Stacey and the Arm Wrestlers-Pts 1 and 2 (F/F)

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Stacey and the Arm Wrestlers-Pts 1 and 2 (F/F)

Post by Brez510 »

Hi. I'm Stacey Black, the sales manager for the Triton Science Book Company. We sell science books and software to schools across the United States.

I'm in Des Moines, Iowa, currently at the Park Central Hotel and Conference Center, setting up a booth in the National Brain Busters Championship exhibition area. This high school competition attracts students and teachers from all over the country. The event starts tomorrow evening.

My company has a booth every year. During the four days of Brain Busters, we do a lot of business, selling our product line to teachers for use in their classrooms.

I'm here with the company's Vice President, Lester Warren. Like most of my co-workers, Lester is pretty dull but very smart. When I think about it, I'm pretty much the same—quiet and somewhat boring. I keep to myself but enjoy interacting with teachers and students at events like Brain Busters.

My fiance, Terrance, is a college professor and, like me, pretty introspective. We both have similar personalities and enjoy a quiet, well-ordered lifestyle.

I worked on the booth with Lester for a few hours, and we decided to take a break. Lester had an appointment with a school principal who arrived early for the Championship.

I decided to take a walk around the large hotel.

Eventually, I came upon a long table covered in black cloth. Six chairs were behind the table. Some posters were neatly stacked on another table.

Behind the main table was a big backdrop that said "AWAW," with Alliance of Women Arm Wrestlers written below.

A smaller sign on an easel said, "Autograph Signing."

A crowd was gathering, waiting for the signing. I gathered up the nerve to ask a guy what was going on, and he told me a tournament was taking place the next night in the hotel, and some of the competitors were here to sign posters.

I was so bored that I decided to wait for the woman to arrive and, as a joke, get a signed poster for Terrance to show him what he missed.

A minute or two later, the six-arm wrestlers walked to the table and took their seats. The line for autographs and pictures quickly formed.

I was in awe! All these women had muscular upper bodies and massive, perfectly toned arms. As they entered, a few wore tight cutoff denim shorts and sneakers that showed equally muscular and toned legs.

They were all quite impressive to look at. The arm wrestlers made me feel inadequate and nerdy in my Triton Science green baggy collared polo shirt and khaki pants. I try to keep fit, but I'm nowhere near what they have achieved.

It finally came to my turn to walk down the autograph line. Each competitor signed my poster, and we exchanged pleasantries, and I moved along. The last one to sign had a name card in front of her that read "Sarah Richards." She was very attractive, with her long blond hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a black tank top with AWAW written on it. Her big chest stretched the tank top. She was one of the competitors who wore cutoffs.

Like the other, she exchanged pleasantries. She looked me in the eyes and asked me if I was going to the competition the next night.

I felt like a little kid getting an autograph. I was slumped over and had trouble looking her straight in the eye. Her look was beautiful and intimidating at the same time.

I stammered almost in a whisper that I had not planned on going.

She reached into her bag and handed me a couple of tickets. She asked me what I was doing in the hotel. I told her I was a vendor selling science books in the exhibition area for a Brain Busters student competition starting the next day. I told her my co-worker Lester and I were setting up our booth.

She chuckled. Again, this made me feel nerdy and inadequate in front of this cool, athletic, and fit woman.

She thanked me for stopping by and said I could go with Lester to the AWAW event the next night.

I walked away and thought what a friendly and gracious woman she was to take the time to chat and give me tickets. I was sure the AWAW marketing department told the women to reach out to the fans, chat, sign, and offer complimentary tickets.

This was a great way to promote the event. Her talking to me made me feel special even though I was one of dozens of fans getting their posters signed.

Unfortunately, Brain Busters' opening night was the following evening, and a big reception was planned, so I won't be able to go. However, I got the poster for Terrence. I know how amusing, silly, and uncouth he would find it.

I walked back to the booth and continued to set up. I took a minute to look up Sarah Richards on the Internet. She was a four-time champion of AWAW. She also did some fitness modeling and television commercials.

Quite a woman.

A little later, I was filling out some paperwork when someone said hi. It was Sarah. She told me she had some time, and since I had stopped by her autograph table, she decided to stop by my booth.

I was surprised and could not speak. I didn't know what to say, as most of my conversations with others were about science. Besides Terrence, I didn't have many friends or outside relationships.

Again, I couldn't look her straight in the eye due to her impressive body and beauty.

She laughed and asked me if everything was good. I regained my composure and told her I was okay.

Sarah told me she was having a card game and get-together in her room with some of her fellow competitors later that evening. She asked if I wanted to come.

I was shocked. Why did Sarah invite me? I'm a nerdy, introverted stammering mess in front of her. I guess she felt sorry for me.

I told her I planned to talk to my fiance, Terrence, on the phone. I also told her I only had company shirts and pants, not any going-out clothes.

Sarah wrote her room number on paper and invited me to visit if I had time.

With that, she said goodbye and left.

I could have kicked myself. Sarah probably thought I was rude after she was so lovely, which made me sad. I should have told her I would try to stop by for a few minutes.

After that, I went about my work, still feeling bad about how I handled the situation.

About a half hour later, a young woman stopped by the booth. Like me, she wore a polo shirt, which was embroidered with the AWAW logo.

She said she was Lannie, a member of AWAW 's marketing team. She told me Sarah Richards wanted me to have the gym bag she was holding.

I took the bag and put it down, which only made me feel worse. Even though I turned down Sarah's invitation, she was nice enough to give me a gift bag.

Lester then returned to the booth, and we put the finishing touches on things.

We were finally done. Lester said he had a dinner date with an old friend who lived in the area. He asked me what I was going to be doing.

I told him I would call Terrance and order food delivered to the room.

We parted company, and I returned to my room with the gym bag.

When I got to my room, I opened the bag. There was a note from Sarah.

It read: I'm sorry you can not join us tonight for the card game and get-together. I understand about your lack of party clothes. I gathered some things in the bag that you can wear if you still want to come. Sarah.

I dug into the bag and pulled out a pair of cutoff faded light blue denim shorts, a low-cut red sports bra with AWAW written on it, and a pair of black 4-inch patent leather stiletto heels.

I didn't know what to think. Should I laugh, cry, be disgusted, or feel like she was using me.

I don't know her orientation, but she knew I had a fiance. I wasn't interested in any ideas she may have had.

I have never worn clothes like this in my whole life. I have always been modest in my dressing. I never wear heels, certainly not these. When dressing casually in the warmth, I only wear long walking shorts and nonrevealing tops, not items like this.

I put all the clothes back into the gym bag.

I called Terrance. I certainly didn't tell him about Sarah. We talked for some time. Terrence, as usual, was dull and reserved. He was droning on about his lecture at his college class earlier. I was half paying attention and half thinking of the bag.

The call was becoming insufferable, so I told Terrence the food I had ordered would come shortly.

We got off the phone. I opened the bag again and thought about what a nerve Sarah had been sending this to me.

Then I thought, maybe she collected clothes from the AWAW wardrobe area, and that's all she could find, or she wanted me to dress like everyone else going to her card game. I tried to find various ways to justify what was in the bag.

I took the clothes and shoes out of the bag again. I have never been a risk-taker my whole life. I should go to the get-together. It would be so daring, so out of my comfort zone. After talking to Terrence, I was so bored. It was so familiar and tedious. I need to do something risky. I might never have a chance like this again.

I quickly took a shower. I hoped the clothes would fit.

I'm 5'7" with medium wavy light brown hair and grey eyes. Everyone always compliments my eyes. I have relatively large and firm breasts and hoped the top wasn't too small. I'm way too modest to expose certain parts of my body.

I put on the shorts. They were a little too tight. I looked in the mirror and could see part of my backside pushing through the bottom of the shorts.

The top was also too small, and like Sarah, my breasts stretched the shirt, revealing a little too much.

I put on the shoes. I needed to walk around the room a little to get my balance right. I had never worn heels like this before.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was astounded. I actually looked very sexy, something I never strived for.

My legs looked amazing in the heels. Terrence always admired my legs when we were in private.

I still had trepidations and questioned whether I should go. This outfit was too revealing. I was going to take it off and put it away, but I decided to go on with my quest to be daring.

It then dawned on me that I would have to walk down the hotel hallway to the elevators to get to Sarah's room. Suppose people saw me dressed like this. I would be so embarrassed.

There was no turning back. I would try to enter the hallway when I heard no voices, thinking that maybe I could get to Sarah's room without anyone seeing me.

I opened my room door and quietly entered the hallway. There were no voices. The hotel was large, and it was a big walk to the elevator from my room. I was halfway down the hallway when a room door opened. Four guys who looked like they were in their early twenties stepped out.

I was in such a panic. This is humiliating having these guys see me dressed like this. I felt sluty and cheap.

The guys looked at me and whistled.

I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, one of the guys asked me if I worked for AWAW and was here for the Arm Wrestling event.

I blurted out that I did. I had no other excuse to justify the way I was dressed.

One of the guys asked if I was one of those girls who holds up signs at a boxing or MMA event.

I said yes, something like that.

The guys asked if they could take pictures with me. I didn't want any photos taken but had no other choice.

They asked if I had social media sites to follow or if I was on the AWAW website.

I was panicking, trying to think of an answer. Fortunately, a phone rang. One of the guys told the others that they were late for dinner.

They ran off, saying how hot I was and that they looked forward to seeing me at the Arm Wrestling event the next night.

Hot? No one ever called me that in my thirty years. I continued to walk down the hallway. No one was around. I pressed the elevator button. In a few moments, the door opened. It was filled with people. I hoped no one from Brain Busters was aboard to see me or tell others. I was extremely nervous.

I pressed Sarah's floor. The doors closed. Again, I was asked in the elevator if I was there for the arm wrestling. Again, I said yes. Everyone said I looked great; one guy said I had amazing legs. Someone asked me if I had autographed pictures.

Eventually, the elevation stopped on the 18th floor.

End of Part One

Part Two

I walked down the hallway of the 18th floor, looking for Sarah's room. I reached 1807 and knocked on the door.

One of the arm wrestlers opened the door. She looked at me and asked if I was Sarah's friend. I told her yes. I really don't have friends, so this made me feel good.

Like with Sarah, I felt a little intimidated looking at this larger-than-life woman who opened the door.

Sarah came to the door and greeted me. "Sexxxy she said."

She introduced me to her friends, all arm wrestlers: Joann, Tina, Marni, and Alex. They were all wearing shorts and various tight tops. Their massive arms and strong legs looked surprisingly sexy to me.

I got very shy and passive again. This was overwhelming, and I wondered if I had made the right decision. I could have been in my own little world back in my room, eating dinner and reading a book. Maybe a little boring but safe and non-intimidating

Sarah invited me to sit on a couch in the room. Two girls were sitting on the bed, and the other two were at a table with cards.

Sarah asked me if I wanted a drink. I thanked her and requested water, as my throat was so dry.

I sat on the couch with my legs crossed, not saying anything. I felt like my usual boring self except in different clothes I shouldn't be wearing.

I heard the girls talking about their boyfriends and one about her kids. That made me feel better. I was dreading that maybe I was walking into an orgie when I knocked on the door.

Sarah placed a bottle of cold water on a table beside the couch and sat next to me.

Joann said how sexy I looked and how I would be ideal to serve as a tournament assistant.

Sarah told the girls I had no appropriate clothes and gathered an outfit for me. She said she didn't think I was the type to be part of AWAW.

Tina said I had perfect legs and great tits.

Sarah told the girls to stop that talk since she sensed it was making me uncomfortable.

I admit I felt both uncomfortable and a little flattered. No one ever said these things to me.

Then, out of the blue, Sarah, sitting next to me, took her left arm, placed it around my shoulder, took her hand, and tightly placed it around my mouth, pulling my head back towards her.

She told the other girls to stop talking like that about me, or she would have to kidnap me and take me to another location.

Everyone laughed and apologized if I felt uncomfortable. Sarah then slowly released her hand from my mouth. The grip on my mouth was like a vice.

Adrenaline flowed through my body. This woman's massive arm wrapped around my shoulder, and her large, powerful hand around my mouth made me feel very helpless and unexpectedly hot. I looked at the other women. A few of them had the look in their eyes that they also found it hot.

We all started talking again. I hoped Sarah would find another reason to hand-gag me, but I suppose she felt it was a joke and moved on.

I was craving a repeat of that. I devised a plan. I don't know what came over me.

I got up off the couch, bent over to pick a napkin off the floor, and put it in a waste basket. I knew a view of my backside with my cheeks hanging out bent over would warrant a comment, so I innocently sat down again.

Sure enough, the comments flew. I gained my nerve and said to Sarah I guess you're going to tell them that you definitely have to kidnap me now.

It worked. I got the reaction I was hoping for. Sarah again placed her powerful hand around my mouth.

She also placed her legs across my legs. Her smooth legs and the hardness of her muscles across my legs made me crazy.

Why did I like this? I should run out of this room as fast as possible and return downstairs. I actually asked her to do this to me again, for whatever reason.

Sarah finally released me.

She told her friends to behave and said it was time for the card game.

They asked if I wanted to play. I said I'd watch and help with snacks and drinks while they played.

I never played cards as a game of chance. I watched as they took turns calling different variations of poker. I had no idea what they were doing or why they were betting, but it was fun to watch.

I felt somewhat comfortable now, half paying attention to the poker game and half reliving Sarah's two-hand gags of me.

After about an hour, the girls ran out of games and replayed some of the poker variations from earlier.

The cards reached Marni, and she was thinking of what game to play. She said they hadn't played Hostage in a while.

Alex said she never played the game and asked what the rules were.

Marni said the game was based on a crime novel that one of the girls had read a few years ago. The story was about a gang that was holding a woman, tied her up at their hideout, and played a poker game. The rule was that the person who wiped everyone else out and was the only one to have money left got the Hostage for themselves. That's why the game was called Hostage.

I listened intently. I felt submissive to these much larger women and imagined if I was in that predicament at their mercy.

Almost as if Sarah read my mind, she said something about me being nearly kidnapped by her earlier and now talking about hostages. This room is like a criminal hangout, she said. Everyone laughed.

I said to everyone I was relieved. Acting as if I was joking, I said that after the earlier kidnap threat, I thought you girls were going to ask me to be the Hostage.

Sarah asked me if I actually wanted to be the Hostage. It would be fun playing the poker game with that element.

I said I would pass on that, actually hoping other girls would chime in.

All of a sudden, everyone was behind the idea.

After thinking about it, Sarah said it wasn't fair to do that to me.

I told her it was okay if that was the consensus, and I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't feel comfortable around them.

Sarah then gave the bad news: "We can't do it. We have nothing to tie up Stacey with unless we just let her sit on the couch.

I was so disappointed.

Joann said she would run down to the set-up area for tomorrow's competition and see what she could find. She got up and quickly left the room.

I could not believe this was happening. Just a few hours ago, I was a nerdy, boring science geek, and now I am asking to be tied up in front of these women.

I couldn't figure out why I was doing this. It was liberating, I guess, to have these women think I was sexy dressed the way I was. Having Sarah hand gag me innocently brought out new feelings in me. I liked the idea of being a sexy make believe captive to much larger, more powerful women who saw me as attractive.

We waited for Joann to return. Sarah took out a bottle of tequila to do shots. I am not a drinker, but the new liberated me said why not.

Shortly after the shots, Joann returned with many lengths of white rope that she found in one of the equipment trunks.

My adrenaline started to pump again.

The girls discussed where to place me and settled on the bed.

Sarah took my hand and walked me over to the bed.

The girls decided to sit me up against the backboard and tie each of my wrists to the posts on the bed.

I sat up on the bed; Sarah took one arm and stretched it out while Marni took the other.

Alex took a length of rope and tightly tied my left wrist to the left post.

It was very tight. It was not intentional; it was just that these girls were so strong.

When she was done, Marni came around the bed and tied my other wrist to the right post.

I was now securely tied to the backboard of the bed. I felt sexy beyond belief and also helpless. The ropes were so tight around my wrists that I would never get loose, no matter how hard I tried.

The girls were ready to return to the card game now that their Hostage was securely tied. Joann asked what she should do with the rest of the rope. Alex suggested they tie my ankles together so the rope wouldn't go to waste.

Sarah took the rope from Joann. She came over to the bed and gently crossed my ankles. Sarah ran three loops around my ankles and tied the rope off. She also made it very tight. It was so tight that my black stiletto patent leather heels squeaked every time I tried to move my ankles, feet, and legs.

I was now tightly bound hand and foot as the girls returned to the card table to play Hostage.

I squirmed around, testing my bonds, and could not move my arms or legs at all.

As the game started, all the girls took individual glances at me throughout the first few hands. I was beginning to get wet from what I perceived to be sexual stares. I felt so submissive and vulnerable.

As I watched the game unfold, it appeared that Sarah was winning, and the other girls were getting frustrated. I rubbed salt in the wound by saying, "It looks like Sarah is going to win the Hostage."

Joann then playfully said it was time to gag the Hostage. Everyone, including Sarah, laughed and agreed.

Sarah got up from her seat, went to the dresser in the room, and pulled out a blue bandana.

She walked over to me and told me to say, "Ahhh." I did, and she placed the bandana between my teeth and tied it tightly behind my neck.

Now, I really felt like a hostage at the mercy of my captors. I was never bound or gagged in my entire life. I loved the sensation.

Sarah picked her phone up and took a few pictures of me bound and now gagged on the bed.

Sarah said that the photos were for her private use only. I wondered what that meant and if she was going to look at them to get sexually stimulated. I actually hoped she would!

The game continued. Whenever one of the girls would take a glance at me, I would make believe I was struggling and biting into my gag. I made some moaning sounds like I was in distress.

After being tied to the bed and gagged for over a half hour, the game ended. Sarah won all the money. I guess I was now her Hostage, according to the rules.

The girls came over to the bed and untied me.

Marni said Hostage was a cool game.

Joann said it was too bad I wouldn't be around the next time they played in the city they competed in.

I was so upset. I enjoyed every minute of this. I wanted to go to the next city with them, quit Triton, and disappear from Terrence.

I sat on the couch, the gag still dangling from my neck.

I rubbed my wrists and ankles to get my circulation back.

Sarah said I was a real trooper to play along with them as the Hostage.

Little did she know I actually orchestrated most of this.

The party ended. We all helped Sarah clean up her room. The other girls left.

Sarah told me she had to get her sleep to prepare for the competition.

She thanked me for coming and said she would spend more time with me, but that wouldn't be appropriate since she had an image to maintain. She didn't want to put herself in a bad position if something happened.

I was very disappointed, but I didn't let on. I kept a happy face on and told her it was great that we had become friends.

As I walked out the door, Sarah told me to wait. She whispered to me to remember that I was still her Hostage.

My adrenaline began to flow for the third time this night, and I again was getting wet.

I returned to my room and couldn't sleep thinking of what transpired.

The next morning, I went back to the booth. Lester was his usual boring self. It was so depressing to be back here in my baggy Triton uniform.

I got a text from Sarah asking me to meet her in the back of the AWAW set. My heart pounded.

I texted her back that I would be there in five minutes. I wondered what she wanted.

I told Lester that Terrance texted me and he had a problem he needed my help with.

I said I needed to step away for a moment.

I hurried to the AWAW backstage area. It was deserted, and I didn't know where Sarah was.

I looked around and suddenly felt a hand clamped tightly around my mouth. It was Sarah. She wrapped her other muscular arm around my waist and held me like that while she whispered to me.

She asked me to come to see her to remind her I was still her little Hostage. I mumbled yes into her hand.

She removed her grip from my mouth and left me alone to return to my booth.

End of Part Two