Nothing Personal - 4 (F/F)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well. It seems, that our heroines will be in trouble. And they do not know that. There is definitivly something wrong. Novak is a rouge Agent. That is for sure. Seems to me, that Christina will need some help. I wonder who will be the cavalary. A lot of players in the game already.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 11

The sun was setting as Hayley King and Natascha Taylor enjoyed a late dinner at a fashionable restaurant a couple of streets back from the Seine. Hayley finished her dessert and made a big play of putting down her spoon onto the now empty plate and sat back in her chair. “It looked like you enjoyed that” Natascha stated with a smile. Hayley nodded, the meal had been excellent as they all had been during this trip. “So Hayley do you still keep in contact with any of the people from college?”

“I still see a couple of the guys occasionally but I wouldn’t say that we are close friends.”

“So who do you count as friends now?”

“Well my best friend is a girl called Natalie who is a detective with the local police force back home, then there is Christina who I met through work a couple of years ago and finally Gayle and Rhiannon who are both academics. It is certainly a varied bunch. Actually Gayle and Rhiannon are both in Europe at the moment working.”

“Perhaps you could meet them,” Natascha commented.

“I would have to check but think that they are both in Scandinavia so it night be out of our way.” Natascha nodded agreement and they conversation continued through topics such as old friends, new friends, male friends and family. They both enjoyed the catch up then they noticed that the waiter was hovering and Natascha said in French “My friend will have another glass of wine.” Hayley marvelled at her friend again. During this trip she had learned that Natascha spoke several languages.

“Just going to pop inside and use the ladies.” Hayley sat and pondered life in general before the waiter depositing a glass of wine brought her back into the present.

“Sorry but I didn’t……..” Hayley pointed at the glass but the waiter either didn’t understand or feigned it pretty well. Before the situation got a bit more awkward Natascha arrived back and explained.

“I have to head off but I ordered you another glass of wine and settled the bill.”

“Thanks. Do you have to go?”

“Yes in order to get this length of time off from work I had to agree to meet some clients.” Natascha stood up and picked up her jacket and rucksack and turned to head away from the river. “I might be back late so don’t worry if we don’t see each other until the morning” Natascha said with a wave over her shoulder. Hayley watched her friend leave then shrugged her shoulders and picked up the glass of wine and whilst drinking it her mind drifted to thoughts of the friend that she had recently been reunited with. Natascha had been born in England and raised there and in Southern Ireland. At times you could still hear parts of the brogue in her accent, especially after a few wines. Natascha had long light brown; some would say dark blond hair with large green eyes and prominent cheekbones. The woman was tall and walked with the loose limbed ease of the natural athlete that she was. Hayley remembered that her former roommate had played both lacrosse and field hockey at college in addition to running quarter mile on the track team for a couple of years. They had bonded over a shared sense of humour and a love of British music from the mid nineties. The women had lost touch after college when Natascha come back to Britain to begin her business career with an international shipping firm and Hayley had followed her father into law enforcement.

Hayley King has always wanted to tour Europe and visit the great, historic capitals of the continent and given what she had been through over the past couple of years decided that she would treat herself, well with a little help from her father. This was how she found herself walking along the bank of the Seine during a long weekend in Paris after five days in London before heading to Austria, Germany, Italy and the Baltic coast. Hayley was enjoying the evening air but it was getting late and she was tired after all of the late nights partying in London with Natascha so decided to have an early night and catch up with her friend in the morning. With that thought Hayley turned and headed back to the hotel.

Natascha seemed to be wandering the streets nonchalantly without any real purpose but had a location fixed in her head. The directions were ingrained after studying maps for the past week in preparation, the reason for the seemingly random turns were to check if she was being followed. Natascha had no reason to believe that she was being followed but it was standard field craft not to head directly to you target, to make random turns to flush out any tails. Natascha turned down the street where the house she was looking for stood and walked past, casually taking glances at the property before turning down a lane that led to the rear of the properties. Carefully pacing out the distance Natascha slipped on a pair of gloves and without stopping vaulted over a low stone wall and into the rear garden of the house. Landing in a crouch Natascha looked and listened for any sign of movement. Satisfied that there was none Natascha made her way across the lawn to a pair of glass sliding doors. Using the equipment supplied for this purpose she easily picked the lock, opened the door and slipped inside being careful to close the door behind her. Natascha knew exactly where she was heading in the house, to the main bedroom and the safe that was reported to be in that room. Having made her way through the large house to the main bedroom Natascha listened at the door for sounds of any movement inside. Hearing nothing as quietly as possible Natascha opened the door and slipped inside. Taking a deep breath Natascha set about searching the room for the safe.


The door opened interrupting Natascha as she looked behind a wardrobe for the safe. She turned as three women entered the room; the middle of the three women had an arm extended which held a gun that was currently pointed centre mass at Natascha. The three women fanned out and Natascha managed to take her eyes from the gun long enough to recognise the tall, elegant figure of Bernice Dubois as the woman holding the gun. Dubois had obviously retuned early from the ball that Natascha’s intelligence told her that she would be attending. The figure hugging gold dress that Dubois wore showed off the stunning figure that she had managed to maintain into her early forties. Long, curly black hair cascaded from Dubois’s head and over her shoulders. “Drop the gun and kick it over here if you please.” Natascha hesitated for a second then complied, removing her gun from her waistband, dropping it and knocking it under a table in the corner of the room.

“Agent Taylor I presume” Dubois said. Natascha didn’t respond as she was still concentrated at the pistol pointed as her chest. “Playing the strong, silent type, well that is your prerogative. I am sure though that we will be having a more two way conversation at a later date.” Natascha took her eyes from the gun long enough to see two large women in maid uniforms headed toward her. They each grabbed one of her arms.

“Get off!” Natascha tried to shrug off each woman in turn but their grip was vicelike.

“Ladies you had better shut that mouth up. Don’t want her disturbing the neighbours at this hour.” Natascha briefly felt her left arm free before it was grabbed again by one of the women who had stepped behind her. This maid now held both of her arms locked tightly. The other maid appeared in front of her, went into her apron and produced a thick soft cloth which she proceeded to scrunch up move toward Natascha’s mouth. In defiance Natascha swung her head to the side and closed her mouth tightly shut. The maid in front grabbed Natascha’s chin and brought her face back round to face forward.

“Open wide” the maid behind Natascha whispered into her left ear. Seeing no other way out Natascha opened wide and allowed the cloth to be forced deep into her mouth, the thickness of the cloth meant that it filled her mouth completely. “Now don’t spit that out” whispered the voice from behind again. The cloth was that well jammed in place that Natascha probably couldn’t have pushed the cloth out, well not quickly anyway. Taking a small positive Natascha noted from the taste that the cloth was at least fresh and clean. The maid then took off the patterned silk scarf that was hanging around her neck and folded it lengthwise into a broad band placing the thick centre of the scarf over Natascha's packed mouth, the ends pulled back behind Natascha’s head under her hair, a knot was tied and pulled as tight as the maid could manage, securing the scarf as an over the mouth style gag to hold the cloth in place. And it was tight, Natascha gave her head a quick shake but there was no give in the scarf, it wasn’t budging any time soon. The maid then also moved behind Natascha who felt her wrists being brought together. Without warning Natascha felt her wrists forced together as the maids wrapped a long length of silk rope around them horizontally several times, threading the rope through the loop and finally clinching the tie by wrapping the silk rope in the vertical direction.

The two maids then moved back to positions on each side and started to guide her toward the door, one of the maids picked up her backpack. As they went to pass the lady of the house raised a hand and the small grouped came to a halt.

“Don’t resist Agent Taylor as it will on go worse for you if you do. Ladies take the Agent to the secure room and make her comfortable. Strip her and burn all of her clothes and the contents of her bag except any electronic devices which you can bring to me. Finally make sure that you search her thoroughly and I mean everywhere. Do you understand?” Both maids nodded that they understand and Natascha made a soft, muted groaning sound from behind her gag. Despite being effectively muffled the woman of the house obviously heard the sound and flashed a deliciously wicked grin at Natascha who could not help but gulp at the thought of what fate awaited her.

The small group made there way along the corridor to the end of the large house furthest away from the street. Natascha was led to the last door on the corridor which she noticed did not have a lock. A keypad sat on the wall on the far side of the door which one the maid’s entered a code into. There was a sound of an electronic lock disengaging then one of the maids’s pushed held it open as the other guided Natascha into the room. It was a large bedroom, tastefully and expensively furnished with a queen sized bed sitting against the far wall. The maids hustled Natascha across before pushing her facedown onto the bed, Natascha instantly spun round onto her back which was slightly uncomfortable with her hands now pinned underneath her. “Just relax and let us do most of the work.”

“Listen to my colleague and don’t struggle. That is how accidents happen” the second maid chimed in. Natascha tilted her head back, looked at the ceiling and silently, well she couldn’t scream could she, at how stupid she had been to get captured like this. Suddenly Natascha felt the touch of hands around her ankles and raised her head to find that the maids had taken a foot each and were currently untying Natascha’s specially designed sneakers, once loosened the maids removed them, the socks underneath soon followed. One of the maids made there way across to the cupboard and removed a large gray sack from inside, returning to the bed the maid placed sneakers and socks into the bag. The maids then turned their attention to Natascha’s tight jeans. As they started to undo the buckle on the belt Natascha tried to move backward on the bed away from the maids but she couldn’t gain any purchase on the bed silk bedding.

“Now what did my colleague say about struggling” one of the maid’s said whilst wagging a finger in Natascha’s general direction. Natasha grunted her resignation that she didn’t stand a chance in a struggle against two women with her wrists bound behind her back so resorted to lying still. The maids managed to undo the buckle and loosen the belt, which they pulled off with one firm yank then followed the buttons of Natascha’s jeans. The maids each took a leg then pulled them off, Natascha knew what was coming next but still flinched as her panties were pulled off. All of these went into the large gray sack. Natascha was staring at the ceiling as she felt hands reach under her armpits and help her up from the bed and into a standing position. One of the maids produced a large set of scissors and started to cut away the tight black sweater that Natascha was wearing. It didn’t take the maid long to make the necessary cuts and sweater fell to the floor; quickly the maid then cut both shoulder straps on Natascha’s bra which with a little help form the maid also found its way onto the floor. Natascha could feel the heat rise in her cheeks at her current predicament. As one of the maids put what remained of Natascha’s clothing into the gray sack the other appeared in front of Natascha and produced a pair of surgical style rubber gloves. “Time for that body search” the maid said with a smile.

The woman started with her hair and worked her way down Natascha’s body until, “MMMPPHHH” Natascha complained into her gag as the maid probed her most delicate parts. Natascha had tried to remain quiet and not give the maid the satisfaction of showing any discomfort but there was only so much that a lady could put up with. The search had been very thorough and invasive in parts.

“You have a very nice body Agent, firm in the correct places and soft in the correct places. I won’t lie to you and say that I didn’t enjoy that” the maid said removing the gloves and throwing them into the gray sack. Natascha knew that her face was now probably beyond red in colour. Whilst the body search was taking place the other maid had been back to the cupboard and placed several lengths of silk rope on the bed. The maid that had performed the body search picked up the longest length and wrapped it around Natascha’s body several times, tying the knot just under Natascha’s bare breasts. Natascha’s arms were now pinned to her body. “Now lie back down on the bed.” Natascha did as instructed and got back onto the bed and watched in perverted fascination as the between them the two maids professionally bound her legs together at the ankles, just below the knee and around the thighs using lengths of the silk rope. Finally one of the maids used the last length of rope to tie the rope binding Natascha’s ankles to the frame at the foot of the bed. Looking on Natascha couldn’t help but notice that there was a part of the frame that looked specially designed to accommodate the rope. With the binding complete both maids stood back to admire their handiwork. Then one of them raised Natascha’s head and slid a couple of pillows underneath to make her more comfortable. The maids then turned their attention to Natasha’s rucksack which they searched, removing a phone, flash drive and small purse. Everything else went into the gray sack.

“I will take the sack to the furnace, she won’t need them again and you can deliver the other items to the boss.” With that the two maids headed toward the door. “Forgot one thing” one of the maids said and headed back toward the bed rummaging through her apron and producing a thickly padded sleep mask with an elasticised strap. Natascha was now so resigned to her fate that she lifted her head to allow the sleep mask to be placed over her eyes, shutting out all light and blindfolding her.

“No need to be embarrassed Agent. If only this was pleasure and not business.” This was the maid’s final words before she turned and joined her colleague at the door. Natascha could sense both of them heading away from the bed and toward the door. Natascha heard the door open and assumed that they had both exited the room and the door closed behind them. Natascha counted to sixty in her head to ensure that the maids would not return before setting about trying to free herself from her bonds. Unfortunately after several minutes of fruitless struggling Natascha had to admit defeat, her captors were too skilled at the art of binding. The knots on the leg ropes were tied to the front, away from the reach of her fingers and her arms were bound tightly to her body. Also the rope securing her to the bed was not for coming away so no chance of moving around and trying to find something to slice at the ropes. Being blindfolded didn’t exactly help either. Suddenly Natascha noted a tingling sensation over her body as the temperature on the room dropped. Bitches, Natascha thought. They put on the air-conditioning before they left.


The maid knocked on the door to the study and waited to be invited in. After receiving the invitation the maid entered the study and placed the items onto the large wooden desk that dominated the middle of the room. Leaning forward in the large leather chair Bernice Dubois picked up and examined each of the three items taken from Natascha Taylor in turn. In the purse Dubois found an electronic card that was used to open doors, which luckily was branded. Dubois held out the card to the maid. “Take a couple of the girls and check out the room tomorrow morning.” The maid nodded. “If you find anything interesting bring it back.” The maid pirouetted and made for the door. “And Marissa,” the maid paused and looked back over her shoulder. “Try not to make a scene.” Having had her instructions the maid turned to go and make arrangements for the next day.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that was an unexpected turn off events :) I wonder, what - or more precisely who - the Maids will find in Nataschas Room. Well, it seems that Haley might be in for an unpleasant surprise. I'm really really curious about how the story will unfold further. The Plot is definitivly complex.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just an Afterthought ;) Gayle and Rihannon in Europe too? That is too much a coincidence, I think. So only Natalie and Gilian are not on the Continent, I hope, we´ll seem them again too! A lot of suspense is in the air! Don´t let us wait too long, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! :D :D
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 12

Kirsty sat at the computer and opened the file on the desktop marked ‘Press Credentials’. The file contained two hundred and forty six documents. That was more than Kirsty expected and taking a sip from the glass of bourbon and coke that she had poured earlier settled in to check through them. The file contained the information sheets and photographs that for every member of the press that had attended the event. Kirsty noticed that the documents had obviously been saved using the name of the reporter, which was handy. Kirsty quickly selected all of the documents with men’s names and deleted them. That left ninety nine documents to look through. She had gotten a good look at the young woman so was confident that she would be able to identify her.

In the end it didn’t take too long. Number thirty five come in your time is up. Kirsty stared at the photograph on the screen for almost a minute before sending hitting the intercom and calling in Perrie. Kirsty leaned back in the large leather chair. Having to juggle so many balls at the moment Kirsty decided that it may be best to sub-contract this one out. Just then the door opened and Perrie entered “Can you get me the contact details for The Broker?” The Broker was a neutral agent specialising in the clandestine brokerage of information and other items around the globe. In addition to this she also acted as a middle woman for jobs that could be taken on by independent contractors. Giving the nature of their operation is could be considered risky in brining in the Broker but needs must.

“No problem Kirsty.” When Perrie stood her ground Kirsty suddenly realised that the woman must had entered the room for a specific reason. Then one of those balls that Kirsty had been juggling hit the floor.

“Sugar! Is she here?” Kirsty asked. Perrie nodded in reply. “Send her in.” Kirsty watched as Perrie turned and exited the room. Perrie left the door open slightly and Kirsty could see Perrie gesturing to someone before then opening the door wide enough for a person to fit through. Then into the room walked Constance Abernathy. Slightly hesitantly the young woman made her way across the room and stood in front of Kirsty who eyed her up and down. Constance Abernathy was a stunningly attractive young woman, perhaps the most attractive that Kirsty had ever met. With long dark blonde hair, ice blue eyes and cheekbones that you could almost cut yourself on Constance was striking. Tall and lean she possessed an obvious natural athleticism and also a confidence that Kirsty assumed came from her privileged upbringing. Orphaned in her early teens Constance had been raised by a combination of distant relatives between stints at Europe’s top boarding schools. There followed a decent into petty crime and drug use that had brought her to Kirsty’s attention. Having been in a similar situation herself Kirsty knew that these were clear signs of someone seeking a purpose.

Usually Kirsty left recruitment to Crawford but on this occasion she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Kirsty had actually caught Constance about to steal some valuable jewellery from a large house where both were attending a party. The younger woman was acting slightly nervous so Kirsty decided to follow her. These occasions were more Elizabeth Crawford’s scene and Kirsty was just tagging along so this gave her something to pass the time. Kirsty was able to follow the young woman without too much difficulty and entered the bedroom at just the correct time to catch her in action. Sensing something within the young woman rather the call the authorities Kirsty offered Constance a deal. In exchange for not telling the authorities Constance would refrain from stealing any items tonight plus consider meeting her at a future date. Kirsty held out a simple black card with her name and number embossed on it in plain white print. Constance accepted the card and Kirsty turned and walked away. Constance had called the following morning and they had arranged to meet for coffee. After that they met on several occasions and Kirsty had managed to get the younger woman to agree to join them.

“So have you read the rules and terms of joining and understand them?” Kirsty asked the question slowly and deliberately, leaned back and waited for an answer. “I just don’t want there to be any confusion. Once you take this decision there is no turning back, no changing your mind.” Recruitment was a delicate operation. That was why it took so long. In addition to attracting the person to your organisation you had to do your due diligence and background checks on them. It was only after that process had been completed when she got the sign off from Crawford.

“I understand Kirsty” Constance replied, “and thanks again for giving me this opportunity.” Then there was a knock at the door and Perrie peered in through a gap.

“Come in Perrie,” Kirsty instructed. “If you haven’t already been introduced please meet our latest recruit Constance Abernathy.” The two women acknowledged each other as Perrie made her away across to the desk and handed Kirsty a slip of paper. “Would you be able to take care of Constance, everything should be set up in the spare room.”

“Follow me and grab your bags as you pass.”

After they had left Kirsty flipped open her mobile and punched in the number that was on the slip of paper that Perrie had given her. The line rang four times before it was answered without greeting. “Broker, I have a job that needs to be attended to.”

“What kind of job?” The voice on the other end of the phone was neutral. Kirsty started to explain the situation and what she needed.


Constance followed Perrie along the corridor to another room carrying a large holdall in one hand and pulling a case in the other. Constance also had a handbag over her shoulder. She had been told that everything that she could bring should fit inside the bags that Kirsty had provided. Nothing else was could be brought along, including her laptop and mobile phone. Kirsty explained that she would be provided with both after she had successfully completed her training. Kirsty had also given Constance an external hard drive onto which she had copied anything that she wanted to keep before explaining that their technical team would check it and then transfer everything onto the laptop that Constance would be supplied. “What do you think happens now?” Perrie asked.

“Well I don’t really now,” Constance replied.

“Well I know that Kirsty has already run through basics with you but I will go through it in more detail,” Perrie began, “as you are aware the initial period of training requires that you spend a week in the position of a captive of our organisation.” Perrie looked at Constance as the young woman nodded. However Perrie noted that in addition to looking nervous had taken a large gulp of air. “Don’t worry it’s a process that all of use have been through, even Kirsty. I can tell you it’s not like the movies with the coarse rope and dirty cloths, we are far more civilised than that.” Perrie tried to say of that in assured tones. “The boss believes that if your captive is comfortable then there is less chance that they will misbehave or attempt to escape.”

“I suppose that makes sense” Constance replied.

“It certainly does. Now the captivity period starts now before we head to our secret base of operations.” Perrie did like to go a bit Bond villain with the new recruits. If only she had her cat with her. “That means that I have to get you prepared and restrained now.” Constance took a deep breath and nodded.

“Put all of your clothes and personal belongings, jewellery and the like into your holdall. They will be kept safe until you get them back. And I mean everything except your bra.”

Whilst Constance stripped Perrie made her way across to a set of drawers and removed a thick pick package from the bottom drawer. “Constance you will be restrained and gagged for long periods of time and that means that you will have to wear an adult diaper. All of our captives are required to wear one at all times” Perrie called across the room. Constance’s face instantly flushed, she remembered that Kirsty had mentioned this but now that it came time to put one on the thought of another woman doing that to her made her blush. “I take it from the lack of response that you are nervous about this, haven’t had one on since you were a child. I know it is embarrassing as a fully grown woman but you will get used it and the sooner you start the easier it is.”

“I’ve been wearing the waddle that Kirsty gave me to get used to having something bulky in that area.”

“That is a good start but I will tell you the feeling is unfortunately not the same due to the different fabric.” Perrie had this conversation whilst unfolding the diaper and putting it on the bed. “Also don’t worry about using the diaper, there won’t be any leakage. It’s not like a kiddie diaper they are designed for adults so they are absorbent enough to take whatever is thrown at them so to speak.” When Perrie turned to face Constance she was indeed now wearing nothing apart from her bra. “Now we can get started. If you will just get on the bed and position your bum so that it is roughly in here” Perris indicated a spot on the diaper. Constance made her way onto the bed and did as instructed, spreading her legs so that they sat either side of the diaper. Perrie asked her to make some adjustments, raise her legs and applied a liberal amount of talcum powder before securing the diaper in place using the sticky straps. Perrie stood back and let Constance get off of the bed and walk around, testing how the diaper felt, running her hands over the bulk looking for any issue with the fit but it was both snug and comfortable.

“The diaper feels nice Perrie.” Whilst that was going on Perrie went into a cupboard and removed a blue down suit that had been hanging up. Perrie beckoned Constance over and handed it over. “Put this on?”

“This is certainly strange attire,” Constance commented.

“Yes, but it is standard wear for all of our captives. Plus it is really, really comfortable.” Constance sat her diapered bottom on the edge of the bed and one after the other slipped both of her legs into the suit until her feet were in the built in boots attached to the ends of each leg. Next Constance hoisted the suit onto her shoulders and slipped her arms into each sleeve before standing up. Perrie watched on with interest then stepped forward to pull the zip all of the way up and fastened the buttons on the baffle that covered the zip. Once again Constance ran her hands over the suit amazed at both the smoothness of the fabric, which she could also feel on the inside of the suit against her skin and the amount of padding. “Let’s see your hands.” Constance held her hands out straight and Perrie quickly slipped on a pair of finger control mitts, buckling them in place around Constance’s wrists.

‘What are these for?” Constance queried trying in vain to flex her fingers against the think padding.

“They are to stop captives picking at knots or straps or door handles or sharp objects, that kind of thing.” Constance nodded; she was keen to take in as much information as possible during this process for future reference. “Now turn round and put both if your hands in the small of your back. As asked Constance placed her wrists behind her back and felt something thickly padded being placed round each wrist, which was then tightened until Constance felt the padding tight against her skin. Constance tried to pull her wrists apart but they are now locked in place by the short, strong chain between the two padded leather cuffs. Next Perrie took a couple of straps and used them to secure Constance’s arms to her body. “Better sit on the bed now.” Constance nodded and made her way across and sat down. Perrie approached with three further straps and used them to secure Constance’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs. “Right let’s get you comfortable lying on the bed.” With a little assistance Constance managed to squirm into the middle of the bed, Perris lifted her head gently and slipped a pillow underneath the disappeared out of view.

“These bindings are very thorough and quit tight Perrie. I don’t see how anyone could get free.” Constance chided herself about saying that. She was just nervous and was talking to fill the silence. “Then again I suppose that is the point.”

“Now just one more thing Constance,” Perris said appearing in her vision again, “I have to gag you to keep you quiet, now if you would just raise your head and open your mouth.” Perrie carefully and delicately pushed a cloth into Constance’s mouth and then folded a blue silk scarf into a band and used it to secure the packing in place. Once that job was completed Constance dropped her head back onto the pillow. Perrie gave her the thumbs up sign and Constance nodded and mumbled something in response. “I will be back to check on you every half hour. If you need a diaper change when I come in just blink three times and I will sort that out.” Perrie then exited the room and left Constance to experience her first experience of being bound.


The door opened and Perrie entered the office. “How did you get on?” Kirsty asked.

“She was fine when once she overcame the initial nervousness and embarrassment. I have left her bound and gagged in the spare bedroom” Perrie replied. Kirsty nodded in reply.

“Thanks. Can you help with the preparations for leaving?”

“Sure thing” and with that Perrie turned and left the room.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the frequent change of scenery! It must be difficult to keep it all together. Very nicely done!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 13

The two women made their way down the sumptuously decorated corridor of the sixth floor of the hotel. Between them the pushed and pulled a large cart filled with used sheets and towels. This cart was part of their cover as were the two uniforms that they had borrowed from the hotel’s in house laundry which was located in the basement. Having sneaked through the hotel’s surprisingly meagre security arrangements Marissa and her colleague had collected the items that they required to move through the hotel undetected, nobody would give a second look to two maids cleaning rooms. Dubois had been clear that this was to be done with minimal fuss. Marissa silently counted the room numbers off as they moved along the corridor until they found the one that matched the number of the key card that they have taken from Natascha Taylor. Marissa indicated to her colleague that they had found the room they were looking for and after making a quick check in both directions that nobody was paying much attention to them Marissa used the key card to enter the room, sweeping it for obvious dangers. Satisfied that nobody was in the room Marissa signalled for her colleague that it was safe to enter.

“How long do we have to search the room?” Marissa’s colleague asked after the door has closed behind them.

“We have no intelligence to indicate that the spy had any obvious backup but let’s not take any chances. Let’s be quick but thorough.” Marissa’s colleague nodded. “I will start with the wardrobe you try the bed and see if she hid anything.”


Hayley used the electronic key card and entered the large room that she was using for the duration of her stay in Paris. Normally she would not have been able to afford anything as luxurious as this room but Natascha’s firm was springing for the costs so Hayley was going to make the most of it. Before Hayley went to bed last night she had knocked on the interconnecting door to the neighbouring room to check if Natascha had returned yet but receiving no response decided to turn in for the night. Rising early that morning Hayley and tried again but once again got no response so decided to go for a walk, grab some breakfast the use the hotel spa. Hayley walked over to the door and chapped again, this time more loudly. Once again receiving no response Hayley started to worry about her friend. There had been no phone call or text message since they had went there separate ways yesterday evening. So she used the electronic key card to open the interconnecting door and entered Natascha’s room.

On hearing the sound of the electronic lock disengaged the two women stopped searching the room and looked in the direction that the noise had come from. Both women reacted at the same time, seeking somewhere to hide. Marissa bolted to the en-suite bathroom whilst her colleague dropped and rolled under the bed.

Hayley entered the large bedroom, paused and looked around. There was no sign of Natascha and the room looked like nobody had been in it which gave Hayley had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Hayley decided to take a look around the room and decided to start with the en suite bathroom thinking that Natascha would have at least taken a shower before going out. Hayley entered and quickly looked around the very large bathroom, casually opening the doors to the various cabinets and cupboards in the bathroom. Finding nothing of interest and deciding that she was being paranoid Hayley turned and exited the room. Hayley had taken several steps out of the bathroom and into the bedroom before she noticed the maid standing next to the bed. Hayley almost jumped, momentarily shocked at the unexpected appearance of a tall red headed woman dressed in a uniform that matched that were worn by the maids in the hotel. The woman smiled and Hayley relaxed as she assumed that the maid was in the room to replace the towels in the bathroom. “Sorry you startled me there” Hayley said but there was no warmth behind the smiled response from the red headed woman. Marissa had been hiding behind door in the bathroom and made no noise on the tiles as she had slid off her shoes whilst preparing a cloth with chloroform. It was then that Hayley noticed that he maid wore leather gloves which she thought was strange, but before she could make the connection Hayley noticed that the maid glanced at something over Hayley’s shoulder but before she could react the two women pounced in a co-ordinated attack. From behind Hayley felt an arm wrap around her waist, the instant reaction was for Hayley to open her mouth to enquire what was happening but this was a mistake as it allowed the red headed woman to jam a balled up cloth or large handkerchief into Hayley’s mouth. Hayley tried to spit out the wad of fabric from her mouth but gloved fingers poked at the wad until it was completely in her mouth, filling it and rendering any vocal protests unintelligible. The red headed woman then grabbed both of Hayley’s wrists in her gloved hands leaving the way clear for her partner to clamp the pre prepared chloroformed soaked soft, thick cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth.

Once Hayley recognised the scent from the cloth she struggled violently against the two women but they were both strong and knew what they were doing. At the same time Hayley knew that she was shouting to try and gain attention despite any noise that she made being severely muffled and rendered almost inaudible by a combination of the wad of cloth stuffed in her mouth and the chloroform soaked cloth currently clamped over her mouth. “We have your friend already. If you want to see her again you will not resist us. Nod if you understand” the red headed woman in the maids uniform holding Hayley’s wrists said. Hayley stopped struggling against her attackers and nodded. She knew she that this was a fight she couldn’t win. “Just relax and breathe. The cloth is laced with chloroform and will put your to sleep”. I know that Hayley thought, not my first rodeo! As she waited for the chloroform to take full effect Hayley couldn’t help but be impressed by the ease with which these women had taken her down, very smooth and professional. Hayley continued to take deep even breaths until she could feel the chloroform start to take full effect, her arms started to tingle and she felt the strength go from her body. Hayley eyes were almost closed as she slumped into her attackers arm. The woman behind her skilfully caught her whilst keeping the cloth in place until Hayley went all the way out.

Once Hayley had succumbed to a chloroformed induced sleep the two women lifted Hayley onto the large bed in the middle of the room. “What should we do with her?” the other maid asked. Marissa ran through the options in her head and made a snap decision.

“Let’s take her with us. If she is working with the British spy then the boss will want to talk with her, or if she is close perhaps she could be used as leverage to make the spy talk.” The other maid nodded her head. “Go get the cart and I will secure her.” As her colleague walked toward the door Marissa looked around for items that she could use to up the unconscious blonde. She would have to improvise bindings for the moment until they got the woman down to the van as although she had brought chloroform and a cloth Marissa had neglected to bring any rope. Marissa headed toward the wardrobe and flung open the door instantly finding what she was looking for, chamber robes or more specifically the belts from them. There were two large white towelling robes hanging in the wardrobe and Marissa pulled the belts from both. She used the first of these to secure the wrists of their captive behind her back and then used the second to bind her ankles together. Next she rummaged through a chest of drawers next to the bed and found a selection of silk scarves. Picking a nice bright red scarf she carefully folded it into a band and used it to gag the woman on the bed over the mouth style, tying the ends tightly at the base the skull, the handkerchief that her colleague had stuffed in the woman’s mouth to muffle any cries when they were subduing her remained in place as packing. Not yet satisfied with the bindings Marissa grabbed the top two pillows from the bed and stripped off the silk pillowcases, folding them into bands Marissa used one to blindfold the woman and the other Marissa used to secure the chloroform soaked cloth over the woman’s nose and mouth making sure that the woman could still take in air in addition to the chloroform’s fumes. Marissa didn’t want to take the chance of the woman regaining consciousness on the journey through the hotel and causing a scene. Now happy with her handiwork Marissa turned and beckoned her colleague with the cart over and carefully they picked up the bound and unconscious woman and placed her gently into the cart, covering her with a couple of sheets to prevent prying eyes from seeing what was going on.

Nobody gave the two maids a second glance as they manoeuvred the laundry cart containing Hayley along the corridor and to the service elevator. The maids showed no outward sign of nerves as they waited for the elevator to arrive then entered and selected the basement level. Once the lift arrived at that level the two maids wheeled it across to the dark coloured panel van where there colleague sat at the wheel. When they arrived then managed to slide the door open and without another noticing they managed to extract Hayley from the cart and carefully laid her into the van on top of a pile of rugs and sheets.

Raquel English looked at the contents of the e-mail that had recently arrived into her mailbox. The Broker had called her earlier to enquire if Raquel would be interested in taking a job. Raquel had answered in the affirmative. As an independent contractor Raquel had the benefit of being able to pick and choose what jobs to take and this one sounded right in her area of expertise. It was basically a search and snatch mission to track down a person and deliver them to the client.

The file contained details of the person to be located; an Elise Rodgers who was a reporter with a London based newspaper. Whoever wanted Elise found was obviously keen as the fee was generous and there was a bonus for a quick conclusion of the job.
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Post by Caesar73 »

And so Hayley is in trouble again. And nobody of her friends knows that. It will take some time, till anybody will notice. Christina is in for trouble too. Natalie is still in the states and thinks Hayley is on Holiday. Then there is our old friend, Elizabeth Crawford .... So the near future looks bleak for Hayley.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I wonder, who kidnapped Natasha and Hayley this is soooo thrilling!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 14

As Hayley started to come round from her chloroform induced sleep she could tell from the range of motion that she was in a moving vehicle. Opening her eyes Hayley confirmed that she was indeed in a vehicle and it looked like standard boxy panel van. Whilst she had been unconscious her captors had removed the improvised bindings that had been used to secure her and replaced them with rope. Looking around the interior of the van Hayley noted that the two women that had subdued her back in the hotel sitting on fold down seats on opposite side of the van, the closest to Hayley noted that Hayley’s eyes were open. “Marissa she is awake. Shall I give her another dose of chloroform?”

“That is a surprise I made sure she got a good dose back at the hotel. Better not Rose as the boss might want to question her straight away so don’t want her groggy when we get back” replied the second of Hayley’s abductors. Hayley hated in when people talked about you like you weren’t sharing the same space. Deciding to take advantage of not being knocked out again Hayley decided to assess her situation, which she quickly decided wasn’t good. Hayley was lying on a pile of carpet, rugs and sheets. Testing her movement or lack thereof Hayley found that her wrists were securely bound behind her back with thick silk rope or cord judging by the feel, there were also several coils of the same rope above and below her breasts securing her arms to her body. Glancing down Hayley noted that her legs were bound at the ankles, below the knees and around the thighs. These women certainly knew what they were doing when it came to ropes and knots. Hayley mouth was stuffed full of material and judging by the feel a silk scarf was securely tied around her head and over her mouth to keep that in place but she wasn’t blindfolded so could see the faces of her abductors. At this point she didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing at the moment.

The journey continued in silence and without incident except for the occasional blare of a car horn that was standard in Paris traffic when suddenly and without warning the van screeched to a halt, so violently that Hayley was forced off the pile of carpet, rugs and sheets that she had been lying on, Hayley did shout at the various impacts but her complaints were muffled by her gag. Hayley heard a shout in French from the cab that she didn’t understand before the two abductors in the rear of the van jumped to their feet and flung open the sliding door on the side of the van. Hayley looked on in confusion as they both hurriedly exited the vehicle without a second glance at Hayley lying bound and gagged on the floor. Just as Hayley was wondering what was going too happen next two new women jumped into the van and scanned the interior, seeing Hayley lying on the floor one of the women stepped across to Hayley, bent down and started to untie her legs. That job completed they helped Hayley onto her feet and out of the van, one placing a guiding hand on top of her head to avoid a collision with the roof. Hayley wondered why they hadn’t just untied her wrists and arms before they removed her from the van.

“Please come with us and all will be explained later” said one of the women in English with a thick French accent as they led Hayley away from the van and toward a large dark blue car that was sitting, blocking the road. Hayley guessed that the car had pulled out and stopped the van. At this point Hayley was totally confused and was concentrating more on trying to work out what was going on around her so she didn’t process a third woman approach from the far side of the car with a cloth in one hand. The first that Hayley knew about it was when it was placed over her the lower half of her face. “Just relax, breathe in the drug and let the chloroform do its work” said the woman holding her left arm.

“MMMMPPPPHHHH” Hayley cried into the cloth as she shook her head back and forth, trying to shake the cloth free so that she could ask these women what exactly was going on. As the group of women got to the back seat of the car Hayley felt a hand on the top of her head forcing her down and into the back seat. The cloth remained in place forcing Hayley to continue to inhale the fumes coming from the cloth. Eventually they took their full effect and Hayley’s eyes fluttered several times then closed as she slipped into yet another forced slumber.


In the back of the car Hayley was sitting between two of the women that had rescued or was that snatched her from the van and her first set of abductors. The movement of the car gradually helped Hayley to come around, albeit very groggily but enough to notice that she was no longer gagged. With her eyes only half open Hayley asked “Who are you guys anyway?”

“Quick she is coming round, use the chloroform again and get her out.” Hayley heard someone say. Before Hayley could protest a cloth was placed over her nose and mouth again and the all too familiar scent of chloroform invaded her nostrils. Here we go again, three times and it probably isn’t even noon yet she thought, her eyes rolling under her own power. She knew full well if she didn't escape, they'd be rolling again soon enough and sure enough it didn’t take long for Hayley’s eyes to roll back and for forced slumber to envelope her again. The last thing that went through her mind was that she wondered where she would find herself when she came round.

This time when Hayley had come round a cloth wasn’t almost instantly pressed over her the lower half of her face, given her current situation Hayley was debating on whether or not that was a good thing. Hayley found herself lying on a thin mattress on a small steel framed cot in a room where said cot was the only item of furniture. The walls and the ceiling were all painted the same colour, slightly off white. In addition to the less than luxurious accommodation Hayley was also found herself bound to the cot. Each of her ankles had a loop of rope around it which was tied to each end of the frame at the bottom of the cot so that her legs were spread; her wrists were bound together with cord. They were also secured to the top frame of the cot with a length of rope so that her arms were above her head. There were also lengths of rope wrapped across her body just below the breast and at the thighs pinning her to the bed and restricting her movement greatly. In Hayley’s opinion these ropes were over the top. Hayley made the compulsory attempt to get free of the ropes, so it’s a trope but sue me, but they were well tied. Well at least she wasn’t gagged or blindfolded, small mercies and all that. Also she had been stripped down to her underwear. It seemed like she was going to have some time to reflect without distractions so played through everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks to see if anything could have led her to this situation. Nothing immediately sprang to mind. The only thing that came to mind was that an old adversary had decided to raise her head again. That thought sent a shiver down her spine, although the poor accommodation and choice of bonds were certainly not the style of that certain special someone.

The door opened and Hayley lifted her head from the thin, uncomfortable pillow to see two women enter the room. “Hayley my name is Camille.”

“It is nice to meet you Camille. I am sure you will understand if I don’t get up.” That comment extracted a smile from Camille.

“The boss wants to have a word with you now” Camille said as she leaned over to untie the rope securing Hayley’s wrists to the top frame of the cot whilst her colleague loosened the ropes around each of Hayley’s ankles. Those jobs complete Hayley was now only bound with her wrist in front of her.

“What so soon? None of the leaving the captive to think what is in store for them?” The other woman dropped a pair of sandals onto the floor and beckoned Hayley to put them on.

“Sorry but we have to gag you now” Camille said producing a cloth and scarf from the pocket of her jeans. Hayley knew what was coming and opened her mouth. A few seconds later she found herself effectively muffled. Then Camille and her colleague took an upper arm each and ushered Hayley out of the room and into a corridor. Taking a look around Hayley thought that the decoration was even worse than the room, water stains, off white top half with a brown bottom half and pipes running off in all directions. Hayley surmised that she was in a basement of a large building. Perhaps one that had been closed for its initial use and whoever had snatched her had taken it over for their own purposes. The two French women led Hayley along a long corridor and into another room. Having a look around Hayley could tell that this was a similar room to the one where she had been held, except with slightly better decoration. Then her eyes were drawn to the piece of furniture in the middle of the room and she started to feel a bit more nervous. The two French women led Hayley toward that piece of furniture which Hayley would best describe as resembling a dentist’s chair. Hayley really didn’t like where this was going but wasn’t in a position to do anything about it. “Please sit on the chair” Camille asked, very politely Hayley thought given the circumstances. Hayley complied and did as requested, putting her bum on the main seat and then swivelling around to sit as you would on a normal visit to the dentist. Camille kept an eye on Hayley as her colleague went about securing Hayley to the chair. First both of Hayley’s ankles were strapped down independent of each other using padded leather straps and then two further straps were then applied independently to each of Hayley’s thighs.

“Please raise your arms” said Camille’s as yet unnamed colleague. Hayley once again complied and found another of the padded leather straps tightened over her stomach. Hayley’s wrists were then untied and strapped to each of the arms of the chair. A final strap was placed around her neck. This strap was loose, more to prevent her from raising her head that far than actively pinning her neck to the chair.

“Leave the gag in place for the moment until the boss arrives.” Without warning Hayley heard a small electric motor whir into life and suddenly felt herself starting to fall backwards, at the same time her legs were being split apart which produced an involuntary moan from Hayley. After the chair stopped moving Hayley found herself looking at the ceiling, she couldn’t really see anything else from the position that she found herself in. Hayley heard footsteps getting quieter then a door open and closed and realised that they had left her alone with her thoughts. Hayley had to admit that her captors had been smart, her current positioning and being unable to see anything apart from the ceiling increased her sense of unease. Without the benefit of having a clock Hayley couldn’t tell how much time had passed when she heard a door open and the click of a pair of heels walking over the hard flooring. Hayley tried twisting her head but couldn’t see anything until a face appeared above her.

“Good evening Agent. I would like to have a chat with you now.”

“MEEMOOVE DIS MAGH” Hayley mumbled.

“Good point. Ladies please remove the gag.” Hands appeared in her vision and the scarf was untied and the cloth plucked from her mouth.

“Thanks very much” Hayley said once both parts of her gag had been removed.

“I don’t have very much patience Miss American Agent so I will get straight to the point.” Hayley was slightly bemused by this statement. She had left Section 10 last year and hadn’t had any contact with the organisation since.

“Sorry. Who do you think I am?” Hayley decided to get straight to the point. No answer was forthcoming. “Alright then, let’s start with a simpler one. Who are you?” Once again there was no response.

“I will ask questions if you please. Now only speak to answer the questions that you are asked.” So not the local tourist board Hayley thought. “What information does your organisation have that brings you to Paris?”

“Do you mean my college sorority alumni association?”

“I have no time for your sense of humour or bravado Miss American Agent.” Tough crowd, Hayley really didn’t know what the woman was talking about. At this point she wished that she did. “What does your government think that they can run operations in our country without informing us?”

“Look I appreciate where you are coming from. Keep the captive unbalanced, don’t give them any information but I don’t know how else I can say this. I have no idea what you are talking about.” Hayley knew that her voice had taken on a frustrated tone. The woman looked away and nodded. Hayley then heard a faint buzzing noise and then felt the vibrations between her legs, stimulating an area of her body that at this particular time she didn’t want to be stimulated. The sensations continued for minutes, the woman still staring at her, sweat starting to bead on her forehead until Hayley moaned in satisfaction and gulped in several deep breaths. The woman nodded again and the sensation was removed.

“We can do this all night Natascha, if that is your real name. Can you?”

“Look,” Hayley said between taking deep gulps of air, “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Hayley noted that the woman had called her Natascha but at this point wasn’t going to correct her. If she wasn’t who these women thought she was then she might therefore be expendable. And that was not a position to be in.

“It is your operation to infiltrate Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation.” At the sound of that name Hayley’s eyes went wide open. There would have been no way that she could disguise the reaction.

“So you do know about it. Some advice agent, don’t take up professional poker.”

“Wait, I…….”

“I have no time to waste. If you aren’t going to give me the information then you leave me no option.” Monique Moreau nodded and a soft, thick, white cloth was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Hayley didn’t try to fight off the cloth as would be the normal reaction but just braced for the scent of chloroform to invade her nostrils. However Hayley had both a lot and very recent experience of the smell of chloroform and could tell instantly that the smell from the liquid on the cloth was not chloroform; her brow must have furrowed in confusion as Monique Moreau smiled. “Not the fragrance that you were expecting? Let me explain, on the cloth is a form of Pentothal chloroform, a sort of truth drug. It is in the development phase but we need to try it in the field and thought that this would be the ideal situation. Five or six minutes of breathing in the fumes and you will be telling me exactly what I want to know.”

Hayley held her breath in an attempt to fight off the fumes that were coming from the cloth. “Now let’s have none of that Miss Agent” Moreau said. Hayley felt Moreau run two fingers down from her belly button toward the top of her now damp panties, then slip under the elastic waistband. Hayley jumped as the fingers found their intended target and started to stimulate. Hayley gasped then moaned behind the cloth which meant that she started taking deep breaths and inhaling the fumes from the cloth again. “There that’s more like it” Moreau said removing her fingers from the most delicate of areas to the inside of Hayley’s thigh where she continued to move them gently up and down. The cloth was removed several times to allow Hayley to gulp in some air then replaced again before another question was asked.

“Who do you work for?” the woman asked looming over Hayley. The cloth was removed from over Hayley’s nose and mouth to allow her to answer.

“I am a self employed private investigator.” Hayley was shocked at what she had said. She didn’t want to answer the question but couldn’t help herself. Moreau looked perplexed but nodded again and the cloth was reapplied. Moreau thought that the private investigator line must be the agent’s cover story. After another minute or so Moreau nodded and the cloth was removed again.

“No your actual employer! What faction of the US Government?”

“I started at the police academy but was recruited by a government agency at the end of my training. Section 10 an agency that specialises in the recovery of lost items and the gathering of information.” Once again Hayley was shocked at how she had answered.

“How do you plan to make contact with Crawford’s organisation?” Moreau nodded again and the cloth was reapplied. When the cloth was removed Hayley replied.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. I really don’t.” Once again the cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth; there was no escape from the fumes. Hayley was starting to panic a bit. The use of Elizabeth Crawford’s name had spooked her. These people obviously didn’t work for her which Hayley was trying to confirm was a good or bad thing. At least if she had been grabbed by Elizabeth Crawford she had a good idea where she stood. As she looked up at the woman that had been interrogating her Hayley noticed Camille lean in and whisper in her ear.

“What brings you to Paris?” The cloth was removed.

“Holiday” Hayley replied between gulps of air. “Started in London and then on to Paris a couple of days ago.”

“Travelling on your own?”

“No with my friend Natascha.” At the use of that name Moreau looked round at Camille. Something passed across the woman’s eyes but Hayley couldn’t read it. The cloth was applied again whilst Camille leaned in to confer with Moreau again. Moreau nodded and the cloth was removed.

“Has you friend acted strange or done anything unusual during the trip?”

“My friend Natascha has taken several meetings during our trip, she said they were business related. But they were at odd times and in strange locations, like at a fashion premier in London.”

“What does your friend do?”

“International shipping and logistics.”

“How long have you known her?” The questions kept coming.

“We met at college.”

“With whom did she meet in London?” Hayley paused before answering so the woman nodded and the cloth was reapplied over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Having learnt her lesson Hayley just took steady breaths and inhaled the fumes from the substance on the cloth that was pressed over the lower part of her face. After the cloth had been applied for what they considered the correct amount of time then it was removed.

“I don’t know she was a vague on details and didn’t invite me along.” Hayley couldn’t believe that she was answering all of the questions being asked so openly and honestly. Camille whispered in Moreau’s ear again and the woman nodded her agreement with whatever Camille had said.

“Can I have my gag back please?” Hayley asked; despite not being a fan of foreign objects in her mouth anything was better then divulging any further information. Not that she knew what any of it meant to these women.

“I can do better than that.” Another cloth was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth, this time Hayley could tell from the smell that it was chloroform. Hayley instantly recognised the scent and for once welcomed the familiar smell. The application and removal of the cloth and the drug itself had left her feeling weak and short of breath meaning that it didn’t take long for her to close her eyes and slip into wonderful dreamland.


Moreau stormed into the room and almost charged toward Rousseau. “I don’t understand it, our information is good. There was an American agent staying at that hotel.”

“You have an American agent alright, just not the right one” Rousseau said. Camille had followed her boss into the room and closed the door so that they could have a discussion in private.

“It sounds like we have the wrong woman. It may well be her friend that is the agent that we are looking for” Camille offered. Moreau having now calmed down a little turned to her colleague.

“I suspect that you are right Camille. Now that we have full details of our friend in there use it to track down her friend; flights, trains, hotels, social media. You know the drill” Moreau said. Camille nodded and left the room to carry out her instructions.

“I know that young woman that you have strapped to that chair in there” Rousseau stated. Moreau looked at her. “I recognise her from my previous dealings with Elizabeth Crawford.” Rousseau couldn’t stop a smile from breaking out across her face.

“What aren’t you telling me Sophia? Remember there are plenty of holes that I can dump you in. Or perhaps you can take her place and I can ask you some awkward questions.”

“Don’t take your frustration out on me.” Now that she had something to trade Rousseau felt a bit more confident. “I remember hearing that Elizabeth had taken a shine to that little lady.”

“What go you mean?”

“Elizabeth’s path and Hayley’s crossed directly on at least two occasions that I now of. My impression is that Elizabeth would be interested in getting reacquainted, on both a professional and personal level.”

“You think that I should use her as bait?” Moreau asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well you brought me in to make contact with Elizabeth. This will be a way to do that. I will put the word out that I have acquired Hayley with some people that I know and see if the word gets back to Elizabeth.” Moreau paused as if considering her options. With the size of the organisation that Crawford had and her contacts throughout the criminal underworld it would seem unlikely that word wouldn’t get back. Assuming that is Elizabeth had put the word out that she was looking for Hayley. Seemingly reading Moreau’s mind, “trust me Elizabeth will be interested in acquiring Hayley, there is unfinished business from her side.”

“There hasn’t been much coming from Crawford’s organisation recently” Moreau said. Rousseau noticed that Moreau had deliberately left a pause for her to fill, which Rousseau had no intention of doing. Knowing Elizabeth Crawford as she did if she was being quiet then she was planning something. Instead Rousseau just steered the conversation away from that particular topic.

“Let me take Hayley out of the city. You have just snatched her from an unknown group who may well be looking for her at this very moment. Keep her safe and it will give me a couple of days to work.” Having made her point Rousseau kept quiet and let Moreau think it through.

“You don’t have much experience dealing with a hostage so I will have to send a couple of my operatives with you.”

“And you don’t trust me, so they can report directly back.”

“Well there is that as well” Moreau said with a smile.

“I suggest that you take her to one of our safe houses and use that as a base” Moreau said. Rousseau nodded her agreement. “From there you can get word out to your network and try and make contact with Elizabeth Crawford.” It was as if this was Moreau’s idea and Sophia hadn’t just made the same suggestion.

“Where is the safe house?” Rousseau didn’t want to be stuck in some back water.

“We have a number that would be suitably out of the way and as you say it is probably best that you get her out of Paris altogether.” Rousseau wasn’t that bothered where they went; she could work from a laptop or phone pretty much anywhere. “We have a place near Bergerac that would be ideal.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Great chapter! So everything falls into place now. The Situation is not improving significantly for Hayley. Being bait for Elizabeth Crawford is the worst thing, that may happen. Somehow I think, Moreaus Plan will not work how she thinks and Crawford will be able to lay hands on Hayley.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Rousseau is a doublecrossing bitch, that is for sure. But I think Moreau is aware that Rousseau cannot be trusted and plans accordingly. So outmaeuvering both, Rousseau and Crawford. For Moreau, Hayley is only an means to an end. And there are other Players involved. There is Christina and the rouge Agent of Section 10 and a few others :) Very thrilling, very much suspense ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bergerac is near Bordeaux, so round about 600 Kilometers from Paris. So I have the feeling, that poor Hayley is in for a longer Journey and a prolonged napping time ;) Not very promising prospects.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 15

The light started to appear around the edges of Christina’s vision as the drug started to ware off. Unfortunately from experience Christina knew not to rush coming round from being drugged. Lying still and taking deep breaths Christina just let her body get rid of the effects of the sleeping gas, she could already tell that her head would throb for a while. After a couple of minutes Christina went to raise her hand to her forehead to scratch an itch, then realised that she couldn’t because the leather straps were still in place, holding her down on the sleeping pod. “Ah, Agent Howard I see you are awake” said a voice in heavily accented English.

“Would you mind undoing these straps?” Christina asked.

“Sorry just a safety measure, some people get disorientated from the gas.”

“How long have we been on the ground?”

“My, you are full of questions?” Schmidt replied, checking her watch. “Around half an hour” was the answer to the question. Christina calculated that they had been kept sedated after landing as Schmidt had said it would take half of that time to come round, she filed that away for future reference. All the while Schmidt busied herself undoing the straps. With the straps on her upper body undone Christina sat up and looked around, noting that Novak and her assistant were already up and away, or at least away from this section of the plane.

“Oooooooo… head” came a voice from the sleeping pod opposite.

“Your colleague seems to be suffering some ill effects from the sedative,” Schmidt commented. Having finished releasing the straps securing Christina in place the doctor moved across to Jessica. Whilst her new colleague was being released Christina swing down off the pod and stood up, undertaking a range of quick stretches to work out the kinks in her muscles. Then a door opened and through it burst an enthusiastic Milena Novak. Christina noted that she looked far better then any woman had the right to after being under the influence of a sedative for a transatlantic flight. Maybe it was just the extremely fashionable and no doubt expensive outfit that the woman was wearing topped off with a long fake fur lined black coat that looked liked it had been custom made for her body shape.

“Have a drink of water ladies. It will help with the side effects.” Schmidt said, her voice monotone, all business.

“I am going to run to customs and take care of some business. You can stay on the plane and get ready. Holliday, sweetie, when does the car leave for the hotel?”

“It will be here in thirty five minutes Ms Novak” replied the assistant.

“Great well see you then ladies, and with a wave Novak exited the plane with her assistant following close behind. Christina went to the bar and found a couple of bottles of water from the small fridge before returning and handing one to Jessica. Having freed them from their bonds Schmidt had collected her belongings and exited the plane. “What do you think about that?” Jessica asked. Christina made a gesture that she hoped told her colleague that they shouldn’t discuss anything on the plane.

“You heard the lady. We have half an hour to get ready. Let’s do that.”


The doors to the carriage opened and Elise Rodgers stepped off the train and onto the platform. Elsie tried to remain calm and blend in but anxiety got the better of her and she constantly looked right and left, searching for a threat as she made her way along the platform and exited Paris Gare du Nord station into the bustle of the early morning rush. During the journey Elise had used the time to research hotels in the city. She didn’t want anything too central or on the usual tourist streets and had looked for websites frequented by those travelling on limited budgets and had found something suitable about a fifteen minute trip on the Metro.

Now that every hotel required some form of identification to Elise couldn’t really cover her tracks so decided on the next best things and made reservations with several different establishments around the city form top of the range hotels to youth hostels. She hoped that this would throw off anybody trying to follow her or at least delay their search. Whilst she was researching hotels she took the opportunity to check on Milena Novak and discovered that there was a large fashion event planned for the following night that Novak would be attending. It would be dangerous but if there was a chance that Emily St Clare would be there as well Elise thought that she should check it out.

Chapter 16

Natascha lay bound on the bed; well she didn’t really have any choice in the matter at this point as the door opened and Bernice Dubois entered closely followed by the two maids from last night. Only this time they weren’t dressed as maids, they were wearing classy but understated attire. “Good news Natascha. We are going on a trip to the country farmhouse. It is nice and secluded so we can have a nice, long talk without being interrupted.” Something about that statement made a shudder go down Natascha’s spine. “I had hoped to have your friend to take along as a travelling companion but our plans were foiled.” When Dubois said this a dark cloud seemed to roll across her eyes and the two other women looked everywhere but at her. “That was a shame as I hear that she is quite the bombshell. However on the plus side we will be taking one of the cars so it will be a comfortable journey, well at least for us. The ladies have misplaced the van.” At that the two women looked as if they wanted the floor to swallow them up. “Ladies prepare Natascha for the trip. We are leaving in twenty minutes.” Dubois turned on her heels and exited the room. Natascha first thoughts were that she was glad that Hayley had managed to escape the clutches of this group. It would have been Natascha’s fault for bringing her along as cover on the trip. Hayley was far too delicate and innocent and didn’t have the fortitude or training required to put up with this treatment.

The two maids were carrying several items which they put a chair next to the bed before releasing Natascha from her bonds and helping her to stand up, still completely naked. The gag remained in place at the present time. “Now no funny business or we can get nasty.” Natascha thought about having a go at making a run for it but she was totally naked and she didn’t like her chances of getting out of the house even if she did win the two on one fight. Suddenly brought back to the present a silk scarf was tied round her waist then one of the maids picked up another scarf and smiled malevolently at Natascha, who didn’t like where this was going. The maid tied one end of the scarf to the front of the scarf that was around Natascha’s waist and then fed it between Natascha’s legs and then pulled it tight against Natascha’s crotch before tying the other end to the back of the scarf around Natascha’s waist.

“HHUUMMPP” Natascha complained from behind her gag.

“Oh stop complaining. Just something to keep you entertained during the ride. The more you struggle the more…pleasure that you will get.”

Next the maids produced a long, very thin looking black leather pencil skirt. They folded it down and placed it onto the floor just in front of Natascha. “Step in the skirt please.” Natascha did as instructed and the two maids pulled the skirt up and once all the way up to Natascha’s waist fastened the zip. The skirt was indeed thin, very tight and form fitting all the way down to just above the ankles which meant that Natascha certainly wouldn’t be running anywhere; in fact she would probably find walking difficult, this thought was confirmed when a pair of black high heels were produced and Natascha instructed to slip into them. The maids then handed her a white blouse which she slipped on without having to be asked and buttoned up, this was followed by a thin brown jumper. “You look good. The colour suits you.” Without any further delay Natascha’s wrists were bound in front of her with a scarf with two other scarves used to secure her arms to her body. Finally a large cape was draped over Natascha’s shoulders which one of the maids close around her and tied closed. That was clever Natascha thought; the cape effectively hid the bindings securing her arms around her body.

Then one of the maids untied the scarf that was over Natascha’s mouth, releasing the pressure and allowing the now soggy cloth that had been in her mouth to be removed. Unfortunately relief was short lived as no sooner was her mouth empty than a fresh cloth was forced in and a fresh silk scarf applied to keep her effectively silenced. Natascha looked on as one of the maids fiddled with some clear tape and two large cotton wool pads, the other maid produced a large pair of Jackie Kennedy style sunglasses. Natascha guessed what was about to happen and thought that these people certainly had experience at this kind of thing. The maid had crossed two lengths of tape over the centre of the cotton pad and used the tape to secure one pad over each of Natascha’s eyes, and then the sunglasses were put on. These were mainly to hide the cotton pads but also helped to block out the light. Natasha now couldn’t see anything. Finally the maids tied a silk headscarf over Natascha’s head and tight the knot tightly under her chin. “Now just stand still for a minute” whispered one of the maids into Natascha’s ear. Interesting Natascha thought as after what they had done to her she wouldn’t be moving very far, very easily.

Natascha remained still and listened as the maids busied themselves with quickly tidying the room before she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s make a move Agent Taylor. Just take your time and let me guide you.” Natascha took a deep breath through her nose and took a first faltering step, stumbled but caught her balance. “Baby steps Agent Taylor.” Natascha tried again and this time made a better fist of it almost sliding her feet along the carpet. Having found a way to functionally move Natascha found a rhythm and started to make progress, very slow progress. “Unless you want to hit the wall head left a bit.” Natascha complied and with a bit of steering from the main managed to get through the door. “Stop and spin ninety degrees to the left.” Natascha did as instructed and started making her way down the corridor. As she shuffled along Natascha tried to think of a way to escape but hobbled, bound and blindfolded as she was there seemed no way of even attempting to escape without outside help. That also helped to take her mind off the scarf that with every step was rubbing against and stimulating her crotch area. Natascha didn’t like to admit it but she could feel a heat starter to blossom in that area. With the maid guiding Natascha the small group made their way to the end of the corridor.

Although blindfolded the feel of sunlight and breeze on her face informed Natascha that she was almost outside. “Watch your feet on the surface. The car is about ten yards directly in front of you.” Natascha felt the hand on her shoulder push her forward and took this as a subtle hint to start shuffling again which she did carefully. Natascha felt the hand pull backward so stopped. “Time to get in the car” the hand moved from Natascha’s shoulder to the top of her head, police style as with some difficulty and a lot of guidance Natascha managed to locate the rear seat of the car and finally swing her legs in. The end of that particular part of the journey was signalled by the thump of the car door being closed. Natascha sat perfectly still as she heard the footsteps and hushed voices around the car. Eventually the three other doors opened and the movement of the car told Natascha that people got in all three doors, the drivers seat, passengers seat and in the seat beside her in the rear. The engine of the car started and idled, Natascha heard movement on her right and felt something round her ankles as they were pulled together and whatever had been used, probably a scarf was used to tightly bind her ankles, which given her position Natascha thought was overkill.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So what happened? Christina arrives, clearly having second thoughts about Nowak. Caution is good, but they don´t know anything about the trackers - things will be getting interessting :)

Natscha hits the road, in style - not very comfortable - but in style :D - to have a little chat with Miss Dubois. I wonder what her role is ..... is she part of Crawfords organization?

I´m not sure how well Natascha really knows Hayley - if she thinks her not prepared for incidents like this. And we learn, she used Hayley as decoy.

So, most Players are already in, or near Paris , or at least in France. So everything is set, it seems.

Hayley will hit the road soon too, but I have my doubts how comfortable her Travelarrangements will be .... ;)

All we have to do now ist wait :D
Last edited by Caesar73 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

At least - I think - Hayleys outfit maybe less stylish and more casual ;) But we shall see ;) The construction of this complex multipart story is perfect - this is storytelling on a high level, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 17

Raquel English grabbed the large bouquet of flowers from the passenger seat of the small van that she had hired using a fake driving licence the previous evening. The flowers had been purchased from a local florist on the way to the address that Elise Rodgers had given to the security team at the fashion event. The front door had secure entry so Raquel had to wait until a neighbour was approaching before making a move. It didn’t take long for an elderly man to appear from the corner carrying a small plastic bag and a paper under one arm. Early morning stroll for the paper and a few supplies Raquel guessed. She grabbed her hat and put it on before getting out of the van and timing her arrival just as the old man opened the door and entered the building. Raquel followed close behind holding the flowers high so that they would obscure her face. Finally registering her presence the old man turned round. “Delivery?” enquired the man, nodding toward the flowers that Raquel held in both hands.

“Yes. Miss Rodgers, flat 2/2” Raquel replied.

“Up the stairs to the top landing, turn right and the door is straight in front of you.”

“Thanks” Raquel said before climbing the stairs and finding the correct door. The first thing that she noted was that there were two nameplates on the door. Raquel surmised that this meant that Elise Rodgers had a flatmate which would make things trickier. There was no way of telling if the flatmate would be in without knocking on the door. Raquel pulled up the silk scarf that was hanging loosely around her neck up and over her nose so that she looked like an old western bandit. That and the hat should both help disguise her appearance should the flatmate open the door. Raquel knocked on the door and waited, raising the flowers so that they were in front of her face. After a couple of seconds a shadow appeared at one of the panes of frosted glass in the door just before it opened to reveal a dark haired young woman. Raquel cursed under her breath; the target had red hair so this must be the flatmate.

“Delivery for Elise Rodger,” Raquel said putting on a fake accent.

“They look nice but she isn’t in at the moment. Do you want to leave them with me?” Raquel noted that the flatmate had an American accent. “My name is Lisa if you need me to sign something.”

“Yes that would be great.” Raquel said handing over the flowers, which the flatmate accepted and placed on a shelf just inside the door. This allowed Raquel to reach into the pocket of her jacket and slip something into her hand. As Lisa turned back to face her she seemed confused, probably by the scarf.

“I was hoping to avoid this” Raquel commented.

“Avoid what?” asked Lisa before the woman's left hand flashed a gun up and pointed it at her.

“Turn around,” Raquel commended and shocked Lisa complied. Suddenly a hand appeared in front of her face and clamped a handkerchief over her mouth and nose. Lisa took a deep breath because she was startled and immediately inhaled the sweet smelling fumes that were coming from the cloth which was damp. Lisa reacted by raising her hands to remove the handkerchief, but felt the gun barrel pressed harder into her back in as a warning not to fight.

“Don't fight me, Lisa. That smell is chloroform and is you don’t know what that is it’s an anaesthetic; you see it used in all of the old films. I'm just putting you to sleep for a few hours so that I can do my work without having to worry about you. You'll thank me later," Raquel told her. Lisa wondered why the woman was talking so much but that was simple, Raquel had found that if you kept talking the person being sedated just listened to what you were saying and inhaling the fumes. Once they realised what the drug was doing it was too late to fight back, especially if they didn’t instantly realise their situation. The effects of the chloroform overtook Lisa quickly, stood there deeply inhaling the chloroform fumes out of fear. Raquel held the handkerchief tightly over Lisa’s mouth and nose so that she had no chance to breathe fresh air. Lisa felt her limbs start to tingle, her arms were getting heavy and her legs were feeling like rubber. Lisa had fainted before and it felt like that was happening but in slow motion, she was feeling very tired, her eyelids fluttering before she could no longer stand and fell to the floor, Raquel expertly kept the handkerchief in place and watched as Lisa’s eyelids slowly closed. Raquel removed the handkerchief and placed it into her pocket, at the same time she removed a pair of black latex gloves and slipped them onto her hands.


The large clock above the mantelpiece showed half past the hour, she had been at it for almost forty five minutes, which she felt was too long. Raquel pulled her gaze from the clock and scanned the room again; thinking if there had been anywhere that she had missed when searching the flat.

Picking up the rubbish bag Raquel tore it open and stole a look at the contents. The smell wasn’t great but she had to be thorough and this was the only place left to check. Raquel saw that along with the food and used cartons there was a couple of scrunch up pieces of paper. Removing these one at a time Raquel found a shopping list, some junk mail then finally the payoff. It was a hand written noted to Lisa signed by Elise stating that she was had an assignment from the paper and was going to Paris. Raquel did wonder whether this could be some kind of ruse to through off anybody tracking Elise but quickly decided that the young woman wouldn’t have had the foresight to be that deceptive. Taking a large bag that she had discovered under the sink during her earlier search Raquel filled it with a laptop, some jewellery, cash and other items. The flatmate would obvious call the Police when she got free so best to make it look like a robbery. Raquel had left Lisa very loosely tied in one of the bedrooms. It wouldn’t take her very long to get free.


It must have been the light coming through the small gap in the blinds that woke Katie Sheridan from her deep slumber. She couldn’t even remember having any dreams which was usually for her. Katie rolled over onto her back, stared at the ceiling and ran through the events of the past couple of days, trying to piece them together for what seemed like the hundredth time. She clearly remembered sitting in the large silver car with Gerhard, Emily St Clare’s driver whilst their boss was in the spa having her treatments. After that it was a bit of a blur until she woke up yesterday morning in her own bed. Katie slipped out of bed into her slippers before reaching for the bedside cabinet and picking up the envelope again. She removed the heavy, quality paper from inside the envelope and read the letter again. It was from Emily St Clare thanking her for brief but valuable service but also reminding her of the confidentiality clause within the contract of employment that she had signed. There had also been a cheque with the letter with a very generous severance amount which Katie had put into her bank yesterday. Once it cleared it would pay for a nice luxury holiday plus a small car. The cheque wasn’t from Emily St Clare’s personal account but obviously from one of the various companies that she had an interest in. It was also ease the need to take the next job that she was offered. All in all Katie considered the short employment with Emily St Clare worthwhile.

Chapter 18

The world was starting to come back into focus again as Hayley lay on her back on the bed in the same room that she had been in before her interrogation by the woman called Moreau. There were plus and minus points at the moment. The plus was that for the first time in a while she wasn’t bound and, or gagged, the minus was that her head was throbbing from the after effects of the combination of being chloroformed so many times plus whatever that other drug was that seemed to make her answer questions truthfully. Hayley rolled over onto her side and tried to get comfortable, despite how often she had been rendered unconscious recently she was still tired. It was never the same as getting a good night’s sleep. Eventually despite her throbbing head Hayley managed to drift off to sleep.

A couple of hours later Hayley was jolted awake by the sound of the door opening. Slowly she rolled over to see what was happening and the sight that greeted her did not look promising. It was Sophia Rousseau standing about ten yards into the room with her arms crossed flanked by a couple of women. Rousseau was wearing standard madam chic, long leather boots sheer pantyhose, black skirt to just above the knee, red blouse with the top two buttons opened to reveal a bit of cleavage topped off with a long leather jacket. The woman on Rousseau’s right was a woman of Asian decent, tall and thin with longish straight black hair tied back in a ponytail. This woman was wearing a dark blue and red jumpsuit, the emblems Hayley could tell identified the woman as a local paramedic. The woman on the other side of Rousseau had dark blonde hair tied back in a severe bun and she was wearing spectacles and a white doctor’s coat. The woman in the paramedic uniform pulled a stretcher behind her. “I take it this isn’t a social call ladies” Hayley asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

“You are correct Hayley. We are all going for a trip” Rousseau stated.

“No thanks. I still have plenty of the tourist sights to see in Paris” Hayley replied propping herself up on her right arm. “If you could drop me off back at my hotel that would be great” Hayley finished, smile on full beam, eyes wide open, playing the innocent.

“I do like your bravado Hayley and I am sure that pretty local prom queen routine works at times but sorry there isn’t an option for you on this one. Elodie and Lauren here will help you get ready for the trip and I will see you at the transport.” As Rousseau turned and walked out of the room Hayley got to her feet and stood hands on hips. The three women stood like that staring at each other until Hayley looked past the two women and to the stretcher and the various pieces of apparatus and equipment that was loaded onto and hanging off the stretcher and got the impression that she wasn’t going to be going anywhere in comfort. For a brief moment the thought of making a break for it crossed Hayley’s mind but it was almost as if her thoughts were being read.

“There is nowhere to go” Elodie said as she reached down and picked up a thick, white package from the stretcher. Hayley knew that the woman was correct. Even if she could get past these two women then she had no idea how many more were waiting or where the nearest exit was.

“How you say in English?” Elodie said holding up the item that she had lifted from the stretcher.

“Diaper” Hayley replied wearily, longing for days when she didn’t instantly recognise what an adult diaper was. Hayley extended her hand toward Elodie and after an exchange of looks with Lauren handed over the diaper to Hayley. Hayley unfolded the diaper then got back onto the bed, slipped off her skimpy black panties and raised her hips. To be honest she was glad to get the stained panties off, she felt she would be pushing here luck asking for a shower. Better just to make the best of it. Hayley slipped the diaper under her raised bottom and used her judgement to get it into the best position before lowering herself onto the diaper. Hayley raised her legs and after a couple of minor adjustments secured the diaper in place using the adhesive straps. Hayley then got up from the bed and ran her hands over the smooth surface of the diaper, it fitted perfectly and was as comfortable as wearing a diaper was going to get, a good job even if she did say so herself. Hayley looked up and saw the strange looks that Elodie and Lauren were giving her; they had obviously never had a captive do that before. “What is next then ladies?”

“Put these on” Elodie replied handing Hayley a set of hospital scrubs and a pair of plain black socks. Hayley quickly put on the proffered items of clothing and without having to be asked made her way across to stand beside the stretcher. Hayley looked at the various leather straps with hoops on the stretcher and took a deep breath before hopping up onto the stretcher and positioning herself, head on pillow, so that her body was in the correct position, as she understood it for the straps to be used properly. Elodie and Lauren didn’t waste any time in securing Hayley with the straps. They started with Hayley’s ankles, putting a leather loop around each of them and tightening them tightly and securing them in place with a buckle, then came straps around Hayley’s thighs, chest, wrists, upper arms and chest. There was also a crotch strap that joined a strap that was across Hayley’s waist. Hayley winced as this was put in place.

“Sorry they have to be tight” Lauren said by way of an apology. Hayley would have shrugged if so could move at all. She had been bound enough times now that she took most things in good spirit. Elodie pulled several items out of her pocket. “We need to make sure that you are quiet for the journey.” Hayley screwed her eyes tightly shut in frustration; she hated being gagged almost as much as being strapped to a stretcher.

“I don’t suppose it would help if I promised to be quiet.”

“No” Elodie said flatly. Hayley knew the drill so lifted her head and allowed Elodie to fill her mouth with a cloth. Hayley closed her mouth, putting her lips together. Elodie then placed a thick pad of cotton wool over Hayley’s mouth and while Lauren held Hayley’s hair out of the way Elodie wrapped a bandage over that several times to hold everything in place, using medical tape to keep the bandage secure and in place.

The binding complete her captors took an end each and began to move the stretcher. Hayley thought that when she got the chance she would have to have a conversation with her French abductors about the comfort of their prisoners. But before that opportunity presented itself Hayley decided to take the opportunity afforded by the ride to try and make sense of what had happened. Firstly her friend hadn’t got back to the hotel the previous morning. Secondly Hayley had been abducted by one group and then unbelievably snatched from their clutches by another set of abductors who clearly were under the impression that she was a government agent of some kind, just not the kind that she had been. From the way that the interrogation had went they believed Natascha to be some kind of spy.

The two women wheeled the stretcher along a corridor and through a door into a large open space with a large shutter at the opposite end. In the middle of the space was an ambulance with the rear doors open and the ramp down. Hayley was wheeled across the floor, up the ramp and into the rear of the ambulance. Whilst Lauren locked the stretcher in place and then flipped one end of the stretcher up so that Hayley was now sitting up Elodie retracted the ramp and closed the rear doors. Hayley turned her head and noticed that Rousseau was sitting in one of the seats across from her. Hayley then tuned her attention back to Lauren and noticed that Lauren picked up a medical pack of clear liquid and attached it to a hook above Hayley; it had a line that ended with a needle. Lauren worked quickly by taking a alcohol wipe and rubbing it over the back of Hayley’s left hand before inserting the needle that lead from the medical pack.

“WWUUMMPPHH” Hayley mumbled; her eyes wide in panic.

“Don’t worry it is just something to keep you hydrated” Lauren said with a smile as she opened the valve and allowed the solution to enter Hayley’s system.

“MMMMMM” Hayley moaned involuntarily as the ambulance pulled away. It didn’t take long until Hayley started to feel light headed and relaxed, finding it hard to concentrate on her own thoughts. Hydrated my bottom Hayley thought. Well as she had been given something to help her relax she might as well enjoy the ride, in both senses of that phrase. Lauren removed a blanket from a high level cupboard and used this to cover Hayley then took a seat next to Rousseau and got comfortable for the journey.


Night had fallen in Paris and despite being here on business Christina found that she was enjoying the party. It was being held in a section of a large former Palace on the outskirts of Paris. It was a charity fundraiser which had started with a meal then an auction before a live band took over for a couple of hours. After that things had moved to the basement where a DJ had been playing for an hour with the promise that it would continue until the early hours of the morning. After spending some time on the dance floor with a very handsome young Parisian man who had caught her eye Christina had decided to step outside to get some air, to cool down and to think. If Milena Novak was indeed involved with criminal activities she was going about hiding it the wrong way. In addition to agreeing to have a couple of American Agents along for the ride Novak had insisted that they both attend this event tonight. They hadn’t been on the original guest list; Novak had to call in a favour to them in. So it would have been easy to leave them behind at the hotel. Novak had also supplied the two agents with unbelievable dresses for them both to wear and said that they could keep them. Between them Christina and Jessica hadn’t let Novak out of their sight all night and she had done nothing suspicious, unless she had done it in the ladies toilets. Christina had taken a brief walk round the grounds and was heading back toward the party when she saw Novak coming the other way with a cocktail in one hand. “Christina you look great. I saw you on the dance floor earlier and you looked good. I think that you broke some hearts.”

“Thanks for getting us the invitations Milena.”

“No problem, as long as you are having a good time. Now get back in there and have a drink” Novak saluted with her glass to emphasise the point. Suddenly realising something Christina asked a question.

“Where is the good doctor Schmidt this evening?”

“Unfortunately the doctor is very uptight, not her scene at all. Beside I am not her only client she has another person to see.”

“Someone else that doesn’t like to fly?”

“No the doctor has a wide area of expertise that her client’s call upon when required.” Christina didn’t know why but that answer made a chill run down her spine. “I am going to take a walk and get some fresh air but don’t worry I will return,” and with that Novak brushed past Christina and headed off. Christina couldn’t follow her without it looking suspicious so had to retreat back to the party.

The security at the event seemed tight but as Elise Rodgers had found out that was only at the main entrance to the Palace. Elise had watched from a concealed spot across the road for fifteen minutes before she decided that there was no point in attempting to enter the grounds that way and walked down a side street and found a low section of wall that she could easily scale. Looking at her watch there was around an hour until it would be fully dark so Elise decided to find somewhere to have a coffee before entering the grounds.

As she wondered round the grounds of the Palace sipping from her drink Milena Novak noticed a figure slip from the shadows and approach her. “Hello Horace” Novak greeted the man. Looking at the man you wouldn’t have guessed his occupation as being involved in organised crime. The man defined nondescript, average height, average build and dark hair with just a hint of grey at the temples.

“Ms Crawford is concerned about this development with the American Agents?” Horace always liked to get straight to the point. Novak had noticed that about anybody that worked for Crawford.

“I understand Horace but I am keeping them on a very short leash. If I had not agreed to have them along it would have raised more questions. Then they could have mounted an operation without us knowing.” The man called Horace nodded his head in agreement with that statement.

“Did you get the invitations to the Gala Ball in Vienna?” Horace asked.

“Of course I have. When have I ever let Elizabeth down?” Novak delved into her bag and pulled out an envelope before handing it to Horace who slipped it into the inside pocket of his jacket.

“Ms Crawford asked me to pass on her on her gratitude.”

“Well, I am sure that she will be able to show me how much she appreciates my services once the operation has been completed. I am not doing this for the good of my health.” Horace didn’t respond, face devoid of any movement. “Did Doctor Schmidt arrive safely?”

“Yes, I believe that she did.”

“Well I am sure that she will be able to convince Mrs St Clare to participate.”

There was a rustle in nearby bushes and both Horace and Novak turned in that direction. “Just the wind, it’s starting to get up a bit.” Novak said. “Speaking of that it is starting to get chilly so I will bid you adieu Horace. Good luck.” Novak turned and headed back toward the party but Horace remained in place, staring at where the bushes had rustled until satisfied that it was the wind headed back to where he had left his car.

Crouching in the bushes Elise Rodgers finally allowed herself to exhale. After managing to vault a low wall Elise had snuck around and looking for a way into the party and was about to give up and retreat when she saw Milena Novak speaking at a striking, auburn haired woman wearing a slinky black dress that accentuated her curves to perfection. After their brief chat Novak walked away and Elise decided to follow her using the foliage for cover. Novak had seemed to wander aimlessly until she met up with a man. Elise new it was dangerous but managed to get close enough to overhear most of the conversation and it only deepened her curiosity. However the only solid lead that came out of it was that the next stop should be Vienna.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The fog is lifting in some ways :) We know now, that Milena Nowak is in Business with our Darling Elizabeth. And Dr. Schmidt should "persuade" Emilie St. Clair to cooperate. Knowing Dr. Schmidts Area of expertise, we can safely asume, that some drugs will be involved. What we do not know: Which is the purpose Crawford needs St. Clair for. But I think, that will be revealed in due time.

Elise Rodgers is quite resourceful. So far she avoided capture and managed to get more Information, which will lead her to Vienna. Beautiful City, by the way :) But her opponents are on their track .... so far she has been lucky.

Hayley hit the road. Considering her past expiriences, her way of Travel could have been worse. No casket for example:) I liked the way, she surprised her handlers, putting on the diaper herself :) That was unexpected :) Hayley is doing the best she can in these circumstances, keeping her cool and her sense of humor :) Her resilience is remarkable. She'll need that ..... I do like her character!

I wonder how Rousseau will play her cards. I guess she'll try to evade Moreaus grip. But how she'll do that? Moreau clearly does not trust her. Rousseau knows that. So she will have to devise a plan, without getting dumped into one of the deep holes, Moreau mentioned. Very interessting.

So far not very bright prospects for Hayley. None of her friends knows, that she is in trouble again. Christina is in France, but knows nothing about Hayleys disappearance. Natalie is in the States. So, that leaves Hayley pretty much on her own.

Very intriguing! Well done, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 19

Emily St Clare sat on the floor and looked around the featureless, white room. There was nothing in it, well nothing apart from her. The walls and ceilings of the room were thickly padded with foam covered in a smooth white fabric. There were no windows in the room so no natural light, the only light came from the large fluorescent lights embedded into the ceiling. The lights were the only feature in the room apart from the slight gaps in the padding in one of the walls that Emily knew was the door. Emily had come round a while ago after being sedated again, which she found strange as every time she closed her eyes to get some sleep they played loud music through hidden speakers to prevent her. She couldn’t accurately tell how long she had been in the room. It could have been a day, a week or a month. It had taken her a minute or so to work out why her arms were across her chest, the answer was that she was wearing some kind of down / straight jacket hybrid, there was a crotch strap tightly secured between her legs that was pressing something heavily padded against her groin. Emily knew now from experience that the heavy padding was a diaper. Then the door opened and in came the two women again, the one with the Russian accent and the one with the German accent, both wore the long white coats associated with medical professionals. “Time for your medicine again Emily,” said the woman with the Russian accent producing a syringe from the pocket of her white coat.

“No, no, no. No more drugs,” Emily replied scooting backward until she hit one of the padded walls.

“Do you remember Emily? You had a breakdown and we are here to help,” said the woman with the German accent. “Just relax and let us help you.”

“I don’t remember. I was at the erm…..” Emily started to respond then stopped her memory failing her. The two women took advantage of this distraction to edge closer.

“Look you can’t even remember. You were at your estate and the staff called the authorities to help you.” Emily looked completely perplexed as the two women pounced and wrestled her to the ground, then Russian then plunged the syringe into Emily’s upper arm and injected the drug into her system.

“What did you give me?” Emily cried as the two women got up stood over her. It didn’t take long for the drug to take affect, Emily started feeling woozy seconds after in was administered and not long after that her eyelids slammed shut.

Xenia Sokolov and Elsa Schmidt turned as the door opened and a stretcher was wheeled in by Annika and Christine. On the stretcher were a couple of down filled restraining bags and other binding equipment. “Put her in full restraints and take her to my workshop girls,” Xenia said.

“Time to find out if this will work,” Elsa Schmidt.

“It will,” replied Xenia.


They watched on as the oversized down cocoon with Emily St Clare encased at its heart was lowered onto the rubber sheet on top of the tank of magnesium sulphate solution. Prior to that Xenia had gagged Emily using a cloth and scarf and placed a thickly padded blindfold over her eyes. Schmidt had then placed earplug into each of Emily’s ears. “All we need now is for our charge to wake up. Then we can commence.” Xenia said.

Her body jolted as Emily St Clare regained consciousness. It took her several minutes to regain her senses; if that was the correct phrase as there at the present time she could not grasp sensation of anything. Emily couldn’t understand it as she could see, hear or speak and she was also obviously well restrained as she couldn’t move. On top of that it felt if she was floating as every small movement caused what seemed like a wave sensation along her body, as if floating in a pool. “Hello Emily.” The voice startled Emily as it seemed to come from nowhere, like it had been sent straight from space into her head. “Emily please relax and listen to my voice, concentrate on my voice. My voice and what I am saying is the only thing that you need to worry about at the moment.”

The rest of the day passed through one interminable hour after another. Emily fretted occasionally at her inability to move, speak, see or hear. When it became too much to bear she struggled anew, but it always ended in the same way, with exhaustion, her lungs burning from the effort, her jaws stretched wide apart, mouth clogged with cloth, head pounding from the blindfold tied over her eyes. Most of the time she lay still, accepting her present helplessness, with no option Eventually she couldn’t do anything but listen to the soothing voice coming over the speakers. It was the same words repeated over and over again on a loop, with a song at the start and then a song at the end before the whole process started again.


The door opened and Elizabeth Crawford stepped into the small booth that had been constructed and hived off from the larger space. There was a Perspex window in the wall and Elizabeth looked out at the cocoon that seemed to be floating on top of the tank. “I can’t hear anything Xenia.”

“The earplugs that Elsa designed contain a small radio receiver so in addition to completely blocking out sound we can feed in whatever sounds we want. It is better than just bombarding her with sounds externally” Xenia explained. Crawford nodded and waited before asking another question.

“Are you sure this will work Xenia?”

“Yes. It is all part of a process. I just need some time. I have spent the past day drumming into Emily exactly what we want her to do. Now I need that to sink in, including the trigger” Xenia explained.

“And do we have enough time?”

“There is never enough time when conducting work like this.” Xenia said before she realised that she had started to sound irritated by the questions. “Sorry, look she has no external stimulants. Hopefully all she will be thinking about, all that is going through her mind is what I have been telling her. But honestly I won’t know how successful I have been until the time comes. That is the way of these things.” Crawford nodded and put a reassuring hand on Xenia’s shoulder. It was a risky plan alright but if it came off the payoff would be worth it.

Chapter 20

The high heeled shoes and tight skirt were challenge enough, but being pushed and pulled with her arms tightly bound and a blindfold over her eyes made it very difficult to stay on her feet over uneven ground, not that her captors seemed to mind this. Natascha had been practically dragged out of the car when they had arrived at their destination, wherever this is. After a short but fraught journey Natascha felt the change in surface under her feet and assumed that they had entered a building. Once they had entered the building her captors kindly removed the sunglasses and then the pads over her eyes, the tape causing Natascha to wince. It took a while for her eyes to readjust to the light but when they did Natascha found that she was standing in a large room, from the construction and decoration she surmised it was some kind of old farmhouse. Natascha watched as Bernice Dubois approached her and grabbed her chin. “We have so much to talk about, so many questions that my associates and I need answers to. However that can wait until the morning. Take her to the basement and make her comfortable.”

“Sure boss” the two women behind her replied in unison. With that the women each grabbed an arm and escorted Natascha toward an opening in the wall. They paused whilst one of the women turned on the lights in what Natascha assumed was the basement. The group descended a short flight of wooden stairs and it was proved that Natascha was correct, it was the basement. She was being led toward a hoarded off area in the corner. As they got toward the door Natascha felt a shove in her back knocking her into the room and off balance, with her legs hobbled and wearing high heels she tipped over and with no free arms to brace her fall she landed flat on the floor.

“I will go and look for something for her to wear Marissa.”

“Great. I am sure that our guest won’t cause us any trouble. Now don’t move Agent Taylor.” In addition to the cape flying over her head Natascha had been winded by the fall so was in really no position to quibble with that instruction as she felt the woman who she now knew was called Marissa take off her shoes then slide off the pencil skirt. Quickly after that Natascha felt the scarf that had been used to hobble her movement removed and they the scarves around her waist and crotch were also removed. This made Natascha aware that she was now naked from the waist down. “Looks like you enjoyed the trip Agent Taylor. This scarf is very damp.” Natascha couldn’t help but blush. “I will keep these scarves for later use. Now let’s get you up.” With some help Natascha got up onto her knees then onto her now bare feet. Marissa removed the cape that had been placed around Natascha and then untied the scarves pinning her arms and securing her wrists together. “The blouse will have to come off as well but don’t worry we will find you something else to wear.”

“Thanks.” Natascha spat before slipping the blouse off and handing it over with one hand to Marissa, using the other arm to cover her breasts. Just at that moment Marissa’s colleague entered carrying a pile of material in her hands which she dumped on the floor before turning and leaving. “Great service you have here. I must tell my friends. Where exactly is here again?”

“Nice try,” Marissa replied over her shoulder as she headed for the door. “You get settled in. I will be back soon with some supplies.” The door closed over and Natascha heard the bolt slide into place. She stood for a second before heading over to the pile that had been dumped on the floor. At the top were a pair of panties and a bra, Natascha picked up both items and examined them and deciding that they would be a close enough fit slipped them on. Next was a light grey jogging suit that was a bit big but once again would do the job and went on. Finally a pair of white socks and sneakers that were lying on the floor, the sneakers happened to be the correct size and reasonably comfortable. At the bottom of that pile were a couple of blankets and a pillow which Natascha carried over and deposited on the steel framed cot. Now that she was close Natascha could see the number and colour of various stains on the thin mattress and she almost took a step back. It would be better than nothing, but not much better.


Looking round the small room Natascha’s heart sank a little, she could see no way out. Three of the walls were floor to ceiling hoarding and the fourth was a solid stone wall. There were no windows, the only way in or out was the bolted door so she seemed to be at the mercy of her captors for the time being. Natascha has spread out one of the sheets on top of the filthy mattress and was lying with her head on the pillow when the door opened and Marissa entered carrying a bucket in one hand and tray in the other. The bucket she placed in the corner, it was then that Natascha clocked that there was no toilet in the room and the try Marissa sat on the edge of the bed. “Enjoy dinner. I will be back in fifteen minutes for the tray.” Natascha got up and looked at the tray. There was a bottle of water, a sandwich, a banana and a bar of chocolate lying on it. Natascha knew that there was a chance that they had drugged the food and water but she realised that she hadn’t eaten since the previous evening with Hayley and decided to take what had been offered. Natascha was finished long before Marissa returned for the tray. “See you tomorrow. Get a good nights rest Agent Taylor as I have a feeling that you are going to need it.”

Although she was tired Natascha couldn’t sleep so paced the around the room thinking about how she had gotten into this position. Well if you were going all the way back to the start she had been recruited by American intelligence during her stint at college in the states. At the start she thought that it would be glamorous but looking around the room she was currently trapped in considered that initial observation to be flawed. During the intervening years between then and now she had successfully undertaken several important operations whilst managing to keep her secret life hidden from family, friends and various partners over the years. For her latest objective she had been tasked with trying to infiltrate a well establish criminal organisation with branches across Europe. Her handler had given Natascha a file that included various names of businesses believed to be fronts for this criminal organisation, which they used as cover for their illegal operations. She had recruited Hayley, her old roommate from college as cover in order to travel around Europe and investigate the various companies. Despite setting up a meeting with a potential source in London they hadn’t shown so that had prompted her to take direct action in Paris with the attempted burglary, which hadn’t done well. Now in frustration she thumped down on the cot, which groaned and pinged in protest. Suddenly Natascha jumped back up and threw back the mattress and looked at the exposed springs on the cot. A smiled broke out across her face as she noted the broken spring and started to work at removing it from the cot.

It took what seemed as age but Natascha managed to extricate the damaged spring and straighten it out. She made her way across to the door and noted that there was a gap between the frame at both the top and bottom; she could see both bolts locked in place. Natascha fashioned a hoop at one end of the spring and made a couple of kinks in it before slipping it under the door and attempting to hook it over the bolt. It took a couple of attempts but she managed to slip the bolt from its position then got up and went to work on the upper bolt.

The upper bolt took a bit longer but eventually Natascha managed to get it released and nudged the door opened. She waited for a reaction from a guard but after counting to thirty nothing happened so stepped into the greater basement and look around. Knowing that it was going to be unlikely that she could walk out the front door Natascha looked for another way out and found it. Moonlight was streaming through a window just next to where the stairs started. Natascha walked across and looked up, she would need something to stand on to allow her access to the window. Looking around she located an old chest, dragged it across and positioned it under the window. Jumping up she used her trusty spring to scrap away the paint that welded the window shut. Once again it took some time but with perseverance she managed to pop the window open and haul herself up and out into the fresh night air. Crouching down Natascha made her away along the building line toward a clump of trees and away from a large car that parked on the driveway. Once she reached that she sprinted away from the farmhouse only slowing to clamber over a wall and down the other side into a field.


Natascha continued to run across fields, stumbling over the mounds made by the plough that had recently turned them over almost loosing her footing on several occasions. Dawn was starting to break which brought the promise of light. Natascha wondered is this would be a good or bad event. The dark gave her more cover but not knowing where she was a bit of light might help her choose a direction. Eventually Natascha reached the far side of this field and identified a gate which she vaulted over, landing on the other side, bending her knees to cushion the impact she quickly looked left and right down a lane. The breaking dawn produced just enough light for her to see a small collection of buildings roughly north of her currently location. Deciding that she must get help quickly she started out at a decent pace toward them now thankful for all those hours on the cardio machines at the gym.

When she reached the buildings Natascha discovered that it was a small hamlet that contained a mix of small stones houses, barns and a church. Knowing that she had to find some way to get a message to someone that could help her she headed for the church knowing that should be at the centre of the hamlet. Natascha ran down a tight lane and then suddenly there was space as she burst into a square, the church was to her left and there was a grocer to her right and it was open. Having no better option Natascha headed over and burst through the door, startling the man behind the counter. “Do you have a phone I can use?” Natascha said in her best French, her eyes pleading for the man to answer in the affirmative. There was no response so Natascha asked the question again.

“No madam. Although there is a public phone across the square,” helpfully the man pointed.

“I do not have any money.” Natascha said. The man must have either taken pity on the way that she looked or noted her desperation as he dipped into his pocket and handed over several coins. “Thank you,” Natascha exclaimed, leaning over to peck the man on the cheek before heading for the door. Exiting the grocer Natascha stopped short. There was a car parked directly across the square and it looked suspiciously like the one that was sitting outside Dubois place when she had escaped. Then she heard what sounded like the sirens in the far distance being carried in by the breeze that had appeared. Something made the hair on the back on her arms stand up but after having made the commitment to this course of action decided to follow it through. As casually as possible she walked across the square taking furtive glances all around and taking some strange looks from the local residents that had started their day early. Natascha entered the box and fumbled with the receiver on the telephone box as the sirens got louder. She was about to dial the number of the Embassy from memory when she tuned round and locked eyes with Bernice Dubois who was standing next to the car with a mobile phone against her ear. Suddenly an ambulance pulled into the square and came to a stop, the sirens and blue flashing lights were turned off. Natascha and the local residents all turned to look at the ambulance as the doors opened; the paramedics got out and started to approach the phone booth. Except they weren’t paramedics it was Marissa and her friend and they didn’t look like they wanted to invite her out for a nice meal and a glass of wine. Natascha hung her head, they had found her and just a couple of minutes later and she would have made the call. Now she didn’t have enough time and had to make a break for it. Marissa and her friend had closed the distance to the phone box quickly as Natascha hung up the handset and exited the box. The three women all paused and looked at each other in some sort of stand off before Marissa shouted loudly.

“It’s alright. Just come quietly with us and nothing bad will happen.” Natascha didn’t know what game they were playing but there was no chance that she was going anywhere with these women. At the last second the Natascha sensed movement to her right and realised her error. She had been concentrated on the women dressed as paramedics and forgot about Dubois. By then it was too late to sense the peril that she was in as Dubois wrapped both arms around Natascha’s body pinning her arms tight against her body. Natascha started struggling immediately but Marissa had now joined the effort to subdue her by pressing a cloth over the lower half of Natascha’s face smothering it over her nose and mouth. Instantly panicked by the cloth placed over her mouth Natascha reacted by trying to scream for assistance from the locals as surely they would be disturbed by the sight of a woman being attacked in this way but the sound was effectively muffled by the soft thick cloth that Marissa had pressed over her face. It was at that moment that Natascha noticed the smell coming from the cloth, a pungent sweet smelling aroma. Now she was starting to panic! During her training she had been introduced to various drugs, one of which was chloroform and she recognised its smell. As her panic increased she increased her efforts in an attempt to at least shake off the cloth for a second and scream for help but Marissa and Dubois held her tight and they were strong. The struggle meant that she involuntarily began to take deeper and deeper breathes drawing the fumes from the liquid deep into her lungs. After about forty five seconds of struggle Natascha began to notice that her arms and legs were starting to feel numb and her strength was ebbing away. She was no expert in the effects of the drug but knew that this was obviously a sign that the chloroform was starting to have an effect. It was then that Dubois released her grip but relief was short lived as the second woman dressed as a paramedic took over and between them Marissa and this woman started half dragging, half carrying Natascha toward the ambulance. Natascha held her breath in attempt to avoid the fumes but Marissa noted this and whispered in her ear.

“It’s too late for that Agent Taylor. You can’t hold your breathe for that long and trust me the chloroform has had enough time to weaken you already that there is no chance of escape. There is nothing to be concerned about. The chloroform will just put you to sleep for a while, nothing to worry about really. My advice is to relax, take deep breathes and enjoy the rest.” Looking over the cloth that was securely clamped over the lower half of her face Natascha saw Dubois raise her hands with her palms up toward the small group of people who had gathered to watch the display. As the two women dressed as paramedics dragged her toward the rear doors of the ambulance Natascha heard Dubois explaining in French that they were just taken an escaped disturbed and confused patient back to a private facility for treatment, nothing to worry about the young lady would be fine with the correct treatment and some rest. It was then that she noticed that she had involuntarily started breathing again. The fumes once again invaded her nostrils, the smell overpowering. Now she had stopped struggling, her strength gone. She felt her eyelids getting heavier and it was an immense struggle to keep them open. All the fight drained out of her as the women kept her upright using the rear doors to block the view of anybody interested in what was going on. Her vision was now very blurring and she couldn’t focus on anything then one last breath and then darkness engulfed her. Between them Marissa and her colleague lifted Natascha into the ambulance and lowered the young woman gently onto a stretcher careful to make sure the cloth remained secured over her nose and mouth so that she would receive the full effects of the chloroform and stay unconscious for longer. “You drive and I will stay in the back with her,” Marissa instructed her colleague.

“Sure.” It wasn’t that long of a drive to back to the farmhouse but Marissa didn’t take any chances; they didn’t want to have another successful escape bid. Marissa secured Natascha to the stretcher with thick leather straps and kept the chloroform cloth handy. If Natascha did start to stir during the journey Marissa would dose her again.
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Post by Caesar73 »

New revelations! We learned something more about Crawfords Scheme. Obviously she needs Emily St. Claire to do something for her. Xenia seems to do some brainwashing. For what purpose we still don´t know. But the folg lifted a little more ;) Something makes me guess, that someday in the future Hayley will make the aquaintance of Xenia tooo ... but that remains to be seen :) First Crawford must get Hayly in her clutches ....

Natascha proved to be very resourceful. Clever idea to use the spring of the cot. In vain, but clever nevertheless :) I have the feeling, that her next accomodations will not be quite as comfortable ... We got the confirmation that Natascha used Hayley as cover. So Natascha is responsible for the trouble Hayley is in.

Good work!
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Post by Caesar73 »

One of the things I like most in this latest part of the Nothing-Personal-Series is the Pace of the Story Telling. Everything seems organic.

I find it interessting so see how a writer perfects his art over time. You know, what they say about a good red wine: It get better with the time passing. Ant that´s the case with this Series.

I like all parts of this Series, but you see a development, a growing perfection over time - which you can clearly see, if you compare the first Adventures of Hayley and Company with Part! Every part reaches a new stage of development!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 21

Raquel English looked at the list of hotels and hostels on the e-mail as she sat drinking a latte in a small coffee shop. Raquel had first updated and then used the resources at the disposal of the Broker to track Elise Rodgers in Paris. Her contact had been able to track down multiple booking made under the name of her prey across the city, clever girl Raquel thought. Unless she got lucky it would take Raquel at least a day to get round the various hotels and hostels to check which one that Elise was staying at. Leaving enough cash to cover her bill Raquel exited the coffee shop and crossed the road toward the fourth hotel on the list. Raquel had entered through a rotating door and was approaching the main reception desk when she noticed a woman making her way toward across the lobby. Something at the back of Raquel’s mind recognised the face and as causally as possible she changed direction and put a pillar between herself and the woman.


Danielle Snow couldn’t believe her luck, she was part of an actual mission and in Europe no less. After a couple of years with research, development and intelligence Danielle had given of hope of getting into the field. But now here she was, albeit admittedly in a back-up capacity. Danielle had unpacked everything that she had brought after the journey, including the lightweight restrainers from their compression sacks and was allowing them to loft up on either bed in the twin room that she was sharing with Jessica. Christian had pulled rank as the senior operative and had taken the large double room that was included as part of their suite. Danielle did wonder how they had managed to swing such a nice hotel but as Christian has explained they had to be close to Novak to keep tabs on her. Given her reputation there was no way that Novak was going to stay in a local bed and breakfast.

Christina waved as she crossed the reception area before leaving to track down a friend who was on vacation in Paris and staying at a nearby hotel. Danielle was sitting casually leafing through a paper when she noticed a woman wearing a hat with long auburn hair clearly visible below it who had just entered the reception area notice Christina and change direction and put a pillar between them. It was subtle and thinking about it probably nothing serious but Danielle noticed it and decided this would be a good chance to test her field skills by following this woman. The auburn haired woman waited until Christina exited the hotel before heading over to the desk and engaging one of the staff in conversation. The woman nodded and they headed back toward the exit before veering off toward the restaurants and bar at the rear of the ground floor. Danielle folded the paper that she had been reading and put it back on the table before heading off in pursuit.

Danielle caught sight of the woman again in the bar and fell in behind her at a safe distance. The woman walked through the bar and toward the corridor that housed the entrance to the toilets. Once in that corridor the woman casually slipped through a door that read ‘STAFF ONLY’ and Danielle waited a couple of seconds before following. Danielle was sure that the woman wasn’t doing anything wrong but at least she was sharpening her field craft by following the woman and also it alleviated the boredom of sitting around waiting for something to happen. There were a number of turns in this corridor and Danielle soon lost sight of the woman. Then suddenly Danielle heard something behind her but before she could turn around a hand firmly clamped itself over her mouth. “Shush” said a female voice directly into her ear. The word was said sharply, like a command rather than a request. Danielle froze and felt a hand quickly search her person.

“Where is your purse? I need to find out who you are little snoop” said the voice. Danielle was happy that the woman wouldn’t find anything to indentify her as she had left everything back in the room. Danielle was carrying a room key which the woman took and slipped into her own pocket. “I am going to remove my hand but no screaming or the gun goes off.” Danielle nodded again. “Then we are going to your room. But no trying to communicate with anyone or you and they both get hurt.” Now Danielle was worried, she had no way of getting out of this so would have to lead the woman back to her room. She only hoped that Jessica would be in a position to assist her.

They made there way in silence back the way that they had came. The woman walked tightly behind Danielle with the gun wedged into her side, hidden from view. Like that they made their way across the lobby to the elevators. Once they had reached the correct floor they exited into the corridor and Danielle lead the woman to the room that she was sharing with Jessica. The woman used the card to unlock the door and then shoved Danielle through it and into the suite.

“Danielle who is th…………” Jessica stopped when she noticed the tall, auburn haired woman in her mid thirties holding a gun in her right hand that had stepped through the door behind the stumbling figure of Danielle Snow. The woman was dressed head to toe in black and was strikingly attractive. Over her shoulder she had a large bag that matched her outfit.

“You be quiet and stand over there by the bed. Danielle you join her please.” Danielle did as ordered and meekly made her way over to the bed and stood beside Jessica. Both women complied with that order.

“Who are you?” Jessica asked with her hands in the air.

“Firstly I ask the questions as I have the gun and secondly this isn’t the movies, put your hands down you look ridiculous.” Jessica blushed and put her hands down by her side.

“Why were you following me and who do you work for?” Jessica and Danielle looked at each other. “Well, come on I don’t have all day.”

“I was just being nosy,” Danielle said.

“Well I hope that you have learned a lesson about that.”

“I certainly have.” Danielle replied. Jessica stole a glance at her colleague.

“Are you working with Christina and Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation?” Both Jessica and Danielle reacted at the use of both names, they couldn’t help it.

“No we work for Milena Novak at her fashion house.” Jessica lied, trying to keep as close to the truth as possible.

“Of course you are.” The woman seemed to look past Jessica at something behind her. “I can’t chat all day….” Raquel lost her chain of thought. “What are those things on the bed? Why did you bring sleeping bags to a hotel?”

“They’re restraining bags, the lightweight variety. Sort of like sleeping bags but for keeping people…..well restrained. When inside and the zip is up there isn’t a way to get out.” Danielle stopped when she saw the wide smile on the face of the woman with the gun and then turned to see the look that Jessica was giving her. “Sorry I am just nervous…..with the gun.”

“Well they will certainly come in useful then. But first…” Raquel rummaged about in the large bag that was over her shoulder, all the time holding her vision and the gun on Danielle and Jessica and removed a thick roll of silver tape. With one easy swing on her arm Raquel tossed the roll to Danielle. “Never leave home without it.”

“What am I to do with this?” Danielle asked using both hands to catch the roll of tape.

“For starters use it to tape your friend’s wrists together in front of her.” Danielle paused, unsure of how to proceed until Raquel waggled the gun a little to remind Danielle who was in charge. Jessica exhaled and tuned toward Danielle and raised her hands, wrists together.

“Just get on with it Danielle.” So Danielle found the end of the tape and wound it round Jessica’s wrists numerous times. When finished Danielle tore the end of the tape and turned to face Raquel.

“Now the ankles and don’t scrimp on the tape, there is plenty. Whilst you are down there better slip her shoes off. Don’t want to ruin those new restraining bags.” Jessica scowled at Raquel. Danielle did as instructed, carefully slipping off Jessica’s comfortable pumps and placing them side by side just at the edge of the bed. “Just to be on the safe side better put some tape around her legs, just below her knees and then around her thighs.” Once again Danielle did as instructed and bound Jessica’s legs together using the tape then as Jessica could no longer keep her balance Danielle helped her to sit on the edge of the bed. As Danielle was helping Jessica to the bed Raquel once again rummaged through her bag and came out with a pile of bunched up fabric which she tossed at Danielle, who managed to catch some but not all of the items that fell from the ball of fabric. Without having to be told Danielle bent down and picked up the one item that got away then looked at them quizzically. “They are to gag you and your friend. I need you to be quiet.”

“But you have a gun?”

“The gag removes the temptation plus I can’t keep the gun trained on you both all of the time and I need you to be quiet whilst I make my escape. Now pick up the pace, don’t make out like you haven’t been gagged before or don’t know how to tie a knot. The white handkerchief goes in the mouth and then scarf gets folded into a band and tied over the mouth to keep the packing in place.” Danielle knew about gags. She had received field training. Reluctantly she scrunched up one of the handkerchiefs and stuffed it into her own mouth. “Don’t worry they are all nice and clean.” Danielle then folded the scarf and tied it over her mouth. She then repeated the operation to gag Jessica. “Good girl. Now help your colleague into that contraption on the bed. Take it slow as I want to make sure I get it right when I do you.”

Once finished putting Jessica in the restraining bag Danielle zipped it right up to the collar, locking her colleague inside with no chance to get out then turned to face Raquel. “Now take the silver tape and use it to bind your own legs just like your friends.” Danielle would have complained about this but with being gagged and all didn’t bother. It was her first experience of being gagged and she had to admit that it didn’t bother her that much although she supposed as gags go this wasn’t to severe. Danielle sat on the bed and bound her legs together as instructed. Then guessing what was coming next put the tape down and held out her wrists. “Clever girl,” Raquel commented as she picked up the tape and wrapped several layers around Danielle’s wrists. “Now let’s get you into that bag and I will head off.”


Having knocked on the adjoining door between the two rooms several times without a response Christina saw no option but to burst the lock, which was easy enough. That job completed she entered the room to find a cocooned shape lying on each of the beds “Now what have we here?” Christina asked. “I go out for the afternoon and everyone gets tied up.” That comment produced a frenzy of movement and muffled shouts from both bags. Christina made her way over to the bed and found Jessica head on the pillow at the top of the bed, popping out from the black material of the restraining bag. Despite the scarf covering a large band over her face Christina could tell that Jessica was not amused by the situation that she found herself in.

“MMMPPPHHH” Jessica tried to communicate but the words were unintelligible. Christina leaned down and undid the knot on the scarf and removed the gag from over Jessica’s mouth, which was shortly followed by the handkerchief that Jessica spat out of her mouth. “Can you please get me out of this…this…contraption?”

“Well somebody is having a bad day” Christina commented as she pulled down the zip on the bag and grabbing the bottom slipped it all of the way off Jessica and let it fall to the floor. This allowed Jessica to swing her legs onto the floor. Christina pulled a set of keys from her pocket and used the edge to pierce the tape, breaking it and tearing it from Jessica’s wrists and legs. As soon as that was finished Jessica stormed into the en-suite bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Christina mouthed the word thanks and then set about freeing Danielle from the other bag.

Danielle had been freed and was now tidying up the room when Jessica emerged from the toilet drying her hands on a fluffy white towel. “I don’t know how much longer I could have crossed my legs.”

“Now you understand why the professional use diapers?” Christina replied with a knowing smile and a cock of the head, leaning arms crossed against a wardrobe. “Now what happened?” Jessica looked at Danielle who started at the beginning and Christina heard the tale mainly from Danielle with the occasionally interjection from Jessica. Danielle ended the story by describing how the woman waived to them as she exited the room. “You said that this woman recognised me?”

“Yes, in the lobby as you were leaving. It wasn’t just your face she knew your name and that you had some connection with Elizabeth Crawford,” Danielle confirmed. This was not the best news Christina thought, it just complicated matters. “How do you think she knows you?”

“Well I assume that she is involved in our industry somehow.”

“I recognised the face” Jessica said once the story had finished. “I have seen it somewhere before.” Christina straightened herself up and strode toward the door and then out of the door without saying anything.


“Interesting development,” Raquel said once the call had been picked up. “Christina Green is in town and if she is about then Elizabeth Crawford can’t be far away. I don’t know if this has anything to do with my job but thought that I should report it.”

“Interesting indeed Raquel.” The Broker replied. “But you are somewhat behind the times. Christina no longer works for Elizabeth Crawford. Actually the rumour is that she is back working for Jaclyn Sanders at American Intelligence. She is also using her real name again, Howard.” The line went dead after that. Raquel filed this information away for later use before marvelling at how informed her current employer was.

An Hour Later

“I used my I.D. to look at the CCTV pictures in the hotel. She was very clever at hiding her face with the hat and taking into account the camera angles. There was almost not a clear shot of her face but I managed to get one from the camera in the lift. The nice security man even e-mailed a section of the recording to our tech team. Danielle should be getting an e-mail about now……” Jessica and Christine turned to look at Danielle sitting crossed legged in the centre of one of the two bed beds in the room as a ping came from the laptop that she was sitting in front of.

“They managed to get a hit on facial recognition ladies” Danielle said, pushing her specs up to the bridge of her nose.

“Don’t leave us hanging Danielle.”

“Raquel English, also known as The Vixen is a former British Secret Service now freelance operative for hire.” Now there was a blast from the past for Christina. They had never crossed paths but Raquel English’s reputation for getting the job done proceeds her.

“Which does raise two questions?”

“What did she want?” Jessica floated. Christina nodded her agreement.

“And who hired her?” Christina nodded again. Danielle smiled.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, Danielles field skills seem to need some improvement :) She got played by Raquel fair and square. Nice to see some restraining bags in use ;) The Broker is well informed, no wonder, since Milena Nowak is a rogue agent. Christina came just in time to save Danielle and Jessica. This intermezzo will, without any doubt, raised Christinas Suspicions further and she will be even more alert now. And Christina and Jessica do not know nothing about the trackers Nowak put on them. But I think, as clever as Christina is, she will not be so easily ambushed. Let us hope, the best, someone has to save the day. And since Hayley and Natasha are out of game, and Natalie still knows nothing about the events on the continent, Christina is the only hope for now. Danielles Reaction on Christinas Question, who hired Raquel, makes me think, she may have a guess ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just a thought ... I just reread the Prologue of the story. What happened to Kendall, we do not know. I wonder: was she just at the wrong place at the wrong time? Or was she kidnapped by purpose ... hmmm ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago “What could possibly go wrong?”

Famous last words, indeed!
As we do know now, [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention], you were totally right. Very perceptive, I must say ;)
A lot has gone wrong so far - and still more to come ;) For now it would seem, that the bad guys have the upperhand.
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