Jay Feely : 03 - Backfire (mmm/mm)

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Jay Feely : 03 - Backfire (mmm/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jay Feely's stories
03 - Backfire
Story index at the bottom

By Jay Feely

Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:26 am

This story is dedicated to my friend Jason Toddman. It is a bit different then I originally planned, but I hope that you will enjoy it.

Jack Rubin could have been the fastest runner in middle school and youngest at age 10. He could have been a kid that has the capabilities to be an artist. He had the possibility to be a smart kid in English and Math. However, at age 10, he decided to cause trouble. Jack was shorter than the other kids at his school. He had freckles on his face which caused him to suffer from humiliation and bullying from fellow students. He had brown eyes, and brown hair. He is considered to be a class clown because he disturbs the class in ways such as but is not limited to throwing paper airplanes, poking people in the sides, and getting the class distracted by off topic subjects. He has a brother named Leon. Leon was 12 years old and finishing middle school. He can be described as being hairy. His face has no freckles. He has blue eyes and brown hair. Leon loves to study and learn. He has been on the honor roll twice and has potential to succeed as noted by his teachers. He is unlike his brother because Leon thinks that causing trouble is a waste of precious time. His childhood dream is to become a pilot. Frank is the father of the boys. He is a middle aged man and works at a law firm. His dedication to the job has brought him many enemies. He had received death threats from criminals, but none has been carried out. He barely has time to spend with his kids because of the numerous numbers of cases that he deals with. Jasmine is the boy's mother. She works at a beauty salon on the opposite part of town. She devotes more time with the boys, but she picks Leon over her other son. This creates sibling rivalry between the boys. The boys get in fights all the time through verbal to physical altercations. Jasmine always has to step in to calm the boys by either putting them in time out or taking away their privileges.

The contrast of the boys makes them dislike each other. Leon tries his best to be a nice role model for his brother, but it does not seem to work. Jack became brattier as time passed. Then, his older brother was being a nuisance trying to change his younger brother. Jack was angry, but he did not let it go. Jack wanted to teach his brother a lesson. He devised a plan before Spring Break started. Jack knew a few friends that could help him overpower and torture his brother. The first boy was 11 year old Evan Midget. He had classes with Jack, and has overheard conversations of Leon being a push over. The other person was 12 year old Brandon Smith. All three of them had intellectual abilities, but they hid it from other people. On a crisp Sunday morning right before Spring Break officially started, Jack and his friends put their plan into action. Leon was relaxing in his bedroom with his door open like he always does. He was sleeping like a baby as nothing disturbed him. His parents were shopping in the furniture store, and they usually return in the evening leaving Leon in charge of Jack. Normally, Leon would awake from a deep sleep and play videogames on his brand new Xbox 360, but today would be different. As he slept, Jack and his friends crept upstairs to Leon's room. Leon never saw it coming as the boys launched their attack. Jack jumped on his brother's stomach knocking him off guard. Leon awoke and tried to fend off his brother. However, he was overwhelmed when Evan took hold of his arms and Brandon got his legs. Leon could not move an inch. Jack gagged his brother with duct tape and used a sleeping mask to restrict his brother's eye sight. The boys lifted up Leon and easily carried him out of his house into the neighborhood. They paraded him across a park to an old house in the north side of the community. The house had painted red titles and the interior was green with a low ceiling. There was a bedroom in the far corner near the study room.

Leon struggled to release himself but the more he did, the harder the boys gripped his limbs. There was no possible method of escaping. They actually went pass the bedroom and out the door to a patio. There was a pole in the center of the patio. They lowered Leon to the floor and one of the boys locked the patio door. Hands still held his arms and legs, and he was helpless to prevent the inevitable. Leon was wearing his t-shirt, shorts, and striped shoes and socks. Jack stripped his brother of his shoes, socks, and t-shirt. The boys forced him to the pole by grabbing his arms and tugging him there. Evan pulled Leon's hands behind the pole, and used duct tape to secure his hands. Another set of duct tape was wrapped around Leon's legs. Finally, the boys used saran wrap to secure Leon's torso to the pole. Jack was the lead talker, and being his brother, he told Leon how much a nuisance he was. Everyday he had to put up with him trying to change for the better and that he did not like it. The boys each snapped a photo of Leon and threatened to blackmail him if he did not follow their instructions. Jack, Brandon, and Evan decided to have a private conversation, so they unlocked the patio door and as footsteps was heard leaving the patio, Leon became concerned that they would leave him in the ferocious heat all day and night until his parents returned. In the comfortable living room, the boys discussed several options. They thought that it would be plausible if they torture Leon by tickling the soles of his feet. However, Jack rebutted it by saying that his brother was not ticklish. Then, Evan introduced another method of torture by feeding Leon foods that he absolutely dislikes. The boys reached an agreement to that idea, and started gathering ingredients. They found fresh liver that was supposed to be used for a camping trip. As they stormed the refrigerator, Leon's mouth became dry and it tortured him knowing that his captors may not give some water. After one hour of being left alone, the boys returned. Jack removed his brother's gag.

Leon was appreciated that his brother would do something so kind to him at that moment. He did not realize that the intention was not as pleasant as he had thought. Jack explained that he would be fed his most discontent food that he ever had. Leon's smile dissipated into a embarrassed face. He could not imagine doing this, but he was tied and powerless. The first item they fed him was liverwurst sausage. At his expression, the boys knew that he hated it to the core. They were careful not to feed him too much of a single item. At one point, when Evan put his fingers inside Leon's mouth, Leon bit him. Evan was furious and left the patio. The boys finished feeding Leon after one hour. Leon had a combination of sour and bitter taste that would not go away. When the boys completed the first part of the torture, they felt satisfied. Jack apologized before reapplying the gag to his brother's mouth. He ordered the boys out of the patio, to which they agreed. They reevaluated the situation and decided that it would be a good idea to tickle Leon. This was met with complete discontent by Jack. He knew that his brother was in fact ticklish despite lying about it earlier and he no longer wanted to see his brother suffer. He went against the idea, and he was ignored by his friends. Eventually, he talked so much, that the other boys was fed up with him. They tackled him, knocking him out cold. Then, they hogtied him, and put him in the bedroom.

To Be Continued

Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:26 pm

Jack could not believe that his loyal friends would betray him as he awoke hogtied in the bedroom. He was mad at his friends and felt sorry for his brother. He wished that he could change back time and correct his errors. He could have accepted his brother, but now both of them were tied up and helpless. Jack heard footsteps coming into the bedroom although it was only one person. It was Evan, and a grin on his face worried Jack. Welcome Jack, and be prepared to laugh. Jack gasped in horror because he had ticklish feet. He had known about it since he was 7 when a bully cornered him and tickled his feet in a short time frame. Jack decided to not tell anyone about his ticklish weakness but now it was about to be exposed.

Meanwhile, in the patio, Brandon stared at the helpless Leon. He was still saran wrapped to the pole and his little feet were sticking out of the bottom. Leon begged to be released and promised to be a civilized boy and would not cause any more trouble. Leon saw Brandon's hand scrape on his feet, and he was giggling hard much to Brandon's satisfaction. Leon was tortured by ten fingers, five on each foot, and he could not utter a word or sentence under the condition that he was in.

Back at the bedroom, Jack was also being mercilessly tickled on his soles, but not by fingers. During the time that he was knocked out, Evan managed to get a feather. He used it in between Jack's cute and adorable toes. Jack tried to fight off the tickling sensation but he laughed after the feather was on his toes for one minute. He said that he was sorry for being bossy and that he would change if the boy released him, but Brandon would not budge. He used the feather on Jack's archway, tops, bottoms, and heel. Jack could only watch and laugh as he foot was being tickled.

At the patio, things were not looking good for Leon. He was not only being tickled but Brandon was teasing him like the child that he was saying that he would never see his parents again and that he would be a permanent tickle slave. Leon was in loss of words as he was being tickled. Then, for a brief moment, the tickling stopped. Leon was given a glass of water in which he drank it down slowly. Then, the tickling resumed. However, the intensity was too much as Leon wet himself. He was embarrassed as his face turned red. To his dismay, Brandon said that Leon would be tickled even with wet shorts. Leon continued to laugh harder as more fingers danced around his foot.

Jack was shocked when Evan pulled out another device. It was an electrical toothbrush, and it scared him to the bone. Before it was turned on, Evan opened a tube of toothpaste, and rubbed it all over Jack's feet so that it completely covered every square inch of his sensitive sole. Jack could only watch helplessly as the toothbrush was turned on and brushed against his trapped foot. Jack's laughter resembled a combination of a hyena and a child.

Then, something unexpected happened. The residents of a nearby house heard the commotion of random laughter coming from an unknown location. When they heard closer laughter after steeping on the lawn of the prisoner house, they went in to investigate. They went to the patio and bedroom and saw the tickle torture of the boys, and immediately ordered them to be released. Jack and Leon were untied from their restraints. They were going to be arrested and more surprises would be in store for them.

To Be Continued

Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:07 am

Leon and Jake was glad to be released from their ordeal. They had suffered enough and took the ride home with the kind police officer named Nate. Brandon and Evan was handcuffed and led to the back of the squad car. They were charged with flase imprisonment and even though they said that it was Jake's idea, no one would believe them. They were booked at the police station and their fingerprints and photos was taken and put in the special kids file. They were led to a cell door with another juvenile offender named Pete, who had been accused of shoplifting. He was spending his last day in jail, and was going to be released the following morning. Evan and Brandon was not so lucky as they must appear before a judge the next morning. They held each other in their precious arms and cried all night. In what was an innocent prank became a lesson that they would never forget.

In the morning, their small hands was again handcuffed behind their back. They were led into a jail transport van with some other kids. Each of them had a story of their arrest and juveniles is no longer let off so easily as in the past. The van reached the courthouse with minutes to spare. Evan and Brandon was led up the stairs around the circular bend to courthouse number one where they will face trial for their crime. The presiding judge was Timonthy, and he dealt with juveniles who had committed misdemeanors and felonies and he was known to be harsh. There was nine juries of a mixed group and they were experienced. The prosecutor defined the crime as a innocence gone away. They presented video footage of the boys begging many times to be released at the hands of the captors. The boys obviously did not know that it was there and it shocked them. The cameras had hung in the ceiling high above in the bedroom. The video cameras in the patio was connected to the wall near the entrance of the back side of the house. They said that any child who had to suffer, even if it seemed harmless like tickling, should get the justice they deserve. The defense filed evidence that Jake had planned the kidnapping of his friend Leon and had masterminded the entire ordeal. They thought that Jake should also be tried along with Brandon and Evan, but the state district attorney pointed out that Jake was also brutally betrayed and also hog-tied because he had reconsidered his actions towards his brother and had ordered Brandon and Evan to not torture Leon any further. This received a lot of sympathy from the jury and they went back for ten minutes to come up with a verdict. They found the boys ...

To Be Continued.

Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:56 pm

The jury returned with a not guilty verdict given the circumstances of the case and details implying that it was a mutual agreement. The kids was released to the custody of the parents. Evan and Brandon was relieved, but Jake and his older brother Leon was not happy. They had been put through a lot of hell, and wanted to seek revenge on their captors. They devised an interesting plot for this seemingly easy task.

Evan and Brandon was walking home one day with their shorts and t-shirt, the same ones they wore on the day of the tormenting of Jake and Leon. They approached a field and suddenly, they were grabbed from behind and knocked to the ground. They were actively aware of their current situation, but did not notice their attackers because the siblings had covered their faces with a black mask, and had painted their arms and legs grey to add to the confusion that Brandon and Evan faced. They were duct taped from head to toe, thus they were mummified. The captors lifted up the boys, and put them in a shack two miles from where they started. After unwrapping the boys, they sat on them, and started to torture them.

First, Leon started to tickle Evan's nose with a feather and it itched like crazy. None of the captors said a word to them as the onslaught continued to be greatly intentisifed as time passed. Evan felt something being put into his mouth, and when he realized that it was a war head, he could not stand it. Also, none of the boys was given water or food so the sour item sticked with them. Brandon was not faring much better. He was being tortured by Jake with silly string and some wax down his ears. After six hours had passed, another set of torture was imposed. The boys was tied by their ankles and wrists, and then forced to be a human swing. They were getting dizzy and got a headache because of it. Only after an impressive 12 hrs had passed did Leon and Brandon got first hand look of their captors. They were empahtic and sorry, and was released.

What a day for the boys. First, Jake and Leon was tortured through unimaginable things like tickling of their bare feet, and other things. Then, days later, they finally got revenge for their torment and had taught the captors a lesson. If you play with the big boys, you always lose in the end.

The End

Jay Feely's stories
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