Kidnapped and Transported without being noticed - Request by SashaMoh (M/F)

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Kidnapped and Transported without being noticed - Request by SashaMoh (M/F)

Post by johopp »

Part 1:

You've made yourself comfortable under the covers, taken off your socks and are just feeling for the light switch when the doorbell rings. Who could it be this late? Tired, you turn over in bed when the doorbell rings again.

Annoyed, you get up and shuffle to the door in your nightgown and barefoot. Your overtired eyes can only make out two police officers in the shadows. I briefly introduce myself and my colleague, police officer Sarah Meyer, and then ask if we're dealing with Ms. Moh. Since you only manage a tired yawn instead of an answer, you settle for a nod.

"Ms. Moh, we have an arrest warrant for you. Stand with your hands against the wall! Legs slightly apart!" Your brain is too overtired to question the sense of this order - how are you supposed to hide something in your nightgown! Anyway, you let Officer Meyer search you for weapons and are about to go back to bed - when you notice something metal closing around your wrists! You try to move your hands apart, but the handcuffs hold them behind your back.

Finally you're awake! "Hey, what's going on? I haven't done anything illegal! Let me go!" you say as you try again to free your hands from the handcuffs - the only success of this action is painful red welts on your wrists.

While Officer Meyer makes sure that you don't run away - how could you, with your hands tied behind your back and barefoot? - I open a drawer and take out an envelope. "We have the counterfeit money! That's enough to break up the counterfeiting gang - and to put you, Ms. Moh, behind bars for years as the leader of this gang! Come on! Let's take the perpetrator to the patrol car and secure the money!"

As we lead you out into the hallway in handcuffs, the other apartment doors gradually open. The other neighbors look curiously to see what's going on. When they see you in handcuffs, very few are surprised - apparently your neighborhood believes that a young woman who has only recently moved here is capable of the worst crimes! You lower your red face and try to avoid eye contact as we walk through the hallways and stairs.

It's only when you're in the back seat of the car that you suddenly start asking yourself questions. The first question, whether we can take the handcuffs off you, has already been answered negatively. You sigh and try to make yourself as comfortable as possible despite your hands being chained behind your back!

But the further we drive, the more questions you ask yourself: How on earth did you get hold of counterfeit money? Why are you the leader of a gang you don't even know? How did the police know that? Why didn't we read you your rights? Why weren't you allowed to change your clothes? Why are the neighbors so mean to you? Why didn't we take the handcuffs off before we put you in the patrol car? And isn't the police station actually in the other direction?

Your heart skips a beat. There's no way they're real cops!

Comment SashaMo:
"Oh my! I am in quite a pickle! Id definitely start demanding answers from the back of the car! You definitely set the stage for something. Now my curiosity is peaked on what happens next!"

Part 2

You're fidgeting like crazy in the back seat - but since your hands are still handcuffed behind your back, you have no chance of getting your fingers to the seat belt release button - and therefore no chance of getting to the car door!

I've lowered the sun visors on the windows, so no one can see you from outside! Then I get out of the car, lock the door from the outside (just to be safe) and leisurely eat my sandwich.

You look around the car - and have to squint! Is the handcuff key really in the crack? Should I really be so careless? It doesn't matter - it's now or never! Strapped in and tied up as you are, it's not easy to get to the key. But you manage it. Relieved, you hold the key in your hand and feel for the keyhole with it. But you can't find one!

Standing outside the car, I have to grin inwardly and be careful not to choke! Because unlike you, I know that all your attempts to free myself are in vain - because the keyholes of the handcuffs are on the side facing away from your fingers! The whole operation is only intended to lull you into a false sense of security - if you think I'm a beginner, you'll be easier for me to handle! And secondly, you should completely exhaust yourself in your futile attempts to free yourself! That will also make the whole thing easier for me!

The plan works: When I open the door, your sweaty strands of hair stick to your well-circulated face, your heart races, your hoodie smells unpleasantly of sweat, your breathing is fast and shallow and your wrists have painful red welts from the handcuffs that are still rock-solid. When you see me, your heart skips a beat in shock!

But I pretend I haven't noticed anything and get behind the wheel. But before I turn the ignition key, I suddenly say: "Oh - it's not far from here and the weather is nice - why don't we go for a walk! Fresh air is good for you!"

I take a thin blanket out of the car and tie it around your neck. I let the other end fall down. It now looks as if you are wearing a cape - a cape that looks like a normal piece of clothing, but hides your hands, which are chained behind your back, from prying eyes. I tie a thread that was attached to the inside of the blanket beforehand around the chain of your handcuffs. This way the wind cannot blow the cape up and your chained hands remain invisible to third parties.

With your bare feet, I limit myself to tying your big toes together with a nylon thread. It is hardly noticeable, but still prevents you from running away. As I loop the nylon thread around your two pink-painted big toes, I can't help but comment: "You didn't have to make yourself extra pretty for me!" Your face, bright red with shame, is priceless.

Now all that's missing is your head. A few strips of tape over your mouth are fixed with a long scarf that is looped over your neck and mouth. I treat your nose with a bright red powder to underline the impression of a cold, which makes wearing the scarf necessary even in summery temperatures. The fact that the powder really makes you keep sneezing reinforces this effect. Finally, your eyes are covered with two plasters that are hidden under large black sunglasses.

For third parties, there is now nothing to indicate that you are tied up - except perhaps your somewhat unsteady gait, which could have all sorts of causes.

I lead you by the arm. The pleasant asphalt of the parking lot under your bare feet is soon replaced by slippery leaves and sharp stones and branches. Since you can't see anything, you step unerringly into the first dog poop. You can barely keep your balance and then you sneeze again - which painfully reminds you that you're still wearing metal handcuffs! How far is it to... - yes, where am I taking you and what am I going to do with you there? The question can`t get through the effective gag.

Are you still enjoying it, @SashaMoh?
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Post by mserika »

I enjoyed how you set up the scene for the two captors to use the pretext of two cops catching a criminal late at night. Love the way Sasha is being restrained and the effort to keep the blindfold and gag hidden. The part about stepping on dog poop is a nice perhaps humorous touch.

Will you be working on the next parts? Curious to see if 'Sarah Meyer' is going to return to the scene again after she was in the first part.
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Post by johopp »

If @SashaMoh wants a continuation too - as it is her request after all. But glad you like the story, too.
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