kyle : 01 - My friend Josh tied up (f/m)

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kyle : 01 - My friend Josh tied up (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

kyle's stories
01 - My friend Josh tied up
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By kyle

Sunday, December 23rd 2001 - 04:03:26 PM

My friend Josh tied up

Hi, Kyle here. This is my first post to this forum and I am writing cause something rather unexpected and interesting happened last weekend.

I am 16 and so's my friend Josh. Josh has recently started seeing this girl, Hannah who is a very pretty 15 year old who recently transferred to our school.

Anyway, last Sunday, Josh asked me to tag along with him and help him pick out a Christmas gift for Hannah. So I went up to his place around 3:00pm Sunday afternoon and knocked at his door but no one answered immediately.

His parents had been out that day to meet their friends from out of town so no one was to be at home except Josh. I knocked once more and this time Hannah opened the door to my surprise. She asked me to come in and when I asked about Josh she said that he had been annoying her all morning because she dragged him to Church and so she had finally taught him a lesson and shut him up. I wasn't sure what she meant until we went to Josh's room and I was literally shocked by what I saw.

Josh was sitting in his chair wearing his Sunday clothes: white shirt, a black tie loosely hanging from his unbuttoned shirt collar and grey trousers. His wrists had been tightly tied behind his back in the form of the letter "X" with what appeared to be one of his blue neckties and his tied hands had been further tied to the middle bar of the chair with a red bandanna. He was still wearing his shoes and socks though each of his ankles had been tied to each of the front legs of the chair with pieces of rope. Josh's mouth was tightly gagged with silver duct-tape and a red bandanna had been used to blindfold him.

For a few seconds, I wasn't sure how to react. Josh was struggling to get free and trying hard to shout through the duct-tape but all we could hear were muffled sounds.

I asked how she had managed to tie him up and Hannah said that she simply challenged him that he would not be able to escape if she tied him up and he had fallen for it. She said that Josh did not know that she had had a lot of practice tying up her two younger brothers. Who would know such a thing?

I was beginning to feel sorry for Josh though I was also kinda enjoying the moment and trying my best to hide my excitement as best I could.

I had always been interested in tie up games and had played tie up games with my younger cousin sister though it had been a long time ago. I never expected to experience a tie up moment with Josh and Hannah and that was totally unexpected.

I asked Hannah how long she planned to keep Josh tied up cause we were supposed to go to the mall that evening. She told me that she wasn't going to let him go for another hour or so.

She wanted to go back to her place for a bit and told me to watch Josh and not to untie him while she was gone. I was allowed to remove his duct-tape so that Josh and I could talk.

So I undid his tape and Josh immediately said, "Don't listen to her Kyle..just untie me please." Hannah looked at me with a stare that said "Don't" and I sat on the bed facing him. I told him, "Sorry dude, this is between the two of you". Josh resigned to his fate and Hannah, replied "Good" and left for her parents place to complete her errands.

When Hannah left, it felt really weird talking to Josh since he was still blindfolded and tied to the chair. When I looked behind him, I realized that Hannah had indeed done a great job tying him up. Through all of his struggles, the necktie holding his wrists together was still intact and was as tightly tied as ever.

After a while, the weirdness subsided and we talked casually about general things and whether Josh had thought of Hannah's Christmas Gift. In between our conversation, Josh asked me to remove his blindfold, but I reminded him of Hannah's strong request and he complied.

Finally about an hour later, Hannah returned and was pleased to see that I had not interfered.

She then allowed me to untie Josh. It took a few minutes but Josh was free at last. He didn't seem angry with Hannah and said that he would talk with her about it later as we didn't have much time before the malls closed. We dropped Hannah at her parents place and drove to the mall.

With Hannah's apparent love for bondage, I hope that there will be more opportunities for me to see Josh and Hannah play tie up games.


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