The Box (f+/f+)

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Post by RopeBunny »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago this might be your best work.
No pressure then :lol:
Dpsiic wrote: 2 years ago Coming along nicely.
Mask6190 wrote: 2 years ago Another excellent chapter Ropebunny!
Thank you both.
slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Can't wait for the next chapter...
Not long now....
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Post by Nainur »

RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago 005.


Chelle, distantly, I hear her giggle. Before with a jerk of my wrists I'm tugged back to reality to find I am indeed being led. Chelle off in front, heading for my stairs, my room, with rope in hand, pulling me along behind her by way of my bindings.

"Bed." Pointing, dropping the trailing rope, Chelle wanders over to my desk....
"Just your pants, and as much rope, as tight, as I can."

Oh dear.
Loving it - inter alia. :D Great job.
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Post by RopeBunny »


That evening, and for the next few days. Until interesting things happen. I think.

If not for the gag, the ropes, would my brief encounter with Jody of been any different? Would I, caught in the moment, of kissed her back?

I'm single, have been since before Dad moved us north, so there's nothing to stop me from being interested.

If I am. Interested?

And, because ropes are an obsession, my brain simply glosses over whether or not I'm actually interested in Jody, wondering instead whether she too would like to play with my box of ropes.

Sat in my gaming chair, between matches on Fortnite, and my idle thoughts transform me into Chelle. As I turn to regard my bed, the site where I'm mostly bound, I find myself imagining Jody there instead, bound by me.

Would she like that? Or having seen me bound, would that be her preference?

Of the potential third answer: Jody doesn't like, doesn't care, about ropes. The possibility doesn't register. My logic goes: Jody saw me bound, kissed me whilst I was bound, so she must like it.

Having been all around the houses with my thoughts, I finally realise it's that one point- do I even like Jody, girls -that matters.

So. Do I?

Sunday. Monday. And on. Day's go by, the normal routine. Somewhat boring- in a no ropes way -at times.

And then, the next day. Crazy. Interesting. Unexpected. Things happen.

"Where's the fire?"
"Huh?" I'd woken late, having stayed up too long the night before doing things I probably shouldn't on Minecraft. No time for breakfast, and I'd had to do my school tie whilst I walked- almost jogged -in.

Powering towards the gates, distant sound of the first bell ringing, and Chelle's called out question- from somewhere off to the side -brings me up short.

Stopped, taking the chance to catch my breath- I'm not unhealthy but twenty-five minutes at full speed, normally my walk is a relaxed fourty, is quite an ask ten minutes after waking up -I turn, finding Chelle sat atop a low brick wall, feet brushing back and forth on the pavement.

"Luce." Nodding, not getting up despite the bell. "In a rush?"
"Well." Shouldn't you be too? "Don't want to be late, right?"
"No." Flashing me a smile. "However...."
"However will I be late if I just invent time travel?"
"No." Smiling at my geeky humour. "Not that."
"However," thinking, running with the moment, the bell forgotten, "will I make it through the day without my four cups of breakfast coffee?"
"You don't?" Laughing. Harder as I nod.

It's actually two, but pretending four is funnier.

"What I meant to say." Patting the wall, I look from her to the school gates, waging a small internal war, then shrug, fuck it, wandering over to sit down. "Is, how can we be late, if we simply don't turn up?"

"But." Dodge school? Really? "Not go to school?"
"Just." Chelle shrugs, pretends to yawn. "Not sure if I'm up to learning today."
"I'm fairly certain it doesn't work like that." I've never not gone. "I think." Eyeballing the open gate, in a moment someone, a teacher, will come out to lock them, will find us here. "School is considered compulsory."
"I just thought." Not looking at me. "Wouldn't today be a good day to tie you up super tightly wearing not many clothes?"

Her eyes flick sideways, see the grin breaking across my face, her victory plain to see.

"Good." Standing up, hoisting backpack onto shoulder. "Come on then."
"But. I." Standing too. Frowning. Shouldn't I go to school? Do the right thing and not miss a day just so Chelle can show off whatever tight rope thing she's found.


"I need to eat."
"Okay." Chelle, sat on the dining room table, feet resting on a chair, nods. "No rush."
"Want some?" Opening cupboards, the fridge, turning on and lighting one of the gas hobs. "I'm frying sausages."
"In a sandwich?"
"Well." Checking the bread bin. "Yes." I pull out a half loaf of thick sliced white. "How about sausage toasties?"

The thing is, yes I'm hungry and need food, but I can't enjoy it. My belly won't stop fluttering. I am, as the moment- something I'd offered, which Chelle had agreed to, a thing without a set date -suddenly arrives, racing towards me. I'm really nervous.

Which won't stop me. But, I can't seem to sit still, my body is shaking from all the adrenaline.

"Upstairs?" Food gone, washed down with coffee for me, Coke for Chelle. Everything cleaned, put away. A tidy kitchen. Chelle, picking up her backpack, shoes and puffer jackets already discarded by the front door, nods. "Shall we," a cheeky smile, "Luce?"

It's all I can manage to nod back. If I try to talk right now there's no way my voice will come out even.

Chelle, not waiting for me, pulls the box from my wardrobe. "Well, come on then." Making hurry up gestures, grinning because it isn't her that has to. "A deals a deal Luce. Time to strip."
"Yes." Breathe in. Out. Calm. I am not nervous scared. Nervous, fuck me yes. But it's excitement causing my body to tingle.

So. Because I'm not scared. Because I want to do this. Just. Don't think.


Dumping my green camo messenger bag on the floor, beside Chelle's, I bend down to pull off my socks one by one. Where should I put my clothes though? "Um." Eyes darting around the room, Chelle giving me a questioning look. I wave it off. Nod. Toss my socks just inside the open wardrobe.

Tie next, loosen the knot, pull the thick end through, tug the whole length out of my shirt collar. Toss it after my socks.

Shirt. The top is already open, usually held loosely closed by my tie. I work my way down, feeling the hairs on my arms stand up as my shirt falls open. I glance up, finding Chelle watching but not, looking at me, but not staring.

And. Well. I don't mind the game, but. "Um." Eyes on Chelle's face. "Could you. Maybe?"
"Maybe...?" Giving me a blank look, then. "Oh." Chelle laughs, prehaps realising she's been, if not actually watching me strip, then certainly she's been looking in my direction. "Sorry Luce." She wanders over to my computer, begins firing it up, turning her back on me. "Carry on."

Shrugging off the shirt, letting it fall to the floor, I reach around behind me, fumbling the release for my plain white bra. I have better ones: black and pink lace, a fancy black plunge bra, tons of cleavage and cups designed to press my breasts together, lifting them for maximum effect. But at school I wear plain white, switching to a sports bra on days I have sports, trying to minimise the old D cup bounce as I jog laps, or run all over the field in whatever team game we're playing.

Closing my eyes, calming my breathing and heart, at least for now, I try again.

My bra, as I hold my arms out like a zombie, slithers off me to land on the floor. Opening my eyes, looking down, I both see and feel my nipples harden to erect buds as the cool air brushes against them. They tingle, for a moment, at the knowledge of Chelle sat right there.

Nobody. I've never let anyone see my breasts.


Out of nowhere, catching sight of myself in the mirrored door to my wardrobe, my nerve fails me.

"Luce?" Called out, Chelle's voice- she hasn't gotten up, follows me out the door. A question, concern leaking in at the edges. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah." Calling back, stood around the corner at the open bathroom door. "Sorry. Just." A shrug Chelle can't see. I look down at what I'm holding. "I'm putting a bikini on."
"Okay." No upset, concern gone. I can almost hear the thumbs up.

No, a bikini wasn't the deal, but what kind of friend would Chelle be had she insisted I wear nothing but my pants?

In the bathroom, door closed but not locked- Chelle isn't going to come in -I strip off skirt and pants, laying both over the edge of the bath.

I had to buy new bikini tops alongside my new bra's when my A cups decided to balloon up to D's. I kept what bottoms I already owned though because I like them.

It just means my bikini doesn't match.

The bottoms I grabbed out my drawer are black, hipster boyshort style. The elastic waistband is pale blue with short drawstrings- which I don't need to tie -hanging down inside. On the back, across my butt, is a white design resembling tribal skeletal wings spread wide.

The top is halter style, white. A strip of fabric around my back links up and becomes two triangular shaped cups, which do a good job of covering my breasts whilst still letting some cleavage show. The top ties off at the back of my neck.

"Okay." Looking myself over in the bathroom mirror, nodding. Poking around inside, no trace of the panic I felt moments ago. "Okay." I smile, mirror me smiles back, tips me a salute. Nods.

I don't see her leave, of course, because I'm leaving too.

"Okay." Back in my bedroom. "I'm ready."
"Yeah?" Chelle, spinning the chair around to face me, nods. "Great."

"Come on." Doing a couple of on the spot bounces, warming up, feeling the tingle of adrenaline beginning, the anticipation of what's to come. Of what I already gave Chelle permission to do to me. "Come here and do your worst."
"Yeah?" Chelle stands. "Ready to accept your fate?"
"Yep." Nodding, putting on a dramatic voice. "Doomed to spend eternity wrapped in tight ropes."
"Eternity?" I tut, playing along. "Really?"
"Well." Voice back to normal, a shrug. "At least several hours."
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Post by Nainur »

Yupp, another good one!
I really appreciate the dialogues and the - hope you get my meaning here - the quick-fire mind-flashes, like: "Do I? Yes. No. Yes. I do."

A nice journey to behold and to take part.
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Post by JulieG »

That is a wonderful update to this amazing story.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago I really appreciate the dialogues and the - hope you get my meaning here - the quick-fire mind-flashes
I do. They are something I enjoy writing.

Thank you.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Language." Giving my butt a teasing pat. "Besides." Yanking the rope, which is wrapped around of all places my elbows. A yank which, again, causes the looped rope to tighten and pull my elbows together behind my back. Causes, again, the rope to pinch my skin as it digs into my pale flesh. Chelle, having tied the rope off, pinning my elbows together, gives my butt a cheeky a second pat. "Tight. My worst, Luce." Her voice is playful, happy. "Remember?"

I remember the deal, Chelle playfully- or not, I'll never know -threatening to leave me tied up unless I offered something for my freedom.

Tied up in just my pants- bikini -and tied up as tightly as she could manage. That had been the deal.

Now, wriggling my bound arms, roped at wrists and elbow, I wonder just what videos Chelle's been watching where the elbows are mentioned as a good place to tie rope?

In stark contrast to my own near nakedness Chelle's still in full school uniform: pale blue short sleeved shirt, tight fitting black skirt. She's loosened, but hasn't removed, her disgusting bright yellow and green tie.

Another surprise, another 'what the fuck why is she tying there' moment, follows my elbows. As Chelle begins to wrap a long doubled up rope around my chest.

Still stood behind me, Chelle passes the rope from right hand to left, reaching around in front to do so.

And then the rope comes back the other way, passed from hand to hand only this time up around my shoulders not level with my belly.

Another pass at belly level. After which. "Don't mind me." Chelle, talking directly in my ear she's leaning in so close, her body very nearly pressed into mine as she reaches around one handed- her other must be holding the ropes tight -adjusting.

"Are you?" Squirming. "Do you?" I can't help myself. She's- basically -groping my breasts. "Is that," wriggling back into her, squirming and trying not to laugh, "really necessary?"

I don't think she means too, or at least I doubt it's being done with any thoughts other then the task at hand: tying me up. But. Because the rope, it seems, needs to sit flush with my bikini clad breasts, needs to sit up underneath them, Chelle needs to manhandle the goods.

My goods.

"I'll start charging you in a minute."
"Hush." But she laughs. "Or I'll gag you."
"Honestly." Tugging the rope up further under my left breast because wriggling had just caused it to slip down. "Stand still."

Needless to say, of course the feel of the thin coarse brown rope rubbing against my breasts has my nipples standing to attention. Again. I'm not sure I could stop the reaction if I tried.

Appearing in front of me, rope in hand, Chelle has enough left to bring it over my right shoulder, down between my breasts, and back up the left side. After which she wanders behind me, and for the next minute I'm tugged and jerked around as she tightens and ties the chest ropes off.

"Go sit yourself on the bed."
"What." Grinning, because I'd really been expecting. "No hopping today?"
"Do you," smiling back, "want to hop? Thought I'd cut you some slack, but," a shrug, bobbing the coiled length of rope she's holding at me, "if you want I could...."
"I'll go sit down."

I don't mind hopping. It's kinda funny bouncing along. But in my bikini something might fall out, which wouldn't be good.

Probably Chelle figured that out too.

Four ties on my legs this time, definitely going all in on this. Chelle kneels on the floor since I'm on the edge of the bed, legs dangling off, already helpfully side by side. She ropes my ankles, above and below the knees, with the new addition being upper thigh. Very close to, though luckily not touching, my crotch.

"You know." Still kneeling. I peer down, over the twin hills of my D cups, to see Chelle grinning up at me. She runs a hand through her hair, nods. "All those ropes up there make those cannons of yours very. Um...."
"Very...?" Frowning. My breasts are. What? I give my body a side to side shake, which shakes the cannons too. I tug on my arms, because, there's something. "Um." Different?

But. "Oh." I see now. "Ha." Shaking again, checking.

"Stop that before you put someone's eye out." Chelle stands up, making a joke of backing off, hands up in protection.

Somehow, and I think it's a combination of factors: my bound elbows, which, as the rope pulled them together, I felt my chest thrusting forwards. Plus the ropes wrapping my actual breasts. These two things are conspiring to make my breasts appear, even. Well.

"Not sure they need to look any bigger." Chelle laughs. Goes to fetch the green scarf. Which I probably won't be able to wear ever again without certain memories popping up.

I'm manoeuvred up onto the bed, Chelle taking hold of my feet and lifting them up, then pushing and rolling my already helpless body over, and over, getting me into the middle, laid on my belly, facing the headboard.

"One more rope." Wagging a finger in my face, sounding quite pleased with herself.

Joining my legs to my arms. Didn't I see something very similar once, on a kids cartoon, done to a cow?

The rope, linking ankles to elbows behind me, forces my body to bend into a curve. It pulls my legs up and back, bringing my ankles towards my head. Towards my elbows. I can feel Chelle knelt behind me, her body keeping mine in place as she pulls the rope back towards my ankles, bringing my upper body up off the mattress.

"Mmmffpppmmfmfmmmmm." I moan. Fuuuuuccccck. Feeling, as Chelle ties the rope off, locking my body in place, just how tight this tie is. Everything, all of me, feels pinched. Legs. Arms. Chest. Rope is digging in all over. Everything tingles as awareness of this new level of helplessness rushes through me.

It's painful. Of course, how could it not be given the strict position I've been placed in. But. No no, hear me out, I'm not crazy. Promise. It isn't painful bad, because the pain is a part of the helplessness, which is a sensation I'm coming to enjoy.


Feels good.

Going to pay for this later, or tomorrow. Going to ache, and I'll no doubt have some lovely red marks all over. But, it feels good.

"What do you think?" Sat on the floor beside the bed, head resting on her hands, forearms sticking out either side laying flush on the mattress. Chelle grins across at me.

"Fffpmmmmm mmfppfffff." Shaking my bound body side to side, rocking. Not intentionally showing her how helpless I am, but, given her widening grin, she can see. "Gmmmfffmggggmmmm."
"Nice." Reaching forwards to tap my nose. "And. Tight."
"Mmfmffmm pppfffggfmmmm gggggmmmmmfff."

But Chelle only nods, stands, walks away.

Moments later I hear Minecraft noises, which means.

"What the...?" Disbelief. I'd grin if my mouth weren't stuffed full of tightly knotted scarf. "Actual? Fuck?"

With a half minute of concentrated rocking I mange to fall onto my side, legs close to the wall, giving me a view of Chelle sat at my computer. And though I can't see the screen, I don't need to.

"Did you...?" Turning to face me, shock still on her face, mouth working even after she stops speaking. "Luce?"

I did. I wasn't cruel.

Okay, maybe a little bit.

Chelle has a map, and a sword. A wooden sword, the most crap in the game. But no armour or food. Last night I spent close to half an hour rowing and running north, sometimes west, putting Chelle a literal world away from home.

Looking back at her game, at me. Chelle bursts out laughing. "Okay. Luce. Fine." Wagging a finger at me. "You're lucky I've already tied you up, otherwise...."

She leaves the threat unfinished. Just tuts, smirks, turns to focus on the game, leaving me to my now very much deserved fate.

And she hasn't even seen her house yet.

Fourty minutes, at a guess. That's how long she takes to navigate back. It might be longer, because at night, which from what I'm able to see happens three times, Chelle's forced to hide up a tree. It's either that or risk certain death, because at night all the mobs come out to play.

And she'd be just as screwed as I am right now.

I mean. Um.

Shit. Ha. Guess I am kinda fucked, probably shouldn't of messed up Chelle's game and then let her put me into an inescapable tie.


And I know I'm trapped because I spend a good portion of that fourty minutes having several serious attempts at getting free. Struggling. Rolling and flopping- It's my D cups that do most of the flopping -across the bed. Seeking out those non existent loose knots.

My gaze darts back to Chelle often. Is she watching, looking, at me? Mostly, right now, no. She's too busy trying not to die to gloat over her victory.

Would- out of nowhere I suddenly wonder -Jody care? Were she here, instead of Chelle, would she choose me or Minecraft?

Stop- feeling my skin flush, lips remembering the brief contact -that.

Do I like girls?

"Really?" Chelle, coming up off the chair, advancing on me, no longer blocking the screen. Which means I can see she's reached her house.

Running her clean off the map, and the next two maps after that, didn't take long last night. What took me several hours, costing me a proper rest, was fucking with her house.

One of the main points of Minecraft is to build. Everything is blocks and to a degree the only limit is your imagination. Chelle's house is like a stone castle, with battlements on the roof and a wooden chicken pen attached to one side, a small wheat field close by. Very pretty.

All I did. Well. Every castle needs a moat.

"You." Looming- grinning, but still -over me. The moat I built is wide. Very wide. A river of lava. Chelle reaches down, flicking at my nipple, clearly visible pressing against the triangle of my halter top.

"Mmffpppmm ggggmmm." Wriggling, spasming, as the flick sends a shock of sensation through my bound body.

"Little." Flicking it again. Still grinning, trying hard not to laugh despite the fact that to touch her new moat, to fuck up in the act of trying to cross it by bridge building will mean certain death. I try to roll onto my belly, to protect myself.

"Bitch." The grin robs it of malice.

Chelle falls on me like a hungry lion. Laughing. Tickling me. Merciless. Her fingers roving quickly, without apparent thought or plan, all over me.

And, tightly trussed up, helpless, I can't defend myself from her sudden attack.

She has me rolling, bucking, kicking and wriggling. Laughing and squealing through my scarf gag as her fingers skate up and down my sides, around my neck, my belly and cleavage, my legs and especially the soft soles of my bare feet.

She's relentless, even flicking at a nipple, just to hear me yelp no doubt, each time I make it onto my back.

When she does, finally, stop, sitting down beside me, both of us breathing hard. I look down at myself, surprised to find my bikini top still in place. I'd been sure, somewhere in the crazy run of my thoughts, that it must surely wind up pulled open, or the tied cord behind my neck undone, the top simply falling off.

"Well." Yanking the scarf from my mouth, leaving it draped around my neck loosely tied. "That's what you get."
"Ha." Still, a little bit, fighting for breath. I try on a smile, look up at Chelle from my spot, laid on my side facing her. "Totally worth it."

I nod. Now that we've stopped I can feel all the rope digging in again. This tight tie, I've been trapped for close to an hour now. And I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with the discomfort before I actually ask Chelle to get me out.

Would she get me out?

But. I can't seem to help myself either. I can't not goad her.

So. I grin. "Yeah. I mean." Trying to shrug. "I figured, what I did, you'd want to punish me or some crap. But." Meeting her gaze, all innocent. "I guess I'm still waiting."
"Still...." Shocked, looking at her hands, fresh from tickling me almost into oblivion, which is a punishment. Looking back at me. I can see her brain working.

She grins. Becoming the lion again. And maybe we poor antelope should learn our place, and shut up.

"Tell you what." Rolling me onto my back. "I'll be generous. Give you." Legs suddenly flopping out, down, landing flat on the bed as the connecting rope is removed. "A half hour." Chelle's face reappears before mine. She nods. "Thirty minutes to. Um." A shrug. "Get dressed. And then, Luce." Giving my butt a friendly pat. "Then I'll show you something...." She winks. Laughs. Goes back to freeing me, her threat left unfinished.
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Post by Nainur »

Oh, wow! There's a hot game!
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Post by slackywacky »

That was fun and yes, screwing up Chelle's Minecraft and getting tied up by her might not be the best combination.
Good read, please keep going.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by JulieG »

What I love about tickling a hogtied captive is , even if they can move and roll, they either present their tummy, or their feet. Both perfect targets. Like watching a video Tim trying g to protect one foot with the other, and only presenting a fresh, vulnerable target, yet they still do it.
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Post by RopeBunny »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago keep going.
I will. Got at least two more chapters to go before I'm done with my initial idea.

Thanks for commenting everyone :D
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Post by RopeBunny »


Not seeing the point, nor any benefit, to swapping my bikini out for pants and a bra, I keep it on.

Besides. Maybe Chelle plans to spray me with water once I'm tied back up.


It is on the playful side of mean, a not too evil revenge for Minecraft: bind me somewhere, somehow, then pour or squirt water all over me, making me wet.

She could simply dump me in the bath?

If she does. Then. "Ha." I grin at my reflection in the wardrobes mirrored door. "In the resistance," putting on a terrible French accent, "we are prepared for anything."

"What's that?"
"Oh." Glancing over my shoulder, Chelle still working on filling in or bridging that lava moat I gifted- cursed -her with. I laugh. "Um. Nothing."
"Fifteen more minutes." Not looking up. "Luce."
"Sure." Sliding the door open, since I need clothes. Chelle said. "I'll be ready."

Cloudy. It's a grey white sky outside. So I pull on skinny fit black jeans with rips at both knees, pairing them with a lime green tee, because a vest top would show my bikini straps. 'Where Next?' is slashed graffiti style, in white, across my chest, the dot of the question mark being a tiny flying saucer.

Because it's a school day, which means sensible lace up, not quite knee high, boots for Chelle, I pull on and lace up my knee high goth boots. Just to be a tease.

Downstairs, Chelle having shut down my computer whilst I went to the bathroom, we both slip puffer jackets on. I grab keys and my phone, stuffing both into jeans pockets. Chelle has her purple backpack.

"I am." I nod. "Where are we going?"
"Where am I going." Offering me a knowing smile. "You." Pointing as I turn back to face her, front door locked behind me. "Just need to follow."

I'm vaguely aware of where Chelle lives, she explained it to me once. Pointing, gesturing, talking me through the route from a spot where our joint walks home from Willowgrove would be forced to spilt.

There's another Comprehensive close to her house: Queen Anne's. Closer then Willowgrove, but. "My older sister went to Willow." A shrug, like she didn't much care either way. "So. Here I am."

Given my rough knowledge of the area, the woodland Chelle walks us into is close to Queen Anne's, they may even back onto each other. There are several paths winding through the beech and sycamore, the thick clumps of multi branching hazel, nothing wide enough for a vehicle, though most times there's room for me to come up alongside.

Talking a left, off the main path, we hit a downwards slope. Heading into the woodland proper it feels like, canopy closing in to plunge us into semi shadow, bracken and tall grass whipping at my knees and sometimes higher as we press on.

"Here we are."

I can spot a camp, having grown up close by a small copse, technically outside the area designated by my parents as 'safe' but the small circle of thick trees too interesting to resist. A camp doesn't have to be a tree house, doesn't have to be anything made. In my case it was a clearing, the central tree easy to climb thanks to low hanging branches.

Here, these woods, the camp is a little more obvious. The clearing is small, crossed by two felled trees, one of which needs to be stepped over as you enter. These make for perfect benches. To the right is a large pine, straight trunk reaching for the sky, covered in faded scratched initials and swear words. The occasional penis which boys seem obsessed with drawing on things.

"Is this your camp?"
"No." Stood in the middle, turned to face me. "Used to belong to a gang of local boys when I was a kid."
"Aren't you still a kid?"
"Well." A grin, a shrug. Fourteen is kinda bridging the gap. "You know. Ten or something."
"And you wanted to show me this?"
"I wanted." Wandering across the space to tap the tall pine. Chelle turns to face me, her smile a familiar thing by now, enough so that even before she speaks the words my belly is already fluttering. "I'm going. To tie you to this tree, Luce."

"Um." Is that wise, outside, where random people could literally be just around the corner?

"How?" I ask instead. Silly rope obsessed me. Not, no. Not, hey let's think about the risks. Just, how. Which is as good as yes.

"I borrowed some rope." Pulling said rope, my rope, from her bag, waving it at me. "Come here."

I come. Shedding jacket- because it is, currently, there's a patch of sunlight shining down -and bag as I walk across the clearing. Reaching the tree I turn, putting my back against the rough bark of the straight trunk.

Chelle drops her bag, moves around behind me, gets to work.

"I got tied up here once."
"Yeah." Nodding, sat on one of the branches, looking slightly to my left. Smiling at the memory.

Which means- interesting -she clearly didn't hate it.

"When I was ten." Looking at me now, smile briefly wider. "Tied to that tree," vague wave of her arm at me, "just like that."

Which. That. Is a pretty secure tie: My wrists are tied together, crossed behind the trunk, tied to the trunk and my waist. My ankles too, and my upper legs, both are tied together, then to the trunk. The rest of me, from neck to ankles, Chelle used two long lengths of rope to bind me tightly in place, working up then down my body, crisscrossing as she went, lashing me to the trunk.

The trusty ever present green scarf, my gag, is the final touch.

"I wandered into the boys camp one Sunday." Chelle laughs. "Didn't even know it was here, back then. I'd not been this way. And." Shaking her head, smiling. "They didn't like visitors. So." Looking me up and down again. "Five of them, one of me. I got to spend the afternoon tied up whilst they played cards and drank pop."

Chelle stands, stretches, wandering closer. Stood in front of me she bends forwards, reaching out to tug randomly at my ropes. Checking.

And, because she's bent down I can see.

And, because her back is to the girls, she doesn't.

"What the fmmfmfppffmmfmfffffffff."

Queen Anne's girls. Three of them, and older too. I'd guess fifth years, which would put them at sixteen. All three are wearing the white shirt with blood red tie, and black skirt similar to ours, uniform of their school. I'd spied them entering the clearing, one already lighting up a smoke. They'd frowned upon spotting us, me tied up, Chelle clearly responsible for my state.

But the frowns had been quickly replaced by grins.

To my limited only just moved to the area knowledge there's quite a rivalry between Queen Anne's and Willowgrove, plenty of fights between the older boys whenever the two sides happen to meet.

And Chelle is in uniform.

Moving quickly, quietly, sneaking up. One had grabbed Chelle from behind, one hand wrapping her face, acting as a gag, whilst her friends pulled rope from Chelle's bag, rope left helpfully sticking out the top.

They closed in for the kill. Chelle, outnumbered in the clearing for the second time, could do nothing to stop them.

They bind her to me, belly to belly, Chelle's body pressed against and lashed tightly to mine. Legs apart, feet either side of mine, ankles tied to my ankles. Wrists bound behind her back, puffer jacket forcibly pulled off, tossed aside, Chelle's tied wrists are bound to her waist, her waist is bound to mine.

Long ropes are wrapped around both Chelle and me, and the tree. An mirror of what was just done to me, pinning Chelle's body to mine from neck to ankles, pinning us both further to the trunk.

They use her tie as a gag, managing somehow to loop it through my scarf, creating a sort of double gag, bringing our lips- almost -close enough that we could be kissing.

Throughout all of this, binding Chelle, the three girls don't talk. They don't tease, nor do they taunt.

All three girls are, I can see, big. Somewhere between a sixteen and eighteen, with C or D cup chests to match their plump bellies and thicker limbs.

Finished, they sit down, sharing a smoke. And then it's selfie time.

Enough photos to fill a whole album, with me and Chelle powerless to stop them. All three girls take a turn posing with us: stood to the side, kneeling in front, two of them flanking us. They capture every angle of mine and Chelle's defeat, grins evident on lipstick painted mouths as we're circled.

And then they leave.

Abandoning Chelle and me in the clearing.

Maybe I should've gone to school today?
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Ffmmm pppffmmffff."

It's strange, hearing my own gag muffled attempts at speech echoed by Chelle. Strange to see her tied, gagged.

Funny thing is, she, like me, doesn't even seem that upset.

We probably should be upset. The old rivalry surfacing. New to me, freshly moved to the area, but prehaps Chelle was aware? Maybe she knew that Willowgrove and the neighbouring Queen Anne's Comprehensive are engaged in a Jets and Sharks style war, a constant battle of one-upmanship and points scoring, where any victory counts.

Binding Chelle to me, after she'd already bound me to a tree deep inside the local woodlands. Chelle still in her Willowgrove uniform, that seems like a win to me.

I wonder what they, the three year ten or eleven- fifteen or prehaps sixteen year olds, thick limbs, plenty of meat on their curvy frames -girls who jumped Chelle will do with all the photos they took?

We're tied facing each other, standing up, bodies pressed together. Which does mean- sorry Chelle -that my excitable erect nipples are pressing into her own C cups. Our faces too, because Chelle's school tie gag has somehow been looped inside of my own scarf gag, have been forced close together. Close enough that, were it Jody tied against me now, her skinny blonde body pressed into mine, then I'd....


Stop it. Luce.

We've both had a good go at escaping. Wriggling- not meaning to but there's not much we can do about it -against each other as we work at reaching our wrist knots. Or trying to simply work the ropes loose by way of struggling. We've moaned into each others mouths plenty, which would probably be quite weird and awkward except that we're too focused on the ropes to care.

Or at least I have been.

And besides this whole thing, Chelle bound to me, her win turned into a loss, is kinda funny.

"Mmffppmmm fffffffdmmm." Staring into my eyes now, since we're close, Chelle wriggles her body again. What does she want?

"Ffmmmffpff mmffmmmmm." I wriggle mine back. Trying to be helpful.

Which of course gets us nowhere.

And then it begins to rain.

Not heavily. But Chelle, less underneath the canopy of this pine tree then me, not wearing her puffer jacket, gets wetter as time passes. Her pale blue shirt beginning to turn semi see-through as her hair slowly plasters itself to her face.

"Ffmmmfff ppfmfmmffgf."
"Ggggfffffmmmffff." Chelle rolls her eyes, I'm beginning to get wet too now, though it is still quite funny.

And then a dog, a white and black border collie, comes bounding through the bushes to my right.

"Terence." An old man's shout. The dog is sniffing Chelle's bare legs, licking at the water running down them, making her laugh.

"Terence." Closer, accompanied by the sounds of bushes being pushed aside. "Come on boy." Not cross, the dogs- for surely Terence is the dog -owner sounding more amused then anything. "Leave those rabbits alone."

Terence has moved on to me, sniffing. Then he sits, looks me up and down, barks. Once. Twice.

"Terence." Very close. Chelle and me share a look, amusement and panic mixed together, that we should be discovered so.

At least he frees us. Poor chap. Almost certainly more embarrassed then we are, appearing to not really know where to look, especially given both our tops are near transparent. He offers to phone someone, which we politely decline. He offers to- I think -walk us home, or something? But we're good.

Together, bags on shoulders, jackets- a little late but fuck it -on, Chelle and me walk out of the woods, towards her house.

"Indeed." I smile, looking across the bus stop, which has a roof, at Chelle, each of us sat on opposite ends of the single long bench. Watching the rain. Her house just visible up the street.

"Listen. Luce."
"Chelle?" She looks nervous, biting her lip, not really looking at me. Not properly. "What is it?"
"Well." Breathing out, shaking her head. "Back there. Those. Um." Another huffed breath. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" I shrug, keeping my tone light, because I don't care. It's fine. Really. "You didn't know they'd be there."
"No. But." Some kind of waved arm gesture. "Still my fault."

"Not if I'm not mad." Chelle looks at me, I make sure to grin at her. See, I'm fine. She rewards my effort with a half smile. Better. "I thought." Nodding. "That it was all kinda funny actually."

"Didn't expect you to be so happy with being tied up either?" Playful, raised eyebrows. Chelle actually laughs, runs a hand through her hair.

"Ha. Yeah." Shaking her head. "Not sure about happy, seeing as how we got jumped. But." Giving me a smirk. A smile. "It wasn't not fun."
"Well." I smirk back. "Maybe you'll have to let me tie you up some time huh?"

Which means yes. Of course.

"You. Um." Flashing me a smile. Nervous. Hopeful. "Still want to play then?"
"Sure." A lame one word answer for the essay of yes I could've given. But. Yes. I still want to play.

"Okay." Smile widening. "Good. Um."
"But not today."
"Ha." Picking at her soaked shirt, which is plastered to her bra and belly, the white fabric and tops of her C cups plainly visible. "No." Shaking her head. "And. Um. I'll try not to be so bossy next time."
"Sure." A shrug. I didn't mind. "Okay."

"Oh." Just about to step out into the rain, the mad dash to her front door. "Jody."
"Jody?" Jody what? I give Chelle a quizzical look, realising as I do that just the mention of her name has got my heart speeding up, my lips going dry.

"She wanted to add you on Facebook." Chelle, apparently clueless to our brief wardrobe interaction, shrugs. No big deal. But. "She. Jody. Wanted to check first that it'd be okay?"
"Well." Calm down Luce. Being Facebook friends doesn't mean another kiss. It doesn't mean you'll meet again. Doesn't mean Jody will use those ropes in your box to tie you up and.


Stop it.

"Luce?" Half amused, head cooked. "Shall I tell her yes?"
"Um." Yes. "Yeah." A shrug. Fooling, apparently Chelle, but not myself with my fake coolness. "She can add me."
"Okay." Chelle nods. Smiles. Leaves.

I walk home. Getting soaked. Not caring. So many crazy things have happened since I showed Chelle that rope. And, finally home, showered, changed into a baggy black tee and grey thong, having found and- calm Luce calm -accepted Jody's friend request.

So many potential fun things are still left to do.
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Post by Nainur »

well, I humbly suggest that Jody might do Chelle and Luce a favour...
like repeat that session in a safer environment. Lovely chapters!
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Post by ThatDino »

Two chapters at once, on my birthday? :o Glorious!

The way you manage to balance character drama and enticing bondage in your stories really keeps the reader interested. Great additions, as is so very often the case.
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

I just stumbled on this and like all your other work, it’s so very good.
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Post by RopeBunny »

ThatDino wrote: 2 years ago on my birthday?
It is? :D Best wishes to you.
Rdo4y8 wrote: 2 years ago I just stumbled on this
I'm glad you found us.

Not too sure where to go next with this. Everything I've written concludes the initial idea I had when schoolgirls won the vote. I have options, I just haven't yet thought on them.

I shall do that now ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago So many potential fun things are still left to do.
So many potential chapters still to write :lol:

Great chapters, I could see the images in my mind, the rivalry between schools resulting in being helplessly tied to a tree. Well done. And, it being the UK, it rained...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job RopeBunny! That was a nice and interesting way to get Chelle and Luce tied up together :D
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Post by JulieG »

So many possibilities.with three named.character hters.and the promise if a.role.reversal.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Afternoon all.

An update:
I'm ending this tale here. I have ideas, several ways I could go, but on reflection they all either rehash the Luce/Chelle tie ups I've already done, or end up straying into possibly more adult territory.
So I'm doing what I feel is the sensible thing and saying stop, before I get in trouble.

What I am doing (working on now) is an adult version of the box story. Same basic premise: a box of ropes. But with some twists. I'm combining several story idea's, little thoughts I've never been able to join up into a good enough whole. Hoping to begin posting soon.

Thanks again to all who commented along the way :D
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Post by ThatDino »

RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago Thanks again to all who commented along the way :D
And thanks to you for keeping this story going for as long as you did! It was one of the few recent ones on this board that I was really invested in. Your characterization and humor did not disappoint, as usual.
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Post by Nainur »

RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago Afternoon all.

An update:
So I'm doing what I feel is the sensible thing and saying stop, before I get in trouble.
Much appreciated.
And if it dos feel right to you, all is said about it in everysense of the meaning. Thanks for providing! :)
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Post by Mr Underheel »

Great job! I look forward to your next story arc!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Really looking forward to the next story. I love your writing ❤️
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