Reality Check (M/M) #21 [4 Sept]

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Post by harveygasson »

Haven't gotten around to reading the newest chapters until now but it's still really great!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] when will you be posting chapter 11 of this wonderful story ?
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Post by Boundcurious »

MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago @overkneesoccersocks @Boundcurious @Tiedinjordans @dahanband @YourCaptor75 @harveygasson Havent heard from you guys in a few chapters. Let me know if you are still following the story :)
Sorry, yes, I will catch up. I've just barely been on here with life getting in the way. I'm sure the story is still ace though, from what I read :D
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Love that you're still going on this.
Definitely one that I'll keep following.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

A bit of an odd chapter perhaps? You never know how deep-seated childhood traumas can be...


p.s. Thanks again for all those that are reading!! And thank you for the honesty on the poll!!

Chapter 11: Strike 2

I woke up way before my set alarm, my head resting on Deans bicep where it lay stretched out to the bedpost.

I opened my eyes and looked at the rhythm of Deans chest muscles expanding and relaxing.

His breaths were so calming.

I closed my eyes again and lightly squeezed my stud’s arm.

“hhmmm.” He stirred.

“Good morning.” I whispered.

Dean turned his face to me, “Good morning Will.”

I opened my eyes.

“I mean, sir.” His smile hinted that he wasn’t being serious.

I crinkled my nose a little, “Morning breath.”

Dean let out a contented sigh, and I could smell his breath, I pulled my head back a little. “Dude. Stop it.”

Dean took this as a challenge and blew some breath onto my face.

Seconds later I slammed my hand over his mouth. “I told you not to do that.” My voice was somewhere between playful and dead serious.

I understood Deans innuendo to fun, but he also needed to understand my instructions are not suggestions.

Dean’s eyes glanced at me, and I slowly lifted my hand off his mouth.

Only to be greeted by more of his breath, and a loud laughter at the way I was clearly pulling my face.

“That’s it buddy. You asked for this.”

I reached to the floor searching for something then I found it.

My tights that I had cummed in a mere 12 hours ago. I searched for the dry stains and thrust that bit into my subs mouth first.

I continued pushing in the tights until there was literally no more room in his mouth.

Dean’s laughter had disappeared and he replaced it with muffled protests.

“Mmppphhh, mmmaaahhhh.”

“Buddy, I have no idea what you are saying. But you brought this on yourself.”

He tried spitting it out but I held it down with my hand clasped over as much of his lower face as I could cover. I saw his wrists wiggling.

His left hand was almost free. Damn he was good at escaping my bondage. I needed to get some tutoring on how to make it inescapable. Aha. I knew something that was nearly inescapable.

I was out of the room and back before Dean could even work the entire compression short out of his mouth.

The sound of tape filled our rested ears, and I slammed it down over the bulging tights sticking out of Dean’s mouth. I pulled his head up from the pillow and wrapped the tape around his head a few times.

I looked over at his right wrist which was almost free, grabbed it and retightened the leather belt I had used. Then I went over it with tape.

I suddenly felt Dean struggling with more enthusiasm than before. I hopped over his spread body and reinforced the robe belt with tape also.

As far as I knew, he was stuck now.

I looked into his eyes, he seemed to know it too, and just like that I was in total control again, and my grumpy mood from the morning breath had vanished.

I wasn’t really inspired right then to do something, so I went to make me a cup of coffee. I turned on the TV, flipping to a news channel. As luck would have it, the anchor this morning was my TV crush. I had fantasized about him on many occasions, when a day starts with him it’s usually a good day.

I watched until I finished my coffee, then headed back to the bedroom.

“I need to be at work in about two hours buddy, I have an important meeting today, I might nail a big client. Haha, I mean I might get him to sign with our firm, get your head out of the gutter Dean." I smiled at my own joke, "I am quickly going to go for a short workout in the roof gym. You will be good right?” I winked at him smiling broadly.

I dropped my boxers to the floor, revealing my nakedness to him.

“Whoops, let’s fix that.” I picked up my boxers and pulled it over Deans head, getting his head stuck in the one leg.

I pulled on my workout clothes and headed out of the apartment, “I’ll be back soon.” I called back into the room, a frustrated growl was my only answer.

I had a great workout, lifting almost my personal best. In about 45 minutes I headed back to the apartment. A quick shower, a small breakfast then off to work. I whistled as I walked down the hallways.

As I returned to my bedroom I had made up my mind I would completely ignore my stud who was still securely taped to my bed.

I threw my sweaty workout gear onto his chest, observing the hardon still pitching his underwear. I was met with a massive reaction of desperation, as Dean tried to communicate, but it ran over me like water off a ducks back. Today was a great day.

I turned on the shower and jumped in, I sang a couple of lines while washing off my sweat.

As I walked back into the bedroom the smell of my fresh shampoo was suddenly interrupted by the faint smell of…


Dean had frozen, not moving a muscle, I sniffed again, was that piss.

I looked over at my bed, a wet area clearly visible under Deans midsection.

“Fuuuck dude. You pissed in my bed.”

“MMMmPPpHHh – MMMppppphhhh” he was clearly trying to tell me something. He was thrashing at his bonds frantically.

I was dumbfounded, stuck somewhere between pity and fury.

Unfortunately my anger always wins. I know I need to work on it.

“What the fuck. You couldn’t hold it?” I grabbed some scissors from the nightstand and quickly cut through the tape holding Deans right wrist captive. As I worked on the other wrist he pulled my boxers off his head and started peeling the tape off.

His face showed a bit of blushing as he spat out the running tights. He just jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

I stared at my bed in disbelief, pinching my nose from the smell.

Fuck this. I grabbed my clothes and finished dressing in the living area.

By the time I was done Dean had still not come out of the bathroom.

I stomped over to the door and banged on it.

By the third bang the door swung open.

Dean’s face almost disarmed me immediately, he seemed really ashamed and apologetic.

Had I been anyone else, I would scoop him up in a hug. But alas I was still seeing red.

My perfect day was absolutely ruined. The matrass was probably ruined, not to mention the sheets.

“I’m leaving now. I don’t care how but you need to get that mess cleaned up before I am back!”


“Did you get that?” I looked up into his bashful eyes, so different from his regular playfulness and charm.


“Yes who?”

“Yes sir.”

I stormed out of the apartment and headed for the subway. By the time we passed the second stop I felt like the world’s biggest ass. Within the past 12 hours I had completely lost my shit twice...

Regret is always just a little too late.

I checked my watch, I had enough time.

I jumped off at the next stop and headed back home, I stopped briefly to get us each a breakfast waffle.

I walked into the apartment, “Dean?” I called into it.

I headed for the bedroom and sure enough there he was removing the sheets from the bed.

We had both composed ourselves.

“Dude. I’m sorry I stormed out. I was just, you know...” I left the apology open-ended not really sure what to say.

“Uh, yeah that was a little harsh.” He replied.

“I brought waffles.” I said with a small smile.

We went to the dining room and took a seat across from each other. Silently, awkwardly digging into our breakfasts.

“So, I know I overreacted but you seemed very distraught too. Is there some childhood trauma of you wetting the bed that you haven’t dealt with?” I ended with a little giggle. It was supposed to be a joke but as I said it Dean looked down.

A foot anybody, a foot for my mouth?

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.

“It’s ok, it was a long time ago. My brother had told some kids in our middle school I wet the bed once and they never stopped teasing me. Something this morning just brought back that memory. And being tied up not able to do anything, I had to confront it.”

A bit of silence then Dean looked up, “I-It’s stupid and it happened so long ago, I am over it.” He tried to sound convincing.

I placed my hand on his, “Buddy, that’s not stupid. And I am sorry for going off on you.”

My cell phone rang, shattering our heart to heart. As I picked it up and saw my colleague’s name, I immediately knew I was late.

“I gotta run. Just call someone for the bed, here’s my credit card. I’ll text you the pin. See you tonight?”

Dean sat silently still looking a little rattled as the door shut behind me.
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Post by Socksbound »

Poor Dean, Wil was way to harsh on him. Forget the tie up tutorials Wil needs some lessons on being a good Dom first. I don’t think the chapter was odd at all just adds yet another layer and complexity to the characters. Great job once again [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention]
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Post by Volobond »

I just have to say, Will is COMPLETELY at fault here. Notwithstanding the fact that he has some serious anger issues he needs to work through, it remains that not only was Dean tied up all night, but he was also tied up for the extra hour it took for Will to do his workout (which, by the way, leaving your captive alone with something in his mouth and no way of freeing himself or removing the obstruction is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Especially with how full Dean's mouth was with the running tights, it was very possible he could have started to choke while Will was up at the rooftop gym). Although I hope they can work this out, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Dean and Will can't get past this. I have to say, I think Dean deserves better from Will than this, no matter how disobedient he might be.

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Post by cj2125 »

That was a great chapter [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention]! The begining was cute, the way Dean playfully teased the narrator only to get gagged made me chuckle and I was pleased with how the morning was going.

And then he lost his shit. At least he realized his mistake, otherwise I would be quite upsed that he yelled at Dean over an accident that it was sort of his fault. He really does need to control his temper and, as [mention]Socksbound[/mention] said, learn to be a better dom. But that's criticism towards the character, not the writter. After all, he is supposed to be new at this so it's understandable that he will make mistakes, despite being unfair, his reaction was understandable, that makes me want to see how he grows into a better dom for Dean or loses him! I mean, if I was Dean I would have lost my shit over him when he blamed me for that. It was nice learning something about Dean's past too!
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

The way you compose your story is excellent! How true it is that bondage can bring it childhood fears and old traumas.

When playing with a sub, all real anger should be avoided and it should just be acting. Gagging Dean with the cum-filled compression gear was okay. It was playful.
Then things went downhill. Will shouldn't have left his sub unsupervised for 45 minutes and Will - not Dean - is the only one who is to be blamed for the pissed mattress. Will wants his bondage to be inescapable, but what he needs to address first are his anger attacks and he also needs to consider whether it is safe to tie a sub up in the way he does, when he intends to leave the sub alone for a long time. I think Will should experience something similar himself, so he gets a taste of how long 45 minutes can be when you've got a full bladder and nowhere to go and no way to tell you need to be freed.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Thank you so much for those great reviews guys! This chapter sure sparked some thoughts, and I love that!

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] I completely agree that Will's rage was uncalled for, and the situation was totally his fault!

The reality is we are blind to our faults right?

Being a good dom is probably a complex thing! From my perspective he absolutely needs to be in control of his emotions, erratic behaviour will undermine his trustworthiness. No matter what the sub does he needs to remain safe and sane. Something Will hasn't quite mastered yet.

Sadly this is hurting the relationship between our newbies, but there is hope ;) people learn to work through their isssues everyday...

And lookey there 10,000 views thanks to all who are following Will's story.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Another great chapter exploring some interesting issues.

I agree with the comments from other readers but I also feel the need to play Devil's advocate. Dean does lead and manipulate Will to some degree. He was the one that asked Will to tie him up for the night whilst Will was content just to cuddle. He planted the seed that he enjoyed extended tie up sessions. He also goaded Will into gagging him in the morning.

I guess the problem is Will takes these ideas, gets excited by them and then lets them run too far, forgetting about the body's physical needs and safety considerations. He then gets angry when the logical conclusion of his actions occurs, directing the anger outwards at Dean rather than inwards at himself, at least initially.

At least he does eventually recognise his faults and attempt to make amends, it's a shame the pressures of real life interrupted an important conversation. I really hope they can work through this. Reality is much harder work than fantasy!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago The reality is we are blind to our faults right?

Being a good dom is probably a complex thing! From my perspective he absolutely needs to be in control of his emotions, erratic behaviour will undermine his trustworthiness. No matter what the sub does he needs to remain safe and sane. Something Will hasn't quite mastered yet.

Sadly this is hurting the relationship between our newbies, but there is hope ;) people learn to work through their isssues everyday...
I agree, no one is perfect. And it's very easy to overlook one's own faults, while pointing out everything that is wrong with someone else.

I hope everything will turn out to be okay! The learning curve is steep, but I'm sure Will and Dean will emerge from this stronger than ever before.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

While waiting for the next chapter of “Burt the Roper,” I looked into this story. Wow! Will and Dean are very interesting characters (and Dean is about as sweet a big muscle stud as one could hope to find!) The tension between them is excellent. I am very much enjoying the realism in how you present both characters – it conveys a feeling for a kind of truth in the development of the relationship that each is looking for. You have us thinking about what Will and Dean each want in the long run. Part of the pleasure is going to be watching both characters figure that out as they go along. And, of course, the scenes with Dean’s bondage and teasing are hot. To me, they hit just the right note if they are to be something that persists beyond a few adventures – something that can be imagined as a part of Dean’s daily life. Hard to pull off, but I think you are doing it. Looking forward to the next installment!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Hi All

Sorry for a bondage free chapter :), I hope you still enjoy it, it does introduce a new character...

Real life continues for Will!

Chapter 12: Therapy

The client meeting and day in general dragged by. I really wanted to get back to Dean and continue our little heart to heart.

I sent him some text messages but he didn’t reply, it didn’t even show that he read them.

I kept checking my phone every few minutes hoping there was a message from Dean, but nothing.

By the time I was heading home I was really worried, that my anger issues had pushed away my first real opportunity at happiness.

I unlocked my door and walked into the apartment, “Helooo.” But I was answered by silence.

I walked to the bedroom, it was clean and smelled fresh, and there on the bed was a note.

Hi Will

Bed is fresh and clean like you ordered sir. I don’t mean to ghost you, and I don’t want to disappear forever. I just think you need some space and time to sort through whatever is causing your rage.

Call this guy: Nico 12458965

He is a really good therapist, he can really help you. He helped me through some tough shit.

p.s. sorry I am doing this through a note, see you.

I turned over the note hoping for more details but there was nothing.

My vision blurred as the tears formed in my eyes.

I slowly crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside.

I dropped to the floor sitting with my back against the bed.

Four days, it took me four days to fuck it up.

I held my head in my hands, sucking up my tears. What a mess.

I grabbed my phone, opened my messages.

Dean, buddy. I am sorry. I can work on my issues. Please come over.

My finger lingered on the send button, before going to the backspace button, I deleted the message. I felt a sense of déjà vu. Before a few days ago I used to type a very different message and then delete it because I was slightly scared of what could be. If only I had listened to myself.

Fuck this! I am not some school girl crying over a crush. I dried my eyes and pulled on my workout gear, heading to the roof gym again. I had a brutal workout, my anger this time routed at myself and by the time I returned to my apartment my body was shaking from the exertion.

Walking to my bedroom the silence overwhelmed me, I was once again reminded of the past few days.

It’s weird only a few days and I had gotten used to having someone around. I resolved to probably being alone forever.

What was wrong with me?

Dean didn’t say he never wants to see me again, all I need to do is give it time. Time heals all wounds.


Could someone really help me recover from my rage issues? I sat up and picked up the crumpled paper, I opened it up.

“Call this guy: Nico” I read the part aloud, “He is a really good therapist, he can really help you.”

If only there was some magical probability that could mend my relationship with Dean. It was over so fast but it was so intense! I had fallen for him hard. I would do anything to get him back.

I found myself punching in the number into my cell.

It rang.

“Hello, Nico speaking.” A pleasant voice answered.

“Uh, hi Nico. This is Will. I uh, I got your number from Dean.”

“Ooooh. Will, yes I was hoping you would call. I had a chat with Dean yesterday. It sounds like you could use someone to listen and talk to about some stuff. I’ll pencil you in for a meet up tomorrow. Let’s say noon. My office is on the third floor of the Wachowski building in Valley road.”

“Uh.” I was slightly taken aback by the eagerness of this man. “I, uh, ok I guess.”

I slammed my face into my palm, not sure what I was getting myself into. I can at least check it out tomorrow, if it looks dodgy I’ll bail.

The evening passed uneventful, I fell asleep on the couch again.


The next morning I went to work, but got excused before noon I used an excuse of having someone working on my apartment.

I made my way to the Wachowski building.

I thought it would be dodgy but it turned out to be quite a nice building.

There was a receptionist at the main door, she looked friendly with her blond hair framing delicate features.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here for Nico.”

“Nico?” she asked

Oh great, it was a scam. “Um, Doctor Nico.” I tried again.

“Oooh, Doctor Johnson. Third floor sweetie.” And she pointed me to the elevator.


I got off on the third floor, and walked into a well maintained waiting room.

I heard voices from behind a closed door. Not really able to make out what they were saying.

I picked up a magazine from the side table, it was some political rambling magazine so I just flipped through the pages. I didn’t wait long. The door soon opened and two guys walked out.

“Thank you Nico,” said the one walking ahead.

“No problem Chris. Remember your past doesn’t define you." He held out his hand to me and I returned the gesture. It was a firm handshake. "Will I presume.”

Nico was nothing that I expected. An African American guy, his well-built frame draped in comfortable clothes. His dark eyes were friendly behind his glasses, and his face was inviting. His dreadlocks were well maintained and tied into a bunch behind his head. I felt my legs swoon.

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Oh please, just call me Nico. Come in, take a seat.”

We had a few minutes of small talk, before digging into some real topics.

As we were finishing he asked the question that would be bringing me back for more sessions.

“You are a Dom right?” I was completely taken aback by his nonchalant tone, he saw that and continued talking, “Don’t worry. Dean just mentioned it, he didn’t go into details. And no I am not a qualified bondage doctor or something, I am a regular therapist but I have experience in that field. With some of my clientele, usually the ones referred to me by those I have helped in the past, I happily work on more than just your average therapy needs.”

I sat in shocked silence.

“Don’t worry I follow a very strict patient confidentiality.” He paused allowing me to come to terms with what was going on, “We will undoubtedly spend a lot of time on your rage. From what we have discussed today I already have some theories, but we will set some time aside in each session to address how your rage influences your ability to be a good Dom.”

I blinked dumbfounded by what was going on.

“What is it that you like about dominating someone else?”


“That wasn’t a rhetorical question Will, please talk to me. We can discuss this. This is not a secret you need to be ashamed of, let’s just talk about it.”

He sounded so casual about it. And the more I thought about it, I realized he was right. Society placed a stigma, but here where we both accepted it as normal I should be able to speak freely.

I cleared my throat, “I guess it’s the feeling of added control into my hands. Like finally there is something I can control, something that works the way I want it to work. With someone who respects me regardless of who I am, that wants to serve me.” I stopped briefly, “Yeah, something like that I guess.”

“Hmmmm. I see. Two things I would like to point out before we are done for today. First, you can never have total control over anything, and secondly a sub should respect you for who you are not regardless of who you are. Mull on these until we meet for your next session on Monday.”

We greeted and I went home feeling oddly optimistic about life and my future with Dean as Nico’s statements played over in my mind…
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Post by Volobond »

Super glad that Will is seeing a therapist, and that Dean is healthy enough to know when to step away!

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Post by cj2125 »

Interesting chapter. Will really needed to see a therapist and I think Dean handled the situation quite well considering what went down. I'm waiting to see how Nico comes to play in all this!
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Post by Volobond »

MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago
“You are a Dom right?” I was completely taken aback by his nonchalant tone, he saw that and continued talking, “Don’t worry. Dean just mentioned it, he didn’t go into details. And no I am not a qualified bondage doctor or something, I am a regular therapist but I have experience in that field. With some of my clientele, usually the ones referred to me by those I have helped in the past, I happily work on more than just your average therapy needs.”
I just want to say... the idea of the Bondage Doctor with bondage-related therapies? Hot!

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Post by gag1195 »

I'm loving Dean's maturity in his decision! I really like his character!

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago
MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago
“You are a Dom right?” I was completely taken aback by his nonchalant tone, he saw that and continued talking, “Don’t worry. Dean just mentioned it, he didn’t go into details. And no I am not a qualified bondage doctor or something, I am a regular therapist but I have experience in that field. With some of my clientele, usually the ones referred to me by those I have helped in the past, I happily work on more than just your average therapy needs.”
I just want to say... the idea of the Bondage Doctor with bondage-related therapies? Hot!
I have to agree with that image! I can't wait to see what Nico will do to help Will!
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Although I'm sure it broke Will's heart, what Dean did was the right thing. And if everything turns out the way Dean intended it, it will be the best thing he could ever have done for Will. I hope the therapy will have the desired effect so Dean and Will will be together again. He's very lucky to have a therapist like Nico: someone who treats a Dom/sub relationship as something normal and wants to help.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I guess this is a bit of a reality check for Will. I'm always a bit suspicious of 'therapy' but Will does have some issues that need exploring and addressing and it does seem like Nico is on the right page in terms of helping him do that.

I hope things work out and he can restart his relationship with Dean in a new light. Interesting times ahead as Nico hopefully works his magic.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by sophietied1 »

Loved reading this!
If I could be tied up for a living, I would never stop working ;)
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Hey all... this chapter is long overdue.

Have fun, and as usual be good!!

Chaper 13: Journaling

So, this is definitely not becoming a regular thing, let me just write that first and foremost.

12 January

So I am supposed to write anything that comes to mind.

This is stupid. Just as stupid as that time in sixth grade I was told to write, ‘I am sorry for punching Billy in the face’, 1000 times. Billy was a prick and he had it coming. He messed with the wrong boy that day.

I remember it was something to do with Lucy, back then she was my best friend. I think he teased her about something, I remember seeing red and then I punched him.

Oh wow so maybe I do have anger issues. But anger is a two way street, I can’t just be angry! Someone always makes me angry. Last week it was that kid working at the McDonalds counter. He should listen better and not make mistakes on orders.

And yes it was Dean, he just knew how to push my buttons.

But we only met up a couple times though, could he have known those actions were going to elicit such reactions from me…

That brings back what Nico said in my second session. No matter what ideal person I have in mind to be my sub, he will still be a person, a being that needs to be respected, at least based on what I want from the relationship.

You get those relationships where the sub becomes an object. But I don’t want that. I want my sub to still be a person. Nico said as long as I want that I would have to be able to adapt to the personality of the sub, at least in the beginning.

Then comes the whole training aspect, spending enough time together so I can mould the sub closer to that ideal sub I have in mind.

I shouldn’t expect him to be ready exactly like I dreamed he would be, but Dean was perfect, exactly like I dreamed…

Maybe I am the problem?

Anyway this journaling is stupid.


16 January

I am going to try this again.

Or at least Nico is forcing me to retry it.

He is just sitting there writing in his own journal.

Since I didn’t write enough he just told me to write for the rest of today’s session.

This sucks.

I pay him money to help me solve my issues in the meantime he wants me to do it by myself. He wants me to write my emotions on a piece of paper…

What’s next burn the paper and watch my issues flitter away in smoke.

Talk about unrealistic expectations.

I look up…

Nico is looking right at me.

“Are you angry Will? I can see the tension in your body.”

I keep quiet. Silence is also an answer.

“You feel like I am being unreasonable.”


“Let me just remind you, I asked you to write in your journal, you didn’t, I calmly suggested you do it now, and now you’re get angry. Didn’t you recently ask someone to do something where they didn’t comply? Perhaps Dean did something you felt was outside of your instruction.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So Will, you can’t have double standards. A Dom is someone who is constant. You need to provide an unwavering support for your sub. If you are tossed around by impulses, how can they anchor themselves to you? You need to be consistent. Your word needs to be true. A sub will surrender total control much easier if he knows he can trust you wholeheartedly. Currently your volatile outbursts of anger and your passionate moments of intimacy are too extreme. You need to strike a balance.”


“Be sure to do some more journaling Will, it’s really going to help you place your emotions in perspective. And you need to find yourself a mantra, something to repeat whenever you feel the anger rising up.”

I clicked my pen a few times watching as Nico resumes writing in his journal.

A mantra…

Raindrops and kittens, and warm woollen mittens… is that what he means.


I'm just going to sit here and not writing anything.

Then out of boredom strokes slowly start to go across the page…

Dean, buddy. I am writing this for you. This is my wish for the two of us. I want to reach a place where we are one. A place where you and I are inseparable. Not physically but emotionally. I wish I had better control over my anger, and I am sorry I drove you away.

I want your body next to mine. I want to spend minutes, hours… no days tying you up. I want to come up with wonderful new ways to make you please me, because Dean, you have only pleased me.

I miss seeing your brown skin trussed in the white cotton rope. I miss hearing your moans. I miss feeling your tight body under my feet. I miss your dashing smile. I miss you… I might even find myself missing your morning breath. Actually no.

But wait the plot thickens.

Nico, you have introduced me to someone amazing. I sit here writing and finding myself thinking of what I can do to him.

First I would have him strip to his underwear, I bet he’s a briefs man like you. Judging his outfit I would say pastel colours…

Then, I would get the rope. He has a rather large build with ample muscles. I would use white rope, the contrast with his dark skin would be art!

Oh his wrists would definitely be roped behind his back. Perhaps crossed so I can cinch them nice and tight. A good chest harness would be in order.

I sneak a peek over my journal…

Yes that chest would be perfect with some ropes outlining every muscle, his pecs they look like they are firm. His abs, non-existent below the loose clothing but I am willing to bet there are eight.

Once his torso is immobilised he might start struggling, but that’s ok. He should speak his mantra and calm down. I will do my part to calm him down too. Start with a good long kiss, his full lips look amazing.

Once I break the kiss I would stuff either a pair of dirty socks or underwear into his mouth followed by layers of tape. Layers and layers and layers of tape. His eyes are sure to become wide.

Apparently he has experience in this field. I believe I can show him a thing or two…

I’ll prop him up against the sofa on the floor. Spread his legs wide open and lift them up. Binding them to somewhere behind him.

His briefs clad ass will now be mine for the taking.

By now he would have given in, his eyes begging for me to continue.

I peek over at him again. I feel my erection building as I imagine my therapist roped and struggling, moaning to have me use him.

Dean, since you introduced me to him I am sure you wouldn’t mind right… You wouldn’t mind if I fu…
my fantasy was interrupted as Nico broke the silence.

“I can see your writing is getting somewhere.”

Suddenly what I was doing became overwhelmingly embarrassing.

I felt my face grow red.

“You ok?” asked Nico.

“uuuh. Yeah I’m good.”

“Well we are done for today so you can leave now.” Nico stood up, walking over to the door.

Fuck! He is definitely going to see my boner, it’s raging, “um, I need a minute...”

That’s so obvious, he will be suspicious, I had to think quick... “to finish my current thought.”

I dove back into my journal.

Trick or treat

The hardon melted away as I wrote arbitrary words on the page…

I slammed the book shut once I was confident, “I’m good to go! Thank you.”

Nico looked at me smiling, and shook his head, “You are a special one Will.”

I smiled and greeted him before leaving.
Last edited by MountainMan_91 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] I almost didn't have Dean walk out... but glad I did.

And yes [mention]cj2125[/mention] , Nico will hopefully keep featuring...

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] Will's longterm goal is definetely getting back with Dean, but lets see what happens in the short term :lol:

Thanks for the comment [mention]sophietied1[/mention]
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Post by Volobond »

I'm almost as conflicted as Will here! Do I want to see Dean tied up and happy? Yes. Do I want to see Nico tied up? YES. Do I think it would also be exciting if Nico tied WILL up? Yes, yes, yes! Would I also like to see all three of them tied up? Most certainly.

Heh, I guess I'm not as conflicted as I thought.

Anyway, I'm glad Will's starting to give in and try the therapy techniques. Seems like his anger is a lot more deep-seated than I thought. Going to take some serious work before I consider him fit for poor Dean.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I really like the style of this chapter, switching back and forth between parts of the journal and what happens in the room. Your use of colour made it crystal clear for me as a reader.

The 12 January entry contained some nice insights. Will doesn't think he's writing down something valuable, but for me this helps to find out about the history of his anger outbursts. Can Nico make Will write lines like he had to do in sixth grade? Will deserves punishment, haha. I like how he ended that entry by saying he still thinks journaling is a stupid idea.

I was disappointed that he didn't pick up the book and write something in it after that. Nico's approach is right: making Will write in it during the therapy session. And in this case again, his boiling anger is his own fault. He can't blame Nico for it.

I certainly hadn't expected the story to take a turn where Will starts to burn with lust for his therapist. Please, Will, don't ruin the last chance you have to get Dean back! He's the perfect guy for you. You should feel ashamed! No doubt, Nico is going to read that journal entry.
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