The dream comes true MMM/M

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The dream comes true MMM/M

Post by squirrel »

Hi guys. My name is Jack and I am 19 years old. I live with my dad in a small town. We get along very well and became sort of best buddies. I am a shy guy and I don’t catch up with people very well, so my father took place of all the friends I should have. He tried to talk to me about this and persuade me to find some people of my age to spend time with, but I never managed to do so.

After some time he let it go and agreed his position of my closest mate.
I am not very tall, around 180cm tall. I have short blond hair, blue eyes and I am quite well built, because I like to go to the gym. My dad hoped I would find some buddies there, but I prefer to just work out and listen to my music rather than talk to other people. He is taller than me, has dark short hair and blue eyes as well. He is in good shape; he likes to jog every morning.

He is a businessman and often has to leave town for a few days. At first he was very worried about me, but in time he learnt that I can take care of myself. However he always called me when he was away; he wanted to make sure I was all right.

We were pretty close with each other and talked a lot, but there was one thing I never dared to tell my dad. My bondage desires. I have always dreamt about being tied up and gagged. Kept as hostage. For a long time, without knowing how long will I have to stay bound. I thought that was one weird dream to have so I decided I would never talk with my father about it; I didn’t want to ruin the connection we both had.

One day In August my dad and I had dinner. He told me he would be away for a couple of days; he had to go for negotiations with some other company and had to stay in other town for some time. I didn’t really understand what exactly his company was doing so I simply told him I understood and I would take care of myself. I had some school work to do, so I knew I would be busy anyway. Plus being alone would probably be for the best.

He left the next day in the morning. He gave me the money to do the shopping and asked me to do some housework as well; he insisted that I mow the lawn at the back of our house. I agreed and he was off.

I didn’t do much that day; it was summer, a hot day and the one you usually spend doing nothing. In the evening I went to the gym and returned at around seven. I was tired and after taking a long and relaxing shower I decided to take a short nap before dealing with the summer work from school. I sat on the couch in our living room and turned the TV on. I was only in my shorts; it was too hot to wear anything else. I jumped from channel to channel, but couldn’t find anything interesting. I turned it off and lied down. In a few moments I was fast asleep.

I was woken up when I felt something press against my chest. I opened my eyes and froze. There were two guys in the room; one of them was sitting on me, the other one grabbed me hands and pinned them above my head.

“Whmmmppp” I tried to say something, but the guy sitting on my chest pressed his hand over my mouth, making all my efforts to speak futile.

“Be quiet kid, and calm down.” The one sitting on me said.

I tried to calm and looked around. From what I could say there were only the two of them. At least
I couldn’t see or hear anybody else. The guys were dressed the same way: both had black leather jackets, black leather gloves, dark blue jeans and dark shoes. They also had balaclavas on their heads.

I tried to struggle a little, but it was no use. They were much stronger than me and the element of surprise was definitely on their side. I didn’t know what those guys wanted and I was scared as hell. I mean it was my deepest desire to be treated this way, but I always thought it would be someone I know, with whom I felt safe. Unfortunately those two were strangers and I had absolutely no idea what had in mind.

“Ok kid, now listen up.” The same guy spoke again. When I looked at him directly he continued:

“You’re going with us. Stay still and nothing will happen to you.”

When I heard his words something broke inside me. I started to struggle much more violently and scream as much as his gloved hand allowed me. The guys held me tightly and all my efforts ended with absolutely nothing. I was terrified and started to breath really fast. Actually I was hyperventilating now.

“Hey, HEY!” The guy yelled at me. I tried to focus me eyes on him.

“We’re not going to hurt you kid, I promise. Nothing bad will happen to you, so just calm down and let us do our business.” He said in much more comforting voice.

I took a deep breath and eventually I nodded my head.

“Good boy. I’m gonna remove my hand from your mouth. Stay completely silent. If you try to scream things may turn pretty ugly for you.” He threatened and I nodded.

He released my mouth and hoisted himself up a little bit. They rolled me on my stomach and the guy sat on me again. The guy who was sitting on me forced my arms behind my back and held them tightly there. The other one went to my legs and I heard a bag being open. I hadn’t noticed it before but it was on my legs the whole time.

He took something from the bag and soon I felt my hands tied with zip ties. They used two ties to bind my wrists crossed. When they were done with my arms they made me sit on the couch. The guy that was hand gagging me before sat next to me and put his gloved hand over my mouth again. His companion said nothing; he just left the room and soon I could hear him enter various rooms. Probably he was looking for something valuable.

We sat there for several minutes. I had the time to think and calm myself down. I looked at the clock on the wall: it was eight p.m. After a short while the guy returned, holding something in his hand. I didn’t know what it was until he came closer to me.

“Sorry kid, but we have to make sure you stay quiet. Open wide.” The guy hand gagging me said and removed his hand.

I complied; I was too terrified to disobey. When the other guy forced the material to my mouth I realized what it was; my father’s sock from his jogging. It tasted terrible and it made me want to vomit. But before the kidnappers could do anything else my telephone rang.

It was my dad calling…
Last edited by squirrel 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by squirrel »

I was already tied up pretty well and the two guys were about to gag me when we heard my telephone ringing. I looked at the screen; it was my dad calling. I gulped behind my gag, but was too frightened to do anything. We just sat there, waiting for the phone to stop ringing. After several signals the answering machine was on, asking the caller to leave a message. And my father did:

“Oh, hi Jack, hoped to talk to you, but I guess you’re asleep. Anyway, I’ll be very busy tomorrow, so I’ll call you the next day. Hope you’re fine and everything. Bye.”

My father stopped talking and must have hung out. I felt like I was falling into darkness. This whole thing meant that I’ll get kidnapped, taken God knows where, and no one would even notice! And what was more, the guys seemed to be all right with this. In fact, when I looked at one of them I thought I saw a little smile under his balaclava; a very devilish smile…

“Maybe even better, we’ll have more time to organize things.” The guy that was doing the talking said.

I was curious why the other guy didn’t utter a word while they were tying me up. A terrible thought struck my mind: what if it was someone I knew? He could pretend he was helping the police find me, at the same time knowing perfectly well what the police is doing and what their plans are. I decided I need to look more closely at the guy and see if there was anything familiar with him. Unfortunately I was in no position do such observations.

“All right kid, time to go. And remember, we are not here to hurt you, so calm down and do what we say.” The kidnapper said in a friendly tone. As friendly as the situation allowed…

I nodded my head and relaxed a little bit. If what the guy said was truth, then I had nothing to worry about. I have always wanted to get kidnapped and now my dream was about to come truth. I watched the guys get ready to leave; the silent one opened their bag, took something from it and handed it to his companion. Then he took the bag and left the house.

“Sorry again, kid, but we must make sure you won’t do anything stupid, so you’re going to be gagged for the journey. Open wide.”

I did as I was told. I already had one of my dad’s stinky socks in my mouth, but my captor thought it wasn’t enough. He pushed another sock into my mouth, until it was all stuffed up. Then he took the strange thing his partner had given him and moved it closer to my face. I recognized it: it was a pecker gag. It had a large rubber bulb in the middle; the bulb went between my teeth and the captor buckled the gag tightly behind my head. My lower face was now all covered with leather and I was definitely unable to spit the socks out.

As it turned out this was not over. The other guy returned and came to me. Without saying a word he examined the gag and showed me the big roll of duct tape he was holding. He unwound some and plastered it over the pecker gag. He went around my head five times, pressing the tape after each wrap. When he was done all I could do was extremely muffled grunts. In some weird way I was beginning to like this whole kidnapping…

“One more thing kid.” I heard and soon I had some kind of a hood on my head.
I heard the duct tape again and within few seconds the hood was tied around my neck. Loosely, but it was impossible for me to shake the material of my head without help. I was then picked up and put one the guys shoulder.

They walked me to their car and soon I heard the doors open. I was dropped on the back seat and one of the guys sat near me. I guess it was the silent one.

“Everything went smooth?” I heard another guy speak. He must have been waiting in the car for us. I didn’t recognize his voice and got scared a little. This whole thing has been planned almost too well…

The guys started the engine and were on our way. A kidnapped kid and three kidnappers. During the journey the guys were quiet and I had the time to think: why was I kidnapped? My dad wasn’t that rich and he couldn’t pay big ransom. Of course I knew he would do absolutely everything to get me out of this, but it had to take time. Maybe they didn’t know all this? But, on the other hand they had planned everything very well…

A lot of thoughts were in my head, but one was disturbing me the most: I was definitely into this. I liked the feeling of helplessness and every time I tried to say something I got more and more horny. The gag was perfect; I kind of hoped they wouldn’t take it out too soon. I lied there bound and gagged and waited what would happen next.

They journey was long, it lasted for at least a few hours. At some point I must have dozed off; I didn’t realize we arrived until I heard the door being opened.

“Take him inside, I’ll take care of the car.” I heard the driver.

They took me out of the car and carried me inside the house. I didn’t know exactly what it looked like or where we were going. When we were inside one of the captors took my hood of. I blinked and adjusted my eyes to the light.

I was in a bathroom. It was small and had only the toilet and the sink. The guy that hadn’t spoken until now cut the zip ties binding my wrists and legs and pointed with his head to the toilet. Why the hell didn’t he speak? – I thought to myself. It wasn’t important now: I needed to use the toilet badly. I took my shorts down and peed. God, it was a relief. When I was done I washed my hands and grunted into my gag.

The kidnapper took no notice of that; he grabbed my arm and marched me into one of the rooms. It was small and had no windows. There was a bed and a chair in the middle. He sat me on the chair and we waited a few seconds. His two friends came in: they were all wearing leather jackets, gloves and balaclavas. One of them had a gym bag with him.

“Ok kid, time to tie you up for the night.” The driver said.

“If you are a good prisoner you won’t be tied up too strictly later. But this time we must make sure you stay put, so be a man and take it.” The other one added.

The driver opened the bag and took several coils of rope from it. He went behind my back and forced my arms behind the back of the chair and bound my wrists crossed. It was very tight, but not uncomfortable. Then he bound my arms to the chair. In the meantime his companions roped my legs to the legs of the chair. Finally they roped my torso to the chair too. I was stuck.

“mmmhhmhm” I tried to talk but the gag was flawless.

“The gag stays for the night, kid. We can’t have you shouting and yelling around. Plus it looks good on you.” The driver said and they all laughed. Even the silent guy.

They left without further ado and I heard the doors being locked…

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Post by squirrel »

After the door closed behind my captors I was alone. Many strange thoughts were running through my mind; all of them somehow connected with the kidnapping. Who were those guys? Why was one of them completely silent? What are they going to do to me? When will they let me out? Do they really intend to keep their promise and leave me unharmed? Those and many other questions appeared and I didn’t know the answer to any of them.

I tried to break free, but my bonds we neat and tight; no knot came loose and the gag was flawless. Only weak, faint grunts escaped my mouth. I knew well I wouldn’t be able to free myself. Exhausted, I slowly began to doze off.

I must have slept the whole night; when I woke up I heard the guys outside the door. They opened it and the two of them came inside; they were all in black again, with balaclavas on their faces. The driver had cereals and a carton of milk in his hands and the talker was carrying a big bag in one hand, and a small table in the other. The silent kidnapper was missing.

“Morning, kid, slept well?” The talker asked and put the table on the floor and the bag near it.

His companion put the milk and cereals on the table and move my chair to it. The talker put a bowl and a spoon out of the bag and they prepared my breakfast.

“We’ll take the gag off and feed you. It will be back in your mouth as soon as you’re done eating.
If you say anything, you’ll get no dinner today. Understood?” The driver asked and I nodded.

He then removed the tape from my face and undid the pecker gag. When it was out I spit my father’s sock; it was now drenched in my saliva. I moved my jaw a little and in a while the driver fed me with the cereal and milk. It was so nice to taste something else than my father’s sweat. While I was eating the talker put a computer and a camera on the table. He connected them and turned them on.

After a few minutes I was done with the breakfast and the driver immediately put the nasty sock into my mouth again. He put the pecker gag inside my mouth and locked it behind my gag. From the bag he produced a roll of duct tape and wrapped it around my mouth five times. I was tightly gagged and I could taste the sock again.

“Now, for the show.” Said the talker said and turned on some program on the computer. He then moved the camera so it was pointing right at him.

“Good morning, sir, I have something you might find interesting.” He pointed the camera at me.

“MMPPHH..” I tried to say when I saw my father.

“Jack! Oh my God, son, are you All right?!” My father shouted rather than said this. Being gagged I couldn’t respond, but I nodded my head.

“Are you hurt?” This time I shook my head and saw relief on his face.

“Ok, enough of this family chat.” The kidnapper said and pointed the camera at himself again. Then he carried on.

“As you could see, your son is fine. He simply has to endure being tied up and gagged, nothing more. And nothing worse will happen to him for as long as you follow our instructions. But – his tone changed ominously – if you don’t do as we tell you, or if you call the police, really nasty things will happen. And believe me, compared to those things, being tightly tied up will be a pleasurable experience.” He finished.

“Ok, sure, I understand, I’ll do as you say. Just, please, don’t hurt him!”

“I thought so. Now listen: you have forty eight hours to collect the money. Five hundred thousand dollars. Be on-line on Monday at noon, you’ll get further instructions.

“I will.” I heard my dad say. “Hang in there son, I will….” The kidnapper shut the computer down.

“The fun part is don. You did well, kid.” The driver said and ruffled my head playfully. He turned the camera off and put it on the table.


“I know, I know, kid.” The talker said and they left and locked the door.

They came back after what seemed like fifteen minutes. Now all three of them.

“Since you’ve done so well we have something for you.” The driver said.

He untied me from the chair, grabbed my arm and forced me to stand up. His buddy put the computer and the camera in the bag and took handcuffs out of it. The driver untied my hands and moved them in front, where they were cuffed immediately, by the silent guy. Then he took out something else from the bag; it was leg cuffs. He put them around my ankles and locked them. They were snug and quite tight but not uncomfortable. Finally he produced a short chain and connected the hand cuffs with the leg cuffs.

I checked them and had to admit that it was much better than the rope. My surprises weren’t over yet. The other guy came into the room with a small TV in his hands. He put it on the table and put the plug into the contact; he turned the TV on and gave me a remote control.

“There, you can watch some TV, it should be more fun than sitting here alone doing nothing.” He said.

I wanted to thank them, but I was still gagged so I just nodded my head.

“Now the last thing and we’ll get going.” I heard the driver speak behind me.

He unwound the tape from my lower face. I expected the pecker gag to be removed as well; but it stayed on and I saw the silent guy dig into the bag again and draw out a small padlock. He handed it to the driver and soon I heard a quiet clicking sound. The padlock was now locked on my gag, making it impossible for me to remove it without a key. And I saw the driver put the key inside a pocket on his leather jacket.

“You’ll have more freedom today, so we have to make sure you won’t remove the gag. We still need you to stay quiet and with that little padlock locking the gag in place we have no doubts that you will.” He said and laughed.

“Don’t worry, when we come to feed you again, we’ll remove it. It’s half past ten now, so expect us in six seven hours, kid.” His companion said and they all left.

Soon I heard the door being locked again and I was alone. With the cuffs on I could do much more than just sitting and thinking; for instance I could walk now and what was more, I could watch some TV. I sat on a chair and started switching channels. While I was trying to find something interesting, a horrible thought entered my mind and I couldn’t get rid of it… I realized I wished the guys had left me bound and gagged much more tightly than this….

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Post by squirrel »

I was now alone for the rest of the day, all gagged and unable to remove it. Although I wasn’t trussed up anymore the small padlock on the pecker gag made it impossible for me to take it out. The cuffs on my hands and legs were much more comfortable than the rope and, what I appreciated most, the kidnappers placed a small TV in my cell. I turned it on.

The programs were boring and I couldn’t find anything I wanted to watch. I switched the channels mindlessly. Finally I went on some kind of a game show and decided to watch the rest of it. It wasn’t that much interesting, but at least it took my mind from my current situation. At least for a few moments…

The time plodded on mercilessly and nasty thoughts kept appearing inside my head. Why did they kidnap me? From all people, ME? Will my dad collect the money? If not, what will they do to me? And even if he does, will they release me? Or will they kill me? So many thoughts were swirling in my mind it made me want to vomit. I had no other choice but to endure whatever the fate may bring and wait…

At about seven I heard the door being unlocked from the other side and soon the door opened and one of the kidnappers came inside me cell. It was the driver he was still wearing his leather jacket, gloves and the balaclava over his face. He had a plate with in one hand and a glass filled with water in the other one. He put everything on the table next to the television and closed the door from the inside.

“Dinner time, kid.” He said in a playful tone.


“Yeah, yeah, let me fix that.”

The driver took the key to the padlock on my gag and removed it. Then he undid the buckle and took the gag out of my mouth. I was now able to spit my father’s sock out. I moved my jaw for a few moments; it didn’t hurt much and the gag wasn’t that uncomfortable either, but nevertheless, I wanted to stretch it before I could eat.

“Will you remove the cuffs too, please?” I asked, but I already knew the answer to that.
“Not a chance, kid. Now eat till it’s still warm.” The driver replied and sat beside the door.

I sat down on the chair and looked at the dish; it looked quite good and I was hungry. I didn’t realize it before, but when the smell hit my nostrils I suddenly felt an urge to eat. The dinner was smashed potatoes, some green vegetables and two pieces of fried chicken. I liked this kind of meal, so I started eating. I didn’t say anything until I ate everything and drank the water from the glass. It felt so good to taste something else than my dad’s putrid sock.

“Thank you.” I said when I finished the meal completely.

“We can’t have you starve here, kid.” The captor said and got up. Then he carried on:

“Now listen carefully. I will take you to the bathroom. I don’t want you to see anything so I’ll blindfold you. You are to remain blindfolded the whole time and you can’t say a word. If you dare to move the blindfold or speak, you’re gonna pay for it. You understand, boy?” His tone was much more harsh now.

“I do, I won’t touch the blindfold, Sir.” I said hastily.

“Good. In the bathroom you can take a shower and change into fresh clothes. They are already waiting for you there.”

Having said that he took a roll of duct tape the pocket of his jacket and unwound it. He tore a long piece and came to me. He put the tape over my eyes, blocking my vision. Then I heard him tear two more strips; he plastered them on the first one. I was in darkness now. Then he went behind my back and pushed me.

“Move, kid.”

I did and he marched me to the bathroom. We went inside and he undid the cuffs from my legs and hands. He took me to the shower, then to the toilet and finally to the clothes I was supposed to wear after the shower.

“You’ve got half an hour, kid. I’ll be outside.” I heard him speak and then he left.

I was alone but it didn’t help much. Doing stuff in the bathroom when blindfolded was quite a challenge, but I had no choice; I was too scared to even touch the tape on my face. First I used the toilet; I definitely needed a relief. When I was done with that I moved slowly to the shower. Fortunately my sense of orientation was fine and I had no problem finding the cabin. I took off my clothes and turned the tap.

It felt so good to get rid of all that sweat I had produced. The hot water on my body felt amazing, but I didn’t have much time to enjoy it. Actually I had no idea how much time I had left so I quickly showered and left the cabin. I found the clothes and put them on. It was a normal boxers, T-shirt, socks and jeans. I took them on and waited for my kidnapper to come for me again.

He came after few more minutes.

“Good boy, now lets’ go. And remember: no speaking!” He said in a rough tone.

I nodded and he marched me to my cell again. He locked the door and took the tape from my eyes. I blinked, adjusting them to the light again.

“On the floor, kid. I need to tie you up for the night.

“Sir, please… Can’t you just cuff me like before?”

“No. Now, on the floor!”

I knew I had no chance with that guy so I lied on the floor. The driver was soon sitting on my buttocks and tying my crossed wrists with rope. He bound them really tightly, almost uncomfortably. Next were the elbows; he moved them close to each other and tied them up. Then he tied my ankles, calves and thighs with rope. Satisfied with his work he slapped my buttock.

“Now, the fun part. Open up, boy!”

I knew it was futile to resist so I did as he told me. My father’s sweaty socks was inside my mouth again and the guy was fastening the pecker gag on my face again. He buckled it at the back of my head and then wrapped the duct tape over it more than ten times. I was bound and totally gagged again.

“There you go, kid.” He said playfully and ruffled my head.

He grabbed a blanket from the table and put it on my body, leaving only my head uncovered.

“Sleep tight, kid!” Were his last words and he left.

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Post by squirrel »

As far as I could tell it was still early, probably around 8 pm. I wasn’t used to go to bed at this hour, but there was pretty much nothing else I could do. With my arms bound tightly behind my back and my legs tied together it would be rather difficult to turn the TV on and manipulate the remote. I made some annoyed grunts behind my gag; it all came really muffled. This made me even more frustrated. Unfortunately I was in no position to deal with this right now; I had to calm down a little. Finally I dozed off.

I must have slept deeply, because I didn’t wake up until I heard the sound of the door being unlocked from the outside. I opened my eyes and writhed a bit; a few seconds later two of my captors entered the room. It was the talker and the silent guy. I moaned into my gag, wanting it out. They took no notice of that; the silent guy untied my legs only to cuff them with the leg cuffs. Then he undid the rope on my arms, forced them in front of me and handcuffed me. The short chain connecting legs and wrists came next.

After the kidnapper had retied me the way they wanted me, the talker put a plate with sandwiches on the table and they made me sit on the chair. Then he left, leaving me with the silent one. The guy unwound the tape from my mouth and unlocked the padlock. Finally he unbuckled the gag and let me spit my father’s funky sock out. I stretched my jaw; after being gagged for so long it hurt a bit.

The guy moved the plate closer to me; I knew he wanted me to eat. He was standing over me, as if waiting for me to do something wrong. Like he was awaiting a reason to punish me. I didn’t want to give him one, so I started eating the sandwiches. Now I had some time to look closer at the guy; there was something weird about him. I had a strange feeling that I knew him, his eyes looked familiar, but I wasn’t sure… Maybe it was my imagination, but when I cast him a glance while chewing on the bread I had a feeling he was smirking silently under his balaclava. This sent a shiver down my spine.

After a few moments the talker returned with another chair.

“You can go, I’ll handle this now.” He said to his buddy, who left immediately, leaving the key to the padlock on the table.

“Come on, kid, finish the breakfast.” He added putting a glass of water next to me. He sat on the chair and waited for me to finish eating.

I ate everything and gulped the water down. The guy took out a cigar from his leather jacket and lit it; the smoke soon filled the room. He puffed on it several times. I looked at him, not daring to speak. I was afraid they’re going to do something bad to me; probably this thought appeared in my mind after spending some time alone with that creepy quiet guy.

“You liked it?” The captor asked me suddenly. I realized he meant my meal.

“Oh, yeah, I did, thanks.” I replied, obviously nervous.

“Now look, kid.” He said after taking a big drag on his stogie. “This whole predicament of your will be over soon. As I promised, we’re not going to hurt you, just sit here patiently and wait for your father to collect the ransom. Then you’ll be free and hopefully forget about this incident soon.”

“And what if my dad doesn’t get the money? It’s not easy to get half of million dollars in two days… Will you kill me then?”

“You’ve been watching too much TV, kid.” The guy smiled. “And you underestimated us. We know well how much hostage’s family can afford and how soon they can collect the money. The sum your dad is collecting isn’t that much for him.”

I looked at him and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. First: I wasn’t their first victim. Second: they knew a lot about my father’s business. Third: they knew a lot about my family too, which meant that we’d been observed for some time. And maybe I was right when I thought that I knew that silent guy? But there was one more thing I had to ask.

“But what if something happens and my dad won’t collect the money on time?” Fear in my tone was obvious.

“Well, in that case, we’ll let you go anyway.”

“Wha, but…” It was very hard to believe what he said. “So why to bother and kidnap someone if you don’t get the money?”

“You don’t get it, kid. Your dad thinks you’re in huge danger. He’s worried so much about you he probably can’t even sleep. He’ll do everything to get you back. So he’ll gather the ransom and do exactly as we tell him. This has always worked.” The guy said proudly.

“But… “ I was so confused I didn’t know what to say.”

“We’re not murderers, kid. You see…” He took another deep drag on his cigar before he continued:
“Most people get the money through hard work. Very few people inherit a fortune. And even fewer win the lottery. But there are… other ways to acquire what you want and need. And demanding ransom for beloved children is one of them.”

“So…” I started after a long pause. “Even if my dad wouldn’t pay you, you’d let me go?”

“Yes. And I must say u used the right phrase there. “If my dad wouldn’t pay” means you consider that impossible to happen. You see? We both know perfectly well that he WILL pay.”

My jaw dropped, but at the very same time I felt relieved. Well, at least to a certain point. If what he said to me wasn’t true, why would he bother and tell me that? He didn’t seem like a totally bad guy and maybe he just wanted to comfort me? If he did I was very grateful to him.

“Enough of this sweet talk, kid.” He said rising up and putting the cigar between his teeth. “Time to shut you up again.”

“Can’t you just leave me like this? You know I have no chance to escape…” I tried to plead.

“Look kid.” His tone changed; it was a lot colder now. “You can cooperate, or I can truss you up like an animal and leave you here until Tuesday, without food and drink. So, will you open that fucking mouth?”

I nodded in resignation and opened wide. The guy forced the sock back into my mouth pushing it beyond my teeth. He put the pecker gag into my mouth and buckled it behind my head. Then came the padlock. The guy sucked on the cigar and blew the smoke right at me.
“Have a nice day kid, we’ll be back shortly to make another video clip for your dad.” He said and left.

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Post by squirrel »

I was left alone again, but this time I was much less nervous than before. If what the guy had said to me was true, I had nothing to worry about. Even if the captors’ demands aren’t fulfilled, I will be released and set free. Of course, there was always a possibility that the guy told me this only to calm me down and make me more cooperative... But I preferred to believe he told me the truth; in some strange way he seemed to be worthy of a trust.

Nevertheless, I had some time to spend now and apart from watching TV there was no better way to do it. So I turned it on and began searching for something interesting. Unfortunately at this time of day there wasn’t much to look at, so after a few minutes of searching I decided to shut the TV down and have a nap. This whole kidnapping was making me exhausted, mostly in psychological way; but I thought that once I felt at least a little more safe, it would be much easier to rest. And I was right: the moment my head touched the mattress I fell asleep.

I was awaken by the sound of the door being unlocked. I sat on the mattress and waited for my captors to enter my cell. All three of them showed up; the driver was carrying a camera, the talker had a computer and the silent one threw a sport’s bag on the ground. As always they were wearing leather jackets, black gloves and balaclavas over their faces.

“Time of the show, kid.” The talker said and forced me up.

He moved me to the chair and made me sit on it. He untied took the handcuffs and leg cuffs off and then removed the gag completely. In theory I was free now and could perform some action to escape, but with three big dudes around me I knew too well there wasn’t even a slightest glimpse of hope to succeed. So I sat quietly and waited for the captors to prepare everything.

After a short while the preparations were done and the silent guy left the room locking it from outside. The driver connected the camera to the computer and turned everything on. The other kidnapper went behind me.

“Hands behind the chair, kid.” He said in a harsh voice and I complied, maybe too eagerly.

I felt the ropes circle my wrists cinching them together firmly and at the same moment I saw my dad on the computer screen.

“Son, oh God, are you all right?” Were his first words.

“Fine, dad.”

The kidnapper finished tying my hands behind the chair and stood up. He forced my dad’s sock back into my mouth; I could no longer talk to him. Then he forced my elbows together and started tying them. When he was done he took a very long coil of rope and bound my torso to the chair.

“You fucking bastards!” I heard my father yell. The second kidnapper walked in front of the screen.

“Now now, don’t be so judgmental, Mr. Wane.” The driver said calmly and carried on: “As you can see, your precious boy is fine, nothing too bad has happened to him. Yet. After all, being tied up and gagged isn’t the worst thing in the world, is it?”

My dad didn’t reply anything to that.

“You’ve got the money?”

“I do”

“So predictable… Now listen carefully. You’ll leave the money in the bathroom of a certain house outside of town. At noon tomorrow. You’ll receive a map with the house marked on it. Once we collect the money we’ll tell you where to find the kid. Understood?”

“How am I going to know you won’t hurt him when you get the money?!” My father asked in a concerned voice.

“You won’t know until you find him. But you have no choice.” The kidnapper replied brutally.

Then he shut the computer down and my father disappeared. While he and the kidnapper were talking the other captor finished tying me to the chair. He bound my ankles and thighs together, then he connected the rope tying my ankles to my wrists; I was sort of hogtied on the chair with very few possibilities to move.

“Sorry we have to tie you up this tight kid, but we’re leaving for a couple of hours and we can’t take the risk you escape.” The driver said and I nodded my head.

“The gag also needs to be better.”

Having said that the talker pushed another material into my already gagged mouth. It made my cheeks bulge and was quite unpleasant. The kidnappers took their time stuffing my mouth completely and then forced the pecker gag back between my teeth. I coughed and grunted a lot, but they took no notice of it. They buckled the gag tighter than usual and locked the padlock on. Finally they wrapped the duct tape around my lover face over twenty times. One of them slapped me on my cheeks; I grunted but it was very faint and quiet.

“Ok kid, you’re on your own for some time. We’ll turn the TV on so you won’t get bored too much.”

The driver said and turned the TV. Then they left without further ado.

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Post by squirrel »

The guys left and I turned my head towards the TV. There was some game show on, but after several minutes it turned out to be extremely boring so I let it go and tried my bonds. The captors did very good job tying me; there was almost no slack and I was tightly bound to the chair I was sitting on. The rope connecting my wrists and ankle was snug and left no room for wiggling my hands out. Two socks in my mouth made my attempts to speak completely futile. The squirming and moaning made me turned on a little and soon I produced a boner. It didn’t seem too strange, because I have always dreamt of being bound and gagged, but the circumstances…. Anyway, I was glad that the guys couldn’t see what was happening in my pants; if they did, they could decide to keep me for much longer.

I looked at the TV again; the show was still on. Having nothing else to do I watched it for some time, until I fell asleep. I awoke some time later, but without the clock in my cell I was unable to tell how much time I passed. The boring show has gone and now I could watch an old western movie with cowboys and stuff. In one scene the main hero got tied up and gagged, which made me smile under my strict gag.

After some more time I heard noises in the house again; my captors were back and probably they would attend to me soon. I was right; it didn’t last long when the doors were unlocked and two of them entered the cell, wearing their normal gear: leather jacket, gloves and balaclavas. I grunted and looked at them, hoping to be released; I needed to use the bathroom badly and I hoped the guys would let me do so.

“Patience, kid, all in a good time.” The driver said ruffling my hair playfully.

Hi silent companion came closer to me with a roll of duct tape in his hands. He unwound a long strip, tore it off and plastered it over my eyes. Then came two more strips and I was blindfolded. I felt the knots on my wrists being untied; next came my ankles and after a few seconds I was standing up with the guys gloved hand on my shoulder.

“We’ll let you use the bathroom now. Remember the drill? No noise, no stupid moves or you’ll get punished. Understood?” I heard the driver.

I nodded my head vigorously. I was marched to the bathroom where the guy told me I had 20 minutes to do my business, take a shower and put my clothes back on. And of course, he forbid me to even touch the gag; we both knew that without the key to the padlock locking my gag in place I wouldn’t be able to take it off, but I guess he wanted to be on safe side.

Anyway, I found the toilet and it was a great relief to finally empty my bladder. After this I moved to the shower cabin, took my clothes of and took a quick shower; I didn’t know how much time I had left and it wouldn’t be wise to disobey the captors. After I was done with everything and refreshed myself a little bit I put my clothes back on and waited to be taken back to my cell.

Not much time longer I heard the door open and someone’s hand grabbed my arm. I was marched to my prison again and after the guy had locked the door he took the tape from my eyes. I saw that the TV set was gone and a plate with two sandwiches and a glass of water were on the table. The silent guy cuffed my hands in front and sat me on the chair at the table. It took him some time to remove the gag.

“Eat, kid. It’s your last meal here and if everything goes according to plan by this time tomorrow, you’ll be home with your father.” Said the talker who was also in the room with us; puffing on his stogie.


“After you eat we’ll restrain you for the night. You should get some sleep.”

“What are going to do with me tomorrow? Take me somewhere?”

“It’s not your business, kid!” Talker’s voice was much stern now.

I didn’t say anything more and continued eating my supper. It wasn’t much, but it was definitely better than nothing. Plus it was nice to chew on something else than sweaty socks for a while. I took my time eating and drinking and, to my surprise, the captors didn’t mind that; they waited patiently for me to finish.

“Ok, boy, it’s time for you cuffs.” The talker said after I gulped the water down.

I got up from the chair and they marched me to the mattress. I sat on it and waited for them to cuff my legs. Then they connected my wrists to my ankles, making it very difficult to stand up and walk normally.

“Ok, you know what to do now.” The kidnapper had my dad’s sock in his hand again.

“Is it necessary? I won’t scream, I promise. Besides, I wouldn’t risk my life…” I tried pleading.

“Maybe you’re right, boy.” Said the kidnapper and pushed the socks into my mouth. “But it’s definitely more fun this way and we don’t want to risk anything either. So take it like a man.”

When the material was filling my mouth again, they applied the pecker gag. Again. Buckled it tightly and locked with the padlock.

“Have a good night kid, tomorrow is your big day!” The talker said and laughed. He took the plate and glass and left the room with his silent companion.

I laid down on the mattress, thinking. Although my predicament was close to an end I couldn’t stop analyzing what could go wrong tomorrow. For instance, were they really going to let me go, or will they shoot me the moment they get the money? That and many more thoughts were rushing through my mind. It was hard to fall asleep that night but somehow I dozed off after some time.

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Post by squirrel »

I didn’t get much sleep that night. I woke up a lot during the night and couldn’t find any comfortable position to sleep. Being cuffed and gagged wasn’t helpful, but until that moment I handled being tied and gagged quite well. At least much better than one could have expected. But that night was different; I was scared of what would the kidnappers do and if they would keep their word to set me free once they get the ransom. I hoped they would and soon I would see my father again, have a nice hot bath and then sleep for as long as I wanted. That beautiful image comforted me a little and somehow I managed to the dawn.

I could heard the noise after what seemed like an hour bout it could be much longer; I have lost the track of time completely. The door was unlocked and all of my kidnappers entered my cell. They had their sport bag with them.

“All prepared kid, soon your dad will leave the money for us, we’ll take them and then he’ll receive instructions how to find you. We’re going to tie you up much tighter now so you won’t cause any trouble. One of us will stay here and wait for the rest. Once the ransom is ours we’ll all leave for good and hopefully our paths won’t cross anymore.” The driver said and put the bag on the mattress.

They took my handcuffs and leg cuffs of and forced me on my belly. The driver put the cuffs inside the bag and took what seemed like miles of rope from it. He bound my wrists crossed on my back. The bonds were very tight, on the verge of cutting the circulation. I hoped I was tough enough to endure this treatment. Next came the elbows; they were bound really close to each other and this time it was much more uncomfortable.

“I know, I know.” Said the talker in a playful tone when I grunted into the gag.

He tied more rope around my wrists, leaving the end loose. He made me sit and lean against the wall. He bound my thighs together and then calves. Then he tied my ankles together and made me bent my legs so my thighs were almost touching my chest. He took another piece of rope and bound my thighs to my neck; I was stuck. To finish the roping he took the loose of the rope that was tied to my wrists and tied it to my ankles. I was totally helpless.

“This should hold you for some time, kid.” The driver said. “But we still have to make your gag a
little more efficient, so hold still.”

He unlocked the padlock and removed the pecker gag from my mouth, only to stuff it with more material. He took his time pushing it inside, forcing my jaw open and my cheeks bulge. When he was satisfied with his work he thrust the pecker gag in again and buckled it behind my head. Instead of using the padlock he simply unwound some duct tape from a fresh roll and started wrapping it around my gag. He made more than fifteen wraps around my lower face and then circled the tape five more times around my eyes, blindfolding me.

“Mmpphhhhmmm” I grunted through my gag but it came very faint.

“Good, everything is in order: the ransom on the way and the hostage trussed as he should be.” I heard one of them speak. From what I could figure out they packed all the remaining rope and tape to the bag and zipped it.

“You’ll spend here at least a few hours, maybe longer. If you stay calm, nothing wrong will happen. You understand, kid?

I nodded my head.

“Good. Well, it was fun having you around. Unfortunately all good things end quickly. Take care, boy.” One of them ruffled my hair.

I heard them leaving and locking the door. I tried to struggle and wiggle my hands out of the rope, but I was trussed far too well to free myself. I definitely wasn’t going anywhere until someone helped me with the knots. I sighed and tried to relax. I was supposed to sit there for God knew how long and I thought it would be wise to save my energy.

I thought I was in the cell for the whole eternity before I could hear the door being unlocked. When it opened I heard some noise.

“He is here, chief, tied up and gagged, but I guess he’s fine.” I heard man’s voice.

He came closer to me and knelt beside. I felt his hands on my face.

“Don’t move, I’ll cut the tape.”

I stayed perfectly still and waited. The tape was cut loose and the guy peeled the tape from my eyes and mouth. He tried to be gentle but it hurt like hell anyway. I grunted a little but I knew that some pain was inevitable in this situation. When the tape was gone I could see what was happening.

A guy in police uniform was now unbuckling my gag. Another one was standing at the door. I realized there were more of them outside my cell. But before my gag was completely out and I could ask what was going on I saw my dad running inside the cell. He looked scared beyond description, but when he saw me he sighed in relief and hugged me. My tied body, actually.

“It’s ok Jack, it’s all right, everything will be fine.” He said while untying my legs. I saw he had tears in his eyes.

My father and the cop untied me completely and helped me stand up. It wasn’t easy, but with my father’s help I could walk; my legs were quite numb from the strict roping.

“I’m so glad you’re fine, son. Did they do anything to you?” He said concerned when we were leaving the cell.

“No, honestly, I’m just tired and numb, that’s all.” I replied in a reassuring tone.

We walked inside a living room and I saw three guys in leather jackets and gloves laying on the floor with their wrists cuffed behind their backs. My captors. Two of them I didn’t recognize, but when my gaze fell upon the third kidnapper my heart sank. I knew him well, it was Rick. He was also a policemen and lived only four houses from me and my dad. After I readjusted myself I realized I knew the place as well; it was Rick’s house.

“Hi Jack, how are you?” He said in a strange voice. Instinctively I stepped back.

“Don’t listen to him, kid.” A tall officer came to me and my dad. “Are you fine?” He asked and put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

The officer told his men to take the kidnappers to the police car and drive them to the police station. Then he turned to us.

“When you’ve reported your son’s kidnapping we started searching and found out, that there were two more similar accidents, one five and one two years ago. Rich father and an only son. The police never caught the kidnappers. We dug up deeper and realized that there was only one cop involved in all three investigations. Rick. We tracked him and luckily he was the one to go for the ransom. We prepared a small group and waited for him to pick up the last kidnapper. That’s how they worked, according to other victims they acted the same during previous kidnappings.” He explained.

“Fucking bastard.” My father spluttered, he was more than furious.

“I assume that one of the kidnappers was always silent, kid?” The officer turned to me and I nodded.

“Other kids told us the same. He seemed like a friendly neighbor, often visiting and chatting on the streets. He was picking up the victims, knew a lot about them. The kidnapping went smooth then, they knew when to strike.”
“Enough of this talks, officer.” I heard my dad. “I want to take Jack to the hospital, make sure everything is fine.”
“Of course, sir. We’ll have to meet again to take Jack’s statement. We’ll give you a few days.” They shook hands and we left.
We got on my dad’s car and we drove to the nearest hospital. My dad was looking at my direction all the time to make sure I was fine. I realized it and wanted to break the silence.

“It wasn’t that bad, dad. They fed me and let me use the bathroom. Just kept me tied up and gagged.”

“That must have been harsh, son?” He asked as if we were talking about weather.

“No, not too bad. In fact being tied up wasn’t something I could complain about.”

“Really?” His tone changed a little. “I guess we can do something about it.” He smiled and told me to open the car locker. There was a new roll of gaffer tape inside.

Probably at least one good thing would come out of this whole incident – I thought to myself and smiled.

The end

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Post by Xtc »

It's good to read your first whole story on this site. Please, shorter post form now on. Just a personal opinion.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by chadmc90 »


This story needs to be tagged. If it isn't tagged soon, then I will lock it.[/mod]
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]squirrel[/mention] Story still needs tagging, mate ;)

Otherwise I loved this.
I think I must've re-read this one at least five times, including last night before hitting the sack.

I have to say, the first chapter was probably my favourite.
Poor Jack. Can't believe the nearest mouth stuffing available was his dad's smelly jogging socks.
Must've been pretty bad 8-)

I loved how strict and excessive the gagging and trussing up was here.
The poor boy kept being re-gagged with his fathers two socks and then pecker gagged and tape gagged on top of it.

Haha! Those guys certainly knew what they were doing! 8-)

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Post by Jason Toddman »

Nice story; tagged it myself.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I always have trouble finding this one and have to navigate through your posts and dive to page 17 in order to find it.
You may want to add it to your M/M story list Index:

More readers need to discover this fine tale.
It's been buried in the forum's deep reaches for too long.

Definitely one of my favourites!

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Post by Jb99 »

Completely agree with [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] , I'd not come across this one before!

Would be good to find out what's happened to Jack in the 3 years since the kidnapping
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Post by squirrel »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention], done :)

I guess I must have forgotten about it... :P

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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Indeed a great story! Glad that Jack also got something positive out of it in the end!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jb99 wrote: 3 years ago Would be good to find out what's happened to Jack in the 3 years since the kidnapping
The poor guy must've been freakin' grossed out tired of getting his own father's smelly running socks force-stuffed into his mouth over and over and over. Imagine a sequel where he finds himself being kidnapped & bound up at home again, only to get his mouth stuffed with a pair of his dad's smelly, discarded boxers 8-)

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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I second that . That would be awesome gagging him with the father's unwashed underwear.
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Post by squirrel »

Imagine a sequel where he finds himself being kidnapped & bound up at home again, only to get his mouth stuffed with a pair of his dad's smelly, discarded boxers 8-)
That idea is definitely worth considering... :)

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