Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
Sex (oral/anal/handjobs)
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Post by Tsuhaya »

These last chapters are sure to be my favorite part of all this, finally see the little bullies fight, was really... exciting at the very least. While the following chapters actually show how [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] managed to create such a human story, he manages to bring us closer to the characters, showing that they are so much more than fetishists, but they are just like any of us.
Reading Chapter 53 I not only felt Steven's pain, but I also remembered the pain I felt when I was discovering myself, there are few writers who can create something of that level in a story.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'm thrilled to hear you guys could relate to Steven's fears and emotional turmoil to a certain extent.
Since the goal is to make him as human/realistic and as "3D" as possible, I'd qualify the last chapter as a definite success. Thanks for the encouragement, guys!

Chapter 54 will be up shortly.

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Chapter 54 – The New Life

When Nick said I'd be staying at his place, I was quite literally over the moon.

This was unfolding almost like in my dreams.
He took the decision for me, not even bothering to find out whether I approved of it or not.

As far as he was concerned, I was moving in with him, and that decision was final.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't have to beg, or ask or even suggest it!
My big, blond, bossy crush just stepped in for me and took everything in hand.

From my long history of friendship with Nick, I knew that many of his ex-girlfriends didn't appreciate his overbearing personality and controlling behavior. They wanted to be independent, they wanted an equal relation.

For me, it was the complete opposite.
The strength of his resolve and the domineering nature of his personality, pulled at the very core of my being.
I felt drawn to him...pulled towards him, like a moth to a flame.

One thing that I found a little hard at first, was the fact that Nick didn't openly confess his love for me.
He'd reciprocate it, but never openly profess it.

Being the total Alpha jock he was, he most likely thought it wasn't a manly thing to do.
It just wasn't in his character, and I had to accept that.

In the end, actions are all that mattered.
Actions couldn't lie, but words could.

And so, the first week went by pretty smoothly, especially considering the quick pace at which the events in my life had suddenly evolved.

There was definitely some adapting to do, especially on my part.

I'd been at Nick's place many times before, but this time everything seemed different for some reason.
It took me a few days to realize that this was actually where I was living now.

When I woke up in the morning, I always had that feeling of disorientation.
You know...that feeling of waking up and thinking you're at home in your bed, and then realizing you're actually someplace else.

Slowly, the feeling of nostalgia would fade away.

Losing my job, breaking up with my ex, going in debt, that part of my life was over now.
I had to stop dwelling in the past and start looking towards the future.
That would be my main challenge from now on.

Nick had a spare bedroom, which is where I slept for the time being.

Except for my clothes, most of the stuff I'd brought was stored in the basement, next to Nick's workout area.

He had everything down there!
A treadmill, a stationary bike, a punching bag, various dumbbells, benches and all kinds of large, muscle-building contraptions.

In addition to all his workout equipment, half the basement floor was lined with a thick foam layer, and several really big mirrors adorned the walls.

Nick was real proud of his body, and apparently had a thing for watching himself flex and lift weights.
It was an Alpha jock thing no doubt. All these gym addicts were the same.

I didn't have to worry about unpacking anything except for my clothes and grooming items.

His house was already fully furnished and equipped with stuff WAY more expensive than I could afford.
He was earning a lot, which is ironic, since he went for a trade right after finishing high school.
I on the other hand, ended up studying political sciences, but to this day, didn't have a thing to show for it.

I spent the first two days, lazing around the house, watching TV in my PJs.

It was hard, 'cause even though I was gonna be living here from now on, I felt like I was intruding on Nick's personal life.

Call me paranoid, but I just didn't want to be in his way.

On Monday morning, I woke up at a little past 10 AM.

Nick had already left for work and had left a small note for me on the kitchen table.

It read: "I'm gonna call you during my lunch break."
I thought that was sweet.

I took a shower, got dressed and ate a bowl of cereal.

I still had a few minutes to kill before Nick called, so I decided to roam around the house and go peeking into places I wasn't supposed to.

I cautiously stepped into Nick's room and noticed his bed wasn't done.
To his credit though, the rest of the bedroom was pretty neat and surprisingly well organised.

I spent a bit of time snooping through his personal belongings.
In the nightstand next to his king size bed, I found condoms, lubricants, some handcuffs and a few magazines.

I opened the door to his wardrobe and was immediately surprised by the sheer amount of stuff he had in there.
Lots of clothes and jackets, but also tons of rope, straps, tape and other gear that could be used to tie someone down.

I knew Nick was pretty good with his knots and enjoyed having others under his control, but why on earth did he have so much rope, I wondered.

Before I had a chance to dig through more of his things, a shrill noise suddenly broke the eerie silence and nearly gave me a heart attack.

The phone was ringing.

I closed the doors to Nick's wardrobe and quickly sprinted for the kitchen.
When I picked up the phone, it was Nick.

"Hi Nick!" I greeted, unable to hide my excitement at seeing his name pop up on the caller display.

"Hey. You okay?" he asked, his deep masculine voice accentuating his concern for my wellbeing.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I answered, not wanting him to worry too much about me.

"Ok, I want you to look on the counter, next to the coffee maker." he instructed. "You'll find my debit card and a piece of paper with my PIN on it."

"Yeah, I see it." I replied, walking towards the counter and picking the small note up.

"Good. Ok listen...I want you to plan a few meals for the beginning of the week and I want you to go to the supermarket. Don't pick up too much stuff, I'll be doing the groceries on Wednesday." he told me.

"Okay. How much am I allowed to spend?" I asked, almost timidly.

"Don't worry about that. Just make sure you don't get any crap." he instructed, reminding me of the low-fat, protein-rich regimen he was following.

"Okay, I'll try to do something good." I answered, my mind already trying to come up with ideas about what meals I should attempt to prepare.

"I left a key on the shelf above the shoe rack. That key is yours, just make sure you lock the door and turn the alarm on before you leave." he added.

"Okay thanks. Don't worry, I will." I assured him, easily recalling the security code he'd given me shortly after buying the place.

"If you need something, you call me, alright? I'll be back in a few hours."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Okay, see you later. Bye " I finally answered, hanging the phone back up.

I was kinda nervous.

I didn't know what Nick wanted me to get, and I didn't know what he normally ate for supper.
It took me a full hour to come up with a few meal ideas, but I finally managed to write down a small grocery list.
I even checked to see if he was stocked up on toilet paper and tooth paste.

I was really being paranoid, but I didn't want to miss anything.
It's like I feared Nick wouldn't be happy if I though he was testing me or something.

I went out to the market, which thankfully was only ten minutes away, and came back with two bags full of groceries. Luckily for me, it wasn't that cold outside and most of the snow had melted off the sidewalk, making for an uneventful early spring walk.

Nick arrived home at around 4:30 PM.

I made supper, we ate and we talked a bit.
Nick got up pretty early for work, so he normally didn't stay up late during the week.

He went to bed at a bit past nine and I stayed up a few hours to watch the Discovery Channel programs that were playing on TV. I ended up retreating to my bedroom at a bit past 11 PM.

On Tuesday, I spent most of the day browsing the web with my laptop and playing games.

I cooked myself a good lunch and took the opportunity to make Nick's lunch as well, for the following day.
Nick also showed me how to prepare his protein drinks, so I did that and prepared one for when he got home.

The rest of the time, I did my laundry, dusted around, made the beds and cleaned the washroom.

His bathroom was real nice and modern, but like most guys, Nick seemed to have a lot of trouble aiming for the inside of the bowl. Upon lifting the seat, I discovered some urine stains as well as a good number of pubes lining the inside of the porcelain rim. Typical guy, I thought.

On Wednesday morning, I walked over to the local barber shop and got a hair cut.
I cleaned around a bit, prepared Nick's lunch for the following day, gamed a bit and watched some TV before bed.

When Nick got back from work, he'd leave his backpack on the entranceway floor, walk into the living room with his big, muddy, snow-covered boots and plop himself down on the couch before turning the TV on.

We sorta developed an unspoken agreement.
I'd clean out his lunch box every evening and get his lunch all packed and ready for the following day.

I'd have a beer waiting for him and was ready to start the supper as soon as he called for it.

I felt so prone to pay back his benevolence, that I quickly demoted myself to a position of servitude, even though he didn't ask anything of me.

Every evening, I'd actually go around with a paper towel and wipe the floor clean, in an effort to clean off all the mud and snow he'd track into the place.

It even went to the point where the big blond hunk just put his boots up on the coffee table and waited for me to come take them off for him.

He just sat there, watching TV, sipping his beer and decompressing from his long day, whilst I fought to pull his giant boots off and hang his huge, super puffy parka inside the entryway closet.

His boots smelled terribly strong, but thankfully, I always managed to hold my breath while pulling them off his feet.

He obviously still had a disliking for wearing only socks, 'cause one of the first things he'd tell me to do after slipping his boots off, was to bring him his basketball shoes.

Wherever his disliking for going around in socks stemmed from, I was more than happy to go along with it. I swear, the socks he was wearing on his feet that week looked like they hadn't been washed in over a month!

The hunk would spend the rest of the time sitting on the couch, watching TV until I got the supper ready.

I had really nothing to complain about.

I spent some time browsing the internet for jobs in the area, but when Nick found out, he discouraged it.
He said, this wasn't the time to look for a job and that I needed to just focus on getting myself back in shape.
He was concerned about me, but as I'd find out later on, that wasn't the only reason why he didn't want me working outside the house.

On Friday, Nick finished work at noon and when he got home, he was in a particularly good mood.

I greeted the jock at the door and quickly got on my knees to help his take his boots off, managing to do so before he had a chance to walk in and track snow all the way to the living room.

He slipped his bad boys on and marched into the kitchen, still wearing his thick leather gloves and huge puffer jacket. The first thing he did after greeting me, was tear the fridge door open and chug down the protein drink I'd fixed up for him, along with almost a full liter of milk.

He was definitely happy.

I knew it was the weekend, but my instincts were telling me something else was cheering him up.
When I inquired about it, he merely told me that Brad would be coming over a bit later.

"Don't worry, everything is gonna be fine." he assured, rubbing his big, gloved hand over my freshly-cut hair.

I was a little apprehensive about Brad coming over, and understandably so.
But even if I lived here, this was Nick's house and I had no say in these matters.
From what I understood, Brad's visit had been planned a while ago. My living here on the other hand, was not.

"Besides, you'll get a chance to meet Jeremy." the big, parka-clad jock winked.

"Who's Jeremy?" I asked.

"Brad's new friend." he answered, an obvious hint of sarcasm in his voice.

At the time, I didn't really give thought to his words, or the manner in which he said them.
I was far too impressed with the sight of the blond god, wearing his super thick The North Face parka and hot motorcycle gloves.

It was true that the jacket made him look even more massive than usual, but I couldn't help but notice the way he'd bulked a bit since the camping trip back in August.

His chest looks a bit broader, and his neck, arms and legs looked a bit thicker.
I couldn't believe it. The hunk was STILL putting on muscle!

The afternoon went by rather quickly.

Nick went out to stock up on beer and when he came back, he went down to the basement to do his workout.

After a good two hours of lifting weights and working out, he climbed up the stairs and told me to clean up his equipment while he took a shower.

I went down to the basement and used his smelly old gym cloth to wipe down all the equipment he had used.

Once I finished wiping his sweat off the various exercise units, I ran upstairs to find Nick had already finished his shower. I walked in the washroom, hung his towel up, picked put the sweaty shorts and big boxer-briefs he'd left on the floor, and put them both in the hamper, along with the dirty towel I'd used to clean his workout equipment up.

So far I'd only washed my clothes and felt a little uneasy about washing Nick's stuff, given that I'd moved in only a few days ago.

His hamper was almost full though, and I had no idea whether or not he was waiting for me to do his laundry or whether he always waited until his basket was overflowing like that before throwing his stuff in the wash.

I was debating whether or not to ask Nick if he wanted me to put some of his clothes in the washing machine, but was quickly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

Brad and his "friend" had arrived.

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Post by GoBucks »

Have to admit, in the old story I wasn't a huge fan of Jeremy because he stole some of the attention from Steven :lol:
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Post by LK3869 »

I'd guessed Brad would come back somehow but i'd thought he'd stay away longer... He brought company though, curious as to what "that" can be :)
Before that I kept hearing Pet Shop Boys' "rent" throught that part: "I'm your puppet, I like it/ I love you... you pay my rent" :D
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Yeah, I bet Steven feels the same way you do ;)
It's important to keep in mind, that even though Brad is making a quick reappearance, there is a seven month gap between Chapter 52 (August) and Chapter 53 (early April). So even though Brad is still fresh in our minds, Steven hasn't seen him in over half a year.

Yeah, your feelings are understandable though.
In the chapters we were at (when the forum went down), Steven was becoming a little bit of an attention whore, and he was definitely sending out mixed signals about Jeremy and his involvement in their "affairs".
Subs usually tend to be jealous that way.

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Chapter 55 – Jeremy

I was still in the washroom when Nick answered the door.

Right away I recognized Brad's deep voice when both jocks greeted each other.
I wanted to hide in my room and stay there until he left, but I knew I couldn't do that.

When Brad entered the house, he didn't seem the least bit surprised at seeing me.
In fact, he pretty much ignored me and acted like I wasn't there.

He looked a lot bigger than last I'd seen him. Not taller, I mean broader, heavier.
He was definitely following Nick's example and bulking up.

Even though my mind was busily sorting out through the bad memories forever linked to his hunk's face, I couldn't deny the fact that he looked HOT. To put it mildly, his superior looks intimidated me and made me feel somewhat inferior. He was a formidable presence to say the least. He and Nick both were!

Brad walked in and was followed by a much smaller, younger looking guy...who I could only presume, was Jeremy.

He couldn't be older than nineteen, I thought to myself as I contemplated his features and looked him up and down. He was definitely attractive, but in a different kind of way.

While Brad would've been considered hot and handsome by anyone's standards, Jeremy was cute and pleasant to look at. He was very easy on the eyes, so-to-speak.

He wasn't tall. In fact, he was pretty short and looked about my size and weight.
Brad dwarfed him considerably, in both height and bulk.

The boy had short, dark brown hair, light freckles around his nose and cheeks, and a set of beautiful green eyes.

As he walked in and took his shoes off, I couldn't help but notice how his good looks were tarnished by the cuts and bruises he wore on his face.

He had a split lip and what appeared to be a deep cut on his right cheekbone.
He honestly looked like he'd recently been in a fight or something.

But when I saw the way he submissively looked at Brad, things became a bit clearer.
The look in his eye, it was a look not of admiration, but of fear.

There was no doubt in my mind. Brad had done this.


Brad walked into the house and Jeremy followed, but kept a safe distance.
Even though I was just an observer, I could definitely feel some tension between the two.
They either had some serious issues to workout, or Brad was even more obsessed and sadistic than I though.

"Hi Jeremy." Nick greeted, his voice not nearly as warm or as joyous as when he'd greeted Brad.
Nick's tone was strict, almost fatherly.

His greeting was acknowledged and returned, somewhat meekly.
Jeremy briefly met my blond friend's gaze and blushed a little before bowing his head back down.

Nick and Brad went downstairs to the basement, leaving Jeremy and I alone on the main floor.
When Brad passed me, he didn't even bother to acknowledge my presence.

Nick had obviously already briefed him about it, and told him about everything what happened last weekend.

"Hi, I'm Steven." I said, quickly extending a hand to greet Jeremy.

"Hi, nice to meet you." he softly replied, shaking my hand.
His grip lacked a bit of sincerity, but just from our initial exchange, I knew he was really clean and polite.
It didn't take long for me to decide that I liked him.

How the hell did someone like him end up with Brad, I wondered.

"You want something to drink?" I asked, inviting him into the kitchen.

He ended up accepting my offer after a little prodding, and we grabbed a few drinks before heading into the living room.

As it turns out, Jeremy was a really cool guy and given time, we could probably grow to become good friends.

The more I learned about him, the more it became obvious that he was deeply obsessed with Brad.
I mean, he was REALLY into the whole master-slave thing.

We watched TV and spoke for almost an hour before Nick and Brad came back upstairs.

Jeremy was rather forthcoming with revealing stuff about himself.
As I'd understand later, he didn't really have anyone to talk to, other than Brad that is.

The cute lad ended up explaining to me how he met Brad online and how meeting him was like a dream come true.

He was raised in a foster home and had always been rebellious in high school, getting into brawls, skipping classes.
Having grown up without a father figure, he started having these urges...a deep longing to be controlled by someone in authority. That was something I could definitely relate to, up to a certain extent of course.

Jeremy admitted to only recently accepting his sexuality.
What really surprised me though, was how naïve this young man really was.

After meeting Brad only ONCE, he had agreed to drop his job and travel 500 kilometers in order to move in with the jock. That was a HUGE and very foolish risk to take!

I was really worried about this guy. He was obviously too young to realise that without a backup plan, he could've ended up in serious trouble had Brad suddenly decided to toss him out onto the street.

He was young and foolish, and I'm not sure he was aware of just how many guys on dating sites are there only to have some quick fun. Brad struck me as one of them, but obviously I had misjudged him a little.
Jeremy was adamant though, he wanted a serious, long term relationship, and from what he believed, Brad wanted that too.

I had my doubts about that, but then how else could I explain the fact that they'd been together for several months already?

I wanted to ask Jeremy how things were going between him and Brad, and wanted to ask where the bruises on his face came from, but the two jocks came sprinting up the stairs and our conversation kinda stopped short.

"You guys getting along?" Nick asked cheerfully, looking positively pleased at the sight of Jeremy and I sitting on the living room couch together.

I just smiled and nodded my head, not completely understanding the source of my blond King's joy.

When it was time to eat, the two Alpha males in the house decided to order pizza.

We each chose our own toppings, except for Jeremy, who Brad said, would eat what he was given.
I felt bad for him, but I kept my mouth shut.

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed to see Nick not seeming the least bit bothered by Brad's attitude.
In fact, Brad's harsh treatment of Jeremy seemed perfectly normal to everyone except me.
Even Jeremy accepted it, as though he knew it was his lot in life to submit to this hot, Alpha hunk.

When the pizzas arrived, we put on the TV and Nick quickly switched channels to put on the football game.

Nick, Brad and I ate on the couch and drank a few beers, but poor Jeremy was made to eat on the floor.

Nick tried to change Brad's mind, but the arrogant stud was adamant about it.
His "boi", as he called him, ate at his feet and that was final.

The quaint, green-eyed boy seemed perfectly okay with that! In fact, he had a sparkle in his eye every time he looked up at his Master's face. It was a mixture of fear, love, awe and respect...the same thing I secretly felt when I found myself gazing up into Nick's dreamy blue orbs.

During the football game, Brad made Jeremy face away from the TV and massage his feet.
I couldn't help but glance their way every now and then.

No, that's not exactly true.
Actually, I had trouble tearing my eyes away from them, would be more accurate.

Jeremy was massaging his brutish Master's large feet, and didn't look like he particularly enjoyed the smell of Brad's socks. The expression on his face was stuck somewhere between admiration for the size of his Sir's socked feet, and disgust at the fact that they stank and probably felt warm and sweaty.

I wasn't the only one who had trouble focusing on the TV screen though.
Nick apparently found the unfolding scene to be quite arousing.

There was a rather distinct bulging mass inside the blue shorts he was wearing.

Nick on the couch.png

He had a serious hard-on ragging between his legs, yet the big, blond Alpha did nothing to try and hide the fact that his pulsing shaft was trying to outgrow the confines of his roomy underwear pouch.

From the way his manhood throbbed and curved, I could tell it was definitely trapped in there.
I would've been embarrassed beyond belief, but Nick just sat there with his giant legs spread open and his head resting back in the palm of his upraised left hand.

Something told me that my big hunky crush was fighting the urge to make me crawl down on the floor and make me massage his feet, the same way poor Jeremy was massaging Brad's.

Thank god it never came to that!
If Jeremy had trouble dealing with Brad's cheesy socks, imagine his reaction upon getting a whiff of Nick's giant stinkers!

But yeah, Nick didn't tell me or even ask me to do any of that.
In fact, he had been really mild with me so far.

He hadn't raised his voice even once, not even when I accidentally burnt the supper on Thursday night.
Besides cleaning up his sweaty gym room and planning a few meals, he hadn't really asked anything of me!

I hadn't worshipped his feet and hadn't been tied up or gagged in a very long time.
Maybe he was afraid I couldn't take it, given my fragile emotional state.

Jeremy kept massaging his sexy Master's socked feet and toes.

It didn't take any special powers to deduce that he didn't enjoy it that much, but I could still tell that he was happy to be sitting on the floor, pleasing his Alpha hunk.

There was a big difference between Nick and Brad though.
When I did something Nick enjoyed, he'd often stroke my head and let me know I was doing a good job.

But even as Jeremy tried his best to please his cocky Master, Brad just sat there and watched him with nothing but disdain and condescension.

He never once told his young friend that he was doing a good job and never once gave him a pat on the head to encourage him. He only shoved his big, stinky feet in Jeremy's face and muttered the occasional demeaning word or two.

Seeing Jeremy worship Brad's feet like that, didn't only excite me though. It made me feel a little inadequate.

Nick had done SO MUCH for me recently, and I didn't have a way to repay him.
I couldn't help but feel as though I was being ungrateful.

I should've been at his feet right now, I thought to myself.
If only they didn't smell as strong, I'd have gladly volunteered to give the exceedingly handsome jock the attention he deserved.

Right now though, the LAST thing I wanted to smell, was his nausea-inducing, pungent socks so soon after having eaten my pizza. Already, the slight cheesy smell emanating from Brad's socked feet and trainers was making me a little sick to my stomach...I really didn't need to add Nick's feet into the equation.

Once the football game was over, we took a break while I did the dishes and then we ended up we watching a short movie before going to bed.

It wasn't that late, but Nick was tired from his work week and so was Brad.
I thought our two guests would be heading back home, but apparently they were staying over for the night.

I was more than a little surprised and shocked when Nick invited Brad to use the spare bedroom I'd been sleeping in, and honestly felt a little insulted at being tossed aside like that.

I was allowed to go get my pj's, before Brad told Jeremy to get up and follow him to the bedroom.

Once inside the room, Brad wished Nick goodnight and closed the door, giving us a bit of privacy.

I sat on the couch while my big, blond friend went to his own room and came back with a spare comforter and a set of matching pillows.

He told me to set myself up on the couch and get some sleep.

Even though the couch was big and relatively comfy, I was really disappointed at being made to sleep here.
I tried not to act hurt that he had put Brad above me, but I think the jock could hear the disappointment in my voice, nevertheless.

Nick said goodnight and quickly retreated to his bed.

That night, I tried sleeping, but I just couldn't.
I had too many things on my mind and hadn't done any physical activity in weeks.
My mind and body were both restless.

Hours went by and still, my eyes remained wide open.

I kept tossing and turning, until finally deciding to get up and just make myself something to snack on.

I must've been making more noise than I thought, 'cause Nick ended up coming out of his bedroom and walking up to me in the kitchen, wearing only his big Calvin Klein underwear and looking a little grumpier than usual.
"What are you doing up? It's almost two in the morning." he growled, obviously upset at having been woken up.

"I can't sleep." I answered, sheepishly looking up and offering the strapping hunk an apologetic glance.

"Why not?" he pressed, still sounding a little frustrated.

I just raised and lowered my shoulders, honestly not knowing what to answer.

Nick let out a deep sigh and brought a hand up to his face before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
I felt as though he was getting ready to make a big decision or something.

Still only clad in his tight, white underwear, the muscular jock looked at me and told me to approach.
I didn't know what he wanted, but I obediently walked up to him.

"Come on." he said, firmly grabbing hold of my upper arm. "You can sleep in my bed tonight."

The giant, sexy stud, who'd so generously taken me into his life, quickly led me into the privacy of his bedroom.
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Chapter 56 - Gratitude

Nick walked me into his bedroom and as soon as I stepped in past the door, I couldn't help but notice how warm it felt compared to other areas of the house.

One of his bedside lamps was dimmed on, bathing the room in a soft bluish light.

The grumpy hunk guided me onto the side of the bed furthest away from the bedroom door and quickly lifted part of the comforter and sheets up to accommodate me.

"Come on. In you go." he prodded, ordering me to get in under the sheets.

When I climbed onto the large, king-size mattress and slipped under the covers, the first thing I noted besides the warmth of the bed, was the thickness of his comforter.

It weighed a ton, was really thick and smelled crazy strong.
It wasn't a bad smell, but it took some getting used to.

The duck down feathers had a very specific scent and it's not something I particularly enjoyed.
To my delight though, the heavy-duty duvet smelled a lot like Nick as well, causing me to actually enjoy the strong aroma that filtered in through my nostrils.

The jock ordered me to take my t-shirt and shorts off, and then told me to lie down and put my head on the pillow.

The pillow was really thick and fluffy. It too carried the annoyingly strong scent of duck down.
But my nostrils also picked up the sweet, comforting odour of the one who slept on it every night. And for that, I was most thankful.

I quickly turned to lie down on my stomach and immediately found myself being forcefully tucked in.
"Arm's down." Nick calmly instructed, his fatherly instincts apparently taking over.

The towering hunk used his huge arms to bundle me up real good, pushing my face deep inside his big pillow and tucking me in real tight under his super thick comforter.

The only part of my body that remained uncovered, was my eyes, my forehead and the top of my head.
Everything else was neatly tucked under the heavy-duty winter duvet.

Nick walked over to his side of the bed and got in. But instead of lying down, he just sat on the bed, with his back against the padded headrest.

The way the soft light caused his abs, pecs and biceps to glisten, was nothing short of mesmerising.
I silently watched as he sat there and started flicking through one of his body fitness magazines.

Working my nose out from the loft of the pillow, I closed my eyes, forced myself to keep my mouth shut and breathed in through my nostrils.

The strong scent the filtered through and invaded my lungs was quite simply intoxicating.

I couldn't believe I was this beefy, blue-eyed god's bed, tucked in tight under his crazy thick comforter and sniffing in his rich, warm, earthy scent.

Honestly, this was even better than in my dreams.

The fact that his pillow and duvet smelled so much, and the fact that his bedroom was so warm, made the whole experience WAY more arousing than I thought it would be.

With my cock throbbing underneath me, I had to stop myself from grinding my hips into the mattress, for fear of cumming on the spot and creaming my briefs. I hadn't even touched myself, yet my handsome crush's scent and my proximity to his awe-inspiring body was bringing me close to the point of orgasm.

At that point, it all became crystal clear to me.
All the doubts were gone now. I definitely liked guys.

"Nick?" I asked, my voice heavily muffled by the thick comforter covering my lower face.

The hunk turned his head down to look at me and I half expected him to scold me for still being awake.

"Thank you...for everything." I said, unable to stop my voice from breaking up a bit and doing my best to avert his intimidating gaze.

The blond stud quickly extended his right hand and gently cupped his fingers around the top of my head.

"It's okay." he spoke, looking down at me with a look that betrayed deep affection.

I closed my eyes and sniffed, taking in the smell of his warm bed sheets.
Had I been a cat, I would've been purring by now.

"I wish...I wish I could do something for you." I said, suddenly opening my eyes and propping myself up on my elbows.

The blue-eyed King smiled a bit, but did his best to remain cool and keep a quizzical expression on his face.
"Like what?" he asked, smiling slyly and sounding a little intrigued.

I quickly swallowed the lump of saliva that was clogging up my throat and looked down to his large, underwear-clad package. HIs bulge was quite prominent.

When I looked back up into my handsome King's blue eyes, I saw that he was smirking at me, no doubt amused by the fact that I'd just checked out his impressive bulge.

"You wanna suck my cock?" he asked, chuckling incredulously.

My face suddenly felt all hot and tingly, and my features quickly contorted into a look of shame.
"Is that...something you'd like, Sir?" I asked, suddenly going into full submissive mode and addressing the muscular stud as "Sir".

I wanted him to take me and grind himself into me, like he had on our last night at Brad's cottage.
Damn he was hot!

Nick smirked cockily before rubbing my hair playfully.
"Sure I would." he said, smiling warmly and putting his fitness magazine down on the roomy mattress.

"I've gotta warn you though." he chuckled. "I've got a big cock."

I smiled sheepishly, not willing to admit to myself or to Nick, that his warning was actually exciting me further.
I really wanted this blond god's tool deep inside my mouth!

"I know, Sir." I answered, offering the cocky hunk a look of awe and respect.
The fact that I acknowledged his warning, made him chuckle even more.

"Alright. Then come over here." he said, suddenly wrapping his right arm over my comforter-clad torso and pulling me in until the front of my body flat against his muscular leg.

Before I could do anything, Nick tucked the heavy comforter up real tight around me.
I couldn't go anywhere and my arms were pinned down and all caught up.

"Haha!" he smirked and chuckled, apparently enjoying the fact that he had my face so close to his prominent package.

I attempted to look down at the hunk's impressive bulge, but suddenly got my head pulled up and found myself with three big fingers digging into my mouth, stretching my lips open.

"'ve got a fuckin' small mouth." he mumbled, using his strong digits to see how wide my mouth could open. "I have no idea how this is gonna work out for you." he added, before pulling his fingers out and letting my head go.

"Here." he said, pulling his tight boxer-briefs down and exposing the part of his body I'd just volunteered to suck on.

"Oh my god!" I whispered, looking down at the blond hunk's naked shaft in shock and disbelief.

I'd watched quite a bit of porn and had seen my share of big cocks.
From the size of his bulge and from how large he was down there as a teen, I knew Nick was big.
But I didn't expect him to be THAT big!

I just lied there, looking down speechlessly at the monster cock that was swelling up in front of my eyes.
His circumcised, 20 centimeter long shaft was standing up at a 45 degree angle and growing in both length and girth.

His cock was long, but most of all, it was THICK. Really, REALLY THICK.

A big, heavily-protruding underside vein ran up all the way from the base of his member, right up to his exceptionally broad, mushroom-shaped cockhead.

The thing was a MONSTER, and it didn't help that the hole at the tip of his donkey cock looked like it was flaring and hissing angrily at me.

"You still wanna suck my boner?" he asked, smirking down at me, no doubt enjoying the look of terror that was painted all over my face.

I looked on, wide eyed, suddenly regretting the fact that I'd basically offered myself up to him.

I couldn't just back off now. That really wouldn't have been fair.
But I honestly didn't know how I was gonna work my mouth around the giant mushroom head of his.

What the hell did I get myself into!?

"Nick..." I protested, suddenly finding myself at a loss for words. "You''re too big."

The aroused jock smirked down at me and puffed his muscular chest up. He knew his cock would never fit, and he seemed real proud about it too. For an instant there, I could swear I saw his engorged shaft throb harder as the sound of protesting words spilled out from between my lips.

My pleading quickly gave way to mild squirming as the hunk grabbed the base of his 8 inch erection and angled it towards my face. His flaring mushroom head pulsed wildly and threatened to invade my protesting mouth.

I couldn't help but admire the contrast between my rugged King's heavily-built, perfectly hairless torso, and the great, big golden bush that adorned the base of his cock.

There could be no doubt about it.
This was one BIG, hunky, grade-A Alpha-male.

"Nick.'re too big." I protested again, trying to back away as best I could.

Of course, my words had the complete opposite effect of what I wanted.
Instead of acting as a deterrent, my protests ended up fueling the jock's already flamed up libido.

"Where d'you think you're going?" he chuckled, pulling me back up against him and wrapping his big hand around the back of my head.

"Nick...I can't!" I complained, futilely trying to fight his grip and back away from his angry monster.

"Haha. Shhh..." he chuckled. "Open your little mouth and show daddy Nick how grateful you are." he purred, pushing my head forward until his giant, flaring spearhead was spreading pre-cum all over my lips.

His use of the words "daddy Nick" sent me over the top, and I found myself giving up control and voluntarily surrendering to the sexy beast-of-a-man.

"Yes, Sir." I attempted to reply, which ended up coming out "Yemmphh phhuuuggm".
I didn't even get a chance to get a word out.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, my head was pushed forward and the blond stud's huge mushroom head punched through my lips and filled my moist orifice.

"Haha." he laughed, relishing the sight of his giant tool plugging my mouth up. "What's that?" he asked, knowing full well I couldn't answer.

"Mhhupff uuggh." I mouthed, futilely attempting to respond through his massive cock-gag.

"You need to speak up, boi. I can't hear ya." he laughed, keeping a strong grip over the back of my head and preventing me from freeing my mouth of his oversized tool.

I merely grunted in frustration, and quickly found myself dealing with an entirely new problem.

"Ughmph." I protested, suddenly narrowing my eyes down towards the thick bush of pubic hair covering the hunk's crotch. To my growing dismay, I was left with no other choice but to deal with the hunky brute's strong musk as I breathed in and allowed my nostrils to flare open.

"Uhgghm." I groaned, trying to protest but finding myself unable to utter even the simplest of words.

His crotch smelled stronger than I thought it would.
It smelled earthy and musky. It wasn't that bad, but having never sampled or played around with guys before, the scent definitely took some getting used to.

Nick just laughed and smirked down at me.
His expression wasn't one of pleasure though. He looked like he just found the whole thing cute and amusing.

At least he was enjoying himself, I thought.

After teasing me a bit, the jock ended up letting my head go and allowed me to suck on his boner at my own rhythm.

He spent the next half hour sitting against the headrest, browsing through his body fitness magazine, while I busily tried to make him cum in an attempt to show him how grateful I was.

This wasn't working out though, and to my great disappointment, things weren't as easy as they appeared to be in those Pornhub videos.

I worked as hard as I could, but found myself getting increasingly frustrated by the fact that I couldn't take more than a third of my muscular King's annoyingly thick boner inside my mouth.

No matter what I matter HOW I twisted or angled my head, I'd gag as soon as the giant mushroom head clogged up my throat.

To make matters worse, Nick wasn't reacting at all to my ministrations.

Sure, his engorged meat was throbbing and pulsing unendingly, but the hunk gave me no hint that he was even CLOSE to coming. My attempts to please him didn't even bring him near the edge and he was hardly oozing any pre-cum.

Nick just sat there, calmly reading his magazine, while I tried my very BEST to accommodate his giant shaft and give him an orgasm.

I didn't know much about this, but I'd read some stuff and had seen enough videos to know the basics.
Christie had given me a few blowjobs back when we were still together, and I still remember the sensation and raw pleasure every time she twirled her tongue around my cockhead.

This wasn't working on Nick though! Partially because he was circumcised and a bit less sensitive than I was, but mostly because I wasn't ABLE to swirl my tongue around his head. It was just too damn THICK!

How was I supposed to massage his boner with my tongue if the damn thing plugged my mouth up to bursting?!

The orgasm never came, and after a half-hour of gagging, choking, sucking and coughing, Nick finally put his magazine onto the nightstand and put an end to my efforts.

"Alright kiddo." he said, pulling my hungry mouth away from his rock-hard shaft. "Time to sleep."

I couldn't hide my discouragement and ended up feeling totally worthless.

I didn't have a job, I couldn't pay rent, I couldn't buy him anything or give him money, and to add insult to injury, I couldn't even give him a proper blowjob.

Nick didn't say anything wrong though.
He gently tucked me down and shut the light off before scooting down next to me.

I turned away from him and curled up a bit, attempting to retreat into solitude and refusing to face the fact that I was setting unrealistically high expectations for myself.

Nick pulled the comforter up over his large torso and wrapped an arm around me before pulling me in and spooning my slender form.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, surrendering to his embrace and finding myself unable to refuse the warmth and security he offered.

"Shhh..." the King purred, bending down over me and planting a kiss on top of my head.
"You did good. I'm impressed." he whispered, trying to ease me down.
I had no idea whether or not he was lying, but for some reason his words made me feel a little better.

"Now close your eyes and get some sleep." he ordered, wrapping his heavy arm around my trapped, comforter-clad body, and spooning me tighter, until his huge boner was throbbing steadily against my ass crack.

Within a minute, the hunk ended up falling asleep, and I ended up following suit just a few minutes later.
This was bliss.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

No doubt this chapter is exciting, but it also made me laugh a little bit, since I also felt like Steven when I gave my first blowjob, very, very useless.

Thanks for another wonderful chapter, sir.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by LK3869 »

Cute [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] beats me to the "first blowjob" comment :lol: Man, you're even more kamikaze than I am...

But yeah, reading this part brings back memories ( of more reasonably sized guys, I have to admit...) and that's both realistic and a little courageous to bring in the "half-success" experiences we all had our shares of... ( not on my first time, normal dicks have more easy fun with normal mouths :twisted: )

Fun thing with the "warnings" you and others place before stories: it attracts as much as it detters. I jump on whatever comes after such "explicit content" warnings.
About that: your position as "most explicit and graphic story on site" is not that obvious yet BUT I trust the next logical step of Nick's Sequoia adventures in Steven's shadowside valley will be epic. Can't wait for that!

Almost forgot: not meaning to offend anyone here, but I liked your discreet punch at circoncision: nothing's to be cut from the human body, nothing to waste in it :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]LK3869[/mention]

I'm glad you guys enjoyed this and were able to relate ;)

Unlike what some might think, I'm NOT a porn addict, though I do find it mildly intriguing how most adult stories, fan fictions and books, constantly boil down to great (and often undetailed) sex. I feel that it sets highly unrealistic standards for young adults who don't have much RL experience yet, and wanted to relate that through Steven's eyes.
First times are not always pretty.

I won't pretend to have a member quite as large as the one described between Nick's thighs (though I honestly don't have anything to be ashamed of 8-) ) but I've seen several young submissives undergo the very same frustration Steven went through in this chapter. My affinity for small, inexperienced guys does tend to create these physiological problems. It often results in pain and/or frustration, especially for the one bottoming.

Hopefully, chapter 56 proves to be an eye opener to the inexperienced, and a funny reminder for those of us who have more experience under our belts ;)

Anyways, thanks for the continued support both of you.
I honestly wish more of my 30 registered first-time readers would comment, but apparently most of the readers here are shy or are allergic to their keyboards.

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Post by Tsuhaya »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I understand all of them, in the photo it may not seem like it but I'm also relatively small (5'6"). So when you have 5'6" in a world where everyone is + 5'9", you have a mouth that suffers to bite an apple, we can say that I go through some difficulties in life :lol:
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Chapter 57 – A New Friend

I didn't remember much of that night.
I do however, have a vivid memory of waking up as some point and being unable to breathe.

Nick was on top of me and squashing my small frame down into his soft, memory-foam mattress.
I recall freaking out a bit and trying to wiggle out from underneath him, but his massive thighs and biceps were clamped tight around me and I was more certain than ever that he'd put on weight since last summer.

The blond giant was fast asleep, and apparently oblivious to my troubles, or to the fact that I was suffocating beneath him.

I had initially fallen asleep hugging my thick pillow, and Nick apparently fell asleep hugging my pillow as well.

My nose was trapped between the thick, puffy loft of the pillow and the underside of the hunk's huge bicep.
His shaft was throbbing into my butt crack and the weight of his hips was pressing it in real deep.

I cried out and the sleeping King woke just long enough to move his arm a bit, allowing me to free my nose from inside the pillow.

I spent the next few minutes breathing in an out through my mouth, doing my best to cope with and get used to the enormous weight of his body on top of mine.

Eventually though, warmth and fatigue overtook me and I allowed myself to fall back into a deep sleep, with my nose and face tightly buried beneath my hunky protector's muscular bicep.
I felt so warm, so sleepy.

When I woke up again, I was alone in bed.
I sat up, wondering what time it was.

The clock read 10:30 AM, which wasn't that late considering what time it was when Nick and I finally went to sleep last night.

I didn't recall hearing Nick get up, but I knew he must've gotten up pretty early.
Because of his job, he had the habit of waking up early in the mornings, even on weekends and holidays.

Every part of my body was begging me to stay in bed, but I just had to get up.

I was anxious to see Nick and spend some time with him. Besides, we had guests to entertain.
And it wasn't very gracious or polite for the host to be sleeping in his room all morning while the guests were up and about.

When I walked out of the bedroom, it quickly dawned upon me that I was indeed the last one to get up.

The bed in the spare bedroom was neatly done and from a quick glance, one couldn't tell the room had been occupied on the previous night.

I quickly headed for the washroom and jumped in the shower, anxious to get cleaned up.

While getting washed and doing my business, I made up a mental list of the things I had to do during the day...most of which involved, cleaning and cooking.

When I got out, I dried myself up and I got dressed, putting on some ankle socks, running shorts and a t-shirt.

I went back to Nick's room and did the bed.
I even took care of fluffing up his pillows and getting them all neat and lofty.

I also had to pick up my own bed sheets from the living room...the ones Nick had lent me so I could sleep on the couch.

As my made my way to the living room, I heard voices coming from downstairs.
It was Nick and Brad, I knew. And from the sound of it, both jocks were busy working out on the various exercise machines.

Only when I entered the large, open-area living room, did I see Jeremy sitting by the dining room table, silently staring outside, though the large patio door.

He looked kinda pensive, a little sad even.

"Hey." I greeted, hoping to draw his absent gaze away from the window. "D'you sleep okay?"

Jeremy merely shrugged his shoulders and said "yeah." But I knew right away that he was lying or being, at the very least, only half-honest. I think he knew I'd feel bad for him if he admitted otherwise.

"There's cereal in the cupboard and milk in the fridge." I said, inviting him to eat.

He looked at me hesitantly at first, but finally got up and grabbed a bowl from the one of the cabinets.

After removing my bed sheets from the couch, I returned to the kitchen and joined my new friend for a bowl of cereal at the dining room table.

We used this time to talk and get to know each other a bit.
After all, Jeremy wasn't allowed to talk when Brad was around. So these moments of peace and quiet were most likely gonna be the only ones where we'd actually be allowed to talk to each other.

"I didn't see you this morning. Where were you?" Jeremy asked between spoonfuls.

"What d'you mean?" I answered, giving the younger lad a puzzled look.

"When I got up, you weren't on the couch." he explained, obviously intrigued by the fact that I'd slept elsewhere.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so Nick told me I could sleep in bed with him." I casually replied, indulging the green-eyed lad's curiosity and noting his surprise as I spoke.

"You slept in his bed?!" he whispered, giving me wide eyes and articulating as though I'd just revealed some incredible secret.

I couldn't help but raise and eyebrow and frown a little.

"Well, yeah..." I said, trying to sound as though it should've been obvious. "Didn't you sleep in bed with Brad last night?"

Jeremy looked at me, his big, innocent eyes reflecting both shock and envy.
He just shook his head "no" and looked down, obviously pained by my question.

"Don't tell me you slept on the floor!?" I cried out, letting my spoon fall back into the bowl, seriously hoping he wouldn't confirm my suspicions.

Jeremy just shrugged and absent-mindedly stared down at his bowl of breakfast cereal. He didn't seem nearly as appalled as I about the whole "sleeping on the floor" thing.
He was apparently used to it.

"He never lets me sleep in bed with him..." he mumbled, using his spoon to churn his milk around.

As it turns out, Brad only shared his bed with Jeremy when he was "in the mood".
And from what I could gather, he was "in the mood" almost every night, and on occasion, even in the early morning hours.

Brad would use Jeremy, but when he was done, he'd push him off his bed and tell him to get back down on the floor. Most of the time, the lad didn't even get a pillow and had to make do with sleeping on his arms and using Brad's discarded t-shirt as a makeshift blanket.

Jeremy told me that he'd do anything to sleep with his Master, but that so far, all his attempts to earn that privilege had failed.

I just couldn't help but feel pity for him. But I didn't know what to say and didn't know how to help him.
He was so naïve and so foolish, my heart just knew that this pairing was wrong.

But for some reason my mind could not grasp, Jeremy was convinced beyond reason, that Brad was the one for him.

Every time I'd say something bad about his "Master", Jeremy would jump to his rescue and defend him.

The way the kid spoke, you'd think he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Yes, Brad was hot and yes, they did match on some levels. But I mean COME ON...the guy was an ASS!
I obviously wasn't seeing the whole picture.

"How'd you get those bruises?" I asked, referring to the marks Jeremy wore on his face.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." he mumbled, keeping his head low and slowly eating his soggy cereal.

"It was Brad wasn't it? Did he do that to you?" I pressed, truly wanting to know.

No response came.

Jeremy just kept his head low and used his spoon to stir around the milk in his bowl.
He wanted me to drop the subject. It most likely pained him too much to talk about it.

I sighed and continued eating.

"What about you? Did you meet your Master online?" he suddenly asked, either out of curiosity, or simply feigning interest in order to sound polite.

"No. I've known Nick ever since I was a kid." I answered.

Jeremy looked at me like he wanted to hear more, and continued pressing me with questions.

"Aw ok. So, when did you realize you wanted to be his sub?" he asked, his beautiful green eyes, sparkling with an innocence that was truly out of this world.

"Well..." I started to answer, but then realized I'd actually never really given thought to it.
"Actually, I've always been his sub."

The young man sitting across the table, looked at me with a rather puzzled expression.

"What I mean is...I've always been submissive to him, even in high school. I never really thought about it until a few months ago. Nick is the one who introduced me to this whole master-slave thing..." I explained, rolling my eyes to try an make it look as though I found the whole dominance-submission concept ridiculous and distasteful.

"And that's when you moved in with him?" Jeremy continued, sounding genuinely intrigued.

"Hum...well, no. Not exactly. But it's a long story." I answered, not really wanting to delve into the whole moving-in-because-of-depression part.

There was a brief moment of silence as we both finished eating our morning meal.

"'re a really lucky guy." he finally said, after sipping up the milk that was left in his bowl.

I looked at him, wondering what he meant by that.

"Your Master really seems to like you." he added, his tone marked with deep envy and longing.
"And he's really...REALLY hot too." he added, looking down at his empty bowl and smiling a little awkwardly.

He was right, on both counts.

Nick had given me much over the past week.
He had taken care of my problems and had offered me the warmth and protection of his home.
Come to think of it, last night, he had been really gentle with me!

He could've very easily taken me by force and raped me. Yet, the hunk had shown a considerable amount of restraint and had been nothing but kind and attentive to me in bed.

Jeremy was right. I was indeed lucky.
It just pained me to hear him remind me of that, especially after telling me about how he was used to sleeping on the floor and giving me some personal insight into Brad's cruelty.

This totally wasn't fair, I thought to myself.
I barely knew the lad, yet I already felt sympathy for him.

Jeremy was trying so hard to please his Master, hoping to slowly earn his love and affection. But I knew Brad, and I had my doubts about whether or not he was even capable of feeling such things.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for my new friend.

I asked Jeremy if he knew what Nick and Brad were doing downstairs, and he confirmed what I thought.
They were both doing their Saturday morning workout.
Brad had bulked up a lot since the summer, so it made sense that he was pumping iron and working out almost as religiously as Nick was.

I thought for a bit, then finally came up with an idea of what to do.

"D'you like...bondage?" I asked, hoping Jeremy would say yes.

The young man smiled back nodded his head enthusiastically. "Hmm hum!"

"Good! I'll go get my laptop and we can watch some stuff." I cheerfully answered, before sprinting across the house to get my computer.

We spent the next half-hour, sitting on the living room couch, watching bondage videos on the internet.
Some of them were really good, others...not so much.

At one point, we ended up watching a video from the defunct Bondagefreax website.
I actually had that one saved up in my favourites. I don't know why, but I found it really hot.

Jeremy LOVED it and literally became ecstatic when the kidnapper in the video, shoved his sneaker over his bound and gagged victim's face.

"Oh man...I'd hate to be that guy. That shoe must stink!" he commented, talking about the victim.

I had trouble controlling the tingling sensation in my groin upon hearing his words, and couldn't stop myself from sprouting a boner in my shorts.

"My Master's feet smell SO bad after a day at work." he went on, exhaling loudly as though he was really bothered by it. "And he LOVES making me sniff them."

I couldn't help but scoff and snicker a bit.
"Dude. You think Brad's feet smell bad? You haven't smelled Nick's." I told him.

Jeremy didn't believe me at first. He was convinced his master's feet were as smelly, if not smellier than Nick's.

"I've smelled Brad's feet. I know they stink, but trust me, his feet smell like roses compared to Nick's." I chuckled, unwilling to let the younger lad bask in his ignorance.

"Nah...they can't be THAT much worse." he said, smirking and rolling his eyes as though he thought I was making the whole thing up.

"You're sooooo gonna regret this. Come here!" I laughed, quickly tiptoeing towards the main entrance. "I'm gonna show you something."

Jeremy followed me and crouched down beside me as I opened the entranceway closet, where my blond goliath kept his foul-smelling work boots.

Too bad Nick was working out right now.
Had he not been wearing his old Reeboks, I'd have showed THOSE to Jeremy instead.

As soon as I opened the closet's sliding doors and turned the light on, the overpowering scent of musty boots, sweat and fermenting cheese spilled out. The two air fresheners Nick had installed in the large closet were obviously having little effect.

"Awwh." Jeremy complained, backing away a bit and crinkling his nose up.

I was getting used to the smell and anticipated it enough not to be completely shocked by it.
It was still bad though. Nick's boots smelled really strong.

"I dare you to go in there and put your face in one of his boots." I invited, giving my new friend a teasing smirk.

Jeremy looked at me with a look of uncertainty.
From the smell that spilled out of the closet, he knew he was probably gonna regret this, but he just rolled his eyed and slowly crawled inside before giving Nick's GIANT, size 13 work boots a good long look.


"Awwh." he complained again, squinting his eyes and turning his head away.
"No, you're right. Ugh...they smell really strong." he admitted.

"Come on, Jeremy! You're being such a pussy!" I teased. "Your face isn't even NEAR them!"

Jeremy groaned and rolled his eyes again before looking down into one of the blond hunk's large boots.

I watched as he slowly bent down and chose the left one, burying his cute little face down inside the opening.
I heard nothing for two seconds, until finally a familiar sniffing sound echoed from inside the huge, thickly-insulated boot.

"Ugghh!" the lad groaned, suddenly pulling his face out while simultaneously gagging and coughing on the strong stench.

"Hahaha! Told you they were bad!" I laughed triumphantly.

I was so caught up, and dare I say, turned on by the sight of the young, naïve lad taking a whiff out of Nick's big, putrid work boot, that I failed to notice the sound of approaching footsteps coming from the staircase.
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Post by LK3869 »

Wish I'd seen that defunct BDfreak site too, always late to parties...
That Jeremy story is sad, but knowing you it will sure bring some interesting development .
Last edited by LK3869 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Johnsnow »

Well it's gone quiet again did one of bondagefreaks subs rebel?
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Post by Pup »

Johnsnow wrote: 6 years ago Well it's gone quiet again did one of bondagefreaks subs rebel?
Would you believe me if I said I had him bound and gagged in a sleeping bag behind me?

Didn't think so. xD
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Pup wrote: 6 years ago

Would you believe me if I said I had him bound and gagged in a sleeping bag behind me?

Didn't think so. xD
He doesn't need to be in a sleeping bag he should be chained to his computer uploading the next chapter
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Post by Michael-Colin »

Johnsnow wrote: 6 years ago
Pup wrote: 6 years ago

Would you believe me if I said I had him bound and gagged in a sleeping bag behind me?

Didn't think so. xD
He doesn't need to be in a sleeping bag he should be chained to his computer uploading the next chapter
Careful. Even speaking of him being tied up could get him to punish you. Doms are normally very protective of their positions. :lol:
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago
Johnsnow wrote: 6 years ago
Pup wrote: 6 years ago

Would you believe me if I said I had him bound and gagged in a sleeping bag behind me?

Didn't think so. xD
He doesn't need to be in a sleeping bag he should be chained to his computer uploading the next chapter
Careful. Even speaking of him being tied up could get him to punish you. Doms are normally very protective of their positions. :lol:
Maybe he enjoying the weekend, but I think I'll believe the pup :lol:
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

I think I've been spoiling your guys a little too much ;)
The last chapter was published just two days ago.

Also, when the readers are dead quiet, I'm generally less prone to completing and publishing chapters quickly.
Lastly, keep in mind that these 57 chapters I've rewritten so far, were originally drafted and published across a three year time period.

You guys have definitely been spoiled.

I'm always looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the development so far.

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Post by socjuc »

I hope the 2 jocks decide to swap their subs and perform their own level of punishments/justice for getting caught horsing around :D Great cliffhangers as always, thoroughly enjoying the rewrite [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . It only gets better and better!
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Post by Johnsnow »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago I think I've been spoiling your guys a little too much ;)
The last chapter was published just two days ago.

Also, when the readers are dead quiet, I'm generally less prone to completing and publishing chapters quickly.
Lastly, keep in mind that these 57 chapters I've rewritten so far, were originally drafted and published across a three year time period.

You guys have definitely been spoiled.

I'm always looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the development so far.
Spoiled? Yeah probably but I'm used to being able to read anywhere from 0-10 chapters a night it still be so far behind it didn't matter.

I guess I'll try that thing people are always talking about I forget the word... Something like pate-ie-ence oh yes patience...
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Post by bondagefreak »

Quick reminder: To receive new chapter notifications and frequent updates, be sure to subscribe to this topic.


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Post by Pup »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Quick reminder: To receive new chapter notifications and frequent updates, be sure to subscribe to this topic.

Ew you use the light theme? Lame... ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

No. Look closely, you'll see it's screenshot from the old board.
I've been posting the same reminder since 2012.

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