likho : 01 - Tie-up game with a nephew (M/m)

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likho : 01 - Tie-up game with a nephew (M/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

likho's stories
01 - Tie-up game with a nephew
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By likho

Thu May 10, 2007 9:32 am

Tie-up game with a nephew

Several weeks ago I was “babysitting” my 11 y.o. nephew Martin. We spend some time together before, usually playing “Call of Cthulu”, a horror-fiction roleplay game (not a computer one!) based on the stories written by H.P. Lovercraft. If you have no idea what I am talking about, it's a kind of Dungeons & Dragons game. Martin loves horrors and I am quite good gamemaster, so we have never bored together. He's a guy with a great imagination and playing with him is a pleasure. I don't think he needs a babysitter, his mother however is little overprotective.

This time however we didn't play as Martin, immediately after his parents went out, asked me to tie him up. I am 30 y.o. now and to be honest, I didn't like the idea of tying up a 11y.o. boy. On the other hand as a kid (and as a teenager too) I loved to play tie-up games with my colleagues, however it was always me who had been tied. I remember that I imagined many times about being bound by an adult (uncle, aunt or even a neighbour!) but I haven't ever dared to ask them about it.

I'm not sure why I agreed. Perhaps because I remembered how much joy I had being tied up as a kid? So, I took my belt off my jeans and started to tie Martin's hands behind his back, as he wished to. It was black, leather wrangler belt, 4 cm wide but not very thick, so I could tightened it quite tight without causing pain or grazes. Martin seemed to be little surprised I used my belt. I suppose he didn't expected it to be very useful, but I knew how to make it a perfect bondage tool. I had a long practice from my own childhood. Martin was demanding to be tied tighter and tighter, but I knew what I was doing. I took his hands behind his back, so that his forearms were exactly parallel an then I wrapped his wrist with a belt, each one separately and both of them together. This way, lowering or rising arms would only tighten bonds up, which made struggle futile. At the end I placed belt buckle by the top side of the palms and ensured myself that it is out of his fingers reach, as well as belt-end. As far as I know it is anatomical impossible to selfrelease from this.

When I finished I dared him to try escape. He fought bravely but he had no chances. After about ten minutes he gave up and realised that he will NEVER release himself. I recognized it by the look of his face, unique mix of fear and exciting.

So, this was the point of the game, when tied-up guy should hear: “Ha! Now you will stay bound for the rest of the day on my mercy!”. I hoped I'll scare him a little but he was so excited that he only opened his eyes wide and said “coool”. I bursted out laughing.

I sat him in the room corner and told him not to move or I'll tie him to the radiator. As you maybe guessed, Martin was delighted the idea of being tied to the radiator. So, I took from a drawer his own belt and pined him with it to the radiator as he wished to. For the next hour I played on Martin's computer while he sat politely on the floor, securely tied-up.

An hour have passed and I asked Martin if he had enough. I supposed his arms have already hurt him and perhaps he would be little bored as well. Martin however didn't want to be untied. He just asked my if it's the end of the day already. After the second hour I was sure, his arms hurt as hell (I tied him quite tight) and I hoped he will ask me to release him. But he didn't. I decided I will give him another hour and then I will release him, no matter what. On the other hand I didn't want to end the game in this manner. I remember how disappointed I was as a kid, when I was released too soon. In a good tie-up game, the prisoner should beg for being released. And then I've got an idea how to force Martin to beg me to untie him.

I made a big jug of lemon ice tea and told him to drink it. Then I brought another one and forced him to drink it too, under the threat of deleting all his “savegames” in the computer. After about an hour my clever plan began to work. The lemon ice tea have done it's work and Martin needed to pee. I could see how he fights with his bladder and how he finally lose. At last he asked me to untie him for a minute, that he could visit the toilet. It was three and a half hour after I had tied him up. It was high time! But the show had to go on, so I refused to release him. Again I could see fear on his face. And as I expected, he began to struggle and beg me for mercy. After 15 minutes I decided that it would be enough and I released him.

I noticed, with satisfaction, that he had no serious marks on wrists and his arms stopped hurt faster than he finished to pee. He wanted me to tie him up again, but I said “maybe another time”. “Another time” – said Martin – “it will be your turn to be tied-up”.

For the rest of the day we raced "Colin McRae Rally" simulator on his PC and as usual he won. But before, I had to teach him, how I tied him so securely with a simple belt.

Well, I'm not sure if I'll let him tie me up or I will tie him up again. I have mixed feelings about playing tie-up games with 11 y.o. kid. For some reasons I prefer he would play with his peers. On the other hand, I think that it is much safer when he plays with me, not because I'm an adult now, but because I played a lot of tie-up games when I was a kid myself. But after all it could be just an isolated incident and next time we meet, we'll play “Call of Cthulu” as we used to.

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