The Gentlejocks' (M+/M+) - Update (9/19)

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The Gentlejocks' (M+/M+) - Update (9/19)

Post by fruityguy »

Hey! So, if you came across Party Games and Other Things, this is a rewrite of that, as I've lost the first version of it, but recently found the motivation to write a new story with those same characters! This should be a. better than the original because it's been two years and I owe you all something for that wait, and b. actually finished because I just finished writing up the 5th part an hour ago.

Hope you enjoy part 1! It's a teaser.

The Gentlejocks' Game Part 1 - Prehunt

Aiden was setting up the living room for the game night sleepover while his best friend was trying to force his own mother out the door hurriedly without raising any alarms.

“Make sure the pizza won't burn- “ Bryan’s father was leaning out of the window trying to get his wife to hurry up.

“We checked Mom, the pizza is fine.” He was waving now, and she took a step towards the car before turning around.

“Oh, and Bryan, make sure your homework is done.” The horn was being honked at her now. She was starting to look a bit frazzled.

“We completed it two hours earlier at 5”. It looked like Bryan's father was giving up, his upper body moving into the seat.

“Do you have our phone numbers?” The horn was now being held down as the car started to roll down the driveway.

“I’ve had it on my phone for at least a year now, and you haven’t changed it from when I was 6.” The car was almost fully in the street, the driver mumbling about missing a flight.

“Okay Bryan, tell Aiden I said bye, and when the other boys get here, lock the door, be safe, love you.” She ran to the car that her husband was starting to drive down the street. She just barely made it before the car made it around the corner of the property.

Bryan kept on looking until he could not see the car, counted to ten, and then shut the door and ran to the couch in the den and texting his friends that his parents were going to be long gone by the time they got here. Aiden walked in, done popping the popcorn, and parked himself on the couch. Turning to the black-haired male, the two quickly went over the event that the four friends had set up earlier in the week, making sure the pregame meal would be ready and the snacks would be easily accessible during the game tonight.

The doorbell rang and when the blond-haired Aiden opened up the door, Casper and Darius were standing there with two duffel bags each, all of them bursting at the seams. Smiling, the three went in, the pizza was taken out of the oven, and over the pepperoni, the four friends dug in before the main event started.

“Alright,” Darius said, placing his empty paper plate in the trash, “do you guys have your things?” After receiving a bunch of nods, the four went to the living room and started to get changed into their clothes for the game.

As all four stripped down to their underwear, Aiden tossed out an idea.

“So, I brought four cock rings, want to raise the stakes?” he coyly asked.

Casper, not one to back down on any challenge, immediately noticed the four rings on the center table and took one, turning away before lowering his briefs to put them on. Darius and Bryan followed suit, not wanting to be one-upped, and Aiden took the last one.

Bryan sighed, tapping his foot against the ground. “What’s taking Darius so long?!”

“He has to cash out on a bet,” Aiden answered, smirking as he looked at himself in the mirror. The tight fabric of the black wrestling singlet and tights he wore did very little to hide his muscular physique, born from years of lifting weights, on the mat, and on the track. “He’ll be out in a bit, I promise.”

“Hope he’s out soon,” Casper muttered, scrolling through his phone as he lied on the floor, his gymnastics leotard half on. “I’m starting to get bored.”

“You’re always bored!”

“Yeah, exactly!”

“Guys!” Bryan shouted, flicking the lights. The reflective strip on his bike shorts curved around his ass and danced on his compression shirt. “Jesus Christ, you’re like children.”

“You just figured that out?” Darius asked, walking into the room. The other three paused, staring at the dark abs that were on display in between the very fitting crop top and short shorts he was wearing.

Casper immediately lifted up his phone to take a picture, and Darius immediately leapt over the couch to take the phone from him. The phone is in the basketball player’s hand with very little struggle, and immediately turned off. “I don’t think so, Cas.”

“Come on! Can I at least have my phone back?”

“No,” Bryan answered drily. “You’re grounded.” Aiden laughed.

Darius places the phone on top of a tall shelf in the den before taking a seat on the couch, slightly jumping as the fabric tickled his lower back. ”Are we gonna start the game yet?”

“We were waiting for you,” the raven-haired swimmer tells him, already pulling out the deck of cards. “Everyone remember the rules?”

“Winner of the first hand gets to go and hide early, loser of the next hand is the hunter. Everyone being hunted has to try and last an hour without getting tied up-”

“Or at least tries to escape before time’s up, Aiden.”

“That was 1 time-”

“Anyone who isn’t untied at the end of the hour is at everyone else’s mercy for the weekend,” Casper cuts in, shaking his head at the two arguing track athletes. “If the happy couple wants to stop arguing so that we can actually play, that’d be nice.”

Aiden slumps down onto the couch, directly next to Darius. “Nice clothes,” he jokes, poking the Black guy in the side. “I heard it’s supposed to get kinda cold tonight.”

“You knew that when you picked these out for me,” Darius complained, leaning into his side for some heat in the cool basement room.

“And we’re all the more thankful for it,” Bryan says, shuffling the cards and dealing them out. “Now, let’s play the mind games.”

Everyone looked down at their hands, and the normally fearless Bryan internally cringed at his awful cards. He looked back up to look at everyone else’s face, Casper sitting on his own bean bag and staring right back at him.

“How good is your hand?” The older Latino asks him.

Bryan shrugs. “Good enough.”

“Wanna switch?”

Bryan looked back at the two people on the couch, both of them holding onto their hands securely. There’s no way that they’ll try to trade with anyone. With this in mind, he turns back to Casper. “I’ll trade with you if that means you’ll work with me tonight.”

Casper laughs. “Fat chance.”

“Aiden and Darius are going to work together!”

“Unless one of them is the hunter, and then they’ll waste time with whatever flirting that they do,” Casper says with a smirk. “If I lose that advantage because I have to help you, it would suck.”

“I hope both of you have bad hands,” Aiden says, gleefully looking between the two of them. “It’d be hilarious.”

They all revealed their hands and Aiden howled with laughter as both Bryan and Casper showed that they had two abysmal hands. Darius sat up a little bit straighter when he saw he had the best hand, his ego and pride boosted by the minor victory. “Well, well, well,” he gloated. “Who would’ve seen it coming.”

“Just go on and hide already,” Bryan muttered, somewhat irked by the fact that he had the worst hand.

“Already trying to get rid of me, teammate?”

The two basketball players locked eyes. “Just imagining how it’ll feel to tie your ass up later.”

Darius smirked as he got up from the couch, pulling up the waistband of his shorts and causing them to show even more of his thighs. “Oh, you all would love to do a lot to-” he spun around, showing how the white fabric shaped around his muscular ass, the strap of his jock peeking out from under the end of it, “-this ass.”

The other three didn’t answer for a few moments, too entranced by the impressive back and ass that was on display. When he turned back around, all of them felt the heavy blush that rose to their faces at being caught staring. Darius winked before he cheerfully slipped on some shoes and disappeared into the house.
Casper awkwardly coughed to break the tension, reaching out to grab the cards. “Let’s, uh- Let’s continue.”

Aiden and Bryan muttered their agreements as he shuffled the cards. All three of them were trying their hardest not to show or admit that they were flustered by Darius’ teasing.

Aiden immediately notices how Casper slightly perks up. “Must be a pretty good hand.”

“Better than yours?”

He snorts, thinking quickly to see if he could try and give the gymnast his single pair. “Hell no. At this point, you might as well hope that Bryan’s hand is absolute shit. You know how well Dair can hide.”

Bryan groaned. “It’s bullshit. The guy’s 6 feet tall, how can he disappear like that-”

Aiden kept looking at the gymnast, trying to mentally tell the man to just trade his cards already, just do it-

“Eh,” Casper muttered. “I think I’ll take my chances with what I’ve got. Are you two gonna trade with each other?”


When all three showed their cards, Casper grinned like a maniac. “I knew it.”

“Wait,” Bryan said, looking at Aiden’s cards, “we both have a pair. What happens now?”

“Play again,” Casper advised. “Just let me-” He attempted to leap up and grab his phone off of the shelf where Darius placed it earlier, but failed, the only thing of note about the entire attempt was how his tight clothes accented his muscles and seemed to highlight the bounce of his ass as he landed.

In a blink, the gymnast is gone, cutting his losses. Aiden looked back at Bryan, who was shuffling the cards for one last round. With a nod, the two of them don’t even bother to trade, just laying the cards out in the open.

Aiden felt his heart stop when he saw that Bryan’s hand was far better than his. When he looked back up at the swimmer, his eyes immediately darted to the small amount of rope directly next to the black-haired man.

A few beats of quiet goes through the room before the two of them explode into motion, Bryan grabbing the rope and leaping to try and catch a scrambling Aiden off-guard.
Last edited by fruityguy 2 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

Gentlejocks' Game Part 2 - The Buzz of the Hunt

It was a textbook dive. If Bryan’s swim coach saw it, he would probably be chewed out “for not giving it his all” in practice. His momentum carries him into the wrestler, pinning him half over the sofa, ass up as his escape attempt is hindered. Aiden immediately flipped back around, struggling against Bryan as he tried to get the lighter man off of him. He’s barely able to place the man off to the side of the couch before he tried to flee again.

Bryan takes the moment of weakness to strike, brutal and accurate in his lunge. He quickly wraps and ties a loop of rope around Aiden’s wrists, and uses that distraction to get enough rope around the stronger man’s body to roughly bring the wrestler under control.

“Damn,” Aiden pants, still somewhat struggling in his bonds while Bryan went to grab another rope to further secure him, “that was fucking terrifying.”

“Good,” Bryan mutters, grabbing a bandana from off the ground. “Open up.”

Aiden keeps his mouth closed. Bryan sighs and pinches the man’s nose. As soon as he opens his mouth to take a breath, Bryan pulls the bandana in between his lips and ties it behind his head.

With the wrestler now gagged and muffled, Bryan went to work double checking his ties. He was all too happy to run his hands over Aiden’s well-muscled body as he made sure the ropes weren’t too tight, squeezing a thigh here, an ass cheek here.

As he tweaked Aiden’s nipple, a somewhat startled moan from the athlete brought Bryan’s attention down to their crotches, the two of them both somewhat hard from their scrapping.

He grins at his friend. “Sorry, Denny. I’ve gotta go deal with the others.” He chuckles as he goes to the small cache of rope he has placed in here earlier, knowing that Casper and Darius would be expecting him to have to go find some before doing anything. “Maybe you can get yourself off while I’m gone.”
Darius smirks as Casper slides right by his hiding spot, practically unaware of him in the dark alcove. The size of Bryan’s house gives him more than enough room to run, even if they stay inside: it’s 3 floors tall, and that’s not even thinking about the basement. He stands there for a few more moments before he hears chaos in the den. Now nervous, he forces himself to keep quiet when the door opens one more time minutes later, and Bryan slowly walks past him, rope draped over his shoulder in the dim light.

When his teammate is distracted with another room, Darius slips back and tries to enter the den again, only to find that the door is locked.

With a whispered “Fuck!”, the Black athlete puts an ear to the door to see if he can hear something. To his surprise, he can barely make out Aiden’s panting, used to hearing the sound after both of them went through a difficult set of squats or benches.

He backs away from the door, knowing that the key normally kept in there when the four of them would lock themselves in without fear of being interrupted was probably on Bryan’s person.

That’s going to be an issue. Hopefully Aiden can get himself out in time, there’s no way that Bryan could have tied up that guy so tightly. It’s barely been 5 minutes!
Casper quietly leans against the stair railing, pert ass up in the air as he shimmied onto it to avoid any potentially creaky ground.

“Treat it like a floor routine,” he thinks to himself as he slowly pulls himself up to the second floor, not liking how the ring strapped around his dick was pressing against the wood. He freezes when Bryan enters the foyer-like area, the echoes of his footsteps loud. The swimmer seems to be distracted with something somewhere else on the first floor, not even glancing upward as he goes through another door.

Still cautious, it takes a long time for him to reach the second floor, his socked feet gently touching the ground before he silently skitters away.
Bryan is starting to feel annoyed as he looks through the first floor. There’s nothing! Nothing at all. It infuriates him so much that he remembers his family’s camera system, and immediately pulls out his phone from where it was tucked into the waistband of his bike shorts. He quickly opens the app and starts circling through the cameras, noticing that Aiden has somehow removed his gag.




Bingo. Casper is roaming the second floor hallways without a care in the world. Time to sneak up on him. Bryan tries to be swift and silent as he goes up the stairs. He times his entrance onto the second floor while the gymnast’s back is turned. The Latino man is humming to himself as Bryan gets into position, distracted. He waits until he’s right in front of him before jumping out to try and tackle him.

He whiffs, his entire upper body sliding past the gymnast’s torso when he suddenly sways away from him. In the few seconds that follows Casper starts moving to get away, and from his place on the floor, Bryan’s second lunge just misses the man’s ankle as he’s outmaneuvered, Casper’s bubble butt taunting him as it fled further into the somewhat open floor plan of the second floor.

“I don’t fucking think so,” he growls, getting up and immediately chasing after him. His knowledge of the house allows him to catch up after a short amount of time, the hunter and prey staring at each other over a pool table.

“Hey,” Casper pants, “come here often?”


He shrugs. “I had to try.”

Bryan lunges across the table to try and grab Casper’s wrist; the agile man immediately pulls it back and loops around the table to run away again. By the time the hunter is back on his own two feet, he has no idea where anyone is in the house, completely clueless.

It’s frustrating.
Darius slips out of the study, paperclips stashed in his shorts pocket. It takes very little effort for him to try and sneak back to the den door, and with a quick glance up at the ceiling at the sound of another scuffle, he squats down and starts trying to pick the lock.
Aiden perks up at the sound of light scratching from the door, still wriggling on the floor as he finds himself stuck in his bondage. Bryan was somehow able to roughly hog-tie him, his back arched like a bow as his fingers are barely unable to not graze the knot holding him hostage.

“Hey!” he hisses. “Who’s there?”

“It’s Darius! Did you really let Bryan get you?”

His face heats up. “It’s not my fault! He jumped me! Just- just get me out of here!”

“What’s in it for me, hotshot?”


“I want out of these clothes! You can have ‘em. You give me yours, we’re about the same size.”

“What will I wear?” A few seconds pass before he realizes what Darius is trying to tell him. “No! Absolutely not.”

The scratching at the door stops. “Then I guess you can just stay there,” Darius says, and Aiden can hear the smirk in his voice. “I’ll force you to swap clothes with me anyway once you’ve lost.”

The reminder of the forfeit strikes fear in his heart before Aiden remembers that as long as Darius loses, his threat doesn’t mean shit. “I’ll shout for Bryan right now.”

There’s a long silence before Darius speaks again. “You wouldn’t fucking dare.”

“Want to test that?”

There’s a sigh, and Aiden internally cheers as his gym buddy goes back to picking the lock, now whispering words of encouragement in between the many threats he was weaving. It takes some amount of time, but soon the door is open, and Darius quickly enters it and closes the door behind him. “Alright, you bastard. I’m here.”

“Great,” Aiden sighs, taking a moment to appreciate the dark skin and muscles left open to gaze at thanks to how relatively little he was wearing. “Now untie these ropes!”

“Got it, got it.” Darius immediately gets to work, stepping behind Aiden and working on the knots. It takes a decent amount of time before Aiden can move his limbs on, sore after the stretch the ropes gave him.

He nearly moans as he stands up, muscles somewhat relieved to be doing something other than be in the position that they were forced to be in just a minute ago. “Thanks, dude. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Couldn’t let my dude in distress hanging!” Darius says, holding out a hand. Aiden high-fives it. “But we’ve gotta go. I don’t think it’s smart to hang around here.”

“What? That’s so dumb. He thinks that the door’s locked and I’m still tied up! As long as we’re quiet, he shouldn’t even think about coming back here.”

“Are you sure?”

Aiden’s kinda irritated at how Darius is pushing back against him. “Of course I’m sure!” he boasts, pulling out the remote he stashed in his duffle bag earlier. “In fact, let me show you how sure I am.”

With two clicks, he turns on the vibration function for Darius’ cockring, causing the man to stumble and let out a light moan as he quickly grew a boner, the combination of his skimpy outfit, running from bondage, the tone of Aiden’s voice both as he threatened him behind the door and right now, and the strong vibrations running through his dick making him realize how horny he was.

“Damn,” Aiden mutters, looking at the very visible print that Darius sported now, “these rings work better than I thought they would.”

“Yeah,” Bryan says, opening the door, “I’ll need to borrow that, by the way.”

Aiden dumbly lets out a “Wha-” before Darius desperately tries to push him to the swimmer. He nearly laughs at how uncoordinated the Black man is due to the new distraction between his legs before he deflects the attempt, leaving Darius unbalanced, stumbling towards Bryan.

Bryan takes the opportunity to catch his teammate, grinning as the man is barely able to fight back with how quickly everything just happened. Aiden takes the moment to flee, moving past a busy hunter dealing with his horny, cowed, and held prey.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

The Gentlejocks' Game Part 3 - Bonds of Friendship

“Aiden pulled a fucking fast one on you, huh?” Bryan says, grinning as he tries to use one of the leg holds that the wrestler constantly used to keep the entire group in line. To his surprise, Darius is able to break the hold, but it’s laughably easy to react and catch the taller man thanks to the buzzing around his dick. Bryan uses his body weight to pin the man to the floor, smirking as he feels him weakly squirm and attempt not to moan underneath him, all 6 feet of muscle moving deliciously in the dim LED light that decorated the den’s space.

After hog-tying him like he did Aiden, Bryan flips the man onto his back and laughs at the sight of Darius’ boner locked in combat with his waistband.

“Sto- ah, oh god-” Darius was barely saying anything coherent, the cock ring he was wearing both exciting him and stopping him from reaching the edge and going over. “Stop- laughing.”

Bryan shakes his head as he checks his phone quickly, taking a few moments to catch his breath and block a spam call that was hitting him up. “Yeah, no. This is great.” He quickly takes a photo of the Black jock, making sure to get in as much detail as possible. “This might even be my new wallpaper.”

Darius opens his mouth to retort, but whatever he’s about to say is swallowed up by a moan as his hips shake.

The swimmer quietly whistles at the sight, adjusting himself in his bike shorts at the dance of Darius’ boner and abs, framed by white fabric that beautifully contrasts against his dark brown skin. “Gotta remember that when I recapture Aiden,” he mutters as he stands back up. “Thank- wait a minute.” He bends back down over his captive and gropes him over once more, mostly using it as an excuse to reach into the pockets of the shorts and pull out all of the paperclips. “No more lock-picking. You’ll break something. Thanks.”

He gets back up and checks the camera system again, looking for a new victim. He spots both Aiden and Casper on the first floor, obviously talking to each other.
“You did what?!” Casper hisses, nervously inching to the door.

“I had to sacrifice Dair,” Aiden argues, glad that he has the remote to the cock rings held on his shoulder strap, out of sight. “He was going to do the same to me.”

Casper curses, a quick string of rapid Spanish, before he shakes his head. “Harsh betrayals aside-”

“Cas, come on-”

“We’ve barely made it 20 minutes. We’re one-third of the way through this. And you just sacrificed the sneakiest member on our team!” The gymnast hisses. “We shouldn’t even be near each other, Bryan’s looking through the cameras-”

“He’s what?”

“So I’m going to bounce.” And Casper does just that, agile body shifting in full spandex to slide out of a door just before Bryan dashes in the opposite one.

Aiden makes eye contact with the basketball player for a few moments before he tries to follow Casper. The remote falls out of its hiding place, and he catches it. In a moment of panicked clarity he threateningly points it at Bryan.

“Don’t you fucking do it, Aiden,” Bryan growls, a threat behind every word. The dark and fearless eyes that had many people swooning over him in school pinned the wrestler down.

“And how are you gonna stop me?” Aiden challenges, his grip on the remote making him bold and cocky.

Bryan just stares at him, eyes promising vengeance. “I’ll just rip that remote out of your hands.”

“Oh, really?” Aiden says, trying to come up with a good way out of this. “Man, you just missed me giving Casper the second remote.”

It’s like wind is slowly being let out of a balloon. “The second remote?” Bryan repeats, his glare softening slightly.

“Yeah, it was a buy one get one deal on these things,” Aiden lies, the cockiness that he felt holding on to the remote making his lie feel so believable. “So even if you get me, you’ll have to worry about him. And he’s far more trigger happy than I am…”

As Bryan seems to take in that information, Aiden tries to calm his nerves, which had been excited ever since the man suddenly entered the room. It doesn’t work, with Bryan’s killer stare, while dampened, and even with him somewhat used to it, still disarming and unnerving.

“There’s only two of those remotes?” The hunter asks.

Aiden gulps. “Yeah.”

The trained alertness he has from wrestling helps him just pull away from Bryan’s reach, sprinting away as fast as he could so he could try and hide somewhere in this huge house. He ducks into one of the dimly lit alcoves and holds his breath. Bryan rushes past him, muttering angrily and staring at his phone.

Looks like he’ll just hide out here until he needs to leave. Hopefully he’ll have enough time to catch his breath.
Casper yelps when he nearly runs into Bryan, his nerves immediately shot as the hunter’s head whips up to meet him. He goes to run away and try to outpace Bryan, but after being caught flat-footed, he’s not really sure which way to go. His hesitation nearly costs him, and he barely avoids being restrained by a loop of rope that Bryan awkwardly tries to lasso around him. In a moment of insanity, he actively tries to steal Bryan’s rope to try to tie the hunter up with it!

That idea is stopped pretty quickly when Bryan lets go of his end, making Casper stumble back until his back hits the wall, somewhat stunned by the impact. Realizing that he’s probably bitten off more than he can chew, Casper takes a step to run, but Bryan is suddenly boxing him in, tightening a length of rope around his wrists and restraining him.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” Bryan chides, holding the end of the rope connected to the impromptu cuff tie. “Just comply and I’ll treat you nicely when the hour’s up.”

“Fat fucking chance,” Casper mutters, trying to use his more agile nature to fight back.

He accidentally sucker punches Bryan in his struggles. As he pauses, the swimmer simply sighs and takes a few moments before he starts pulling Casper back towards the den, the Latino man quietly apologizing the entire time.

Casper’s eyes widened at the sight of Darius writhing about on the floor, ungagged but visibly trying not to moan as a buzzing noise is very audible in the room. A gasp falls out of the gymnast’s mouth as he notices how hard the track athlete is, a small dark spot at the waistband of his shorts that looks like it’s growing. “What the-”

“Aiden buzzed him and left,” Bryan explains, grabbing some extra rope and looking him over before getting to work stringing him up. Casper gasps and moans as Bryan practically manhandles him, stringing rope all around his lithe and limber frame until it harnessed his entire body. From the few glances he’s able to snatch in the mirror and what he feels on his own body, a lot of attention is given to his somewhat growing package and his bubble butt, both of them framed in the dark red rope used to tie him down.

When Bryan’s done with his work, Casper feels like he’s barely able to move a muscle, the ropes cutting off nearly every form of escape. The swimmer takes a few moments to check on his basketball teammate before he gets up and starts walking around the room. “Damn, there’s no more rope stashed here.”

“You already had rope stashed away?!” Casper shrieks. That’s quickly solved by a cleave gag made by one of Bryan’s discarded shirts.

“Of course I did,” Bryan states as he stands back up, stretching his shoulders in preparation for dealing with the last runner. He pats Casper’s cheek before he makes way to leave. “I was gonna use it to try to trap the hunter if I wasn’t it. Too bad for you guys I was.”
Darius whimpers when Bryan pulls away, shaking his hips to try and entice the man into helping him out, removing the ring, giving him a stroke or two, fucking anything?!

When he receives no help, it’s painful, his erection screaming at him to be dealt with. He can feel that his bonds are kind of weak, but there’s so much pleasure to deal with- fuck, he’sso close that he might just sit there and try to rock his hips or jostle something to try and get over the edge-

No. Fuck no. Aiden controls this ring on his dick, and he’ll be damned before he lets his gym buddy get a one up on him like this again. As he tries to break out of the tie again, he realizes that Bryan is gone, and Caspar is forcibly sat on the couch, roped up like a Christmas present and gagged. Even gagged, the muffled grunt and whines that the gymnast makes, along with the pleading emotion plastered across his somewhat-innocent looking face gives Darius enough drive to make one last attempt, his stubborn persistence slightly clearing up his mind as he arches his back to try and bring his feet and hands closer to each other, reaching for the knot-

Casper lets out a muffled cheer when he’s able to grasp the knot, feeling around for a loose string in it. Once he pulls on a string that he thinks has some slack, he feels the rope’s force heavily lessen, and he slowly and carefully picks himself up off the ground, staying on his hands and knees as the cock ring continues to torture him, buzzing horrifically and refusing to let him cum.

It takes him a decent amount of time to crawl across the floor; he’s practically humping the floor to try and get any form of release for a minute or two before Casper’s whines break him out of his horniness. “Don- Don’t worry C- Cas,” he nearly slurs, approaching the gymnast. “I- I- I’ll ge- ah- aht- oh- I’ll get you ou- out.”
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

I love this set up for the story! The characters have such a great dynamic in their relationships! I'm very happy to see this story continue! With each part I change who I'm rooting for to be in charge! Can't wait for the next part and I can't wait to see who actually ends up as the winner!
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Post by fruityguy »

Thanks! I'm writing another story with these four, but it's longer than I planned it, so I might write a quick one or two part thing to build this out further, and it'll be full of very good hijinks and ties.

Anyway, with that said, here's

The Gentlejocks' Game Part 4: An Ass Out of the Hunter

Aiden waits for a few minutes in his hiding spot, using the time to try and quietly stretch and soothe his sore muscles to the best of his ability. He’s too wound up to do anything effective, and with a grimace, he steps out of the alcove and tries to find a better hiding spot in the kitchen, noticing that a clock on the wall reads 7:43. 17 minutes left until he wins.

Hearing footsteps, he curses and vaults over the bar-like island. His heartbeat is loud in his ears as he tries to hold his breath, hoping that whoever it was didn’t see any part of his spandex-clad body. He notices that on either end of the kitchen, there are open doors. Thinking quickly, he takes off his shoes and tosses one to his right before dashing to the left.

He gets past the door he was gunning for, and he’s pleased with himself just before he feels a hand land on his shoulder and he’s spun around.

Somewhat dizzy and definitely stunned at how quickly the person caught up to him, he grunts as familiar arms wrap around his midsection, holding him still. “That confused the fuck out of me for a second there, Denny,” Bryan mutters. “But I can see you run when you’re right in front of me.”

Aiden doesn’t say anything, but just grunts as he tries to throw the swimmer off of him. His years of wrestling in middle and highschool come in handy as he escapes the grapple, also knocking the phone out of Bryan’s hand with the camera footage on it. Bryan lunges at him again, and the two of them fall down onto the ground in this scuffle, Aiden falling flat on his beefy ass as the hunter tried to get the upper hand, reaching for the rope to tie him up-

If he still had any wrapped around his shoulder. Aiden takes the moment of weakness to flip their position, a now scrambling Bryan front first against the floor as Aiden manages to pin and hold him down, arms behind his back and legs wildly kicking, which only causes his ass to flex in his lycra shorts.

Aiden slaps the right cheek and it jiggles slightly, toned from the swimming and running that Bryan does on a constant basis. “Down boy.”

Bryan grunts as he tries to thrash around, brutally looking for any way to break out of it.

“Stop fighting, dude,” the wrestler says, spanking him again. “You aren’t going to beat me in my own sport.”

“Fuck off,” Bryan spits, feeling his face heat up when Aiden spanks his ass again, his buns already warming up.

Aiden keeps on going, feeling cocky as he lands another two swats on the swimmer’s ass. “Aw, is the dude flustered? Embarrassed that he has such a slappable ass? Well guess what dude-” One more slap to the heated cheeks. “We’re gonna be here for quite a while. So you’ll have time to get used to it.”
Casper enjoys spending time with Darius, he really does. The two of them usually hang out, and they even jokingly parkour through parts of their college-town.

But with that being said, the sloppy attempt of his friend to remove his cleave gag only soothed his nerves. And his nerves weren’t the part of the body bound by rope. He winches and mphs angrily when the gag gets tighter.

“So- Sorry.”

Darius straddles him to try and reach the ropes that loop around him. Casper grunts at the added weight before his breath hitches at the vibrations he can feel from Darius crotch, the man’s boner a few inches away from his crotch. “Holy shit,” he thinks. “Aiden did that?”

With the incessant buzzing at his crotch also causing him to get hard, Casper struggled against his bonds. The two athletes end up squirming against each other, with Casper getting wrapped up in a very erotic hug for a few minutes as the two grunted and moaned. It’s difficult to try to work with Darius like they way that they are now: Casper’s bound and gagged, and Darius is almost too horny to function, his ring vibrating the both of them now with their crotches rubbing against each other. Casper’s forced to stare at the bottom of Darius' tight and very cropped crop-top, the already half-a-foot height difference between the two of them accentuated by the position they’re in.

It takes a long time, but soon the ropes loosen up enough for Casper to be able to help a bit more. With a muffled shout, he manages to slip an arm out of the restraints and rip off his gag, finally loosened enough with help from the horny basketball player. “Whoo, thanks dude.”

Darius just nods, trying his hardest not to moan now that he’s more aware of what his actions have done. With his usual persistence, he manages to undo a key section of Casper’s bondage at that point, the main knot keeping everything together hidden well, directly under the gymnast’s cute ass, but easy to undo.

The two of them scramble apart, and Darius slightly keens as Casper’s thigh rubs against his boner, his dark cockhead now poking out past the waistband and visibly leaking. The gymnast looks at his friend who seems like he’s about 5 seconds away from trying to hump the couch. “Are you gonna be okay?”

“Fucking peachy,” Darius hisses through his teeth, stiffly walking over to where he had untied himself and picking up the rope. “I’ll be fine when I catch Aiden and get him to turn this damn ring off.”

Casper notices the glimmer of anger and glee in the Black guy’s eyes, and he already knows that it’s probably best for him to stay on his good side. “Right,” he says, picking up his own rope, coiling it as fast as he can. “Do you want some help with that? Or-”

“You can come along if you wa-” Darius gasps as the ring seems to gain a quick burst of speed. The extra stimulation nearly brings the man to his knees, forcing him to lean against the wall to stay upright. His cockhead jumps a bit, wanting to unload, but unable to because of the tightness of the ring that sat directly below the cockhead, teasing the slit with its vibrator function. He hurriedly shoves it back into his shorts, moaning at the friction of his own hand. “I- If- if you want, Cas- Cassie. Fuck, come on!”

Casper follows the basketball player out of the den, feeling protective about him as the man stiffly walks into the house proper.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

Hey guys! Here's the last part. Hopefully we've all had a great time.
The Gentlejocks' Game Part 5 - The Last Laugh

Bryan is properly flustered at this point, both face and ass hot after several minutes of Aiden spanking him. “Fuck!” he shouts, starting to get worried now that he was still pinned to the ground, “get off my ass!”

“Why should I?” Aiden laughs, having the time of his life. “This is great!”

“I bet you’ve always wanted a piece of it, haven’t you?” Bryan taunts, desperate enough to try anything at this point. To his surprise, Aiden actually stops spanking him. The wrestler feels heat rush to his own face as he realizes that his bulge has gotten a lot bigger while he’s sitting on top of his friend.

“And what about it?” he asks, trying to cover up his pause. “I’ve got it now, don’t I? It’ll just be another-” he glances around and curses when there’s no clock in sight- “however long until you don’t get to do shit to me.”

“You motherfucker-”

Aiden doesn’t even break a sweat holding down the swimmer as he weakly thrashes again. “Down boy, just take a nap or something. You’re not beating me, and you know it.”

Bryan squirms for another minute or two, giving Aiden a nice show of his built backside flexes in different places under the lycra shirt and shorts he was wearing. Aiden finds himself glad that he’s not wearing his cup with how hard he gets, knowing that the pressure and pain from it being trapped in the hard plastic would be pretty distracting.

“Aw, little baby Bryan is upset,” he teases, shifting his hips to make himself more comfortable. “He’s not going to lord over all of his friends over the weekend.” Bryan’s left asscheek jiggles as he smacks it, harder than he had done it at first. “He realizes that he can’t beat a wrestler at his own game-”

The lasso flies over his head and pins his arms to the side faster than he was expecting it. “What the fuck?!”

Casper appears in front of him, meekly waving while he holds the rope that’s currently lassoed him. “Hey Aiden, sorry about this.”

“What the fuck is this, Casper?”

The gymnast looks somewhat embarrassed. “Well,” he starts, “I need that remote of yours.”

“Why the hell-” Aiden quickly slides forward, placing himself on Bryan’s shoulders to keep him pinned to the ground. “Why the hell,” he gasps, “are you tying me up for the fucking remote? How do you even know about it, I’ve barely seen you all game.”

“Ta- Take a wil- wild fucking guess,” Darius says, shakily walking into the room. Everyone can see that the dark white patch on the front of his shorts has grown significantly, making his boner even more prominent. And that’s not even accounting for the relatively loud buzzing the Black man brings with him. The other constant gym goer stares Aiden down. “You’re gonna turn this shit off,” he orders, words slurring together.

“Or what?”

“Or I make a deal with Bryan to have you be the only loser,” Darius threatens, holding out his own coil of rope. “I’m pretty sure we can all get you tied down pretty well.”

Aiden looks at Darius’ shaky legs, then at Casper’s meek demeanor, and then at Bryan, still pinned under him. He laughs. “I have all the fucking power right now,” he crows. “Bryan can’t do shit to me, you’re horny out of your mind thanks to that ring, and Casper can’t beat me in any sort of fight. In fact-” The wrestler starts talking shit about everything related to the situation, building up his already steam-filled head. Casper takes the opportunity to slowly slide to a better position, trying to make it easier for him to tackle Aiden and get the remote.

Aiden’s properly distracted, smirking at Darius. “I’m surprised you haven’t ripped your-” Casper lunges, his lithe body powered with a newfound protectiveness over the track athlete still vibrating. It’s enough to throw the wrestler off-balance, and Casper notices that there’s a rectangular imprint on the side of his singlet, interrupting the smooth line of muscle.

The wind is suddenly knocked out of him as he feels the weight of the wrestler on top of him, somehow managing to place himself between him and his new target.

Darius staggers over as soon as he registers that Casper’s flung himself at Aiden, trusting the older man to keep him distracted enough so that he could grab the remote and turn off this fucking ring. He hisses and groans as his boner is constantly massaged by both Aiden and Casper’s writhing bodies, the three of them a tightly clothed orgy as the Black jock reaches into Aiden’s singlet and pulls out the remote, letting out a triumphant (and strained) yell, as he holds it up, already trying to roll back and get away from everyone. He’s lucky enough that Bryan lunges for the remote in his hand instead of him, his stubborn nature kicking in and making it easier to push the swimmer away and start running. Or shambling. Either way, his well-rounded ass bounces as he goes to disappear into the house.

Casper near immediately drops his rope and goes to follow. Aiden finds himself disoriented at how quickly everything moves, still laying on the ground in shock.

And that’s when Bryan strikes, grabbing the end of the rope that Casper dropped and retightening the lasso to keep Aiden’s arms trapped to his side.
Casper manages to track the vibed basketball player to one of the bathrooms, opening the door to see that Darius is only wearing his crop top and shoes, a soiled jockstrap and booty shorts flung to the side and resting on the floor. The self-muffled moans that the Latino used to find his friend seem to be never-ending as the Black jock aimed the remote at his strong erection, the sound of the vibrator getting quieter and quieter until Darius’ panting is the only noise in the room.

Casper notices that Darius is still hard, the sprinter’s boner looking as healthy as its owner. “Uh…”

“Sorry,” Darius mutters, still catching his breath. “I’m just so hard. I don’t think I can even think about touching myself right now.”

“Right.” The gymnast’s eyes feel like they’re glued to the erect shaft, the ring still attached to its head. “Grip the sink quickly?”

Darius looks at him, confused, but does as he says, gripping the bathroom counter with a decent enough grip. Casper stands next to him, and his own hand reaches out towards the silver colored contraption. He can tell when Darius figures out what he’s doing, every muscle tensing and the blood vessels in his hands popping as his grip tightens. Casper’s hand taps and teases the erection as he removes the ring, and almost as soon as his hand is out of the firing zone, Darius groans, and the issue that plagued the basketball player for at least half an hour is finally dealt with.
Bryan takes a second to recenter himself before Aiden tries to wriggle away from him. He uses the loop of rope around the wrestler’s upper body to keep him still, standing up and pulling on the rope to force him to follow. There’s very little that the blond jock can do to stop himself from being dragged against his will, and he begrudgingly follows when Bryan loops the rope around his upper body again, cooperative for now.

There’s very little words between the two of them as they walk through the house, headed back to the den. Bryan checks his phone and is pleased to see that it’s 7:53. “You know,” he says, a hint of glee in his voice, “with everything you’ve done tonight, I bet Casper and Darius will want some revenge. Especially Darius. That vibrating ring was nasty.”

“Yeah,” Aiden mutters. “You better hope that he doesn’t use the remote on you.”

The idea of that vibration on his own member makes Bryan feel nervous, and he quickly glances around to look out for his other friends. “Right, right. That’d suck.”


They reach the den, and Bryan has Aiden stand in the middle of the room as he tries to tie the man up. Aiden is still being cooperative, not even fighting as his arms are tied behind his back with a rope cuff, something simple enough to start with, but would still count as being “tied up” when time runs out. Bryan curses as he realizes that he doesn’t have that much rope left, and in a nervous and rushed decision, he attaches the rope cuffs to the leg of a table, forcing the wrestler to squat and hold that position, thick thighs straining at the effort to keep Aiden’s firm ass off of the ground, although it nearly grazes the floor anyway with how deep the squat is.

“Where the hell am I going to find some more rope?” The swimmer mutters as he walks out, confident enough in his accuracy that Aiden wouldn’t be free when time ran out, especially with no help.
Darius still feels the heat on his face after he finishes cleaning up, throwing the last piece of tissue paper needed into the toilet and flushing it. Casper says nothing as he washes his hands, and the basketball player is grateful for that. He winces as he pulls the dirty jockstrap and shorts back on, but it’s better than going for the rest of the game practically naked, even if the shorts barely reach his thigh when he stands up.

“What time is it?” he asks.

Casper shrugs. “My phone’s still on the shelf, and I think yours is back in the den. Think there’s a clock nearby?”

“There’s gotta be one on this floor, right?” Darius whispers, opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. “I don’t even remember what time it was since Aiden buzzed me.”

“Uh, I think it wasn’t even 7:30 yet when I first saw him, but it’s been a while since then.” The two of them slip through the house, cautiously glancing around corners and moving when they don’t see the black-haired hunter. “Maybe we’re almost done?”

“Hope we are, I could kill for a drink of water right now.” Darius stops, and taps Casper’s shoulder, pointing at the clock in the living room, a grandfather clock that reads 7:59. “Holy shit.”

“Wait- wait, wait for it to be 8 before we celebrate,” Casper warns, looking around one last time to see where Bryan is.

“Come on, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.” Darius nervously shifts from foot to foot, staring at the clock. The moonlight dances over his skin, and it catches on a patch of it on his abs that doesn’t shine as brightly as the rest of it. “I want to see if Aiden’s gonna be the bitch tonight.”

Both of them cheer when it hits 8 o’clock, immediately running back to the den. They pass Bryan as they do so, and the three of them open the door to see Aiden still tied to the desk, flexing against the ropes as he tries to free himself. He glances up in fear when they all enter the room. “Oh no.”

“Oh yes,” Darius growls, pulling out the remote. “Be prepared to squeal, Denny.”
Aiden thrusts his hips as the vibrating ring around his dick gets worse. He’s forcibly tied spread-eagle and forced into the tiny shorts that Darius came in earlier, wearing nothing else but the sweat running down his face from struggling and his stiff boner. “This- this isn’t funny!”

The other three sit on the couch and stare at the wrestler tied to the wall. Bryan and Casper are laughing at how Aiden tries and fails to hide his whines and moans, and Darius grins as he takes a quick swig from a soda can. “You know what Aiden,” he starts, reaching behind him, “you’re right-”

Aiden lets out a startled moan as the vibration gets stronger, knees buckling as his arms and the rope around them keep him upright. “Holy shit, ple- please just let me-”

Darius passes the remote off to Bryan before he grabs a shirt and gags Aiden with it. The two of them make eye contact and Darius’ grin turns predatory as he notices how aroused his gym buddy looks. “It’s fucking hilarious.”
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

I really enjoyed this story! I hope we see more of these jocks soon! They have a great friendship and creative ways to tie each other up. I loved seeing Aiden get his comeuppance and having him tied against the wall is great!
My M/M Stories Here
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Post by fruityguy »

Hey! Here's a small story to tide you all over while I work on another installment. If you guys like this, maybe I'll do another one of these minisodes.
The Gentlejocks: Minisode #1

“And make sure that you put on this year’s new uniform!” The track coach shouts as Aiden and Darius enter the locker room. He sounds like he’s tired of repeating this new announcement. “Red and gold, gentlemen. Red and gold!”

Darius chuckles as the two of them head to their lockers, only a few doors down from each other. “Bet I look better in it than you do,” he jokes, excited for the new track season.

Aiden scoffs. “Please, you’ll be staring at me so hard, you’ll trip over every hurdle in your race.” As soon as his locker is open, he reaches into it and pulls out the exact uniform and looks over it.

The uniform is one piece, not unlike a wrestling singlet, with the top part scarlet red and the bottom “shorts” vibrant gold, barely a shade different from Aiden’s own close-cropped blond hair.

“Oh, that’s so cool,” Darius whispers, holding his own track suit in his hands. “It’s a lot better than last year’s.”

“We don’t talk about last year’s.”

The two of them share a disgusted look even thinking about it before changing into the uniform. When Dairus looks over to his friend, he can’t help but notice how Aiden’s well-built frame fills out the suit, taking a few moments to gaze at his pecs near individually wrapped in red fabric that suits him pretty well. Aiden has to force his eyes away from Darius' lower half, ass and thighs beautifully displayed in gold that contrasts the dark skin.

The sound of the whistle, along with other jocks hurriedly grabbing their gear, jolts them both into getting ready for practice and rushing out the door.

During practice, Aiden has to be told multiple times to actually throw the javelin and not fault after looking across the field and noticing Darius stretching with the other hurdlers and steeplechase runners, the Black athlete in a deep split. Darius breaks his stride going around the curve on a warm up of the 300m hurdles when he watches Aiden’s muscles ripple under his suit as he throws a discus. They both manage to work through the distraction, and neither of them get too chewed out by their respective coaches at the end of practice, but the first practice of the season is always tough, and the two of them sigh and lean against the locker doors before they even think about opening them.

“Coaches kicked your ass, too?” Darius groans, somehow feeling sore in his arms.

Aiden just nods before he opens his locker door and pulls out his bag, simply shoving his clothes into it. “I don’t even feel like changing. Feel like picking up a pizza on the way back to our apartment and calling it a day.”

“Bet.” Darius does the same, zipping up his duffel bag and taking a swig of water. “Lead the way.”
Darius opens the door and enters the apartment, letting Aiden follow behind him and close the door. The two of them wordlessly split up, Aiden heading into the kitchen to put the 2 pizzas down on the counter and Darius going to his room to get out of his track singlet. As the hurdler enters his room, he tosses his bag onto his bed and makes his way to the closet, noticing that he accidentally left the window open when he left earlier today.

When he goes to open his closet door, a pair of arms suddenly grabs him, pinning his own arms to the side as a third arm reaches up and covers his mouth, muffling his shout of surprise. He squirms and tries to kick behind him, and he misses.

A rush of hot air blows by his ear. “Stop struggling before things get worse for you,” a gravelly voice warns, and he listens, going still. “Good little athlete. Hey, Blue, you gotta blindfold?”

In a few moments, Darius bristles as his own tie is tied over his eyes, leaving him in the dark. Now that he’s blind, he’s compliant enough to be moved to his bed and forcibly laid spread eagle across it.

“Damn,” a second voice whispers, “he looks fucking delectable in that suit. A gift waiting to be opened.”

“We’re gonna have to wrap it even tighter,” a third says, the words punctuated by quick loops of rope securing his wrists to the head of his bed. “Gag him for me, okay Green? We’ll go through the rest of his stuff later.”

Darius is only able to get out “Wai-” before cloth is shoved into his mouth, and he can feel tape be wrapped around his head to keep it secured. The shock wears off at this point and he kicks out with his leg again, connecting against someone.

“Get his fucking legs!” a thief hisses, and Darius’ legs are almost immediately held down before they’re tied to the foot of his bed, leaving him spread-eagled, gagged, and unable to free himself as he struggled. The thieves quickly go through his room, taking cash and leaving out the window as fast as possible.

He’s left in this exposed position for a while, and in his struggles, the blindfold shifts a bit, and he’s able to just barely make out that the thieves closed the door to his room. The sound of the tv is loud; one of Aiden’s videogames filled with constant sound effects. So Darius squirms and struggles against his bonds, his muscles flexing against rope after he realizes that he couldn’t reach the knots with his fingers.

As he nearly shakes off the blindfold, the window rattles again, and he spots the thieves returning, quietly bickering between the three of them, dressed and covered in blue, green, and red.

“Why did you take his phone?!”

“We could fence it!”

“Find My Phone is a thing, dumbass!” The thief dressed in blue snatches the phone and puts it on the desk. “Come on, let’s-”

The door opens, and all of the thieves freeze as Aiden walks into the room, rubbing his eyes. He’s taken off his shoulder straps, upper body completely bare and lower body still clad in tight gold. “Hey, Dair, you gonna ea-”

The two jocks make eye contact, and Aiden’s eyes widen before the green thief immediately places a hand on Darius’ torso. “Don’t say anything and work with us,” he warns.

Aiden immediately puts both of his hands up. “Easy, easy. I’ll follow along.”

“Get on the bed,” Red orders. Aiden gingerly walks over to the bed and sits on the edge. “No, lay down, over your boyfriend.”

“Mmmph mmph mmmph mmmph!” Darius vocalizes, face getting hot at the assumption that he would date his teammate.

Aiden stays quiet, silently wondering if it would be better to lay down on his back or on his front. His voice is stolen from him when one of his wrists is roughly tied to the foot of the bed, positioned so that he’ll have no choice but to be on his front. As the thieves situate the shorter and better built jock, Darius tries his best to look away from his friend’s ass, the golden globes perfectly placed inches away from his face. With a flush, he realizes that the same is true for Aiden, and his buns flex on reaction; the wrestler is treated to a show of Darius’ strong leg muscles shifting.

As soon as the blond jock is bound and gagged, the thieves immediately split, grabbing more cash and disappearing out the window again. The two jocks grunt and moan as they try to fight their binds, the fruits of their labor only giving them erections from the friction of their shifting hips and awkward eroticism of their muscled asses flexing and shaking, practically twerking. Darius starts frantically wondering about how long this humiliation will last until his phone starts ringing with Casper’s ringtone, and he stops squirming in relief.

“Hey! Hello? Darius?” Casper’s voice is tinny through the phone speaker as he leaves a message. “Gymnastics practice is going to be a bit long, so I won’t be able to drop by and pick up that textbook until like, 11:30.”

With a jolt of fear, he looks at the clock next to his bed, nearly headbutting Aiden’s ass to look past the leg. It read 7:38.

He groans. It’s going to be a long night.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

Hello! I'm through a decent part of this bigger story now, so here's the first part! Hope you all enjoy, and feel free to request things! For now here's
The Gentlejocks: Virtual Superhero Edition
Thump. Thump. Darius dribbles the ball up court, jogging up the side of it as one of his teammates tries and fails to steal it from him. He grins as he breaks into a sprint, leaving said teammate outpaced in this 2-on-2 drill. He fires a pass to Bryan, who effortlessly catches it without breaking stride. Bryan’s short ponytail bobs as he distracts the other guy, giving Darius the space to head to the basket practically unchallenged.

The head coach notices this. “Greg!” he shouts. “Come on, at least try to keep up with him!”

“Yes, Coach!” Greg pants. Now suitably chastised, he manages to catch up to Darius, just missing the pinpoint pass that places the orange ball in the Black guy’s hands. Darius pivots around Greg as he starts dribbling again, using his quick speed to keep the sophomore outpaced. He dashes to the top of the key, turning around when he crosses the 3-point line, and shoots a shot with near-perfect form.

Swish. Nothing but net. The Dancing Shadow strikes again.

He and Bryan do their signature handshake before the head coach blows his whistle to call everyone in for a huddle. “Darius, good job with positioning and court awareness. Bryan, that was a beautiful pass, always accurate and terrifying with you. Nice teamwork.”

“Thanks, Coach,” the two of them say, grinning at each other. There’s little else for them to hear, as the head coach and his assistant go around the team, making notes about things that they saw during practice. They’re soon dismissed, heading back to the locker room to change into less sweaty clothes.

“Nice shot,” Bryan jokes as the two of them open up their lockers. “Almost thought my pass stung your hand again.”

Darius shrugs out of his jersey and grabs his shirt. “It did,” he admits as he puts it on, “but I think I’m getting used to it now. What’s that called again?”

“Masochism?” the slightly shorter man guesses.

“Stockholm Syndrome.”

Bryan pulls his jeans up his legs, jumping a bit to get them past his thighs. “Ha ha, very funny,” he mutters, shaking his head. “I’ll make the next pass even faster, just how you like it.”

“Fast and rough?” Darius sighs as he finishes changing, tying the drawstring on his joggers. “A guy’s dream right there.”

“Gross, keep it in your pants.”

“That’s not what you said-” Both of their phones beep at the same time, and Darius quickly grabs his first, opening it to see a new message in their group chat. “Casper just sent a picture and said ‘we have to do this!’”

“What is it?”

Darius opens the image. “Some kind of flyer. Want me to read it?”

Bryan rolls his eyes. “Duh.”

“Requesting 4 volunteers to help test and study the HiPerLink System, developed by graduate students in the Practicing Neuroscience division. Will be using HiPerLink to play a game cross developed by students majoring in game design and computer programming.”

“That sounds pretty interesting,” the swimmer notes. “Wonder why it isn’t already taken.”

“Oh,” Darius mutters, reading a bit more of the flyer in his head, “it’s probably because of this: ‘Needed: For all 4 volunteers to know each other. It is very nearly required that all volunteers be close and comfortable with each other, as both the HiPerLink System and the game software is very sensitive.’ It probably takes a long time to find 4 people like that.”

Bryan grabs his backpack and closes his locker. “Is there some kind of reward or stipend?”

“Uh-” Darius scrolls down, having zoomed in on the picture earlier to read it. “Yeah, it’s- holy shit.”


The center wordlessly hands his phone over to his friend. Bryan’s dark eyes also widen at the amount displayed at the bottom of the flyer. “That’s a lot of money, even after we split it. And it looks like they’re running this while there’s no classes next Monday.” He pulls out his own phone and texts the chat. “I’m down if you guys are.”

“Dudes,” Aiden’s text starts, an obnoxious amount of emojis following the word, “we gotta do this! It sounds so cool!”

“How do we sign up?” Bryan hands Darius his phone back.

“There’s a number we can call,” Casper texts. “Should I do it now?”

Darius snorts. “Yes! Duh.”
“Wow, thank you guys for actually showing up,” the neuroscience student who opened the door says. “Come on in and take a seat. I’ll prepare everything and get the forms ready. What are your pants sizes?”

The 4 jocks tell him as they enter the waiting room to the senior labs, more content to stand around than sit down on any of the chairs against the wall. Casper eagerly bounces from foot to foot, his competitive nature probably the worst in the group. “You guys ready to get your butts kicked?”

“Please,” Aiden starts, stretching upwards and causing his shirt to lift and reveal a bit of his abs, “I’ll be so good at whatever game it is, 2nd place won’t even be half of my score.”

“You guys don’t even know if it’s a free-for-all,” Bryan mutters. “But I’m still going to be the best person here.”

Darius doesn’t join the proverbial dick-measuring contest, too busy looking around and studying the very clean and professional walls. “I’ve never been anywhere near this part of the campus,” he hums, mostly to himself. “Seems cool.”

The door to the lab proper opens and the student from earlier walks in again, carrying a stack of clipboards. “Thanks, the others would love to hear that.”

“You're welcome…”

“Kegan. I’m gonna be the one who introduces you all to the HiPerLink System.” The brown-haired student passes out the clipboards; each clipboard has forms and a pen already on it. “If you guys have questions about anything, please ask. I’ll try my best to answer.”

“What game are we playing?” Aiden asks, not even looking down at his clipboard yet. “Is it a free-for-all?”

“Uh, no, sorry,” Kegan answers, pushing up his glasses. “It’s a co-operative RPG that the game development team created specifically to work with the system. I think it’s called 4Play.”

“4Play?” Casper asks, already grinning. “That’s a cool name.”

“Huh, an RPG,” Darius muses. “What’s it like?”

Kegan shrugs. “Can’t say. It’s procedurally generated each time a different group goes through. Different settings, items, abilities, you name it. I think that Hannah mentioned that they attempted to use the base bioelectric readings to generate everything.”

“Yeah.” Aiden starts signing everywhere he needs to sign. “This is gonna be great.” Casper and Darius sign too, definitely excited and ready to start playing.

Bryan looks up from the clipboard, in the middle of reading the last paragraph. “How long is this going to take?”

“We’ve been letting each group play out a ‘quest’, ‘mission’, ‘challenge’,” Kegan says. “It usually takes 2 hours, but you’re the only group signed up for today, so you can probably play until we have to pack up at 5. You’ll still get paid the full amount of the stipend, we won’t charge you or anything.”

“And it’s just about to be 12, so we should go now!” Darius says, eyes lit up with amazement as he steals a glance through the window and notices the physical HiPerLink System. “That looks badass!”

Bryan rolls his eyes as he signs and hands over his clipboard. Kegan looks over all of them quickly before smiling. “Thanks. If you all can follow me to the changing room, we have to have you wear the proper gear so that the system can get safe and accurate measurements for you.”

The jocks follow him through the door, all of them gazing at the absolute unit of a machine as they walk past it. It looks vaguely like a very tall and very wide merry-go-round, with 4 places to connect people to the machine, along with straps to hold them in place. There are multiple other people in the room, focusing on both the machine and on some screens that must be a way for them to monitor and make sure people stay safe.

“And here we are,” Kegan announces opening the door past the machine and revealing a makeshift locker room. As the jocks enter, they notice the four boxes placed on the table. “If you guys would please fully strip down and put on the shorts provided, we can begin! Uh-” he looks down at the clipboards in his hands quickly. “Bryan, you’ll want to take the second box from the left, Darius will want the last one, Casper the second from the right, and Aiden the first,” he lists out quickly. “Can you all check those sizes for me? There should be a label on the top of each box. Don’t open them yet.”

Casper immediately bounces and takes the box that he was told to, looking at it and nodding when it’s labeled with his size. The other three follow, and Kegan pumps his fist when he’s told that everything is fine.

“Still got it.” A decent blush runs across the scientist’s face as he realizes what he’s just done. “Uh- right- I’m going to leave now, just go ahead and change. Leave the clothes you’re wearing now in the box, and that also means shoes, socks, and underwear. Come out whenever you’re ready.”

The door closes behind the harried man. The jocks all start changing, stripping down to their underwear before actually opening any of the boxes. Aiden can’t help but slightly grimace at the shorts he pulls out of his box, the material thin and slinky, definitely made to stretch, but not made to substantially cover much. “Are they sure we can’t wear underwear with this?”

“They’ll probably need to attach sensors and stuff to us, right?” Darius says, looking at his own black shorts. “Wearing this can’t be any worse than going through a physical and the fitness tests in those weird suits the athletic department gives us.” Still somewhat amazed by how well everything seems to be going, he strips off his underwear before pulling on the shorts. A harsh tug is needed to get the waistband past his ass and on his waist, and it rides somewhat low, showcasing his Adonis belt.

Casper shrugs and follows the track athlete’s lead, having to pull the bottom of his shorts down a bit before the seat rides up and gets into his bubble butt. The same spandex shorts seem even shorter on Bryan as his powerful thighs push the somewhat high legs higher, and Aiden notices that on him, the shorts seem slightly smaller than normal, as if the size he gave didn’t perfectly match the garment.

Even so, the general excitement of the situation is enough for them to put their clothes away and enter the room with the HiPerLink System. Kegan notices them and claps his hands together, quickly whispering something to another scientist before waving the jocks over. “You guys ready?” he asks. All 4 of them nod. “Good. Each of you need to pick one station and take a seat in the chair. It will take a minute or two to get all of the biomechanical sensors on-” The simple baritone of the scientist’s voice drones on for a bit longer, with very little of the science making sense to any of them, but soon they’re all strapped in and unable, with sensors applied to what feels like every exposed muscle.

“Okay, now let’s get the goggles and headphones on!” Kegan orders, now standing behind the main array of computers in the corner of the room. “Make sure that the 4Play files are ready to go!”

It takes another minute until anything definitively happens, and Bryan allows himself to grin as he's outfitted with the goggles and headphones, his world going black and silent for just a few moments until a few words appear in front of him.

Party of 4 found. Ready? (Y/N)

“Hell yeah,” he thinks to himself, and the yes button glows and disappears.


Calculating World…

World Calculated: Superhero

Generating World…

Assigning Archetype: Marksman

Pick your starting gear

A menu popped up in front of Bryan, and he notices that he has a limited amount of money to work with. He picks out some simple items: armor padding for his bodysuit, a sword, and a crossbow that could shoot out fire if he chooses to. He also picks up a magical focus, although he isn’t sure if he can use it, but he still has a decent amount of cash left over, so he figures it’s worth the risk. He confirms that he’s happy with the starting gear he has, and when he blinks, he finds himself forcibly tied down to a bench in a dark cell, just like the hero was in a tv show he had recently seen.

Welcome to 4Play! Please wait for the rest of your party.

“Mmmph?” he tries to say. His eyes widen as he realizes that the weird taste in his mouth is a cloth gag that nearly silences him. He cranes his neck upward, trying to see if he could make anything out in the darkness. There’s nothing immediately visible to him except for the player window in the top right of his vision. It shows his stats, his quests, and other things that are important to him.

Bryan - Marksman
No Active Quests
Condition(s): Gagged (moderately), Restrained (heavily)

At the heavily restrained tag, Bryan’s eyes widen and he tries to fight his bonds again, realizing that the constricting feeling around him is actually a lot of rope that’s lashing his swimmer’s frame onto the wooden bench, and his wrists are tied to his ankles, which makes it even harder to try and loosen anything. The rope squeezes tight on his broad shoulders and small waist, and after a lot of struggling, he angrily concedes for now, noticing his gear piled in a corner away from him as he lies down.
Casper tries not to show the tight bodysuit he has on under some civvies as he strolls into the center of the town square, looking for anything that immediately piques his interest. He notices a 5 dollar bill stuck to the side of a building, and with a few glances, he uses his super speed to move quickly and silently thanks to the shoes and the suit he got from the menu, his dagger clipped on his waist as it sits directly on the red spandex that accentuates the fact that his upper body is shaped like a slim corn chip. Black wrestling shoes that go up to his knees, enchanted to make his footsteps quick and quiet, sit against his tights; the whole ensemble would outline his strong lower body if it was visible.

He grins as he gets the money and disappears into a secret entrance displayed on his player screen. When he enters the base, the civvies disappear, and his grin grows wider as he looks over himself in the polished chrome, noticing how well defined his abs were.

Gained $5,000! Total: $5,000.

“Sneaky little guy, aren’t ya?”

Casper turns around at the familiar voice, and grins as he spots Darius walking towards him. And then he spots exactly what the Black guy is wearing. He’s outfitted in only bright purple trunks, slim-fitting boots in the same color, and a silver chest harness that shimmers when he moves. The only other things are the large amount of metal that’s worn as a belt here, necklace here, and a bracelet there, or the flimsy excuse for a cape that doesn’t even reach to the man’s toned ass (which the trunks seem to revere, somehow looking painted on around Darius’ cheeks). “Woah, showing a lot of skin there, aren’t you?” the gymnast asks, watching as his friend stubbornly ignores him and takes a seat.

“It’s not like your own clothes are saint-like,” Darius mutters, trying and failing to put a finger in between Casper’s collar and his neck, another hand smacking the gymnast’s ass in the vacuum sealed suit. Both of them glance at their changing player screens, updating to add each other into the party.

Casper - Speedster
No Active Quests
No Conditions

Darius - Enchanter
No Active Quests
Condition(s): Exposed (moderately)

“Damn, Enchanter? That’s pretty cool.”

“Speedster seems pretty nice.” Darius looks around the base with a small frown on his face. “I wonder where Aiden and Bryan are.”

New Quest! Dudes in Distress
Rescue Marksman and Super from Master Evil (1007 ft/307 m away)

The two jocks look at each other in surprise. “No way.”
“Where the fuck am I?!” A familiar voice shouts, and Bryan starts, looking down at the ground next to him as his eyes adjusted to see Aiden tied up in a ball, one end of the rope leaving the tie that winds around the wrestler’s body and loops around a ring on the floor. The rope winds around the spandex clad blond, and Bryan can even see where it attempts to cleave in between the muscular ass, framing each cheek in the very fitting black bodysuit and gold trunks that he wore. For a few moments, Bryan thinks it’s unfair that Aiden’s been left ungagged, and then his player screen updates as Aiden’s stats are shown to him.

Aiden - Super
No Active Quests
Condition(s): Blinded (moderately), Bound (heavily)

That’s when Bryan notices the rough leather around Aiden’s eyes, locked in the back with some sort of glowing lock. He squirms and grunts, trying his best to get Aiden’s attention. “Mmmphh!”

“What the-”

Bryan waits until Aiden’s facing him before he tries to get his attention again. “Mmph mmphh!”

“Holy shit,” Aiden gasps. “Bryan, is that you?”


Aiden starts struggling even harder, rolling over to try and reach him. The rope attached to the floor stops him a few feet away from the bench. “Hold on, man! I’m pretty sure I can use super strength or something-”

There’s a crackling noise, and Bryan’s eyes immediately shift to the speaker on the wall, barely visible in the cell’s low light. “Ah, Marksman, Super,” a nasally voice boasts, “I’m so glad you’re awake. You’ll be able to witness the victory of your malevolent, magical, magnificent-”

As the villain droned on, Bryan couldn’t help but wonder how much of Casper’s flair for the dramatic influenced this horrid monologue.

“-me! Master Evil!” There’s a lot of cackling after Master Evil finishes speaking and Bryan tries to fight his bondage again, looking for some give somewhere.

“You won’t get away with this!” Aiden shouts, also squirming on the ground. “We’ll defeat you!”

“Ah, you heroes always say that,” Master Evil croons. “Just sit tight. Well, stay down, at least. I don’t think there’s going to be any sitting in your futures. Nor in the futures of Enchanter or Speedster! HAHAHA-”

As the villain’s laughter fades away, the glowing lock holding Aiden’s blindfold dims, and the blindfold falls off at the same time that Bryan’s gag becomes loose enough for him to shove out of his mouth. “He’s taunting us,” the bench bound jock notes, frustrated that even with his more brutal approach, the ropes remain firm and unyielding.

On the floor, Aiden isn’t doing any better, still forcibly hunched over thanks to the ball tie. At least now he can see how close he is to Bryan, the green-clad jock lashed onto the bench with incredibly tight loops of rope. “Wonder why?”

New Quest! Interpose
Stop Master Evil from capturing Enchanter and Speedster! (0/2 Captured)

With wide eyes, the two superjocks work even harder trying to loosen their bonds. Their friends were in danger!
“This the building?” Casper asks, hiding behind a low wall with Darius as he stares at the seemingly empty warehouse.

“Looks like it.” Darius points above them at a camera with a blinking red light, pointed directly at the building across the street. “Why would the cameras work on this street when there’s no power?”

“Nice job, Dair!” The two fistbump, and Casper notices the thoughtful look on his friend’s face. “Think you can short it out?”

Darius claps his hands together and pulls them apart, purple energy swirling around both of them. “I can try,” he murmurs, sending a small amount of energy up to the camera and attempting to reach into the system it was on. It takes some time, but with precise movements, he’s rewarding with not only the camera shorting out, but lights suddenly flickering in the warehouse. “Hell yeah!”

The two heroes keep an eye out for any guards as they slip across the street. When they approach the warehouse, they notice that the only visible way in is an open window. Casper signals for Darius to wait before dashing inside, his super speed making a red blur to the lucky few that could even see him as he scouted the first floor before returning. “All clear,” he says. “Ready, Enchanter?”

Darius grins and puffs up his chest, harness shimmering as he does so. “You bet I am, Speedster.”

“Let’s go then!” Both jocks clamber through the window, immediately scurrying through the chilly office space. They both notice how the cameras and locks flicker between usable and not, and grin at each other as they look for a stairwell.

Neither of them notice the office that they left shifts and warps into a new room, the building changing its layout to accommodate it. The window that they entered disappears, leaving them trapped in the building.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by Yaru »

oh this seems like the beginning of a new great story, I love the superhero themes and fantasy, and the video game statistics give a certain charm to the whole thing, I already want to see how it continues!

oh and I also took the time to read the whole story before this one and I must say that I love your writing style and the situations in which you show the characters.
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Post by fruityguy »

Yaru wrote: 3 years ago oh this seems like the beginning of a new great story, I love the superhero themes and fantasy, and the video game statistics give a certain charm to the whole thing, I already want to see how it continues!

oh and I also took the time to read the whole story before this one and I must say that I love your writing style and the situations in which you show the characters.
Thanks! This is such a sweet response! I'll probably have the next part up in a day or two, so I hope you'll enjoy it.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

Part 2 of the Gentlejocks' video game session!
Casper leads the way as he and Darius slink down the hall. “So,” Casper whispers, “what’s Master Evil’s powers?”

Darius froze, hands glowing as he tampered with a camera currently offline. “Uh…”

Enemy Profile: Master Evil
Power(s): Technology Manipulation, Enhanced Persuasion
Past History: Defeated, Escaped
Weakness(es): His ego, direct confrontation

The gymnast looks amazed at the pop-up. “That’s so cool!”

“Helpful too,” Darius notes, refocusing on the camera down the hall. “Pretty sure that if we draw him out, we can easily take him. We just have to get to him first, right?”

“Right!” Casper perks up and heads a bit away from the mage, scouting ahead after noticing that the doors weren’t in the same place as they were when he first ran through this hall. In fact, the corridor does a sharp turn that the gymnast does not remember doing, and so he carefully peeks around the corner instead of fully walking around it. He sees a laser maze set up, beams of red light crossing each other as they cut across the width of the hall. Beyond the lasers, there’s a door marked as stairway access. Above the door is a digital sign that reads “Time until prisoners are disposed - 01h, 12m, 31s.”

“Oh crap,” Casper thinks, immediately running back to get Darius, who was just finishing his magical disruption. The look on the smaller man’s face is enough to kick Darius into action, hurriedly following him to the corner, where he gasps after reading the sign. “Shut down the lasers!”

Darius thrusts a hand out, and purple energy shoots towards the lasers. When purple touched red, the whole web of lasers grew brighter, and the hero yelped and shook his hand, his magical attack reflected. “Think he knows I’m here,” he growls. “The system’s becoming more and more magic proof. We’ll have to go through it.

Casper nods, already looking for spaces that would be big enough for him to squeeze through. On close inspection, he notices that a large part of this trap is ill-planned, where the entire hallway would be homefree for him if he slid under the first few lasers. He backs up as far as he can, and when Darius gives him a confused glance, he smirks before running roward and executing a textbook baseball slide. The spandex he wears slides easily across the floor, and he’s cocky enough to twist around mid-slide and shoot his friend a peace sign.

Darius watches as the Latino clears the trap in one go, standing up and brushing dirt off of himself. “Come on!” the gymnast hisses. “Just slide under them!”

“Can’t really do that!” he hisses back, gesturing to his lack of clothing. The silver harness has shifted upwards at this point, sitting directly above his hard nipples. “Skin doesn’t slide!”

“It can’t be that hard to get across if there’s such a big spot open! Crawl under it!”

Now that’s an idea he can get behind. The many metal necklaces and bracelets clink and clatter as he lies down and starts army crawling under the lasers.

It’s somewhat slow going, but it’s a working effort. Casper keeps an eye out for anything that could go wrong, and he tenses up when he notices that the track star is unconsciously shifting his butt up, nearly touching a laser. “Stop sticking your ass into the air!” he hisses. Darius glares at him, but follows anyway, purple trunks lowering enough so that there’s no danger of a laser being tripped.

Darius gets about 3/4ths of the way through the web when all of the lasers disappear, and a section of the floor under his thighs opens up. In the blink of an eye, a tight fitting band is wrapped around his legs, pushing them together and hobbling him. “What the-”

There’s a crackling sound before a nasally voice rings through the hallway. “Just a welcoming gift for my favorite mage!” Master Evil jeers. “Consider it a thank you for tampering with my system!”

“I’ll tamper with more than that you-”

“Ah ah ah,” the villain’s cheerful voice admonishes. “We wouldn’t want my hand to slip and these other heroes to get hurt now, would we?”

“You won’t come out and face us yourself?” Casper shouts, gingerly reaching a hand out to see if the lasers would return. “That’s so cheap!”

“Excuse me?! Are you aware of how much money it takes to renovate warehouses like this? Especially in secret. I am not cheap. I am smart! I am malevolent! I-”

“Am a pain in the ass,” Darius interjects from where he’s struggling to stand up, the band barely flexing around his strong thighs. “Come on man, let’s go.”

“Might want to hurry up boys,” Master Evil shouts. “I’m starting to have a plethora of ideas on how best to torment Super and Marksman! Farewell!”

The hidden intercom system clicks off, and with a burst of super speed, Casper bridal carries Darius into the stairway.
With a grunt, Aiden manages to slide off the tight coil of rope that kept his body forced together. He lets out a sigh of relief as he extends his legs, bringing his knees away from his chest and revealing the detailed and meticulous rope work that runs down his entire body. The white rope creates a full-body harness out of diamonds, and it rides uncomfortably between his ass as part of the crotchrope.

But now he’s free to wiggle over to the bench where Bryan’s still struggling against the bench, his green bodysuit barely moving. “Want some help?”

Bryan gives up, panting heavily. “How- how did you do that? This rope is tough as hell.”

“I think I wore away at the knots over time,” Aiden answers. “He did something to them that stops super strength from tearing through them, but I can still stretch the rope if I try hard enough.” He holds his wrists up to Bryan’s face. “Think you can undo this knot? I can get us free if my hands are free.”

The dark-haired man spots the knot in question and goes for it, using his teeth to try to pick it apart. After some attempts, he finds the loose rope and yanks on it, loosening the knot enough so that Aiden can pull it apart.

As soon as Aiden’s hands are free, he immediately reaches around to where he could feel the knot to which the rest of his binds sit on his lower back. When he’s free, he starts working on the ropes tying Bryan down to the bench.

The intercom crackles to life as the tougher knots are defeated. “Ah, are the heroes trying to escape?”

Bryan throws the bird to the intercom. “Can it, Bastard Evil.”

“Oh you little shits-”

Both jocks pause at the sound of hissing, and their eyes immediately dart over to a hole in the ceiling above them dispersing a purple-colored gas. With a lot of cursing, the two redouble their efforts to get free, Aiden hastily ripping away the rest of the ropes that involved the bench and Bryan frantically rolled off it, hands and feet bound together in a loose hogtie. In the few seconds it takes the two to get their gear, they’ve already breathed in a few lungfuls of the gas, and by the time that Aiden breaks down the door, Bryan feels somewhat tired.

“Come on, let’s-” Aiden yawns, and Bryan groans as he realizes they’ve been hit with sleeping gas. He takes the lead, hopping down the hallway and looking over his shoulder to see his blond friend drowsily following him.

“Oh, so you can fight back against my back up plan!” Master Evil exclaims, voice somewhat nervous. “Well, Marksman can. But that formula was designed to be more effective on Super anyway, so I guess this is a win! In any case, your hasty escape-”

Bryan ignores the rambling villain and scans the hallway as best he can, noticing a number of obvious mechanisms in the wall.

Even in his somewhat-sleepy state, Aiden grows tired of just hearing the villain talk. “Man, do you-” yawn “Do you ever shut up?”

The villain goes quiet. For a moment, both heroes wonder if he’s been shamed away from his intercom system. “I can be quiet when needs suit me!” Master Evil shouts, audibly flustered. “None of that matters, I’ll be seeing you two in a few moments when Super falls asleep!”

The intercom clicks off. After a few more moments, the two friends look at each other. “Best game ever,” they whisper. Bryan laughs. “Man, even when you’re sleepy, you pull no punches.”

Aiden yawns and rubs his eyes. “Nice. Is there-” yawn “Is there anywhere I shouldn’t step?”

“Yeah, let me just-” Bryan does a few tiny hops to warm himself up, and then starts jumping down the hallway, making sure that Aiden is always a step behind him. “Keep an eye out for a stairwell!”

“Got it,” Aiden yawns, his foot nearly missing a hidden pressure plate. The small bump in the floor trips him up, and he stumbles forward, narrowly missing other traps until he grabs Bryan’s shoulder to steady himself. “This sucks!” he hisses, eyes wide as his sleepiness is somewhat forgotten with his recent near-loss against gravity. Bryan hums in agreement, and the two of them continue their attempt to head down the hallway, the number of obvious traps getting smaller and smaller as they get farther and farther away from the room that they were in.
Casper stops in front of the next door on the stairwell, which was locked, panting as he places Darius down. “Why are you so heavy?”

Darius leans on the door to get his balance, still hobbled by the band as it grows and starts travelling downward to hinder him even more. “I have at least half a foot and 50 pounds on you,” he answers, laughing when Casper shakes his head. “I kid, I kid. What’s the plan? This thing is already at my knees.”

“I can go ahead and check the next door, see if it’s unlocked,” the red clad gymnast suggests. “It’ll be at normal speed so I don’t get tired, but if you’re comfortable with it, you can try to break out of whatever that thing is.”

Darius shivers in the cool air before nodding. “Cool.” His hands glow purple as he bends down to inspect the hobbler, already focusing on his new task. “See you when you return.”

Casper grins and goes bounding up the stairs, still in a rush to find his friends. On the next landing, the door is also locked. He looks around and notices an open air vent, which could be an obvious trap, but Casper thinks that between him and Darius, there’s no way that Master Evil will be able to do anything. As he turns around to head back downstairs, there’s a quiet whistle before a dart suddenly strikes him in his neck. He stumbles as the drug works quickly, falling to the floor as his legs give out on him. In his haze, he sees the weaselly face of Master Evil leering above him, hands gleefully clasped together.

“One down, three to go!” the villain sings, pulling out many pieces of metal. “I’ll have to make sure you can’t run away from me!”

The gymnast attempts to struggle, but the specially formulated sleep agent knocks him out as the first restraints are applied to his wrists.

On the floor below, Darius lets out an annoyed sigh as he stands back up, unable to break through the magic proofing on this hobbler. At this point, his thighs are pressed tightly together, and if it wasn’t for the door behind him, he might have a harder time standing upright. “If I can’t get out of this,” he grumbles, “I’ll have to ask Bryan for some swimming lessons.”

As he leans on the door, he hears a very quiet hissing sound from his right, and he looks over to see a small flying drone exit from a hidden hatch, silently floating towards him. With a quiet “fuck!”, he hurriedly hops over to the stairs going down. In his hobbled state, it’s difficult to go from step to step. When he gets back to the first floor, where they entered the stairwell, the drone is still behind him, and is closing in quickly.

There’s a small whirring noise, and Darius nearly falls in surprise as his upper body gets coated in a substance that sticks to itself, forcing his arms directly against his torso when he inadvertently brushes the two together. It takes a moment to correct his balance, but when he does, he hops through the door and turns around. His powers are even more difficult to wield when he’s bound like this, but he concentrates enough to cover the drone in the vibrant purple energy.

Now that he’s facing it, he can see the drone more clearly, and with a higher-pitched whir he catches sight of a nozzle shooting even more of the substance, and it hits his calves dead on, forcing his legs together into a pseudo-mermaid tail. Horribly off-balance and seeing this going south quickly, the magical hero goes to start hopping away before a third whir makes itself heard, and his feet are firmly stuck to the floor.

“Shit!” he hisses, now only staying upright because of his new roots. “Maybe if I can shut the thing off-” he’s interrupted by the drone circling around to his front, no longer covered in purple energy thanks to his concentration being broken. “Damn!”

In response, the drone sprays some sweet-smelling gas in his face. The room seems to spin before it goes dark, and Master Evil gleefully smirks when he gets a notification on his device about the capture of the Black hero.
Quest: Interpose
(2/2 Captured)

Aiden yawns as he glances at the quest update. “We have to get-” yawn “We have to get the others.”

“I know,” Bryan says, hopping next to him, muscles flexing in his “Robin Hood”-esque costume. “Mind untying me?”

The blond hero nods, and with a few more yawns and a snarky “Aye aye, Green Arrow,” he clumsily finishes undoing the hogtie, and Bryan sighs in relief as he stretches his arms out.

“How tired do you feel right now?” he asks the wrestler. His positive feelings about the situation dwindle the longer it takes Aiden to answer. “Great. Great,” he mutters. “Lean on my shoulder as we get out of here and fix you up.”

“Woo,” Aiden yawns, doing exactly that. Bryan groans as he has to counterbalance the heavier man’s weight. He pulls out his crossbow and focuses on a camera far down the hallway. With a steady and accurate hand, he fires a bolt directly into the lens. “Neat.”

“You are so far gone, dude,” the marksman mutters, smirking as they continue to walk down the hallway. “Wish I had my phone with me. Maybe I’ll ask for a recording of this.”

“Don’t-” yawn “-dare.”

“And who’s gonna stop- Huh?” A section of the wall quickly opens up and an arm shoots out and attaches a manacle around his ankle. “Oh, come on!”

Aiden loopily grins as the same happens to him. “Nice.”

“Not nice!” Bryan shouts, pulling his friend along as he runs down the hallway. ”Wake up!”

The loud volume of the swimmer’s voice wakes Aiden up enough to start running too, leaving more and more manacle-arms behind them as they hurriedly head around the corner.

With a flip of a switch, the manacles on their ankles are activated, and Bryan stumbles as his left leg feels heavier as it’s magnetically attracted to the floor. Aiden starts to edge ahead, not even affected by the device. In his somewhat delicious state, he misses how quickly he accidentally leaves his friend behind, the sleeping agent almost fully done working.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by ShortSocks »

Wow...all I can say is wow haha. I have no clue how this series doesnt have more responses. Ive read the first two parts and it is great! It literally aligns to how my story writing style/fantasies/ideas have come out! Very eager to read the rest!

This series definitely needs more attention!

Edit: I am confused though. Are these minors? If so, I would have to retract said statement. The capital M’s in the title led me to believe these were adults, but the couple of intro paragraphs make it seem like it may not be.
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Post by fruityguy »

ShortSocks wrote: 3 years ago Wow...all I can say is wow haha. I have no clue how this series doesnt have more responses. Ive read the first two parts and it is great! It literally aligns to how my story writing style/fantasies/ideas have come out! Very eager to read the rest!

This series definitely needs more attention!

Edit: I am confused though. Are these minors? If so, I would have to retract said statement. The capital M’s in the title led me to believe these were adults, but the couple of intro paragraphs make it seem like it may not be.
No, they're adults! I've put them in their junior year of college, so they would be 20-22! I just haven't named the university they're going to yet because I haven't come up with a suitable name that abbreviates to T.U.G.S. I'm glad you like it though!
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by ShortSocks »

fruityguy wrote: 3 years ago
ShortSocks wrote: 3 years ago Wow...all I can say is wow haha. I have no clue how this series doesnt have more responses. Ive read the first two parts and it is great! It literally aligns to how my story writing style/fantasies/ideas have come out! Very eager to read the rest!

This series definitely needs more attention!

Edit: I am confused though. Are these minors? If so, I would have to retract said statement. The capital M’s in the title led me to believe these were adults, but the couple of intro paragraphs make it seem like it may not be.
No, they're adults! I've put them in their junior year of college, so they would be 20-22! I just haven't named the university they're going to yet because I haven't come up with a suitable name that abbreviates to T.U.G.S. I'm glad you like it though!
Okay thats great! Im back on board! Sorry, the parents confirming if he did his homework had me backpedaling for a second! Im back on board and will continue reading and reviewing! I really love how similar this is to a couple of my story series!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Up to the video game portion! I definitely enjoyed the game! I think they could find a way to alleviate the tension they were feeling :lol:
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Post by blackbound »

Yeah, I also love these stories and agree they should have a bigger audience. Of course, I'm part of the problem by just sitting back and enjoying, so: well done! Looking forward to the next part.

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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Post by gag1195 »

Just caught up! Loving the different traps for each of the guys! I don't think they'll be getting out of this one, but im interested to see them try!
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Post by fruityguy »

Hey everybody, thanks for the comments! I'm already writing the next minisode, and I might introduce another jock to tease in it, so that should be fun. But either way, here's the last part of this videogame story!
Master Evil smiles as he puts the final touches on the restraints for his two new hero toys. Enchanter is strapped down and spread-eagle across the large table; his body is as taught as a bowstring, even as the Black man is asleep. The villain laughs as he brushes aside the harness to flick one of the nipples, the hand continuing to run down a very sculpted body, passing by the trunks he’s recently moved and replaced in order to outfit the hero with some special toys.

Speedster is tied up in a modified frog-tie, specialized straps forcing him to straddle his friend’s hips. Master Evil grins as he spots what might be the grand opus of these restraints: the red-clad bubble butt is seated directly on Enchanter’s bulge. There is a devious little crotch strap that also cleaves in between his cheeks and is sure to tease him when mercilessly he wakes up. His arms are attached to the reinforced ceiling, all fastenings and knots squarely away from any fingers, keeping the gymnast’s body upright.

The villain rubs his hands together in glee. The slipperiest hero in the group and the one best equipped to go against him, fully under his control. With the press of a button, both heroes wake up with matching groans as the devices in and on them sharply buzz a few times before they’re aware of it.

Casper starts struggling first, trying to stretch his legs before the amount of straps he’s in registers, and he starts thrashing a bit more to see if there’s any weakness. He can feel himself constantly rubbing against something, and the erection that he gets from it is starting to become more and more visible on the outside of his suit.

His squirming causes his butt to functionally hump and frot against Darius, who’s biting back a moan as he gets hard from both the constant rubbing against his dick and the small plug in his ass. The straps hold him down tight enough to where he can only wriggle his hips and shiver from his skin touching cold metal, which doesn’t help his situation. Whenever he inadvertently clenches around the plug, it feels like his prostate is getting tapped, and that makes him squirm even more.

They both hear a chuckle off to the side, and immediately turn to face the cartoonishly evil looking villain laughing at their plight. Both heroes attempt to yell at and threaten Master Evil, but all of the devious devices turn anything they could say into moans and grunts. The villain doesn’t help them either, running his hands up and down their sides to further distract them.
Bryan starts to feel tired as he’s dragging his manacled leg behind him. The magnetic force is starting to take its toll on his stamina. Aiden isn’t that much of a help, stumbling to his knees as he begins to finally doze off. Now that both of them are barely moving forward, the mechanisms that they were outrunning at first catch up to them. More magnetic bonds are wrapped around Bryan as he attempts to struggle against them, clinging to his lean frame. A gag shoves itself into his mouth just before a number of bonds slide in between his thighs and form an unforgiving crotch harness that he loudly protests. Any physical effort now would only show anyone watching muscles flexing under well-fitting spandex, the marksman firmly attached to the floor.

With an inward sigh and a glance at Aiden, who’s butt is sticking straight up, he pulls up the party screen.

Aiden - Super
Quest(s): Interpose
Conditions: Asleep (heavily)

Bryan - Marksman
Quest(s): Interpose
Conditions: Hindered (heavily), Wrapped (heavily), Gagged (heavily), Teased (heavily)

As he’s staring at the different conditions, he feels himself be pulled forward by his bonds. As he’s moving, the magnets spin him around so he’s facing forwards, looking directly at his sleeping friend. He suddenly stops when he’s a foot away from Aiden, and before he can let out a hum of confusion, arms shoot out from the walls and gingerly pick up the wrestler, holding him upright.

More arms quickly strip the strongman of his gear, leaving him in his blue and red bodysuit. Bryan watches as a large amount of visibly modified plastic wrap is tightly wound around Aiden’s ankles, moving upward and packing the blond’s arms and legs with his body. After a few more moments, when the arms are finished wrapping the wrestler and securing the tape, the party status updates.

Aiden - Super
Quest(s): Interpose
Conditions: Asleep (heavily), Mummified (heavily)
Casper groans as the straps around his ass and crotch tease him; when he tries to shift forward, his cock is forced to rub against the panel directly against his front, and when he tries to shift backwards, the straps cleaving his cheeks forcibly wedgie him, driving the red spandex that he’s wearing even further up his rear. Even as he moves his hips to try and find a nonexistent safe spot, the straps that run up his torso shift and randomly rub against his nipples, which just makes him jolt and lose focus for a moment, his moans shakily interrupted by very meek pleads in his native Spanish tongue.

Darius' entire body is tense as Casper shuffles above him, constantly pulling against restraints that will not budge. His bondage is designed to be more strict and frustrating as revenge for messing with Master Evil’s security systems; his front is securely fastened to Casper’s constantly moving ass, and the plug in his own “rewards” any attempt to move away from the villain’s constant stroking of his inner thigh with a burst of pleasure as it pushes onto his prostate. His moans are louder and more drawn out, mixed with pleads for Casper to stop moving.

Both heroes register the ding of a notification sound as the device on Master Evil’s hip alerts him to recent developments. “Oh ho!” the villain gloats, stopping his torment of Enchanter to pull it out. “I wonder what the other super fools have been up to.” He chuckles at how the angry glares levelled at him lose their heat with how little strength they can muster for it. When he reads the alert, his chuckle turns into a full blown laugh. “Oh, you lovable heroes, always falling into traps,” he practically sings, putting the device back in its holster and placing a hand on each of his captive’s crotches. “It’s always amusing, and it gives me so much work to do, I suppose I have to thank you for keeping me busy!” He punctuates his last sentence with a quick swipe of his thumb, directly stroking their dicks and causing them to gasp and squirm harder.

“Wha- What-” Casper’s cut off by the villain stroking him again, bringing him closer to climaxing.

“Sadly, I must leave you two alone for a while,” Master Evil laments, stepping back from the table. Both heroes keep a wary eye on him, even as they writhe in pleasure. “Luckily, the inhibitors in the wall will keep you from ruining my plans, but I would hate to seem like an unprepared host.”

With a grin, the villain presses a button to reactivate the vibrators placed throughout his captives. Casper whines when the straps across his chest start buzzing as they tease his nipples, while the straps around his pelvis pulse and guide him to thrust his hips. The vibrations on Casper’s crotch also affects Darius when the gymnast thrusts forward, and the track star is also weakly thrusting against gravity thanks to how his plug starts pulsing too. Neither of them fully register the villain leaving as they’re forced to frot against each other, their moans and grunts loud and frustrated as they both find themselves unable to cum, the vibrations lowering whenever they get too close.
Bryan weakly squirms as he and Aiden are dragged along the floor, more focused on trying to loosen his bonds than break free or remove himself from the floor’s magnetic grip. He’s constantly teased by the tight harness on his crotch, and with his arms wrapped by his side, he can’t reach his growing erection, somewhat bulging in his green spandex.

Aiden is still sleeping as he’s carried across the floor, the original leg cuff and small metal particles in his mummification giving the mechanism capturing the heroes enough force to keep him moving.

The sight of the two of them being delivered to Master Evil makes the villain laugh, and Bryan glowers at him. There’s very little chance for Bryan to break free as the floor forces them to glide behind the villain, and he’s just rewarded by more teasing caresses from the harness. As they head down the hallway, the swimmer can hear loud grunts and moans, along with many familiar curses.

He’s graced with the sight of his two friends desperately humping each other, a lot of straps around them. In the corner of his eye, the party status window updates to include all four jocks, and he would laugh at what Casper and Darius have as conditions if he wasn’t gagged.

Aiden - Super
Quest(s): Interpose
Conditions: Asleep (heavily), Mummified (heavily)

Bryan - Marksman
Quest(s): Interpose
Conditions: Hindered (heavily), Wrapped (heavily), Gagged (heavily), Teased (heavily)

Casper - Speedster
Quest(s): Dudes in Distress
Condition(s): Restrained (heavily), Frog-tied (heavily), Wedgied (heavily), Vibbed (heavily)

Darius - Enchanter
No Active Quests
Condition(s): Restrained (heavily), Spread-eagled (heavily), Plugged (heavily), Vibbed (heavily)

Master Evil rubs his hands together in glee before he gets to work, pushing a button to reveal even more space and implements to tie up his new captives. In a half hour, he’s cut Aiden out of the mummification and tied him against the wall, making sure that the blond is forcibly tied down to the narrow perch in between his legs, which makes him uncomfortable as the sleeping drug wears off and he starts trying to get off of the vibrating iron bar.

Bryan is suspended from the ceiling, Master Evil simply attaching connections to his metal bonds and hoisting him up. He groans as a good portion of the weight is placed on his harness, and his cock twitches in his bodysuit. All 4 jocks weakly struggle against their bonds as the villain starts to laugh. “All of the heroes, defeated so easily,” he crows, groping Bryan’s ass. “I’ll have a lot of fun with you four.”

His voice is nearly drowned out by the many very charged groans coming from the men around him. In their blissful hazes, each of them heard a small ping as a new window popped into their vision.

Game Over! You Lose!
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by fruityguy »

Hey everybody! Here's a quick minisode to kind of flesh things out more.

The Gentlejocks: Minisode 2
“And, rack,” Casper orders, spotting Bryan as the swimmer does the last bench press of their workout. “Nice job.”

Bryan sits up and stretches his arms, his tight compression shirt stretching with him. “Thanks,” he says. “Ready to go?”

“Yep.” The two jocks make their way to the locker room, the university’s gym quiet as it’s late in the evening. The only person left besides them is the student worker at the front. “Are you ready for your swim meet? When is it?”

“Couple of days.” The swimmer opens the door to the locker room as he speaks. “I have to make sure my suits still fit-”

A muffled groan interrupts him. Both jocks go quiet, and the moans continue. Bryan turns to Casper, putting a finger to his lips and starting to sneak his way around the locker room. The two of them head towards the row of lockers where the moans are coming from, not seeing anything out of the ordinary from the usually clean space, only a pair of socks that someone left behind draped over a bench.

“Hey, dude,” Casper whispers, sticking close to Bryan, his leggings-clad crotch almost humping Bryan’s ass, “aren’t these the football team’s lockers?”

Bryan puts an ear to a locker, trying to see if that's where the moan is coming from. “Yeah, they are. Hear anything?”

“Uh-” the Mexican jock points further on down the row, and the moan gets louder, along with a quiet buzzing that’s new. “Maybe over there?”

When they get in front of the locker where the buzzing is the loudest, Casper quietly knocks on it, and the moans get more and more frantic, with light bumps against the door signifying that someone was in there.

Casper curses in Spanish, and Bryan immediately heads off to his own locker, opening it and grabbing the lockpick set that Darius gave him for his birthday. Thanks to the design of the lock, requiring a combination or key required to open it, it takes him only a minute or two to open the locker.

Inside of the locker is the tanned and fit Ezhil, the star running back of Texas University of Gumption’s football team. The running back is only wearing a jockstrap, his hands tied behind his back and ankles tied together. He’s blindfolded by a tube sock tied around his face, covering his eyes, and he’s gagged with another sock cleave-gagging him. The buzzing noise becomes very obvious when the two jocks notice the vibrating wand attached to Ezhil’s thigh, aimed directly onto the pouch of the jockstrap.

Ezhil nearly falls out of the locker when it opens, and both Bryan and Casper have to stop him before anything bad can happen. They end up pushing him back upright into the locker before removing the wand, blindfold, and gag, and he pants heavily. “Thanks,” he says, leaning against the wall. “I’ve been stuck here for hours!”

“What the hell happened to you?” Bryan asks.

Before the man can answer, Bryan’s arms immediately get pulled behind him, and a hand covers his mouth before he can shout in shock. He’s forcibly moved away from the locker while someone else steps in front of it. “I told you there were people still here,” they groan, grabbing the two socks off of the ground. “Glad that we stayed now?”

“You were right,” a voice behind Bryan mutters. As it speaks, the swimmer can feel his wrists being tied together. “But what do we do with these two? We can’t have someone snitching or letting this guy out before the big game tomorrow morning.”

“This is over a football game?!” Ezhil asks from inside the locker. Bryan also tries to shout his displeasure, but the hand in front of his mouth gags him well enough to only let him muffle. From the muffles to his right, Casper is in the same situation. “It’s not my fault your defense team sucks-”

There’s a small scuffle, and from the angered muffles, it sounds like the still-bound running back has been overpowered. Now that Bryan’s actually paying attention, he notices that the group of people are wearing familiar blue outfits of their rival college.

“Hey, see those socks? Let’s gag them.”

In just a few moments, a dirty sock is in front of Bryan’s face, and he forcibly holds his mouth closed so he can avoid having it in his mouth. Casper’s displeased whining lets him know that it’s a good idea. One of the many rival athletes angrily pinches his nose, forcing him to open his mouth to breathe. As soon as he does, the sock goes right in, and he recoils at the taste, instantly hating whoever didn’t do their laundry. It forces his tongue down and cleaves between his lips as it’s stretched to fit around his head.

“We don’t have anything to blindfold them with,” the first voice says. “All we got left is the wand and some more rope.”

The person behind him pushes him towards the open locker. “They’re all pretty skinny,” he mutters. “What’s stopping us from getting them all to fit together?”

The three captives immediately start grunting in protest, but their captors don’t even bother trying to be patient as all three of them are squeezed into the locker. Bryan’s the tallest one, and his head brushes against the roof of the locker as his personal space becomes a lot more personal to the other two jocks. Ezhil shivers as his bare skin is constantly brushed against, and the half-hard erection he has in his jock is jostled back into a full boner that ends up brushing against the others. Casper’s face is directly in Bryan’s built chest, and he can feel multiple hands pushing on his back and ass to keep all three of them inside the locker.

“Hey, put the wand right in the middle of ‘em!” someone suggests. Casper is groped a few more times as he’s temporarily removed from the locker, and the vibrating wand is attached to a rope and dangled from the ceiling, resting right at the two taller jocks’ crotches before it’s turned on. When he’s put back, Casper feels how strong the vibrations are as they hit the tip of his own dick, and all three jocks struggle not to move as the locker door is shoved closed and locks itself, leaving them to their new situation.

With a loud moan, Ezhil squirms against the tight space as his jockstrap catches his cum, the second round of vibrations pitching him over the edge. The dampness seeps through Bryan’s compression shorts and Casper’s leggings, and the two angrily moan as they realize what’s happened. Ezhil blushes handsomely, but grinds his hips against the others’ erections, letting them know that he knows exactly what they’re going to do next.

In fact, it only takes a couple minutes until both Bryan and Casper cum too, and the vibrator is still going at full speed. Now all three jocks are sticky, sweaty, and bound in the locker, squirming against each other as the vibrator brings them all back to being strongly aroused. Ezhil somehow manages to turn around and leave the vibrator away from his crotch, but then the head of the wand starts vibrating against his bare ass, and the squirming of the other two forces him to repeatedly hump the locker wall.

All three jocks groan as time passes; it takes hours for someone to get them out.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

A great little update! Is Ezhil a potential 5th member to this collection of attractive, hunky bondage enthusiast jocks? He certainly seemed to enjoy his experience with Casper and Bryan!

I also really enjoyed the virtual reality experiment. It was such a cool and unique premise, and a great way to continue exploring each jock's personalities (and of course, get them into even more bondage)!
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Post by fruityguy »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago A great little update! Is Ezhil a potential 5th member to this collection of attractive, hunky bondage enthusiast jocks? He certainly seemed to enjoy his experience with Casper and Bryan!

I also really enjoyed the virtual reality experiment. It was such a cool and unique premise, and a great way to continue exploring each jock's personalities (and of course, get them into even more bondage)!
Thanks! I actually just finished writing a part that I should have up by tomorrow, and I want to start trying to get suggestions from you guys on what to do with these lovely jocks (+anyone else who may join in ;) ;) ;) )
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

fruityguy wrote: 2 years ago Thanks! I actually just finished writing a part that I should have up by tomorrow, and I want to start trying to get suggestions from you guys on what to do with these lovely jocks (+anyone else who may join in ;) ;) ;) )
oooo! Maybe an intense game of capture the flag, with lots of prisoner taking? Could be during a school break so most of the campus is empty. lots of space and places to hide flags... and captives!

Whatever you come up with will be great! Your virtual reality game idea was amazing, so I have no doubts you have some ideas floating around!
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Post by fruityguy »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago
fruityguy wrote: 2 years ago Thanks! I actually just finished writing a part that I should have up by tomorrow, and I want to start trying to get suggestions from you guys on what to do with these lovely jocks (+anyone else who may join in ;) ;) ;) )
oooo! Maybe an intense game of capture the flag, with lots of prisoner taking? Could be during a school break so most of the campus is empty. lots of space and places to hide flags... and captives!

Whatever you come up with will be great! Your virtual reality game idea was amazing, so I have no doubts you have some ideas floating around!
Yeah, I definitely have a few ideas. That capture the flag one is pretty nice... I wonder who would team up with who...

Anyway, here's the next part of the series: it's our Halloween arc. (We're starting a month away from the holiday for a reason.)
Gentlejocks' Halloween - Prologue 1

“Fuck!” Darius and Ezhil both burst into the building as the rain started to pick up. “We’re never running a race before it starts to storm.”

“Agreed,” Ezhil pants, wincing as his hair starts dripping. “But I absolutely smoked your ass.”

Darius wiped his forehead. “Bullshit-”

“Don’t be upset because I left you behind at the corner by the coffeeshop,” the Middle Eastern running back gloats, looking through his backpack to try and find a brush.

“I don’t know how to sidestep and juke like you do,” Darius complains. “I was absolutely destroying you wherever we were just sprinting straight on.”

Ezhil grins as he pulls out his brush. “But I got here first!” He sticks out his tongue in a victorious manner, and Darius deflates; the hurdler slumps against the wall as he resigns himself to the fact that he’s lost the bet.

Before anything else happens, one of the other doors opens, and someone pokes his head out of one of the internal classrooms. “Hello?”

Darius glances over at the man before straightening up. “Kegan! I didn’t realize you were here.”

The neuroscience major looks back and forth between the two jocks, both at least a head taller than him. “Uh,” he vocalizes, nervously running a finger through his short black hair, “Darius, right? One of the volunteers for the study?”

“Yeah, man.” The lost bet is completely out of the Black man’s mind as he pushes off of the wall, walking over to greet Kegan. “How’ve you been?”

“Uh, good, good!” Kegan’s eyes widen as he finally takes in the drenched state of the other men. “Do you want to come in here? I have the heater on- I get cold pretty easily- so you could probably dry off easier.”

With grateful sighs, Darius and Ezhil follow him into the classroom, relaxing at the warmer temperature. Kegan returns to the whiteboard filled with different equations and medical terms. A few moments of quiet pass, with Ezhil’s brush and Kegan’s marker making the only noises in the room. After he’s done brushing out most of the water from his hair, Ezhil pats it with a towel and whips his shirt off with a mischievous grin. “Hey,” he says, getting the attention of everyone in the room as he stands up, comfortably displaying his sexy body in just a pair of athletic tights and running shoes, “is there any place to hang this shirt up?”

Both Darius and Kegan spend a few moments gawking at the way the Middle Eastern man’s figure slims down at the waist, his Adonis belt quite visible as the waistband of his tights sat below his hips. Darius pulls his attention away with a roll of his eyes, but Kegan still looks on, throat bobbing and face turning red as his eyes trace a path all around the man’s torso. “Uh- uh-” he clears his throat before awkwardly gesturing to a desk out of the way. “Hang it on the chair.”

“Don’t let Ezhil here fluster you, Key,” Darius chides, throwing an arm around the shorter man. “Once, at the frat party, he-”

Ezhil’s shirt ends up hanging on Darius’ face. “I thought we said we weren’t going to talk about it?” the running back asks, climbing over a desk to get his shirt back. “I’d hate to call in a favor because you broke that promise.”

Darius snorts. “Whatever favor you try to call in is worth it,” he decides, holding out against the way Ezhil’s hips swing as he vaults over the desk. “I mean, you did end up tied to the flagpole for the rest of the night.”

Kegan starts laughing the moment Darius finishes speaking. “That was you?” he asks, slowly becoming more relaxed with the situation. “Everyone was talking about it, but no one would mention who it was.”

“He paid-” Ezhil lunges at Darius, surprising him before he can finish his sentence. The two jocks grapple a bit, playfully squabbling around the room as Kegan watches; the neuroscience major takes in the familiar sight of Darius’ figure underneath his track uniform and the rapidly becoming familiar sight of Ezhil’s as the two make their way to the front of the room, Darius at a slight advantage with an iron grip on one of Ezhil’s wrists. Right before they reach the professor’s desk, Ezhil hip checks Darius, causing the slightly taller man to stumble and let go of him. With this opening, Ezhil reacts quickly, getting behind the track star and pushing him over the desk, holding him there by his wrists.

Darius bucks and squirms underneath the running back; the front of his body is pushed against the wooden desk, and the way that Ezhil is holding him down has him fully laid out under him. “Man, if you wanted to get me like this-”

“Oh, please,” Ezhil rasps, his accent more pronounced now; Kegan’s face turns red again at the sound of it. “If I wanted you, I could get you without trying-”

“Yeah, right-”

“Hey?” Both jocks stop fighting for a moment to look at Kegan, who’s holding a marker in his hand like a baton. “What the hell is this?”

Ezhil just looks up, momentarily distracted by the somewhat stereotypical sweater vest Kegan wore. Darius has a second moment of surprise over how dominant the skinny neuroscience major is.

Kegan looks between the two of them. “Well?” he insists. “Are you two always like this?”

“I wouldn’t say-”

“Oh yeah, all the time-”

Darius and Ezhil both look betrayed as they look at each other. Kegan frowns. “That’s awful. Don’t you have to work together in sports?”

“We’re not on the same sport-”

“We don’t hate each other-”

The jocks bicker for a bit longer; Kegan watches and shakes his head. “Can’t you two work together? On anything?”

“Probably if we were tied together,” Ezhil jokes. Darius groans, but nods.

“Is that so?” Kegan’s eyes narrow on a bundle of extension cords under the whiteboard. A curious gleam dances in his eyes. “Mind if we test that?”

Darius shudders and groans at the idea of being in another “experiment” with Kegan at the wheel. Ezhil raises an eyebrow at both the question and the reaction, but nods anyway, definitely interested.

The brown-haired man grabs a few cords and bends them a bit to test their flexibility before approaching the desk. “Seeing as the storm just started,” he starts, “I think you should have enough time to try and get free if I tie you two to the desk, right?” His voice pitches down when he finishes his question, and both Darius and Ezhil are both pitching tents in their lycra, nodding and grinning at the challenge.

“Go ahead and try your best, cutie,” Ezhil goads, flattening himself further onto Darius and the desk while arching his back. “See if you can handle two strong men.”

Darius chuckles. “You’re awful-”

Kegan ignores the two of them bickering again, taking some cords, lashing them around their wrists and anchoring them to the desk. After he’s done with the wrists, he moves onto their ankles, successfully tying them both down. “And just because you want to see if I can handle you two…” he mutters, heading back to the pile and grabbing a few more cords. “Let’s see how you deal with this.”

Ezhil feels a cord go around his waist, the cold plastic of the covering ticking his skin, before it’s crossed in front of him and looped around Darius’ waist, pulling the two closer together. Their erections press against each other, and both jocks feel their faces get hot at the very close contact. The running back tries to shimmy his hips and realizes that with this newest addition, his entire midsection is held tight to Darius’ form stuck on the desk. “Clever little boy.”

“We’re all juniors here,” Kegan mutters, stepping back to look at his handiwork. He grins as he watches the strings of knots he was able to manipulate into the electrical cords. “But now that we’re here,” he continues, looking back to the whiteboard that held a lot of his work. “Good luck.”

“No help?” Darius asks through grunts, pulling against his binds. “Not even a hint?”

“You’re such strong men,” Kegan sarcastically praises, walking back over only to lightly swat Ezhil on his toned ass. “You’ve got this. Probably. Now, get to it, I have some chemical equations to solve.”
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

Another great story! Extremely happy to see Ezhil back! I think he is a great addition to this group.
And Kegan is very smart, and very lucky to have these two jocks under his control. (and man, I really did college wrong. Need to find a time machine and go back and get into a lot more shenanigans like these jocks!)
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