Jack's Story (F/M, etc) (updated 03/03/2022 Ch. 78)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Hello readers,

It's been a while, a fact for which I am sorry.

It's a cliche by now, but 2020 was rough. I was fired from one job, got another that paid less, and took a lot more of my time.

I'm making excuses, and I know 2020 was much worse for many more people than me.

But now I'm ready to post the next chapter, in fact, the next two chapters are ready to post.

It's been so long I thought I should say something. I appreciate all the comments and PMs, and I am going to finish this no matter how many year-long interruptions happen. Sure glad this place is still around, my thanks to all the writers, admins, moderators, and readers that keep it going.

So my next post will be Chapter 75. Hope you enjoy it.

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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 75 - Gifts

Alex stepped into my office the next day. She quickly closed the door and leaned against it looking at the floor. She wore a shiny pair of black leggings with a long ivory cowl neck sweater held at the waist with a black belt. “Look Alex…” I began.

She held up her hand to stop my speech and slowly raised her head. “I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be hard to be around you for the next few days. What you did…” Alex caught herself. “What Polly had you do… to me.” Again she looked at the floor unable to meet my eyes. “Well, it was the best thing ever.”

I sat back in silence and waited for her to continue. Her face was scarlet made more so by contrast with her ivory sweater. “Do you want to sit down?” Alex stepped forward and slowly sat down on the edge of the only available chair in the small office. “So about this idea of yours.”

Alex took a deep breath and shook herself out of the fog of last night’s memory. “I thought you could buy a big box and wrap it up with you inside it and present it to Polly for Christmas.”

I blinked slowly without speaking and Alex’s face dropped. “Really? That’s your idea?”

Alex sighed. “I’ll admit that getting you excited about the fact I had an idea was much more important than actually having one.”

“Since I’ve spent some time in a box thanks to Polly already,” I said remembering a cramped night spent with Ollie at April’s house. It seemed so long ago but in reality just a month or two.

“Sorry.” Alex shrugged.

I waved my hand. “Alright, would you mind covering for me, I’ll be back later today if anyone needs me.”

“Sure thing, where ya’ going?”

“I’m getting nothing done while I’m worried about this, I’m going home, maybe Mom can help.”

* * *

One quick phone call later and Mom was pouring hot water into a couple of mugs. She wore a white sweater and jeans with her hair piled into a loose bun on her head. “So you mentioned a problem with Polly?”

“Yeah, I can’t figure out Christmas?” I said.

“You mean a Christmas gift?” Mom said.

“Yeah, I want our first one to be special, but I have no idea what to do?” I said dipping an offered tea bag into the steaming mug and sitting on a barstool.

Mom sat on the other side and smiled. “I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter what you give her.”

“I’m not worried about her leaving me or anything, but I want it to be special,” I answered.

“Alright, I suppose what you both need is some time together, yes?”

“Sure, school and work keep me pretty busy. I know she’s been thinking about finding work once she disentangles herself from dance. Time together has been hard to find. It’s almost like we are just pushing through until graduation as if we’ll find more time.”

“You have to make time, it doesn’t matter what’s going on, it can always seem more important than each other. It may feel like this summer will be better, but if you don’t make a deliberate effort it won’t matter.” Mom spoke as if recalling painful memories in her own life.

I nodded though honestly found it difficult imagining how the summer could be more difficult after graduation.

She paused for a few moments and drank from her cup. “How about this then? There’s a nice Bread and Breakfast nestled into a little town near where Grandma lives. It’s quaint and cozy but also has a unique culture. Your Dad and I have been there a few times and it’s always fun. I think you should take her there.”

I tossed the idea around in my head and thought she might be surprised by such an orthodox gift. I mean she was probably expecting something wild and crazy, a three-day trip to a bed and breakfast could be quite a shock. “Ok, that sounds good. I’ll make some fake tickets to wrap in a box, can you call today and see about reservations?” I asked.

“Sure thing.”

“Thanks, Mom.” I hugged her and went back to the office.

By the time I got back to the office, Mom confirmed a booking for three days at the beginning of January over a weekend.

* * *

Polly and I found each other at school later that day and she immediately noticed something different. Perhaps it was the lightness in my step or the smile on my face, but more likely it was the sudden and fierce kiss I planted on her lips. “You seem in good spirits.” She said after catching her breath.

“I am. It’s been a good day.” I answered.

“Figured out my Christmas gift have you?” Polly responded with a smile.

“As a matter of fact, I have.”

“Well then, I look forward to it, though I must admit I’m suddenly worried my gift won’t measure up.”

“You are all the gift I need on our first Christmas.” I smiled.

Polly leaned against me settling her soft red hair against my shoulder. “Yeah, well I’ll do my best.”

“I heard you were going to join us for Christmas Eve dinner.”

“Yeah, I hope we aren’t changing all your traditions?” Polly responded.

“Not at all, we always invite people, this is just the first year anyone said yes. It’s always dinner and a small gift exchange and if my parents are feeling generous there will be wine and eggnog.”

Polly kissed me on the neck just below my ear. “Good, and I’m sure there will be plenty of wine with my Mom coming. Who else is going to be there?”

“Just you guys and April,” I answered. “At least I think April is going to be there, Mom was going to ask.”

“Do you mind if I invite Alex?” Polly asked.

“Oh wow, I can’t believe I forgot her. You should probably let me do it since I am technically her boss and everything.” I suggested.

“Ok, but do it today,” Polly said

I nodded and left Polly to take the last of my mid-semester finals. My teachers seemed a little irritated that I performed so well. I suspect my success with so little classroom time struck at the core of their identity as teachers.

* * *

“Alex, do you have a minute?” I said into the phone.

“Sure, just a second,” Alex responded and moments later she appeared at the door. Today she wore the same cowl-necked sweater dress with a black belt that matched her leggings and simple flats. “What’s up.”

“This Tuesday is Christmas Eve.” I began.

“You don’t say.” Alex smiled.

“My family has dinner and a small exchange of gifts, we would be honored if you would come. Polly and her Mom will be there, as well as April, have you met April? She works downstairs.”

“Yeah, once or twice. Dinner you say, and gift exchange?” April said, sounding a little nervous.

“We kind of draw names from a hat so we don’t have to buy so many. That’s why we need to know in advance. You are free to bring additional gifts or none at all doesn’t matter.”

Alex shrugged. “Sure I’ll be there, is that when you’re going to give Polly her gift?”

“Probably not, since drawing names from a hat and all,” I answered.

“Well, are you going to tell me what you got her?” Alex asked.

“If I thought you could keep a secret from Polly I’d tell you now, but I know you can’t.”

“I can too keep a secret,” Alex complained.

“You know you can’t, not from Polly. So can I tell Mom you’ll join us?”

“Sure,” Alex said with an uncharacteristic pout, and she left the office without further objection.

* * *

Tuesday evening my family along with Polly and her Mom as well as April and Alex sat around the table watching wisps of steam rise from the various dishes surrounding a large platter of carved turkey and a second of carved ham. Dad was in rare form and nudged me halfway through dinner. “So two guys at a table full of women, not bad eh?”

Mom rolled her eyes and Polly draped her arms over my shoulders. “I’m pretty sure they’re here for Jack.”

“Oh wow! Them’s fightin’ words, young lady.” Dad said and looked around the table. “Assuming my son is not available, I’m sure this group of fine women would love an evening of drinks and conversation with me.”

Mom rolled her eyes but Lisa smiled. “I’m pretty sure you’d quickly have more than you could handle.”

“Sounds like a challenge.” Dad laughed.

When food was not actively being eaten someone was smiling or laughing. Overall an excellent Christmas. And true to Polly’s word, Lisa supplied several bottles of wine leaving the eggnog for Polly, my sister, and me.

After several minutes Polly got everyone’s attention. “Let’s do the gifts.” Polly stood up and tugged at the hem of her dress, a motion which I very much appreciated. It appeared as if Alex and Polly shopped together for their outfits as they were of similar design though wildly different fabric and color. Polly’s dress was red velvet, flared at the waist, and leaving a good portion of her nylon-covered thigh visible. Alex’s silver dress glittered in the light with long sleeves and covering a bit more leg than Polly’s. Girl’s Dresses

The gift exchange was fun and seemed to be yet another way for Dad to make everyone laugh, but as the wine continued to flow Polly and I found a way to leave followed closely by Alex. We found ourselves around the bowl of eggnog shaking our heads at the wine-fueled laughter coming from the living room “I wanted to give you your gift.” I said.

Polly looked over at Alex who held out her hands, “I can leave, though I’m pretty sure I can’t keep up with Lisa in there at this point, and since she’s my boss I probably should have plausible deniability.”

“It’s fine with me if she stays,” I said.

Polly shrugged. “Let me get my gift, I brought it along just in case.”

Polly and I left Alex to retrieve our gifts. When I carried in a large and heavy box Polly’s eyes grew wide. I had decided to wrap the small paper tickets for the Bread and Breakfast in a large box with some stones for weight so she would never be able to guess without opening it.

Polly handed me a gift the size of a hardback book covered with red and white wrapping. “You first.”

I tugged on the white bow and split the red wrapping with my fingers. Inside was a small wooden box decorated with the letters “J” and “P” with white paint along with curving symbols around it in a circle. “Jack and Polly,” I said tracing the symbols with my finger along the hinged lid on the box. Inside was a pile of cards a little larger than a standard deck.

I moved for a closer look but Polly placed her hand on mine. “Not until we are ready to play.”

“Oh, it’s a game,” I said with a smile.

“Yup, I made it myself. Kind of like Truth or Dare but without the Truth part.”

Alex smiled. “Oh, that could be fun.”

“Can you tell me how to play?” I asked.

She withdrew a card the same size as the box and unfolded it to reveal a hand-drawn pair of twisting paths marked with discrete spaces. She removed two small cubes, one blue and one green, from the box and placed them on the starting square. They stuck to the board as if by a magnet. “Mine is green, for my eyes. Yours is blue. The object of the game is to get to the other end of the board before the other person. Now understand this is a game that can occur over multiple days, even weeks, depending on the creativity of the participants,” she pointed at each one of us to emphasize the point. “The cards are split into three groups labeled one through three. You simply choose a card and perform the dare on the other side, with the understanding that a few of them will have to be adjusted depending on who drew the card Those agreements will be made when the card is drawn.”

“You guys make me so jealous,” Alex pouted.

Polly placed her hand on Alex’s arm. “Who knows, it’s always possible a dare might involve you.”

Alex’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I hope so.”

“Now for my gift,” Polly said, reaching for the large box. “Oof, it’s heavy.”

I was still putting away my game when I heard the paper ripping. I looked up in time to see her eyes go wide as she stared at the interior, it was angled on her lap so that I had to sit forward to see over the edge. What I saw made my own eyes go wide. It was full of an absolute rainbow of different colors of rope.

Polly reached in and picked up a length in purple. “Oh, Jack it’s so soft, it feels amazing.”

Luckily I was able to disguise my shock with a prolonged drink of eggnog while my mind raced to figure out what could have happened. The stones I had used to weigh down the box had been replaced, which meant someone (probably my Mom) had unwrapped the present and filled it with rope. There was nothing for me to do but to go along with it. “Uh… yeah I thought so too. Keep digging there is more in there than rope.”

Polly piled up the dozen or so colors of rope on one side of the box and withdrew a plastic sleeve which she quickly opened and withdrew a black blindfold. “Again this is so soft, you could wear this for hours.”

“Well, or you could…” I began to say but Polly looked at me with a smile. “...right. Yes, of course, what I was thinking the whole time.”

Polly then pulled out another item sealed inside clear plastic, a ring with a black strap. “Oh, Jack we are finally starting our collection.” Next came two different sizes of ball gags before she withdrew a large extremely flat plastic sleeve. “What’s this?” Polly said looking at me.

“Open it,” I said dreading what she would reveal.

Her manicured nails made quick work of the plastic and the scent of latex preceded a puff of talcum powder. “Oh, it’s a rubber hood. I can’t wait to try this on you.”

I once again opened my mouth to mention the unisex nature of the items but was too encumbered by my attempts to keep the surprise off my face to make any real effort. “This is quite a gift, Jack.”

“Keep looking,” I said.

Polly’s eyes blazed and she quickly returned to the box but looked up puzzled. “I don’t see anything else.”

Alex picked up the lid of the box and turned it over to reveal an envelope taped to the interior surface. For the first time since she opened the gift, I recognized something I had put in the box. Polly opened the envelope and pulled out the tickets I designed last week and her eyes grew wide. “Really, three nights? And just a few days from now.”

I nodded. “Yes, just you and I.”

Polly leaned over the box and wrapped me in a hug, “You saved the best for last.”

If only you knew,” I thought to myself.

We packed the gifts away. “Now Jack, no peeking at the cards for my game, I want them to be a surprise.”

“I promise.”

* * *

The few days between Christmas and New Year’s were free for both Polly and me, which meant I got to sleep in. She greeted me one morning with a kiss and I cannot imagine a better way to wake up. She wore a pair of nude leggings with a blue oversized sweatshirt stitched with our school logo. “What should we pack for the trip?”

“Beyond the weather being cold, I’m not sure. I can ask Mom, she recommended the place.” I said raising up on one arm and settling my head into her lap.

“We can talk to her later, why don’t we play the game I gave you for Christmas, I’m itching to see if it will work as well as it does in my imagination. We have almost the whole week off.”

I stood up and pulled the game box from the shelf. Polly took out the board and placed the blue and green boxes in the starting positions on the winding path. “What does the winner get?” I asked.

“Bragging rights,” Polly answered. “But if I did this right, there won’t be any losers.”

“Who goes first?” I asked.

Polly shrugged. “Better let me start and then you’ll see how it is supposed to work.” She opened the package of cards and separated them into three piles each one labeled with a ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’ in large white paint. It was obvious they were handmade since none of the writing was entirely consistent between cards. I could not help but smile at the effort she had put into creating the game. “The number on the card corresponds to the number of spaces you’ll take once you complete the dare.”

“What happens if you don’t complete a dare?” I asked.

“No points, but I don’t see that happening,” Polly answered.

“Where did you come up with this idea?”

Polly shrugged. “I don’t know, just kind of popped into my head.” Polly reached for the ‘1’ pile and selected a card. “I’m going to start slow.” She turned over the card.
Polly’s Card wrote:Eat only the green M&M’s off the body of your lover while blindfolded. If you eat the wrong color, start over
“How are you going to do that?” I asked.

Polly smiled. “You’ll have to guide my lips, and we get to try out that cozy new blindfold.”

“You brought it with you?” I asked.

“In my car. Don’t want Mom to steal my fancy new rope. The hard part is going to be M&M’s.”

“It’s your dare, seems like…” I was hit in the head with a pillow.

“I’ll just go ask your Mom,” Polly answered and dashed out of the room while I was still pulling the pillow from my face.

I changed out of my pajamas into a pair of lounge pants and a T-shirt and even managed to brush my teeth before she returned with a bag slung over one shoulder and a couple of fun-sized packs of M&M’s in the other. She pulled the blindfold from the bag. “Alright lay on the bed and put the M&M’s on your upper body. They would roll off anywhere else.” She slipped the blindfold over her eyes while I laid on the bed and carefully poured the M&M’s onto my stomach and chest. I spread them out enough for her to have a chance at success.

“And you thought I’d be wearing the blindfold first. I’m ready.” I said

“It is comfortable,” Polly said and carefully climbed onto the bed and lowered her face to my chest.

“Down two inches. Left and inch. A little more. Ok, stick out your tongue. Just to the right.” Her tongue found the M&M and ate it. “Success,” I laughed, though it had occurred to me she had no idea whether the M&M was green or not. “Ready for the next one.”

“Yup, let’s go.”

Four M&M’s later and Polly pulled off the blindfold with a smile on her face. “Wow, you know how to guide a woman around your body.”

I laughed. “First time too, honest.” I held up three fingers using the Boy Scout salute.

Polly glanced around my stomach noting the absence of green M&M’s. “The rest are yours.”

“Not hungry.” I scooped them into the trash can.

Polly grabbed the board and moved her square one place. “Ok, your turn.”

“I can choose any card?” I asked.

“Sure, the first one you flip over is the one you choose,” Polly answered.

“Time to take an early lead then.” I snagged a card from the ‘2’ pile.
Mark’s Card wrote:Ask your Mom’s or your lover’s Mom to tie you up. The location, style, duration, and clothing are all up to her.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” I looked at Polly.

“Yeah, imagine what the ‘3’ pile is like?” Polly laughed.

“Well, who’s it going to be?”

I thought for several minutes and decided that my own Mom would be the least dangerous option as she would not be as likely to humiliate me. Lisa would never pass up on the opportunity to have me dangling from the light fixtures wearing a ballet costume. “Where is Mom?”

Polly laughed. “Downstairs watching television.”

I took a deep breath and slid off the bed. “Now don’t offer any of your new rope,” I said to Polly.

“I wouldn’t dream of it, especially not before I’ve had a chance to use it.”

I walked downstairs reviewing in my head what I would say to Mom. Polly followed closely on my heels almost as if she was afraid to miss something. Mom was indeed sitting in the recliner with some needlework on her lap with television displaying a cooking show. She switched the program off after glancing up at the two of us sitting on the nearby couch. “What’s up?”

I decided, as I usually did in these situations, to use straightforward honesty. “I need you to tie me up.” Mom’s eyebrows shot up and her eyes shifted to Polly briefly before settling back on me. “It’s part of a game, it’s a dare. All I have to do is ask, technically if you say no…”

Mom held up her hand. “Give me a second to process this.” Mom set her needlework aside and shifted in her seat sliding one leg beneath her. She looked at Polly and then back to me for several seconds. “I can tie you up anyway I want?”

I nodded.

“Are there any restrictions?” Mom asked.

“No.” And I saw Polly shaking her head out of the corner of my eye, the gleam of her delighted smile obvious on her face.

“Alright, do you have any rope I can borrow?” Mom gave me a pointed look which almost guaranteed she was the source of the ‘surprise’ gifts to Polly.

I opened my mouth to respond but Polly cut me off. “We do, but it was a Christmas gift from Jack and I haven’t had a chance to try it yet. Do you understand?”

“Sure, that makes sense. Let me go rifle around and find something. Do I get to control what he wears?” Mom asked.

Polly’s smile seemed to brighten the room as she vigorously nodded her head.

“Alright, get him in a pair of tights, and some long gloves, if you have any. If not, another pair of tights to protect his wrists.”

I sighed in relief. It could have been so much worse but it seemed that Mom was simply trying to protect my skin. Polly and I ran upstairs and she found a pair of tights amongst her dance gear. They were black and made my legs appear shiny in the mid-morning light. I pulled some shorts back on over the top. “Hey, no shorts,” Polly said.

I shook my head. “She said tights, not ‘just’ tights,” I responded.

Polly pulled a second pair of footed tights from her back and we went back downstairs. Mom was not around so we sat on the couch and waited. She soon returned carrying two old plastic bags which appeared to have been stored in the bottom of a box for many years. “So just to clarify, I get to make all the choices?”

Polly and I both nodded and my guts roiled a bit at her need for any such clarification.

“Ok, then. Stand up, Jack. Arms behind your back. Polly do you have something to protect his arms?” Polly tossed her a second pair of black tights and mom slid them over my arms until my fingers were bunched up within the toes of the tights. She then withdrew from within the plastic bag a shiny strip of black cloth. She folded the probably twenty feet of silky cloth in half and began to wrap it quickly and securely around my wrists.

“Oh, where did you get those silky ropes?” Polly asked while dipping her hands into the bag and pulling out a second length.

“I made them, sewed them out of some costume satin.” Mom answered.

“Wow, that’s cool,” Polly said while letting the strands slide through her fingers like oil through a sieve.

By this time Mom wound another length of rope around my chest and was now being used to anchor my closely bound elbows. “I’m impressed, your elbows are getting close.”

Polly smiled. “We’ve been busy or they would be touching already.”

Mom knelt and pulled a second length of satin from the bag this time a dark blue color. She then wrapped it around my ankles and had enough left over to tie above my knees. Standing back she stretched. “Well, that’s the basics. Now let’s get a bit more creative. Polly dear would you stand facing Jack please.”

“Me.” Polly pointed to herself. “Why?”

Mom folded a white length of her handmade bonds and shrugged. “You were quite clear that I could tie him any way I want. I am doing just that.” Mom wrapped the white cord around my waist. She then stuffed the free ends between my bound thighs and pulled them through Polly’s thighs before tying the remaining around her waist, effectively tying us together. “Now I can’t have you messing with the ropes.” Mom said reaching for yet another rope, this one black. “Now place your hands behind your back and since your a flexible dancer let’s try something special. See if you can fold your hands into the middle of your back like you are trying to raise a zipper on a dress.”

“The dare was about Jack being tied up, not me.” Polly protested as she folded her arms behind between her shoulder blades.

I could not see what Mom was doing but Polly’s breasts were pressed into mine as she arched her back. Soon twin lengths of the satin crossed on either side of Polly’s neck and wound beneath her arms where they were further secured. “You should have been more careful with your choice of words, anyway you’re stuck now.”

Mom absently folded an additional length of dark green satin in her hands while she stepped and looked at us. We were tied together only by a single rope which passed between each of our thighs and then wound around our waists. “I think I better get you two on the floor before it becomes too dangerous. If you’ll just ease yourself down by bending your knees.”

As we did this the rope between our legs tightened until it was wedged firmly between our butt cheeks. Polly grunted at the intrusion and as we carefully worked ourselves down while keeping our hips as close together. The ropes around my knees tightened fiercely as I bend my knees but I managed to keep my body firmly against Polly’s and maintain balance, which in different circumstances would have been much more welcome. “Alright, now I’ll help you to lay down.” Mom held our shoulders as we toppled to our sides onto the carpeted floor of the living room.

Polly and I laid down on our sides face to face. “Your Mom is at least as bad as mine.”

“It seems so,” I responded.

“Be nice, or I’ll gag you.” Mom said as he knelt behind Polly. “I’ll be doing that anyway, but it will start earlier.” Mom continued to pull various ropes around Polly’s bound arms. “I’m so impressed with your flexibility, does it hurt at all?”

“It’s plenty tight, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Impressive to say the least. Oh, to be young again.” Mom said and began to work on Polly’s ankles. Soon her legs were bound just like mine and she began to bind us together with the seemingly inexhaustible supply of satin ribbons. Several minutes later she was carefully cinching the rope wrapped around our necks. “One more thing before I get some gags.”

Mom disappeared from my field of view and returned holding a roll of tape. I could not see what she was doing by Polly sighed. “You’re wrapping my hands? You must believe my powers of escape to be legendary.”

“Or I just want to make you feel completely helpless.” Mom smiled and pulled her hair gently to the side to avoid it getting stuck in the tape. “Alright, I don’t feel right about doing this to Polly without her parent’s permission.” Mom took her phone from the side table and pointed it towards our bound forms and took a picture. She then began sliding her finger over the screen. “There that should get her attention.” She walked out of the room leaving us alone.

Polly sighed again. “My Mom will be here shortly, this is getting out of hand. I don’t suppose you can loosen anything?”

“Not with my hands inside the tights, my fingers just slide over the ropes,” I answered feeling the ropes around my wrists. “And I doubt Mom left any knots close to my fingers.”

“I guess we’re stuck.” Polly began shifting her hips and the rope between our thighs shifted.

“Hey easy there.”

Polly smiled. “Well, there is one thing we can do?”

“What’s….” I began but did not finish the sentence as Polly’s lips found my own and our tongues mingled. My eyes slipped closed and my hips began to roll in time to Polly’s as our combined arousal increased.

So focused were we that Mom’s return went unnoticed until she slapped my butt. “Knock it off you two. Open up, Jack.” She held a damp cloth in front of my lips.

I clamped my mouth closed but her fingers found my feet and I jerked in response and opened my mouth enough for her to force the wadding between my jaws. She held the cloth in place with several turns of pink ribbon which tugged back my lips and forced the wadding deep into my mouth. Polly shook her head. “Please, don’t I won’t talk.”

“Sorry honey, you’ve already demonstrated how to use your tongue enough for one day. Now make it easy and open up.” Mom said.

Polly could no more acquiesce to being gagged than the sun could stop shining. She clamped her jaws shut and jerked her head to the left and right. I felt Mom’s hand slip between our bodies and suddenly Polly gasped. “How dare…” Her words were cut off by a wad of cloth and a second wrapping of pink silk that made her mouth a mirror to my own.

Polly twisted her neck but the bonds around our necks prevented her from moving far and she soon settled into a growling silence in which she chewed on her gag while her eyes blazed in anger. A silence settled over the room interrupted only by the slightest shifting of our bodies and the distant murmur of air through the ductwork. My nostrils were filled with the scent of Polly made more intense by her struggles.

The sound of bare feet on carpet alerted me to Mom’s return and she knelt beside me. “I never found cleave gags to be all that appealing, from a visual standpoint. I found a solution though.” A wide piece of silk of some green and yellow pattern flashed before my eyes as it settled over my lower face. Mom tugged it firmly before knotting it behind my head. A second scarf, this time black and red, covered this but also the entire lower half of my face including my nose. The scent of my Mom’s perfume now replaced the much preferable scent of Polly.

I watched next as she repeated the process with Polly using two more scarves that were large enough to wrap twice around Polly’s face leaving her with a swath of yellow and white silk where her mouth and nose used to be. Her eyes still blazed in irritation and anger but she threw her green daggers at no one who could help her. “There you go kids, much better. Hold still for the camera.” She chuckled at her own joke.

Polly twisted and growled more at this and I suddenly realized why she seemed so angry. She had expected to see me all bound and helpless, one of her favorite activities, and now here she was tied with me on the floor. My position was exactly as expected after reading the card in my bedroom while her’s was exactly the opposite.

The doorbell rang and moments later I could see Lisa standing over us out of the corner of my eye. She wore a pair of jeans and a sweater that was tight enough to show her curves. “My my, look at this. I would ask you for the story but I guess that will have to wait.” The sound of her body settling into the couch preceded the arrival of a second pair of shoes and the tinkling of glasses. “Thank you, Nancy. Looks like you had some fun.”

“I was afraid I might be a little rusty,” she answered.

“I would say not,” Lisa answered. “And you say Jack just asked you to tie him up?”

“Yes, he said it was a dare. Though I am quite certain Polly did not expect to join him.”

Lisa laughed. “I suppose we can talk about them as if they weren’t even here.”

“Yes, I suppose we can.” Mom laughed.

“Let’s discuss the wedding,” Lisa said.

Mom paused. “Ok, are you getting married?”

“No you ninny, their wedding.” She indicated us on the floor with a wave of her hand.

“No input required from the bride and groom, eh?”

“You think big or small?”

“Well, we have a two dozen family on our side, you?” Mom asked.

“Oh, well nothing really on my side. Her father’s family is not in the picture, and my parents are gone, so…”

“You’re worried about a big gathering with no one to sit on your side of the aisle.” Mom supplied.

Lisa sighed. “Yes, that’s it. I don’t want an event where I’ll be all alone on my side and you be there with Mark and your Mom and who knows how many others. It would look…” Lisa paused. “...pathetic.”

“You’ll have Serena, April, and definitely Alex on your side. Also, bring your colleagues from work. With only about two or three dozen people we can have it in a small venue too.” Mom said.

Lisa was silent. “You’re right I do have a few people to invite to balance things out.”

“Still a smaller venue.”

By this time Polly’s face was red and her muscles were nearly vibrating in anger. I figured this was exactly the effect they were striving for but I could do nothing other than ride the wave her of her irritation and watch her eyes for signs of understanding. Then the conversation changed.

“Do you figure Mark will be wearing the white dress?” Lisa said with an obvious smile in her voice.

My eyes went wide at the question and Polly’s took on the slightest hint of mirth. “Might be fun, but I don’t think it will work with all the family there.”

“Maybe a smaller event, we could hold it out at April’s giant mansion. Just a few of those closest to them.”

“Two weddings? Seems excessive.” Mom said and I did my best to nod.

“You want to see him in a wedding dress that badly,” Mom asked. “He’ll never go along with it.”

That was a fact if there ever was one. “I suppose that’s true if we give him a choice,” Lisa said.

“I think Polly might have something to say about your forcing her groom into a wedding dress just so you can have a little thrill.” Mom said.

“I notice your couched your objections from Polly’s viewpoint. You’re ok with the idea then.”

“He’ll kill himself before being prettied up in front of his Dad.” Mom said.

“Too bad.” Lisa sighed and I released my own sigh of relief believing I had avoided a terrible fate. “I guess we won’t invite him then.”

My stomach dropped out.

“I suppose not.” There was a long silence and Lisa finally stood up. “Do you suppose we’ve tortured them enough, or shall I fetch more wine while you think up more conversations to enrage my daughter and embarrass your son.”

“I suppose they’ve had enough. Plus they’ll both be stiff enough we should be able to put a little distance between us before they can try anything.”

A few moments later Polly and I were lying on the living room floor nursing our sore joints and muscles. “They were just pushing our buttons with that wedding stuff, right?” I asked still a bit breathless.

“I’d say so. Though the idea is interesting.” Polly smiled and nudged me with her thigh.

“You’re not serious. I thought it was every girl’s dream to wear the beautiful dress and walk down the aisle.” I responded.

“Ever since I found out a father is supposed to walk his daughter down the aisle, I’ve never been much of a fan,” Polly said sadness pouring through her words.

“It doesn’t have to be that way, lots of weddings…”

“I know that,” Polly interrupted. “My head does, but my heart still gets all weird about traditions involving fathers.”

“That makes sense, I’m sorry.”

Polly rolled over and placed her head on my shoulder. “Your not just the man I fell in love with you know, you’re probably the only man I could ever fall in love with.”

“I am unique.”

“Yes you are,” Polly said as she kissed my fingers.
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Post by NoOne »

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Post by hafnermg »

I certainly missed you Volatile. Welcome back! Also let me join NoOne in hoping yiu finish Mark and Nancy as well. Here's hoping 2021 becomes better than 2020 for everyone!
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Post by Londit »

Welcome back ! I hope you gonna be ok this new year, and thank you for this new chapter :)
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Post by FragRoulette »

Great to see the story return.
Hope for you everything gets better again
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 76 - Bed and Breakfast

Two days before the trip to the Bed and Breakfast Polly and I were again sitting in my room. “What should I bring?” Polly asked.


“Yeah, should I wear my regular winter clothes of leggings and a sweatshirt,” She swept her hand over her current outfit consisting of a forest green sweatshirt with a black pair of fleece leggings. Her strong dancer’s legs were amazing to look at so I always loved her preferred style. “Or something nice like a dress.”

“I'd probably bring a dress, but also casual clothes. I’m bringing a shirt and tie just in case.” I answered. “Though Mom said that there were lots of shops that cater to visitors, in a pinch we can probably buy what you need.”

“Alright sounds good.” She sat down on the bed and looked up toward my shelf. “Do you want to play my Dare game again?” Polly asked.

I laughed. “I figured after last time you might not play for a few weeks.”

“That didn’t go as expected but I can’t say it didn’t have its pleasant moments.” Polly smiled.

“Are we bringing it on our trip?” I asked.

“Don’t think so. I don’t want to mix the gifts. The trip is your gift to me, so let’s keep them separate.” Polly said.

“Oh, so you’ll be leaving all that nice rope behind,” I said with a knowing smirk. “I mean we don’t want to mix gifts.”

“Let’s not go that far. The rope will be traveling with us, just not the dare game, but I’m willing to play it now if you want.”

I pulled the game from the shelf and Polly arranged the pieces so I had two points and she had one. “I believe it’s your turn.”

Polly looked at the three piles of cards and nibbled nervously on one finger. It was incredibly cute to see the hesitation. “What’s wrong, trying to remember what you wrote on those cards?”

“Yes, exactly,” Polly answered.

“Well since winning isn’t the point I’ll go with the ‘1’ pile again,” Polly announced.

“Brave choice.” I smiled.

“You hush.” Polly selected the card off the top.
Polly’s Card wrote:You must change into the clothing of your opponent’s choice and remain dressed for at least an hour. Note: Naked is not acceptable clothing.
“Wow, this is going to require some careful thought.” I said after Polly finished.

“What do I want to see you wearing for an hour?”

“I could go with something embarrassing like a diaper, how about that?” I smiled as Polly grimaced and squirmed while I tapped one finger against my lips. “I could go sexy, like lingerie or a bikini.”

Polly shrugged. “As long as I don’t go outside.”

An idea struck me like a thunderbolt. “I’ve got it. Wait here.” I dashed downstairs and found what I needed in the kitchen and returned holding my prize behind my back. “Here you go. You have to wear this and only this.” I held out a roll of saran wrap.”

“You’ll be able to see right through.” Polly shook her head.

“Not if you use enough and make it thicker in the right places. At least give it a try in the bathroom. I’ll wait out here.”

Polly took the roll of plastic wrap and left the room. After a few seconds I snuck to the locked bathroom and pressed my ear to the door. I could hear the distinct sound of plastic being peeled from the roll and wrapped around her body. I ran back to my room and got my camera ready in my hand. I waited for several minutes before the unmistakable sound of shifting plastic darted across the hall and into my room. “Ta da!” She announced and quickly shut the door, tossing the empty roll onto the floor.

“Wow!” I exclaimed while looking at the simple strapless dress she had fashioned in just a few minutes in the bathroom. It ran from mid thigh upward to just above her breasts flattening them and creating a deep cleavage. Turns and turns of plastic turned the material from translucent to a faint amber color covering her completely. I grabbed my phone and she rolled her eyes in response but made no move to hide herself. She placed a hand on one hip and slid her fingers through her red hair to make sure the mass of fiery curls was placed properly across her shoulders. I took many, many photos.

“Ok Jack, I bet you're feeling lucky at this point. You pick a card.” Polly said.

I shrugged. “Alright, it seems you’ve tied my score so I’ll put this out of reach.” I grabbed the top card from the ‘3’ pile.
Jack’s Card wrote:Your opponent will choose your undergarments for the next seven days. Violations result in the time starting over.
I groaned. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

Polly was clapping her hands and doing twirls in the bedroom to an accompaniment of crinkling plastic. She looked like a candle, her white body shining in the light with her hair blazing in a wave as she danced. “Oh this is so perfect, and we’ll be out of town too.”

I groaned even louder. “I can’t believe this. Can I forfeit or something?”

“Of course not, I’m wearing this plastic dress so you have to stick with your dare too.” Polly marched over to my chest of drawers and started pulling out boxers and dropping them on the floor. “You won’t be needing these for the next seven days.” She found a scrap of green silk stuffed into a back corner and tossed it onto the bed next to the game board. “Your turn to get dressed.”

Growling under my breath I grabbed the green silk and entered the bathroom which still smelled faintly of plastic wrap. My butt was soon covered by the silky garment and as I entered the bedroom she yanked my boxers out of my hand and added them to the pile. She lifted my shirt and slid both hands down the back of my sweat pants to make sure I had not been cheating. “I wish I wasn’t wearing this silly thing,” Polly said. “I have some things I want to get together for you to wear during the next few days, needless to say you don’t need to pack underwear for our trip.”

“Polly, something could happen and I don’t want to get caught wearing girl’s underwear.”

Polly shrugged. “I know, that’s what makes it exciting. I knew this game would pay off eventually.”

I shook my head and fell back onto my bed.

“Tomorrow morning wear these.” Polly said holding up a pair of red panties I had in my drawer from other misadventures. “Now why don’t we have a little make out session? Ever kissed a girl wearing plastic wrap?”

I looked at her as she fell onto the bed next to me and her red locks fell across my face blocking out everything but her. My hands traced circles over the tight plastic material and slid up her back to nestle in her hair as our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. Time seemed to stand still and we both felt the building desire. Lucky for us who had decided to save the culmination of our desire for after we were married, the plastic wrap was thick and tight enough to frustrate anything other than precisely applied scissors. “Wow, ok, I’m sweating like crazy in this, I’ve got to take it off.”

As she left the room, my body groaned in frustration. “Your Mom was right about one thing.” I panted.

“We need to get married soon.”

Polly smiled and darted across the hall.

* * *
The trip would be around three hours and we intended to leave in Polly’s car around mid-morning to arrive just at check-in time at two o’clock. Polly woke me up that morning. “Here my love, go put these on.” She had a triangle of black silk dangling between her fingers.

I sat up on one elbow and snagged the fabric. “If I didn’t love you so much.”

“Go change, have you packed your clothes?” Polly asked as she looked around the room. It must have been cold outside because she paired thick socks and a hoodie with warm-looking green leggings.

I pointed at an open suitcase on the opposite side of the bed and moped off to the bathroom. There was little chance of being spotted by anyone as my Mom would be downstairs, Dad was off doing something for work again, and Kat had gone back early to college. When I returned to the room wearing nothing but the black silk, Polly was looking at my suitcase with her arms crossed. “What are these?” She held a pair of my boxer-briefs in her hand.

“For emergencies. You know, just in case.” I explained with a bit of whine in my voice.

“Emergencies? Like what?” Polly demanded.

“I don’t know. If I get hurt or something and have to go to the hospital.” I suggested.

“If that happens I’m not taking the time to change your underwear. The nurses will probably thank me anyway.” Polly laughed and flicked the underwear behind the headboard. “Now put these on. It’s cold outside.” Polly held out a pair of black stockings.

“If it’s cold, what possible difference will these make?” I protested holding the thin tubes of nylon.

“The dare says I get to pick your underwear, and you’ll be wearing these under,” Polly laughed at her emphasis of the word under.

“You are taking this a little far.” I said but knew it was no use to argue and pulled the thicker-than-most stockings up to the top of my thighs.

“Since it’s such a long drive I figured we’d better give you some support for your back.” Polly said and held out a matching black corset with four garters dangling from the bottom side. She was struggling to hold back her amusement.

“Come on, you can’t be serious.” I whined.

“Why do you even bother to complain anymore, you’re going to do exactly what I ask and you know it, besides your stockings will slide down if you don’t have something to hold them.” She pointed toward the garters.

“You won’t even spare me my pride.” I said and faced away from her.

“I would if we weren’t in a bit of a hurry.” She wrapped the garment around my body and laced me securely into it.

“This is ridiculous, I need to breathe.” I complained further.

Polly pulled the laces even tighter. “That’s tight.” She then loosened them. “Still want to complain.”

“Yes, I want to.” I looked down at the rigid garment extending from my hips to just below my nipples. “This looks ridiculous. Are you punishing me for what my Mom did?”

“No, I just like it. Now you can put your clothes on.” Polly knelt down and attached the four garters to the opaque stockings.

By ten o’clock we had said goodbye to Mom and were driving toward a different town by ourselves. I was forced to sit rigidly in the driver’s seat but with a few adjustments it was workable if not comfortable and in a pinch Polly could always drive. The constant slip of the stockings beneath my sweats and the tug of the garters was an ever present distraction but barely noticeable next to the compression of the corset. We ate fast food at lunch, though I could not finish, and arrived at a quaint little town just before our check in time.

The little town of Brendenburg consisted of mostly a single main street that looked like something straight out of the 1940’s or earlier. Tall and ornately decorated storefronts fronted blocky buildings of much simpler brick and mortar construction. There were a couple of stores that looked out of place. One, a lingerie shop called “Twin Sister’s Lingerie” looked like a quaint little house set between two blocky buildings, almost as if the sisters had refused to move their house when main street came through. Another looked to be a renovated theater of some sort and advertised live entertainment and excellent food each evening.

Mrs. Tolliver’s Bread and Breakfast was just off main street nestled on the edge of a row of white picket-fenced houses. The front door was all of painted wood in various shades of blue but was stuck into the front of a brick building whose sculpted stones had obviously once belonged to a blacksmith shop in the long forgotten past, since the words “Blacksmith” were still easily readable on the stone archway. Inside there was no trace of anything remotely blacksmith-like. Elegant couches and chairs were laid out in front of a modern television across from a tall desk area where a middle aged woman sat behind a sign that read “Guest Service”. She wore a red dress, surprisingly low-cut, whose design was mostly hidden behind the tall desk area but it seemed to be of a form-fitting cut that would have been unusual if she had been in less excellent shape. “Hello there young folks, you must be Jack and Polly. My name is Jaime Mulkson, and your room should be ready.”

I looked around the room while Polly spoke to the woman. A coffee and tea service was next to an archway that led into a room where several chairs and tables were arranged in small groups, obviously the breakfast area. The smell of fresh bread mixed with the scents of coffee still lingered in the air despite the late hour giving the whole area a pleasant and welcoming feel. Polly’s voice interrupted my examinations. “Jack, can you grab the bags?”

“Sure thing, maybe a couple of trips.”

“Let me help then.” Polly answered.

Moments later we were following Mrs. Mulkson up a narrow stairway. Now that she was no longer hidden behind the desk the maroon dress she wore was obviously form fitting and she had to take each of the steps one at a time due to the way it restricted her stride. The stair led to a quartet of four doors one of which was open. “Hello Marcie,” Mrs. Mulkson said.

Backing out of an adjacent door was a young woman pulling a cart laden with towels, cleaning supplies, and a large waste bin. Obviously this was the maid but from the back, the dress she wore looked a bit out of place. It was cut similarly to the dress Mrs. Mulkson wore falling to below her knee. The form fitting nature revealed the pleasing shape of her well muscled back and narrow waist. As she heard us approach she turned to display the front of her dress, which like Mrs. Mulkson's was cut low but hidden by a white apron. The black nylons and low heels seemed to complete the incongruous picture.

“Oh, hello.” She said and did a small curtsey to the extent that her narrow skirts would allow.

“This is Jack and Polly. They will be staying in room three.” She pointed toward the open door.

“It’s all ready, I hope you enjoy your stay.” Marcie said and went back to pulling her cart toward the door with a brass number four nailed just above the peep hole.

We followed Mrs. Mulkson into the room which contained a couch and coffee table oriented to face a large television, along with a small desk and chair where several pamphlets were scattered discussing various nearby attractions. “This is one of our best suites. The bedroom is just through the doorway there, and it has a pocket door if you desire privacy.” She pointed to a door that slid into the wall when not needed.

“So lovely.” Polly said, dropping the bag she had draped over one shoulder. “Oh Jack, come into the bedroom.”

I dropped the two suitcases next to the couch and found Polly looking out of a large picture window overlooking a view of the mainstreet. “It’s like a scene from a painting. Oh look, is that a snowflake drifting down? ”

“Probably,” Mrs. Mulkson said. “There is snow in the forecast. Now if there is anything you need please let me know. You can dial zero and I’ll pick it up at the desk downstairs.”

“Thank you so much.” Polly said.

I waited until the door clicked shut and cocked my head toward Polly. “Is it just me or…”

“Those dresses, I know,” Polly laughed. “It seems to be a uniform, and both women can pull it off, but I wonder what it’s like wearing them everyday.”

“Did seem a bit odd, especially for the maids.” I agreed.

“I know, it must be a real chore to squat down and clean things. Maybe I’ll ask about it, perhaps there is some reason. Though that maid was a bit too forward, don't you think?”

My eyes narrowed in confusion as I reviewed the brief interaction in my mind. “Forward? What do you mean? She seemed nice.”

Polly rolled her eyes. “She was giving you the once over, she even looked back to watch you walk in the room. I caught her look as I was holding the door.”

“Pshaw,” I chuckled. “You’re crazy, she was more likely looking at you.”

Polly rolled her eyes. “You’d think after all that’s happened in the last year you could accept the fact that you attract the eyes of certain girls.”

“Girls just don’t do that,” I responded. “Guys are always doing double takes and running into things while staring at a girl,” I said while unloading one of the bags in the bathroom.

“That’s the stereotype, but like all stereotypes, it's mostly wrong,” Polly answered loud enough for me to hear in the bathroom where she was pulling things out of her suitcase. I walked back into the main room to see Polly toss a case onto the bed and open the zipper and pull out a coiled length of gold-yellow rope. “It doesn’t matter, I want to try out my new rope.” She pulled on one loop and let the coil fall. Gravity uncoiled the golden rope while she folded it in half.

“What? Now?” I asked puzzled.

“Sure why not, you got somewhere to be?” Polly laughed.

“Well no, I suppose I could tie you up.” I said holding out my hand for the rope.

“Very funny, I will be tying you up. Besides we have this amazing view,” She swept her arm to the window where the small town of Brendenburg slowly turned gray amidst the heavy clouds and falling snowflakes. The warm glow of shop windows punctuated the scene creating a postcard scene. “We might as well enjoy it.”

“We could take a walk,” I suggested.

“Nah, the view is better from here. Now strip down to your fundies so I can get started.” I opened my mouth again, but Polly was ready with a finger across my lips. “This is my Christmas present, remember.”

“Fundies?” I murmured around her fingers as I reached down to pull my sweatshirt over my head.

“It works.” Polly shrugged.

I was soon standing in the bedroom wearing the stockings, corset, and silk underwear. “Alright, I assume you have a position in mind?”

Polly smiled and pointed to the tall, elaborately carved, bedpost at the foot of the bed facing the window away from the door. “Stand against that.”

I placed my back against the post and had to admit that watching the gently falling snow blanket the distant main street was a more interesting view than I usually received during these adventures. Polly started with my hands which she placed at my hips and used the rope to first bind my right hand to my upper right thigh and repeated the process with my left making sure to cinch the wrappings. The rope was really soft though tight enough to leave rope marks.

She took a third length of the same golden colored rope and wrapped the rope around my elbows and around the back of the post. With each of my wrists bound to my upper thighs there would be no way to get my elbows close to each other but the bonds would severely limit any attempt to reach the knots. More rope wrapped around these elbow bindings over and across my shoulders to weld my upper torso to the wooden post.

The fourth rope pinned my waist to the post and Polly pulled the free ends of this waist bondage between my legs framing my unmistakable arousal between the bright colored ropes. “You do make a pretty picture.”

I looked down and rolled my eyes. “If you say so.”

“Exactly.” Polly held up a large white sphere suspended between two straps. “Are you going to cooperate and politely open your mouth or am I going to have to force a pair of heels onto your feet and then put this in your mouth.” Polly said with one eyebrow cocked higher in question.

I contemplated spending an indeterminate amount of time tied to the post while poised on high heels and decided to open my mouth without complaint. “Ah too bad, some heels would really round out your current outfit.” Polly said as she pushed the white ball behind my teeth. It was large enough I doubted the strap was even necessary. Drool began to leak from the stretched corners of my mouth almost immediately.

Polly retrieved two more lengths of rope, this time in black and bound my legs to the post at knees and ankles. “There we go, you enjoy that for a bit while I head into the other room.”

I pulled at the ropes and was just able to reach the knot holding my right hand against my leg. Working quickly I tugged the knot free and began pulling the cinching wraps to create some slack when Polly walked back in. My mind blanked out at the vision, Polly had replaced her warm leggings and oversized sweatshirt with a skin tight black catsuit which looked to be made of oil, it was so shiny. From ankles to neck she was covered in the tight black rubber which left her freckled arms free. “What do you think?” She did a twirl that in the confined space caused her body to slide across my grasping fingers. Polly in Black

I grunted through the gag in a vain attempt to respond to her question while desperately struggling against the bonds. I wanted to pull her shiny body into my arms and my efforts only forced grunts and bubbles of spittle to leak around the white ball forcing my jaws wide. Polly leaned against my chest, her mane of red hair falling across my chest and shoulders. “This is fun, such a good gift.”

Polly stood up and quickly darted out of the room, returning so quickly I had not recovered from my initial shock of her appearance to resume my escape attempt. This time she was wearing an ivory turtleneck sweater dress with a hem at the knee where the oil-black catsuit could be seen before descending into a pair of warm boots.

“I’m going to go walk around town for a bit, your Mom told me of a couple places we should definitely check out. I’ll be back…” She stopped and looked down at my hands and placed her hands on her hips in irritation. “You’ve got to be kidding, an escape attempt?” With a shake of her head she grabbed the dangling ends of the rope and quickly retied my hand securely to my upper thigh. “I guess I made it too easy.” She returned with a roll of white foam tape which she used to bind each of my hands into useless fists and stretched a final piece across the ballgag. “There we go, less drool, and less escaping.” She turned toward the door. “See you in a few. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on you by looking up through this window. I doubt with the snow anyone else will notice you up here.” She smiled and winked as she left the room

I realized with those words that with dusk falling fast due to the stormy sky and the lamp next to the bed bathing me in yellow light that I would be visible from the outside. I turned my head and grunted my protest. I doubted the line of sight would allow even the most observant to see my entire body, but the corset would be visible and my obviously bound state. The door was already clicking closed behind her.

The window became a mirror as the world outside faded to black and I was forced to study my reflection. The black satin corset drew the eye first and made the yellow ropes stand out like strands of gold where they crossed around the stiff garment. The pattern of gold on black continued where the rope framed my barely hidden genitals. My legs bound with black rope over the stockings completed my silly, though undoubtedly feminine, appearance. Despite the many explanations given to me over the last year, I still struggled to understand what attracted Polly to my current situation. I did not doubt her honesty but simply could not understand, I guess I should be thankful I was not sporting a voluptuous cleavage.

A click from the other room interrupted my reverie. Was Polly finally returning? I stopped breathing as I heard the door slide open. “Hello? Maid service,” said a woman’s voice I recognized as Marcie from our brief interaction in the hallway.

Panic filled my mind and with no escape route it translated into a sudden sheen of sweat and a sick feeling in my stomach. I listened as the delicate swish of her dress announced her arrival. “Is anyone here? The door hanger requested maid service.” Marcie said now only inches from the bedroom door.

Had Polly done that deliberately? Did she switch the door hanger from ‘Do Not Disturb’ to “Maid Service Requested’? It definitely sounded like something she would do, but what were the odds it would actually work, one hundred percent apparently. Marcie stepped slowly into the room, the long white apron appearing bright against her dark form fitting dress. She stopped and gasped her hands going to her mouth in shock. I closed my eyes in some vain attempt to deny the reality of the situation and hoped she would immediately flee the room at the sight of my bound body. No luck, when I finally opened my eyes she was still frozen in the same position.

Seconds ticked by before she finally spoke. “Are you ok?”

I nodded still hoping she would leave.

“Did your wife do this?” Marcie asked.

I nodded with no way to correct her mistake in calling Polly my wife.

The shock seemed to slip away and she took another step closer. “You can’t talk.”

I shook my head.

Her eyes then spent several seconds traveling across my body and I watched as her face transitioned from surprise toward amusement and perhaps even a touch of delight. I hated to admit Polly was right about this one. “I have to call this one in or I’ll get in trouble.”

I shook my head violently and tried to tell her to just leave but nothing but grunts came through the taped ball gag. “I’m sorry, I’ll be as discreet as I can.”

She quickly left the room and I heard her pick up the phone. “Jaime, can you come up to room three?”

“Nothing is wrong, I just need you to see something.” The phone clicked back into the cradle.

Marcie returned with one hand in the pocket of her apron and withdrew a phone. My eyes went wide and the red flush to my skin darkened further. I shook my head violently. “I promise it will be just for me.” Involved as I was in technology and computer systems I knew how easy it was for pictures to end up in places they did not belong but could do nothing as she held her phone up. “I’m not sure what to do here, I did not come in uninvited. I am the maid.” Marcie sounded as if she were trying to convince herself.

You don’t take pictures of what you find in other people’s rooms. I thought but could never get my point across despite my attempts to stare daggers at the phone in the pocket of her apron.

Marcie stepped closer and it became obvious she was becoming more and more excited. Her hand was drifting toward my arm when an older woman’s voice came from the other room. “Marcie, hello?”

Marcie quickly withdrew her hand and stepped back before answering. “In here Jaime.”

Mrs. Mulkson stepped into the room and in much the same way Marcie had done earlier she gasped her hands rising to cover her mouth.

“I found him exactly like this, I don’t know what to do, should we just leave.”

Mrs. Mulkson took a few breaths and adjusted her hair and dress. “Why did you even come in?”

“Maid Service Requested on the door.” Marcie answered. “I figured they had knocked over a plant or something. Where’s his wife?”

“She walked out just a few minutes ago.” Mrs. Mulkson answered.

“Did she say anything?” Marcie answered.

“I asked her if she was alone and she said Jack was relaxing after the long drive.” Mrs. Mulkson answered.

Marcie giggled. “Are you relaxing?”

I narrowed my eyes at her joke.

“What do we do?” Marcie asked. “Should we let him go?”

Mrs. Mulkson stepped closer and smiled. “It’s obviously some kind of private game, with the lingerie and all.”

“He wears it so well.” Marcie giggled again.

“Stop teasing, imagine if the roles were reversed.” Mrs. Mulkson admonished.

I was stunned that they were just standing there wondering what to do. Release me or leave. I thought furiously in their direction.

“I suppose it’s not safe to leave him alone.” Mrs. Mulkson said.

“His wife was fine with it.” Marcie answered.

“Perhaps not, she did request a maid.” Mrs. Mulkson answered.

“You think she did that on purpose?” Marcie said smiling.

Mrs. Mulkson shrugged. “Perhaps, who’s to say without asking her. But you’re right, we can’t leave him alone. What if there’s a fire.”

“Then we release him?” Marcie asked.

“No, I think that would be interfering too much.” Mrs. Mulkson. “I’ll go down and try to find her.”

“I’ll stay here and watch him.” Marcie answered, unable to keep the delight out of her voice.”

“No touching Marcie.” Mrs. Mulkson said.

“Of course not.”

Mrs. Mulkson left and I was left to endure the increasingly close inspection of Marcie. “Did you let her do this?”

I narrowed my eyes as if to say, “Obviously,” but only nodded.

“Do you like wearing a corset?” Marcie asked.

I shook my head in the negative.

“Why do you do it then?” Marcie asked.

I cocked my head to the side as if to say, “How am I supposed to answer that?”

Marcie laughed at her own mistake. “Do you do this often?”

I nodded hoping she would eventually run out of questions if I answered quickly.

“I must admit you look really nice.”

I stared at her, silently wondering how Polly identified her so quickly.

“I’ve had boyfriends,” Marcie continued, “But there is no way any of them would let me do this. Your wife is really lucky.” Marcie took a few minutes to look at the open suitcase on the bed. “Wow she has a lot of rope.”

She returned to standing in front of me. “I really want to touch you.”

I shook my head.

“I know, I won’t, but it’s taking all my self control.” Marcie slid her hands beneath the apron and down over her hips. “It’s kind of exciting, I feel like a dominatrix or something.” She stepped closer. “You’ll be in my dreams for a few months, maybe longer.”

I closed my eyes and willed Polly to return quickly, not at all convinced this woman had the self-control to keep her hands to herself. Finally the sounds of feet on stairs announced the arrival of Polly and Mrs. Mulkson. Marcie had stepped back to the doorway long before they arrived.

“... you didn’t notice the door hanger?” Mrs. Mulkson was saying.

“No sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Polly answered. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you or your maid.”

“It’s no problem and rest assured we will discuss it no further.” Mrs. Mulkson said. “Right Marcie?”

“Of course,” Marcie answered.

“Let’s leave these two alone.” Mrs. Mulkson answered.

The two women left, leaving Polly standing in front of Jack with a half grin on her face. “Was I right about Marcie, seems like you two had some time together?” Polly said while carefully pulling the foam tape away from my face. She pulled away the gag and offered up a glass of water with a straw.

I stretched my jaw for a few moments. “You were right. You did that on purpose then?”

“Well, I did put the ‘maid service requested’ hanger on but I doubted anyone would notice. I was surprised when I saw a glimpse of Marcie in the window from down below?”

“You could see me? How many people….” I began.

Polly held up her hand. “With the snow no one would know what they were looking at, you looked like a mannequin at best. I just knew better, and when I saw a second person moving about I kind of figured it was Marcie the Maid.”

“She took a picture with her phone, probably more than one.” I said.

Polly was removing the ropes and tape. “I’ll have to deal with that. We’ve got dinner reservations at the bar slash restaurant slash theater, or whatever they call it at the end of the street. Wear jeans and a nice shirt.”

Polly cleaned up the ropes while I dressed quickly. On the way out of the bread and breakfast we passed Marcie and Mrs. Mulkson talking quietly at the front desk. Polly waved as we passed but both of the women were smiling at me while I walked by. “Enjoy your dinner.” Marcie said, barely containing a giggle.

The words broke the silence and I turned toward the women. “Thank you for your discretion.”

Mrs. Mulkson waved her hand. “Don’t mention it, we sure won’t.”

“Though I promise to check on your door hanger just in case you need a maid.” Marcie laughed.

I smiled back. “Good to know.”

Polly appeared at my side, her face stony serious. “If that picture finds its way to the public…” She paused. “There will be serious consequences.” She turned to leave, pulling me along in her wake before I could hear or see any response.

“Wow, it’s really coming down.” I said as we stepped out the door. “I almost wish I was wearing your rubber skin.”

“That can be arranged, quite easily.” Polly answered. “Though I’ll warn you, trips to the bathroom are a bit of a pain.”

I laughed. “I bet.”

The restaurant was at the edge of the tourist-y downtown area. It was an old theater building and still had the sign with old movie names showing movies from the 1970’s. The place was nearly empty, likely due to the weather and we were seated and served by the same woman. “My name is Tamara, you two just get in?”

“Yeah, we’re staying at the B&B for a few days.”

“Ah yes, old lady Tolliver’s place is really nice, did she send you this way.”

“Jaime Mulkson did.”

“Yeah, Jaime runs the place. I suspect she’ll inherit it soon. Just in town for a visit?” Tamara asked while setting out glasses of water.

“Yeah, just getting away for a few days.”

“You picked a nasty weekend, weather-wise.”

“It’s ok, being snowed in can be fun.” Polly answered.

Tamara smiled. “Don’t think me forward, but you are beautiful, I love your hair.”

Polly blushed and I smiled at her reaction. “I tell her that all the time and she never blushes for me.”

Tamara laughed. “Here are the specials, relax and enjoy yourself, I wager you’ll have the place to yourself.”

After our meal Tamara showed up with a couple of mugs of hot chocolate. “On the house if you’ll let me join you. I’ve had no one to talk to but the cook and he only looks annoyed when I interrupt his audiobook.”

We were sitting at a booth and Polly jumped up and joined me on my side of the table to make room for Tamara. “I couldn’t help but notice your ring, that looks familiar, do you know where you got it?”

I tried desperately not to itch my neck where the crystal necklaces hid beneath my collar. “My grandma lives near here and I’m ninety percent sure it's an heirloom, her name was Teresa.”

“Ah yes of course, she still lives west of here with a friend of mine.” Tamara said.

“Paul?” Polly asked.

“Bingo,” Tamara smiled. “You should definitely show that to the sisters over at the lingerie shop, they knew some of the craftsmen that did work like that.”

“I was planning on going that way tomorrow.” Polly answered.

“Where’s your ring?” Tamara asked.

“Just engaged.” I answered and I thanked my lucky stars Polly kept silent.

Tamara smiled and we watched the snow pile up outside as we enjoyed the warm drinks. “We’d better go,” Polly said. “I’m sure we’ll see you tomorrow. Will you be open?”

“Oh yes, as long as the power stays on. I live upstairs.”

The snow was getting deep enough to make walking difficult by the time we stomped through the front door of the B&B. “I was afraid you’d have to stay with Tamara.” Mrs. Mulkson said from a couch near the fire.

“It’s getting bad out there.” Polly agreed.

The older lady stood from the couch and stepped closer wringing her hands. “I talked to Marcie about the photos, she is staying upstairs in room four due to the weather. Would you please stop by there?”

“Mrs. Mulkson…” Polly began.

“Call me Jaime, please.”

“Jaime, it’s mostly my fault, I got carried away, but I appreciate your efforts.” Polly answered.

“Well, you’re a lucky young woman, to have such a lad as he,” Jaime glanced toward me. “But would you please stop by her room? I believe she would like to apologize for taking the photos without permission.”

“Alright,” Polly said and moved toward the stairs.

“If you need anything, just call. Breakfast is seven to nine.”

“See you then.” Polly answered as I followed her.

At the top of the stairs were a quartet of doors. Ours, room three, was closed but room four was wide open. Polly looked back at me. “I guess we should go right in?”

I had a feeling something was odd since a quick glance inside the room which was laid out identically to our own revealed no one. If Marcie was expecting us to stop by, one would expect her to be waiting on the couch enjoying some television. “Maybe she’s sleeping, we should come back later.” I said to Polly who was already fully inside the room.

“I hear something from the bedroom.” Polly said.


“No, come on.”

With a nervous look around I followed Polly who was walking into the bedroom. Two paces in she stopped with a quick jerk of surprise. I looked over her shoulder to see a female shape with her back toward us. The woman’s arms were held behind her in a firmly laced armbinder and a wide collar of black leather encircling her neck. She seemed incapable of turning her body toward us but she was making sounds that indicated she was struggling with something in her mouth.

Polly looked toward me and smiled. “Hello Marcie.”
Last edited by volatiledesire 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

NoOne wrote: 3 years ago Also, on a selfish note, I hope you finish your Mark and Nancy story as well.
hafnermg wrote:Also let me join NoOne in hoping yiu finish Mark and Nancy as well.
I think I stopped writing that one in 2008, which seems wrong but the file dates don't lie. I will revisit it once Jack's Story is done. I just really want to finish something for once in my writing career.

Thanks for you interest and thanks for commenting.

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Post by Canuck100 »

It's always a pleasure when a new chapter gets added to your story. This one was particularly great. And that's just the beginning of the weekend at the B&B? There's so much potential for more fun : Marcie, the sister's lingerie store, the dare game, etc...

For reference, here are the Mark & Nancy chapters from the old site that I found so far :

01 - Mark & Nancy: Wacky Wednesday (f/m, FF/mf)
02 - Mark & Nancy: After the Test (FF/mf)
03 - Mark & Nancy: Monopoly (FFf/m)
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Post by volatiledesire »

Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago It's always a pleasure when a new chapter gets added to your story. This one was particularly great. And that's just the beginning of the weekend at the B&B? There's so much potential for more fun : Marcie, the sister's lingerie store, the dare game, etc...

For reference, here are the Mark & Nancy chapters from the old site that I found so far :

01 - Mark & Nancy: Wacky Wednesday (f/m, FF/mf)
02 - Mark & Nancy: After the Test (FF/mf)
03 - Mark & Nancy: Monopoly (FFf/m)
When the site moved I transcribed the whole story into a single thread from my old files. here. This includes everything I've written, with several spelling/grammar fixes on that story.

And thank you for your kind words.

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Post by hafnermg »

Ooh a new friend I can't wait to see where this goes!
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Post by charliesmith »

I am currently reading your story and I am in chapter 46 now. This is such a well written and thoughtful story. Full of creative ideas and character. One of the best stories I have ever read.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by nogg »

Long time lurker on this site and the old site. This was my favorite story that I read and I'm glad its still being continued. When I first started reading this story, Jack was older than me, now at this point, I believe I'm older than him. Keep up the great work!
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Post by ahoyboy1 »

Fabulous story. Loving all the delicious panty gags.
Hello everyone! I’m Alex. Chicago guy who loves snug bondage and thick, layered muffling gags. Love all things related to panties, panty gags and panty hoods. DiD/GiD/RP/home invasion/babysitters I enjoy it all. PMs are open and always welcome.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Hello everyone, sorry it's been so long. I ran into a bit of writer's block. I had to bust through it by writing a different story, I posted that here, if you want to read it. Pretty much same kind of content you would expect from me but in third instead of first person. It helped shake some things loose.

So onto the next chapter.

Thanks for coming back.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 77 - Twin Sister’s Lingerie

Marcie stood in her form-fitting black dress, gone was the maid’s apron replaced by a pair of high heels of at least four inches. Her flexibility was on display by the black leather armbinder which had been laced closed forcing her elbows to touch behind her back. A leather cord passed through the metal ring at the base of the single sleeve descending toward her ankles where it encircled them to keep her from shifting her feet.

I glanced at Polly, who had moved further into the room and was gazing in delighted surprise at Marcie’s face. “Jack, come ‘round here and check this out.”

I moved slowly, noticing for the first time the straps of a gag around Marcie’s head. It matched the leather of both the collar and the armbinder. Whoever did this to Marcie, probably Mrs. Mulkson, had done this before and spent some money in the effort. I had wondered what prevented Marcie from turning her head to watch us enter but this question was answered by the two inches of bright purple that was visible between the bedpost and her open mouth, held open by a ring gag. The purple object, obviously a silicone sex toy, descended some distance into her open mouth and was held to the bedpost by several windings of tape. A rope led from a ring in her leather collar through a decorative hole in the wood where it was knotted so that no matter how hard Marcie pulled her head back it would not allow her to fully extract the phallus from her mouth. With a diabolic twist, weight had been added to the rope so that anytime Marcie relaxed the rope would pull her head closer forcing the shaft in further.

Marcie made sounds around the phallic gag but nothing intelligible. I took a quick scan of her body to note her ankles and waist were also connected to the post, preventing hardly any movement besides her eyes which roved over our faces in a helpless plea for release. “What happens if I do this?” Polly said and she rested her hand on the weights dangling down on the other side of the post. An inch of purple disappeared into Marcie’s mouth. She choked and spluttered as saliva fell from the corners of her mouth.

“Polly, stop.” I said, surprised at the casual cruelty of her actions.

Polly turned to me and slowly blinked her eyes like a disapproving feline. “Stop? You think I’m hurting her?”

“Well, yeah. I mean look at her. She can’t relax or she’ll have that thing shoved down her throat. Let’s release her.”

Polly sniffed and shook her head. “My god you can be so blind, but ok, this should prove educational for you.”

I squinted my eyes and looked again at the situation. Marcie’s eyes were still rolling wildly between Polly and I and she constantly shifted her weight probably in an attempt to ease the discomfort caused by the high heels. I reached for the knotted rope that held her head in position and quickly released it from the weight. I removed the additional knot that kept her from pulling the rope through the hole in the bed post. Marcie then eased her mouth from the phallic intruder and I was somewhat stunned as an eight inch length slid from between her lips covered in strings of dripping saliva.

“Impressive,” Polly said, “I’d say she’s done this before.” I looked back at Polly who made a circling motion with one hand. “Go on, let’s hear the pleas of the poor damsel in distress.”

I removed the ring which thankfully had been buckled on after the collar and allowed her a few moments to catch her breath and swallow. “Jack,” she breathed. “I already deleted the photos I swear.”

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“No, I need you to help me.” Marcie said.

“Let me get you out of this.” I answered quickly and began to reach for the laces of the black armbinder.

“No, no, no.” Marcie said, her voice rising in alarm.

“Excuse me?” I stopped.

“Look, there is a small remote slipped into the top of the armbinder between my upper arms, get it out please,” A look of confusion must have passed over my face because she repeated herself. “It’s small and pink, you can’t miss it.”

The armbinder trapping Marcie’s arms was black leather and was laced closed at the middle of her upper arms. I dipped my hand into this space and retrieved a small pink box. A closer look revealed a large button and a second control that slid up and down. “Ok, I found it.”

“Now please, after you put me back, press that button.” Marcie said with no small amount of desperation in her voice.

“Put you back?” I said.

“Yes, it’s been months, but Polly there must have given my Mistress some inspiration. Now remember, after you’ve put me back, press that button.” Marcie then opened her mouth wide in an invitation to replace the ring gag.

I looked at Polly in obvious bewilderment. She was struggling to contain a smile but the small shrug spoke volumes. “I told you.”

I reached for the ring gag. “How did you know?”

“For one, the bondage is all pretty professional, so this isn’t some damsel-in-distress situation.” Polly said.

I shrugged. “True.”

“Two, she was breathing normally with almost eight inches of silicone filling her mouth. No one does that without practice.” Polly continued.

“Ok,” I answered, wondering silently how Polly knew so much about the challenges of silicone felatio. “Maybe”

“But most of all because Jaime asked us to come up here.” Polly said. “I’m definitely going to have to pick her brain. She has some interesting ideas.”

Marcie pulled her head back and threaded the purple dildo through the ring, the moment the ring gag was in place. Polly pulled the rope connecting her wide leather collar until her lips nearly touched the wooden bed post. She then tied a large knot preventing her from pulling it back. I watched Marcie’s reaction to this even stricter position but she only repeatedly glanced at the remote in my hand.

I glanced down at the small device but before I could move my thumb to press the button Polly plucked the control from my hand. “I’m quite sure I don’t want you remotely pleasuring another woman, especially not one as beautiful as Marcie.” Polly said with a smile at the bound woman.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“What do you think this is?” Polly looked at the pink control holding it up before Marcie’s eyes.

“I’m not sure.” I admitted, “Though now I’ve got some suspicions.”

Polly shook her head. “I love you for your innocence.”

“I hope not, because I’ve been losing much of that since I met you.“ I responded.

Polly smiled wider. “How sure are we that she deleted the photos?”

“I’d say eighty to ninety percent. I mean she seemed sincere at the moment. Why?”

Polly toyed with the remote in her hand. “Maybe we’ll just put this back,” Polly said, moving to replace the remote in the armbinder.

“I’m just going to admit to being out of my depth here.” I said and began to move back out of the room.

“Good call,” Polly smiled.

I stepped backward and watched as Polly’s finger slid over the button as she dropped the remote back where I found it. Marcie’s legs seemed to quiver before I lost sight of her as I exited the room. Polly followed me shortly with a small smile on her lips. “Why don’t you grab a shower. I want to talk to Jaime.”

“What are you going to talk to her about?” I asked but the sound of feet on the stairs interrupted my thoughts. I bravely ducked into our room as Jaime’s head appeared from the stairwell. By the time the noise of the shower blocked all sound I heard Polly and Jaime descending the wooden stairs, their voices indecipherable.

There is nothing better than a nice hot shower when it's cold outside though the corset did require a lot of effort to get off. Polly still had not returned by the time my shower was over and I rifled through the suitcases looking for clothes to sleep in. Normally at home I would wear boxers and a T-shirt, but since Polly had decided I didn’t need my own underwear I would have to find something to keep her from suggesting anything too outrageous. I found a pair of sweats, but if I went commando Polly would never allow it. I found a cream-colored pair of leggings in Polly’s suitcase and quickly pulled them on with one of my plain T-shirts.

I cleaned up the black and yellow ropes still scattered about the bedroom and I had to admit the leggings felt nice especially with the fleece lining in the chill room. Polly had not returned when I finished cleaning the mess so I tossed back the covers and was asleep before they had settled about my body.

* * *

A pale light shone through the windows when I opened my eyes. I looked over to see Polly asleep next me with the covers pulled to her chin. I stood up and noticed it was almost nine o’clock in the morning and that breakfast would be over soon so I quickly pulled on some sweats over the leggings since the room was chill enough I did not want to strip out of my bed-warmed clothing. I quickly went downstairs to see if I could secure some food for both of us before it was too late. The dining area was empty save for three women, Marcie, Jaime, and a third who I presumed was the cook. They sat around a small corner table sipping cups of coffee. Jaime spotted me first and waved me over, “I hope you didn’t wake Polly, we talked really late. I will be heading for a nap once breakfast is done. We have a couple trays over there you can take up. Marcie, why don’t you help him?”

“Thanks, that is very kind of you to remember us.” I responded moving toward the cloth covered trays resting on a sideboard next to the entrance to the kitchen.

“Don’t mention it, you are our only guests currently. The snow has canceled the rest.”

“Ok, thanks anyway.” I stepped over to the table and Marcie met me there. Today she was wearing a much simpler outfit consisting of black leggings and blue long sleeve top that clung to her curves. I grabbed one tray and she the other.

As we ascended the stairs I found myself unable to speak. Words seemed wholly inadequate considering the compromising situations we had seen each other in. Marcie was the first to break the silence. “I hope you weren’t too embarrassed by my behavior, it’s just been a long time since I’ve had that kind of fun.”

“I really don’t know what to say.” I quickly sat the tray in the outer living room and slowly closed the door to the bedroom so we would not disturb Polly.

Marcie shrugged. “I get that, it can be hard to admit you like certain things, especially kinky things. And you are so young.”

I sat down on the couch and peered under the cloth at breakfast, which looked to be cereal and a bowl of fruit. “I’m not sure I do like them.” I answered.

Marcie giggled. “Well your body sure does. It was hard not to notice.” She said with subtle emphasis on the word ‘hard’.

“That guy is an idiot, I keep telling Polly that.” I answered, glancing down at my crotch.

Marcie sat down next to me on the couch. “I think instead of feeling guilty all the time you should be thankful you found someone like Polly.”

“I am thankful, more than you can imagine. I love her.” I answered

“But…” Marcie pressed.

“No buts. I love her. And she really has a thing for putting me in compromising situations.” I answered.

“You don’t like them?” Marcie asked

“Well, they can be pretty humiliating.”

“Like what?” Marcie said, her eyes lighting up.

“You saw.” I waved at the bedroom.

“Yes, was that the worst ever?” Marcie asked, obviously fishing for details.

“She puts me in lingerie and dresses.” I said.

“Yes, I saw, and how does she force you into those clothes? I've seen grown men and women struggle to dress a toddler and you’re much stronger than a toddler.” Marcie pressed.

“I can’t say no to her. She has a kind of power over me. I can’t explain it very well.” I answered.

“So bondage and feminine clothing, that’s it?” Marcie continued.

“I guess that pretty much sums it up, but the devil’s in the details.” I answered.

Marcie nodded. “Well, I bet she likes dressing you up because you’re so darn adorable when you squirm.” I looked at her sharply and she raised both hands. “It’s true.” Marcie stood up. “I better get back downstairs or Jaime will think we're playing with each other.”

“Yeah right, that’s not possible.” I said with a shake of my head.

“No, never.” Marcie rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her.

Polly stepped out of the bedroom door so quickly she must have been listening to our conversation. She was wearing a familiar green nighty that looked absolutely amazing with her mussed curls dancing across her shoulders. “She seems nice.” Polly’s Nighty

“Wow, you must be cold.” I said, looking carefully at the short gown.

“You must have been really tired if you didn’t notice me curling up next to you under the covers.” Polly said.

“Yeah, sorry I missed that.” I answered.

“Nice trick with my leggings, I couldn’t tell if you were wearing the proper underwear.” Polly said.

I shrugged. “Come have breakfast.”

We ate in relative silence while watching the local weather report on the television. “Sure looks like we’ll have trouble getting out of here tomorrow night unless the weather man is way off.” I said.

“Oh what a tragedy that would be.” Polly smiled, looking at me in absolute delight.

“So what’s on tap for today, we’re going to brave the snow?” I asked.

“Oh absolutely. I’m going to change.” Polly said and disappeared into the bedroom returning moments later in a thick gray sweater and dark leggings with a pair of tan fleece-lined boots.

“I didn’t bring anything so warm.” I said. “No worries, I laid out the clothes to wear beneath your sweats. I don’t think we’ll be out too long. I want to go to the Twin Sister’s Lingerie shop if they’re open today.”

I walked off to the bedroom to see what frills Polly wanted me to wear beneath my warm clothing. I spotted the green nightie lying next to a pair of matching panties. I walked back into the living area with the garment dangling from my finger. “Really, you want me to wear this underneath?”

Polly paused in her gathering of the dirty dishes. “Yeah, I don’t think I brought enough fun clothes for you if we end up staying extra days because of the snow. I think the nightie I wore the night before will be perfect. It’ll be fun knowing you’re in lingerie while inside a lingerie store. But…” Polly said slowly. “Would you rather wear the corset?”

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bedroom.

“Make sure and wear those leggings beneath your sweat pants, it’s super cold.” Polly’s voice echoed from the other room. I stripped down while continuing to deny the pleasant feeling of the silk underwear sliding up my legs. The heady scent of Polly as the nightie fell over my body eliminated any grumbling on my part. I added some thick socks and a blue sweater. In the living room Polly finished wrapping a scarf around her neck and was wearing a long coat. I grabbed my coat which was too short for the weather and glanced back out the bedroom window. Large flakes still drifted down but the snow was letting up, though it mattered little since more than a foot of was lying about with drifts much deeper.

“Here I have an extra scarf.” Polly said and dropped a gray mass around my head adjusting it to keep my throat warm. “It’s an infinity scarf, very stylish.”

“It’s for girls.” I responded

“It’s cold out, just wear it.” Polly shook her head and walked toward the steps.

I followed in her wake. Jaime was sitting at the desk wearing a blue tunic with dark leggings and a scarf around her throat of similar design to what I wore but in a more colorful pattern. “Be careful out there, I’d wager you have the town to yourself.”

“Alright, see you later.”

She waved and we waded out into the snow covered world. Polly jumped through the drifts and kicked the loose snow into the air. She grabbed my hand and ran along the sidewalk. “I love snow, it turns everything into a wonderland.” We arrived at a gap between two buildings where a small decorative well lay shrouded in snow. In normal conditions it was a small park with a path leading around the well. Polly pulled me to the side and laid down in the snow waving her arms back and forth. She reached for my hand and I helped her to her feet. “I haven’t done that in so long.” She said, staring at her snow angel imprint in the snow.

I laughed and admired the freckles across her nose made clearer by the cold air. Wisps of her always unruly red hair peaked out from behind her hood. “Nothing made of snow is as beautiful as you.”

Polly laughed and pushed on my chest hooking one of her booted feet behind my ankle knocking me to the ground next to her angel. “My angel is lonely.”

I waved my arms and legs forming a second snow angel next to the first. Polly helped me to my feet and we snapped a quick picture of our snow angels along with a selfie next to the well. “Alright, let’s head for the lingerie shop.”

The shop differed from the surrounding buildings in that it looked like a small house with a short porch over the front door, though there was a much larger space attached to the back. None of the sidewalks had been cleared of snow and a large drift had formed just outside of the clear space created by the porch roof. I pushed through this to make a path for Polly. “Should I knock or just go in?”

“On a day like today I doubt they are expecting customers, better knock.” I answered. Polly did so, giving the door a firm rap with her fist. Unfortunately for me the vibrations were enough to dislodge the weight of snow on the roof, which hit me square in the face as I looked upward to see what was making the sound. The drift of snow I stood in kept me from having proper balance and I fell backward, the snow filling my hood and covering my entire body save for my boots which were now sticking up in the air.

I tried to stand but with my legs in the air and the snow pouring into my face I was only able to flail my limbs. Finally with Polly’s help I managed to roll toward the door where Polly, who was laughing hysterically, helped me to my feet. I shook the snow from my hood which only caused it to slide down my back beneath the sweater which caused me to stamp my feet and shiver as the snow slid down my back beneath my sweats.

“Oh my goodness,'' said a feminine voice from the direction of the doorway.

“Oh hello, my name is Polly and this is Jack. Is your shop open?”

“Well I didn’t expect anyone today, but you are most welcome, did you push him in the snow?”

Polly snickered while shaking her head. “No, the snow slid from your roof when I knocked on the door and buried him.”

The woman in the doorway was probably in her fifties and wore a dark green sweater with a long skirt. Her dark hair laid about her shoulders and she held one hand to her mouth in stifled laughter. “Polly, I’m going to head back to the room.” I said.

A second woman appeared in a similar outfit of red. “Don’t you remember, this is the couple Tamara called us about?”

“Oh yes, the snow had driven it completely from my mind. My name is Laura and my sister here is Sophia. Please come in.”

Polly pulled me into the shop which began with a foyer ringed with couches and benches. I stood near the door to avoid dripping on the carpet. “I’ll take Polly into the shop,” Laura said while pointing to an archway on the left where a room filled with racks of lace and satin could be seen beyond an open curtain. “I’m sure you can help Jack, won’t you dear sister?”

“Oh yes, my pleasure.” Sophia said, taking a step closer.

“There is no need,” I said, holding up my hands. “I’ll just head back to the room.”

“Oh no,” Polly said. “What if I want your opinion on something?”

Sophia reached the small rubber mat where I stood and grabbed my arm. “Don’t you worry Polly, I’ll take good care of him.” She had a vice for a grip and I either had to follow or be dragged along. Silver streaks were visible in her long dark hair at this distance but there was no question why the store was called ‘twin sisters’. If not for the different colored sweaters they would be impossible to distinguish. Polly disappeared through the left curtain while I was pulled through the curtain on the right.

I heard Laura speaking to Polly, “Don’t worry about Jack, Sophia loves young men, he’ll be well looked after,” Polly’s response was blocked by the wall of the hallway Sophia led me through.

“Ah here we are,” Sophia said. We entered a large open space supported by two pillars. One side of the large space had a good sized kitchen near a large round table. The rest of the room was decorated in a feminine style with hats hanging on the walls alongside large artworks of floral landscapes. The walls were broken up by windows which were covered by thick drapes while exposed ductwork and pipes snaked through the ceiling. Light came from small sconces along the wall and skylights in the ceiling. The floor was concrete stained a dark brown with the space broken up by several carpets. It was obviously not originally designed to be a living area, but it had become just that.

“Wow, what an interesting space.” I said with a bit of a chatter in my voice as melting snow slid down back.

“Yes, it was originally our warehouse but we had it converted, it was too much work to have a separate home and business.” She pointed to one corner that contained large sturdy shelves covered in boxes. “Though we still have to store some stuff here, there is more than enough space.” She walked to the far corner where a space was cordoned off by two folding room dividers that were beautifully painted with white lilies on a red background. On the other side of each of these screens was a bed and various bedroom furniture. “The one downside of this space is that it can get mighty cold in the winter. Go behind here and take off those wet clothes,” Sophia pointed behind the screen. “And I’ll find you something warm to wear, my sister loves to knit and crochet, I think we have something that will work.”

I quickly took off my sodden shoes and socks after tossing my coat onto the floor. I began to slide my sweats down but realized the leggings were almost as wet as the sweats. I reached for my shoes and socks with the intent on leaving the building, since there was no way I wanted Sophia to know I was wearing leggings when two red sock-like tubes were hung over the divider and Sophia’s arms appeared and scooped up the clothes I was reaching for. “Hurry up behind there, this can’t be all of your clothes. You’re going to catch a chill.”

With a sigh and a deep feeling of unfairness I pulled down my sweats and then the leggings, tossing them over the divider where they were soon picked up by Sophia who made no comment about the obviously feminine cream-colored leggings. She probably assumed they were just for the added warmth, unfortunately the green nightie which was also wet would allow for no such explanations. I decided to leave it on since the green silk would dry quickly and reached for the tubes of red .

The two crocheted objects were long red socks made of a soft yarn that were as long as stockings. I pulled one up my leg and it could easily reach my crotch so I let it wrinkle up around my knee and pulled on the other. They were warm and protected my feet from the cold floor but the bright red color made me feel a little foolish, even more so than usual.

“Sorry Jack, this is the best I could find that would be warm enough. I checked with Polly and she said you wouldn’t mind.” Sophia’s voice said as a white article of clothing was slung over the screen.

I pulled the object and held it out. I could not stop the groan from escaping my lips. It was a long dress woven of a soft white yarn that was long enough to cover every inch of my body but also very definitely a woman’s sweater dress. “Seriously.” I was unable to keep the irritation from my voice. “I can’t wear this.”

Sophia’s voice lost the apologetic tone. “Your own clothing is too wet, and my sister and I don’t exactly stock clothing appropriate for a boy.”

“I can just wrap a blanket around myself.” I suggested but realized too late that it would be a challenge to cover the nightie if she agreed.

“Sorry, but when I showed it to Polly she said you’d be reluctant. Shall I fetch her and you can talk it over?” Sophia said.

I knew there was no way Polly would free me from this situation, she may not have intentionally dumped me in the snow but she knew how to take advantage of an opportunity.

“I’ll make us some snacks and hot cocoa once you're dressed.”

With a mumbled curse I found the bottom hem of the dress and pulled it over my head. After a few false starts that had my arms exiting through the neck opening the long dress dropped down my body where it caught on the long red socks. A few more seconds of effort and the dress was touching the floor, my red stocking feet and green nightie completely hidden. The thick turtleneck could easily have covered my entire face and hid my embarrassment but Sophia would not allow such an escape, so it bunched around my neck like a giant white collar. White Sweater Dress

With a sigh I stepped around the screen. “I don’t know how I get myself into these things.”

“Well you look warm, now have a seat and let’s chat. I’ve been told that you know Teresa who lives with Paul out west of here.” Sophia said.

“Yes, she’s my grandmother on my mother’s side.” I said, shuffling my way to the table to keep from stepping on the hem of the dress. I was not about to hold up my skirts, that would be way to feminine.

“Oh that explains the ring I saw on Polly’s finger, I knew I’d seen it before. Tell me, where is the matching necklace?” Sophia said.

The weight of the crystal necklace around my throat seemed to increase. “Polly likes me to wear it.”

“Oh really, can I see it?” Sophia said.

I pulled down the thick turtleneck of the dress and showed her the necklace. “Can you take it off?” Sophia asked quickly.

“No sorry, I’ve never been able to manage the clasp.”

Sophia laughed and clapped her hands. “That proves it. It’s the very same set. Have you noticed anything special about it?”

“Most folks don’t notice I’m wearing it, and I can’t seem to get it off myself. That’s it.”

“Yes, and what’s more, as old as my sister and I are, we have no idea who made it. You’re grandma bought it from us years ago and I guess she gave it to you.”

“To Polly actually, well that’s not true. She gave just the necklace to Polly as a birthday gift and Polly has me wear it. I gave her the ring recently for our engagement.”

Sophia nodded. “They are incredibly unique pieces, your grandma claimed she always knew her husband was safe when he wore that necklace.”

I shrugged. “It seems rather feminine.”

Sophia waved her hand. “Who cares.”

“I guess so. Do you think my clothes will be dry soon?” I asked while taking another drink of the delicious cocoa.

“Oh, probably well before Polly and Laura are done?” Sophia answered.

“What are they doing?” I asked.

“Trying on lingerie and things.”

“It takes so long?” I said.

“Probably depends on how many items, but since we won’t get any more customers Laura will take her time. She loves to see the various items on a woman as lovely as Polly.”

I nodded in agreement. “I suppose it might benefit me.”

“Why is she shopping for you too?” Sophia asked.

“Well, not exactly but I'll likely enjoy the view if you take my meaning.”

Sophia nodded. “Oh to be young, though it would only be fair if we find something for her to enjoy as well.”

I waved my hands and shook my head. “No, no. Polly likes to do that herself, especially when I have little choice in the matter.” I shook my head as the words left my lips and glanced at the hot cocoa wondering if there was some drug in it that would cause me to speak so freely.

“Oh really, that sounds interesting. What do you mean exactly?”

I felt my cheeks heat but shook my head. “Sorry, I said too much. It’s not appropriate.”

“Oh come now, don’t deny an old woman a little vicarious fun. Tell me, it’s already obvious she likes to see you in frock now and then. Am I right?”

“Yes, I guess that much is obvious. I said looking down over my own body.”

“Especially since I see a bit of green silk through the weave of that dress.”

I looked down over the dress and in the better light of the dining area could distinctly see the darker green of the satin nightie through the loops and knots of yarn that comprised the dress. “Dang it, I didn’t even notice.”

“I think it’s great. It’s not everyday I meet a young man that would do so much for the love of his lady.” Sophia smiled. “But tell me, what other things has she done, you mentioned you have ‘little choice’. What does that mean?”

“Sheesh, Sophia you are asking embarrassing questions.” I responded while taking another drink of the cocoa.

“I know, in my experience there are few other questions that are worth asking, now go on young man spill it. I mean it’s not like you have a choice.” Sophia said, raising her eyebrows as she emphasised the reused phrase. “I have all your clothes.”

“You wouldn’t.” I said.

Sophia shrugged. “I might.”

“Good grief, this is ridiculous.” I answered and pushed back from the table.

“What’s ridiculous is making such a fuss over a harmless little story. Start with an easy one, tell me about the day you met Polly.”

I swallowed and nearly spit the cocoa all over the table in the fit of choking that followed after her words. “That’s hardly easy.”

“Oh really,” Sophia’s eyes lit up. “Do tell.”

I took a deep breath and counted the number of people who already knew the tale and decided it was hardly worth the effort of denying the older women. “It all started with my sister Kat…” I began with Sophia constantly interrupting asking questions about what I was wearing and what Polly said. She seemed especially interested in the way the ropes were tied and how it felt. Surprisingly she barely commented on the dress Polly had me wear but always wanted the details about the various restraints and how they were applied. By the time I detailed that first evening with Polly quite a bit of time passed.

“Such a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it.” Sophia smiled with a genuine look of delight decorating her careworn face.

“You’re welcome, do you think they’re almost done?”

“I’ll check.” She poured me another mug of cocoa and then disappeared through the doorway. Seconds later she was back. “No way, they are discussing bridal lingerie which is one of Laura's passions. Looks like it will be a while.”

“I guess I should be glad she’s having a good time, that’s why we came, but man I wish I could sneak a peek?”

“You naughty boy, we don’t allow men in the lingerie display area. Mostly because it’s pretty small and the changing rooms are open to the room with screens for privacy.”

“No one else is here.” I argued.

Sophia held up her hands. “If you’re willing to withstand the ire of my sister, then be my guest.”

“Is she that mean?” I asked.

“Not mean, just determined, but sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.” Sophia said.

“Let me try the direct approach.” I stood and walked to the entryway and then rapped loudly on the doorframe next to the curtain that led to the display room. “Hello, it’s Jack, can I come in?”

Laura’s head poked out of the curtain revealing only the barest hint of the racks and tables within. Her head moved up and down my body. “I’m glad someone found a use for that dress, I let it get too long and didn’t want to fix it. White is such a boring color. What did you need?”

“Just hoping to see Polly.”

Laura’s head disappeared only to be replaced by Polly’s seconds later. “Oh Jack, I love the dress.”

I rolled my eyes. “I feel ridiculous, but since you’ve seen me in this, how about you return the favor?”

Polly’s head disappeared and I heard a whispered conversation. “Sorry Jack, it’s against the rules.”

“But no one else is here.”

“Ok, let me try something with Laura.” Polly’s head disappeared again and there was more unintelligible whispered conversation.

Laura appeared again and this time stepped through the curtain. She stepped to the door and flipped the sign so that “Open” was facing inward and turned the lock on the dead bolt. “Stay here, I need to chat with my sister.”

I waited and tried to sneak a peek past the curtain but there was little to see and I had to step back when I heard Laura returning. “Alright I think we can work something out under certain conditions, Sophia will fill you in.”

I looked back toward the twin’s living area to see Sophia standing there crooking her finger toward me. I approached Sophia who was smiling broadly. “Polly suggested you be blindfolded so Laura can control what you see and when you see it. I have some scarves in here that we can use.”

“Of course Polly suggested it.” I said, shaking my head a little.

“If you want to skip, we can play cards or something while we wait.”

“What are the odds they never take off the blindfold, do you suppose?” I asked.

Sophia laughed. “Now that would be mean, I don’t think Laura will do that.”

“Alright, a blindfold isn’t so bad.” I answered and followed Sophia into the room. She walked over to one of the bedroom areas and returned a few moments later with a few folded scarves. “Turn around and I’ll get this tied over your eyes.”

I glimpsed a yellow and green print briefly before the cool silk covered my face and tightened across my eyes. She then took the turtleneck of the dress and pulled it up so it was covering my entire face. “Alright let’s see those arms, Laura doesn’t trust you to keep the blindfold in place.”

“Wait a second, I never agreed to that.” I said taking a step back from the direction of Sophia’s voice.

“Well Polly suggested it, and I thought it would be best to wait until the last moment to mention it.” Sophia sighed. “Seems I was right.”

“The way this usually goes, I’ll end up wearing a bra and panties and standing in the window of your shop bound to a pole as one of your mannequins.” I said, still backing away.

“You have such interesting ideas.” Sophia said and her voice was right behind me. She suddenly jerked the already too long sleeves of the white sweater dress over my hands and held onto them.

“Nope, nope, nope.” I pulled on the sleeves hoping to pull them from her grasp but I was disoriented without my sight and was worried about falling, knowing once that happened I would be stuck.

“Easy does it, Jack.” Her voice came from my right. I stepped left and felt my hip touch the back of a piece of furniture. Sophia pushed on my back gently but enough to cause me to fall backward onto some cushions. She never released her grip on the sleeves which allowed her to pull my hands behind my back and when I turned myself over I could tell that she had knotted the sleeves together across my stomach forcing my arms to remain behind my back. “Looks like I still got it.”

I tried to raise up but with my hands bound behind my back it was too awkward so I rolled over. This turned out to be exactly what Sophia wanted since the second my back was turned she used what I assumed to be more scarves to wrap around my already trapped wrists making sure I could not slip my arms out of the sleeves. “Now Jack, enough struggling. Let me help you so we can go see Polly.”

A little breathless from the brief scuffle, I slipped to the ground lying on my stomach to keep the weight off my arms. “Once again I find myself at the mercy of women.”

Sophia laughed. “I think we both know you prefer it that way. Now up with you.”

I struggled to stand but with help I managed to get to my feet. Sophia’s hands slid beneath the too long skirt of the sweater dress. “What are you doing?” I said becoming distinctly uncomfortable.

“Just fixing the socks, they’ve fallen to your knees.” Sophia answered.

“I never pulled them above my knees.” I answered.

“Well that will never do.” Sophia pulled the socks up my thighs and lowered the dress back down. “Now come along.”

I felt her hand on my back gently pushing me along, I took small steps but soon felt the curtain brush out of the way as we entered what I assumed to be the lingerie room. There was certainly a different smell but with both the blindfold and the turtleneck pulled over my eyes I could see nothing. “Realy, Sophia, no one asked you to tie his hands.”

“I didn’t want him to take off the blindfold.” Sophia responded, with a little bit of defensiveness in her voice. “Besides he doesn’t mind, Polly does it to him all the time.”

“Hey now.” I said. “That’s different.”

“Oh Jack, what trouble have you got yourself into now.” Polly’s voice said.

“It’s not my fault, Sophia did it. She said you told her too.”

“Oh Polly, that is such a sexy look.” I heard Sophia say.

“What look?” I turned my head toward Polly’s voice.

“I think I made the right choice binding his hands,” Sophia laughed. “He would never be able to keep them to himself.”

“Perhaps,” Laura said. “But I think we’ll save that one for later. Here you go Polly, try this on to give Jack a little taste.”

“No Laura, I want to show him this one. He needs to see that I can handle a corset too.” Polly answered.

There was a beat of silence in which I had to time groan over Polly’s poor choice of words. “Do you mean, you’ve had Jack in a corset.” Sophia said with obvious delight in her voice.

Polly sighed. “Oh dear, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Can we…” I heard Sophia start.

“No.” I cut her off. “I’m not trying on lingerie, sorry.”

“But…” Sophia said again.

“Sorry Sophia. We can’t lose customers just because you want a thrill... er a second thrill.” She said, referring to my current predicament. “If you’re sure, let me get this blindfold off.”

“I’m sure.” Polly answered.

The turtleneck was pushed back down and the silk scarf loosened. After blinking I saw Polly posing in front of a 3-way mirror wearing a gorgeous set of purple lingerie consisting of a corset complete with a matching panty and garters holding up a pair of stockings. “Wow you look amazing.” Purple Corset Set

“Thank you, though I admit this is pretty tight.” She gripped her waist with both her hands.

“Worth it, definitely worth it.” I smiled.

“Will you help me out of this, I do like it, but we tightened it a bit too much”

“Sophia, take care of Jack.” Laura said as she moved toward Polly.

“My pleasure.” Sophia answered and I soon found myself sitting in the dark listening to the arousing sound of lingerie being removed from Polly’s body.

“Do you think we’ll be much longer?” I asked.

“Are his clothes dry?” Polly asked.

“I’d imagine they are but you don’t have to leave if you still want to look around.” Sophia answered.

“Oh I’ve got a lot of things on order so I’m pretty much done. Jack has been patient with me and I’m going to make sure dinner is possible tonight down at Tamara’s place.

“If not, we’d love to have you for dinner.” Sophia said.

“As you can tell, Sophia has a thing for young men.” Laura said.

Polly laughed. “Odd that she hangs out in a lingerie store then. Probably not a lot of young men come in here.”

“Oh but when they do, they’re the perfect sort of young men, at least for me.” Sophia answered. “It really filters out the dead wood.”

“Sister mine, you need to control yourself.”

“Polly, I’m not sure I’m safe with her.” I said.

“Oh he’s not,” Sophia answered.

“He’s spoken for.” Polly said with a smile in her voice.

“Let’s go find your clothes.” Sophia said while helping me to my feet.

We passed back through the foyer and into the living space, by then Sophia had the blindfold removed. “You know I’m just teasing. I would never do anything bad.”

“I sensed a playful soul.” I answered. “So no worries, though you had me a bit worried with the take down you used to tie my hands.”

Sophia released my arms and pulled my clothing out of the dryer that was buzzing away in the corner leaving me to shed the over-long sweater dress and red socks/stockings.

She pouted when I rounded the corner of the screen. “So boring.”

“So comfortable.” I responded.

Polly was talking to Laura in the foyer when I entered. “You two stop by again before you leave.”

“Do you think the weather will be clear enough to leave on Monday?” Polly asked.

Laura moved aside the small curtain covering a window and peered out into the street. “I doubt it, even if the snow plow comes through, you might have a difficult time getting your car free.”

“Well, thanks again and I love your shop.” Polly said.

“You’re quite welcome, and Jack, tell that grandmother of yours to stop by more often.” Laura said.

Sophia waved away my handshake and pulled me into a hug. “No hard feelings.” And then she kissed me full on the lips.

“Sophia!” Laura said.

Polly just shook her head and I could find nothing to say.

We dashed across the street with a couple bags of Polly’s purchases and stomped our feet on the rug just inside the door of the bread and breakfast. The service desk was empty as was the breakfast area. “I guess they all left for the day.” Polly said

“Makes sense, we are the only guests and with this weather they won’t be getting more.” I answered.

“Here’s a note.” Polly said looking over the small desk.

“Over with Tamara, join us there for dinner at 7:00.”

“That gives us some time for you to show me what you bought.” I suggested.

“You mean what I bought for you.” Polly said with a devilish grin.

“Ugh, how long do I have to wear your stuff?” I said knowing it was a long time yet.

“Seven days from Friday, now stop your whining, you picked the hardest category of card in the game, and you knew it would be something wild.” Polly scolded as she headed toward the stairs.

Truth be told it was actually pretty tame compared to what my imagination could dream up. At the top of the stairs the room which had previously held Marcie bound to a bed post was open. “Do you think that room is empty?”

Polly snorted. “I’m not checking,” She opened the door to our room and set the bags from the lingerie store on the coffee table before walking into the bedroom.

I followed and watched her as she looked out over the town as the sky dimmed, the hidden sun falling toward the horizon somewhere behind the clouds. Her pile of red curls flowed about her face as the street lights turned on turning the snow an amber color. “Penny for your thoughts.”

Polly held out her hand and I reached out to take it. Moments later we were kissing and time seemed to stand still. Somehow I found myself on the bed Polly stradling my chest as she ran her fingers through my hair. “Maybe we should just stay in tonight.”

“You’re asking a lot of me.” I answered.

“Really you don’t want to?” Polly said with a little hurt in her eyes.

“I want to kiss you but not just on your lips. I want to touch every part of you at once. I want to feel your hair sliding over me. I want to make love to you.”

“Ah I see, and you think I don’t want those things?” Polly asked with a smile.

“I think you are better at self control.” I answered.

“I could wrap you in rope and then do all of that to you. Are you saying that you could violate my desires in some masculine, lustful attack.”

I smiled a bit. “Yeah, well I suppose that really isn’t me.”

“No, no it isn’t.” Polly said. “I want you too, but I want to wait.”

“What if something happens, it’s not like we haven’t been close to losing each other in the past.”

“Making love now or after we’re married won’t make a bit of difference to how we’ll feel if something terrible happens.” Polly answered.

“True, so shall we go eat with all the lust crazed women of this town?” I asked.

Polly laughed. “Tamara seems normal.”

“We’ll see.”
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Post by NoOne »

Last edited by NoOne 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

I love Jack and Polly! Great new chapter! And since it's been a while it's time I reread again!
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Post by volatiledesire »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago I love Jack and Polly! Great new chapter! And since it's been a while it's time I reread again!
Thanks for reading this long.
NoOne wrote: 2 years ago Welcome back.

While I will say I don't always agree with your material in some parts, I will say I have always thought your chapters were extremely well-written. This chapter is another well-written chapter.
I don't know what you mean by agree? If you don't like some of the kink, that's cool. However if there are inconsistencies or things I forgot over that last 3 years, I'd like to have the chance to fix them.

Thanks for reading.
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Last edited by NoOne 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

NoOne wrote: 2 years ago For most fictional stories on this site, the events at the beginning of the story are something that could happen "somewhat" in real life. In other words, the author doesn't sacrifice reality too much.
I get you. The Venn Diagram where one circle is a possible Reality and the other circle is Jack's Story do not completely overlap, but' it's closer than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Joking aside, the ability for the readers to live vicariously though the characters is dependent on how closely the story fits into a world they can understand.
NoOne wrote: 2 years ago For example, in your "Mark and Nancy" story, many of the events while fictional could potentially happen "some way" in reality.
Mark and Nancy was [checks notes] written a decade ago. I need to finish eventually but this one first.

Thanks for reading and commenting.
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Hello [mention]volatiledesire[/mention] so very nice to have you back. (I’d taken a break from the site because of some of my own 2020 demons I had to vanquish.)

Am delighting once more in Jack and Polly.. the relationship just feels so beautiful and weirdly wholesome and sexy at the same time.

Thank you as usual for the lovely words.
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Post by Speedo »

A wonderful part, I hope we can read a further one. I would love to know what Polly has bought for Jack in the lingerie shop. To Jacks horror there a several days left where he had to wear beneath his clothes what Polly orders.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 78 - Polly vs Jamie

The snow had stopped but no plows had been through, and for this small town it could be quite a while before any would be made available. A small path had been cut through the largest drifts between the Bread and Breakfast and the small restaurant probably by Jaime or Marcie who had preceded them an hour before. Warm light spilled through the large windows as we walked inside stamping the snow off our shoes. “Over here near the kitchen where it’s warmer.”

At a table near the bar, Jaime and Marcie were sitting next to Tamara with a couple of drinks in front of them. “Hey there you two, did you enjoy your time at the twin’s shop?” Jaime asked. Marcie wore the same tunic and leggings she had on from before, while Jaime was in a pair of jeans and an oversized sweatshirt with her tied into a simple ponytail.

“Yes,” Polly answered. “They are quite the pair, Sophia seemed quite taken with Jack.”

Marcie snorted. “Sophia is a lot of fun. Much more open than her sister.”

Polly shrugged. “I don’t know, Laura has a pretty good eye for the provocative when it comes to lingerie. I think they channel their sexuality in different directions.”

“What did you think, Jack?” Marcie asked with a smile.

I shrugged knowing that the truth would be probably the best option. “Laura is an enabler, she did everything she could to get me alone with Sophia.”

“Oh interesting take,” Jaime smiled. “You figure her sister is in on it?”

A voice echoed from the kitchen and Tamara immediately stood up. “Oh, food’s ready. I’m afraid we don't have much of a menu, it’s the special or nothing.” She was back moments later with four plates arrayed across her arms with the skill of a practiced waitress. “I hope there are no vegetarians tonight.”

“Oh, the Salisbury steak.” Marcie exclaimed. “Jack and Polly must really be guests of honor.”

Tamara smiled. “Well, I think Jeff wanted it tonight so that’s what he made.”

“Thanks Jeff,” Jaime yelled back toward the kitchen.

“He left already, we’ve been deep cleaning all day because of the weather and no customers. I think I wore the poor guy out.” Tamara said while sitting down at the table with her own plate.

The food was remarkably good and I hoped Polly would not be able to finish but she wiped her plate as clean as my own. “That is really good.”

“It’s been ‘The Special’ for many years,” Tamara used her fingers as air quotes. “For a good reason.”

“Indeed.” Polly agreed.

Tamara stood up from the table. “I’ll be right back, I’ve got an idea for dessert.”

Jaime sat forward immediately. “I was thinking that we could have some fun tonight.”

Polly shrugged. “Sure, perhaps a game of cards or…”

Jaime smiled. “I was thinking something a bit more interesting and restricting, at least for Jack and Marcie?”

I watched as Polly’s face hardened. “Despite our recent encounters, I prefer to keep those types of activities private.”

Jaime frowned. “Really, I mean you left Jack waiting for Marcie like a ripe fruit.”

“I was trying to prove a point,” Polly said.

“Ok, but I thought because of that you’d be open to a bit of a contest.” Jaime said, obviously not dissuaded by Polly’s growing irritation.

“A contest?” Polly said, growing quiet.

“A bondage contest," Jaime said with a smile.

“No.” Polly said as I began to shake my head.

“Can I ask why you’re so adamant?” Jaime asked.

“I don’t know you, and I figure you want to get your hands on my Jack.”

“I may be a little guilty of that,” Jaime looked over at Jack with a gleam in her eye, “But honestly I just thought it would be fun on a cold night since it’s so rare that anyone of similar interests is available.”

“Jack won’t do it.” Polly said.

“Jack won’t.” I answered immediately.

Marcie frowned. “But it’s just good fun, don’t you like being played with?”

“With Polly, and only Polly.” I answered.

Polly smiled and reached over to squeeze my hand. “Sorry, ladies.”

Marcie slid her fingers through her head of dark curls. “I’m not scared. How about it Polly, care to tie me up?”

Polly seemed surprised by Marcie’s forwardness, but a glance toward Jaime who had the patient demeanor of someone playing a role, proved they had planned this. “Um, why would I do that?”

“For fun,” Marcie exclaimed. “And if I can escape then Jack will agree to give it a go with Jaime.”

Now I knew this was all part of a plan. “Come on really?” I asked. “There is no way this ends well.” I turned to Polly. “This is ridiculous.”

Polly pursed her lips and nodded. “Yeah, they are pretty obvious.”

“Obvious about what? I said straight out that I want to play a bondage game.” Jaime countered.

“It’s obvious that what you really want to do is to tie up Jack, and you’ve planned this whole charade with Marcie to achieve that.”

Jaime raised her eyebrows. “And why do you think that?”

“Uh, because you aren’t exactly the first woman who has become infatuated with my fiancé.” Polly said.

Jaime and Marice took in this news for several minutes and silence reigned until Tamara came back with bowls of ice cream. “Well then, what did I miss?”

No one said anything until Polly raised an eyebrow toward Jaime. “Why not tell her? Unless you realize your suggestion was inappropriate?”

“Jaime, you didn’t…” Tamara said while sliding a bowl toward her across the table.

Jaime shrugged. “I thought it was worth a shot.”

“Well I still want to be tied up even if Jack doesn’t.” Marcie said with a pout on her lips. “By Polly,” she added when Jaime started to speak.

“If it’s what you want, I suppose I can do that.” Polly answered. “What’s your safeword?”

Marcie and Jaime both started laughing. “There is no way I’ll need a safeword.”

I looked at Polly and her eyes twinkled with the obvious challenge set before her. “Alright, I’m game.”

Tamara pushed forward. “Polly, this is ridiculous, what's the point?”

“A bit of fun.” Jaime answered. “And if Polly manages to get Marcie to give her a safeword before…” Jaime taps one finger against her lips. “... ten o’clock. What should happen then?”

“Nothing.” Tamara answered. “Bragging rights.”

I nodded.

Jaime shrugged. “That’s boring, I would be willing to put $100 on the table.”

I had plenty of money since I lived with my parents while holding down a full time job. “That’s fine with me.” I was also thankful it was a simple money bet and not betting us out of our clothes or into ropes.

“This is silly, I don’t have anything here to use for this.” Tamara said.

“Would you mind showing me around the kitchen?” Polly said. “Maybe I can find something.”

“Don’t take too long,” Jaime said. “You’ve got less than two hours.”

I stood up and followed Polly and Tamara into the kitchen. “Why Polly?”

“Those two are too careless and irritating. They need a good lesson.” Polly answered.

Tamara gave Polly a sideways look. “And you think a teenage girl is the one to give it to her?”

“It’s always good to be underestimated.” Polly answered.

Tamara looked at me but I knew enough to realize that if there was anyone who could take Jaime down a peg or two it would be Polly.

“Alright, here’s the kitchen.”

Polly walked around the stainless steel counters, she looked into empty trash cans and inside drawers, not really giving any clue as to what her ideas were. “What’s in these plastic containers by the back door?” Polly asked.

“They are full of used cooking oil. We have a receptacle outside, but it’s buried under snow. We will dump them as soon as the weather allows.”

Polly nodded and continued looking around. “The only thing I need is a length of rope or cord about eight to ten feet long.”

“I have an old extension cord that is about that long, will that work?” Tamara said, pulling out a pile of rubber coated cord.

“Perfect, why don’t you call Marcie and Jaime back here.” Polly said.

The three ladies returned momentarily while Polly carefully coiled the cord. It was rather thick and stiff and I worried it would be too easy to wriggle out of but Polly looked as confident as ever.

Marcie strolled in with a smile. “Where do you want me?”

“If it’s not too uncomfortable you might want to strip down to your underwear.” Polly said.

Marcie smiled. “Hey, hey, sounds fun to me if Jack can handle it.”

“He’ll be fine, he’s spent a lot of time around other women.” Polly said with a small smirk.

After Marcie had stripped down to a nice set of black lingerie Polly patted one of the stainless steel countertops. “Sit up here.”

Marcie complied and Polly proceeded to use the extension cord to bind her ankles loosely in an ankles-crossed position leaving a long length of cord dangling from her ankles. She then rolled over a 55 gallon empty trash can that was lined with a clear plastic bin liner. Jaime cocked her head to one side, “What’s that for.”

“Go ahead and get in the trash and get as comfortable as possible in the bottom there, with your legs crossed if you can manage it.” Polly said.

Marcie looked over at Jaime who shrugged. Marcie put her bound ankles into the trash can and then settled into a seated position. When she was done her legs were crossed and her back rested against one side of the bin with the top of her head a few inches below the rim. Polly then took the cord and tied it around Marcie’s torso so that she would not be able to stand up again without first untying the knot from her waist.

“Ok Jack if you would get those two white plastic containers by the back door and set one right here,” She indicated a counter on one side of Marcie’s trash can. “And the other here,” She indicated a counter on the opposite side of Marcies’ trash can. Picture of Containers

Each of the containers was stoppered by a large rubber plug which kept the contents from splashing or spilling. Polly lowered one container onto its side with the opening situated to pour into Marcie’s trash can. She held the rubber stopper in place with her hand. “Alright you need to hold this stopper in place. It takes a bit of pressure.”

“What’s in those containers?” Marcie asked.

Tamara had covered her mouth with her hands in shock at what Polly was doing. “Oh my god, it's used cooking oil?”

Marcie shrugged, “That’s not so bad, I like getting oily.”

“It’s old and rotten,” Tamara explained.

By now Polly had lowered the second container and placed Marcie’s hand so that she was keeping the plugs in place. If she moved her hands they would easily open and the contents would pour over her head and body into the trash can. “This is easy, I just have to hold out until nine o’clock.”

Polly opened the vent ports on the top edge of the bottles and a little black oil oozed down the side. The rancid smell of old grease filled the air. “Oh my god,” Polly said, covering her nose. “That smells awful.”

“Yeah, we haven’t dumped them for a while.” Tamara explained.

Marcie was looking down at the extension cord holding her in a sitting position and then at the rubber corks she was holding. The position was awkward as her hands were above her head slightly but impeded by the rim of the trash bin. A trickle of sweat slid down her temple.

“Ok, that’s it.” Polly said.

Tamara shook her head. “Two buckets of grease and an extension cord. I must say I would never have thought of this.”

I watched Marcie’s confidence slip as she began to realize how trapped she was. I wondered what I would do in a similar situation but figured I could easily push the nozzles back or tilt them to the side despite the weight of 5 gallons of oil. Marcie too seemed to have that idea but was failing to make them budge.

“I don’t know Polly, this has the potential to be a huge mess.” Tamara said.

“I hope not, Marcie just has to hold out.” Polly answered.

“And if she doesn’t, I have ten gallons of grease to get out of a trash can.” Tamara argued.

“Jack and I will help, maybe we can just wheel it outside and dump it into the tank outside.” Polly answered.

Tamara shrugged. “Ok, but I’m rooting for Marcie.”

“Me too.” Polly smiled. “This stuff stinks.”

Marcie had begun to push more on the bottle spouts but only succeeded in making the wheeled trash can roll a bit making her reach to hold the rubber plugs even more difficult but at least the oily sludge would miss her head.

Jaime stepped forward and looked from Polly to Marcie. “You can do it Marcie, just over an hour left.”

“My arms are already starting to ache a bit.” Marcie said.

“We need to know her safeword so we can hold those rubber plugs if she says it.” I said, getting closer, ready to save Marcie from the deluge of grease. “Just in case”

“She’ll be fine.” Jaime said.

“It’s the tune to Yankee Doodle.” Marcie said.

“Thanks,” I looked at Jaime with a bit of irritation. It was obvious she didn’t want to divulge that bit of information. Perhaps she thought if no one knew it would be less likely to happen.

The strain on Marcie’s face became more and more obvious as the minutes ticked by. “How much longer?” Marcie asked.

“Thirty minutes.” Jaime answered. “You can do it.”

“I don’t think so, I’m starting to lose feeling in my hands.” She looked at her trembling hands pressed against the rubber stoppers.

Jaime knelt down and whispered, if I had not been standing close enough in preparation to save Marcie in case she used her safeword I would never have heard. “You could always just let go, it’s only a little oil. We can get you cleaned up right after.” Jaime suggested.

Marcie shook her head. “I can’t Jaime, it’s too gross. I’ll pay the hundred bucks. She beat us.” Marcie took a breath in preparation to say her safeword.

“No,” Jaime snapped. Her hands flashed out and pulled Marcie’s hands downward. The plugs fell into the trash can, one bouncing off Marcie’s shoulder the other off her arm, and then the deluge of chunky black grease rolled across her.

I was too stunned by what I had seen to move quickly and it was only Marcie’s gut wrenching screams that jarred me into motion to set the nearest bottle of grease upright. I jerked toward the other one but Polly beat me to it but her bottle was almost empty before she managed it.

Marcie was hysterical as she wiped at the oil covering her hair completely forgetting the cord that held her sitting in the trash can. Polly bent over the bin in order to free her. I looked at Jaime. Her hands were covering her mouth as if she were shocked by what she had done.

Tamara rounded on her. “What the fuck, Jaime. What’s wrong with you?”

Jaime backed away from the scene, unshed tears starting to glisten in the corners of her eyes. “I didn’t mean…I don’t…” Jaime turned toward the door. “I’m sorry.”

Tamara followed while I moved to help Polly. “I’m going to roll us to the sink.” I yelled over the sound of Marcie’s hysterics.

“Yes,” Polly said elbows deep in the grease.

I pushed the trash can while running alongside toward the dishwashing area. “Marcie!” Polly yelled. “You’ve got to be still, or I’ll never get you out of there.”

Tamara followed us into the dish washing area. “Jaime ran out into the night.”

“Going home?” I asked.

“She left her keys, her purse, and her coat.” Tamara said with a worried look.

“Really no coat?” I said.

Tamara shook her head. “She wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“You’ll be of more use here, since you know where everything is,” I said. “I’ll go after her.”

“Jack!” Polly yelled. I stopped in the act of putting on my coat and looked back toward Polly who was looking out from the dishwashing area of the kitchen. “Be careful.”

“I will. Watch your messages.” I answered by holding up my phone.

The wind had picked up and blowing snow was already filling in the narrow trench we had used as a walkway, but it also made following Jaime’s fresh prints easier. The evening darkness made deep shadows but the streetlights were amplified by the snow highlighting Jaime’s trail. It led across the street and into the small park area where Polly and I had made snow angels earlier in the day. They continued through this into an alley and turned down a street. The wind was blowing hard enough to throw snow back up into the air and block vision but I thought I could make Jaime out just a block ahead.

“Jaime!” I yelled as the wind rose to steal my words. “Stop.”

The figure turned but then darted away and into some trees. I ran hard to catch up. She had entered a park of some sort only recognizable by the swing set and picnic tables sheltered from the snow beneath a large gazebo. I spotted Jaime moving toward what had to be a small stream cutting through the area but the snow had drifted across it.

She was somehow standing across the middle of the stream on what had to be a bridge though with all the deep snow it was invisible and made her look like she was hovering in calf-deep snow midair above an expanse of clouds. “Jaime, stop!” I yelled again, but this time when she turned I watched her simply disappear as if a hole had opened beneath and swallowed her up.

I followed her footsteps and felt the firmness of a bridge but in her haste she had stepped off into the deep snow that was covering the stream, her head was visible but covered in snow. She was struggling but snow kept cascading down around her. “Jaime, grab my hand.”

She reached up and I tugged hard, her hands were beyond cold. “Hurry, my legs are in water. It hurts.” Jaime said with a grimace of pain.

She was heavy and I had neither the energy nor strength to simply lift her from the snow so I drug her back toward the edge while being careful to keep my own feet on the solid bridge. Once free of the snow, I pulled her to her feet. “We have to get back.”

Jaime was shivering so much she could barely speak. “Can’t walk…feet hurt.”

“I’ll help you.”

“Go to B and B.” Jaime stuttered. “...a sauna…closer.”

I half carried, half pulled her along while my own hands and face started to freeze up in the strong wind. I pushed myself hard with my fingers in the belt loop of Jaime’s jeans to keep her moving. The yellow light spilling from the front door of the Bread and Breakfast was the most wonderful thing I had seen all day. We entered the main room covering the floor with snow and water. “In the back…sauna.” Jaime was still shivering uncontrollably.

A wooden door marked the entrance with a black dial next to the door, Jaime tried to turn it but failed as her hands would not work. I twisted the dial and pushed open the door. It was small with a bench large enough for three people if they wanted to touch their thighs. I grabbed a large towel off the shelf outside and helped Jaime get out of her wet clothing. She did nothing but shiver and huddle on the bench covered in the towel as the sauna slowly warmed.

Once she was settled I stripped off my own clothing tugging at it quickly as I could before realizing I was wearing the green satin nighty underneath. I pulled it off along with the shirt with a glance toward Jaime who did not appear to be paying attention just rocking back and forth on the bench.

I wrapped a towel around my waist before lowering my jeans and joined her on the bench. We sat in silence as I sent off a couple of messages to Polly to reassure her that everyone was safe. I decided Jaime should speak first, I was there just to warm up not to judge her on the actions she obviously sorely regretted.

Many long minutes of silence later my phone buzzed. I picked it up and couldn't help but chuckle at the picture sent by Polly. It was a selfie with Polly and Tamara flanking Marcie who appeared to be sitting in a large metal sink filled with soap. The bubbles were everywhere, including shaped into long beards on each of them. Most importantly however were the joyful smiles on them all.

I slid the phone toward Jaime. “Message for you.”

My voice seemed to startle her as she was so lost in her own misery. She glanced at the image and a ghost of a smile flashed across her lips. It was quickly replaced with a frown as she slid the phone back across the bench.

“I screwed up. It’s over. Marcie will never forgive me.” Jaime finally spoke.

I remained silent letting her own words settle into the room.

“You should have let me freeze.” Jaime continued.

“Oh sorry, I don’t work that way.” I answered.

“What?” Jaime said with a touch of anger in her voice. “I should just march back out there now.”

“Oh don’t do that, I don’t want to fetch you again.” I answered.

“What is it with you?” Jaime said, turning on the bench.

“I have this unexplainable aversion to sitting idly by while other folks are in harm's way, especially women.” I answered.

“Oh really, done this before have you?” Jaime said.

I shrugged. “You’ll have to ask Polly.”

“Why? Weren’t you there?” Jaime asked.

“Most people don’t believe me until they talk to Polly, so it just saves time.”

Jaime shook her head and returned to her own brooding. “Marcie will never forgive me.”

I again remained silent. In my experience, providing comfort rarely involved words.

“Why did I do that Jack? I just wanted so bad to show Polly up. Your girlfriend can be quite antagonizing.”

“Fiancé.” I said.

“What?” Jaime turned toward me.

“Fiancé.” I answered. “We’re engaged.”

“I pity you.” Jaime responded.

“No offense, but you pushed us into the whole affair. Isn’t there an old cliché about poking a sleeping bear with a stick or something.” I answered.

Jaime sighed. “Yes, it’s all my fault. I just never imagined something so devious as that trick with the grease. How did she know Marcie hates to get dirty?”

I shrugged. “I doubt she did.”

“What should I do?” Jaime said after several more minutes of silence.

“Are you warm enough, I’m going to head back to my room as long as I can trust you not to make any more excursions without proper clothing?”

“I’ll stay for a bit longer.”

“Any pain or numbness in your fingers or toes?” I asked.

Jaime lifted the towel and looked at her feet which were now a deep red color and wiggled her toes. “I think everything is ok.”

“Alright I’ll be back down in a bit to check on you.” I gathered my wet clothes and quickly ran upstairs to hang everything up in the bathroom and change into warm clothes. I moved quickly still worried that Jaime was upset enough to do something stupid, but she was still in the sauna when I returned a few minutes later.

“I’ve got some spare clothes here to change into, then I’ll make us something hot to drink.” Jaime said.

“Sounds good.”

The next two hours were spent in light conversation over hot cocoa and cookies in the breakfast area until the front door opened and three women came in stomping snow from there shoes. Tamara, Polly, and Marcie were all wearing different clothes and there hair was mussed having obviously been washed.

“In here.” I yelled at the sound of their voices.

Polly was the first to appear. “Oh, hot chocolate.”

Jaime stood. “I’ll get the kettle on.”

“How’s it look over there?” I asked.

“Pretty good, probably cleaner in some areas, but we’ll have to wait for Jeff to dump the grease out of that trash can.”

I laughed. “He’ll have some interesting questions.”

Tamara laughed. “After I explain that these two,” she pointed at Jaime and Marcie, “were involved he’ll just shake his head.”

Marcie slipped her arm through mine when she sat down at the table next to me. “So where did you find her?”

“Neck deep in a snow drift with her feet in a stream.” I answered.

“Jack to the rescue again.” Polly smiled and gave me a full kiss.

I shrugged. “It’s what I do.”

Jaime returned a moment later. “I need to hear the story behind that reputation.”

“Stories.” Polly said. “Plural.”

“Ok, stories.” Jaime prompted.

The three ladies pulled up chairs as powdered cocoa mix found its way into mugs of hot water. “Where to start,” Polly began as she dove head first into the story of her birthday the previous spring.
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Post by Speedo »

Thanks for the wonderful part. It’s almost scary to read how devilish Polly can be (even without Jaimes unexpected “help”). I bed she knew exactly that Marcie hates to get dirty.
You can almost feel sorry for Jack if Polly would letting out her devilish side on him.
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