Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

Post by wataru14 »


Thanks to @MountainMan_91 for the amazing character cards!


Chapter 1 - Nate
Chapter 2 - Cody
Chapter 3 - Leo
Chapter 4 - Ray & Mason
Interlude - Strip Poker part 1
Interlude - Strip Poker part 2

Chapter 1 - The Cowboy Boogie (Cody/Mason/Scott)
Chapter 2 - And Then There Were Four (Cody/Scott/Hoss)
Graphic - The Sophomore and Junior Classes
Chapter 3 - The Snoop (Nate/Trey/Brett/advisor)
Chapter 4 - Ha’eved m’galeh et teevo h’ameetee, teva ha’eved, lo bihiyoto eved, kee eem b’he’asoto l’adon (Nate/Hoss)
Chapter 5 - Beauty and the Beast (Ray/Shane/Leo)
Chapter 6 - Walk Like an Egyptian (Ray/Shane)
Interlude - Alone in the Dark (Cody/Scott/Hoss/Nate/Ray/Shane)
Chapter 7 - Coitus Interruptus [warning: FFF/M] (Mason/three women/Scott/Shane/Hoss/Cody/Ray/Danny)
Chapter 8 - The Pact (Mason/Danny/Shane/Scott/Hoss)
Chapter 9 - The Spy (Leo/Jean-Marc/Brett/Hoss/Travis)
Interlude 2 - The Punishment (Travis/Brett/Jean-Marc)
Chapter 10 - Game of Thrones (Leo/Brett/Omar)
Chapter 11 - The Knot

Chapter 1 - The Afterparty (Cody/Nate/Scott/Hoss/Clay/advisor)
Chapter 2 - Hell Bent for Leather (Cody/Scott/Wade)
Chapter 3 - Wildlife Photography (Nate/Hoss)
Chapter 4 - Gym Rats (Mason/Danny/Tony/Benjamin/Victor)
Chapter 5 - The Cleanup
Chapter 6 - Pledge Roundup - part 1 (Leo/Scott)
Chapter 7 - Pledge Roundup - part 2 (Ray/Brett/Nate/Mason)
Interlude - Iced Over (Jaquan/Ray/Nate/Mason)
Chapter 8 - Pledge Roundup - part 3: Baiting the Bull (Nate/Hoss/Ray/Scott)
Chapter 9 - Pledge Roundup - part 4: Didn't Think Things Through
Chapter 10 - The Trial - part 1
Chapter 10 - The Trial - part 2
Epilogue - What Leo Saw [warning: drugs/addiction] (Brett/Advisor/Leo)

Chapter 1 - Lights, Camera, Action! (Ray/Travis/Shane/Mason/Nate)
Chapter 2 - Working Man's Blues (Cody/Wade/Gonzalez/Santucci/Clay/Matt)
Chapter 3 - What Leo Saw (continued) (Leo/advisor/Brett/Clay)
Chapter 4 - Coming Clean
Chapter 5 - The Siege of Goblin Hollow
Chapter 6 - The Intervening Weeks
Chapter 7 - Calf Rustling (Nate/Cody/LJ/Mr. & Mrs. Ben David)
Chapter 8 - An Officer & a Gentleman (Ray/The Major/Mason/Randy)
Conclusion - Diesel-Powered Barbecue - part 1
Conclusion - Diesel-Powered Barbecue - part 2

Chapter 1 - The Car Wash (Mason/Nate/Cody/Ray/Leo/Travis/Clay/LJ)
Chapter 2 - Luther Harris (Nate/Queer Eye/Ru)
Chapter 3 - And All the Powers of Hell (Hoss/Clay/Travis/Nate)
Chapter 4 - Mr. Cellophane (Milton/Chaz/Crusher/Jerome/Ray)
Chapter 5 - Dog Day Afternoon (Scott/Randy/Matt/Clay/Travis/Hoss)
Chapter 6 - Stay Hip Daddy-o (Johnny/Orson/Mason)
Chapter 7 - Terms of Formal Surrender (Brett/Mayor/Clay)
Chapter 8 - Humble Origins (Jake/Gus)
Chapter 9 - Horse-Drawn Carriage (Clay/Brett/Hoss/Scott)
Chapter 10 - I Love Rock & Roll (Leo/Wendy/Mayor)
Chapter 11 - And the Walls Came A-Tumbling Down
Chapter 12 - The End of a Promising Career (Mayor/parents)
Conclusion - Thank You for Your Support

Chapter 1 - A Melting (Ray/Travis)
Chapter 2 - Hold Me, Daddy (Scott/Wade)
Chapter 3 - Your First Time? (Mason/Cody/Leo)
Chapter 4 - In This Corner... (Travis/Ray)
Chapter 5 - The Auction part 1 (Mason/Nate/Brett/Danny/Shane)
Chapter 6 - The Auction part 2 (Mason/Jean-Marc/Luis/Brandon/Leo)
Chapter 7 - The Auction part 3 (Mason/Pablo/Takeshi/Bryan/Nate)
Chapter 8 - The Auction part 4 (Mason/Travis/Wade/Gavin/Trey/Brett)
Chapter 9 - The Auction part 5 (Mason/Travis/Ray/Omar/Cody/Scott/Shane)
Chapter 10 - What Leo Saw 3 (Leo/Santucci/Clay/Travis)
Chapter 11 - A Goblin Prison, Dark and Deep

Chapter 1 - Abandon Hope, Ye Who Enter Here
Chapter 2 - Costume Slugfest
Chapter 3 - Truth or Snare
Chapter 4 - Ray and Travis' Excellent Adventure (Ray/Travis)
Chapter 5 - Four Little Piggies (Nate/Hoss/all)
Chapter 6 - Brokeback Basement (Cody/Ryan/Travis/Santucci)
Chapter 7 - Wade's Big Sale (Scott/Wade/Cody/Sam/Ryan/LJ)
Chapter 8 - A Buncha Dang Idjits (Cody/Sam/Ryan)
Chapter 9 - Leo's Luck Runs Out (Leo/Duke/Gabe/Benjamin/Victor)
Chapter 10 - Reunion (Cody/Sam/Ryan/all)
Chapter 11 - The Red Light District (Cody/Sam/all)
Epilogue (Ryan/Sam/all)

Chapter 1 - Prisoner of War (Ray/Travis)
Chapter 2 - The Wheels on the Bus)
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Post by wataru14 »

Chapter 1: Nate


Freshman housing at Metro City University was hardly the Ritz, but to Nate it might as well have been. For the first time in 18 years he was actually alone! No parents, no bratty younger sisters, no blue-haired Aunt Ruth pinching his cheeks and saying “Look how you’ve grown, bubeleh!” As a last hurrah, however, Mom and Dad had insisted on bringing the whole household (including the dog!) to see him off and that left almost no wiggle room for the whole ride. It had been a a three-hour nightmare, wedged between luggage and the car door and listening to his sisters’ kiddie music on endless loops, but it was worth it. He was finally here!

The unloading process was an experiment in controlled chaos. Mom was audibly weeping about how her baby was growing up, drawing snickers of laughter from the desk assistant and RA’s lining the lobby. His sisters, bored out of their minds, were crawling on the furniture. Not exactly the impression he wanted to make. But Freshmen were supposed to be awkward, right? It took several trips to get everything loaded into his room, which, thankfully, was unoccupied when they arrived. He had no desire for his roommate to see him being infantilized by his parents like this. And there was a mountain of luggage to unpack! Nate had protested when they were packing up, saying he’d be home for Rosh Hashanah in a few weeks and could get the nonessentials then. But Dad wouldn’t hear of it. So he just bit his lip and let Dad take over. It was just easier that way.

Mom immediately started opening boxes, but Nate managed to tear her away before she did any real damage. “Hey, why don’t we get some lunch before you go?” he slyly suggested. “You need to get on the road soon to get home, right? You both have work tomorrow.” Mom grudgingly acquiesced, adding a quick “Make sure you hang your clothes up right away. They’ll get wrinkled in those boxes” and trying to smooth his hair down. She didn’t like that Nate had let it get long and unruly, but Dad just chalked it up to “teenage rebellion” and told her to leave him alone. But moms will be moms, after all.

Being at a university in a major city, the family did manage to find a dining hall with some Kosher options. Nate was thankful for that as it prevented his mom from going on one of her crusades. Students at his old high school often referred to her as “Kyle’s Mom” behind his back. The debate about college in general was already fierce enough. Nate wasn’t sure if he even wanted to go. Art wasn’t a career where education would help much, and it was more important to gain life experiences, he thought. He was all set to move into a Bohemian tenement house in the city and start living life, but Dad nixed that plan. “You can flit away your future on your own time,” he had said. “But for the next four years you’re going to get the skills you need to get a real job in the real world. So that when this art thing doesn’t work out you’re not sleeping on our couch at 40.”

So Nate endured. He was good at that. Being the only Jew is his small hometown and openly gay, to boot, he had learned to deal with hardships. Small towns, small minds, as they say. He chafed under his parents’ constant micromanaging of his life, but he knew it was done out of love. So it was easier to take than swirlies in the locker room, at least. But still, he longed for the moment when they would leave and he could start discovering who he really was as a person.

When lunch was finally over, Nate escorted his family to the car. After more tearful kisses from Mom and a hardy handshake from Dad (with a wad of cash hidden in the palm), Nate finally stood alone in the parking lot, waving goodbye at his sisters making funny faces at him from the rear window as they drove away. Brimming with excitement, Nate returned to his room and sprawled out on the bed, locking his fingers behind his head and closing his eyes. “FINALLY!” he sighed.

It was still early, so Nate decided not to unpack just yet. He wanted to explore the campus a little and see the sights. Grabbing his art bag, he hopped out of bed and set out. The campus was quite aesthetically pleasing, he thought. Founded in the 1800’s, the university boasted that many of the original buildings were still in use. The juxtaposition of the old-world buildings with the modern later additions was jarring at times, but Nate found beauty in that. He thought it was an apt metaphor for the conflict between tradition and progress. He decided that he was going to do a mixed-media portfolio on that subject. Ah, the thrill of creative freedom! He just needed a place to sit where he could get a good view of the campus.

Bingo! Nate spotted a perfect spot on a hill a short distance away from the main buildings to sit and sketch. Secluded, but with a good view of some the older structures. He plopped down on the grass, took out his oversize sketchbook and his charcoal pencils, and started to draw a column from one of the administrative buildings. He was doing a pretty good job of recreating the Ionian scrollwork at the top, but he suddenly stopped when he heard a rhythmic chanting coming from somewhere nearby. Deep, very male voices coming from the field below. Looking down, Nate saw an interesting spectacle, one that made him put down his pencils in fascination.

Fifteen men were marching across the field in three straight lines, but it wasn’t a parade. Or even an ROTC exercise. The outer lines were five men apiece, walking in military precision. Each was clad in heavy black leather combat boots, camo cargo pants, and a tight red T-shirt with the letters “ΤΥΓ 2021” emblazoned on the back in gold. Their faces were fully painted up in jungle camo and they were chanting a cadence. A man dressed similarly, but in a black T-shirt, directed the procession from the lead position in the right-hand line. But it was the inner third line, sandwiched between the two outer ones, that caught Nate’s eye.

The five men in the center line were wearing beat-up sneakers and jeans, as well as simple white T-shirts. But the shirts were ratty and worn, a stark contrast to the crisp new ones worn by the outer lines. Each had the word “pledge” sloppily written across the chest in thick marker strokes, and were dotted in various stains, holes, and other scrawled writing. Mostly obscenities, epithets, and crude drawings of genitalia. Each was blindfolded with a wide black cloth tied behind their head, covering them from crown to nose. Their hands were bound behind their backs with sturdy clothesline and their torsos and upper arms were encased in an intricate webbing of rope. It crisscrossed their chests and backs in ornate diamond patters. Clearly some work and care had been used when applying them. They were also tethered together by rope leashes around their necks, connected to the man in front in a single chain. The line leader's leash was held by the man in black. Intrigued, Nate fished out the camera from his bag and snapped some pictures.

Clearly this was some kind of fraternity ritual, but Nate thought it looked more like a coffle of slaves being taken to market. He wondered if he should be here watching this. A sinking fear popped up in his head. “Is this supposed to be private? Should I leave? If I stay, what if they see me? What will they do? Would they grab me and tie me up like that for disturbing their ceremony?” Nate wasn’t necessarily opposed to that idea, but he was definitely sure his presence here would not be welcomed. Fascinated by what was going on and not want to be the cause of disturbance, Nate decided to stay, but hide. So he laid flat on his stomach and continued taking pictures.

The group reached the center of the field and took a formation. The “slaves” were untethered from each other and lined side by side facing the man in black. Their blindfolds were slid up to their foreheads, converting them into wide headbands. The others filed into a convex semicircle behind them. From there, it was a whirlwind of activity. Orders were barked and the “slaves” were made to perform a rapid-fire cadence of exercises. Squats, running, jumping jacks, knee lifts, anything they could feasibly do with their arms bound. And it was a grueling workout! Two red-shirted enforcers walked up and down the line, swatting any who fell behind the others hard in the ass with wooden paddles. As soon as the group got used to a task, it was changed, throwing them into disarray. It was brutal, but Nate saw something visceral and beautiful in that brutality. Part of him longed to be down there with them.

The man in black held special fascination for Nate. He exuded power. Authority. Nate could feel his aura even from here. This was a leader of men. One used to command. One whose hand was used to holding the whip. None would dare disobey him. The spectacle had caused Nate to come to full erection inside his skinny jeans. The man in black feigned disinterest in his charges and would occasionally look away with a kingly disregard. Once or twice, Nate could swear the man’s gaze drifted right in his direction, causing him to lay flatter against the grass. Part of it was to hide, but part of it was an unconscious act of submission to the raw will of the taskmaster. He did it almost without thinking.

The “slaves” were periodically pelted with eggs, mud, and other foul substances as they frantically exercised, then doused with freezing water from buckets. All the time crude insults and degrading slurs shouted at them by the circle of men in red shirts. They were “maggots,” “pieces of shit,” and “cumrags.” But none complained. They went through their paces with an almost eager enthusiasm. Clearly they were willing participants in this and that fascinated Nate even more. He had been subjected to bullying in high school, but never saw anyone, let alone a group, who seemed to have signed up for the treatment! And enjoying it! It made him even more curious. And aroused.

This spectacle went on for nearly 30 minutes. By the time the taskmaster blew the whistle hanging from around his neck, the five "slaves" were soaking wet, filthy, and shaking with fatigue. They could barely stand. But the taskmaster took no pity and bellowed “ON YOUR KNEES, WORMS!” As the “slaves” complied, five red-clad men stepped out of line and walked over to them, one in front of each. The “slaves” were excited. Happy, even. Expectant. As one, the five were lifted to their feet by their red-clad partners and steadied with almost fatherly hands. Then the ropes started to be removed from their bodies. Slowly and carefully. Almost lovingly. It was an oddly tender moment and a jarring contrast from the brutality that preceded it.

“As the physical bonds around your body are removed,” the taskmaster said. “They are replaced with the bonds of Brotherhood.” The men were now fully free from their rope prisons, but stood at rapt attention. Hands behind backs and feet squared, staring straight ahead at the taskmaster. Even from here, Nate could see the indentations and welts left on their skin from the restrictive roping. “Your pledgeship is over and I now induct you fully into the ranks of Tau Upsilon Gamma.”

The red-clad men reached up to their partners and, as one, tore the threadbare white shirts from their bodies, tossing the shredded rags to the ground. They handed each one a red shirt of their own, and the former “slaves” eagerly put them on. Plastic crowns, like the kind from Party City at Halloween, were placed upon their heads.

“Take now, your place among the Kings of Men!” the taskmaster said and a raucous cheer erupted from the gathered group. It was rather cheesey and derivative, Nate thought, but extremely touching in its own way. Then the ten, as one, ran to the five new inductees and grabbed them in a testosterone-fueled group bro-hug that went on for several minutes. Fifteen men forming a single beast. The five new inductees were lifted into the air amid a chorus of cheers and carried back to campus like gods. The rapturous looks on their faces beaming like supernovas. Nate could feel the powerful sense of community and connection they all shared. And he wanted it. He longed for it.

So engrossed in the unfolding spectacle before him, Nate didn’t even notice that he had unloaded his seed into his pants some time ago. More than once, from the feel of it. “Fuck!” he said, hurriedly trying to wipe the pronounced stain dry with his hands. Just then he heard movement nearby. He lost his breath, expecting to see a tribe of red-clad brutes descending on him for daring to violate the sanctity of their ritual. But instead he saw a rakish boy of his age, clad in a T-shirt and leather jacket, leaning against a tree and fondling his swollen crotch.

“Hot, wasn’t it?” the boy asked with a smirk. Mortified, Nate tried to stammer a response, but couldn’t think of anything to save face. He noticed the intruder’s eyes fixating on his stained nether regions and a pleased smile forming on his lips. Nate was aghast! But the other boy gave off no vibe of judgement or malice. There was a spark of understanding between the two that surprised Nate. He tried to speak, but was too embarrassed for any words to come out. The leather-clad interloper just smiled, clicked his tongue and shot finger-guns at Nate before saying “See ya round, Photo Boy!” and bounding off down the hill.

“Shit!” Nate thought. “He saw me taking pictures! He’s probably going to tell that group I was spying on them. And that I came while watching them! They’ll probably kick my ass!” Not wanting to be easy prey for a group of 15 brutes on a testosterone high, Nate gathered his belongings and ran back to the safety of the dorm at top speed.

Keeping his head down, Nate managed to get back to the dorm unmolested. The wet spot on his pants had adequately dried by then. If you knew what to look for you could see it, but no one would notice it otherwise. As he hurried through the parking lot, Nate noticed a beat-up pickup truck in the spot assigned to his room. Complete with gun rack and rubber scrotum hanging from the tow hitch. “Great,” he thought. “Way to subvert my expectations.” But he tried vainly to keep an open mind. “Time to bite the bullet. Yee haw.”

Metro City was far bigger than the lazy middle-class suburb he came from, but it was hardly Paris. The ride here was mostly through flat farm country. A few trees here and there, but otherwise nothing to look at. For a person like Nate, who lived on visual stimulation, it was agony. When the letter from the University arrived saying his roommate was from that farm country and named “Cody Jessup,” Nate was less than enthused. He expected a walking redneck stereotype, and the truck didn’t do anything to ease that fear. But he fought back against his prejudices. “Isn’t that exactly the kind of behavior I’m afraid of receiving from others? Way to be a hypocrite, Nate! Maybe he’ll surprise me. Maybe we’ll be friends... Maybe he’s hot.” Nate shrugged. “One can only hope.”

The door to his room was hanging open when he got there. It looks like his roommate had undone the part of the hinge that made the door close on its own. That said a lot about his openness and sociability, at least. Nate saw an unfamiliar pile of cardboard boxes on the floor and some computer parts on the left-hand desk, but no one inside. “Um, hello,” Nate said. “Anyone in here?”

“Just a sec,” came a honeyed Midwest twang from somewhere in the room. “Just hookin’ up the power cord.” A second later, a figure popped up from under the desk. To say that his roommate was attractive was an understatement. Emerging from behind the luggage was a boy only slightly taller than Nate, but fit and strong. As Nate expected, he was wearing cowboy boots and beat-up jeans that looked like he needed lubricant to squeeze into. A well-weathered blue Diesel T-shirt with the sleeves torn off was stretched across his firm chest, leaving nothing to the imagination and both his toned arms exposed to the world. His face was nothing short of adorable – boyish and earnest, but with a hint of ruggedness that made Nate weak in the knees.

“Heya!” the vision said. “You must be Nate! I’m Cody!”

Coming Soon: Chapter 2 – Cody
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Post by george_bound »

Oh I'm so excited! And yes they should just all become pirates... oh wait, the college's mascot is the Pirates, haha 8-)
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Post by george_bound »

Well it looks like Nate is really enjoying college life thus far! And he's lucky to have such a hot roomie of whom I'm certain he'll be willing to assist getting in and out of those über tight jeans whenever necessary! 👖 😍

BTW, just wondering if Cody has a brother or cousin named Diesel perchance? :P
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Post by wataru14 »

george_bound wrote: 2 years ago BTW, just wondering if Cody has a brother or cousin named Diesel perchance? :P
No relation, but he IS quite popular in the heartland (I wonder why?).
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Post by george_bound »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago
george_bound wrote: 2 years ago BTW, just wondering if Cody has a brother or cousin named Diesel perchance? :P
No relation, but his IS quite popular in the heartland (I wonder why?).
Being a Hoosier, born and raised in Indiana, I strongly concur with this assessment and thoroughly enjoyed the wide open views 8-)
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Post by Volobond »

Haha, an interesting beginning! I'm eager to see how this unfolds, and I must concur that this handsome roommate is quite intriguing! I think he'll definitely be the source of the signature dorky "hot guy half smile" that you describe so well!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Woah! You're starting this with a bang, aren't you?
This is indeed a splendid start to what promises to be an epic adventure 8-)

The vast majority of readers on here stay silent, but I'm fairly certain a lot of them will be joining in once the interactive voting process begins.

More importantly, though, Nate's introduction to Tau Upsilon Gamma was seriously well done.
It's almost as though I could see the scene he was describing unfold with my own eyes.
Your ability to describe things so clearly allows us (readers) to travel.

I especially liked Nate's description of the power he felt radiating from the black shirt-clad "leader of men" 8-)
I was also smiling when he described the ceremonious group bro-hug and that line about the fifteen guys forming a single chaotic mass.
Those descriptions make a huge difference. Don't think for one second that we don't notice them.

I'm sure Nate's studly roommate will prove a lot of fun.
And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by the leather-clad interloper who also happened to be spying on Nate, whilst Nate was spying on the Tau Upsilon Gamma frat 8-)

All in all, a hugely enjoyable read!
Anxiously awaiting more.
This promises to have a lot of followers 8-)

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Post by Jason07 »

Hmmmm. Color me intrigued. I look forward to reading more of this tale!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Love Nate, love the men he's spying on, and love the man who caught Nate spying!

Cannot wait to hear Cody's story...

And please, [mention]wataru14[/mention]...a mummified frat bro or a wrangled Cody somewhere down the line!!! :)
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Post by wataru14 »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by the leather-clad interloper who also happened to be spying on Nate, whilst Nate was spying on the Tau Upsilon Gamma frat 8-)
We'll be meeting him formally in Chapter 3.
Jason07 wrote: 2 years ago Hmmmm. Color me intrigued. I look forward to reading more of this tale!
Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy what follows!
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago And please, wataru14...a mummified frat bro or a wrangled Cody somewhere down the line!!! :)
Ask and ye shall receive. Both will definitely happen at some point. No doubt about that!
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Post by gag1195 »

A great start as others have already commented! I can't wait to learn more about Nate, Cody, the leather jacket guy, and the bondage happy crew of the frat! I have a feeling Nate is in for quite a freshman year at Metro City University!
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Post by wataru14 »

Chapter 2: Cody


Cody ran his fingers through his unruly mop of short hair and gave Nate a playful wink. He fished a red bandana out of the back pocket of his jeans and wiped the sweat off his face and hands before giving Nate a firm handshake. “Sorry ‘bout the sweat,” Cody said. “It’s hotter’n Satan’s ballsack in here.” Nate was taken aback. He had gone to school with tons of guys like this, but never had any of them been so warm and friendly to him. Usually they just called him “fag Jew boy” when they caught him looking and threw his books around. But Cody seemed different. He seemed like a decent, welcoming guy. Nate could only hope that his first impressions were correct.

“No worries,” Nate said, letting his guard drop. “You by yourself? Where’s your parents?”

“No ma,” he said, tossing the soggy bandana on his bed. “And pa had to work today so I’m moving myself in. He’ll be along this weekend. Yours?”

“They couldn’t stay,” Nate said. “Had to get back home to take care of grandma. So it looks like it’s just you and me.” He laughed awkwardly. Cody gave Nate an appraising look and Nate took the time to study his body and face. Cody was, for lack of a better word, beautiful. He could be a model. Nate actually had some ideas for a photo shoot, but he had to get to know Cody better before brooking that particular subject.

“I’m gonna visit the head for a sec,” Cody said. “When I get back, can you give me a hand with hooking up the computer?”

“Sure,” Nate said, cheerily. Cody patted him on the back warmly and disappeared into the bathroom. Nate was a little shocked that Cody was comfortable enough with him to reach out and touch him like that so soon after meeting him. But he wasn’t about to complain in the slightest! Well, this wasn’t at all what he was expecting! He was pleasantly surprised and began walking over to his own bed to unpack. But he stopped midway. Glancing over at Cody’s bed, he saw the discarded sweatrag lying in a crumpled ball on the bedspread. He got flushed for a second and then, almost like his hands were moving of their own accord, he picked it up. It was well-worn from use and the corners were pinched, showing signs of frequent knots. Probably from being wrapped around Cody’s head on long, hard work days, he thought. It was sopping wet.

Nate shot a quick look at the bathroom and guiltily held it up to his nose. SNNNIFFFFFFF! At first the acrid sweat smell hit him like a punch to the face. Almost a hint of ammonia. This thing had probably not been washed in weeks. But beyond that there was more. A hearty, musky smell. A man’s smell. Hay and wood smoke. Smells probably seeped into the fabric from long days on the ranch and long nights around the campfire. Nate’s pulse raced as he took another long sniff. His mind wandered and he conjured mental images of a blanket and fire ring laid out under a lone tree in the field at night. Two sleeping bags unrolled. Two pairs of boots carelessly scattered around. Two forms locked in an embrace, covered in dancing shadows cast by the fire. He felt a profound growth in his pants as he took a third long sniff, letting Cody’s heavy musk fill his nose and lungs.

The flushing of the toilet and the splashing of water from the sink roused Nate from his stupor and he quickly tossed the crumpled bandana back onto Cody’s bed before sliding up to one of his own boxes a split second before the bathroom door opened. Cody had removed his shirt and was drying his hands with it. “Forgot to unpack the towels” he said with a sheepish grin. “But it IS hot as all get-out. You mind if I leave this off?” Cody said, indicating the soggy shirt in his hands.

“Nah, it’s fine,” Nate said. It was more than fine, but he didn’t dare say so. Cody’s physique, sculpted from rough work in the Midwest sun, deserved to be shown off a little.

For the next hour or so the two boys helped each other set up their computers and unpack. They chatted like they had known each other for years. Nate wasn’t the most sociable of people, but Cody had a way of bringing out the best in everyone, it seemed, and he felt uncharacteristically comfortable around him. The University did an amazing job of pairing them. Almost too amazing, Nate thought.

Once the majority of the unpacking was done and the middle of the room was cleared, both boys started to take out their personal keepsakes and decorative items. Nate pressed some thumbtacks into the wall and hung up some of his proudest works. Some paintings, some photos that had been blown up into posters. Things that he was pleased with showing. He was hypercritical of his own work, but these few samples had managed to pass his rigid personal testing. Lastly, he took his camera and laid in on top of his dresser.

Cody looked back over his shoulder from the dresser where he was setting up trophies. Rodeo trophies, Nate guessed from the golden men on horseback crowning the tops. A framed display case with a golden belt buckle, emblazoned with “2020 Junior Champion,” was proudly displayed on Cody’s wall.

“Whoo-ee!” Cody gasped, indicating the artwork. “Did you do those?”

“Yeah,” Nate said sheepishly, his face turning beet red.

“They’re awesome!” Cody beamed. “Like could be in a museum awesome.” Nate squirmed awkwardly from the praise, but was secretly over the moon. Cody then saw Nate’s expensive and professional-grade camera. “Wow, that yours, too?”

Nate picked it up and showed it off. “Yeah, worked my ass off for it last summer. Art is kinda what I do, so I consider it an investment in the future.”

Cody whistled in awe. “Never seen nothing that nice before,” he said. “Say, I never had my picture took with a sweet camera like that. Can you take one of me?”

Nate’s heart skipped a beat. “Sure!” he said, a little too fast for comfort. Trying desperately to recover, he scanned the trophies and said, “It looks like you do rodeo. How about a rodeo-theme portrait?”

Cody smiled and shut the dorm room door, then ran to his closet. He grabbed a cowboy hat from the shelf and plopped it on his head at a jaunty angle, tipping the brim slightly low. Then Nate’s jaw dropped as he pulled a 20’ bale of thick heavy-duty rope from a carboard box in the closet.

Cody wrapped the rope into a series of loose circles and held it in his hand at waist level. A lasso loop was already tied at the end. Nate gulped as he positioned Cody in front of the tophies. He carefully posed Cody against the dresser, telling him to hook the thumb of his free hand into his belt loop and raise the opposite foot to rest against the dresser behind him as he leaned on it. No one suggested Cody put on a shirt.

“Like this?” Cody asked, striking the cowboy archetype pose perfectly.

“Exactly like that,” Nate said as he started snapping photos. They two chatted so Nate could get some more candid conversational shots as well. Told each other jokes to get smiling and laughing shots. He captured the very essence of Cody in those photos. Every piece of Cody’s pure-of-heart cornfed soul bared to the world on film. His warm smiles. His inviting face and personality. His rock-hard body. Nate snapped a few of Cody’s well-defined chest and arms for his own perusal later, as well as some of his garish belt buckle… and the ample denim-covered bulge beneath.

When they were finished, Nate put the camera away and turned to Cody. “So what’s rodeo like?” he asked. “It sounds like a lot of fun.”

Now Cody was simple and upfront, but he wasn’t dumb. He knew what Nate had been doing with that camera. And he was flattered, allured even. So he decided to press his luck. “Let me show you,” he said with a smile that made Nate get stomach flutters.

Before Nate could react, Cody twirled the rope over his head and launched the lasso into the air. It seemed to hover in slow motion as it sailed over Nate’s head and came to rest around his upper arms. With a cowboy yip, Cody pulled the rope towards him, causing it to cinch tightly closed around Nate’s arms, pinning them to his sides. “Gotcha now, doggie!” Cody laughed as he pulled the lasso even tighter. Giggling with giddy excitement, Nate felt himself being pulled down to the floor.


Elsewhere on campus, in a cluttered faculty office, a complex machine sprung to life. Dials and displays lit up frantically. The lone occupant of the room slid his office chair over and carefully inspected the readout. “Interesting…” he said, loosening his tie and rubbing his perpetually stubbled chin. With a knowing grin, he slid back over to his computer and fired off an email. “Brett@Tug.Metrocity.edu. Two possible pledges. Strong candidates. Records attached. Sending prospect offers as we speak.”


Both Cody and Nate were laughing like schoolgirls as the studly country boy descended on his half-restrained roomie. With lightning speed, he pulled Nate’s hands behind his back. The rope looped around and around like a Midwest tornado, pulling Nate’s hands together into a snug bundle, palms facing away from each other. Still laughing, Cody pulled Nate’s Shox-clad feet up, bent them back, and similarly lassoed them with the extreme end of the rope, securing Nate into a comfy but thorough hogtie. All of Nate’s restraints, from the loop around his chest to the bonds around his ankles, were part of the same 20’ rope. He could probably wriggle free with some effort if he wanted, but why in hell would he want to do that???

“Not quite done, though” Cody said with an impish smirk. Nate craned his neck back to see Cody hop over to his bed and grab the sweat-soaked bandana.

“Hey, man,” Nate said, his protests fooling no one. “No need for that!”

“Calves can’t talk!” Cody joked as he rolled the bandana in the air into a long strip. “Time to shut you up and get you branded!” As Nate continued to jokingly plead for his freedom, Cody descended on him and stuffed the rolled-up bandana in his mouth before tying it off behind his head. The gag was more symbolic than functional, but that wasn’t the point. Nate explored it with his tongue, taking in Cody’s salty sweat taste as his hunky roomie made a “hsssssss” sound and pinched Nate’s right buttcheek, imitating a cattle branding. Cody planted his booted foot in triumph on the small of Nate’s back and raised his arms in victory. You could almost hear the cheering crowd if you listened hard enough. Nate was glad he was pressed face-down so Cody couldn’t see how excited this was making him. From the tightness forming in the basket of Cody’s already tight jeans, Nate could tell he wasn’t alone in this feeling.

“Not my best time,” Cody said, panting slightly from the frenetic activity. “But it’ll do. I’m state calf-roping champ three years running, buddy boy.” Nate grunted and squirmed playfully for a minute and then Cody stepped in front of him and folded his arms across his bare chest, his booted feet inches from Nate’s face. Nate wanted to spit the gag out and lick those boots. More than anything else in the world right now. But it wasn’t time for that yet. This was just guy play. He didn’t want to show all his cards so quickly.

With a hearty laugh, Cody released Nate from his ropes and gag, although part of Nate wished for him not to. To leave him like that forever. When he was finally free and Cody put the rope and cowboy hat back in the closet, Nate said, “You hungry? I am. Let’s go to the student union and grab some dinner.”

Cody agreed and grabbed his discarded shirt from the bed. But before the two new friends could leave the room, two large envelopes were slid in under the door from outside. Nate and Cody’s names were written on them in exquisite calligraphy, one on each. The envelopes were exceptionally high-quality and embossed with the golden letters “ΤΥΓ.”

Nate nervously opened his letter.

“Nathan Ben David,” it read. “You are hereby invited to become a prospect for the Fall Pledge Class of Tau Upsilon Gamma. Based on your interests, we feel you would be a good match for our Brotherhood and request the honor of your presence at a mixer social at the TUG house Friday night at 7 pm. The Brothers of TUG wish to meet you and decide if you are the kind of man we are looking for.”

A fraternity was interested in him? But why? He didn’t think he was the type. He could see an invite for Cody, easily, but not him. Should he go? It would certainly make Dad happy. But he had never heard of Tau Upsilon Gamma. It certainly wasn’t his dad’s old business frat. Well, at any rate, he had a few days to decide. There were other instructions written below, but Nate decided to read them later. Cody however, was on Cloud Nine.

“All right!” he said. “Getting a fraternity bid on day one! That’s what I’m talking about! Well, it’s not really a BID. That comes later. But this is the first step.” It seems Cody knew a little about this process. “You going?”

“I dunno,” Nate said. “Never saw myself as the type. But I’ll think it over.”

“Good,” Cody said. He put his arm around Nate’s shoulder and then pulled him down into a playful headlock. “But you should go for it. I think you’ll really like it.” Cody sounded like he knew something that he was holding back but he had plenty of time to investigate that mystery. Nate laughed and squirmed before pulling himself free.

“Sounds like if I say no you’ll just tie me up and drag me along anyway,” he joked.

“Haha,” Cody laughed. “Now that would be a sight to see! Maybe I will. But come on, buddy, let’s get some grub.”

Coming Soon: Chapter 3 - Leo
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I was a closeted guy in college and subject to a lot of anti-gay talk. Didn't come out until afterwards. It's so wonderful to read a story where the closeted gay guy's roommate is a kind, caring, open-minded (and study) guy like Cody.

Thank you, [mention]wataru14[/mention]
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Post by gag1195 »

Is it too early to say that I love Cody? He is already just so sweet! I sort of do hope that Cody does have to drag a roped up Nate to the mixer. It would certainly score them some points with the frat! cannot wait for the next chapter! I wonder who Leo is... is he the leather jacket guy? one of those frat bros Nate saw earlier? the mysterious faculty member? As usual, your amazing story has me so full of questions!
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Post by Volobond »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago Is it too early to say that I love Cody? He is already just so sweet! I sort of do hope that Cody does have to drag a roped up Nate to the mixer. It would certainly score them some points with the frat! cannot wait for the next chapter! I wonder who Leo is... is he the leather jacket guy? one of those frat bros Nate saw earlier? the mysterious faculty member? As usual, your amazing story has me so full of questions!
Haha, get in line! Although personally I hope it's Cody who ends up roped up at the mixer ;)

And very interested to see where the story goes!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by gag1195 »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago Is it too early to say that I love Cody? He is already just so sweet! I sort of do hope that Cody does have to drag a roped up Nate to the mixer. It would certainly score them some points with the frat! cannot wait for the next chapter! I wonder who Leo is... is he the leather jacket guy? one of those frat bros Nate saw earlier? the mysterious faculty member? As usual, your amazing story has me so full of questions!
Haha, get in line! Although personally I hope it's Cody who ends up roped up at the mixer ;)

And very interested to see where the story goes!
That's fine. I guess you can have Cody. I'll just take the cute leather jacket guy (Leo?) wrapped up instead!
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago I was a closeted guy in college and subject to a lot of anti-gay talk. Didn't come out until afterwards. It's so wonderful to read a story where the closeted gay guy's roommate is a kind, caring, open-minded (and study) guy like Cody.
Same here, buddy. I feel you on this one. I went to college in South Carolina (even though I'm from NY) and wished I had a roommate like Cody. Glad he's becoming a favorite already. Even though we haven't even fully met the other three Freshmen yet!
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago Is it too early to say that I love Cody? He is already just so sweet! I sort of do hope that Cody does have to drag a roped up Nate to the mixer. It would certainly score them some points with the frat! cannot wait for the next chapter! I wonder who Leo is... is he the leather jacket guy? one of those frat bros Nate saw earlier? the mysterious faculty member? As usual, your amazing story has me so full of questions!
It's never too early. He's one of my favorites to write, too. He will have an interesting scene in the next chapter that may surprise you, though. In a good way, of course! The first chapter of the mixer will be in his POV. I would have done this one as him, but I couldn't very well do the bandana-sniffing scene with him present, could I? :lol:
Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Haha, get in line! Although personally I hope it's Cody who ends up roped up at the mixer ;)
Just ONE getting roped at the mixer? Way to think small! :P
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago That's fine. I guess you can have Cody. I'll just take the cute leather jacket guy (Leo?) wrapped up instead!
You'll be seeing a lot of him in Chapter 3.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It seems I've missed the first chapter but better late than never.

I love the interactivity idea but even without that, the plot and characters are extremely solid. Your writing really does justice to them, setting the tone of the scenes perfectly and this allowed me to connect with them easily. I already feel like I'm following this story for quite some time. :D

Cody is such a dreamboat but I have it to give it to Nathan, too. It's not easy to open up to someone you don't know, especially with a background like his. They are both cute and I hope the person behind the invitations don't have anything (too) malicious for them in store.

Looking forward to reading more of this. Superb work!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by bondagefreak »

I think Cody is a hit! As is this story!

Brilliant continuation [mention]wataru14[/mention]
I am thoroughly enjoying myself and can't help but smile and chuckle at all these immersive descriptions.

It seems like Cody and Nate are a match made in heaven.
That rodeo-style roping and the ensuing sweaty bandana gag was pretty damn arousing.
It takes a pretty ballsy guy to snatch his own sweat rag up and use it as a speech impeder on someone.
I wholeheartedly approve of our state champion calf roper 8-)

I also need to point out how brilliant I thought this particular paragraph was.
The last few lines especially were so eloquently worded.
I could see Nate's mental conjurations as clearly as the computer screen I'm currently staring at.
Nate shot a quick look at the bathroom and guiltily held it up to his nose. SNNNIFFFFFFF! At first the acrid sweat smell hit him like a punch to the face. Almost a hint of ammonia. This thing had probably not been washed in weeks. But beyond that there was more. A hearty, musky smell. A man’s smell. Hay and wood smoke. Smells probably seeped into the fabric from long days on the ranch and long nights around the campfire. Nate’s pulse raced as he took another long sniff. His mind wandered and he conjured mental images of a blanket and fire ring laid out under a lone tree in the field at night. Two sleeping bags unrolled. Two pairs of boots carelessly scattered around. Two forms locked in an embrace, covered in dancing shadows cast by the fire. He felt a profound growth in his pants as he took a third long sniff, letting Cody’s heavy musk fill his nose and lungs.

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] Had I not seen you in the comments, I would've definitely tagged you on this one.

Can't wait for Leo's introduction chapter!
Well done, my friend!

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Post by wataru14 »

Chapter 3: Leo


Some people just have no sense of humor.

Leo tore into the dining hall, hoping to lose the pursuing boys of Delta Iota Xi in the teeming mass of Orientation Week diners. The place was packed, so his odds looked pretty good. He weaved this way and that through the throng of people carrying trays and managed to snag a muffin from some random sap before he ducked away. Score! The wall of angry beef on his tail stopped dead in the doorway and scanned the room. But they lost him. “Haha! Stupid fucks! I win again!” Leo gloated as he melted deeper into the crowd.

“Time to sit down and enjoy my plunder,” he thought, tossing the muffin into the air and catching it behind his back in an effortless fluid motion. But seats were slim pickings. Most tables had kids with their families, or were full to capacity. He bobbed in and out of the rows of tables until he spied an empty chair a few feet down. It was a small table with two guys about his age eating dinner and talking. Wait a minute. Was that PHOTO BOY? It was! Holy shit! No way Leo was going to pass up this opportunity!

Leo sauntered up to the table, grabbed the available chair, twirled it around backwards, and sat without being invited. “Afternoon, gents,” he said, taking a bite of his stolen muffin. Photo Boy’s friend just smiled and said “Howdy! Lookin’ for a place to sit?” But Photo Boy’s face was as red as the sauce on the manicotti he was eating.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Leo said, biting down on the muffin so he could shake the young cowboy’s hand with both of his own. “Name’s Leomund Mordenkainen Bucknard. Named for not one, but TWO famous wizards!” The cowboy seemed dumbfounded, but Photo Boy grinned slightly, the embarrassment slowly draining from his face.

“Nice to meet you Leomund,” he said with a chuckle. “My name’s Otiluke and this is my roommate Bigby.”

Cody furrowed his brow in confusion. “Actually, I’m Cody and this is Nate. Don’t know where those gosh-darn names came from, haha!”

“I see you’re not a fan of the finer gaming pursuits,” Leo said. “Not like our cultured and sophisticated friend here.” Leo was impressed that Nate got the reference. “We’ll have to converse about that more formally later. But I actually wasn’t joking. That IS my name and that IS where it came from.” He facetiously flashed a gang hand signal. “Nerd life, amirite?”

The tension now completely broken, Nate let out a laugh. “These two are pretty cute,” Leo thought. “Couple? No. Not a couple. Lucky me.” Leo turned to Nate. Time to fuck around and find out, as they say. “I’m sorry about my abrupt departure when we met earlier. But I had important things to get to. I must say you got some pretty good shots out there. When you’ve got some time, I’d love to see them.” Nate nearly choked on his manicotti.

“Shots of what?” Cody asked.

“Oh, just some of the old buildings around the South Lawn,” Leo said before Nate could think up a lie, grinning slightly at Nate’s panicked face. “Nothing all that interesting. But I’d still like to see them sometime.”

The three chatted for a while. Nate couldn’t believe his luck. He always had a hard time making friends before and now, not six hours after arriving at school, he had two! Well, one and a half. He didn’t quite know what to make of Leo yet. On the one hand, he did come dangerously close to humiliating him in front of his roommate, but on the other hand, he didn’t go in for the kill when he had the chance. But he seemed to be an OK guy at first glance.

Cody was his usual affable self. Making friends must be super easy for someone like him, Nate thought. But Leo couldn’t help notice that Cody seemed particularly interested in his leather jacket. Leo kept noticing him take furtive glances at it during dips in the conversation, so he decided to stir the pot. He’d accentuate his words with arm gestures that would make the leather creak and groan just so. He’d smooth the lapels or adjust the way it was hanging at just the right moment. And all the time measuring Cody’s reaction. He was playing the cowboy like Charlie Daniels’ fiddle.

“That’s a pretty sweet jacket,” Cody said eventually, taking the bait. Leo had steered the conversation to clothing a little while ago, hoping for just this moment.

“Yeah? You like it?” he said innocently. “Bought it secondhand but it’s top quality. I wear it everywhere.”

“I think it’s super cool,” Cody said. “I kinda want to get one of my own. Got the vest and chaps already.”

Leo was taken aback. Now THAT wasn’t what he expected to hear! Wait? Oh yeah! Now he recognized who he was talking to. Cody had been some kind of junior rodeo superstar before he aged out of the circuit this year. Saw his pictures in the local paper. He was talking about “work clothes.” Pity. But still, Leo just couldn’t let that rest…

“I think you should,” Leo said. “You’d look pretty badass in a jacket like this. In fact, why don’t we see for ourselves? Wanna try it on?”

Cody’s face lit up. “Could I?” he asked, adorably sheepishly. Leo just wanted to pinch his cheeks. Both the northern AND southern sets, actually.

“Sure,” Leo said. “We’re friends, aren’t we?” He stood up and slid out of his jacket before handing it over to Cody. His face beaming, Cody stood up and slipped it on. It felt amazing! It was a bit too small for him, sized for Leo's taller and more slender frame, but he didn’t care. He loved the snug tightness of it around his body and the rigid firmness of the material. He loved the gentle creaking whenever he moved his arms. He loved the aged, rugged smell that wafted off the slightly distressed black cowhide. Cody zipped it closed, ignoring the tightness, and buckled the waist belt. “How do you feel?” Leo hummed.

“Like I wanna get a Harley!” Cody said, scrunching his face in a mock-badass grimace and flexing his wrists like he was controlling the throttle on a motorcycle. “Yeah,” Cody said rubbing his hand over the slick leather coating his arm, “I gotta get me one of these.”

Just then the conversation was halted by the sudden appearance of three members of Delta Iota Xi in the next row of tables. “There he is!” one shouted and they started to move en masse in Leo’s direction.

“Well,” Leo said. “It looks like you’re in luck! You get to hold onto that for me a little longer as I need to make a speedy and immediate exit. I’ll collect it sometime later. Bye boys!” And with that, he was gone, melted into the crowd as if he was never there. Nate and Cody looked around in disbelief as the three hulking football jocks ran past their table, shoving people out of the way as they barreled towards the open exit door leading to the back porch.

Leo hopped over the bike rack and raced like his life depended on it. Because it kinda did. His pursuers were hot on his tail, but he was much more nimble. Barring any catastrophe he’d outpace them soon. Big lugs were built for smashing, not sprinting. With a cocky smile he gave a look back over his shoulder and slammed headfirst into a veritable wall of muscle.

“What the?” he gasped as he tumbled backwards onto his ass. Looking up, he saw the very large and very angry face of one of the Brothers of Delta Iota Xi staring down at him. “Hey,” Leo said, “Let’s not do anything hasty here. We can talk this out.”

But the Great Wall in front of him was in no mood for conversation. Leo scooted backwards and bumped right up against the legs of his three burly pursuers. “Well shit,” he muttered.

The four wasted no time in reaching down and grabbing Leo by the collar of his T-shirt. He was ripped off the ground and planted face-first into the back wall of the dining hall, his cheeks smooshing against the bricks. Two pairs of hands that felt like they could rip phone books in half held him tight by the upper arms. No amount of frantic wriggling would break THESE grips. As Mountain 1 and Mountain 2 pinned him fast against the wall, Mountain 3 roughly wrenched his hands behind his back and held them there. He heard the sticky squelch of athletic tape being pulled off the roll and felt it being slapped around his wrists. And around his wrists. And around his wrists. “Damn!” Leo thought. “Overkill much? Guess they REALLY don’t want me getting away.”

“Come on guys,” Leo protested, squirming vainly against the tape that imprisoned his wrists behind his back. “Why all the hostility? It was just a water balloon!”

“A water balloon filled with cat piss!” Mountain 4 said. He still carried the strident odor of feline urine on him. Leo couldn’t help himself but to smile.

“I thought you’d appreciate the effort and creativity,” he said, trying to buy time in the hopes that a faculty member would appear and save him. But today wasn’t as lucky a day as he had previously thought.

“You talk too much,” Mountain 4 said and clamped the athletic tape over Leo’s smartass mouth. He wrapped it around five or six times before tearing it off fully from the roll and flattening the edges. Now the much smaller Freshman started to squirm in earnest. This was getting very bad very fast. These mugs wouldn’t hurt him physically, but they would still make him pay for the prank he pulled. Of that he was certain.

After getting a signal from Mountain 4, his two burly captors hoisted him up like a ragdoll. Leo frantically kicked his legs in a mad attempt to break free, but Mountain 3 scooped them up and held them tight as Mountain 4 secured them in tape as well. Now Leo was really fucked! They had him right where they wanted him. And boy, were they mad! Mountain 1 tossed Leo over his shoulder and the group started off through the crowd with their prisoner. Mountain 4 turned to address the gathered throng of onlookers and shouted “No one fucks with Delta house!”

Leo didn’t struggle much as he was carried away towards Founder’s Statue. There wasn’t any point and he wanted to conserve his energy for what was to come. In case an opportunity for escape suddenly presented itself. The statue was 10’ tall atop a 10’ pedestal and right smack in the center of campus. It depicted some dead guy from like a thousand years ago who killed a bunch of natives so the university could be built or something. The four slabs of meat holding him hostage carried him over to the statue and deposited him roughly on the ground in front of it, forcing him to stand with his back against the pedestal.

Mountain 1 reached down and tore Leo’s T-shirt apart like tissue paper and tossed the shredded rags aside. Two and Three then propped him up against the pedestal while Four started unrolling more athletic tape. Leo thrashed like mad as his upper body was entombed in the tape and then secured to the pedestal with what felt like miles and miles of the sticky stuff. “Rutherford Kleinstock,” Leo thought, remembering the name of the statue’s subject. He remembered this because he was being tightly taped right on top of the commemoration plaque and the raised letters were digging into his bare back.

When the tape ran out, the four galoots stood in a line to gloat. All in all, it wasn’t as bad as he was expecting. They’d get bored and leave soon and some good soul would free him. They’d all have a nice laugh and he’d go home. Yadda yadda. But Leo’s eyes widened when he saw the four start to unzip their pants.

“So you think piss is funny?” Mountain 4 said. “Let’s see how you like it now!”

Now Leo was no stranger to the sight of another man’s cock, but even he was impressed with the length and girth of the array now on display in front of him. In another setting, he would be quite tickled pink with this arrangement, but the thought of being used like a urinal cake in public made his stomach turn. And here he always thought that ‘roids caused shrinkage. Live and learn, he guessed. As his grinning tormentors advanced towards him, holding their cocks at aim, Leo closed his eyes and braced for the worst.

“What the hell is going on here?!?!?”

Leo opened his eyes with a shock. He knew that voice! It was the science professor who busted him for trying to graffiti the wall of the gym this morning! Confiscated some very expensive paint! Great. Of all people, it had to be him. His four captors seemed nonplussed. They didn’t even stow their cocks as he approached.

“Beat it, prof,” Mountain 4 said. “This doesn’t concern you. Little rat has this coming.”

“I’m sure he does,” the professor replied. “But I don’t give a shit. Put those things away and back off.”

Mountain 4 got right up in the professor’s face. Could he do that to a teacher? “I guess the football team can do anything they want,” Leo thought, watching his would-be rescuer with great interest. While his abductor’s attention was diverted, he tried to squirm out of the tape, but didn’t make any headway. These boys had trouble with 2+2 but they sure knew their stuff when it came to tape!

The professor didn’t even bat an eye. “You know that exposing yourselves in public like that can get you on the sex offender registry real quick, don’t you?” he threatened. “And the NCAA doesn’t take kindly to things like that. Your careers will be over before they even start.” The four jocks looked at each other grimly and tucked their dicks back into their jeans.

“All four of you are in my Geology 102 class, correct?” the professor said, but continued before anyone could respond. “I know ‘Rocks for Jocks’ isn’t taken too seriously in academic circles and that none of you ever went to my 101 class anyway, but my little arrangement with your coach is already on thin ice as it is. Something like this might just cause me to call our deal off and give you all the grades you deserve this semester. And by my estimation your marks would be hovering somewhere around the Cambrian Strata. I decide to grade you fairly and you’ll be on academic suspension so fast Spacetime will dilate around you.”

The reference went clear over their heads, but the intent was clear. The four lumbering oafs began to slink away with their tails between their legs, but not before turning to Leo and giving a quick “You fuck with us again and we’ll break your legs.” And then they were gone.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief as the professor dispersed the gathered looky-loos and leaned in to unwind the tape from around his mouth. “You OK?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Leo said, licking his lips to get the moisture flowing. “Almost got into a tight spot there. Thanks for saving my ass, by the way.”

“Yes, well, you do kind of deserve it,” the professor said. “The first rule of pranking is ‘don’t get caught.’ And you got caught twice in one day. Sloppy work, my man. Why when I was your age… you know what? Never mind about when I was your age.” Leo smiled, but noticed the professor didn’t remove any of the other tape from his body.

“Are, um, you going to untape me?” Leo asked. “I’d appreciate it.”

“I’m sure you would,” the professor said. “But no. You’re going to free yourself as punishment for your ineptitude. Spry little thing like you should be out in two shakes.” Leo grimaced, but didn’t argue. “But our meeting wasn’t completely by chance. I’ve actually been looking for you, believe it or not. I wanted to give you this.”

The professor placed a white envelope with gold embossed letters on the ground beside Leo’s taped feet. “When you get free, read that over. I think its contents will interest you.”

Leo looked down at the “ΤΥΓ” letters emblazoned above his name on the envelope as a knowing smile formed on his lips. But when he looked up again, the professor was gone.

Coming Soon: Chapter 4 – Ray & Mason
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Post by Volobond »

Well, I just feel bad that Tenser and Elminster didn't make the cut! And interested in this devil comin' up from Georgia. I want to learn more about this professor, and yum yum yum Cody in the too-tight leather jacket!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by gag1195 »

Yes, I did speak too soon. Because Leo is definitely my favorite. Sorry Cody. I just can't help it. a cutie in a leather jacket that knows his D&D lore? Yes please!

Also, I really wish I had gone to this college! I'm very jealous of Nate and co.

Looking forward to meeting these new characters, and waiting on the edge of my seat for the mixer!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Love Leo's style and his quick wit!

The Professor is an interesting character. He saves the day for Leo, but he's not an entirely good man. He's not above fixing grades in order to keep the football players on the team. And since we now know that he is affiliated with TYΓ...does the Coach keep him supplied with a steady stream of men on whom TYΓ can practice their skills in return?

And Cody has the makings of a Leather Daddy? Or is he more intrigued by Leo's assertiveness?

I'm sure, [mention]wataru14[/mention], you're having fun writing this! :D
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