Ann's New Family (FF/F) (Finished)

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Ann's New Family (FF/F) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

This story is loosely based of one of the characters of this other story of mine, but you don't really have to read it to understand or enjoy this one.

Since this is sort of a spin off of that story I'll tag those who read it in case they're interested: [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]ninterz[/mention] [mention]TimChimp[/mention]

Chapter 1: My Brother’s Girlfriend

Three knights traveled on horseback through the paths of the farmlands of Béroux, it was a picturesque scene of the kingdom of knights, three gambeson clad figures with blue cloaks under the clear blue sky of a sunny spring day.

One of the knights was Renard Golbreisk, an old man that already seemed tired because of the long journey, the other was his young son Gerbaut Golbreisk, whose face showed the stupidest yet most pure smile that one could see, and behind him was his younger sister, Ann Golbreisk.

Ann hadn’t changed much since her last adventure, she was still a pale woman of a height higher than average had a pair of blue eyes that usually had a look as serious as her expression and the athletic toned body that one would expect from a knight, although her figure remained remarkably feminine. The one thing that had changed from her was that she had left her hair grow down to her back, a change that she and everyone around her liked.

The reason of her travel was Gerbaut’s new and first partner, a young woman by the name of Veniala Viroudu who lived in a castle a few days from where Ann and her family lived. That very same day the three knights arrived to the castle an imposing yet inviting structure built atop a hill in the middle of a vineyard.

Upon arrival the three Golbreisks were received warmly by Veniala’s family, although one notoriously absent figure was her mother, who limited herself to greet her guests from the distance. The event of their arrival was an occasion for party, everyone ate and drank to celebrate the future marriage of Viroudu and Gerbaut, but on that cheerful afternoon Ann was constantly bothered by something, or better said, someone.

Veniala’s mother, Carissa Viroudu, seemed to be always looking at her, every time Ann saw her she was staring back at her with a subtle smile drawn on her pink lips and a happy yet mysterious look in her strange eyes.

And Carissa’s daughter was not spared from behaving creepily towards Ann, much to the contrary she was being just a bit less weird towards her than her mother. Whenever Ann tried to talk to her Veniala seemed strangely sorry and tried to leave the conversation as soon as possible and when they weren’t talking Veniala seemed to try to actively avoid her.

Once the celebration was over it was time for everyone to leave, but away from the castle and under the shadow of an old tree Renard Golbreisk decided to have a few words in private with her daughter.

“Did you noticed it?” Renard asked after looking around the place to make sure that they were alone.

“Yes, and I did not liked it” Ann replied.

“You understand what I mean now? What I mean by the girl’s mother being weird?”

“I do but what do you want me to do about it?” Ann asked.

“Your brother is strong but we two know that he’s not smart” Renard explained regretfully but still finding what he said funny “If I leave him to investigate I don’t know what will happen, however if I leave you we may find out what’s up with that woman”

“Under what pretext will I stay here when even Gerbaut is leaving?” Ann was becoming a bit doubtful of her father.

“We don’t need a pretext, they asked for it” Renard explained shyly.

Ann couldn’t help but be doubtful about her situation, first she had to stand that woman creepily looking at her and now she had to stay alone with her and her and her equally strange daughter.

“I’m not sure about this dad” Ann replied after considering what she had been asked to do for a second.

“Do it for your brother” Renard nearly pleaded “Who knows what we might be letting him into if we don’t at least investigate, I’m too old and tired to do this but you, you...”

“Fine dad, I’ll do it” Ann interrupted her dad to prevent him from giving her a spiel.

Happy about being able to trust her daughter to take care of the matter, Renard left the castle grounds with his son who despite being unhappy about having to leave his beloved yet again could take comfort in the fact that her sister and her future wife were going to get along well.

“So...” Veniala spoke in an awkward attempt to break the ice “Wanna come in?”

Ann accepted the offer and immediately after she entered the castle she noticed something weird, the place was empty, completely so. She hadn’t noticed that detail before because of how filled with people the castle was but after everyone left, the place was left empty.
“Do you live here alone?” Ann couldn’t help but asking.

“Just with my mother” Veniala replied “She must be in her room right now”

She and her mother, a weird duo if there was one, Ann thought to herself.

Veniala invited Ann to her room which was a luxurious one to be sure, bigger than any bedroom needed to be and with a bed that was more than enough for a single person. The white room was also accommodated with a coffee table and enough chairs and couches to accommodate probably up to ten people. To prevent the big stone room from getting cold during the winter its floor had a big fluffy carpet and a big fireplace was on one of its walls.

“Nice views” Ann said as she looked at the vineyards through the big room’s window.

Veniala remained silent for a few minutes before inviting Ann to sit with her in one of the couches, again more weird behaviour that Ann took notice of but decided to ignore.

“So Ann...” Veniala spoke shyly “We haven’t properly introduced each other yet, I am Veniala Viroudu, the youngest member of my family”

“Ann Golbreisk, its nice to be able to properly introduce” Ann replied.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t talked to you during the party, I had never seen you before so I was a bit afraid of talking to you” Veniala explained.

“No need to be”

Veniala stayed silent again and Ann was starting to think that maybe Veniala wasn’t weird on her intentions but was instead just shy.
“So, why did you invited me to stay in?” Ann asked to keep the conversation going.

“Oh, uh.... you see”

Veniala seemed to have been caught off by Ann’s question which made Ann even more suspicious of her, but she proceeded with a reasonable explanation.

“Since we haven’t gotten around to meeting you, my mother decided that she wanted us to have some time with you before the wedding” Veniala explained “She’s pretty interested in you and I can tell why”

“What do you mean?” Asked Ann.

“Your brother has told me a lot about you, that you have traveled around the world, fought monsters and so much else” Veniala said “That’s very interesting”

“Well, thanks”

To put an end to the uncomfortable silence that followed Veniala decided to go get some tea for her and her guest and as she did Ann saw a very interesting detail in her skin, but she decided not to inquire her about it until Veniala was back.

“This is kind of a weird question but can you show me your arms?” Ann asked.

Veniala got visibly nervous but she ended up doing what Ann told her and rolled up the sleeves of her dress to reveal the bare skin of her arms, which was marked with traces of rope.

“I... I can explain” Veniala said as she saw Ann inspecting the ropemarks on her arms.

“Sure, don’t worry about it, I’m used to...” Ann though about something that she could say and that wouldn’t made her appear to weird “Lets say I’m kinda used to ‘ropes’”

This time it was Veniala who was weirded out by Ann.

“You see, I’m, the youngest of my siblings and since we haven’t been together in a long time they deiced to relieve an old ‘tradition’ that we had when we lived together” Veniala explained.

“Let me guess, since you’re the youngest of them they pick on you and tie you up” Ann guessed.

“Exactly, you truly are used to ‘rope’” Veniala chuckled.

“The important question is, do you like it when they do that?” Ann asked.

“Not really” Veniala replied “I don’t fight them, but that’s because I can’t beat them, I fought them at first but stopped after seeing that I had no chance, I’d still like to be able to turn the tables on them one day”

“I could help you with that” Ann said jokingly.

“Really?” Veniala replied.

Even though Ann was joking Veniala seemed too enthusiastic about it and since she wasn’t being so off putting to Ann she decided to play along, maybe she could end up having some fun with her.

“Yeah, your wedding would be the perfect time don’t you think?” Ann said.

“Oh I would love it!” Veniala said “How much do you know about this ‘rope’ thing as you called it?”

Ann didn’t liked that question because she liked to keep the least glorious and more awkward or outright humiliating parts of her adventures to herself, but that question putted her on the spot.

“Lets say that in some of my adventures I was forced to learn the ropes kinda by force” Ann replied hoping that her answer would satisfy Veniala.

“Really? How?” Veniala’s enthusiasm about the whole thing was weird, but Ann was not surprised since she knew people similar to her in that aspect, she just wished that she didn’t asked so many questions about her experience with bondage.

“One time we had to tie up a witch” Ann explained, purposefully avoiding the part of the story in which the witch tied her up.

“So you know how to tie people up don’t you?” Asked Veniala.

“Kind of” Ann replied awkwardly.

“Can you teach me?” Veniala asked with her already characteristic enthusiasm, the previous shyness that Ann had seen in her was nowhere to be found “I’d love to use your teaching on my siblings”

“I can...” Ann was unsure about the whole situation but didn’t wanted to let Veniala down “Do you have rope?”

“Yes! Let me go get some” Veniala said before leaving the room.

Ann was left alone in Veniala’s room, left to ask herself what the hell she was doing. On one side Ann wanted to call off the weird game they had going on but on her other side she wanted to have some fun, even it was in a weird way. Being her father’s detective sure felt important and all but it was anything but fun.

“Wow are we going to use all of that?” Asked Ann after seeing the excessive amount of rope that Veniala had brought with her.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure my brothers had used about as much with me” Veniala replied.

Veniala then sat alongside Ann laying all of the rope that she was holding on the coffee table in front of them.

“So, how are we going to do this?” Asked Ann as she stared at all of the countless rope that Veniala had brought with her.

“I was thinking that you can show me how to do it first, you can use me a test subject” Veniala happily proposed “And maybe... just if you’re okay with it...”

“Do you want to tie me up?” Ann asked, interrupting Veniala in the process.

“Yes... But just if you are okay with it” Veniala replied shyly.

Ann was unsure about what to reply, she didn’t wanted to let Veniala down because she was coming off as too nice, but Ann still had to keep on her mind that before that, Veniala had come off as nothing but weird and of suspicious intentions.

“I’ll think about it” Ann replied, not wanting to disappoint Veniala nor to set herself up for something that she would regret.
Ann started to wound rope around Veniala’s wrists, slowly and somewhat awkwardly, making sure that Veniala was comfortable. When she was done tying and cinching the rope restraining her hands Ann was open to the possibility of Veniala enjoying what she was doing, it wouldn’t be the first time she met someone like that. But Ann had learned from her mistakes and wouldn’t question Veniala on her likes.
“This should be enough” Said Ann as she moved away from Veniala.

“I guess but I’m used to much more than this” Veniala said as she tested her restraints.

“Like, how much more?” Asked Ann.

“A lot, usually when I end up tied up is because I have no chance of escaping” Replied Veniala.

“You think you could escape from that?”

“Probably, I may not be able to untie the ropes but I could just walk around and look for something to cut the rope with” Veniala explained.

“Guess I’ll have to tie up your legs” Ann said playfully as she grabbed a few ropes that were left on the coffee table.

Veniala seemed happy with Ann’s reaction, smiling as soon as she spoke and closing her legs waiting for Ann to tie them together. It was by that point when Ann convinced herself that Veniala was completely into what she was doing, but she didn’t minded it.

“That’s more like it” Veniala said after Ann was done tying and securing her ankles together “But I could still hop around the place to find something”

“You know every trick don’t you?” Ann asked.

“After you get tied up so many times you start learning” Veniala replied.

In that aspect Ann wasn’t so different from Veniala, she didn’t knew how many times Veniala had been tied up but she knew that they shared the fact that they had been tied up many times before. But Ann decided to keep that fact secret, she wasn’t very happy about those moments in the first place.

To fulfill Veniala’s request Ann decided to tie her to a chair, so she scooped up Veniala without any trouble and laid her on one of the big cushioned chairs that Veniala had in her room. Veniala was surprised by Ann’s strength, she wasn’t the only one, under her clothes and without touching her it wasn’t obvious that Ann was if fact, quite ripped.

“Your brother didn’t told me that you were so strong” Veniala said after Ann laid her on the chair “But I should’ve guessed it when he told me that you were a knight like him”

“Thanks, almost everyone on our family followed that tradition, according to what my family told me even my great grandmother was a knight” Ann explained.

“That sounds fun but also dangerous”

“I assure you that it is both” Ann said as she tightened some rope around Veniala’s torso “I’ve done a lot of things that I remember fondly because I’m a knight but I’ve also ended up in some less glorious situations”

“Something like the situation you have me in perhaps?” Asked Veniala.

“Kind of...” Ann replied awkwardly, not liking the fact that Veniala had found out that she was not a stranger to being tied up herself.

“Ohhh, could you tell me something about that?” Veniala asked.

“Yes but... don’t tell anyone, especially not my brother” Was Ann’s only request, as much as she wished to remain quiet about the topic she didn’t felt like shutting down Veniala’s enthusiastic request.

“You’re the one who has me at a disadvantage here, you shouldn’t be the one asking for things” Veniala chuckled, she found Ann’s shyness about the topic cute.

Ann went to sit to the couch, leaving Veniala tied to the chair. She didn’t made the bindings especially intricate, she wasn’t a bondage expert and neither did she wanted to us excessive amount of rope on Veniala. She just tied her to the chair with rope running around her torso from her waist to below her breasts to pin her back to the backrest of the chair.

Then Ann though about which story of she getting tied up she should tell, she had many, maybe more than she wanted, but she had to chose one and since she could chose she’d rather pick one that wasn’t too shameful for her.

“You see, one time me and my friends had to fight a Drider” Ann explained.

Seeing how Veniala did not know what a drider was Ann explained to her that it was a half dark elf half giant spider hybrid with a liking for webbing up people, which immediately allowed Veniala to know where her story was going.

“The thing is, this Drider had captured almost all of my group and she had taken them to her hive, which was built high atop a giant tree” Ann kept telling the story “Me and my other friend who didn’t got caught had to let ourselves be captured by the drider’s minions to get to her hive and rescue our friends”

“Really? That sound terrifying but I can’t help but find it exciting” Veniala interrupted.

“Don’t feel bad about it, I can assure you that my friend was quite excited about too” Replied Ann.

“So, what happened next?” Veniala asked.

“Well, the spiders took us to the hive all webbed up, there the drider told them to take us to different cells and once we were not longer being watched we escaped” Ann finished her story.

“And how it was to be tied up by the drider?” Asked Veniala.

“Well I wasn’t with her most of the time, but I can tell you that if we didn’t had an escape plan from the begging I would’ve been quite scared, those webbing were far more secure than most ropes” Ann replied.

“Have you been tied up with rope too?” Asked Veniala.

“Yes...” Ann replied shyly.

“Could you tell me about it?”

Ann remained silent for a few seconds.

“Its okay if you don’t want to tell me, but If that’s the case I’d like to ask one thing from you” Veniala said.

“And that would be?” Asked Ann.

“That you let me tie you up” Veniala replied “But that’s your call, It is me who is tied up here so if you don’t feel like untying me or telling me another story feel free to leave me tied up”

“I don’t want to do that, If I leave you like that you’ll get bored and your body will staring aching”

“Sounds like you know a lot about it” Veniala said jokingly.

Ann was stuck between the three equally bad options, she didn’t wanted to get tied up, but neither did she wanted to tell a humiliating story about how she got tied up by goblins, and leaving her brother’s girlfriend tied up until who knows when was out of the question.

“You know what? I’m going to untie you” Ann said as she stood up.

“You know that by doing that you’re basically asking me to tie you up?” Asked Veniala.

“I do, so lets see how much you’ve ‘learned’” With everything that had happened Ann had just remembered that Veniala’s excuse to do what they were doing was to learn how to tie up her siblings.

Ann’s playful tone made Veniala excited about what did she had in mind, she was nearly shaking out of excitement when Ann started to untie her from the chair.

“So, how do you want to do this?” Asked Veniala as she rubbed her wrists, even though Ann hadn’t made the knots especially tight rope was never going to be easy on her skin.

“Usually captives don’t get to chose how they get tied” Ann replied, trying to play it cool.

“Then I want you on my bed” Replied Veniala.

Ann sat at the edge of Veniala’s bed and soon enough Veniala got on the bed too, sitting behind Ann to tie her hands together parallel to each other.

“Something tells me that you wont be satisfied with this” Ann said as she tested the restraints, for someone who claimed not to know how to tie someone up they felt quite secure.

“You’re right, I can’t have you walking around the place to escape from me!” Veniala said playfully as she moved to sit on the floor and tie Ann’s legs.

Veniala tied Ann’s ankles together, tightly cinching the knot between her legs.

“Don’t think I’m done here” Veniala said after she finished the knot “I can tell that you’re legs aren’t like mine, maybe if you struggle too much you could break out and we don’t want that” Veniala said as she grabbed more rope.

“You also seem to know a lot about this” Ann said “Especially for someone who is the one who gets tied up, not the one who does the tying”

“Having been tied up so many times I know exactly what it is needed to keep someone secure” Veniala replied “And I’m sure you know too”

Veniala added rope upon rope to a point when Ann was left genuinely surprised at how securely she was tying her. She used rope to tie her knees together above and below the kneecaps and then around her thighs with the same purpose.

“This feels quite secure” Ann said as she tested the ropes only to find out the obvious fact, it was inescapable.

“That’s the point sweaty!” Veniala said as she pinched Ann’s cheeks.

Even though she felt strange about becoming so helpless to someone she barely knew if at all, Ann wasn’t scared. There was something in Veniala’s odd, shy behaviour that inspired confidence in Ann and convinced her that she was safe.

“Now that I think about it, your arms are also very strong so I should take care of them don’t you think?” Veniala asked playfully to let Ann know what was coming next.

“If you say so” Ann said as she turned her back to Veniala “Sounds like you don’t want me to escape at all” She jested.

Veniala laughed awkwardly and began tying rope around Ann’s waist, once she had encircled her few time she tied her bound hands to her waist to pin them to her back.

“Now you really got me” Ann chuckled “I don’t think I’d be able to get out of this”

This time without warning, Ann felt how Veniala started to coil some rope below her elbows, she was surprised by the fact that Veniala was still adding rope but before she could ask her what the purpose of those ropes were Ann felt a sharp pain right where the ropes were being tied.

“Hey that hurts!” Ann shouted, this time they was no playfulness in her voice, what she had felt was genuine pain.

Veniala had just tied Ann’s elbows together, something that Ann didn’t thought that it could be done to her without breaking her arms until then. But the fact that she was unharmed did not take away from the pain that restraint caused her, the strain was not only on her arms but also on her shoulders, which were abnormally pushed back because of the strenuous position.

“Untie that! It hurts!” Ann shouted again.

But Veniala kept silent, and her silence made Ann feel very unsafe all of a sudden, until then she hadn’t thought of Veniala as a threat but at the moment and considering what she was doing Veniala was starting to appear very threatening. And the worst part was that since Ann had allowed herself to be tied up by her she could do little if anything to fight her.

“Stop this!” Ann demanded as she squirmed to lay on her back on the bed, preventing Veniala from finishing securing the knot.
Unexpectedly for Ann, Veniala moved to sit above her, laying her knelt legs on her sides. She had her hands behind her back, she was hiding something.

“I’m very sorry Ann” Veniala said.

And justa as Ann opened her mouth to demand to know what she meant by that Veniala took the chance to shove a cloth inside her mouth and before Ann could spit it Veniala laid a strip of sticky bandages over her moth, preventing her from doing so.

Ann knew what those bandages were, she had seen them before, but she didn’t at all expected Veniala to have them. They were the so called ‘mummy bandages’, sticky bandages from a far away land where they served a purposes unknown to Ann, but what she did know was that they made for extremely effective and painful to remove gags.

“Mpghgh!” Ann complained.

Not caring about her her complaints Veniala laid two more pieces she cut from the roll of bandages, laying them over Ann’s mouth in a cross like pattern. For Ann it was the first time being gagged with that material and she quickly realized how much she hated it. The sticky nature of the bandages meant that Ann’s mouth was left sealed and she couldn’t breath through her it, so she was forced to calm her struggles to catch her breath and breathe through her nose.

Taking advantage of Ann’s tiredness, Veniala rolled her over to finish tying her elbows together which Ann didn’t appreciated at all and she made sure to let Veniala know it by grunting under her gag every time she tightened a knot.

But that wasn’t enough for Veniala, after she tied together Ann’s elbows she moved to her chest, tying rope above and below her breasts to make sure that her arms remained pinned to her body.

Seeing how Ann was regaining her strength and was starting to kick to get Veniala off her, she tied a rope to the restraint on her wrists, at first Ann didn’t knew what she was trying but after she felt Veniala do the same with the restrains around her ankles Ann quickly realized what her captor was doing, and she hated it even before it happened.

Veniala started to tighten the rope that tied Ann’s wrists to her elbows, Ann tried to fight it with all her might, pushing her legs towards the bed and away from her hands. Veniala was having trouble getting Ann’s feet towards her hands, needless to say her captive outmatched her greatly when it came to strength and she was making no progress towards finishing the hogtie when she received some assistance.

Ann felt another set of hands tickling her behind her knees, a ticklish spot if she had one, which made her instinctively react by bending her legs backwards to protect herself, and by the time she had realized her mistake it was too late to amend it. Veniala had hogtied her.

Ann wondered who the person who tickled her was, it couldn’t be Veniala because she was using both hands to restrain her, but Ann didn’t really wondered anything, she knew very well that there was only one other person in the house and all she received when she looked to her side was a confirmation of her thoughts.

“Great work Veniala, even better than I expected” Carissa congratulated her daughter as she patted her in the head.

“Mpghghg” Ann grunted.

Ann’s suspicions that she was not being part of a game but instead she was on actual danger only became greater when Carissa, who she was supposed to investigate because of her activity, showed herself next to her daughter.

“Hush, no need to get angry” Carissa said as she tried to touch Ann’s face, which Ann prevented by getting away from her hand. Carissa could still reach her but she got the cue, Ann didn’t wanted her to touch her.

“You can leave now Veniala” Carissa told her daughter “I’m going get our prisoner ready”

Veniala kept staring at the angry bound woman on her bed for a few seconds before she realized that her mother hadn’t gave her the option to leave, she was ordering her to do so. Veniala then hastily left the room, closing the door behind he and judging by the noise of her footsteps, she ran away from the room once she was outside.

“I’m going to have a long conversation with you, Ann Golbreisk” Carissa said a she sat on the bed beside Ann “But before that, I think i should get you in a less comfortable position”

Ann was expecting Carissa to push her off the bed, but instead she used a spell, which was not meant to harm her like she expected. Ann didn’t realized what purpose the spell served until her eyelids started to feel heavier and heavier and her breathing calmer and slower, the spell was putting her to sleep and Ann could only wonder how she was going to wake up.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

Great story!!!! I can't wait to see what's in store for Ann!

This is very well written, and Ann's adventures sound interesting too.
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Post by TimChimp »

So the continuation has arrived, great! As someone who read your previous story I must say that I'm kinda excited about this, and this is off to a great start!
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Post by ninterz »

Poor Ann got into real trouble and the story just started.
Interesting start. I'm curious whats going to happen
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Post by Caesar73 »

“I’m going to have a long conversation with you, Ann Golbreisk” Carissa said a she sat on the bed beside Ann “But before that, I think i should get you in a less comfortable position”
Carissa is joking :) This Hogtie is anything else than comfortable. I am curious what Carissa has in mind for poor Ann. Somehow I have the feeling that This conversation will be a monologue, because Ann will probably be gagged.

Great start [mention]banshee[/mention] ! Looks like Ann is in a tight spot and on her own. It is so good to see that wonderful character again!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh, it's so good to this another story of this universe.

I like how Veniala's act went from playing a shy girl, intimidated by a strong knight such as Ann, to a playful captors, squeezing her captive's cheeks and calling her sweetie.

Now, a hogtie can be comfortable if (a big IF here) the rope tying the ankles to the wrists is not tight, allowing some kind of movement and not much pressure on the limbs and back (specially the back). But, to be fair, I think Carissa was being condescending here. She knows Ann is not comfortable, and she's about to be in an even more uncomfortable position.

Cannot wait for next chapter!
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Post by banshee »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago Great story!!!! I can't wait to see what's in store for Ann!

This is very well written, and Ann's adventures sound interesting too.
Thanks! Its feels great to catch the attention of new readers and I hope you like this chapter as much as the first one.
You can read about Ann's other adventures in the story I linked in the first chapter, but I warn you that the story is pretty long.
TimChimp wrote: 2 years ago So the continuation has arrived, great! As someone who read your previous story I must say that I'm kinda excited about this, and this is off to a great start!
Good to see you back, I'm happy that you're excited about this story so I hope I match your expectations.
ninterz wrote: 2 years ago Poor Ann got into real trouble and the story just started.
Interesting start. I'm curious whats going to happen
Thanks for the comment! I think this new chapter will answer at least some of your questions.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
“I’m going to have a long conversation with you, Ann Golbreisk” Carissa said a she sat on the bed beside Ann “But before that, I think i should get you in a less comfortable position”
Carissa is joking :) This Hogtie is anything else than comfortable. I am curious what Carissa has in mind for poor Ann. Somehow I have the feeling that This conversation will be a monologue, because Ann will probably be gagged.

Great start @banshee ! Looks like Ann is in a tight spot and on her own. It is so good to see that wonderful character again!
Like you said, what Carissa said there shouldn't be taken at face value because Ann was already uncomfortable enough. Its always good to see comments from you and I'm glad to see that you're liking this story.
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Oh, it's so good to this another story of this universe.

I like how Veniala's act went from playing a shy girl, intimidated by a strong knight such as Ann, to a playful captors, squeezing her captive's cheeks and calling her sweetie.

Now, a hogtie can be comfortable if (a big IF here) the rope tying the ankles to the wrists is not tight, allowing some kind of movement and not much pressure on the limbs and back (specially the back). But, to be fair, I think Carissa was being condescending here. She knows Ann is not comfortable, and she's about to be in an even more uncomfortable position.

Cannot wait for next chapter!
Good to see you back for this story! I liked your descriptions of Veniala's change and like you said, Carissa is being condescending but you'll see that she can in fact think of worse positions for Ann.

Thanks to all who commented and enjoy chapter 2!

Chapter 2: Her Mother?

“You did a great job with our guest” Carissa congratulated her daughter “I knew I could count on you for that”

Veniala remained silent at the compliments she received by her her mother. She was still too unsure about what she had done with Ann and didn’t felt like there was anything to celebrate yet.

“Your ropework was superb and you had a very creative way of getting her to comply” Carissa kept talking.

But still all Carissa received from her daughter was absolute silence, no answer at all, not even a thank you. Veniala was staring shamefully to the floor like a guilty dog, not even looking at her mother as she complimented her.

“Do you feel any type of remorse about what you did?” Carissa asked.

Veniala’s silence was starting to get to Carissa’s nerves, but she knew that it wasn’t in her best interests to aggressively push her to speak. She instead took up the motherly role she had become so accustomed to and tried it again.

“Do you?” Carissa asked again “You know how important it is for me to know that”

“Yes” Veniala replied meekly.

“You shouldn’t” Carissa said bluntly “I don’t know what you think about her, but remember she is all you need for you to regain all that you have lost”

“Will you allow me to see my...”

“Hush, all at its due time” Carissa said as she pressed her index finger against her daughter’s lips “For now there’s something really important I want you to do, after you do it, I’ll allow you to go to the dungeons”

“What do you want me to do?” Asked Veniala.

“I need you to check on our guest” Carissa replied “See if she’s awake, if she’s not wake her up, then call me and I’ll go to take care of her myself”

“What are you going to do with her?” Asked Veniala.

“You shouldn’t care about that” Replied Carissa “Go now, I’m sure you want to go to the dungeons as soon as possible”

Carissa then unlocked the manacles that were restraining Veniala’s hands and let them fall to the floor. Veniala rubbed her wrists, even though few time passed with her not having them on she would never get used to the tight iron grip of the restraints around her wrists.

Veniala complied with Carissa’s orders, Carissa’s persuasions had worked on her but that didn’t meant that she felt good about
kidnapping Ann. Judging by the time she has spent with her, Ann didn’t appeared to be the woman Carissa had told her about, she was very friendly towards her and Veniala would have been lying if she said that she didn’t reconsidered her plans before tricking Ann into her kidnapping.

But now it was too late for Veniala to reconsider anything, Ann was already imprisoned and probably tied thoroughly enough to make escape nothing more than an illusion.

Guests Room in the Castle

Ann’s eyelids felt heavier than usual, she could already recognize the magic wearing off her body because of previous experiences that she wasn’t proud about but that she had ultimately gotten free from, she could only hope that such would be the case for her current situation.

From the very moment Ann woke up she knew that she was tied up and gagged, the magic that had putted her to sleep was good at not deleting any memories, the question wasn’t if she was tied up, it was how she was tied up.

Ann inspected her situation to find an answer to that question, aside from the hogtie everything seemed to remain the same apart from the fact that she was no longer on Veniala’s soft bed, but instead she was sitting on hard wooden chair. And needless to say she was tied to it.
Her chest hadn’t been tied to the chair, but considering how much rope she already had encircling it and her upper arms she doubted that adding more rope was even possible. But her waist and lap were pinned to the chair and thoroughly so, Ann could only wonder what was the length of the rope that went around her waist or the two ropes that encircled her thighs and pinned them to the seat.

Her arms hadn’t been untied since she was first tied up, which not only meant that her elbows were still forced to touch but also that her arms were uncomfortably pressed between her back and the back of the chair.

Her legs were undoubtedly the most thoroughly restrained part of her body, she had them tied together at the ankles, above and below the knees and at two different heights at her thighs. And if like that wasn’t enough, her ankles had been tied to a lower railing of the chair so she had no chance of moving her legs to try to kick or move the chair.

And Ann’s mouth remained gagged by the same three sticky bandages that Veniala had plastered onto her face and that kept the cloth inside her mouth from being spitted.

Only a few light entered the room Ann was in, light that filtered itself through red curtains and that allowed Ann to see that at least the place she was in didn’t seemed like a dungeon, she just had been tied in a regular room, much less fancy than Veniala’s but a regular room nonetheless, so she at least had the comfort of not having rats and roaches around the place while she couldn’t move.

Ann was still adjusting her vision to the low light of the room when a new source of light coming from the door in front of her made its apparition, the door to the room had just been opened and on the other side was Veniala, who Ann expected to smugly look down on her like all of her captors did, but instead, Veniala looked gloomy, maybe even sad.

But Veniala’s expression didn’t impeded Ann from staring daggers at her as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. From this point on Ann didn’t thought of Veniala than she did of any of her previous enemies that had managed to capture her. She was her captor and she’ll do anything to escape her while remaining as impervious as she could during her captivity like she always did or tried to do.
“Hi...” Veniala made an awkward attempt to break the obvious tension in the room, an attempt that was anything but successful “Are you okay?”

Ann didn’t knew what she would have replied had she not been gagged but she knew that it wouldn’t have been nice. But she didn’t had a chance to reply anyway so she just remained quiet, not even nodding or shaking her head to reply to Veniala.

“I know how you’re feeling and I’m very sorry about it” Veniala said as she fell to her knees before Ann “I know how this sounds, I know that you’d likely never forgive me but I can’t do anything for you”

Veniala’s captive was starting to get genuinely confused. Ann had seen many types of captors in her adventures, but she didn’t remembered coming across one so outwardly ashamed of what she was doing. Not that Veniala’s words meant much for Ann, to her Veniala was still the woman who tricked her into getting kidnapped and that most likely had some nefarious intent with her brother, not someone she had especial sympathy for.

“My mother will come to see you in a few minutes” Veniala sighed “I don’t know what she will do to you and I would really like to prevent her from doing it but sadly, I cant”

As confusing as Veniala’s words were, they were also enraging, she claimed to feel sorry for Ann yet she claimed to be unable to do anything about it, like if she was washing her hands expecting Ann not to place Any guilt on her.

It was being enraged by her captor like that which made Ann make her first escape attempt Ann started to push forward with her legs, something that for anyone with regular strength would have accomplished nothing, but for someone like Ann that wasn’t the case.

The fist sign of her escape attempt working took Veniala by surprise as she heard the lower railing of the chair crack, she didn’t thought possible that Ann could escape so Veniala quickly panicked, getting away from Ann to avoid getting kicked by her in her escape attempt.

When the railing finally ceded to the knight’s strength Ann fell to the floor atop a whole bunch of shattered pieces of wood that had been left by her escape attempt. It was then, when she laid on the floor looking up at at a panicked Veniala that even after that remained as her captor, when Ann realized how fruitless her effort had been, and judging by the sigh of comfort that Veniala let out as she saw Ann squirming to try to get up it was also then when she realized the same thing Ann did, that aside from the chair being broken, things haven’t changed much between her and her captive.

“Ann you shouldn’t have done that” Veniala whispered at Ann as she knelt by her side “Now my mother is going to be really mad with you”
Veniala’s words were far from wrong and Ann knew it, but it was too late, she had already made her escape attempt and she presumed that it was the only chance she would be able to make in a while because usually after captives make an escape attempt their restraints only get worsened.

“Maybe I can work something up so she doesn’t get too mad at you” Veniala said nervously as she tried to move the pieces of the chair away.
But before Veniala could think of an excuse to help with her captive’s situation the shriek of the wooden door of the room being opened made itself present, filling both Ann and Veniala with nervousness, although Ann made a much better work at keeping such weaknesses hidden than her captor, who quickly started shaking out of the fear of what her mother would say or think about the situation she had stumbled upon.
“Well well, what happened here?” Asked Carissa as he entered the room.

The sound of the heels of Carissa’s boots were the only sound in the room until she stopped before Ann and Veniala, her face, although obscured by the poor lighting, showed anything but pleasure.

“I can explain” Veniala stuttered.

“Then do it” Replied Carissa.

“Ann tried to escape and she managed to break the chair, but she is still secured and unable to escape” Veniala explained.

“Lets hope so” Carissa said as she stepped to encircle Ann, carefully inspecting her restraints “Tighten the knots”

“But she didn’t touched them” Veniala tried to argue in Ann’s favour “Her arms are already turning purple, I don’t want to hurt her”

“You wouldn’t have to do if she hadn’t tried to escape” Carissa replied “Now do it, or else”

Not having any other option and much to the knights displeasure, Veniala tightened the knots of Ann’s restraints. Veniala looked up at her mother expecting her to ask her to stop, but she didn’t do that until every knot had been tightened.

“Come here, I’ll give you the key to the dungeons” Carissa said after Veniala was done tightening the knots.

Carissa handed a heavy metal key to Veniala, who left the room trying her best not to look back.

“Well well, Ann Golbreisk, apparently you are more of a problem than I thought of” Carissa said as she looked down on Ann “But don’t worry, I’m very capable of dealing with people like you”

Carissa used magic to turn on all of the candles in the room to get a better look of her prisoner and also allowing Ann to get a better look at her.

Ann didn’t knew how old Carissa was but she looked young for a mother of so many children. Her long brown hair was of the exact same color as her daughter’s and had no visible white hairs, she had few if any wrinkles in her face and she was well proportioned for someone of her height and age, being almost as tall as Ann.

“But first, lets get you a bit more secured” Carissa spoke “If you were able to break the chair I think Its time for me to improve your restraints at least a bit”

“Mpghg” Ann complained. Being bound as she was and having even more rope added felt completely needless.

“Sadly there isn’t much to work with here, so I’ll have to make do with what we have or take you to the dungeons”

Ann’s anger grew greater as she heard those words, she a was nothing more than a prisoner to Carissa and she made no effort in hiding that.

“Don’t give me that look, you brought this upon yourself” Carissa said in response to Ann’s glare “I wanted to keep you in a room like a normal guest, aside from all the rope of course, but you insisted o trying to escape so maybe you belong in the dungeons after all”

Using magic Carissa brought rope from one of the drawers to her hands and then started to loop it to make for a good restraint for her prisoner.

“If I tie you to another chair you’ll just break it again, and you clearly haven’t earned the privilege of laying on the bed” Veniala said after inspecting the room for things to tie Ann to “So I think you shouldn’t lay on the bed nor be sitting while tied up”

Carissa smirked as she looked to the ceiling, telling Ann exactly what her plan was.

Carissa tied the ropes she had grabbed and tied them to the the ropes around Ann’s chest near the ones that held her elbows together. The new added restraint secured the ones Ann was already in even more, Carissa was far from finished and Ann knew it.

Aided by her magic that apparently allowed to control ropes at will Carissa looped the other end of the rope over a chandelier that hung from the ceiling above Ann and then tied it to one of the legs of the bed.

“You better stay on your toes, otherwise that thing might fall on you and we don’t want that” Carissa said as she noticed that Ann was making an Effort not to break the chandelier by letting herself hang from the ropes.

Ann had to concentrate if she wanted to stay like she had to stay to remain unharmed, at the moment standing on her toes wasn’t much of a problem, but she knew very well that soon enough her legs were going to start to ache”

“I think this is a situation we can talk in” Carissa said as she stepped back from Ann “Or better said, a better situation for you to listen”

As purposefully angering as Carissa’s commentary was Ann didn’t gave any muffled grunt of complaint this time, she was too preoccupied with trying to remain on her toes for as long as possible.

“And I also think this is the best moment for me to show you who I really am” Carissa said as her voice gradually but notoriously changed.

After she said that a small but dense fog cloud engulfed Carissa making Ann start to pay more and more attention to her than to her perilous situation. Once again, Ann was being left surprised by her captors, whose surprises kept getting worse for her.

Castle Dungeons

Veniala was so nervous that it took her three times to get the key to open the heavy dungeon door, and getting the door opened took her even more than she expected, it was a thick wood slab with an iron frame that she usually wouldn’t have been tasked to open. But ever since that night she had to do everything in the castle by herself.

The insides of the dungeon was unnerving to say the least, they had been empty for decades and it showed, it was a dark silent place that Veniala had to walk through lighting up her way with only a lamp that most of the times didn’t allowed her to see the end of the cells.

But it did allowed her to see all of the other unnerving details of the place, the giant cobwebs where spiders feasted in all types of insects, the traces of rats and the old unused weaponry on the walls, rusted armors and weapons that haven’t seen an use in decades and that now just loomed over the scared Veniala as she made her way through the dungeons.


Initially, the soft muffled moan coming from the darkness of the dungeons frightened Veniala, but she quickly realized that she shouldn’t be scared, maybe she should even be happy. Veniala speed up her pace and reached the origin of the noise, the last cell of the dungeons and the only one which was holding a real prisoner.

“Mom?” Asked Veniala as she looked through the bars of the cell.

The light of her lamp barely reached the end of the room, but the light it provided was enough for Veniala to see who was being kept inside that cell. Just like she thought, it was her mother, her real mother. She looked exactly like the woman pretending to be like her in the castle above, just a bit affected by days upon days of imprisonment.

“Thank gods, I thought that woman was lying to me” Veniala sighed as she started to look for a key to the dungeon cell.

The relief of her finding her mother outweighed many things, but it didn’t made up for the state in which she found her. Carissa had her hands shackled behind her back to the wall and her ankles were chained to the walls, in her mouth there was a ballgag that judging by the blob of saliva on the floor, below her, had made her drool a lot.

“Mpghg” Carissa tried to get as close to the bars as possible, which wasn’t much considering that her feet and hands were chained to the walls with only enough slack for her to get on the only piece of furniture in her cell, a poor looking bed.

Veniala tried to reach for her mother’s gag, and after some time of tying she managed to get a finger between the leather straps and her mother’s face. To ungag her mother, Veniala had to pull the gag toward her to then pull it down, which considering how tightly strapped the gag was, was anything but an easy task.

Veniala knew that she shouldn’t do it, that the woman passing by her real mother hadn’t gave her permission to ungag her mother but she didn’t cared. It had been weeks since she hadn’t heard her real mother and she wasn’t going to let that chance go.

“I have already gave her what she wanted, she will release us any time soon” Veniala explained.

“She wont do that” Carissa replied “We can’t trust her”

“Shh mom, she’ll hear you!” Veniala spoke fearfully.

“What I’m saying is that we have to escape, now” Carissa replied “If we don’t do it she may never let us go”

“But mom, this is the closest we have gotten to escape and if she sees us trying something she’ll never let us go, maybe she wouldn’t even let me see you again!” Carissa argued.

“I am your mother and I make the choices here” Said Carissa “Today we escape”

Before Veniala could argue any further her mother uttered a spell and unlocked the manacles holding her prisoner. Once free she unbuckled the gag which had been left hanging around her neck, she was ready to escape from the hell that the last days had been.
“Step away from the door, I’m going to open it” Carissa said as she prepared a spell.

Another presence made itself known in the room, the women could not see them in the darkness but they could definitively hear them. The screech of rusted metal pieces rubbing against themselves came from the darkness of the dungeons, and it was followed by the sound of metallic footsteps walking towards them.

Two pairs of dark green eyes appeared in the darkness accompanying the metallic noise. Veniala was scared to death but her mother wasn’t. She instead got out of her cell and stood in front of her daughter, determined to defend her. The figures revealed themselves as they stepped into the light of the lamp, revealing to be walking suits of iron armor that limped their way towards the two women.
“What are those things mom?” Asked Veniala.

“Animated armors” Replied Carissa “She probably put them as a guardians to prevent me from escaping”

“We shouldn’t have done this” Veniala stuttered.

“Silence” Carissa said “You should know very well that this is well within my capabilities”

Carissa created a gust of wind to push back the armors and due to the poor balance of the constructs they fell on their backs. It took them long enough to stand back up for Carissa to grab her daughter and try to make a run for the door.

“Lets get away from here!” Shouted Carissa as she grabbed her daughter by the arm.

But Carissa was surprised to find out that Veniala didn’t tried to run, she remained nailed to the floor, almost like if she didn’t wanted to escape. It was clear that her fear was too big for her to do anything.

“Come on, I swear I’ll protect you!” Carissa said as she pulled her daughter forward.

“I’m sorry mom” Veniala muttered.

Before Carissa could ask what her daughter meant by that Veniala had already reapplied one of the manacles to her wrists.

“What are you doing Veniala? Have you gone insane!?” Carissa asked, unable to believe what was happening.

Carissa was determined not to let her daughter manacle her other wrist, but she trying to do that distracted her from her other obstacle, the two armors had already rose up and grabbed her by her arms and torso to help Veniala finish her job. Carissa had her hands manacled behind her back, again.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this Veniala!” Shouted Carissa “Untie me right now and... mpghgg!”

Veniala took the chance to apply the ballgag to her mother’s mouth again, knowing perfectly that being a mage, her mother couldn’t be trusted to remain ungagged and imprisoned at the same time.

“I know how you feel but you must trust me” Said Veniala “I have already tried to escape and failed, and I have been severely punished for it”

Carissa didn’t heard what her daughter had to say and just kept struggling against her restrains and moaning through her gag.

“I just don’t want any of that to happen to you” Veniala said as she grabbed her mother’s face to get her attention.

“Mpghg” Carissa grunted, she couldn’t believe that in the situation she was in she had become angry at her daughter and fellow captive Veniala,

“I’m only doing this because I love you, and I swear that I’m going to get us free” Veniala said as she kissed her mother in the forehead “Just not now”

Veniala walked away as the pair of armors carried her mother back to her cell, even though Veniala purposefully avoided looking behind her to prevent any more guilt than she already felt to come to her she couldn’t ignore the muffled complains she heard from her mother as the two constructs chained her inside her cell.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow, that was unexpected, but all makes sense now: Veneria had to do the bidding of the imposter. I liked Ann trying to get free. Forcing her to stand on tip toe is devious. I wonder what plans the Imposter has for her captive. At the moment Ann´s situation look dire. Looking forward to the next update!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

A doppleganger, nice... That totally surprised me, I wasn't expecting that.

But why is she after Ann? I wonder what kind of punishment was inflicted on Venalia, to be so scared to stop Carissa for that escape attempt. (Memories of Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Bolton come to mind, although I'm pretty sure this story won't go there, huh).
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Post by banshee »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago A doppleganger, nice... That totally surprised me, I wasn't expecting that.

But why is she after Ann? I wonder what kind of punishment was inflicted on Venalia, to be so scared to stop Carissa for that escape attempt. (Memories of Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Bolton come to mind, although I'm pretty sure this story won't go there, huh).
Thanks for the comment! The first one of those questions will be answered in this chapter, the other one maybe in some of the following.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Wow, that was unexpected, but all makes sense now: Veneria had to do the bidding of the imposter. I liked Ann trying to get free. Forcing her to stand on tip toe is devious. I wonder what plans the Imposter has for her captive. At the moment Ann´s situation look dire. Looking forward to the next update!
Ann's situation is indeed dire, if it becomes more or less dire in this chapter I'll let you to find out.

Also and in case you're still reading [mention]ninterz[/mention] [mention]TimChimp[/mention] and [mention]hafnermg[/mention], chapter 3 is already here!

Chapter 3: Family Reunion

As the fog started to dissipate before Ann she became able to see the real form of her captor, who apparently wasn’t at all who she had presented as. Before Ann stood a woman of roughly the same height as her,short hair down to her shoulders, even though her facial and bodily features didn’t changed much Ann couldn’t help but noticing a strange detail in the woman’s face, her dark eyes were close to purple in coloration, a feature strange even by the standards Ann had come across.

“Finally, I hate that woman’s skin” Her captor spoke once the fog had completely banished.

It wasn’t the first time Ann had seen someone under the effects of an illusion spell that made them appear like another person, but it wasn’t that what was surprising for Ann. The fact that it wasn’t Veniala’s mother kidnapping her but instead the mysterious woman she had before her only added more questions to her already puzzled mind.

“I assume that this doesn’t answer any of your questions” The woman said “Don’t worry, I’ll answer most of your doubts”

Ann tried to focus her mind on whatever her captor had to say, she would focus on anything that meant getting her attention away from the painful predicament she was in.

“As you may have guessed I am not Carissa Virodu as I pretended to be” She began her explanation “My real name is Nissa Darkmore”

That last name ringed many bells in Ann’s head, but not enough for her to remember where she had heard it before. Maybe if her situation wasn’t so dire she’d have been able to think more clearly but sadly that wasn’t the case for her.

“In case you can’t connect the dots, I am the sister of the witch that you and your friends humiliated by taking her to the inquisitors in Zalaga a few months ago” Nissa explained, allowing Ann to start realizing the nature of the situation she was in.

Only then Ann thought of the possibility that the witch she and her friends had fought long ago wasn’t working alone, she didn’t expected that fight to have the types of consequences she was facing.

“But don’t take this as an act of revenge of my part” Nissa explained much to Ann’s surprise “I couldn’t care less about the consequences my sister has to face because of her stupid decisions”

“Mpgh” Ann grunted, partly because she wanted to know Nissa’s reasons to do what she was doing and partly because she was in pain.

“Why am I doing this you may ask?” Asked Nissa as she slowly walked around Ann “Well, optics. I don’t need to explain to you how witch covens work for you to understand that less people will start to solicit their services if they know that one of their members has fallen captive to the inquisitors”

So that was it, Ann was bound and gagged, hanging from the ceiling and and standing on the tip of her toes all because the sister of a witch she faced months ago wanted to keep up the image of her coven.

“But that’s enough of an explanation as you’re going to get for now, I can explain everything else that will happen to you after this on another moment” Nissa said.

With no more words Nissa walked out of the room and closed the door behind her while Ann glared at her as she did. Ann was angry, unbelievably so, but she was doing a good job at keeping her cool.

Ann still had many questions in her head after that were left unanswered after Nissa left the room, but she had trouble thinking about the possible responses while the pain on her legs did nothing but increase.
Castle Main Room
Veniala was sitting down on the table, staring down at knees and questioning her every decision. Initially she was convinced that she had saved her mother by chaining her and putting her back inside the dungeon cell, but she was having trouble convincing herself that such was the case after hearing her mother pleading for her not do what she was doing.

“Good evening Veniala” Nissa said as she suddenly entered the room.

Veniala awaited for Nissa to add something to her words, she was certain that she knew of the events that had taken place in the dungeons and she was sure that Nissa would have something to say about them. But against her expectations Nissa just sat in front of her and smiled.

“Anything you have to tell me?” Asked Nissa.

Veniala braced herself for the news she had to deliver, but since she didn’t knew what reaction she should expect from Nissa there was no mental preparation she could perform to be truly prepared.

“My mother tried to escape in the dungeons, but I stopped her and the armors you left took care of her and left her inside her cell again” Veniala explained.

“But how could she do such thing?” Asked Nissa “As far as I remember she’s chained and has a ballgag on her mouth, so her magic can’t help her”

Nissa was truly on every little detail, Veniala had hoped that since she had recaptured her mother Nissa would look over such details but apparently she didn’t had such kindess and she was going to have to do every little bit of explanation necessary.

“I know that what i did was wrong and I apologize for it, but I removed her gag for a few seconds” Replied Veniala, hoping that the embellishing apologies of her phrasing would persuade Nissa not to punish her.

Nissa stood up after she heard those words, Veniala was expecting the worst but against all of her expectations all Nissa did once she was close enough to her was hugging her.

“You did great” Nissa said as she stroked Veniala’s hair “And just like wrong actions like what your mother and Ann did must be met with punishments, good actions like yours must be awarded”

During the long captivity she had endured under Nissa’s power this was going to be the first time Veniala was going to receive an award, until then all she had received from her captor were punishments upon punishments.

“Until further notice you’ll be allowed to remain unrestrained” Nissa announced “That will be your reward”

Veniala was happy about the news, she was ready to enjoy all of the things she had become accustomed not be able to do because of having her hands tied behind her back.

“Now I have a small favour to ask for you” Nissa spoke “I need you to get Ann and you mother here so we can have dinner together”

Veniala was surprised, she usually wasn’t allowed to see her mother and Nissa just took her food to the dungeons, so she considered Nissa’s request as part of her award.

But as Veniala walked to to the room where Ann was being held she couldn’t help but ask herself how far her condition as Nissa’s prisoner had gotten to her to make her value things so simple like being untied at her own house so much that they could be considered an award.

When Veniala opened the door to the room Ann stared back at her, tiredly but with visible fury in her eyes. Veniala could see that she was in an uneasy position to say that least but Ann was enduring it without a single complaint, even though the pain she felt on her legs was very real and present she didn’t showed it at all.

“I am sorry about this” Veniala said as she walked towards the bound knight “But you should have listened to me when I told you to not break that chair” She added, trying to gain a sense of authority that Ann clearly didn’t gave her.

As much as Ann tried to appear strong an impervious to the torture she was being subjected to, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief after the rope tying her to the ceiling was untied and she finally became able to stand on her feet again.

“I am going to take you the dining room, if you try anything Nissa will punish you again so please behave” Veniala requested.

Ann saw no gain in trying to do anything while Veniala walked out of the bedroom and to the dining room, even though she had untied her legs she had only done so partly, leaving her upper knees and thighs tied together so running wasn’t a possible thing to do. And so Ann was helplessly walked across the castle until she arrived at the dining room, a big hall with a big wooden table in the middle surrounded by four chairs.

“Tie our guest to a chair” Nissa, who was sitting on one of the chairs around the room, ordered.

Veniala did as Nissa told her and after sitting Ann on a chair she began tying her to it, securing her to the piece of furniture with rope to pin her lap to the seat, her waist to the back and retying her ankles and lower knees together. Ann took up her treatment stoically but with the same angry look that hadn’t left her eyes since she had woken up, only that this time it was Nissa who she was staring at.

“That’s enough for her, go bring your mother now” Nissa ordered after Veniala was done tying Ann.

Ann was surprised by what she heard, after the revelation of Nissa’s true identity she didn’t expected Veniala’s mother to be there at all.

As Veniala went down the stairs leading down to the dungeons she kept asking herself the same question she had been asking herself since Nissa asked her to bring her mother to the dining room, how was her mother going to react? She knew that she was angry at her for what she had done, but she didn’t knew how that was going to play out when she told her what she needed her to do.

When the light of Veniala’s lamp reached the end of the last cell she became able to see her mother in the exact same condition that she had seen her last time. With her hands shackled behind her back and her feet shackled together, both restraints chained to the walls this time with even less slack and with the same black ballgag in her mouth.

“Nissa asked me to take you to have dinner with us” Veniala said as she opened the door to the cell “I know you’re angry at me and you have reasons to be, but please don’t make this difficult, I really don’t want to see Nissa punishing you”

Her mother remained nonreactive as Veniala unlocked the chains from her shackles, Veniala feared that her mother would try something all of a sudden after both restraints were unlocked but to her surprise she didn’t and she simply allowed her daughter to walk her out of the dungeon.

“I’m sorry mom, I swear we’ll get free in no time” Veniala said as she walked with her bound mother out of the dungeons.

Ann could see the surprise on Carissa face as they exchanged glances when she arrived to the room, Carissa, who was awkwardly walking with the little slack that the chain between her ankles provided, was expecting to see Nissa sitting at her spot in the table, but not a unknown newcomer.

“Who you’re seeing here is Ann Golbreisk, she’s your daughter’s sister in law” Nissa explained as Veniala helped her mother sit on a chair “As you can see, she’s shares your condition as a prisoner even more than your daughter”

“Mpghg” Carissa lost her temper before Nissa and grunted at her.

“Please keep up your manners at the table” Nissa replied “You should be thankful about the fact that I’m letting you have dinner with us”

Under Nissa’s orders, Veniala tied her mother to the chair she was sitting on in the same manner she had tied Ann. For security measures she didn’t removed the manacles until she had tied her hands and feet with rope. Due to her lesser degree of flexibility, Veniala didn’t tied her mother’s elbows together but Nissa took notice of that and wasn’t happy about it.

“Tie her like you tied Ann, no preferential treatments” Nissa said.

“But her elbows, she can’t make them touch and I don’t want to hurt her” Veniala replied.

“Don’t make me reconsider your privileged condition” Nissa said calmly.

Regretfully, Veniala forced herself to tie her mother’s elbows together, and much to her discomfort and against all of her muffled complains Carissa’s elbows were tied together just like Ann’s. It did not harmed her, at least not immediately, but it certainly putted her at pain and discomfort.

“To feed them you’ll have to ungag them, but before you do that I’d like to be sure that they will make good use of their time ungagged” Said Nissa “By that I mean that I don’t want them screaming, swearing, complaining or anything like that, can I trust you two to behave?” Asked Nissa.

Even though they were strangers to each other Carissa and Ann exchanged a look like if they were seeking approval on each other’s eyes. The two nodded after a few seconds, apparently understanding that a semblance of docility was a small price to pay for food.
“Good, remove the gags then” Nissa spoke.

First Veniala ungagged her mother, who uttered no word after the gag was removed from her mouth. Ann on the other side couldn’t help but letting out a deep breath after Veniala ripped out the bandages from her face, she had been gagged for hours and her gag had forced her to breathe only through her nose. The relief about being ungagged was so great that she ignored the pain caused by the removal of the bandages.

“While Veniala feeds you I’ll explain a few things to you” Nissa said as she began to cut her food.

At best, the task of feeding her prisoners was awkward for Veniala, the look she received from Ann every time she pointed the fork with food to her face was one of burning but extremely well contained rage while the one her mother gave her showed nothing but disappointment.

“Ann Golbreisk is here with us because she will play an important role in the example I want to set for those who mess with the coven” Nissa began to explain “After your daughter marries her brother, your families will be united, since I am taking up the role of Veniala’s mother that’ll grant me a certain degree of power over her which I’ll put to great use”

Veniala and Carissa noticed something in Nissa’s explanation, she was making no mention of when she was going to let them go. Veniala was under the impression that after she had Ann for herself Nissa would left the castle but according to what she was hearing, that wasn’t part of her plans.

“Since Ann’s dad is already old and tired I’ll basically have both families under my power, and unless Ann wants me to tear both families apart she’ll have to endure the full blunt of my power” Nissa explained as a sadistic smile drew itself on her face.

Nissa made a pause to take a look at Ann, who’s face was showing more and more angry with every word she spoke.

“And by enduring the full blunt of my power I mean that she’ll basically become my slave, she’ll be the example set for everyone who thinks about messing with a member of the coven again” Nissa added.

“No way!” Ann shouted, ignoring all the warnings she had been given by Nissa.

“Who gave you permission to speak?” Nissa asked.

“You can’t do that! I won’t let you!” Ann shouted as she pushed herself towards Nissa to no avail.

Nissa laughed at Ann’s words and that only frustrated Ann even more than she already was, the sheer impotence that she felt by having Nissa make all of those statements right before her whiles she couldn’t do anything.

“Take her to the dungeons, I’ve heard enough of her nonsense” Nissa ordered.

“But she hasn’t finished her food...” Veniala tried to argue in Ann’s favour.

“I said, take her to the dungeons” Nissa restated coldly.

Seeing that there was no gag around to use on Ann Veniala just started to untie her from the chair to take her to the dungeons, hoping to find a gag there.

“You wont get away this” Ann said as glared at Nissa.

“Keep talking and I’m never going to ungag you again” Nissa replied “Veniala, make sure to use a very uncomfortable gag on her, maybe that way she’ll learn”

After Veniala was done untying Ann she walked her out of the dinning room and to the dungeons, the walk was long and it was made even longer by the slow pace Ann’s restraints forced on her. Veniala avoided looking at her captive during the whole trajectory, knowing perfectly well that the look she was going to receive back from her was going to be an angry one.

To enter the dungeons Veniala had to walk Ann out of the main building, Ann had done a good job at remaining stoic to her degrading treatment but she couldn’t help by tremble after the cold of the night struck her after she stepped outside, it may have been spring but the cold was still very present at night.

Ann took the chance to look out for a possible escape route but there was none that she could see, at the moment she wasn’t going to be able to escape because of how restrained she was but she didn’t even saw a route that she could use in the future. The gates were shut and the walls around the castle too high for anyone to consider jumping from them.

But what surprised Ann the most was how empty the castle was, ever since she had gotten to the castle she had seen nobody other than Veniala, Nissa and only recently her mother, and that remained true for the outside of the structure. That was the only hope Ann found for a possible escape, but Nissa seemed so confident in the security of the prison she had her in that Ann didn’t knew if she should think of the castle’s emptiness as a weakness.

The insides of the dungeons weren’t much better, the dark stone hallway was just as cold as the outside and just the thought of having to spend the night there made Ann feel uneasy. After grabbing the keys that hung near the entrance Veniala opened one of the cells and walked in with Ann.

“You don’t have to do this” Ann said as she saw Veniala look for gags in a table placed outside the cell.

Veniala ignored Ann completely and kept looking for a gag suited for Ann. The gags Nissa had left on the table were many and there certainly were some that looked very uncomfortable, some Veniala had already had the disgrace of having them applied on her by Nissa, others were completely new to her eyes. But something in Veniala didn’t allowed to use a purposefully uncomfortably gag on Ann like Nissa had asked her, at least not without feeling any remorse about it.

“Nissa asked me to gag you uncomfortably but I don’t want to do that” Veniala explained as she stepped aside from the table, allowing Ann to see what was on it “If you don’t tell her that I did, I’ll allow you to choose your own gag”

“Veniala please!” Ann begged for her captor’s attention “If you release me I can help you free your mother and...”

“Ann” Veniala interrupted her “I understand how you feel, but I can’t help you with it neither can you help me, now please choose a gag so I can return before Nissa gets angry at me”

“Veniala you have to listen to me!” Ann said, completely ignoring Veniala’s request.

“I’m sorry Ann, open your mouth” Veniala said as she grabbed a black ballgag and moved it towards Ann’s face.

When Ann tried to speak sense to Veniala she was met with the ballgag being shoved inside her mouth and then tightly buckled behind her head. Even though the gag was far from being the most uncomfortable in the selction Nissa had given Veniala, for Ann that detail mattered little as the gag was very uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry but you left me no choice” Veniala said before locking the cell’s door and walking away from the cell and into the darkness.
“Mpghgh!” Ann tried to plead for Veniala to reason as she pushed herself against the bars of her cell, but like it was expected it had no effected.

Dinning Room

Back at the dining room Carissa was left to stare into Nissa’s eyes as her daughter was no longer there to feed her and her captor had no intention of feeding her herself. There was a smug grin on Nissa’s face that made Carissa deeply angry towards her, but she kept that anger silent.

“So, Carissa” Nissa broke the tense silent “What do you think about what I have turned your daughter into”

“You made her your slave” Carissa replied angrily.

“That’s a good way to put it, but I’d say that she’s much better than when I first found her” Nissa said “Long gone is the problematic and disobedient girl that you had living with you before I arrived, isn’t that what you wanted in the first place?”

Carissa was about to reply but she decided to think of an answer first, she sighed and looked away from Nissa, knowing that what she was saying, as angering as it was for her, made sense.

“If you didn’t wanted this to happen you shouldn’t have hired my services” Nissa spoke after taking a bite of her food “But you were so desperate about correcting your daughter’s attitude that apparently you didn’t even looked at the contract you signed, and now look at you”

“Damn you” Carissa spoke as she tugged her restraints.

“Your anger is completely misplaced Carissa” Nissa replied “You wanted so badly to correct your daughter that you didn’t cared about how that came to be, and look where that has brought you, permanently tied up and gagged, a complete prisoner on your own castle”

Nissa stood up from her chair and walked up to Carissa, leaning against her chair once she was close enough to get a better look of her prisoner.

“And I wanted to ask you, was it worth it Carissa?” She asked “Because you got what you wanted, Veniala has been turned into an obedient and unproblematic woman that will get married in just a few days, yet you don’t seem happy about how it turned out, even though it was your idea in the first place”

Before Carissa could respond she was interrupted by something far worse than anything she could have expected. It was the sound of boots against the stone floor, Veniala had ran away from the room and all Carissa could do was wonder how much of her conversation she had heard.

“Veniala no!” Carissa shouted.

Preventing her from adding anything else to her plead, Nissa shoved the ballgag back into Carissa mouth, turning her next scream in nothing but an unintelligible moan.

“Seems like your daughter needs some mother daughter talk” Nissa said after she had finished strapping the ballgag around Carissa’s head “But I don’t think she wants to have it with you”

“Mpghg...” Carissa grunted as she glared at Nissa, the sick pleasure she got out of teasing her was enraging.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there for her” Nissa said as she walked away from Carissa and out of the room.

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Post by ninterz »

Yeah I'm still with you.
And I very much enjoy your stories
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh, now we have a villain.

Nice, cunning, cruel. Normally, I would be annoyed when the bad guy (or girl) explains her evil plan right in front of the heroes but... this chapter does this in a very, very good way. I love Nissa. She gets to have both of her captives tied up in a supposed normal dinner. How she says, right in Ann's face, that she has the intention to turn her into her slave; how she mock Carissa from hiring her to make Venalia a better daughter and now she's being turned into Nissa's servant. Just excellent.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Dinner-Sequence was great! Looks like Ann is in for a very hard time. Spending the night like this? And at that point of the Story I see no way out for the Captives of the Witch. The Question is, will Ann break?
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Post by Caesar73 »

At the moment I see no way how Ann can escape without outside help. It seems, that Ann´s strength and resilience is put to a test. But who knows? Maybe Veniala has a plan after all?
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Post by banshee »

First of all I want to apologize for the long wait, sorrry.

ninterz wrote: 2 years ago Yeah I'm still with you.
And I very much enjoy your stories
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Oh, now we have a villain.

Nice, cunning, cruel. Normally, I would be annoyed when the bad guy (or girl) explains her evil plan right in front of the heroes but... this chapter does this in a very, very good way. I love Nissa. She gets to have both of her captives tied up in a supposed normal dinner. How she says, right in Ann's face, that she has the intention to turn her into her slave; how she mock Carissa from hiring her to make Venalia a better daughter and now she's being turned into Nissa's servant. Just excellent.
Thanks! You'll get to see even more of Nissa acting like that in this chapter.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago At the moment I see no way how Ann can escape without outside help. It seems, that Ann´s strength and resilience is put to a test. But who knows? Maybe Veniala has a plan after all?
Ann will indeed be put to the test, but if she's going to escape or how she's going to do so I leave it to you to find out.

Enjoy chapter 4!

Chapter 4

Nissa entered Veniala’s room silently and sat on the bed beside her, unlike what was usual, Nissa just hugged Veniala, calming the disturbed emotions she had after hearing her mother.

“I know you were not prepared to hear such thing” Nissa said “But you would have found out about it eventually”

Veniala didn’t replied, there wasn’t much she could say.

“For now enjoy your well earned freedom and sleep” Nissa said as she stood up to leave the room. But before leaving she made a smalls stop to kiss Veniala in the forehead.

“You’re not going to release us aren’t you” Veniala asked from her bed.

Nissa stopped on her tracks as she heard that question, she thought that she had Veniala controlled so that question naturally caught her off guard.

“Don’t worry, i don’t know if I want to go back to my old life” Veniala said “Seeing how my mother hates me enough to have you doing this and how you’re starting to treat me better, maybe I should just stay like this”

“Those are wonderful news Veniala” Nissa said, now more calmed, and even happy about hearing Veniala “Are you sure about it?”

“You may be severe but you haven’t treat me badly lately, and you always have thing for me to do, I feel like by your side I have a purpose” Nissa explained.

“That’s wonderful Veniala, just what I wanted to hear” Nissa said as she continued her way out of the room “Sleep well” She kissed off.

Dinning Room

“After what she heard I don’t think she’ll ever try to release you again” Nissa said as she entered again the room.

“Mpghg” Carissa grunted, although her gag made short work of her complaints.

“For now I will take you back to the dungeons” Nissa announced before untying Carissa from the chair “I hope you enjoyed your stay outsides”

Nissa had no concern of how difficult it was for her prisoner to walk with her legs tied together above the knees, she pushed her relentlessly, almost making her fall many times and taunting her with every step she took.

Unlike Ann, Carissa was not easy to be dealt with, she refused to walk and Nissa was forced to push her and continuously complained through her gag. And when it was Nissa and not her daughter handling her, her resistance only got more fierce.

“Remember that tomorrow you’ll be punished for trying to escape” Nissa threatened as she opened the door to the dungeons “Keep that in mind before doing something like that again”

After hearing that threat and seeing how they were already in the dungeons Carissa stopped her resistance, but her face of absolute anger did not fade away with her resistance.

As she was walked through the dark and cold hallways of the dungeons Carissa laid her eyes on the only cell that was holding a prisoner, especially on said prisoner. Until that night she had never seen Ann nor had she heard about her, but even despite that she felt like Ann was the only person in the whole world who could understand what she was feeling.

Ann was sitting on the cell bed’s edge and she looked at Carissa too, she felt bad for Carissa she wanted to find out about who she was and what had happened to her for her to end up in that situation, but seeing how both she and Carissa were gagged that seemed like it wouldn’t be an option.

“I brought you company Ann” Nissa said as she stopped before her cell “Sadly you two wont be able to do much chatting, but I’m sure this place will feel much less lonely with you two here”

Nissa opened a door to the cell right in front of Ann and threw Carissa inside, she also used her magic to light up a pair of torches so the two prisoner could see each other very well.

“I’ll make you a small favour Ann” Said Nissa after locking the cell’s door.

Nissa then entered Ann’s cell, Ann looked at her with reluctance but she was relieved to know that Nissa really intended to do her a favour when she removed the ballgag that had been stuck inside her mouth until then.

“As much as I’d like you to have that in your mouth all night long I must admit that you didn’t really do anything to deserve it” Nissa said as she walked away from the cell with the ballgag “Remember this act of kindness the next time you think about resisting your fate”

Nissa locked the cell and walked away, the prisoners were informed of the fact that the witch had left the room by the loud noise the dungeon’s door made upon closing.

A few minutes of absolute silence followed, Ann laid on the rough bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to think about a way of breaking out while Carissa kept thinking about what Nissa had said to her,or better said, what she had reminded of.

In her current situation, tied up and imprisoned in a cell of her own castle dungeons she couldn’t know why she had solicited Nissa’s services. Even though just like she said, Nissa had done exactly what she was asked to do, Carissa couldn’t feel more regret about it, her once libertine and rebellious daughter had been turned into an obeyed servant something that Carissa once wanted but that she now hated.

“I know you’re in a worse than bad situation, but can I ask you something?” Ann brought Carissa out of her thoughts and asked as she went from laying to sitting on her bed.

As Ann moved her gaze to the cell in front of her she was reminded of the reason why she hadn’t said anything yet, her fellow prisoner was gagged and probably couldn’t answer much.

“Sorry, I forgot that....”

“Mpghg” Carissa interrupted Ann.

For obvious reasons Ann couldn’t understand what Carissa had said or what she wanted to say, but she decided to take a guess.

“Do you want me to ask anyway?”

Carissa nodded, she thought that answering yes or no questions would be better than just staying silent.

“I take it that you’re a mage, I see no other reason for you to be gagged” Ann said.

Carissa replied affirmatively as she could.

“And I hope you’re not like your daughter and want to escape this place” Ann asked.

Again Carissa nodded, she didn’t knew much about what her daughter had been up too but she had certainly seen enough to know that what Ann was saying was true.

“We’re on the same on that” Ann said “Can I count with your help?”

Carissa nodded, but she didn’t knew how the woman she had in front of her could help her.

“I guess we could try to cut these ropes”

Ann stood up and laid her back against the rusty cell bars, the she started rubbing the restraints against them, hoping that the rough texture would eventually cut the ropes.

“Mpghg!” Carissa alerted Ann.

Just a few moments before Carissa had alerted her Ann had heard a metallic sound coming from the hallway, she didn’t paid it much attention until Carissa moaned to alert her.

Ann turned back and was met by the sight of one the armors standing right in front of the cell, the construct tried to push her back but Ann walked away form the bars quickly enough to evade it.

“She’s really careful isn’t she?” Asked Ann as she looked at the armor, which started to walk away into the darkness as soon as Ann was far from the bars.

“Maybe now is not the time to escape” Ann said after analyzing the situation “But don’t worry, I’m sure an opportunity will present itself later”

Ann didn’t wanted to appear defeated but inside her she knew that she was slowly running out of ideas, and she doubted if an opportunity would really present itself later.

“Sleep well, its not like we have anything else to do” Ann sighed as she went back to her bed.

Ann laid on her side as to not press her arms between her body and the bed, she looked at Carissa on the other cell who was doing the same, she knew that she needed to escape but she had no idea of how.

The Next Day

Ann was woken up by someone touching her on the shoulder, and as soon as she became conscious pain overwhelmed her muscles, clearly a consequence of how she had slept.

“Good day Ann” Veniala spoke, she was standing on the bed’s side.

Ann looked around as she grunted because of the pain that the slight movement caused her. She saw Veniala but she also say that Carissa was no longer in her cell.

“Let me help you get up” Veniala said as she grabbed Ann and made her sit in the bed.

Ann looked at Veniala with tired eyes, sleeping like she had slept had recovered none of her energies. Veniala was still intimidated by Ann even when she had her in that state, but she proceeded with what she had to do anyway.

“I will take you outside and give you food and water” Veniala explained “I’ll also help you take a shower if you want to”

“Where’s all this kindness coming from all of a sudden?” Ann asked a she stretched her neck.

“Nissa says that since you haven’t done anything deserving of punishment, she wants to show you that she can be gentle too” Veniala explained.

“Well, tell her that unlike you, I can see through her game” Ann replied.

Unsure of how to reply to that blatant attack by Ann Veniala stayed silent for a few seconds, unsure of what she should do next.
“Do you still want me to take you outside?” Veniala asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Ann threw aside all pride that she had on her resistance because she saw no merit in allowing herself to be kept in her situation for any longer, so she gave an awkward but honest reply.

“I wouldn’t mind any of those things really” She sighed.

Veniala helped Ann stand up and walked her out of the cell and then out of the dungeons, but she didn’t removed any of the ropes that were tying Ann and causing her so much pain, but it wasn’t like Ann expected her to do so.

The light of the sun Ann was met with outside the dungeons was blinding, it was beautiful day but she wouldn’t get to enjoy it, instead she’d have to stay tied up inside the castle.

“Do you want to eat or shower first?” Asked Veniala as they entered the castle.

“Does taking a shower mean that I’ll be untied?” Ann asked back.

“Kind of” Replied Veniala “But only as long as you don’t try to escape”

Unable to stand the pain on her back and arms, Ann decided to go with the shower option so Veniala slowly walked her to an isolated marble room with a tub filled with hot water in the middle.

“Okay I’ll untie you now, but please don’t try anything” Veniala requested.

“I won’t do anything, just remove these ropes” Ann sighed, she wanted so badly to be out of the ropes that she didn’t minded replying affirmatively to Veniala’s question.

The relief Ann felt when Veniala started to untie the ropes that had been tightly bound around her chest, arms and legs until that moment was indescribable, as soon as her arms were free she began to massage her muscles as best as she could, every fiber of muscle she had on her arms and on her back was immensely relieved.

“Guess I should thank you for that” Ann said as she rubbed her shoulders.

Having Ann free in front of her was very intimidating for Veniala, even though the knight was in a visibly poor condition the fact that if she were to try anything, Veniala would have been unable to stop her greatly scared Veniala and made her want to have Ann tied up again.
“You’ll have to undress” Veniala explained

Ann sighed as she was not fond of undressing before her captors, but she obeyed anyway and entered the tub. Apparently the situation was awkward for Veniala too because she looked away from the knight until she entered the water. For Ann the feeling of the warm steaming hot water was so good that it made her forget about how embarrassing her situation was.

Veniala slowly walked behind Ann, sitting at the edge of the tub, she then started to wash Ann’s back which her prisoner was quick to take notice of.

“Was this really a request made by Nissa?” Asked Ann as she enjoyed the light massage Veniala was giving her.

“Yes, do you prefer her to treat you like this?” Asked Veniala.

“This doesn’t get me to ignore the fact that to her I am still her prisoner” Ann replied “And you should know that you are that too ”
“Don’t try to change the topic, just tell me, is this any better than what she did to you yesterday?” Asked Veniala.

“Well of course it is!” Ann replied “But like I said, this is nothing more than she playing nice to see if I fall for it, and I wont”

Veniala stayed silent and Ann stayed silent too, she didn’t felt the need to argue with someone so apparently brainwashed like Veniala and she had her massages to distract herself with. Massages that by the way, did a very good job at relieving the many pains Ann’s muscles were suffering,

“This wasn’t Nissa’s idea” Veniala said without stopping her massages “It was mine, and she just gave me permission to do it”

“Does she usually go with what you say so easily?” Asked Ann.

“No” Veniala replied “But after I captured you yesterday she has been getting kinder”

“Why are you doing this Veniala” Asked Ann “You clearly aren’t evil like Nissa and your own mother is suffering from this too, why do you prefer to go along with Nissa?”

“You wouldn’t understand...”

“But I want you to tell me” Ann interjected “It doesn’t matter if I don’t get it, I already know I wont”

Veniala looked away, her answer wasn’t one that made her proud or happy but she didn’t wanted to rob Ann of at least knowing it since she was so insistent. Considering what was going to happen to Ann it was the least she could do for her.

“I think that serving Nissa is better than what I had before” Veniala replied “I know how it sounds, but before Nissa came here me and my mother were constantly arguing and I was starting to think that she didn’t liked me, I felt like I had no purpose in the castle, I never argue with Nissa and she always has something for me to do”

Like she expected and like she was warned, she couldn’t even begin to understand how Veniala could think like that, to prefer being the servant of the witch who was holding her and her mother prisoner over anything seemed nothing less than insane to Ann.

“If you think like that I’ll never be able to convince you otherwise” Ann said as she left the tub and began to towel off “Just think about what you said and see how it goes, you’ve already seen how how I had to sleep and thankfully you cared enough to untie me, but what about your mother, did she receive this treatment too?”

“Nissa doesn’t want me to see her” Replied Veniala.

“Maybe that should tell you something” Ann replied.

Ann began to get dressed again, Veniala had left clean underwear and a white shirt for Ann in the room, but she still had to put on her blue gambeson, tight blue pants and knee high boots that she had brought with her, apparently there weren’t much clothes for Ann’s size on the Virodu castle.

“I guess you want to tie me up again” Ann said as she looked at Veniala, who had avoided laying her eyes on her since she left the tub.
Veniala nodded, she didn’t liked that she had to tie Ann up but she had no choice in the matter.

“If you hadn’t told me that this was your idea and not Nissa’s I’d be fighting you right now, but since you did me a favour by untying me I’ll do a favour to you and allow you to tie me up” Ann said as she extended her hands in front of her.

Veniala grabbed some of the rope that had been left when she untied Ann and she used it to tie her again, this time a tie much more easy on her body, she just tied her hands at the wrists in front of her and walked her out of the room.

“I hope you’re happy with this” Ann said.

Veniala hoped that too, she had been asking herself that question since last night, she asked herself if she really be happy serving Nissa because as good as it seemed, something still made her want to go back to her normal life, but every time that feeling overcame her she remembered what her mother had done, how Nissa entering their lives was entirely her fault and then the feeling fade away.

“So you’re finally done!” Nissa said as she entered the hallway “Seeing how you already have her tied up I assume that she behaved”
“Yes Nissa, she did” Veniala replied.

“Good, maybe that night in the dungeons taught her how to behave” Nissa said as she tried to touch Ann’s face, which Ann quickly evaded “But she still has some things to learn”

Nissa grabbed Ann from her bound hands and walked away with her. For Ann being able to walk somewhat normally and without her knees tied together was something to appreciate.

“You’re free to do what you want Veniala, maybe if you keep being so obedient and useful I’ll never have to restrain you again” Nissa said she looked back to her servant.

Veniala made a subtle bow and walked away from Nissa and Ann, she went outside, to the castle gardens, a place she had missed in all the days she had been constantly tied up and kept inside the castle. She wanted to go out of the castle, to see all the lands that she hadn’t been able to step on for weeks, but not knowing what Veniala would think of that she decided to conform herself with the gardens.

As Veniala laid on the grass between flowers, looking at the few white clouds of the sky, she was alone with her thoughts and couldn’t help but think about all the things Ann had said to her. No matter how much she tried to do something else her mind kept coming back to what Ann had said, and that brought back all the questions she had for herself about whether what she was doing was the right choice or not.
Dinning Room
Nissa sat Ann on a chair and then sat in front of her, they started at each other’s eyes, analyzing each other for a few seconds. In Ann Nissa could still see the burning rage she had seen the day prior, but Ann still retained a calm appearance. Ann could still see the same smugness that Nissa constantly showed, but as much as that angered her she remained calm like she had done until that point.
“So, ready for your first day as my slave, Ann Golbreisk?” Nissa asked.

Ann stayed quiet, she thought that a “No” would make her appear defeated and that a “Yes” would make her appear too submissive, and ever since she had met Nissa’s sister she wanted to avoid appearing submissive as much as she could.

“Still quiet I see, maybe a bit more detailing will help loosen your tongue” Nissa said “You see Ann, tonight the coven will have a meeting right here on this castle, you know why?”

“You want to show off” Ann guessed.

“Not quite but that’s a good enough guess” Nissa replied as she served herself some tea “I want to show all the coven members that started to doubt my authority after what you did to my sister what happens to those who mess with the ruling class of witches like me”

Those were dire news, a single witch was something that Ann trusted herself to be able to handle but a full coven of them was something that she had the humility, or the common sense to admit that she stood no chance against.

“You’ll be prepared for the meeting and since you will be its centerpiece I will make sure to have you in your best condition” Nissa explained “Well, to you the condition will be anything but good, but you know what I’m saying”

Ann gulped, for the first time since she had fell captive to Nissa she started to feel as if there was no possible escape for her, and that was a fear that she hadn’t felt since she had fell captive to the dark elves.

“But don’t worry about that now” Nissa said “Lets have some breakfast shall we? You must be starving”
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Post by Caesar73 »

This chapter was worth while waiting, seeing how Ann does try to come to terms with her situation. Very good dialogues! And Ann knows that the evening will be most unpleasant for her. Poor Ann.
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Post by MrBind »

This would make an incredible film :D
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Ohhhh, I don't like Venalia. She's up to no good. I understand her though. Nissa took advantage of the situation between mother-daughter and now has an almost uncondicional ally. Will she return to the light side? I don't think she will. But it's going to give one hell of emotional situations between her, her mother and Ann. I think it will be very interesting.

And I keep loving Nissa. Powerful villain. I secretly (or not so secretly) hope Ann doesn't escape until after the coven arrives, it's going to be so fun to see Ann in that situation.

Well, obviously not fun for Ann.
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Post by TimChimp »

Wow, there's a lot to unpack here.

First, its good to know the identity of the villain, I think its more interesting having her be Agatha's sister than just Veniala's mother.

And Veniala, what a character, I don't know what to expect from her, at first I thought that she was going to betray Nissa, but now she says that she wants to stay by her side, but she's also considering what Ann said to her, like I said, I no longer know what to expect.
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Post by banshee »

TimChimp wrote: 2 years ago Wow, there's a lot to unpack here.

First, its good to know the identity of the villain, I think its more interesting having her be Agatha's sister than just Veniala's mother.

And Veniala, what a character, I don't know what to expect from her, at first I thought that she was going to betray Nissa, but now she says that she wants to stay by her side, but she's also considering what Ann said to her, like I said, I no longer know what to expect.
Good to have you back, you'll get to see a lot about Veniala in this chapter.

MrBind wrote: 2 years ago This would make an incredible film :D
Thank you, that's very flattering.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago This chapter was worth while waiting, seeing how Ann does try to come to terms with her situation. Very good dialogues! And Ann knows that the evening will be most unpleasant for her. Poor Ann.
Thanks for the comment! You'll get to see how Ann's day goes, and like you said its not very pleasent.
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Ohhhh, I don't like Venalia. She's up to no good. I understand her though. Nissa took advantage of the situation between mother-daughter and now has an almost uncondicional ally. Will she return to the light side? I don't think she will. But it's going to give one hell of emotional situations between her, her mother and Ann. I think it will be very interesting.

And I keep loving Nissa. Powerful villain. I secretly (or not so secretly) hope Ann doesn't escape until after the coven arrives, it's going to be so fun to see Ann in that situation.

Well, obviously not fun for Ann.
Well I can't say much without spoiling the story so I'll just let you read.

I'll tag [mention]hafnermg[/mention] and [mention]ninterz[/mention] In case they want to know how the story ends.

Chapter 5: A Witch’s Treatment

After having breakfast an a well deserved bathroom break, Ann was taken once again to the dungeon, this time it was Nissa who took her there while Veniala stayed to wash the dishes and clean the castle.

“I’ll free to have lunch at midday, until then you’ll stay here” Nissa said as she walked into the cell with Ann “But even if you have been well behaved, your restraints can’t stay like that”

Ann sighed, she already had a suspicion about that but having her suspicion confirmed wasn’t nice.

Nissa pushed Ann against a wall and proceeded to grab her bound hands and put them over her head, Ann looked up and saw exactly what she was expecting, a hook hanging right above her. Nissa tied her hands to the hook leaving Ann standing against the wall with her arms fully stretched up.

“I know what you’re thinking” Nissa said as she conjured more rope “You can just jump and get free of the hook, its not like it would do any good for your escape considering that you’re already locked up in a cell, but I’ll take measures against that in case you decide to try anyway”

Ann sighed again, Nissa’s methods were starting to feel more like a tease than anything else. Nissa already knew that her prisoner stood no chance at escaping yet she kept taking measures to keep even the illusion of an escape concealed under layers and layers of restraints.

Nissa tied Ann’s feet together at the ankles and then tied them to a ring on the floor, effectively leaving Ann perfectly stretched and immobilized.

“See you in a few hours” Nissa said as she left the cell.

And Nissa stayed true to her word, for hours Ann had to remain like that, stuck against the wall and standing for long enough to make her legs hurt. Since she wasn’t gagged and there wasn’t nobody around to hear hear her, Ann didn’t feared letting out a few complaints, after all her position was hard to take stoically and she had no reason to do so.

Slowly Ann felt how less blood went to her arms, which were pulled as far above her head as they could be and after a few hours they were effectively limp. But saying hours was a guess for her, because she had no means of telling how much time had passed since Nissa had left her alone.

To entertain herself and to easen some of the pains caused by her position Ann shifted her weight from time to time, some times flexing her knees as much as the ropes allowed her, which wasn’t much, other times she tried to stand on the tip of her toes but there was so little slack between her ankles and the floor that she could barely do so, and other times allowing herself to hang from the wrists which although she couldn’t sustain for long allowed her easen the pain on her legs.

But when Ann heard the door of the dungeons being opened again she assumed the best position she could as well as her most serious and unaffected face, she wouldn’t let whoever was entering, whether it be Nissa or Veniala, see that their methods were getting to her.
“Good to see you like that Ann” Nissa said as she opened the door to the cell “Just like I left you”

Nissa untied Ann’s feet and lowered the hook so her hands could be freed and hang in front of her again, the feeling of blood rushing back through her arms was neither good nor bad, strange would be the only word Ann could think to describe it.

“Since you’ve been very well behaved this day so far I’ll ask you before doing anything” Nissa asked before leaving the cell “Do I need to tie your knees together or tie your arms to your chest?”

“What kind of question is that?” Asked Ann, who felt like the whole proposal of being allowed to choose how she wanted to be restrained was a trick.

“You see, usually I don’t allow my prisoner any chance at escaping, but since you have stopped trying it may be a waste of time to add even more rope to your predicament” Nissa replied.

“Well considering what you already did and what you want to do to me not adding more rope now seems like the least thing you could do for me” Ann replied annoyed.

“Then I wont add more rope, at least not now” Nissa said as she grabbed Ann by the arm and walked her out of the cell “But if you don’t watch your tone I will reconsider that”

An so Ann was calmly walked to the dinning room of the castle where Veniala was already waiting for them with the whole table laid out and a smile on her face. Veniala greeted her and then Nissa sat Ann in front of Veniala.

“I’ll tie Ann’s hands behind her back but I’ll leave it to you to tie her to the chair” Nissa said a she started to untie Ann’s hands while keeping a firm grip on her wrists.

Once Ann’s hands were untied Nissa moved her arms over the chair’s back and tied them together parallel to each other. She then left for the kitchen while Veniala stood up to take care of Ann.

“So, how’s your life as her slave going?” Ann asked.

“Maybe it is surprising for you, but not that bad” Veniala replied as she started to tie Ann’s elbows together “Again, its not like you could understand but maybe after you’ve spent more time serving her you’ll end up agreeing with me”

“No way” Ann replied almost immediately as she felt the sting of her elbows being forced to touch.

“I would’ve said the same when she first captured me” Veniala replied as she started to tie Ann’s chest to the back of the chair “I remember that I was just like you, she kept me almost all day tied up because of my rebellious attitude but as I started to behave my condition became better”

“The fact that you like being her slave doesn’t make your condition better than mine” Ann replied.

“Maybe you’ll understand in the future” Veniala replied “At first I had to spend almost all day tied up, but as I started to behave Nissa started to let me walk with my knees untied, then she allowed me to have my hands tied in front of me and look at me now, I’m free, you’re tied up”

Ann looked down at her body and confirmed that just like Veniala said she was indeed tied up, Veniala had secured her torso to the back of the chair with rope running above and below her breasts and around her waist, leaving practically stuck against the chair’s back.

“I may be the one tied up here, but you’re still not free” Ann replied “And even in my condition, I still know that I am not the one that has it worse off in the castle”

“What do you mean?” Asked Veniala, who was surprised enough by Ann’s question to stop tying her knees for a second.

“Why do you think your mother isn’t here?” Ann asked.

Veniala stayed silent for a few seconds before replying.

“I don’t know, I’m sure Nissa will bring her when she comes back” Veniala replied as she went back to tie Ann’s knees, this time below “Now stay quiet or I’ll gag you, and you’ll have trouble eating with a gag on your mouth”

Ann did as Veniala told her not because she was afraid of being gagged, as much as she hated having something put into her mouth and her ability to talk taken away she had already done what she wanted, which was troubling Veniala’s thoughts with her questions.

Nissa came back to the room carrying a massive black cauldron with both hands, even though the cauldron was covered, the smell of its contents could already be felt and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

“Since today is a day to be celebrated, I decided to prepare something for the occasion” Nissa said a she laid the cauldron on the table and uncovered it.

Once uncovered it, both Ann and Veniala could see the contents of the cauldron and whatever that soup was, it did not looked pleasant to the eye and it felt even less pleasant to their noses. A steaming and almost fluorescent green liquid on which countless unrecognizable pieces of food floated filled the cauldron.

“This is a witch speciality, a soup that uses plenty of meat and vegetables that humans consider magical” Nissa said as she started to mix the soup with a large wooden spoon “But no need to worry, I removed anything that could be considered poisonous or deadly to humans, so feel free to eat”

Veniala looked at the cauldron in front of her, asking herself how she was going to do it, she then looked at Nissa, who was looking at her with a creepy smile on her face, clearly expecting her to take a sip out of the soup. Having no other choice Veniala served herself some of the soup, only to find out that it was of a disgusting slimy consistency.

“Oh, about that, usually witches add acid from a unique strain of giant termite to liquefy the solution, but I know that it would kill you so you’ll have to eat it like that” Nissa explained as the soup slowly fell on Veniala’s plate.

When Veniala took the first sip she did her best to hide her face of disgust and tell Nissa that the food was great, which the witch was pleased to hear.

“I want you two to eat it all, its a food too good to go to waste” Nissa said as she served some for herself.

Veniala could not believe what she was hearing, she had struggled to finish her plate and she had more than half of the cauldron left, but that was when she thought of a smart solution to the weird problem she had been presented with. She filled a spoon, leaned forward and extended her arm as forward as she could until it was right against Ann’s face.

“I think I’ll pass” Ann said as she looked away from the spoon.

“Are you despising my food Ann?” Asked Nissa.

“It doesn’t look very appetizing if you allow me to say” Ann replied.

“Then you’ll go without eating until tomorrow” Nissa said, knowing perfectly well what she was doing.

Knowing that a whole day without food was more than she could stand, Ann decided to give the soup a try, it wouldn’t be the first time she tried something that looked disgusting only to find out that it wasn’t that bad. But she didn’t had such luck this time. The food tasted as bad as it looked, sour and spicy at the same time, a taste so bad that it made Ann wish that she had been gagged.

“Can I ask you a question Nissa?” Asked Veniala.

“Sure, what do you want to know?”

“Why is my mother not with us?” Veniala asked “I’m sorry if this question is inappropriate, but since she had dinner with us yesterday I wanted to know”

“Oh, your mother is being punished” Nissa replied as she cleaned her lips with a handkerchief.

“She has been being punished since I woke up...” Veniala spoke lowly, fearing her words may offend Nissa.

“She tried to escape, so her punishment is fit for that action” Nissa replied “Now tell me, what do you think of my food?”

Veniala tried her best to hide how disgusted she was by the food but Ann didn’t made such effort, after confirming that the food was disgusting she had no fear about telling that to Nissa, but that didn’t stopped Veniala from feeding the soup to her, which she had to eat if she didn’t wanted to starve.

After an hour that seemed unending the cauldron was emptied and Nissa ordered Veniala to take Ann to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her reasoning being that she didn’t wanted Ann to have a bad a smell for the night’s ceremony. For that Ann had to be untied, but she was just untied from the chair, her arms stayed tightly tied up at the wrists and elbows and pinned to her chest with the same tightness.

“Do you still think that you’re free?” Asked Ann as Veniala closed the bathroom door behind her “Even after Nissa said that your mother is still being punished”

“Stop asking questions” Veniala replied.

“Some day you’ll find out that you can end up in the same situation that your mother is right now, whatever it is” Ann said “But if you realize it too late, you may find out that it’ll be impossible for you to escape”

“No more words or I’ll gag you” Veniala replied, visibly stressed.

Seeing that her words were already having effect on Veniala, Ann stayed quiet until Veniala was done taking care of her, after that, she was walked out of the bathroom and delivered to Nissa.

“Why do you no longer let Veniala take me to the dungeons?” Asked Ann as Nissa walked her.

“I don’t need you to have you trying to put her against me” Nissa replied “Not like it would work anyway”

“Then why are you so afraid?” Ann asked.

“You’ve just earned yourself a gag Ann, I hope your proud” Nissa said as they started walking down the stairs to the dungeon.
Ann sighed, she was tired of getting tied up and gagged again and again but within her grew a small hope, a small hope that she had managed to at least implant some doubts in Veniala about her decision to stay as Nissa’s servant.

Nissa opened the door to the dungeon and walked Ann inside, she then grabbed more rope and pushed Ann on the cell’s bed, which did a poor job at cushioning her fall. Ann fell on her stomach and before she could roll over to see what Nissa was doing she could already feel the witch tying her legs together. As rough as Nissa’s treatment was being, Ann was relieved to know that at least she wasn’t going to be left standing like Nissa had left her before.

“Remember that tonight you’re going to be the centerpiece of the ceremony, so I hope you collaborate” Nissa said as she finished tying off Ann’s legs like she usually did, at the ankles, knees and thighs.

“You can’t expect me to willingly take part in that” Ann replied “I am not Veniala”

“Oh but I will turn you into someone very similar” Nissa said as she started to caress Ann’s bound body.
“I wont let you” Ann spat as she turned to look at her captor.

“Do you really think you can do that?” Nissa asked as she grabbed some of the remaining rope and extended it below her face “That you can keep resisting me after all that I can do to you?”

“I have no doubts about it” Ann replied.

“Then let me give you a small taste of how bad things can get if you keep resisting your fate” Nissa said as she pinned Ann to the bed.

Ann felt Nissa run some rope through the restraints around her ankles which was enough to let her know what Nissa wanted to do. It was something that she never had done to her until very recently but that she had seen being done some of her friends in her adventures, a hogtie.

Nissa pulled her ankles up unrelentingly and even though Ann was very flexible she felt some pain when her feet started to reach her hands, so close that Ann could grab her ankles with ease. Nissa knew too well that tying her ankles to her wrists while they were so close could allow Ann to untie the knot, so instead of tying Ann’s ankles to her wrists she tied them to her elbows, making the hogtie even more snug than usual.

“I see you’re already having trouble with that position?” Nissa said as she stood up and walked in front of Ann so she could see her face, which showed her to be anything but pleased.

Ann was indeed made very uncomfortable by the hogtie, it was nothing like the one Veniala had put her one, the sheer tightness of the ropes and the strenuous position were enough for Ann to feel Nissa’s hogtie exponentially harder to bare than Veniala’s.

Like if they weren’t enough ropes on Ann, Nissa conjured even more rope to tie An to the bed with. She used the long pieces to encircle Ann’s waist and then tie to the sides of the bed, thereby removing any possibility for her prisoner to roll over.

“And don’t think that I forgot about the gag” Nissa said before walking out of the cell to look for a gag fit of a prisoner like Ann.

She came back after a few seconds holding a red ballgag in one hand which she dangled before Ann before shoving it inside her mouth which wasn’t easy. Thinking that Nissa could no longer make her situation worse and not wanting to be gagged, Ann resisted as best as she could which in her condition didn’t do much for her and simply delayed the results, after a few seconds of struggling Nissa had putted the ballgag inside her mouth. Ann had been gagged with ballgags more times that she’d like to admit, but this one felt different, almost like if her previous experiences conditioned her expectations.

“Do you feel it?” Asked Nissa “This one is a bit larger than regular ones, the types witches use on especially loud mages, or especially tough prisoners like you”

Ann was indeed feeling it, saliva was already beginning to leak from between her lower lip and the gag, a thin strip that fell through her chin and landed on the sheets of the bed below her.

“Maybe this will make you reconsider what you said” Nissa said as she ran her finger across Ann’s chin and then cheek, cleaning her drool “Try to rest, you have a long night ahead of you” She said knowing perfectly well that such thing was impossible for Ann.

Nissa left cell and then the dungeons, leaving Ann locked up on top of all the restraints that already made it impossible for her to escape.

Castle Kitchen

Veniala was just done washing the dishes when Nissa came back to the kitchen, strangely, it felt calming for her to have Nissa nearby, like if every doubt about her choices disappeared when the witch was near.

“So far I am quite pleased with your performance” Nissa said as she got besides Veniala.

“I happy to hear that”

“But there’s one thing I’d like to ask you before we seal any deal tonight” Nissa added “Have been considering any of the words of our prisoner?”

Veniala was caught by surprise by the question, even though she knew that Nissa was very perceptive, she didn’t knew that she had caught up to Ann’s attempts at turning her against her. The fact that Nissa had ignored that fact had given Veniala some leverage to think about what Ann had said to her, but now that Nissa was inquiring her directly on that, such leverage was gone, and Veniala didn’t liked that.
“You know what I’m talking about” Nissa added, seeing how quiet her servant had gotten “I’ve heard her trying to turn you against me, trying to convince you to free your mother”

Veniala stayed silent as Nissa slowly walked around her, looking down on her knowing that her subtle intimidation would get her an answer.

“But I can’t have her gagged all the time, some times she’ll be able to speak and it seems like she takes those chances she has to try to turn you against me” The witch explained “I’m not saying that I don’t trust you, I just want to know that you aren’t paying her any attention”

“I am not...” Veniala replied shyly “I fully understand that there’s nothing for me to gain in antagonizing you”

“Good to hear that” Nissa replied “I hope you really mean it”

“I do”

“The question you asked about your mother while we were having lunch leads me to believe otherwise” The witch was quick to reply “If you really want me to believe that you are fully subdued, you must stop caring about her”

“I’m sorry” Veniala replied as she looked down in shame.

Nissa stayed silent but didn’t stopped looking at Veniala, almost like if she was expecting her to say something else.

“Are you going to punish me?” Veniala asked, which caught Nissa by surprise.

“I understand why you think that, but I wont” Nissa said as she gently hugged Veniala “I can’t turn you into a willing servant by force, so you are free to go now”

Veniala blushed, she felt ashamed about being compliment by her master after she asked that question.

“Keep up the good behaviour and maybe the next time I tie you up its going to be with your consent” Nissa said after letting go of Veniala.

Castle Dungeons, Hours Later

Ann let go a long sigh and allowed her head to dangle, the way her shoulders were forced by the elbow restraints of the hogtie made it impossible for her to lay her head on the bed so that was the best thing she could do to easen the pain caused from staring at the wall in front of her for so long. But letting her head loosely dangle wasn’t much better for her body either, and after a few minutes she was back at staring right in front of her.

She had been switching between the two positions to not let much pain build up on her back and her neck, but as time passed switching positions was become a progressively less effective method of dealing with the pain.

Aside from that, all of the problems brought by being hogtied were still there, Ann’s arms ached beyond belief and so were her legs, many of the pains that a hogtie caused were only made worse by how strict the hogtie she was in was. Not to mention the big ballgag inside her mouth, it was big enough to cause her jaw to ache greatly and it had already made her drool enough to leave her mouth as dry as a desert.

Ann relaxed her neck and sighed again, as she started at the bed she was laying on she asked herself if she was going to see a way out of this because at the moment, she really needed it.
Castle Upper Floors, Hours Later
By the time when Veniala had finished cleaning the castle all by herself night had already fallen and and a waxing crescent moon had replaced the sun in the skies.

She was nervous about what was going to happen, part of her was afraid of the witches, before she met Nissa all she knew about witches came from legends and stories to scare children, and even though Nissa countered many of the expectations set by those stories Veniala couldn’t know if the other witches would too. But she couldn’t deny that she was also excited, excited to see the witches and know if they could make her feel like Nissa made her feel.

As Veniala walked through the hallways of the upper floor she walked past the door of a special room, the door to her mother’s room. She knew that it was no longer her mother’s but instead Nissa’s, and that she shouldn’t enter under any circumstances, but her curiosity didn’t cared about that.

She could see a thin strip of light coming from below the door, making her wonder what was happening inside. She knew that Nissa wasn’t there because she had seen her taking a shower downstairs, so not only whatever was going on inside the room was a mystery but also Veniala didn’t had to worry about Nissa seeing her enter her room. She wondered if her mother was there, and that thought pushed her to open the door.

Slowly but surely Veniala opened the door, she sneaked inside the room and closed the door behind her, but she did not liked what she was met with inside the room when she turned to look in front of her. Like she suspected, her mother was there, but seeing like she was didn’t brought her any pleasure.

Although she did not appeared to have been harmed, just seeing Carissa was painful. She was hanging parallel to the floor with her hands tied at the wrists behind her back with each hand pointing to the opposite shoulderblade. More black rope pinned her arms to her chest, above and below the breasts and around the neck in a way that almost looked dangerous. From all of those restraints around her chest came a thick rope that was tied to the ceiling and forced her to remain suspended. Her legs were tied together at the thighs, above and below the knees and at the ankles, and they dangled above the floor, high enough for her not to be able to touch the floor, not even with the tip of her toes.

“Mpghg?” Moaned Carissa, who had an ample black pannel gag covering her mouth.

Carissa was also blindfolded with a silky black cloth that encircled her head so it was safe for Veniala to assume that she had no idea that she had entered the room, maybe she hadn’t even heard her.

If Ann’s influence had made Veniala question herself about siding with Nissa seeing her mother in that condition was only accentuating that. It was true that she had less appreciation for her mother since it was revealed to her that it had been her very own mother who had brought Nissa into her life, but when she saw her like that, hanging from the ceiling, all tied up in her own room she couldn’t help but feel bad for her, regardless of what she had done to her.

“Mom?” Veniala asked lowly.

“Mpghg!?” Carissa moaned against, this time more vividly.

“Shhh” Veniala silenced her mother as she removed her blindfold.

Light struck Carissa’s eyes intensely, it took her a few seconds before she was able to see her daughter without her eyes being punished by the light. Veniala then removed the gag, which allowed her mother to take a deep breath through her mouth.

“What happened? How long have you been like this?” Veniala asked as her mother tried futilely to recover.

“She says that this is my punishment for trying to escape yesterday...” Carissa spoke after a few seconds “She has had me like this since she woke me up, and the sun wasn’t even in the sky when she did that”

To think that her mother had been like that almost all day while she roamed the house freely made Veniala’s stomach turn, she felt an urge to release her and put an immediate end to her suffering but she was quick to remember why she had allowed her mother to end up in that condition in the first place.

“Are you going to untie me?” Carissa asked as she saw how quiet her daughter had gotten.

“First I want you to answer me something” Veniala spoke sternly, trying to hide how bad she felt for her mother “Did you really asked Nissa to do all of this?”

Carissa let out a sigh and looked down in shame, it was one thing to live with that fact, another to have it reminded by her captor but a much worse thing was to have her daughter ask about it like she had done. But at the point she was in, she saw no point in hiding it, and so she spoke.

“Yes, and I am deeply sorry for it” Carissa spoke regretfully without even looking up at her daughter “I didn’t knew it was going to end up like this, that you going to be turned into her slave, me into her prisoner and that other girl having to suffer the consequences too, but I know that it isn’t an excuse”

Carissa was on the verge of tears, when she first contacted that witch she could have never imagined that it would have come this.
“Please, forgive me” Carissa continued.

The next thing Carissa felt was how the pull made by gravity against he ropes holding her to the ceiling stopped and then she fell to the floor, despite how tired she was Carissa managed to land crouching and on her feet and when she looked forward she saw her daughter, she was holding the dagger that Nissa had left in the room and had just used it to cut her free.

“You are forgiven” Veniala said as she helped her mother stand up “Let me cut you free, if we’re going to escape there’s no time to waste”

“How are we going to do this?” Carissa asked as her daughter cut through the ropes “You know way more about out enemy than me”

“There’s not much I can do to fight her, I fear that even with your magic she’ll still be too much for you” Veniala explained “But if you go and release Ann we might have a chance, she’s an experienced and tough fighter”

“Can’t we just escape?” Asked Carissa “I’ve been tied up all day and I don’t know if I’ll be able to fight in my state”

“And leave Ann behind? Absolutely no, especially considering that she’s here because of you and I, we owe it to her to release her” Veniala replied “And Nissa holds every key to the castle, not mention that her enchanted armors are all over the place, if we want to escape we have to get through her”

“You’re right, I’ll go take care of Ann” Carissa said as she stretched her ached muscles “But what about you? You can’t let Nissa know that you have betrayed her”

“She doesn’t have to know” Veniala replied “I’ll distract her while you release Ann, and I should really get going before she comes here herself”

Carissa nodded and prepared to leave the room. Veniala left the room as if nothing had happened and Carissa left stealthily through the window, silently cushioning her fall with a spell that slowed the fall.

When Veniala reached the dinning room she came across Nissa, it seemed like she had just left the bathroom and she had dressed herself accordingly for the occasion with a long and tight purple dress, which reminded Veniala of the fact that she hadn’t told her mother about the coven reunion.

“You look stunning” Veniala complimented.

“Thank you” Nissa replied condescendingly “As the master of the coven I need to present myself accordingly”

Silence followed and Veniala’s nervousness only grew with it, the silence between her and Nissa wasn’t the same this time that she had something very important to hide.

“How’s your mother Veniala?” Asked Nissa, sending shivers down Veniala’s spine with her words.

“What do you mean?” Veniala stuttered.

“You thought I wouldn’t notice?” Asked Nissa as she walked up to Veniala “Please”

Nissa conjured ropes that she hurled like serpents to Veniala, who froze out of fear before she could even think of running away. The ropes encircled her body from below her breasts down to her waist , pinning her arms to her sides, Veniala didn’t tried to fight them because she had been tied up by Nissa enough times to know that there was no way out, all the movements in her body were shakiness produced by the immense fear she felt.

“I hate to admit that you had me deceived for a while” Nissa said as she walked to her now bound servant “But apparently your fate isn’t going to be so different from Ann’s or your mother’s”

Nissa pushed Veniala against the wall and just enjoyed seeing the fear in her eyes for a few seconds, she was enraged by the fact that she had been betrayed but she was filled with joy knowing that she could get her revenge however she pleased.

“Ann may be the centerpiece of tonight’s event, but you’ll have your place too” Nissa said as she stroked Veniala’s face “What should I do with you?”

Veniala was turned on her back and Nissa pushed her harshly against the wall, then she crossed her wrists and tied them behind her back. Veniala didn’t even struggled, she just hoped that Nissa wouldn’t get past that, but judging by how she wasn’t letting go of her she knew that such thing wasn’t happening.

“Sadly I have no gag and no time to go to the dungeons to go look for one, so I’ll have to improvise”

Nissa ended up gagging Veniala with the bow of her maid uniform, a cleave gag that was much more illuminating than it was effective, which Nissa knew very well, but she also knew that Veniala wouldn’t dare utter a word, so she didn’t wanted to waste time silencing her.

Then Veniala was grabbed by her restraints and dragged to the middle of the room where Veniala used her witch strength to throw her atop the table where she started to tie her legs together with the few rope she had left to conjure, tying them at the ankles and at the knees.

“Ready to go up?” Nissa asked as she used the last strand of rope she had left and tied it to the ropes around Veniala’s chest.

Veniala looked to Nissa, wondering what she was meaning, but she quickly realized without Nissa speaking a word about it. She started to go up until she was meters above the floor, hanging from the chandelier in the middle of the room like a mere ornament, just like Nissa wanted her. If she was going to be a sidepiece and her fate was already so dire she couldn’t imagine what Nissa had in mind for Ann.

“Enjoy your stay up there, and don’t think that this is your punishment for betraying me” Nissa said as she sat down on the table, looking up at her prisoner “That will be so much worse”

But just when Nissa started to relax she was attacked, a bolt of lightning struck her, making her fly off her chair and end up near one of the walls, with her dress now ruined and her face changed from smugness to absolute rage.

Veniala looked to the room’s entrance and saw just what she was expecting, Ann and her mother, side by side, Ann was holding a sword and her mother had just hurled the spell to Nissa.

“So this is how it is going to be” Nissa said as she ripped off the buttons of her dress “Very well, I was afraid I may get rusty after not fighting for so long”

Nissa lunged towards her two opponents, from up the ceiling Veniala could got a clear sight of the fight and it didn’t looked good. Despite being outnumbered, Nissa was still holding her ground without any trouble, she fought like a beast, her nails were tough as steel and could parry any blows from Ann’s sword and her reflexes were inhumane to the point that barely any spell Carissa used managed to land on her.

“I’m going to make you regret trying to escape!” Shouted Nissa.

With an exchange of glances, Carissa and Ann decided to change strategies, considering that they were not in a good condition to fight they had devised a secondary strategy to deal with the witch, which was at the time, probably their only hope to defeat her. After distracting Nissa Ann ran to the table, distracting the witch who didn’t knew what to do for a few seconds, but thought that Ann was just running away.

Having no time to chase her, Nissa decided to deal with Carissa, who she had more close, she jumped at her and Carissa hurled a fire bolt at her, but the spell missed and the knockback made her fall on her butt.

“I’d give you a chance to surrender, but I’m not feeling so generous” Nissa said as she tried to conjure rope, only to be reminded of the fact that she had no more rope left to conjure.

And just as that realization came to her she felt it, ropes crawling up her body like snakes, from her feet up her legs and quickly reaching her chest, she tried to rip them off but the ropes quickly made her loose balance and after that she felt Ann’s boot on her back, along with the cold steel of her sword in her neck.

"I may not be able to conjure rope like you do, but I sure can control it" Carissa said as she stood up.

Nissa thought that there was no more rope in the room left to be controlled, otherwise she’d have done that trick herself, but that was when she looked up and saw Veniala, free from all restraints.

What Carissa had done was use the firebolt to cut the rope that tied her daughter to the ceiling, Ann ran there to catch her and untie her, and only then was Nissa realizing that.

“What are we going to with her now?” Asked Carissa as she rested her hands on her hips.

“Your daughter seems to be really good at tying people up, and Nissa looks like she could use some of her own treatment” Ann replied.

“You wouldn’t dare...” Nissa grunted.

“Shut up witch” Shouted Carissa “After what you did to us tying you up is the least thing we could to to you”

Veniala grabbed Nissa’s hands and tied them behind her back parallel to each other, Nissa grunted and struggled through the whole process, but having Ann’s sword at her neck meant that she didn’t put much effort into actually getting out.

“I think you should tie her elbows together too” Ann said Veniala was finishing “For good measure”

Even though there was some genuine concern about Nissa using her strength to break free, Ann would have been lying if she said that she didn’t asked for that because she wanted to put Nissa through what she had put her through.

“Now her legs, make sure its extra tight” Carissa said once Veniala was done with Nissa’s elbows.

Carissa was disappointed to see that there wasn’t enough rope to tie Nissa’s legs like she had tied hers but seeing her with her legs tied at ankles and knees while her arms were tied behind her back, pinned to her body, brought enough satisfaction for her not to mind it,
“Anything else?” Nissa asked after she was done adding a detail of her own, turning Nissa’s tie into a hogtie.

“Yes” Carissa replied “Look at what we brought with us from the dungeons”

Ann retrieved a ballgag from her pocket, the same extra large one that Nissa had used on her before. Not needing to be told what she had to do, Veniala grabbed the gag and proceeded to try to gag Nissa, to which she heavily resisted now that Ann no longer was holding her sword against her.

“This means nothing!” Nissa shouted “You may think that you have won but... Mpghgg!”

Veniala interrupted Nissa slowly pushing the ball inside of her mouth until it was stuck behind her teeth and it had effectively silenced her.

“Finally” Carissa sighed.

Carissa’s sigh was followed by everyone except Nissa, who kept grunting and squirming like a worm at their feet. They had finally won, or at least that’s what Ann and Veniala thought for a second until Carissa asked them a question that reminded them that they had still one problem to solve, and it was a very big one.

“What was she talking about anyway?” Asked Carissa “Does she really think that she can get out of that?”

Ann and Veniala looked at each other echoing the exact same feeling, and just like if things couldn’t get worse they heard the loud sound of the main door of the castle being opened.

“What’s happening?” Carissa asked, now afraid since she had seen the worried expression in the faces of her companions.

Nissa laughed through her gag, which although it did a great job at muffling it, it didn’t silenced her enough to make her laugh indistinguishable from her other moans and complaints. And having Nissa laugh only added to Carissa’s worries.

“Nissa’s coven is here” Veniala said as she wen to look through a window, only to have what she said confirmed.

“What?” Carissa asked, unable to believe what she was hearing.

“She wanted to celebrate my capture with her coven, but I don’t know what’s going to happen now” Ann said as she walked to the window to “This clearly isn’t good and fighting them doesn’t seem like an option, but I think we can manage”

“How!?” Asked Carissa “Have you seen how many they are? If they are even half as powerful as Nissa they will defeat us without any effort!”

“We’re not going to fight them” Ann replied calmly, doing a great job at hiding her nervousness.

“What do you suggest then?” Asked Carissa.

Ann’s plan was crazy but the whole situation was too, that and the fact that they had literally no other option made Veniala and Carissa comply with her despite not putting much trust in her plan.

After a few minutes the witches arrived to the main room, not even Veniala knew what they were expecting but everyone knew that whatever it was, it wasn’t their master tied up and gagged at the feet of her once prisoners.

“Well well, what do we have here?” Said the first witch to enter the room, a short blonde woman of childish aspect, covered in black robes and with hair tied in two braids.

“If it isn’t our great master, Nissa Darkmore” Another witch added, this one was tall, pale and lanky, covered in the same black robes as the others.

Veniala, Carissa and Ann had their looks too fixed on the witched that they didn’t noticed how much Veniala was blushing and how hard she was trying to look away out of shame.

When all the witches entered the room, a total of twelve witches were looking at their bound master as well as the three human women that were apparently her captors.

“And you are?” The childish witch asked as she pointed at them.

“Ann” She was the first one to reply, as Veniala and her mother were understandably intimidated by the twelve witches standing before them.

“So you must the one Nissa wanted to have her revenge on!” The witch chuckled “Guess that didn’t went very well for her!”
All of the witches laughed at her comment, which only made Nissa’s embarrassment grow.

“What should we do with her now that Nissa didn’t manage to get her revenge?” Other witch asked.

“Maybe we should tie her up anyway, I’m sure she looks lovely in ropes” The small witch made herself heard “Usually we would let our master decide but it doesn’t seem like she can talk to us at the moment”

More laughs from the witches followed. Veniala and Carissa looked at Ann, waiting for her to enact their plan since they clearly were struggling to muster the courage to do it themselves.

“I propose a deal to you, witches” Ann spoke loudly to made herself heard above the laughs.

The witches slowly ceased their laughter and turned to look at Ann, who gulped at the pressure of having all of them staring directly at her.

“Well then, speak” The tall witch demanded.

“Your master clearly isn’t fit for her job, she has been defeated by just three humans that she promised you that she would turn into slaves” Ann explained with words that made anger grow inside Nissa along with her embarrassment “So I suggest you take her with you and forget about us”

The witches began to murmur among each other while nervousness grew inside the three humans, they knew that their plan wasn’t perfect, they knew that if they wanted the witches could take both Nissa and them, but they hoped that they had at least a semblance of honour that prevented them from doing that.

“Well, I think we’ve arrived to a conclusion” The tall witch replied as some of the witches started to approach Nissa and her captors.
“We’ll take Nissa with us and just let you be” The small witch explained begrudgingly, she was disappointed by how none of the witches had voted in favour of taking the humans with them “So I hope your happy”

Ann, Veniala and Carissa were immediately filled with relief.

Two witches lifted Nissa off the ground and took her to the rest of the witches, teasing her the whole way, there she was held in front of the tall witch who looked down at her once master with a smug smile on her face, an expression that was slowly making itself present on all of the witch’s faces.

“Remember what you used to do to witches that misbehaved Nissa?” The tall witch asked.

“Ghpp” Nissa grunted as she tried her best to pose resistance.

“Exactly, they got punished” The witch replied “But I have good news about that system of punishments”

The witches awaited to hear the news, to an extent, even the humans were intrigued by them.

“The system of punishments for witches who don’t behave like the master wants them to is over” The witch said “But the bad news for our previous and last master Nissa is that she’ll be the last one face that system, and I think that there are many witches here who want to have a go in punishing her!”

Both news were met with cheer, but the second even more than the first one. Neither Ann nor Veniala or Carissa had any idea that witch covens operated like that, but the three of them were glad to hear that Nissa going to get a taste of her own medicine.

“You’re going to make a great ornament for my broom” The small witch whispered audibly to Nissa’s ear.

The witches started to leave the room and soon enough the only one left of them was the tall lanky witch, who instead of leaving approached the humans that had defeated Nissa and introduced herself as Alice Killoran.

“I think you can assume that we didn’t really liked her, so we’re not troubled by your actions” Alice explained “In fact, as a thank you I’ll make sure that any member of our coven never causes you trouble”

“That’s good to hear, I think I’ve had enough problems with witches” Ann replied.

“But if that kid finds you I can’t guarantee that she wont try anything” Alice chuckled.

Ann sighed, even if the possibilities of coming across that small witch were slim she wasn’t looking forward to being tied up by a witch again.

“What’s going to happen to Nissa?” Asked Carissa.

“Well she’s going to get her well deserved punishment for all what she to us” Alice replied.

“Serves her right” Veniala said.

Alice bid farewell and walked out of the room, soon enough there wasn’t a single witch left in the whole castle and the three women could finally get some well deserved rest.

After a long bath in the hot waters of the bathroom tub each of the women went to sleep calmly to their rooms, Ann slept in the guest, Veniala slept in hers and Carissa was finally able to sleep in her own bed in her own room, she didn’t missed sleeping tied up on the dungeons one bit and she, like everyone else, was happy that everything had finally ended.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by banshee »


From that day on Carissa and Veniala gained a new appreciation for each other, their confrontations didn’t stopped since by virtue of their character they were bound to end up arguing at some point, but it never got to the point where one decided to hire a witch to deal with the other again.

Ann told her dad that she had dealt with all of the trouble but didn’t elaborated further, no matter how much her father insisted she knew that he wouldn’t like to hear what she had to deal with it.

In the end, Veniala ended up marrying Gerbaut like it was expected, turns out that in the whole subterfuge she had to do to get to Ann she ended up truthfully loving Ann’s brother, which Ann was pleased to know because she knew that if Veniala’s feelings ended up being a lie he would have been heartbroken.

Although perfectly camouflaged as unassuming humans some of the witches attended to the wedding, they had some sort newfound appreciation for the girl that had got them rid of her hated boss and they wanted to show it by gifting some magic rarities to the young couple.
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Post by banshee »

For those who have read the Perils of the Magic Realms Story I'd like to ask you if you're interested in more stories of this style (Short and focused on a single character), if you are feel free to tell me, and also tell me in what character you'd like to see it focused since I have plenty of options.
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 2 years ago For those who have read the Perils of the Magic Realms Story I'd like to ask you if you're interested in more stories of this style (Short and focused on a single character), if you are feel free to tell me, and also tell me in what character you'd like to see it focused since I have plenty of options.
Difficult to say. Both Kinds of Stories have their Merits so I really do not want to make a decision. I liked that Ann was in the Centre of this one, but wouldn´t mind to see some of Ann´s Friends again. That being said: The final part was phantastic. Especially I liked the Lunch- Sequence , Ann´s Punishment and the final fight for their Freedom! Very well done!
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Post by Mineira1986 »


Darn, I was hoping for a longer story, like the previous one. That's my sole complaint. The chapter is really well executed. I'm wondering how Nissa's magic work, since at one point she cannot summon ropes any longer. Also, I think she can only summon ropes and she can also use magic to restraint her captives (like she does with Venalia), but she decides to secure Ann herself, which tells me it's more personal for her. I loved it.

About the other characters, I really enjoyed Ferine and Zelliria's interactions and games (if I can recall their names correctly). Not sure if that's enough for a story but, if any can do it, it's clearly you =).

Great story!
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Post by ninterz »

Of course I want to know how the storie ends.
I had fun reading it. Can't wait for more adventures form Ann and her friend's. I hope there are more
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