Petra & Friends - Chapter One (F/FFFF)

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Petra & Friends - Chapter One (F/FFFF)

Post by LordNelson »

Petra and I wrote a story and were posting it on the old site which went down before we could conclude it. I am going to start over again here.

The 3G’s

Chapter One - Friday Evening

Five women…four beds…you don’t have to be a mathematician to figure it out…someone’s sleeping on the couch.

Petra was excited to be spending a weekend with some friends from school that she hadn’t seen for…oh my god…has it really been 25 years!

A few internet searches and a dozen phone calls had pulled the old gang back together. A few more searches and phone calls and now they were on their way to spend a long weekend in a cabin in Thorpe Forest. Three glorious days in the woods with no work or worries…only the 3G’s.

That would be Gossip, Good food and Generous amounts of alcohol.

The popular resort had only one cabin available, with four bedrooms, but from the description of how luxurious the facilities are the couch is probably not going to be lumpy. Petra was taking no chances though. While the others were planning to travel after work on Friday and show up in the evening Petra took the afternoon off from her job and went up early to claim a bedroom.

When she arrived she was quite impressed by the beautiful location and the lavish cabin. This was not roughing it by any means. In addition to the four bedrooms there were two full bathrooms and an open concept main floor that incorporated a large kitchen with all the most modern gadgets, a dining room and a spacious living area with a huge fireplace. The large floor to ceiling windows looked out onto the cedar deck and a hot tub.

Petra picked out a room and after unpacking the first thing to do was shed her work clothes. She kicked off her shoes and next went the jacket and blouse followed by the skirt. A pair of comfy leggings and a baggy sweat shirt were going to be standard dress for the duration of her stay. The cool hardwood floor felt good on her bare feet and she didn’t plan to put shoes on again until she had to go home in three days.

The sheets and blankets were freshly laundered and folded on the foot of the bed. As she made the bed she smiled at the possibilities that it presented. It had a rustic log frame with a large headboard and an equally impressive footboard. Petra imagined how good she would look tied spread eagle to the massive bedposts. It was too bad this weekend was about old friends and not old fetishes.

Petra stayed busy by making the other beds and unpacking the groceries. She put on a slow cooker with homemade chili and popped some bread dough into the oven. She set the table and made sure the bar was stocked with all of the various beers and liquors that she and her friends had pre-ordered. The wine cooler was also full to capacity with extra bottles under the bar.

As she made her way through the cabin learning where everything was she found that she was pausing for a moment whenever she encountered one of the numerous rugs that were scattered about. Each was a real hide of various unknown beasts and each had its own qualities. Some were coarse, some were soft, there was long hair and short but all had one thing in common…they felt wonderful on her bared feet and she just had to wiggle her toes on each of them.

She investigated the couch and found out that it pulled out into a reasonably nice bed. The washrooms were spotless and had no trouble passing a thorough inspection. She turned on the hot tub heater and then a phone call informed her that the first arrivals were about half an hour away.

Lou showed up first and there was much hugging and kissing and even a few tears. Petra quickly dispensed their favorite beverages and they sat in front of the roaring blaze she had started to offset the autumn chill and awaited the others. The smell of the chili filled the cabin.

Of the five amigos Lou was the one who was the least noticeable. Average height of 5’6”, average body, not too pretty not too plain (average again), short blondish hair. When the girls had partied Lou was always the last one to attract the attention of the boys. Petra found that odd because Lou compensated by always being well dressed and having perfect make-up and hair. From a woman’s point of view she was rather attractive but she just didn’t have the wow to make the boys take notice.

Next to arrive was Jo…more hugs and kisses…more tears. Jo hadn’t changed much over the years. She always made up for being short (only 5’5” and her slight build made her look shorter) by wearing heels. Today she had knee high black boots with stiletto heels. Her trademark had been very short skirts to show off her pretty legs and today the red leather mini she wore did just that. It still bothered Petra that Jo still wore her raven black hair short and straight, she thought it would look gorgeous long and curly.

Petra got her a drink and they sat with Lou and more embarrassing stories were told as they passed the time.

Next to arrive was Danielle…more hugs…more kisses…a few more tears. Danielle was the bombshell of the group. Not so tall at 5”5” but built with an abundance of sexy curves. Legs, ass, boobs, it was all a dynamite package that had the young men drooling. Top off that body with a pretty face and frame it with long dark curls and you have a look that is reminiscent of a 1950’s movie star.

Today she was perched as usual atop a pair of four inch heels, a lovely pair of red T-strap pumps, which matched her red dress. The dress had slits on the side that showed every inch of her gorgeous legs and the neckline plunged to show ample cleavage. She walked the fine line between classy and trashy.

She pushed aside the stemware that Petra offered and poured herself a beer mug of wine letting it be known that nothing this weekend would be done in moderation.

The last to show was Suzi, the athlete of the group. At 5’10” she towered over the others like an Amazon warrior. Not only did her size gather attention but when you factor in shoulder length flaming red hair, a huge yet firm bosom and a lovely big bottom you have a formidable woman.

Her imposing appearance lessened the welcoming display of affection…quicker hugs…casual kisses…fewer tears. Petra felt sorry for her because in reality at heart she was the most sensitive and girlish of the five.

At an initial glance she had dressed the most sensibly for a woods retreat with black jeans and a red plaid flannel shirt and flat shoes but a second look revealed there was more to her than first met the eye. The jeans and shirt couldn’t get much tighter, she had packed a lot into them. The buttons of the shirt strained to hold back her substantial assets and the jeans were stretching at the seams over those magnificent thighs and calves. The denim ended mid-calf to display a damn sexy pair of black gladiator sandals. Petra noted that in spite of their size her feet were incredibly sexy.

As the group settled in for more drinks by the fire Petra sliced the bread and dished up the chili. While Petra buzzed around the kitchen, not for a moment considering asking for help, she studied her dear friends. She realized that at one time or another she had experienced romantic feelings and intimate notions for each of them. That was in the day when expressing such things was not done and she wondered if any of them had ever felt the same way.

When they came to the table Petra couldn’t help but observe that they were all beautiful women. It stirred the old feelings that she felt in the past…in particular for one of them…maybe this could be a time to explore that…but that would be for later…now it was time to eat and find out what they had done with the last quarter century of their lives.

Petra was up and down, refilling glasses and dishing up seconds. She refused to let the others help, her role in the past had been to be the glue that held this group together. They each had issues and Petra was the shoulder to cry on and the rock to anchor them when things got stormy.

Memories and laughter prolonged the meal and once it was finally done they found seats around the fireplace again while Petra surprised them with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven. After a few more drinks…and too many cookies…yawns and stretches started to take their toll. Travelling after a long day of work left them all tired and they decided to turn in.

‘Your beds are ready’ announced Petra ‘and I’ll help Suzi make hers, the couch pulls out.’

‘You’ve been busy’ observed Lou ‘not only supper and the fire but the beds too.’

Petra laughed and recited an itemized list of all she had done since arriving. She hadn’t thought about it until she said it out loud but she had been busy and gotten a lot done.

‘You make it sound like you’re a servant’ joked Susan.

‘Not really’ observed Jo ‘servants get paid, Petra’s more like a slave.’

‘Well if this is what it is like to have a slave’ said Danielle as she downed the last cookie ‘you can be our slave all weekend.’

‘Well, as much as the idea of being at your beck and call appeals to me’ said Petra ‘I think I’ll pass on it.’

The girls all wandered off to their rooms and while Suzi made a last visit to the washroom Petra made her bed. She tucked her in as a mother would a daughter with a kiss on the cheek. Then as she was about to turn out the light and retire she took a last look around at the beautiful cabin.

Before she knew it she was picking up the glasses and plates and loading the dishwasher. She swept up the few cookie crumbs on the floor, straightened and fluffed cushions and lastly washed the slow cooker and the bread pans. Suzi smiled as she pretended to be asleep. She had no intention of helping.

“Let Petra be a slave if she wants to” Suzi thought “whatever makes her happy.”

Petra checked on the others…all were asleep…and she went to her room and closed the door. As tired as she was she had a bedtime ritual that had to be satisfied. Ever since she was young she enjoyed a little self-bondage before going to sleep. There was once a rather stressful night when she was a teenager that she had tied herself up so tightly that she had trouble getting free.

She tossed and turned for hours before finally loosening the ropes. The whole time she was terrified that her mom or dad may peek in on her and discover her secret. Since those many years ago she had discovered safety cuffs. They were handcuffs that have a key but in addition they also have a quick release push button. Easy on…easy off…it doesn’t get any simpler.

Petra…completely naked…strapped a big red ball gag firmly into her mouth and kneeled down on the bed. She reached back and cuffed her ankles. Then she cuffed her wrists. Lastly she used a third pair of cuffs to connect her wrists to her ankles to complete a hog tie. Now all she had to do was lean forwards and let herself fall.

As her body went down her legs were pulled up. She sank into the big soft mattress and began to struggle. She loved the sense of being helpless and twisted and turned letting the captivity of her hands and feet arouse her. She softly “mmphed” into the gag. She imagined the touch of the fluffy bedspread as a pair of hands taking advantage...caressing her breasts…powerless to push them away.

When the mmph turned to a yawn she knew it was time to end her reverie. She pulled her feet closer to her hands and reached for the button…it wouldn’t move. She pressed it again…and again…there was no release. What she couldn’t see was that the hog tie cuffs had a kink in the chain. The kink shortened the chain and increased the tension on the cuffs…they were jammed.

Petra’s mind went back to when she was stuck as a teen. The fear of being discovered like this was a concern but first and foremost was the feeling of desperation. Unlike knots in ropes that could be picked away at, this time she was bound by unyielding steel. She struggled desperately for ten…maybe fifteen minutes…and then took what was to be a short rest.

The combination of the hectic day and the alcohol took their toll and she fell asleep.

The first thing that she was conscious of when she awoke was the ball gag that still filled her mouth. Then she felt the cramps that accompanied being hog tied for hours. Then she became aware of something even more disturbing. Sitting in a neat row were her four buddies. They had brought chairs from the dining room to have front row seats to the “Petra Show”.

‘I expected to wake up to the smell of breakfast’ said Jo. ‘When that didn’t happen I came to investigate. Imagine how amused I was to find you like this. I just had to share it with the others, I hope you don’t mind.’

Petra groaned…even if she hadn’t been gagged there was no way that she could explain this away…her secret was out.

‘When I think back there are times I recall that I should have been suspicious’ said Lou ‘but I thought it was just my imagination. How long has this been going on because wasn’t there was a time when we told each other all of our secrets?’

At that moment Petra was glad that she was gagged and didn’t have to confess that her love of bondage went back to those days.

‘Yesterday I joked that you were a slave’ observed Jo ‘I think this is your way of volunteering to be our slave all weekend. What better way to ensure that we keep your secret.’

The others all voiced their agreement with Jo’s suggestion. Petra was relieved that Jo’s suggestion drew attention away from Lou’s comment…but she had a feeling that it wasn’t a closed topic.

“Blackmail…is that what it’s come down to…and from my dearest companions” thought Petra. “Actually this could be fun!”

‘And another thing’ added Lou ‘there is something else I have always been wondering about. Seeing as you’re in no position to object I’m going to test my hypothesis.’

Lou went around to the foot of the bed…where Petra couldn’t see her…and popped Petra’s big toe into her mouth. She gave it a long sensuous suck. Petra’s body stiffened up and an involuntary moan was rather loud considering the gag. Lou’s tongue darted between Petra’s toes and licked her arches. Gentle hands caressed her heels. Goosebumps covered Petra’s body as waves of pleasure rippled through her.

‘Just what I thought’ purred Lou in a sultry voice ‘my girl likes a bit of footsie.’

‘I love the feel of those goosebumps’ said Suzi as she reached over and rubbed Petra’s bum.

‘I don’t know about you girls’ sighed Danielle ‘but my nipples are getting hard. I wonder if Petra’s are too.’ She slipped a hand between Petra and the bed and began to stroke Petra’s nipple while her other hand was under her pajamas and playing with her own.

‘I want to have some fun too’ complained Jo as she removed the hog tie cuffs. Then she pushed her hand up between Petra’s thighs. ‘This is too tight, can we move her?’

They flipped Petra over onto her back and cuffed her hands over her head to the headboard and then used the other two pairs to spread her legs and fasten them to the bedposts.

Lou continued on the toes while Danielle now had easier access to both boobs. Suzi lost Petra’s bum but switched to kissing and stroking Petra’s tummy while Jo could finally get her fingers into Petra’s pussy.

Petra’s senses were overwhelmed by the attention and it wasn’t long before she had the first of several climaxes. The girls were beginning to take bets on how many they could produce in a row when Petra’s tummy growled ferociously with hunger. Pretty much every inch of Petra’s body blushed with embarrassment as the girls fell into uncontrolled laughter.

‘I guess it’s time to eat’ said Lou with tears of joy running down her cheeks ‘I suppose if our slave is going to make breakfast we’ll have to let her get out of bed.’

Jo took charge and released Petra…temporarily…
Last edited by LordNelson 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter Two

Saturday Morning – Plans for Petra

…Petra was un-cuffed from the bed. The girls each took a wrist or ankle and massaged the circulation back into them. Suzi and Danielle took great amusement straying away from Petra’s ankles to her toes and arches…running teasing fingertips…an occasional kiss…a very slobbery lick.

‘Those marks are going to show for a while’ said Danielle looking at the red rings the cuffs had left.

‘Those marks are going to be there all weekend’ said Jo ‘we can’t have our slave running around free.’

The others laughed at the idea of Petra being bound all weekend…they had no idea that Jo was serious…they were about to find out.

When they were done tending to Petra she stood to get dressed but Jo stopped her. She re-cuffed Petra’s hands in front and her ankles.

‘There’s an old saying that the perfect woman is barefoot and pregnant’ observed Suzi ‘but I think in our case the perfect woman is barefoot and bound.’

‘I agree’ Jo declared ‘Now you’re ready to go make breakfast’

Petra couldn’t object…she was still gagged…and any objections the others may have had were dismissed by Jo pushing Petra out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.

‘Lou and Danielle can get the fire going again’ said Jo taking command ‘Suzi can fold up her bed again and I’ll make sure that Petra doesn’t get into any trouble.’

Petra shuffled with bound ankles to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast as best she could. Once she got started it really wasn’t all that difficult in spite of being bound. Jo put on the coffee and then sat and sipped while watching Petra do all of the work…she was not joking about making Petra a slave.

Jo remembered how Petra had always been the one to take charge and give the group the guidance it needed. There were a few times that Jo had resented not having more input. Doing this to Petra was not really revenge…she loved her too dearly to be so petty…but it was nice to be the one in charge and also the idea of dominating Petra was a bit of a turn-on.

As Petra prepared the meal she thought about what had happened this morning. Being discovered…twice…first the bondage fetish…then the foot fetish…wasn’t as traumatic as she had expected and the molesting was wonderful. She wondered if it was all just teasing or if there was more to it…she had two days to find out.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the frying bacon sputtered…launching tiny droplets of hot grease into the air…some of them settling on Petra’s tits. Jo saw Petra’s little dance as she tried to avoid getting spattered and rushed over with an apron and a wash cloth. After cleaning Petra’s breasts…with a little more rubbing than was really necessary…she tied on the apron and had fun smoothing out a few wrinkles…once again mostly over those lovely boobs.

Soon the table was laden with crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, mounds of buttered toast and greasy fried potatoes. Steaming coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice rounded out the menu.

‘I’m going to need the key to those cuffs’ said Danielle with a mouthful ‘this girl is going home with me, I’ll never have to cook again.’

‘On Monday before leaving we’ll have to hold a lottery for her’ joked Jo ‘until then we are going to have to share her.’

Then Jo told them of her plan. At first shocked they all soon came to realize that this could be a very interesting weekend. Petra…who had been un-gagged to eat…kept munching and didn’t voice any objections.

‘Our dear Petra obviously likes to be a helpless captive as shown by the state I found her in this morning. Her behaviour since then has only served to confirm that a complete role reversal is what we need. She is going to go from being our unofficial leader to being our very official servant. And may I add that her duties will most likely extend well beyond menial household tasks.’

They all nodded in agreement that they expected more than just cleaning and cooking. Once again Petra had no complaints and kept eating.

Petra sat between Suzi and Danielle who both covertly played footsies with Petra as they ate. Now that her foot fetish secret was out Petra didn’t know if this was just a bit of teasing to try and fluster her or if this was a serious attempt to be intimate. Their motivation didn’t really matter…for now…Petra was just enjoying the attention.

She knew that if she confronted either of them now, in front of the others, they might not be forthcoming. She would have to wait until she was alone with them later to confirm how they felt. For the moment the contrast of Suzi’s big perfect foot on one side and Danielle’s tiny foot on the other was like being in heaven.

‘Here is the schedule that I propose’ continued Jo ‘from breakfast until lunch today she belongs to Danielle. After she makes lunch she is Lou’s until supper. After supper we can all share her by the fire. Tomorrow she is Suzi’s in the morning and mine in the afternoon and shared again in the evening.’

‘Monday before we leave each of us can each say goodbye in whatever manner we wish.’

‘May I make a proposal?’ asked Lou. ‘I suggest that Petra be kept naked and barefoot as much as possible, bound whenever it suits us and gagged as necessary. She has been that way to this point and it seems to be a satisfactory arrangement.’

This comment was the first to make Petra pause…she imagined being a captive all weekend…being bound…gagged…barefoot…and more molesting. She attempted to speak for the first time to say that she loved the idea but before she could get word out Jo clamped a hand tightly over her mouth.

‘Learn your place slave’ she admonished ‘you speak only when we tell you to. Another infraction and the gag goes back in and you go hungry and we eat your food.’

Suzi quickly reached for Petra’s bacon but Jo slapped her hand. ‘Not yet’ she scolded ‘that’s still Petra’s…for now.’

Petra resumed eating. She now knew her new standing in the group.
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Post by LordNelson »

Chapter Three

Saturday Morning - Danielle Gets Pampered

As her mistresses sat by the fire finishing their coffee Petra cleared off the table and tidied the kitchen. The task didn’t require any concentration so her attention was on her new owners.

Danielle was still in her pajamas…pink Babydoll style lingerie with a low cut frilly top and skimpy panties. She wore a silly looking pair of fuzzy slippers which had heels.

Lou wore a robe over her underwear, a white lacy bra and matching panties, but left the robe open. She deliberately sat in a manner that allowed the robe to fall away and show off her body. She was barefoot.

Jo wore blue and white striped man style pajamas but somehow managed to make them sexy and feminine. The silky material seemed to cling to her curves in all the right places. She wore a thick pair of woolly white socks.

Suzi had a red tank top and black spandex leggings. This morning Petra found her the most attractive with her fiery red hair brushing her bare shoulders and a smattering of freckles plunging from her neck into her cleavage. She wore a thin pair of white athletic ankle socks and Petra once again noted how sexy her perfectly shaped feet looked.

Everyone looked her way as the rattling of her cuffs announced her approach. Jo tossed the gag to Danielle and said ‘She’s all yours, just make sure you’re done with her in time for her to make lunch.’

‘Actually can she can sit here with you for a while?’ asked Danielle ‘I need to take a shower.’

Jo looked a little upset, it was her intention that Petra be a total captive and not have any time to herself. She realized she had not made that clear.

It was Lou who read that look and came up with an instant solution. Without a word she looked Danielle in the eye and winked. That was all it took for Danielle to catch on.

‘On second thought’ she said to Petra ‘come with me now.’

She strapped the gag onto Petra and pinched a nipple to lead her away. Petra shuffled as fast as she could with bound ankles and Danielle noticed and slowed down. She was still a bit nervous about what they were doing to Petra and was trying not to be too aggressive.

In the washroom she commanded Petra to remove her pajamas and then kneel on the floor to remove her slippers. Petra awkwardly dropped to her knees trying not to get tripped up by the ankle cuffs. Danielle removed the gag and ordered Petra to kiss her feet. The natural assumption for most people is to consider this an act of domination…forcing someone to do an undesirable act. Danielle soon realized that for Petra this was in no way undesirable.

Petra caressed Danielle’s ankle and lifted the foot. She kissed the heel and then ran her tongue along the arch to the toes. She sucked on the toes and ran her tongue between them. Then she gave the other foot equal attention.

Danielle had no idea that her feet could be so sensual and she felt a little uncomfortable with how arousing it was. Having never before enjoyed being pleasured by another woman she was quickly realizing that the sexual teasing was more than just innocent torment.

‘Enough of that’ she said in an unsteady voice ‘run the shower please.’ Petra got to her feet, not an easy task with ankles bound and shuffled to the shower stall. She turned the taps and stepped aside when the temperature was nice and steamy. Danielle stepped in and began to close the door. Petra put her hand out to stop it. Danielle gave her a puzzled look and Petra, speaking for the first time, simply said ‘May I wash your back please?’ Danielle let her in.

Petra soaped up a thick wash cloth and rubbed her back but didn’t stop there. She had admired this amazing body many years ago…and had many fantasies about it…and now it was here…real and touchable. She scrubbed every inch of it from top to bottom…lingering on the best bits…using more than her hands on others.

Petra cupped her hands and collected water to rinse the soap suds off of Danielle’s breasts. She gently dribbled the water over them watching it flow over and around the stunning curves. Quivering droplets dangled from the erect nipples…Petra flicked one with her tongue…embraced the other with her lips. Danielle shivered with ecstasy at Petra’s touch.

Petra soaped up her hand and reached down to Danielle’s crotch. She lathered it up and then using the hand-held shower head she shot water up into the pussy to rinse it. To make sure there weren’t any traces of soap left Petra dropped to her knees. It was the first time that Danielle had ever had such a talented tongue inside of her. She took hold of Petra by the hair and held her there until an erotic tremor shook her body.

Danielle staggered back against the wet wall and slid down to the floor. Petra put her cuffed hands over her and pulled her close. She held her tight…the hot water washed over them…Danielle cried with joy.

Petra was equally affectionate with the towel as she dried Danielle’s satisfied body.

‘After that I need some pampering’ said Danielle when she finally spoke ‘is there such a thing as a bondage spa? I think we’re going to invent one.’

Petra smiled…she had just recently experienced her first bondage spa…she said nothing not wanting to spoil the moment.

Petra delighted in helping Danielle put on her bra and panties. As most women are, she was even sexier when hiding her assets than when she was naked. Then Petra opened up her make-up kit and was amazed to see the amount of things Danielle had brought for a simple weekend.

Petra…kneeling of course…started with Danielle’s feet. First with moisturizer…then giving a complete pedicure…finishing with a coat of shiny red polish. More moisturizer…ankles…calves…knees…thighs.

‘Is the polish dry yet?’ asked Danielle.

Petra touched it gently and nodded that it was.

‘Good’ smiled Danielle ‘I have an idea.’ She pushed her foot between Petra’s thighs…Petra spread her legs…Danielle kept pushing until her big toe was penetrating as far as it would go into her. She wiggled the toe…Petra squirmed…Danielle smiled.

‘Now you can do my fingernails’ she said as she placed her hands on her lap ‘please concentrate, we wouldn’t want any mistakes.’

As Petra performed the manicure Danielle did her best to distract her using that toe in ways that neither of the women had ever imagined was possible. When the nails finally gleamed bright red to match her toes she extracted it with a giggle.

‘That was fun for me’ she snickered ‘I hope you liked it too.’

Petra nodded in reply. She wondered if Danielle was asking so many questions hoping that she could trick Petra into talking so that she could discipline her. Petra was tempted to say something to see just what sort of punishment might be doled out.

Next Petra had her strip naked again and lie down on the bed for a massage. She started at the shoulders and neck and worked her way down. She just happened to be appreciating the attractive curves of Danielle’s bum when her master made a comment.

‘I’m loving this’ she cooed ‘but be careful not to miss even an inch, I’ll know.’

It was a cleverly worded challenge…and partially a threat…one that Petra knew how to respond to.

Scooping up a dollop of the cream on her fingertip she gently inserted it up Danielle’s lovely bum. Petra had never explored anal sex before but there seemed to be no better time than the present. The slippery digit easily went all the way it.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ snapped Danielle as her body tensed up from head to toe. The powerful gluteus muscles contracted and Petra’s finger was trapped. Even if she wanted to extract it…which she didn’t…it was going nowhere.

Danielle remained frozen until it dawned on her what she had told Petra. ‘Every inch. That’s what I said. Every fucking inch!’ She took a deep breath and relaxed…her body unstiffened…the finger became mobile again.

Petra pulled it out…and then back in…and out again. Danielle tried her best to appreciate the incursion into her nether regions but she was just a little too uptight. When Petra saw that she was too tense to enjoy it she removed the offending finger and finished the massage.

Danielle rolled over and Petra started again at the top and working her way down. When she reached the glorious pussy she knew that after the anal incursion Danielle would be expecting a repeat performance. Petra teased going over and around but never into.

‘You mischievous bitch’ barked Danielle as she realized that Petra was tormenting her ‘what don’t you understand about every damn inch.’

That was all the invitation Petra needed as she wedged one…then two…then three fingers in. After a wiggle or two Danielle was so turned on that she grabbed Petra’s wrist and began to hump her hand. Her eyes closed and her face had a fierce intensity. Once again…as in the shower… a shockwave ran through Danielle’s body…then she went limp.

Petra felt that at that moment she needed to be more of a friend than a slave. She awkwardly made her way to Danielle’s side…as gracefully as the cuffs would allow…and cuddled up to Danielle.

‘Wow’ Danielle said in an out of breath whisper ‘that’s twice you got me’ and she hugged Petra in return.

There was a knock on the door and Jo called ‘half an hour to lunch. Whatever hell you’re putting Petra through has to stop soon so that she can cook for us.’

‘Is this hell?’ asked Danielle jokingly as she squeezed Petra. Petra nodded an affirmative. ‘You cheeky witch’ she exclaimed and she gave Petra a slap on the bottom.

‘I guess your last duty before we eat is going to be to pick out something for me to wear and help me to put it on.’ Petra started to get up. ‘Not so quick’ complained Danielle as she pulled Petra back and held her tighter ‘I want those tits against me a little longer.’

Deleted User 236

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Thanks for posting this,again. Lets see how far we get this time
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Post by LordNelson »

Chapter Four

Saturday Afternoon – Lou Confesses

Petra had not only planned the meals but prepared much of the food ahead of time to maximize the time spent with her friends. Lunch was a hearty chicken stew with buttermilk biscuits and chunks of cheese. While the soup heated on the stove and the biscuits were warming in the oven she sliced up an assortment of fruits and melons to serve for dessert.

Working in the kitchen with handcuffs on was not as difficult as one might expect and it hardly slowed Petra down at all…she just had to remember to take short steps. The girls were reluctant to hide Petra’s boobs under an apron but they had to concede that they were safer there.

Danielle sat at the table wearing the outfit that Petra had selected…a short black skirt and a sleeveless red blouse…not exactly camping clothes but Danielle had not packed anything casual. She had wanted to wear stockings and heels but Petra talked her into bare legs and most importantly bare feet. Petra was pleased that she had also talked her out of wearing underwear as her nipples showed nicely through the thin silky blouse.

Lou looked sensational. She was still in her sexy bra and panties from breakfast but had discarded the robe.

Jo had changed out of her pajamas and was wearing a snug black tank top and a pair of black spandex cycling shorts with thin black ankle socks. She had never been athletic but her body looked very fit in that outfit.

Suzi was going for a run after lunch and wore a shiny black track suit with lime green lightning bolts on the sleeves and legs.

Petra found it funny that when eating her nakedness and bondage was seemingly unnoticed. They gossiped about friends, family and neighbors. They gave updates on their jobs, inventories of their companions (or lack of same) and complained about getting older. They all bragged about sexual conquests and performance but at the same time they all knew that there was a slight amount of exaggeration to each story.

After the meal the fruit salad was eaten in front of the fire and then it was time for Lou to take Petra. Suzi left for her run and Danielle, who had reluctantly been talked into trying her hand at fishing by Jo, changed into a more suitable outfit.

Lou waited for Petra to clear up the kitchen and then took charge. She switched Petra’s hands to being cuffed behind her and strapped the gag on. She stood for a long moment seeming to be uncertain what to do next. Then she led Petra over to the fireplace and had her lie down on the big rug that was there.

Petra could feel the radiating heat on her breasts and thighs. She looked up at Lou who towered over her. Lou took one step to stand over her, straddling her with a leg on either side of her hips. The bra and panties hid just enough to teasingly make Petra wonder what it would be like to slowly strip them off of her.

The fire cast a flickering orange shimmer on Lou’s body accentuating the gentle curves of her lean firm physique.

‘Do you remember that party that we went to and I got really drunk?’ she asked. Petra nodded.

‘I was only pretending to be drunk’ she said ‘I wanted one of the boys to try to take advantage of me. Do you remember what happened next?’ Petra nodded again.

‘No one hit on me, I was so disappointed. Billy wanted you but you stayed with me instead. You wiped my tears away and walked me home. I’ve been in love with you ever since then.’

Lou slowly sank down until she was kneeling and her thighs were resting on Petra’s. She put her hands gently onto Petra’s hips.

‘You took me to my bedroom and took my clothes off to put my pajamas on. I remember when you pulled off my socks…how you lingered over my feet…how you touched them…just for a moment. I wasn’t sure what to think of it then…that’s why I had to prove it this morning.’

‘You’ve had a foot fetish all this time and I’ve suspected it but never had the courage to confront you sooner to confirm it. To think of all the time we have wasted.

Lou leaned forward and placed her hands on Petra’s breasts and began to massage. The warmth of the caring hands felt better than the warmth of the fire but the loving caresses were not the only affection that Lou was showing. She slipped her legs back until her feet touched Petra’s feet. They rubbed and explored and Petra was in heaven as they sensuously entwined.

‘That night when you put me to bed you kissed me’ whispered Lou ‘and then you kissed me again. You kissed me a lot. The next day neither of us mentioned it. I’m sure you thought I was too drunk to remember and that you were drunk enough to lose control. I wasn’t drunk at all and I think you knew exactly what you were doing. It’s a shame we couldn’t face our feelings for each other then and had to wait all these years.’

Lou took off the gag and they kissed again…as they had before…but not like before. This time there was no reluctance…no guilt…no fear…only passion.

After half an hour Lou sat up. ‘The others may be back soon’ she said ‘we need more privacy.’

She stood up and took hold of the end of the rug. With surprising strength she pulled Petra down the hallway to her bedroom and placed her at the foot of the bed. She removed the cuffs from Petra’s ankles and wrists and re-cuffed her wrists to the legs of the bed. Petra laid there on her back with her arms spread wide.

‘This bondage stuff is new to me’ Lou admitted ‘and kind of weird but now that I’m trying it, I think it’s fun.’ Lou knelt down over Petra and unfastened her bra. Then she thrust her boobs into Petra’s face. Petra grabbed the bra with her teeth and wrestled it off as Lou laughed at her efforts.

‘Let’s see how you do with this one’ giggled Lou as she pushed her crotch into Petra’s face. Petra bit into the panties and tugged them down. Lou wiggled like an erotic dancer as she helped Petra dispose of the panties.

‘Which do you like more? This…’ asked Lou as she pushed her pussy into Petra’s face. ‘…or how about this?’ as she shoved her boobs in next. She sat back and before Petra could make a choice she asked ‘or how about this?’

Lou turned around and slid down Petra’s body and legs like a slithering snake until she had Petra’s toes in her mouth. Petra’s feet were less than spotless after having been barefoot for several hours but that didn’t deter Lou, she found it had a natural quality to it. She lifted her own feet to Petra’s face and she began to kiss them.

Petra, who had been feeling a little guilty that her feet were in less than pristine condition, could smell the aroma of Lou’s feet which were also not so fresh. She had never been one to shy away and was pleased that Lou, who was licking her arches, didn’t seem to be either.

After a while Lou turned around again and cuddled up to Petra.

‘I’m not sure if I’m really into this kinky stuff’ she said ‘but I owed it to you to try to say thanks for your kindness all those years ago.’

They cuddled for a while longer. As Lou toyed with Petra’s breasts Petra wanted very much to fondle Lou’s breasts too, which were so close and yet untouchable. She knew that if she had asked Lou would have removed the cuffs but Petra wanted to remain bound. She hoped that Lou would come to not only to simply accept bondage but to embrace it as an alternative way of life.

Lou looked at the time and untied Petra from the bed. ‘The others will be back soon and I’m sure they’ll be hungry’ said Lou ‘lets’ get to the kitchen.’

‘You had better cuff and gag me again.’

‘I think you can make one meal as a free woman.’

‘Don’t let the others hear you talk like that or you’ll end up like me.’

‘Do you really think so?’

‘I do, and worse. I can imagine how they might punish you. You could be scrubbing toilets with the brush in your teeth!’

‘Eeeww! Gross!’

Lou put the cuffs back on and the gag too but not before giving Petra a big kiss.

Jo and Danielle were back, proud of the fish they had caught. Danielle had a huge smile as she held up the ones she had caught. She put them into the sink and then her nose wrinkled up. ‘I thought it was just the fish that stink’ she said in a disgusted tone ‘but I stink too, I’m going to get out of these clothes.’

Jo showed Petra how to clean and filet the fish and then took her out onto the deck to barbeque them. For the first time Petra was nervous. The idea of public bondage was something that appealed to her but the reality was that too many others frowned on it and it could get them expelled from the resort.

Even though their driveway was fairly long the barbeque was turned so that it faced the road and Petra could hide behind it. Between that and the apron she was well concealed but she was still poised to dash into the cabin, as fast as her ankle shackles would allow, should anyone come near. Even Jo showed that she was a little nervous by removing Petra’s gag so that no passerby would see it.

Petra had just placed a heaping platter of fish and grilled vegetables on the table when Suzi, back from her run, came in with a shopping bag in her hand. ‘I’ve got something to show you all after supper’ she said as she tossed it aside. She kicked off her shoes and said ‘Let’s eat, I’m starving.’

Danielle came back in having changed out of the smelly clothes and back into her vest top and skirt (still without underwear) with the addition of a pair of sheer black stockings. ‘Look at you’ said Lou ‘aren’t you all looking formal for supper.’ ‘I have an image to maintain’ laughed Dani as she teased ‘one of us has to be the hot one.’

Suzi peeled off her track suit to reveal a bright yellow sports bra and matching bikini briefs. Her body glistened slightly with sweat and she shook loose her pony tail with a cascade of red hair tumbling to her shoulders. Petra had never seen a woman do a strip tease but she imagined that even a professional couldn’t have been much sexier than that. The others were all having similar thoughts.

‘Speaking of stinking’ said Suzi ‘I’m not going to be too welcome at the table, it seems that I worked up a bit of a sweat. I think our slave should get me a change of clothes.’

Petra dashed off to Suzi’s room. She looked through her clothes and found that it was mostly athletic wear, a lot of brightly colored spandex bras and shorts and a few pairs of leggings. What caught Petra’s eye was an olive green t-shirt and a pair of camo shorts. The military-style outfit had a looser more comfortable look in contrast to the other tight fitting clothes. She returned with the outfit and a fresh pair of panties…and a steaming wash cloth.

She removed Suzi’s bra and wiped down her shoulders, back and then breasts. She deliberately did it in a very provocative way and watched the others as they stared in fascination…obviously aroused. As the cloth wiped its way erotically downwards it pushed at the panties until they slipped over Suzi’s hips and slid to the floor.

Petra teasingly swabbed Suzi’s crotch approaching penetration and then stopping short several times. ‘You flirtatious little bitch’ snarled Suzi ‘you get me going and then stop?’ Petra…having accomplished what she meant to do…ignored the comment and began down Suzi’s thighs.

Petra was kneeling when she got to Suzi’s feet and she stooped over and removed her socks with her teeth. Suzi took advantage to bend over and slap Petra’s ass. ‘Now I’m getting hot and supper is getting cold’ she said. Petra gave her feet a few licks and then finished with the cloth before getting her dressed.

The girls all looked very appreciative of the show that Petra had put on with Suzi. They were standing in a row and Petra couldn’t help but notice their feet all in a line. Lou was still barefoot, Jo had those sexy little black ankle socks and Danielle’s toes looked very sexy through the sheer black nylon. For Petra it was a virtual buffet that she wanted to sample but the real food was waiting and the ladies feet would have to wait.

After they ate Suzi showed them what she had in the shopping bag…
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Chapter Five

Saturday Evening – The Great Pretender

‘I went to the resort supply store and bought a few things’ Suzi explained as she dumped the contents of the bag onto the floor ‘and they had everything I was looking for.’

Spilling out into a pile were various lengths of colorful rope, rolls of duct tape and some assorted scarves.

‘Poor Petra needs a break from those cuffs’ said Suzi ‘and I thought these might be useful.’

‘Before you get any ideas this is not from personal experience’ Suzi declared ‘I looked it up on the internet.’

At first reluctant to get into it the girls were soon handling the gear and practicing their knots. They removed the cuffs from Petra and sat in a circle around her on the floor.

‘We need to learn about this bondage thing’ said Jo.

‘Who better to teach us than Petra’ suggested Lou.

The first lesson was a basic tie. Petra showed them how to make a Lark’s Head which is the start of a proper tie and she emphasized neatness as each wrap should be snug and tight to the previous one. Then she taught them to cinch each tie so that it was secure without being too tight and cutting off the circulation.

The rest of the evening was spent with Petra guiding them through demonstrations of hog ties, ball ties and frog ties…even a little Shibari. She taught them that a cleave gag needs a wad or it’s not effective, that OTM’s look pretty but are too easy to slip off and that tape gags work good but are a bitch to remove.

The lessons got rowdier as the wine bottles got emptier. By the end of the evening Petra was spread eagle face down on a rug in the middle of the floor with her arms and legs bound to various pieces of furniture. Danielle had fun gagging her by stuffing two scarves into her mouth and then using a third to hold them in with a cleave gag. Not wanting the fourth and last scarf to go to waste Jo tightly blindfolded Petra leaving her totally helpless.

Since all four mistresses had acquired most of their previous bondage knowledge from 50 Shades of Grey they each took a turn flogging Petra with a belt that Danielle had fetched. The strokes were light and just for fun except for Suzi who put a little more into it than she should have.

After the first few vigorous strokes made Petra flinch and moan into the gag and left red marks across Petra’s bum the belt was confiscated from Suzi’s hand and she grumbled until it was replaced with another drink.

Once again the end of the evening was signalled by a contagious yawn spreading through the group. After Petra was untied it was hugs and kisses all around and then back to maid duty as she cleaned up while Lou helped Suzi to pull out the folding bed and put on the sheets and blankets. They were so tired they forgot to tie up Petra and she said nothing…she was enjoying a bit of freedom after having been bound all day.

The lights were turned out and Petra looked for Lou…she was nowhere in sight. Then she came through the front door…’I stepped out for a moment’ she said. She had the bag of bondage gear in one hand and something else in the other. She held it up to show Petra…it was a wide black leather dog collar with silver studs…and a silver chain leash. ‘I had these in my car’ she said ‘I have a big dog, it should fit you.’

She buckled the collar onto Petra and then snapped the leash onto the silver ring.

She pulled a rope out of the bag and went through the checklist as she tied Petra’s hands behind her. ‘First the Lark’s Head…then three wraps…nice and neat…and then cinch it twice…finishing with a Square Knot.’

‘How did I do?’ she asked. Petra gave her wrists a wiggle…not too tight but secure…’Perfect’ she said. Lou then towed Petra to her bedroom with the leash.

‘I only pretended to be drunk again’ Lou said with a wink ‘we need more practice.’
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Chapter Six

Sunday Morning – Suzi Strikes Again

Petra woke up and that was all. No morning mouth taste of being gagged…no hog tied all night cramps…no aching of bound ankles and wrists. Lou was sleeping peacefully beside her.

They had stayed up past midnight to continue Lou’s bondage education. Petra showed her how to enhance a woman’s beauty with crotch ropes and breast binding. Lou had even let Petra try some ties on her. She didn’t find the bondage itself stimulating but when Petra took advantage of it to molest her she learned that being tied really intensified the arousal.

Petra woke her up with a long passionate kiss…not on her lips. Lou responded with a groggy moan. Petra untied the knot at the back of her neck allowing her to spit out the worn socks and stretch her jaw before saying good morning. Petra put her arms round Lou, squeezing her breasts while Lou's fingers tickled Petra between her legs as both women moaned. Lou's hands were tied behind her back and in the perfect position.

"Time to reverse our positions again." Said Petra untying Lou's wrists before sharing a long wet lip kiss.

Lou tied her slave with a pair of rope handcuffs that Petra had taught her how to tie last night. They were much more comfortable than the steel ones. Then another pair for her ankles and a simple cleave gag and Petra was ready to make breakfast.

The smell of brewing coffee filled the cabin and lured the hung over women out to the dining table. Petra, with Lou’s assistance, had a mound of hot waffles waiting for them with a pitcher of Canadian maple syrup.

Lou had put on a plain white t-shirt and nothing else…it barely covered her bum and pussy. Suzi had a grey halter top and black ankle length leggings. Jo was in short red dress with thick black tights with heels. Danielle as expected wore a white blouse, grey pencil skirt, natural stockings and red pumps with three inch heels. Petra as usual was naked except for the ropes and the colourful scarf between her teeth.

Breakfast was eaten and plans were made for the day. Lou and Danielle were going to visit an antique shop in a nearby village. Jo said she had to make a few preparations for her afternoon with Petra. Petra was Suzi’s for the morning.

Petra wondered what it was that Jo had planned that would require advance preparation and was hoping that it would be fun. Her thoughts were more focused on Suzi and the prospect of being prisoner to such an imposing woman.

While Petra cleared the table Jo left immediately, not saying where she was going. Lou got dressed and she and Danielle departed shortly after. On the way out Lou handed the bag of bondage gear to Suzi. Before their car was even out of the driveway Suzi had re-gagged Petra stuffing her discarded socks and panties from yesterday into her mouth before cleave gagging it again…she tied it very tight.

Suzi retied Petra’s wrists behind her…again very tight. Then she sat Petra on the table and bound her ankles together. Petra realized that she couldn’t walk like this and wondered what Suzi had planned. She didn’t have to wonder for long.

Suzi picked Petra up and put her over her shoulder. She carried Petra to her bedroom and tossed her onto the bed. She dumped out the ropes and began.

First Petra’s elbows were pulled together until they touched. Then ropes were tied above and below her knees. Then she was pulled into a hog tie until her fingers touched her heels. The pain was bearable for now but Petra was concerned how long Suzi was going to keep her like this.

‘When I went on the internet yesterday to look up bondage gear I saw some images that seemed rather extreme. I don’t know why but those were the images that appealed to me. I couldn’t get them out of my mind and went back to look at them again several times.’

‘I knew that I had to recreate some of those positions with you.’

Suzi studied Petra closely. She seemed fascinated by the effect that the extreme bondage had on Petra’s body. Her intense interest in the effect that the ropes had on Petra did not ease Petra’s concerns. Petra was soon to find out just how far she could be pushed. Suzi climbed on the bed behind Petra and began to lightly tickle her feet before digging her nails into Petra's soles then dragging her nails down the poor victim’s bare feet. She then began to suck and bite Petra's toes. Once finished she rolled Petra onto her side, examined her nipples and then felt between her legs the wetness.

"I think you enjoyed that." She announced. Petra blushed all over.

After a thorough study of the hog tie Suzi retied Petra spread eagle on the bed but it wasn’t a normal spread eagle. Fastened with thick ropes to the sturdy posts of the bed Petra found herself hanging above the mattress by her wrists and ankles. Her lowest point…her bottom…was at least six inches from the bed. Once again Suzi was attentive to the discomfort that she was causing and seemed to really enjoy the moans of stress that Petra found impossible to stifle.

Again the soles of Petra's feet were the first target of her attack with fingernails. After that Petra was blindfolded with a further scarf. Suzi began to lightly spank Petra's suspended bum delighting as she saw the captive squirm and twist in her bonds adding to her torment. This was followed by pinching and flicking of her nipples, Suzi studying how they stood firm in response to stimulation.

Petra, blindfolded, was in a heightened state of arousal, unable to see what Suzi was doing next. Suzi for her part retrieved the belt from last night and began to gently, then not so gently, slap Petra's buttocks, breasts (avoiding the nipples), and even the soles of her feet.

The torture finally stopped and Suzi once again felt between Petra's thighs. ‘Hmm. I don't know which part precisely worked but you are even more turned on than before.’

Next was a strappado tie from the rafters of the ceiling that had Petra standing barely balanced on her tiptoes, with her ankles and knees also bound with rope. Just when Petra thought that Suzi might make it mercifully short she instead spun Petra around en pointe like a bondage ballerina. Once again Suzi took the opportunity to use the belt on Petra's behind, harder than before. She also began to play with her captives hanging breasts, even attaching wooden clothes pegs to the nipples, causing Petra's eyes to water behind her scarf.

Once finished with the torment, Suzi again checked the dampness between her captive’s legs.

After that was a simpler position that had Petra hung by her wrists above her head to the rafter. Hanging motionless may have been bearable but Suzi began to make her squirm, tickling under her arms, her tummy, backs of knees, even the crack of her bottom. She then swung her back and forth a few times by pushing on her pussy and then spun her around by grabbing her tits. As Petra twirled Suzi would slap her ass as it went by with the belt, again becoming firmer with each blow. She finished again examining Petra's juices and making comments about her arousal.

Then she was hung upside down by her ankles. Suzi tied them separately and spread Petra’s legs wide. The previous ties had been for observation but this one had Suzi getting interactive as she vigorously fingered Petra. When she lowered Petra she paused with Petra’s head just above the floor which was the perfect height for her to lick Petra’s toes. She scraped the soles of her feet with fingernails, sucked her toes, licked between her toes and eventually removed Petra's gag, putting her own toes into her slaves mouth. Toes which Petra sucked vigorously despite her pain and suffering at Suzi's hands.

Suzi was fascinated by Petra’s foot fetish and even though she didn’t share the interest she enjoyed watching how Petra reacted to her feet being stimulated. After thoroughly playing with Petra’s toes, arches and heels she sat on the floor and swung Petra back and forth by pushing her own bare foot into Petra’s face.

Petra was trying to be a good sport and tolerate Suzi’s experiments with extreme bondage but it was getting difficult. Petra had no problem with the pain and discomfort but Suzi’s clinical manner with a total lack of affection was taking the fun out of the experience.

Time was running out and for the first time, unlike her sessions with Dani and Lou, Petra looked forward to it ending. Suzi had just enough time left for one more tie up. She placed Petra on her back, on the bed, re-gagged her, and tied her wrists to the bedposts. Then in a variation of a spread eagle she tied ropes to Petra’s ankles but the other end was tied to the top of the posts at the head of the bed. This folded Petra in half lifting her legs with her feet almost touching her hands.

Petra’s bum was slightly off of the bed and her pussy was raised up high. Suzi stripped off her clothes and climbed onto the bed. She buried her face in Petra’s twat. From the first penetration of the tongue to the final nibble Suzi went nonstop until their time was done. Petra writhed with pleasure and her muffled moans of ecstasy were music to Suzi.

Finally Suzi was showing some passion and her hands were in constant motion playing with Petra’s bum and boobs but she never lifted her head once. Her aggressive fashion was new to Petra but not an unwelcome change and she strained against the ropes as her body responded to Suzi’s erotic assault.

A gentle knock on the door and a polite reminder from Jo that it was almost lunch time brought the aggressive orgy to an end but not before one last creative effort from Suzi. She untied Petra’s legs and let them down. Then she untied the arm ropes from the posts but left the other end tied to her wrists. Using the two ropes she turned Petra around, dragged her to the foot of the bed and retied them to the posts.

As Petra laid on her back with her head hanging over the end of the bed Suzi, removed the gag, spread her legs and straddled Petra’s face. She squeezed Petra’s head between her thighs and Petra began to use her tongue. In contrast to Suzi’s forceful manner Petra was gentle and subtle, more teasing than tormenting.

It was short bit of play and then Suzi released her. She tied Petra’s wrists in front so that she could cook, tied her ankles with enough slack to allow her to shuffle to the kitchen and gagged her with a huge wad of three scarves stuffed in. She finished with crotch rope that had a large knot strategically situated to disappear into Petra and tease her with every step and finally fastened a dog collar round her slave's neck before replacing her clothes, (without underwear) and returning to the main living area, naked slave in tow.

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Chapter Seven

Sunday Lunch – Divine Dessert

As Suzi pulled her slave into the kitchen Petra noted that she was being dragged along at a pace that was deliberately just a little faster than comfortable…Suzi was still testing and tormenting her. The collar was a notch tighter than when Lou had put it on, the huge gag made her jaw ache, her bonds were extra tight and most of all the knotted crotch rope shifted with every step applying a sensation of simultaneous pleasure and pain. Petra loved it.

The others had been gentle, maybe even respectful, but Suzi was embracing the role of dominatrix and going beyond to be a tormentor too. Petra could see that Suzi’s nipples were hard, she was more than just curious, she was getting off on this. The only thing that wasn’t obvious was whether she was turned on by pleasure Petra was experiencing or the pain. The main thing that did matter was that it was great.

The others were back from their outings and sipping tea while awaiting lunch.

‘Don’t you look nice, I like what you’ve done with your pussy’ giggled Lou noticing the crotch rope ‘and I’m glad to see that my collar and leash are still your accessories of choice. I’m never going to look at my dog the same way again!’

‘I’m dying to know’ asked Dani teasingly when she saw the big gag ‘tell us all about this morning.’

Petra gave a few mmphs to amuse them and then turned her attention to Jo who hadn’t said anything yet…she appeared to be lost in thought. Petra found that Jo’s choice of outfit was rather attractive on her. The red dress was a tight fitting knit that hugged every curve and accentuated Jo’s body…the deep V neckline showed just a hint of lacy black bra cups…the short hemline highlighted her legs.

Jo was sitting on a big armchair with her shoes off and her legs pulled up. Her feet hung over the edge, legs crossed at the ankles. The black tights made her feet look quite sexy. Even the heels on the floor had fallen in a way that had a sex appeal to them when she slipped them off. Petra was wondering what Jo had planned and was looking forward to it.

Petra started on lunch heating up a pre-made casserole and toasting some garlic bread that was smothered with cheese. She studied the others as she bumbled around the kitchen deliberately planning the least efficient route from task to task just so that she could get that erotic knot in her twat moving.

Lou was wearing a white blouse with too many buttons open…her cleavage had obviously gotten some assistance from Dani…but it was quite sexy in a trashy sort of way…much like Dani herself. She had a snug fitting pair of black trousers on. She sat on the sofa with her feet up on the coffee table…ankles crossed…thin white socks…another one with sexy feet noted Petra.

Suzi had put the grey halter top and black leggings on again and was barefoot. Her spectacular body made the simple outfit look very eye-catching.

Dani was standing and modelling for the others. On the shopping trip she had found some vintage 1960’s clothes and even though she hadn’t even been born yet she felt compelled to buy them. She had on a very short and very tight mini-dress that was a rainbow of multi-colored stripes running on a diagonal that made one dizzy to watch as she turned to show how tightly the back side hugged her bottom. Red fishnet stockings and knee high shiny black patent leather boots with chunky two inch heels completed the ensemble and reminded Petra of old photos she had seen of the go-go girls that danced in the clubs.

Petra vividly remembered those vintage pictures because the girls danced in cages suspended above the dance floor of the clubs. She wanted so much to be captured and caged just like that…and there was the added fantasy bonus of being made to dance for her captor. Petra liked the idea of being a toy for others to play with.

When they sat to eat Suzi removed the gag slowly savoring every moment. A week ago the thought of a mouth stuffed with dirty socks and worn panties probably would have grossed her out but this weekend Suzi had discovered that she was capable of some very dark behaviour.

Petra was having a revelation of her own at the moment. She discovered that the crotch rope went tighter and the knot went deeper when she sat down. She couldn’t stifle a moan as she sat and it only took a moment for the others to realize what was happening. Nervous giggles progressed to amused giggles and then erupted into laughter. The uneasiness they had been feeling about keeping Petra subjugated for so long was suddenly released as they saw the lighter side of being her mistresses.

After lunch Petra apologized for not having any dessert jokingly saying that she was not getting as much “free time” as she had planned for to do any baking. Suzi suggested that ‘Maybe we could just have a bit of what I was snacking on earlier.’

She pulled Petra’s chair back from the table, untied her ankles and then re-tied them to the legs of the chair. Placing her hands on the back of Petra’s knees she pulled her forward until her bum was half off the edge of the seat. Then she spread Petra’s knees and buried her head in Petra’s pussy.

Petra got goose bumps as Suzi’s tongue pushed on the knot sending shivers through her body. The others, at first mildly shocked, soon joined in. While Dani and Lou began to lick and nibble Petra’s nipples Jo re-gagged her saying ‘We love to make you moan but I’m going to turn down the volume.’

They each took a turn on their knees until Jo pointed out that it was time for her to have a date with her slave. Jo led her away with the leash but instead of going to her own bedroom she went to Petra’s and sat her on the bed.

‘The others have really gotten into this slave thing we have going and of course you are really enjoying it too. There is something that I have always wanted to do but I never have had the opportunity or the courage’ she told Petra ‘it’s really different from what has happened so far so I hope it doesn’t freak you out. I’m your mistress so you must do as you are told but I am not going to tell you everything. That would spoil the surprise.’

Petra had at least a dozen questions on her mind but even if she hadn’t been gagged she would have kept them to herself. Jo was not someone who took a casual approach to anything so Petra knew two things immediately…whatever it was would be well thought out…and if she felt the need to provide a warning it was going to be intense.

Jo untied and un-gagged her and told her ‘Get dressed, you’re going for a walk. I’m getting changed too.’
As she turned to leave the room Petra said ‘Can’t you stay like that, I really am liking the way you look.’

Jo put a hand over her mouth and sternly told her ‘Do as your told and don’t say a word.’
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Chapter Eight

Sunday Afternoon – Jo’s Jeopardy

Petra put on grey tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, ankle socks, trainers, and a suede jacket, not stylish but which would be comfortable for walking. While changing she had imagined an open air bondage session being tied to trees or hog tied on the grass. The risk of outdoor bondage in public where she could possibly be seen was very exciting.

When Jo came back she was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. On her feet were a pair of black boots with a slight military look to them. The ominous outfit was quite sexy and the mood they created was very menacing. Petra knew that under Jo’s no nonsense exterior was a teddy bear so the outfit was just to create a theatrical illusion. What sat uneasy on Petra’s mind was the thought that it was not the sort of clothes that Jo would have brought with her…she must have bought them this morning while she was out.

‘Good, I see that you are ready’ she observed ‘now I want you to go down the driveway and turn left at the main road. Just keep walking and I’ll catch up to you.’

Petra had already been admonished for speaking out so she held her tongue and did as she was told. She walked for about ten minutes thinking that Jo was really going to have to run to catch up. Several vehicles passed by and the occupants waved to Petra who smiled and waved back.

The forest was beautiful and the autumn wildflowers were in bloom and birds were singing reminding Petra why they had come here. Of course she had been too preoccupied to take it in until now.

Another vehicle approached from behind and Petra moved to the shoulder to give it room on the narrow lane. It stopped abruptly in front of her and a dark figure got out and rushed at her. As she was grabbed Petra realized that it was Jo…she was wearing a black ski mask over her face.

Jo slammed Petra onto the boot of the car and quickly, roughly and sloppily tied her hands behind her. Then she plastered several strips of duct tape over Petra’s mouth. She stood Petra up and with the push of the remote button the boot popped open. She not so delicately shoved Petra in.

Once in the boot Jo forcefully twisted Petra’s body around and tied her ankles together. Then she tied her knees and elbows. The elbow rope was quite tight and hurt. The trunk slammed shut. Petra could hear another vehicle pass by but Jo had pulled off her mask by then and waved cheerfully at a family with a van full of kids.

As the car sped off down the lane Petra swayed from side to side with the rocking of the vehicle. She had sustained several bumps during the capture and each movement reminded her of where they were. Petra was impressed by Jo’s aggressiveness and hoped that the rest of her plan included such energy.

Shortly after an abrupt turn…that caused Petra to slide into a heap completely to one side…the car stopped. The boot popped open and Jo reached in and took hold of Petra by the ankle rope. She hauled her out and let her drop to the ground. It wasn’t far to fall but the impact was enough to jar Petra pretty good.

Then Jo grabbed the elbow rope and hauled Petra across the ground on her ass. While being removed from the boot Petra had a quick glimpse of the lake and a dock and what appeared to be a boathouse…she assumed that Jo would keep her out of sight in the ramshackle building.

The door opened with a loud squeak, Petra thumped across the threshold and then the door slammed shut. There were no electric lights but the sunshine streamed through a pair of dusty windows. Petra could see a small boat in the water at the lake end and at the shore end was a plank floor and a work bench.

Hanging from numerous hooks were all sorts of ropes, slings and chains as well as a few pulleys and other assorted nautical gear. That’s all she saw before Jo blindfolded her. Petra wondered just what Jo had planned with all of that gear…there were so many possibilities.

Jo pulled Petra's jacket down to her wrists before she passed a rope around Petra’s body, through her armpits and under her boobs. Sightless Petra had to rely on her senses. The rope felt thick and Jo tied it with a double knot…”she wants it to be secure” thought Petra. She felt a jiggle of the rope and then heard an electric whine…the sound of a motor. The rope around her went tight and then she began to lift from the floor.

A small motorized winch raised Petra to her feet where she only stood for a moment before she was hoisted into the air. Petra's wrists were untied and her jacket was removed and her hands re-tied much tighter and more securely than before. The winch started again and while Petra was being lifted Jo was quite talkative.

‘When I went into town to buy this outfit I went to the café to get a cup of tea and a scone. This guy that was in there started to hit on me. Before I knew it I was the centre of attraction with three blokes all vying for my attention. It was then that I had a wicked idea.’

Petra began to twist as she dangled. She listened for any clue as to what would happen next.

‘So I thought, if they want some action I know just the girl for them. Meet your new friends.’

The door opened with a creak and Petra could hear several people entering. Could this really be happening? Jo had invited strangers to take advantage of her.

Hands began to grab at Petra. Her legs were untied, her shoes, socks and pants removed, her panties discarded. Her ankles were held tightly and her legs spread wide. A finger probed her pussy and a gruff voice declared ‘She’s ready.’

An object began to penetrate her. Petra tried to contract her vaginal muscles to block it. Hands groped her ass and squeezed her boobs as she was violated. And then something, one small thing, rose above the confusion. Petra could smell cooking oil!

She felt her t-shirt and bra being pulled off, no ripped off, they were cutting her remaining clothes off of her with a knife. She tried to scream into her gag.

She focused on her pussy ignoring all the other things that were happening to her. In her mind she formed a clear image. An image of the object invading her cunt. It was a banana! A slippery, oily banana!

Through the layers of tape that gagged her a muffled expletive erupted. The words were barely audible and badly mangled but they all heard and understood when Petra said ‘You fucking bitches!’

Laughter exploded in the boat house as the girls knew they had been found out. That didn’t stop them at all…it didn’t even slow them down. While Suzi did the fruit dildo honours Dani and Lou each took a foot and began to tease and torment with tickling and kissing, slapping and licking. An oily carrot was introduced into her bottom further arousing her. All fear gone she now panted through her nose, her gagged mouth useless. She was sweating despite the cold, her heart raced, she felt humiliated naked and trussed up in front of her friends, penetrated by fruit and veg sex toys, but she felt more alive than ever before.

Jo was simply a spectator. Her pleasure was derived from knowing that she had fooled Petra at least for a little while. But she loosened the belt on her trousers and as the others were concentrating on Petra, her fingers slid inside her knickers. Unknown to the others she had also satisfied a lifelong fetish desire to kidnap someone and who better than her dear friend.

The revelry went on for about an hour and then they let Petra down, dressed her in her jogging, bottoms and a spare sweat shirt and had a picnic on the dock. She had no bra and chose to leave her shoes off, dangling her toes in the cold water. She was joined by Jo, also discarding her shoes and socks temporarily to cool her feet with Petra.

Jo was in tears as she spoke to Petra about how she had spent years, suppressing her desires but today lost control and satisfied herself in kidnapping and orchestrating the abuse of her long-time friend. She was worried she had Hurt Petra. Petra put her arms round Jo and kissed her on the lips before whispering "Forgiven."

When it was time to return to the cabin the four friends stripped and tied Petra up again, gagged her and popped her back into the boot of Jo’s car. Petra wondered why it seemed to be taking a while for the car to get going. Then the trunk opened again and a naked, bound and gagged Lou was crammed in with her. There wasn’t much room for two but Suzi, who was the only one who could lift Lou, thoughtfully stuffed her in so that her boobs were crushing Petra boobs. Being bound and gagged in this manner really limited any intimate contact and it was all that Suzi could come up with.

‘Just a minute’ called Dani as the boot was about to be closed ‘I have an idea.’ She leaned into the boot and re-positioned their feet, giving them a quick tickle in the process ‘Maybe they can play footsie in the dark’ she joked as she slammed the boot shut.

Jo took the long way back and was pleased to find a few bumpy roads.
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Chapter Nine

Sunday Afternoon - Fox & Hound

Since it was her second time locked in the boot of the car Petra had already figured out just how much information could be gathered while bound and gagged and isolated. Even though she was trying to enjoy the company of Lou the two women were very limited in what they could do and she was fully aware of what was happening around her.

Petra was suspicious because it seemed that they had been driving a lot longer than the trip had taken previously and it was a much rougher road. What she didn’t know was that when the car eventually stopped it did so before reaching the cabin. She could hear a conversation from the passenger compartment between Jo, Dani and Suzi but it was muffled and she couldn’t make out what they were saying.

After what seemed like a long time the boot finally popped open. ‘Hello ladies’ said Suzi ‘we thought we would play a little game before supper. You will like this.’ Petra and Lou were taken out of the trunk and while Jo untied their ankles Dani explained the game.

‘It’s called fox and hound and it’s a race to the cabin that is very simple to play. You two will be the foxes and Jo and I will be the hounds. Suzi is going to go ahead to the cabin and be there to judge the winners.’

‘The cabin is straight that direction through the woods’ said Dani pointing towards the trees ‘you will be given a head start and then we will pursue. If you get back first you win. If we catch you we win and also we get to have some fun too.’

Petra and Lou, stark naked, tape gagged and hands bound behind them were both feeling a chill as the sun was starting to go down. The slight stiffening of the nipples that accompanied the chill didn’t go unnoticed as Jo reached out to stroke Petra’s firm buds. Dani gave Lou’s nipples a kiss and a suck that perked them up even more.

Suzi said ‘enough of that, let’s get started before they freeze to death’ and she drove off to return to the cabin. Jo counted down ‘Three, two, one, go.’

The foxes ran. The first of the autumn leaves to fall were dry and crisp and crackled under their bare feet. They zig-zagged through the trees and hopped over low shrubs. Branches and twigs scratched at them as they tried to find the widest path through the growth. Running without shoes wasn’t so bad with the carpet of leaves to cushion their steps. A stiff start soon gave way to a smooth pace as the exercise warmed their bodies and the chill faded.

Petra estimated that it was less than a mile to the cabin and knew that even though she wasn’t as fit as she once had been she could easily cover that distance. She wasn’t so sure about Lou. It didn’t take long before Lou began to fall behind. There was nothing Petra could do to help and she pushed on.

The lush carpet of fallen leaves was not as welcoming as it had first appeared. Hidden were pine cones and twigs that scratched at their feet and turned their ankles. Small stones dug into their soles and tough plants got caught between their toes. Most annoying was not being able to fend off being slapped by branches because of the bound hands. Several times both women winced in pain as they were whipped on their sensitive breasts.

Lou began to stumble a bit as it got harder to keep up the pace. As she encountered the first small hill she failed to step over a clump of vegetation. A thick vine caught her ankle and she went down. Dani and Jo were on her before she could get up.

‘You can have her’ said Jo as she continued her pursuit ‘I want Petra.’

Dani pounced on Lou who was breathing hard, the gag preventing her from catching her breath. Dani noticed the vine across Lou’s ankle and pulled on it. About ten feet of tough stem lifted out from under the leaves with one end still firmly rooted. Dani wrapped it around Lou’s ankle and knotted it. She then scratched around in the leaves with her foot until she uncovered a second vine. She spread Lou’s legs and secured the other ankle.

Lou laid on the ground, covered with leaves, panting and tied wide open. Dani looked around and spotted a bramble bush. She snapped off a thorn covered twig and began to rake it gently across the soles of Lou’s feet. Lou began to thrash around but the tough vines held. Dani enjoyed tormenting her with the thorns and worked her way up Lou’s legs to the nipples that she had kissed a few minutes ago.

Dani slowly circled Lou’s nipples with the twig and watched as Lou’s face flinched each time a thorn dug in. then she crossed the nipple once…twice…three times. Each time Lou’s entire body stiffened as the sharp prickles delivered a mix of pleasure and pain.

When Petra heard the crunch of footsteps behind her she looked back to see Jo closing in on her. Knowing the cabin couldn’t be too far Petra sped up as much as she could. As she reached the top of the last small hill the cabin was in sight. A small dead tree laid on the ground directly in front of her and rather than go around it she tried to jump over. Her foot got caught in the fork of a branch and she crashed to the ground.

She rolled a few times before coming to rest on her back staring at the sky. ‘Not bad’ puffed a winded Jo ‘I probably wouldn’t have caught you if you hadn’t of tripped.’ Jo knelt down pressing one knee firmly into Petra’s crotch. She began to brush the leaves off of Petra’s body, giving special attention to her breasts while the knee gently massaged Petra.

After a few minutes of this special attention while lying in the last warm rays of the setting sun Petra was purring like a contented kitten. Jo let her hands caress Petra’s body and work their way down to her feet. She brushed away the dirt and debris that had accumulated during the chase and then gently licked each of the tiny scratches that had been inflicted. The sting of the wet tongue on her injuries was unexpectedly stimulating and Petra moaned each time the tip touched her.

Ignoring the cooling air Petra wanted this to go on forever but then Dani came over the hill leading Lou. She had managed to uproot the vines and tied one into a crude crotch rope while using the other as a leash. Dani winked at Jo and handed her the bramble twig. Jo smiled without saying a word when she realized what it was for.

She deceptively ran her tongue along Petra’s foot from the heel to the toes and sent shivers through Petra’s body. Petra smiled in anticipation of it happening to the other foot. Then Jo tricked her and rubbed the sharp thorns along her tender arch. Petra tried to pull her foot away but Jo had a firm grip on her ankle. She inserted the twig between Petra’s toes and tortuously pulled it slowly through.

Jo tormented Petra for several minutes but even the two clothed women were starting to feel the dropping temperature. Dani tugged at Lou’s leash and said ‘we should get going.’ Seeing that gave Jo an idea.

Using the leash vine as a crotch rope on Petra they tied her to Lou, face to face. They two nudes now had to wiggle their way down the hill to the cabin. Suzi watched as the girls approached. Jo and Dani were smiling and laughing, they were happy. Not only had they caught their prey but they had a little fun at the same time. Petra and Lou were bound and gagged and dirty with leaves in their hair.

Suzi had abstained from the chase because her athletic prowess gave her an unfair advantage but now it was her turn to have some fun with the slaves. Diplomatically Suzi declared the race a four way tie and awarded prizes to all of the competitors. She surprised Jo and Dani with victory kisses that included lots of tongue and ass grabbing hugs.

Petra and Lou were rewarded a little differently as Suzi took advantage of the face to face binding to give each of them a good spanking. She took charge of them and removed the improvised crotch ropes before bringing them into the house for a hot shower to get the last of the dirt off of their bodies and the leaves out of their hair.

The main washroom was a spacious room with an oversized shower stall designed for a romantic couple to intimately share. Suzi was going to untie the slaves and let them wash each other, the affection they had been showing towards each other hadn’t gone unnoticed but then she changed her mind. She put them in bound and gagged and then stripped down and got in with them.

She began to soap up the submissives taking advantage with a little poke here and a little squeeze there. There was some cleaning getting done but for the most part it was a thorough molesting that was happening. Then the door opened and Jo and Dani, both delightfully naked, squeezed in.

The stall, spacious enough for two, could barely contain five. Sensually wet bodies were pressed together and arms and legs entwined. Busy hands roamed and no one complained. Eventually the damp ropes and tape gags were tossed out and the slaves were free to participate as more than just toys.

Soapy suds and slippery bodies combined into one big erotic mass of flesh until the small hot water tank began to flounder trying to keep up with the demand. Jo and Dani were the first to abandon the cooling cubicle and were applying fluffy towels to each other. Suzi was next to flee the chilling water with the warning that the next one out would receive another spanking.

Petra and Lou held out for a few moments as the water turned frigid but then Lou looked at Petra with a grin and took her hand. They stepped out together and once every nook and crevice had been dried they each had a turn across Suzi’s lap. Then the slaves had their feet slathered by Dani and Jo with a soothing peppermint lotion and their bodies massaged with baby oil while Suzi went for dry ropes and some scarves for gags.

Petra was gagged and her hands were tied in front so that she could make supper. Lou was gagged too but her hands were tied behind, obviously they had different plans for her. Crotch ropes with leashes were applied again and the slaves were towed by Dani and Jo from the room.

It was at this point that Lou accepted that she was now a slave and not a mistress any more. It was a little saddening to think that she wouldn’t get to dominate Petra any longer but the disappointment was offset by the thought of what the others might have planned for her.

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This story is really hotting up (again)
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petraspeds wrote: 6 years ago This story is really hotting up (again)
You are in it...of course it's going to be HOT
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So hot I need to take all my clothes off
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Chapter Ten

Sunday Dinner – Petra Takes Charge

Petra was back to slavery once again. Naked and bound and gagged she prepared the meal while the others sipped wine and chatted and deliberately ignored her just to tease. As she went about readying the meal she was thinking. The girls had their first introduction to bondage this weekend but before they left there had to be something more. Petra just needed to figure out what that would be.

Her enslavers sat in a circle on the big furry rug surrounding their new toy, the bound and gagged Lou. Each one was barefoot and had her feet up on the lap of the girl next to them making a footsie circle. They sipped wine and played with Lou’s body touching her all over and enjoying her reaction. At first it was just to torment Petra but before long they forgot about her and just enjoyed the pleasure of stimulating Lou and being stimulated by each other.

Petra smiled because she couldn’t have planned a better meal for their last supper together. When all was ready she lugged a big tray laden with a dozen glass bowls. She interrupted the circle and moved Lou to spread the bowls around on the floor. Then she went to the kitchen and returned with three hot fondues. Her mistresses had their choice of a cheese, broth or chocolate serving and for dipping there were cubes of meat, veggies and fruit.

Petra broke into the circle and deposited her feet onto Suzi’s lap. It might get a little rough but she had to sit there so that Lou’s feet would be in her lap. Each of the girls sampled several things before removing the gags from Petra and Lou. They were all hungry after the day’s activities and soon the bowls were empty and the fondue pots wiped clean.

Dessert was a Black Forest Cake that Petra had cleverly created in the shape of a foot. A rope of licorice was knotted around the ankle.

A large dollop of cherry filling squirted out of Lou’s slice as she put the fork to it and landed in her cleavage. Petra leaned over and asked ‘May I have your cherry?’ ‘That ship sailed long ago’ joked Dani and everyone laughed except Petra who had her head in Lou’s bosom and her tongue licking erotically. A dab of cake on Jo’s face by Dani led to a full scale food fight but when it was all done not a crumb was wasted as busy tongues cleaned up the messes that their owners made on each other.

They all helped in the cleanup and then retired to the fireplace for tea. That was when Petra took charge. ‘This slave has been dominated all weekend and she has loved it’ announced Petra ‘but it’s time to share the fun with all of you. It’s games night!’

She presented them with two bowls that held slips of paper. In one bowl were their names and the other held slips that read hog tie, frog tie, ball tie and Shibari.

‘You all practiced these techniques on me the other night, now you are going to try them on each other. I’m not participating but I will be judging.’

They each took a slip from both bowls, who they would be tying and how.
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Chapter Eleven

Sunday Evening – Let the Games Begin

Dani – Suzi – Hog tie

Lou – Jo – Ball tie

Suzi – Lou – Shibari

Jo – Dani – Frog tie

Petra was given the ballots, she made her list and they were about to start when Dani said ‘Maybe we should get a bit of practice first?’ They all looked at Petra and knew exactly what Dani meant. Petra for the first time protested that being bound would impeded her judging and a gag would prevent the giving of advice or criticism. Her complaints went unheeded.

Suzi wrestled Petra to the floor and the others swooped in with handfuls of rope. Soon her hands were retied behind her, elbows pulled together, legs bound in four places and another pair of panties were added to the gag. With bulging cheeks and helpless body it didn’t end there.

Dani took great pleasure in wrapping an intricate looping harness around Petra’s breasts while Jo added a crotch rope with a large strategically placed knot. Through all of this Suzi provided the muscle to twist and turn Petra as required while Lou remained an interested (and helplessly bound) observer. They then perched Petra on a chair from which she would judge the competition.

The trio of mistresses now turned their attention to Lou. ‘It’s a shame we have to untie her’ lamented Dani. ‘Not really’ said Suzi ‘I’m looking forward to doing some Shibari on her. I can’t wait wrap her up in a mile of rope.’

Of course the release of Lou was accompanied by some touching and squeezing and fingering which made it take much longer than it should have. Petra watched as her fellow slave was molested and wished that it was her. Eventually Lou was freed and once the gag was removed and the contest about start Suzi had an idea.

She stood in front of Petra and began to erotically gyrate her hips and play with her own breasts. Then she did a strip tease that had Petra tingling. ‘I have too much clothing on’ she said in a sultry Marilyn Munroe impersonation ‘I hope you don’t mind if I rectify the situation.’

She peeled down to her sleek leopard print panties and bra and danced a little more rubbing her butt against Petra’s boobs and sticking her own boobs into Petra’s face. Once she backed off Petra could see that Dani and Jo had joined in. Soon Dani, in a skimpy black lace brassiere and silky black panties, and Jo in a pretty pink basic cotton bra and thong, were teasing Petra too.

As they finished up Petra looked longingly at Lou wanting a little more. ‘Don’t look at me like that’ she said with a teasing giggle ‘I’ve got too much class to indulge in such trashy antics.’ The gag prevented Petra from pleading with a pout so the contest was finally ready to begin.

It was wonderful watching little Dani dominate the imposing Suzi. The mismatch made the first round of the game very entertaining. Each tie was to be judged for neatness, tightness and effectiveness. Dani tied tightly but not so neatly and on Petra’s scoring criteria she lost a few points. A few of the wraps overlapped each other, not the nice parallel placement that Petra was looking for. The tightness was gauged by how deeply the ropes bit in and by the pinkness of the hands and Dani got full points there.

Effectiveness was a simple measure of time. The captive was given ten minutes to get free. Suzi was spectacular in her efforts as she rocked back and forth and from side to side. She tipped over one way and then the other. Her attempt was in vain though as there was some slight loosening but not enough to allow escape. There was one more aspect to be judged.

While Lou tied up Jo Suzi was placed at Petra’s feet. Remaining bound she had to do whatever it took to make Petra “tingle”. She had until Jo’s tie up was complete. At stake was ten points to be added or deducted from Dani’s score. Lou worked slowly and methodically, her extra lesson with Petra had taught her one important thing, don’t rush.

Suzi didn’t need the extra time though. In contrast to her usually brute force manner she was quite delicate and it wasn’t long before her talented tongue flickered between Petra’s toes and sent a shiver through her. Suzi passed the “tingle test” and Dani’s score was reduced accordingly.

Lou finally finished Jo’s ball tie. In a flourish of style Lou had used a box tie on Jo’s arms. Her knees were pulled tight up to her shoulders and the rope from the wrists to the ankles virtually disappeared up Jo’s crack as it dug into her butt. Each rope was well placed and tight and Jo couldn’t move a muscle other than to lift her head and look defeated.

The ten minutes were almost pointless as she couldn’t do much more than rock ever so slightly.

Jo was placed on her knees at Petra’s feet and did her best with the tingle test but her limited motion held her back. Petra tried to help, which wasn’t easy tied as she was, and used her feet to push Jo onto her side and then she jammed her toes into Jo’s mouth. Jo tried a suck/nibble approach which wasn’t measuring up after the superb effort Suzi had accomplished. Then Petra decided to be a little nasty.

She pulled her toes from Jo’s mouth and using her feet rolled Jo onto her back. Then she held her foot over Jo’s mouth much in the same style as a hand gag. It was meant to punish Jo but actually worked to her benefit as she was able to lick Petra’s arch sensually enough to produce a tingle.

It had been difficult and taken longer than expected for Jo to arouse Petra but Suzi welcomed the extra time as tying Shibari required finesse which wasn’t her fashion. The tingle nicely coincided with the tightening of the last knot which was placed over, or rather in, Lou’s pussy.

Suzi had spun an intricate web which wrapped Lou from shoulder to toes. Unlike a normal Shibari which accentuates a woman’s body by framing and highlighting her features Suzi had created a mesh of torment in her own extreme style. Lou’s boobs were pinched by tight loops, knots sat directly on her sensitive nipples, ropes passed between her toes spreading them uncomfortably and the final touch was the invading knot that concluded the crotch rope.

With her usual precision Suzi had created a perfect balance with each rope woven down Lou’s left side being a mirror image of the ropes on the right. If one were to measure the various dimensions of the web they would have found that each repeated perfectly its counterpart.

The tingle test was a sight to behold and it was unfortunate that no one thought to record a video of it. It was as arousing to the spectators as it was to the participants as they all had a hand down their panties. With every move that Lou made to please Petra, the knots both nipple and twat, delivered as much if not more stimulation to her. Watching Lou writhe in ecstasy was as stirring for Petra as the intimate contact on her feet.

In a moment of cosmic coincidence they both bypassed tingle and went to full blown orgasm simultaneously. Needless to say everyone required a short break before proceeding any further. Everyone but Lou. While Lou lay panting on the floor Petra nodded to Suzi and wordlessly managed to communicate her desire. Suzi slyly reached into the bag of gear without Lou seeing her.

Once Lou had caught her breath Suzi sat her up beside Petra and ball gagged her. Petra wasn’t about to release her yet.

After Lou’s performance Jo tying Dani was a bit anti-climactic. It was technically perfect as Jo executed an excellent tie up and it was aesthetically pleasing as a frog tie really was the best method to display Dani’s delicate beauty. With her arms tied at her sides and her legs spread to display her pussy it was both erotic and pretty at the same time.

The time test went as expected and Dani remained securely bound. This time Petra placed a foot over Dani’s face for what proved to be a very short tingle test. Petra had always found Dani’s mouth to be very erotic and just the thought of having it touch her feet already had her at the edge of a tingle. It took only a few soft licks and a few hard kisses to push her over that edge.

Suzi of course with her impeccable Shibari was the winner but the real winner in Petra’s eyes was Lou. She looked stunning and she had shown that her “tingle test” was not just a game but a real heartfelt moment of affection.

Suzi removed the gags from Lou and Petra as Jo opened another bottle of wine. (Was that four or five? Who’s counting anyways?) She and Dani had a glass in each hand as they cuddled with the slaves.

Suzi was the entertainment for the rest of the evening as she practiced her Shibari skills on Jo and Dani too. When the bottle refused to issue another drop Petra declared it bedtime. Dani and Jo had been freed by now and Suzi re-gagged Lou. ‘I’ll take her to the bedroom and be back for you in a minute.’ Suzi put Lou over her shoulder and marched off to the bedroom. Lou lifted her head and Petra swore that there was a sparkle in her eye.

Petra was expecting to be untied so that she could enjoy a last evening dominating Lou but instead she found herself gagged again and over Suzi’s shoulder. Suzi laid her down on the bed and Petra had only a moment to see that Lou had been blindfolded before she suffered a similar fate.

Suzi hummed contentedly as she lashed the two captives together…breasts to breasts…thigh to thigh…toes to toes. Giving each a final slap on the ass she left them there blind and helpless.

‘Sorry to run out on you two like this, I’d love to have some playtime’ said Suzi as she gathered the remaining ropes and left the room ‘but Dani thinks she’s sleeping alone tonight. I’ve got a big surprise for her!’

When the lights went out a sense of frustration began to set in. Petra had been longing to share a bed with Lou again but here they were close and intimate but in no position to take advantage of it. Suzi’s last bit of teasing cruelty was to put them into this maddening position. Lou could sense that Petra was feeling beaten and she wasn’t about to concede defeat yet.

She nuzzled Petra’s neck and while it wasn’t a proper kiss she began to press her cleave gagged lips to Petra’s cheek. Petra, in a funk, felt it was futile to respond when so little could come of it. Then Lou stroked Petra’s toes with hers. Petra realized that she had to try too.

A wiggle of the toes…an ever so slight rub of the breasts…a soft caress of their cheeks. The sound of excited breathing…the smell of baby oil and feminine arousal…the extreme closeness. It was wonderful but it just wasn't enough. Petra vigorously twisted her upper body trying to rub her breasts across Lou's with more energy. Lou responded and they found that the ropes allowed just enough movement for their nipples to stroke each other and react by stiffening.

Lou began to thrust her hips against Petra. Tied thigh to thigh their legs began to move ever so slightly at first and then more and more as they each maneuvered a thigh between the other legs. There was only the slightest contact of thigh to pussy but it was enough. Boosted by the sexual power they were generating they gained momentum.

As the bed rocked with the vigour of their efforts Lou pressed her lips against Petra’s. They ignored the gags and kissed in a frenzy until the moment when they both erupted with erotic release. As their glowing bodies melted together it was as if two were one.

Surprisingly a mutual climax came much easier than either of them expected. Being honest with herself Petra had to admit that she didn’t feel it was possible and she was grateful later that the gag prevented her from saying so because Lou had put so much into it that Petra fed off of her energy.
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Post by LordNelson »

And now the conclusion...

Chapter Twelve

Monday Morning – Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

A thoughtful pee break in the wee hours of the morning, thanks to Jo, was gratefully received. After Petra let the wine finish its journey she crawled back under the covers and Jo wobbled back to her bed. Petra found that even though she was half asleep and not terribly energetic Jo had made a half-hearted effort to re-tie Lou. Petra curled up beside Lou and played with her until both fell asleep.

Petra awoke remembering that it was Lou who was tied up when she came to bed and wondering when the roles were reversed since she was now the one in bonds. Her dry mouth embraced the ball gag and she found that her wrists were tied to her ankles. Ropes from her knees to the sides of the bed spread her bent legs.

A tickling between her legs was revealed to be Lou’s hair…her head still in Petra’s crotch…having passed out while pleasuring her. The last traces of wine slowed Petra’s recall but she eventually pieced together the previous evening…the fondue…the game…inebriated ecstasy with Lou.

The clock said that it was breakfast time but her queasy stomach warned her to avoid food. She bounced her bum up and down on the mattress until the commotion sparked some life in Lou. There was a moment of shock as Lou lifted her head to be greeted by Petra’s gaping crevice. She gathered her thoughts, gave it a kiss and sat up.

‘I suppose we have to go home today don’t we’ she observed.

‘Mmmm hmmm’ agreed Petra.

‘Can’t we stay like this forever?’

‘Unhhh unhhh.’

‘Actually I can go home but leave you like this if you wanted to stay a little longer.’


‘No need to be so grumpy’ scolded Lou as she began to untie Petra ‘you know that I wouldn’t leave you behind.’

The ailing pair stumbled out of the bedroom leaning on each other for support to be greeted by the sight of three more desolate souls in various states of dishevelment. Someone had found the energy to put a pot of coffee on but couldn’t muster the strength to return and dispense it.

As Lou’s shaking hands tipped the pot Petra followed the meandering stream of steaming liquid and managed to keep most of it off of the floor. Soon five women were to discover that coffee doesn’t make you feel better…it just makes you more aware of your misery.

Petra sat on the sofa with her arm around Lou and they silently stared out the window at the changing vista presented by the rising sun. Dani was curled up in Suzi’s lap…her head resting on those magnificent boobs. Jo was deep in thought trying to come up with an alternative version of the weekend that she could tell her husband.

More than an hour passed before a rumbling stomach…no one would admit it was theirs…signalled its emptiness. Breakfast was a smorgasbord of leftovers accompanied by an errant bottle of wine that had been overlooked and survived the previous evening’s ribaldries.

‘Who needs orange juice’ declared Dani as she drained her glass ‘when we have this lovely grape juice.’

They sat and ate in silence knowing that this weekend would have to remain a cherished memory that couldn’t be shared with anyone outside of the confines of this cabin. Old friendships were renewed, new friendships evolved and fresh ideas were introduced and explored.

After packing luggage and loading vehicles it was hugs and kisses and tears and a promise to do it again next year.

The 3G’s (Gossip, Good food and Generous amounts of alcohol) were now Girlfriends, Great sex and Glorious memories.

THE END (Until next year)
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Post by LordNelson »

petraspeds wrote: 6 years agoMarvellous
Yes you are :P
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Post by Shanya »

This is good! Just like a novel!
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Post by chadmc90 »


This story needs to be tagged. If it isn't tagged soon, then I will lock it.[/mod]
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Post by LordNelson »

This story needs to be tagged. If it isn't tagged soon, then I will lock it.
Sorry about that :o
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Just re-read this. Awesome. One of the best stories on the site. 5 MILEs in multiple bondage scenes.
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Epic. Awesome writing. Great story and real talent on your part Lord Nelson.

Is she out there, she who ties you up and then you stay tied up?
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Post by LordNelson »

Thanks for the positive comments. It started out as one of my usual short and sweet stories but then Petra got involved with a number of suggestions and it started to grow. It is actually long enough to qualify as a novella!!!

I have another Petra story, the first I wrote for her several years ago, that is not quite as long but it is also lengthy and detailed. I am going to post it soon.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good News 😁
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