman[/mention] for saving this story from the old site.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn


Me, Rusty, age 14. Totally average guy, slightly nerdy.

Lucy, my sister, age 17. Blonde, petite, very cute. Can be rather bossy and rigid about rules, but overall very good to me. Described by many as “spunky”. Highly resembled a young Reese Witherspoon in the movie “Election”. Can be too much of a perfectionist (when I asked her to tie me up last week, she actually researched bondage techniques on the internet and practiced tying her own legs together multiple times to make sure she knew how tight to make the ropes so that they were inescapable yet not painful).

Amy, best friend of Lucy, age 16. Although not in the same grade as Lucy, Amy lived two houses away and the two had been friends since elementary school. Amy was also petite, very cute, gorgeous eyes and brown hair that just reached just below her shoulders. Whenever she smiled, she lit up the room. Our mom always referred to Amy as “cute as a button”. Because she lived so close, she came to our house often (which made me happy).

Autumn, Amy's younger sister. Autumn is the same age as me.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 1

This story picks up the Friday following the events in the previous story. I had just arrived home from school about fifteen minutes prior, when there was a knock at the door. I opened the door, and Amy was standing there. I was always glad to see Amy. Would it be awkward now? Would she pretend last weekend hadn’t happened?

“Hi Rusty,” she said. “Hi Amy,” I replied. Were we back to the way we used to be, just saying hello and goodbye to each other? I had a crush on her more than ever, but I was realistic enough to know that I was probably back to just being the little brother of her best friend.

“Lucy isn’t home. She has that dinner tonight at the French restaurant with her French club.” I told her.

“Oh, I know,” she replied. “I’m here to talk to you.”

My eyes went wide and I hesitated out of nervousness.

“Can I come in?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh, sorry, of course.” I held the door for her. She placed her backpack down in the entryway, and then slipped out of her shoes, leaving her shoes between her backpack and my shoes. She had done this every time she came to her house, and it always gave me a thrill. My mom had always had a rule that shoes must be removed when coming in the house, and I was so grateful for that rule every time Amy came over. She was wearing the school uniform, which consisted of a white long-sleeved blouse, blue blazer, a blue pleated skirt that ended just above a pair of cute knees, and navy-blue tights.

I looked down at her pretty stockinged feet as she unbuttoned the blazer, took it off, and hung it on the coat rack. My biggest weakness is the total obsession I have with girls’ tights. Going to a school with a strict dress code, I was surrounded by dozens of girls wearing skirts and tights every day. I’m sure my grades would have been even better if I weren’t constantly distracted by cute girls sitting at their desks, popping their heels in and out of their shoes as they took notes. Occasionally a girl would slip one or even both of her feet completely out of her shoes, wiggling her toes as she concentrated on her homework.

“Do you want something to drink?” I asked as she walked into the living room. “A glass of water would be great, thanks,” she said.

She sat on the couch and tucked one foot under her. I handed her the water. “You wanted to talk to me?” I asked as I sat next to her.

“Oh Rusty, I’m so sorry about what Lucy and I did to you last weekend. I’ve been thinking of it all week. I don’t even know what to say.”

“What? Amy, please don’t worry about it. I’m the one who asked Lucy to tie me up, remember? I brought it on myself. Don’t forget, I liked it! Well, most of it anyway.”

“Yeah, but we got pretty carried away.”

“If anyone got carried away, it was Lucy,” I told her. “She’s the one who kept adding penalty time. You stuck up for me, if I remember right. And you were so nice, you gave me water, fed me popcorn, and then fed breakfast to me the next morning. I’m so grateful you made it a much better experience. Really, don’t feel bad.”

“I feel so bad about that prank we played on you at the very end, where I was pretending to be asleep. You sounded so panicked. It was a terrible thing to do to you.”

I decided to go for it. Since she was feeling a little guilty, maybe she would be more receptive to what I was about to ask. I would never again have this opportunity if I didn’t say it now.

“Well, if you really want to make it up to me, there is one little thing you could do.”

“Please tell me. If I can do it, I will,” she replied.

“Give me your feet,” I blurted out.

“What? I don’t understand.”

“I want to give you a foot massage,” I said nervously. “If it’s OK with you.” Would she think I was crossing a line?

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “My feet are yours. I would love that!” She repositioned herself on the couch, and plopped her beautiful stockinged feet in my lap. There’s an expression about something ‘being greater than the sum of its parts.’ That’s how I feel about girls wearing opaque tights. When a girl has great legs and pretty feet, that’s a very good thing. A pair of tights is also a very good thing. But when a pretty girl with great legs and pretty feet is wearing the pair of tights, the effect on me has been multiplied a hundred-fold. I began to massage her cute little feet. Oh, her tights felt so wonderful! They were so smooth and soft, made of nylon and a little bit of spandex (I found out later). I AM MASSAGING AMY’S FEET WHILE SHE’S WEARING TIGHTS! I was almost lightheaded. How embarrassing would that be if I passed out from happiness right now?

“Rub a little harder. My feet won’t break!” she said while sipping her water. “Oh, that feels wonderful. You have magic fingers. I’m still getting the better part of the deal here. I was mean to you, and in return you offer to give me a foot rub. You’re too good to me.”

“You weren’t mean to me, and believe me, I’m enjoying this more than you are. I really like tights.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” she said. “How did it come about that Lucy forced you to wear tights last Friday? Had you told her earlier that you like to wear them? How long has she known?”

“I have a confession to make. Lucy didn’t force me to wear them. A couple days before, I asked her if I could borrow a pair of her tights and wear them when she tied me up. She bought me a new pair instead, since she didn’t want us sharing them. I don’t know why she told you that it was her idea. I guess she didn’t want me to seem weirder to you than I already did.”

“Had you worn tights before? Had you been secretly borrowing them from her sock drawer?” Amy asked with a smile.

“No,” I said. “Last weekend was the first and only time in my life I’ve ever worn tights. You must think I’m so strange.”

“Absolutely not! The tights you were wearing really suit you. You should wear them more often. You looked so cute when you were all tied up and helpless,” she said while putting her water glass down on the coffee table.

“Thanks, Amy,” I said as I continued to massage her toes, her arches, her heels, and ankles. I was in heaven. My hands eventually moved up her legs to massage her knees. She didn’t seem to mind. After a short time, I asked her to roll onto her stomach so I could massage her calves and behind her knees. Her tights made such a delightful sound as my hands moved up and down her legs.

“Forgive me if I fall asleep,” she said. “This is so relaxing. You’re going to regret this massage because I’ll probably start demanding one every day!”

“That would be fine with me,” I told her.

She didn’t say anything for a while, and I thought she maybe had fallen asleep. However, she had just been thinking.

“Remember last week when you said you should tie me up, and Lucy too, to get even with us for tying you up?” she asked.

“Oh, please don’t worry. I was kidding.”

“No,” she said in a very relaxed, almost sleepy voice. “I really think you should.”

“Should what?” I asked. Was I really hearing what I thought she just said?

“You really should tie us up. We so deserve it. I won’t be able to stop feeling guilty otherwise.”

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 2

I was too stunned to speak right away. How should I respond to this? I didn’t want to sound like an over-eager pervert, but I definitely was not going to turn down this suggestion!

“Amy, I would love to tie you up,” I replied (are we really having this conversation?), “but I don’t want you to feel like you need to be tied up because of guilt or because I need to get even.”

She rolled back onto her back, but kept her feet in my lap. “No, that’s only part of it. I really want to find out what it feels like. When Lucy and I finished tying you to the chair, I looked at you all helpless in all that rope, and I kind of wished I could change places with you.”

“When do you want to be tied up?”

“Is your mom going on another weekend trip any time soon?”

“She usually spends the last weekend of every month with her boyfriend, so it should be in about three weeks.”

“Good. Well, not so good. I wish it was a lot sooner. That’s when you will kidnap me. I can hardly wait! Oh, and Lucy too. She deserves this even more than I do.”

“Now, tying up Lucy will be a bit of a challenge. When I joked about it, she threatened me.”

“We’ll think of something. What time will your mom and Lucy get home today?”

“My mom would be getting home in about an hour, normally, but today she’s having dinner with her boss and a couple of coworkers. And Lucy’s dinner with the French club is starting about now.”

“Good,” Amy replied. “My parents are at my aunt and uncle’s house for dinner tonight, and my sister is having dinner at a friend’s house. That gives us some time to practice and do some planning.”


“Practice tying me up,” she replied as if she were the most normal thing in the world. “When you kidnap me for real in three weeks, I need you to know what you’re doing.”

“Oh, sure! That’s a good idea,” I answered, trying to sound casual.

“And if you’re going to successfully tie up Lucy, you can’t be a novice at this. Now, where’s the bag full of rope?”

“I don’t know. Lucy kept it. It’s probably in her room.”

“Well, let’s go look,” she said as she leapt up and held out her hand. I grasped her hand and we went upstairs to Lucy’s room holding hands, acting like a couple of little kids going to a candy store. Amy was actually giddy with excitement!

When we got to Lucy’s room, I suddenly got nervous. “Lucy is going to kill me if she finds out we went looking through her stuff.”

“We’ll be careful and not mess anything up. She’ll never know,” Amy said confidently.

We went through her dresser drawers, looked under her bed, and Amy started looking in Lucy’s closet. “Ta-da!” she exclaimed, holding up a plastic grocery bag filled with coils of rope. Lucy had carefully wrapped each section of rope neatly around itself so they wouldn’t tangle. Amy seemed genuinely happy to find the rope that would soon bind her.

She handed me a section of rope, and turned her back to me. “Give it your best shot, Mr. Kidnapper,” she said as she crossed her wrists behind her and waited. I was trying not to shake like a leaf as I proceeded to tie her wrists together.

She turned around and struggled for less than ten seconds. “Oh, Rusty. It’s a good thing we’re practicing. You’re going to have to do a lot better than that,” she said as the rope tumbled to the floor and she showed me her free hands. She bent down and picked up the rope and handed it to me.

“Try to think how Lucy tied your wrists. Think how secure it was. Don’t be afraid of hurting me. It has to be a lot tighter. I promise, if it hurts too much, I’ll tell you. OK, do it a little slower this time, and a lot tighter.” She turned around and put her hands behind her back again.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 3

She again turned her back to me and crossed her wrists behind her. I thought about how Lucy had done it to me. I began again, slower this time, and with more concentration. I wound the rope neatly several times horizontally around both wrists, then vertically around both wrists, and then made a knot and pulled it tight.

“Oh,” she sighed. “That’s much better. You’re a quick learner. Do you have your phone with you?”

“It’s in my pocket. Why? Who do you want to call?”

“No, I want you to take pictures and videos of each step of the process, so that you can study later. We probably won’t get too many chances to practice before the big weekend. Besides, later I want to see how I look.”

“Oh, OK,” I said, pulling the phone out of my pocket. She was really encouraging me to take pictures and videos of our bondage practice?

I snapped a few pictures of her crossed and bound wrists. I also took a video and told her to try to pull her wrists free again. I couldn’t resist panning down her shapely legs to her feet. She must have seen me do this, because she said, “No use filming my feet, they’re not tied yet. Or do you want before and after comparison?”

“I decided to go the honesty route. “No, I just like your legs and feet a lot.”

“You little devil! Speaking of which,” she said as she sat on Lucy’s bed and extended her legs, “it’s time to see how well you tie my legs and feet. Remember, make it tight.”

This was by far the best day of my whole life. The pretty girl who I had a crush on was sitting on a bed with her hands tied behind her back, and she was wearing a skirt and opaque tights with no shoes, and asking me to tie her legs together. So many of my fantasies were coming true all at once, my head was swimming. I knelt in front of her and placed her stockinged feet together and rested them on one of my legs. I began tying her ankles together. I cinched the rope and was about to make a knot.

“Pull it a lot tighter before you make the knot. It has to be tight. Pull it slowly, and I’ll tell you when to stop.”

I pulled the ends of the rope, which cinched the rope around her ankles tighter and tighter. “Are you sure? This looks awfully tight.”

“A little bit more. I promise it’s not hurting me. OK, that’s good. Make the knot.”

I proceeded to tie another rope around her legs just above her knees. Again, she wanted it tight.

“Oh, yes,” she said, looking down at her legs while trying unsuccessfully to find any slack in the ropes. I took more photos and another video of her squirming legs. I put one hand under her knees and one hand behind her back and lifted her, and placed her so that she was lying on the bed. I rolled her onto her stomach, telling her that I wanted pictures of her wrists and the backs of her legs.

“OK, I’m going to make a video of you struggling. I want to see if the ropes and knots hold,” I told her. She started to squirm and to try to free herself.

She gave up after a few minutes. “I think you’ve mastered the art of tying up teenage girls, Mr. Russell Venton. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to escape unless someone rescues me.”

“Do you want me to untie you now?”

“Oh, gosh no! I haven’t completely given up trying to free myself yet. Besides, it’s kind of exciting.”

I rolled her onto her side, and then I climbed onto the bed and put my head down close to hers. Some of her hair was over her eyes and mouth, and it must have bothered her, because she was trying to blow the hair off her face. I gently pushed the hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. My fingers brushed against the soft skin of her cheek and her ear. Her hair felt so soft. I AM LYING IN BED WITH AMY WHILE SHE’S BOUND HAND AND FOOT AND I’M TOUCHING HER FACE AND HER HAIR!

“Thank you,” she said. “It’s strange being so helpless. I can’t even move my own hair without help!”

“Something has occurred to me,” I said. “I just tied up the daughter of a policeman.”

“Yes, you’re living pretty dangerously, Rusty,” she said with a giggle. “You could get into a lot of trouble over this!”

“I suddenly got a mental image of your dad barging in here with his gun drawn. Seeing me here, lying in bed with his tied-up daughter would not make him happy.”

“Oh, I think my dad would congratulate you on finding a way to keep me out of trouble!” she said, and we both laughed.

“How do you feel?” I asked her.

“It’s pretty strange. If I had been tied up this securely by a burglar or a kidnapper, I would be totally terrified right now. But I’ve been tied up by a friend, so I’m feeling the warm fuzzies. It’s exciting and relaxing at the same time.”

“I know what you mean, after my experiences last week. But I’m a guy, so I don’t call it the ‘warm fuzzies’.”

We both burst out laughing.

“I’m kind of sad that I’m so good at tying you up, because that means you won’t let me practice on you again.”

“Don’t get overconfident. If we get another chance before your mom’s weekend trip, I still want you to practice tying me up. You’ve got the technique down really well. Next, we need to work on your speed. If you want to tie up Lucy, you can’t expect her to stand still and let you do it.”

How I was hoping that my mom, Lucy, and Amy’s parents would all decide to go on a cruise together, leaving Amy and me alone for a week to practice my rope tying skills. Alas, not all of my fantasies would come true. But at least one more tie-up practice alone with Amy would be great.

“What were your plans for dinner?” she asked.

“Since I’m on my own for dinner, I was just going to heat up a frozen pizza.”

“Oh, can you share it with me? I’m on my own for dinner too, and I’m starving.”

“Absolutely. You’re ready to be untied now?”

“No,” she answered. “If you can take care of preheating the oven for us and putting in the pizza, I’ll just stay here and engage in futile attempts to free myself from my bonds,” she said, with a big smile.

“You sound so dramatic! I like your way with words.”

“I’m glad! Don’t forget to come back and keep me company while the pizza is cooking.”

“I won’t forget you, I promise,” I said, touching the tip of her nose with my finger. I went downstairs in a daze of happiness. Not only had I fulfilled my lifelong dream of giving Amy a foot and leg massage while she was wearing tights, but I had tied her up in the same day! I turned on the oven and ran back upstairs. When I entered Lucy’s bedroom, the sight of Amy nearly took my breath away. She was still lying on her side, with her back to me. I had a great view of her bound wrists. Her shapely legs were bent slightly, so that the soles of her stockinged feet were facing me. Her feet were small and perfectly shaped. Her hands and feet made tiny movements, not in a serious attempt to try to escape her bonds, but as if she were exploring the tightness of the rope. I grabbed a short piece of rope from the bag and proceed to tie it to her wrist rope.

“You’re back! What are you doing?”

I pulled the other end of the rope through her ankle rope, and started to pull the rope back toward her head. This was pulling her ankles closer and closer to her wrists.

“Oh!” she said in a tiny voice. “You’re not done tying me up yet, I see.”

“This is called a hog tie. It’s to prevent you from standing up and hopping around. I don’t want you to fall and get hurt when I have to leave you again to put the pizza in the oven after it preheats.”

When I had finished, she was still lying on her side, but now securely hogtied.

“Oh, this is very cool! Did you invent this?”

I laughed. “No, I’m afraid I can’t take credit for inventing the hog tie. Now that the oven has probably preheated, I’m going to go put the pizza in. Will you be OK like this for a few minutes?”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t forget to take some pictures of me hogtied. I’ll really want to see how I look.”

“Oh, yeah,” I said, pulling out my phone. I took a few photos from different angles. “Let me get some videos of you trying to escape.”

“Escape? I’m reduced to being able to move my fingers and toes now, and that’s about it.”

“Excellent. Let’s see those wiggling toes and fingers.” After making a video, I put my phone away. “Try not to squirm too much. Falling off a bed while hogtied can’t be a very good experience.”

“Don’t worry. I’m staying put.”

“I’ll be right back,” I called from the door.

“I’ll be here,” she said, giving me a wink while looking at me over her shoulder.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 4

I ran downstairs, eager to get back to my beautiful captive. I unwrapped the pizza, threw it on a pizza pan, threw it in the oven, and set the timer. I ran back upstairs. Again I was stunned at how amazing Amy looked, completely tied up and hogtied, lying on Lucy’s bed. She looked so pretty and delicate, I almost felt guilty about tying her up. I climbed onto the bed and lay down close to her, facing her.

“Almost ready to be untied? By the time I untie all this rope, dinner will be ready.”

“Not really. I’m feeling very content right now, which is the opposite of what a tied-up girl should be feeling. But I’m getting really hungry.”

“Don’t worry,” I told her, “you’ll get lots of time to enjoy these ropes when you become my captive for real in three weeks.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” she said as I began untying her legs. Once the hogtie rope, the ankle rope and the knee rope had all been removed, I massaged her ankles. “Are you sure the ropes weren’t too tight?”

“Oh no,” she answered contentedly. “They felt good. But, after dinner I will need a thorough leg massage. It’s the least you can do after being such a meanie and tying me up.”

“Yes, you certainly deserve a leg massage. It’s a tough job, but I’m willing to tackle it.”

She smiled. “Do a really good job massaging my legs and feet, and I promise not to tell my daddy that you tied up his precious little princess.”

“I would just tell him the truth. You asked me to tie you up.”

“Which of us will he believe? ‘Oh Daddy, I can’t believe it! I was at Lucy’s house waiting for her, and out of the blue her brother grabbed a bunch of rope and tied me up so tight I couldn’t move! I was so scared!’”, Amy said in a theatrical way, a devilish smile on her face. “You’ll be looking at life in prison, and that’s if he doesn’t shoot you first.”

“Wait, I thought you said he would approve of me tying you up, because it’s a way to keep you out of trouble!” I protested.

“Oh, that. I was lying so that you wouldn’t be nervous. No, he would shoot first and ask questions later. You had better pamper my legs and feet really well after dinner so that I’ll forget to tell my dad.”

“I’m being blackmailed, but somehow I don’t really mind,” I told her as I untied her wrists.

After she was completely free, I rubbed her wrists for a few seconds, then we wrapped each piece of rope around itself and put them all back in the bag. I replaced the bag in Lucy’s closet. Amy was standing up, stretching.

“Feeling OK?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. I wasn’t tied up very long.”

We were walking down the stairs just as the oven timer went off. I took out the pizza, threw a quick salad together, poured drinks, and we sat at the kitchen table to eat. I had no sooner taken my first bite, when I felt something land in my lap. I reached under the table, and found Amy had rested her stockinged feet in my lap and crossed her ankles.

“I hope you don’t mind if I put my feet up. It’s been a long day.”

“Not at all,” I said. I ate with one hand while rubbing her feet with my other hand.

“When ‘kidnap weekend’ arrives, tying me up will not be a problem. I’m a willing victim. But, we have to think of a way to tie up Lucy. She’s probably not going to volunteer,” Amy said.

“I’ll try the direct approach first. I’ll tell her I’m going to tie her up. Maybe she’s like you, and she wants to see what it’s like. She might just decide to let me,” I answered.

“Yeah, good luck with that. It could happen, but it’s not likely,” Amy said.

“Well, then I could make it more of a challenge. I could say, ‘Are you too chicken to let me tie you up? Don’t you think you could escape?’ Maybe she’ll dare me to tie her up then, just to prove that she’s not afraid.”

“It might work,” Amy conceded. “We’ll call that Plan B. We need a Plan C if the first two don’t work.”

Amy didn’t seem to like any of my suggestions.

“How about we use chloroform? That’s what they use in movies before they tie up someone,” I proposed.

“Yes,” she said. “Excellent idea. We’ll wander over to the chloroform factory after school on Monday and tell them we need a bottle for our tie-up games.”

“OK, I admit I didn’t think that through. What about sleeping pills? We can get those over-the-counter at any store, crush them up and put it in her drink.”

“I’m so glad you graduated from medical school so you can figure out how many pills would make her unconscious without putting her in a coma for the rest of her life.”

“I’m seeing a sarcastic side of you I’ve never seen before, Amy. I like it. OK, let’s forget chemicals. How about a blow to the back of her head? Or I put her in a choke-hold until she passes out?”

“Rusty, we don’t want to accidentally kill her!”

“Oh, that would be bad, I suppose.”

“I’m overwhelmed with the grief you’re showing over the potential demise of your only sister. No, we need something a lot simpler.”

Amy suggested a plan that just might work. A simple plan, that wouldn’t result in any bodily injury to any of us (I hoped). We finished dinner and she removed her feet from my lap. “Let me clean up,” she said, “and we can watch some TV.”

I loved watching her tinker around the kitchen in her skirt and tights. It was a lovely sight, those little stocking feet walking around, and standing on tip-toes to put plates away in the cabinet. When she was done, we went into the living room and sat on the couch. She again put her feet on my lap, and I eagerly resumed massaging her legs and feet. I would never get tired of the feel of her tights.

“Oh, I need to see the pictures and videos you took of me being tied up,” she suddenly said. I handed her my phone and she became engrossed in seeing herself bound in ropes. “This is so incredible! I was so tied up! You did a really good job on me. And I look good in rope, if I do say so myself.”

“Yes, you certainly do,” I answered. She handed my phone back to me, and we watched television for the next half-hour.

To be continued ...
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Post by iliketights »

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 5

We heard the front door open. Lucy came in, and took off her shoes in the entryway. She noticed Amy’s shoes and backpack, so she called out, “Amy, I didn’t know you would be ...”

“What the heck are you two doing?” she said as she walked in the living room and saw us on the couch.

“Watching TV,” Amy said.

“No,” said Lucy, looking at me. “I mean, why are touching her feet?” Then she looked at Amy. “Why are you letting him touch your feet?”

“It’s called a foot massage. He’s wonderful at it,” Amy replied.

“He’s never given me a foot massage,” Lucy said, sounding almost offended.

“You should ask him. It feels so good,” Amy said. “And it’s part of his therapy.”


“Yes. You’ve probably noticed that he is obsessed with tights. He even wanted to wear a pair when you tied him up. The poor guy is surrounded every day by girls wearing tights. It must be terribly distracting for him. I’m trying to cure him of his tights addiction.”

“By letting him touch your legs while you’re wearing tights?” Lucy asked. “You’re not making sense. Aren’t you making it worse?”

“Well,” said Amy, “It’s like when a kid is caught smoking a cigarette, and his dad makes him smoke a whole pack until he gets sick, and the kid never wants to smoke again. This is the same thing. I’m going to make him massage my legs and feet when I’m wearing tights, as often as I can, and you should too. He’s going to be so sick of tights. I’m going to call it ‘tights aversion therapy’.”

Lucy looked skeptical. “I don’t know …”

“Are you thinking it’s too humiliating for him? Maybe you’re right. We have no right to turn him into our personal foot slave,” Amy said. “It’s sounding like a dumb idea now.”

If there is anything that would encourage Lucy to do something, suggesting that it would humiliate her little brother would be it. Lucy suddenly liked the idea. “No, I think it’s a great idea,” she said as she sat on the opposite end of the couch from Amy, with me between them. I then found two pairs of legs lying across my lap. Lucy had changed out of her school uniform after school, and dressed up to go the restaurant with her French club, to practice ordering and conversing in French. She was wearing a nice blouse, a black skirt, and a pair of tan pantyhose. If I had to choose between pantyhose and opaque tights, I prefer opaque tights. But pantyhose are wonderful too. And even though she is my sister, I couldn’t help but admire her legs and her cute little feet. And if things go according to plan, I will be tying up Lucy in three weeks, so massaging her legs and feet doesn’t sound too inappropriate in comparison.

“My turn,” Lucy said.

“No,” said Amy, “I’m getting the massage right now. You live with him, you can get a massage anytime.”

“Ladies, please,” I implored. “No need to fight over me. I can give attention to two pairs of legs at the same time.”

Lucy put head back on the couch pillow and sighed. “Oh, you’re right. He’s really good at this. We finally found a use for him.”

Unfortunately, Amy had to go home after another half hour. She motioned for me to follow her to the door. As she was slipping into her shoes, she whispered in my ear, “Thanks for tying me up. I hope we get a chance to practice again.”

The next few days were uneventful, and Amy didn’t get a chance to come over for a few days. Lucy no longer went upstairs immediately after school to change out of her uniform. Instead, she started leaving her uniform on so that she could give me ‘tights aversion therapy.’ I don’t know if she really believed Amy’s made-up therapy, or if she simply enjoyed getting a foot rub while wearing her opaque navy-blue school tights. Or perhaps she thought it was a humiliation for me. I tried not to let her know that I really enjoyed massaging her legs and feet.

We grew so accustomed to the ‘tights aversion therapy’ that one time we forgot to end it before our mom got home. Mom came in and saw us on the couch, with Lucy’s stockinged feet in my hands. I immediately stopped massaging them because I thought Mom would think it was very inappropriate. Instead, Mom said, “I love it when you two get along. Lucy, you’re so lucky you have a brother who’s willing to give you a foot rub.”

“Yeah, I guess we’ll keep him,” Lucy mumbled, then looked at me. “Hey, who told you that you could stop? Get those fingers busy again, buster.”

“Oh Lucy,” Mom said. “I don’t know why he puts up with you sometimes. Anyone ever tell you that you’re kind of bossy?”

Two days after that, I got a text from Amy. “Stop by my house after school.”

I hoped it was a chance to do some ‘rope practice’. Or maybe a session of tights aversion therapy? Either was fine with me. Of course, both at the same time would be even better.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, chapter 6

I stopped at Amy’s house after school the next day, as she requested. Her sister Autumn answered the door. The fact that Amy’s sister was home probably meant there would be no rope practice or tights aversion therapy today. How would Amy have explained either of those to her sister?

“Hi Rusty, come on in. Amy, Rusty’s here", she called out.

I went in and took off my shoes, in case the Mitchell family had the same rule that my family had.

Amy came down the stairs and hugged me. “Thanks for coming. Come in and sit down.”

I couldn’t help but notice both Amy and her sister were still wearing their school uniforms, except for their shoes. Autumn was my age, and being in the same grade at the same school, we had a couple of classes together. But, I hardly knew her and had only said hello to her a few times. Amy was best friends with my sister, so I actually saw Amy more often, and she often came over for sleepovers at our house. Autumn was also very cute, sort of a younger version of Amy, but more quiet and shy than Amy. They sat on the couch across from the easy chair I was sitting in. They both crossed their legs at exactly the same time, and I became momentarily distracted by those two pairs of stockinged feet in navy-blue tights. Being distracted by tights was the story of my life.

“Rusty,” Amy began, “I told Autumn about our plan to tie up your sister.”

“What? I don’t think we should be telling people about that!” I said, startled.

“It’s OK. She promised not to tell anyone. And we kind of need her help. We’re going to practice how we’re going to capture Lucy. We have a couple of hours before our parents come home, and you can text your mom that Autumn needed help with homework and that we invited you to stay for dinner. Lucy is staying at school late to decorate for the dance, so this is an excellent chance for us to practice. Now, I’m going to pretend to be Lucy, and Autumn is going to pretend to be me. The two of you are going to gang up on me, overpower me, and tie me up.”

“Oh, that sounds good,” I said, and really meant it. “I’ll run home and get Lucy’s bag of rope.”

“No need for that,” Amy answered. “Yesterday, I ran into the hardware store and bought a package of rope. I also went to the drugstore next door to it, and bought several pairs of cheap pantyhose, to use for gags and blindfolds. I also bought some 2-inch wide medical tape. I want to try out a couple different types of gags to see what works best.”

“Wow,” I said. “You thought of everything.” I turned to Autumn. “Are you sure you want to help us practice this?”

“Yeah,” she said. “It sounds like fun, and I’m really going to enjoy it when Amy is gagged. She talks too much.”

“Very funny,” Amy responded. “OK, here’s the bag of supplies, and scissors. I’ll let you cut the rope into whatever lengths you think we need.”

I remembered Lucy mentioning that my hands were tied with a fifteen-foot length of rope, so I cut three sections that I estimated were about that length, plus a shorter section. Autumn watched me, apparently fascinated that these ropes would soon tightly bind her sister.

“OK,” said Amy. “I’ll come into the room and pretend I’m Lucy. Do you both remember what we discussed?”

Autumn and I nodded. Amy walked out of the room and then walked in again.

“Hi, I’m Lucy,” Amy said. “I’m going to start bossing people around now.”

“Hey ‘Lucy’,” I told her. “It’s your turn to get tied up. Put your hands behind your back.”

“You have got to be kidding,” she told me. “There’s no way you’re tying me up.”

I nodded to Autumn, and she went behind Amy and put her arms around her. I then grabbed Amy’s ankles and pulled up while Autumn pulled her back. Amy was struggling for real, but she was now off her feet and more vulnerable. We eased her down to the floor, rolled her onto her stomach, and Autumn sat on her back while I straddled her and sat on her upper legs, facing her feet. Amy was flailing her arms and legs, but she couldn’t go anywhere, nor could she hit or kick us. “Get off me!” she yelled. I doubled a section of rope and made a loop, then tried to grab her flailing ankles. It took a few attempts, but I managed to get the loop around her ankles, and soon I was winding the rope securely around them. I cinched the rope and made a knot.

“No! Untie my feet right now!” Amy yelled.

“Put your hands behind your back,” I commanded.

“No! You can’t make me. Get off me!”

Now that her feet were tied together, it was easier to grab hold of them, and I held them tightly with one hand while I began to tickle her stockinged feet with my other hand.

“No! Stop!” she wailed, while laughing uncontrollably. I stopped tickling her feet, but I held them tight. “Put your hands behind your back.”

“No! You have no right to do this! Let me go!”

I resumed tickling her feet. More hysterical laughing. “No! I give up! Stop! My hands are behind my back! Stop!”

“Beg me to tie your hands together,” I told her, while still tickling her.

“Please … please tie my hands!”

“Beg me to make it tight,” I commanded.

“Please, tie it tight! Tie me up and make it tight! Just please stop tickling me!”

I stopped tickling her and grabbed another section of rope. Autumn got off her sister but held her arms in place while I bound Amy’s hands behind her back.

“No fair! You two ganged up on me. You can untie me now.”

“Untie you? I’m not finished tying you.”

A third piece of rope was soon bound around her legs, just above her knees. The shorter piece of rope left her hogtied, with her feet only inches from her hands.

“No! Please! Don’t do this to me!” She looked at Autumn. “Please, ‘Amy’, you’re supposed to be my best friend! Why are you helping my brother do this to me! Please help me!”

“Afraid not, ‘Lucy’” Autumn responded. “You’re getting what you deserve.”

I pulled a pair of pantyhose out of the bag and pulled it over her eyes and tied them behind her head.

“Oh, no! Please, don’t blindfold me! Why are you being so mean to me?”

I looked at Autumn. “Do you think ‘Lucy’ needs to be gagged too?”

“Oh yes, she definitely does. Let me do it!” Autumn said with enthusiasm.

“No, no gag, please! I promise I’ll be quiet!” Amy wailed.

Autumn started to pull a pair of pantyhose between Amy’s teeth.

“No,” I told her. Let’s tie a knot in it first. That way it will partially fill her mouth and make her a lot quieter. Oh, and pantyhose stretches, so make sure you pull it back until it doesn’t stretch anymore, and then tie the knot.”

“Don’t you dare gag me! I’m going to ...” was all Amy said before Autumn stuffed the knot in her sister’s mouth. She pulled the ends back and made a knot behind her head. I had no cause to be worried that Autumn wouldn’t make the gag tight enough. She made it very tight. Amy was screaming and struggling, but it was obvious that she was going nowhere. Her screams were muffled very well.

Autumn and I looked at each other, smiled, and high fived.

“That was so much fun!” Autumn exclaimed. “Lucy doesn’t stand a chance.”

We stood up and looked down at our squirming, pretty captive, who was now bound hand and foot, had her knees tied together, was bound in a hogtie, and was gagged and blindfolded.

Autumn got a pensive look on her face. “You know, this doesn’t make sense,” she said.

“I know,” I said. “It’s crazy. Lucy, Amy, and I really need to find another hobby.”

“No, it’s not that,” she said. “You and Amy wanted to practice overpowering and tying up Lucy. You got to practice that, but Amy didn’t because she was pretending to be Lucy. It would make more sense if Amy was herself and I pretended to be Lucy.”

“But then that means you would be …”

“Yes,” said Autumn. “You and Amy should be practicing on me instead,” while looking at our bound and helpless captive.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, chapter 7

“Oh, that’s so nice of you to offer, Autumn,” I told her. “But you just saw what happened to Amy. She was wrestled to the floor, tickle tortured, then tied up, gagged and blindfolded. We can’t ask you to go through that.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” she said. “I think it might even be fun.”

“Amy, is it OK with you if we practice capturing and tying up Autumn?”

Amy said something unintelligible behind her gag, and nodded her head.

“Are you ready to be untied?” Again she nodded.

“Not so fast,” Autumn said. “I’m kind of enjoying her being quiet.” This elicited a grunt of indignation from her gagged sister. “Plus, we already know you’re efficient at tying up girls. We now need to see if your ropes and knots can keep her prisoner in spite of escape attempts. Amy, for the next fifteen minutes, struggle like your life depends on it. We need to see if Rusty needs to improve his tie-up skills. While you struggle and attempt to escape, Rusty’s going to give me a foot massage.” Autumn turned to me. “If you want. Amy told me you’re really good at it.”

I assured her that it was indeed fine with me. I had certainly hit the jackpot lately regarding pretty girls wearing tights wanting foot massages.

We went to the couch. Autumn lay back and put her legs in my lap. As I began to massage her cute little stockinged feet and legs, I thought about how prior to today, Autumn and I had barely known each other. Now I was massaging her legs while she was in her school uniform, and I was soon going to tie her up! And this shy girl had instigated it all!

“You were right, Amy! He is great at this!” Autumn exclaimed. “Amy, I don’t see you struggling enough! Try harder.”

Amy moaned in frustration, not being used to having her little sister being in complete control. But, she did as Autumn commanded, and started struggling harder. She didn’t accomplish much. “No need to get too mad at me,” Autumn said. “We’ll be trading places soon enough.”

After fifteen minutes, well, actually closer to twenty minutes, Autumn asked Amy if she were ready to switch places. Amy nodded her head.

Autumn and I began untying Amy. When she was completely free, we asked her how she felt about our latest practice session. “That was amazing!” she said. “I can’t wait for the real thing!”

“Are you ready?” I asked Autumn. She nodded, a little nervous now that her capture was imminent. “Just promise me that you’ll use a fresh pair of pantyhose when you gag me. No offense, Amy, but I don’t want to share saliva with you.”

We helped Amy stand up, and I asked her if she had any suggestions. “No, you and Autumn did it just right. I really was trying my best not to get tied up.”

“OK, ‘Lucy’, I’m going to tie you up now,” I told Autumn.

Autumn put her hands on her hips in a defiant manner. “You and what army?” she asked. Amy wrapped her arms around Autumn while I quickly bent down to grab her ankles. As we had happened with Amy, Autumn was soon face-down on the floor. She too put up a good fight, but once her ankles were bound together and the tickling of the feet commenced, it was only a matter of time before she gave up in exhaustion and begged me to tie her hands behind her back. Now she lay on the floor, hogtied, as her sister had been. Even though she was only two years younger than Amy, and exactly my age, she suddenly looked like a frightened little girl. I felt so guilty when I looked at her and saw conflicting emotions in her eyes.

“Autumn, are you alright? Do you want to be untied?” I asked her.

“My name is Lucy. Keep going,” Autumn said in almost a whisper. Then in a louder voice, “How dare you do this to me? Untie me now!”

Soon she was blindfolded with the same pantyhose that had previously covered Amy’s eyes. She did, however, get a fresh gag as she had requested.

Amy gave me a quick hug. “We are really good at this! I think we really can tie up Lucy. Time for my leg massage now. I deserve it after being tied up by you mean people.”

Amy prodded Autumn in her side with her stockinged foot. “You need to be trying to escape. Let’s see some struggling.”

Now it was Autumn’s turn to grunt in exasperation, but she did begin to struggle as Amy and I went to the couch. As I massaged Amy’s legs and feet, she asked, “How’s that tights aversion therapy going for you?”

“I’m afraid it’s not working,” I answered truthfully. “I’m not repulsed by girls’ tights yet. In fact, I think I’m more obsessed than ever.”

“Well, any kind of therapy takes time. We’ll keep trying,” Amy replied.

Autumn was trying to say something behind her knotted pantyhose gag. “Be patient,” Amy told her. “You haven’t even been tied up ten minutes. You kept me tied up longer than that.”

After another few minutes of massaging Amy’s tights-covered legs and feet, I suggested that we better release Autumn. “If we must,” Amy answered.

We both began freeing Autumn, and soon she was completely free. She sat up on the floor, rubbing her wrists, while I rubbed her ankles. “That was really cool,” Autumn said. “Thanks for tying me up. I never thought I would be saying those words!”

I excused myself to use the restroom. I also remembered to send my mom a quick text, telling her that I was having dinner at Amy and Autumn’s house. When I came back, the girls were picking up the rope from the floor. I knelt down to help them, when all of a sudden both girls knocked me over. I fell on my side, and before I could react, they rolled me onto my stomach and they both sat on me! They were both pretty light-weight, but with two of them on my back and legs, I couldn’t get leverage to roll over or get up on hands and knees to try to buck them off. They had obviously been making sinister plans while I had been in the bathroom. I knew what was going to happen to me. Part of me was excited, in a good way, but part of me was scared at being overpowered so unexpectedly. My struggles were real, but ultimately futile.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 8

“No,” I yelled. “What are you doing?”

“I think you can guess,” Amy said.

I was purposely holding my feet apart, because I knew they were going to copy the way I had tied them.

“Put your feet together and bend your legs. Put your feet in the air,” Amy commanded. She must be the one who was sitting on my upper legs.


“Autumn, do your thing until he complies.”

Evidently, Autumn’s ‘thing’ was tickling my sides. I started to laugh uncontrollably. It’s a good thing I just went to the bathroom, because her insanely effective tickling may have made me wet my pants.

“Give me your feet,” Amy commanded.


My tickle torture continued unabated. I held out as long as I could, but eventually I had to stop it.

“OK, please stop! STOP! I did what you said! STOP!”

“Beg me to tie your feet together,” Amy said. “Autumn, don’t stop tickling him until I say to stop,”

“Please, Amy, tie my feet together! I’m begging you!”

“Ask me to make it tight.”

“Please, make it tight! Tie my ankles as tight as you can!” I said, barely able to breathe now.

“OK, Autumn, you can stop. For now,” Amy told her.

I was wearing my navy-blue school uniform pants and navy-blue socks. I had left my shoes by the front door when I came in. I soon felt rope going around my ankles, and it got tight. Very tight. Amy certainly knew how to cinch a rope. My socks cushioned my ankles somewhat, but the rope was still tight enough to make me gasp when she cinched it.

“There’s no reason to tie me up! I was supposed to be practicing tying up Lucy.”

“And you did practice,” Autumn said. “You got really good at it, so now you can just relax and let us tie you up. Now put your hands behind your back.”

I could have just put my hands behind my back immediately and surrendered. I knew what they would do if I didn’t. I had just taught them the whole ‘tickle you until you give up’ thing, and now it was going to be applied to me. I had been ‘hoisted by my own petard’. Why didn’t I just submit? Maybe I didn’t want to go down without a fight. Maybe I was actually looking forward to being tickled by two pretty girls. Maybe I wanted to see if I could hold out longer than they did before they had begged to be tied up. I don’t really know, but I refused to obey.

“I said to put your hands behind your back.”

I still refused, and fingernails went to work on the soles of my socked feet. I fell apart into hysterical fits of laughter. I begged and pleaded for mercy. I held out as long as I could, but I reached the breaking point. I put my hands behind my back. My wrists were then securely bound, but at least the tickling stopped. I panted in exhaustion while more rope was tied around my legs, just above my knees. I felt more rope being tied to my wrist rope, and I knew the hog tie was coming. I tried to kept my legs stiff, but with one girl holding my knees down and another girl pulling my feet up, my legs eventually bent and I experienced my first ever hogtie. I liked it and hated it at the same time. As I was lying in utter defeat on my stomach, hogtied, a pair of girl’s feet in navy-blue tights walked up to me and stopped inches from my face. I had no idea which girl it was, and I couldn’t look up. I didn’t want to look up. I longed to put my hands out and touch the tops of her feet, but of course I couldn’t.

“Kiss my feet,” Amy said.

She stepped even closer. I kissed each of her feet. “Do it again, and I won’t gag you.” Again I kissed each pretty foot. The tights felt even more amazing when I was touching them with my lips!

“Mine too!” Autumn said, as another pair of cute stockinged feet appeared in front of me. I eagerly kissed her feet too.

“Just kidding,” Amy said. “We’re still going to gag you no matter what.”

I was rolled onto my side, and Autumn stuffed a piece of cloth into my mouth. “It’s one of my socks,” she said. “But don’t worry. It’s clean.”

Amy took the medical tape she had purchased and placed some over my mouth, then proceed to wrap it around my head and over my mouth four times! When she tore the tape from the roll and smoothed the end down, I knew there was no way I was ever going to be able to dislodge the sock that filled my mouth. I whimpered and tried to elicit sympathy with my eyes, but they didn’t seem to notice. The pair of pantyhose that had served as a blindfold for Amy and Autumn had now become a blindfold for the third time. Each girl tickled my side with their feet, and Autumn said, “Let’s see you struggle. Try for real to escape.”

I did struggle, but the ropes didn’t loosen a bit. I was going to remain like this until someone untied me. My consolation was that we didn’t have a whole lot of time before Amy and Autumn’s parents came home. Surely, I would be released soon?

“We’re going to fix something to eat,” Amy said. “Don’t get into any trouble.”

I had no way of knowing how long I struggled against my bonds, but it was nowhere near as long as I had been tied up last weekend. I eventually felt my hogtie loosen, and then it was removed completely. I stretched out my legs while someone removed my blindfold. The girls helped me to my knees, and then pulled me up to a standing position. To my surprise, they neither removed my wrist rope nor my leg ropes. They also made no attempt to remove my gag. Instead, they told me to hop to the kitchen chair they had pulled out from the table.

“Seriously? Isn’t it easier to untie me?” I tried to say, but it was unintelligible thanks to Autumn’s sock and Amy's tape.

With one girl on each side holding me so I wouldn’t fall, we made slow progress from the living room to the kitchen table. I was especially worried when we reached the tile floor of the kitchen. Hopping in socks on a floor that looked slick gave me pause, but fortunately I safely reached the chair and sat down. Amy started picking at the tape while Autumn tied a rope around the chair and my lap, kind of like a seat belt. The tape eventually came free, and Amy pulled the sock from my mouth.

“How are you?” Autumn asked. “Please don’t hate us for jumping on you and tying you up. We just wanted to see if we could do it.”

“No, I could never hate the two of you. I don’t mind this at all. I pity any burglar dumb enough to break into this house, what with a policeman father and his two daughters who are so good at tying people up.” The girls laughed.

Amy and Autumn evidently intended to feed me dinner before untying me. I loved all the attention I was getting. When we all finished dinner, the girls cleaned up and started to free me from my bonds. I wasn’t tied nearly as securely to the chair as I had been last week, but it had still been inescapable. I was finally free, and both girls gave me a hug and thanked me for being such a good sport. They walked me to the door and I put on my shoes.

I turned to Autumn. “Autumn, did you want to join us for our ‘abduction weekend’? I’m going to keep Lucy and Amy tied up for hours and hours. You can be my assistant, or you could be my third captive for as long as you want. Unlike the other two, I’ll untie you whenever you ask.”

“That sounds like fun,” she said. “Let me think about it. I’m not sure my mom and dad would let me join the sleepover.”

“Actually,” Amy broke in, “I think they would be thrilled if you came with me. They would probably worry less if we go more places together.”

“Maybe. I just don’t like being around Lucy very much. I’ve never understood how you two can be best friends,” Autumn said. “No offense, Rusty, her being your sister.”

“You won’t mind Lucy so much, because she will be gagged most of the time!” Amy said. Amy said goodbye and ran up to her room to put her rope and tape away.

Autumn turned to me and said, “I really will think about it. But if I decide not to, I still intend on tying you up again someday!”

“Only if I can tie you up again too,” I answered.

“You better!” she said, hugging me goodbye.

I walked home as if walking on air. My mom asked how my evening was. I didn’t mention how Amy, Autumn, and I had each been hogtied, gagged, and blindfolded. My life had certainly become exciting. I went up to my room, counting the days until ‘abduction weekend.’ Would I have two helpless tied up captives, or three?

To be continued ...
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Post by iliketights »

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 9

It was still a couple of weeks before ‘abduction weekend,’ but I had one more opportunity to have a bit of fun with the Mitchell sisters.

I answered a knock at the door. It was Amy. It was a Saturday, so she wasn’t wearing her school uniform. Instead, she was wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a pair of flip-flops. After inviting her in, Amy said, “I know we don’t have a lot of time, but Lucy said she and your mom were going shopping at the mall. I just wanted you to see this. I saw it on the internet. Do you think you could do this to me? It looks so cool.”

She handed me a folded piece of paper. It was a printed-out picture of woman wearing a bikini, taken from behind. Her wrists were bound together behind her back with duct tape, palms together. But what surprised me the most was that tape was bound around her elbows so tightly that her elbows were touching. I had never seen that before. I didn’t even know at the time that it was possible for a girl to touch her elbows together behind her back! In addition to that, more tape was bound tightly around her, keeping her arms securely anchored to her back. It didn’t look like she could move her arms at all.

“Oh no, Amy!” I finally said. “This looks painful!”

“It does, but I have to try it! Just for fifteen minutes. Please?”

“Well, OK, run home and put on a bikini,” I said.

Amy pretend-slugged me in the arm. “You’re missing the point. What she’s wearing isn’t important. Here, I brought some duct tape. My dad had some in the garage,” she said as she pulled some out of her shoulder bag. I was again stupefied that cute girls have recently been asking me to tie them up, and bringing tape with them! What kind of wonderful alternate universe had I entered?

“This will be so cool!” she said. “I’ve never been tied up before with tape, and I’ve never had my elbows tied together, so this is killing two birds with one stone!”

She remained standing while I pulled her hands behind her back, palms together. Once her wrists were securely taped together, I told her, “I’m going to push your elbows together. Tell me if you want me to stop.” I slowly pushed her elbows together, waiting for her to stop me. She didn’t tell me to stop, so I pushed her elbows until they touched. “Doing OK?” I asked. “Yes, I’m good,” she answered. I wound the tape around her arms just below her elbows. Finally, I bound the tape around her several times, keeping her arms trapped firmly against her back.

“How is that?” I asked when I was done.

“Oh, this is so intense!” she exclaimed as she tested her bonds. “This is even more immobilizing than rope! Especially with my elbows together.”
I helped her sit on the couch. “Do you want me to tape your legs?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Oh, wait. I forgot I was going to put on socks so that the tape wouldn’t leave marks on my legs. Could you get them from the side pocket of my bag?”

I pulled out the socks and got very excited. They were long. They must have been over-the-knee socks. They were obviously for St. Patrick’s Day, as they were alternating stripes of white and green, with a shamrock in each white stripe.

“These are very pretty!” I blurted out.

“Thanks! Could you put them on?”

“I don’t think they would look good on me.”

“Oh, silly,” she said, kicking me gently with one bare foot. “I mean, would you put them on me? I don’t think I’m able to put my own socks on right now. Someone has tied up my arms with tape!”

Putting over-the knee socks onto a pretty girl wearing shorts was mind-blowing amazing. Pulling them up over her knees, smoothing them, making the seam fit just right over the toes … I was in heaven. Once they looked perfect, I bound her legs with tape around her ankles and just under her knees.

“Oh, this all feels great!” she said. “Could you text Autumn and tell her to come over? I want her to see this.”

I asked for Autumn’s number, saved it in my contacts, and sent her this message: “I have your sister. Come to Rusty’s house if you want to save her.”

Almost immediately, I got a reply: “You can keep her.” Another message followed immediately: “I’ll be right over.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I let Autumn in. She too was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

“Did you tie up my sister again?” she asked while she took off her sandals.

“Come see,” I told her. She gasped when she saw Amy bound with tape and wearing her long socks.

“Amy, it’s not St. Patrick’s Day today. What’s with the socks?”

“It’s just so the tape doesn’t leave marks on my legs. Rusty, show her the picture I printed out.”

Autumn gasped again when she saw the picture of the woman bound with tape. “Oh, wow, I wouldn’t have thought anyone could touch their elbows behind their back!”

“My elbows can!” Amy said.

“Your elbows are taped together?” Autumn said. Amy nodded. “I have to see that!”

Autumn and I helped Amy sit up so that Autumn could see Amy’s arms. Autumn gasped a third time.

“What do you think?” Amy asked.

“I think … I think I need to try that!” She turned to me. “Do you have enough tape for me?”

Within minutes, Autumn’s arms were also taped together at wrists and elbows, and more tape went around her body to secure her arms to her back.

"I'm impressed," I told them, "that both of you can so easily touch your elbows behind your backs.

"We finally found our talent," Amy laughed. "Do you want to tie us up for the talent show at school?"

“Tape my legs now. Too bad no one told me to bring long socks. I have a pair that I bought but haven’t had a chance to wear yet,” Autumn said with disappointment.

“Rusty, look in the bottom of the bag I brought. Not the side pocket, but … yes, that’s it,” Amy said as she leaned back.

I pulled out another pair of over-the-knee socks. These were white, with a cable-knit texture.

“Hey, are those mine?” Autumn asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I brought them just in case,” Amy answered.

I noticed that Amy had neglected to mention the socks until Autumn’s arms were taped behind her and unable to put them on herself. Did she do that on purpose, so that I would have to put them on for her? If so, thanks Amy!

“Do you want me to put them on you?” I asked Autumn.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind. I’m kind of tied up at the moment, and you’re the only one in the room with free hands.”

She sat down on the other end of the couch and I began to put on her socks. I probably spent way more time than necessary getting them on just right, but I so enjoyed how they felt. When they were perfect, I wound tape around her ankles and knees. I raised her legs onto the couch, sat between the two sisters and put their legs across my lap.

“Who needs a foot massage?”

Two thoroughly tape-bound teenage girls wearing over-the-knee socks answered “Me” at exactly the same time. Life is good.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 10

I was enjoying massaging the girls’ legs and feet while they were wearing the over-the-knee socks, but I could tell that the strict arm bondage was taking a toll on them. They were being good sports about it, but I could see on their faces the little winces of discomfort every time they moved.

“I think it’s time to cut you both loose. Are your arms hurting?”

“Yeah,” Amy responded. “I kind of like having my elbows together, but I can’t do it for very long. But before you cut the tape, could you put us on our stomachs and take pictures so that we can see how we look later?”

“Whoa, wait a minute, I really don’t want my picture taken when I’m tied up,” Autumn said

“He’s taken pictures of me, and he didn’t include my face, so there’s really no way anyone would ever know it’s us,” Amy replied.

We finally convinced Autumn to let me take pictures of her. I picked her up and moved her to the floor and rolled her onto her stomach. “Besides,” I told her, “tied up as you are, you really have no choice!”

“I can always think of ways to get revenge later!” Autumn said jokingly.

I picked up Amy and placed her on the floor next to Autumn. Now that they were face down on the floor, I had a great view of their arms, which were held firmly together from wrists to elbows. It did look very uncomfortable, but they looked incredibly sexy that way. I told them to struggle as I took out my phone to make a video. They weren’t able to struggle very much. I panned the camera down their gorgeous legs which were bound together tightly by tape at ankles and knees. Those pretty over-the-knee socks looked incredible.

I put my phone away and went to get scissors. “I’m going to release Amy first, since she was tied up first.”

Autumn said, “This was her idea, so I think you should release me now and keep her like that for five more hours.”

Amy protested, but I ignored Autumn’s suggestion and started to carefully cut the tapes that bound her wrists, elbows, and upper body. She gave a big sigh of relief as her elbows were freed. I started to move down to free her legs.

“Leave my legs taped for now,” she said. “I really need you to massage my arms. It’s weird – I can’t move my arms, even though they’re free.”

This scared me. Had I taped them so tightly that I caused nerve damage or circulation problems? I rubbed her arms wondering how I would explain this if I had to call an ambulance.

Fortunately, she told me it was getting better. “I think it’s just that my arms had been held in an unnatural position for a while. I can move them now.”

“Are you sure? Do we need to get you to the emergency room?” I asked.

Amy laughed and told me not to worry.

“You two are scaring me. Can you free my arms too?” Autumn pleaded.

I had been so worried about Amy that I had forgotten Autumn. I quickly cut her arms free. I rubbed her arms and asked how she was feeling.

“I’ll be OK. My arms are a little stiff too, but they’ll be fine.”

“Maybe we should put an end to these tying up games we’ve been doing before someone gets hurt,” I said.

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Amy retorted. “Abduction Weekend is coming up soon, and no way are you going back on your promise to tie me up and keep me captive for hours. I will concede, however, that we shouldn’t do the elbows touching thing for more than twenty minutes. That’s about my limit. When you keep me tied up longer, the crossed wrists method we’ve done before is much more tolerable.”

Since Amy had been tied up longer, I moved on to Amy’s legs after I was sure Autumn’s arms were feeling better. I cut the tape that bound Amy’s legs, peeled it off, and began massaging her legs and feet, enjoying how soft her socks felt. Autumn got to her feet and hopped over to the couch, waiting patiently for me to free her legs. She made no attempt to peel off the tape herself. When Amy’s legs had been sufficiently massaged, I went and sat on the couch, put Autumn’s feet on my lap, and cut and peeled off the tape from her ankles and knees. Her socks were soft too, and they had that nice cable-knit texture. Of course, Autumn too received a thorough leg massage.

We gathered up all the used duct tape and threw it away. I enjoyed the sight of those two cute girls walking around my living room in their long socks. I asked Amy if I could throw away the photo of the taped-up woman she had printed out. “Yes, you should,” she answered. “What would your mom say if she found it lying around? Oh, show us the pictures and videos you just took!”

They took turns with my phone looking at themselves all tied up. They seemed fascinated at how securely they had been taped.

Unfortunately, the morning was passing quickly, and my mom and Lucy were probably on their way home. I was slightly sad to see the girls take off their long socks before they left. They both hugged me and thanked me for another tie-up practice session.

That was the last tie-up practice we had before ‘Abduction Weekend’. That was still almost two weeks away.

One benefit of our recent tie-up games is that Autumn and I started to really hit it off as friends. We started hanging out together more during school. Because we lived so close, we were often at each other’s houses doing homework together. My guy friends were a little surprised that one of the cutest girls in our grade seemed to enjoy my company and would sometimes join us for lunch at school. I wonder what they would have thought if I told them that Autumn and I had practiced tying each other up with ropes and duct tape.

It was the day before my mom was going away for the weekend that Autumn handed me an envelope as we were walking home from school. “Here’s a note from Amy. She said it’s about this weekend.”

She’s probably changing her mind about being my captive this weekend, I thought. After I got home, I read Amy’s note:

My parents gave the OK for me to have a sleepover at your house. After your mom leaves for the weekend, I’m going to convince Lucy that we need to tie you up. Don’t worry, it’s a diversion. We’ll tell you to go put on your tights (because I like you in tights!). When you come back, we’ll gang up on Lucy and tie her up instead, the way we practiced. Then you’ll tie me up, telling her that it’s so I won’t feel sorry for her and untie her. Could you tie me to a chair this time? I haven’t tried that yet. Promise me that no matter how much we beg, you will leave us tied up for a long time! I can’t wait for tomorrow! Rip this up and throw it away before anyone else sees this!

The part about Amy convincing Lucy “that we need to tie you up” gave me pause, even though it was apparently to catch Lucy off-guard. Was this whole thing a ruse, to get me to believe I was going to be the captor, when really I was going to be the captive? Amy didn’t seem deceitful, but one never knows. But the more I thought of it, the less I cared. Either I was going to get to tie up two cute girls, or two cute girls were going to tie me up. Either way, tomorrow was going to be fun!

To be continued ...
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Amy's socks:
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Autumn's socks:
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

These were the two chapters that got me hooked the first time I read it, so thanks for reposting these. I will never stop arguing that long socks are better than tights, but i think this story can serve as an acceptable middle ground. :)
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Post by Dr_Depravo »

Big fan of the story. I really hope it ends with Rusty and Autumn together. They’d be a cute TUG fanatical couple.
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Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 11

It was Friday afternoon. Our mom was leaving around 4:00, and would return Sunday afternoon. Amy, Lucy, and I came home from school. I was hoping Autumn would spend the night at our house, but it looked like she wasn’t coming. Our mom said her goodbyes, and as soon as the door closed behind her, Lucy turned to me and said, “Go put on your tights, right now. We’re going to tie you up. No arguing. Get moving!”

I passed Amy on my way, and she winked at me, which I hoped meant ‘Lucy is in for a surprise’. I went to my room and got my black tights and the panties Lucy had purchased for me. I had washed them after my captivity last weekend, and they felt like new again. I stripped down to my t-shirt, and put on the panties, tights, and a pair of shorts. It was only the second time in my life that I had worn tights, and it was still such a new and exciting experience. I loved how they felt when I walked around. I went downstairs, but there was no sign of the girls. Did they leave? Were they going to jump out of a hiding place and overpower me? I sat on the couch to wait. Soon, I heard them coming down the stairs. They too had changed clothes. Ordinarily, this would have disappointed me, since I was looking forward to tying them up while they were wearing their school uniforms. However, I was in for a very pleasant surprise. Lucy had put on a pair of shorts and was wearing red opaque tights. Amy was wearing what looked like a short figure-skating dress and a pair of white opaque tights. Neither girl was wearing shoes. They looked absolutely fantastic! Lucy was also carrying her bag of ropes. They walked up to me.

“How do we look?” Lucy asked. “We know you like to watch girls wearing tights, so we thought we would give you a little variety. You’re probably tired of girls in navy-blue tights, so Amy bought us some new tights in bright colors. What do you think?”

“Wow, you both look really nice. I like the colors! Good idea, Amy!”

“If you behave yourself, we’ll let you give us a leg massage later. But for now, turn around and put your hands behind your back,” Lucy commanded.

I gathered my courage. “There’s been a change in plans. I’m going to tie up both of you.”

Lucy looked at me for a moment, then erupted in laughter. “You seriously think you’re going to tie us up? Have you forgotten, you’re outnumbered? Now stop acting crazy and put your hands behind your back. Your ridiculous threat just earned you an extra hour of being tied up.”

I looked at Amy and nodded, which was our signal. This was the crucial moment. Would Amy side with me and help me overpower Lucy, or would she double-cross me and help Lucy overpower me?

To my relief, she quietly went behind Lucy and put her arms around her, while I bent down and grabbed Lucy’s ankles before she could have a chance to kick. As we had practiced, Amy pulled Lucy back while I pulled up on her feet. Lucy gasped in surprise. “What are you doing?” she yelled as she found herself lying on the floor. We quickly rolled her onto her stomach, and Amy straddled her and sat on her back while I grabbed the rope that Lucy had intended for me. I straddled Lucy and sat on her upper legs, facing her feet.

“Get off me! What do you two think you’re doing?”

I folded the rope in half and pulled the ends through the middle, making a loop. After a few tries, I managed to get the loop around her flailing ankles. When I pulled on the two ends of the rope, the loop got smaller until it was tight around both ankles, holding them together. I soon had the rope going around her ankles several times. A cinch and a knot, and her feet were securely bound together.

“Untie my feet right now! Amy, I can’t believe you’re helping him! You’re supposed to be my friend!”

“Just relax and enjoy it, Lucy,” Amy told her. “We’re just tying you up, that’s all.”

“JUST tying me up!” Lucy shouted. “Enjoy it? Look, you’ve had your fun, both of you. Untie my feet and I’ll forgive you both.”

I wrapped another piece of rope around her legs several times, just below her knees.

“Stop it! That’s enough!”

I finished tying her knees together, and she grunted when the rope was cinched and knotted.

“Put your hands behind your back,” I commanded.

She put her hands underneath her. “No, this has gone far enough! Get off me now!”

I held her bound feet with one hand and started to tickle the soles of her stocking feet with my other hand.

“No!” she screamed, tying to hold back the laughter. It was hopeless. Soon she was convulsing with hysterical laughter.

“I’ll keep tickling you until those hands of yours are behind your back,” I told her.

“No fair! Please stop!”

I continued her tickle torture, until she finally screamed, “OK, I give up! Stop tickling me!”

“Beg me to tie your hands.”

“I will not! You need to …” but that’s as far as she got before the tickling resumed.

“Please, tie my hands! I give up!”

Amy held Lucy down while I crossed Lucy’s wrists and bound them securely.

“How can you do this to me, Amy?” she asked in a much more subdued tone of voice. “Please untie me. He’ll listen to you if you tell him I’ve had enough.”

“I won’t be able to help you,” Amy said. “I’m soon going to be tied up too.”

“You’re going to let him tie you up too?” Lucy asked in shock. “Are you crazy? Then we’ll both be completely at his mercy!”

While they were talking, Lucy was distracted and didn’t notice that I was tying more rope to her ankle rope. As I passed the end of the rope around her wrist ropes and started to pull her feet toward her hands, she moaned. “What are you doing now?”

I didn’t answer but continued applying the hog tie. Soon her hands and feet were only inches apart, and she was securely hogtied.

“Oh my God, what are you doing to me?”

“You tied me up last week, so I’m just returning the favor,” I told her.

“But you asked me to tie you up! You wanted it! I don’t want to be tied up. And I didn’t tie your hands to your feet. This is cruel. Please untie me!”

“You’ll get used to it,” I told her. I gently rubbed the soles of her feet, enjoying the soft, smooth, brand-new tights.

“Stop touching my feet and untie me, NOW!”

“I’m afraid you are in no position to make demands. Now, I would be blindfolding you right about now, but I want you to watch while I tie up your best friend. Other than me, she’s the only person in the world who knows that you’re all tied up. But soon, your only possible rescuer is going to become bound and helpless too. No, no blindfold for you yet, but I think a gag is in order, don’t you?”

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 12

I reached in Lucy’s bag and found the two old pairs of tights that had previously been my gag and blindfold. Lucy had obviously washed them since then. Lucky for her. She wouldn’t have to share my week-old dried spit. I tied a knot in one. Lucy watched in horror.

“Rusty, please, I’m begging you, don’t gag me. If you untie me, I’ll do anything you want. I’ll do your chores for a week. I’ll give you the $50 gift card that Dad sent to me on my birthday. Please, you can’t … mmmfff!!!” The knot was pushed firmly in her mouth. I pulled the tights back until they would stretch no more, and tied them behind her head. She screamed in frustration.

“I’m in charge now, Lucy,” I told her. “I’m getting pretty tired of you bossing me around. When I decide to remove your gag, and it won’t be soon, you will address me as ‘sir’. Now, just relax while I tie up your best friend. Amy, could you bring one of the kitchen chairs in here and place it so that Lucy has a good view of it?”

“OK,” Amy said. “Oh, I mean, ‘yes sir!’” I almost told Amy that she didn’t need to call me ‘sir’, but what the heck? I like the sound of it!

Amy brought in the chair and sat in it. She looked incredible. Her dress wasn’t really a dress at all. It was more like a long-sleeved leotard with a short skirt attached. The skirt was much shorter than the school uniform skirt she wore on weekdays, revealing even more of her legs than shorts would. Her long sleeves were transparent – almost like wearing pantyhose on her arms. She put her hands through the slats in the back of the chair and waited for me. It was a whole different experience tying a willing – no, eager – victim than it was tying up Lucy. I crossed and bound her wrists together behind the chair. I tied more rope securing her upper body to the chair, with ropes around her waist and below her chest. Even though she was a willing victim, I made sure her upper body was completely and thoroughly tied to the chair. A willing victim should be tied just as securely as a protesting victim, I would have told her if she had protested. I told her to wiggle, and there was hardly any movement possible. Then it was time for her legs. Oh, her legs! I nearly passed out, my heart was beating so fast. Those white tights were like a dream come true.

“I absolutely love your tights, and Lucy’s too!” I gushed, as I rubbed my hands up and down her legs and feet. “You made good choices.”

“Thanks, Rusty,” she replied. “I knew you would like them.”

I sat on the floor in front of her and placed her stocking feet in my lap. I tied her ankles and knees together as tightly as I had Lucy’s.

I massaged her feet and asked if any of the ropes were hurting.

“Nothing hurts, but it’s all very tight. I love it! I’m glad you didn’t go easy on me. I can barely move a muscle. This is so exciting!”

Lucy mumbled something behind her gag, probably in disparagement of Amy’s enthusiasm. We ignored her. After massaging her feet for a minute, I tied a short rope to her ankle ropes, pulled her feet back until the back of her ankles were against the decorative piece of wood that went horizontally between the front legs of the chair, and tied the rope securely to it. Her feet were now anchored securely to the chair, and only the tips of her toes were able to touch the carpet. “There, now you can’t accidentally kick the chair over, or pound on the coffee table with you heels to attract the attention of a salesman knocking on the front door after you’re gagged.”

“Wow,” she said in amazement. "I thought I was tied up thoroughly a few minutes ago. Now I can’t move anything!”

“Your friend can’t help you now, Lucy, even if she changes her mind! You’re both my captives now, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Lucy gave vent to more sounds behind her gag. It was probably a good thing I couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.

“You will both be gagged and blindfolded now. I will set my timer for one hour. If you both behave, I will remove your gags and blindfolds after the hour is up, and let you talk to each other. Notice I didn’t say anything about removing any ropes.”

“How can we not behave, when we’re tied up so tight we can’t move, and we can’t speak?” Amy asked with a smile.

“I guess you’re right. My determination of good behavior will have to come after I remove the gags.

Amy had previously dropped off her bag of ropes and the pantyhose that we had used for gags and blindfolds at her house, so we had plenty. I blindfolded Amy with a pair of pantyhose. “What are you going to do for the next hour?” she asked me. “Please don’t leave us alone. I don’t think that’s safe.”

“Oh, I won’t leave. I’m going to watch you two struggle while I read a book. I probably won’t be able to concentrate very well on my book, though, while admiring you two in your pretty tights.”

I knotted another pair of pantyhose and then Amy was securely gagged. I approached Lucy with another pair of hose. If she had the ability to kill someone with the furious look in her eyes, I would have been dead instantly. Fortunately, she didn’t have the super-human ability to kill with a glare, and I tied the pantyhose over her eyes. She again screamed in anger and frustration.

I turned on the stereo and played a CD that I liked but Lucy hated. I sat down with my book, but first I admired my beautiful captives. I had actually done it – I had abducted two girls. Sure, I had help from one of them, but still, it was a nice feeling. Amy was wiggling in the chair trying to find any slack in the ropes, and having no luck. Lucy was not tied to anything, so she had a little bit more ability to move, but even that consisted only of rolling from her stomach onto her side, and then after a few minutes back onto her stomach, in an endless cycle of trying to find a comfortable position. She tried to find knots with her fingers, but there was no hope of that.

As I watched Lucy, I knew that I would eventually have to let her go, and then there would be hell to pay. She would be looking for revenge in a big way. But for now, I was just enjoying being a captor.

To be continued ...
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Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 13

Watching these two cute girls struggling while bound, gagged, blindfolded, and wearing brightly colored tights was certainly an excellent way to pass an hour. When the timer went off, I removed Lucy’s blindfold. She no longer had a look of defiance and anger in her eyes. I next removed Amy’s blindfold, and came back and removed Lucy’s gag.

“Please, Rusty …, I mean, Sir, please untie the rope that’s keeping my feet tied so close to my hands. Even if you don’t untie anything else, please untie that one. It’s terrible. I hate it so much. I would still be tied up enough without it,” Lucy pleaded. She sounded so sad and helpless that I felt sorry for her. She almost sounded as if she were going to start crying.

“Just a second,” I told her, and I went to remove Amy’s gag. “Do you think I should remove her hogtie?”

“It’s up to you, Sir. You’re our captor.” Amy said. “But a hogtie is really uncomfortable, and she’s been hogtied for an hour.”

I went back to Lucy. “Alright. I will remove your hogtie rope. But I will replace your blindfold. Which would you rather be, blindfolded or hogtied?”

She didn’t hesitate at all. “I would rather be blindfolded. I can’t stand being hogtied one more minute. My legs are cramping.”

I replaced her blindfold, and then began untying the rope that kept her hogtied. She moaned in relief as she unbent her legs and lowered her feet to the floor. “Thank you, sir,” she sighed. I began to massage her legs and feet. She didn’t protest. Her red tights felt so wonderful.

After I massaged Lucy’s legs for about five minutes, I went to Amy. I knelt in front of her and rubbed her knees. “And how are you doing?”

“Completely unable to move, but other than that, I’m fine. Are you OK, Lucy?”

“I’m not speaking to you, traitor,” Lucy replied. “Thanks to you, we’re both being held prisoner by my little brother.” Lucy was still lying on her stomach, bound hand and foot and hardly moving.

“I guess I deserve that,” Amy said.

After another ten minutes, Lucy started to struggle. She rolled around, trying to pull her wrists free from the rope, to no avail. Suddenly I heard Amy say, “Oh no.” I looked over at Lucy, and she had moved her bound wrists down below her butt, then tucked her legs in and pulled her wrists under her feet. Her hands were now tied in front of her, instead of behind her back.

“Don’t worry, she’s still tied up,” I told Amy. Lucy easily slid the blindfold over her head and tossed it aside. She rolled herself over to the couch and sat up, still sitting on the floor but leaning back against the couch. She was breathing hard from her exertions. “Could you bring me a glass of water?” she asked me. I noticed there was no ‘please’ or ‘sir’ any more, but I decided not to press the issue. I put a glass of water into one of her bound-together hands, and she eagerly drank it all. She handed the glass to me without saying another word, brought her wrists up to her mouth and began picking at the knot in her wrist rope with her teeth.

“Maybe you should stop her?” Amy suggested. “Maybe tie her wrists to her knees so that she can’t reach any knots with her teeth?”

“No, I’m pretty sure she can’t undo the knot with her teeth. I’m enjoying watching her try.”

Lucy continued to pick at the knot for the next ten minutes. Occasionally she would mutter in frustration at her lack of progress. Suddenly the knot loosened, and she doubled her efforts to undo the knot completely. Eventually, she succeeded. She began to unwind the rope from around her wrists. Soon her hands were free.

“Oh no,” Amy said again. “You shouldn’t have removed her hogtie. I’m sorry I suggested it. Quick, tie her hands again before she’s completely free.”

Lucy made a fist as I started to walk towards her. “Anyone who comes anywhere near me is going to be punched in the mouth. Back off if you don’t want to be missing some teeth. Amy’s not able to help you hold me down this time, so don’t even think it.” Even though Lucy’s legs were still tied securely together and she was incapable of chasing me, she was a formidable opponent, so I got no closer.

“Rusty, I’m getting scared,” Amy said in a nervous voice. “Please untie me, before it’s too late!”

I frantically started to work on the knot that held her wrists bound together. Lucy was starting to untie the rope around her own knees.

“Hurry!” Amy said, beginning to panic. “She’s almost free!”

The knot came undone and I untied her wrists as quickly as possible. Lucy’s knees were now free. Amy’s wrists were now free too, but I had tied her too well to the chair. The ropes that bound her upper body to the chair were all knotted behind her chair, and she couldn’t reach a single one. Even with free hands she would never be able to escape from the chair on her own.

“I’m going to get a knife and cut the ropes off,” I told Amy.

“It’s too late,” Amy said sadly.

It was too late. Lucy had untied her ankles and stood up. Amy was still bound to the chair and could offer me no assistance.

“Amy’s right. You shouldn’t have removed my hogtie rope. You two are going to pay dearly for ganging up on me,” Lucy said with an evil smile. She calmly walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out a comic book that was in a clear protective sleeve.

“That’s mine!” I yelled. “You took it out of my room? Give it to me!”

She started to pull it out of its sleeve. “I think I may have to rip this up to pay you back for keeping me hogtied for a whole hour, not to mention keeping me gagged and blindfolded.”

“No! That’s thirty years old and in mint condition! I saved up all last summer mowing lawns to buy that. Please, Lucy, if you have one shred of decency, don’t touch it!”

“Will you do exactly as I say?” she asked, pulling the comic book out a little farther.


“Good. Amy’s hands are free. You need to fix that.”

“Please do whatever you want to me. Let me untie Amy first,” I pleaded.

The comic book sleeve fell to the floor, and Lucy was holding the unprotected collector’s item in both hands. I gasped.

“I just told you to do something, and you’re not doing it. Don’t make me say things twice.”

“Rusty, it’s OK,” Amy said. “I was planning on being a captive today anyway. I don’t mind, really. Please tie my hands again.”

She put her hands back behind the chair.

“And make sure you tie her securely. I will check,” Lucy said.

Now it was my turn to shoot daggers at Lucy with my eyes, but I too lacked that super power.

“I’m sorry, Amy,” I said as I tied her wrists again.

“I’m more worried about you,” Amy replied. “She doesn’t look like she's in a very good mood."

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 14

“Please put the comic book back in the sleeve,” I pleaded.

“In a minute. But first, lie down on your back with your hands next to the front legs of Amy’s chair,” Lucy commanded.

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“You’re both going to be tied to the same chair. Amy is sitting in it, and you’ll be lying on the floor with your wrists tied to it,” Lucy said. “Once I’m sure you’re not going anywhere, I’ll put your precious comic book back in its sleeve.”

I did as she asked. As she was tying each of my wrists to the front legs of Amy’s chair, I had a nice view of Amy’s knees, which were directly over my head. Her cute little feet were behind my head, so unfortunately I couldn’t see them. Lucy then crossed my ankles and tied them securely. She cinched them so well that I soon found that I couldn’t uncross them. Not that it mattered – I was unable to hop around, so crossed ankles didn’t make a difference.

She then tied my knees together. As I had noticed last week when I was tied up for the first time, I enjoyed the process of being tied up. Especially my legs, and especially when wearing tights. There’s something about wearing tights and having someone tie my legs together with rope that make for a great combination. I could hear Lucy doing something under the chair, behind my head. I soon found that she was untying the rope that held Amy’s feet back.

What happened next was unexpected, but so amazing. Lucy placed Amy’s stockinged feet directly on my face! I had a moment of panic when my nose settled in between her feet. Since her feet were still tied together, there was very little room, and my nose was squeezed shut. I had a feeling of suffocation for a moment. Her feet also covered my mouth, but by leaving my lips open, I could breathe well enough through my mouth. After my initial panic subsided, I started to really enjoy this! Here was the pretty girl I had a crush on, and she was wearing new white tights, and her stockinged feet were all over my face! How lucky can I be? Lucy retied the rope from Amy’s ankles to the chair again, so that Amy couldn’t move her feet any further forward.

“Oh no, Lucy!” Amy cried, “This is too cruel to him! I don’t think he can breathe!”

“Rusty, wiggle your toes if you can breathe,” Lucy said. I wiggled my toes.

“See, he’s OK,” Lucy told Amy. “He’s probably having the time of his life. You know how much he likes tights.”

“Yes, but, my feet, all over his face … even if he likes tights, this must be so humiliating for him! And he must feel all grossed-out!”

“You’re wearing brand-new tights. There’s nothing gross about it,” Lucy replied. She must have sniffed Amy’s legs, because she said, “Your tights have that new smell. It’s not like you’re wearing tights that you had been wearing all day at school. I wouldn’t be doing this to him if they weren’t new tights.”

“Even so, please take my feet off his face. I feel so bad for him.”

“Look, he was gagged and blindfolded with tights when I tied him up a last month. This is the same thing, except you now happen to be wearing the tights that are his blindfold and gag. And, this can be part of the ‘Tights Aversion Therapy’ you talked about before. Either he’s enjoying this, or he’s so grossed out and humiliated that we’ve cured him of his tights obsession. It’s good for him either way. Oh, Rusty, I’m taking good care of your comic book.” Then I heard a long, slow ripping sound. I thrashed and screamed in anger. I used words I had never used before.

Lucy roared with laughter. “That was the sound of me ripping up yesterday’s newspaper. Did I fool you? Amy can vouch for me that I’m putting your unharmed comic book back in its sleeve.”

“Lucy, that was terrible!” Amy said. “You probably gave him a heart attack.”

Lucy was still laughing. “Now, you two have fun. I’m going up to my room for a little while. Oh, I should check to make sure Rusty tied your hands securely.” After she inspected Amy’s bound wrists, Lucy said, “He did a really good job tying you up. It doesn’t look like you’re going anywhere soon. I’m not going to gag you so you and Rusty can talk. Well, I’m not sure how well he can talk with your feet all over his mouth.”

“Please don’t leave him like this!” Amy pleaded, to no avail.

“She left us!” Amy said. “Oh Rusty! I’m so sorry about this! It must be awful for you!”

“I’m OK,” I said. My voice wasn’t muffled too much by her feet. I could speak a lot better than when I had been gagged by a knotted pair of tights by Lucy, or when Autumn had stuffed one of her socks in my mouth before taping my mouth. I thought it was funny that Lucy thought she was punishing me, and that Amy was worried I was being humiliated, when I was enjoying every second of this! I can’t describe how good her tights felt against my lips, nose, cheeks, and eyelids.

Amy wasn’t gagged, so we were able to converse somewhat, even though I’m not a great conversationalist when a pretty girl’s stockinged feet are tied in place over my face. One thing I knew with absolute certainty - if this was part of my Tights Aversion Therapy, it was not working. On the contrary, this had thrown my tights obsession into high gear.

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 15

Most people can’t remain motionless for very long, unless they’re unconscious. Amy was probably not aware of it, but she moved her feet a lot more than she intended. Every little wiggle of her toes and every involuntary move of her feet to try to escape their bonds gave my face a delightful little massage. For a while, she tried to keep her tights-covered feet lifted off my face as much as possible, although no matter what she tried, some part of her feet maintained contact with my face. Soon she grew tired of trying to hold her feet up, and to my delight her cute stockinged feet rested fully on my face for the duration of our captivity. She apologized, and I told her not to worry about it.

As much as I was enjoying this, I did eventually yearn to have my hands and legs untied and to have full use of my eyes, nose and mouth restored again. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the Tights Aversion Therapy was working, but I did need a break.

Eventually Lucy came back to the living room. “How are my captives doing?” she asked in a fake-concerned voice. “Since you kept me hogtied for an hour, I felt it only right that you two should be tied together for an hour. I’m even ten minutes early. Are you ready to be untied?”

“Oh yes, please,” Amy pleaded.

I couldn’t see, but Lucy must have picked up Amy’s cell phone up from where she had placed it on the coffee table. “It looks like you have a text from your sister.”

There was a moment of silence while Lucy read it. “What the heck is this?” Lucy said in an angry tone of voice. She read it aloud. “Mom & dad are at the movies can I come over for a while? Did u and Rusty get that bossy witch all tied up as planned? R U glad we practiced?”

“Let me get this straight. Not only does Autumn know about you tying me up, she helped you practice? And who the hell is she calling a bossy witch?”

“Don’t let her upset you,” Amy said. “Autumn can be like that sometimes. You were about to untie us?”

“Wait. Let me think,” Lucy said. “Do you mind if I borrow your phone?”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m just going to reply to your sister.”

“Please don’t. She didn’t mean anything by that. Maybe she was talking about someone else.”

Lucy scoffed. “How many bossy witches have you and Rusty tied up lately? OK, here’s my message to her: ‘come on over. Lucy is all tied up. Put on tights, you know how much Rusty likes them.’”

“Please don’t send that text. You were about to untie us?”

“There’s no time for that now. Besides, I already sent it. Autumn will be here in a few minutes. I’m going to put a note on the front door, ‘Come on in. We’re in the living room.’ I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she walks in and sees you two are tied up, and that I’m not!”

“No, please … mmmfff!” That was evidently the sound of Amy getting gagged again. I could hear Lucy open the front door to tape the note to it. She came back and said, “Now you two just relax and wait for Autumn to come rescue you.” She paused for a moment and then laughed. “Rescue you? Yeah right. I don’t think so. The real question is, who’s going to rescue Autumn?”

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 16

A few minutes later, I could hear the front door open. I certainly hoped it was Autumn. I suddenly had a thought that it was our mom coming home two days early for some reason. What would her reaction be if she walked in and saw her son lying on the floor wearing tights, with legs bound together with rope and wrists tied to a chair, while her daughter’s best friend was tied seated to the same chair with her tights-covered feet tied in place on her son’s face? Fortunately, I heard no screams coming from my mom. Autumn took a moment to leave her shoes in the entryway, and then I heard her come in and gasp.

“What in the world … oh my god! Where’s Lucy?”

Neither Amy nor I could easily answer her question, since we were both gagged with tights (although in much different ways).

“Here I am,” I could hear Lucy say. I heard another gasp from Autumn. I wished I could see what was going on, but Amy’s feet were keeping my eyes closed.

“I’m sorry I impersonated your sister when I answered your text. She’s in no condition to send any text messages, as you can see. You look disappointed that I’m not tied up! Being the ‘bossy witch’ that I am, I deserve to be, but I managed to escape.”

“Oh, about that, I was just joking,” Autumn said in a quiet voice quaking with fear. “Did you really overpower both of them?”

“You were just joking? For some reason, your joke isn’t making me laugh very much. No, I didn’t have to overpower both of them. In fact, they overpowered me, and then Rusty tied up your sister. I eventually escaped, so I only had to tie up Rusty.”

“Is Rusty OK? Can he breathe like that?” Autumn asked.

“Why is everyone so concerned about whether Rusty can breathe or not? Rusty, wiggle your feet to show Autumn you’re still alive.”

I purposely kept still just to spite Lucy. In retaliation, Lucy poked me really hard in the side with her foot and tickled me with her toes. I squirmed and begged her to stop.

“See? He’s alive. He’s having a wonderful time. Now the question is, what should I do with you?”

“Nothing! I’m going to untie Amy, then she and I are going to untie Rusty. This has gone way too far. How can you treat your best friend and your own brother like this?”

“Excuse me? Didn’t I just tell you that they ganged up on me? They’re getting what they deserve. And evidently, you helped them practice how they were going to overpower me and tie me up. You deserve to be taught a lesson too. Put your hands behind your back.”

“I will not! Amy and I are getting out of here as soon as I untie her. This is getting out of hand. Rusty, you can come with us too, after we untie you.”

“Oh, Autumn,” Lucy said. “You should have made this easy on yourself by just obeying me.”

“Get off me!” Autumn yelled. “Let me go or I’ll tell my parents what you’ve been doing. What do you think your mom and my parents will do when they find out you kept us all tied up?”

“And you think your parents will be happy when they find out the part you played in this too? The way the three of you were practicing how to tie me up? No, we’re all in this too far for any of us to tell anyone anything.”

I wanted to see what was going on, but Amy’s feet were keeping me effectively blindfolded. There was a lot of muffled pleading coming from Amy’s gagged mouth, a lot of protests coming from Autumn’s mouth, and a lot of commands coming from Lucy’s mouth. Eventually Autumn’s voice became muffled. Our rescuer was obviously now gagged, and therefore at least her hands were tied too. More muffled protests from Autumn and a triumphant “you’re going nowhere now” from Lucy, and I surmised that Autumn was now completely bound and gagged. Lucy had all three of us at her mercy.

I could feel Lucy untying my wrists from the legs of the chair. Once my wrists were free, she grabbed my ankles and pulled me away from the chair. Amy’s stockinged feet slid off my face (a most pleasant sensation). Lucy rolled me onto my stomach, pulled my hands behind my back, and began to tie rope around my wrists. It was all happening too fast for me to put up much of a fight, and my legs were already bound together anyway, so I couldn’t have tried to run away. I could now see Autumn. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a pair of opaque black tights, just like the pair I was wearing. She was very securely hogtied, gagged, and blindfolded. She was whimpering behind her gag. I wanted to rescue her so badly, but I was now in no way able to offer her any assistance. Lucy was bending my legs, and I too was soon securely hogtied.

“Please, Lucy, do what you want with me, but let Autumn and Amy go.”

“Very gallant of you, but all three of you are going to spend some time hogtied. You all conspired together to hogtie me, so it’s only fair”. A pair of pantyhose from Amy’s bag was knotted, crammed into my mouth, and tied behind my head. “I’m not going to blindfold you, so that you can watch your co-conspirators as they struggle in their ropes. You’re welcome.”

Lucy then turned her attention to Amy. Amy was frantically trying to talk. Lucy removed her gag. “Please, I have to go to the bathroom really urgently. Please untie me,” Amy begged.

“Well, you have been tied up longer than anyone else. I hope I can trust you to come back for your hogtie.”

“I promise. If you let me go to the bathroom, I’ll do whatever you want.”

Lucy untied Amy, which took quite a long time. I had tied Amy to the chair very securely. After Amy went to the bathroom and returned, she allowed Lucy to tie her hands, feet, and knees. A hogtie and blindfold soon followed, and her gag was replaced.

From where I was lying, I had an excellent view of both sisters as they struggled in their tight bonds. One wearing white tights, the other wearing black. I wanted to rescue them, but I also enjoyed seeing them all tied up like that. This in turn made me feel guilty for enjoying their misfortune. I was a mess of conflicting emotions.

Lucy walked up to me until her feet were close to my face. She was still wearing her red tights. “Enjoy your hog ties, everyone. Rusty, you did eventually remove my hog tie, but that was after, what, an hour? So, it’s only fair that the three of you stay hogtied for that long too.” Lucy tapped my nose with her stockinged foot. “Enjoy!” she said with a laugh as she left the room.

To be continued ...
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Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 17

Amy, Autumn, and I were left alone. I tested my bonds, but unfortunately, Lucy was even better at rope tying than she was last month. These ropes were tight! I could barely move, and by the looks of it, Amy and Autumn were tied every bit as tight as I was. Evidently, Lucy was showing no favoritism to anyone, not even her best friend. At least I could still see. Amy and Autumn had been denied even that. I soon had to give up any delusion that I would escape my bonds and be the hero who frees the two captive damsels.

With escape out of the question, my only remaining task was to find a comfortable position to ride out our hour-long hogtie. Even that was doomed to fail. The only thing I could do to change position was to occasionally roll from my stomach to my left side, from my left side to my stomach, and from my stomach to my right side. I noticed my two co-captives doing the same thing. Even that provided no relief, was difficult to do, and only tired us out. We all eventually gave up on trying to find any comfort at all. Moaning behind our gags soon became our sole activity, and even that faded away. It suddenly occurred to me that Lucy said we would remain hogtied for an hour, but she didn’t say she would free us at that time. Would she simply remove our hogtie ropes, and leave us tied up longer?

My heart sank as I remembered that I had removed her hogtie rope after an hour, but left her tied up with the other ropes. She had escaped on her own after that. She was probably going to do that to us in retaliation. Maybe we too could then escape by bringing our wrists under our feet so we could untie our wrist ropes with our teeth. No, she probably learned from my mistake and would find some other way to keep our hands behind our backs. At this point I hardly cared. I was so miserable from the hog tie, I wouldn’t mind being tied up an extra hour or two if it meant I could stretch out my legs.

I was the only one who could see the clock. Time seemed to drag so slowly. At last, our hour had passed. But, there was no Lucy. I didn’t know for sure exactly when she had finished hogtying us. Maybe it hadn’t been a full hour yet? Another excruciatingly slow five minutes passed. Still no Lucy. Another five minutes passed. Finally, Lucy appeared. I couldn’t easily lift my head, so all I could see of her was her feet. I had assumed she would remove her tights during our captivity, but I was glad to see she hadn’t.

“How was your hogtie party, everyone?” Lucy said cheerfully. All three of us moaned. Are you ready for the hogtie ropes to come off?” We all begged as much as we were able. “I believe Autumn was hogtied first, so I will start with her.”

Lucy removed Autumn’s hogtie rope and her blindfold. Autumn stretched out her legs and sighed in relief. It was my turn next. I nearly wept with joy being able at last to stretch my legs. Finally it was Amy’s turn to be released from her hogtie and blindfold, and she mumbled, “Thank you,” behind her gag. We were all free from our hog ties, but still securely bound hand and foot and gagged. As I suspected, Lucy didn’t seem to be in any great hurry to untie any more ropes. I was so happy to have the hogtie removed that I didn’t even mind the rest of the ropes now.

Lucy pulled Autumn up by her shoulders until she was in a kneeling position, then helped her stand. “Let’s get you all comfy on the couch, shall we?” Lucy said, and helped Autumn hop over to the couch and sit down. She came back and did the same for me. It was even worse for me, since she hadn't just tied my feet together like she had the girls. She had crossed my ankles.

The rope was cinched tight enough that I couldn't uncross them. It wasn’t easy hopping when your legs are cramped from spending the last hour bent in a strict hogtie and ropes are still tightly bound around your ankles and knees. Ropes that are very tight when you’re lying down become painfully tight when you’re hopping. Plus, hopping with crossed ankles made it practically impossible.

I would have told Lucy all of that, but I was still gagged. She was surprisingly gentle and patient, though, as she got behind me, put her arms around me, and pulled me toward the couch. Instead of hopping, my feet sort of dragged across the floor. Once I was seated, she helped Amy to stand and helped her hop to the couch. I was sitting between Amy and Autumn, all of us still securely tied up and gagged, but much more comfortable than we had been for the last hour.

“There, is everyone more comfy now?” Lucy asked. We all nodded. “Good. You probably think it’s time to be untied now, but I’ve got some bad news. Autumn, you weren’t here then, but Rusty and your sister ganged up on me and hogtied me. Rusty then left me that way for an hour, like I just did to all of you. He was nice enough to remove my hog tie rope after one hour, so I’ve done that to all of you as well. However, he didn’t completely untie me. Who knows how long he intended to keep me tied up? We’ll never know, because I managed to escape. Here’s how I did it.” Lucy got down on the floor and pretended her hands were tied behind her. She demonstrated to Autumn how she had rolled up in a ball, moved her hands down below and past her feet, so that her hands were tied in front of her. “Then I worked the knot loose with my teeth.”

Lucy stood up again. “Rusty made a mistake not securing my arms to my back. I won’t make that mistake with the three of you. Sorry I have to do this.”

It was then I saw that Lucy had a new roll of duct tape in her hands. She made Autumn lean forward, and began to wrap the duct tape around her. She made six or seven circuits around Autumn until her arms were held immobile against her back. She then did the same to me. I didn’t protest or struggle, as it would have been pointless. The tape was tight, and my arms could no longer move at all. She repeated the process with Amy. The three of us were now gagged, tied with rope at wrists, ankles, and knees, and duct tape held our arms firmly in place against our backs. There was no chance now of moving our hands in front of us, the way Lucy had done.

Lucy stepped back and looked at us. “You all look so adorable like that! I love it! Now, Rusty, if I hadn’t escaped, how long had you intended to keep me tied up after you removed my hogtie rope? Five hours?” I frantically shook my head. “Four hours? Three? Two?” I shook my head with each number. “One hour?” I shook my head again. “A half-hour?” I shook my head again. “Fifteen minutes?” I nodded. “Oh, Rusty, I’ve caught you in a lie. It was more than fifteen minutes before I even started to free myself. I’m going to have to assume it would have been an hour, at least. You all behave yourselves. I’ll see you later.”

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 18

Once again Lucy went upstairs, leaving us alone in the living room. Autumn was beginning her second hour of captivity. I was beginning my third hour, first having been a human footstool under Amy’s feet for an hour, then hogtied for an hour. Amy, poor Amy, was now beginning her fourth hour of bondage. Her first hour she was my prisoner after I tied her to the chair, then she spent another hour tied to the chair with me underfoot (literally), then a third hour in a hog tie. At least she had been given a restroom break. I felt awful for them. I had started this whole chain of events last month when I asked Lucy to tie me up. Little did I realize that our strange game would spiral out of control and would involve Amy and Autumn too. They probably hate me now. I hadn’t untied Lucy after one hour, and now they were suffering the consequences.

“I’m sorry,” I told each girl. It was muffled because of the gag, but they understood. “Not your fault,” they said through their gags. It was too much effort for us to talk and be understood through our gags, so we gave up trying. I was beginning to feel hungry, as our regular dinner time had passed. But, freedom did not seem imminent, and there was nothing I could do.

Autumn turned sideways and placed her bound legs across my lap and lay back with her head on the padded armrest of the couch and closed her eyes. Evidently, she was going to try to take a nap. I looked at her gorgeous legs and feet in black tights. Oh, if only I could massage her legs and feet, but my hands were imprisoned behind me. How frustrating this was! Amy looked at Autumn and must have thought it was a good idea, and she did the same. I now had two beautiful pairs of rope-bound, tights-covered legs and feet across my lap, one pair in white tights and the other pair in black tights. How I lamented not having free use of my hands, to feel those pretty tights! In spite of the discomfort of all my bonds, I felt very content. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. If I could take a nap, it would definitely make the time pass easier. I must have fallen asleep.

“Oh, the three of you look so cute!” Lucy exclaimed. I woke up, startled. Both girls removed their legs from my lap and sat up. “Are you happy to see me?” Lucy asked. We nodded, hoping that she didn’t have more un-pleasantries in store for us.

Lucy brought a kitchen chair into the living room, placed it so that it was facing us, and sat down and crossed her legs. I was literally surrounded by cute girls wearing tights. Lucy looked at us for a minute and we all wondered what was in store for us now.

“You’ve been tied up for the additional hour. I’m going to release you in a few minutes,” she began. “I’m naturally reluctant to do that, because of a fear I have that you three will immediately overpower me and hogtie me again.” We all shook our heads, as if promising we would not do that.

“Here’s my proposal. After you are all free, I want you to tie me up again, but you have to promise not to hogtie me. I detest being hogtied.”

Autumn, Amy, and I all looked at each other, completely stunned. Did Lucy just ask us to tie her up? What sort of trick was this?

“You all look surprised. I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, either. It’s just that, well, after you removed my hogtie rope, I kind of enjoyed being tied up. I was actually disappointed that I was able to escape so soon. So, I would like to be tied to this chair, with tons of rope, the way we tied Rusty to the chair last month. Then I want you to set a timer for two hours, and promise me that you won’t untie me until the timer goes off, no matter how much I beg. The three of you will fix dinner, carry the chair with me in it into the kitchen, and feed me. Of course, you will have to do the cleanup too. I will just relax and let you all take care of me. Then you’ll have to carry me back to the living room and we’ll watch a movie, and I'll remain tied up until the timer goes off. What do you think?” We all nodded.

“There is one condition though,” she said. I knew it. There must be a catch. “You get to keep me tied up for two hours. But tonight, one of you must volunteer to be tied up in bed. All night long. Until morning.”

To be continued ...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Is there more?

I hope there's more.

Excellent work.
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Steak in a Tree
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

My limited knowledge of this story from the old board tells me yes, there is more.
Very nice tale, very nice.
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]Steak in a Tree[/mention] , [mention]Dr_Depravo[/mention] , [mention]Boocola[/mention] , [mention]volatiledesire[/mention]

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the comments!
Is there more?

I hope there's more.

Excellent work.
There's more:
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Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 19

“Your hour isn’t quite up yet, but I’m so nice, I will start freeing you now. Let’s start with your gags.” Lucy removed each of our gags and tossed them aside. “Who needs a drink of water?” We all answered in the affirmative. Lucy came back with a glass of water and a straw. “I hope you don’t mind sharing a straw. I don’t feel like bringing in three glasses of water. None of you have a contagious disease, do you?” We all said no. She held the glass and straw for each of us in turn, and then came back and gave us each a second drink.

“OK,” Lucy said, putting down the water glass. “I think you’ve been punished enough for conspiring against me. You’ve all been tied up way longer than I was. I hope you’ve learned that Lucy gives back more than she gets.”

She knelt down in front of me and picked up my feet and began to work at the knot at my ankles. “Please untie Amy first,” I said. “She’s been tied up for four hours.”

“No, I’m going to untie you, and then you get to play the hero and rescue the ladies. You can untie them in whatever order you want, or you could leave them tied up for another couple of hours if you want! It’s your choice.”

After a few minutes, I was completely free of all my ropes and duct tape. After stretching, I immediately began untying Amy. She received a very thorough leg massage, foot massage, and arm massage from me! I helped her get to her feet. “How do you feel, Amy? You’ve been tied up longer than any of us!”

“It wasn’t so bad. I feel pretty good. Thanks for untying me. Lucy, what if none of us volunteers to spend the night all tied up?”

“Nothing. It just means none of us gets tied up tonight. And, I think we need to call a truce. No more ganging up on each other. Someone could get hurt. From now on, if one of us wants to be tied up, or if we want to tie up someone else, we simply ask. And if the other person says no, then that’s it.”

“Well, Lucy,” Amy said. “You’re sounding uncharacteristically reasonable.”

“Uncharacteristically?” Lucy asked. “I’m always reasonable. It’s just that all of us continually trying to get even with each other is just going to keep escalating. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being afraid that one of you is going to jump out of my closet at any time and tie me up.”

“You’re right, Lucy,” I said.

“Hello? I’m still tied up over here. Don’t forget about me,” Autumn said.

“Oh, you want to be untied too, I suppose?” I asked.

“Only if it’s not too much trouble,” she said with a smile. “Amy, while Rusty is untying me, could you text Mom and Dad and ask them if I could stay for dinner?” Autumn asked.

“Sure, I’ll tell them that you can’t ask them yourself because Rusty hasn’t untied your hands yet,” Amy said in jest.

“Autumn, you should ask if you can sleep over, too,” I suggested.

“Are you sure it’s OK?” she asked.

“Of course. You’re one of the gang now,” said Lucy. “I will leave you three alone to discuss my offer.” She went upstairs again.

“Mom and Dad said it’s OK for you to have dinner here and join our sleepover," Amy said.

I untied Autumn’s legs and gave her an ultra-deluxe leg massage and foot massage. I had been looking at her legs and feet in black tights for two hours and had been unable to touch them until now. My hands were no longer tied behind my back, so now I definitely made up for lost time!

“What do you two think of Lucy’s offer?” Amy asked. “I will definitely not volunteer to be tied up overnight. I hate the thought of waking up and having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, only to find myself all tied up. Besides, I was tied up for four hours today, and that’s about my limit.”

“Yeah,” replied Autumn. “It might be fun to tie up Lucy, but it’s not worth it.”

“Ready for me to untie your arms?” I asked her.

“In a couple of minutes. I’m still enjoying how you’re massaging my legs and feet. You should do this for a living. You would get great tips.”

Soon, Autumn was completely free of all of her ropes and duct tape. For the first time in hours, there were no tied-up people in my house.

Lucy came down and asked what we had decided.

“We’re going to decline being tied up overnight,” Amy said. “It’s a bit extreme.”

“I’ll volunteer,” I said.

“Rusty, no!” Autumn exclaimed. “It’s not worth it. She wants to be tied up for two hours, but she would then keep you tied up overnight? It’s not even close to being fair.”

“I’m calling her bluff,” I said. “I don’t think she can fulfill her part of the agreement. She’ll be begging for release soon. If she doesn’t make it the full two hours, then the deal is off.”

“It’s settled then,” Lucy said happily. She sat on the chair and put her hands between the slats behind her. “Start tying me up! And make it inescapable.”

I was a little surprised. I expected her to change her mind, but she really intended to go through with this. We proceeded to tie her very securely to the chair. As Lucy and Amy did to me, and as I did to Amy, we used way more rope than strictly necessary to prevent escape. We were going for almost complete immobility. When it was time for me to tie those cute legs, it was rope around her ankles, rope below her knees, rope above her knees, then ropes going around her lap and under the chair, and even ropes from her knees to both legs of the chair preventing her from even moving her knees side-to-side. I finished by tying her feet back under the chair until only her toes were touching the floor. I stood back and looked at her leg bondage. She looked so good in ropes and those new red tights!

“Wow, you guys. You sure didn’t hold back! I can’t move. Are you getting even with me for tying up each of you? Not that I blame you. Hey Rusty, are you getting nervous that I can make it two hours like this? You know what happens to you if I can.”

“A little,” I replied. “If I do end up tied overnight, you can’t put me in a hog tie, and no blindfold or gag, please.”

“It’s not really fair to make demands after you have me all tied up. But yes, I promise. I wasn’t going to do any of those things anyway. Just being tied up for eight hours is intense enough. Now you all get to the kitchen and fix some dinner, please. I’m starving. Mom left lots of stuff for us to eat, so all you have to do is reheat. Oh, and clean up too, of course.”

“Right away,” Amy said. “Funny how even when you’re all tied up and can’t move, you still think you’re the boss.” We all laughed, even Lucy.

We had dinner ready quickly, and Amy and I picked up the chair, and Lucy too, of course, and carried it to the kitchen and placed Lucy at the table. We were all hungry, it being later than our usual dinner times. We took turns feeding Lucy and ourselves.

“Hey Rusty,” Autumn said. “I’ve been wondering, what’s the deal with you wearing tights? Did Lucy force you to wear them, or do you just like wearing them?”

I was stunned for a moment. I had gotten so comfortable with the idea of wearing tights tonight, that I completely forgot I was wearing them. I must look so ridiculous! What is Autumn thinking of me? I decided to be honest, and told her about how last month I asked Lucy to tie me up, and I asked if I could wear tights.

“Then yesterday, I gave you a note to give to Rusty. In it, I asked him to wear tights today,” Amy told her. “I think he looks so cute in tights, don’t you?” Autumn, and to my surprise, Lucy, both agreed with her.

“Don’t look so embarrassed, Rusty!” Autumn said. She placed her hand on my tights-covered knee. “There’s nothing wrong with it! We both chose the same color, too.”

We continued eating, and fortunately changed the subject away from my legwear. After we finished, we cleaned up the kitchen, and we carried Lucy and her chair back to the living room. Movie night at my house was becoming interesting. I had been tied to a chair last month, and now it was Lucy’s turn. Plus, we kept accumulating more pretty girls in tights to join us each time, apparently.

“Hey Rusty,” Lucy said at one point. “You thought I was bluffing about me being able to last two hours tied to this chair. The clock is ticking, and I’m still feeling fine. Are you getting scared about tonight?”

“Yeah,” I said. I really was starting to feel nervous. Spending the night bound hand and foot suddenly seemed probable. Would I be able to sleep? Sleeping would certainly help the time pass, but I wasn’t sure it was possible. What if I had to go to the bathroom during the night? I hardly ever did, but with my luck it would happen tonight.

“Hey Lucy,” I said. “Let’s call off this challenge. We’ll untie you right now. You’re tied so tightly, I’m sure you’re aching to be free again.”

“No way,” Lucy said. “I’m staying tied until the two hours are done, and then not long after that, it’ll be beddy-bye time for Rusty. It’s not much longer now. Tick-tock, tick-tock.”

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 20

“Could you pause the movie for ten minutes?” Autumn asked. “I didn’t know beforehand that I was going to spend the night here. I need to run home and get pajamas and my toothbrush.”

“If your parents are home, tell your dad I’ve been tied to a chair and I require police assistance,” Lucy said.

“Nice try, Lucy,” Autumn said. "He's not on duty tonight, and he would probably just recommend that we tape your mouth shut."

“Oh, OK,” Lucy responded. “But you don’t really need to go. We have some extra new toothbrushes, and I can lend you a pair of pajamas.”

Just then Lucy’s timer went off. “Well Rusty,” she said. “I made it. Two hours. You know what’s in store for you tonight. Don’t look so sad, Rusty. I won’t tie you up for a little while. I don’t intend to get up before 7:00 in the morning to untie you, so I’ll wait until 11:00 to tie you up and tuck you into bed. I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep you tied up more than eight hours. OK everyone, start untying me. Rusty, you untie my legs and massage them while the girls untie my upper half.”

Even though she was my sister, I still looked forward to rubbing her legs in those pretty red tights. We had tied her so securely and with so much rope that it took some time to free her from the chair.

“Wow, the three of you sure know how to tie a person to a chair!” Lucy said. “I really enjoyed that.”

We finished the movie while I rubbed Lucy’s feet and ankles. With dismay, I saw that it was almost 11:00. Lucy told me to use the bathroom, since it would be a long time before I had the chance again. When I came back, Amy and Autumn begged Lucy not to do this to me, but I told them I had volunteered, and I would stick to my part of the bargain.

“Hold out your hands,” Lucy said. Was she going to tie my hands in front of me? That would be better than behind my back. Lucy picked up a black, over-the-knee sock, slipped it over my hand and pulled it up my arm past my elbows. I had seen her wear these socks once. They felt like tights, and it was actually a pleasant feeling wiggling my fingers in the smooth, stretchy material.

“Since your arms will be tied with ropes and duct tape for eight hours, these socks will protect your skin. I don’t want Mom wondering why you have rope marks on your arms,” Lucy said as she pulled the other sock onto my other arm. “I could have just asked you to put on a long-sleeved shirt, but I thought you would enjoy this. As an added bonus, your hands are now covered, and it will be practically impossible for you to loosen any knots with your fingers. Not that I intend to leave any accessible knots anyway.”

My hands and arms completely covered by long socks, Lucy turned me around, placed my hands together behind my back, palm-to-palm, and began to bind rope around my wrists. The rope was tight and then cinched even tighter. She knotted the rope, and I knew without any doubt that I would not be able to free my hands before I was rescued eight hours from now. But of course, she was just getting started. Duct tape was soon going around my body, as she had done earlier today, so that my arms were held firmly against my back. There would be no getting my hands in front of me so that I could work on the knot with my teeth. By the time she tore the tape off the roll, my arms were not only tied together at the wrists, but were practically immobilized against my back and encased in long socks so that even my fingers were useless for any kind of escape attempt.

“I’m going to sleep in Rusty’s room tonight,” Autumn suddenly said. We all stared at her. “It’s not safe to leave someone alone when they’re tied up, and especially for eight hours. Someone needs to be there in case he has any kind of emergency. I was looking up tie-up-games on the internet, and it’s one of the big rules. You’re also not supposed to leave someone alone when they’re gagged, and we’ve already violated that rule too.”

“Yeah, I shouldn’t have done that,” Lucy said. “You’re right. Do you want us to fix you a place on the floor? We’ve got some pads and sleeping bags around here somewhere.”

“I might as well just sleep in his bed with him,” Autumn said.

“Are you out of your mind?” Amy yelled. “What do you think Mom and Dad would say if you spent the night in bed with a boy?”

“Well, first of all, none of us are going to tell them, are we?” Autumn asked. “And second, he’s going to be all tied up. He won’t be able to molest me, or anything like that, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

We were all shocked into speechlessness, even Lucy, and that had never happened before.

“I’m not going to leave him tied up and alone for eight hours, no matter what any of you say,” Autumn insisted. “It’s either this, or we call the whole thing off. I insist.”

More silence. None of us had ever heard Autumn be this forceful.

Lucy looked at Amy. “I guess she’s right,” Amy said.

Lucy looked at me. “It’s up to Rusty,” she said. “It’s his room and his bed. Do you mind sharing it with Autumn all night?”

“Thanks for the offer, Autumn, but I would rather sleep alone,” I said.

Just kidding! That’s definitely NOT what I said!

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 21

What I really said was, “Thank you, Autumn. I would feel a lot better if you were there.”

“It’s settled then,” said Lucy. “Say goodnight to Amy. It’s time to tuck you into bed.”

Amy hugged me and said goodnight (I was unable to hug her back, but it was still nice). Autumn, Lucy, and I went upstairs and went to my room. Lucy told us to wait a minute and left the room. She came back with a pair of pajamas and a toothbrush for Autumn. Autumn went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Lucy pulled down my bedspread, blanket, and top sheet, and had me lie down on the bed. She began binding my knees and ankles with rope. This was always my favorite part of tie-up games – having someone securely bind my legs together while I was wearing tights. It was an incredible feeling. I knew that the thrill I felt during the process of being tied up was one thing, but spending the next eight hours tied up was quite another. The thrill would soon wear off, and I would be very uncomfortable for a very long time.

Autumn came back, and she looked so incredibly cute. Her borrowed pajamas were a long-sleeved gray shirt and striped drawstring shorts. She walked around to the other side of the bed so I could see her. She remained standing but plopped one foot onto the bed. “I thought you might like it if I left my tights on, since we’re wearing matching pairs. Is that OK with you?”

“Oh, absolutely!” I responded. What an incredibly pretty stockinged foot it was! She put her foot back on the floor and started to climb into bed with me. I’m going to spend the night in bed with the prettiest girl in my class! I could not believe my good luck.

“Before you make yourself too comfortable, I have to ask you to make a decision. If you want to stay, you have to be tied up too,” Lucy told her.

“What?” Autumn exclaimed.

“No!” I said. “You said no one was going to be forced to be tied up anymore!”

“I’m not forcing anyone to do anything,” Lucy answered. “She can leave right now if she wants to. But if she spends the night in your bed, she has to be tied up exactly as you are.”

“But why?” Autumn asked nervously.

“For two reasons. First of all, Rusty agreed to spend the entire night tied up. I don’t want any unauthorized people untying him before the agreed upon time. You were probably planning on untying him five minutes after I leave the two of you alone. The second reason is the same reason you gave Amy. You told her that you would be safe because Rusty would be tied up and unable to molest you. Well, I have to consider Rusty’s safety too. My poor little brother is all tied up and helpless, and I don’t want to run the risk of some girl molesting him all night long.”

Of course, the only reason her “poor little brother” was all tied up was because she had done it to me herself, but my protest was cut off by Autumn.

“But that would defeat the purpose of me being here to help him in case of an emergency!” Autumn said.

“No it wouldn’t,” said Lucy. “Let’s say one of you has a heart attack or something. Neither one of you will be gagged, so the other person can scream for help. Amy and I will come running. Now, what will it be? You can remain free and join the girls, or you can spend the night all tied up in bed with Rusty. Your decision.”

I was, excuse the expression, ‘fit to be tied’. I had come so close to spending the night in bed with Autumn, and now Lucy had ruined it. I could have killed her. Autumn would be leaving, and I was going to spend the next eight hours tied up and alone. I almost cried in frustration.

I almost couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Autumn say, “OK. Tie me up.” Did she really just choose to allow herself to be tied up to spend the night with me, when she was given the choice to remain free? Evidently, Lucy was surprised too.

“Definitely not the choice I would have made, but OK,” she said. “Put your hands behind your back.”

Lucy had brought the bag of ropes with her, and pulled out a piece. “You’re wearing long sleeves, but do you want socks on your hands to prevent rope marks on your wrists?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” Autumn said as she turned and put her hands behind her back.

“Autumn, you don’t have to do this!” I exclaimed. I wanted her to stay, but I didn’t want her to have to endure eight hours of bondage either.

“Hush, Rusty,” Lucy said. “She made her decision.”

Soon, Autumn’s wrists were securely bound together with rope. The roll of duct tape came out of the bag, and Lucy bound it around Autumn the way she had taped me. Autumn's arms were now as immobilized as mine. Lucy made Autumn sit on the bed and tied her knees and ankles securely with rope. She helped Autumn lie down on the bed, and then pulled up the sheet, blanket, and bedspread up and over us. I felt like we were a couple of babies being tucked in by our mom. We were indeed as helpless as a couple of babies.

“Good night, you two. See you in the morning!” Lucy said cheerfully as she left. "Oh, Autumn, don't count on Amy rescuing you. She has no idea that you're tied up, and I'll forget to mention it to her. See you tomorrow!"

To be continued ...
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Post by harveygasson »

God I love this story!
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Post by iliketights »

Amy, Lucy, Rusty, Autumn, Chapter 22

“Oh Autumn! I’m so sorry you got pulled into this again! I …” I started to say, but Autumn interrupted me.

“Wait,” she said quietly. “Let’s turn over so that our backs are together. Your hands are trapped in socks, but I told Lucy not to put any on my hands. I wanted my fingers to be free. Hopefully I can reach the knot with my fingers, untie your wrists, and then you can take off the socks from your hands and untie my wrists.”

“Good idea,” I answered.

It took some time for us to roll over and get in a position where Autumn’s fingers were near my wrist rope.

“Oh, I can’t believe this!” she exclaimed.

“What is it?”

“The sheet and blanket are bunched up between us. I can’t get to your wrist rope. We’re going to have to try to pull them out.”

Our arms were duct taped to our bodies, and my hands were encased in socks, so doing this was almost impossible. I couldn’t grab hold of the sheet, and even if I could, I couldn’t move my arms at all. Autumn too had no ability to move her arms, but at least she could grab the sheet in her hands and try to pull it out from between us.

“This is sad,” she said. “Our great escape may be foiled by a bed sheet.”

She kept trying, squirming and rolling. “It’s working!” she said. She must have gotten a good enough grip on the sheet and blanket and managed to pull it away just enough. “I’m actually touching your wrist rope now!” she said quietly but enthusiastically.

She squirmed around some more until she was just in the right position to explore my wrist rope with her fingers. Our bodies were firmly pressed together, which was an added bonus. She spent the next fifteen minutes attempting to free my wrists.

“Oh Rusty, I’m so sorry,” she said sadly. “I think she put the knot on the other side of your wrists. With my arms taped to my back, I really can’t get to it. We’re totally screwed.”

“No, please don’t worry about it. Let’s roll over again so we’re facing each other, so we can talk easier.”

After another great deal of squirming, we managed to roll onto our sides and faced each other. Autumn had changed in the last twenty minutes. Before we rolled back-to-back, she had been a girl with a plan – a mission to free us from our bonds. Now, she looked defeated. Her hair was disheveled. She had a sad and almost frightened look in her eyes. She knew now that we would not be getting free of our own accord. She was helpless, and she knew it now. In spite of all this, no, probably because of all this, she looked lovelier than ever.

“Are you scared?” I asked her. She nodded sadly.

“I wish you could hold me,” she said.

“Me too,” I said. “Can I …”

“Can you what?” she asked.

“I can’t hold you. But can I kiss you?”

She nodded, smiled, and squirmed and wiggled until she was pressed up against me. Our lips met. My first real kiss. It wasn’t awkward or disappointing, as some first kisses can be. For one thing, we didn’t have to worry about what to do with our arms! It was heavenly. Our bodies were rendered helpless by ropes and duct tape, but our lips and tongues were unhindered, and we gave them free rein. We were the only people in the world at that moment, and it felt so right. When I am 105 years old, I will still be remembering this kiss. It was perfection.

We ended the kiss, and she nestled her head under my chin. Her hair felt so soft, and smelled so good! We didn’t speak for a long time. I closed my eyes and felt perfectly happy.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck. “Ouch!” I yelped. I opened my eyes and found Autumn sucking on my neck. I almost screamed in terror that I was tied up in bed with a vampire (vampiress?) with no way to defend myself.

Ohhhh! She’s not sucking my blood to turn me into one of the undead – she’s giving me my first hickey! Yes, this day is certainly one I will never forget. It hurt and felt amazing at the same time. I trembled in excitement. She finished, and looked at me with a wicked smile on her face. “Don’t even think of giving me one. If my parents saw me coming home with a hickey, I wouldn’t be allowed to come here for a sleepover ever again. And I LOVE sleepovers at your house.”

Before I could respond, she kissed me again. It didn’t last as long as the first one, but it was just as wonderful. She eventually pulled away and nestled her head under my chin again. We both sighed in perfect contentment. It turned out that our lips and tongues weren’t the only parts of our bound and helpless bodies we could use. As she nestled against me, she started to rub her feet along the tops of mine. Playing footsie when you’re both wearing tights is incredible, and doing it while completely tied up was mind-blowing. We even rubbed our knees together in a newly discovered means of showing affection. I pretended that Autumn and I had been kidnapped, and our abductors had tied us up and abandoned us for the night, and that we were trying to comfort each other as much as we could despite our severely restricted mobility.

Autumn continued to snuggle against me, and we tried to get some sleep. I fell asleep fairly quickly, but awoke several times during the night every time I tried to roll over.

I woke up when Autumn was prodding my legs with her knees. “It’s almost 7:00, Rusty,” she said. “We’ve almost made it! Hopefully Lucy will untie us soon.”

I rolled over to face her. “Good morning,” I told her, sighing as I took in the sight of waking up to Autumn in my bed.

“Kiss me again!” she pleaded.

“I’ve got to warn you, I have morning breath pretty bad,” I said.

“Me too! So it doesn’t matter!”

Our third kiss was as wonderful as the first two. We were still lip locked when we heard a gasp and giggling from the hallway.

“Get a room, you two!” Amy exclaimed. “Oh, they already have a room, don’t they?”

“Hey Amy,” Lucy said. “It’s a very good thing Rusty is fully dressed and tied up, or you and I might have become aunts nine months from now. You don’t think it’s possible to become pregnant through two pairs of tights and two pairs of shorts, do you?”

“Lucy, stop being so crude! We were just giving each other a good morning kiss,” I said.

“Yeah right, a good morning kiss. You two were playing tonsil hockey,” Lucy said with a laugh. She turned to Amy. “My sweet innocent little brother is being corrupted by your sister. Let's switch siblings - you untie my brother and I'll untie your sister," Lucy said as she pulled the blanket and sheet off of us.

"Oh my god!" Amy shrieked. "Autumn's been tied up all night? Lucy, you promised you wouldn't tie anyone up again against their will! How could you do this?"

"Relax Amy. I gave her the choice to join us or be tied up with Rusty. She chose Rusty."

"Autumn, is this true?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, it's true. Can we please continue this discussion later? I have to go the bathroom!"

Fortunately, Amy and Lucy came prepared with scissors, and the duct tape was cut. We had an unspoken rule, however, that it would be wasteful to cut ropes. So, our wrists were untied rather than being cut loose. It took a little longer, but at last our wrists were free.

“Ow, ow, ow!” Autumn cried out. We all asked what was wrong, but in a couple of seconds I found out. Our arms had been held in unnatural positions for eight hours, and the muscles in our shoulders were cramped. How ironic that being released hurt a lot more than being tied. I explained the problem to Lucy and Amy. They massaged our shoulders, which helped a lot, but it was a long time before I could even move my arms. Amy pulled the long socks off my arms and massaged them. They untied our legs, and for the first time since 11:00 last night, we were completely free. I had almost forgotten what it feels like to have the use of my arms and legs.

Amy and Lucy told us that they would fix breakfast for us. When we came downstairs, it smelled so good. We sat down at the kitchen table while Amy and Lucy finished cooking. All four of us were still wearing tights. Of course, Autumn and I had slept in our tights (we couldn’t have taken them off even if we had wanted to). But, I was pleasantly surprised to see Amy and Lucy were still wearing theirs.

Amy and Lucy brought the food to the table and we all eagerly started eating. It’s amazing how being bound hand and foot for eight hours can build up one’s appetite.

Amy looked at me and nudged Lucy with her elbow. “Did you see your brother’s neck?”

Lucy looked at me, and she and Amy burst out laughing. “Nice hickey, Rusty! Or should I compliment you, Autumn, on your hickey skills?”

Autumn and I both blushed and tried to ignore the teasing. After we finished eating, Lucy said, “Amy and I will clean up. It’s the least we can do after keeping you two tied up all night long. Why don’t you go to the couch and relax?” Then she said with a wink, “I’m sure Autumn needs a leg massage. I had tied up her legs pretty tightly.”

Autumn and I eagerly took Lucy’s suggestion. All too soon Amy and Autumn said they had to go home. Amy went to Lucy’s room to change out of her skirted leotard and white tights. Autumn hadn’t brought extra clothes, since she hadn’t planned on staying overnight. She was going to walk home in her shorts and black tights. I walked her to the door and she slipped on her shoes. She hugged me, gave me another kiss, and said, “We really need to do this again sometime."

The End
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Post by iliketights »


My calculus class had just ended, and I was strolling on the lawns of the university, enjoying the beautiful spring morning.

“Rusty! Rusty – is that you?” a voice called out.

I looked around, and saw a very attractive girl heading my way.

“It is you!” she yelled as she ran up to me and threw her arms around me for a big hug. She nearly knocked me over, but I wouldn’t have minded.

“Autumn? Oh my god! What are you doing here? Last I heard you were planning on going to the University of Oregon!”

“It didn’t work out, but I got a scholarship here, so here I am! I am so glad to see you! Do you have time for coffee? I would love to get caught up on all your news when you’re available.”

“Sorry, I have a lot of calculus homework to do,” I said.

Just kidding! That is not what I said.

“I’m done with classes for the day,” I replied. “I would love to!” Even if I had more classes that day, I would have skipped them. Heck, even if I had been scheduled to have heart surgery, I would have skipped that too.

We got some coffee and found an empty table. “How is Amy?” I asked.

“She’s fine. She got her bachelor’s degree in the fall, and she’s engaged!”

“That’s great! Please tell her hi from me next time you talk to her,” I said.

“And what is Lucy doing now?” Autumn asked.

“She’s at the convent. She’s going to be a nun,” I answered.

Autumn rolled her eyes. “No, really, what is she doing?”

I brought up a photo on my phone. “No, really,” I said, showing Autumn the picture. “This was taken when she was a postulant. She’s a novice now.”

Autumn looked at the picture. “Holy crap …, uh, sorry, I mean, that’s wonderful! Wait, is this for real? She’s going to have to give up guys? She’s going to have to be obedient and holy?”

We looked at each other for a second, and then we both laughed hysterically.

“It’s all true,” I said. “I never saw it coming. My sister is going to be a sister. I’ll never be an uncle now."

“Well good for her! She’ll probably be mother superior in no time! And what about you? Any serious relationships going on?”

“No,” I answered. “Not really. I’ve gone out with a couple of girls, but nothing serious."

“A couple of girls!” Autumn exclaimed. “At the same time? Rusty, I’m impressed!”

“No, not at the same time!” I laughed. “What about you? Any special guy in your life?”

“No. I had a boyfriend, but we broke up before I moved here. It never got very serious anyway.”

She took a sip of her coffee, and leaned toward me, speaking quietly enough that the people at the next table couldn't hear. “Remember those crazy tie-up games we used to play whenever your mom left town?”

“Oh yeah! How could I forget?” I said. “Those were fun times.”

“Yes,” she sighed. “I miss that.”

She put her hand on my hand, squeezed it, and said, “I really, REALLY miss that.”

THE END (or is it only the beginning?)
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

I'll be very disappointed if this is truly the end, so hopefully that answers the question. ;)
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Post by Boocola »

Dude I was totally stoked the first time I read it bro and guess what? I'm stoked again far out totally awesome story, those diva caws are still some of my favorites on WWE 2K18, I think I am going to make them again on WWE 2K19 next month, it's not like they change the creation outfits :lol: ........ sorry got carried away :oops:
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Post by harveygasson »

This has been such an amazing story! Thank you so much for writing and posting it and I really hope we see more adventures of these four in the future :D
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Till this Point I know story from old Forum and like it. I hope at least for new story with Rusty, Amy and Autumn. Lucy goes now other ways till she wan't anymore.
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