The Bandit Scout on Newhome (M+F+/M+F+) primarily (M/F) - Chapter 95 - 06/08/24

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Post by GreyLord »

Dear Readers,

This chapter may be a change in pace. It is slightly shorter so I am getting it to you a day earlier than planned. The next chapter will be a little longer. In both cases, the length is what seemed appropriate to tell the story. Herein, the story is heating up.


Chapter 4 – Stella throws Carlos

Stella arose with Tom and Henry and they immediately untied her hands and lengthened her hobble. She helped hitch the horses to the wagon after they broke their fast and then climbed into the wagon and took her seat. Henry tied her up much as she had been the previous afternoon. It did not take long to uncircle the wagons and the sun was barely over the horizon when they were once more on the road.

Tom left the wagon on horseback going to check on his Mounted Troops and to see if the Lieutenant had and new orders for him.

“What can you tell me about what is ahead of us,” Stella asked Henry.

"Today and tomorrow will be much like yesterday. We have been moving along a flat plain and making good time. We could make 25 kilometers a day or more. But then we will move into the foothills for about a day before hitting the mountains. There we will have slow going because of the terrain and because we expect to be hit by your dad. We think that he could have taken you becoming a prisoner in stride. But the abuse you were given by Capt. Riken and Pvt. Sloan has made this personal. And he will have heard about it. Do you have any thoughts that you would like to share with us about that?"

Stella was quiet for a few moments while she considered her answer, "Henry, you folks on the wagon train and Lt. James's platoon are treating me with much more kindness than I expected. I don't want to see any of you come to harm. But the Bucks are my folks and I don't want to see any of them come to harm either. Even this far from our camp, you appear to be alert and ready for anything. And I have no way of knowing what my dad may be planning. I will start thinking on this and see if I have any ideas I can share with you.”

Henry said, "This does put you on the spot, doesn't it? We just want to get to Kennedy with as little trouble as possible. Keep in mind that any help you do give us would weigh in your favor when you are judged in Kennedy.”

The long day passed with troubling thoughts for Stella. She did not believe that attacking the Wagon Train was in the best interest of the Bucks. Midafternoon, Tom rode up, hitched his horse to the wagon, and pulled himself into the wagon seat. Stella found that she was glad to see him. She hoped he would distract her from her conundrum.

That evening was largely a repeat of the previous night's stop. The Wagon Master did not join them for dinner but did stop by as they were finishing and invited Stella to work out with him again. Stella didn't realize how hard she had been hoping for that. As before, they started by bowing to each other and Stella faced Carlos and followed his lead. After stretching out, Carlos began performing katas. By the end of their workout, he was doing katas more advanced than they had tried the night before. She followed every move with ease and Carlos was starting to realize that he might not have anything that he could teach Stella about Martial Arts.

After they bowed out, Carlos left for his tent and Stella went with Tom and Henry to their wagon. It only took a few moments to set up their bedrolls under the wagon. Henry hobbled and tied Stella's arms as they had the night before. As Stella wormed her way under the wagon to her bedroll she was thinking that Carlos should be watching this. She must be putting on a fine show. Tom and Henry carefully avoided paying any attention to it, however. Stella said,

“Hey guys, you are crazy if you don't think that I know that you would like to be watching me crawling, twisting, and worming my way under here. Doing this, I know that I am showing extra cleavage and butt. You don't have to pretend that you are not interested."

Tom cleared his throat several times and Henry coughed as they climbed in to either side. Tom turned to her smiling as he pulled a blanket over her and was pleased to see that she was smiling back. It had been a long day for all and with the workout, especially for Stella. She was asleep minutes later.

The third day out of Round Rock was another repeat of the first two. As they rode along, they chatted and Stella was finding that she was feeling companionship with Tom and Henry. Henry told interesting stories of wagon train life and Tom told engaging tales of Ranch life. She told them about growing up in the Bucks.

After the wagons were circled at the end of the day, Carlos strode up and asked if he could join them for the evening meal. Tom and Henry actively welcomed him and Stella put on her best smile. Stella had already been freed of everything but her hobble. Anticipating a hard workout ahead, Carlos and Stella passed on the evening beer taking water instead.

It seemed that time flew by until they were bowing in to start the session. After the bow, Carlos made a major change by inviting Stella to take the lead. This was well noted by Tom, Henry, and a few Hands that had gathered to watch. Stella followed the same pattern that Carlos had started. But she moved to extremely advanced forms at a dizzying rate. Soon Stella was demonstrating katas that were new to Carlos and sometimes she would have to repeat one several times before Carlos could duplicate the moves.

In the previous nights’ practices and so far that night, everything had been no-contact techniques. Stella asked Carlos if he would like to practice randori, the free form fighting.

“Stella, I am concerned that practicing randori with a prisoner would not be proper for the Wagon Master. I am afraid that either of us could be blamed if the other were injured.”

After a pause, he continued, “I had heard that you are very skilled and now I have seen this for myself. I trained for three years at Unihold and felt that I could have become a master if I had remained.”

“Wagon Master, I have practiced since I was 6 years old with Medico Stevens who was a Martial Arts Master at Unihold. As for me being a prisoner and you, my jailer, I trust my assessment of you as a person of goodwill. Of course, an accident can happen and, for that, you would not be responsible. We can let the Troop Sergeant be the referee so he could stop things should they become overheated."

Tom and Henry had been watching closely just as they had the last night. Carlos asked, “Tom, would you mind refereeing a match between us?”

Tom answered, “No, I have done this many times at the Ranch for Boss Ralph.”

The match started with a bow. Carlos immediately started with a brisk attack and seconds later had a very surprised look on his face as he was laying on his back looking up at Stella.

“Whoa, can we try that again!”

This time Carlos was much more careful with his attack. But the same thing happened. They were quickly drawing a larger crowd. The third time Carlos was able to throw Stella and was amazed at the gracefulness with which she executed a breakfall and got back to his feet. They continued some dozen engagements with Carlos being successful in only three. No engagement lasted more than a minute.

After they bowed out Carlos said, "I have not had that happen to me since I left Unihold. If you were there, you would be a Master. Then he surprised Stella, himself, and all of the onlookers by reaching out to Stella and pulling her into a hug.

Stella found herself relaxing into the hug and wondering why she couldn’t have met him under more circumstances.


The following afternoon, the terrain was changing noticeably. There were more upgrades and from the high points before starting down the downgrade, the view of the mountains was clear and they were not too far away. The horses were starting to have to pull harder on the upgrades. Their progress was slowing.

That night, Stella and Carlos started a workout and, once again, Carlos gave the lead to Stella. They quickly moved to katas that pushed Carlos to his limit. They were taking a small break sitting in seiza when Stella said,

“Wagon Master, I think that I need to talk to you about the Bucks.”

Carlos answered, “I have been afraid this moment would come. Let’s bow out and we will continue the discussion in my tent.”

The Wagon Master was the only one there with a private tent. Most hands simply slept under their wagon for protection from weather. But the Wagon Master had maps and journals and logs to be protected. And sometimes privacy was needed for meetings. The tent contained his bunk, a small desk, a cabinet for the maps and paperwork, and a few chairs. The tent was always pitched in the center of the circle of wagons and nothing else was near.

Before striding off with a worried look on his face, Carlos told Tom to replace the restraints on Stella and to bring her to his tent. Tom put her in the ‘traveling tie’ of a loose hobble and wrists crossed and tied behind her back.

As they slowly walk to the tent, Stella asked Tom, “Can you tell me what is happening now? Have I done something wrong?”

“No child, it’s just that he was interacting with you as a man. Now you have come to his attention as the Wagon Master so things are more formal.”

At the tent entrance, Tom called out that they had arrived. The Wagon Master opened the tent flap and beckoned for Stella to enter. He told Tom,

“This will take a while. No need for you to wait. I will walk her back to your wagon when we are finished.”

Stella walked into the tent taking in all of the details. Carlos said, "I am sorry that I am now talking to you as Wagon Master. I am responsible for all of the lives in this train and all of the wealth that we are hauling. You are an enemy scout and if you were a man and I thought that you were withholding any information that I needed, I would beat it out of you. Because I now have feelings for you I am in an impossible situation. But my duties as Wagon Master must be my highest priority.”

Stella was stunned that he had said that he had feelings for her. And she could understand that put him in a difficult position in their situation. She was afraid that she was in trouble.

Carlos put a hand on each of her shoulders and quickly turned her around. He took her hands and lifted them to inspect her binding. This bent her forward but it only lasted the few moments that it took for Carlos to satisfy himself that she was secure. As she straightened up he untied her halter from behind her back and from behind her neck. Then he pulled the halter away from her and tossed it on the desk.

Stella was thinking, "I do want to be tied up naked by this man. I am getting closer. If he hurts me, it will be because his honor tells him that he must. I will be brave for him."

He took a rope and formed a loop to tie her elbows together. He pulled them tighter than any of her previous elbow bindings. Her elbows were touching. Holding her arm, he moved her into a chair placing her arms behind the backrest. Another rope was looped around her hips and the chair pulling her tightly into the back of the chair. Her legs were tied with each calf was tied to its thigh and with the ankle pulled tightly to the back of the chair and tied off. Her wrists were tightly attached to a rung at the bottom of the chair.

Stella was and felt completely helpless. Her shoulders were stressed from the harsh elbow tie. They didn't hurt but she knew that they would before long. She also knew that she was here until someone untied her.

Carlos moved another chair directly in front of her and sat in it.

“Do you understand that this is very serious?”

"Yes sir. I wanted to tell you that Chief Brooks, my father, will attack you," she answered.

“We know that already. Do you agree that you will answer me completely and truthfully?”

“No sir. What I will tell you will be the truth. But I can't give you an answer that will harm the Bucks. They are my people. But I will tell you where I think the attack will happen. I am hoping you can build a defense strong enough to deter any attack."

Without thinking, Carlos reached out taking a strong grip on her right tit squeezing hard enough to hurt. He said,

"Damn it, Stella, you know that I have to have more than that. I need to know the Chief's order of battle. The details of just how he will attack. The size of his forces. How they are armed. You have got to quit making this harder on yourself. Help us both here!"

Stella looked him in the face with her beautiful green eyes and said, “I don’t care if you hurt me. I want your hands on my tits. I want your cock in my mouth and my pussy. I know this doesn’t make any sense. You said you had feelings for me. Now you know I have feelings for you. Do whatever you need to do. I will love you anyway.”

Carlos cried out, "Damn, damn, damn!" as he relaxed his grip on her breast. He got up and moved behind her and reached over with both hands taking a breast in each. But instead of hurting her again he lovingly manipulated her tits and fingered her nipples. He started untying all of the ropes except her hands and elbows.

Stella closed her eyes, sighed, and said, "I don't know what to do either. I will do anything you say as long as it doesn't harm my people."

As soon as Stella was free from the chair, Carlos pulled her to her feet. He pulled her buckskin pants down and Stella helped by stepping out of them.

"Now, I am not the Wagon Master. I am Carlos McTavrish who sees a woman he cannot resist for the first time in his life. I am keeping you bound because you cannot stop me. Ropes enhance your beauty and I can’t have you stopping me from touching you as I please."

Carlos was running his hands up and down her front and back. Stella was keeping a steady gaze at his eyes. She said,

“You can keep me tied up as much as you wish. I love you and want to be controlled by you. You are in charge, Carlos.”

"You would like me in your mouth?" he asked.

Stella was nodding yes and starting to sink to her knees but Carlos said,

"No, like this," as he looped a rope around her hands, thru a ring at the top of a tent pole, and pulled her hands high behind her bending her head down until it was waist-high. She could see the front of his pants bulging with his passion for her. He opened his pants and offered her his manhood. Stella eagerly accepted.

Stella had little experience with sex and none with oral sex. But she made up in enthusiasm whatever she may have lacked in experience. Carlos ejaculated stronger than he ever had before. He reached down and cupped her breasts while the spasms subsided.

He stepped back to admire his strappado beauty saying, "I wish that I never had to free you." He took a towel and carefully wiped her mouth and face. He stroked her up and down her arms, along her back and sides, up and down her legs, ever returning to her pussy, belly, and breasts.
Last edited by GreyLord 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The length of this chapter was perfect, in my opion neither too long nor too short. Honestly I see no point where to break this Chapter in two, without ruining the atmosphere. So the build up was perfect. The Situation is now even more difficult for Stella and Carlos. They had sex: Two enemies, standing on different sides of the fence, conflicted loyalities. This night changes everything. I am looking forward to the next part [mention]GreyLord[/mention] !

One small thing: You posted Chapter Four already, maybe you change the header from Chapter 3 to for and change the date? :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago The length of this chapter was perfect, in my opion neither too long nor too short. Honestly I see no point where to break this Chapter in two, without ruining the atmosphere. So the build up was perfect. The Situation is now even more difficult for Stella and Carlos. They had sex: Two enemies, standing on different sides of the fence, conflicted loyalities. This night changes everything. I am looking forward to the next part @GreyLord !

One small thing: You posted Chapter Four already, maybe you change the header from Chapter 3 to for and change the date? :)
Thanks [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I fixed the header.

Because Stella is beautiful, folk are surprised to find to discover that she is a deadly fighter. Then they can be surprised again to find out - she is smarter than the average bear.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Now THAT was sexy! I don't know why but Stella and Carlos being so blunt and honest about their attraction towards each other was so endearing. The bondage was on point, very hot and enticing, and I'm already dying to see what the ramifications of this night will be.

Great job GreyLord!
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Because Stella is beautiful, folk are surprised to find to discover that she is a deadly fighter. Then they can be surprised again to find out - she is smarter than the average bear.
Of that I am certain - Stella is surely clever and ressourceful, but you should not underestimate bears either :) Not that I have any personal experience to relay on :)
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Post by NotSeen »

If any of them had any doubts about whether they're in trouble... they can cast those doubts aside. They are.

Heading into hostile territory, on difficult ground, carrying a high-value prisoner... and oh yeah, the prisoner in question can beat any one of her escorts in a straight fight.

Better tighten those helmet straps, folks. This _will_ get bumpy.
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Post by slackywacky »

Oh my god, that was HOT. The bondage and the sex. You describe well that Stella is torn between protecting her people and her love for the wagon master. Now I will be patiently (NOT) waiting for the next chapter... ;)
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Because Stella is beautiful, folk are surprised to find to discover that she is a deadly fighter. Then they can be surprised again to find out - she is smarter than the average bear.
Of that I am certain - Stella is surely clever and ressourceful, but you should not underestimate bears either :) Not that I have any personal experience to relay on :)
'Smarter than the average bear,' is a not so clever reference to Yogi Bear, a cartoon character that first appeared in 1958. Yogi frequently said that about himself. You are right. The bear is an aggressive and tough animal that will keep a charge going for a frightening length of time even after being shot in the heart.

Thank you for all of your remarks and advice, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago If any of them had any doubts about whether they're in trouble... they can cast those doubts aside. They are.

Heading into hostile territory, on difficult ground, carrying a high-value prisoner... and oh yeah, the prisoner in question can beat any one of her escorts in a straight fight.

Better tighten those helmet straps, folks. This _will_ get bumpy.
So good to have your comments, [mention]NotSeen[/mention]. There will certainly be many bumps ahead. I predict that you will find some big surprises in the next several chapters.
slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Oh my god, that was HOT. The bondage and the sex. You describe well that Stella is torn between protecting her people and her love for the wagon master. Now I will be patiently (NOT) waiting for the next chapter... ;)
[mention]slackywacky[/mention], your comments have made my day. Thank you and, yes, there is more heat ahead.
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Post by Beaumains »

Maybe I just needed this chapter, but I am starting to trust Stella not to be an evil genius tempting the men. It seems to be a lot more complex. I am truly wondering how you will keep continuing this story or towards which climax you are building, but I expect Stella will soon be forced to make a truly difficult choice.
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Post by banshee »

Don't stress about the length of the chapters, as long as they are good you have nothing to worry about and I assure you that this was a great chapter!
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Post by wolfman »

Wow. This really is a tale that keep giving. The world and the characters as so textured and realised. Absolutely outstanding work. Cannot wait for more
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Post by GreyLord »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Maybe I just needed this chapter, but I am starting to trust Stella not to be an evil genius tempting the men. It seems to be a lot more complex. I am truly wondering how you will keep continuing this story or towards which climax you are building, but I expect Stella will soon be forced to make a truly difficult choice.
[mention]Beaumains[/mention], I do hope that I don't fall apart on my readers. Yes, the story is complex. For now, the path ahead is clear. Thank you so much for your comments.

banshee wrote: 2 years ago Don't stress about the length of the chapters, as long as they are good you have nothing to worry about and I assure you that this was a great chapter!
No stress, [mention]banshee[/mention]. I appreciate your remark.

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago Wow. This really is a tale that keep giving. The world and the characters as so textured and realised. Absolutely outstanding work. Cannot wait for more
It is flabbergasting to me that a great author like you, [mention]wolfman[/mention], would say such kind things about my efforts. Sincere thanks. You can expect more later today.
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Post by Caesar73 »

And [mention]wolfman[/mention] is right. The Praise is merited, [mention]GreyLord[/mention] The first four chapter were fantastic. I like the pace of your writing and the Characters!
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Post by slackywacky »

> You can expect more later today.

You mean I have to wait even longer? Geez. Oh well, better work on my own stories then... :P
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

Chapter 5 – Rider is on the Move

As Carlos and Stella were moving into a new relationship in Carlos’ tent, at Rider Ranch, Ralph went to his lab thinking that he had let too many other things interfere with his research. He knew in his heart that he was close to being able to forge a true katana blade with the proper properties even though he was missing something. There were many steps to the process and each must be executed flawlessly for success. The basic process was described in the manual that he copied from Unihold

The raw materials are iron sand, charcoal, clay, moss, drawing paper, and water. The sand is smelted into pieces of steel that the ancient Japanese on Earth called tamahagane. These pieces are sorted into high carbon steel and low carbon steel. The high carbon steel was harder but more brittle and the low carbon steel was more malleable.

The tamahagane is hammered into flat sheets which are placed on s steel scoop, The sheets are covered with clay, water, and drawing paper and placed inside the forge. The covering is to prevent the sheets from reaching the melting point. The heat of the forge must be carefully regulated. If the sheets melt, the high carbon steel loses its hardness and the low carbon steel loses its flexibility. When the sheets reach the right temperature, they are removed from the forge and hammered to remove impurities and air pockets.

A sheet is folded repeatedly until it forms a stick. After each folding, the steel is reheated, hammered, and quenched in water to cool. Too many folds will result in brittle metal. The number of folds required is different for the high carbon and the low carbon steel.

After the folding, a layer of low carbon metal is placed between two layers of high carbon metal. When everything is done correctly, this balance of hard and soft gives the blade its desired characteristics, able to hold incredible sharpness and able to withstand hard blows without breaking. The combined metal is hammered into the shape desired for the katana blade but straight. The blade is chiseled to create the details such as the tang where the handle will be attached, the tip for stabbing, and the back edge.

Identification marks and decorations can now be carved on the tang. Carving on the blade proper would weaken it. A blood groove or fuller is carved on the back edge. This is to improve the weight of the sword and improve its cutting ability.

The final phase of the creation of the blade is sharpening, polishing, assembling the hilt and handguard, and fitting the blade in a sheath.

The problems in actually doing this had been vexing. Ralph had to resolve how many times the folding process had to be repeated for the high carbon sheets and the low carbon sheets. He had to resolve how long to let the blade cool before repeating the folding. He had to learn exactly what temperature the blade must be heated at each stage. Ralph had been conducting trials since leaving Unihold. His journal held all of the details. He believed that just a few more experiments would have him ready to make his first successful blade. His trials had been producing blades closer and closer to the objective.

Ralph opened the cabinet where he stores the manual that he had copied at Unihold that described the basic process and his journal describing the details of all of his trials and the results as he slowly varied one parameter in the process at a time. His mind seemed to go blank when he saw the empty shelf. Then he realized that Stella, the Bucks scout, must have taken the documents.

Ralph Rider had always been decisive. He immediately sent for Foreman Sam Briggs and Capt. Riker. He quickly determined that they knew nothing of the missing journal and manual. He sent them to question everyone who had even the slightest contact with the Scout to see if there was any hint of what she did with the documents. It did not take long for the negative results to return.

He ordered Sam and the Captain to prepare to leave first thing in the morning.

“They must be on the edge of the mountain range by now. Mounted, we can get there in a couple of days and overtake them shortly after they crest the gap. We will take all of the forces available. Leave only a token defense force at the Ranch. Those documents are more valuable than the Ranch. We must question the Scout and learn what she did with the documents. They must be hidden in the badlands. We could search there for years and not find them.”


Far to the west in the Comanche Bandit camp, another council was taking place. Chief of the Comanche, Garcia Gomez, was summarizing,

“We know that Chief Dan Brooks thinks he is honor-bound to attack the Wagon Train for the treatment given his daughter. We know that in the morning, the train enters the mountain range. We know that the Bucks will attack the train as it is coming down the north slope of the range. It is pretty certain that they will attack at the big meadow about halfway down the slope."

“It will take the Wagon Train three days to reach the place the Bucks will attack. We can get there in two. We will ride in the morning. Our strategy will be to let the Bucks and the Wagon Train hands kill each other off and then we will move in and kill any left. We will have destroyed the Bucks and have the wealth of the Wagon Train for our use!”


Tom and Henry were speaking quietly, “Tom, you don’t think that the Wagon Master will hurt her do you? I have come to admire Stella and care about her in this very short time. She is a good lady.”

"I don't think so, Henry. If I am reading things right, Carlos has fallen for her in a big way. He is too honorable not to do whatever is necessary to protect the Wagon Train. But he is smart enough to find the right path through all of this."

Back in the Wagon Master's tent, Carlos had released Stella from the tent pole strappado but not her hands and arms. He was sitting on his bunk next to her with an arm pulling her close.

"Stella, do you want me to untie you all the way?"

"No Carlos. In the Bucks, it was my rule supported by my father, that before courting me a man would first have to win a fight against. You did very well but not well enough to court me. By being tied up, I do not have any obligation to attack you. And, for reasons that I cannot explain, it feels good to be your prisoner. With you, I am having erotic feelings even tied up as you have me."

“That is very good to know. I will tell you that I am enjoying having you bound and at my disposal. But I want your consent. I’ve said before, I know this doesn’t make any sense but there you have it.”

Stella replied, “You are the most talented fighter that I have met other than Medico Stevens. I will teach you what you need to know to win against me. You are closer than you think to becoming a Master. Until then and afterward too, you can tie me up as much as you wish.”

“Stella, you said Medico Stevens?” so surprised that he didn’t pick up right away that Stella had just made a great offer. “Is that Frank Stevens?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“At Unihold, Stella, my principal trainer in Martial Arts was a young newly made Master named Frank Stevens. He trained me and Ralph Rider. I want to hear the story of how he came to be your trainer at the Bucks.”

"I will tell you what I know of it, Carlos. But right now, you have me naked and bound on your bunk. Isn't there something else that we should be doing first?"

And there was. Afterward, they were laying on the bunk facing each other. Carlos had his lower arm under Stella's shoulder with his hand stroking her back. His other hand seemed to have a will of its own as it moved from her face to tit to navel to pussy to butt and back again.

“I still have to be Wagon Master and that gives me many other things to do. I need to get you back to Tom and Henry. You do know that I love you?”

“I do Carlos. And you know that I love you?”

Carlos gave her a long kiss on the lips with their tongues exploring. He kissed each breast and then her lips again. Getting off of the bunk, he helped Stella stand and untied her completely. He picked up her buckskins and handed them to her,

"Get dressed. I will walk you back to your wagon."

She did and he opened the tent flap for her.

“Aren't you forgetting to tie my hands and hobble me?” she asked.

“No, I am not forgetting. From now on, I will tie you up only as part of loving you.”


Both Tom’s and Henry’s mouths almost fell open as Carlos and Stella strode up to the wagon side by side.

“Tomorrow Stella will ride with me. We have a lot more talking to do. See you in the morning,” Carlos said as he turned and walked away. Tom looked back and forth from Stella to Henry,

"What in the hell is happening? Are you free now Stella? What are we supposed to do, Henry? What are we, mushrooms to be kept in the dark and have shit shoveled on us? What is going on?"

Stella gave them a big smile and said, “No, I don’t think I’m free. I might be freer than I was but we will have to see. For tonight, I think that you had better tie me very securely, maybe even a hogtie. What do you say?”

Henry said, "Are you alright, honey? This doesn’t seem natural."

Stella replied, “I think that I am fine. And yes, this is very unnatural. Now would someone tie me up? I am very tired and need to sleep.”

They tied her into a loose hogtie very gently and carefully pulling a blanket over and around her.

Then next morning they had her coffee and breakfast ready when they untied her. She still had a big smile for them as she stretched her muscles. As they were eating she said,

“I don’t know how you are supposed to prepare me for a ride. I suggest we wait for the Wagon Master but you should be ready to tie me up fast.”


At the crack of dawn at the Rider Ranch, a large column of men consisting of two Mounted Platoons and another 50 Ranch Hands started up the road to Round Rock with the intent of catching up with the Wagon Train.


At dawn in the Comanche camp, a large column of men started toward the mountains to their east with the intent of getting ahead of the Wagon Train. Toward the rear a woman, Carmen Gomez was riding with her team of three bandits. Chief Gomez had worried about appointing his daughter to be a Team Leader. She was too rash sometimes but he hoped the added responsibility would help her mature faster. He worried also about her being with the men. She was too damn good-looking. But she was a bandit and he couldn't deny her involvement.


At the Wagon Train, Carlos rode up to the third wagon with a saddled horse in tow. He jumped off his horse, boosted Stella into the saddle of his extra horse, and tossed her the reins. He told her to follow him as he remounted and rode to the head of the first wagon. He turned in his saddle and cried out in a loud voice that was heard throughout the camp, “Forward Ho!” He set off at a walk at the head of the wagons as they unwound from their circles and headed into the mountains. Stella could see the Mounted Troops moving off to their flanks and scouts moving ahead.

Carlos started the conversation, "Okay Stella, I agree with you. We have to settle things with your dad without a fight. By the way, you have had a huge grin on your face this morning. Does that mean that you are happy about last night?"

“I am happy about last night. I’m happy that I am with you now. I am happy because I learned something about myself. First I learned that I am fine around you with you being in control. That, you should know, is not normal behavior for me. Then I learned that I can enjoy being tied up by the right person, like you for example. If you think it will help your position as Wagon Master to keep me tied up, that is fine with me. And any time we are alone, I hope you will tie me up. Even a hard uncomfortable tie would be nice with your hands on my body. This may not make any sense to you. I’m not sure it does to me either. But I am trying to be honest about how I feel. I do want us to take some time each evening for me to train you further. If you could beat me in a fight it might help with my dad too.”

Carlos answered, “I am not sure that we have enough time for me to learn enough before we encounter Chief Brooks. Can you think of a way that we could talk to the chief before he attacks?”

She answered, “Yes, there might be a way. But it will take a lot of trust on your part. More trust than I have earned. By the way, we both should stop saying that this doesn’t make any sense. Whether it does or does not, it is what it is!”


As they rode at the head of the Wagon Train, Stella told Carlos her thoughts on how he could meet her father, the Chief. The gap is the highest point of the trail they were following. From the gap, the trail finally goes through a big meadow as it winds its way down the north slope of the mountains. The Bucks main camp is at about the same altitude as the meadow 8 kilometers to the east. There is a path from the camp to the meadow.

And there is also a path from the gap to the camp. From the gap, the entrance to that trail is hidden. Stella proposed that she lead Carlos from the gap to the hidden path and down until they were close to the Bucks camp but not so close that sentries might spot them. Stella would then go into the camp alone. If anyone questions her, she will say that she had escaped and was looking for the Chief. None of the Bucks would question that.

When she gets together with her father, she will report to him in private. That is usually the way he received her scouting reports. She will give her father a complete report on everything that has happened including that she has fallen in love with Carlos McTavrish. She will not yet mention that Carlos is close by the Bucks’ camp.

Stella will ask her father for safe passage for Carlos to meet with him. She will emphasize that she believes that there is a path for the Bucks to become allies with the Wagon Master and perhaps with others. That would be a big advantage to the Bucks.

Stella tells Carlos, “I know there is a risk here. But in the past, the Chief has respected my opinions. He sends me out to form opinions and I have always given good advice. If he agrees to give you safe package, I will lead a party to collect you. As an added safety, as we draw near I will call out, Wagon Master. If I do not think that you will be safe, I will call out, Carlos."

This gives Carlos much food for thought. He wonders if he can trust Stella not just with his life but with the lives of the entire Wagon Train. Stella has endured mistreatment. Does she want revenge? He decides that he does trust Stella with his life.

He says, “I know that you love me as I love you. Let’s meet your father.”


The trail, it could no longer be called a road, became one switchback after the other. The horses in the train had a tough task pulling the wagons ever upward. At places, the hands had to help push the wagons. Progress was slow. As night approached, there was no place to circle the wagons. There was a glen that would allow cook fires and the Wagon Master’s tent. They stopped in place, chocked the wheels, and unhitched the horses to feed and rest.

Guards were placed in front of the wagons on the trail and behind. The mountains made any other approach to the train accessible. There was not even a place for Carlos to have his tent raised. As they looked around the edges of the trail, they did find a small glen they could use for practice. Stella brought a backpack with food and water for both.

The ride that day had been tiring for all. The hands were glad to have a hot supper and quickly took to their sleeping blankets. Stella and Carlos begin what was to be a long workout. Stella would describe an advanced attack and Carlos would deliver it. Stella would defeat the attack until she thought Carlos understood what she was doing. Then she would use that attack against Carlos repeatedly until he had shown mastery of the technique. Almost two hours had passed and they were both covered with sweat as they call an end to their session. They seated themselves on the ground and Stella retrieved the food and drink from the backpack. They were too tired to talk at that point.

The food was soon finished and Stella arose signaling Carlos to stay seated. She reached in the backpack and pulled out coils of rope and tossed it to Carlos’s feet. Carlos had a happy bemused look on his face as she shed her halter and pants.

“How do you want me?”

Looking around, Carlos saw a tree that was slightly leaning to one side. Picking up the rope he ordered, “Back up to that tree and lean against it with your hands behind it.”

Stella did as he asked and soon found her hands tied and rope around the tree and her upper arms pinning her to it. Carlos spread her legs by hobbling her feet behind the tree. This would have been awkward if the ropes around her arms were not holding her tight. Her hair cascaded over her shoulder and down to her thighs.

"Now there is nothing to obstruct me from touching you anywhere on your front from your ankles to the top of your head. He began stroking her by playing with her breasts. He followed that by running fingers along her labia. As he touched, he also kissed. Stella started moaning but he placed his hand over her mouth and said quietly,

“Hush, we are close to the train.”

Stella nodded her head as he released her mouth and gave him a huge smile, “Just keep touching me please.”

She was thinking that everything was up to Carlos but she did hope that he would not take long to enter her. After a lot of fondling, manipulating, and stroking he did enter her to the pleasure and joy of both.

After Carlos freed Stella, they dressed and sank into a bed of moss and spent the night there sharing a blanket from the backpack.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Intriguing Chapter! So the Relationship between Stella and Carlos is developing - I like that! We get to know Stella´s Father and there is a confrontation in sight. Very well paced. I liked the description of the forging process of a Katana very much too!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Intriguing Chapter! So the Relationship between Stella and Carlos is developing - I like that! We get to know Stella´s Father and there is a confrontation in sight. Very well paced. I liked the description of the forging process of a Katana very much too!
Echoing everything you said Caesar, this chapter was awesome [mention]GreyLord[/mention]! Great sexy bondage and a deeper bond and trust forming between Stella and Carlos is good to see,
. I think Carlos can trust her with speaking to her father, but with three different forces all vying for the wagon train, I see a potential bloodbath on our hands.
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Post by slackywacky »

Holy Bunions, Batman!

That was one great chapter. From the details of the forging to the bondage and the different parties involved in wanting to attack the wagon train, this is one fantastic story. You are a great writer, although I do not envy you for getting all the storylines together into one great finally somewhere down the line (many more chapters from now I hope).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

The plans are being forged, and I doubt the enemies of the Bucks will get outwitted so easily.I am curious whether your Romeo and Juliet will be allowed to love each other, or that theor end will be as tragic as Shakespeare's characters.
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Post by banshee »

In between all of the bondage which is all great there's something brewing and I can't help but be intrigued about what it is about and how it will affect Stella and Carlos. Also I really like the love that Stella is developing for bondage.
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Post by GreyLord »

Here is the next chapter about the Bandit Scout. I hope you will enjoy.

----- :o

Chapter 6 – The Gap

The next day, Carlos calls the hands and troops that are not on guard in for a meeting before the train begins to hitch the horses.

Carlos announces, “First, we are about an hour or so from reaching the gap. But this last bit up the mountain is the steepest part. We will stay here an extra day to rest the horses and ourselves. Going down the slope on the other side will be easier on the horses but harder on the drivers. Your legs will get tired from pressing the breaks. About halfway down the other side, there is a large meadow. That is where I expect the attack to happen.

“But there is a chance to avoid the attack. There is a chance to reach an accommodation with Chief Brooks thanks to his daughter, Stella. Stella and I will leave you before first light in the morning to try to meet with the Chief. Lt. James, will you take charge of the Wagon Train until I return?”

Lt. James was not expecting this. He replied, “If the wagon hands will accept me, I will do this.”

The hands all looked around at each other and it was soon clear that they thought Lt. James was a good choice. Not that there wasn’t some consternation that Carlos was leaving. They all felt safe with him. But if there was a way to avoid a fight with the Bucks, The Wagon Master should explore it.

In private, Carlos told Ron that there was some risk in what they were trying. If they were successful, the rewards would be large indeed.

“Ron, I am making a field promotion. You are now Capt. James. Do you have someone you can make Platoon Commander?”

“Yes, Boss. First, won't this be sand in the eye of Capt. Riker? No one is better than him at tactics. Shouldn't I get his approval before accepting your promotion?"

“No Ron. You have been acting like a Captain on this trip. This simply gives you clear authority to continue. I promise you that I will work it all out with Ralph Rider.”

“Yes sir. Then Platoon Sergeant Daley will become Lieutenant Daley.”

Carlos replied, “Good, that would have been my choice as well. “

Tomorrow was expected to be a big day for all. There were always maintenance tasks to occupy the hands' time during their day of rest.

Carlos and Stella practiced their martial arts in three sessions. They started that morning, continued in the afternoon, and concluded that night. Chief Brooks would not join anyone in an alliance unless he was certain that the new partner was strong and capable.

As they retired for the night, they were too tired to do more than hold each other in Carlos’ bunk. They were prepared to arise long before dawn.


Ralph Rider has been steadily approaching the Wagon Train. When he halts for the night they are less than 10 kilometers behind the Wagon Train but do not know how close they are. As they ate the evening meal, Ralph talks about his plan to approach the train,

“I expect that we will have a friendly greeting from the Wagon Train. Our 3rd Mounted Platoon under Lt. James is already there. Carlos McTavrish has been my friend for many years. Our goal is to fully question the spy. We may get some resistance with that. But we are here for that reason alone. We will do what is necessary for that to happen.

“Let’s all get some rest tonight. It will be a big surprise to me if we do not overtake the Wagon Train tomorrow.


That morning as the Wagon Train was resting on the south side of the gap, Gus Garcia and his band are approaching the meadow from the west. He orders patrols out directing them to stay to the west side of the trail. They did not want to alert the Bucks of their presence. They made camp to the west and southwest side of the meadow. Orders are for all to stay maximally camouflaged. He wants lookouts posted in the woods to the west of the trail to give them notice of the approach of the Wagon Train. He gave a last reminder that the plan is to let the Bucks and the Wagon Train fight first.

The patrols and lookouts move out. Team Leader Carmen Gomez was given the first lookout position going up the trail from the meadow. She was chaffing that her position would not see any real action as the train approached. The lookouts higher up the slope would get the action and the glory. Nonetheless, she moved her team to the assigned position and got them camouflaged.

Then she ordered the junior member of the team, Tad, to follow her telling the other two members to hold this position. She cautioned Tad not to make a sound, looked up and down the trail, and crossed over to the east side. Walking slowly and carefully to avoid making any sound Carmen and Tad penetrated a kilometer away from the trail. Unknown to her, they were spotted and a team of Bucks was flanking them and steadily moving closer.

A Buck released an arrow that struck Tad in the neck. At the same time, the Bucks charged Carmen and took her to the ground. Before Carmen could realize what had happened her hands, elbows, and ankles were bound and a gag was forced in her mouth. A strong stick was inserted under her elbow and hand bonds and down between her calves. With a Buck on either end of the stick, they lifted it placing the stick on their shoulders with Carmen dangling down from it, and began the hike to the Bucks camp. As they started moving, Carmen could see Tad's dead body being left behind.

It was late afternoon as they reached camp. Their hostage was taken to the center of the camp where her clothing was cut off of her. She was untied only to be retied in a very tight hogtie on the ground. She was left there for the night.

The group that captured Carmen had reported to the Chief the night before. He had immediately called for his councilors to discuss the Comanche intrusion. They discounted any idea that the girl and the man with her were alone. Without any true intelligence information, they could only speculate. But they had a history of predicting the actions of others by asking what would they do in that position.

The Wagon Train and its wealth must be the catalyst that brought the Comanche here. The Comanche must have learned, just as did the Bucks, of the treatment received by Chief Brooks' daughter. They must be predicting that the Bucks would attack the Wagon Train and that the big meadow west of here would be the place of attack. Then what? It was obvious to the Chief that the Comanche planned to let the Bucks and the Wagon Train hands fight it out first and then to sweep in to take the spoils.

The Chief organized his best scouts to investigate the area around the meadow for the presence of Comanche. The scouts left determined to find out about the Comanche on their mountain without being spotted themselves and to report what they learned to the Chief. Long before the sun was up, the Chief had the information he needed about the Comanche.


Carmen thought the morning would never come. She wondered why she was even thinking about morning. There was no reason to think her situation would improve. Her elbows had been pulled close together and that pulled her shoulders back to an unnatural degree. Her hands were lashed together tightly and a rope had been used to pull her feet up behind her until her hands could touch her ankles. That added to the strain on her shoulders. Her feet pulled on her legs and her legs pulled on her hips so that her back was arched in a direction that it did not usually go. All of her muscles were protesting not being able to move. As a kid, she had taken participated in the torture games that kids play and had stood her turns as a victim. But those games had always ended before many hours passed and no bondage that was ever done to her stressed her like this.

She was still gagged and couldn’t have asked for help if she had wanted to do so. She was determined that they would not hear her moaning or crying in her gag. She was a Comanche and would take this and whatever else these monsters threw at her. As the night chill moved in, her belly and breasts on the ground added one more discomfort. Her mantra became, "I will endure. I will endure," repeated over and over. Finally, she reached a state of self-hypnosis and the night slipped by.

The morning did arrive and with it, two women sentries came and untied her and gave her water and food. After giving her a few minutes to regain the use of her limbs, they took her to a place where she could relieve herself and even wash up. She was looking at the women questioningly and one of them said,

“We are not monsters. We just learned that you were tied here. You should have had a blanket. Things don’t have to be bad for you here if you will just cooperate. You know we must learn why a Comanche is on our mountain. The chief will come to see you soon. Please answer his questions. You must expect to be tied very strictly until you cooperate with the Chief.”

Carmen did expect to be mistreated, of course. After all, if the roles were reversed, the Comanche would be just as harsh. Or more so.

They led Carmen back to the center where she had been bound and positioned her between two poles. Two male sentries joined them and a male took each arm holding it so a female sentry could attach a rope to each wrist. There was a ring attached high on each pole and the wrist ropes were threaded through the rings. All of the sentries pulled on the ropes until Carmen’s feet were barely touching the ground.

Carmen was thinking that this would get unpleasant before a lot of time passed. It became even more uncomfortable immediately as the sentries tied ropes around her ankles and pulled her legs toward the poles. She had to rise on tiptoes to ease just some of the pressure on her shoulders. Now she was spread eagle between two poles. They had not gagged her but she was still determined not to show weakness by crying or whining. It was humiliating to be displayed naked like this. But she was a Comanche and she would show these Bucks what a real Bandit was like. The woman sentry had told her that if she answered Chief Brooks’ question, she would get easier treatment.

It was still early in the morning when Chief Brooks came to see the prisoner.

“I can see by your scraps of clothing that you are a Comanche. You must know that there is no good ending for you here. The best that you can hope for is an easier ending that you can win by answering all of my questions. First, who are you and what are you doing on my Mountain?”

Carmen was sometimes foolish and rash. But she was no coward, “My name is Carmen. My boyfriend and I came to see what was here.”

The Chief told her, “That is not a very good explanation. I want to know what other Comanche are on our Mountain. How many of you are there? Where are they located? Would you like to try again?”

Carmen looked the Chief steadily in the eye and made no sound.

“Alright, we have found that tenderizing helps with tough meat. I think that you will find your spread eagle position very tiring. I already know all that I need to know about your incursion. I have a daughter only a little older than you. She is likely a prisoner on the coming Wagon Train. If you verified what my scouts tell me about the Comanche on the mountain, it would help me set her free.”

The Chief touched Carmen’s face and said, “I don’t want to see you harmed but I must learn what I can from you. I will return later to see if you are ready to answer my questions.”

The Chief departed and Carmen's mouth was packed and a long cloth wrapped repeatedly between her teeth and around her head. Moments slowly passed by and she could not stop thinking that this was all of her own making. She had gotten Ron killed. The bad thing wasn't that she was bound painfully and exposed naked. It wasn't that this was very humiliating. It was that she was so very ashamed of herself.


Carlos and Stella had left the Wagon Train before first light and rode to the gap. As it was getting light, they tethered the horses and Stella led Carlos east through the woods for a couple of kilometers to the trail that will lead to the Bucks’ camp. They move down the trail as it switched back and forth just like the trail the wagons followed. They find that they are making better time than the wagon train could in this terrain.

At a small clearing beside the trail, Stella called a halt. She off of the trail and into the clearing followed by Carlos, He saw there was a small shed at the back of the clearing. Stella said,

“We have supplies stored all over the mountains. This is one such place. There will be room there for you to stay out of sight in case someone passes by.”

She stands close to Carlos and puts one hand on the back of this neck pulling him in for a kiss. With her other hand, she takes his hand and places it on her breast. She was thinking that she did not know what the future would hold. She would remember this moment and long to be with him again.

After a long kiss filled with promise, she left making her way down to the Bucks’ camp.

Carlos was left in the shed wondering about this strange and wonderful young woman that fate had sent his way. How could it be possible for him to live in peace with her in this hostile world?


Capt. James led the wagons to the gap and saw the horses left by Carlos and Stella. He had the horses collected and continued down the north slope. Before they get far, word is passed up the train that riders are approaching from the rear. He halts the wagons and is organizing a defense when new word is passed up that it is Ralph Rider and his crew. Capt. James keeps the wagons halted waiting for his boss to get to the front of the train.

Ralph catches up with the Captain and immediately asks where Carlos is and where the spy is. Learning that they have both gone to try to meet the Bucks Chief brings a storm to his eyes. His next question is who is in charge here and he is surprised that it is Capt. James.

“This is a cluster fuck!” said Ralph. “The spy stole documents from me. Those documents are necessary if I am to perfect the method of making a katana. It has taken 10 years to get the results that are in my journal. It would take another at least 8 years to repeat the work. This is about the balance of power on Newhome, Captain. I must question the spy, as harsh as is necessary, and find where she has hidden the documents.”

“Boss Ralph, there is nothing we can do to help at the moment. Direct action would mean charging the Bucks’ camp. And I don’t know exactly where that is other than somewhere northwest from here. The spy, her name is Stella Brooks by the way, and the wagon master have reached an accommodation. He no longer has her restrained.”

“Is she the daughter of Chief Brooks?”, Ralph thundered.

“Yes sir.”

“Then what are your plans,” Ralph asked.

He replied, “To continue down the trail. We expect an attack by the Bucks at a big meadow that we will cross as we continue. If there is no attack, we just keep going.”

Ralph fumed, “I’ll be dipped in shit. This is worse than any cluster fuck. I don’t have any options except to make sure that you get by the meadow. How are you by the Bucks deployed?”

Capt. James answered, “The woods are not passable by horseback. I have sent one squad to stay 1 kilometer ahead of us and two more to stay half a click ahead. They are to keep focused on both sides of the trail for any possible ambush. My remaining squad is spread among the wagons.”

Frank said, “With your resources, I think that is the best you could do. I have the rest of the Mounted Company with me. I will reinforce your forward detachments by sending another Mounted Platoon to spread out between the lead wagon and your squads half a click ahead. The rest of us will spread as evenly as we can among the wagons. Then you start the wagons moving and we will hope like hell that bonehead Carlos knows what he is doing. Do you agree?”

“It sounds good to me. No one will expect us in this strength.”


After leaving Carlos, Stella continued to the Bucks’ camp at a slow run. As she neared the camp, she was spotted and recognized. Soon, she had an escort of Bucks running with her. It was clear that they were very happy to see Stella well and free.

In the camp, she slowed to a fast walk and headed to her father's lodge. She passed the camp center and saw a naked woman bound spread eagle between two poles. One of the Bucks escorting Stella to her father told her that this was a Comanche they had captured last night. She pauses her journey to her father and goes up to the prisoner.

Stella said, "I would like to know your story. It is hard to imagine how you arrived to be in your predicament. Right now I don't have time and I can see that you are not going anywhere."

Continuing her journey, she saw her father as she approached the Chief's lodge. They greet with affection and he gestured for her to enter the lodge. They settled into comfortable chairs and Stella began her report, “I have much to tell you.”

She detailed her entire adventure starting with her incursion of the Rider Ranch. She made sure that the Chief understood the importance of what she had observed and what she had taken from Rider Ranch.

“I saw that he was trying to make katana blades and noted the progression of sample blades improving over time. It looks as if he is getting near the point of being able to produce a true katana. He documented his experiments in detail and I took his documentation and an older manual he possessed about katana.”

She described her flight from the ranch, the hiding of the Katana Documents in the badlands, her capture, and all that had happened to her since. She did not hide her feelings for Carlos McTavrish.

“As Chief and as your father, I tell you that I am very proud of what you have accomplished. You understand complex situations almost at a glance. You have always been exceptional but this is your greatest accomplishment. I must also say that I have mixed feelings about the Wagon Master even though you vouch for him. He is responsible for some of your mistreatment.”

Stella quickly injected, "No, Dad. I must not have explained it adequately. You know that if any other of the Bucks had been captured, their treatment would have been ever-increasing harshness until they broke and told everything or died under the torture. Carlos loves me and because of that love, he spared me that treatment. Whatever has happened between us then and since was with my consent.

We both see that there is a path for an alliance between the Bucks, the Wagon Train, and the Rider Ranch that can be of great benefit for all. I request that you give him safe passage to come and talk to you.”

"Your counsel has been wise in the past. I will do as you ask. But first, I need to update you on the Comanche incursion into the mountains."

The Chief brought her up to date. Stella said, “This makes it even more urgent that you speak to the Wagon Master. I will go now and get him.”

The Chief said, "There is no time for you to travel to the Wagon Train, return here with the Master, and for us to make an alliance and plans."

Stella informed her Dad, “On horseback, I can return with him in half an hour.”

“How many guards does he have with him?”

Stella said, "None, he came with me to a place nearby."

“With no protection! He must have really big ones.”

“One more request as I leave, would you ease the bondage on the Comanche prisoner?” asked Stella. “Nothing further can be accomplished by keeping her in a spread eagle tie.”

“I agree and will take care of that,” he said as they walked out the door. Stella went to the stables and picked two horses, one for her and one for Carlos. She left the camp in a gallop to go and collect Carlos.

The Chief went to alert the sentries and the camp about the safe passage, to brief the Bucks that their coming battle might be with the Comanche and not the Wagon Train, and also to have Carmen’s bondage eased.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

This is an interesting chapter. I wonder whether Stella's father will allow her to leave again and what Ryker's plans are. Somehow, I suspect (or maybe hope) something will go terribly wrong. Let there be many bound prisoners.
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Post by Caesar73 »

This was interessting! Carmen is a tough cookie - and she has a lot of courage, she does not break. I found it good of Stella that she asked her father to be more lenient on her. It is good to see this side of her. It remains to be seen if the final confrontation can be avoided. I find the Composition of this chapter well done. The pace of the story flows naturally.
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Post by TayDay95 »

I'm glad Stella's father is seeing reason, he clearly trusts Stella enough that her word is enough for him to consider an alliance.

I feel if anything goes wrong here, it'll be because of Boss Rider, either him or The Comanche Chief.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FaaaabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], and [mention]Boundcurious[/mention]

You have kindly posted comments on my story. That is appreciated very much. If you would like your tag removed from this list, please send me a PM to that effect.


This chapter is light on TUGs but is necessary for the development of the story. More TUGs will follow soon. I hope you will enjoy.


Chapter 7 – The Battle at the Big Meadow

Riding back through the camp, Stella was pleased to see Carmen was now tied to a pole and no longer spread eagle. Stella brought Carlos to the Chief’s lodge. The Chief and Medico Stevens were waiting.

Chief Brooks began, “Stella, it is good that you were quick to return. We have little time and much to cover. Wagon Master McTavrish, Stella’s opinion carries a lot of weight with the Bucks and, for now, you are accepted as she has requested. I must start by giving you some information that you do not have. The Comanche Bandits have infiltrated the mountain and are set up and camouflaged in battle-ready positions around the west and southwest side of the big meadow. They have lookouts going up the trail. We believe they plan to let us fight and then attack whoever remains.

"Stella told me that you propose an alliance with the Bucks that would extend beyond this immediate conflict. She said that you are a close friend of Frank Rider and Medico Stevens confirms that. Stella reports that she observed evidence that Boss Rider is close but not yet able to forge a true katana blade. She took essential documentation that he must have to finish the development of the forging techniques.

“If the Bucks had access to true katanas and were in alliance with the Wagon Master and Rider Ranch, we could enforce security in this region that would significantly reduce the threat of raids on the Ranch, Train, Plantations, Mines, and Towns. Moreover, we would be secure against any adventurism from other parts of Newhome.

“In summary, the keys to this endeavor are an agreement between those of us in this room and Ralph Rider for an alliance, the defeat of the Comanche, Ralph Rider’s completion of the katana forging process, and his willingness to provide katanas to the Bucks and the Wagon Train. Have I left anything out?”

Stella said, “I believe that it is implicit in what you have said that I must return to the badlands, retrieve the Katana Documents, and return them to Ralph Rider.”

Carlos added, "The benefits to the Wagon Train of having not just peace but active security from the Bucks are far-reaching and obvious. I am very much in favor of this."

Medico Stevens said, “I have a deeper involvement in this than any of you know right now. When there is time, I will explain fully. For now, let me say that I believe that this will have the endorsement of Unihold.”

Dan Brooks asked, "Wagon Master, how do you assess the likelihood of Ralph Rider joining us?”

Carlos answered, “I think that it is his nature to want to be part of something like this. In addition, the return of the Katana Documents is a big carrot to him.”

Dan said, "We must assume we can persuade him when we meet him. Now we must address the issue of the coming battle at the big meadow. Here is my suggestion. We, meaning the Bucks and the Wagon Train arrive at the meadow as if we were going to fight each other. Then, at the moment of the first contact, we all turn and attack the Comanche. The Bucks will attack Comanche to the west and northwest of the meadow and the Wagon Train will attack those to the south and southwest. Any comments or suggestions?”

Carlos spoke, "I think that we should openly address the issue of trust. This plan demands a high degree of trust by both the Bucks and the Wagon Train. I am trusting the Bucks because I trust Stella."

Dan added, “And I am trusting the Wagon Train because I trust Stella.”

Stella said, “I will stay with Carlos becoming, in effect, a hostage for the behavior of the Bucks.”

Dan concluded, "And that, strangely, provides extra assurances for the Bucks. Should the Wagon Train betray us and harm came to Stella, The Wagon Train knows that the Bucks would attack without regard to property value. With a scorched earth policy, the Bucks would overwhelm the Train."

Stella ended the trust discussion by saying, “But the main reason for us to all trust each other is we can all see the value of this alliance is so great that we have to go for it.”

Everyone agreed. Dan continued, "I will brief my forces. Then we must send a delegation to intercept the Wagon Train before it reaches the meadow. I think that party should be this group, except for Stella, to convince them of our alliance."

Carlos commented, “I concur.”

Stella injected, “We have already discussed why I must be present. If Carlos is going, I am going. That is final.”

Dan paused to think, then said, “Alright. Medico, you and Stella outfit yourselves for battle from our armory. Get whatever Carlos might need also. Select ponies that can travel cross country in the mountains and return here. Wagon Master, would you remain with me a moment more?”

When the Medico and Stella had left, the Chief said, “Circumstances are forcing rapid decisions and rapid action. But I must hear your answer to one question. My daughter has declared that she loves you and that you love her. Is this true?”

Carlos looked the Chief right in the eye and said, “It is true. We both said to each other and ourselves that this did not make sense. Then we realized that it did not matter if it made sense or not. It just is.”

Dan replied, “I will have to accept that for now. I know you by reputation to be tough and fair. But my daughter is a very special woman. We will talk later about you getting my blessings. For now, call me Dan.”

“And I am Carlos. And I will win your blessings.”

Dan added, “You know there is an empty stake in the camp center. We could just tie Stella to it until the battle is over.”

Carlos grinned, “And you know how well that is likely to work.”


It was just past midmorning when they set out for the Wagon Train. Only someone who knew the mountain like the back of their hand could find a way to go cross country to intercept the Train in the shortest possible time. Dan was such a man. In the early afternoon, they reached the trail and could see that the wagons had not yet passed. Carlos suggested that he and Stella wait on the trail and Dan and the Medico stay out of sight initially. It was not long before a Mounted Squad came around the bend and approached them. The Squad Leader said,

“It is good to see you in good health, Wagon Master. And you too, Miss Stella.”

Carlos ordered, “We have two more with us just out of sight. They are Bucks and you must protect them just as you would protect me.”

"Yes Sir. And I will send a messenger back to the Train with that information if you agree."

“Yes, do that. Then move your squad enough down the trail that the wagons can come directly up to us.”

“Yes Sir. And you will want to know that Ralph Rider and his force have joined us.”

Carlos called out for the Chief and the Medico. The squad had moved on as Dan and the Medico came out of the forest. The Chief learned about Ralph's presence and commented, "This should simplify things for us."

It was not long before horses were heard on the gallop. Capt. James and Ralph Rider galloped up to the party of four and had their horses come to an abrupt stiff-legged halt. Ralph started to talk but Carlos interrupted him say, "Climb off of those horses and come meet Chief Brooks."

Capt James and Boss Ralph did so. Ralph blurted to the Chief, "I thought we were supposed to be fighting you. What kind of harebrained scheme has Carlos talked you into. Medico! It's damn good to see you again. I never would have expected you to be here with the Bucks.”

Carlos said, “Frank, it is good to see you. But we are very short on time. There is going to be a fight but not between us and the Bucks. We will partner with the Bucks and fight the Comanche.” Carlos continued filling Frank and Ron in on what had transpired the last two days.

Frank looked from face to face as he was given the details. While they were talking two other Mounted Squads passed then and halted a short distance away. Trying to take it all in, Frank said,

“You want an alliance with me. But this woman has taken documents from me that I must have.”

Stella replied coolly, “I will return the documents to you.”

“Then you want me to supply katanas to bandits.”

Carlos pointed out, “Once we have an alliance, the Bucks will not be bandits.”

Frank asked, “Medico, what will Unihold think about this?”

The Medico replied, “I have told the others that this alliance will have the blessings of Unihold.”

Frank said, “Alright, I will accept this for now. There will be details that need discussion later.

“Stella, I apologize to you for the treatment that you received from Capt. Riker and Pvt. Sloan. Riker has resigned and is no longer with us. Capt. James has been promoted to take his place. Sloan was removed from the Mounted Patrol and is now a cooks assistant. I am sorry for what happened.”

Stella and her father looked at each other and Stella replied, “Your apology is accepted and it is appreciated. Shall we turn our attention to the coming battle?”

And they did. Chief Brooks and the Wagon Master appreciated the force-multiplying factor that the Rider Ranch forces added to their side.

Capt. James had been listening intently to everything that was being said. He asked, “Chief Brooks, how will the Bucks be deployed for this fight? On foot or horseback?”

Brooks answered, “Both. We will come out of the trees on the west side of the meadow in a skirmish line of infantry that will pivot so that it is facing the Wagon Train to the south. The infantry will have 100 Bucks armed with either sword, spear, or bow and arrow. Behind the skirmish line will be 30 mounted Bucks armed the same way. "

The Captain said, “If we were fighting the Bucks and had not been augmented by Rider Ranch, we would have been in big trouble. Our Mounted Company, consisting of three Mounted Platoons of 40 troopers each will lead the wagons down the trail to the meadow. If the Comanche act as expected and do not show themselves, I will fire a green flair as our side reach striking distance. At that point, our company will charge along the south to the southwest side of the meadow and take the fight to the Comanche in the woods. If the trees are too dense for horses, we will dismount and fight on foot. As we charge our assigned sector, will the Bucks charge the west and the northwest sector?”

Frank Rider commented, “I have additional mounted hands that are not troops. We will move into the meadow as both of you are charging your sectors and act as reinforcements where we might be needed.”

The Wagon Master said, “I think that is it. I suggest that we get ourselves fed and back on the road. The Wagon Train has about two more hours of switchback to negotiate before reaching the meadow. Do all agree?”

Chief Brooks replied, “The Medico, Stella, and I will eat on horseback. We need to rush back to organize the Bucks for our plan.”

“No Dad, you and the Medico go. I am staying here with the Wagon Train,” Stella injected.

The Chief looked at her hard but did not object. He and the Medico faded into the trees.


The morning had passed for Carmen without relief. There was some cramping from not being able to move. It was nothing too bad. If she had stayed spread eagle she knew she would be in a world of hurt by now. As the sun was at its height, the women sentries untied her to take care of her needs of food, water, and otherwise. They retied her much as before. One sentry pointed out that she had not been in full sunlight most of the morning but she would be for the afternoon.

“Your skin is well tanned except for your tits and legs. I have some lotion that will give you some protection," the sentry said as she opened a jar and started rubbing its contents on Carmen's breasts and sides that her halter had prevented from tanning. The sentry took a long time rubbing her well-formed tits and nipples. Then she said, "You need some protection down here too," as she applied the lotion on the white skin starting just above her pussy and going around her hips and down her legs.

That, too, took an unexpected amount of time because the sentry paid particular attention to Carmen's pussy. Carmen found that she was getting very aroused. Being tied completely helpless and having this woman touching and rubbing her so intimately was having a powerful effect on her. There was nothing she could do. The sentry's eyes flashed at her. The sentry knew exactly what she was doing and Carmen could not have stopped her climax even if she had wanted to do so.

Carmen overheard sentries talking and knew that her Comanche were going to be surprised by an overwhelming force. But she still had her hands tied firmly behind the pole and was lashed to the pole from ankle to shoulder. She could move her fingers and her head and that was it. She could only wait. She could see armed Bucks moving out of the camp. It was not right for her to feel such despair and sexual satisfaction at the same time.


As the Wagon Train moved down the trail toward the meadow, Stella was riding with Henry in the third wagon. She had argued that she was a good fighter and could contribute to the battle, Carlos and Lt. Daley made convincing arguments for her to stay with the wagons. Tom told her that while she was a formidable fighter she should not risk getting hurt because Chief Brooks was going to need her in the future as a scout. Carlos was blunter. He said that she was the key to everything. Everything they were planning would fall apart if she was not able to recover the Katana Manuscripts. With great reluctance, Stella agreed to stay with Henry.

Henry said, "You know, Stella, you were a lot easier to handle back when we had you tied up." Stella smiled at him.

Rider Ranch's Mounted Company moved at a fast walk from the trail out into the large meadow. Suddenly, hostiles from the trees to the east moved out of the woods and without delay formed a skirmish line that headed toward the Mounted Company. Men on horseback came out of the woods and followed the skirmish line. Capt. James had certain individuals assigned to watch for unexpected activity from the west. There was none. He had the Mounted Troops form a skirmish line to meet the Bucks.

Just as the battle would have started, the Captain ordered his green flare fired. With that signal, the Mounted Troops and the Bucks started at a gallop or a run for their assigned sectors. It was only minutes until the fighters disappeared into the trees. Shouts and the clashing of metal could be heard. And quickly it was over.

Stella took the wagon's extra horse and went to find Carlos. Once she rode onto the meadow, it was not hard for her to spot the Wagon Master.

Some died, mostly on the Comanche side. The remaining Comanche saw that their cause was lost and laid down their arms surrendering. They were marched out onto the meadow, searched for concealed weapons, and bound. Bodies of the dead from all sides were collected and lain out respectfully. That night there would be a large cremation fire. The wounded from either side were treated by the Medico and his staff. All weapons from the Comanche were placed in a pile and sorted by their condition.

The Comanche, with their hands tied behind their backs, were a bedraggled sight. They did not understand what had happened to them. But there was no question. The fight was over and they had lost.

Ralph Rider, Carlos McTavrish, and Stella Brooks rode up to the weapons pile and Ralph noted, “You can see why my work is important. Just in this one short encounter at least a third of those swords are broken as are a lot of the spearheads."

“I understand. That is why we are embarking on our great endeavor. We are making peace by forging weapons of war,” answered Carlos with obvious sincerity in his voice.

Chief Brooks rode up, “Well done! Well done! I found Chief Gomez among the prisoners. We will take him back to our camp. Tonight we will have a great feast to celebrate our victory. Two feasts in fact since we will also feed the Wagon Train hands and the Rider Ranch hands here in the meadow. I hope that you will bring your senior people to the feast at our camp, Wagon Master and Boss Rider. Boss Rider, would you and Wagon Master McTavrish join me for the ride to camp? We have much to discuss. Stella, you too of course.”


Bucks sentries put the bound Chief Gomez on a horse backward and led him behind Chief Brooks' party as they returned to the camp. The Bucks were going all out to honor their new allies and to celebrate their joint victory. Garcia Gomez was tied to the other pole in the camp center. Looking at his daughter, he said, “That they have tied me here having to look at you tied naked tells me what to expect.” He said that with bitterness.

Carmen replied, “No, I have only given them my first name. They did not plan this. Their chief’s daughter made sure that I have not been mistreated. Being hogtied last night and tied spread eagle this morning was hard but Stella ended that. They even gave me sun lotion to protect me from the sun while tied here.

“But Dad, I am so ashamed for disobeying your orders. Even more than being tied naked in front of you. Will you ever be able to forgive me? I got one of my men killed."

He answered, "First we must live through this ordeal. It is not certain that we can. If we live to return home, we will talk forgiveness and what atonement will be appropriate to earn it.”


Chief Brooks assigned Ralph and Carlos a small lodge each and said we should rest. Ralph asked the Medico if he could join him for a while and Medico Stevens said it would be his pleasure. They headed into Ralph’s lodge but Carlos was uncertain about just what he should do. He could see that Stella was planning on staying with him. And that was wonderful but her father was standing there and Carlos thought it would be better if they did not offend him. Stella, however, took the initiative away from Carlos by thanking her father for the lodge and saying that they would see him later. And with that, they went inside their lodge.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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