Out of their Depth (FFF/MMM)

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Out of their Depth (FFF/MMM)

Post by cj2125 »

“I have a bad feeling about this” Alvaro sighed, he usually was the voice of reason within their small group, which was like being the tallest among dwarves. Even though he had known these guys for just a few months, they had become quite close to the point that he was able to predict their reactions.

Stuart would get mad of course, since this had been his idea, and try to convince Alvaro to go through with it “Come on dude! Do you know how much these costs? It’s going to be fun! And we might even score some chicks!”

Tyler would be more sympathetic to his plight but ultimately side with Stuart “Relax, I’m a little bit worried about sing fake IDs too, but worst-case scenario we get kicked out by the bouncer. Think of it as an experience! Also think of drunk sorority girls!”

That was a persuasive argument. The problem of being so close to these guys was that they knew him too well and knew how to make him join them in their madness.

“Carpe diem man” said Tyler making a wave motion with his hand “You said you wanted the crazy college life, right?”

“Forget it Ty” Stuart shook his head “he is chickening on us”

“I ain’t doing that man!” Alvaro exclaimed, his cheeks turning bright red “I-I was just being careful-”

“Sounds like you’re scared to me” Stuart smirked

“Don’t be like that Stu” Tyler shook his head and turned to Alvaro “It’s perfectly okay to be scared, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to…”

Leave it to Tyler of being so condescending yet well-meaning at the same time! “Fine! I’ll do it! But I swear if we get in trouble-”

“Relax dude” Stuart smiled and patted his back “everything is going to turn alright!”


“This is your fault!” Alvaro glared at Stuart, speaking in a hushed voice “I told you this was a dumb idea!”

“My fault? You were the one flirting with them!” Stuart hissed, not willing to take the full blame for their predicament.

“You weren’t complaining when that chick was eating your ear!” Alvaro shot back.

“At least I wasn’t dumb enough to invite them over!” Stuart swung his torso sideways, managing to shove Alvaro, though the ropes holding them together around their chests reduced the attack’s effectiveness, instead, jerking everyone sideways.

“Why didn’t you object before? Oh right! Your mouth was busy sucking hers! Jerkass!” Alvaro tried to shove back by pushing his back against Stuart



“Guys!” Tyler finally stepped in, figuratively speaking, since he wasn’t able to move at all “This isn’t the time to blame each other! We need to find a way out before they come back!”

“Well, news for you” Stuart grunted and tried to flex his arms, making his biceps bulge against the tight ropes “I’ve been trying to pick at these knots for the past ten minutes and I’ve gotten nowhere! These bitches must have been on the navy or something-” he stopped abruptly when he heard voices coming from the other room. The three boys tensed up and looked at the door, fearing that they were coming back, but after a minute in suspenseful silence, it became clear they were still busy ransacking the place.

“Okay” Alvaro relaxed his body but lowered his voice “If we can’t get out, maybe we should scream from help-”

“And have them come back?” Stuart shook his head. Suddenly, he noticed something in front of him “There!” he swung his bound legs forwards “Our clothes!”

Tyler craned his neck, trying to look behind him at whatever Stuart was aiming at “I’d love to get dressed too, but I don’t think this is the right time”

“No Ty! My phone is in the pocket of my jeans! If we can reach it, we can call 911!” Stuart exclaimed, slightly bouncing on his butt

“That’s… actually brilliant” Alvaro smiled “If we work together, we could reach it!” a plan quickly formed in his mind “Okay, Stu, you’re facing our clothes so at the count of three you’ll drag us forwards, me and Ty will push you! Ready? 1… 2…”

“Wait! Is it at three or after three?” Tyler asked

“Uh… after 3!”

“Shouldn’t it be at four then?” Stuart raised an eyebrow

“What? It doesn’t matter! We just need to push!”

“Maybe we should do it at four” Tyler shrugged

“Fine! At four! 1… 2… 3… 4!” the three boys started working in tandem in order to move across the carpeted floor. It took them a few failed attempts before they could find a rhythm. But between pushing and pulling, they started to make some progress towards their goal. As they grew near, their excitement grew louder to the point that they seemed to forget about their predicament.

“This is fun” Tyler panted and pushed again against Stuart’s back

“Too bad the carpet is burning my butt” Stuart rolled his eyes, planted his feet on the ground and pulled them forwards a few more inches

“Think of it as getting some action” Alvaro chuckled which got him a couple playful elbows from both sides. Finally, they reached their pile of clothes, an action that under normal circumstances should have taken them a minute but in this case, it felt like ages so their excitement was understandable, even if a little too vocal given their current situation. “Okay, how are we going to reach it?”

Stuart tried to lean forwards yet the ropes held him back “I think we need to lay down, there’s no other-HEEY!” he yelled in surprise when Alvaro and Tyler pushed all their weight against him forcing him to bend over “A little warning beforehand! Ouch! Hey! Be careful! Ow! That was my liver!” eventually, and despite his loud complains, the three managed to lay down on the floor “For a couple of twigs, you are surprisingly heavy” Stuart grunted, having drawn the short stick and being the one laying face down, with Alvaro and Tyler laying on top of him.

“Just grab the phone, princess!” Alvaro snapped

Of course, doing that was easier said than done, especially since he couldn’t use his hands. With some effort, Stuart was able to dig his nose in his pocket and pull his phone out “Okay, just need to draw the pattern…” he pressed the tip of his nose on the screen and tried to draw his code once, and twice, and thrice… “Oh come on!” he slammed his head against the floor “number of failed attempts reached. Please try again in five minutes”

“You kidding me?” Alvaro exclaimed

“Relax guys, we can use this time to think… oh never mind” Tyler suddenly tensed, Alvaro looked at the door and his face went pale, a mix of fear, embarrassment, anger and annoyance.

“What? What’s going on?” Stuart asked, the only one unable to look behind him

“What’s going on” a female voice spoke “is that you seemed to have been really busy while we were away”

Stuart knew they were screwed.


Ivana smiled at her work. Of course, that wasn’t her real name, just the name she used when at work. This had been an easy night, normally they had to look for guys drunk enough to fall for their tricks, but when these three kids approached them, so nervous, awkward and clearly out of their depth, she couldn’t resist. Why would she deny such an opportunity presented in a silver plate? They didn’t even need to do much; the kids were practically throwing themselves at their feet! And 22? Really? She just needed to pretend to buy that obvious lie! Should teach them to not play with the grownups!

“Hurry up ladies, we don’t want to keep these studs waiting any longer!” she laughed. The moment these kids saw their guns, they dropped their bravado at lighting speed, she even though one of them would piss his pants! But now that they had realized that these ladies were professionals and that no harm would come to them as long as they do what they told them, the kids recovered some of their lost courage, even though they hadn’t recovered the color on their faces! Still, by this point they were a little bit more relaxed around them, at least as relaxed as they could be given their situation.

The three were sitting on the floor back-to-back, their hands were bound behind their backs with white cotton ropes, their ankles were crossed and bound together too, Julia (again, another fake name) had done a great job in wrapping the remaining ropes around their chests and waists, keeping them tied together. Initially they had allowed them to talk, only because it was too much fun seeing them arguing with each other. But once they started working together to escape, it became necessary to wrap their lower heads in several strips of duct tape. They looked really cute like that! And that was a good point to make, they might have been a group of nervous, awkward kids, but their bodies made up for that! Specially when stripped down to their undies.

The one to the right, Stuart, right? Kept glaring at her and grunting under his gag, she also took note that he was the only one squirming albeit trying to be subtle about it, it didn’t matter since they weren’t getting out of those knots while on their watch! His blue eyes were shotting daggers at her, which would have been somewhat intimidating if not for his brown fringe combed to a side that reminded her of Justin Bieber back when he was starting, that and his dark red boxer shorts with black skulls on them ruined whatever he was going for, talk about trying too hard!

To the left was a tanned guy with spiky dirty blonde hair. Tyler was the cutest of the group and to be honest, in another occasion she might have given him a chance based on his baby-smile! Physically he probably wasn’t the most impressive of the trio, a twink she would call him (and the fact that he had no idea what that meant was even more adorable!), but he looked particularly good in those green compression shorts. And of the three he was the only one who hadn’t put much of a fight even when the guns went away. He was the only one looking down with his eyes close, but it didn’t seem out of distress but more out of mediation, as if trying to keep himself calm.

And finally, there was the guy in the middle, Alvaro. He didn’t seem much with that messy black hair and oversized t-shirt, more like a wannabe rapper. But once he was stripped down to his black boxer-briefs, Ivana was pleased to find that the guy was completely ripped! She took particular pleasure in running the ropes over his chiseled chest! Just like his aggressive friend, he was glaring at her though he remained still and the sweat over his forehead was still visible, cautious defiance she might call it.

“All done!” said Josie (again, fake name) as she carried the boys’ laptops. That got a reaction from them, Tyler included, that translated into a series of pitiful muffled threats and pleas that did nothing to stop Josie from dropping the items into their bags.

“That should be it” Julia smiled as she dropped the Play Station into the bag (Alvaro let out a pained howl when that happened).

“Perfect” Ivana smirked, placing both of her hands on her hips “Well boys, it’s been a pleasure but it’s time to go”

“Ghmm yhhh fghhh ghhh fghhh hfff!” Stuart roared and tried to lunge forwards only for the ropes to pull him back

“Yhh ghnnn fggg fhhhh!” Alvaro pleaded shaking his head. Only Tyler remained quiet, though he was good at making puppy eyes.

“Aww… don’t worry boys!” Ivana took a step towards Alvaro and crouched down, holding his jaw with both of her hands “You did great today” she smiled and planted a long kiss over Alvaro’s taped lips. He seemed to forget his fear and defiance and instead melted under her lips. The moment she let go of him, the boy collapsed backwards against his friends, the tape did little to hide his smile.

“GHMM MPHHH!” Stuart yelled when Ivana stopped in front of him

“Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you” to his credit, he tried to put more of a fight as she grabbed his face and forced a kiss on him. Though he failed to hide his blush when Ivana pulled back.

“Really guys, it’s been a pleasure” she added while her partners chuckled. Tyler didn’t even bother to fight back, he leaned forwards in anticipation and let out a soft moan as her lips touched his gag, even leaning after her once she pulled away.

“Now ladies, why don’t we take a picture?” the three guys shook their heads in horror “So we can remember these fine gentlemen?” the other two ladies giggled and soon had their phones aimed at their hapless victims. “Beautiful! Well gentlemen, time to leave, but thanks for making us spend such a wonderful time!” Stuart rolled his eyes, Tyler gave her a confused nod and Alvaro remained glaring at them. “Ciao!”

Ignoring their desperate moans, the three women walked out of the apartment carrying their loot with them. Ivana, the last one to exit, turned to take one last look at the three struggling, half naked freshmen; she smiled, blew a kiss at them and closed the door behind.

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Post by Helena14 »

Loving it. :)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was genuinely adorable.

I love how the ladies were kind enough to not go too hard on a few clueless boys but still weren't above enjoying the situation. It was also fun to see the escape attempts fail, though not for the lack of trying. :mrgreen:
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Great story! I loved the characters, and the situation was fun on many levels :)
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Great story! Thanks for writing it.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really good story, simple but lots of fun and great characters!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
A Grey Area (M/F) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12604
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